How to cheer up if you want to sleep without coffee. How else can you cheer up if there is no effect from coffee? Cheer up with deep breathing

And none of them contain coffee or energy drinks.

Some of these 27 ways are more suitable for the weekend, but most can be applied in the workplace.

1. Go in for sports at noon.

When the afternoon fatigue hits, do the exercises. This will help increase productivity and successfully complete tasks.

2. Eat chocolate.

It has caffeine in it, but that's not the only reason the treat is energizing. The flavonoids found in chocolate increase brain activity and improve mood.

3. Get some sleep. Don't resist drowsiness.

Research has shown that optimal duration daytime sleep — 10-20 minutes. And you will get a charge of vivacity for the whole day. However, such a short daytime sleep will not affect your desire to sleep at night - you will fall asleep easily.

4. Take a walk. Exit the building.

Best if there is a park nearby. 20 minutes to fresh air and you will feel much fresher. How do you like this way to recharge your batteries?

5. Eat on time.

Regular healthly food(including snacks) can improve brain activity. But remember that lack of sleep makes us eat even when we are not hungry, so understand how you feel when you feel like chewing something. In any incomprehensible situation, it is better to drink a glass of water first.

6. Provide yourself with complex carbohydrates.

Don't know how to fuel yourself? Complex carbohydrates(grains, legumes, vegetables and greens) are a great choice. The glucose they contain is food for the brain. Carbohydrates make you feel more alert. It has been scientifically proven that those who consume low carbohydrates are prone to mood swings and forgetfulness.

7. Drink sugar-free drinks.

Scientists have proven that after drinking a drink with sugar, you can get out of your strength in an hour. Sugar has about the same effect as caffeine! After a surge of vivacity - a decrease in tone!

8. Laugh.

Laughter is a stress killer. Plus, it's invigorating. (Use this tip as an excuse to visit YouTube in the next half hour.)

9. Open the curtains.

Artificial lighting is no match for sunlight. It’s in our nature to stay awake when it’s light outside, so daylight is what we need!

10. Chew something.

Instead of nodding off, eat candy or chew gum. Scientists say that chewing sharpens attention and improves mood.

11. Think harder.

It may seem difficult when the eyelids are filled with lead, but by making the brain work faster, we help the body to perk up! Hard thinking (for example, fast reading, brainstorm in a group or thinking about a new idea) allows you to feel a surge of energy.

12. Stretch.

Just a few sips, without leaving the table, will already be enough.

13. Take a cold shower.

14. Take a few deep breaths.

Breathing deeply and lifting your diaphragm causes blood to flow faster through your veins, which in turn energizes you.

15. Get a plant.

In a stuffy and cramped office indoor plant cleans the air of volatile organic compounds that can cause debilitating allergies and headaches.

16. Drink more water.

Sometimes, while working out in the gym or doing routine chores, we forget to drink water in required quantities. But even mild dehydration can lead to drowsiness, so keep water on hand at all times.

17. Sing out loud.

Singing requires breath control. Sing a song and get a lot of oxygen, which will release additional energy (not to be confused with adrenaline, which is produced on the stage of a karaoke bar). And also, according to research, the tone of the one who sings rises more strongly than that of those who just listen.

18. Turn on the light.

Just being in a brightly lit room can make you feel much more alert. Unfortunately, this advice is useless for those who are trying to stay awake during a boring movie.

19. Communicate.

Research shows that those who don't talk much to others feel unhappy and, as a result, sleep poorly. Those who chat while working in the office feel more alert.

20. Turn up the music.

Just hearing the motive is not enough. Listening to music loudly and even tapping the rhythm with your foot, you will more likely find the strength to concentrate.

21. Adjust the temperature.

When the room is too cold, the body tells the brain: "Time to sleep." Put on a sweater or find a way to turn up the temperature to get rid of drowsiness.

22. Sit closer to the window.

Do you fall asleep at meetings or classes? Get closer to the window. sunlight, fresh air and even interesting view can overcome distraction.

23. Smell the lemon.

They say that by inhaling certain smells, you can control your mood (something like aromatherapy). And the essential oils of lemon, which is absolutely proven, have a stimulating effect.

24. Surround yourself with red.

It is associated with victory and self-confidence. See red and purple (or wear those colors) to make you feel better.

25. Sit up straight.

If you sit at the computer hunched over, then fatigue will overtake faster. From time to time, check whether you are sitting comfortably, what sensations are in your shoulders, neck and back. If you feel discomfort - straighten up, straighten your shoulders, look straight ahead, bend slightly in the lower back, and you will not only get a boost of energy, but also feel more confident.

26. Do something interesting.

Plan interesting activities at the sleepiest time of the day (usually 3 p.m.). It has been proven that fatigue is not felt if you do something interesting.

27. Get up from the table.

Sometimes it seems that it is better not to change position so as not to be distracted, but in fact, you focus on the task itself only part of the time, and the rest of the time you just look at the monitor. To cheer up and come up with a fresh solution, it is often enough just to get up from the table.

Allocating 7-8 hours for a night's sleep, recommended by experts, is not always possible. And sometimes, after sleeping half a day, you feel lethargic and overwhelmed. It seems that nothing will help to tune in to the working mood. But there are effective ways cheer up without harm to health.

Causes of sleepiness

When a person does not get enough sleep or feels sluggish, the condition is reflected in his productivity. Haunted throughout the day Bad mood I want to get to bed faster. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the factors that cause a decline in strength.

The source of impotence can be not only short-term sleep

Possible causes of drowsiness:

  1. Lack of sleep. In order to feel cheerful, set aside at least 7 hours for a night's rest. Think about. Perhaps something is preventing you from fully relaxing.
  2. Heavy food. Reduce the amount of fat in. Scientists from Australia have found that if you eat more than 135 grams of fat per day, it provokes drowsiness.
  3. Vitamin deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can be a source of fatigue. It can be taken in the form of drugs or simply be in the sun more often.

Eliminate the reason that prevents you from getting enough sleep. If all else fails, get your hormones tested. thyroid gland: hemoglobin, ferritin, iron. Drowsiness can provoke diseases of the endocrine or of cardio-vascular system.

The reason for the decline in strength may be endocrine diseases

10 best ways to cheer up without harm to health

Labor days have come, and the state is not at all for productive work. Despite sleepless night or other factors, you need to quickly cheer up. How to do this and what will help drive away drowsiness?

1. First of all, do exercises

Choose short, high-intensity workouts. After all, 20 minutes of exercise can be found in the morning before work. Alternate cardio and strength training with body weight. They speed up blood flow, metabolism, help you wake up quickly, maintain a good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day.

2. Open the curtains, turn on the bright light

The body triggers a reflex: when it's dark - you need to sleep. It's the hormone melatonin, which determines the order of sleep and wakefulness. The compound is destroyed by light, while its production is activated in the dark.

Let the sunlight into the room

3. Carry out water procedures

Invigorates not only a contrast shower taken in the morning, but also a glass clean water drunk on an empty stomach. Cool liquid tones and starts the work of all organs. You need to consume at least 1.5 liters of a natural drink per day, this stabilizes the metabolism. About the norm of water per day, as well as the basics proper nutrition read .

4. Get an acupuncture massage

Impact on some points improves blood circulation, starts the flow of energy, contributing to rapid awakening. Massage temporal regions, crown, auricles, wings of the nose, palms and feet. Method proven by doctors oriental medicine. Massage of biological zones is also used to eliminate pain syndromes, relaxing the body, relieving fatigue.

Massage active points promotes waking up

5. Cheerfulness even depends on what clothes you wear in the morning.

Therefore, if you do not get enough sleep, choose the right palette. Color therapists are sure that red and orange shades increase tone, give a charge of vivacity and activity. Bright, saturated colors promote the production of adrenaline and activate the functions of the glands internal secretion. And it helps to wake up no worse than a cup of coffee.

6. Cheer yourself up

Listen and sing your favorite songs on your way to work. Music stimulates the central nervous system. Listening to it is useful, and singing along is 2 times more effective. Scientists have found that high notes invigorate the best. Even if you fail to take them, the attempt itself already drives away drowsiness. If you are embarrassed to sing out loud, do it silently, tapping out the rhythm. This also has an awakening.

Dances and songs cheer up and drive away sleep

7. The right gastronomic choice will help to cheer up

Freshly squeezed juices from orange, celery, beets, pomegranate give an energy boost. Drinks tone the body thanks to great content vitamins. For a light snack, choose grapefruit, apple, kiwi, raspberries. Fruits and berries are uplifting.

8. Covered with sleepiness after a heavy lunch - chew gum

Chewing gum stimulates activity, makes a person more attentive, improves mood. This fact was found out by scientists from the UK. The chewing process speeds up the heartbeat and tones the body. And it is best to choose mint flavor. Fresh aroma helps to strengthen memory and increase the speed of reaction.

Cheer up with chewing gum

9. A good way to concentrate is to wake up the brain

In order to start mental processes, make a plan for the day. If possible, solve puzzles or a crossword puzzle. This method will also help to cheer up.

10. You have left your strength in the middle of the working day, turn on a funny video

Watching funny videos speeds up blood flow, provokes the synthesis of joy hormones, and causes a surge of energy. This was found out by Japanese scientists. Tell your boss if he catches you watching funny videos.

Mornings don't always start with coffee. There are many alternative ways cheer up in the morning.


If you like the taste of coffee, then chicory is the most worthy replacement this drink. Chicory drinks are considered healthy, they contain inulin, which helps to work digestive system and improve metabolism. There is no caffeine in chicory, and the invigorating effect is achieved due to the large amount of vitamin B.

Green tea and dark chocolate

Each of these products is invigorating on its own, but together green tea and dark chocolate provide a powerful energy effect. Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, but it contains the natural antioxidants kakhetins, which give a strong energy boost. Dark chocolate is also a source of energy and contains flavonoids (antioxidants).


Cocoa is not only delicious drink comes from childhood. Cocoa powder contains many beneficial substances such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and potassium. And caffeine is only 5 mg. Cocoa also contains the same natural antioxidants as green tea.

ginger drink

drink from fresh ginger not only invigorates, it is also an excellent remedy for colds. It contains vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as essential oils and amino acids. A drink made from fresh ginger, honey and lemon gives a strong tonic effect and improves blood circulation in the body.

Masala tea

Masala is the name of an Indian spice blend that includes cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, fennel seeds, black pepper, and cloves. Milk tea prepared with the addition of these spices has a strong warming and energizing effect. In addition, masala tea stimulates cardiovascular activity and improves digestion.

citrus juice

If you want a refreshing and invigorating effect - freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice the best option. Citrus juice contains iron, a large number of vitamin C and antioxidants. But if you decide to replace your morning coffee with juice, then you need to remember two things: only freshly squeezed juice will do; if you have a tendency to gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines, then drinking citrus juice on an empty stomach is strongly discouraged due to high acidity.

carob drink

Carob drink is made from carob pods. Carob fruits are very sweet, they are used as a substitute for cocoa powder and sugar. But the main thing is that carob contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, B2, D, and this is not counting protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. Carob drink has an invigorating effect and is much healthier than coffee.

lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea has a strong invigorating and disinfecting effect. Lemon-herbal taste is ideally combined with berry syrups and honey taste. The fruits of lemongrass contain schizandrin, the seeds contain vitamin E, and decoctions of dried lemongrass can not only have an invigorating effect, but also successfully fight some types of depression.

Chewing gum with sage

Professor Peter Rogers from the University of Bristol conducted an experiment during which it turned out that coffee is far from the most powerful energy drink. Of all the substances tested, sage gave the most powerful tonic effect. Sage, among other things, contains a cholinesterase inhibitor (an enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetycholine), which helps focus.


Nuts are not a stimulant in the truest sense of the word, but they have a very large energy value. A small handful of nuts for breakfast will energize you for the whole day. Almost all nuts contain a large amount of nutrients and proteins - they contain B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine.

Most people, wanting to wake up faster, start the morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. Caffeine and antioxidants of the drink stimulate and instantly start the body's work at full capacity.

Energy from green tea is received not only by the brain, but also muscular system person. Indirectly influencing the body, the drink makes it easier to endure great physical and nervous stress, for which it is loved by travelers, hunters, and geologists.

Green tea contains 10 times more vitamin P than black. In addition, hundreds of other vitamins, amino acids and trace elements are a guarantee of the usefulness of the drink. Its protein substances make tea nutritious along with legumes, fluorine protects teeth from caries, iodine, potassium supports the work of the cardiovascular system. However chemical composition green tea is fickle and depends on many factors.

Advantages: Green tea retains more nutrients compared to black, red and yellow teas due to the fact that it does not undergo fermentation. And its exceptional feature is not to release useless or harmful substances into the solution.

3. Chicory

Mechanism of action: The tonic effect of chicory is provided by its beneficial influence to all body systems.

Chicory is ideal for hypertension (it gently lowers blood pressure), potassium and B vitamins normalize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, acting similarly to antidepressants, relieves irritation and fatigue.

Active substances: Chicory root contains a lot of super-useful substances, vitamins and compounds. It is rich in vitamins, in particular, group B, tannins, carotene, etc. Chicory has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and metabolism, and this is provided high concentration inulin. Interestingly, instant chicory saves everything useful material, since during its manufacture the dried extract of the roots is not subjected to chemical treatment.

Benefits of chicory: So, is it good to drink chicory instead of coffee? It is an almost perfect coffee substitute for pregnant women. Chicory is good for the body, lack of caffeine and contraindications, taste close to coffee. Chicory can be drunk before bedtime.

Despite the fact that the first mention of chicory refers to ancient egypt, as a drink it began to be consumed only from the 18th century. And today it is included in the menu of many kindergartens.

4. Cocoa

Although less energizing than morning coffee, cocoa is a popular drink.

Mechanism of influence: Thanks to tonic substances - caffeine, theophylline, theobromine - and the antidepressant phenylephylamine, cocoa promotes maximum concentration and mental activity, the appearance Have a good mood, increase endurance.

Not past heat treatment(cold) cocoa quickly restores muscles after a heavy physical work, competitions or sports activities. In this parameter, it even surpasses drinks specially intended for athletes. But the ability to influence mood immediately removes this product from the list of people who tend to panic and experience anxiety attacks.

Active substances: cocoa beans, from which cocoa is subsequently obtained, contain about 300 various substances, bearing both benefit and harm to the body. Magnesium is good for bones, relaxes muscles and helps to survive stress. Iron fights anemia. Chromium maintains the necessary level of glucose. Serotonin protects against depression. Bioflavonoids neutralize the action active forms oxygen, which stimulate the growth of neoplasms.

Advantages: The chocolate tree is the only plant that contains anandamide and affects the brain by increasing endorphin levels.

5. Invigorating herbal teas

Herbal teas may have various effects- soothing or tonic, healing or vitamin ...

The absence of caffeine in herbal teas makes them suitable for high blood pressure as well as people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to invigorating and tonic herbal teas, you will get rid of fatigue, restore strength and energy.

What invigorating herbal teas worth a try?

  1. from St. John's wort. In addition to raising vigor, it will cure mild depression.
  2. From wild rose and leaves of Schisandra chinensis. Increases performance and enhances attention through action ascorbic acid and B vitamins.
  3. From sage and rosemary. Essential oils of them quickly disappear, so these teas do not insist for a long time.
  4. From ginger root with honey. It has a warming and invigorating effect and improves brain activity.
  5. With melissa (lemon mint)- relieves fatigue.
  6. From a mixture of valerian root, motherwort herb and hawthorn fruit- relieves depression and improves mood.

Adding honey or sugar to Herb tea can both reduce and increase its therapeutic effect.

6. Contrast / cold shower

The tonic drink the only way wake up quickly and efficiently, get a boost of energy for the whole day with this, a contrast or cold shower does an excellent job.

Cold shower: hit cold water on the skin is a stress for the body, which stimulates the increased release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. Of course, cheerfulness is provided in this way, but such procedures are contraindicated for people with heart diseases.

Cold and hot shower: A contrast shower involves alternating hot (up to 45 degrees), sometimes medium (about 35 degrees) and cold (up to 20 degrees) water. warm water relaxes, cold serves to strengthen blood vessels and increase their tone. Sudden temperature changes contribute to, improve blood circulation, increase immunity, harden and refresh.

A contrast shower should be started with the maximum hot water and finish cold.

And some nutritionists advise trying to drink only water in the morning, instead of tea and coffee.

See the infographic for other replacement drinks:

What is better to use instead of sugar and cream?

Coffee with sugar and cream is high in calories and fat. Those who are on a diet should definitely not drink such a drink. However, these products are not the only options for coffee supplements. How to replace sugar and cream in coffee when losing weight and for other reasons? What ingredients will make it taste better and healthier?

  1. Milk. When milk is added to coffee, the effect of cheerfulness slows down, it does not come on so abruptly, but the effect itself is prolonged.
  2. Cinnamon. Great option for those who lose weight due to increased activity metabolic processes. Such a drink becomes even more effective tonic and fat-burning when ground black pepper and coriander are added to it at the tip of a knife.
  3. Ginger. It also has a fat burning effect. In addition, this coffee will help boost immunity and fight viruses. However, with gastritis and ulcers, you can not drink it.
  4. Carnation. Coffee with cloves warms and protects against colds, good for the stomach and blood. But hypertensive patients will have to refuse it.
  5. Lemon (lime) or orange. If you do not abuse such a drink, then you will strengthen the immune system, cure a cold, cleanse the lymph and get rid of excess fat.
  6. Honey. Great substitute for sugar. It is dangerous with the possibility of developing allergies, but it is useful for the liver. It will help cleanse the body and boost immunity.
  7. Coconut oil. Eliminates the feeling of hunger, while containing a minimum of calories. Tones, stimulates brain activity good for the stomach and intestines.

What to do during pregnancy?

The caffeine in coffee is dangerous substance for an unborn baby. Its mother's milk contains 1.5 times more than in the blood. And the effect on the fetus lasts for 80 hours (compare with 5-6 hours for the body of an adult). Why is caffeine dangerous for the fetus?

  1. The absence in the child's body of enzymes that break down coffee. This slows down growth and development, and causes problems with bones and birth weight.
  2. Negative effect on cells. Cells are affected at the chromosome level, which increases the likelihood of various birth defects.
  3. Increased risk of spontaneous abortion. The risk doubles with 3 cups of coffee.
  4. An increase in the possibility of placental bleeding, as well as difficulties with conception.

That's not all possible problems caused by caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Isn't it better not to risk the health of the child in vain? There are many products that can replace coffee during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Compotes, fruit drinks, juices, chicory drink, some herbal infusions, weak teas (preferably white or green), cocoa (a small amount) - the best substitutes dangerous drink.

Now let's take a look at the video:

Coffee is one of the most popular and ancient drinks. However, they should not be abused. Diversify your menu and try new flavors without giving up the invigorating effect in the morning!

50 ways to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

  • Remember, the more light around you, the more alert you feel. If you sit in semi-darkness all day, it is not surprising that you feel sleepy. Open the curtains, turn on the lamps and you will feel a surge of energy.
  • Get outside. Even a few minutes in the fresh air will help to cheer up.
  • Massage your earlobes. Surprisingly, this simple procedure really helps to get rid of drowsiness.
  • Tickle your palate with the tip of your tongue. You will feel a little strange, but invigorating effect.
  • Call a close friend. Firstly, it will cheer you up, and secondly, nothing invigorates like live communication.
  • Raspberries, apples, oranges and grapefruits will fill you with energy unlike meat and pastries, so if you want to snack, choose better fruits and berries.
  • Listen to an energetic song. If you know the words - sing along, if you want - dance.
  • Stand on your toes and try to stay in this position for as long as possible.
  • Watch a clip of your favorite artist, a cartoon that you loved as a child, read good book. Devote time to what inspires you.
  • The best way to cheer up is to laugh heartily. Watch a funny video, read a funny comic. A good laugh will stimulate your mind.
  • Make sure the room you are in is well ventilated.
  • Massage your neck for a few minutes.
  • If you are overwhelmed by drowsiness, mint candy or chewing gum will help you. Even such a small physical action how sucking candy will invigorate you, and the taste and smell of mint will refresh you.
  • Even a two-minute walk will help you feel energized. If you work in an office, walk down the hallway, go outside, jump in place. Any physical activity raise your tone.
  • Occupy your brain. Make a plan for tomorrow or start solving a crossword puzzle. This will activate your mental activity and help you cheer up.
  • Drink cold water. You can also wet her temples and wrists. This will wake you up.
  • Plan your work well before you start. When everything is in its place, you spend less energy.
  • Make a few deep breaths. Deep breathing increases blood oxygen levels and helps relieve stress.
  • Of course, nothing will cheer you up better than physical exercise in the morning. They can be the most simple and elementary. To stay active and a healthy person It is enough to give exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Eat right and do it at least three times a day. You must constantly feed the forces of your body, if you do not want them to run out.
  • Do you have any hobby? Doing what you love is exciting and quickly relieves fatigue.
  • Massage your whiskey.
  • Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and tired? Perhaps the reason is that nothing inspires you. Try yourself as an altruist. By doing good deeds, you yourself will become kinder and happier. Knowing that your life is not wasted will give you many positive emotions and energy.
  • Do you like aimlessly switching channels or browsing the web for half the night? Make the most of this time and get a good night's sleep.
  • Stretch. Stand on tiptoe and try to reach the ceiling with your fingertips. Let each of your bones, each of your muscles relax. Do right, left, back and forth bends, as well as any other stretching exercises that you know. If there are none, then it's time to learn them.
  • Take a nap for 15 minutes. Surprisingly, sometimes this short period of time is enough to feel rested.
  • Cut down on energy drinks and coffee. They create a short-lived illusion of a surge of strength, but as a result, they only make it worse.
  • Don't forget about vitamins. They - main source energy for your body.
  • Drink more water. When your body is dehydrated, it cannot function properly. You feel overwhelmed and tired.
  • Surely, you have noticed that when your nose is stuffed up, you begin to sleep a thousand times stronger. Even if a runny nose does not bother you, make sure that your breathing is not obstructed in any way. If not, clear your nose.
  • No matter how strange it may sound, but in order to cheer up, it’s enough just to change your socks for slightly fresher ones. Don't believe? Try it.
  • Dress brighter. This doesn't mean you have to show up to work dressed as a clown, a few colorful pieces will suffice. The grayer your wardrobe, the more boring your life. And boredom, as you know, is Right way to apathy and loss of strength.
  • If you are constantly suffering from a breakdown, go to the doctor. Perhaps it is caused by some chronic disease.
  • Control your emotions. Stress, depression and others negative emotions can lead to loss of strength. The more optimistic you look at the world, the more you will succeed.
  • Keep track of your weight. Overweight take away not only your health, but also your energy.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Avoid energy vampires. These are the people who always complain that everything in their life is upside down, a sea of ​​​​problems and no one understands them. Such personality types suck out all the energy from those around them without a trace. Try to surround yourself with cheerful, non-envious and positive people.
  • Use aromatherapy. Essential oils help not only to relax, but also to cheer up.
  • Talk to a friend, colleague, or neighbor about what interests you. When you discuss what really worries you, your thoughts, emotions and feelings immediately wake up.
  • Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Start any job by solving the most difficult problems. This will help you initially focus and get into a bouncy rhythm. In addition, knowing that less hard work lies ahead of you will increase your mood, and with it your energy level.
  • Watch your posture. The posture of a slumped person sliding down a chair signals to your brain that it's time to relax and unwind. Be collected, straighten your back, shoulders and you will feel a surge of energy.
  • Leave your bad habits they steal your beauty, your health and your strength.
  • Have a hearty breakfast and a light dinner.
  • Any monotonous work lulls. Give your activity momentum. Alternate different types of work with each other. This will keep you in good shape.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar you consume.
  • If you are at home, play with your pet.
  • Do not be lazy even in small things. If a piece of paper falls on the floor, do not put it off for later, pick it up right now. The more activities you perform, the higher your energy level.
  • Dress in such a way that you want to get to work as soon as possible and receive compliments from colleagues. The more elegant you are, the higher your self-esteem, the better your mood, which means you are cheerful and full of energy.
  • Sleep more at night. It is obvious. The best way to get rid of fatigue is to have a good rest. As long as your sleep is strong and long, your cheerfulness will not leave you.


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