In what cases is general classical therapeutic massage used? General principles of therapeutic massage Gentle superficial massage

The popularity of therapeutic massage sessions is due to the fact that, with few restrictions, this procedure is indicated for health problems and for the treatment of many diseases. In addition, therapeutic and prophylactic massage, when used correctly, does not cause side effects. It is part of a complex of wellness procedures aimed at restoring people who have suffered serious injuries.

What is therapeutic massage

A description of the technique of performing therapeutic massage was found in the papyri of ancient Egypt. This procedure was then adopted by the Greeks, who began to use it to treat various diseases. Today it is one of the main areas of manual therapy, which has a wide range of applications. Therapeutic massage is a procedure used to accelerate the recovery of organs, body parts in case of injuries and diseases. It is used in medical institutions and sports schools.

Massage treatment helps to reduce the period of rehabilitation of the patient with injuries of varying degrees. Under the influence of the procedure, pain sensations decrease faster, the formation of callus accelerates, edema dissolves, the elasticity of muscle fibers improves, the metabolic process normalizes, a person has energy and vigor. Medical massage affects the receptors located on the surface of the body. The procedure actively affects the vessels, muscles, internal organs.


Massaging as a rehabilitation and therapeutic agent must be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient. This procedure can be used in cosmetology to eliminate lymphatic edema and to combat cellulite. It is carried out with increased skin tone, fluid retention, and overweight. In addition, the procedure is prescribed for such problems:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, constipation);
  • rheumatic diseases of the motor system (arthritis, sciatica);
  • ailments of the nervous system (overwork, headache, insomnia, stress);
  • respiratory diseases (chronic and acute bronchitis);
  • muscle spasms and increased physical activity;
  • pathological processes that occur in the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure);
  • functional disorders after fractures (muscle changes, joint stiffness).

Massaging can be used to:

  • reduction of physical and psychological fatigue;
  • stimulation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improving general well-being;
  • anesthesia, sedation, relaxation of the tissues of the musculoskeletal system;
  • expansion of blood vessels of the skin;
  • improve blood circulation, activate metabolism in the body.


Therapeutic professional back massage is a common type of classical procedure. Regular conduct of such therapy helps to increase the body's defenses and the appearance of positive emotions. Specialists recommend that their patients undergo a course of manual therapy at least 2 times a year. Thanks to this, immunity will be strengthened, and the patient will be healthy and vigorous throughout the year.

The features of the wellness procedure include a clear planning of the number of techniques used and the time of the session. If with one ailment it takes an hour to knead, then with another, it is necessary to focus on rubbing. These subtleties can only be determined by a doctor. The first sessions must be introductory, sparing - the procedure is carried out slightly above the injured area. Further, after 3 sessions, it will already be possible to proceed to the main part.

Children's therapeutic massage

Massaging has a comprehensive effect on the child's body. It stimulates the development and relaxation of soft tissues, helps to quickly detect tense areas where the baby feels discomfort. A therapeutic session of manual therapy for children is considered a constructive and effective tool that fully satisfies the baby's need for physical contact. Regular procedures create excellent conditions for the full development of the child.

Massage is useful for babies whose age is more than three months and older. Parents can do the procedure on their own or invite a specialist home. All manipulations should be applied an hour after eating, they can not be done before bedtime. In this case, doctors do not recommend using the cream. A children's session is performed while monitoring the reaction of the baby, he should not cry. The main methods of manipulation are rubbing, stroking, kneading, vibration.


Therapeutic massage can be divided into general and local. In general, the specialist massages the entire body (except for the head) with an impact on the affected areas of the body. Before the procedure, the doctor must conduct a diagnostic and visual examination, familiarize himself with the patient's history. Only after that he can give a conclusion about the effectiveness of the chosen therapy. It is better to carry out manipulations in the morning, after breakfast, but not every day. The session time should be increased gradually - from 20 to 60 minutes.

Local therapeutic massage is a procedure in which only one part of the body is massaged. All movements should be performed along the lymph flow - towards the lymph nodes. The effectiveness of the local procedure will be higher if it is combined with medicinal preparations, ointments. It is good when exercise therapy and physiotherapy are included in the treatment process. As a rule, a session, depending on the disease, lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, and is carried out every day. There is also a non-medical massage, which includes preventive, relaxing.

Therapeutic massage technique

The course of therapeutic massage, as a rule, consists of 10 or 20 procedures. The procedure is prescribed daily, after which a rest of 30 minutes is recommended. Breaks between the main methods can last several months. Massage consists of an introductory, main, final stage. Often, in order to achieve maximum effect, a specialist can use them all in combination:

  1. Introductory period (1-3 procedures). It involves gentle techniques (rubbing, stroking) that prepare a person.
  2. Main section (3-16). Includes differentiated massage, which is carried out according to the clinical features of the disease and the patient's condition.
  3. In the final section, for 3 minutes, the specialist reduces the intensity of the techniques, ending the therapy by stroking the massaged area. If necessary, at this stage, the patient can be taught self-massage using a massager.


Therapeutic massage procedure of the facial part is carried out according to medical indications: skin diseases, seborrhea, acne. All these diseases have a common etiology, they are caused by poor functioning of the sebaceous glands, which often provokes rashes on the head and face. Indications for massage can be scars and scars, comedones, skin pigmentation. This type of manual therapy does not have a tightening effect. Although thanks to this procedure, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin is cleansed, and inflammation is reduced.

Facial massage involves the presence of classical techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing, although little attention is paid to them. The main ones are tweezers. They are held with the pads of the thumb and forefinger. The technique of pinching procedure improves metabolic processes and blood circulation, takes an active part in the restoration of skin cells. Movements do not allow tenderness and smoothness, everything is performed intensively. At the same time, stretching of the skin and excessive shifting should not be allowed. The procedure is painful.

With osteochondrosis

A complex of disorders in the joints or osteochondrosis of the cervical region is diagnosed in people of different ages. The main cause of the disease is the deformation of the intervertebral discs. Massage for osteochondrosis can help with the first symptoms of the disease. It involves the use of techniques such as squeezing, stroking, rubbing, shaking, kneading, active movements with resistance, hitting and shaking. The back massage course should consist of at least 10 procedures.

When observing an exacerbation of the disease, the effect on the diseased area may change. At the beginning of the course, less active movements are used. Further, the degree of their strength increases. In this case, the massage therapist focuses on the condition of the patient. During the treatment procedure, the specialist acts on special areas. These are points that have a reflex connection with blood vessels, nerves, muscles. Such manipulations relax them, restore the natural position of the spine.


The technique, duration and number of sessions for each patient is selected individually. You can not use therapeutic massage in a serious condition of the patient, inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Massage of the muscles, thighs, abdomen, lower back can not be done during pregnancy, menstruation, hernia. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated.

Massotherapy- This is a massage that is used to accelerate the restoration of the functions of organs and systems of the body in case of their diseases and injuries. Currently, this type of massage is widely used in all medical institutions and in the practice of sports masseurs. Therapeutic massage greatly contributes to the reduction of the recovery time of functions in case of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Under the influence of massage, edema, effusions in the joints, hemorrhages in the tissues resolve faster, pain sensations decrease, tissue nutrition, joint and muscle function improve, metabolic processes normalize, callus formation accelerates, the development of connective tissue adhesions leading to muscle contractures and joint stiffness is prevented.

Clinical experience and observations indicate that there is no need to apply a general massage session. It is more expedient and effective to use massage of individual parts of the body, taking into account the clinical forms of the lesion and in combination with other therapeutic methods.

A session of local massage lasts an average of 10 to 30 minutes. It is recommended to follow the same sequence of areas of the body as in a classic massage.

Procedure therapeutic massage consists of introductory, main and final sections.

In introductory section for 1-3 minutes with gentle techniques (stroking, rubbing) prepare the person being massaged for the main part of the procedure. IN mostly section, a differentiated massage is performed according to the patient's condition and the clinical features of the disease. IN final section for 1-3 minutes, reduce the intensity of massage techniques, ending the procedure by stroking the entire massaged area.

Well therapeutic massage consists of 10-20 procedures. Breaks between courses can be from 10 days to 2-3 months. It is advisable to divide the massage course into introductory, main and final periods.

In introductory period (1-3 procedures), the massage therapist studies the features of the massaged area, the reaction of the body, the tolerance of individual techniques. IN mostly(3-16 procedures) apply a strictly differentiated massage technique, taking into account the functional state of the patient and, accordingly, the clinical features of the disease. The intensity of the impact of techniques is constantly increasing. IN final period, if necessary, teach the patient self-massage and continue the technique of the main period.

Action efficiency general and mainly local massage can be increased by doing the following:

1) prescribe massage at an early date, depending on the clinical forms of the course of diseases and the general condition of the patient;

2) massage areas of the body using a suction technique;

3) start any massage session with massaging the back area;

4) carefully massage the corresponding reflexogenic zones of the back area, for example: in case of injuries of the upper extremities - the collar zone (back surface of the neck, interscapular region, shoulder girdle), in case of injuries of the lower extremities - the lumbosacral region;

5) combine massage with physiotherapeutic procedures (diadynamic currents, paraffin baths, local baths with warm water, etc.), which, depending on the indications, can be used before or after the massage;

6) combine massage with a set of exercises of therapeutic physical culture necessary for rehabilitation after a particular disease (moreover, some of them can be used directly during the session);

7) combine massage with rubbing (special ointments, creams, liquids, gels), for example: immediately after an injury, in order to resolve a hemorrhage, reduce swelling and pain, efkamon, hirudoid, lazonil, trox-sevasin, etc. should be used; a few days after the injury - rubbing with a pronounced warming effect (finalgon, nikoflex, apizartron, vipratox, etc.).

Therapeutic massage is one of the most effective means used to get rid of various pathological processes and injuries. It provides effective assistance in restoring the normal functioning of all body systems. Therapeutic massage is included in the complex of therapeutic courses prescribed to patients in hospitals and clinics. It is prescribed for vacationers in sanatoriums and dispensaries.

Therapeutic massage has a certain classification. The principle of differentiation depends on the nature of the disease. A certain one is prescribed for the recovery of the patient after injuries, as well as in the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. There are appointments of this medical procedure for diseases of the respiratory system. A special type of massage is performed in case of pathology of organs related to the digestive system. In addition, the method of the treatment procedure can be changed depending on the nature of a particular disease, as well as on the causes of its occurrence and the clinical form of its manifestation. In this regard, in the presence of scoliosis, it differs from similar prescriptions for vertebral osteochondrosis. In addition, the method of therapeutic effects on the body varies, taking into account the various stages of any disease. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Methodical and technical methods of therapeutic massage are similar to hygienic ones. They include stroking the skin and kneading it, as well as rubbing and vibration. The treatment process can be more effective if the classic massage procedure is supplemented with acupressure or segmental.

Manipulations should be accompanied by pleasant sensations of warmth in the patient's body, an improvement in his general well-being, as well as an increase in the vitality of the person being massaged. After this treatment procedure, you can change the nervous excitability of the patient, improve the activity of almost all internal organs, as well as tissue trophism. Under the influence of therapeutic massage, almost completely lost reflexes can come into action. This type of treatment improves the functioning of the pathways, strengthening the reflex connections of muscles, blood vessels and internal organs with the brain.

A therapeutic massage has a positive effect on peripheral nerve endings. When performing this procedure, pains weaken or completely stop, the conductivity of tissue fibers improves. Massage greatly accelerates the process of nerve recovery in case of damage, preventing the formation of pathological processes of a secondary nature in the muscles and joints located in the area of ​​pathology.

The effect on the body of this type of procedure is inextricably linked with individual environmental factors. The effectiveness of the impact is significantly reduced if after the procedure, as well as during the session, the patient experiences any discomfort. In this regard, it is desirable to carry out therapeutic massage at home.

If desired, everyone can master the method of conducting relaxing and preventive procedures. Therapeutic and collar zone will bring relief from headaches and fatigue, stress and sleep disorders, and also relieve irritability. Mechanical effects on the back area normalize blood circulation, stimulate the immune system and strengthen the muscular skeleton, which will help keep the spine in the correct position.

Massage(off. masser-rub) - a set of methods of mechanical and reflex action on tissue organs in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the human body both with hands and with special devices through air, water or other medium in order to achieve a therapeutic or other effect.

In addition to mechanical influences, to enhance the effect, massage oils are primarily used, as well as various aromatic, fragrant oils, medicinal ointments, gels, other preparations and temperature effects (for example, cryomassage).

From the above list, experts give their preference to massage oils, since they are ready-made mixtures created specifically for massage, and take into account all the specifics of the process (they provide sliding of the hands of the massage therapist and in a certain way act on the person being massaged).

External stimuli are perceived by skin and muscle receptors, reflex points, and transmitted to the central nervous system. The flow of impulses, depending on the technique and massage techniques used, can stimulate and increase the tone of the central nervous system, or, conversely, have an inhibitory and relaxing effect on it, which positively affects the activity of all physiological systems of the body. At the same time, the competent use of massage oils of a certain composition and direction can either enhance the above effects on the right areas of the human body, or reduce them. In order to create such an additional effect, massage oils are used, which include natural active ingredients.

Hygienic massage

This type of massage is an active means of preventing diseases, maintaining working capacity. It is prescribed in the form of a general massage or massage of individual parts of the body. When performing it, various methods of manual massage are used, special devices are used, self-massage is used (in combination with morning exercises) in a sauna, a Russian bath, a bath, under a shower. One of the varieties of hygienic massage - cosmetic - is carried out with pathological changes in the skin of the face and as a means of preventing its aging.


This type of massage is an effective method of treating a variety of injuries and diseases. The following varieties are distinguished:

    classic - they are used without taking into account the reflex effect and are carried out near the damaged area of ​​​​the body or directly on it;

    segmental-reflex - performed with the aim of a reflex effect on the functional state of internal organs and systems, tissues; while using special techniques, affecting certain areas - dermatomes;

    connective tissue - affect mainly the connective tissue, subcutaneous tissue; the main techniques of connective tissue massage are carried out taking into account the direction of the Benningoff lines (Fig. 1);

    periosteal - with this type of massage, by acting on points in a certain sequence, they cause reflex changes in the periosteum;

    acupressure - a kind of therapeutic massage, when locally they act in a relaxing or stimulating way on biologically active points (zones) according to the indications for a disease or dysfunction or for pain localized in a certain part of the body;

    Sports massage

    This type of massage was developed and systematized by prof. THEM. Sarkizov-Serasini. According to the tasks, the following varieties of it are distinguished: hygienic, training, preliminary and recovery.

    Hygienic massage is usually done by the athlete himself at the same time as morning exercises, warm-up.

    Training massage is carried out to prepare an athlete for the highest sports achievements in a shorter time and with less expenditure of psychophysical energy. It is used in all periods of sports training. The technique of training massage depends on the tasks, the characteristics of the sport, the nature of the load and other factors.

  • hardware - carried out with the help of vibration, pneumovibration, vacuum, ultrasonic, ionizing devices; they also use varieties of baro-, electrostimulation and other types of massage (aeroionic, various applicators - Fig. 2);

    therapeutic self-massage - used by the patient himself, may be recommended by the attending physician, nurse, massage specialist, exercise therapy. The most effective techniques for influencing this area of ​​the body are selected.

    Self massage

    In everyday conditions, it is far from always possible to use the services of a massage specialist. In such cases, you can apply self-massage. Starting to master the technique of self-massage, you must observe the following:

    Perform all movements of the massaging hand along the lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes;

    Massage the upper limbs towards the elbow and axillary lymph nodes;

    Massage the lower limbs towards the popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes;

    Massage the chest from the front and to the sides towards the armpits;

    Massage the neck down towards the supraclavicular lymph nodes;

    Massage the lumbar and sacral regions towards the inguinal lymph nodes;

    Do not massage the lymph nodes themselves;

    Strive for optimal relaxation of the muscles of the massaged areas of the body;

    Hands and body must be clean;

    In some cases, self-massage can be carried out through thin cotton or wool underwear.

    It should be noted that self-massage requires considerable muscle energy from the massager, creates a great load on the heart and respiratory organs, like any physical work, causing the accumulation of metabolic products in the body. In addition, when it is performed, there is no freedom in movements, and individual manipulations are difficult. This limits the reflex effect of massage on the body.

    Self-massage can be carried out at any time of the day, in any comfortable position - at a desk, on a car seat, in the forest during a hike, on the beach, in a bathhouse, etc. Knowing the basics of point effects, you can effectively prevent various dysfunctions and diseases .

    There are various approaches to healing through touch, massage and body work. Some systems focus on physiology, others on relieving emotional stress, while others work more accurately, on the energy level of the body. Currently, numerous systems combine traditional and modern techniques that have come from both the East and the West, but all techniques are united by the main goal - to bring harmony and well-being to patients, relieve tension and blockage, while restoring natural health.

    Soft surface massage

    This type of massage involves the use of various techniques that act on the skin and superficial muscles and tissues to relieve pain and relieve tension. Touch helps improve blood circulation and increase fluid exchange between tissues. Types of massage such as Swedish, sports, lymphatic and physiotherapy are particularly well suited for this purpose, as they affect the anatomy and physiology of the body, restoring vitality and providing complete relaxation.

    Holistic massage also works with the soft tissues of the body, but its main goal is physiological relaxation. Soporific strokes predominate here, lulling the brain, calming the nervous system, restoring a sense of balance and thereby relieving internal stress. Energizing touches and an atmosphere of care and goodwill during a massage session are considered as the main means of transformation. A holistic session can also combine therapeutic and therapeutic massage techniques, but still its main goal is to relax the body and mind.

    Deep tissue massage

    The purpose of deep tissue massage is to restore structural integrity and balance within the body by relieving chronic tension that has developed from deep muscle tension, resulting in poor posture and movement difficulties. The techniques of this massage mainly affect the connective tissues, or fasciae, that surround, connect and support all the internal structures of the body, including skeletal muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and organs. Such tension throughout the body is usually the result of an injury, habitual poor posture, or holding back emotions.

    Connective tissues are found throughout the body. They are easy to recognize: they are bright white shiny fibers, consisting mostly of collagen protein. When the body is not subjected to trauma and stress, the fasciae remain elastic. But if the system is not activated, works sluggishly, or all the muscles of the body are tense, then the fascia can become immobile and rigid. Since connective tissues surround and connect all the elements of the body, tension in one area can have a negative impact on the system as a whole.

    Deep tissue massage works on the fascia by rubbing and stretching, removing the blockage that prevents the flow of life force energy throughout the body. This massage requires professional training and deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology. With deep impact on the tissues, they penetrate deeper into the body than with a superficial massage, and the massage therapist must work with great care and patience, and the patient must be prepared and relaxed. By inflicting unnecessary pain in an attempt to rid the body of tension, you are acting counterproductively: the neuromuscular response of the tissues will become a protective contraction.

    Deep tissue massage usually involves a series of at least ten sessions to balance and properly tune the body. In the process of getting rid of chronic tension, breathing becomes deeper, and vitality and feelings return to the person. Emotions and memories, shackled by the armor of tense muscles, can finally break free. It is important for those who practice deep tissue massage to be aware of the psychosomatic connection between emotions and physical tension and to remember that under the most protected areas of the body are the most vulnerable places.

    Deep massage involves using the fingers, knuckles, and forearms to stretch and work the fasciae. The pressure increases gradually, in accordance with the breathing of the patient, prepared for the process.

    Connective tissues stretch and move in specific directions, depending on their location in the body. The fibers seem to be "unsticked", released, and the tissues are warmed, filled with vitality, natural softness returns to them. When the whole body is worked out systematically during a series of sessions, it is able to regain its former tone, balance of all systems and freedom of movement.

    There are many options for deep massage. The most common is Rolfing, also known as Structural Integration. Its founder in the USA was Ida Rolph. She was the first to use many new techniques in her work. It was her understanding of the role of connective tissue in the structural balance of the body that became the foundation for the further development of deep massage.

Indications (cases when therapeutic massage is necessary):

    Pain in the back, waist, neck.



    Bruises, sprains of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

    Fractures at all stages of healing.

    Functional disorders after fracture and dislocation (joint stiffness, muscle changes, cicatricial tissue adhesions).

    Arthritis in the subacute and chronic stages.

    Neuralgia and neuritis.



    Chronic insufficiency of the heart muscle.


    Hypertonic disease.

    Arterial hypotension

    The rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction.

    Chronic gastritis.

    Violation of the motor function of the large intestine.

  1. Pneumonia.

    Bronchial asthma.

    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (without exacerbation).


    Given in generalized form

    In acute febrile conditions and high temperature.

    Bleeding and inclination to it.

    Diseases of the blood.

    Purulent processes of any localization.

    Various diseases of the skin, nails, hair.

    With any acute inflammation of the blood and lymphatic vessels, thrombosis, severe varicose veins.

    Atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels and vessels of the brain.

    Aneurysm of the aorta and heart.

    Allergic diseases with skin rashes.

    Diseases of the abdominal organs with a tendency to bleeding.

    Chronic osteomyelitis.

  1. Mental illness with excessive excitement.

    Insufficiency of blood circulation of the 3rd degree.

    During hyper- and hypotonic crises.

    Acute myocardial ischemia.

    Severe sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

    Acute respiratory disease (ARI).

    With a disorder of intestinal functions (nausea, vomiting, loose stools).

    Pulmonary heart failure of the 3rd degree.

Such a massage is a complex procedure that requires special knowledge and experience. The skin of the face has good extensibility, so improper use of massage techniques can lead to the appearance, rather than elimination of wrinkles, the formation of skin folds, etc.

Particular care should be taken to massage the face of the elderly, whose skin is no longer as elastic as in youth. Care should also be taken with lubricants, the choice of which depends on the type of skin (dry or

Bold). Before performing a massage, you should consult with a beautician and dermatologist to find out which lubricant is best to use during the massage.

When starting a massage, you must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Release the neck from clothes, because facial massage also involves neck massage.

2. Before massage, thoroughly clean the skin with a cotton swab moistened with lotion or alcohol-water solution.

3. After cleansing the face, warm it with a hot and wet compress. To do this, you can use a napkin or terry towel. A steam bath is also possible, the water temperature of which is approximately 50 degrees, and the duration is 8 minutes.

4. Perform massage techniques with gentle and light movements, without strong pressure and stretching of the skin.

5. So that there is no irritation on the skin, the first massage sessions should not be long, and the massaging movements should be energetic. The first session should be no more than 6 minutes. Gradually, this time should be increased to 12 minutes.

6. Delicate facial skin with impaired elasticity should be massaged very carefully.

7. Make sure that the speed and strength of the movements of both hands are the same.

8. Particular care should be taken when kneading the skin of the face. When performing this technique, the skin should not stretch.

9. Sluggish and sagging facial skin should be massaged only once a week. Depending on the recommendations of the doctor, massage can be carried out after 1-2 days.

Massage of the forehead, temporal and frontal muscles

1. Stroking:

a) planar, surface linear;

b) planar, surface wavy.

This technique is performed with all fingers, except for the thumb, in the direction from the middle of the forehead to the temples. In the temporal region, circular spiral stroking is performed (Fig. 150). Reception must be repeated 4 times.

Figure 150.

2. Stroking in the forehead in the direction from the bottom up, then with the right, then with the left hand, with the palmar part of all fingers, except for the thumb (Fig. 151). k d This massage technique should not be used if the person being massaged has skin folds or wrinkles on the forehead.

3. Rubbing: spiral or semicircular (in the direction from the middle of the yaba to the temples).

4. Kneading should be carried out in the form of squeezing the skin with two fingers, pressing or pinching. Each reception is completed by stroking.

5. Intermittent vibration (alternately index and middle fingers at a fast pace).

Starting from the eyebrows, stroking is done along the upper part of the eye sockets in the direction of the temples with the index (above the eyebrow) and middle (under the eyebrow) fingers. Then, in the same direction, the movement is repeated along the lower edge of the circular muscle of the eye to its inner corner. Repeat reception 3 or 4 times.

2. Intermittent vibration (in the region of the infraorbital nerve).

This technique is performed in case of special need.

Massage techniques in the eyelid area should be performed very carefully, without strong pressure and shifting. Stroking the eyelids in the shape of a circle is not recommended.

Massage of the chin, upper lip, nose

It is recommended to perform along the massage lines indicated in the figure (Fig. 153). Chin massage should begin with stroking and circular rubbing in the direction from under the lower edge of the lower jaw to the chin fossa, to the corners of the mouth. If the skin being massaged is wrinkled and flabby, then stroking and rubbing

Figure 153.

should be performed as follows: with the phalanges of the middle and ring fingers of the left hand, fix the skin at the left corner of the mouth. From this place, with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand, alternately stroke and rub in the direction of the right corner of the mouth. Repeat reception 3 or 4 times. Then change hands, i.e., with the phalanges of the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, fix the skin at the right corner of the mouth. From this area, with the ring and middle fingers of the left hand, alternately stroke and rub from the right corner of the mouth to the left.

Massage the upper lip with the pads of the ring and middle fingers. Perform stroking from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose. Particular attention should be paid to massaging the nasolabial fold. Movements should be performed in the direction from the corners of the mouth to the nasal root, then along the back of the nose to its tip. Repeat the reception 3-4 times.

Figure 154.

Nose massage should begin with stroking, rubbing and squeezing. The compression technique should be done in the area of ​​the wings of the nose in the direction from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose. Finish the nose massage with light vibration in the temples.

Cheek massage

This massage should be performed with the following position of the hands: place the thumbs under the chin, and cover the nose with the rest. Then, with sliding movements, move the thumbs to the corners of the lower jaw, and with the palms make a gentle stroking of the skin of the cheeks towards the temples and again to the corners of the mouth. Perform the movement 3-4 times. Rubbing in the form of a circle is carried out with the help of the middle and terminal phalanges of four fingers in the direction from the lower jaw to the nose (Fig. 154). Reception to repeat 3 or 4 times.

Figure 155.

After rubbing, knead as follows: with the index and thumb, grab the skin in the cheek area and squeeze. Perform the reception at a fast pace. When properly performed, the skin slips out from under the fingers.

Replace kneading with shaking, which must be done with fingers clenched into a fist (Fig. 155).

Intermittent pressure in this area should be done with the thumb and forefinger.

Beating is carried out with the end phalanges of the index, middle and ring fingers.

Figure 156.

Ear massage

Massage should begin with stroking, which is performed with the index and thumb. The index finger strokes the area of ​​the earlobe, then moves up and passes alternately through all the recesses of the inner surface of the ear. Use your thumb to stroke the back of the ear. Kneading should be done in the form of intermittent compression.

Facial nerve massage

The following nerve endings of the face are usually massaged: supraorbital, infraorbital. To influence the supraorbital nerve, you need to massage the superciliary arch (Fig. 156). The infraorbital nerve should be massaged as shown in Figure 157.

Figure 157.

Facial massage techniques can be supplemented with one more technique: with the index and thumb, take the thickness of the skin * with subcutaneous muscles. Make circular kneading in the form of pinching. Keep kneading short and smooth movements, so that subcutaneous hemorrhage does not appear. This technique is used for weakened sebum secretion. With excessive aloe separation, kneading in the form of compression or push-ups should be used. With index and thumb, grab the entire thickness of the skin of the face and perform compression with quick and short movements in all directions.


Place the thumb near one edge of the affected area, and the rest of the fingers near the other. It is necessary to ensure that the fingers do not move from the skin surface. It is necessary to spread the fingers so that the skin is slightly stretched, and then squeeze again. Massage in the back, thigh or chest area is done with the palms of your hands. The session should be carried out from 5 to 10 minutes. It is recommended to perform 45-50 stretches per minute. During a massage session, the following skin changes occur: it stretches up to 2 cm or more and then returns to its previous state.

For eczema affecting the joints, massage techniques should be performed:

1. Stretch the skin of the fingers, bending and unbending them in the metacarpophalangeal joints.

2. Stretch the interdigital spaces by spreading and sliding the fingers.

3. Stretch the skin in the area of ​​the wrist joint by bending and unbending the joint.

4. Stretch the skin of the toes by bending and unbending them.

5. Stretch the skin of the sole by bending and unbending the toes.

6. Stretch the skin of the extensor part of the knee joint by bending and unbending the knee joint.

7. Stretch the skin of the lumbosacral spine by bending forward.

The duration of the massage is 6-10 minutes. After it comes redness, which sometimes lasts for several hours. This massage is good because it can be applied already in the early stages of many skin diseases, because it does not cause irritation, which can result from friction.


With these diseases, it is necessary to do a head massage. And in case of baldness, you need to supplement it with a massage of the neck and upper back. Massage of the scalp can be done in two ways: with bare superficial skin and without exposure. It is produced in the direction of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair growth. It is advisable to place your fingers closer to the roots of the hair.

With seborrhea, it is recommended to massage with a bare surface of the codes . To do this, a parting is made in the direction from the middle of the hairy line to the back of the head. Then the fingers (except the thumb) are placed along the parting so that they touch each other. Perform 3-4 flat strokes, 3-4 deep strokes, semicircular or zigzag rubbing with the second and third fingers of the right hand (the left hand should hold the scalp at a distance of 2-3 cm from the parting), kneading in the form of shifting with the thumbs that need to be pressed on the scalp and thereby shift it towards and away from you. The shift technique can be combined with the stretch technique. Then you should make an intermittent vibration in the form of punctures with the help of the index and middle fingers alternately with quick strokes.

After completing the above techniques, you need to make a new parting, deviating from the previous one by about 2 cm, and repeat all the techniques again. The same techniques must be performed in the direction along the forehead line.

Massaging without exposure of the scalp is carried out in the same way as with exposure.


“Facial massage should not be done with suppurating acne.

Before the massage, you need to clean your face. To do this, soak a cotton swab in refined peach, olive, almond or sunflower oil and wipe your face with it. Then apply a thin layer of cream on the face.

Figure 158.

To remove sebaceous plugs from the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to knead in the form of compression. Thumb and forefinger

Drawing 158.

grab the entire thickness of the skin and compress with quick movements. Perform reception in all directions. In this case, the contents of the eel should come out.


Massage is one of the important means for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is prescribed for bruises with hemorrhage, sprains of muscles, ligaments and tendons, fractures, dislocations, etc. Massage helps relieve pain. Thanks to it, edema subsides, hemorrhage resolves, muscles become stronger, functions of joints and muscles are restored, callus grows faster, etc.


Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine to the right or left (in the frontal plane). There are two types of scoliosis: C-shaped, or simple scoliosis (the spine has one bend) and S-shaped, or complex scoliosis (the spine has two or three bends in different directions).

Scoliosis in many people appears as a result of poor posture. In addition, the causes of its occurrence may be paralysis, rickets or sciatica. Scoliosis can be formed due to heavy physical exertion or due to infrequent physical education. Sometimes the cause of spinal curvature is not clear. Such scoliosis is called idiotic. With this disease, pathological kyphosis to the right or left side is often observed.

Scoliosis has 4 degrees of severity.

Scoliosis I degree can be determined by the following features:

1. Lowered head position.

2. Rolled shoulders.

3. Stooping.

4. The shoulder girdle on the side of the curvature is higher than the other.

5. Waist asymmetry.

6. The rotation of the vertebrae around the vertical axis is planned.

To determine the arc of curvature, you need to tilt the patient forward and mark the arc along the spinous processes with brilliant green or a felt-tip pen. When the patient is straightened, the curvature disappears. The radiograph should show a 10 degree angle of curvature.

Scoliosis II degree is characterized by the presence of such signs:

1. Torsion (rotation of the vertebrae around the vertical axis).

2. Asymmetry of the contours of the neck and waist triangle.

3. The pelvis on the side of the curvature is lowered.

4. On the side of the curvature in the lumbar region there is a muscle roller, and in the thoracic region there is a protrusion.

5. Curvature is observed in any position of the body. The radiograph fixes the angle of curvature of 10-20 degrees.

Scoliosis III degree is determined by signs:

1. Strongly expressed torsion.

2. The presence of all signs of scoliosis II degree.

3. Well defined costal hump.

4. Rib sinking.

5. Muscle contractures.

6. Weakening of the abdominal muscles.

7. Protrusion of the anterior costal arches.

8. The muscles retract, the rib arc approaches the ilium on the side of the concavity. The radiograph shows an angle of curvature of 20-30 degrees.

Scoliosis IV degree is characterized by severe deformity of the spine. The above symptoms of scoliosis intensify. The muscles in the area of ​​curvature are significantly stretched. There is a sinking of the ribs in the area of ​​concavity of the thoracic scoliosis, the presence of a costal hump. The radiograph shows an angle of curvature of 30 degrees or more.

In patients with scoliosis, there may be a slowdown in the speed of blood flow in the “lung-ear” area, a violation of the functions of the organs of the cardiovascular system and respiration.

It contributes to the correction of curvature not only of the spine itself, but of the whole body, normalizes the tone of the back muscles and strengthens them, increases the speed of lymph and blood circulation, reduces the feeling of fatigue, and reduces pain.

Massage for thoracic C-shaped scoliosis

Back massage

Back massage is performed on both sides. First, the techniques are performed on the side of the curvature in the following sequence: 1. Stroking:

a) rectangular;

b) alternate.

2. Squeezing with the base and edge of the palm along the same lines as stroking.

3. Kneading the long and latissimus dorsi muscles:

a) circular thumb pad;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) “pisciform”;

e) circular pads of the thumbs;

e) circular tubercle of the thumb;

g) compression;

h) double annular tongs.

On the latissimus dorsi:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

e) circular base of the palm or tubercle of the thumb.

At the intercostal spaces:

e) circular with the pad of the middle finger.

In the region of the rhomboid muscles and the muscle that lifts the scapula, you need to perform the following kneading techniques:

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) "forceps".

First of all, you need to do kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

The duration and pace of performing techniques on the entire surface of the massaged area should be the same.

The lower part of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles (opposite the bulge of the arch of the bend) must be massaged especially carefully, because this contributes to the complete relaxation of these muscles. Massage techniques must be performed, alternating them with stroking and shaking.

Having finished the massage of the back half of the neck and back, you should start performing techniques on the convex parts. To do this, the patient's shoulder blade should be brought to the midline, the shoulder should be taken back (a roller or pillow should be placed under it), then gently and gently press on the protruding ribs. Then try to move the protruding part of the spine into place with your fingers, tapping alternately with the terminal phalanges of the fingers on the spinous processes of the arch. Holding the shoulder laid back with your hand, with the other hand you need to massage the interscapular and scapular muscles.

The first massage sessions of the neck and the other half of the back should relax the muscles well. Subsequent massage sessions should strengthen the muscles, increase their tone in the area of ​​the concavity of the arc. After the massage of the back and neck, the hand is massaged on the side of the protrusion of the arc.

Massage of the anterior surface of the chest

The purpose of this massage is to relax the muscles and return the shoulder to its normal position. It is necessary to grab and pull the shoulder with your hand so that it becomes symmetrical with respect to the other shoulder. On the pectoralis major muscle, perform the following techniques:


a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double finger;

d) combined.

At the intercostal spaces:

a) rectilinear;

b) circular;

c) pads of four fingers;

d) the pad of the thumb and middle fingers.

Techniques that serve to relax the muscles and expand the spaces between the ribs with penetration into their recesses should be used on the side on which the muscles are contracted, the ribs are brought together, the intercostal spaces are narrowed.

belly massage

The abdominal muscles with scoliosis are weakened, so it is necessary to use classic massage techniques to strengthen them:

1. Circular stroking.

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers of one and both hands. 3. Kneading on the oblique muscles of the abdomen:

a) ordinary;

b) double;

c) ring;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

Massage for lumbar C-shaped scoliosis

Back massage

You need to follow these steps:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

a) base of the palm

b) coracoid.

c) "forceps";

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) combined;

e) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

5. Kneading on the intercostal spaces:

a) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) zigzag with the thumb pad;

e) circular with the pad of the thumb,

e) rectilinear with the pad of the middle finger;

g) circular with the pad of the middle finger.

6. Kneading on the lumbar region:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

7. Sawing.

8. Crossing.

Massage to relax the muscles should be done on the side of the convex part of the scoliosis. Massage to stretch and strengthen the muscles should be done on the side of the concavity.

Pelvic area massage

Receptions are carried out on the gluteal muscles:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) spiral;

c) zigzag.

2. Squeeze:

a) the edge of the palm;

b) coracoid.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) circular with two fists;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

4. Kneading on the sacrum:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) compression;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular crest of the fist;

After performing massage techniques on the back and pelvic region, it is necessary to influence the convex part of the spine with the end phalanges of the fingers, trying to move it into place.

If the rib arc is located in close proximity to the iliac wing and the muscle attachment points are close, then the massage should be

It is aimed at relaxing the muscles and increasing the gap between the arch of the rib and the wing of the ilium. First, you need to force stretch this gap, thereby increasing the space between the iliac wing and the costal arch, and then massage this area.

Massage of the leg muscles on the side of the bulge of the arch

Receptions should be carried out in the following order:

1. Back surface:

a) thigh (biceps);

b) knee joint;

c) calf muscle;

d) Achilles tendon;

d) outsole.

2. Front surface:

a) thigh (quadriceps muscle);

b) knee joint;

c) lower leg;

d) ankle joint.

Massage for S-shaped scoliosis

Massage for S-shaped scoliosis also extends to the thoracic and lumbar regions. When performing it, you must use the above methods. Massage helps to eliminate the curvature of the spine, strengthen the muscular corset. For best results, you need to spend at least 12 sessions (from 4 to 8 days - daily, from 8 to 12 - every other day).


Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, in which the intervertebral discs are affected. The cause of osteochondrosis is a strong overload of the spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs are not regenerated, their blood supply is disturbed, and dystrophic changes develop. In the fibrous ring of the disc, ruptures and cracks are noted, through which masses of the altered nucleus pulposus fall out of the ring (disc herniation develops). The disc herniation is located in the weak posterolateral section of the annulus fibrosus. Moreover, there is compression of the blood vessels and roots of the spinal nerves. Due to changes occurring in the intervertebral discs, dystrophic processes appear in the facet joints.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be determined by pain in the occipital and interscapular regions, neck, by a feeling of heaviness in the shoulder girdle, by limiting neck mobility, numbness of the fingers during sleep, dizziness, tension of the cervical muscles.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is indicated by the rapid fatigue of the back muscles, the inability to stay in a standing position for a long time, and the incessant monotonous pain in the spine. With weak tapping, soreness is revealed in the region of the spinous processes located at the top of the thoracic kyphosis, painful paravertebral points.

With lumbar osteochondrosis, there is a feeling of fatigue and constant pain when the body is tilted forward, coughing, laughing, sneezing; pain in the buttocks, on the back of the ribs; muscle tension in the lumbar region; immobility of the affected area of ​​the spine. The gluteal muscles, thigh muscles, and lower legs become hypotrophic.

Massage for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis has the following goals:

1. Reducing pain.

2. Improvement of lymph and blood circulation in the neck, back, arms.

3. Increasing the strength of the muscles of the hand by reducing their hypotrophy.

4. Reducing tension in the muscles of the neck and back.

In the acute stage of the disease, massage is not recommended. When performing massage techniques, it is necessary to take into account the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in the patient, for example, hypertension, hypotension, circulatory disorders, etc. In addition, it must be remembered that the occipital nerves are also affected in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

When localizing certain areas of the lesion in the cervicothoracic region, it is necessary to act on such paravertebral zones: D6-D1, C3-C7.

Before performing massage techniques, you need to choose the area that is most susceptible to the disease. Massage of the arm and back should be carried out in the presence of severe pain in the back, arm, tension of the back muscles, hypotrophy of the muscles of the arm.

For severe pain in the chest area, a chest massage is used, for pain in the neck area, a neck massage is used. Massage of the cervicothoracic region is recommended for almost any course of osteochondrosis.

Back massage

With unilateral osteochondrosis, first of all, it is necessary to massage the healthy half of the back. With bilateral osteochondrosis, you need to massage that half of the back on which the pain is weaker.

On the entire back, the following techniques should be performed:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate.

2. Squeezing (carried out along the lines of stroking):

a) longitudinal;

b) coracoid.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) "forceps";

4. Kneading on the latissimus dorsi:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) combined;

5. Kneading on the fascia of the trapezius muscle:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) "forceps".

6. Rubbing the intercostal spaces:

a) rectilinear with fingertips alternately with one and the other hand;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

e) circular with the pad of the thumb.

Neck massage

The neck must be massaged on both sides. You need to follow these steps:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers. 4. Rubbing the muscles along the spinal column:

a) rectilinear with the pads of the thumbs;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

On the back of the head, the following techniques should be performed:

2. Squeezing rectilinear beak-shaped.

3. Rubbing:

a) circular with the fingertips of both one and both hands;

c) circular beak-shaped as one, and both hands.

Then it is necessary to act on the exit points of the large occipital nerves from the outside of the tubercle of the occipital bone. Small occipital nerves should be massaged at the upper posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Massage techniques are performed at the site of its attachment to the mastoid process.

breast massage

The patient should be put on his back, and a roller should be placed under his knees. Massage must be performed according to the classical scheme:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading on the pectoralis major muscle in men:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

d) circular phalanges of the thumbs.

4. Kneading the pectoralis major muscle in women (above the mammary gland):

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers.

The massage of the intercostal spaces in front should be done in the same way as the massage of the intercostal spaces in the back. Then again you need to massage the muscles of the back, but only its painful area.

Massage of the hand or hands (with a bilateral process)

Forearm flexor massage:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) circular tubercle of the thumb.

Deltoid massage:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Massage of the triceps muscle of the shoulder:

1. Squeezing.

2. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

Back of hand massage:

1. Stroking.

2. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

Massage of the sore side of the back:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate;

2. Squeezing with the edge of the palm.

3. Stroking is straightforward.

Shoulder massage:

2. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

Massage of the sore part of the back: 1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) squeezing (with the edge of the palm).

Shoulder massage again:

2. Concentric stroking.

3. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular crested fist;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) circular with the edge of the thumb.

When performing massage in the area of ​​skin hyperesthesia, it is necessary to do all the techniques in a gentle mode.

With hypotension of the muscles of the hand, massage techniques should be carried out at a fast pace with a small amplitude. With hypotrophy of the muscles of the arm - intensively, with the inclusion of a large number of percussion techniques and alternating them with shaking and stroking.


With radiculitis, the roots of the spinal nerves are damaged. The causes of this disease can be osteochondrosis of the spine, degeneration of the intervertebral discs, diseases of internal organs, inflammatory and degenerative lesions of the spine, joints, tumors of the peripheral nervous system, etc. Radiculitis can be lumbosacral, cervical or cervicothoracic.

Patients with sciatica experience spontaneous pain in the area of ​​innervation of the affected roots, which increases with movement, sneezing, coughing, straining; pain when pressing on the spinous processes of the vertebrae and in the paravertebral points; weakness. They have muscle hypotrophy in the area of ​​radicular innervation and weak mobility of the spine.

Lumbosacral sciatica has two phases: radicular and lumbar. In the lumbar phase, the pain appears suddenly after hypothermia or physical activity, or increases gradually.

In the radicular phase of the disease, the pain is much stronger, it radiates to the gluteal region, spreads along the posterior surface of the thigh and lower leg.

Massage techniques for radiculitis are the same as for osteochondrosis. But before doing a massage, you need to have an idea about the course of the disease. So,

in cervicothoracic sciatica, which is accompanied by damage to the nodes of the sympathetic trunk, massage can be used only after the process subsides from the nodes of the border sympathetic trunk. All techniques must be performed in a gentle mode.


Bruises are called damage to soft tissues without violating the integrity of their outer integument. With severe bruises, there may be ruptures of muscles, small blood vessels, and nerves. In the area of ​​the bruise, as a rule, there are pain sensations, local hemorrhages, accompanied by an increase in skin temperature at the site of the bruise, and swelling. Purulent inflammations are also possible (in case of infection).

Massage helps to anesthetize the injured area, improve metabolism. Thanks to it, a more intense muscle contraction occurs, which helps to eliminate muscle atrophy, resorption of infiltrates, edema and hemorrhages.

If there is muscle damage, then the massage should be carried out in two steps: first preparatory, then the main one.

Preparatory massage - massage of intact areas that are located above the injury. Massage techniques in this case create favorable conditions for the suction of venous blood, lymph from the injury site without contact with it. Preparatory massage can be carried out already 7-8 hours after the bruise. When performing techniques, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the damage and the pain of the patient. 4-6 sessions of such a massage should be carried out, and then alternated with sessions of the main massage (massage of the damaged area).

With an injury to the calf muscle, the main techniques will be:

1. Stroking:

a) alternating;

b) spiral.

2. Coracoid squeeze with the front of the hand.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

d) beak-shaped brush towards you (must be performed in a gentle mode).

4. Shaking off.

5. Spiral stroking.

6. Kneading:

a) double annular longitudinal;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers of both one and both hands;

c) circular beak-shaped with two hands.

6. Squeezing.

7. Shaking.

8. Stroking.

9. Coracoid squeeze with the front of the hand.

To achieve the best result, you need to massage not only on the damaged limb, but also on the symmetrically located part of the second limb. It is necessary to perform 12-16 massage sessions.


Sprain - damage, accompanied by displacement and violation of the integrity of the joints. The places of attachment of ligaments, the fiber surrounding the joint, the synovial membrane of the joints, tendons, cartilage, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves may be injured. There may be other damage. Sprain is accompanied by acute pain during movement, swelling at the site of injury, inflammation of the joints.

Massage helps to reduce pain, improve blood and lymph flow in the damaged area, and restore normal joint activity.

When sprained, it is recommended to perform massage techniques only 24 hours after the injury. Warm up before massage. Massage should be done without causing pain to the patient, because this can lead to a deterioration in his condition.

Before massaging the damaged area, you should massage the upstream areas. So, in case of an injury to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint, it is necessary to massage the lower leg, if the knee joint is stretched, the thigh, if the wrist joint is damaged, the forearm, etc.

As with bruises, when spraining the joints, you must first carry out a preparatory massage (1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes), and then the main one (massage of the injured area). The time of the massage should be gradually increased to 15 minutes.

Ankle joint

First, you should conduct a preparatory massage session on a relaxed anterior tibial muscle. You need to follow these steps:

2. Coracoid squeezing with the elbow part.

3. Circular kneading with the pads of four fingers. All techniques must be repeated 4-5 times.

If the person being massaged experiences pain in the ankle joint, then the techniques should be performed in a gentle mode.

After the preparatory massage, the main massage should be performed:

2. Rubbing:

a) “tongs” are straight;

b) “forceps” are spiral-shaped (directed down, along the ankle gap);

3. Stroking.

4. Coracoid rubbing, first with one and then with the other hand.

5. Stroking the lower leg.

6. Squeezing on the lower leg.

7. Concentric stroking on the ankle joint.

8. Rubbing on the ankle joint:

a) “tongs” are straight;

b) “forceps” are spiral.

9. Concentric stroking of the ankle joint. All techniques must be performed 3-4 times, while not causing pain to the massaged.

shoulder joint

Before performing massage techniques on the shoulder joint, care should be taken that the muscles are completely relaxed. You need to carry out the following steps:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing the upper back (both techniques must be performed first on its healthy part, and then on the sick one).

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined.

4. Shaking.

5. Stroking.

6. Rubbing on the fascia of the trapezius muscle:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

Massage of the triceps muscle of the sore shoulder:

7. Stroking.

8. Squeezing.

9. Two or three kneading techniques. Shoulder massage:

10. Concentric strokes.

11. Circular rubbing.

12. Push-ups on the upper back.

13. Rubbing on the shoulder joint.

14. Concentric stroking.

Passive and active movements should be used as the joint activity recovers.


Massage can restore joint mobility. It is better to combine it with therapeutic exercises. Massage with stiffness and contractures of the joints ensures their normal functioning, improves blood and lymph flow in the area of ​​injury.

Massage for limited mobility in the shoulder joint

Upper back massage

1. Strokes:

a) rectilinear;

b) spiral. 2. Pushups:

a) base of the palm

b) coracoid.

3. Kneading on the latissimus dorsi:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) coracoid.

4. Rubbing on the fascia of the trapezius muscle:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Shoulder muscle massage

Massage techniques should be performed on the extensor muscles of the shoulder (first on the deltoid muscle, and then on the triceps muscle). It is necessary to carry out such methods:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) spiral.

2. Squeeze:

a) coracoid;

b) transverse.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

chest muscle massage

To perform a massage of the chest muscles, you need to put the person being massaged on his back, and a small roller under his head. Massage must first be done on the healthy side, then on the sick side. Receptions:

2. Squeezing with the base of the palm.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) beak-shaped.

4. Several circular strokes in the area of ​​​​attachment of the collarbone.

Upper back massage

On this part of the back, the following techniques should be performed: 1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) zigzag. 2. Squeeze:

a) base of the palm

b) coracoid.

Shoulder massage

Perform massage techniques in the following sequence:

1. Concentric stroking.

2. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) circular crest of the fist (as the function of the joint is restored);

e) circular with the edge of the thumb (as the function of the joint is restored).

You need to end the session with both active and passive movements. Receptions should be performed in a gentle mode. Before, during and after the massage, it is recommended to use active movements. They are excluded only if the person being massaged has pain and a lot of swelling. In this case, active movements are best done on nearby healthy joints with fixation of the damaged joint.

Massage with limited mobility of the elbow joint

Massage of the extensor and flexor muscles of the shoulder

It is necessary to perform the following techniques: 1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate. 2. Squeeze:

a) transverse;

b) coracoid. 3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Forearm muscle massage

On the forearm, you need to massage the extensor muscles and the flexor muscles.

Receptions on the flexor muscles:

1. Rectilinear stroking.

2. Coracoid squeeze.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

On the extensor muscles are performed:

1. Alternate stroking.

2. Coracoid squeeze.

3. Kneading:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

On the shoulder, 1-2 types of stroking and 1-2 types of squeezing should be performed.

Elbow joint massage

Massage techniques can be performed in two positions of the massaged hand. 1. The arm hangs along the body. In this position, the inner region of the joint is massaged:

2) rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

2. The patient holds his hand in front of him. In this case, the outer part of the elbow joint is massaged:

1) circular stroking with the base of the palm;

2) rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular tubercle of the thumb. All techniques should be performed 2 or 3 times.


Dislocation - damage to the joints, in which there is a displacement of the articular ends of the bones. Massage in case of such an injury can be done only a day after the joint is set. For dislocations, the same massage techniques should be performed as for stretching the ligaments of the joints.


Bone fractures can be closed or open. In the second case, violations of the integrity of the skin, damage to nerves, blood vessels, soft tissues (fiber and muscles) are observed. In addition, there are pains, swelling at the fracture site, the lack of a person's ability to move normally. At the fracture site, as a rule, a callus appears, which provides bone fusion. The fusion time depends on the thickness of the bone, the nature of the fracture, the age of the injured.

Massage is an effective treatment for closed fractures. Massage is contraindicated in open fractures because they may be complicated by local or general infection.

improves tissue trophism at the fracture site, reduces the time of callus formation and restoration of the functions of the injured limb, and prevents muscle atrophy.

Massage of the injured limb can be carried out in a plaster cast or with the imposition of any type of traction.

In case of fractures of the bones of the hand, massage should be performed in the region of the cervical-occipital and upper thoracic regions, at the exit point of the roots on the left and right. Zones of innervation of the spinal segments - C3-C1.

In case of fractures of the bones of the lower extremities, massage is recommended in the area of ​​the lumbosacral and lower thoracic regions. Innervation zones - D12-D11, S3-S1, L5-L1.

After performing massage techniques on the above areas, it is necessary to massage the muscles of the intact limb and massage the parts of the affected limb that are free from the plaster cast.

If there are local injuries on the upper limbs, massage techniques should be performed on the muscles of the upper back from the line that connects the lower corners of the shoulder blades to the shoulder girdle. The following methods are applied:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate. 2. Squeeze:

a) base of the palm

b) the edge of the palm.

3. Circular movements that are performed during the massage of the fascia of the trapezius muscle:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

d) circular tubercle of the thumb.

When massaging at the exit points of the nerve roots, it is recommended to use the massage technique along the spinal column:

1. Rectilinear rubbing with fingers 2 and 3, between which there should be a column of the spine (the reception should be performed in the direction from the bottom up, from the sacrum to the 7th cervical vertebra);

2. Hatching with pads of 2 and 3 fingers.

3. Shift:

a) in the direction away from you to the left and to the right of the spine;

b) towards you (from the waist to the shoulder blades). 4. Rubbing:

a) double annular forceps in the direction along the paravertebral zones;

b) with pads of 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers and fists (the thumb of the right hand, clenched into a fist, should be placed in the fist of the left hand; the fists connected in this way

place ki with knuckles down in the lumbar region and move upwards to the neck; then open your fists and use your fingertips to perform zigzag movements from top to bottom);

c) zigzag with the bases of the palms (place the bases of the palms on the lower back, and raise the fingers; perform the exercise in the direction from the bottom up).

5. Shaking.

6. Any shock reception.

7. Longitudinal stroking.

Zones of innervation - C3-C2. They should be massaged according to the technique that is used when massaging the muscles of the neck. First you need to perform a massage on the back of the neck. To do this, the person being massaged should lie on his stomach, put his palms in front of him at the level of his forehead and lower his head on his hands, pulling his chin to his chest. Then you need to carry out the following steps:

1. Stroking (in the downward direction from the place of hair growth to the shoulder joint):

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate.

2. Squeeze:

a) beak-shaped front part;

b) the edge of the palm;

c) transverse.

3. Kneading (with a brush on both sides of the neck):

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) double annular pincer;

d) circular with the pads of four fingers;

e) circular phalanges of bent fingers; f) circular beak-shaped front part; g) circular with the radial side of the brush.

4. Stroking.

5. Rubbing (along the spinal column down to the seventh cervical vertebra):

a) rectilinear with the pads of the thumbs (both simultaneously and alternately);

B) circular with the pads of the thumbs (alternately);

c) circular with the pads of all fingers except the thumb (first with one, and then with both hands);

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers (first with one hand, and then with both);

e) circular with the terminal phalanges of the fingers of the back side (both hands).

6. Longitudinal stroking (four fingers of one hand should be placed on the neck with fingers forward down; put the thumb on the spine).

Muscle massage around the 7th cervical vertebra

a) between the index and thumb fingers;

b) between the backs of the thumbs. 2. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of the thumbs;

b) circular with the pads of four fingers (first with one and then with the other hand).

3. Kneading double annular tongs.

Front neck massage

To perform massage techniques on the front surface of the neck, you need to tilt the head of the person being massaged back (while the neck muscles should be relaxed). All techniques should be done in the direction from top to bottom. First you need to massage the side of the neck:

1. Stroking (the index finger moves along the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle; the middle, ring, little finger - along the belly of the muscle to the thyroid cartilage, in which the massage technique is performed with the palmar surface of the hand to the jugular notch of the sternum. Then the palm is located under the edge of the lower jaw and goes down to the sternum).

2. Rubbing:

a) circular pads 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers;

b) phalanges of bent fingers.

On the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in addition to stroking in the form of forceps, you can use circular kneading with the pads of four fingers and forceps kneading.

Massage of an intact limb should be carried out according to the method of massaging the muscles of the shoulder joint, shoulder, forearm and hand.

When massaging the chest muscles, you should perform:

1. Stroking.

2. Shaking.

3. Kneading.

For fractures of the bones of the fingers and hand massage should be carried out in this order: the muscles of the shoulder, forearm and the area located above the plaster cast. After removing the splint, it is recommended to do the following:

1. Stroking.

2. Rubbing.

3. Kneading the fingers of the hand.

4. Vibration with the fingers of the fracture area.

For fractures of the forearm you need to massage the muscles of the shoulder, the elbow joint, the areas above and below the damaged area, the hand. After applying a removable splint, massage the muscles of the forearm in the following order:

1. Gentle stroking.

2. Light puncture.

3. Rubbing.

4. Kneading.

Massage must be done within 15 minutes.

In the presence of local injuries on the lower extremities massage techniques should be done on the lower back, in the pelvic, lumbar regions, on an intact limb, in areas above and below the fracture site. After removing the plaster, you need to massage the affected area as well.

Massage on the muscles of the lower back

1. Stroking (1-2 types).

2. Push-ups (1-2 types).

Both techniques must be performed in the direction from the ilium to the line that connects the angles of the shoulder blades.

Massage on the long muscles of the back (from the sacrum to the lower corners of the shoulder blades)

1. Kneading:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) "forceps".

Receptions must be performed first on one, and then on the other side of the back.!

Massage of the muscles located along the spinal column

1. Rectilinear stroking of the muscles with the pads of the index and middle fingers.

2. Other types of impact on the areas between the spinous processes.

Massage on the lumbar

1. Straight stroking with a tubercle and thumb pad.

2. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

Massage of the pelvic area and a healthy limb

It is recommended to massage the muscles of the pelvis and the muscles of a healthy limb in accordance with the generally accepted technique. But the number of receptions should be reduced.

Massage for broken bones of the foot

On the injured leg, massage should be performed on the muscles of the thigh, knee joint and lower leg. After removing the splint, you must do the following techniques:

1. Stroking.

2. Rubbing the foot.

3. Vibration in the fracture area.

It is necessary to use both active and passive movements.

Massage for a broken leg bone

Massage techniques should be carried out on the muscles of the thigh, in areas located above and below the fracture area. Seven days after the injury to the limb, it is possible, by making a hole in the plaster, to carry out vibration at the fracture site with the help of fingers or an apparatus. After removing the plaster, massage should be done on the entire limb.

Massage for hip fractures

In case of hip fractures, you need to massage the abdomen, chest, massage the areas below and above the fracture site. Stroking and rubbing the muscles of the lower thigh should be carried out. 21 days after a hip fracture, vibration should be performed on the damaged area, having previously made a hole in the plaster. After removing the plaster, massage should be done on the entire limb.

Massage helps to fight the residual effects of bone fractures, such as muscle atrophy, contractures, slowing down callus formation, excessive callus formation, late edema.

Massage for muscle hypotrophy

1. Stroking:

a) zigzag;

b) spiral.

2. Kneading (at a fast pace).

3. Shaking.

4. Quilting.

5. Vibration (gentle).

6. Shift.

7. Stretching of soft tissues that are soldered to the callus. With a slow union of a fracture, the following techniques should be added to the above massage techniques:

1. Hatching.

2. Pressure.

3. Punctuation.

4. Percussion techniques.

Techniques must be performed rhythmically, alternating them with strokes. It is recommended to add self-massage to the main block of techniques, which should be carried out in the form of tapping at the fracture site with fingertips. If there is a plaster cast on the injured limb, vibration reception through the plaster can be used.

At the fracture site, it is not necessary to use intense movements that can lead to the formation of excess bone callus.

To accelerate the healing of open fractures, massage should be done on the paravertebral zones of the back and on healthy parts of the body. The recommended number of sessions is 16. Sometimes after a course of massage with the person being massaged! muscle contractures, residual stiffness, etc. may be noted. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the massage course after a 14-day break.


Arthrosis is a chronic disease of the joints. Arthrosis is divided into primary and secondary. The causes of primary osteoarthritis are still unknown. Scientists-specialists only suggest that the disease occurs as a result of a violation of the metabolism of cartilage tissue. This type of arthrosis belongs to nodular arthrosis of the joints of the hands.

Secondary arthrosis develops as a result of overloads of the articular cartilage, i.e. as a result of excess body weight, a decrease in the length of the lower limb, X- and 0-shaped lower legs, etc.

The main sign of arthrosis is the presence of pain in the joint (arthralgia), which is mechanical in nature (occurs during exertion and disappears at moments of rest). There are other signs of the disease, they all depend on the place of occurrence of arthrosis.

Massage for nodular arthrosis of the joints of the hands

With this disease, there is a thickening of the interphalangeal joints of the hands in the form of nodules, the formation of rather dense painful cysts near the nail bed. Arthrosis of the joints of the hands is accompanied by severe pain, impaired motor ability of the fingers, and the appearance of flexion contractures.

Massage is an effective treatment for arthrosis of the joints, because it improves peripheral circulation, supplying the limbs and tissues of the diseased joint with oxygen and other nutrients.

The goals of massage for arthrosis of the joints:

1. Reducing pain.

2. Overcoming Stiffness.

3. Improvement of blood and lymph circulation in the affected areas.

4. Prevention of the appearance of joint stiffness, the development of contractures.

5. Improving the supply of limb tissues with oxygen and other nutrients.

6. Prevention of muscle atrophy.

Massage of the back of the hand

On the back surface of the hand, the intercarpal areas should be massaged in the direction from the knuckles to the wrist joint.

1. Stroking is straightforward (it is also necessary to stroke the fingers).

2. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

b) zigzag with the pads of four fingers;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) rectilinear thumb pad;

e) circular with the pad of the thumb;

f) circular with the pad of the 3rd finger;

g) rectilinear with the ulnar surface of the little finger;

h) circular with the ulnar surface of the palm across the hand;

i) spiral base of the palm.

Finger massage

Receptions should be performed in the direction from the fingertips to the knuckles,

1. Rubbing (each finger needs to be rubbed separately):

b) "tweezer" zigzag;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) circular thumb pad;

e) circular with the pads of four fingers;

e) circular with the pad of the index finger;

g) circular ulnar surface of the palm;

h) spiral base of the palm.

2. Shaking the brush.

Deforming arthrosis of the hip joint. Treatment of the disease with massage

Lower back massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) "forceps".

Massage of the lumbar region

Rubbing techniques are performed:

a) rectilinear with the ball of the thumb and the tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) circular palmar surface of the hand.

Massage of the gluteal-sacral region

First you need to conduct techniques on the large and middle gluteal muscles

1. Stroking.

2. Push-ups.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

6) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) combined;

e) circular phalanges of bent fingers. Then on the muscles of the sacrum kneading:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) coracoid.

On the muscles of the hip joint (near the painful area) rubbing:

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

thigh muscle massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) ordinary-longitudinal;

D) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) coracoid.

Massage of the muscles of the lower back

On the affected area of ​​the back, the following techniques should be performed:

1. Stroking (2 or 3 types).

2. Squeezing (1 or 2 types).

Massage of the muscles of the diseased hip joint

Massage techniques should be carried out in a gentle mode, gradually increasing the load on the massaged area. The best effect is usually achieved after 2-3 massage sessions. ; Kneading:

a) circular base of the palm;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) circular with the knuckles of the fist;

e) circular ulnar surface of the index finger; e) circular base of the palm.


Massage of the muscles located along the spine

1. Stroking (2 types).

2. Squeezing (2 types).

3. Rubbing (from the sacrum to the lower corners of the scapula):

a) rectilinear with the pads of the index and middle fingers;

b) “hatching”;

c) "fork";

d) circular with the pad of the index finger;

e) circular with the pad of the middle finger.

4. Rubbing at the intervals between the spinous processes is circular

pads of the thumbs (fingers are located 1-2 cm from the spine).

Muscle massage on the sacral region

Muscle massage on the sacral region should be carried out according to the following method: Rubbing (all types of reception should be carried out in the direction from the bottom up to the side):

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) circular beak-shaped with the terminal phalanges of the fingers (their dorsal side);

e) zigzag with the base of the palm; g) circular tubercle of the thumb; h) zigzag with the base of the palm; i) shift.

Massage of the muscles of the buttocks

Massage techniques must be performed in the direction from the subgluteal fold up, and then down to the groin nodes:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate;

c) zigzag;

d) spiral;

e) combined. 2. Squeeze:

a) longitudinal;

b) transverse;

c) ulnar surface of the palm;

d) coracoid. 3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) double ring combined;

e) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

f) circular beak-shaped (brush away from you and forward);

g) circular with the base of the palm.

Massage of the knee joint and thigh muscles on an intact limb

Massage techniques are carried out in the following order:

1. Massage the muscles of the back of the thigh.

2. Massage of the knee joint.

3. Massage of the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh.

4. Massage the knee joint on the side of the patella. Massage is carried out according to the classical method.

Massage of the knee joint and thigh on the injured limb

Receptions must be done in this order. Back of the thigh:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

4. Rubbing the fascia of the quadriceps femoris:

b) circular with the far hand by the phalanges of the index and middle;

c) a circular fist.

Knee joint massage

1. Concentric stroking.

2. Rubbing:

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular with fingertips;

d) circular tubercles of the thumbs. 3. Concentric stroking.

Front thigh massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) double ordinary;

e) double annular longitudinal; e) coracoid.

Massage of the fascia of the quadriceps femoris

1. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear with the base of the palm;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular with the radial side of the brush.

Cup side knee massage

1. Concentric stroking.

2. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear "tweezer";

b) circular pads of the thumbs;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular tubercles of the thumbs.

3. Offset (O-shaped).

4. Squeezing on the muscles of the thigh.

5. Stroking on the thigh muscles.

6. Rubbing on the knee joint (see point 2).

At the end of the massage session, active movements should be used (with great care).


The cause of the disease can be frequent traumatic subluxations and dislocations. It is accompanied by aching pains, limitation of the ability to move, crunching during movement, compaction of periarticular tissues.

Calf muscle massage

1. Stroking (2 or 3 types, which must be performed 2-3 times).

3. Shaking.

4. Kneading:

a) ordinary; "

b) double ring;

c) double annular longitudinal;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

5. Shaking.

6. Stroking.

Achilles tendon massage

1. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear "tweezer";

b) zigzag;

c) rectilinear with the pads of the thumbs;

d) circular with the pads of all fingers.

2. Shaking.

3. Stroking.

4. Circular coracoid rubbing.

Massage of the anterior tibial muscles

The person to be massaged should be placed on his back, and a roller should be placed under his knees.

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

b) circular base of the palm;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers. 4. Stroking.

Foot lift massage

1. Stroking.

2. Rubbing:

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) circular thumb pad;

e) circular with the edge of the palm.

Massage of the anterior tibial muscles (repeatedly)

1. Squeeze:

a) rectilinear with the base of the palm;

b) coracoid from itself. 2. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) spiral.

Ankle massage

1. Concentric stroking.

2. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear "tweezer";

b) circular with fingertips (one and both hands);

c) beak-shaped with one and the other hand;

d) rectilinear with pads and tubercles of the thumbs. 3. Squeezing on the tibial muscles.

4. Stroking on the tibial muscles.

5. Rubbing the muscles of the ankle joint.

6. Concentric stroking.


Massaged should be placed on the stomach.

Upper back massage

Receptions are carried out in the direction from the lower corners of the shoulder blades to the shoulder girdle:

1. Stroking (1 or 2 types).

2. Rubbing on the fascia of the trapezius muscle:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) circular tubercle of the thumb.

Neck muscle massage

Massage should be done along the spine from the border of the hair zone to the seventh cervical vertebra.

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Shoulder muscle massage (deltoid, biceps, triceps)

Massage of the deltoid and triceps muscles:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Biceps massage:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Massage of the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading (on the flexor muscles):

a) ordinary;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped (brushes from oneself and towards oneself). 4. Kneading (on the extensor muscles)

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Elbow joint massage

It is necessary to perform massage techniques on the outer and inner parts of the elbow joint. When massaging the inside of the joint, the massaged hand should be lowered along the body:

2. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) circular thumb pad;

e) circular with the base of the palm.

When massaging the outer part of the elbow joint, the massaged arm should be bent at the elbow joint and placed in front of the chest:

1. Circular stroking with the base of the palm.

2. Rubbing:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular beak-shaped;

c) circular with the edge of the thumb;

d) circular base of the palm.


Massage of the stump is recommended when preparing it for prosthetics.

The massage of the stump should be carried out with the utmost care, since improper performance of the techniques can lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the stump. In addition, it can take on a flask-like shape.

1. The presence of chronic osteomyelitis.

2. The presence of purulent processes in soft tissues.

3. The patient has severe forms of damage to the joints and bones.

4. The presence of infectious diseases of the joints, the causes of which are unknown.

5. The presence of tuberculosis (in the acute stage) of the joints and bones.

6. Various neoplasms of joints and bones.

7. Skin diseases accompanied by purulent processes.

8. The presence of various common infections and other diseases in which massage should not be performed.

You can start massaging the stump after removing the stitches. But the first seven days you do not need to touch the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam to give it the opportunity to get stronger.

The following steps are recommended:

1. Stroking (all its types).

2. Rubbing (various types).

3. Spiral kneading (should be performed in the longitudinal direction). If there are scars on the stump that are soldered to its tissues, then first you need to dimo to carry out kneading in the form of shifting the scar.

In the area of ​​the distal end, you need to apply the following technique:

1. Vibration in the form of:

a) tapping;

b) quilting;

c) chopping.

The duration of the first massage sessions of the stump should not be more than 10 minutes. Gradually, this time should be increased to 15 or 20 minutes.


Flat feet is the flattening of the arches of the foot. Flat feet can be longitudinal (flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot) and transverse (flattening of the forefoot). There are other types of flat feet.

There are congenital flat feet and acquired. Congenital is quite rare. Usually this is a longitudinal flat foot, combined with pronation of the foot (flat-valgus foot). The reason for this flat feet is the abnormal intrauterine development of the structural elements of the foot.

The cause of acquired flat feet can be paralysis and paresis of the muscles of the lower extremities, complications after traumatic injuries, impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and rickets.

With flat feet, there is a lack of shock-absorbing properties of the foot, which causes rapid fatigue when walking, pain in the feet, hips, lower leg, and lumbar region.

Massage is an excellent remedy for flat feet. It reduces pain, improves lymph and blood circulation, strengthens weakened muscles.

Massage should be carried out in the following sequence:

1. Massage of the calf muscle.

2. Achilles tendon massage.

3. Massage the outer side of the lower leg.

4. Massage the back of the foot.

5. Sole massage.

6. Massage of the calf muscle.

7. Sole massage.

Calf muscle massage

To perform massage techniques on the calf muscle, the massaged person should be placed on his stomach, and a roller should be placed under his ankle joints. It is necessary to take the following steps:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate.

2. Squeeze:

a) coracoid;

b) transverse.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers, first with one, and then with two hands;

e) circular beak-shaped, first with one, and then with two hands. 4. Stroking is straightforward.

Achilles tendon massage


a) rectilinear "tweezer";

b) spiral "tweezer";

c) rectilinear with tubercles and pads of the thumbs;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) circular edge of the thumb.

Massage of the outer side of the lower leg

The person being massaged should be placed on his back, a roller should be placed under his knees. The far hand should be held:

1. Stroking is straightforward.

2. Kneading:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) circular with the edge of the thumb.

Near hand:

Squeezing with the base of the palm.

Back of foot massage

Without changing the position of the person being massaged, one should grab his foot from the side of the sole with the near hand and perform massage techniques with the far hand:

1. Stroking is straight in the direction from the fingertips to the ankle joint.

2. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear with pads of four fingers of the intermetatarsal spaces;

b) circular pads of four fingers of the intermetatarsal spaces;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) circular thumb pad;

e) rectilinear with the pad of the middle finger;

e) circular with the pad of the middle finger;

g) circular edge of the palm.

3. Stroking (on the back of the leg).

4. Squeezing (on the back of the lower leg).

sole massage

1. Stroking the sole with the back of the hand.

2. Rubbing in the direction from the fingers to the heel:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) rectilinear with a fist across and along;

d) a circular crest of a fist. 3. Compression of the foot.

Calf muscle massage

1. Stroking is straightforward.

2. Squeezing is coracoid.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

sole massage


a) rectilinear fist;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

To strengthen the muscles that support the inner arch of the foot, it is recommended to combine massage sessions with corrective exercises, with passive and active foot movements:

1. Flexion.

2. Turns inside.

3. Extension.

4. Spreading and moving the toes.

5. Picking up various small objects with your toes.

6. Rolling a small ball.

7. Sliding movements of the foot of one leg along the lower leg of the second.

8. Squats on a stick lying across the foot.


Massage in diseases of the cardiovascular system improves blood circulation in the heart muscle.

In addition, massage increases the tone of the heart muscle and its contractile function, helps prevent congestion in the systemic and pulmonary circulation, normalizes blood pressure, etc.


Hypertension is high blood pressure.

The cause of hypertension is a violation of the functional state of the central nervous system and other body systems that affect the regulation of vascular tone.

In addition, a large role is played by psycho-emotional overstrain, hereditary predisposition, concussion and.-d.

With hypertension, blood pressure rises, vascular tone changes (most often cerebral vessels), as a result of which arterioles narrow, and cardiac output of blood occurs, which does not correspond to the norm.

In modern science and medicine, 3 stages of hypertension are known: initial, stable, sclerotic.

The initial stage of hypertension is characterized by a short-term increase in blood pressure, which normalizes under normal, favorable conditions.

An increase in pressure can cause weather changes, unrest, overwork, and a number of other reasons.

As a result of the above factors, a person develops heaviness in the head, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, rapid or uneven heartbeat.

The stable stage, in addition to high blood pressure, which requires appropriate treatment, is also accompanied by organic changes in the vessels and organs, changes in the retina, and the appearance of left ventricular hypertrophy.

The sclerotic (irreversible) stage of hypertension is characterized not only by high blood pressure, organic changes in internal organs, but also by renal and coronary insufficiency.

People with this stage of hypertension are disabled.

Treatment of the disease with massage can be carried out regardless of the stage it is in. But there are some contraindications that should not be ignored.

Massage contraindications:

1. Hypertensive crisis that arose suddenly.

2. Frequent cerebral crises.

3. The presence of a severe form of diabetes.

4. General indications for which massage is not recommended.

Massage for hypertension helps to reduce headaches and dizziness, lower blood pressure, improve the psycho-emotional state.

Massage techniques should be performed in this order:

1. Upper back massage.

2. Neck massage.

3. Massage of the scalp.

4. Massage of the anterior surface of the chest.

5. Massage of the neck, neck and pain points.

Massage of the upper part of the needle

For massage, the patient should be placed on his stomach, and a roller should be placed under his ankle joints. In this position of the massaged, you need to perform the following techniques:

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate.

2. Squeeze:

a) base of the palm

b) coracoid.

On the long back muscle:

1. Kneading:

a) arcuate with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) "forceps";

d) circular with the pads of the thumbs.

2. Stroking.

On the latissimus dorsi muscle:

1. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined.

2. Stroking.

Between the spine and the scapula, as well as on the suprascapular region:

1. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear tubercle and thumb pad;

c) steep-shaped tubercle of the thumb;

Massage should be performed on both sides of the back. It is completed by rubbing along the spine from the lower corners of the shoulder blades to the seventh cervical vertebra:

a) rectilinear with the pads of the index and middle fingers (the vertebral column should be between the fingers);

b) impact on the areas between the spinous processes.

Neck massage

Neck massage should be carried out simultaneously with the massage of the trapezius muscle on the left and right sides:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

4. Stroking.

Head massage

Massage should be performed in the following position: the person being massaged lies on his stomach, his head is located on folded hands.

1. Stroking with the pads of open fingers in the direction from the top of the head down to the occipital, frontal and temporal regions;

2. Rubbing (in the direction from the crown down to the occipital, frontal and temporal areas):

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Then you should change the position of the person being massaged: put him on his back, and a roller under his head. In this position, the patient needs to perform massage techniques on the frontal part.

1. Stroking rectilinearly with fingertips (in the direction from the middle of the forehead, along the hairline to the temples).

2. Rubbing:

a) zigzag fingertips;

b) circular with fingertips.

c) pressing with fingertips.

3. Pinching.

4. Stroking.

After that, it is necessary to alternately massage the temporal regions, performing circular movements with the pads of four fingers.

1. Spiral stroking.

2. Squeezing the tubercle of the thumb.

3. Kneading the pectoralis major muscles:

a) ordinary;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

4. Shaking.

5. Stroking.

Massage of the neck, occipital region of the head and pain points

Massaged should be placed on the stomach.

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading (2 or 3 types).

Then you should act (by palpation) on pain points located in the region of the mastoid processes (bone protrusions behind the earlobe), between the eyebrows, on the temples, in the center of the parietal region. Massage (12-14 sessions for 15-20 minutes) should be carried out simultaneously with physiotherapy exercises and drug treatment. Massage can be done daily or every other day.


A type of neurocirculatory dystonia is hypotension. Hypotension is low blood pressure.

Symptoms of hypotension: low blood pressure, headaches, general weakness, fatigue, blackout in the eyes when changing body position, dizziness, frequent pain in the heart, vascular crises.

Massage is an effective remedy for the treatment of the disease. It prevents the occurrence of a crisis, increases blood pressure, reduces headaches, and normalizes the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

But there are some contraindications to massage:

1. Acute hypotensive crisis.

2. General contraindications for which massage should not be used.

Massage should be performed on the following areas:

1. Lower back.

2. Pelvic area.

3. Lower limbs.

4. The abdomen.

Lower back massage

1. Stroking (in the direction from the pelvic region to the lower corners of the shoulder blades):

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate;

c) spiral.

2. Squeezing (in the same direction):

a) base of the palm

b) transverse.

3. Kneading (on the long muscles of the back):

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular with the edge of the thumb;

d) “forceps”;

e) the base of the palm with a roll.

4. Rubbing (on the lumbar region):

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular with the radial side of the brush;

d) circular base of the palm;

e) sawing;

e) crossing.

5. Rubbing (along the spinal column from the sacrum to the lower corners of the shoulder blades):

a) rectilinear with the pads of the 2nd or 3rd fingers;

b) rubbing at the intervals between the spinous processes;

c) circular with the pad of the 2nd finger;

d) circular with the pad of the 3rd finger.

Pelvic area massage

On the gluteal muscles: 1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate.

2. Squeezing is coracoid.

3. Kneading:

a) Ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with both fists;

d) round-shaped beak-shaped.

4. Kneading on the sacrum:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular with the edge of the thumb.

5. Kneading on the iliac crest:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Lower limb massage

It is performed first on the back surface in the following sequence: thigh, calf muscle, sole.

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading (3-4 types).

When massaging the sole, special attention should be paid to the zones of the heart and solar plexus. Then you need to massage the front surface of the thigh and the outer surface of the lower leg.

belly massage

1. Stroking (with the palmar surface of the hand in a clockwise direction).

2. Horseshoe squeeze.

3. Kneading on the rectus abdominis muscles:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

d) phalanges of bent fingers.

4. Stroking.

5. Massaging the solar plexus area.

In total, 12-14 sessions are required (daily or every other day).

Massage can be supplemented with soft water procedures, which consist of short-term cooling of the feet by stepping in water or dousing them, balneo-physiotherapy procedures, physical therapy exercises, etc.


The cause of heart muscle failure can be excessive exercise, the toxic effect of pathogens of infectious diseases, diseases of the endocrine glands, etc. Massage helps to expand the network of capillaries, increase peripheral and general blood circulation. Performing techniques should begin with the muscles of the back:

1. Stroking (from the sacrum to the axillary cavities):

a) planar base of the palms;

b) covering the continuous base of the palms.

2. Semicircular rubbing with the tips of 2-5 fingers;

3. Stroking.

Then, according to the generally accepted method, you need to massage the long, latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles of the back:

1. Stroking deep continuous comb-like.

2. Rubbing in the form of sawing.

3. Kneading:

a) longitudinal;

b) transverse.

4. Vibration intermittent:

a) in the form of cutting;

b) in the form of a pat.

Chopping and patting techniques in the area between the shoulder blades should be done carefully, not forgetting the stimulating effect of these techniques on the lungs and heart.

5. Stroking embracing continuous.

If the patient has cardiovascular insufficiency of the 1st degree, then the following methods are also allowed:

1. Vibration intermittent:

a) in the form of gentle (light) chopping in the region of the heart;

b) in the form of a pat in the region of the heart.

2. Rhythmic compression in the chest area.

When expanding the boundaries of the heart, intermittent vibration should be performed in the form of punctures in the region of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.

Massage of the lower and upper limbs

Massage is recommended to be carried out with wide strokes according to the suction massage technique, but without delay in certain areas. Receptions should be performed daily for 20 minutes for 20-30 days.

During a massage session, it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition, his breathing and pulse. Massage should be interrupted if the patient's face turns red or pale, there are feelings of tightness in the chest, pain in the heart area.


Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) belongs to the group of ischemic heart diseases.
ca. The cause of its occurrence may be atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart.
ca, spasms of coronary vessels, syphilitic aortitis, rheumatic vasculitis,
obliterating endarteritis, nodular periarteritis, etc.

One of the symptoms of the disease is an attack of pain behind the sternum (usually in the upper part or to the left of it).

In addition to pain, angina may be accompanied by sensations of heaviness, burning, pressure and constriction in the sternal region. As a rule, pain is given to the left shoulder blade, left arm, neck, and sometimes to the lower jaw.

The use of massage techniques in this disease helps to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the heart muscle, expand the coronary arteries, which reduces the tendency of arteries to spasm and reduces or eliminates pain in the heart area.

Before the massage, it is necessary to determine the skin zones of Zakharyin-Ged, the zones of reflex reflected changes in the muscles (Mekenzi) and subcutaneous connective tissue (Leibe and Dicke). And then perform the massage techniques described in the “Segmental massage” section.


Varicose veins most often occur in the lower extremities. This is because the veins in the lower extremities are more exposed to hydrostatic pressure than in other parts of the body.

The disease can develop as a result of the constant wearing of weights, prolonged standing, being overweight, frequent pregnancies, etc.

With varicose veins, it is recommended to do a massage, the technique of which depends on the area, severity and nature of the lesion. Massage improves tissue trophism, promotes unloading of the lymphatic and venous network, enhances blood and lymph circulation.

Massage contraindications:

1. Heart defects in the decompensation stage.

2. III stage of hypertension.

3. Thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.

4. Acute inflammatory diseases of the membranes of the heart and myocardium.

5. Circulatory insufficiency PB degree and III degree.

6. Coronary insufficiency with frequent attacks of angina pectoris.

7. Arrhythmia.

8. Thromboobliterating diseases of peripheral arteries in the gangrenous stage.

9. Thromboobliterating diseases of peripheral arteries with clear signs of cerebral atherosclerosis and a tendency to cerebrovascular accident.

10. Vascular aneurysm.

11. The presence of systemic allergic angiitis.

Massage for uncomplicated expansion of the saphenous veins of the lower leg

Before performing the massage, the patient should be placed on his back, his legs slightly bent at the knees and raised at an angle of 45 degrees.

Massage techniques should be carried out in the following sequence:

1. Massage of the thigh and gluteal region.

2. Calf massage.

3. Foot massage. 1. Stroking:

b) embracing the continuous.

2. Rubbing (light semicircular without affecting damaged veins).

With unilateral expansion of the veins of the lower extremities, you need to start the massage from a healthy limb.

To improve blood and lymph circulation, improve the trophism of the skin in the areas of expansion of the saphenous veins, you can perform gentle pinching of the skin and subcutaneous fat in the up and down direction.

In case of varicose veins, accompanied by a varicose symptom complex, it is recommended to perform a reflex-segmental massage of the lumbosacral region (L4-S4).

In the presence of indurative diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in places of varicose veins, massage can be used for skin diseases (see “Massage for skin diseases”). Such a massage will improve tissue trophism, reduce itching, prevent cramps, numbness in the lower extremities, and relieve the feeling of heaviness.

People suffering from this disease are also shown massage, which is used for cardiovascular insufficiency (“Massage for chronic insufficiency of the heart muscle”).


The decline (weakening) of cardiac activity is characterized by a rare pulse, a sharp drop in blood pressure.

In the region of the heart, the following techniques must be performed:

1. Vibration intermittent in the form of punctures.

2. Patting.

3. Chopping.

Manual massage can be supplemented with vibration massage using an electric vibrator. The massage session should be carried out for 2 or 3 minutes.

In the interscapular region, it is recommended to carry out vibration in the form of patting and chopping. This technique should be alternated with chest compressions. To do this, both palms should be placed on the left and right sides of the chest in the region of the fourth rib downwards and rhythmic intermittent compression should be performed at the moment the patient exhales.


The cause of sudden cardiac arrest can be accidents: electric shock, drowning, etc.

In case of cardiac arrest, an indirect (external) manual heart massage is performed. Massage techniques are performed in the area between the thoracic spine and the sternum. To massage the patient, you should put him on his back on a hard surface and place a small roller under his shoulders. The massager needs to be located to the left of the patient, put the palm of his left hand on the lower third of his sternum, and on top of it - the palm of his right hand and perform rhythmic pressure in the form of pushes (60-70 times per minute), quickly removing his palms after each pressure (this will give chest the cell the opportunity to straighten out, and the heart - to fill with venous blood) (Fig. 159). Pressing is recommended to be done in the following order:

3-4 pressures - pause 2-3 seconds - 3-4 pressures - pause 2-3 seconds.

Figure 159.

Massage techniques should be used until the heart is restored. In this case, you do not need to press hard on the ribs so as not to break them.

In order for the massage to be more effective, it must be alternated with artificial respiration (blowing air into the patient's lungs through the mouth, through the nose, from mouth to mouth using a tube).


Massage for diseases of the nervous system is an effective treatment. It improves blood circulation, tissue trophism in case of paralysis, strengthens muscles, stretches muscles that are in a state of contracture, prevents muscle atrophy, relieves or reduces pain, activates the process of restoration of nervous tissue, and increases the patient's vitality.


Intercostal neuralgia appears as a result of scoliosis, rib injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, deforming spondylarthrosis, influenza, intoxication, diseases of internal organs. With intercostal neuralgia, persistent or paroxysmal pains are noted on the left side in the back and lateral surface of the chest.

At some points, the pain can be especially severe, and it spreads in a semicircle along the intercostal nerves (from the spine to the sternum).

Massage techniques are recommended for the following areas:

1. Back area.

2. Chest area.

Back massage

Before performing the techniques, you should determine the place of concentration of pain. Massage must first be done on the healthy side, and then on the diseased side. When pain spreads along the left and right half of the back, massage should be carried out on the half on which the pain is less.

1. Stroking (done along 3 and 4 lines from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle):

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate.

2. Squeezing beak-shaped with the base of the palm along lines 3 and 4 from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) circular with the pads of bent fingers;

e) circular base of the palm with a roll. 4. Kneading on the latissimus dorsi:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

5. Kneading on the fascia of the trapezius muscle and suprascapular region:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular with the edge of the thumb;

d) “forcep-shaped”;

e) circular tubercle of the thumb;

e) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb.

6. Kneading at the intercostal spaces:

a) rectilinear with the pads of four fingers alternately;

b) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) circular thumb pad;

e) rectilinear with the pads of the middle finger;

f) “dashed” with the pads of the middle finger.

When performing techniques, one should not cross the pain threshold of the person being massaged.

chest massage

To massage the patient, you need to lay on his back and lubricate his chest with cream, vegetable oil or warming ointments. Massage of the large pectoral muscles:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) combined;

e) circular phalanges of bent fingers.
Massage of the intercostal spaces of the chest:

1. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) circular thumb pad;

e) rectilinear with the pad of the middle finger; f) “dashed” with the pad of the middle finger. Massage of the hypochondrium:

Rubbing (performed in the classical way).

A massage session should be carried out for 15-20 minutes. The recommended number of sessions is 8-10.


The disease is characterized by pain in the lower extremities, lumbar-sacral, gluteal regions, back muscle tension, hypotension and hypotrophy of the muscles of the buttocks, thigh and lower leg, painful sensations on palpation of the paravertebral points, spinous processes and points along the sciatic nerve.

In this disease, it is recommended to massage, which helps to reduce pain, increase blood and lymph circulation in the lumbar region and limbs, reduce hypotrophy of the muscles of the back of the thigh, lower leg and buttocks.

Massage involves the impact on the paravertebral zones of the lower thoracic, lumbar, sacral spinal segments D12 - D4, L5 - L1, S3 -S1.

Massage techniques are performed in the following areas:

1. Back area.

2. Pelvic region.

3. Lumbar region.

4. Lower limb on the affected side (posterior and anterior surfaces).

Back massage

1. Stroking:

a) rectilinear;

b) alternate. 2. Squeeze:

a) longitudinal;

b) coracoid.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) circular with the pads of the thumbs;

e) circular tubercles of the thumbs.

Pelvic area massage

First you need to conduct receptions on the healthy half, and then on the patient.

Massage of the gluteal muscles

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

sacrum massage

1. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear thumb pad;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) circular with the edge of the palm.

Massage of the back muscles (from the lumbar region to the lower corners of the shoulder blades):

1. Squeezing.

2. Stroking.

Massage of the lumbar region

1. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear with the pad of the thumb along three lines;

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

In a healthy area, one series of receptions should be carried out, and in a sick area, two or three. All techniques should be alternated with stroking and squeezing on the lower back.

Massage of the lower limb on the side of the lesion (posterior and anterior surface)

Massage of the muscles of the back of the thigh:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) combined;

d) ordinary-longitudinal;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

When massaging the sciatic nerve, vibration should be applied.

Calf massage:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double annular longitudinal;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Massage on the front of the thigh:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) double ordinary;

d) double annular longitudinal;

e) round-shaped beak-shaped.

Massage on the anterior muscles of the lower leg:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) circular with the pads of four fingers;

b) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

c) circular beak-shaped;

d) circular base of the palm.

Vibration should be performed in the area of ​​the popliteal nerve.

Ankle massage:

1. Stroking is concentric.

2. Rubbing:

a) "tweezer" rectilinear;

b) circular with the pads of four fingers, first one, then both hands;

c) circular beak-shaped, first with one, then with the other hand;

d) rectilinear with tubercles and pads of the thumbs from top to bottom.

Back of foot massage:

Rubbing (from the base of the fingers to the ankle joint):

a) rectilinear with fingertips;

b) circular with fingertips;

c) rectilinear thumb pad;

d) circular thumb pad.

Particular attention should be paid to pain points and nerve trunks. Pain points can be identified by palpation of the paravertebral zones, interspinous spaces I, as well as the region of the iliac crests and thigh along the sciatic nerve. You need to follow these steps:

1. Stroking.

2. Palpation in the areas of the above places.

3. Palpation directly in the area of ​​pain points.

Massage can be combined with physiotherapy exercises and thermal procedures.

MASSAGE FOR NEuralgia of the Occipital Nerve

The cause of neuralgia of the occipital nerve can be cervical osteochondrosis and complications after the flu. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the nerve endings in the region of the upper cervical vertebrae. It is accompanied by severe pain in the back of the head and neck, radiating to the shoulder blade, increased tone of the muscles of the back of the head and neck.

With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, massage is recommended, because it significantly reduces pain, ensures normal conduction of the peripheral nerve, and eliminates the inflammatory process.

Massage should be performed in the following sequence:

1. Back massage.

2. Neck massage along with the trapezius muscle.

3. Massage the back of the head.

Back massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) "forceps";

d) circular with the edge of the thumb.

4. Kneading the back muscles between the spine and shoulder blade:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular thumb pad;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular with the edge of the thumb;

e) circular tubercle of the thumb.

5. Stroking all over the back.

6. Squeezing all over the back.

Neck massage along with the trapezius muscle

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) double ring.

Head massage

1. Stroking is rake-like.

2. Squeezing is coracoid.

3. Rubbing:

a) rectilinear;

b) zigzag;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) circular beak-shaped;

e) circular tubercle of the thumb.

After 3-5 sessions, including the above techniques, you need to massage with the addition of new techniques:

4. Rubbing along the cervical spine:

a) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers of one or the other hand.

Particular attention should be paid to the exit points of nerves and pain points:

5. Rubbing.

6. Vibration (along the nerves with the pad of the middle finger).

The region of the large occipital nerve should be massaged in the middle between the upper cervical vertebra (near the skull) and the mastoid process. The area of ​​the lesser occipital nerve should be massaged behind the mastoid process.

In addition, massage should be performed on the sternocleidomastoid muscles.

After performing massage techniques, it is recommended to do gymnastic exercises for the hands and head. The duration of each session is 15 minutes. The recommended number of sessions is 12-14.


The disease can occur as a result of a cold, various infectious diseases, sinusitis, sinusitis, dental diseases, etc. It is characterized by paroxysmal sharp pains that appear when sneezing, moving the neck and head, chewing. Pain can spread from one branch of the trigeminal nerve to two other branches, it can go beyond the boundaries of the zone of innervation.

When the trigeminal nerve is damaged, the following massage techniques should be used:

1. Rubbing circular.

2. Vibration is continuous.

In areas where nerves exit to the surface of the face, it is recommended to massage with a vibrator.


The cause of the disease can be hypothermia, otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), mumps (inflammation of the parotid gland), damage to the facial nerve, etc. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by paralysis of the muscles of half of the face. The patient cannot perform many simple movements, for example, close his eyes on the affected part of the face, frown, puff out his cheeks, etc. Often, with neuritis of the facial nerve, pain in the ear region is noted.

With neuritis of the facial nerve, facial massage is indicated (the directions of massage movements are discussed in the article “Massage of the skin and muscles of the face”).

You should follow the steps:

1. Semicircular rubbing (gentle and easy).

2. Stroking is continuous.

Receptions must be performed alternately.

Vibration massage also has a positive effect.


The cause of the disease can be postoperative adhesions in the abdominal cavity, various chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, etc. The disease is characterized by paroxysmal burning or boring pains that occur in the epigastric region, sometimes spread throughout the entire abdomen, radiate to the thoracic and lumbar regions spine. On palpation, painful sensations appear in the epigastric region between the xiphoid process and the navel. In addition, a patient with solar plexus neuralgia may have bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

With neuralgia of the solar plexus, it is recommended to massage the zones in the back:

1. Rubbing dashed.

2. Stroking with the terminal phalanges of the middle and ring fingers.

In the area of ​​increased muscle tone:

3. Vibration is light mechanical.

If, as a result of energetic exposure, pain, numbness and itching appeared in the massaged area of ​​the lower angle of the scapula, then it is necessary to perform a stroking technique in the area of ​​the axillary cavity.

Massaging the epigastric region is possible only after lowering the muscle tone of the areas of the zones on the back. In the area of ​​the solar plexus, one should not press hard on painful points, because this can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, a slowdown in the pulse, and the appearance of a spasm of peripheral vessels. A massage session should last 5-10 minutes.


A large number of people suffer from diseases of the digestive system. The reasons for their occurrence are food poisoning, infectious diseases, various inflammatory processes in the organs of the system, etc. For many diseases, it is recommended to massage, which has a positive effect on the whole body as a whole.

MASSAGE FOR Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum can occur as a result of neuropsychic overstrain, malnutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc. It is characterized by the presence of pain

in the epigastric region that occurs after eating or on an empty stomach, the formation of ulcers in the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. In patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, seasonal exacerbations (in spring and autumn) are noted, which can be complicated by bleeding, perforation of the walls of the stomach.

Massage is recommended during the period of attenuation of the exacerbation and during the period of incomplete remission of stages I-III. It contributes to the speedy scarring of ulcers, improves blood circulation and motor and secretory functions.

Massage contraindications:

1. Exacerbation of the disease.

2. Bleeding.

3. Acute cholecystitis.

4. Inflammatory processes in the genitals in women.

5. Tuberculosis.

6. Pregnancy and postpartum period, post-abortion period (within 2 months).

7. General contraindications.

It is necessary to perform massage techniques in the following sequence:

1. Massage of the back muscles.

2. Massage of the neck and trapezius muscles.

3. Massage the chest muscles.

4. Massage the abdominal muscles.

Back muscle massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) “forceps”;

e) circular with the pads of the thumbs.

Particular attention should be paid to zones D7-D9, D10-L1 on the left and D9-D12-L1 on the right, because they are associated with the affected organs. 4. Kneading the latissimus dorsi:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

5. Rubbing the fascia of the trapezius muscle, interscapular region, supraspinous and infraspinatus regions:

a) rectilinear pad and tubercle of the thumb;

b) circular edge of the thumb;

Neck and trapezius muscle massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

d) the radial side of the brush.

Massage of the abdominal muscles

Techniques should be performed on the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, in areas that are directly related to the stomach and duodenum.

1. Circular stroking.

2. Kneading on the rectus abdominis muscles:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers with one and both hands alternately; 3. Kneading on the oblique muscles of the abdomen:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

d) round-shaped beak-shaped.

It is necessary to carry out 12-14 massage sessions.


Massage, as a rule, is prescribed in the presence of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, with violations of the functions of the liver and biliary tract, after hepatitis, with pain after cholecystectomy. Massage helps to reduce pain, improves blood circulation and motor function of the gallbladder.

Massage contraindications:

1. The presence of general contraindications.

2. Acute diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

3. Peritonitis.

4. Acute cholecystitis.

5. Purulent inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.

6. Pancreatitis.

Massage techniques are recommended to be performed in the following sequence:

1. Back massage.

2. Neck massage.

3. Massage of the anterior surface of the chest.

4. Massage of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Back massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading on the long muscles of the back:

a) circular with fingertips;

b) "forceps";

c) circular with the pads of the thumbs;

d) circular tubercle of the thumb;

e) circular with the base of the palm.

4. Kneading on the latissimus dorsi.

5. Rubbing the area between the spine and the inner edge of the shoulder blade. In the presence of muscle hypertonicity, massage should be done with great care. Techniques such as tapping and chopping should not be used.

Neck massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading.

It is necessary to carefully massage the zones C3-C4.

Massage of the anterior surface of the chest

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading the pectoralis major muscle.

Massage of the rectus abdominis muscles

1. Stroking is circular.

2. Squeezing in the form of a horseshoe.

3. Kneading.

4. Rubbing at the edge of the costal arches:

a) rectilinear with the thumbs down towards you;

b) “hatching” with the edges of the palms.

It is recommended to spend 12-14 sessions. They should be done every other day.


The basis of the violation of the motor function of the large intestine, as a rule, is an increase in the tone of its muscles, causing a slowdown in the movement of feces through the intestines (constipation). An increase in tone usually does not appear in the entire musculature of the intestine, but only in its individual sections. Most often, disorders occur in the sigmoid and descending segments of the colon. An important role in both the promotion and removal of feces from the body is played by the condition of the muscles of the peritoneum, pelvis, diaphragm, etc.

With constipation, a reflex-segmental massage is shown. Segmental massage should be preceded by classical massage techniques aimed at relaxing the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Before the start of the session, in order to accelerate the relaxation of the abdominal muscles and muscles of the large intestine, it is recommended to warm up the abdomen and lower back with a heating pad for 5-7 minutes.

The patient should be placed on his back and asked to relax his abdominal muscles as much as possible.

Massage begins with stroking - light and slow circular movements with the tips of 2-4 fingers of the right hand, performed from the navel in a clockwise direction (2-3 minutes).

Reception should be repeated 2-3 times a day. It is also recommended to do it during emptying in order to consolidate the skin-intestinal reflex of the body.

With an atonic form of constipation, the following techniques can be performed:

1. Slow intermittent pressure with the palmar surface of the hand along the ascending colon, descending colon and transverse colon with gradual penetration deep into the abdomen.

2. Vibration intermittent:

a) in the form of punctuation;

b) in the form of light chopping.

3. Vibration in the sacrum (3-5 minutes).

4. Mechanical vibration on the anterior wall of the rectum (4 cm above the anus) in the downward direction.

5. Intermittent vibration in the region of the spinous processes L1-3.

With persistent constipation, techniques should be performed aimed at strengthening the abdominal press, especially if the abdominal wall is in a stretched state.


Hemorrhoids - a disease in which there is a pathological varicose expansion of the lower rectum. The cause of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation, liver disease, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

With this disease, it is recommended to do a massage, as a result of which lymph and blood circulation improves, venous stasis in the rectal area is removed.

Massage contraindications:

1. Acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs.

2. Tuberculosis of the intestine and peritoneum.

3. Various tumors of the abdominal organs.

4. Acute form of diseases of the intestines and stomach.

5. Diseases of the intestines and stomach, in which bleeding is possible.

Before starting the session, the patient needs to empty the bladder and rectum. Massage should be done with the patient in the knee-elbow position.

The masseur should put on the index finger of the right hand a rubber fingertip lubricated with sterile vaseline. Then the finger must be inserted into the rectum of the person being massaged and carefully, without causing pain, in the direction from bottom to top and from top to bottom, perform the following massage techniques:

1. Stroking with light pressure on the internal nodes of hemorrhoids. Existing external nodes during the reception should be set inward.

Stroking should be repeated 3-4 times with breaks of 30 seconds.

2. Vibration of the mucous membrane of the walls of the rectum using an electric vibrator.

The disease may be accompanied by the appearance of cracks in the rectum. In this case, 10-15 minutes before the massage, a candle with belladonna should be inserted into the anus.

It is recommended to finish the massage session with special physical exercises.


Respiratory system diseases include bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, etc. These diseases are widespread across all continents. Both adults and children on Earth suffer from them. For many diseases of the respiratory system, massage is prescribed as one of the components of a complex treatment method.


Pneumonia is an infectious disease caused by hypothermia, neuropsychic and physical overload, and other factors that cause a decrease in the body's resistance. There is a high temperature (38-40 degrees), cough (dry, then with sputum), chills, pain in the chest, increasing with coughing and inhalation, rapid shallow breathing. Massage for pneumonia is prescribed at the final stage of treatment to eliminate the residual effects of the disease. In this case, it improves the general condition of the patient, strengthens his respiratory muscles, increases blood and lymph circulation in the lungs.

Massage is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Massage of the anterior surface of the chest.

2. Back massage.

3. Neck massage.

4. Repeated massage of the anterior surface of the chest.

Massage of the anterior surface of the chest

1. Stroking (in the direction from the bottom up to the axillary lymph nodes).

2. Squeezing (excluding the mammary gland in women and the nipple area in men).

3. Kneading the pectoralis major muscle:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) phalanges of bent fingers;

d) round-shaped beak-shaped.

4. Shaking.

5. Stroking.

6. Kneading the intercostal spaces:

a) rectilinear with fingertips (alternately);

b) rectilinear pads of four fingers;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) rectilinear thumb pad;

e) zigzag with the thumb pad.

7. Rubbing the sternum.

8. Rubbing the collarbone and its attachments.

Back massage

1. Stroking the entire surface of the back.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading the long muscles of the back:

a) circular with the pad of the thumb;

b) circular pads of four fingers;

c) "forceps";

d) circular with the pads of the thumbs. 4. Kneading the latissimus dorsi:

a) ordinary;

b) double neck;

c) double ring;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

5. Kneading the area between the spine, scapula, suprascapular region:

a) rectilinear with phalanges of bent fingers;

b) circular edge of the thumb;

c) circular tubercle of the thumb.

Neck and trapezius massage

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing.

3. Kneading:

a) ordinary;

b) double ring;

c) circular with the pads of four fingers;

d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;

e) circular with the radial side of the brush.

Repeated massage of the anterior surface of the chest (see above).


Diseases of the endocrine system primarily include diabetes mellitus, obesity and gout. Medical treatment of diseases can be combined with massage.


The causes of gout are a violation of the metabolism of uric acid, the uric acid salts of which are deposited in organs and tissues, frequent overeating, alcohol abuse, etc. The disease is usually accompanied by

is carried out by inflammation of the joints (arthritis), in which there are sensations of pain and stiffness in the affected areas, high fever, swelling in the affected area.

Massage is recommended for gout. It reduces pain and stiffness of the affected joint, tension in the muscles of the limbs, improves tissue trophism, and increases the overall tone of the body. If the joints of the hands are affected, it is necessary to massage the back, neck, hands. With damage to the joints of the legs, you need to massage the back, pelvic region, lower limbs.

First, you should perform massage techniques that relieve pain, muscle tension, relax muscles, and then techniques aimed at developing muscle strength and reducing malnutrition. Receptions on the affected joint should be carried out only after performing techniques on the areas around it.

Influence should first be on less affected joints. The impact should be gentle and light. A massage session should last no more than 35 minutes. The recommended number of sessions is 12-16.


Massage is recommended for many diseases of the male genital area. HP should only be carried out by a specialist who has been trained and practiced in a hospital or clinic. Massage for diseases of the male genital area has some contraindications:

1. The presence of tuberculosis of the genital organs.

2. The presence of acute cystitis.

3. Diseases of the male genital organs of an infectious nature in the acute stage.

4. The presence of epididymitis.

5. Injury to the testicle and its appendage, accompanied by an increase in both general and local temperature.

6. The presence of diseases of the rectum.


Urethral massage is prescribed for its chronic inflammation. Massage is carried out with the help of a bougie (a special metal rod). Before performing massage techniques, the urethra should be treated with a solution of oxycyanic mercury (1: 6000). This is necessary to influence the secondary flora. Then you need to fill the bladder with the same solution.

The massaged person should be placed on his back. The masseur should put on rubber gloves, insert a bougie into the anterior urethra and, fixing it with his left hand, use the tips of the index and thumb of the right hand to perform pressure stroking in the direction from the root of the penis to the external opening of the urethral canal. Massage with bougie should be carried out for 30-60 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the session after 1 or 2 days. After performing massage techniques, you need to rinse the urethral canal with a solution of oxycyanic mercury.


The causes of inflammation of the prostate gland are infectious diseases, sexual abstinence or sexual excess. It is recommended to carry out massage, which improves blood circulation in the gland and helps to remove pathological secretions. Massage should be carried out only after the patient has experienced acute prostatitis, the temperature will be within normal limits, the second portion of urine will be transparent. Before performing massage techniques, the person being massaged should be placed on the right side (knees should be pressed to the stomach).

Massage should be done with a full bladder. The masseur should put on a rubber glove on his right hand and insert his index finger, lubricated with sterile vaseline, into the rectum and massage the prostate lobules using the following techniques:

1. Stroking in the direction of the excretory ducts of the glands - outside and above to the midline (Fig. 160):

a) surface planar;

b) sliding.

The use of other, more rough techniques, the first 2 sessions is not recommended, because this can lead to the patient experiencing pain in the urethra, anus, tingling, etc.

2. Light pressure on the prostate gland with a gradual increase in pressure.

During the receptions, the person being massaged should not experience pain. The force of pressure should be increased in the presence of a dense gland; in the presence of a soft gland, this is not necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of the gland, since the inflammatory process is most often concentrated on them.

Massage sessions are recommended every other day. The duration of each session is no more than 30-60 seconds.

After the massage, the person being massaged should empty the bladder, after which the bladder and canal should be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

With an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to interrupt the massage for 3, and if necessary, for 10 days.


A disease such as urethritis is often accompanied by inflammation of the seminal vesicles, in which massage is recommended.

The massage therapist should put on a rubber glove and lubricate the index finger with sterile petroleum jelly, then carefully insert the index finger into the rectum towards the prostate gland.

Massage must begin from below the vas deferens and move gradually up to the seminal vesicles (Fig. 160). Massage should be performed in the form of light pressure on the seminal vesicles. The force of pressure should be gradually increased. Pressing techniques must be performed 2 or 3 times, alternating them with pauses.

The duration of the session is 30-60 seconds. Massage is recommended every other day.


A disease such as gonorrheal urethritis is often accompanied by inflammation of the Cooper glands. Massage of these glands is possible only after the inflammatory process subsides.

Before the massage, the patient should empty the bladder. Then the bladder should be filled with a catheter with a solution (20%) of boric acid or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The person being massaged must be placed on his back with his legs apart and pressed to his stomach. The masseur needs to put on a rubber glove on his right hand and lubricate the index finger with sterile vaseline. Then the index finger (palmar surface to the anterior wall of the intestine) should be carefully inserted into the rectum, and the thumb of the same hand should be placed on the perineum of the person being massaged. Having reached the top of the prostate gland, it is necessary to bend the index finger and perform pressure on the intestinal wall from back to front. The reception must be carried out simultaneously with pressure on the perineum, which must be done with the thumb in the direction from front to back, lateral to the midline. After exposure to the painful Cooper gland, pressure should be applied to the perineum in the direction from the anus to the bulbous part of the urethra.

Massage should be carried out for 30-120 seconds every other day. After the session, the massaged must empty the bladder.


In diseases of the testicles and appendages, it is recommended to carry out a therapeutic massage, which helps to reduce pain, improve lymph flow in the presence of stagnation in the testicles, increase the tone of the vessels of the spermatic cord, improve the contractile function of muscles, etc.

Massage of the spermatic cord

The massage therapist should be on the right side of the person being massaged. With the left hand, the massage therapist should fix the diseased testicle and perform massage techniques of the spermatic cord with the right hand:

1. Stroking is light.

2. Rubbing from the top of the testicle to the outer inguinal ring.

Massage of the diseased testicle and its appendages

Massage of the diseased testicle and its appendages should be carried out only after 2 or 3 massage sessions on the spermatic cord.

First, you should act on the appendage:

1. Rubbing is easy.

2. Stroking pressing in the direction from the head to the tail. After that, you need to perform tricks on the spermatic cord again. On a diseased testicle, it is recommended to perform the following techniques: 1. Pressing stroking.

2. Rubbing, which must be alternated with stroking. All techniques in the testicular area should be done in the direction of the maxillary body. Then you should go back to the spermatic cord.

Massage techniques should be performed every day for 60-120 seconds.


Massage is widely used in many gynecological diseases. Thanks to it, blood circulation in the pelvic area is significantly improved, the tone of the uterus, its contractility increases, congestion in both the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the pelvis decreases, adhesions resolve, etc.

Massage of the female genital organs, like massage of the male genital organs, should be performed by a specialist who has been trained and practiced in a hospital or clinic.

Massage should be carried out only under the following conditions:

1. The patient has a normal temperature.

2. There are no abnormalities in the vaginal discharge and the patient's blood picture.

3. The patient does not have cervical erosion.

4. The patient's bladder and rectum have been emptied.

5. The abdominal muscles are completely relaxed.

6. The external genitalia are well washed with warm water.

.,7. During the massage, the masseur's fingers should not touch the clitoris, cause pain when stretching the cicatricial adhesions, etc. In addition, the masseur must carefully handle the urethra.

Massage contraindications:

1. Menstruation.

2. Acute and subacute inflammation of the internal and external genital organs.

3. The presence of various neoplasms of the uterus and its appendages.

4. Tuberculosis of the peritoneum and genital organs.

5. The presence of gonococci in the vaginal discharge.

6. The presence of trichomonas colpitis and urethritis.

7. Presence of cervical erosion.

8. The presence of severe pain during and after the massage.

9. Pregnancy.

10. The period after childbirth or abortion within 2 months.

11. During breastfeeding.

12. Congenital abnormal position of the uterus.

13. Diseases of the genital area in combination with intestinal diseases.

14. Purulent processes in the pelvic organs.

15. The patient has a high temperature, the third degree of purity of the vaginal secretion, acceleration of ESR (above 20 mm per hour).

Massage for gynecological diseases should be carried out on a gynecological chair or on a massage table.

The patient should be placed in such a way that the buttocks go slightly over the edge of the table, the legs are slightly drawn to the stomach, the feet are located on the footboards of the table or chair.

Place a cushion under the patient's head.

Before performing a massage, the patient should determine:

1. The position of the uterus.

2. The ability of the uterus to move in different directions.

3. General condition of the sacro-uterine ligaments.

4. Painful places.

Massage techniques should be performed gently and carefully, without causing massaged pain. If painful sensations appear, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of movements or stop the massage.

Massage the uterus with both hands.

With the index and middle fingers of one hand, you need to perform techniques in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vagina and the pelvic cavity, with the fingers of the other hand - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdominal integuments

Figure 161

Before carrying out massage techniques on the hand acting from the side of the abdominal integuments and the vagina, it is recommended to put on a glove and grease the index and middle fingers with toilet soap.


With weakness of the uterine muscles, massage is recommended. It enhances the contractile function of the uterus, improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, and tones the uterine muscles.

The following steps are taken:

1. Vibration of the abdominal wall in the midline above the pubic bone with an electric vibrator for 2-3 minutes.

2. Vibration in the form of tapping in the sacral region for 2-3 minutes.

Massage techniques should be alternated with physical exercises to strengthen the ligamentous uterine apparatus, increase the tone of the uterine muscles, and improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.




In case of bleeding associated with insufficient contractility of the uterine muscles, it is recommended to massage with an electric vibrator. Vibration is performed in the middle between the navel and the pubic bone towards the navel. The electric vibrator is placed almost perpendicular to the abdominal wall.



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