The child is thrown into a cold sweat of reason. Causes of cold sweat in a child and treatment options for pathology

In children, it may indicate that the child is sick. Such a symptom should not be overlooked. Perhaps this is the first bell that you should pay attention to and immediately visit a doctor. The therapist must prescribe a general blood and urine test, and only after that the picture will become more understandable. Perhaps this is due to age-related changes taking place in the child's body. We will talk about all this in the article.

Why can a child sweat?

Cold sweats in children can be caused by natural environmental factors. Among them are the following:

    High air temperature in the room or outside.

    Bed too soft to sleep on.

    The child is warmly dressed.

    The kid is very active.

In all these cases there will be active sweating. To prevent this from happening, you just need to eliminate the causes:

    Always ventilate the room. The temperature should be no more than + 18-20 ° С.

    For sleep use orthopedic mattresses. Forget feather pillows.

    Dress your child according to the weather. Remember: children are more active than adults, they are constantly on the move.

Before running to the doctor with a question about why a child has a cold sweat, it is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the above information. Perhaps the reason lies in natural factors.

Worth paying attention

If all the factors described above are eliminated, and the child is still thrown into a cold sweat, this may indicate a serious illness and the presence of an infection. There are a number of diseases that provoke sweating. Among them are:

    Rickets- a disease in which there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system against the background of a lack of vitamin D. It occurs quite rarely in our regions, since there is no lack of ultraviolet rays. As a rule, premature babies suffer from it.

    Metabolic disease. In addition to sweating, there will be sudden weight loss or gain.

    Problem in the endocrine system (thyroid disease).

    Viral diseases. Concomitant symptoms - fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, an ECG and ultrasound can not be dispensed with.

As you can see, if a child has a cold sweat, the reasons can be quite serious. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor, it is better to play it safe and be sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Sweating in babies

Separately, you need to raise the topic related to babies. In relation to newborns, the expression "a child in a cold sweat" is quite acceptable. This is how the body regulates body temperature. It is not for nothing that doctors recommend putting on a cap, booties and armlets for the child in the first weeks. No matter how high the temperature is outside or in the apartment, the heat exchange of the crumbs does not yet work at 100%. The body only adapts to the conditions of the external environment.

Many mothers sound the alarm when the baby sweats during feeding. Remember: the baby does not just eat, but makes every effort to get milk from the breast. For him, this is hard work, so in this case, sweating is considered the norm.

But if there are accompanying symptoms, such as coughing, runny nose, sneezing, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the baby is diagnosed with an allergy. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence these days. The immunity of children is weak due to the environment.

Another reason could be teething. Everything is very simple: there is an inflammatory process in the body, the baby experiences unpleasant, painful sensations, he begins to sweat.

Don't delay a visit to the doctor

If the child does not always need to rush to the doctor, perhaps he is corny hot or had a bad dream. But there are situations when the advice of a specialist does not hurt:

    Sweat has an unpleasant smell of ammonia or vinegar.

    Sweating is uneven.

    bodies all day long.

    There is a cough or sore throat, runny nose.

    A clear fluid or pus comes out of the eyes.

    Appetite has sharply decreased.

    The dream is broken.

    For starters, you should contact a therapist, and after passing the tests, you may need to consult a neurologist.

    Endocrinologist to help you

    Very often, cold sweat in children may indicate disorders in the thyroid gland. The symptoms are as follows:

      Sweat is sticky.

      There is an ammonia smell.

      Sweating occurs even at rest.

      During sleep, the child shudders.

      The kid drinks antibiotics or other medications.

    In this case, you can immediately contact the endocrinologist.

    When there's no time to waste

    There are situations when cold sweat in a child may indicate a serious malfunction occurring in the body. Then there is no time to wait, you need to urgently call an ambulance. This should be done when, in addition to sweating, the following clinical picture is observed:

Everyone sweats, this is normal. Sometimes the child has a cold sweat, and he also sweats more than usual. This is not always a consequence of the pathogenic process. In which case you need to worry about whether cold sweat is dangerous, why it appears, read the article.

The appearance of cold sweat in a child should not be ignored and left to chance.

The reasons

According to the well-known telepediatrist E. Komarovsky, cold sweat in a baby is not always the result of a disease, there are natural reasons why it can be observed in a child. Often such sweat appears at night or in the early morning in a child who sleeps in a room where it is too hot, or the bed is too soft.

Sweat can come out after the baby's active play, running, especially if he is dressed warmer than necessary, so it is so important to properly dress the child, especially in autumn and spring, when the heat of the air is changeable. It is necessary not to overheat children at home, the optimum temperature, especially for an active child, is quite low, up to 20 degrees. Often, babies sweat during feeding, as feeding requires a lot of strength.

Often, the presence of cold sweat signals that a pathological process is developing in the child's body.

The most common causes that are accompanied by such a symptom:

  • lack of vitamin D in the body, which can contribute to the development of rickets;
  • lymphatic diathesis;
  • heart failure (heart problems affect the functioning of the sweat gland);
  • hyperthyroidism (problem with the thyroid gland);
A failure in sweating can be caused by a lack of vitamins, congenital pathology and other environmental factors.
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body or the endocrine system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (too emotional day contributes to cold sweating, etc.);
  • acute respiratory disease, cold;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pharmaceuticals, etc.

If the cause of the sweating is an illness, the child may have other symptoms. Sometimes sweating persists for some time after the baby has recovered.

In an infant

Babies are babies up to 12 months old. Their thermoregulation does not easily adapt to environmental conditions, so cold sweat is most often the result of overheating due to high temperature or too warm clothes. Sometimes the cause may be too soft a bed or bed linen that is not breathable enough, or a large baby's weight. If you do not overheat the baby up to a year, there will be no cold sweat. Therefore, if the symptom continues after the cause of the inconvenience has been eliminated, you should consult a doctor. Most likely there is a pathological process (rickets, hyperhidrosis, problems with the thyroid gland, heart, etc.).

If a baby under 12 months of age develops a cough, he is sick with a viral disease, you should immediately run to the pediatrician. Throws babies into cold sweat due to excessive emotionality, for example, from fear, joy, etc. In any case, if parents are worried that the child is sweating, it is better to consult a doctor, he will determine exactly why the problem arose.

An allergy in a child under one year old provokes sweating during sleep. Often, cold sweat in a baby at night is due to the fact that he is teething, as he is in pain, at this time a cough or runny nose may appear.

Sometimes babies up to 12 months sweat (the forehead and back of the head are wet) during feeding, more often this is due to the fact that they make a lot of effort to do this task. Sometimes covering sweat during feeding is associated with a vitamin D deficiency.

There is a deviation at the chromosome level, in which there is increased sweating during sleep, this is Riley-Day syndrome. This is not a dangerous pathology, since the only violation is the presence of cold sweat, so therapy is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms.

If a child up to a year is covered with a cold sweat of a pathological nature, then the following signs of a cold can be detected:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • watery eyes;
  • rash;
  • the temperature is increased or decreased;
  • there are disturbances in appetite, calmness at night, etc.

In older children

Thermoregulation in older children is much better, but sweating can appear from overheating. In addition, cold sweat in a child may be due to headaches. If blood pressure jumps or diseases of the nervous system appear, vasospasm occurs. Pain appears, which provokes the release of adrenaline and causes sweating.

Often at this age, the cause is a side effect of taking medication. In this case, you need to contact your doctor, as the medicine needs to be replaced, its use can be dangerous.

Schoolchildren often succumb to stress and increased emotional stress, which can provoke depressive states, which are accompanied by cold sweating. In adolescents, cold sweat is a consequence of hyperhidrosis (a disease that is accompanied by increased sweating).

There can be many reasons for throwing into a cold sweat, so it is better to consult a specialist to rule out the possibility of an illness.

When to contact the doctor?

If the body sweats constantly, this may be due to a serious illness:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cold;
  • disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hepatitis, etc.

If there are additional symptoms, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. If the baby is constantly sweaty after a cold, then the body is weakened. The doctor will give recommendations for further treatment, since a weakened immune system cannot fully protect the body. You need to contact your pediatrician if:

  • uneven sweating on the body;
  • significantly lower temperature;
  • sweat smells like ammonia and is sticky.

A visit to an endocrinologist and a neurologist should not be postponed if:

  • the baby constantly sweats in a calm environment;
  • sweat sticky;
  • after a day's rest, inexplicable excitability;
  • startle;
  • ammonia smell.

The normal development of the baby is impossible without proper rest. The sleep of the child should be strong and calm. In some cases, parents notice that the baby sweats a lot at night. Why is this happening? Is it normal? Sweat is manifested in every person, it is needed for thermoregulation of the body. Children are very active, mobile, never sit still, and sweat a lot.

The reasons for the nocturnal activity of the sweat glands can be very different: insufficient hygiene, hot climate, unhealthy diet, too warm bed and night clothes, and diseases of the internal organs. In addition, children grow up and many of their systems develop. These include both the activity of sweat receptors and the formation of the autonomic nervous system during this period.

Children become covered with perspiration in a dream with manifestations of allergies, diathesis, disorders of nervous activity. Newborns are very emotional, they may sweat from fear or joy, including during sleep. But sweating is often a symptom of rickets, which develops with a lack of vitamin D. The problem should be solved as quickly as possible, so you need to contact your pediatrician.

Among the reasons for the appearance of cold sweat in a child during sleep, there are safe ones, but there are also factors that indicate the development of the disease. You need to get to the bottom of the problem before taking action. In many cases, you need to consult a pediatrician, sometimes an endocrinologist, neurologist or cardiologist.

Possible reasons why a child sweats in a dream:

  • Unfavorable temperature in the baby's room. For a comfortable stay of the child, the thermal regime of the room is very important. The humidity of the air is also taken into account - it should not be too dry or, on the contrary, humid. For babies, the ideal temperature is 20-22 degrees. If the room is hot, then the children sweat.
  • Clothes for sleep are chosen incorrectly, the baby is covered with a blanket that is too warm. Parental care is often superfluous. During winter, if the room is cool, the baby should wear pajamas, and in summer, cotton T-shirts and panties are the best sleeping clothes. In the warm season, you can not cover the crumbs with a thick blanket, you can use a bedspread or diaper.
  • Age-related changes that cause disorders of the nervous system. During the period of active development of the baby, many changes take place in his body. The nervous system sometimes cannot cope with sharp jumps in the development of a child's activities. Hyperactive children are especially susceptible to such conditions.
  • Colds, SARS. Diseases of a viral nature, as well as high fever for other reasons, lead to excessive sweating of children during sleep. The problem may remain even after recovery. This means that the baby's body is not yet strong after the illness, and the immune system is weakened. Abundant sweating helps to resist infection, lower the temperature, excess fluid is removed through the pores, because children at this time drink more than usual.

Constantly monitor the condition of the child - cold sweat can have deeper causes associated with disruption of the internal organs.

The above reasons can be eliminated, and the sweating of the baby will remain in the past.

Cold sweat as a symptom of the disease

It can be difficult to understand on your own why a child sweats at night. Only an experienced specialist, based on the results of the tests, will be able to establish the cause if it is hidden inside the body.

Diseases in which children are covered with cold sweat:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Sweating can occur at any time of the day. Acute heart failure is accompanied by shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, wheezing. An ambulance must be called immediately.
  • Hyperhidrosis is an overactive sweat gland. In case of illness, you need to pay more attention to body hygiene, use herbal decoctions to wipe problem areas. It is imperative to find out the cause of the disease before starting treatment.
  • Vitamin D deficiency and signs of a related disease - rickets. The disease manifests itself in children under 2 years of age, so at a younger age it is so important to be regularly observed by a pediatrician. To determine the level of a vitamin, you need to do a simple analysis.
  • In a child, cold sweat during sleep may be due to allergies. The reaction manifests itself in babies in different ways, up to anaphylactic shock, so the child needs enhanced monitoring even at night.
  • The problem can be caused by disruption of the endocrine and digestive systems. You should consult a specialist and start treating the child, you may need to follow a diet.
  • Cold sweat in babies is observed with tuberculosis, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory system (tonsillitis, adenoiditis, pneumonia). Most often, the child is worried about a runny nose and cough.

If you suspect such diseases, you should contact a pediatrician who will prescribe tests, select treatment individually for the child, and, if necessary, refer to other specialists.

Creating comfortable conditions for the child is the main task of every mother. Her desire to raise a healthy child helps to properly care for the baby.

Simple Tips:

  • Cleanliness in the children's room. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity. Daily airing of the room.
  • Daily bathing of the newborn. For older children - every 2-3 days. If the baby is sweaty, be sure to rinse it in the shower before going to bed.
  • Do not let your child play outdoor games in the evening, as there is an overexcitation of the nervous system. It is difficult for the baby to fall asleep, and his rest will be inferior.
  • Nutrition should provide the baby's body with all the necessary substances: vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • Choose natural, breathable materials for pajamas and bedding. Synthetic things create a greenhouse effect, and cause profuse sweating.
  • The blanket with which you cover the baby at night should be appropriate for the season. In the hot period, you should use a diaper, a sheet, a light blanket.
  • During the introduction of complementary foods, keep a special notebook in which you enter new products. Subsequently, it will be easy to find out why the baby has an allergy. When breastfeeding, everything that the mother ate is also indicated there.

Children's night sweats have different causes and manifestations. In one child, the palms or forehead become wet, others are covered with sweat completely.

Eliminating external factors will solve the problem, and the baby will sleep peacefully. If the cause of excessive sweating during sleep is a malfunction of the internal organs and systems, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination.

The process of sweating in children is considered quite natural. If there is a cold sweat in a child, then it causes anxiety in parents. Intense sweating can occur in absolutely any state of the baby, so you need to monitor it. Cold sweat - indicates the presence of a cold or a disease of an infectious nature. In infants, these symptoms can be triggered by age-related changes.


The causes of cold sweat are often due to the natural physiological process of sweating. They can be covered in serious diseases, for example:

  • rickets;
  • pathology of the heart, blood vessels;
  • thyroid disease;
  • colds caused by viruses.

If the baby has a cold sweat and cough, then this may indicate the presence of a viral infection and it is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease. Sometimes children sweat for no reason, and low body temperature is a completely normal phenomenon, due to the characteristics of the body.

Many complex and dangerous diseases provoke intense sweating, which indicates the presence of disorders in the activity of internal organs. If cold sweat and vomiting are observed, then it is necessary to call an ambulance, as this can lead to severe intoxication of the body.

Important! To understand why a child sweats, it is imperative to monitor his general condition.

To determine the presence of serious violations, it is worth considering symptoms such as:

  • during sweating, the smell of ammonia is felt;
  • sweating unevenly;
  • decreased body temperature.

A similar condition can be observed during teething, as the baby experiences pain. Dr. Komarovsky notes that if children have cold sweats and low temperatures, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Sometimes such a manifestation can be triggered by the presence of tuberculosis or increased intracranial pressure, so a thorough examination is necessary.

During sleep

Often, parents are worried about cold sweat during sleep that occurs in a baby of any age. This phenomenon may indicate overheating. A baby can react to a change in temperature three weeks after birth. Sometimes increased sweating at night is considered a sign of serious disorders of the body.

If children have significant sweating during sleep, it often indicates an increased excitability of the nervous system. If the room temperature is normal, but the baby is sweating, it means that the nervous system of the crumbs is not able to cope with the active development of the body. The emotional upheavals experienced, impressions or experiences received throughout the day can also affect the state of children.

Important! Parents need to ensure that the baby, before going to bed, does not play outdoor games and does not experience strong emotional upheavals.

During and after illness

Many parents wonder what cold sweat means in a child and what reasons can provoke it. Often, intense sweating is observed if the baby is sick. In particular, this phenomenon can cause:

  • pneumonia;
  • SARS;
  • cold.

Pneumonia is not always accompanied by fever, it can be completely asymptomatic. During illness, significant sweating often occurs. It is also important to consider the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough.

Asymptomatic pneumonia results from poor immunity, so the body cannot cope with the infection. Pathogenic microorganisms with blood are transferred throughout the body and cause disturbances in the activity of all organs.

One of the initial signs of a cold and SARS is cold sweat, especially at night. During sweating, the body tries to get rid of accumulated toxins. This means that the immune system is trying to fight off the infection. Abundant sweating in ARVI indicates the presence of complications provoked by the disease. If during a cold the baby was given a lot of antipyretics, then after the illness there may be significant sweating, because the body temperature drops significantly.

A low temperature can be observed after antibiotics and then intense sweating occurs. If during antibiotic treatment the body temperature drops significantly, then it is necessary to visit a doctor, and he will select another medication that does not cause a similar reaction in the body.

Often there is a cold sweat after the temperature, if it was very high. It is considered normal if the sweating is uniform, otherwise it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Important! Profuse sweating suggests that not all pathogens were destroyed after treatment.

Cold sweat in infants: causes

Cold sweat in a child under one year old can be dangerous, because it indicates the presence of a number of disorders occurring in the body and the occurrence of dangerous diseases. Sometimes you need to show the baby to an endocrinologist or a neurologist, since excessive sweating is considered the cause of serious pathologies. You should contact a neurologist if:

  • strong sweating is observed when the child is in a calm state;
  • the baby shudders periodically;
  • the baby takes strong medications;
  • to the touch, the discharge resembles a paste.

If the baby has disorders of the nervous system, then his head sweats a lot. However, such symptoms can signal the presence of problems of the endocrine system and disorders of the heart.

Excessive sweating can also be observed in infants after vaccination, because some vaccines provoke side effects. It is necessary to consult a doctor after vaccination when such conditions are observed as:

  • cold sweat;
  • redness or pallor of the skin;
  • dyspnea.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then a significant allergic reaction and serious disorders in the body may occur.

How is the treatment carried out

If there is a problem of heavy sweating, a low temperature in a child, many are wondering what to do and how to treat. During the treatment, it is important to eliminate the cause that provoked profuse sweating. The treatment process can take a long time, because such a manifestation can be triggered by the presence of complex diseases, such as diabetes.

The doctor selects special medications for treatment. These are drugs that slow down secretion at the cellular level and affect the functioning of the sweat glands, as well as take drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

In the treatment of infants, it is necessary to be examined by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, and also to use a mild sedative.

Cold sweat in a child can signal the appearance of disorders from some internal organ. But do not immediately sound the alarm: you need to observe the behavior of the child, his general condition. Sometimes this can be a temporary phenomenon, not associated with pathology.

In a child, cold sweat in the presence of good health and normal behavior does not mean anything. If a child of two years old has a cold sweat on some part of the body, external provoking factors must be excluded.

They can become:

  • too warm clothes;
  • stuffy room where the child sleeps and plays;
  • high physical activity;
  • insufficiency of water procedures.

The reason may be related to the intake of certain medications, especially when the dosage and duration of the course are not observed (most often painkillers, vasoconstrictors and antipyretics are to blame). After the changes are made, the problem ceases to bother.

Why does the child continue to sweat even after adjustments have been made? If the child continues to sweat further, then it is important to determine in what situations (during sleep, after waking up, while eating or playing), how often and on what parts of the body sweat appears.

The reason that the baby suffers from excessive sweating may be related to the disease:

  1. Rickets. The disease develops against the background of a deficiency in the body of vitamin D, it is not excluded even in children of 2 years old. Restless sleep is noted, appetite decreases, sticky sweat appears. Clothes are wet, so you have to additionally change at night or during the day.
  2. Hyperhidrosis. Improper functioning of the sweat glands leads to increased sweating, which worries even in a calm state. A local form is distinguished when a certain area sweats, for example, sweat on the forehead or only on the limbs, and general hyperhidrosis.
  3. Violations of the cardiac and vascular system are accompanied by a syndrome of increased sweating, weakness, lethargy.
  4. allergic condition.
  5. Decreased or increased thyroid function.
  6. Infectious and inflammatory foci in the body (the cause can be both in the common cold, and in more serious diseases, tuberculosis or pneumonia).
  7. If sticky sweat appeared on certain parts of the body, at the same time the child is irritable, excitable, then you should go to a neurologist.

If we are talking about viral or bacterial diseases, then cold sweat accompanies not only during the period of acute symptoms. After the illness, it can take about a month for the body to recover and begin to function normally. All this time, the child may feel weak, sweating.

Cases of emergency assistance

The fact that the problem is serious and requires urgent help may be indicated by other signs:

  • the body sweats often, even without active movements, there is an increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • the body sweats in separate areas (for example, only the palms or head);
  • a sweaty body smells unpleasant;
  • excreted sweat changes color;
  • the body is covered with sticky sweat;
  • an obsessive, barking cough joins;
  • nausea, vomiting, headache.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor when the child coughs against the background of sweating, lacrimation, runny nose, rash on the body, sleeps poorly and eats less than usual.

Infant problems

In children under one year old, the thermoregulation system still remains unformed. The sweat glands of a newborn begin to actively produce sweat in response to the slightest external changes.

The reason that the child sweats may be due to the following adverse factors:

  • the choice of bed or underwear made of poor-quality, poorly breathing material;
  • stress, fear;
  • prolonged stay in an active state (crawling, playing);
  • hot, stuffy room (the optimum air temperature in the room where the baby is located is 21 degrees);
  • excessive fluid intake;
  • taking medications;
  • the child may be covered with cold sweat while suckling the breast (little milk, uncomfortable posture during feeding).

Teething is often accompanied by pain, discomfort and inflammation, so children during this period become capricious, whiny, ask for hands, sleep poorly and eat little. Against the background of all these signs, sweating is observed.

Cold sweat in infants may occur due to health problems:

  • diseases affecting the nervous system (the baby often shudders, stretches its legs, clenches its hands into fists);
  • the cause may be a disease such as rickets;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

It is necessary to provide urgent medical care if the child has other signs against the background of cold, sticky sweat:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • hothead;
  • body temperature drops below 35 degrees on the thermometer;
  • coughing;
  • lethargic or overly excited behavior of the baby;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • discoloration of the skin (the skin may turn pale, and the limbs become bluish).

In most cases, hospitalization is indicated for follow-up examination. It will be necessary to pass tests, make an ultrasound of the internal organs. They study the sufficient presence of vitamin D in the body, the level of sugar in the blood, and the lymph nodes are examined.

night problem

Perspiration in a dream can cover the entire body or only a separate area, for example, a cold forehead, armpits, back or feet. In the morning, sweaty clothes and bedding are found.

Why can the body sweat during a night's sleep? The causes of cold sweat in a child during sleep are the following factors:

  • warm clothes or a warm, soft blanket;
  • bad, frightening dreams cause sweating and crying at night;
  • the presence of an infection in the body;
  • taking medications that have high sweating as a side effect;
  • cold sweat in a dream may be due to heart disease, while the nasolabial triangle turns blue, breathing becomes heavy, there may be a cough;
  • with diabetes, the head often sweats at night (sticky sweat appears on the forehead, neck, nape);
  • the presence of excess body weight in a child;
  • vivid emotional experiences during the day - it can be not only fear, but also great joy;
  • late dinner;
  • apnea (a condition characterized by stopping breathing);
  • cold symptoms: cough, nasal congestion.

To eliminate the cause or reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • ventilate the room, especially before going to bed;
  • monitor the temperature and humidity in the room;
  • do not give the child food just before bedtime, during the day you should refrain from eating sweet, fried, spicy foods;
  • choose clothes and bed linen from natural, light fabrics;
  • It is necessary to provide the baby with a calm environment without stress and conflicts.

The cause of the problem is sometimes hereditary. In this case, measures will be aimed at reducing sweat production and other symptoms.

Only an experienced specialist can identify the true cause of the problem, so you should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, but you need to entrust this matter to a doctor.



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