Wheat diet for weight loss for 7 days. Features and basic principles of the diet "7 cereals for weight loss

It turns out that this is such a storehouse that support the proper functioning of almost all vital organs, one serving of boiled cereals a day, and you will not know problems with digestion, metabolism, and also what cellulite and extra pounds are.

It's amazing, but it's a fact! Many have already used the services of "" and not unsuccessfully. Excess weight is melting before our eyes, and most importantly, it does not come back. And how useful it is to eat cereals, and if you add fresh fruits, jam, honey to them, you will lick your fingers at all!

The cereal diet is one of the most effective, according to nutritionists, it gives a quick and stable result, while not harming health.

Weight loss occurs through, because it is they who create extra pounds, disrupt the natural metabolic process.

A diet based on whole grains will improve the condition of nails, hair and skin, give the face radiance and youth. Moreover, you will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger, this weight loss system has no contraindications, it is suitable even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

A variety of diets on cereals

Every day we use a new porridge, and so for 6 days.

Let's get started.

  • First day- wheat.
  • Second day- millet.
  • Third day- oatmeal.
  • Fourth day- rice.
  • Fifth day- pumpkin.
  • Sixth day- pearl.

Allocate another diet option - 5 cereals.

  • First day- oatmeal.
  • Second day- rice.
  • Third day- buckwheat.
  • Fourth day- rice.
  • Fifth day- oatmeal.

You should learn how to properly cook porridge, so that they are not only tasty, but also healthy.

In the evening, one glass of cereal is poured with three glasses of boiling water. Bring the porridge to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Next, leave in a warm place until morning, wrapped in a towel. In the morning, the porridge will be in the juice itself. On an empty stomach, it is advisable to drink a glass of clean water, and after thirty minutes, start eating.

During the diet, you can drink various teas, coffee, kefir, juices, but without sugar, fat and gases. The last day of the diet, you can mix several cereals at once and boil them. It will be very unusual and useful. Nutritional properties will increase several times.

Liquids need to be drunk a little, but often, improving the process of assimilation of cereals. Do not endure hunger - as soon as you want to eat, you are welcome. Kasha is waiting for you!

On such a diet, you can sit once a month for six months. The result is stunning, sitting on it is easy.

The only negative is that if you don’t like porridge very much, then you shouldn’t torture yourself, there are a number of other children, according to taste and result.

Barley diet for weight loss

Meal menu for one day:

Breakfast- a banana and a portion of porridge. Fat-free kefir.

Dinner- vegetable salad, vegetarian cabbage soup, barley porridge, green tea.

Dinner- fermented baked milk, a portion of porridge, dried fruits.

afternoon tea- an apple or an orange.

  1. With a small increase, every extra kilogram can be seen from afar. So porridge became just a salvation for me, especially when other diets didn’t quite suit me, for a number of subjective problems, but oatmeal or buckwheat was the sweetest thing for me. The figure pleases me, there are no problems with digestion. Who would have thought that I could lose weight on cereals. Everything is great! I recommend to all my friends. They are still thinking, and you do not waste time. A slim figure is not far off.
  2. Yes, I lost weight well on this diet, but for some reason my temperature rose in the morning and I felt unwell. I do not know what the reason is, it may have coincided with a viral disease. I didn’t go to a nutritionist, but I didn’t quit the diet either. Finished it with difficulty. I lost weight, but I won't go on a diet anymore.
  3. The diet is excellent, there are no objections. I had to get used to it a little, I don’t really like porridge, but the end result is worth it. Minus 7 kg in a week. It is difficult to resist sweets and cakes, which I love so much, and they are the source of my malnutrition and overweight. But I do not give up and confidently move on. The diet is comfortable, there is no feeling of hunger. I advise everyone.
  4. I am on a diet with my mom. Today is the third day and already minus 2 kg. The mood is wonderful, the food is delicious and unobtrusive. The feeling of hunger is completely absent. We are satisfied. Many mother's friends do not support her, they consider such a diet to be ineffective, but we are determined to win, and we will prove to everyone, and first of all to ourselves, that there is a result. We will continue further.
  5. Kashi is health and proper metabolism. And why I did not listen to my parents and did not want to eat them. But now you can’t pull it by the ears, and if you diversify your diet with fresh fruits, sweet jam or raisins, what a yummy it is. But recently I found out that with the help of cereals you can lose weight, I was very surprised, but I tried it. And here is the result for you. Minus 5 kg in six days, and that's not all. Stopped hair loss and cracked nails. Yes, and the skin of the face became whiter, or something. It seems that some of the wrinkles disappeared, or I simply did not notice them, because there was inexhaustible energy and a wonderful mood. Lose weight with pleasure and everything will work out!

  1. Cereals enriched with a huge supply of vitamins and minerals
  2. They contain complex carbohydrates that slowly break down food in the body, so the feeling of hunger does not come soon
  3. Porridges perfectly cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, have a fat-burning, healing effect.
  4. A wonderful tool for weight loss without contraindications and significant disturbances in the body.

Diet options for cereals for weight loss

  • Manka on milk. There is no doubt, because milk is not quite a dietary product, but you can try. To prepare the nutrient mixture, we take 2 cups of low-fat milk and 2 tbsp. spoons of cereal. We cook porridge. We eat semolina three times a day. No additional foods or sweeteners. We drink unsweetened tea.
  • Dairy-vegetarian diet. Such a mixed nutrition system is more loyal and less effective, but you can irrevocably lose a few kilograms without any problems. The diet is based on milk and dairy products, which can be combined with whole grain cereals, eggs, soups, vegetables, fruits and even bread. You can drink water without gas, juices, green tea, herbal infusion, compotes without sugar. The only restriction is no more than 200 g of porridge at a time.
  • Oatmeal with milk. Porridge is useful for people who have stomach problems. Oatmeal envelops its walls and protects against the harmful effects of toxins. In addition, this cereal stands out among others with a high content of carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy for several hours. That is why this porridge is most beneficial for breakfast for children and adults. Did you know that oatmeal lowers blood cholesterol levels, calorie content in milk is 102 kcal. The effectiveness of an oatmeal diet is 3-5 kg ​​per week.
  • Buckwheat in milk. less efficient. To prepare porridge, you need to boil it first, and only then add milk. You can have a small piece of butter and a little honey. Without salt and sugar. You can eat this porridge as much as you like, without daily restrictions. The diet should last for two weeks, the result is up to 7 kg. Simple and delicious. Such a diet will be very useful for vegetarians, as well as for those who do not receive enough natural protein in the body. The calorie content of buckwheat porridge with milk is 160 kcal.

Keeping the result after a week of losing weight is very difficult if you immediately pounce on food and eat it in unlimited quantities. Only rational nutrition can help maintain the desired body weight.

A diet on cereals for weight loss is suitable for those who like to cook and will strictly follow all the instructions of a nutritionist. If you are skeptical, do not believe in the result, you will violate the daily norm. Adding sugar, salt, and other unacceptable ingredients to dishes will do no good. And then you don’t need to complain about the futility of the diet and tell that cereals didn’t help you in any way!

To everyone else, I wish harmony, good spirits, willpower, a wonderful mood and high results! Let porridges from sweet childhood give you unforgettable feelings of lightness and airiness!!!

Video about oatmeal diet

This is one of the very first dishes that a person gets acquainted with (not counting mother's milk, of course). It is very useful: it quickly saturates, energizes, restores the digestive tract, cleanses of toxins, strengthens the immune system and has a lot of the most positive qualities. There is even a special diet for cereals. What is the secret of its action?

Operating principle

Why is the cereal diet used so often for weight loss? Why do most nutritionists vote for her? The thing is what effect it has on the body with regular use:

  • cleans from toxins, carcinogens, toxins;
  • for a long time gives a feeling of satiety, which excludes snacks between main meals;
  • thanks to carbohydrates, it gives energy, and with it a good mood, which makes it much easier to endure the hardships of a diet;
  • improves the work of the stomach;
  • provides the body with vital substances, so that additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes is not needed;
  • minimizes fat intake;
  • supplies the body with vegetable proteins, which will not allow you to lose muscle mass and acquire stretch marks due to a sharp weight loss.

Among other things, a porridge diet involves limiting many of the harmful foods that cause weight gain. Sugar, pastries, fatty and fried, salty and pickled, fast food and soda - all this is banned.

On a note. In Russian cuisine, from time immemorial, all cereals were prepared according to 3 different recipes and were even called differently: slurry (liquid), slurry (viscous), steep (crumbly). If you are going to lose weight on it, keep in mind that you will need to learn the secret of making a slurry, which is just perfect for any diet.


You will not be able to lose weight in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus (this contraindication does not work for a barley porridge diet);
  • thyroid disease;
  • treatment with powerful drugs.

Contraindications apply to all types of cereals.

Useful information. Oatmeal is considered very nutritious. 100 g contains 15 g of protein (this is a quarter of the daily requirement). Therefore, it fits perfectly into the framework of any protein diet.

Pros and cons

The diet on cereals seems entirely positive, but you should not be deceived. She has her own pitfalls, which you can easily stumble over.


  • Benefit for health;
  • saturation of the body with useful vitamins, micro- and macroelements, minerals, polyunsaturated fats;
  • fast satisfaction of hunger;
  • gentle cleansing of the body;
  • minimizing the risk of oncology, thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases;
  • salt withdrawal;
  • the pancreas is not overloaded;
  • cheapness.


  • Low efficiency: weight loss is very slow;
  • cereals on the water without sweeteners - not the most delicious food;
  • willpower is required.

Keep in mind. Manka is a calorie champion (331 kcal per 100 g of product), so do not count on too impressive weight loss results. It is useful for those who need to lose 3-4 kg - no more. But it has a lot of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Basic Rules

To lose weight on cereals, first you need to learn how to cook them properly. If you are used to having breakfast with a delicious dairy dish, with a piece of butter, sugar and fruits, forget about this pleasure. The diet involves the use of a completely different product.

  1. On the eve, arrange a fasting day (on or, for example), do an enema. This will prepare the intestines for a change in diet and increase the effectiveness of losing weight in the future.
  2. Drink more water: start with it every morning. The daily volume should not be less than one and a half liters.
  3. To achieve excellent results, drink a glass of water half an hour before the main meals.
  4. If you are not confident in your abilities, choose a mixed diet option. It involves the use of different cereals. A varied diet will lift your spirits.
  5. Go in for sports: a carbohydrate diet allows you to do this.

Some points are worth highlighting in more detail.

How to cook?

For the preparation of any diet cereals, the same method is used. Start doing this in the evening so that everything is ready for use in the morning.

  1. rinse the cereal;
  2. pour it with cold water 1: 3;
  3. bring to a boil, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes;
  4. remove from fire;
  5. wrap in a warm towel;
  6. leave to rest overnight.

Of course, for the most spoiled there is a diet on milk porridge, but with it, losing weight will no longer be so effective.

What should be the portion sizes?

  • in the morning - no more than 150 ml;
  • lunch - a small unsweetened fruit;
  • in the afternoon - 300 gr;
  • afternoon snack - a glass of low-calorie unsweetened drink (, fresh, smoothies, lactic acid products);
  • dinner - 200 gr.

What results to expect?

As the results of losing weight show, a cereal diet is not suitable for those who are in a hurry to lose a lot of kilograms in the shortest possible time. For example, if the option for 7 days is chosen, it will be possible to part with only 3-4 kg. But at the same time, you will not feel any discomfort (loss of strength, bad mood, exhaustion). But on such a diet, you can “sit” for as long as you want. And here minus 10 kg is already quite real, and even more if you can refuse the list of harmful products.

Did you know... that of all cereals, buckwheat is recognized as the most useful by nutritionists?

Which one to choose?

How many cereals can you list? ten? twenty? In fact, there are more than 700 of them. And out of more than 150, delicious and healthy cereals are prepared all over the world. Each of them can become a staple for the diet. So study their properties, how effective they are for losing weight, and choose the option that suits you more than the rest. The range is huge.


Combined diets are good because they differ in the variety of diets. Every day you need to eat a dish of a certain cereal. The sequence is not important: you can rearrange the days in places as you like.

  • three porridge diet: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley;
  • 5 cereals: millet, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley;
  • 6 cereals: wheat is added to the previous ones;
  • 7 cereals: "Suvorov" is added to the previous ones, from various cereals.

The duration of each of them is also determined by you: a diet of 3 cereals does not have to last 3 days. You can repeat this alternation over and over again until the scales show the desired result.


In addition to combined diets, there are those that are based on a single cereal, the use of which is emphasized. How among this variety to find one that will help you lose weight effectively? First, focus on your taste preferences. Love oatmeal - "sit" on an oatmeal diet. Secondly, find out what useful properties this or that cereal has in order to strengthen your health in parallel with weight loss.

So, the most effective systems for losing weight on cereals:

  • on a pea- it is considered one of the best, since peas have a lot of fiber, which removes harmful substances from the body;
  • - buckwheat is in second place after millet, it is the most environmentally friendly cereal, it contains a lot of complex carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body for a long time: after eating a portion, you will not feel hungry;
  • on corn- corn actively inhibits the processes of decay in the intestines, it is the most non-allergenic cereal, it is characterized by low calorie content;
  • on linen- the perfect combination of fiber and vegetable protein, helps to lose weight primarily for those who "adhere" to malnutrition and like to treat themselves to sweets;
  • on manna- it is a natural source of vegetable proteins and simple carbohydrates that provide fast satiety;
  • - it has a lot of fiber, which cleanses the body of any debris well, but it is quite high in calories;
  • on barley- boiled grains are able to increase 5 times, due to which there is a rapid saturation;
  • on wheat- wheat is not in fashion now, and in vain: this cereal is the lowest calorie, so losing weight with it is not difficult, and it perfectly regulates lipid metabolism, not allowing fats to stagnate in problem areas;
  • on millet- millet stops the deposition of fats and promotes their removal, is considered the leader among dietary cereals;
  • - rice acts like a sponge that absorbs toxins and other harmful substances;
  • on barley- a great option for diabetics, this cereal has a lot of phosphorus, which speeds up metabolism.

Weight loss schemes for all diets are approximately the same:

  1. fasting days: per day, eat 500 grams of cereals boiled in water, in small portions + drink plenty of water (green tea is better);
  2. for 3 days: the same 500 gr are eaten per day + green apples or low-calorie vegetable salads are added;
  3. for a week: the most popular nutrition systems are distinguished by a varied diet and, in connection with this, relatively easy weight loss;
  4. weekly hunger strikes can be extended to 10 days, 2 weeks and months - there will be no harm from such protracted marathons.

If you didn’t manage to lose weight on one cereal, you don’t need to despair: look at what a rich selection of cereals you have in front of you! And from each you can prepare a healthy dietary product.

Lessons from the past. It turns out that "Suvorov" porridge from several cereals (millet, pearl barley and peas) surpasses all others in its benefits. So if you want to not only lose weight, but also improve your health - pay attention to it.

Sample Menus

With the preparation of a diet for such a diet, problems usually arise. Some people think that you need to eat only cereals. The result is a broken stomach. Others go to the other extreme - including the main dish on the menu, continue to eat unhealthy foods, and then complain that the weight is not going anywhere. To prevent this from happening, there are ready-made programs that you need to focus on.

We offer sample menus for a week and for 10 days. They indicate which dishes and foods at which meals are best consumed.

Menu for the week of the diet "7 cereals"

Menu for 10 days (oatmeal diet)

A diet on cereals can be recommended for weight loss to those people who cannot starve due to increased stress - physical and emotional. Slow carbohydrates energize for the whole day and give a full feeling of fullness. With such a dietary product, fatigue or exhaustion is not threatened. Of course, it is quite difficult to achieve impressive results, but you will definitely not harm your health.

About the benefits of cereals for weight loss

Cereals are complex carbohydrates, they do not turn into fat reserves on the abdomen and waist, but release energy gradually, because they are digested for a long time. Regular grains should be included in the diet. Instant cereals sold in bags are absolutely useless. During processing, they lose useful substances.

The benefits of cereals for weight loss:

  • Rich in fiber (dietary fiber) - improve digestion, help the body naturally cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.
  • They normalize digestion, have a diuretic effect, remove stagnant moisture from the body.
  • Low calorie content - at the same time, cereals saturate well and do not make the losing weight suffer from hunger.
  • They contain vitamins, minerals, valuable amino acids.
  • They go well with other products - milk, fruits, meat.

There are two main types of porridge diet:

  • Strict. It is allowed to eat only certain types of cereals and drink green tea, water.
  • Less strict. The menu additionally includes some vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

What cereals are used and how they are prepared

The diet consists of the following cereals in the following sequence:

  • Wheat - the start of the diet. Quite high-calorie, so it will be easier to switch from a regular diet, without stress for the body. 100 g 335 kcal. It cleanses the body well, contains a lot of selenium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, even silver. The composition contains vitamins A,,,.
  • Millet. The second day of the diet of seven cereals. The brighter the shade of millet, the more useful substances it contains. There are only 90 kcal in 100 g of millet porridge. Contains vitamins A, B, cobalt, magnesium, copper, molybdenum, zinc and other elements.
  • Oatmeal. Oatmeal is eaten on the third day. It is necessary to give preference not to flakes, but to cereals. 100 g of dry oatmeal contains 305 kcal. This cereal is rich in B, H, PP vitamins, contains cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, biotin, pectin, fiber.
  • Rice. Favorite food of Asian people. It is better to choose brown or brown rice - it contains more nutrients and less calories. There are about 300 calories in 100 grams of rice. Contains vitamins B, E, H, PP, selenium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc.
  • Barley - very useful. 100 g contains 300 kcal. It is rich in protein, so it saturates perfectly. The composition includes vitamins B, E, PP, magnesium, copper, chromium, zinc, calcium, selenium and other elements.
  • Buckwheat. Unroasted green buckwheat is the most useful, but brown buckwheat is also suitable. 100 g of cereal contains about 300 kcal. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins B, E, K, PP. It contains zinc, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, calcium, etc.
  • Mix. You can alternate cereals or mix cereals in equal proportions.

Porridge is best cooked in filtered water. If you use faucet water, the grits may smell like bleach or have a metallic taste. So that the porridge does not burn, it is better to cook it in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Many cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) can simply be steamed: pour boiling water and let it brew for 10-12 hours.

Groats should be poured into boiling, slightly salted water, boiled over low heat. To get rid of debris, as well as excess stickiness - cereals need to be washed 3-4 times (this applies to millet, rice, buckwheat).

The less food is cooked, the more vitamins it retains.

Products and principles of the diet based on cereals

On a diet of 7 cereals for weight loss, you can get rid of 5-7 kilograms per week. The basic principles of the diet:

  • Every day (except one per week) you need to eat only one type of porridge. Other dishes with cereals (casseroles, soups) cannot be cooked.
  • Porridge should be boiled only in water, minimizing the amount of salt and oil. The approximate norm per day is 100-250 g of dry cereals.
  • During the day, you need to drink at least 2 liters per day: the liquid activates the metabolism.
  • On an empty stomach and before each meal, you need to drink a glass of water - this fills the place in the stomach, and it is possible to reduce the portion size.
  • Try to eat at the same time every day. Meals should be fractional - in small portions, but often.
  • A sparing diet allows for relaxation and a variety of menus, but the body still needs to be prepared. Gradually exclude fried, fatty, smoked foods from the diet, forget about fast food.

The menu may consist of the following dietary products:

  • Low starch vegetables (cucumbers, bell peppers, asparagus, herbs, tomatoes, cabbage).
  • Apples, oranges, grapefruits, berries.
  • Kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Mineral water, fruit compotes, green tea.

Prohibited Products:

  • Meat and fish.
  • Sausages, smoked meats, canned food.
  • Pasta, bread, crackers, pastries.
  • Any sweets, sugar, confectionery.
  • Cooking fats, sauces, mayonnaises, marinades.
  • Vegetables with a high content of starch (squash, potatoes, legumes, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, rutabaga, carrots).
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fatty dairy products, hard cheese.
  • Alcohol, carbonated drinks.
  • Fast food.

indicative menu

Diet for 7 days:

Day Menu
1st Breakfast: wheat porridge (150 g), yogurt (100 g).

Lunch: wheat porridge (150 g), coleslaw (100 g).

Afternoon: orange.

Dinner: wheat porridge (150 g), kefir (100 g)

2nd Breakfast: millet porridge (150 g), cottage cheese (100 g).

Lunch: millet porridge (150 g), cucumber and tomato salad (150 g).

Afternoon snack: berries with yogurt (150 g).

Dinner: millet porridge (150 g), kefir (100 g)

3rd Breakfast: oatmeal with an apple (200 g).

Lunch: oatmeal (150 g), yogurt (100 g).

Afternoon snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: oatmeal (150 g), kefir (100 g)

4th Breakfast: rice porridge with berries (150 g).

Lunch: rice porridge (150 g), kefir (100 g).

Afternoon snack: orange juice (200 g).

Dinner: rice porridge (150 g), cottage cheese (100 g)

5th Breakfast: barley porridge (150 g), yogurt (100 g).

Lunch: barley porridge (150 g), tomato and cucumber salad (120 g).

Afternoon snack: a handful of berries.

6th Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (150 g), yogurt (100 g).

Lunch: buckwheat porridge (150 g), cabbage salad (100 g).

Snack: cottage cheese with an apple (120 g).

Dinner: buckwheat porridge (150 g), kefir (100 g)

7th Breakfast: oatmeal with an apple (180 g).

Lunch: mix of cereals (200 g), tomato.

Afternoon snack: baked apples (130 g).

Dinner: barley porridge (150 g), kefir (100 g)

Diet for 3 days:

Expert opinion

Certified Dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. It is dangerous to lose weight on cereals alone, because a person cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances, but, most importantly, his diet will not contain enough protein, and this is very important for losing weight. Indeed, with a lack of protein, muscles will be actively lost. Deficiency of other nutrients also does not have the best effect - when following diets on cereals, nails begin to break, skin deteriorates and even hair falls out after a week. To this picture is also added irritability and constant lethargy.

To lose weight on cereals, it is enough to consume them once or twice a day. Of course, it will not do without other rules - do not overeat in other meals, monitor fat content, eat less fast carbohydrates and have enough protein. Thus, cereals will really help to reduce weight, and not lose beauty and health. Moreover, a person will lose weight without starving, because cereals perfectly regulate appetite.

Useful recipes, way out of the diet

Recipes for the diet are given below.

Salad with white cabbage. It cleanses the body well. Ingredients: 150 g cabbage, greens, a little salt, a drop of olive oil. Shred the cabbage and knead it well with your hands. Cut greens, salt, add oil and serve.

Sprouted buckwheat. The most useful buckwheat is green. It is not fried and retains the maximum amount of nutrients. To germinate buckwheat, you need to pour 100 g into a container, pour a glass of water and cover with polyethylene, put in a well-lit place. In a day, sprouts will appear - buckwheat is ready for use.

The diet is not considered complete and balanced, therefore, if you immediately return to the previous diet, a person will pick up the lost kilograms very quickly. The next repetition of the diet is possible not earlier than in 2 months. It is recommended to spend fasting days on cereals.

First, you can add vegetables, fruits, low-fat cheeses, eggs to the diet. Later - lean meats and fish. You need to continue to eat fractionally, do not forget about the drinking regimen. It is highly undesirable to abuse sweets and fast food.

Pros, cons and contraindications of the diet

Diet Benefits:

  • Cereals are very useful, it is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful substances.
  • You don't have to go half-starved all the time. Porridge satisfies hunger well. If a person does not eat up the recommended portion, it can be slightly increased.
  • There is a gradual cleansing of the body, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  • Diet promotes the removal of stagnant fluid from the body.
  • It does not require culinary knowledge and special time investment.
  • All products on the menu can be bought inexpensively in the store.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • Not everyone loves porridge. It will be difficult for many to do without meat, fish and other favorite foods.
  • Difficult to bear psychologically.
  • Unbalanced, can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • There are contraindications (below).

The porridge diet also has contraindications:

  • Acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Anemia.
  • Diabetes.
  • Gluten intolerance.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Childhood and old age.

The most useful cereals for the body. Features of the diet, recommendations of a diet planner in the video below.

Today, the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” decided to talk about simple, inexpensive, tasty and familiar food to many since childhood, on which one popular diet is based: 7 days - 6 cereals.

What are the advantages of those who advocate such weight loss? a different one is prepared every day, so we can talk about the relative diversity of the diet and that the body receives vitamins and minerals. Also, you don't feel hungry.

Porridge helps speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and promote weight loss.

What is the best porridge?


This porridge contains a lot of coarse vegetable fiber and soft dietary fiber. Usually it forms the basis. Throughout the day, a person feels lightness in the body.

To improve the digestion of food, rice should be combined with vegetables.


This cereal can be boiled in skim milk. The inclusion of semolina in the diet allows you to quickly restore the body. In this case, it is better to boil it in water, without sugar and oil.

Semolina helps to cleanse the intestines, improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Of course, there is a lot of starch in semolina, so it is not always suitable for diet food. Usually it is added to the diet with mono-diets for a short time.

Wheat porridge

Here it just helps to lose weight, as it is famous for its low and high fiber content, as well as vitamins, biotin.

Pearl barley

It is based on fiber, known for its cleansing properties, so for those who practice weight loss, this porridge is useful. The dish puts in order the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, but only if it is cooked correctly: on water, almost without salt and seasonings. Provides a feeling of satiety for three to four hours.


The dish is good because it does not burden the digestive tract. At the same time, the product is a real storehouse of valuable vitamins and amino acids.

Even a special diet of 7 cereals for weight loss has been developed, but it does not imply that you will only need to eat cereals all week. The menu should be diversified with vegetables (except potatoes), fruits (except bananas), eliminate all harmful foods and drink more clean, plain water.

But even such a nutrition system has contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes.

Menu for seven days

The diet on cereals involves a varied diet for 7 days.

In order to lose weight, cereals need to be prepared like this. In the evening, a glass of washed cereal is poured with 3 glasses of boiled water, boiled for five minutes. Then the saucepan is removed from the heat and wrapped in a kitchen towel, left in a warm place. You don't need to salt. About sugar and butter, and so it should be clear: no, no.

In the morning you need to drink a mug of warm water and after thirty minutes - have breakfast with porridge as a base. You can also eat an additional dish.

Now the portal site will compile an indicative menu for you for seven days.

How much can you lose if you stick to the diet menu for 7 days and eat cereal? It is believed that such a diet will help to throw off from five to seven kg.

  1. The base is wheat porridge. What else can you eat for breakfast: stewed cabbage, in the afternoon - a cup of broth, fish, preferably on sea fish, for dinner - a mug of kefir.
  2. The base is corn. In the morning also - a cucumber, in the afternoon a soup of vegetables with herbs, for dinner - 50 grams of cottage cheese.
  3. Oatmeal. In the morning - a handful of dried fruits, at lunch - fresh apple juice and herbs, for dinner - a glass of low-fat.
  4. Rice. In the same dish, you can add apples, cinnamon and sprinkle with lemon juice. For breakfast there is so, you can drink a cup of tea. At lunch - only rice, and supplement dinner with a glass of kefir.
  5. Barley grits. In the morning - with boiled broccoli, at lunch - with boiled fish, for dinner - with 50 grams of cottage cheese.
  6. . The first meal - with boiled beets. For lunch - with a salad of carrots and cabbage. For dinner - with a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  7. Mix cereals in equal proportions. For breakfast, eat with an apple, at lunchtime - with baked fish and a glass of fish broth. In the evening - with 50 grams of cottage cheese.

This diet on different cereals for 7 days excludes a variety of snacks, except for cereals. That is, if you are hungry, then you can eat porridge, which was cooked for the day, but a little.

Strictly speaking, in this diet there were not seven, but six cereals. But there is also a diet called 7 cereals for weight loss. Its principle is the same as described above. You can add, for example, barley porridge to cook a different base every day.

The diet can be supplemented with porridge prepared according to the monastery recipe: buckwheat, rice, wheat groats are mixed. Prepare according to the above method. Add mushrooms, onions and carrots. Additional ingredients add flavor, and you don’t even need to add salt or oil if your goal is to lose weight.

Diet for 10 days

This diet is similar to the one discussed above, but the diet lasts ten days. It is sometimes argued that in order to lose more, it is worth limiting the consumption of other foods altogether, even vegetables.

Diet for 14 days

Such a food system involves a varied menu. There may be vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Sometimes it is suggested to alternate different cereals during the day.

Losing weight based on such dishes cannot be practiced all the time. In order to lose extra pounds, it is worth using this nutrition system once every three months, not more often.

Getting out of such a diet is worth it wisely. You should not immediately throw yourself on your favorite and harmful delicacies. The day after the diet is complete, have 1 meal replaced with healthy protein. After a couple of days - 2 protein meals. It can be fish or chicken, baked, with a vegetable side dish.

After cereals, you should not eat too spicy, salty and fried foods. Ideally, you should abandon them altogether if you want to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.

Well, such a diet seems to be on "children's" food, but it definitely won't work for children, and not all adults may find it useful. You should definitely consult with your doctor before starting it.

The article was checked and approved by Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna, a practicing family doctor - see below.

Most women want to find a diet for a week that would help them lose 5-10 kg, and there really is such a diet. It is called the porridge diet. It would seem that in a normal diet, eating a large amount of cereals can, on the contrary, provoke weight gain. But a diet on cereals for weight loss is designed to ensure that the body will receive monotonous foods every day without the addition of salt and sugar. A week of a diet on cereals is a mono-diet, only every day losing weight should consume new cereals.

The composition of this simple food product helps to quickly lose weight. Most cereals contain fiber, which improves digestion and speeds up metabolism. In addition, cereals consist of long carbohydrate compounds, which, once in the intestines, are processed for a long time and do not cause hunger. Therefore, this article will reveal all the secrets of such a diet. You will find out - how many kilograms can you lose weight on cereals? Which of the cereals is the lowest calorie and healthy? How to cook cereals during this diet?

Since eating one cereal for 7 days in a row is quite difficult, you can add some more food to the diet:

  • cucumbers,
  • tomatoes,
  • greens,
  • broccoli cabbage,
  • chinese cabbage,
  • citrus fruit,
  • green apples,
  • low fat kefir
  • unsweetened tea and coffee.

But it is worth noting that the products from this list should only be an addition to the main product - porridge. Vegetables and fruits should be unsweetened and non-starchy. Cooked vegetable salads should not be seasoned with salt or sauces. During these 7 days, the body should not consume salt. Cook porridge in plain water, without adding butter or sugar.

Nutrition rules during the diet on cereals

Losing weight on cereals is quite simple, the main thing is to know a few rules that will speed up the process of losing weight.

  • Rule number 1. Every morning you need to start with cleansing the body. In order to cleanse the intestines and put it to work, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice. Drink water 20-30 minutes before meals. Such a morning cocktail helps to increase immunity, speeds up metabolism, promotes digestion, and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Rule number 2. You can't feel hungry. During this weekly diet on cereals, you can eat as soon as you feel hungry. It is desirable that there are at least 5 meals a day. As a snack, you can eat 1 green apple or orange.
  • Rule number 3. During the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of plain purified water. In no case should you drink sparkling water, it only provokes a feeling of hunger. In addition, it leaches calcium from the body and provokes the deposition of cellulite.
  • Rule number 4. If you have a terribly desire to eat something sweet, then you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the porridge. But such an "indulgence" can be done no more than 1 time per day. It is advisable to consume honey in the morning.
  • Rule number 5. Do not drink water, tea or kefir in large volumes at a time. It is better to drink liquid throughout the day in small sips. You can't drink porridge. After the main meal, you can not drink tea or coffee for 2 hours.

How to cook porridge for this diet?

To lose weight on cereals by 5-10 kg per week, you need to properly prepare them for the diet. The process of preparing cereals is the same, and it doesn’t matter what kind of porridge you want to cook - rice or millet. 1 cup of cereal should be poured over 3 cups of plain water overnight. In the morning, boil infused cereals for 5 minutes without adding salt and sugar. After the time has elapsed, remove the porridge from the fire and wrap it so that it is infused. Ready porridge to eat throughout the day. If necessary, the amount of porridge per day can be increased.

Why cereals are a healthy food product?

Cereals are plant foods rich in vitamins and minerals. This product is able to quickly saturate the body for a long time. Due to the fact that most cereals have fiber, they improve and speed up the digestive process. Each of the cereals known to us has its own characteristics in the composition.


This porridge is recognized by nutritionists all over the world. It can be considered one of the most useful and delicious cereals. Oatmeal is also unique in its chemical composition. This is a storehouse of vitamin A, B6, B12, B1, PP, C. In its composition, this porridge contains about 10 minerals necessary for the body. It contains:

  • iron,
  • magnesium,
  • zinc,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium.

Eating oatmeal every day, you can cleanse the vessels of bad cholesterol, get rid of constipation and diarrhea, improve the condition of the skin, lower the level of sugar in the body.

It is important! It is necessary to eat oatmeal regularly, since the special composition of fiber helps to eliminate heavy metals and radionuclides. Moreover, the calorie content of this product is low. 100 g of dry oatmeal contains 325 kcal.

It is better to start a diet on cereals with oatmeal, since it is she who will help to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body. Moreover, it becomes even tastier if you eat it with fruits and nuts. Also, with the help of oatmeal, you can organize fasting days.

Buckwheat grain

Buckwheat is a product that improves brain function, increases vitality and performance, speeds up metabolism, improves the condition of hair and nails. A diet on cereals must necessarily include this cereal. To lose weight, you can add vegetable salad or tomato juice to buckwheat. Those who love milk buckwheat soup can replace it with buckwheat and fat-free kefir with a spoonful of honey.

Wheat groats

Many consider wheat groats to be a non-dietary product, as they are made from soft wheat varieties. This opinion is erroneous, since it is this cereal that is considered one of the most useful and low-calorie. It improves the digestion process, accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, fights high blood sugar.

Rice groats

A weekly cereal diet cannot do without rice. This product is so rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements that in Eastern countries it is eaten instead of bread. And apparently this is not just because most of the Chinese, Thais and Japanese are thin and slender people.

millet groats

This product has long been considered the food of heroes, as it is able to quickly saturate the body. The composition of millet is as dietary as it contains sugar, which helps to speed up digestion. Millet removes heavy metals and radionuclides, improves the breakdown of fats, and speeds up metabolism.

Barley grits

Many do not like this porridge, but it should not be underestimated. This product can and should be consumed during a weekly cereal diet, as it improves intestinal motility, speeds up the process of digestion, cleanses blood vessels and blood from cholesterol plaques.


It is believed that semolina porridge promotes weight loss. This fact was proved by American scientists. Many Hollywood celebrities are now on a semolina diet. It gently affects the functioning of the intestines, improves the functioning of the excretory system, prevents constipation, and speeds up metabolism. The main thing is to cook this product without adding sugar and fat milk.

Diet on cereals: menu

Do not think that this diet is boring and monotonous. If you turn on your imagination, then the diet of these 7 days can be made tasty and original. Fresh vegetables can be baked, made into freshly squeezed juices or mashed potatoes. Fruit can be used to make smoothies, smoothies, apple and dried fruit casseroles. A diet on cereals should have a clear scheduled menu for 7 days.

Sample menu for the week

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First day Oatmeal

Green tea


Vegetable stew


a glass of fat-free kefir

Second day Buckwheat

A glass of kefir

Stuffed bell pepper with buckwheat Buckwheat

Green tea with honey

Third day Wheat porridge

A cup of coffee

Wheat porridge

A glass of tomato juice without salt

Vegetable salad

Wheat porridge

A glass of kefir

Fourth day Rice porrige

Green tea

Lazy cabbage rolls with vegetable stew

Green tea

Rice with raisins

A glass of kefir

Fifth day Barley porridge

A glass of kefir

Barley porridge

baked vegetables

Barley porridge

Green tea

Sixth day Millet

Cup of coffee

Soup with millet

Vegetable salad

Millet porridge

Green tea

Seventh day Manka

Green tea

Semolina with dried fruits Manka

A glass of kefir

How to get out of the cereal diet?

To lose weight on this product, you need to strictly monitor your diet, not only after the diet, but also after. The exit from the cereal diet should be gradual. You can not immediately introduce baking, sweets, fatty meat into your diet.

It is important! Every day you need to add 1-2 new products to the menu. It is best to start with fermented milk products. As snacks, you can use cottage cheese casserole, natural yogurt without filler or fermented baked milk.

The first week after the diet, boiled chicken, rabbit or turkey can be introduced into the diet. Along with meat, you need to eat fresh vegetables. Do not add salt and sugar to your meals. You need to gradually accustom yourself to a new diet. The more salt we consume, the more fluid remains in the body.

Also, we must not forget the sufficient consumption of plain water. Even after a diet, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water without gas. If a person cannot live without sweets, then once a week you can afford to eat 2-3 slices of dark dark chocolate. Zephyr and marmalade are considered less high-calorie. This diet will help you lose 5 to 10 kg per week. The main thing is to follow all the above rules and recommendations. Each of these cereals can act both as part of a combined diet and as a mono-diet for weight loss. The result depends only on how much you love cereals in everyday life.



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