What does calamus root treat? The use of calamus rhizomes for medicinal purposes

From the annals of distant antiquity, numerous cases of healing with the help of calamus root of people from cholera, tuberculosis, typhus, fever during childbirth, skin infections. They successfully expelled colds and intestinal diseases, mental ailments.

Patients collected marsh calamus almost all year round: in early spring - tiny shoots, in summer - panicles of inflorescence, in late autumn - roots.

Today the topic of conversation is calamus root, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

In winter, the plant was the salvation of every suffering person living near a river, lake, swamp, since the calamus root carries powerful healing properties.

Today, doctors are discovering new unique medicinal ability plants, so the list of modern diseases that a decoction, tincture of calamus root will help get rid of, has expanded to many items:

  • disease digestive organs: enteritis, ulcer, gastritis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • respiratory diseases: SARS, tonsillitis, runny nose, influenza, bronchitis, pulmonary inflammation;
  • diseases of the blood, blood vessels: hypertension, thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney and genital diseases, prostatitis, women's diseases;
  • neuropathology: stress, depression,;
  • skin diseases: ulcers, acne, wounds, purulent inflammation;
  • joint pathology: gout, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • infectious diseases of various etiologies.

The leading medicinal power of calamus root, its medicinal properties, as well as contraindications are due to the huge content of essential oil, in which there are many medicinal bioactive components: pinenes, asarone, camphene, and others, as well as vitamins, acids, resins, glycosides.

It doesn't make sense to list everything. Latin names will tell little to the layman, the important thing is that this unique composition calamus root gives beneficial features sick person. Anesthetizes, disinfects, regenerates cells. Rids the body of poisons, destroys the pathogenic flora. Saturates tissues with natural nutrition, facilitates metabolism, accelerates the growth and development of beneficial bacteria.

Decoctions, oil, tinctures of calamus root are widely used in medical practice, cosmetology, even cooking, however, in order to open the healing properties of calamus root, contraindications must be excluded.

Harmful effect

Attention! It is unacceptable to exceed the dosage of drugs, since the plant contains some poisonous, as well as narcotic components.
Also be aware of the possibility of a hypersensitive reaction to the ingredients.

Ingestion of calamus root tincture is allowed only when prescribed by a doctor.

Prohibited for pregnant, lactating mothers and babies.


The use of calamus root tincture, decoction, herbal tea is recommended as an analgesic, antispasmodic, astringent, anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, the drugs have hemostatic, tonic, sedative properties.

In the treatment of diseases of the mucous membranes, skin, hair, the main abilities of the plant are taken into account - antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral.

But since the root is somewhat poisonous, minimal amount it is used in combination with other medicinal plants, enhancing the healing properties, but preventing poisoning of the body.

calamus root for smoking

If you chew a small portion of a fresh, dried root before smoking, then later, with keen desire smoke, there is a persistent aversion, as herbal remedy when combined with tobacco, it leads to the formation of gag reflexes. Usually 8 – 12 days of recurrence similar procedures: chewed, smoked, vomited, relieves tobacco addiction at the subconscious level. It should not be used as an anti-smoking agent for pregnant women.

calamus root for teeth

Caries, periodontal disease, other diseases of the gums and teeth are prevented and cured by root tincture in combination with an alcohol solution of propolis.

How to cook:

  • 30 g of propolis is kept in 0.5 liters. vodka 14 days.
  • 30 g of calamus root is infused in 400 ml of vodka for 14 days.
  • Prepare a solution of 50 ml of water, and 1 tbsp. l. alcohol tinctures.
  • Treatment time by rinsing teeth and gums is 5-6 minutes, no more than 5 times a day.

The medicine will reduce pain, prevent the development of the disease, but you still have to go to the dentist.

Calamus and calendula root tincture for cataracts

  1. In equal proportions of 30 gr. mix calendula inflorescences and shavings of calamus root.
  2. Insist in 500 ml of alcohol (vodka) for 15 days.
  3. Filter the liquid, take a solution of 1 tsp. per 50 ml of water, 2-4 times a day on an empty stomach, 30 days.

Healthy lifestyle healers claim that 4 courses per year will avoid surgical intervention, cataracts will disappear.

A tincture of calamus root on alcohol, its water infusions can quickly cure abscesses on the skin if the surfaces are treated several times during the day. Get rid of seborrhea, excessive greasiness when rinsing hair after washing. There are many possibilities for using calamus root in folk recipes.

It is important not to forget: increased portions have a toxic effect. Treatment should not cause harm.

The wealth of herbal medicinal resources of each district, region is unique, and if one territory is dominated by healing wild flowers, berries (chamomile, wild rose), then the other is famous for the superiority of conifers (cedar cones, juniper), and the third native side is buried in the greenery of useful swamps. herbs. If only all industrialists could unite and prepare natural medicines for the benefit of humanity!

But, since this is impossible, let's collect what grows near the house ourselves and give goodness in parcels, parcels to friends, strangers who need it for their health.

Calamus is one of the plants that successfully treat the most various diseases. This made him very popular both in the official and folk medicine. Based on this plant, many medicines. In addition, it is widely used in home treatment.

Calamus vulgaris was first used in China and India. It subsequently spread to Europe. In ancient times, calamus root was brought here by merchants from Turkey as a sweet. It was used by the Tatars during their campaigns to cleanse water bodies.

Calamus vulgaris belongs to the aroid family. It is a perennial herb that can grow from 60 to 100 cm in height. The root of the plant is thick and sinuous. It is covered with wide scars, which are arranged in a spiral. The root is located close to the surface of the earth and can be up to 1.5 m long.

Calamus leaves are xiphoid in shape. yellow flowers very small and are on the cob. The fruit is a red berry with many seeds. Calamus breeds in our country thanks to its rhizome.

This plant is common in the Caucasus and the Baltic countries. It can also be found on the territory of all countries of the East, in Europe, Belarus. In Russia, calamus mainly grows in the European part and in Siberia. Near reservoirs and in meadows you can see whole thickets of this plant.

Healing properties

Calamus is very popular in folk medicine. Calamus root contains great amount valuable substances and vitamins. These include camphor, ascorbic acid, starch, minerals, essential oil.

Calamus root has a positive effect on work digestive tract as well as the condition of the gallbladder. It stimulates appetite, production gastric juice, and also removes gases well. Also, this plant has diuretic properties and helps to successfully fight diarrhea.

What does the herb cure?

Air is useful for high pressure, gastritis, with stomach ulcers. Also, the plant is widely used for lung diseases, tuberculosis,. Calamus root is very popular in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, headaches. He contributes fast cleansing respiratory tract.

This plant increases the secretion of bile in the liver and the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach due to the presence of a bitter glycoside. Calamus has a strong diuretic, analgesic effect.

Due to its expectorant properties, calamus is used during the flu. A decoction of calamus is used to heal wounds and ulcers on the skin, as it has a strong disinfecting effect. A powder obtained from dry calamus root is also used. Preparations from this plant are used for jaundice and gastritis, for diathesis and diseases. Bladder, with diarrhea.

This plant provides good effect with angina and, therefore, it is used to gargle the throat and mouth. To strengthen the gums and teeth, powder from dry calamus root is used.

Calamus preparations increase appetite and are used for anorexia. Thanks to the essential oil, calamus also copes well with bouts of colic in the intestines. Calamus root is used to treat leukemia. It also helps with bad breath. Calamus preparations allow you to quickly reduce blood pressure.

Calamus is also used for hepatitis, rickets and scrofula in children. It is often prescribed for neuroses. Calamus decoction is used for many female diseases. Treatment occurs with the help of douching with infusion or decoction of calamus, as well as the use of sitz baths.

Air destroys drugs and neutralizes their toxic effects. Taking calamus powder with honey in the morning and evening time can significantly improve memory.

What are the contraindications?

You can not use this plant with increased secretion of the stomach. It is also prohibited for use in case of bleeding. different nature. An overdose of the plant may cause vomiting. You can not use calamus, because it reduces pressure. At individual intolerance calamus essential oil should also not be used.

Increased acidity of gastric juice or can be considered absolute contraindications to use calamus. In the inflammatory process in the kidneys and in acute stage with a stomach ulcer, calamus is also prohibited.

With the appearance of any unpleasant syndromes and a deterioration in well-being, you must either reduce the dosage or abandon the drug altogether.

Dosage forms

Calamus rhizomes are important component stomach and other herbal preparations and medicinal teas. Calamus is contained in such preparations as Vikalin, Vikair, Olimetin. Also in the pharmacy you can buy calamus essential oil and alcohol solution. Calamus collections are used for cooking therapeutic baths for children.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

For adults

  • For rinsing oral cavity a decoction of calamus roots is used and. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for at least 15 minutes. Infuse the composition for at least 20 minutes;
  • from diarrhea, you can use an infusion of calamus powder. Take 2 tsp of calamus and 1 cup of boiling water. Infusion is taken 3 times a day before meals;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, such a recipe is used. Take 1 part of calamus roots, 3 parts of flowers, as well as rowan fruits and pour cold water. The infusion is kept for 1 hour and gradually brought to a boil. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and taken 3 times a day before meals in a warm form;
  • calamus roots are used for sore throat and stomatitis in a candied form. For this, a sweet syrup is boiled, into which the roots of calamus are dipped. First, cuts are made on the roots. It is necessary to boil the roots in syrup for about 5 minutes, after 10 hours insist. After bringing to a boil, the roots are taken out and dried like candied fruits;
  • chewing a piece of calamus root or taking ¼ tsp of calamus root powder, which you just need to drink with water, helps well for heartburn;
  • fresh calamus juice is used to lubricate the eyelids to improve vision;
  • tincture of calamus roots on vodka helps with impotence;
  • hot baths with the addition of calamus decoction help with circulatory disorders;
  • to improve digestion, it is useful to drink a decoction of calamus roots every day for 3 cups;
  • sitz baths with the addition of decoction of calamus are used to treat hemorrhoids. To do this, 30 grams of rhizome is poured with one liter of boiling water and the infusion is used to prepare baths;
  • for the treatment of gonorrhea take an infusion of calamus. It is added to the bath, which must be taken every day.
  • heartburn can be cured with calamus root powder, which is taken 3 times a day;
  • calamus promotes normalization hormonal background, so it is used for menopause. The root must be ground and taken in 1 tsp;
  • tincture of leaves and roots of calamus is effective in vomiting;
  • calamus helps well from. For this, a decoction of calamus root is used. You can drink it or rinse your mouth. You can lubricate the gums with calamus tincture, as it has a strong analgesic effect.

Rickets and diathesis in children are successfully treated with the help of baths, in which an infusion of calamus roots is added. Calamus preparations are contraindicated for children before the age of 12 years.

Calamus strongly tones the uterus, therefore it is contraindicated for women in position. Otherwise, there may be a risk of miscarriage. You can also not use calamus and during breastfeeding.

calamus marsh- a herbaceous plant, a representative of the calamus family. Its homeland is considered to be India, China, East and South Asia. It is also common in Europe, where the Arabs brought this marsh plant. And it came to Ukraine thanks to the Tatars.

There is a legend that the Tatars carried calamus rhizome with them as a means that disinfects water. It even stuck in the name of the plant, which is also known as the "Tatar potion". The official name Acoruc comes from the Greek phrase meaning "a plant with fragrant root". Moreover, it is the calamus rhizome that has many medicinal properties. It is interesting that the plant does not pollinate in a foreign land, since only in its homeland there are insects that are capable of doing this. In other countries, calamus does not form fruits and propagates with the help of a root, that is, vegetatively.

The plant grows in swamps, the banks of water bodies, loves wet and wetlands, as evidenced by its name. For a long time calamus was used for various rituals. Its roots were dried and used for incense for religious purposes. It was also used to make incense and medicinal ointments. Antibacterial properties Tatars learned to use plants to purify water. To do this, they planted rhizomes, which they brought with them, to nearby reservoirs.

Air was also used by doctors Ancient Greece and Rome, and Finnish traders brought them valuable raw materials. In Europe, the first dried calamus root appeared in the 16th century. One Italian doctor bought it from the German ambassador. The Viennese botanist Clausis was the first to grow calamus from pieces of rhizomes. He spread the marvelous plant to most of the botanical gardens in Europe, after which calamus began to be met in many countries. Additional Information for this plant is in the video below.

Collection and storage

IN medicinal purposes calamus root is harvested. It is a reddish outside and white inside process about the thickness of a human finger (see photo). The root consists of many knees and has a very pleasant aroma. Harvest this part of the plant in early spring or autumn. At this time, the water level in the reservoirs drops, so the rhizome can be without special efforts pull out of the mud.

To begin with, the root is dried a little in the open air, and then harvested. To do this, the roots are thoroughly cleaned, cut into pieces and dried in special dryers. The bark is also not thrown away, but thinly sliced ​​and dried in cool room. The plant should be dried at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, since as a result of exposure high temperatures essential oils and other biologically active substances are destroyed. Grass leaves are harvested in July-August. Dried raw materials should break easily in the hands, which indicates its readiness. Store it in paper bags for up to 3 years.

Growing: planting and care

Calamus cultivation is possible both in open ground conditions and in a room. Having decided to cultivate this plant, you should thoroughly study the specifics of planting and care. This is what will be discussed in this section of the article.

IN open ground

  • soil requirements: peat with clay or silt;
  • location: by the water or in a shallow pond;
  • planting depth: 20 cm for marsh calamus and no more than 10 cm for grass-like.

frequent and profuse.

carried out once a year, preferably in the spring. Needs pruning of old plants that have not undergone frost. Dry shoots are combed out with a device for collecting fallen leaves.

In room conditions

  • soil requirements: a mixture of peat with clay, river silt and turf or hydroponics;
  • location: shaded place with constant temperature;
  • planting depth: minimum.

frequent and abundant, needs spraying.

does not need.

Transplantation and propagation of the plant is carried out by dividing the maternal rhizome. To do this, it is carefully disassembled into divisions, in which the kidney must be clearly defined. Planting the plant should be done so that the pieces of the rhizome are laid horizontally. So a good shoot and a healthy root will form from them.

Outdoor plants should be protected from severe frosts. For the winter, calamus can be hidden in the basement or brought into housing, but there it must be provided with proper conditions.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of calamus are due to its composition. The rhizome of the plant is rich in essential oils, bitterness, alkaloids, starch, resin. Contains tannins, choline, vitamins.

Calamus essential oil is produced on an industrial scale. It is a viscous dark liquid with characteristic aroma. The unpleasant smell of the oil is recommended to be combined with other essential oils, thus obtaining an equally useful oil composition. Complementary oils are patchouli, lavender, cedar, frankincense, myrtle, cinnamon, all citrus oils. Essential oil is used in aromatherapy as an antiseptic. It has proven itself in the treatment of periodontal disease and inflammation of the oral mucosa. Air has a positive effect on peace of mind, will be used to treat hysteria, apathy. In gynecology, oil is used for douching, as well as for problematic menstruation and menopause.

Calamus essential oil is great for hair and skin care. When applied to the skin, the oil has irritant effect, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth, and also strengthens them well. The oil heals well, which allows it to be used to treat wounds, cracks, purulent ulcers. Air is indicated for the care sensitive skin: it relieves irritation, has bactericidal properties. To strengthen the hair, they should be rinsed with a decoction of this plant. A decoction can be taken orally with lichen, while simultaneously wiping the affected areas with it.

The healing properties of this amazing plant help restore masculinity. To do this, 100 grams of root insist on vodka for several weeks in a dark place. The finished product is taken 30 ml 3 times a day. Such a tincture correct use will definitely help cure impotence.

Use in cooking

In cooking, calamus is known as a spicy-aromatic seasoning. Its aroma resembles the smell of roses, citrus fruits, and it tastes tart. This plant is used in the preparation of canned fish, sweets, in the alcoholic beverage industry.

In the manufacture of sweets, calamus root is often used in candied form. It replaces expensive spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon. Candied rhizome can be prepared at home. To do this, it is necessary to clean and cut the calamus root into small pieces and boil it in sugar syrup, then dry and transfer to a jar, sprinkling with sugar. In this form, calamus is added to puddings, pastries, cookies. The aroma of this plant goes well with fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, juices. The resulting candied fruits are served with tea as a separate dish or used to decorate dessert dishes. The dried root is a traditional spice for Indian and Islamic cuisine.

As an original delicacy, jam is prepared from this plant. The root is dug up and soaked in cold water for 3 days. This water must be changed every day. Next, the rhizomes are cleaned and left in water for another night. In the morning, the rhizome is boiled several times, while constantly changing the water so that the bitterness is gone. Then the root is placed in a container of cold water. Boiling it a second time, the root is left in cold water until morning, changing the water from time to time. After that, the calamus is cut into small pieces and filled with water, changing it as often as possible until all the bitterness is gone. The root is gently moved to a napkin so that it absorbs all the moisture. Next, a syrup is prepared from 800 grams of sugar and a glass of water. Calamus is added to the boiled syrup and boiled over low heat, making sure that the jam does not burn. After the syrup thickens, the calamus is transferred to a dish and sprinkled with sugar. When the root has cooled, it will be possible to shift the jam into a glass jar.

When preparing hot dishes, chopped rhizome is added a few minutes before cooking. In soups and second courses, calamus can be used instead of bay leaf, ginger. Especially well dried calamus is combined with meat dishes. Fried meat with the addition of rhizomes is simply incomparable. fish dishes calamus gives an original spicy aroma and a slight bitterness.

Some housewives also use the leaves of the plant, adding them to fresh salads, which become from this even more vitamin.

The benefits of calamus marsh and treatment

The benefits of the plant are known to folk medicine. In China, it is used as a tonic and antipyretic.

Calamus has a positive effect on the condition of a person suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions reduce gas formation in the intestines, help digestion. Often this plant is part of herbal preparations to normalize digestion. Decoction gently removes intestinal colicparoxysmal pain in the intestine. It also improves liver function, excretion of bile, which is indicated for diseases of the gallbladder and liver. On the basis of calamus, the pharmaceutical industry produces a number of drugs that are intended for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, as well as kidney and cholelithiasis.

When applied externally, the plant is effective with toothache, as well as inflammation of the oral cavity and larynx. Calamus extract is often added to toothpastes, because it helps fight bad breath and takes good care of the gums. The powder is used to sprinkle wounds for their speedy healing. It is also effective for toothache, for treating colds. Pieces of calamus rhizome are chewed for scurvy. The plant protects tooth enamel from destruction and strengthens the gums. Calamus is also an ancient means of getting rid of tobacco addiction. A person who wants to quit smoking should chew pieces of the rhizome of this plant: they increase vomiting reflex that helps in the fight against this bad habit.

Harm of calamus and contraindications

The plant can bring harm to the body with individual intolerance, a contraindication to use is appropriate. Contraindications for the use of calamus inside the doctors include following states and human diseases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • disruption of work digestive system;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • exacerbation peptic ulcer;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • kidney failure;
  • low blood pressure, as well as dystonia;
  • individual intolerance.

Overdose or neglect of contraindications can harm the human body. The first signs indicating the need to exclude calamus are indigestion and the accompanying heaviness in the stomach, nausea and liquid stool. In severe cases, there may be heavy bleeding from the nose and bronchospasm. In case of occurrence similar symptoms need to seek medical attention.

If the use of the drug based on calamus is made in the form of compresses and rubbing, then the only condition for the need for urgent cancellation can be called allergic manifestations that have arisen against the background of the use of the product, which are characterized by a rash and redness at the site of application.

The content of the article:

Calamus is a perennial, aquatic plant, belongs to the calamus species. It has a brown color, thick and branched root system. It can be up to 1 meter, the leaves are sharp, in the form of a sword, the bases touch each other. The root is ribbed and looks like a groove. The cob has a cylindrical, geometric shape, has many flowers.

The leaves are green, 1–2 cm in size. The flowers are at the top, yellow in color, they form a rocking chair. The dry berry is the fruit of the flower. The bush blooms in early summer. Calamus can be found near a river, stream, in a vast thicket, swamp.

Culture has several names, because it was brought to our land Tatar yoke. Other names of the root: “irny root”, “reed”, “Tatar potion”, “yaer”, “cake”, “kalamus”, “saber grass”.

Calamus root is a very popular herb, it is used by herbalists in medicinal purposes, the use of which pleases with a healing effect.

The composition of the cake

A bunch of useful components contained in the calamus root. It is rich in components such as acorin, starch, ascorbic acid, protein and mineral salt, as well as essential oil, calamine.

The root oil produces phenylpropane. The root has acorin, acoretin, resin, calamine, choline, vitamins, lucenion, iodine. The specific smell of calamus gives aldehyde.

Healing properties of Tatar grass

Preparations made from calamus have a lot of useful properties:
  • vasodilating;
  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • astringent;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • tonic;
  • diuretic;
  • enveloping.
Traditional medicine is also famous for the use of cinquefoil. festering wounds sprinkled with calamus powder, which allows them to heal better. Decoctions, infusions, ointments are prepared from it. It also treats peptic ulcer, improves the functioning of the bladder, and improves digestion.

Able to cure many diseases. Let's list them:

  • enteritis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • angina;
  • rhinitis;
  • flu;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • depression;
  • prostatitis;
  • endometritis;
  • menstruation;
  • impotence;
  • neurosis;
  • migraine;
  • wounds;
  • stress.
Cane is also used as a pain reliever, aromatic agent, improves gastric secretion, treats gout, rickets and scrofula. swamp calamus used for bathing. Calamus powder can cure heartburn. Acts as a good gastric remedy.

It also strengthens hair, improves the condition of the central nervous system, helps with tuberculosis, liver disease, rheumatism, and urinary disease.

Lepeshnik regulates and improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases appetite, gastric juice, relieves bad breath, relieves bleeding, inflammation of the gums.

Preparation and collection of calamus

Most often, calamus root can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently. Raw materials are harvested in late autumn. The root is washed, cleaned of leaves. Then the roots are dried, then cut into small pieces of 20 cm each. You need to dry at a temperature of 40 degrees. At higher temperatures, the root will lose beneficial oils.

Well-dried roots should break easily. They have a brownish-yellowish, reddish or grayish color. Broken roots should be pink or White color. Raw materials are bitter in taste, with a specific smell.

The root contains alkaloid, phytoncide, starch, aldehyde, resin, minerals and vitamins. Calamus root treats: gout, malaria, toothache, cough, cramp, infection. Calamus tincture is used to treat bronchitis, gastritis, and pneumonia.

Liver, diarrhea, cholecystitis, heal with an alcohol tincture from the root. A preparation based on calamus root improves general well-being, hearing, visual function.

Application of calamus

The root is used to disinfect water. The collection is able to improve appetite, the digestive process. It is used for ailment of nerve endings. Lowers arterial pressure, stomach acidity. Effective in ovarian disease in women, amenorrhea.

A decoction, infusion, lotion is prepared from the root. Heals a cold headache, cleans respiratory system. The root can muffle the effect of toxins on the body, neutralize the effect of hallucinogens.

Cane can improve memory, prevent heartburn. The plant is hardy and unpretentious. Does not require fertilizer, loves moisture. Flowers are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent hair loss, prevent baldness.

Acts like bactericide in the treatment of SARS, epidemics, cholera. Used for chronic diseases, treats bronchitis, tracheitis. Effective in intestinal disorders, duodenum, loss of appetite. The product enhances potency in men, relieves pain, cramps during menstruation, menopause.

Tatar herb treatment

Medicine began to use cinquefoil often. It restores memory, promotes the disappearance of neurosis, arthritis, cleanses blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and relieves headaches.

Sabelnik is able to treat the whole body with all its organs. Helps to establish the work of such systems:

  • respiratory;
  • cardiovascular;
  • nervous;
  • urogenital.
Calamus decoction increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The extract reduces pressure, causes analgesia. The content of bitterness improves appetite, processing of food taken. relieves nervous system from oppression. Root powder contains medical preparations used in the treatment of ulcers.

Women's gynecological problems treated with the miraculous root. It is used for a sitz bath. Bad smell the oral cavity passes if you rinse it with herbal decoction. With typhoid, cholera, influenza, earlier people ate calamus root. The plant excites the gastrointestinal tract.

The tool removes sputum, disinfects, relieves pain. Perceives the rapid tightening of wounds, cuts. The drug is effective for colpitis, treats gastritis, tones nerve endings, cells.

It also relieves the body of harmful worms, the patch with yaer promotes the healing of the affected bone. The leaves of the plant lowers the temperature, can be applied externally. Used for flatulence, diarrhea.

Vegetable bitterness acts as an anesthetic. Air is considered one of the effective drugs, which helps with achilia, abdominal cramps, hyperacidity. Pain during menstrual flow, disruption of the bladder, anemia goes away if you take the root of calamus. Calamus oil relieves stomach colic, hysteria.

People with a low amount of gastric juice are advised to drink a Tatar remedy. After all, it promotes the release of hydrochloric acid, thereby improving digestion and appetite.

Extract as a diuretic for diathesis, malaria, kidney disease. It has an expectorant, analgesic, laxative effect. Sensitivity spinal cord can be adjusted with the use of a saber. Used for cholecystitis, hepatitis.

  1. Infusion getting ready in the following way: crushed dry raw materials are taken, poured with water, and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken half a cup before each meal.
  2. Alcohol tincture. Place raw materials in alcohol, let it brew for 24 hours and drink 25 drops a day. You can also use wine instead of vodka, and take it to prevent vomiting. They drink a decoction for toothache, do a procedure with a fragrant bath. Make a lotion, soaking it in the prepared collection, and apply to the affected area.
  3. Decoction it is easy to prepare: you will need fresh raw materials that need to be boiled for 10-15 minutes. Strain and take half a glass before meals.

Recipes for treatment with calamus in folk medicine

  • Widely used in culinary dishes like a spice. To do this, grind the root of the plant and add to your favorite dishes.
  • Helps with heartburn, chew a piece of the root or eat a spoonful of calamus powder.
  • For hepatitis, prepare a decoction of calamus and drink it 3 times a day.
  • You can add sage, oak bark, nettle to calamus - all this is poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes. A decoction is able to cure sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis.
  • The crushed cinquefoil is placed in a vessel with water, boiled for several minutes, filtered. Then take 0.5 cups throughout the day. So you can get rid of the symptoms of gastritis and stomach colic.
  • Intestinal disease is treated with a decoction of cake with the addition of rice. The ingredients are boiled for 25 minutes and consumed warm three times a day.
  • Pain in the stomach will go away if you cook reeds with rowan fruits. The raw material is poured with liquid and infused for 60 minutes, then boiled and cooled. Drink for 1-2 days and the pain will go away.
  • The raw materials are boiled for several minutes and left in a closed container. Take with diarrhea 0.25 cups.
  • Prepare a sessile bath with hot root and take it for hemorrhoids.
  • Infusion is washed and wounds are treated.
  • The prepared warm infusion is used to rinse the mouth, gums, drink in violation of the gallbladder.
  • Prepared for healthy and strong hair herbal decoction for rinsing the head.
  • Vision will improve if you smear the eyelids with juice from the cake.
  • Treat pancreatitis. You will need nettle, calamus, thyme, dandelion, mint. Grind the herbs to a powder, add honey and take the mixture in 1 teaspoon.
  • Myoma treatment. Mix calamus powder with aloe juice and honey. Let stand 3 days and consume 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • Calamus contraindications

    Air should not be drunk high acidity gastric juice. It is necessary to carefully mix the root with other herbs so as not to increase the acidity. It is not recommended to take kidney failure, gastric ulcer.

    It is worth remembering that before starting treatment, consult a doctor yourself. He will prescribe a course of treatment for you, and will observe you. The use of root extract should be moderate and not exceed the norm.

    Exaggeration of the dose can provoke a gag reflex. Therefore, if you notice a deterioration in the condition, then contact the clinic and immediately stop the course of treatment.

    Tatar grass is contraindicated in such diseases:

    • in the inflammatory process of the kidneys;
    • pregnancy;
    • the presence of a stomach ulcer in an acute form;
    • hypotension;
    • with nosebleeds;
    • high concentration of hydrochloric acid.
    Be careful with the use of culture, follow the instructions, follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

    The healing properties of calamus and more detailed information about this plant in the plot:

    Inconspicuous at first glance, but amazing useful plant calamus is well known. And not in vain, because thanks to him you can really get rid of numerous ailments.
    Main useful material are found in the roots of the plant. The main thing is to be properly informed about how calamus root and its properties can help.

    Perennial plant, grows 60-120 cm high, has long narrow xiphoid leaves, reaching a length of about 1 meter and inflorescences in the form of a multi-flowered dense cylindrical roller with a pleasant aroma.
    “Acorus blooms in spring. First, a peduncle 10-15 cm long grows, on which yellow small flowers appear by summer, and seeds ripen from them, despite the fact that the plant does not reproduce by seeds.
    But the main healing properties its dense rhizomes have a thickness of about 3 centimeters in diameter and a length of more than 1 meter. They calamus and breeds. The roots are not deep and has additional thin roots for better grip on the ground.

    It is well known where calamus grows - in swamps, river banks, lakes, ponds. Collect the rhizomes of the plant in spring or autumn. It is advisable to choose plants of three years of age. To get the roots, iron hooks are used, with which they pull the roots out of the ground, and sharp knife for cutting. The rhizomes are thoroughly cleaned, then cut lengthwise and dried.

    Another name for calamus marsh is the Tatar saber or Tatar. The Tatar-Mongols respected this plant and sincerely believed that by lowering the roots of a Tatar plant into a pond, you can purify the water.

    Not only the Tatars appreciated the beneficial properties of calamus. Roman doctors wrote about him in their scientific writings, treated them with diseases of the liver, spleen, stomach, as well as the eyes and respiratory system. In the Middle Ages, calamus was used as a disinfectant, its powder was sprinkled on wounds. Bolotnik is recognized in Asia and China, India, and even in America and Europe.
    But it was the Tatars who brought it to the Slavs. In our area, it is called calamus reed, yaver, cinquefoil, irny root.

    What is useful calamus fraught with

    Tatarnik is highly valued, although not the best among medicinal herbs. It has found its application in folk and traditional medicine, in cosmetology due to the rich chemical composition:

    • Magnesium
    • Tannins
    • Essential oils - quite a lot, as much as 5% of the total mass of rhizomes
    • Tannins
    • Starches
    • Sahara
    • A number of useful vitamins
    • Choline
    • Various minerals
    • Phytoncides
    • organic acids
    • Slime
    • Alkaloids, namely calamine and glycosides, acorin, acoretin and lucenion
    • resins

    Because of great content as part of the Tatar active substances long-term use is not recommended. You need to take a break after a month of taking.

    Areas of application of the hot root and possible harm

    Many are made from calamus various means for indoor and outdoor use. The plant will help internal organs, excellent for the liver, indispensable for gastritis. Tatarnik has a bactericidal, healing, analgesic, tonic and other positive influences, helps to cure many diseases and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

    1. Digestive system: loss of appetite, ulcers (peptic ulcer is treated with remission, in no case with exacerbation), cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders and inflammation of the stomach, intestinal colitis, hemorrhoids.
    2. Nervous system: systematic stress, depression, neuroses, mental disorders, neurasthenia.
    3. Genitourinary system of men and women: impotence, prostatitis, disorders menstrual cycle, prevention and treatment inflammatory processes with colpitis, vaginitis and whites, urolithiasis.
    4. circulatory system: thrombosis, varicose veins veins, hypertension, cold hands and feet.
    5. Respiratory system: laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, SARS, influenza, bronchitis, etc.
    6. Skin diseases in which ulcers, pustules, cracks and poorly healing wounds are formed, frostbite, snake bites, fungal diseases.
    7. Musculoskeletal system: diseases of the joints, muscle weakness.
    8. Capable
    9. With intoxication of the body.
    10. Diseases of the organs of vision, ophthalmological problems.
    11. Recovery after serious illnesses, old age.
    12. Nicotine addiction.
    13. Cosmetology.

    There are also contraindications for use calamus rhizomes, among them it is necessary to highlight:

    • Pregnancy and lactation
    • Any bleeding
    • High acidity. The use of calamus is allowed only as part of herbal preparations containing components that can quench the released hydrochloric acid.
    • Kidney inflammation
    • Acute stomach ulcers
    • Low blood pressure
    • Individual intolerance

    A variety is prepared from a Tatar man medicines- tea, decoction, infusion, powder. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations to achieve the effect.

    1 tsp dried product, brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take warm 1-3 times a day.

    5 tbsp raw materials pour 750 ml of boiling water. Wait half an hour. Use as a warm bath additive.

    Alcohol tincture
    Cut 75 grams of fresh roots into small pieces, put in a bottle, pour 750 ml of vodka, close and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Inside: in the morning, 15-20 drops per 100 ml of water. Outside: massaging, rubbing.

    Fresh Juice
    Thoroughly clean fresh calamus roots and squeeze out the juice.

    100 g of rhizomes insist 10 hours in 2 liters of water. Bring to a boil, strain and use for compresses.

    The decoction also works as a natural repellant when applied to exposed parts of the body to keep mosquitoes away.

    Grind the dried root in a coffee grinder.

    Tatar saber for men's health

    Calamus rhizomes are very useful for men, with him male power will be stronger and stronger.
    Helps reduce potency constant stress and heavy physical exercise, poor nutrition. Alcohol tincture will protect against impotence, also improve general state genitourinary system will help with prostatitis.

    Calamus reed for women

    For women, calamus is incomparable for external attractiveness and reproductive health. It is widely used in gynecology and cosmetology.
    Tatarnik will help restore monthly cycle, will contribute to the treatment of fibroids, relieves the symptoms of menopause.
    IN cosmetology calamus rhizomes are used in finished products and home recipes.

    For example, an infusion of calamus and burdock roots will help to strengthen hair, save it from falling out. Rinse your hair with it after washing and it will make your hair healthy and attractive.
    Tatarnik is universal and useful for all types of hair. You can prepare a beer mask with a rhizome for dry hair or an herbal rinse for oily ones. So herbal remedy can be adjusted to individual structure hair. Due to active interaction with other ingredients, calamus has beneficial effect on curls and scalp.

    Calamus is also an excellent assistant in the fight against oily skin. Its use will help to make problem areas dryer, get rid of ugly oily sheen and give the skin elasticity and freshness, which is great for the face.
    Tatar has antifungal action and cure nails and skin from fungus.

    Sabelnik and nicotine addiction

    Scales nicotine addiction terrify. With a cigarette in hand, you can meet not only a man, but also a woman, a pregnant girl, and even a child! Many want to quit smoking, but the physical and psychological attachment to the process is a hindrance. Bad habits irritate, poison the lives of loved ones. Worth it just to be good example for their children.
    There are 2 methods:
    Against smoking, a mixture of 1 tsp is prepared. calamus and 2 tsp. mint. 250 ml of boiling water is poured, infused for 2 hours. You can drink at any time of the day when you feel like smoking.
    Second recipe- chewing a fresh root. This causes nausea and, consequently, an aversion to smoking. Whenever you want to smoke a cigarette, chew a piece of cinquefoil. Swallow the chewed gruel. After 2 weeks, it is possible to completely get rid of the addiction.

    Calamus marsh and dentistry

    Regular use of products for oral hygiene, which include calamus as the main component, will help restore tooth enamel and get rid of bad breath, relieve inflammation of the gums, and is indispensable for periodontal disease and stomatitis. Calamus even helps relieve toothache due to the fact that it is able to penetrate deep into tissues.
    For treatment, rinse your mouth with infusion every day after brushing your teeth. Or is there more easy option: you can pour a little tartar powder on the brush with paste every time you brush your teeth (about half a gram). It is great for teeth and should always be in use.

    Affordable price and positive feedback

    In conclusion, I would like to add that the price of calamus root is affordable and affordable. The most expensive product is essential oil. Below, there will be the cost of the finished tincture, and dried calamus will be the most affordable. You can choose any finished product or cook it yourself.
    Numerous reviews of those who have tried Tatarnik say that, in general, this is an excellent tool and easy to use. Sometimes nausea occurs during administration, which may indicate an excess of dosage.
    Even the reviews of doctors speak in favor of the use of calamus, which means that the remedy is really worthy.



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