What antibiotics to take for sore throat. What antibiotic throat sprays help with a sore throat

Pain in the throat causes many inconveniences and can accompany quite a lot. serious illness. This symptom often accompanied by a dry cough, hoarseness in the voice. often give only a temporary effect. Most often, antibiotics help to cope with pathologies that provoke swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Indications for use

Application antibacterial agents applies in such cases:

  1. Acute bacterial infection larynx and oropharynx. Such drugs are used for tonsillitis, whooping cough, epiglottitis. Often they are used for hemophilic infection and scarlet fever in children.
  2. Relapses chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Medicines are selected depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. Bacterial complications of SARS.

In other situations, antibacterial drugs are contraindicated. Bacterial infections are most often observed with such manifestations:

Diagnostic methods

To pick up effective pills for a throat with an antibiotic, it is necessary to carry out the necessary diagnostic studies. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

For bacterial infections general state more than 2 weeks is characterized by instability. At the same time, it retains subfebrile temperature, arises general weakness and fever.

The doctor can examine the throat with a spatula and give a direction to bacteriological examination. When performing this procedure, a scraping is taken from the throat.

Antibacterial agents of directed action help to cope with uncomfortable sensations. If the pathology is not associated with infection by pathogenic microorganisms, it will be treated without the use of antibiotics.

Features of the choice of drugs

To cope with the pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, use several categories of antibiotics:

  • penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • lincosamides;
  • macrolides.

An adult patient with development bacterial infection select funds in the form of tablets or capsules. A throat antibiotic for children is prescribed in the form of a powder from which a suspension is made. It is very convenient for home therapy when the pathology does not require hospitalization of the patient.


Most people prescribe antibiotics from the penicillin group. To the most effective means This category includes the following:



To deal with the problem, you can use the following tools:

Local antibiotics

Antibiotic local action can be used in the form of lozenges or sprays. This makes these tools very easy to use. Most often, experts prescribe such substances for the treatment of throat diseases:

Features of the use of antibiotics

  • It is forbidden to independently reduce or increase the dosage of the drug.
  • It is important to strictly adhere to the time of application of the drug, since the necessary concentration must be maintained in the blood.
  • During the period of therapy, it is necessary to take probiotics, which will help restore the intestinal microflora.
  • You need to take the drug in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. If the instructions say to drink the product before meals or drink water, be sure to follow these rules.

When using antibiotics, you need to observe special diet. It is important to exclude fried, fatty, sour foods. Alcoholic beverages and smoked meats are also prohibited. At infectious pathologies the body is exposed to a pronounced toxic effect of pathogenic bacteria and antibiotics. If you use heavy food, the patient's condition is only getting worse.

The most common cause patients visiting otolaryngologists - sore throat caused by various factors. After thorough examination the doctor selects the optimal therapy, prescribes the most suitable medicines to the sick person.

Some people believe that the best way to treat a sore throat is with antibiotics. These drugs act quickly, are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but are not completely safe. It is not allowed to take them for all diseases.

Causes of sore throat

More often pain in the throat occur when a viral or bacterial infection enters the body. Often, artists, TV presenters, announcers, teachers, educators, coaches, who are forced to constantly overstrain the vocal cords, have a sore throat.

  • The pharynx can also hurt in a child after hysterical fit and loud crying. In sensitive and allergy-prone people, discomfort in the throat occurs after being in dusty, smoky, smelly toxic substances premises.
  • Also, the pharynx becomes inflamed and hurts if you inadvertently damage its mucous walls with sharp bones, foreign objects, or too hot food.

When are antibiotics prescribed for a sore throat?

If the sore throat is provoked by a viral infection, then antibiotic treatment is useless. Antibiotics are prescribed only to eliminate a bacterial infection. In order to prescribe the most appropriate remedy, the doctor must find out which pathogenic bacteria called inflammatory response in the upper respiratory tract. To make a diagnosis, the doctor takes a smear from the patient for bacteriological culture.

  • With an inflammatory reaction in the throat, a sick person is prescribed antibacterial agents in the form of tablets, injection solutions, absorbable lozenges, sprays. These medicines are effective in angina bacterial nature and tonsillitis.
  • With viral pharyngitis, accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils and mucous membranes of the pharynx, antibiotic drugs turn out to be powerless.

Antibiotics are indicated if the following symptoms are observed:

  • body temperature rises rapidly, jumps to 38 - 39 ° C;
  • the tonsils become inflamed and covered with purulent plugs;
  • the lymph nodes on the neck and under the lower jaw are noticeably enlarged;
  • there is intoxication of the body;
  • there are complications - otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia.

How to take antibiotics for a sore throat?

Pathogenic microorganisms cause severe intoxication in adults, and especially in children. But antibiotics also overload the body weakened by the disease with toxins. The situation worsens when a sick person eats heavy meals and drinks alcohol. To avoid problems, you should take antibiotics strictly according to the doctor's prescription, carefully observing the dosage.

There are certain rules for taking antibiotics, they are listed below.

  1. If the drug after three days of use does not give positive effect, then you need to consult a doctor to change the method of therapy.
  2. With the appearance of diarrhea, nausea, migraine, weakness and other side effects the antibiotic should be stopped immediately.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to choose medicines and change the method of therapy without permission. Only medical specialist can select drugs for the patient, adjust their dosage.
  4. During the period of taking antibiotics, it is imperative to restore the intestinal microflora with the help of probiotics - preparations containing beneficial bacteria.
  5. Tablets for sore throat should be thoroughly washed down with water.
  6. A sick person must follow a diet. It is forbidden to use smoked meats, marinades, fatty foods, fried foods, alcoholic drinks.

What antibiotic is used to treat a sore throat?

When the body is damaged by a bacterial infection, at a temperature, sore throat, increased lymph nodes The following antibiotics are usually prescribed:

  • from the group of penicillins - Amoxicillin, Bicillin;
  • from the group of macrolides - Azithromycin, Sumamed, Clarithromycin;
  • from the group of cephalosporins - Cefalexin, Cefuroxime;
  • from the group of lincosamides - Clindamycin, Dalacin.

All of the above medications effectively eliminate inflammatory reactions in the ears, throat, nasal cavity caused by a bacterial infection. Only a doctor selects antibiotic medicines, focusing on age and physical state patient, as well as the type of causative agent of the disease.

You should not purchase medicines at your own discretion: improperly selected products can be useless, cause an allergic reaction, and even cause serious damage to health.

Many people believe that antibiotics are only available in tablet form and are only taken orally. In fact, antibiotic preparations can be found in pharmacies in the form of absorbable tablets or sprays for irrigating the throat.

These topical medicines contain antiseptic components. The following is a list of the most popular and effective antibacterial agents that have a local effect.

  1. Gramicidin. Lozenges for resorption, helping to cope with sore throat and tonsillitis.
  2. Bioparox. Spray used for inflammation of the tonsils and larynx.
  3. Stopangin. Spray based on hexetidine, which has an antibiotic, enveloping, analgesic effect.
  4. Pharyngosept. Lozenges based on ambazone monohydrate, which have a strong antiseptic action, quickly destroying pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Trachisan. Lozenges used for sore throat and pharyngitis, effectively relieving pain and inflammation, killing pathogens.

Antibiotics of the penicillin group and their effect on the body

The best drug for treatment bacterial diseases throat, ear and nasal cavity is considered amoxicillin. It is allowed to be taken even by patients prone to allergic reactions to potent drugs. Amoxicillin is a low-toxic antibiotic, it practically does not dissolve in the blood, but it has a depressing effect on almost all known pathogenic bacteria.

Children under 10 years old should take 250 mg of medication up to three times a day, children over 10 years old and adults - from 500 to 1000 mg, depending on the severity of the disease. The therapeutic course usually lasts 10 days.

Amoxicillin helps reduce sore throat, extinguish fever, and relieve inflammation. But if you interrupt the antibiotic treatment, then the pain in the throat will resume with new force. After interrupted therapy, bacteria develop immunity to medicinal substance therefore, it is useless to resume treatment with Amoxicillin.

You have to choose other antibiotics. It is recommended to use combined antibacterial medicines containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. The best combined antibiotics are Amoxiclav, Clavocin, Flemoklav Solutab.

The best antibiotics of the group of macrolides, cephalosporins, lincosamides

Antibiotic medicines of the cephalosporin group are rarely used to treat sore throat. These medicines have little effect on bacterial infection, causing sore throat, so doctors prescribe them in extreme cases if the patient is allergic to penicillin antibiotics. The most commonly used cephalosporins are:

  • Aksetin,
  • cefuroxime,
  • Zinnat, Ceftin,
  • Cefrus, Kimatsef.

These medicines are available either in tablet form or as solutions for injection.

Antibiotics of the lincosamide group are considered to be of low toxicity, they act intensively and are quickly excreted from the body. But they can only be used exclusively for a sore throat affected by beta-hemolytic streptococci. The best drugs are:

  • clindamycin,
  • Dalacin,
  • Clindamycin.

Since these drugs are quickly broken down and excreted from the body, they must be taken at least four times a day.

If a person with pharyngitis suffers from weakened immunity or does not adhere to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, then he may develop acute paratonsillitis. With this serious illness, accompanied by a strong fever, acute sore throat, the formation of an abscess on the tonsil, only macrolides help.

These antibiotics have an important advantage: they are able to seep through cell walls, destroy bacteria that have settled inside the cells. Macrolides kill even pathogenic microorganisms resistant to other antibacterial drugs. The most popular and effective are Azithromycin and Clarithromycin.. These medicines should be taken only once a day, as they have an extremely intense effect on the body.

What antibiotics can be taken during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is necessary to use any medications with extreme caution, not to mention antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are taken under the strict supervision of a medical specialist.

Antibiotics can cause serious harm to the health of the embryo in the womb, so doctors prescribe them to pregnant patients in special occasions when other medicines do not help serious illness. Usually potent drugs are prescribed to pregnant women who have several days of high fever, resistant to gentle treatment.

Young mothers are prescribed antibiotics that are poorly absorbed into the blood, containing active ingredients V minimum concentration. Most often, doctors prescribe to patients the following antibiotics local action:

  • Doctor Mom - lozenges based on extracts of medicinal plants;
  • Dr. Theiss - lozenges based on sage oil and others herbal ingredients;
  • Ingalipt - a sulfonamide-based spray containing eucalyptus and mint oils;
  • Bronchikum - lozenges containing thyme essential oil;
  • Orasept - anesthetic and antiseptic spray based on phenol;
  • Faringosept - antiseptic lozenges containing ambazone monohydrate.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using Bioparox spray. This antibiotic drug is highly effective, but it can have a very negative effect on female body and the embryo developing in the womb.

It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to engage in self-medication. Therapy for them should be selected only by a doctor.

Attention, only TODAY!

According to statistics, doctors are most often treated with a complaint about sore throat. These complaints are a complex pathological condition pharynx, larynx and pharynx. There can be many reasons, although they are divided into only two types - infectious and non-infectious.

The last reason may be related: due to smoking, mechanical damage, hot or spicy food etc. A infectious cause binds everything inflammatory causes because of pathogenic microorganisms. In most cases, it is precisely because of infections that they go to the doctor, who, in turn, after determining the disease, prescribes a course of treatment, which often includes antibiotics.

In this article, you can learn about which antibiotic to take for a sore throat and cough.

Often there are only a few diseases that cause. And a lot of people think that if they have a sore throat, antibiotics will help. But this is a delusion, since some diseases may not perceive them at all, so the patient intentionally ruins the immune system and does not get rid of the disease. Therefore, before using antibiotics, you need to consult with your doctor. The four most common throat diseases are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and strep throat infection, and they will be discussed further.


When in human body an infection penetrates, then there is practically no chance to escape from it, since according to statistics, the occurrence of pharyngitis is 90% after infection. This disease is well reminiscent of SARS, as it is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose and dry cough. But pharyngitis also has symptoms such as perspiration and pain on the back wall throat. This is exactly the case above, in which taking antibiotics will only harm the patient. Judging by the symptoms, it is determined and treatment is prescribed.


Unlike pharyngitis, the occurrence of angina can serve not only as the penetration of infection into the body, but also as a fungus and virus. In this case, it is necessary to treat only after the causative agent of the disease has been identified. Antibiotics can be taken only if the causative agent of tonsillitis is bacteria. In the case of contact with the mucosa of the virus or staphylococcus particles, the disease develops into an acute and even chronic form. If reproduction continues, and the number of viral particles increases, then inflammation is pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils. For acute or chronic tonsillitis, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • the patient's body temperature rises;
  • there is discomfort, cough and pain in the throat;
  • clearly visible swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • in area palatine tonsils plaque or purulent follicles appear.

Such a case requires the use of antibiotics only those that contain penicillin, macrolides or cephalosporins. But to determine the exact antibiotic for the course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor who, after the result of the sowing, will indicate the right choice.

It is this infection that is the most common causative agent of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. The infection appears after infection or subsequently a disease that has shaken the immune system. And also the development of viral particles due to bad habits such as smoking, because the mucosa becomes more vulnerable to infection. Heartburn also affects the multiplication of bacteria on the walls of the throat due to the ingress of gastric juice on the walls of the throat.

The incubation period lasts from one to four days. In adults, the disease can be severe and elevated temperature up to 40 degrees. Symptoms are similar to tonsillitis and pharyngitis, as the infection develops into these diseases.

Angina is considered one of the most common diseases of the throat, so it is important to know about the full range of antimicrobials that eliminate this problem. TO penicillin series are attributed as follows:

  • Amoxicillin is considered a semi-synthetic drug that has a wide range of properties. It is effective against bacteria and has the main advantage for such drugs - it has no side effects. Amoxicillin continues to fight harmful microorganisms even in gastric juice, because it does not break up.
  • Bizzilin-5 is a drug that prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, but some bacteria, fungi and viruses are resistant to it. Therefore, it only applies in certain cases. It has long-term action and reduces the risk of complications.
  • Amoxiclav is a mixed, antibacterial agent. It is very effective for tonsillitis, as it quickly and efficiently eliminates foci of inflammation, and most importantly, it does not harm immune system. Of the side effects of Amoxiclav, weight loss and, in some cases, a rash can be taken into account.
  • Ampicillin is a drug that has low price compared to the rest. Just like Amoxicillin, it has a wide spectrum of action. Destroys the main pathogenic microorganisms from which severe illness like tonsillitis and pharyngitis. It is in good demand, because it is allowed for children from two months old, but for those who have weak kidneys, it is contraindicated.

Also, with angina, a cephalosporin series is recommended:

  • Cefuroxime is a second generation drug. It has a point action on certain microorganisms. It has poor absorption (about 50%).
  • Ceftriaxone - the drug is prescribed only for acute or especially complex diseases. It has a considerable handful of side effects, as it causes diarrhea, fever and headache. It is prescribed only with the instructions of a doctor, because self-use can confuse the whole picture of the disease.

The last to help against infections and viruses is the macrolide series:

  • Erythromycin is a drug that has some similarities with penicillin. It is used to eliminate angina caused by staphylococcus aureus. Less toxic and approved for use by pregnant women.
  • Spiramycin - fights complicated diseases of the ear, throat and nose. It also has reduced toxicity and is still contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women. The drug is common, as it quickly eliminates inflammation.
  • Sumamed is a medicine that will completely eliminate all the symptoms of a sore throat in 5 days. It does not apply in every case, but only when acute form tonsillitis becomes chronic. For children, it is prescribed from six months.

How to take antimicrobial medicines

Each antimicrobial drug has its own characteristics, but they are all covered. common rules their use. The main and first rule is always considered that the form and the drug itself should be prescribed only by a doctor after an examination. For self-treatment can be dangerous to health. It is required to monitor the course of treatment, the first days the effectiveness of the medication is evaluated, and if changes are not felt, then you need to tell the doctor about it and he will change the treatment.

Since many antibiotics have a remarkable number of side effects, they can occasionally occur. If you experience nausea, headache or dizziness, inform your doctor and the course will be adjusted.

Increasing the dosage is also unacceptable when taking antimicrobials. Violation this rule considered on a par with self-medication, because it can be just as dangerous to health. In some cases, the outcome can be fatal. Reducing the dosage without the instructions of a doctor is not recommended.

Timely medication can be written as a rule. Because the body needs to constantly maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood.

Both antibiotics are toxic in their own way, so it is important to understand how it affects the intestines and the body as a whole. So when using antibacterial drugs, you need to take probiotics to restore the intestinal flora.

Well, the last rule should be the full implementation of all the points in the instructions for the drug.

It is known that taking drugs such as antibiotics have their own contraindications, so there is a certain list of people who are strictly forbidden to take these medicines:

  • breastfeeding women;
  • people who have weak kidneys or liver, as well as those who have a permanent disease of these organs;
  • people who have an allergic reaction to certain components of antibiotics.

What to do if the throat hurts, and taking antibiotics is contraindicated? In this case, appoint local preparations Thus, the drug will be absorbed into the blood in small doses and toxicity to the body will be minimal.

On this moment it is impossible to imagine how angina was treated before or similar diseases without antibiotics. There is an opinion that with the help of these drugs you can cure anything. But in fact, you can't get so attached to this species drugs, as they are primarily toxic, and, secondly, adversely affect the immune system. Therefore, the treatment of a simple disease with antibacterial drugs can destroy the immune system, which will lead to an easy infection of the body, and this time it can be a fatal disease.

It is better to know all the medicines and their names than to get sick and take anything. After reading this article, you know that it is better to prescribe antibiotics for an adult to the attending physician, and not to self-medicate. After all, antibiotics are actually our friends, only up to a certain moment as long as we follow the rules. Everything you need to know is already mentioned above.

During bacterial inflammation upper respiratory tract, systemic and local agents are used. Dispersion (grinding) of the active components of antibiotics, produced during the process of creating a spray, does not reduce the activity active ingredients, therefore, the appointment of this convenient dosage form is practiced in the treatment of various infectious diseases throat and nasopharynx.

Indications for the use of antibiotic throat sprays

Antibacterial drugs for the throat of local action are intended for the treatment of inflammation caused by staphylococcal, streptococcal, anaerobic bacterial or fungal infections, or when there is a threat of their attachment to the original disease. Sprays for the throat with antibiotics can be prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  • laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx);
  • quinsy;
  • bacterial angina;
  • bacterial pharyngitis.

Local therapeutic effect preparations in the form of a spray provides the effect of the active components of the antibiotic directly on the site of infection. The use of medicines of this dosage form helps to quickly achieve the desired therapeutic effect- reduce pain, prevent the development of complications, avoid the transition of the disease to chronic stage. Depending on the severity of the disease and individual features the patient's body sprays are used as an additional or main means of treatment.

High bioavailability of the components of the composition, the possibility of taking the drug in any conditions (unlike rinsing, inhalation and other topical agents), low degree systemic effects of the drug on the body - these advantages of sprays with antibiotics make them the drugs of choice in the treatment of uncomplicated bacterial infections. Only a doctor can prescribe such a medicine, because they select a medicine in accordance with the type of microorganism that caused the inflammation. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the patient's condition.

Antibacterial spray Ingalipt Russian production contains norsulfazole sodium, soluble streptocide, thymol, sucrose, mint and eucalyptus extracts. The combination of these active ingredients relieves swelling of the mucous membranes, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, relieves pain syndrome, is active against fungi of the genus Candida. The drug is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of bacterial inflammation of the upper respiratory tract:

  • tonsillitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • bacterial or fungal infection.

Dosage for adult patients and children over 12 years of age - 1-2 injections through the oral cavity, 3-4 times / day, for 7-10 days. Contraindications are allergy to one of the components, kidney and liver diseases (nephrosis, nephritis), disorders of the hematopoietic organs and chronic autoimmune diseases. Treatment can cause side effects in the form of a skin rash, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, angioedema. The price of a 30 ml bottle in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 90 to 160 rubles.

Tantum Verde

Antibiotic throat spray Tantum Verde from Italian pharmacists is made on the basis of benzydamine hydrochloride, a component that has an anesthetic effect. antimicrobial action. This substance exhibits a pronounced fungicidal activity against fungi of the Candida type, therefore it is also prescribed for candidiasis with a focus of infection in oral cavity. Dosing regimen - 0.255 mg (1 dose); spray into the oral cavity every 1.5-3 hours for 4-8 injections for adults, 3-4 for children from 6 to 12 years old.

This antibiotic throat spray is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy; the use of the drug can cause burning and dryness of the mucous membranes, allergic reactions, laryngospasm or an asthma attack. Price Tantum Verde in the form of an aerosol for local application in pharmacies in Moscow is 260-420 rubles per 30 ml.


American spray for sore throat with antibiotic Hexoral is made on the basis of hexetidine. This substance is a thiamine antagonist, has a pronounced antimicrobial, antiseptic effect, has an antifungal, antibacterial effect. The remedy relieves sore throat, cough and pain syndrome with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and others purulent inflammations pharynx, used for complex treatment How aid.

Spray for the throat with antibiotics Hexoral is sprayed into the throat twice a day (morning and evening), for 1-3 seconds. The duration of the course of treatment with the drug is from 7-10 days. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components and under the age of 3 years. Can change taste sensations(at individual intolerance). The cost of a 40 ml bottle varies from 240 to 360 rubles.

Aerosol for throat with antibiotic Kameton is combination drug local action, containing chlorobutanol hydrate, eucalyptus oil, camphor, menthol, which has a cooling, soothing effect on the sore throat. Antiseptic with local anesthetic effect, spray relieves inflammation, prevents spread infectious process.

Before using the drug, rinse the throat soda solution or chlorhexidine. The agent is injected into the right and left corner of the pharynx, 2-3 injections, 3-4 times a day, for a week. Do not use the medicine under the age of 5 years and in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components. It may cause side effects such as skin rashes, burning sensation in the nasopharynx. The price of a 30 ml bottle is 65–110 rubles.


topical antibiotic for the throat Stopangin is produced by an Israeli pharmacological company based on hexetidine and a complex essential oils(eucalyptus, mint, anise, orange tree). Active ingredient of the drug:

  1. has antibacterial, antiseptic and fungicidal action;
  2. relieves discomfort when coughing;
  3. has an analgesic, enveloping effect.

Stopangin is not prescribed for children under the age of 8 years, during pregnancy, with dry pharyngitis of the atrophic type and individual intolerance to the main components. Use of this antibiotic throat spray may cause allergies (including angioedema), bronchospasm, or laryngospasm. Frequency of use - 2 times / day, between meals, 2 injections, for 7-10 days. The price of a bottle of 30 ml is from 200 to 290 rubles.

Spray Bioparox based on fusafungin (a polypeptide antibiotic with anti-inflammatory activity) has a local antibacterial effect without reducing effectiveness antimicrobial agents systemic action. The drug is prescribed for bacterial inflammatory infections of the organs respiratory system, on catarrhal stage purulent tonsillitis, on initial stages sinusitis - the medicine will relieve swelling of the sinuses, nasal congestion, will help to remove sputum. Dosage - 1 injection in each nasal passage or two in the mouth, 4 times / day.

The drug is contraindicated under the age of 2.5 years and with intolerance to one of the components. The use of the spray can cause dryness in the nasopharynx, perspiration and nausea, individual allergic reactions from the skin or mucous membranes, bronchospasm, edema, anaphylactic shock(with hypersensitivity to the components). The price of one bottle is 400-450 rubles.

Antibiotic of local action for the throat Anginal based on plant components (extracts of chamomile, sage, mallow, eucalyptus leaf) has an anti-inflammatory and mild antibacterial effect. The components of the composition are active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungal microorganisms, destroy pathogens. The spray is sprayed 4-8 times / day, 2-3 doses (one press - 0.132 g), in the complex treatment of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract.

The tool can be used during pregnancy, is contraindicated in children under 3 years old, with bronchial asthma and at high sensitivity to the components of the drug. Spray for the throat with herbal antibiotic Anginal can cause an allergic reaction (burning and swelling of the mucosa), with individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition. The price of the drug is from 400 to 460 rubles.

The drug Isofra in the form of a nasal spray is made on the basis of the aminoglycoside framycitin. This active ingredient has antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The medicine is prescribed for bacterial pharyngitis and sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis and sinusitis, applied intranasally (through the nose), 1 injection 3-4 times a day. The therapy is well tolerated, may cause adverse dermatological reactions. The price of a bottle of 15 ml is 310–465 rubles.

The combined preparation for topical use in the form of a spray of Polydex contains neomycin sulfate, polymexin sulfate, dexamethasone sodium metasulfabenzoate. The components of the composition have a vasoconstrictive and antibacterial effect, relieve swelling from the mucous membranes, ensuring free airway patency. Nasal spray is used to treat purulent bacterial inflammation of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.

The dosage is 2-3 injections in each nasal passage per day, for 7-10 days. The drug is not prescribed for kidney disease, coronary disease heart, angina and hypertension. The drug can cause dryness in the nasopharynx, allergic reactions on the skin, with prolonged use - tachycardia, insomnia, increased pressure. The price of a bottle of 15 ml is from 310 to 440 rubles.

Antibiotic immunostimulating throat spray Octenisept is made on the basis of octenidine and phenoxyethanol. These active ingredients effectively destroy a number of gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, yeast fungi, lipophilic viruses (including hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex and dermatophytes). The medicine is used for local treatment infections of a bacterial and fungal nature, healing of burns and festering wounds, bedsores and trophic ulcers.

With a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract, the patient is prescribed 1-2 irrigations of 20 ml (4-6 seconds), 2-3 times a day, for 10-14 days. During treatment, there may be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, burning and dryness in the nose and throat. The use of the spray is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components. The price for a bottle of 250 ml is from 650 to 970 rubles.


Antibiotics are used to treat sore throat inflammatory diseases caused by exposure to pathogenic microorganisms.

Such medicines are not intended for self-medication and can only be used in case of objective indications for use, on the recommendation and under the supervision of a physician.

Before choosing a suitable therapy regimen, the doctor determines exact reason development of pain and inflammation.

It is important to remember that the uncontrolled use of antibiotics is fraught with the development of complications:

  • Severe allergic reactions in adults and children.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms become insensitive to the action of the drug, the disease can transform into a chronic form.
  • The defeat of the mucous membranes by a fungal infection.
  • Violations of the functioning of the liver.

Antibiotics are not prescribed to relieve a sore throat. For this, there are special drugs with anti-inflammatory properties.

The antibiotic affects the root cause factor - bacteria, the vital activity of which causes unpleasant symptoms.

If the inflammatory process and sore throat provoked viral infection, it is not advisable to prescribe antibiotics. This group of drugs can only be used to eliminate bacterial infections.

In order to select the appropriate medication, it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to active ingredient. The doctor takes a smear for bacteriological culture.

Where possible, preference is given to local dosage forms: sprays, lozenges, rinses, etc.

Oral antibiotics are indicated in the following cases:

  • A sharp, persistent increase in body temperature over 38.5 degrees, intoxication of the body.
  • Education purulent plugs on the tonsils.
  • Enlarged cervical and mandibular lymph nodes.
  • Development of complications: otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis.

In some cases oral administration antibiotics are vital.

For example, with tonsillitis provoked by streptococcal infections, the lack of proper treatment is fraught with the development of complications: rheumatism, otitis media, abscesses, meningitis.

Systemic antibacterial agents

With sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, a persistent increase in body temperature, preference is given to following groups antibiotics:

When choosing a suitable medicine, the following criteria are followed:

  • The drug should have a bactericidal effect.
  • Tablets or capsules are not inactivated when exposed to enzymes secreted by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The active substance is rapidly absorbed, has a selective effect and accumulates only at the site of the lesion.
  • The drug has a prolonged effect.
  • Probability toxic effects and development adverse reactions minimal.

Selection of suitable, effective and safe medicine can only be carried out by a therapist or an otolaryngologist after receiving the results of a smear for the study of microflora.

Until the results are obtained, the doctor may decide to use the broadest possible spectrum of the drug.


Combined antibiotic for systemic use based on amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Protected against the effects of enzymes of pathogenic microorganisms, effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Two-component composition expands the spectrum pharmacological activity. The drug is well tolerated and is one of the safest.

For ease of use, Augmentin is presented in several dosage forms: syrup, tablets for internal use.


Antibiotic with a wide range antibacterial activity, which accumulates in the affected tissues and has a prolonged action.

Effective against a large number pathogenic microorganisms that can cause inflammatory diseases throat: copes with staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas, legionella.

The drug is not used for individual intolerance to the components, chronic pathologies liver and kidneys, congenital anomalies development of cardiac conduction systems, accompanied by tachyarrhythmia.

It is enough to drink the drug once a day, preferably at the same time of day.

Local antibacterial agents

Antibiotics are presented not only in the form of preparations for systemic use, but also for local treatment of affected areas.

If the throat hurts, antibiotics of local action quickly cope with swelling, pain, hyperemia, redness, and inflammation.

The multicomponent composition and the presence of other active substances contribute to additional provision local anesthetic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory action.

Grammidin S

Polypeptide antibiotic, which is indicated for patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity without fever.

Increases the permeability of microbial cell membranes, causing a violation of their stability with subsequent decay.

Promotes relief inflammatory processes, facilitate swallowing, eliminate discomfort in the throat.

Tablets can be used from the age of 4: hold in the oral cavity until the drug is completely dissolved.

For 60-120 minutes after using the tablet, it is not recommended to drink and eat food. The course of admission - up to 6 days, can be extended by prior agreement with the doctor.


The drug with bactericidal and fungostatic action, effective in mixed infections affecting the throat and mouth.

affects Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, spirochetes, fungal infections.

Indicated for gingivitis, ulcerative and aphthous stomatitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

  • 4-12 years: 1 pc. every 3 hours. After the unpleasant symptoms have passed, Decatilene is used every 4 hours.
  • 12 years old - adults: 1 pc. every 2 hours, after the reduction of symptoms - once every 4 hours.

The drug is not used in case of intolerance to the components, allergic reactions for ammonium compounds.

Decatylene is well tolerated rare cases rash, itching, burning and irritation of the mucous membranes have been reported. Long-term use medicines in high dosage fraught with the development of necrosis and ulcerative lesions.

Antibacterial properties active substance decrease when interacting with an anionic tenside, which is contained in toothpaste.


Trachisan is a combined preparation with antimicrobial and local anesthetic action.

The active substances are:

  • Tyrothricin is a multicomponent mixture with antibacterial effect. The special mechanism of action does not provoke the development of cross-resistance.
  • Chlorhexidine - affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.
  • Lidocaine is a local anesthetic.
Who is shown Trachisan

The drug is prescribed for the diagnosis of inflammatory, infectious diseases of the throat and oral cavity, accompanied by swallowing disorders.

Trachisan is also used for prophylactic purposes after surgical interventions.

How to take pillsTablets are taken in 1 pc. every 3-4 hours.
elimination unpleasant symptoms observed after 2-3 days.
To consolidate the result, the drug should be used for 48 hours after feeling better.
Who is contraindicated TrachisanIntolerance to the components of the drug, including fructose.
Identification of erosive changes in the oral mucosa.
Formation of large wounds in the mouth and throat.
Adverse reactions

There is a possibility of developing:

  • Taste perception disorders.
  • Short-term numbness of the tongue.
  • Local irritation, swelling of the pharynx and face, urticaria, itching, shortness of breath, skin rashes.
  • With prolonged use, teeth, tongue, dentures, fillings may become yellow or light brown in color.

The composition of Trachisan does not include sugar, so taking the medicine does not provoke caries. Tablets can be used by patients with a history of diabetes mellitus.

General rules for taking antibiotics

Before using any antibacterial drug it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to the active ingredient.

A number of substances are effective against cocci, others affect the vital activity of rods. For example, when exposed streptococcal infection Synthetic penicillins are recommended.

  • Before choosing a medicine, you must consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions for use.
  • It is not recommended to stop taking the medicine ahead of time on your own. Even if the patient felt a noticeable improvement, you need to continue taking it until the end of the course of treatment.
  • If the drug provokes diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stool disorders, dizziness, loss of consciousness, it should be immediately canceled.
  • Against the background of taking antibiotics, it is recommended to use probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora, as well as antihistamines, if there is an allergy.
  • It is not recommended to re-take a previously used antibiotic because of the risk of unwanted side reactions.
  • The dosage of drugs can not be increased or decreased independently.

With the development described in the instructions or any other side effects, you should consult a doctor.



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