Cramps in the abdomen. Intestinal colic in adults, signs and treatment

Intestinal colic is an attack of acute pain (muscle spasm), the intensity of which can increase or disappear on its own. Very often, pain ends with the urge to defecate or pass gases. The occurrence of pathology is associated with a sharp reduction in the walls of the intestine.

Intestinal colic is not an independent disease, it is a complication that indicates a disorder of normal functioning or the development of any diseases in the organs of the digestive tract.

Causes of intestinal colic

The etiology of the development of the disease is diverse. Pathology can be caused by many different factors, both internal and external. Unpleasant, painful sensations arise due to certain pathological conditions and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, stomach ulcers, non-infectious colitis, disorders in the liver and pancreas disrupt the normal functioning of organs, food is poorly digested. And, getting into the small intestine in a large volume, provokes the development of intestinal colic;
  • poisoning - food products, plant poisons, chemicals, salts of heavy metals;
  • intestinal infections - dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, typhoid fever;
  • unbalanced nutrition, in particular abuse and fermentation in the intestines, gas-containing drinks after meals (yeast baked goods, kvass, lemonades, foods with a high content of lactic acids, such as sauerkraut). With intestinal colic, they are strictly forbidden to be introduced into the diet;
  • helminth infection;
  • viral infections - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, "intestinal flu";
  • acute intestinal obstruction (, growth of tumors, etc.) intestinal colic occurs due to the "struggle" of the intestinal muscles with insurmountable obstacles to the movement of feces.

Of the external factors to provoke the occurrence of intestinal colic can:

  • mechanical injuries, blows in the abdominal cavity and as a result;
  • stressful situations, severe psycho-emotional trauma (increased nervous excitability, in which excitation spreads to the intestines, this is a congenital anomaly that is not the norm);
  • postoperative interventions or complications after a surgical operation on the abdominal organs also often cause intestinal colic. At risk are adults over 40 years old (both men and women) who have undergone abdominal surgery, have adhesions on the abdomen, patients complaining of chronic constipation, intestinal bleeding.

In this case, intestinal colic can occur simultaneously and pass on its own, which often occurs in overly exciting people during public speaking, passing exams, etc., if the spasm is caused by a stressful situation. In other cases, intestinal colic in adults appears periodically, often with increasing pain intensity, which requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations

In medicine, there are several types of pathology

type of colic Characteristic features
Appendicular colic is most often the first sign of acute appendicitis.
  • a severe attack of pain occurs suddenly;
  • pain is localized in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen (inflammation of the appendix of the large intestine occurs);
  • over time, the pain intensifies.
Rectal (rectal) colic
  • acute pain occurs in the rectal area;
  • over time, the attacks become stronger;
  • along with pain, there is a painful urge to empty the intestines.
Lead colic - appears as a result of poisoning of the body with lead, often as a result of work in hazardous industries.
  • acute attacks of excruciating pain, cause a strong tension of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • cramping pain;
  • dormant periods become shorter over time;
  • the gums bleed, a whitish coating appears on them;
  • body temperature rises to 40 0 ​​C.

With intestinal colic of this type, the patient needs emergency care.

Vascular colic is the main cause of intestinal colic of this type, it is insufficient blood supply to the intestinal muscle tissue (tumors, polyps, adhesions, vein thrombosis).
  • at the very beginning, the pain may be mild, aching;
  • over time, pain intensifies;
  • with oxygen starvation in the tissues, an attack of acute pain occurs, covering the entire abdominal cavity.

Despite the underlying causes that caused excruciating spasms, the main symptoms are always sudden cramping pains in the abdominal cavity, which only intensify over time.

They appear after a meal, but with gastroenterological diseases they can begin suddenly on an "empty stomach", regardless of the time of day.

Muscle spasm may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • with a prolonged attack, the pain radiates to the inguinal region, to the lower back, to the coccyx, it may feel like it covers the entire abdominal cavity;
  • prolonged spasm interferes with the normal discharge of gases and bowel movements, resulting in severe bloating, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, belching (if intestinal colic develops against the background of gastritis or stomach ulcers);
  • in some cases, a sharp increase in blood pressure may occur (except for the case of intestinal obstruction, in this situation, on the contrary, the pressure decreases);
  • the patient feels a breakdown, his condition worsens every hour (the clinical picture is typical for intestinal colic that occurs against the background of acute intestinal obstruction);
  • there is a disorder of the stool: diarrhea mixed with blood, mucus or constipation;
  • body temperature can rise during a spasm only in cases where it is caused by viral or intestinal infections, as well as poisoning.

If a person’s condition has worsened since the onset of an attack, medical attention should be called immediately, since only a specialist can determine the cause that caused such a condition. It should be remembered that such dangerous conditions as intestinal obstruction, poisoning, dysentery (severe stage) require immediate treatment. In its absence, the risk of death increases.


Given that intestinal colic is not an independent disease, but rather a consequence of multiple pathologies in the body, the specialist conducts a detailed diagnosis. This is necessary to determine the true cause that provoked a spasm of muscle tissue. The initial diagnosis is established by questioning the patient, in which complaints and symptoms are analyzed. Along with this, the doctor conducts a physiological examination and palpation of the abdominal organs.

The final diagnosis is made based on the results of the following procedures:

  • Gastroduodenoscopy is an endoscopic examination in which a visual examination of the digestive system organs (esophagus, stomach, duodenum) is performed in order to identify possible deviations in the work of these organs that disrupt normal digestion and provoke the development of intestinal colic.
  • Cholecystography is the diagnosis of the gallbladder using x-rays and a contrast agent to identify possible abnormalities in the structure and function of the gallbladder.
  • - Examination of the large intestine with an endoscope. When diagnosing, it is possible to detect such anomalies as inflammation of the mucous tissue of the intestinal walls, neoplasms of a different nature, diverticulitis, ulceration in the mucous layer, narrowing of the intestinal duct caused by the inflammatory process.
  • - Examination of the rectum and sigmoid intestine in order to identify various anomalies (tumors, ulcers, inflammatory processes, adhesions, etc.).
  • MRI, ultrasound, CT - carried out for visual inspection and detection of various pathologies and anomalies in the structure and functioning of organs.
  • Complete blood count - is prescribed to identify the inflammatory process and possible anemia.
  • Urinalysis - carried out in order to identify possible malfunctions of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
  • - this type of diagnosis with the appearance of intestinal colic is given special attention. In the laboratory, the biomaterial is checked for enzymatic activity, for the presence of helminthic invasions, for intestinal infections and for dysbacteriosis.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the specialist chooses an acceptable treatment strategy for the patient.

Treatment of the disease

Given the numerous options for the emergence and development of pathology, the treatment that a specialist will prescribe can be based on completely opposite, in fact, influences, depending on the cause that caused the painful condition. In this case, a mandatory element of treatment is a special diet and medication. Surgical intervention becomes mandatory only in the critical condition of the patient with acute intestinal obstruction.

First aid for intestinal colic

When very painful spasms appear, it is necessary to alleviate the patient's condition as soon as possible. In this case, it is imperative to seek medical help, because after relieving an acute attack of pain, the patient must be under the supervision of a specialist who will identify the symptoms and be able to choose the right treatment for intestinal colic. It should also be taken into account the fact that an intestinal infection requires hospitalization of the patient in an infectious diseases hospital, and acute intestinal obstruction requires emergency surgical intervention. Any delay in both cases increases the risk of death.

In order to eliminate excruciating pain at home, you can use the following options:

  1. Take 2 no-shpy tablets with warm mint broth. Instead of no-shpa, you can take 1 tablet of papaverine with platifillin.
  2. If the patient's condition is complicated by severe vomiting and oral administration is difficult, you can make a cleansing enema with a warm decoction of mint and introduce rectal suppositories with belladonna extract into the lower rectum, which quickly relieve spasm and help eliminate muscle spasm.
  3. Drink "": 1 sachet of dry powder is dissolved in 100 ml of water.
  4. If food poisoning is suspected, take a sorbent inside: Activated charcoal at the rate of 0.5 g per 10 kg of human body weight.

After the measures taken, the patient should completely exclude any food intake for about 12 hours. In the treatment of intestinal colic in adults, it is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water or warm, freshly brewed tea without sugar (not strong). In this case, a strong discharge of gases or a single liquid stool may occur.

Intestinal infections and toxicoinfection

The main measures are aimed at treating intestinal and toxic infections with the following drugs:

  • antibiotics: Levomycetin, Kanamycin, Gentamicin;
  • intestinal antiseptics: Furazolidone, Biseptol,;
  • saline solutions, glucose, vitamins and plasma are administered intravenously in severe conditions of the patient.

It is categorically contraindicated at the very beginning of the disease to relieve spasm by warming the abdominal area with a heating pad, and to take remedies based on bismuth and starch for diarrhea (to “fix stools”). In this case, it is best to make a cleansing enema with warm water, which will eliminate pathogens from the body.

Influenza, SARS, ARI

With respiratory viral infections, intestinal colic usually appears 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. Antibiotics are not used to relieve spasm. Use the following drugs:

  • Activated carbon;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins.

In this situation, intestinal colic resolves on its own.

Helminth infection

  • Decaris;
  • Pirantel.

Acute intestinal obstruction

In the case of acute intestinal obstruction, when intestinal colic is replaced by a delay in the discharge of feces and gases, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. In this situation, only surgical intervention is necessary. In acute intestinal obstruction, a dangerous phase of "false well-being" occurs, in which spasm and pain disappear, and the patient feels relieved. This stage is very dangerous, because after the imaginary well-being comes the phase of peritonitis, in which the risk of death is high.

Therapeutic diet

With intestinal colic of any type, a special diet is a mandatory component of treatment. With the development of severe spasm, an adult, unlike a child, must adhere to a diet that includes foods enriched with fiber and vitamins, sour-milk drinks, decoctions of herbs, vegetable juices. It is better to eat food at the same time in small portions, avoid overeating and completely eliminate diets based on prolonged fasting.

intestinal colic- this is a symptom that may indicate the onset of the development of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and may be the result of malnutrition or stress. But to understand the causes of intestinal colic, you need to consult a doctor for advice. He will conduct an examination and identify the cause of this symptom, as well as prescribe treatment.

Characteristics and types

Intestinal colic is a sharp, sharp pain in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen. They have a cramping and paroxysmal character. Colic occurs suddenly and lasts for a couple of minutes, then the pain subsides, but can also suddenly return. Such cramping pains can occur equally in both men and women, as well as infants and children of any age.

Many reasons can provoke intestinal colic, but in a generalized form it can be said that this is due to spasm of the intestinal walls.

Depending on which part of the intestine spasm occurred and what is its cause, There are several types of colic:

To determine what caused intestinal spasms, only a narrow-profile specialist - a gastroenterologist or surgeon can. Therefore, to establish the type of colic, as well as the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.

It is also necessary to differentiate an attack of intestinal colic from other types. Colic also happens:

  • renal;
  • gastric;
  • hepatic;
  • pancreas.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

The reasons

The causes of intestinal spasms are quite diverse, from the most harmless overeating to serious pathologies of the intestinal tract. In general terms, colic is the result of improper intestinal motility, or a violent nervous reaction of its walls to stimuli.

That is, if the intestinal motility is reduced, the feces do not move due to the presence of an obstacle in their path, or the nerves of the intestinal wall are irritated, the person will feel severe pain in the abdomen.

In order to answer the question "why does intestinal colic occur?", you need to consider some reasons that may contribute to this:

Depending on the causes that caused intestinal colic, the pain can be acute, but rare, quieter, but constant or very frequent, spread throughout the abdomen or have a clear localization, the pain can migrate, intensify, and then subside.

If physiological factors (overeating, stress) were the cause of colic, then intestinal spasm will soon stop when the irritating factor goes away, but if the cause lies in the pathology of the intestine, then medical care is indispensable.

Constant spasms are usually the first sign of a developing disease, and other symptoms soon appear after them.

Intestinal colic, not gastric, and does not depend on food intake, the exception is colon colic - if a person overeats, then a heavy stomach presses on it from above, causing discomfort and pain. Intestinal spasm in this case will soon pass as soon as the food completely frees the stomach and passes into the intestines.

Colic as a symptom of the disease

Sometimes intestinal colic is the first symptom of the development of the disease, most often the digestive system, but it happens that other systems.

Such diseases include:

Any of these diseases has its own characteristic signs, and colic is only one of the symptoms.

Other symptoms that may accompany intestinal colic include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • the appearance of impurities in the feces (, pus), a change in its color;
  • rash;
  • grinding teeth in sleep;
  • itching in the anus;
  • bloating;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • rapid development of signs of intoxication, in severe cases - convulsions.

If, in addition to intestinal colic, you have at least a few of the above symptoms, then you should definitely contact a gastroenterologist, or call an ambulance in a serious condition.

Only a specialist will be able to give you a correct diagnosis and tell you what to do with intestinal spasms, how to deal with them and what therapy to use.


In order to correctly establish the causes of intestinal colic, before visiting a doctor or an ambulance, it is better not to take any medications on your own, so as not to blur the picture and mislead the doctor.

The doctor will definitely take such measures and prescribe tests:

  • examination of the patient with palpation and percussion of the abdomen;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • delivery of feces to;
  • analysis of feces for eggworm;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound and X-ray of the abdominal organs;
  • CT or
    • fruits and vegetables, especially grated apples and carrots;
    • rye bread and homemade croutons without seasonings;
    • dairy products;
    • lean meat and fish;
    • cereals;
    • decoctions of herbs and teas;
    • freshly squeezed juices from carrots, as well as spinach.

    From the patient's diet, it is imperative to remove all spicy, salty, spices and seasonings, fatty and fried foods, rich foods, legumes, canned food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, smoked meats and pickles.

    If you are sure that you have colic due to harmless reasons, then at home you can take two tablets of No-shpa or Spasmolgon, drink a preparation containing belladonna extract, make a warm enema from a decoction of lemon balm or mint, switch to a healthy diet, and the first six hours it is better to even drink unsweetened tea and eat homemade crackers.

    Nutrition for intestinal colic should be frequent, but in small portions, about six times a day, 200 grams each.

    But still, before taking the medicine, especially if it is not just an analgesic or antispasmodic, consult your doctor. The problem may be deeper than you think.

    And remember that intestinal colic, although it is weak, is still a symptom that can signal in advance about the danger that threatens your body. Therefore, do not ignore it, drinking pills all the time, but find out the reason in order to start timely etiotropic treatment.

Acute pain, pain and spasm in the intestines signal: something is malfunctioning and needs our attention. In such a simple way, intestinal colic can manifest itself.

Signs of intestinal colic in adults

A striking sign of intestinal colic in adults is the presence of acute pain. The nature of the pain is cutting, cramping and stabbing.

The pain can weaken and re-gain strength over a long time (from several hours to several days) and spread throughout the abdominal cavity. When feeling the abdominal muscles, severe pain and tension can be noted.

What is colic and how does it manifest itself?

Colic (from Latin colica, “intestinal disease”) is a spasm of the intestinal walls. Colic is not a separate disease, and often indicates problems in the gastrointestinal tract. 1 . One of the problems can be a disruption of the intestines, which in addition to colic can also be manifested by pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. This may indicate that the intestines are irritated. Why this happens will be discussed below.

Colic can occur in response to changes in a person's lifestyle, such as:

  • errors in nutrition, snacking on the go (irregular meals, frequent use of fast food, eating spicy, fatty, smoked and fried foods);
  • eating foods containing a large amount of yeast (kvass, sauerkraut, etc.);
  • frequent stressful situations and psychological sensitivity;
  • past intestinal infections 2 .

External factors can lead not only to the appearance of discomfort and colic, but also to disruption of the intestines. And when the bowels don't work properly, they show it with problems like spasm, pain, loose stools, or bloating. Violation of the intestine occurs when its walls are spasmodic, and therefore the motor function of the intestine as a whole fails. As a result, the intestinal walls either move the contents too slowly or, conversely, move the contents too quickly. As symptoms of such a failure, we see constipation or diarrhea.

How to treat intestinal colic in adults?

The treatment of colic is, first of all, the elimination of the cause of their occurrence.

When a single symptom appears, an antispasmodic may be the first line of help. It stops the attack of pain, relieving colic.

But if you are experiencing colic, recurring abdominal discomfort, loose stools or bloating, then you need to act in a comprehensive manner. The intestines need to be given full assistance in order to restore its proper functioning, and then the symptoms will not bother for a long time. It is necessary to be patient and understand with understanding that a problem that has not had a high-quality solution for a long period of time cannot be solved one-time.

Most antispasmodics simply relieve the spasm by relaxing the muscle cells in the intestines. A "relaxed" intestine is not able to perform functions that are directly related to motility, promotion and digestion of food. This means that such drugs can only provide temporary help, but are not able to restore bowel function, which means that the symptoms will appear again and again. In addition, such drugs can adversely affect other organs and systems, since they act throughout the body, and not just where help is needed. Because of this, long-term use alone is not recommended. 3 .

Duspatalin ® 135 mg tablets not only relieve pain and spasm, but also help restore the motility of "irritated" intestines during a course of administration 4 . The drug not only allows you to see the result here and now, but is also ready to work for the future so that unpleasant symptoms do not return. Duspatalin ® 135 mg tablets act purposefully in the intestines without disturbing the functioning of other organs and systems, therefore they can be used independently as a course 5 . The minimum course of taking the drug is 14 days 4 .

Agree that life with a healthy gut is worth it to choose the right course of treatment.

For detailed information about the instructions for use of the drug and the drug itself, follow the link.

Duspatalin ® 135 mg was created for a comprehensive solution to the problem of "irritable" intestines: relieves spasm and pain in the abdomen, and restores bowel function when taken as a course 1 .

1. Instructions for medical use of the drug Duspatalin® (Mebeverin 135 mg), coated tablets, dated 05/24/2017.

1. Instructions for medical use of the drug Duspatalin® (Mebeverin 135 mg), coated tablets, dated 05/24/2017. 2. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence UK. Irritable bowel syndrome in adults: diagnosis and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in primary health care. Clinical guidelines, March 2017

1 1. Pokrovsky V.I. - Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms, 2005, С565

2 2. Grebenev A. L. Diseases of the intestine / A. L. Grebenev, L. P. Myagkova. - M .: Publishing House of Medicine, 1994. - 400 p.

3 3. Instructions for the medical use of the drug No-shpa ® dated 23.07.2010

4 4. O. N. Minushkin Drug therapy of functional disorders of the intestine and biliary system, occurring mainly with abdominal pain and flatulence [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – (Date of last access: 10/11/17).

5 5. Duspatalin ® 135 mg. About the drug [Electronic resource].. - (Date of last access: 11.10.17).

6 6. Duspatalin ® 135 mg. About the drug [Electronic resource].. - (Date of last access: 11.10.17).

1 1. Minushkin O.N., Elizavetina G.A., Ardatskaya M.D. Drug therapy of functional disorders of the intestines and biliary system, occurring mainly with abdominal pain and flatulence. Clinical pharmacology and therapy. 2002;1:24-26.

The material was developed with the support of Abbott in order to increase patient awareness of the state of health.
The information in this material does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Contact your doctor.

There are a number of problems associated with intestinal colic. First of all, these are gastritis and pancreatic diseases, in which food is not digested properly and enters the intestine in this form. Too cold or can also provoke What to do in such a situation?

First aid for intestinal colic

To get rid of the problem, you must first find out the cause of its occurrence. And to alleviate the patient's condition up to this point, you can advise the following:

    Put a warm heating pad in the groin area - this will help relieve spasm and relax the muscles somewhat.

    At home, you can use antispasmodic drugs that act mainly on the intestines. Experts in such cases recommend drinking 1-2 tablets of "No-shpa", washed down with a decoction of mint, 2 tablets of the drug "Platifillin with papaverine", "Bellalgin" (available in the form of tablets and suppositories). The medicine "Smecta" will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The powder package must be diluted in 100 ml of pure non-carbonated water. Sometimes an enema (200 ml) with a warm decoction of mint helps. If we are talking about ordinary colic, after the passage of gases and loose stools, the pain will recede.

    It is equally important that after a while colic in the abdomen does not appear again. What to do for this? It is best to give the intestines a “rest” and refrain from eating for 12 hours. You can drink weak tea without sugar and eat crackers.

    What should be considered before taking medication?

    Doctors strongly do not recommend taking ordinary painkillers for those who are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as abdominal colic. What to do if you can not contact a specialist? Antispasmodics are the best. Analgesics, in turn, can cause problems with the correct diagnosis. And, in addition, to cause a feeling of final recovery. However, by getting rid of the symptoms of the problem, you will not get rid of the problem itself. And in the future, the disease that provoked the appearance of intestinal colic can lead to more serious complications.

    Analgesics are allowed to be taken only in cases where you are 100% sure of the cause of the pain.

    When taking antispasmodics, it should be remembered that if the pain does not go away within 2 hours, and its cause remains unknown, it is urgent to call an ambulance. We have already listed the drugs that will help you in such a situation: these are No-shpa, Smecta, Papaverine and Bellalgin medicines. These funds are allowed to be used for colic of any type.

    Traditional medicine in the fight against intestinal colic

    Speaking about how to treat colic in the abdomen, you should separately touch on the topic of folk remedies that will help you eliminate pain. Here are a few recipes that have been tested by many generations and are effective in such situations:

    Is it necessary to see a doctor?

    After using medications or home remedies, you will feel relief. However, if you do not know why abdominal colic appeared, you should visit a specialist as soon as possible. Treatment of some diseases accompanied by intestinal colic may require hospitalization and even surgery. Therefore, the sooner you are diagnosed, the more successful and faster the therapy process will be.

    Prevention of intestinal colic

    If you already know how unpleasant this phenomenon is, you should know how to prevent your abdominal colic from reappearing in the future. What to do for this? If you encounter such problems often enough, you should adhere to a fairly strict diet. Namely: exclude sweets, smoked meats, fatty, pickled and spicy foods, carbonated drinks from the menu. In addition, it is important not to overeat.

Gastric or intestinal colic is not an independent disease. Basically, such manifestations are a signal of the body about the course of diseases of the digestive system. Colic manifests itself as intense attacks, for which it is inherent, the main cause of which is stabbing pain in the stomach, in the small or large intestine. A number of factors can provoke colic in the stomach. Only a highly qualified doctor, namely a gastroenterologist, can determine the cause of the spasm. If you begin to suffer from stomach, intestinal colic and spasms, you should immediately consult a doctor to complete a full course of examination.


Intestinal colic is accompanied by serious diseases that are directly related to the abdominal cavity. In some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. Intestinal colic refers to such a concept as an acute abdomen, which implies a deep lesion of the organic type or a functional disorder of the digestive system.

Intestinal, stomach colic occurs for the following reasons:

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Basically, it is gastritis and ulcers, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as well as the pancreas. These pathologies occur against the background of severe violations of the digestive function. Food that is not fully digested penetrates the intestines, which provokes spasms, pain.

Intestinal infection

The cause of the malaise can be the defeat of the body by harmful microorganisms, dysentery bacillus, salmonella and others. When they infect products, the stage of active reproduction begins, accompanied by increased production of toxic substances. When using such products, food toxicosis occurs. As for acute intestinal infection, it can be cholera, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery. Only an infectious disease specialist can detect an infection. This requires the delivery of analyzes and instrumental examinations.

Improper nutrition

The provocateur of intestinal colic is improper, irregular nutrition, consumption of fatty and spicy foods, dry food. In addition to all this, the cause of bloating and cramps can be stale, too cold or hot food. In some cases, cramps are triggered by a combination of foods that do not go well with each other.

Poisoning with heavy metals and their salts

Lead is recognized as the most dangerous metal that can negatively affect the body. The risk zone of poisoning includes people who work in chemical, hazardous production, as a gradual effect of toxins on the human body has been observed for a long time. When lead enters the human body, lead colic begins. It is manifested by intense spasms and pain, which are localized in the stomach area.

SARS and influenza

Cold pathologies can provoke gastric and intestinal colic. The virus affects not only the respiratory center, but also the gastrointestinal tract, settling in the lymph nodes of the peritoneum and contributing to the development of the inflammatory process. The nodes are localized in the small intestine, its mesentery.

Worm infestations

Intestinal obstruction

This disease is very dangerous. It manifests itself in the form of intestinal colic, spasms and pains of a cramping nature. There is also increased gas formation, lack of defecation. Obstruction occurs against the background of the presence of adhesions, stretching of loops or mechanical obstruction.

Food or drug poisoning

For an intestinal syndrome of this type, a mixed clinical picture is inherent. Colic in the abdomen occurs against the background of profuse diarrhea. Respiratory infection worsens (cough, runny nose, redness and sore throat). The pain syndrome present in the muscles of the abdominal cavity can noticeably worsen during movements. In this case, you need to consult a competent doctor.


As a rule, gastric and intestinal spasms are acute and intense. They can wax and wane. The pain intensifies rapidly, most often, it gives to the inguinal zone.

During palpation of the abdomen, there is no muscle tension. The pain syndrome is not short-term, it can last for several days. As for body temperature, it remains within the normal range. Against the background of pain, constipation and flatulence develop.

If the patient has an acute stage of gastritis, then such colic is complemented by dyspepsia, namely vomiting, diarrhea, belching, nausea, bloating and heartburn. There is a lack of appetite, weakness and severe apathy, as well as a general deterioration in the patient's well-being.

If stabbing pains in the abdomen are observed against the background of such a dangerous disease as intestinal obstruction, then the symptoms are supplemented by vomiting, nausea, lack of stool and intestinal gases, and a drop in blood pressure. Cold sweat appears, pallor of the skin is observed. In such a situation, the necessary emergency hospitalization and surgery. It is forbidden to self-medicate. It is important to urgently call an ambulance and wait for her arrival.

Classification of pathology

There are several forms, varieties of colic. One of them is appendicular colic. It is observed during exacerbation of appendicitis, increases rapidly, focuses on the right in the iliac region. The rectal form is accompanied by painful false urge to defecate. Of particular danger is lead colic, indicating poisoning with lead salts. It is characterized by cramping soreness, tension in the abdominal cavity, body temperature of about 39 degrees, the presence of bleeding gums, gray plaque.

Symptoms of renal colic are characterized by severe pain that radiates to the stomach, groin and lumbar region, as well as to the genitals. The intensity of the pain syndrome increases sharply during movement and walking. Body temperature rises and blood pressure falls. There is a failure in normal urination, vomiting and nausea develop. At the peak of the exacerbation, the person loses consciousness. The causes of the pathology are pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, tumor and urolithiasis.

Pancreatic colic accompanies diseases of the pancreas. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, flatulence and excessive gas formation are present. Initially, the pain is localized in the epigastric region, after which it acquires a girdle character. Causes: pancreatitis, cancer.

Hepatic colic often occurs. Spasms can be felt in the right hypochondrium. The pain can radiate to the right shoulder blade, as well as the shoulder. There is a bitter taste in the mouth. Excruciating vomiting with impurities of bile. The causes of the pathology are cholelithiasis, as well as acute cholecystitis.

How to improve your condition at home

There can be many reasons for pain in the stomach, before the ambulance arrives, you can not use a heating pad, put an enema or take drugs. If your doctor confirms simple colic, you can do the following:

  • drink two tablets of No-Shpa, drink mint broth;
  • apply a warm heating pad to the groin to relax the muscles and stop the spasm;
  • make a cleansing enema with mint or lemon balm decoction;
  • if stress is the cause of the attack, sedatives can be taken;
  • drink a decoction of immortelle, chamomile;
  • use a rectal suppository containing belladon or take a tablet of Becarbon, Besalon.

After such events, you need to refuse to eat for twelve hours. It is allowed to drink warm tea with white bread crumbs. After that, it is recommended to follow a diet, exclude from the diet foods that can provoke excessive gas formation.

Medical therapy

The course of treatment directly depends on the cause of the ailment. If internal pathologies act as a provocateur - cholecystitis, stenosis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, tumor or hepatitis, treatment of the underlying disease is required. With regard to gastric and intestinal colic, appearing with intestinal infections, urgent hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is necessary. In the case of appendicitis, emergency surgery is required.

Powerful antispasmodics help to stop abdominal pain - Becarbon, Drotaverine and Notensil. For first aid, an injection of Diphenhydramine, Papaverine or Atropine is prescribed. After the pain is eliminated, the patient is under the supervision of medical personnel. Against the background of toxic infection, antibiotic therapy is prescribed: Levomycetin and Gentamicin. Antiseptics help well - Furazolidone, Biseptol. If the case is severe, then you can not do without intravenous infusion of glucose and vitamins, blood plasma, saline solutions. When ARVI or flu acts as the cause, you need to take a vitamin complex, activated charcoal and powerful antispasmodics.

It is undesirable to fight colic on your own, as it can aggravate the course of the disease. You need to seek medical help to avoid complications.

Power correction

To get rid of stabbing pain in the stomach, you need to change the diet. To do this, it is desirable to use balanced products containing useful and nutritious elements. It is necessary to eat about five to six times a day in small portions, so as not to burden the inflamed stomach. It is recommended to use cereals, light soups, mashed potatoes, vitamins, boiled vegetables, pureed fruits.

Dairy products are of particular benefit. It is advisable to add a drink such as milk to coffee and tea. It is important that all dairy products have a low percentage of fat. You can consume no more than 3 thousand calories per day. Add olive oil to your diet, as it has a healing effect. Nutritionists strongly advise drinking mineral water without gas, herbal teas and decoctions.

Nutrition principles:

  • last meal two hours before bedtime;
  • do not starve, but do not abuse food;
  • chew food slowly and thoroughly
  • eat in small portions;
  • food should be warm, but in no case hot, cold;
  • it is forbidden to eat fried, spicy, spicy, salty, sour foods.

In addition, under the ban are: carbonated drinks, legumes, mushrooms, sweets, fresh pastries, conservation, sausage and sausages.

If the stomach colitis, then antibiotics are prescribed for treatment, they are taken according to strict instructions so as not to harm the body. The minimum course of treatment is fourteen days. The doctor may then prescribe re-treatment by prescribing pills, injections, diet, and appropriate exercise. When prescribing a diet, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, identify comorbidities, and pay special attention to age-related changes.

Stinging pain in the stomach may be the result of malnutrition, stress and fear, or may indicate a serious illness that requires urgent treatment. If you are concerned about unpleasant and stabbing sensations, as well as other symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs