Essential medicines in the first aid kit. What should be in the first-aid kit: a list of mandatory medicines

The home first aid kit includes minimum set drugs, which should always be at hand. There is no need to keep a battery of bottles of syrups from different type cough, clog the refrigerator shelf with immunity boosters and eubiotics with " beneficial bacteria, buy antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. After all, 24-hour pharmacies are available to almost everyone, and people with chronic diseases know how much money you need to keep at home.

A universal first aid kit contains what is needed urgently and suddenly, helps to wait for a doctor and can be used by people without a medical education.

Disclaimer. Before purchasing and using drugs, consult your doctor.

The article lists the main active ingredients of drugs. Trade names may differ, with the same active ingredient hundreds of various medicines. Make the choice of your remedy, focusing on the doctor's recommendations and your wallet, and for convenience, use the drug search service for the active substance.

1. Dressing material

Cotton wool. Bandage. Gauze napkins. Patch. Elastic bandage. Gloves. With these essentials, difficulties constantly arise. Everyone knows that they should be at home. But when they are urgently needed, they can not be found. And if cotton wool can still be found in a cosmetic bag, then everything is bad with a bandage and napkins. When you get hurt, you have no time to remember where everything is. You need to take dressings and stop the bleeding, so make sure you stock up your first aid kit.

2. Shoe covers

Do you think shoe covers are not needed at home? More like needed. “They called the doctor, but he didn’t take off his shoes”, “The paramedic trampled in the hallway” - you either heard such complaints, or you yourself at least once said them. Give the doctor and ambulance workers shoe covers, this is a penny solution to a sore problem.

3. Medical devices

Even the healthiest people should have a thermometer and a tonometer. Temperature and fluctuations blood pressure happen to everyone, and treatment depends on the readings of the simplest instruments.

4. Painkillers and antipyretics

Paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesulide are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the first aid kit you need to put all three drugs. They differ in time of action, anti-inflammatory activity. Practice shows that if the temperature does not drop from paracetamol, then ibuprofen helps; if ibuprofen failed, nimesulide will save. As remedies for headache and toothache, drugs help in different ways, depending on individual tolerance. It is important not to get carried away and not to use all the medicines with an interval of half an hour, but to follow the instructions in the instructions and dosage.

5. Antispasmodics

A sharp attack aching pain may be a symptom of a spasm smooth muscle. Most often the head (with vascular tension) and the stomach (with organ spasm) suffer abdominal cavity). One of the most safe drugs helping in this case - drotaverine. He has little side effects, the main of which is uncontrolled intake by patients who suppress pain instead of curing the cause of its appearance.

6. Antiseptics

Stop smearing yourself with green paint, this is the last century. You can treat the wound so that nothing pinches and leaves no traces of dye, you can good antiseptics. For example, chlorhexidine. Antiseptics have many other uses. In summer, you can treat the feet and armpits so that there is no unpleasant smell of sweat. Treat mucous membranes (even with a sore throat). Treat surfaces and various objects, if necessary, disinfect them. Unlike the beloved hydrogen peroxide, special antiseptics do not dry the skin. They don’t stop the blood either, but wounds that are treated without medical intervention will heal anyway (with the help of a tight bandage), and if you need to stitch, peroxide will not save.

7. Wound healing drugs

Panthenol should be in the form of a burn spray at home. Contrary to popular advice, burns should absolutely not be lubricated with oil, lard, and everything that grandmothers like to use. Burn is one of the most dangerous injuries, which is very difficult to heal. And even a special ointment is painful to apply. Say thanks modern forms releases that can handle minor burns and help you wait for a doctor if the injury requires medical attention.

Panthenol or solcoseryl in the form of ointments and gels will cope with minor household injuries, cuts, abrasions. It is even better if panthenol is combined with an antiseptic, the same chlorhexidine.

8. A set of medicines "for colds"

Most often, we get sick like this: stuffy nose, tickle in the throat, cough, fever. NSAIDs cope with fever (it was written about them above), for other manifestations of ARVI it is used symptomatic treatment. A set of fixed assets is needed so that you do not have to run to the pharmacy when you most want to lie under the covers and just sleep. So, how to save yourself during the period of acute respiratory infections.

Interferon. Many drugs ending in "-feron" help the body quickly connect antibodies to fight the virus. Store candles and sprays in the refrigerator, otherwise they are useless.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops with oxymetazoline. Have you heard about drug addiction and the eternal runny nose, from which only constant instillation will save? These are the consequences of the use of older generation drugs. Modern options allow you to hold out for 5-7 days, instilling the drug only twice a day. Result: the virus receded, the addiction did not appear.

Sore throat remedies with antiseptics. Tablets and lozenges are taken to dull the pain a little and make it easier to swallow. Some contain antibiotics that should not be used without medical supervision. Keep home preparations with antiseptics and enzymes, such as lysozyme. Read the instructions and do not eat for two hours after taking to medicinal substances have had an effect.

9. Antihistamines

Antihistamines are used not only to combat allergic reactions. They also help relieve swelling in case of colds (and use vasoconstrictor drops in the nose) and get rid of itching after insect bites (if you apply an ointment with the drug to the bite site). There are now many resources causing drowsiness made on the basis of suprastin, dimethindene, cetirizine, in convenient forms and different dosages for children and adults.

10. Sorbents

Activated charcoal is, without a doubt, a time-tested remedy. Helps when they ate something wrong or picked it up intestinal infection. And stories tell about the benefits of coal with excessive alcohol consumption. And they still don't know how to use it. Drinking two black pills is not enough, they drink coal in batches! Pleasure is doubtful. In the meantime, intestinal sorbents based on smectite and lignin appeared, which are used one tablet at a time.

11. Remedies for constipation

The best remedy for this problem is diet. But the diet will work sometime later, and constipation happens here and now. The problem is solved in an elementary way. Lactulose syrup acts from the inside (which is attributed infants, but which works best for adults), outside - suppositories with glycerin. No addiction, no side effects.

12. Oral rehydration products

it faithful friends sorbents and antipyretics. In case of poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting or very high temperature the body needs to restore the water-salt balance. Problems begin when in this state you do not want to drink. Making an effort and drinking one glass of a solution that will restore strength is easier than trying to pour liters of compote into yourself.

13. Medicines for hypertensive patients

Most dangerous medicine in the home first aid kit - captopril, which is now recommended to be used instead of the popular nitroglycerin. If you do not have problems with pressure and blood vessels, you should still have captopril: this is a drug that can be given to a patient in case hypertensive crisis(one of the most common causes of death in the world) before the arrival of an ambulance.

Before buying a medicine, study the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis.

Algorithm of actions: they noticed the symptoms, called an ambulance, laid the patient down, provided him with air flow. If he is taking any blood pressure medication, give it. And only if there are no such drugs, put a captopril tablet under the tongue. Important: tell the ambulance staff what you have used. Remember that this is not a brilliant green and not coal, it is strictly forbidden to distribute captopril with "flies in the eyes" just like that.

What is always in your first aid kit “just in case”?

Every family has a first aid kit. Separate lockers, shelves with boxes are allocated for the storage of drugs for various purposes. Some people store essential medicines in a regular bag. At the same time, everything is mixed: medicines remaining after past illness, vials and blisters with an expired date, medicines without packages ... the list is endless.

Find out what should be in your first aid kit.

A logically selected set of medicines in an unpredictable situation will become a "lifeline" for any family member. It should be in one place, out of the reach of children. Pain attack, cut or burn, dislocation, fracture - no one is immune from such cases. The provision of first aid with the use of the necessary devices often plays a decisive role in subsequent treatment.

Pain various etiologies is the most common ailment. The sensitivity of each person is strictly individual, respectively, one drug that relieves pain has miscellaneous action on the different people. It is worth remembering that there is no “miracle pill” that will eliminate any kind of pain in a matter of seconds. Therefore, painkillers should be stored in the home first-aid kit, which are based on different effects. active substances. The most commonly used pain medications are:

  1. Paracetamol and its derivatives, Efferalgan, Panadol are its analogues.
  2. Citramon contains caffeine, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol, has proven itself in reducing blood pressure, frequent headaches.
  3. Spazmalgon, but-shpa are applicable for pain syndrome accompanied by cramps (menstruation).
  4. Ketanov, Buskopan - applicable during menstruation, attacks of sciatica. They belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. Baralgin, Tempalgin, Analgin contain the substance metamizole, relevant for toothache.

It is advisable to have painkillers with various active ingredients on hand. In some cases, they are taken alternately or in parallel to achieve positive result and improvements general condition person.

The list of home first aid kit should include ointments and gels, for example, Final-gel, Fastum gel, Apizartron. They are applicable, pain in the joints or back. Ear (Otinum, Otipax) will become appropriate, eye drops(Levomitsetin), relieving inflammation and, accordingly, pain.

From colds

In the autumn-spring period, colds become more active. To timely n, it is worth stocking up certain drugs protective action.

Medicines for the treatment of burns and wounds

Domestic injuries are common. , abrasions happen regularly. Among the medicines in the home first-aid kit, there should always be well-known and familiar drugs:

  • Miramistin or Chlorhexidine - according to their purpose, they replace brilliant green or iodine, that is, they have antiseptic action. Their advantage is the absence of skin staining, burning.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% is designed to treat wounds, stop bleeding.
  • Potassium permanganate - processing wound surfaces, applicable also for gastric lavage in case of poisoning.
  • Panthenol - excellent tool providing fast recovery skin. Helps with burns various origins 1-2 degrees without violating the integrity of the skin.
  • Special eye drops that are used to wash the eyes if foreign substances or caustic liquids get into them. An excellent substitute for this is the usual saline solution.

About additional materials

Analyze the contents of your home first aid kit - what else you might need. These are dressings, auxiliary devices. Be sure to have a bandage and cotton wool, dressing bags, a simple adhesive plaster (sometimes also bactericidal). For convenient application of medicine to the wound, cotton buds are suitable, gauze will be appropriate for dressing sterile dressings that prevent infection of damaged skin. An elastic bandage will be needed in case of stretching or dislocation when falling from a certain height. When there is, can't do without, hemostatic sponge that stops blood flow.

To no less important additional funds that should be part of a home first aid kit include:

  • Mustard plasters (colds).
  • Rubber gloves for sterile treatment of abrasions, medical alcohol.
  • Ammonia, under the influence of which a person quickly regains consciousness.
  • Thermometer and blood pressure monitor - MANDATORY to have these items at home.
  • A set of disposable syringes in case of emergency administration of drugs.
  • Rubber heating pad and ice pack.
  • Important devices such as syringes, pipettes, measuring cups, etc., without which it is difficult to carry out minor manipulations.

What else do you need to know

If someone in the family is diagnosed with a chronic illness, the container with the first aid kit is supplemented with the medicines needed to treat it. This is especially important if the disease is associated with unexpected and frequent attacks such as epilepsy.

When planning a trip on vacation, a walk in nature, it is necessary to prepare in advance the necessary set of medicines that may be needed in an emergency. As for children's medicines, they are stored separately. It is important to regularly check the contents of the first-aid kit, all drugs that have expired must be disposed of.

A home homeopathic first aid kit, accordingly, should contain all medicines suitable for solving the health problems indicated above.

Everyone wants to protect themselves and their families from undesirable consequences in the event of any disease. Timely provided first aid reduces the risk of complications, and properly treated wounds, fixed dislocations / fractures are subject to more easy treatment. It is important to understand what requirements a good home first aid kit meets. It should contain drugs and devices that will help to carry out emergency care and alleviate the condition of a loved one.

Home first aid kit is a set medical devices and drugs, which in one form or another are recommended to be kept at home at hand in case of sudden health problems.

Standard or individual home first aid kit - which is more practical?

Now in pharmacies you can buy ready-made sets of home first-aid kits that contain medicines and devices necessary in critical situations. But all families have a composition of different ages - from small children to elderly parents, which is not taken into account in the standard composition of a home first-aid kit (it is intended only for adults).

Besides, chronic pathology a family member may require emergency supplies that are not in the usual standard kits (for example, diabetes may require insulin or glucagon depending on the situation).

Therefore, it would be more correct to approach the formation of a first-aid kit individually, taking into account the age and nature of the most common diseases.

All components of a home first aid kit can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines for external use;
  • Medicines for oral administration;
  • Means for dressing;
  • Auxiliary means.

If you think over in advance the composition of the home first aid kit and stock up necessary drugs according to the list, then it is highly likely that at the time of need emergency assistance necessary funds will be at hand.

It is also better to keep a list of constantly replenished medicines in your home first aid kit so that you know which of the medicines you need to buy when the opportunity arises.

External means

Preparations for external use help in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

Among bactericidal drugs, it should be noted the indispensability alcohol solutions brilliant green and iodine. These are universal antiseptics for treating the edges of wounds, abrasions, cuts and scratches. They destroy all pathogenic bacteria at the site of application, and immunity practically does not develop to them. Brilliant green and iodine are usually produced in dark glass bottles, but there are comfortable shapes release in the form of markers. They do not get your hands dirty, very comfortable for small children and on the road. These funds do not deteriorate for a long time, so they can be kept in stock in several pieces.

From others antiseptics for a home first aid kit, you should pay attention to miramistin, alcohol, salicylic alcohol and tincture of calendula. It is also good to have levomekol or some other antibiotic ointment at home.

It is important to have hydrogen peroxide in your first aid kit. It is useful as a hemostatic agent, it is good to clean heavily contaminated wounds, and also to get wet dressings and adhesive plasters that have dried to the wound.

From household burns preparations based on dexapantelone - Bepanten, Panthenol, as well as Rescuer ointment can help. Swelling of the legs, as well as hematomas, are well absorbed under the influence of ointments and gels based on heparin. You can choose to replenish your home first aid kit with Troxevasin, Lioton-gel or Heparin ointment.

Local warming anti-inflammatory ointments based on NSAIDs relieve pain from bruises, stretch marks and osteochondrosis in the spine. Most often they contain as the main active component ketoprofen, ibuprofen or diclofenac.

Albucid or chloramphenicol eye drops is what should be in a home first aid kit in case of conjunctivitis or eye injury.

Medications for oral administration in the composition of the first-aid kit

Antipyretics are an important component of a home first aid kit. They can also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is desirable that their supply is enough for an adult for 2-3 days. Elevated temperature proceeds with rather unpleasant subjective sensations of heat or chills, often accompanied by pain in the bones and muscles, in the eyes, so it is difficult to do without antipyretic drugs.

The most common antipyretic drugs are based on two active ingredients- paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol, Kalpol, etc.) and ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen, etc.).

For the treatment of ARVI, many combined funds to reduce the temperature, in addition to the antipyretic component, they include antihistamine, vitamin and vasodilators(Fervex, Theraflu, Rinza, etc.), they are allowed to be taken only in adulthood. For children under one year old, it is convenient to have rectal suppositories and liquid syrups with an antipyretic effect as part of a home first-aid kit.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen will help to cope with both headaches and muscle pain.

Antispasmodics relax tense smooth muscles internal organs and blood vessels, which also eliminates the pain of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. In the home first aid kit, it is desirable to have No-shpu or Drotaverin.

With excitement and heart palpitations, Corvalol helps, a bottle of which in any home first-aid kit will not be superfluous. In addition to it, you can buy Validol in capsules or tablets - it helps to cope with the signs of neurosis, with motion sickness or mild attack angina.

What should be in a home first aid kit for problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

It is also desirable to include antihistamines in the list of mandatory home medicine cabinets (Ketotifen, Loratadine, Fenistil, Kestin or Suprastin), they help fight allergic manifestations diseases.

Of the drugs in the composition of the home first-aid kit, it is imperative to include those that are necessary in the presence of chronic illness one of the family members (for example, when arterial hypertension, gastritis, diabetes, etc.).


It is indispensable for wounds, abrasions, burns and cuts. Be sure to put bandages (sterile, non-sterile), cotton wool and cotton buds, adhesive plaster, elastic bandage (for sprains) in your first-aid kit.

Auxiliary items in the first aid kit

  • Sterile syringes and spare needles for them;
  • Thermometer;
  • Douches of different sizes;
  • Warmer;
  • Scissors;
  • Pipettes.

With such a supply of medicines in the home first aid kit, you can not be afraid for the health of your loved ones and your own - the first needed help can be rendered directly at home.

Each family has a first-aid kit at home and in the country, in which they store the most necessary items of help and medicines. But not always there is exactly what is needed at an unexpected moment. What should be a first-aid kit at home and what you need to have there - this article tells about this.

Home first aid kit - the place where it should be full order and everything you need in case of unexpected illness or accident. Each first aid kit should be stocked according to the age of family members and their condition. Each person has his own "bouquet of diseases", respectively, it is necessary to focus on the personal needs of the household.

A home first aid kit is a specially designated box, box, box, which should be in close proximity, while out of reach of children.

Usually, a home first aid kit is formed in such a way that it is convenient to quickly find the necessary item or medicine. Of course, from time to time in the home first aid kit there is a complete mess, which requires regular cleaning up.

Some medicines available at home require certain storage conditions, so be sure to read the instructions that come with many drugs beforehand.

Some drugs require storage under conditions low temperatures. This fact obliges to store some drugs, for example, solutions in the refrigerator. For convenience, a small convenient shelf located on the door should be allocated for medical supplies.

The storage place for a first aid kit should be convenient, roomy, easily accessible to adults and inaccessible to small children. All medicines in the first aid kit must be signed. Scattered packaging, worn and unidentified pills, expired drugs - all this should be thrown away in a timely manner.

A general home first aid kit is usually designed for the use of drugs by adults. If there is a child in the family, it is recommended to have a separate first-aid kit for children in accordance with his age.

You can learn about what should be in a home first aid kit from the video.

What kind necessary medicines at home medical kit families should be for children and adults: a list and recommendations for choosing

A first aid kit should be in every family. It is collected based on who is in the family, what chronic diseases they have, what injuries and injuries they are prone to. Thus, the obligatory medicines of a home first-aid kit in a family with frequently and long-term ill children are antiviral, immuno-strengthening and antibacterial drugs. And where the kids are mobile and constantly injured, the emphasis should be on disinfectants and dressings.

Starting to compile your list of medicines for a home first aid kit, pay attention to the recommendations given by doctors in the proposed material. From each category, you should choose 1-2 positions. It is not necessary to store all the listed funds. They have approximately the same pharmacological action.

Once you have a list of medicines for your family's first aid kit, find a suitable container and place to store it. It must be out of the reach of children. Then go to the pharmacy and buy there what you are going to put for adults and children. The choice of drugs by price and manufacturer is up to you.

List of necessary medicines in the home first aid kit

Unfortunately, life is not always a holiday. Especially family life. After all, we must be able to take care not only of ourselves, but also of our husband and child. Of course, modern medicine stepped far ahead. But you should know that there are situations in life when too much time may pass before the doctor arrives. Therefore, you yourself must be a competent doctor, and a patient nurse, and the kindest nurse in the world.

Let's start our medical educational program, perhaps, with the fact that there must be a first-aid kit in the house, in which everything you need should be stored. The first aid kit list in this article will help you create a list of the essentials for your family. It should be understood that the list of necessary medicines for a home first aid kit will largely depend on whether you have children and elderly family members with chronic diseases. If you have a young family without children, then the necessary medicines in your home medicine cabinet are aspirin and Activated carbon, suprastin and ampioks, analgin and bandages.

Illness, as a rule, never enters into our plans. But no ailment should take you by surprise. To give a worthy rebuff to the disease, one should be able to fight it. After all, swallowing a pill does not mean stopping the pain. You need to fight diseases competently, and you must treat this with full responsibility.

For a home first aid kit, it is not at all necessary to start a huge suitcase and put packages of newfangled medicines in it. To do this, you can adapt a small box that will fit your arsenal of medicinal and medications, without which you can not do.

What should be included in a first aid kit? Everything that will help you help out loved ones when they feel bad. But when using drugs, you must learn the basic rule: never give your loved ones medicine without being firmly convinced that it is really necessary!

List of disinfectants: what should be in a first aid kit

Disinfectants- this is the first thing that should be in the first-aid kit, and detailed list medications can be seen later in this article.

So, we begin to complete the home first aid kit. The first thing you should put there is antiseptic (disinfecting) agents, that is, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, iodine, potassium permanganate, boric acid, brilliant green solution, chloramine B.

A solution of potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, is used as a disinfectant. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a powder with red-violet crystals. Dissolve this powder in water. You need to use potassium permanganate correctly, otherwise you can dry out the skin very much. The solution ready for use should be light pink in color.

Since potassium permanganate is used quite often, you can make a solution of a saturated dark purple color and add no a large number of this solution in water for rinsing and washing.

A solution of potassium permanganate must be in the house where there is a newborn baby. Potassium permanganate is also used in gynecology for washing and douching. With a 0.1% solution, you can gargle with reddened tonsils or with small wounds in the oral cavity. This product is good for kids. External wounds can be washed with a 0.5% solution. If the wounds, for example, suppurate, then you can use a stronger solution - 2-5%. A solution of the same concentration can be used for large festering wounds, for the treatment of burn surfaces.

For internal use, very weak solutions of potassium permanganate are suitable. 0.02-0.1% solution can be used for various poisonings, for example, poisons, for gastric lavage.

Potassium permanganate perfectly destroys various unpleasant odors. Brilliant greens, or brilliant green, as this drug is often called by the people, can be used to lubricate pustular formations on the skin, to disinfect wounds, abrasions and cuts. Zelenka smeared skin rash with windmill. Helps Zelenka and children's stomatitis. In this case, the inflamed areas of the oral mucosa are treated with brilliant green. Zelenka well disinfects, but does not dry out the skin.

Iodine tincture, like brilliant green, is used to disinfect wounds. Iodine is an excellent remedy for cauterizing inflamed skin areas. Iodine is also used as a resolving agent.

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is used both as an external disinfectant and as an internal one. They can gargle with sore throat and stomatitis, wash festering or poorly healing wounds. Hydrogen peroxide is also used for gynecological diseases.

Perhydrol- This is a stronger solution of hydrogen peroxide. It can be used for large festering wounds. Such a solution may be too strong for children's skin, so it is better to treat the wound directly with a cotton swab soaked in the solution.

Hydrogen peroxide is great for destroying bad smell, therefore, a 3% solution can be used to rinse the mouth with diseases of the nasopharynx.

Disinfectant medicines in a home first aid kit for children

There should be special medicines in the home medicine cabinet for children with disinfecting properties. They don't provide negative impact in the treatment of wounds and abrasions.

Boric acid - excellent antimicrobial agent. This drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of a white powder, which is easily soluble in water or alcohol. For an aqueous disinfectant solution, it is enough to take 1 tsp. powder boric acid for 1 glass boiled water. This solution can be used to gargle and oral cavity in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, rinse the eyes with inflammatory processes, use for newborn care.

Boric acid- one of the components of drops for the ears.

Chloramine B is a white or yellowish color. It is used as a disinfectant to decontaminate patient care items. This powder dissolves well in hot water. It is recommended to wash the floors in the bathroom with a solution of chloramine from time to time. During a flu epidemic, you need to wipe the floors and doorknobs weak solution chloramine.

However, considering how many disinfectants and deodorizers have to offer modern market drugs, chloramine can be abandoned and other disinfectant solutions can be used.

Furacilin and streptocide are useful, which can be used as disinfectants when rinsing the mouth and with purulent wounds.

Bandages and cotton in the first aid kit

In the first-aid kit, there must be bandages, adhesive plasters, cotton wool. You need to have bandages both narrow and wide. Bandages are needed for bandaging wounds, for fixing splints that are applied for fractures.

A bactericidal adhesive plaster is needed to close the wound. Adhesive plaster can be used only for small wounds, because, sticking to large areas of the skin, it is difficult to remove later. The adhesive side of the patch may cause mild irritation.

Even if the wound is small, it must be closed: it is better to wrap it with a bandage and not tie it tightly.

Adhesive patch inside without a bactericidal layer, it can be used for compresses on wounds. For example, after filling the wound or inflamed surface with streptocide, synthomycin emulsion or Vishnevsky ointment, you need to put a small cotton swab on top and only then attach the patch.

Cotton wool should be in a sterile bag, in the one in which it is usually purchased at a pharmacy. Cotton wool is applied to wounds for disinfecting and healing compresses. Perhaps, cotton wool has to be used more often than all other means of your home first aid kit. Cotton wool is especially needed if there is a newborn in the house. Wash the eyes with sterile cotton wool and clean the baby's nose. Cotton wool will be required for washing and disinfecting wounds and abrasions, which in in large numbers appear in little tomboys.

A tourniquet is needed. Of course, acquiring it, you do not need to tune in to the worst that can happen in life. Just don't forget that out of many unpleasant situations you need to go out with the least losses - for this, everything you need should always be at hand.

The tourniquet is a rubber tube. With it, you can stop the bleeding and save a person.

Using a hemostatic sponge, you can stop the blood, close the wound surface.

List of what should be in the first aid kit

Let's open the list of what should be in the first-aid kit, let's use the thermometer.

Thermometer- perhaps one of the most necessary and necessary things in a home first aid kit. It is they who we use as soon as we feel slight signs of malaise. The mercury scale of a thermometer shows how the body reacts to a possible disease. As a rule, an increase in temperature, that is, a thermometer reading above 37 ° C, indicates the struggle of the body with the onset of the disease. The thermometer must be stored in a special case; handle it with care.

Not bad to have electronic thermometer. It measures the temperature within 2 minutes. The numbers are displayed on a special board. You can not be afraid that the device will break and spill mercury.

Each first aid kit should have a syringe (syringe "pear"), a heating pad complete with a tube and tips for enemas.

The next thing to have in your first aid kit- This is a device for monitoring blood pressure - a tonometer, especially if there is an elderly person in the house.

Be sure to get a few pipettes for your first-aid kit, with blunt tips, so as not to accidentally damage the mucous membrane when instilled. Need mustard plasters and banks. Mustard plasters are best purchased in small quantities, as they can become damp. Mustard plasters are stored wrapped in thick paper, but not in cellophane. Banks are best placed in a separate box. Banks and mustard plasters are used for persistent, long-lasting colds.

What medicines should be in the first aid kit at home?

Let's figure out what medicines should be in a home medicine cabinet to combat colds. These are the medicines that should always be in the home first aid kit. enough, because with their help you can lower the temperature and relieve pain.

For treatment colds purchase pepper patch. it medicine superimposed on a place that needs to be warmed up, like a warming compress.

Do not do without antipyretics and painkillers. Antipyretic drugs are mandatory medicines in the home medicine cabinet that cause a drop in temperature. Most often, the composition of antipyretic drugs includes painkillers.

Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid) - perhaps the most popular and affordable drug antipyretic. It is part of the powders that are taken for the flu. Aspirin comes in tablets. Its use is recommended for colds, flu, as well as inflammatory diseases. Apply aspirin 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. For children, the dose should be reduced according to the doctor's recommendations.

Askofen It is an antipyretic that contains aspirin. It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Recommended for colds, neuralgia and headaches.

Amidopyrine can be used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Children are prescribed 0.025-0.15 g per dose, adults - 0.25-0.3 g 3-4 times a day.

Paracetamol has antipyretic and analgesic properties. This drug is available in the form of tablets or syrup. For children under five years of age, a special medicine is produced. Children over 12 years old and adults can take 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. Children from 5 to 12 years old can take half a tablet 1-3 times a day.

Efferalgan goes on sale in the form of a solution or in the form of tablets. It is a fairly effective pain reliever and antipyretic. Used for colds, infections in the bronchi, lungs or upper respiratory tract. For children under 1 year old, a solution of efferalgan is available; use it for 1 tsp. twice a day. From one to three years old, children can be given 1 tsp. three times per day. For children older than three years, the permissible dose of medication is 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. After seven years, you can give efferalgan tablets, from 7 to 15 years - half a tablet 1-3 times a day; from 15 years and older - 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. Tablets quickly dissolve in water in accordance with the recommended proportions. Efferalgan should not be used more often than after four hours.

Panadol is used as an antipyretic and analgesic. It is recommended for flu, neuralgic pains, sciatica, helps with toothache and headaches. Like efferalgan, panadol should not be taken more than 4 hours apart, no more than four doses can be taken during the day. For children under one year old, panadol is produced in suspension (0.5-1 tsp each), from one year to 6 years old - 1-2 tsp each, from 6 to 12 years old - 2-4 tsp each . Children from 6 to 12 years old can be given panadol tablets, 0.5-1 tablet per dose. Children over 12 years old and adults can take 1-2 tablets at a time.

Coldrex is available in tablets and powder. The drug has antipyretic and analgesic. Recommended for flu and colds. Coldrex tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age. But children from 6 to 12 years old can take 1 tablet up to four times a day, adults - 2 tablets up to four times a day. Coldrex powder should not be taken by children under 12 years of age. Adults can take 1 powder by dissolving it in hot water.

Solpadein- fast-dissolving effervescent tablets. Used as a quick effective remedy for pain relief in neuralgia, rheumatism, toothache and headache, flu and colds. 1 tablet of solpadeine should be dissolved in 1 glass of water, for adults - 2 tablets. Solpadeine can be taken up to four times a day. The interval between doses of tablets should be at least 4 hours. Solpadein should not be given to children under seven years of age! From 7 to 12 years old, you can give half a tablet or a whole.

Aspirin Upsa- also effervescent tablets. Recommended for colds, flu, as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent; indispensable for colds, because the composition of the tablets includes vitamin C. This is especially important in the early days of the disease. Children under four years of age should not be given the drug! Children from 4 to 10 years old can be given 1/2 tablet or a whole, no more than four times a day, children from 10 to 15 years old - 1-2 tablets 4 times a day, adults - 1-3 tablets 4 times in a day. Dissolve the tablets in a full glass of water.

Aspirin Baer, ​​like many modern painkillers and antipyretics, is available in effervescent tablets. These tablets contain aspirin, baking soda and lemon acid. Children under three years of age should not be given the drug. Children over three years old can be given 0.5-1.5 tablets per dose, up to 4 tablets per day, adults - 1-2 tablets per dose, up to 8 tablets per day.

Very convenient and effective antipyretic rectal suppositories. Their choice is very wide, both domestic and imported. Some have (like tablets) a complex antipyretic and analgesic effect. Candles are convenient candles because they have a mild effect and do not put pressure on the stomach. After all, sometimes during an illness a person has to take a lot of medicines.

Painkillers in the home medicine cabinet

All painkillers in the home first aid kit should be taken strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to them. The main non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the home medicine cabinet are analgin, ketorol, orthofen, panadol, etc.

Analgin is more often used as an analgesic, but can also be taken as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Recommended for flu, colds, neuralgia, sciatica, toothache and headache. For children, the allowable dose of analgin is easy to calculate: for each kilogram of weight, 0.005-0.01 g of medication, up to 3-4 times a day. Adults take analgin 0.25-0.5 g 2 times a day.

Panadeine is a very effective pain reliever. Recommended for headache and toothache, rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, arthritis, colds and flu. Children under seven years of age, the drug is strictly contraindicated! Children under 12 years old can be given 1/2 and whole tablet, adults - 1-2 tablets, no more than four times a day. The interval between taking each dose is at least four hours.

Pain can have the most different origin- head or tooth, with neuralgia or sciatica.

Tooth drops are used for toothache. On a small cotton swab, you need to drop 2-3 drops and put cotton on the aching tooth. This tool will help relieve pain for a while, but a visit to the dentist is a must.

Finalgon can be used for muscle and joint pain, for radiculitis and neuralgia, for pain as a result of bruises or sports injuries. In these cases, tincture will help capsicum. The preparations are carefully rubbed into the skin, then the place is well wrapped.

Cough pills in the medicine cabinet

In the home first aid kit, there must be antitussive and expectorant drugs.

Mukaltin is available in tablets and is used as an expectorant, 1-2 tablets before meals. Tablets are made from medicinal herbs and there are no contraindications for use.

Mukaltin does not have a pronounced antitussive effect. Therefore, it is good that in the first-aid kit there are such drugs that can alleviate the cough in an adult, and help the child to clear his throat.

Pertussin It is a cough suppressant and has an expectorant effect. Recommended for bronchitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Available in the form of sucking tablets or in the form of a mixture. The medicine is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Children under three years old are given 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day, from 3 to 12 years - 1 dessert spoon.

The chest elixir will soften the cough and make breathing easier. Enough harmless remedy made from herbal extracts. Can be taken as an expectorant, 20-40 drops several times a day. For children, the dosage is different: usually children are given as many drops as the child is years old. Drops can be diluted in a small amount of warm water. If after drops remains bad taste, you can take a few more sips of water.

Ammonia anise drops- an excellent expectorant. Recommended for bronchitis. Take 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day. For children, a single dose is determined by age: how many years - so many drops.

Broncholitin is an effective bronchodilator. These pills in the home first aid kit are recommended for chest hoarse dry cough, with acute bronchitis. It is not recommended to give the drug to children under three years of age. (For children of this age, there are more soft preparations.) Children from 3 to 10 years old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day, children over 10 years old - 2 tsp. 3 times a day. Adults take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Bromhexine is used as an expectorant and antitussive. Assign for bronchitis and pneumonia. Children from 3 to 4 years old can be given 0.002 g, from 5 to 14 years old - 0.004 g each, adults - 0.016 g also 3 times a day.

Falimint- not expectorant, it is used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. It has a slight anesthetic and disinfectant properties. Issued in sucking tablets. Permissible dose- 7-8 tablets per day.

All of these drugs are freely sold in pharmacies, they can be stored at home. Of course, this does not mean that, having made medicinal stocks that have well-defined expiration dates, you can not resort to the help of a doctor at all. They may just come in handy before the doctor comes, but you can use the medicine if you are sure that it is necessary. For example, if breathing is hoarse, wheezing is heard, the patient feels pain in the chest when coughing, you can take bromhexine and broncholithin.

Sore throat and cough caused by tingling in the throat can be eliminated with Pertussin or Falimint. These same drugs will help with any ailment in the throat and nasopharynx. A coughing fit will help eliminate pectusin. It is desirable to have pectusin tablets in every home first aid kit, they will also help with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Not bad if you have a vial of lugol in your first aid kit. This is an excellent remedy at the first sign of discomfort in the throat, especially if someone in the household often has a sore throat or colds.

Remedies for the common cold in the first aid kit

But with nasal congestion, you need to hold your legs in warm water, immediately put on warm socks, because when a runny nose begins, it is very important that the feet are warm. You can not do without special medicines. There must be decongestants and vasoconstrictors in the medicine cabinet, which are used for rhinitis and sinusitis.

Galazolin is used, as a rule, for a runny nose and sinusitis, with allergic diseases nasal cavity and throat. When instilling the drug into the nasal cavity, the doses indicated in the attached annotation must also be observed, for adults - 1-3 drops in each nostril 1-3 times a day of a 0.1% solution. Galazolin for children is a 0.05% solution, instilled 1 drop 1 time per day.

Naphthyzine is used in the same cases as galazolin, as well as nosebleeds, conjunctivitis. Children older than one year are instilled with 1-2 drops of a 0.05% solution of naphthyzinum, adults - 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day of a 0.1% solution. With nosebleeds in a 0.5% solution of naphthyzine, moisten small cotton flagella and insert them into the nasal passages, hold for about 10 minutes, then carefully remove them.

Sanorin contains a 0.1% solution of naphthyzinum and is available as an emulsion.

Pinosol is used for diseases of the nasal cavity and throat, it is an excellent decongestant. The effect after applying the drops remains quite long time, since the droplets contain healing oils, which envelop the mucous membrane and relieve inflammation. For children over three years old, pinosol is instilled 1 drop 2 times a day, for adults - 1-2 drops 2 times a day.

Quite harmless, at first glance, drops may also have contraindications. If you enter too large doses and often, it will lead to various side effects, which can be expressed by burning in the throat and nose. It may also appear allergic reaction.

When purchasing a cold remedy for a home first aid kit, choose the most suitable one for your family members.

What is included in the home first aid kit for a child with allergies

The composition of a home first aid kit often depends on the presence of diseases in family members. The home first aid kit of a child with allergies should be filled with special preparations. Let's see what is included in the first aid kit for a baby suffering from allergic reactions. Antihistamines are taken for allergic diseases. Tavegil, diphenhydramine, suprastin, fencalor, claretin will relieve itching, swelling and other symptoms of manifestation allergic reaction.

In no case can you make a diagnosis of “allergy” on your own. For example, a rash on the body is not always a sign of an allergic reaction of the body to something. A rash can be a symptom of many infectious diseases, which are not treated with Dimedrol at all. Therefore, if you suspect an allergy, you should still consult a doctor immediately. In severe cases, when the patient has shortness of breath, spasms, breathing becomes difficult, you need to call “ ambulance". Independent and uncontrolled reception antihistamines highly undesirable. The doctor will prescribe exactly the drug that is needed in a particular case.

Tavegil is taken for allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with acute course urticaria, pruritus, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Children from 6 to 12 years old can take the drug 0.5-1 tablet 2 times a day, adults - 1 tablet 2 times a day. The drug is produced in tablets of 0.001 g.

Suprastin is recommended for rashes caused by drug allergies, allergic skin diseases, urticaria and eczema. Children under 12 months are given 1/4 tablet 2-3 times a day, up to 6 years - 1/3 tablet 2-3 times a day, up to 14 years - 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day. Permissible dose for adults - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Take with meals.

Diphenhydramine is taken as an antiallergic drug, as a sedative and hypnotic. Permissible dose for adults - 0.25 g per day.

These drugs should not be used without a doctor's recommendation. These drugs include antibiotics. At the first sign of a cold, do not immediately try to give the patient a drug from this group. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe exactly the remedy that the patient needs.

Contents of a home first aid kit

And yet, in a home medicine cabinet, there should be some drugs that are prescribed most often. If you find yourself thrifty, then you will not have to run around pharmacies, for example, on Sunday evenings in search of the right medicine.

In the contents of the home first aid kit, perhaps, you can put ampioks, ampicillin. These drugs are prescribed most often for bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, cholecystitis and some infectious diseases.

You can put in a home first aid kit and a drug from the group of sulfonamides: sulfadimethoxine, sulfadimezin, biseptol. But do not make large stocks - everyone has medicinal product there is a certain expiration date. Drugs with an expired period of validity should not be taken categorically, they should be replaced.

If antibiotics or antiallergic drugs can not be stored in the medicine cabinet, but purchased at the pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor, then antiviral drugs desirable to have in every home.

They will certainly come in handy in the fall, when it is so easy to catch a cold or get the flu. Get interferon in advance, oxolinic ointment and rimantadine.

Remantadine can be started as soon as the first signs of the disease appear or for prevention during influenza epidemics. The drug is taken after meals. For the prevention of influenza, adults take 1 tablet 1 time per day for 15 days. For treatment in the first days of the disease, the drug is taken in the following way. Children from 7 to 10 years old are given 1 tablet 2 times a day, from 11 to 15 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day, adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day (first day); 2 tablets 2 times a day (second and third day); 2 tablets 1 time per day (fourth day). On the first day of the disease, you can drink the whole daily dose immediately - “shock dose”.

Interferon is taken to treat influenza and prevent colds and flu during epidemics. For this they bury water solution interferon into the nasal cavity. For preventive purposes, 5 drops are instilled into each nostril 2 times a day, for colds or in the treatment of influenza - 5 drops of the drug every hour or two.

Oxolinic ointment can be used to lubricate the nasal mucosa during an influenza epidemic. This is an excellent preventive measure.

List of medicines for an adult's home first aid kit for stomach problems

What is still missing in the home first-aid kit of an adult with stomach problems? Of course, drugs that will help relieve stomach and intestinal ailments. The first aid kit should have special preparations recommended by the attending physician. And what to do if suddenly someone has a stomach ache, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, colic in the intestines? And here you must provide the first first aid and alleviate suffering. Therefore, put in the first aid kit activated charcoal and one of the list of medicines in the home first aid kit, such as smecta, rehydron, enterodez, glucosolan.

With diarrhea, especially in small ones, it is very important to capture the disease at the very beginning. The sooner you manage to do this, the less suffering for your baby, and possibly even severe consequences such as dysbacteriosis. Therefore, be sure to keep in your first aid kit, especially if you have Small child, these simple but reliable and tested means. All of these are drugs of the same type. They remove mucus from the intestines, disinfect gastrointestinal tract, stop diarrhea and, most importantly, make up for the lack of organic salts, which are rapidly excreted from the body. It is very easy to use them: you need to dilute the amount of boiled water indicated on the bag and very often, give a teaspoon to the baby. Depending on age, the child should drink from 0.5 to 1 life-saving liquid. For adults, the dosage is increased.

Activated charcoal can be given to the patient for poisoning and for various stomach disorders.

Cardiac essential medicines in home first aid kit

Every first aid kit should also contain heart medications. Even if none of your loved ones suffer from cardiovascular diseases. These are essential medicines in the home first aid kit, such as nitroglycerin tablets, which are desirable to store not only in the home first aid kit, but also in the purse with which you go to work and shopping. Nitroglycerin is the first urgent care with heart attacks.

Validol is used for attacks of hysteria, heart disease, as a sedative and analgesic: 5 drops of validol can be applied to a piece of sugar and slowly dissolved in the mouth, you can dilute them in a small amount of water, you can use 2 capsules at a time.

Valerian root infusion, or valerian, is available as drops or tablets. Taken as a sedative.

It seems that now you will not get into trouble if one of your loved ones suddenly has a fever, a runny nose and cough appear, “twist” the stomach or “grab” the heart. You won’t even have to rush to the pharmacy, because your first aid kit has everything you need if the doctor detects bronchitis, sore throat, indigestion. You may well be able to protect your loved ones from flu viruses during periods of annual epidemics. Or be on the lookout in spring and summer, when unwashed vegetables and fruits are “asking” in your mouth.

When taking any medicine, it is very important to observe the dose, an overdose is very dangerous. This is especially true of antipyretic drugs. It happens that mothers, out of the best intentions, bring down hurry up the temperature- give the baby too large dose antipyretic drug. The temperature, of course, will drop, but the consequences can be very sad. A dose of the drug that exceeds the permissible one can lead to disruption of the kidneys, liver, and cause a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, before giving a medicine, it is necessary to read the annotation.

Almost every drug has contraindications and side effects. And if you find that after taking the medicine, the patient has nausea, vomiting, or an allergic reaction in the form of itching or a rash, then the medicine should never be used.

Medications are usually associated with food intake. Some tablets are taken before meals, others after. Many medicines need to be taken on an empty stomach - after 10-15 minutes it will enter the intestines and begin to be absorbed into the blood. Doctors recommend crushing or chewing tablets, because in empty stomach they have nothing to dissolve. The crushed tablet will dissolve faster in the stomach.

If tablets are produced in the form of dragees, in capsules, then, on the contrary, they should never be cracked.

Take medication strictly in accordance with the accompanying annotation.

You may have a question - how to drink medicines? Water at room temperature is best, many medicines can be taken with alkaline mineral waters. Tea, coffee, compotes contain enzymes that can enter into unwanted reaction with medicinal substances.



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