A small burn with boiling water what to do. Degrees of burns with boiling water, symptoms, treatment

A burn with boiling water is one of the household injuries resulting from exposure to hot water on a person's skin. Most often, a leg burn with boiling water occurs, and less often - other parts of the body: hands, neck, face or back. First aid at home is extremely important, it is necessary to provide it correctly so as not to harm the victim. Often this situation occurs with children, which is especially dangerous. The child's body is very sensitive, and the skin is quite thin, so if an injury occurs, the child must be shown to the doctor.

Degrees of damage

It is better not to try to independently determine the depth of skin lesions with boiling water, this can lead to loss of time and deterioration of the victim's well-being. Timely medical assistance can save a person's life. It is better if a doctor prescribes a remedy for burns with boiling water, but if the injury is not severe, then you can use drugs from a home first-aid kit.

The degrees of skin damage with boiling water can be as follows:

It is important to know how to treat burns from boiling water at each stage. It is necessary to follow the rules described specifically for such cases. Deep and large burn injuries can cause death of the patient.

Even if a burn with boiling water is characterized as 1,2,3A degrees, but its area is about 30% of the entire body or more, this situation is considered very dangerous.

With the appearance of such injuries, as well as burns of degrees 3B or 4, which affect from 10% of the total area of ​​the human body, the risk of developing severe complications increases many times over.

First aid

It is better to entrust the treatment of a burn of any origin to specialists, since it is very difficult for an unprepared person to correctly assess the degree of damage, and therefore prescribe the correct therapy. However, with a burn, help is crucial in the first minutes after the injury, so you need to know how to help the victim with a burn with boiling water.

So, what to do with a burn with boiling water? The algorithm of actions, as a rule, is as follows:

In case of a burn with boiling water, first aid should be given with extreme caution. There are rules that must not be violated when providing first aid to the victim. Many do not suspect that if you want to help a person, you can significantly worsen his condition, therefore, if you are not completely sure that your actions are correct, then it is better to wait for the arrival of doctors.

What not to do with a burn with boiling water:

The best remedy for burns can be bought at a pharmacy, but it is necessary to take into account the degree of damage to the skin, because self-medication can be harmful if used incorrectly.

Traditional Therapy

These injuries heal for a very long time, bringing a person significant discomfort in the form of pain and severe burning. In some cases, when burns are severe, they can cause shock in the victim, and this is deadly. For mild injuries, the use of anti-burn ointments can help, for severe injuries, only complex therapy in a specialized clinic.

Medical treatment

With a burn with boiling water, treatment is most often carried out through local remedies. An ointment that cures burns with boiling water relieves pain and swelling. It can be selected from the following list:

  1. Panthenol.
  2. Depantol.
  3. Pantoderm.
  4. Levomikol.

These remedies work well for mild burns with boiling water, which makes them extremely popular, but they are powerless for deep injuries from hot water. If the victim was hospitalized in a hospital, then the doctors will carry out a whole range of measures to improve the patient's condition, you can't get by with ointment alone.

Treatment of burns with boiling water of 2 and 3 degrees is usually carried out in a hospital, for which the patient is first injected with an anesthetic drug, and then manipulations begin. Dressings for such wounds can be closed, when the wound closes completely or open, when the burn is not covered with tissue, but the skin is treated and the area is left open. Some cases of such injuries require surgery to graft damaged tissue or remove scabs. If the burn is very extensive and deep, then doctors often remove limbs to such patients.

It is possible to quickly cure a moderately severe burn from boiling water only by using the following groups of medicines:

The ambulance team during the transportation of such a patient decides how best to conduct anesthesia. For severe burn injuries, intravenous administration of strong painkillers, including narcotic drugs (Morphine, Codeine), is used.


Only experts know how to help with a burn with boiling water of 3-4 degrees, when a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body is affected. An important component of this stage of treatment is anti-shock therapy. Before quickly administering anesthesia to the patient, the doctor assesses the situation, if the case is severe, then the patient develops a burn disease that requires immediate assistance.

Burn disease is a shock received by a person under the influence of high temperatures on his body. This complication occurs in rare cases when extensive and deep tissue damage has occurred.

The duration of the burn shock is usually about 3 days. During this pathological process, certain changes occur in the body of the victim:

  • acid-base and water-electrolyte balance changes;
  • kidney function is impaired.

Acute burn toxemia is a severe process and lasts about 14 days. The consequence of this condition may be acute renal failure. Burn disease can have the following stages:

  1. Septicotoxemia. Represents the stage at which cleansing of the wounded skin surface usually occurs. Often this pathology is accompanied by a disorder in the activity of all internal organs, as well as ulceration of the intestinal tract or pneumonia, which is due to improper blood circulation due to blockage of small arteries and blood vessels.
  2. Reconvalescence. This degree of burn disease is considered final, it can last until the person recovers, when the body tissues are completely healed.

Folk remedies

If a patient with mild burns is admitted to the hospital, then his treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, and with extensive lesions of the skin, a person must be sent to the burn department, only there they can help him. Folk remedies for burns with boiling water are an adjuvant therapy. Although with mild lesions, their action may be quite enough for a complete recovery. However, it is worth remembering that if home therapies did not bring relief in the first hours after the injury, then it is better not to postpone contacting a specialist.

Help with a burn with boiling water at home can be as follows:

When deciding how to treat a burn, you need to determine what degree this injury has. With severe burn wounds, medical attention is indispensable. In any case, a doctor's consultation will not hurt, because the complications and consequences of burns can be very severe, even fatal. Children are especially at risk of such an injury with serious consequences, so parents should take this problem seriously and be sure to take the child to the doctor.

Everyone has been injured at least once in their life. One of the most common injuries, especially in children, is hot water burns. When this situation happens to a child, parents may panic, make mistakes in helping. Therefore, everyone should clearly know what to do with a burn with boiling water.

In order to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment, doctors need to determine the degree of damage, indicate its localization, prevalence. For this purpose, several classifications of burn wounds have been developed.

By degrees

This separation allows you to determine the prevalence of skin and tissue damage in depth. There are 4 types of burns:

  1. The first one is the easiest. Damage to the upper layers of epithelial cells. It is visually characterized by redness and a burning sensation, especially in the first minutes after exposure to hot water.
  2. The second - is determined by the destruction of the tissues of the epidermis and the involvement of the next layer of the skin (dermis) in the pathological process. With such damage, blisters often form, containing serous fluid inside. Due to the fact that the growth layer of the skin does not suffer, it remains possible to restore the tissues of the epidermis.
  3. The third is an even deeper burn with boiling water, in which all layers of the epidermis, the dermis are affected, and the subcutaneous tissue is involved in the process. These tissues become necrotic, nerve endings die in them, as a result of which they become insensitive to external influences. Intense pain is felt along the perimeter of the injury.
  4. The fourth is the most severe morphologically (tissue necrosis, reaching almost to the bones) and clinically (pain shock). Hot water is usually impossible to get such a burn.

By prevalence

To determine the area of ​​the burn injury as a percentage, several simple methods are used:

  1. "Rule of nines": approximately 9% of the total skin area falls on the head and neck, 1 arm, 1 thigh, 1 shin with foot, chest and abdomen, 18% - on the back, 1% - on the perineum, external genital organs. This method is used for common burns.
  2. "Rule of the palm": the skin on one palmar surface of the victim is approximately 1% of the entire skin of his body.

Given these classifications, you need to remember that burns of 3 and 4 degrees, damage to more than 5% of the body, as well as wounds with signs of infection are treated only in a hospital.

Treatment at home

When receiving any burn, you should consult with a specialist about how and with what it is allowed to treat the victim. If the damage is superficial and affects a small area, then you can recover at home.

First aid

In order to alleviate the condition of the victim, in the first moments after receiving a burn, first aid should be provided in compliance with several rules:

What Not to Do

To prevent the development of complications in the early recovery period (wound infection, pain shock) at the stage of first aid, it is not recommended to do the following:

  • Pierce the formed blisters.
  • Tear off clothing stuck to the wound surface.
  • Smear the burn with oil and other fat-containing substances, as heat is retained under the film of fat, and its negative effect on tissues continues.
  • Keep the limb under ice water or apply pieces of ice to the burn site, as a sharp temperature contrast will worsen the condition of the epidermal cells and accelerate their death.
  • Use iodine, brilliant green, any alcohol-containing products to treat the wound from bacteria. They increase pain, besides, coloring substances will prevent the doctor from correctly assessing the condition of the skin at the site of the burn.

Recovery at home

The skin has a good regenerating ability. Minor 1st and 2nd degree burns with adequate treatment heal without scarring of the skin. Drugs that contribute to a quick recovery:

  • Solcoseryl;
  • Panthenol;
  • Sulfargin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Olazol.

Non-traditional methods

Most often, to accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and pain at home, traditional medicine is used from the following materials:

When used correctly, traditional methods of treatment are safe and effective. They help cure most 1-2 degree boiled water burns. Light burns heal with their help within 1-1.5 weeks, treatment of a 2nd degree lesion usually lasts up to 2-3 weeks. With grade 3 injuries, the appropriateness and safety of using such methods of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

The defeat of boiling water, steam, hot water, hot kitchen utensils is a common household injury. In a fifth of cases, children suffer - an electric kettle boils on the table, the child pulls the cord and knocks it over. What to do with burns, what first aid to provide? Timely action will help to avoid long-term treatment.

Types of burns

First degree. Redness of the skin, sometimes swelling, small blisters - this happens if you are excessively exposed to the sun.

Second degree. The lesion forms large transparent blisters.

Third degree. The skin dies, penetrates into the muscle and nerve tissues, blisters with cloudy contents. As a rule, a skin graft is required.

fourth degree. The skin is charred, the thermal effect reaches the bones.

At home, they provide assistance with burns of 1 and 2 degrees. In all other cases, contact a specialized burn center, traumatology or intensive care unit of a hospital as soon as possible.

For burns of 1 and 2 degrees, the area of ​​​​the lesion is first assessed. It is easy to determine by the palm, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is approximately one percent of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire skin cover. If the burn is the size of a palm or more, be sure to see a doctor, especially when the skin peels off.

First aid is needed, calling an ambulance even with a burn of 1 or 2 degrees. If, after a day or two, swelling appears, redness increases, the temperature rises, in order to prevent infection, you should also consult a doctor.

If the area of ​​thermal damage is 10-15% of the skin or more, a burn disease is diagnosed.

First aid for burns at home

Remove wet, hot clothing as soon as possible, as the boiling water continues to burn. Work especially fast in the case of synthetic fabrics. Cut the clothing until it sticks to the skin.

Remove clothing carefully so that blisters do not burst. It is forbidden to pierce them so as not to bring an infection into the wound.

Place the scalded area under cold water or in a container of cold water. The coolness relieves pain and slows the spread of the burn. To reduce swelling, hold the burned area up.

When providing first aid for cooling, you can also use sheets and towels moistened with cold water.

After 15-20 minutes, dry the burn area, cover with a non-tight sterile bandage.

Wipe the defeat of the first degree with cologne, vodka. You should not use either brilliant green - if you have to see a doctor, it will be more difficult for him to determine the degree of thermal damage.

Do not apply oil or fat to the burnt area - the film prevents heat from being removed.

Pharmaceutical remedies for burns

In case of a burn with boiling water of the 1st or 2nd degree, first aid is provided by Panthenol, Olazol, smeared with Solcoseryl ointment.

"Panthenol" is used to treat damage to the skin - thermal burns, including sunburns, as well as abrasions, cracks.

"Olazol" anesthetizes, inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, improves and accelerates healing.

Gel or ointment "Solcoseryl" is used to provide assistance after burns with boiling water, treatment of thermal lesions, as well as after burning in the sun.

The most convenient means for burns in aerosol packaging.

Anti-burn gel wipes cool, anesthetize and localize the lesion, destroy germs, they are easy to remove when replacing.

When providing first aid, it is forbidden to seal the burn with adhesive plaster - then it is painful to peel it off.

For pain relief, take "Analgin".

If the skin has peeled off, treat the place with a non-alcoholic antiseptic solution, close the wound with a sterile bandage or gel napkin.

What to do with a burn

Potassium permanganate:

  • Dissolve in water until pale pink.

Put a bandage on the burn, periodically moisten it with the prepared solution. Replace gauze once a day.

Grated raw potato helps with scalding with boiling water:

  • Place the gruel, treat the affected area with it, secure with a bandage.

Replace as soon as the mass warms up.

Potato starch heals burns:

  • sprinkle the scalded area with a thick layer, cover with cotton wool, do not bandage tightly.

fresh cabbage leaf provides first aid for thermal burns:

  • Attach the sheet to the affected area.

After a few minutes, the pain disappears or decreases significantly, after another half an hour it completely disappears. Cabbage leaf is effective for bruises and sprains.

Aloe vera helps heal burns.

  • Cut off the skin from the leaf, fix it on the affected area for 12 hours.
  • Grind the leaf into gruel, apply to the affected area, fix with a sterile bandage.

Folk remedies for burns

Timely correct treatment does not leave a mark on the skin, heals quickly.

Propolis and St. John's wort to get rid of burns:

  1. Cool in the freezer 20g, grate, pour a glass of medical alcohol.
  2. Infuse for 10 days, stir every day, strain at the end.
  3. Pour 500ml of unrefined sunflower oil 4cl. perforated flowers.
  4. Leave in the sun for 14 days, stir once a day.
  5. Mix with prepared propolis tincture.

Apply the product to gauze, fix it on the wound with a bandage, change the bandage every 4 hours.

Onion for the treatment of burns:

  • Finely chop the onion, mix with 20 blooming flowers.
  • Pour a glass of unrefined sunflower oil.
  • Boil over low heat for 20 minutes, strain.

Lubricate the thermal wound as often as possible. Store ointment from burns in a dark, cool place.

Modified: 07/26/2019

Any person can burn his legs, feet with boiling water. Most of these burns occur at home. The burn refers to ICD-10 - the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision.

To be able to make the right decision when providing first aid, you need to find out the degree of the burn. The correctness of the definition will help to choose the right treatment.

The most common are 1st degree burns, only the surface layers of the skin are damaged. These types of burns lead to redness of the affected part of the skin. Accompanied by swelling, redness, pain. Treatment does not require additional interventions. Wounds heal in a few days. The child most often suffers from such burns.

Burns of the 2nd degree are characterized by the former symptoms, marked by a strong and prolonged effect. Thin-walled blisters are formed, which are filled with liquid, the healing process will take within two weeks, scars do not form at the site of burns.

Third-degree burns affect the superficial tissues of the skin, reaching deep-lying ones. After the lesion, scabs form. Often burns get to the muscles. An additional classification of tertiary burns into two categories has been developed:

  • A - accompanied by blisters with thick walls and scabs;
  • B - accompanied by purulent inflammation, dead tissues, a wet wound formed at the site of the lesion leaves a scar.

The fourth degree shows the extremely severe nature of the damage to the body. The signs of the third degree include the formation of black scabs, charring, damage to bone tissue.

First aid for burns: where to start

The presence of burns in the ICD-10 simply obliges you to learn the basics of actions in a situation of defeat by boiling water. Burning of the leg is often accompanied by a burn of the foot. The ability to correctly and quickly provide first aid, knowledge of the treatment of burns helps to reduce the area of ​​skin damage, reduce the risk of infecting the burn surface, accompany the prevention of shock and the speedy healing of the wound. Adults are simply obliged to know what to do in such a situation, a child is capable of suffering from boiling water.

Main rules of action:

Burn treatment

There are methods for treating thermal burns of the leg:

  • private method. Provides for the imposition of an aseptic bandage. The doctor puts on a bandage.
  • public method. Treatment is with external drugs. Bandaging is not provided.

Treatment for 1st degree burns is simple. Treatment ends with first aid. In the future, you just need to monitor the healing of the wound. The bandage needs to be changed three to four times a day. Instead of a bandage, cotton fabric is often used that does not stick to the wound; with a new dressing, it will not be necessary to destroy the already healing site of injury.

Treatment of burns of the 2nd degree is carried out by a doctor. After the initial treatment of the wound, a bandage is applied. Dressing frequency - once every two days. You can change the bandage at home on your own.

Treat with a closed method according to the rules:

  • Anesthesia of the victim;
  • The damaged area is treated with an antiseptic agent;
  • Cleansing the surface of the affected skin from adhering tissue, dirt, dead epithelium;
  • Before treating large burn blisters, it will be necessary to release the liquid by incision from the sides. Only a small part of the bubble is to be removed. It is not recommended to touch the top one, it will play the role of a barrier against possible mechanical damage;
  • The bandage is treated with an antiseptic and applied to the burn site.

An important point: a burn can leave a stain behind, the size of which depends on the complexity of skin damage with boiling water. If a small area of ​​the foot is burned, the stain disappears after a couple of weeks. The higher the degree of burn, the more problematic the stain is; after deep burns, a scar is formed.

Treatment of wounds from boiling water on the face, perineum using the closed method is impossible due to the thinness and sensitivity of the skin in these areas of the body. The open method is applied.

Burns of the last two degrees are treated exclusively in the hospital, where the victim is subject to anti-shock therapy and anesthesia with the help of special injections.

Surgical treatment is used, if necessary and the desire of the patient, plastic surgery is performed.

Treatment of leg (foot) burns at home

Home, sweet home - this is where boiling water damage most often occurs. We will learn how to treat such wounds in everyday life, especially since burns are on the ICD-10 list.

Sea buckthorn oil, sour cream, egg, bodyaga - can be found at home. If the first aid kit is not equipped with special ointments, sprays for burns, the correct use of improvised means will replace medicines for the first time. It is not difficult to treat a burn at home, with knowledge of the technique.

Sea buckthorn oil is effective in treating burns. There is a decrease in pain. Treat sequentially:

  • treat the affected area with boiling water;
  • soak with oil (pre-boil) gauze napkins;
  • put on the leg;
  • fasten using bandage bandages;
  • the wound is subject to daily monitoring of the condition;
  • with normal healing, dressing is done every three days;
  • it is permissible to remove the bandage at the end of 8-10 days.

Foot bandaging is best done on an old blanket, sea buckthorn oil makes a stain on any fabric.

The second most popular treatment for burns of the legs and feet is the egg. The method of application depends on the complexity of the lesion with boiling water.

In case of light burns, separate the protein from the yolk (discard the yolk), apply to the burn site. The wound must be pre-treated. As a result, a kind of film is formed. You can’t take it off, wait for it to fall off on its own.

If the burn is more complex, a whole egg is used - the protein with the yolk is knocked off and applied to the place affected by boiling water. The procedure is repeated until the skin at the site of the burn is completely restored. The action is especially difficult if the feet are burned. Try to temporarily protect yourself from walking, even walk around the apartment only if necessary.

In addition to raw eggs, it is possible to prepare a special boiled one, known as egg butter. Boil the egg for a quarter of an hour, peel the shell, separate the protein from the yolk. Fry the yolk in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil. Choose a moderate mode for frying, a large fire is not needed. The resulting mixture should be black. Drain off the rest of the oil. The resulting mixture is treated with a burn site. The output of the "healing porridge" is a teaspoon of two eggs. This oil contributes to the rapid recovery of burned skin. There are practically no scars at the site of the burn. The action of egg oil is better if applied immediately after pouring boiling water over it. Such a tool is convenient to use for foot burns with boiling water.

Bodyaga treatment is aimed at combating the consequences of burns - with scars. Apply to a freshly burned area is contraindicated. To lubricate the damaged area, you need to mix bodyaga with vegetable oil. The stain can remain after using the product. If there is damage to the foot, it is better to put on a sock after lubrication.

One of the most common injuries among children is burns. Among burn lesions, burns with boiling water are in the lead, which the baby receives mainly at home. It is important for even very careful and prudent parents to know how to act if the baby is burned, how to help him and how to treat him.

About thermal effects

Burns with boiling water are classified as thermal injuries. With them, the skin and deeper layers of the skin suffer under the influence of high temperatures (water boils at +100 degrees Celsius). Such burns in a child are usually not too large in size, although it all depends on how much boiling water the baby poured over himself. Sometimes burns with boiling water are 1 degree, however, much more often such injuries are deeper - at the level of 2-3 degrees.

In the first degree of a burn injury, only the outer layer of the epidermis suffers, which is characterized by redness, soreness, and slight swelling of the area where the boiling water has entered. In the second, the outer layer and a small part of the dermis located under it are affected. Therefore, blisters and blisters appear, filled with a cloudy serous fluid. The third degree of a burn is a deeper injury in which the dermis suffers, up to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The outer layer (epidermis) is almost always broken, there is a wound. There is also a fourth stage, in which the skin dies completely, the bones and muscle tissues are charred, but this stage does not happen with a burn with boiling water.

Any burn with boiling water in a child requires a mandatory reaction from the parents. Here, competent and consistent first aid comes first, and only then treatment.

What to do first

If a child is burned with hot water, parents should immediately remove all clothes that are soaked from him, thereby minimizing contact with the skin. Then you should assess the degree and area of ​​​​injury - this is important in order to know which algorithm of actions to choose. If a child has a superficial burn of 1-2 degrees, then a doctor's call, provided that the injury is not extensive, is not required. If large blisters filled with bloody fluid formed rather quickly, the skin is broken, it is necessary to call a doctor.

The area of ​​the burn can be assessed at home quite quickly. Doctors consider it this way: each limb and back - 9% of the body area, head and shoulders - 21%, and buttocks - 18%. Thus, if the baby poured boiling water over only the hand, then this is about 2.5%, and if the hand and tummy are already 11.5%. The baby definitely needs qualified medical care if about 15% of the body is affected with a minor burn and if 5-7% of the body area is affected with a deep (3rd degree) burn. After a quick assessment of the situation, the parents either call an ambulance if the area is large or the burn is very deep, or they set themselves up for home treatment. In any case, emergency care must be provided correctly.

In case of a burn with boiling water, it is forbidden to lubricate the injured area with sour cream, fat, oil or baby cream. This will only disrupt heat transfer and worsen the healing process, as well as deliver additional pain. First of all, you need to do everything to cool the affected area. To do this, use cool running water, substituting the burned part of the body under it for 10-15 minutes. Then a sheet or diaper made of natural fabric is moistened with this water and applied to the burn.

Do not use ice.

After that, you need to measure the baby's temperature. With thermal burns of 2 degrees and above, it often rises. If necessary, an antipyretic may be given ( Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), as well as one age dose of any antihistamine ( "Suprastin", "Loradatin"). Antiallergic drugs can effectively relieve swelling.

The affected area can be treated with a spray of lidocaine to anesthetize, as well as sprinkle powder on the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin "Baneocin"(not an ointment of the same name, but a powder!). After that, a light, non-tight, dry bandage is applied to the burn and the child is taken to the emergency room or the nearest hospital for treatment. If the degree is small and the area of ​​the lesion is also small, the treatment can be planned independently with the obligatory observance of all the rules for the treatment of such injuries.


When treating a burn with boiling water, antibiotics are not required. They are needed only when there are blisters on the skin that burst easily, because this increases the likelihood of infection of the wound with bacteria and fungi. It is strictly forbidden to open blisters and blisters on your own.

With such a burn (from 2 degrees), it is important that the doctor prescribes the treatment. Usually, hospitalization is not required, but with an extensive lesion in an infant or baby up to 2-3 years old, it is advisable to undergo treatment in a hospital. Treatment of thermal burns is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating possible infection, as well as speedy tissue regeneration. At home, parents will be required to make dressings and treat the affected area.

If the burn is small and shallow, you can do without a bandage (in medicine, this method is called open).

If there are blisters, then it is better to use a dressing for several days. Each treatment must include:

  • Treatment of burns with antiseptics. For this, you do not need to use alcohol-containing preparations. A solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide is best suited. When processing, do not rub the product into a sore spot, this will bring a lot of discomfort. You can use a cotton swab.
  • main drug. If there are no blisters, then use means for the speedy regeneration of tissues. Healing ointments and creams can be applied to a soft, clean medical napkin and applied to the affected area. The choice of such ointments is quite large - "Panthenol"(ointment and spray), Olazol(aerosol), "Radevit", zinc ointment, ointment or solution "Eplan". If there are blisters, if some of them have already burst and turned into sores and wounds, it is better to choose an antibiotic ointment as the main drug "Levomekol", "Baneocin"(ointment and powder at the same time - first ointment, and powder on top).
  • Apply a clean bandage. To do this, you need to use only sterile dressings from a pharmacy. The bandage should not be too tight, so as not to disturb the blood supply.

  • Dressings should be at least 3-4 per day. Creams and ointments are applied to burns in a rather thick layer. After the damaged area is completely tightened, bandages are no longer needed. At the final stage, tools are used that help restore the integrity of the skin as much as possible without consequences. Such funds include Contractubex, Radevit, Boro Plus cream-ointment.

The use of such funds can be quite lengthy, up to several months. But this is very important, because it allows you to reduce or minimize the consequences - scars and scars, this is especially true if the child received a burn on the open part of the arm or face. On average, a burn from boiling water, subject to all the rules of treatment, heals in 3-4 weeks. Again, if you smear only with what is allowed and will not harm.

The treatment of burns has nothing to do with traditional medicine, and therefore you should not use recipes from the arsenal of non-traditional healers to help a child with such a serious injury.


The consequences of a burn with boiling water can be minimal if we are talking about a 1-2 degree injury, a small area. Such burns, even after treatment at home, pass quickly, do not leave scars and scars. Burns above 2 degrees can have quite unpleasant consequences. These are scars on the skin, and severe psychological trauma that the baby will receive.

By the way, young children forget about their burns much faster than toddlers from 3 years old. Some children may even need qualified help from a good child psychologist later on.

Third-degree burns can sometimes lead to shock and burn disease, but these conditions are not treated at home. Parents must provide first aid and be sure to urgently hospitalize the baby in an ambulance. Traces of such burns usually remain, but modern plastic surgery may well cope with such consequences, while maintaining the baby's normal appearance.


Entirely and completely all preventive measures lie on the shoulders of the parents. It is only in their power to make sure that the risks of getting a burn injury are minimized as much as possible. For this:

  • The child should not be allowed to play in rooms where, even theoretically, boiling water or hot water can leak. Such dangerous areas in the house include the kitchen, bathroom, boiler room, boiler room.
  • Do not carry hot tea or soup over a child playing on the floor. Any surprise can happen, an adult can stumble, burn himself and drop the cup from his hands, scalding the child.
  • All pots with boiling water or cooked food should be placed on the most distant burners of the stove, be sure to turn all the handles to the wall so that the child cannot accidentally reach out and tip over the containers with hot liquid onto themselves.
  • Pots with hot liquids and a kettle should be placed as far as possible from the edge of the table.

  • You can not carry a child in your arms or hang it in a "kangaroo" on yourself while cooking.
  • Do not pour hot soup or tea for the child and immediately put the child at the table. Not all guys can blow on food, but everyone, without exception, is able to overturn dishes with hot on themselves.
  • A caring mother will definitely ask a dad or an invited master plumber to install special plumbing electronic limiters on all hot water taps that will allow you to control the temperature of the water that flows from the tap.

Even if the baby unauthorizedly gets to the water and turns it on, everything will end without burns.



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