Adverse reactions platifillin with papaverine tablets. Papaverine platifillin injections

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Calamus is a perennial, aquatic plant, belongs to the calamus species. It has a brown color, thick and branched root system. It can be up to 1 meter, the leaves are sharp, in the form of a sword, the bases touch each other. The root is ribbed and looks like a groove. The cob has a cylindrical, geometric shape, has many flowers.

The leaves are green, 1–2 cm in size. The flowers are at the top, yellow in color, they form a rocking chair. The dry berry is the fruit of the flower. The bush blooms in early summer. Calamus can be found near a river, stream, in a vast thicket, swamp.

Culture has several names, because it was brought to our land Tatar yoke. Other names of the root: “irny root”, “reed”, “Tatar potion”, “yaer”, “cake”, “kalamus”, “saber grass”.

Calamus root is a very popular herb, it is used by herbalists in medicinal purposes, the use of which pleases with a healing effect.

The composition of the cake

A bunch of useful components contained in the calamus root. It is rich in components such as acorin, starch, ascorbic acid, protein and mineral salt, as well as essential oil, calamine.

The root oil produces phenylpropane. The root has acorin, acoretin, resin, calamine, choline, vitamins, lucenion, iodine. The specific smell of calamus gives aldehyde.

Healing properties of Tatar grass

Preparations made from calamus have a mass useful properties:
  • vasodilating;
  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • astringent;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • tonic;
  • diuretic;
  • enveloping.
Traditional medicine is also famous for the use of cinquefoil. Purulent wounds are sprinkled with calamus powder, which allows them to heal better. Decoctions, infusions, ointments are prepared from it. It also treats peptic ulcer, improves the functioning of the bladder, and improves digestion.

Able to cure many diseases. Let's list them:

  • enteritis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • angina;
  • rhinitis;
  • flu;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • depression;
  • prostatitis;
  • endometritis;
  • menstruation;
  • impotence;
  • neurosis;
  • migraine;
  • wounds;
  • stress.
Cane is also used as an analgesic, aromatic, improves gastric secretion, treats gout, rickets and scrofula. swamp calamus used for bathing. Calamus powder can cure heartburn. Acts as a good gastric remedy.

It also strengthens hair, improves the condition of the central nervous system, helps with tuberculosis, liver disease, rheumatism, and urinary disease.

Flapper adjusts and improves performance digestive system, increases appetite, gastric juice, relieves bad breath, relieves bleeding, inflammation of the gums.

Preparation and collection of calamus

Most often, calamus root can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently. Raw materials are harvested in late autumn. The root is washed, cleaned of leaves. Then the roots are dried, then cut into small pieces of 20 cm each. You need to dry at a temperature of 40 degrees. At higher temperatures, the root will lose beneficial oils.

Well-dried roots should break easily. They have a brownish-yellowish, reddish or grayish color. Broken roots should be pink or White color. Raw materials are bitter in taste, with a specific smell.

The root contains alkaloid, phytoncide, starch, aldehyde, resin, minerals and vitamins. Calamus root treats: gout, malaria, toothache, cough, cramp, infection. Calamus tincture is used to treat bronchitis, gastritis, and pneumonia.

Liver, diarrhea, cholecystitis, heal with alcohol tincture from the root. A preparation based on calamus root improves general well-being, hearing, visual function.

Application of calamus

The root is used to disinfect water. The collection is able to improve appetite, the digestive process. Used for sickness nerve endings. Lowers arterial pressure, stomach acidity. Effective in ovarian disease in women, amenorrhea.

A decoction, infusion, lotion is prepared from the root. Heals a cold headache, cleans respiratory system. The root can muffle the effect of toxins on the body, neutralize the effect of hallucinogens.

Cane can improve memory, prevent heartburn. The plant is hardy and unpretentious. Does not require fertilizer, loves moisture. Flowers are used for illness gastrointestinal tract, prevent hair loss, prevent baldness.

Acts like bactericide in the treatment of SARS, epidemics, cholera. Used for chronic diseases, treats bronchitis, tracheitis. Effective in intestinal disorders, duodenum, loss of appetite. The product enhances potency in men, relieves pain, cramps during menstruation, menopause.

Tatar herb treatment

Medicine began to use cinquefoil often. It restores memory, promotes the disappearance of neurosis, arthritis, cleanses blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and relieves headaches.

Sabelnik is able to treat the whole body with all its organs. Helps to establish the work of such systems:

  • respiratory;
  • cardiovascular;
  • nervous;
  • urogenital.
Calamus decoction increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The extract reduces pressure, causes analgesia. The content of bitterness improves appetite, processing of food taken. Relieves the nervous system from oppression. Root powder contains medical preparations used in the treatment of ulcers.

Women's gynecological problems treated with the miraculous root. It is used for a sitz bath. Not nice smell oral cavity passes if you rinse it with herbal decoction. With typhoid, cholera, influenza, earlier people ate calamus root. The plant excites the gastrointestinal tract.

The tool removes sputum, disinfects, relieves pain. Perceives the rapid tightening of wounds, cuts. The drug is effective for colpitis, treats gastritis, tones the nerve endings, cells.

It also relieves the body of harmful worms, the patch with yaer promotes the healing of the affected bone. The leaves of the plant lowers the temperature, can be applied externally. Used for flatulence, diarrhea.

Vegetable bitterness acts as an anesthetic. Air is considered one of the effective drugs, which helps with achilia, abdominal cramps, high acidity. Pain menstrual flow, disruption of the bladder, anemia goes away if you take the root of calamus. Calamus oil relieves stomach colic, hysteria.

People with low gastric juice it is recommended to drink a Tatar remedy. Because it promotes the release of hydrochloric acid thereby improving digestion and appetite.

Extract as a diuretic for diathesis, malaria, kidney disease. It has an expectorant, analgesic, laxative effect. Sensitivity spinal cord can be adjusted with the use of a saber. Used for cholecystitis, hepatitis.

  1. Infusion getting ready in the following way: crushed dry raw materials are taken, poured with water, and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken half a cup before each meal.
  2. Alcohol tincture. Place raw materials in alcohol, let it brew for 24 hours and drink 25 drops a day. You can also use wine instead of vodka, and take it to prevent vomiting. They drink a decoction for toothache, do a procedure with a fragrant bath. Make a lotion, soaking it in the prepared collection, and apply to the affected area.
  3. Decoction it is easy to prepare: you will need fresh raw materials that need to be boiled for 10-15 minutes. Strain and take half a glass before meals.

Recipes for treatment with calamus in folk medicine

  • Widely used in culinary dishes like a spice. To do this, grind the root of the plant and add to your favorite dishes.
  • Helps with heartburn, chew a piece of the root or eat a spoonful of calamus powder.
  • For hepatitis, prepare a decoction of calamus and drink it 3 times a day.
  • You can add sage, oak bark, nettle to calamus - all this is poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes. A decoction is able to cure sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis.
  • The crushed cinquefoil is placed in a vessel with water, boiled for several minutes, filtered. Then take 0.5 cups throughout the day. So you can get rid of the symptoms of gastritis and stomach colic.
  • Intestinal disease is treated with a decoction of cake with the addition of rice. The ingredients are boiled for 25 minutes and consumed warm three times a day.
  • Pain in the stomach will go away if you cook reeds with rowan fruits. The raw material is poured with liquid and infused for 60 minutes, then boiled and cooled. Drink for 1-2 days and the pain will go away.
  • The raw materials are boiled for several minutes and left in a closed container. Take with diarrhea 0.25 cups.
  • Prepare a sessile bath with hot root and take it for hemorrhoids.
  • Infusion is washed and wounds are treated.
  • The prepared warm infusion is used to rinse the mouth, gums, drink in violation of the gallbladder.
  • Prepared for healthy and strong hair herbal decoction for rinsing the head.
  • Vision will improve if you smear the eyelids with juice from the cake.
  • Treat pancreatitis. You will need nettle, calamus, thyme, dandelion, mint. Grind the herbs to a powder, add honey and take the mixture in 1 teaspoon.
  • Myoma treatment. Mix calamus powder with aloe juice and honey. Let stand 3 days and consume 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • Calamus contraindications

    Air should not be drunk high acidity gastric juice. It is necessary to carefully mix the root with other herbs so as not to increase the acidity. It is not recommended to take kidney failure, gastric ulcer.

    It is worth remembering that before starting treatment, consult a doctor yourself. He will prescribe a course of treatment for you, and will observe you. The use of root extract should be moderate and not exceed the norm.

    An overdose can cause vomiting reflex. Therefore, if you notice a deterioration in the condition, then contact the clinic and immediately stop the course of treatment.

    Tatar grass is contraindicated in such diseases:

    • at inflammatory process kidneys;
    • pregnancy;
    • the presence of a stomach ulcer in an acute form;
    • hypotension;
    • with nosebleeds;
    • high concentration of hydrochloric acid.
    Be careful with the use of culture, follow the instructions, follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

    The healing properties of calamus and more detailed information about this plant in the plot:

    Mankind has long known the beneficial properties of calamus root. Even the eastern sage, physician and philosopher, Avicenna used the rhizome of the plant to treat diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and urinary tract. And the Tibetan sages valued the root for its ability to heal colds, coughs and psychological disorders. Today, the plant is actively used both in traditional and traditional medicine. I found calamus application in cosmetology. In this material, you will learn how to independently use all the properties of calamus.

    Chemical composition

    The composition of calamus includes:

    • Ascorbic acid;
    • Tannins;
    • Essential oil;
    • Various resins;
    • Glycosides and alkaloids;
    • Valeric acids;
    • Various vitamins and micronutrients.

    The plant is of the greatest interest due to high content iodine (about 1.9 milligrams) and unique composition essential oil. The composition of the essential oil includes azaron, calamen, pinene, camphor, borneol, curcumin and other substances. In addition, it contains acetic and valeric acids, phytoncides, isocorone and acorone.

    Beneficial features

    Due to its composition, the plant has beneficial effect to the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition, it stimulates the excretion of bile and improves liver function. It also has powerful antiseptic, bacteriostatic, fungistatic and antimicrobial properties. .

    In certain senses, calamus can be seen as natural antibiotic. They are treated with acute respiratory diseases, inflammation of the teeth and gums, as well as inflammation of the urinary tract.

    But on this, the beneficial properties of the miracle plant do not end there. Due to vitamin A, calamus improves eyesight and treats eye diseases.

    The plant is also excellent at lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart muscle and treating varicose veins veins. It is impossible not to mention the tonic effect of calamus. It energizes, calms and even helps with depression, nervous and psychological exhaustion.

    Naturally, thanks to a lot of useful properties, the plant is used both in folk and traditional medicine. The plant can often be found in various herbal preparations and drugs for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver.

    The use of calamus in folk medicine

    Air has found enough wide application in folk medicine. All parts of the plant are used, whether it be leaves, rhizome or flowers. However, most widespread received medicines based on the root of the plant.

    Decoctions and infusions from the rhizome treat teeth, gums, inflammation respiratory tract, diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, and also treat nail fungus.

    Alcohol tincture and at all is universal remedy, which, among other things, is used in the treatment of eye diseases and improving vision.

    Calamus preparations reduce pressure, activate the process of digestion and increase the separation of sputum. The plant can also be used to disinfect wounds and speed up the healing process.

    dried and powdered roots used as a natural deodorant fresh they are used to disinfect water.

    With angina

    Decoctions and infusions based on calamus are popular means in the treatment of angina. Thanks to its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, the plant will greatly alleviate your suffering.

    Broth for rinsing with angina prepared as follows :

    • We take the crushed calamus rhizome and crushed oak bark and mix them in a one-to-one ratio;
    • Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of boiling water;
    • Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes;
    • Add to the broth one tablespoon and;
    • We insist the broth for half an hour, after which we gargle.

    For potency

    Since ancient times, men have used calamus to enhance potency, sexual attraction, as well as to improve the quality and quantity of seed. For optimal results, a plant-based tincture is suitable.

    To make calamus tincture for potency

    • We take 100 grams of crushed calamus rhizomes and fill them with a liter of vodka or 70% alcohol;
    • We tightly close the vessel and put it in a dark, cool place;
    • We regularly shake the contents of the vessel for two weeks;
    • After two weeks, we filter the tincture and take 30 drops three times a day, half an hour before meals;
    • The course of treatment with this tincture is three weeks.

    For heartburn

    With heartburn, an infusion of calamus helps a lot. In addition, the infusion will favorably affect the digestion process.

    To prepare heartburn infusion based on calamus, we proceed as follows:

    • We take one third of a teaspoon of crushed calamus rhizomes;
    • Pour half a glass of rhizomes warm water;
    • Let the mixture brew for ten minutes, then drink;
    • For greater effect, it is advisable to drink the infusion ten minutes before meals. The course of treatment is a month, after which it can be beaten in six months.

    With an attack of heartburn, you can chew a small piece of calamus root and drink it with water.

    From the fungus

    With nail fungus, you can use baths based on calamus. This is very effective tool, allowing you to get rid of the fungus in a very short term. Many people prefer to use baths, since the rhizome of the plant has a specific bitter taste.

    To prepare decoction for the treatment of fungus we proceed as follows:

    • We take 40 grams of calamus root, crushed to a powder state;
    • Pour the powder with a glass of boiling water, after which we insist the broth for half an hour;
    • The resulting broth is poured into a foot bath;
    • To enhance the effect, you can add iodine, salt, lemon, dandelion, celandine or burdock;
    • Bath - once a day, before going to bed. In the first three days of treatment, twice a day is allowed.

    For vision

    For the treatment of eye diseases, tincture of calendula flowers and calamus roots is often used. Such a tincture is excellent tool, which nourishes the retina, reduces eye pressure and normalizes blood circulation in the eye.

    Calamus rhizome eye tincture prepared as follows:

    • We take two tablespoons of calendula flowers and two tablespoons of crushed calamus roots;
    • We mix the components of the plant and fill them with a liter of vodka;
    • We remove the bottle with tincture in a cold dark place for two weeks;
    • Before use, be sure to dilute the drug with water. Dilute in a ratio of 100 milliliters of water per teaspoon of the product;
    • The resulting product is instilled in the eyes every two hours for 30 days. After that, you should take a break for a month.

    Before starting a course of treatment, be sure to consult with an ophthalmologist.

    To improve digestion

    For digestive problems and peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract, you can drink an infusion of calamus. The plant also has a positive effect on the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and can be used to regulate it in case of heavy blood loss.

    We prepare an infusion that improves digestion:

    • We take two teaspoons of crushed calamus root;
    • Pour the raw material with a glass of boiling water;
    • We withstand the infusion in a water bath for half an hour;
    • We filter the resulting drink and drink it 50 milliliters four times a day, half an hour before eating.

    In dentistry

    Due to its antiseptic properties, calamus has also found application in the field of dentistry. The plant copes well with microbes and microorganisms, disinfects small wounds and ulcers, and due to its astringent effect, it helps to relieve inflammation. In addition, it has a general strengthening effect on enamel and gums, and also kills unpleasant odors. To strengthen the gums and teeth, you can use an infusion of calamus, and to relieve toothache, a decoction of it. Both recipes are shown below.

    Calamus toothache remedy:

    • We take ten grams of calamus rhizomes and grind them;
    • Fill the raw material with half a liter of vodka;
    • Shake the bottle, cork and tie with twine;
    • We cover the bottle with dough and bake in a standing position;
    • With a toothache, we collect a glass of the resulting vodka decoction of calamus in the mouth and hold until the pain passes.

    Infusion for teeth and gums from calamus:

    • We take two teaspoons of crushed calamus rhizome;
    • Pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 12 hours;
    • We filter the resulting broth;
    • Rinse your mouth three times a day after meals.

    For amplification healing effect funds from calamus, they can be used in conjunction with propolis tincture. To prepare such a tincture, you need to pour 20 grams of propolis with half a liter of vodka and leave for a week in the freezer.

    In cosmetology

    The marsh plant has found its place in cosmetology. The oils of the plant are used for toning and deodorizing hair. Thanks to him, the hair becomes thicker and softer, and it helps to get rid of dandruff. In addition, the oil can help with skin care. Due to their antiseptic properties, oil relieves inflammation and discomfort. It will be equally useful to know that calamus extract is also considered an aphrodisiac. Below are recipes for shampooing and caring for greasy skin:

    Decoction for washing the head:

    • We take four tablespoons of chopped calamus root;
    • Fill the raw material with half a liter of boiling water;
    • Boil the mixture in a water bath for ten minutes;
    • Add two tablespoons of crushed calamus flowers and boil for another five minutes;
    • Cool the broth and rinse the hair after washing;
    • 10 minutes after applying the decoction, rinse your hair with cool water.

    In order to cook infusion for care oily skin faces, we proceed as follows:

    • We take two tablespoons of crushed roots and pour them with a liter of boiling water;
    • We close the vessel with a lid and leave it in a dark place;
    • After three hours, we filter the infusion, and wipe our face with it;
    • Ready infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    Contraindications and harm

    In addition to useful properties, calamus has certain contraindications. All of them are somehow connected with the fact that the plant thins the blood, thereby accelerating blood circulation, and also increases the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Based on this, the use of calamus is contraindicated in the following persons:

    • Persons with hypotension or dystonia;
    • Persons with high acidity of gastric juice;
    • Pregnant and lactating women;
    • Persons with reduced coagulability blood;
    • At acute inflammation kidneys;
    • Persons with epilepsy;
    • For any bleeding
    • Persons with stomach ulcers;
    • Persons with individual intolerance to plant components.

    Do not forget about correct dosage plants. In case of violation of the established dose, calamus can cause indigestion, accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. In case of more serious poisoning, nosebleeds and bronchospasm may begin.

    Also, due to the content of the toxic "Azaron", the plant can cause hallucinations and, in certain cases, aggravate the course oncological diseases. If the first symptoms of poisoning occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Calamus vulgaris belongs to the Calamus family. This perennial plant grows on wetlands, near lakes, ponds and other bodies of water with stagnant water. No wonder the second most common name for calamus is calamus calamus. Sometimes places near swamps are simply dotted with this plant, and other representatives of the flora, sometimes, are completely absent.

    In some regions, you can also find such names as Tatar grass and hot root.

    Appearance, composition and collection of calamus

    This plant reproduces by rhizomes, which are quite powerful, thick, brown in color with a white core. Thanks to this creeping rhizome, calamus spreads throughout the territory, since it is incapable of pollination. Calamus has a trihedral stem with flat sides, small flowers yellow color. The shape of the flowers is similar to a corncob, and the leaves are long and sharp. The plant itself is quite tall, sometimes reaching 1.3 meters.

    Calamus nice smell, reminiscent of cinnamon, and a bitter taste.

    Calamus root and, to a lesser extent, leaves are of value to people. In it were found essential oils with the main component azaron. The root contains the alkaloid calamine, tannins and vitamins. The root is especially rich in vitamin C. Perhaps the most valuable is iodine, which is found in large quantities in the root of calamus.

    The foliage is harvested during the flowering period, that is, in June and early July. The roots are harvested either in early spring, when the plant is still sleeping, or in late autumn, as soon as the leaves have fallen. It is freed from the ground, cut into pieces and dried. Calamus leaves are dried on paper in the shade, well spread out. Keep leaves and roots in paper with minimal moisture.

    What to cook from calamus. The use of medicinal root

    Alcohol tincture

    It will take 0.5 liters of diluted alcohol. For this amount of liquid take 10 grams crushed roots and insist in a dark place for two weeks. Tincture is usually taken in 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.


    Classic recipe looks like this: take 3 tbsp. l. crushed and dried root and pour it hot water. Keep in a water bath for an hour, then filter the broth and start drinking. It is important to carefully strain the decoction without leaving particles of the plant, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.


    A bath with a decoction of the root has proven itself in the treatment skin diseases. Take a bath for twenty minutes with a course of six procedures. Thanks to great content iodine in its composition decoction of calamus heals minor wounds on the body and contributes to the main drug treatment with such complex diseases like psoriasis and lupus.

    A decoction for the bath is prepared as usual - in the same proportions. The composition is boiled for ten minutes and, after insisting for half an hour, poured into a warm bath.


    The swamp healer has a positive effect on metabolism, activates the peristalsis of the stomach. After all, it is not for nothing that calamus is used in many means for weight loss.

    You can also make your own cleansing tea. To do this, take lemon balm, linden and calamus root in equal proportions, pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for two hours, after which they drink it during the day, 100-150 ml each.

    Calamus root: medicinal properties and contraindications

    Air: useful properties:

    • thanks to huge content iodine calamus root has disinfectants and wound healing properties;
    • can improve the process of digestion;
    • beneficial effect on the activity of peristalsis;
    • both the root and leaves of calamus have anti-inflammatory properties;
    • by using medicines from calamus restore visual acuity;
    • has sedative properties;
    • lowers fever with colds and various inflammatory processes;
    • in the treatment of bronchitis is used as an expectorant;
    • perfectly stimulates metabolic processes in the human body;
    • with its help get rid of nicotine addiction;
    • calamus preparations are good choleretic agents.


    The use of funds from calamus


    An ancient remedy for restoring the structure of hair and accelerating their growth is a decoction of calamus root.

    Hair Mask with calamus: one egg, honey, root and calendula tinctures are mixed and applied to the hair from the roots to the very tips. Keep the mask for an hour, then wash off.

    You can simply rinse your hair with a decoction of the root after washing your hair. Thus, the hair gets rid of dandruff and begins to grow more actively.

    Essential oil

    It is great for helping with wound healing. Apply medicinal oil and in cosmetology. It improves blood circulation V hair follicles with hair loss.

    Drops of essential oil can be added to the shampoo and washed with it, or mixed with olive oil and rubbed into the hair roots for one hour. Then the hair is washed thoroughly.

    Eye drops

    Bred in warm boiled water 1 drop juice from fresh rhizomes. 1 drop per 10 drops of water is enough.


    As already mentioned, this plant copes well with tonsillitis and bronchitis. Children can cook candied calamus roots. They are prepared as follows: syrup is boiled, and the roots are cut into pieces 3 cm long. Dipped in boiling syrup and kept in it for five minutes. After that, the roots should be infused for ten hours. Then again boil the syrup with the roots and take it out. The roots should become like candied fruit. Children love this delicacy.

    • Smoking. Judging by the reviews, there is an interesting way for those who want to quit smoking. Before smoking, chew fresh calamus root. Thus, it should cause nausea and then aversion to tobacco smoke.
    • Pneumonia. It is important to remember that the main treatment with antibiotics cannot be replaced with a decoction of calamus! Drink a decoction of calamus three times a day between meals for 0.5 cups. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Thanks to a large number vitamin C and iodine in its composition, it is excellent in the treatment of even a disease such as pneumonia.
    • Air for men. They make a collection of herbs: elecampane, nettle, juniper leaves, chamomile flowers and marsh calamus root. Prepare a decoction and take it 100 ml 2 times a day between meals. Treatment is carried out in a course of a month, after a two-week break, the course can be resumed.
    • Pain relief rub for joints. This old way cooking rubbing has proven itself. 20 grams of calamus root are poured into a half-liter bottle of vodka, closed, the bottle is wrapped in dough and sent to the oven. Bake until dough is done. The resulting remedy rubs the sore spots and insulates.
    • Vision. Drink 1 tbsp. l. tinctures, and also instill eyes fresh juice diluted in water. You can make a tincture on red house wine. This will require a bottle of homemade red wine from grapes. Take 2 tsp. roots for 0.5 liters of wine. Insist for a day in a dark place and filter.
    • stomach ulcer. Calamus root is often compared to aloe. For the treatment of stomach ulcers, infuse 20 grams of the root in 0.5 cups of alcohol for two weeks and take 15 drops before meals.
    • Rickets in children. Make a bath with decoction. The procedure time is half an hour, and the temperature in the bath should not be higher than thirty-eight degrees. Thus, blood circulation in the limbs improves. Especially such procedures are useful for those who have constantly cold extremities or frequent numbness hands
    • festering wounds. Treat with powder prepared from calamus root. And they also wash the wounds with a decoction.

    Calamus is one of the plants that successfully treat the most various diseases. This made it very popular in both official and folk medicine. Based on this plant, many medicines. In addition, it is widely used in home treatment.

    Calamus vulgaris was first used in China and India. It subsequently spread to Europe. In ancient times, calamus root was brought here by merchants from Turkey as a sweet. It was used by the Tatars during their campaigns to cleanse water bodies.

    Calamus vulgaris belongs to the aroid family. It is a perennial herb that can grow from 60 to 100 cm in height. The root of the plant is thick and sinuous. It is covered with wide scars, which are arranged in a spiral. The root is located close to the surface of the earth and can be up to 1.5 m long.

    Calamus leaves are xiphoid in shape. yellow flowers very small and are on the cob. The fruit is a red berry with many seeds. Calamus breeds in our country thanks to its rhizome.

    This plant is common in the Caucasus and the Baltic countries. It can also be found on the territory of all countries of the East, in Europe, Belarus. In Russia, calamus mainly grows in the European part and in Siberia. Near reservoirs and in meadows you can see whole thickets of this plant.

    Healing properties

    Calamus is very popular in folk medicine. Calamus root contains great amount valuable substances and vitamins. These include camphor, ascorbic acid, starch, minerals, essential oil.

    Calamus root has a positive effect on work digestive tract as well as the condition of the gallbladder. It stimulates appetite, the production of gastric juice, and also removes gases well. Also, this plant has diuretic properties and helps to successfully fight diarrhea.

    What does the herb cure?

    Air is useful for high pressure, gastritis, with stomach ulcers. Also, the plant is widely used for lung diseases, tuberculosis,. Calamus root is very popular in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, headaches. He contributes fast cleansing respiratory tract.

    This plant increases the secretion of bile in the liver and the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach due to the presence of a bitter glycoside. Calamus has a strong diuretic, analgesic effect.

    Due to its expectorant properties, calamus is used during the flu. A decoction of calamus is used to heal wounds and ulcers on the skin, as it has a strong disinfecting effect. A powder obtained from dry calamus root is also used. Preparations from this plant are used for jaundice and gastritis, for diathesis and diseases of the bladder, for diarrhea.

    This plant has a good effect on sore throat and is therefore used for gargling and mouthwash. To strengthen the gums and teeth, powder from dry calamus root is used.

    Calamus preparations increase appetite and are used for anorexia. Thanks to the essential oil, calamus also copes well with bouts of colic in the intestines. Calamus root is used to treat leukemia. It also helps with bad smell from mouth. Calamus preparations can quickly lower blood pressure.

    Calamus is also used for hepatitis, rickets and scrofula in children. It is often prescribed for neuroses. A decoction of calamus is used for many female diseases. Treatment occurs with the help of douching with infusion or decoction of calamus, as well as the use of sitz baths.

    Air destroys drugs and neutralizes their toxic effects. Taking calamus powder with honey in the morning and evening time can significantly improve memory.

    What are the contraindications?

    You can not use this plant with increased secretion of the stomach. It is also prohibited for use in case of bleeding. different nature. An overdose of the plant may cause vomiting. You can not use calamus, because it reduces pressure. At individual intolerance calamus essential oil should also not be used.

    Increased acidity of gastric juice or can be considered absolute contraindications to use calamus. In the inflammatory process in the kidneys and in acute stage with a stomach ulcer, calamus is also prohibited.

    With the appearance of any unpleasant syndromes and a deterioration in well-being, you must either reduce the dosage or abandon the drug altogether.

    Dosage forms

    Calamus rhizomes are important component gastric and other herbal preparations, as well as medicinal teas. Calamus is contained in such preparations as Vikalin, Vikair, Olimetin. Also in the pharmacy you can buy calamus essential oil and alcohol solution. Calamus collections are used for cooking therapeutic baths for children.

    Methods of application in traditional medicine

    For adults

    • For rinsing the mouth, a decoction of calamus roots and is used. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for at least 15 minutes. Infuse the composition for at least 20 minutes;
    • from diarrhea, you can use an infusion of calamus powder. Take 2 tsp of calamus and 1 cup of boiling water. Infusion is taken 3 times a day before meals;
    • for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, such a recipe is used. Take 1 part of calamus roots, 3 parts of flowers, as well as rowan fruits and pour cold water. The infusion is kept for 1 hour and gradually brought to a boil. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and taken 3 times a day before meals in a warm form;
    • calamus roots are used for sore throat and stomatitis in a candied form. For this, a sweet syrup is boiled, into which the roots of calamus are dipped. First, cuts are made on the roots. It is necessary to boil the roots in syrup for about 5 minutes, after 10 hours insist. After bringing to a boil, the roots are taken out and dried like candied fruits;
    • chewing a piece of calamus root or taking ¼ tsp of calamus root powder, which you just need to drink with water, helps well for heartburn;
    • fresh calamus juice is used to lubricate the eyelids to improve vision;
    • tincture of calamus roots on vodka helps with impotence;
    • hot baths with the addition of calamus decoction help with circulatory disorders;
    • to improve digestion, it is useful to drink a decoction of calamus roots every day for 3 cups;
    • sitz baths with the addition of decoction of calamus are used to treat hemorrhoids. To do this, 30 grams of rhizome is poured with one liter of boiling water and the infusion is used to prepare baths;
    • for the treatment of gonorrhea take an infusion of calamus. It is added to the bath, which must be taken every day.
    • heartburn can be cured with calamus root powder, which is taken 3 times a day;
    • calamus promotes normalization hormonal background, so it is used for menopause. The root must be ground and taken in 1 tsp;
    • tincture of leaves and roots of calamus is effective in vomiting;
    • calamus helps well from. For this, a decoction of calamus root is used. You can drink it or rinse your mouth. You can lubricate the gums with calamus tincture, as it has a strong analgesic effect.

    Rickets and diathesis in children are successfully treated with the help of baths, in which an infusion of calamus roots is added. Calamus preparations are contraindicated for children before the age of 12 years.

    Calamus strongly tones the uterus, therefore it is contraindicated for women in position. Otherwise, there may be a risk of miscarriage. You can also not use calamus and during breastfeeding.

    Calamus marsh refers to perennial aquatic plants with a brown color and a branched root system. The grass has a number of useful properties and has several names. They call it a hot root and reeds, a Tatar potion and a cake. There are some other names as well. For medicinal purposes, its root part is used.

    Chemical composition

    The plant contains various chemical substances, which, obviously not stinting, gave him nature itself. The composition is distinguished by the presence of:

    • Akorina.
    • starch.
    • Ascorbic acid.
    • Squirrel.
    • Various mineral elements.
    • Colamine.
    • Essential oils.

    The plant has a specific smell, which is due to the presence of aldehyde. In addition, the herb contains many vitamins and iodine.

    Benefits for the body

    Own therapeutic effect calamus manifests due to a wide palette of substances that make up its composition. The rhizome is used for medicinal purposes. Harvest it in the fall. To do this, the root is dug up, washed, cut into separate small pieces and dried. This is done under awnings or in a drying cabinet.

    Calamus marsh is used in the form of various dosage forms. It is used in tablets, which are called "Vikair", gastric preparations. The main indications for use are problems with the digestive tract, improving appetite and stimulating digestion. The medicinal plant has the following types actions:

    1. With the use of calamus, blood vessels expand.
    2. Taking the herb can relieve pain, so the plant is used as a pain reliever.
    3. The herb has an antispasmodic effect. Sometimes the cause of the pain is a spasm internal organs. The plant is able to eliminate pain by relieving spasms.
    4. Grass has antimicrobial action, inhibiting the growth and development of microbial microflora at the cellular level.
    5. Taking the herb can calm the nervous system. This is achieved by having sedative effect. At excessive arousal nervous system after applying compositions based on calamus comes in order.
    6. Calamus is used to stop bleeding in various hemorrhages.
    7. The herb has a diuretic effect, increasing the excretion and outflow of urine.
    8. The plant is famous for its astringent effect and can increase general tone organism.

    When is calamus used?

    1. In Rus', calamus powder has long been used to treat festering wounds, sprinkling them on the wound surface.
    2. In the form of infusions, decoctions, it is used to correct conditions associated with digestive tract problems.
    3. Use it to improve your performance bladder and improves digestion.
    4. Air refers to aromatics and can improve the secretory function of the stomach. Calamus powder can eliminate the phenomena in which heartburn acts as one of the symptoms.
    5. Use it for taking baths.
    6. Persons with tuberculosis are also shown taking calamus.
    7. Grass is able to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
    8. It will help with liver diseases, conditions caused by rheumatism.
    9. With the help of calamus, you can increase appetite and normalize the digestive system for those who need it. To stimulate appetite, it is enough to chew dried root calamus.
    10. Calamus marsh can fight inflammation of the gums and eliminate bad breath.
    11. The root will help get rid of malaria, toothache, cough, and some infectious diseases.
    12. Calamus is able to lower the acidity of gastric juice.
    13. You can also eliminate headaches and lower blood pressure by using the root of this plant in the form of infusions and decoctions.
    14. If a person has been poisoned by hallucinogens, then calamus root will help neutralize their effect.
    15. Useful plant for men. It prevents hair loss prophylactic with baldness. In addition, it is able to enhance potency.
    16. He will help women eliminate pain at painful periods. Its use will be effective if there is amenorrhea and there are problems with the ovaries.

    How to prepare a plant for the future?

    Those who need the help of calamus calamus can prepare it on their own or purchase it in a pharmacy ready-made. It is sold packaged in cardboard packs or in the form of Vikair tablets. In fact, this is the same calamus marsh.

    Those who decide to stock up on their own, you need to know that the time of its collection is late autumn. Roots should be thoroughly cleaned and washed. Then they should be slightly dried up. They are dried not whole, but cut into pieces. If the drying process is carried out by force in the oven, then the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, the root will simply lose its medicinal properties.

    A sign of sufficient drying is that the roots begin to break well. The raw material has a bitter taste and a specific smell with a pink or white tint on the break. Externally, the roots are brown in color. Store prepared raw materials in a dark, dry place in paper or fabric bags. The shelf life is 2 years.

    Calamus root can disinfect water. To do this, it is enough to place a few dried roots of the plant in a decanter with water. The use of infusions and decoctions of the plant can improve appetite, stimulate the digestive tract. A therapy based on the use of calamus can even improve memory.

    Calamus can lead to improved blood circulation. The grass is also used if it violates its work:

    • Respiratory system.
    • The activity of the heart and its vessels.
    • Nervous structures.
    • Urine excretion system.

    Calamus in the form of a decoction will improve gastric secretion, reduce pressure, and eliminate pain. The plant will relieve conditions associated with depression of the nervous system.

    Calamus marsh is able to eliminate many unpleasant phenomena in the gynecological field. For this purpose, a woman takes sitz baths with calamus. The tool helps to liquefy and expel sputum. Under its influence, wounds and cuts heal quickly. Save the plant from flatulence and diarrhea.

    Vegetable bitterness is a good anesthetic. It will come to the rescue if there are cramps in the abdomen. The plant extract is used as a diuretic. With it, you can restore the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the spinal structures. The plant is used for problems with the liver and gallbladder.

    We prepare funds from the calamus of the swamp house

    1. Preparation of infusion. Dry raw materials are subject to thorough grinding. It is filled with water and boiled for a quarter of an hour on fire. After that, the composition should be filtered. It should be taken before meals in half a glass.
    2. Preparing alcohol tincture. Calamus root is poured with alcohol. He must insist for days. Reception is carried out by 25 drops. You can replace alcohol with vodka. Dry raw materials should be one tablespoon, and 100 ml of vodka. Before use, the tincture is diluted in half a glass of water. Its use will help with joint pain, migraine, digestive problems. The phenomena of flatulence and gout disappear.
    3. Preparation of candied fruits. Requires preparation first regular syrup. Chopped roots are lowered into it, which must be boiled in syrup for 5 minutes. Then for 12 hours the composition is left alone. Then bring it back to a boil. Then again the remedy is infused for 12 hours. After that, the roots are dried like candied fruits.
    4. Powder use. They treat wounds and ulcers. To do this, they are sprinkled with powder. If you have overcome a runny nose, then you can clear your sinuses by inhaling calamus powder through your nose. If honey is added to it, then taking such a remedy will help improve memory. It is added to improve the taste, since the plant belongs to bitterness.

    Air for gums
    To strengthen the gums, it can be used in two ways:

    1. An infusion is used, which is prepared by adding a teaspoon of crushed root to a glass of boiling water. The infusion exposure is 2 hours. Then the composition should be filtered. Rinse your mouth with the prepared infusion.
    2. Tatar cinquefoil in powder form is mixed with propolis. This composition is used for brushing teeth instead of paste.

    Getting rid of smoking
    If there are no contraindications, then a person should chew a fresh root after smoking a cigarette. There is a feeling of nausea up to vomiting. This is the basis of the effect of the use of calamus against smoking.

    If arose burning desire to smoke, you need to mix peppermint with calamus. They are taken into equal volumes 1 teaspoon. The mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. The drug is indicated for oral administration.

    Strengthening hair
    Hair roots will become stronger if you use a mask, which includes calamus and burdock. A decoction is prepared from them, which acts as a rinse aid.


    1. To get rid of fibroids will help the composition, which includes honey in the amount of 100 g, calamus root in the amount of two spoons and aloe juice 50 ml. The tincture is aged for three days and taken three times a day in a spoonful at a time.
    2. At hormonal disorders medicinal raw materials are placed in cold water and infused for 8 hours. After that, the composition should be in a water bath for 30 minutes. The remedy is used in a glass before eating.
    3. IN menopause useful will be the use of calamus root powder. One teaspoon per reception will be enough.

    The plant belongs to natural aphrodisiacs capable of enhancing sex drive. Such properties are especially pronounced in the oil obtained from the plant. In a relationship reproductive system it exhibits a pronounced tonic effect. This leads to an improvement in the quality and quantity of seminal fluid. It is often included in complex therapy for treatment male infertility. One hundred grams of roots are poured with vodka. It is necessary to take the composition in a small spoon for two weeks.


    They are available in almost every medicinal plant, including the calamus.

    1. The plant must not be used for long period time. There may be cases of individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
    2. Tatar cinquefoil is contraindicated during pregnancy.
    3. In the presence of acute processes on the part of the urine excretion system, it can not be taken either.
    4. For hypotensives, the plant also has limitations for its use.

    The best option before you start taking calamus is to consult your doctor.

    Video: healing properties of calamus



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