How to treat infertility in men with folk remedies. How to treat male infertility with folk remedies and traditional medicine

male infertility is a fairly common phenomenon. With this disease, the male reproductive system is disturbed, which entails the inability to reproduce offspring.

Medical statistics show that in every fourth case of infertile couples, the culprit is a man. And the sooner the treatment of male infertility is carried out, the more likely the couple is to have their own children.

Infertility is often curable, so do not despair.

There are several main forms of male infertility:

  • secretory form, in which the process of spermatogenesis is impaired (insufficient quantity, structural defects or insufficient sperm motility);
  • obstructive form (the impossibility of free movement of sperm along the excretory tract);
  • immunological form (production of antibodies in the body of a man to spermatozoa).


The causes of the disease can be many. These include:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • endocrine disorders (hormonal imbalance);
  • trauma;
  • oncological diseases;
  • surgical operations on the pelvic organs;
  • congenital malformations of the genital organs;
  • frequent visits to saunas, baths, hot baths, work in hot shops (reason: high temperature);
  • overweight;
  • alcoholism, smoking, drug use;
  • the use of antibiotics antihypertensive drugs, steroid anabolics, hormones, tranquilizers;
  • chemical harmful substances (more often in production);
  • frequent stress.

In order to identify male infertility, it is enough to do a semen analysis. An expanded spermogram makes it possible to assess the ability to fertilize. The analysis can accurately show the concentration, mobility, normal forms spermatozoa, percentage live spermatozoa, leukocyte count and acid-base balance sperm.

If you suspect infertility, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance that it will be successful.

According to the results of the analyzes, the andrologist determines accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment for male infertility.


Before determining how to treat male infertility, it is necessary not only to pass a semen analysis, but also to do an ultrasound of the genitourinary organs, as well as a complete study of blood, hormones and urine. Only after establishing the exact cause of infertility, is prescribed required method treatment.

There are several treatments for male infertility. If the cause is a sexually transmitted infection, endocrine diseases, inflammatory diseases, andrologist prescribes drug treatment. At not enough sperm prescribe vitamins (mainly vitamin D), homeopathic preparations and immune boosters.

In cases where the examination shows that male infertility is of an obstructive form, as a result of which the free movement of spermatozoa is impaired (phimosis, inguinal hernia etc.), drug treatment does not bring results. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary.

In case of impaired patency of the vas deferens, patients are offered a microsurgical method of treatment. As a result of the surgical interventions in patients, the ability to reproduce offspring is restored.

In the case of an older patient or previous sterilization, as well as with an immunological form of infertility, surgical intervention does not bring positive results and fertility (ability to reproduce) is not restored.

Often to recover reproductive function, it is enough to get rid of bad habits, exclude harmful factors or take a vacation and relax (avoid stressful situations).

Perhaps all that is needed to get rid of infertility is to quit bad habits.

In some situations, spermatozoa, for one reason or another, cannot merge with the egg. In this case, carry out laboratory conditions implantation of the sperm into the egg, which is placed in the uterus. The probability of fertilization increases in this case three times.

In the treatment of infertility, not only traditional treatment. Manual therapy, acupuncture and treatment folk remedies can also give good results. In cases where it is impossible to cure male infertility, doctors suggest infertile couples use sperm banks.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) for male infertility in some couples is the last chance to have a child. This method consists in the fertilization of the egg in the laboratory in special test tubes. After fertilization, the embryo grows into culture medium and after a few days is implanted in the uterus of the expectant mother.

IVF helps many infertile couples or couples that have hereditary diseases. In this case, use donor sperm or a donor egg.

In vitro fertilization is a rather complicated procedure that requires a serious drug load on the body. Therefore, IVF is recommended only for medical indications. Before IVF, patients are examined and hormone therapy is prescribed.

This is what in vitro fertilization looks like.

IVF for male infertility includes several stages:

  • ovulation is stimulated in a woman for the maturation of several eggs in order to increase the chances of fertilization;
  • retrieval of mature eggs from a woman outpatient settings- at this stage, the doctor performs an ovarian puncture under ultrasound control;
  • embryologists combine a mature egg and sperm in the laboratory;
  • the embryo is transferred to the uterus of the expectant mother, the remaining embryos and sperm are frozen - in case of unsuccessful fertilization, they can be used for repeated IVF;
  • within a few weeks, a study is carried out for the presence of pregnancy, to maintain the pregnancy, the woman is prescribed therapeutic treatment.

IVF does not always guarantee positive result. Out of a hundred fertilization attempts, only about 25 are successful. In the absence of pathologies in a woman and successful fertilization, the pregnancy proceeds well, and childbirth can take place through natural ways. Children born as a result of IVF are no different from ordinary newborns.

One of positive factors IVF is that the embryo, before entering the uterus, is carefully examined for the presence of genetic diseases(particularly Down syndrome). Therefore, parents can be calm about the health of the unborn child.

Folk remedies

Infertile couples often ask the question: “Is male infertility treated? non-traditional methods? It happens that the treatment is even expensive medicines does not bring results, and IVF is not affordable for everyone. Then you can refer to folk methods treatment, but only after consultation with an andrologist.

Even in our era of high technology, good old traditional medicine has a place to be.

As you know, our ancestors have long learned to cure many diseases with compounds from medicinal herbs. Some traditional medicine recipes are widely used in our time.


  • With male infertility, a decoction of hawthorn fruits helps, they drink it three times a day for half a glass, it is recommended to replace regular tea and coffee with a decoction of elder or adonis;
  • stimulate sexual function a mixture of carrot juice and mummy, which are mixed 20: 1, can help; a month after taking this mixture, positive changes are observed;
  • the use of infusion of knotweed, two tablespoons 4 times a day, increases the reproductive function: if the infusion will drink and future mom, it is quite possible that a boy will be born (according to popular belief);
  • decoction of Adam's root helps with infertility. 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to brew, then filtered and taken according to Art. spoon
  • fresh basil and a decoction of it is an excellent tonic and helps with male infertility;
  • a decoction of a two-leafed love (or in the people - a love root) helps to restore sexual activity, powdered roots are shaken with a small amount of cold boiled water and add boiling water, then shake until cloudy mucus is formed, the ratio should be: 10 g roots, 100 g cold water, 900 g of boiling water;
  • another decoction is prepared from the love root: 10 g of calamus roots are poured into 100 ml of boiling water, and then this infusion is added to 10 g of crushed roots of the two-leafed love, this mixture is consumed in a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • sage infusion can be used for both male and female infertility, a teaspoon of seeds is brewed with a glass of boiling water, drunk for three months, 1 spoon 2 times a day;
  • recommended to drink in the morning Fresh Juice celery and parsley, or prepare a decoction of these herbs and take half a glass, you can add 1 tbsp to the mixture. eryngium and plantain;
  • an infusion of equal parts of veronica, lemon balm and birch leaves, brewed in 1 liter of water, it is recommended to take 1 glass before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies should not be used by people prone to allergic reactions. Especially if there is an allergy to plants, pollen and bee products.

Royal jelly - special food, which is used by honey bees to feed the larvae of worker bees and drones up to three days of age and queen larvae at all stages of development. The queen bee feeds on royal jelly throughout her life.

One of effective ways treatment is a mixture royal jelly and pergi. To do this, mix 100 g of honey, 20 g of royal jelly. The mixture is poured into ceramic dishes and filled with wax. Take the mixture 1 spoon once a day.

Royal jelly resembles a white jelly-like mass with a sharply sour taste.

Healthy foods

To stimulate sexual function, men are advised to eat a lot of walnuts with honey, include pomegranates, leeks, seafood and greens in your diet.

Be sure to include in the diet raw, boiled and baked pumpkin. good healing effect also has fresh juice. It is recommended to drink half a glass in the morning and evening before meals.


In order not to solve the problem of how to cure male infertility, it is necessary to carry out prevention from childhood. Regular visits to specialists (surgeon, urologist), timely detection diseases and pathologies of development, proper treatment may reduce the risk of infertility.

Regular medical checkup- guarantee of health.

It is very important to lead healthy lifestyle life, correctly distribute your day, visit more often fresh air. To improve the quality of sperm, doctors recommend eating foods rich in protein.

Do not get carried away wearing tight synthetic underwear, often visit saunas. You should live a regular sexual life, preferably with a regular partner.

Infertility refers to the inability of a mature person to reproduce sexually. This disease is now wide use, both in men and women. To date, many reasons for its occurrence have not been reliably established. However, it brings severe consequences, from mental disorders before the manifestation of other, no less serious diseases.

Causes of infertility in men

A complete list of causes, manifestations of infertility in men has not been established. They may be:

  • Congenital pathologies of internal organs.
  • Acquired due to chronic problems with health and surgical interventions, pathology.
  • Severe course of viral and bacterial diseases.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Violations internal processes in organism.
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • strong stress, mental illness and disorders. Frequent physical exercise in large quantities.
  • Expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord.
  • genetic inheritance.
  • Violations physiological processes of a sexual nature. This refers to impotence, full or insufficient erection.
  • unknown factors. This includes many potential factors that affect a man's reproductive function. However, scientists failed to establish the authenticity of whether they caused infertility or not.

In 80% of cases when men go to medical institutions, to establish what was the impetus for provoking this difficult problem, fails. Treatment is prescribed based on the distinguished species:

  • primary infertility. When a man has no children of his own.
  • Secondary infertility. This category includes those who already have children. This refers to the lack of the ability to conceive a baby at a particular moment when a person turned to doctors.

Prevention of male infertility

The generally accepted rule applies to this disease that it is easier to prevent the onset of the disease than to deal with the consequences later. Such a thesis may be surprising, however, in the fight against infertility there are some means of prevention. These include:

  1. Timely visits to specialist doctors in the event of the slightest discomfort in urinary organs during sex and urination.
  2. Regular testing for the detection of viruses and bacteria, sexually transmitted. This is especially true of chlamydia, which is common today. And accordingly, a visit to a venereologist at least once every 3 months.
  3. avoidance of frequent stressful situations. If this is not possible, the use of sedatives.
  4. Mandatory alternation of work and rest. Sleep at least 6 hours a day.
  5. Timely and systematic treatment of inflammatory and chronic diseases.

Infertility Treatment Methods

Modern medicine identifies several methods of treating infertility in men. The choice of any one is determined by whether the causes of the disease have been established, if so which ones, by the results of analyzes and all appropriate examinations including, visual inspection doctor and ultrasound. The most frequently prescribed patients are:

  • Medical. It involves prescribing for taking pills with chemical and herbal ingredients.
  • Therapy. It is divided into: ILBI and ozone therapy. Each of them has its own focus. ILBI affects the production of spermatozoa, their motility, and lipid oxidation. Thus, this method provides positive effect to prevent the development of tumors in genitourinary system. Ozone therapy is prescribed to get rid of the lesions of the reproductive system of men with viruses.
  • Surgical intervention. It is allowed in cases where the problem is the spermatic cord, blockage of the vas deferens and hernias.

Self-treatment of infertility in men at home is strictly prohibited. Not only will there be no sense from this, but also the consequences can be very terrible for life and health. Although doctors do not deny positive impact folk recipes. But only when they enter therapeutic complex established and agreed with the attending physician. Special merit in getting rid of infertility went to several of the most effective recipes.

Mummy for male infertility

How to use mummy medicinal product gives a positive result in the treatment of infertility only when the causes that caused it are of a physiological nature. In the presence of genetic or anatomical pathologies, it will not help. Given the high concentration of antiseptic elements in it, it easily copes with inflammation, viruses and bacteria that caused the inability to conceive a child.

It can be added to juices: carrot or blackberry, in the proportion of 1 part of the substance to 20 parts of juice. Take this drink twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime. For 28 days. As an alternative to juice, a decoction of sage is well suited. After this time, you should definitely take a break for a week. Further, the reception of the mummy should be resumed according to the above scheme. To eliminate physiological problems that prevent the conception of a child, it is enough to take from three to five courses.

Decoction of plantain as an effective remedy for infertility

This plant is distinguished by medicinal purposes it is used in its entirety: root, branches, leaves, seeds. It is rich in protein compounds, enzymes, resins, oils, polysaccharides. It is the last element that beneficial effect for infertility treatment. And the phytosterol in its composition affects the hormonal background.

Plantain seeds have a good effect on increasing sperm motility, and it is they that are used to make a decoction.

The recipe is as follows: 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and boiled over medium heat for about 5 minutes. After that, the broth is covered with a tight lid and set aside for cooling and infusion. The course of admission is at least 2 months, 1 tablespoon of liquid three times a day before meals.

Sage for male infertility

The treatment of male infertility with herbs is due to their high efficiency. Sage in folk medicine used to treat various diseases. It is an excellent remedy for inflammation and bacterial infections. This herb also helps with male infertility, but only in cases where the cause of its occurrence lies in inflammatory processes or infections, both viral and bacterial.

Sage is best harvested by yourself. Folk herbalists it is advised to do this between July and August in clean places located far from highways and busy settlements. But you can buy dry sage in a pharmacy.

Infusion for the treatment of male infertility is prepared simply. A tablespoon of this herb should be poured with one glass of boiling water and infused for one hour. The tool is ready for use. It is taken three times a day before meals for a teaspoon. The recommended course of treatment is eleven to fifteen days. After that, you should take a break for one month and resume treatment.

Alcohol tincture of hawthorn for the treatment of male infertility

Get rid of male infertility with the help of such a remedy as alcohol tincture hawthorn is possible only if the cause of its occurrence was serious stress or life shocks, as well as microbial infections or inflammatory diseases occurring against their background. At congenital pathologies or viral diseases this remedy will not bring the expected effect.

To prepare the tincture, you will need one hundred grams of dry hawthorn inflorescences and 0.5 liters of vodka or 0.3 grams medical alcohol 50%. Pour the main ingredient with an alcohol-containing substance and put it in a dark place for thirty days. Every day, take out the container with the infusion from the "shelter" and shake it vigorously. After thirty days, strain the tincture and pour into small containers. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one year.

Take hawthorn tincture three times a day. It is recommended to do this half an hour before meals. The recommended single dosage is one teaspoon. Unpleasant-tasting infusion can be added to sweetened water. The course of treatment with hawthorn should be at least a month. After this, you should take a ten-day break, after which, if necessary, repeat the intake of infusion.

Basil for the treatment of male infertility

Basil is a well-known spice that is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, salads and side dishes. She is also considered excellent tool For male potency. From infertility, basil can help when sperm are inactive or erectile function violated. But do not think that it will be enough just to eat basil as a seasoning and everything will return to normal. Of course, this option is also possible, but it may not be enough to solve the problem.

Within twenty-one days, a decoction of basil should be taken. It is very easy to prepare it. Buy basil seasoning at any grocery store. Please note that it should be free of salt and other additives, including flavor enhancers. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with one glass of boiling water and insist for forty minutes. Strain the infusion should not be. It is taken orally half an hour before meals, one fourth of a glass.

Honey and larval milk for male infertility

Everyone is familiar with such a useful and tasty ingredient as honey. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is taken from various diseases, not only internally, but also externally. Another no less, but rather more useful product beekeeping is larval milk. You can buy it in pharmacies or apiaries. It has all the same functions as honey, and also helps the body to tone up. That is why larval milk is considered an excellent remedy for weak erections and sedentary spermatozoa.

To prepare a remedy for male infertility, mix one hundred grams of honey and twenty grams royal jelly. Keep the mixture under a tightly closed lid for a day. After that, it is ready for use. Use it in the morning and evening on an empty stomach and two hours after eating, the recommended course of treatment is fifteen days.

Onion for male infertility

It would seem that such a simple remedy as onions is used only for food. In fact, it is often used to treat various diseases. The fact is that onions are rich in minerals and trace elements. For example, it contains more vitamin C than lemon. Onion it is useful to use it raw or prepare infusions from it. With male infertility, this remedy helps only if it manifests itself in the form of inflammatory processes and various infections.

cook onion infusion for the treatment of male infertility is quite simple. To do this, grate one onion on a coarse grater. big size. This should be done over the container in which you will prepare the infusion, so that as much juice as possible is included in its composition. Pour the onion with one glass of hot boiling water, close the lid tightly and leave for two hours. Strain the cooled infusion and place it back in an airtight container. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Drink onion infusion twice a day after meals for half a glass.

The use of herbs and other folk remedies will be a good addition complex treatment such complex disease like infertility. However, before you start taking them, you should always consult with your doctor about their compatibility with the medications that he prescribed.

Hello dear readers. Today we will discuss very serious problem faced by millions of men around the world is infertility. Because of it, there is a violation in the male reproductive system, as a result of which a man cannot produce offspring. So, how to treat male infertility, where to start and is it treated at all?

Read the article carefully and get answers to all your questions. Go!

First, I will talk a little about the causes of the problem. These include:

  • Injuries;
  • Infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • Diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • Oncology;
  • Disorders in the hormonal background;
  • Congenital malformations in the development of the genital organs;
  • overweight;
  • Frequent baths with hot water, baths, as well as work at high temperatures;
  • If operations were performed on the pelvic organs;
  • Constant consumption of hormones, steroids, anabolics, antibiotics, tranquilizers;
  • Taking drugs, spices, smoking, alcoholism;
  • Regular stress;
  • Work with harmful substances(mostly chemical).

All signs of infertility do not manifest themselves. This is noticeable only when the couple fails for a long time conceive a child. Main, detect the problem in time and start timely treatment. And where to start? The first step is to get diagnosed.

A man should consult a urologist-andrologist to diagnose the disease. During a private meeting, the doctor will determine probable causes infertility, will take a swab from you to determine the presence of infections, and also send you to a spermogram.

If the analysis shows any deviations, then additional examinations . It can be:

  • Genetic analysis of semen or blood;
  • Hormone analysis;
  • MAP test;
  • EMIS;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum.

Subsequently, as you pass all the studies, the doctor will determine the correct, effective treatment.

Getting rid of the problem

The most common is considered drug therapy. To achieve the best result, the course should be long and continuous.

You should know that spermatozoa mature in about 65 days , so it is worth tuning in precisely for this period of treatment. You will notice improvement only after 7-8 months. Only after this time it will be possible to say about the effectiveness of therapy.

Special attention should be paid to general activities. You should exclude all production and household factors that have on you Negative influence. In addition, adjust the mode of work and rest, start eating right, recover from all chronic diseases. And most importantly - need to regulate sex life .

Your diet should include all useful minerals as well as vitamins. Try to eat more carbohydrates, proteins, exclude fast food, alcohol.

Here is a reminder to follow:

  1. During treatment, you can not visit saunas, baths.
  2. Try not to worry, avoid stressful situations.
  3. Pay special attention to underwear. Do not wear tight swimming trunks.
  4. All physical exercise should be moderate.
  5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes completely.
  6. Follow a rational diet.

And now we turn to the methods of treating male infertility.

Medical therapy

The main thing in treatment is spermatogenesis stimulants, hormonal agents, antibiotics, immunocorrective medicines. Often antiestrogens are prescribed - drugs that increase gonadotropic hormones and testosterone.

If a man simply does not have enough sperm, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills can be taken. This is necessary to increase the volume of spermatozoa, as well as improve their quality.

To improve the blood supply to the testicles, the doctor will prescribe a drug Pentoxifylline . In addition, I advise reception mineral complexes , which are designed to restore and treat male infertility. You can be sure that you have been prescribed the right treatment if you are prescribed:

  1. Immunostimulants such as Taktivin, Pyrogenal.
  2. Androgenic drugs - Testosterone Propionate, Testenat.
  3. Angioprotectors, in particular Pentoxifylline.
  4. Chemotherapeutic drugs.
  5. Biogenic drugs - Solcoseryl, Raveron.
  6. Medicines for the normalization of sexual function - Tentex, Khimkolin, Adriol.
  7. Antiestrogenic drugs - Tamoxifen, Choriogonadotropin.

In order not to suffer and not to run around different pharmacies in search of the necessary medicines, look at Apteku-IFK (Moscow network of pharmacies) and buy everything at once in one place.

I note that such treatment is necessary when spermatogenesis is disturbed due to a malfunction endocrine system as well as genital infections.

in vitro fertilization

Sometimes IVF this is the last chance to have a baby . Fertilization takes place in the laboratory in test tubes. As soon as the egg has been fertilized, the embryo develops in a nutrient medium and after a couple of days it is implanted in the expectant mother.

The advantage of this method is that the cytologist selects the best spermatozoa, and also enriches the sperm, which only increases the chances of conceiving a baby.

Intrauterine insemination

For this, fresh or even frozen sperm is used, which is injected into the cervix. This is done when the spermatozoa are not very active and cannot reach their destination. If a man is completely infertile (that is, he does not produce spermatozoa or they are not active), then it may be necessary insemination with donor sperm .

Surgical methods

These methods of treatment are used extremely rarely when a man has received or congenital pathologies.

  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Varicocele;
  • Hernias in the inguinal-scrotal zone;
  • Changing the urethra and others.

If a man has inguinal-scrotal hernia, then the surgeon-urologist sutures the inguinal canal. At the same time, there is no pressure on it, and the vas deferens is not disturbed, which is why it remains intact.

If urethra is located incorrectly, the doctor through the operation recreates it.

When a man has a varicocele, then measures are taken to ligate the vein.

Cryptorchidism is treated early age, otherwise then he just won't heal and infertility will not disappear anywhere.

Is it possible to cure infertility by folk methods?

Sometimes on drug therapy and other means the couple has no money, and then they resort to home treatment.

Here's what I'll tell you. All the methods that I will tell you about below should be applied only after consultation with a specialist . Yes, our ancestors were treated with folk remedies, but such therapy has not been proven.

Now I will tell you about some of these methods:

  • To stimulate sexual dysfunction, mummy and carrot juice will help. All components are mixed in a ratio of 1:20. Within a month after taking it, you will notice a positive effect.
  • If you have problems conceiving a child, then drink a decoction of hawthorn three times a day for half a glass. Replace tea with a decoction of adonis and elderberry.
  • For increase reproductive function use an infusion of knotweed. If it will also drink future mommy, then by folk omens most likely a boy. By the way, I advise you to read about .
  • With male infertility, a decoction of basil will help.
  • Sage, or rather a decoction of it, can be used for infertility (male and female). Take a glass of boiling water and brew a teaspoon of seeds with it. Take a decoction for 3 months twice a day.
  • A mixture of royal jelly with bee bread is effective method combat male infertility. Take 20 grams of milk and 100 grams of honey, mix it all up, put it in a convenient bowl, add bee bread. Drink the whole thing once a day for a large spoon.

Treatment of infertility after mumps (mumps)

Very often, men complain that they have become infertile due to mumps transferred at an early age. Unfortunately this disease can affect any organ and it is not known which one.

Often, the disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the testicles, and then problems with childbearing cannot be avoided. All of the above treatments can be applied after mumps.

There are many videos on the Internet on the topic, but I advise you to watch this one:

Well, my dear readers. Now you have learned the causes and treatment of male infertility. If you have been trying to conceive a child for some time and you are not succeeding, then it's time for you to contact a specialist.

I advise you, dear readers, to read the lecture " step by step plan preparation for pregnancy men and women "". From it you will learn why it is necessary to prepare for the conception and bearing of a baby, what each of the parents should do, what tests to take and how to save money on the entire examination. This knowledge will help your family conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

There are several causes of male infertility, the treatment of which differs. Andrologist consultation is necessary for all forms of fertility problems in men. Treatment of nosology with folk remedies is not harmless.

The doctor will diagnose the condition. Only after receiving the results of laboratory, clinical and instrumental methods, a decision is made on the appointment of medicinal herbs, medications or surgical methods.

It is difficult to answer where it is better to treat infertility in men in Moscow. Each clinic has advantages and disadvantages. A sick person needs a unique approach, so it is better to choose an institution depending on its specialization. For example, some clinics specialize in the treatment of the secretory form of male infertility. Highly specialized establishments offer innovative ways surgical treatment of diseases of the male reproductive sphere.

For problems with hormonal system you must choose medical institution having a staff of doctors therapeutic profile therapist, endocrinologist, andrologist. Based on the information, a decision is made which doctor will treat male infertility. Each case is individual, and the subject of the causes of impaired conception in men is extensive.

Male infertility: main causes and drug treatment

The causes of the secretory form of infertility cause a violation of the formation of spermatozoa. Absence enough sperm for fertilization leads to the impossibility of conceiving a child, regardless of the number of unprotected intercourse.

Male diseases leading to secretory form of infertility in men:

  1. Cryptorchidism;
  2. Sexual infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia);
  3. Varicocele;
  4. testicular cancer;
  5. Anomalies of testicular descent;
  6. Prostatitis;
  7. Vasectomy.

Additional provoking factors are smoking, wearing tight underwear, frequent stress, alcoholism.

Violation of the descent of the testicles into the scrotum can be traced in childhood, and secretory infertility against the background of the disease appears only after puberty. Nosology can only be prevented prompt recovery physiological position of the testicles. You can not count on the prevention of folk remedies, which is often recommended by healers.

The second most common varicocele. Pathology is treated surgically.

The rest of the list of causes of infertility in men is eliminated by conservative drugs, folk remedies (with timely detection). In infections, antibiotics are prescribed.

Hypothyroidism is treated by an endocrinologist under strict control of the content of hormones in the blood. Dynamic control is exercised throughout therapy laboratory tests, tracking changes in clinical symptoms.

Stressful situations lead to spasmodic contraction of blood vessels. Lack of blood supply to the organ due to spasmodic contraction of the testicular artery provides insufficient sperm production for fertilization of eggs.

Fertilization of female eggs is possible only at a certain concentration of sperm. When passing through the vaginal secret, part of the spermatozoa located in the cloak-like part of the stream dies, and fertilization is carried out by the most "combat-ready" cells.

What causes obturation of the seminal ducts in men

Diseases in which the progress of spermatozoa according to the seminal protocol is disrupted belong to the category of obstructive forms of male infertility. Blockage of the pathways by a stone, tumor, inflammation, cicatricial changes, hyperproliferation of the mucous membrane, structural anomalies are the most common causes of male infertility.

The problem of male infertility is quite relevant among couples. If during long period active sexual life (a year or more) does not conceive, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine exact reasons problems and prescribe appropriate therapy. Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies shows a fairly good result, especially if it is combined with traditional methods.

There are many causes of male infertility:

  • Problems with the formation of spermatozoa. In this case, they talk about the secretory form of infertility. Usually, a small volume of semen is detected, where there are few spermatozoa that can fertilize an egg.
  • Anatomical deviations that become an obstacle to the movement of spermatozoa through the urinary canal. It can happen in the background adhesive disease, gonorrhea or other pathologies.
  • Development of various urological diseases. Often leads to infertility varicose veins veins, hydrocele.
  • Abnormal development of the testicles, such as cryptorchidism.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction.
  • Overheating of the body in the penis. frequent visit saunas, taking hot baths, wearing tight underwear negatively affects men's health and prevents the maturation of viable spermatozoa.
  • Low testosterone levels, which negatively affects the quality of sperm.
  • Being in a state of prolonged stress or depression.

At healthy man in 1 ml of semen there are about 20 million spermatozoa, most of which should have the ability to fertilize.

How to get rid of the problem

It is possible to cure male infertility if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to alternate work with rest, avoid physical or emotional exhaustion to quickly deal with stress. A man can significantly improve his well-being if he exercises regularly, which also helps to increase testosterone production.
  • It is important to adhere to the principles healthy eating mandatory inclusion in the diet fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish. IN daily menu men should be present foods rich in vitamins A, B12, E, zinc, selenium. They have a positive effect on spermatogenesis.
  • It is necessary to completely stop smoking, drinking alcohol (especially beer).
  • Appropriate medication or surgery, which helps to get rid of the identified problem. A man may be advised to take hormonal, antibacterial agents, physiotherapy.

The use of folk remedies

Some folk remedies will help cure infertility. Many of them provide positive action on the body as a whole, so they can be taken for the purpose of recovery.

bee products

Application different products beekeeping in the best way affects men's health. For the treatment of infertility, the following remedies will help:

The use of a boron uterus for men with infertility helps to eliminate inflammatory processes which could lead to this problem. The plant can be used in several ways:


The use of herbs for male infertility shows quite good results. The following medicinal plants are especially useful.



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