How to cure infertility in men using folk methods. We treat male infertility with folk remedies

The day started as usual - I took the children to kindergarten, went to work, felt a little foggy in the minibus, and decided that I was hungry..

I worked, went home, felt nauseous again, thought I was tired. I went into the store, it felt downright bad at the checkout, while I stood there, until I paid, I came out all green, there were spots in my eyes, my legs could barely hold up.

I called my husband - he came, we went, picked up the children, came home, and began to prepare dinner. We took the herring out of the refrigerator - I was disgusted, doubts crept into my soul. Panic thought- pregnant again? The husband is in a stupor. It was March 1st.

We talked all night, decided not to spoil the holiday and buy the test only on the 9th. On the fourth of March there was a 3-day delay, I couldn’t stand it and bought a test. Positive, I’m hysterical - I’m trying to light a cigarette - I feel sick, I throw the cigarettes out the window. I called my husband and asked him to come - he arrived and showed me the test. There is mourning on the face, poorly hidden joy in the eyes. In response to the question "What to do?" I hear a purely male answer: “It’s up to you! I will support any of your decisions.”

I’m roaring, I go on the Internet, looking for types of abortions - I found it, read it, and I’m sitting there roaring. I called my friends and they said, “Give birth!”

A month of painful thoughts, tears and hysterics. I made an appointment for an abortion 3 times, and canceled the appointment three times. It's scary to look at my husband. Finally, the decision was made - WE'LL GIVE BIRTH TO THE THIRD!

According to my calculations, it’s already been 6 weeks, I need to go and register. I don’t understand why I’m holding out... Finally, I’m going, thanks to my gynecologist - she doesn’t ask unnecessary questions and silently writes me out directions for tests. I'm handing over everything, it takes another month. At 12 weeks I finally registered.

The first ultrasound shows the fetus is alive and developing normally. Next ultrasound at 18 weeks, we decide not to tell our parents yet - they will eat us. I'm rapidly gaining weight - my husband constantly jokes that the only thing we need is opposite-sex twins. At 13 weeks the belly appears - I begin to seriously suspect twins. I went to see a friend at work, and the friend joked: “Maybe you have two of them there”?

We asked my daughter who she wanted more - the answer almost finished me off completely: “A sister for myself, and a brother for Tolika!” We go to the second ultrasound with the whole family, already suspecting what we will see there. I left dad and Tolya on the site, and Stasya and I went for an ultrasound. She got naked, lay down, we looked - a minute of silence, two, time drags on, and then the question: “Sasha, are you lying there comfortably”? I ask: “What, two?” Answer: “Yes, placentas are different - they can be of different sexes.”

We return to dad - he understood everything without words. Half the park turned up in response to his wild HURRAY.

Then there was my mother’s scolding, a lot of tears and worries - but all this was no longer important!!! WE'RE GONNA HAVE TWINS!!! We didn't care about everything else.

Everything goes on as usual, I work, do an internship, write a master's thesis, take a lot of tests. We learned from a geneticist that our twins are heterosexual, and our prognosis is excellent!!!

The pregnancy was very easy, I was warned that at 32 weeks I would go into pregnancy. We are celebrating my 25th birthday - none of my relatives congratulated me, I’m offended, but I’m holding on - I have such a wonderful family.

My mother came to Stasin’s birthday and brought her sister Katya. We talked for the first time in 3 months. Everything is slowly getting better, the relationship is no longer the same, but acute period ended.

On October 3rd I go into conservation. The master's thesis has been partially written, partially purchased, I'm almost ready for the state ceremony, things for the birth are collected, names have been chosen a long time ago - we are waiting. I have to do everything in time: state exams on the 11th, defense on the 18th, PDR on November 7th.

The dilation is 5 cm, I'm being given ginipral - I have to carry it until at least 37 weeks, I'm going to the exam - halfway there they turn me back, everyone around me is joking that I'm giving birth during the defense. They call from the institute and ask not to come for defense - there is enough work.

On October 19, my husband and I decided to celebrate my “defense” by going for a walk in the park. We walked around, bought some goodies, and at five o’clock he brought me back to the room, and he went to the children. We had a wonderful dinner, ate a lot of goodies and did a crossword puzzle while waiting for the evening rounds. One of the girls is actively counting the time between contractions. Something squeezed me and let me go, after a while again. I look at the clock - 19.55, repeats at 20.00.

I began to slowly collect my things. The contractions began to quickly intensify, I went to the post, called the nurse. They didn’t believe me and told me to go to bed. She reminded me that this was my third birth, and I was also having twins - they both rushed to get the doctor. The doctor came and looked - my dilation was 8 cm, and she was surprised that it didn’t hurt me. We packed our things, went upstairs, called my husband, turned on the music, walked around, sang - they looked at me like I was crazy.

My husband arrived, my grandmother called, I talked to her, and then I felt pain!!! I called the doctors - they didn’t believe me, they said that if I was pushing, I would already be crying. But they still look. Full opening- we are giving birth!!! The husband began to help behind his back - to hold his legs, after 2 attempts Ruslana was born! They laid him on his stomach, let dad cut off the umbilical cord, and said that there would now be a break, about half an hour. But I’m pushing again, and after 2 more pushes, Timokha is born with his hand forward!!! Doctors are shocked! The midwife laughs, saying he pushed his sister under her butt. Dad cut the umbilical cord and put his son to the boob!!!

They took the children to wash and weigh them, dad went to monitor this process, and they examined me, said that there were no tears, injected me with oxytocin and FINALLY LEAVED ALONE!!! While I was resting, my dad was busy with the kids, and two hours later we were already getting acquainted with our roommates.

That's how we became six!

I look out the window and think that for me, for my daughter and I, everything is already behind us... WE were born!

I gave birth to Polina on August 9, 2005. at 18-00, 7/8 according to Apgar. The birth was not easy, I will say more: it was long and painful, but I think there is an explanation for this, with which I would like to start in more detail.

The pregnancy was not easy, from the 17th week the uterus was in good shape and I was admitted to the hospital, where I stayed for a month. I had to try magnesia intravenously/intramuscularly, but nope. After the end of the “conservation” therapy, which, admittedly, gave little, because... a month later I “go to bed” again, but in the pathology department of city hospital 1 for “conservation”. In the maternity hospital (pathology) they again pour magnesium into me, which does not help at all and I am transferred to GINIPRAL (a rather serious medicine that has Negative consequences, such as: rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart, tremors of the hands (shaking), slowdown of the intestines (despite the fact that pregnant women even without gynepral have great problems going to the toilet) and add MOTROZHESTAN (the most large dose 600 mg per day) and all this with my weight 53 kg (in the 7th month of pregnancy I only gained 4 kg). The doctor himself said that my “dose” was high.

So they treated me with medications for another 1.5 - 1.7 months.

They sent me home for a month because... The maternity hospital was closed for cleaning, and I stubbornly refused to move with the others to another maternity hospital (after all, you can take pills at home).

I stopped taking Ginepral only 2 weeks before giving birth (!!! and the medicine is serious, it holds it together!!!)

This means that my husband and I come to our (my) Doctor two weeks before the birth, to check and clarify the date, so that we can go to the hospital directly for childbirth (I absolutely did not want labor to begin at home). The doctor stopped, as I said above, taking ginipral (called me a pill lover), told me to start drinking in the morning and evening olive oil and Essentiale Forte (3 rubles per day), and also renew sex life, but without frills, which is why my husband and I were wildly happy about this “no frills”... it was the second of August J, the same evening my “plug” began to come off. The next day, having returned from my Mom’s birthday, in the evening I started having contractions, irregular indeed, but quite noticeable, 1 in 10 minutes... It was scary, because... I still wanted to make it to the hospital, I had to go to bed on August 8, and today is only August 3. “It was enough” tolerably, but with each contraction the thought ripened in my head that if THIS doesn’t go away on its own, and this is quite possible, then I’ll call the doctor and we’ll go to the maternity hospital...

But by morning everything stopped and I calmed down. The plug slowly but surely left my womb. J classically stretched the lower abdomen, back... But until 08.08. We still made it.

Of course, I didn’t want to go to the hospital, the mere thought that I would be separated from my husband again, would wait for his arrival and stupidly lie all day long on a hospital bed... gave me wild melancholy and one faint hope that THIS (birth) would happen very soon time - tugged at the soul J

In the evening, Beloved arrived and we walked with him as usual, went to a cafe, as we always ordered green tea and dark chocolate...We had a wonderful evening J

In the evening of the same day, I felt “uneasy”, my stomach hurt and I complained about the olive oil I had drunk, which I bought that same evening (new, not previously tried). I fell asleep…

08/09/2005 And at 03-00 IT STARTED... I started having contractions every 5 minutes and they were quite noticeable, and it was quite possible to endure them. Of course, I tried to breathe correctly, which helped. I waited until 06-00 and called my Doctor, to which I heard the answer: “Why didn’t you call earlier?!” He sent me to the midwife to “report the situation.” The doctor on duty was called in to “check” me, and he said: “There is a particularly developing labor activity I don’t see it here, let’s give you an injection now (I’m so sorry, I forgot the name of the drug) and try to fall asleep. And after 3 hours the injection will show whether it is false contractions or not, i.e. can intensify the process or, conversely, stop it. And try to sleep.

It wouldn't hurt me to fall asleep, of course, having been puffing since three in the morning, while experiencing far discomfort- exhausting, but nevertheless - I fell asleep, to my great joy, before 8-00.

Waking up and trying to start the normal course of the day through contractions, I found bloody mucus on my underwear, at first there was very little of it, drop by drop, over time (and intensification of contractions), the bloody mucus increased and I had to put on a pad L as I can’t stand them L

At about 9 am MY Doctor looked at me and sent me to rest, saying that I might give birth today. It was not easy to rest, but I did everything to ease my contractions (I tried to breathe correctly (at this “speed” of contractions this is quite possible), I lay on my left side, which really makes it easier... try lying on your back and it will twist like a donut) . By the way, I, who suffer from constipation, went to the toilet 4 times (of course, between contractions, and this is in 5 minutes) in a big way. Using a small toilet also provided some relief.

So I lay there until about 12 noon... I didn’t want to lie there anymore and I simply couldn’t. I walked along the long corridors of pathology. I called my Beloved and Dear Husband and said that the process had begun. He offered to come, but I said that there was no need (although I later regretted it!!!).

At 12 noon the Doctor looked at me in the chair and pierced me amniotic sac. I’m lying on a chair with my legs spread out, the Doctor takes out a tool that looks like a crochet hook, only much bigger:
“What is this?” I ask, widening my eyes significantly.
- Now I’ll break the amniotic sac and let’s go give birth. After that, it will grab tighter,” the doctor answered calmly.

“Well, it must be so,” I thought. I must say that I had absolutely no fear of childbirth, well, there was no such fear. I wasn't afraid of pain. I lived “here and now”, I didn’t think about what would happen in a minute... you could say that I didn’t think about anything, only about the present moment. I was told to pack my things and I was “dancing” from the contractions - I collected them and quietly, to myself, I was happy that THIS happened the way I wanted, as soon as I went to the hospital. Well, I really didn’t want to lie around uselessly in the hospital. 08.08 - lay down, 09.08 - gave birth. HOW I gave birth, read below...

They took me and my things to the emergency room for “processing,” although there was no need for that, I was clean, shaved, and in general I went to the toilet without their enema 4 times, between contractions, so I refused the enema. They dressed me in... to say that it was a SCARY nightie is an understatement, and they gave me the same robe (although, to be honest, it’s not THAT that worries me, IT just couldn’t help but attract attention. J. They took me to the delivery room. The “grab” really became stronger , and it’s good stronger... In the birth room, a “set of bed linen” and a “lining” was waiting for me. A kind of rag that needs to be inserted between my legs... this is something! Although bloody mucus was leaking from me, I didn’t want to insert this rubbish between my legs "walked" around the birthplace without her. It was running down my legs accordingly... a girl came in and said:
- What are you talking about, here’s a lining, squeeze it between your legs. You'll flood the whole floor!!!
- why do I care about these floors when I feel so bad!!! - I thought.

As soon as the girl left, the pillow flew off onto the couch. Red liquid was flowing down my legs, I was green from the contractions, which were quite strong.

I tried to lie down, but it didn’t work out well and I wound circles around the birthing chair, around the delivery chair. I was in pain... I was looking for a doctor in the corridor so that he could numb all this disgrace... I was green, my face was gaunt with suffering and I couldn’t find a place for myself... during a contraction I wanted to fly up to the ceiling... I moan and this is my normal state. I remember they gave me some kind of injection, which made me feel GOOD for a minute, it even seemed to me that I took a nap, but I think it really wasn’t even two minutes...

FINALLY MY doctor came, I associated him with SALVATION!!! I looked at the disclosure and said that the case was moving. But from the expression on his face, I realized that things were moving extremely slowly, and the contractions were such that it was extremely difficult to endure, I began to move from a groan to screaming... TIME PASSED... THE SCREAMING TURNED INTO SCREAMING...

I must say that I was skeptical about those who SCREAM during childbirth and told myself that the pain was bearable and could be endured by clenching my teeth. As I already said, I have a fairly restrained attitude towards pain, I am not afraid of pain and am quite resilient. BUT NOW I REALIZED THAT EVERYTHING COULD BE DIFFERENT...

PAIN OF CHILDREN - (my minimum), this is just a word... “pain” is a light and distant echo of what I had to endure. No, it's not PAIN!!! Pain is something that CAN BE TOLERATED... I happened to experience something that WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO TOLERATE!!! This is the torment of hell...

...the screaming turned into screaming... I SCREALED non-stop, without closing my mouth for 5-6 hours. And this is not because I am unrestrained, capricious or anything else - IT WAS MY NATURAL STATE (which was not subject to control...pure instinct) at that moment. My Doctor came running to me and said: “Zhanna, why are you screaming like that? Well, you’re wasting your energy on screaming... well, you can’t do that...” - I couldn’t do otherwise... I just couldn’t. "I can't...I can't...I can't..." that's all I could say. I asked for pain relief. The doctor denied: “We injected you with the strongest drug” (this is probably the one that made me half-doze for a couple of minutes... wow - the strongest drug, and this despite the fact that I haven’t eaten anything since the morning... so, purely symbolically: kefir, After a while, a couple of peaches didn’t fit.)

My Doctor tried to ease my torment: I stood up, leaned my hands on the bed, He stood behind me and strong hands, grabbing my lower back, he began to massage it. ABOUT! It was SOMETHING!!! At that moment I was ready to do anything, IT WAS SO GOOD!!! And then He left... and my Grief was open.

Time passed... I drove around the birthplace without closing my mouth. The walls shook from the heart-rending scream, people came to look at me condemningly, but they left with a sympathetic look... they couldn’t stand it for long... I could barely move my legs, I wanted to lie down, and ideally, to sleep, to sleep long and sweetly. When the contraction let go, I fell on the bed "without hind legs" and puffed and moaned... when I had enough again, I flew up to the ceiling and again walked through the birthing center on unsteady legs. It was a nightmare... all covered in blood, my eyes were covered with a veil, no thoughts - just instincts... when my Doctor came in, I asked him painfully : “well, when... well, when...” I asked for an epidural, asked for a cesarean section (I actually had to do it... the ophthalmologist wrote: it is advisable to exclude the second stage of labor. But this “desirable” did not inspire my doctor... and thank God!!! I’ll tell you later! why.) But things didn’t go further than 6-7 cm of dilation, and with such torment... I was left to die further... I waited like GOD for the pain to begin... and it started little by little... and rarely...

“Everyone is the same in the arena” - the picture did not change... the torment was hellish... No, here, the concept of “pain” was not even close, I’m telling you... it was something, there is no explanation for THIS, IT cannot be expressed in words and of course , no one but me will understand what I had to go through (and God forbid!!!)…

The pain began to grow stronger and I already understood this well. They examined me again (the doctor pulled me out of the room, saying that I wanted to poop and that I wanted it well).

The midwife came in and the doctor asked to prepare the (maternity) table. I WAS HAPPY FROM THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THINGS WAS NEARING THE END... But the contractions continued... they inserted a catheter-dropper into me and began to stimulate contractions, apparently the dilation was still incomplete. And if earlier it was possible to wander around the birthplace and thereby alleviate (ha ha... alleviate L) your suffering, now. I was chained... My throat was screaming all the time, without stopping... at its full power (I don’t know how I didn’t become hoarse and how the midwife and the Doctor didn’t go deaf).

I was pushing, they asked me not to push... I tried... it turned out badly... it happened naturally... My Doctor and Midwife realized that the pushing process was in full swing. Enov (my Doctor’s last name) stuck his hand into the crotch to feel the head and finally felt it... it was moving... And I was beside myself with joy that soon, that very, very soon I would hear... I WILL SEE MY BABY AND SHE WILL BE WITH ME. And I wanted this to end as soon as possible...

The head was going wrong, forehead, and Enov told the midwife to do an episiotomy and “so...deeper” - as He put it.

They started to push... There was one moment: I didn’t push enough, let’s just say that my head, if I understood correctly then, remained between my legs, and I lay there and thought: is it really possible that half of my head is sticking out, wow, it’s stretching (but me and they cut it, when they cut it it didn’t hurt at all, when they stitched it up, yes, although they probably did it with novocaine locally, but that novocaine... I’ll tell you... “what a dead man’s pimples,” in short, at the moment when they stitched me up, I moaned, that I can barely stand it... to which they answered me laughing: “You better look at the Miracle that lies on your chest." AND IT was truly UNFORGETTABLE!!! JJJ...

She gave birth somewhere around the third or fourth push. I must admit: pushing is the sweetest and most pleasant moment of my labor. But the moment when the Little One jumped out (first the head and almost immediately the J body) and I saw Her - there is nothing incomparable, indescribable…. SO HAPPINESS... EVERYTHING IS IN A RAINBOW... ALL IS IN LIMITLESS GLOWING LOVE...

While they were sewing me, she lay like a little frog on my chest and quietly snored, and I looked at her, gently pressed her to me and felt boundless happiness.

18-00. Polinochka was born at 18-00. 10 minutes later, I asked the absolutely exhausted doctor to give me a mobile phone, I was already smiling... I called my Most Beloved and Dear Man and said that WE were already born... I pleased Him that the Little spitting image of Daddy, i.e. His J and something else we said, We were happy...

Afterwards, with a duck under us (to drain the blood) and an ice “hot water bottle” on us, with the catheter still stuck in our arm and Baby on the same arm, we lay for 2 hours, and then we were taken to our double ward, where we We stayed for 3 days, and after 4 we were discharged.

On the day of discharge, my stitches were removed (it hurt, I couldn’t stand it anymore and burst into tears... this is for everything that has accumulated, so to speak - finally J). We were taken with other Mommies for fluorography, and after that, I packed my things... on the first floor we were met by our Beloved Husband and already Loving Daddy, the rest of our relatives (whom we left there) and went home.

Daddy J just beamed looking at Dotsya and is now beaming...

· labor lasted a total of 17 hours. I think that this was due to conservation therapy (ginipral, utrozhestan)

· episiotomy - an incision in the perineum... not very pleasant. It also hurts, bleeds, because of this you are afraid to go to the toilet in a big way (but nothing, on the second day I went J (when there are problems, already at home, I give myself a small enema. The stitch is already healing and does not hurt so much.

· Suckers - postpartum discharge from the vagina - an unpleasant and inevitable thing (you have to wear pads, which I don’t like so much), but you don’t really pay attention to this either.

· Breasts - on the third day they became full and began to hurt, I’m already silent about the nipples, which could have been seriously damaged due to unfamiliarity and such “friction”, if not for PureLan 100 ointment and silicone breast pads for feeding! This is a JUST MUST purchase!!!

· You also need to learn how to strain, I guessed to learn. Because no breast pump will help in this difficult matter. Although you can buy a breast pump (I don’t want to). I apply the baby to each breast in turn and express with my hands when necessary, but in general the Baby copes wonderfully with sucking milk, so a breast pump is not needed.

· During pregnancy, I gained 6-7 kg, weighed 56 kg with my pre-pregnancy weight 48-49 kg. When I arrived home and stepped on the scales, my surprise knew no bounds... everything came to naught - my native 48 kg.

· Being pregnant, I did not change in any way externally, contrary to prejudices (if you “carry” a girl, she will take away the mother’s beauty). I don't believe in prejudices!

The main thing is Little... caring for her, breastfeeding. This is all SUCH GREAT JOY!!!

Infertility – inability to conceive a child married couple for a year of sexual activity without contraception. Both women and men can be childless. What should you do if you can't get pregnant? Contact your doctor.

Problems male infertility- the prerogative of urologists, andrologists, sex therapists. At female infertility The cause will be determined by a gynecologist or reproductive specialist. Taking into account the results of the examination, the spouses will be prescribed treatment and recommended to make changes in their daily routine over the course of several months that will give them a chance of success. This article describes some of them.

Causes of infertility in men

Male infertility is a gynecological impossibility healthy woman become pregnant from a partner within a year and have more regular sexually active relationships without protection. There is only one symptom of male infertility: a woman cannot become pregnant. Infertility in men, causes and treatment of the disease, the topic of our conversation today.

A man's fertility is determined by his ability to introduce a sufficient volume of sperm with viable sperm into a woman's body. If previously a woman was accused of childlessness, now reproductive dysfunction is detected in approximately 20% of men childbearing age who sought medical help.

The main causes of male infertility include:

  1. Pathological condition of sperm: small volume of ejaculate with insufficient quantity spermatozoa short term their viability and inactivity, inability to penetrate into the egg.
  2. Anatomical abnormalities that prevent normal ejaculation (ejaculation), such as adhesions after surgery pelvic organs or prostate gland, blockage of the vas deferens (consequences of inflammatory diseases, especially gonorrhea).
  3. Problems in the immune system. Some men develop antibodies that perceive their own sperm as a foreign substance. This is especially common (in every second case) after a vasectomy (surgical sterilization of a man with preservation of sexual function). Even if a vasectomy reversal is performed, it does not always restore fertility, and one of the reasons is failure immune system.

Asymptomatic disease

There is only one symptom of male infertility: a woman cannot become pregnant.

Infertility is not independent disease, and one of the manifestations of any illness:

  • brain pathologies (tumors, injuries, inflammatory processes);
  • mental illness(neurosis, depression);
  • illnesses endocrine system(thyroid, pancreas);
  • inflammatory diseases testicles and epididymis, injury to the penis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • infections (mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • drug use, alcoholism, nicotine addiction;
  • use of certain medications;
  • impact toxic substances(bad environment, hazardous production);
  • consequences after operations of the pelvic organs (rectum, testicles, prostate gland);
  • physical state(overwork, stress, lack of sleep).

In almost many cases, after eliminating the underlying disease, a man’s fertility is gradually restored.

The most promising is comprehensive wellness. First you need to streamline your lifestyle:

  • have a good rest;
  • exercise;
  • eat organically healthy food with regular inclusion in the menu of products containing unsaturated fatty acids(fatty fish);
  • in a man’s diet, what vitamins help a woman get pregnant quickly? First of all, vitamins A, E, B 12, C, as well as trace elements zinc and selenium, which will improve sperm health and increase their number;
  • give up smoking, alcohol abuse, especially beer (this drink contains great amount female phytohormones, which can be compared with contraceptive male remedy);
  • The body should not be subjected to regular psychological and physical stress(adrenaline rush, hypothermia or hot bath).

Depending on the cause that led to reproductive dysfunction, treatment is selected. The most common medical interventions:

  • therapy (hormonal, antibacterial) with simultaneous administration complex of vitamins and microelements, dietary supplements;
  • homeopathy (taking homeopathic medicines stimulating the function of the gonads, activity nervous system, increasing performance);
  • adaptogenic herbal medicine: pantocrine, tinctures of eleutherococcus, lemongrass, zamanikha root, ginseng root, aralia; the dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor; You should know that adaptogens are used before 7 pm, as they lead to difficulty falling asleep and insomnia;
  • physiotherapy ( good result give sessions in a pressure chamber, acupuncture, laser and magnetic physiotherapy, EHF);
  • therapeutic fasting(recommended for neurotic patients, obese patients, hypertension or chronic prostatitis) only under medical supervision;
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) - only a doctor prescribes and conducts sessions.

It's possible surgical intervention(for pathology and trauma of the penis, for varicocele disease). Medication or surgery prescribed only by a doctor.

Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies

What should a man do if a woman cannot get pregnant due to his infertility? What to do? Folk remedies will restore male strength.

Bees will help

Apitherapy and the intake of beekeeping products help replenish the lack of male sex hormones in the body and improve the quantity and quality of sperm:

  • use bee venom– a course of treatment is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor and with the help of an experienced beekeeper;
  • 4% royal jelly Every morning on an empty stomach, keep 5-8 drops of the substance in your mouth until it is completely absorbed; course - 2 months; take a break for 10 days and repeat the treatment;
  • dissolve three times a day on an empty stomach pollen or bee bread (better absorbed) 1-2 teaspoons, the treatment period is the same as when treating with royal jelly;
  • extract wax moth increases sperm motility;
  • propolis - chew 1-3 g of the substance daily, swallowing the saliva.

Preparations with bee venom for injection, royal jelly in tablets can be bought in pharmacies, wax moth preparation is offered by herbal pharmacies.

Vegetable garden herbal medicine

  1. Healers advise consuming persimmons, prunes, and walnuts in increased quantities. It is recommended to add to the diet (in salads, as a seasoning for meat dishes) roots and greens of celery, parsley.
  2. Parsnips are useful - a root vegetable in dry form as a seasoning for meat, and an infusion of seeds.
  3. At healthy liver and kidneys, be sure to eat onions and garlic every day.
  4. Before going to bed, drink a carrot milkshake: 1 tbsp. l. freshly grated vegetable is poured with 150 ml of boiled milk. Infuse the drink for 40 minutes. Treatment for 2 weeks with the same break period between courses.
  5. Turnip pulp. Rinse a vegetable weighing 100 g (the size of a small apple), boil it with the peel in milk, and mince it. Mix with honey and carrot juice(50 g of both). Divide the pulp into 3 daily doses before meals.

Herbal infusions

Equal parts of dry raw materials: rose hips, oat straw, thyme herb, knotweed herb, chicory herb and roots. Grind and mix the ingredients. Take 1 tbsp from the collection for treatment. l. mixtures per day. Pour the powder into a thermos and pour 2 glasses of water into it. Leave for 4 hours and filter. The liquid is drunk in the mornings and evenings.

Medicinal lungwort. Dried herb 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 boiling water, simmer the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave covered for 40 minutes, strain. Treatment 1 month: half a glass of decoction half an hour before meals three times a day.

Dried raw materials are required: 6 parts of violet 3-color and 6 parts of burdock roots, 4 parts each of rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass and veronica (grass). Grind. Pour 3 tbsp mixture into a bowl with 4 cups of boiling water. l., boil for a quarter of an hour. Strain after 3 hours of infusion. Daily dosage: 5 times 0.5 cups.

For men with infertility problems, rosehip decoction is very useful as the main drink for the whole day. Linden tea, an infusion of dark red or burgundy rose petals, helps.

Healing Seed

Plantain helps with low sperm motility: seeds 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water, soak the drug in a water bath for 5 minutes, strain. Drink 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l., warming up a little. The course of treatment is 90 days.

Coriander seeds . Coriander seed infusion prolongs the viability of sperm: 3 tbsp. l. seeds, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Divide the liquid equally over 2 days. Drink 2 sips throughout the day.

Treatment of infertility with folk remedies occurs with the help of natural herbs and products. Doctors divide the inability to conceive a child into three types: primary infertility, absolute and relative. Traditional medicine offers treatment for this disease with decoctions, herbal mixtures and tinctures. It is important to understand that the inability to conceive is not a death sentence; it is quite possible to cure infertility.

Before treating infertility with folk remedies, you need to find out the reason that does not allow a woman to become pregnant or a man to impregnate his partner.

The main causes of infertility in male patients:

  • Absence or low number of sperm that can reproduce healthy offspring;
  • Deterioration of tubule patency;
  • Infections;
  • Poor potency.

Reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant:

  • Pelvic organ infections;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • Pathologies of the uterus;
  • Endometriosis.

First of all, the patient, together with the doctors, must check the functionality of her reproductive system: is the egg maturing, is ovulation occurring, are there any disorders, and only after this is treatment of infertility in women carried out using folk remedies. First, it is important to find out the diagnosis, and only then treat infertility in women.

The man needs to have a spermogram. This traditional way identifying problems of the male reproductive system. It allows you to understand how to treat male infertility. She will reveal his ability to fertilize a woman.

Benefits of traditional medicine

In the middle of the 20th century, pharmacology took a step forward, which led to a decrease in the use of recipes with ingredients plant origin. But synthesized medicines have a lot of side effects and contraindications, for example, after a course of antibiotics, dysbiosis begins.

If interest in folk recipes fell in the 50-60s, then in the 90s of the 20th century people again began to use non-native medicine as a remedy for many diseases and the growth in the use of synthetic drugs decreased.

Folk remedies for infertility created from natural ingredients multifunctional, have a mild effect on the body, remain effective for a long time, and are not addictive. Folk recipes are used as the main, auxiliary, rehabilitation therapy. Therefore, male infertility can also be treated with folk remedies.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies for infertility imply not only the effect on the body of herbs, bee products, vegetables and fruits, but also treatment with words (spell, prayer).

Recipes for treating infertility

  • Steam compress. It is applied to the lower abdomen daily. To prepare, take barley, cook until half cooked, and transfer to a thin cloth bag. The barley should be hot, but not scalding. We keep this compress for 25–35 minutes. After removing the compress, a turundum the size of a nut is inserted into the vagina. A tampon is made in this way: soak fresh parsley in unrefined sunflower oil, wrap it in gauze, wrap it with thick wool thread.
  • Wormwood has long been considered a universal and effective remedy in Rus'. We prepare an infusion from it. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of raw materials into a container. Pour three hundred grams of water, leave, closing the lid, for about 4 hours. Then the infusion is boiled and cooled. The wormwood decoction is filtered, we drink it cold, 100 grams 2 times a day.
  • Recipe based on three herbs (winterweed, wintergreen and hog queen) is quite effective for both female and male infertility. Three courses of treatment are enough to get things working genitourinary system. Take 1,500 grams of vodka and a mixture of herbs (50 grams each), mix, close the lid and let it brew for 14 days. We drink this infusion half a tablespoon three times a day. A decoction of boron uterus will also save you from the threat of miscarriage.
  • Plantain seeds treat inflammation in fallopian tubes, due to which a woman cannot become pregnant. Pour two teaspoons of dry raw materials with 250 grams of boiling water, boil for five minutes and keep covered for the same amount of time. Leave to cool and brew, drink 2 teaspoons three times a day. Course: fourteen days. The finished medicine is stored for no more than 72 hours. This effective remedy and for male patients.
  • Sundew. For cooking medicinal infusion take 2 teaspoons of dry grass, pour 200 g. boiling water and leave for 60 minutes. We drink 4 tsp of the decoction. three times a day.
  • Decoction and salted juice of the herb “sage”. Please note: do not increase the dosage indicated in the prescription. To prepare, take 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials, pour boiling water (0.2 liters). We divide it into three parts. Drink 1 part per dose 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating. To make the juice we need fresh sage. Grind the herb in a blender to a paste and squeeze out the juice. We drink the resulting juice, half a tablespoon, 2 times a day. We start this treatment method after menstruation and continue for 14 days.
  • A decoction based on knotweed. Steam a handful of dry herbs in 500 grams of boiling water and leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours. We drink 0.1 liter of knotweed decoction 4 times a day.
  • A mixture of honey (500 g), anise (50 g), (50 g) and dill seeds (100 g) is prepared in this way: grind the plant material, mix with juice. We eat 6 teaspoons 3 times a day.
  • We take a pinch each of calendula, plantain, bearberry, motherwort, St. John's wort, buckthorn bark, horsetail and immortelle. Grind and mix. Pour in 500 grams of boiling water, leave and strain. We drink 100 grams 3 times a day for a month.
  • The grains of young wheat are squeezed out. The resulting juice for infertility can be drunk 2 times a day, 100 ml.
  • Creeping leek. We take 2 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials and steam them in 400 g. boiling water We insist and drink 100 grams 4 times a day.
  • Infusion of rose hips. Brew four teaspoons of fruits in boiling water (0.2 liters). Dosage: a tablespoon of decoction 2 times a day.
  • Decoction of sundew herb. Take a tablespoon of dry plant and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Infuse and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  • Royal cloves in vodka. Take 0.5 vodka and a tablespoon of plant material, leave for 14 days in a dark place. Then we filter alcohol tincture. Fill again for 14 days. Mix the first and second “spin”. We drink the medicine 3 times a day on an empty stomach, a tablespoon of tincture. Course of treatment: 3 times.

Folk remedies for male infertility

In order to recover from infertility, a man is recommended to use a number of the following recipes:

  • Hawthorn decoction. To prepare this recipe, you need to take a tablespoon of hawthorn fruit, add 0.5 boiling water and leave for 60 minutes. We drink half a glass three times a day.
  • Elderberry tea. IN pharmacy kiosks You can purchase special tea in filter bags. This tea is brewed in a glass hot water and infuses for 10–15 minutes.
  • Pomegranate juice. Natural pomegranate juice, prepared with your own hands, drink 250 grams per day 3 times a day. You should not buy ready-made juice; it has been processed many times and contains a lot of sugar. If you can’t make the juice yourself, then you need to eat one pomegranate a day.
  • We take white mulberry foliage, foliage walnut, pine tops, Irish moss in equal proportions, grind and mix. Pour 4 tsp. mixture, pour boiling water, add half a tablespoon flaxseeds. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Let the broth cool and strain it. Add honey and lemon to the drink and drink 3 times a day.
  • It is useful to enrich salads, smoothies, dairy products flax seeds.
  • You can stimulate spermatogenesis with the help of vitamin E. To do this, take bright red roses, pluck their buds, prepare a syrup based on the petals and drink 1-2 teaspoons a day. The syrup is rich in vitamin E.
  • Treat hormonal imbalances and disorders with chrysanthemum medicine. Inhaling the aroma of these flowers has a beneficial effect on men, and to enhance the effect, the petals are added to prepared dishes and eaten.
  • To improve sperm quality, it is recommended to use mummy internally. Mountain resin also has a great effect on potency.
  • And also if the cause of infertility is a decrease in sexual function, then the patient is recommended to juice carrots, blueberries, sea buckthorn with the addition of mumiyo. This juice is drunk before meals in the morning and evening time. Treat for at least one month. Proportions for cooking; mumiyo -1 part (no more than 1 g.), vegetable juice– 20 parts.
  • Quince juice. Do it yourself, drink 2 teaspoons. The beginning of the course on the young growing moon, the end when the moon grows by two thirds.
  • St. John's wort fumigation of apartments and men's clothing.
  • Infusion of adonis. Take 2 teaspoons of adonis, pour 500 grams of boiling water and leave the decoction for 60 minutes. Wrap the container in a warm thing. We drink three times a day.
  • For the problem of male infertility, an infusion of Adam's root helps. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of the root, pour boiling water, let it brew for 2–3 hours, strain and drink 2 teaspoons 3–4 times a day.
  • The infusion based on ramishia is one-sided. Take 6 teaspoons of plant material, pour 500 grams of boiling water, leave for 10 hours. We drink half a glass 3 times a day. Remember: the decoction should be consumed only after meals.
  • Making onion paste. To do this, grate the onion on a fine grater. Fill with boiling water (250 g). Bring to a boil in a water bath and continue boiling for 15 minutes. We drink 150 grams 3 times a day. before eating.
  • Pour boiling water over dried basil. We take 2 teaspoons of basil, and 250 grams of boiling water. The basil infusion is infused for 30 minutes, drink 60 grams before eating.
  • A mixture based on grape wine and honey. Squeeze the juice from three lemons, take three chicken yolks, a glass of wine and the same amount of honey. Mix all ingredients together. The resulting mixture should be taken twice a day before eating, 2 teaspoons.

Special food

It is worth noting that it is important to treat male infertility with folk remedies, eating right, using recommended men's health products.

  • For men, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fructose in the diet for sperm maturation. It is found in oranges, yellow apples, which have a sweet taste, and grapefruits. It is also useful to eat lemons and chocolate.
  • Sperm activity increases with consumption of seafood - crab meat, shrimp and squid. These foods are rich in zinc.
  • To improve sperm quality, it is recommended to eat wild berries. These are strawberries, forest strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries, blueberries, etc. Legumes, sesame and sunflower seeds have the same effect.
  • To remove inflammatory processes you should eat more tomatoes. Oddly enough, coffee has a positive effect on improving men's health.
  • How to cure inability to conceive? It is important not only to be treated with traditional medicine, but also to eat the right products. Women need phosphorus, which will improve the process of egg maturation. This is a fatty fish. And cabbage will improve the functioning of the uterus and restore cycle disorders. You should also eat foods containing magnesium and vitamin B. It is found in oatmeal, brown rice, oranges and lemons.
  • It is equally beneficial for both men and women to eat more dairy products and enrich their diet with fruits and vegetables. Avoid mayonnaise and season salads with flaxseed and pumpkin oil.
  • It is useful to eat dried fruits, add spices and a lot of greens to the menu.

Male infertility – current problem modernity. Young families, faced with it, ask questions: what is the reason and how can they fight it.

WITH medical point vision, infertility is the inability of the body to cope with its reproductive functions. The diagnosis of infertility today sounds like a real death sentence. According to statistics, about 20% of marriages are infertile.

The sexual revolution played a major role in the disease gaining popularity among infertility in men, which resulted in the following points:

  • promiscuous sexual relations;
  • having one or more sexual partners;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory diseases;
  • damage to the genital organs.

In addition, the causes of male infertility can be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • malformations of the reproductive system;
  • illnesses suffered at a young age;
  • mental and neurological disorders;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • decreased sperm activity;
  • congestive processes in the pelvic area;
  • unhealthy diet and lifestyle;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • incompatibility of partners;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stressful and depressive state;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and all of them are caused by a whole bunch of violations. It's scary to even realize that handsome man reproductive age may be infertile.

The first causes of infertility in men can appear at a young age.

These include:

  • absence of the vas deferens;
  • undescended testicles. These cases have currently been recorded in 1% of newborn boys. Ignoring this fact at a young age can lead to reproductive infertility;
  • masculine hormonal disorders. The first sign of which is a lack of sexual desire;
  • testicular atrophy. Characterized by constant headaches and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • taking steroids. Many men abuse steroids to build a strong body and powerful muscles. If the drug is taken incorrectly, the testicles may shrink and there will be no erection, which subsequently leads to male infertility;
  • infectious diseases. The most popular are gonorrhea and chlamydia, the consequences of which are blockage of the vas deferens.

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease.

To do this you need to go through the following stages:

Provides for the doctor's assessment of the proportional relationship of body parts. Attention is also paid to the presence of hair. If with arms outstretched, their length is 5 cm or more more overall growth, this is evidence of the eunuchoid type and indicates insufficient puberty.

Semen analysis plays a big role in making a diagnosis. Before donating sperm, several days of abstinence are required. After which the man must masturbate into a laboratory glassware. The sperm is examined for an hour, using a variety of means. Poor sperm liquefaction is evidence of a lack of necessary conditions for the movement of sperm.

What treatment should be carried out is decided by the attending physician. In any case, it should be comprehensive and include the use of medicinal, preventive and traditional methods.

The latter method is used only with the approval of a doctor. Everyone knows that children come with great difficulty. Infertility treatment involves a long and labor-intensive process. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish its root cause. This is necessary to completely eliminate it. And only then should the main treatment be carried out.

Folk methods of getting rid of infertility and their recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries.

The products have won worldwide recognition. They are based on the use natural remedies, which at the right approach will not harm the body in any way.

Getting rid of infertility using leeches and folk remedies

Hirudotherapy found its application in the 19th century. Thanks to leeches, many people have been cured of seemingly incurable diseases. These include male infertility. As you know, leeches are blood-sucking individuals that can improve circulation in the area where they have sucked. In our case, this zone should be the pelvic area. As a result of blood suction, it is possible to reduce stagnation and increased sexual desire. In addition, a leech will help get rid of prostatitis, if present.

If main reason infertility is reproductive function, the leech is attached to the perineal area. The number of planted leeches is examined by the doctor personally. This takes into account the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

When conducting experiments with leeches, a man should not use smelling cosmetical tools, as they will repel leeches. The session should take place at lunchtime, since after it the body will need rest.

When performing hirudotherapy, you must prepare for pain. But it's worth it. There are practically no complications after the session.

There are some contraindications:

  • the presence of malignant diseases;
  • hematopoietic diseases.

Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties medicinal plant allow you to get rid of prostatitis. To prepare the tincture, you need to brew a small amount of sage leaves in a liter of boiling water, let it settle and drink instead of tea throughout the day. The duration of treatment is about a month.

Pour a spoonful of water into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. water bath. After a quarter of an hour, remove, strain, and drink half a glass before meals.

Bird knotweed

This herb can be drunk instead of tea. To prepare a medicinal tea, pour a glass of herbs into a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Once prepared, drink throughout the day.


Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of herbs and simmer over low heat under a towel for two hours. Strain and consume three times a day.

Carrot juice + mumiyo

Dilute a glass of freshly squeezed juice with half a gram of mumiyo and drink 1 day before.

The best way to cure male childlessness is to use bee products. Healing properties Honey can save a man not only from infertility, but also improve erection. Honey is a real treasure traditional medicine. It helps strengthen the immune system and provides a person with energy for the whole day. Beekeeping products include: royal jelly, bee bread, pollen and honey itself. The most simple recipe which almost every man is familiar with is flooding walnuts a small portion of honey. Daily use A tablespoon of such a tasty mixture can improve your overall well-being within a short time.

Use as medicine Bee bread extracted from honeycombs will help the patient get rid of the manifestations of prostatitis and improve the quality of sperm production, which will improve their motility. It’s not for nothing that most beekeeping products are contained in many medicines, intended for the treatment of male diseases.

Bee bread should be taken in small portions: half a teaspoon 3 times a day. It is worth mentioning flower pollen, which is no less useful than beebread. Freshly collected pollen added to a small amount of juice or carrots can help men solve their problems. Folk recipes There are many based on the use of honey. It all depends on what problem the patient is having. Anyway, general strengthening immune system is ensured. And this is perhaps 50% of success in the fight against male infertility using folk remedies.

One of the ways to get rid of male infertility. Essential oils jasmine and geranium allow you to restore not only hormonal background, but also to help a man relax when getting closer. It is recommended to add these oils when taking baths.

In the treatment of male infertility traditional methods recommended:

  • having sexual intercourse at least once every 4 days;
  • abstaining from drinking alcohol and tobacco products. The number of cigarettes smoked per day should be no more than ten. The amount of alcohol consumed per day should be no more than 60 grams;
  • avoidance stressful situations. Stress and depression lead to a decrease in the production of testosterone levels; these problems cannot be compensated for by means. If this is impossible, try to distract yourself with your favorite hobby or exercise;
  • Avoid tight synthetic underwear. Replace it with a natural loose fit. Overheating and tightness of the testicles affects sperm production;
  • minimize visits to baths and saunas. In this case, overheating and hot air are not beneficial;
  • keep your body in good shape with physical activity. Walk more in the fresh air. Don't forget to enjoy life and enjoy yourself positive emotions- they will become the best means from illness.

Which traditional treatment without proper healthy nutrition?

Both doctors and traditional healers They agreed that there should be a certain diet that includes the consumption of vitamins and foods that increase the chance of becoming parents.

An important issue in the fight against infertility is body weight control. You should know that overweight the body leads to a decrease in the production of testosterone levels.

Pay attention to the list of vitamins that affect the improvement of male potency

The second name is tocopherol. It has rejuvenating, antioxidant and restorative properties. Protects testosterone from destruction. A large number of vitamin E is found in chicken eggs, liver, nuts, fish and fish products, cereals. When consuming products, it is advisable to know that the stronger heat treatment, the more tocopherol is destroyed. The best way out is to consume foods in their natural form.

Improves protein digestibility. Helps eliminate fatigue and nervousness. Increases the body's resistance to stress external factors. Great content B vitamins were found in potatoes, nuts, mushrooms, carrots, and tomatoes. As can be seen from the group of products, it is necessary to stock up on vitamins in the summer.

Helps increase potency and strengthen the immune system. Consumption of A vitamins is recommended male at any time, regardless of the presence of the disease.

Retinol promotes rapid cell regeneration, is involved in the production of testosterone and has antitumor properties. A high content of vitamin A is found in fish, melon, tomatoes, and milk.

Vitamin that saturates the body vital energy. It is a clear fighter against hypertensive diseases and heart diseases. Must be in daily diet every forty-year-old man.

Slows down the aging process of cells, reduces cholesterol levels. Contained in greens, citrus fruits, red apples, currants, rose hips, cabbage. It is also advisable to consume foods without heat treatment.

When diagnosed with male infertility the best products will be red pepper, cloves, coriander.

It should be remembered that treatment only with traditional methods will not help to completely get rid of infertility. This disease requires the use medicines, and in some cases, surgery.



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