The dog does not stand on its hind legs for a reason. The dog's back legs gave out

You may notice the first signs of a problem while walking. If they appear after sudden movements (for example, during games), then do not consider the activity to be the cause of the disease. Quicker, .

Symptoms of hind leg failure in dogs are extremely unpleasant:

  • The dog cannot move normally

  • Hind legs weaken and become unruly

  • As a result, paralysis of the pelvic limbs or paresis may develop.

Manifestations of the disease do not always occur all at once. Sometimes in the morning the dog feels pain, and in the evening the deplorable signs and consequences of paralysis of the limbs are already obvious.

Causes and diseases leading to hind leg failure in dogs

The disease can cause discouragement among owners, since everything happens quite abruptly and unexpectedly.

There can be many reasons for it:

  • Limb injuries: fractures, nerve damage, tendon ruptures and sprains.

  • Arthritis of the extremities

  • Spinal pathology

If the spinal cord is affected in the thoracic or lumbar spine, paralysis or paresis may develop. However, injuries are also risk factors. Sometimes a sharp turn, a fall, a blow, a bite during a fight with another individual provokes a whole chain of problems. Keep in mind that the dog may slip on the ice, jump unsuccessfully, or turn around. If possible, monitor your pet to reduce risk factors.

Nervous system

One of the most common causes of hind leg failure in dogs that owners encounter is problems with the nervous system.

Neurological disorders manifest themselves as follows: in the thoracolumbar region of the dog’s spinal column, strong pain. Then paws are taken away, and it is clear that the animal cannot move its limbs. Eventually pain sensitivity disappears. You may notice the first signs of a problem while walking. If they appear after sudden movements (for example, during games), then do not consider the activity to be the cause of the disease. Quicker, movement provokes symptoms of an existing problem.

This problem is typical for small and medium-sized dogs rather than large breeds, as well as individuals with a genetic predisposition to damage to the intervertebral discs. The main risk group is dachshunds; the problem is observed in French bulldogs, Brabançons, Pekingese and other representatives of brachycephalic breeds. Most often, unpleasant changes are observed between the ages of three and eight years.

Some dachshund owners think that the problem lies in the long spine. However, science does not confirm this guess. And it is interesting that the manifestations of the disease do not always appear all at once. Sometimes in the morning the dog feels pain, and in the evening the deplorable signs and consequences of paralysis of the limbs are already obvious.


Pathology develops in stages: First, the structure of the spinal column is disrupted at the site of injury, then swelling occurs. This causes the spinal cord and radicular nerves to become compressed. The latter problem leads to the disruption of the flow of blood with oxygen.

When this continues for some time, nerve cells die and nerve impulses along the peripheral nerves are blocked.

A severe injury violates the integrity of the spinal cord tissue, in other words, it ruptures it. It is clear that this is critical for any animal, and the help of a specialist is needed.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Sometimes the spine can simply fall under the influence of degenerative processes. This also leads to the fact that the dog’s hind limbs stop working normally. In this case, metabolic processes in the tissues of the body are disrupted, and the parts of the spinal column undergo pathological changes.


Your dog's hind legs may also fail due to so-called “local aging,” or spondylosis, of certain areas of the spine. This disease goes away quite slowly. It may be almost invisible at an early stage. The outer fibers of the annulus fibrosus are damaged first. Then a process called calcification in medicine occurs with the anterior longitudinal ligament. Beak-shaped growths appear on the spine, they are called osteophytes.

Tumors in the spine

Tumor-like processes sometimes occur in the spine and in the spinal cord itself. As a result, pathologies gradually develop, and in some cases, fractures of the spinal column. If the process sharply worsens, the developing edema compresses the roots and spinal cord. This results in the following symptoms:
limbs are weakened or compressed,
the back arches,
gait is disturbed,
the dog squeals while trying to make the usual movements,
refuses food.


The joints of the spine are the weak point of a dog diagnosed with osteochondrosis. If they are subjected to static loads, the joints can become deformed. The phenomenon is called spondyloarthrosis. Uneven loads on the spinal column are also dangerous. They lead to a vertebral hernia: due to pathology, the fibrous ring changes, and as a result, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc protrudes. The hernia compresses the radicular nerves and sometimes the spinal cord itself.


Diseases of the intervertebral discs, also called discopathy, cause neurological damage to the pelvic limbs. The disc substance changes and enters the spinal canal. As a result, it is clamped:
or the spinal cord itself,
or spinal nerve roots.
Neurological deficit is a consequence of these processes.

When a large dog's paws fail, the problem has its own characteristics. In Dobermans, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Rottweilers and similar breeds, the disease progresses gradually over several months or years. It can be assumed that damage to the intervertebral discs has occurred - in the lumbar region or near the lumbosacral junction.

French bulldogs are especially susceptible to discopathy. This is due to their unnatural anatomy, which resulted from artificial selection. The spine of this breed has become elongated, which leads to greater stress on it. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the distance between the vertebrae is greater than normal. As a result, even at rest, an intervertebral disc can fall out, and even more so during active movement.


Heavy breeds have their own problem - diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Saint Bernards, Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Great Danes characterized by intensive growth at the age of 4-10 months. This is partly why puppies of these breeds suffer from hip dysplasia.

Pay attention to the first symptoms! If a dog limps after sleep or a passive state in a lying position, and then “paces” during the day, these are the first signs, after which it is advisable to call the veterinarian home or take the dog for an x-ray. If the dog is not treated, the symptoms may intensify, and a prolonged problem can lead to the animal completely refusing to walk.

Osteocondritis of the spine

The most severe form of damage is spinal osteochondrosis. In this case, discopathy takes on a more dangerous form - degenerative processes move from the intervertebral discs to the surrounding vertebral bodies. The ligaments and intervertebral joints are also affected.

Here are some common causes of osteochondrosis:
Genetic developmental defects. Because of this, the vertebrae function unstable.
Spinal injuries.
Autoimmune processes.
Rheumatoid lesions.
Microcirculation is disrupted, and as a result, the nutrition of the disc is disrupted.

Spinal pathology

Blows and bites, falls and unsuccessful jumps, as well as other unfavorable factors lead to spinal pathology. This phenomenon leads to paresis and paralysis. The spinal column ceases to be integral, its structure is disrupted and swelling occurs. The spinal cord and radicular nerves are compressed.

What to do if your dog's back legs fail?

Unless you have special skills, knowledge and experience, you will most likely need a veterinarian. A doctor whose specialty is neurology will be especially helpful.

Now let's look at common questions.

Is it worth contacting if the first symptoms just appear: pain reactions to body movement, tension in gait or refusal of physical activity?

Yes, it's worth it. The sooner you contact, the greater the chances of helping. Even if the alarm is false, you can take the opportunity to do a preventive examination.

If the late stage has already begun - the hind legs have given up, is it worth calling the veterinarian, or is the dog already doomed?

There are always chances. If the animal is dear to you, then try to find out what can be done in the current situation. Even completely immobilized dogs were sometimes brought to their feet. Another thing is that the chances in this case are less.

Practical advice for a critical situation:

  • If the dog is injured and, apparently, the spine has been damaged, then in order to take it to the veterinary clinic, secure it to the board with belts or bandages.

  • If your four-legged friend is whining and howling, and the doctor will arrive soon, do not rush to use pain medication - it may contribute to further displacement of the vertebrae.

There is no single reason for the situation in which a dog’s hind legs fail. If an animal drags its paws, wags its hindquarters when walking, or limps, then a qualified diagnosis is required, so a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory. There is a common misconception among dog owners that NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as Diclofenac or aspirin, will help in this case.

Such improvements in the condition are temporary and distract from the search for the true cause of the disease. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe treatment, and the owner can provide first aid to the pet.

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    Description of the problem

    There is an age-related predisposition to pathologies of the motor system, and manifestations also vary depending on breeds. The following diseases occur in certain types of dogs:

    • English and French bulldogs, dachshunds, Pekingese, pugs and poodles are more likely to suffer from ruptured or slipped discs. This is a serious danger to your pet and can lead to death. Displacement of the vertebrae provokes compression of the nerve processes of the spinal cord and causes severe pain attacks. If the puppy's nerve endings are less compressed, this results in weakness in the hind legs.
    • Large breeds - Rottweilers, St. Bernards, Great Danes, German Shepherds, Staffies and others - suffer from diseases of the hip joints. This is caused by heredity, monotonous nutrition, and uncomfortable slippery ground during daily movement.

    Depending on age, the causes of hind limb weakness vary:

    • Middle-aged pets suffer from inflammatory processes in the muscles the next day after a long walk or unusual exercise. The dog's gait resembles walking on stilts. Only a veterinarian can distinguish temporary inflammation from spinal lesions.
    • In older dogs, poor hind limb function is more often associated with central nervous system dysfunction or vascular problems. Tumors are relatively rare.

    Causes of the disease

    Inattention to the pet, accompanied by a long asymptomatic period, and lack of awareness about the state of its body leads to the fact that the animal suddenly has problems with the functioning of its hind legs.

    Diseases of the renal system cannot cause weakness of the limbs and a hunched spine, unless it is exhausted to the last degree. In this case, lethargy extends not only to the hind legs, but also to all other muscle groups.

    Animal injuries

    A sprain, fracture, rupture of a tendon or pinched nerve when jumping from high fences, parapets or simply from awkward movements become the main causes of paresis and paralysis. Even small shifts of the spinal discs can provoke pathology.

    Sometimes swelling occurs at the site of displacement of the vertebrae, which compresses the nerve endings. Impaired blood flow causes cells to die and impulses to stop, causing the hind legs to fail.


    This disease is an intervertebral hernia - protrusion of intervertebral discs outside the spinal column. Because of this, the nerve of the spinal column is compressed and the movement of the paws is impaired. Dog breeds with long spines, such as basset hounds or dachshunds, are more likely to suffer from this disease. In other dogs, the manifestations of discopathy may not be very pronounced.

    As a result of selection, the spine of French bulldogs has become longer, so representatives of the breed are more likely to suffer from this disease. These dogs need to be protected from heavy loads and ensure that they do not make sudden jumps from heights.


    This disease is difficult to treat. In pets, dysplasia occurs due to abnormal development of the hip joints as a result of heredity or dislocation at birth. Because of this, all systems of the joint unit cease to function normally. The cause of dysplasia is the rapid growth of the puppy.

    When buying a shepherd, Labrador, Great Dane or St. Bernard (we are talking about large breeds), you need to require not only a pedigree, but also tests to check for dysplasia of the parents. If the pet begins to get tired, its gait becomes wobbling, then an x-ray will help identify the disease.

    Osteocondritis of the spine

    This disease often occurs after discopathy and is characterized by excessive mineralization of cartilage tissue, which as a result hardens and causes joint destruction. At the same time, ligaments and vertebrae are destroyed.

    The main factor in the pathogenesis of the disease is heredity. Blood microcirculation is disrupted, autoimmune processes change, and excess weight also matters. The disease most often affects small breeds, but large dogs are also affected. The disease hampers the movement of the hind legs, although no other symptoms are observed, this leads to the fact that over time the dog’s limbs fail.

    Arthrosis and arthritis

    These diseases cause poor functioning of the dog's limbs. They are typical for animals of heavy, massive and large breeds. In a joint with arthrosis, the cartilage tissue becomes thinner, the heads of the joints rub against each other and are gradually destroyed, which leads to severe pain when moving.

    Arthritis involves an inflammatory process, while arthrosis destroys bones without inflammation. Arthritis is more common in older pets, and there is inflammation of the joint capsule, which is caused by a lack of vitamins in the diet, excess movement or lack of exercise, and obesity of the animal.

    Sometimes the dog cannot move its limbs for a short time, then the ability to walk is restored. Such cases require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

    General symptoms of pathology

    Diseases can appear suddenly and develop rapidly, or the build-up of symptoms occurs gradually and takes a long time. Sometimes the signs are unclear, much depends on the reason for the failure of the hind legs:

    • The main symptom in all cases is pain, which is pronounced or dull. At the beginning of the disease, the dog does not fall on his feet, only during a walk the coordination of movements of the rear part of the body is disrupted, and a wobbling gait appears. The animal walks poorly, sometimes it simply drags its legs behind it, and to move it pulls itself up on its front legs.
    • Pain occurs in a pet after an active walk or play. An attentive owner will notice this condition immediately; usually the dog’s legs give way.
    • Severe pain syndrome leads to the fact that the animal cannot walk, falls and tries to get up again. Often the pet panics. The condition, in which the paws hurt, can appear temporarily, while the dog is lethargic and does not eat.
    • Constant pain depletes the dog's strength. Not only does she not move or run, but she also cannot stand up and trembles all over.
    • The worst manifestation of the disease is numbness in the hind legs. The muscles do not react to injections with a sharp object, the pet does not move its limbs. In this case, we are talking about paralysis or paresis, which requires immediate veterinary attention.

    First aid

    First aid for limb failure is to call a veterinarian at home. There are cases where the mobility of legs in completely hopeless animals was restored, so the owner should not panic. First aid measures:

    • If the dog is injured and the owner knows about it, then you should try to limit the animal’s movements as much as possible. To do this, place a board or other flat and long object under the pet’s body and tie or bandage the dog to it.
    • You should not give painkillers, as this will blur the picture of the disease. Also, the pet, without feeling pain, rips off the bandage or tries to run, aggravating the disease of the joints or spine.
    • You cannot massage the animal’s paws or back, or force it to rise. At such moments, the pet does not need food, so you should not feed it. An animal that has fallen into a panic is reassured in an even voice, trying to reduce anxiety.

    Animal treatment

    Only a veterinarian provides specialized care. The doctor may prescribe surgery if there are threatening injuries or suspected damage to the spine and pelvic bones. For diagnosis, ultrasound, myelography are used, urine and blood tests are taken, and other studies are carried out on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

    To treat dogs with lesions of the hip joints, spine and spinal cord, the same drugs are used as for humans. It is dangerous to use such drugs independently to treat animals. This is especially true for pets of small breeds, since the wrong dose of medication can kill them. Many medications are prescribed based on body weight.

    The effect of treatment most often occurs if contact with a specialist was timely. This is usually the time when pain symptoms have appeared, but paresis and paralysis have not yet developed. During such a period, drug treatment will help avoid irreversible consequences.

    Therapeutic measures for failure of the hind limbs include several procedures in combination; their purpose depends on the age of the animal, the severity of the lesion and the causes of the disease. The doctor prescribes painkillers, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, vitamin preparations, and chondroprotectors. During the operation, hemostatics, antihistamines, and antibiotics are used.

    Traditional methods

    All traditional recipes must be discussed with a veterinarian. Unlike a person, an animal cannot tell about its health, so you need to pay close attention to your pet during such treatment. Some folk remedies for dog therapy:

    • To reduce pain at home, warming local procedures are performed. For dogs, warm bags with sand, cereals, and salt are most often used, which are applied to the lumbar or hip area. You can use woolen items folded several times and heated with an iron. All warming is done after evening walks, so as not to cool the problem areas after the procedure.
    • They practice rubbing the back or thigh with compositions based on honey, alcohol, and propolis. To do this, you can take irritating substances, for example, hot red pepper, mustard, turpentine.
    • To reduce swelling of problem areas, use herbal infusions and decoctions that have a diuretic effect. These include products made from lingonberry leaves, cranberries, bay leaves, corn silks and other ready-made diuretic pharmaceutical preparations. It is advisable to give them to the dog separately, without adding them to the drinking container, as this reduces the effectiveness of the medications.

    Preventing problems

    To treat limb paralysis, the disease must be recognized in the early stages. If neurological disorders are inherent in genes, then it is not always possible to correct the situation, but you can try to reduce the consequences of the disease.

    Timely examination helps to identify tumors that put pressure on nerve endings and impair motor activity. They need to be removed to improve the animal's quality of life. There should be no slippery base in the walking enclosure; it is unacceptable to make a cement or concrete screed, which leads to hypothermia of the paws. The best option is earth or boards.

    The diet should include all the minerals and vitamins the dog needs. To do this, consult a veterinarian and introduce vitamin complexes for animals into the diet, depending on age and body weight.

Very often on dog breeders’ forums and in requests to veterinarians, you can come across a group of questions related to the problem when dogs’ hind legs fail. This problem is in most cases associated with neurological abnormalities and small and medium-sized dog breeds are especially susceptible to it. However, these are not all the reasons for such a terrible consequence; it happens that, for example, a dog falls on its hind legs for no apparent reason. Why this occurs, what to do and what treatment is needed, we will consider in this article.


Symptoms of Hind Leg Failure in Dogs

The first and most common symptom that precedes hind leg failure in dogs is pain. This is often associated with a neurological disorder in the spinal column, so the animal will experience pain and discomfort especially when moving or suddenly changing position. A little later, muscle weakness and lack of nerve impulse may occur, as a result of which the pet cannot move. After this, all pain sensitivity disappears and the dog, roughly speaking, no longer feels its limbs.

It is important to note that all of the above symptoms can either increase gradually, appearing after a certain time, or arise suddenly, for example, during a walk. All these symptoms can be triggered by a sudden movement during play or a sudden push. Also, initial symptoms can very quickly develop into complications. For example, in the morning a dog may feel pain, and by the evening its hind legs may be paralyzed.

No dog owner is immune from such an unpleasant disease, but breeds with elongated bodies, for example, dachshunds, as well as brachycephalic breeds (pugs, Pekingese and others), are especially at risk.

Causes and diseases leading to hind leg failure

There can be many reasons why a dog's hind legs fail. Therefore, most often, owners whose dogs have this problem are lost and do not know what to do. Many people note in bewilderment that in the morning or yesterday their pet was running briskly, playing and having fun, but in the evening or today it is already pulling the back of its body and cannot get up. Let us immediately note that some dog breeds have a genetic tendency, so the problem may be hidden. As a rule, in this case, the paws fail between the ages of 3 and 8 years.

But we should also not forget that limb failure may be due to a long-standing injury or untreated damage. For example, tendon sprains, fractures, and bruises often affect nerves. Arthritis and arthrosis, tumor formations on bones and joints also cause pinching. Among the reasons, specific diseases also play an important role. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Injuries and pinched nerves

These are perhaps the most common and, so to speak, simplest reasons. A simple unfortunate fall or sudden movement can cause pinched nerves and tissue damage. Discopathies, intervertebral hernias - all this is the result of inattentive or late treatment of injury, which can lead to failure of the hind legs. Not the last place in this group is occupied by spinal pathology, during which the innervation of the limbs is disrupted.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Often, during an injury or due to improper physical activity, the structure of the spinal column is disrupted. As a result, its oxygen supply deteriorates and cells die. The spinal cord is affected, resulting in paralysis and complete failure of the paws. Due to poor metabolism in the spinal cord, spondylosis or local aging of its segments may occur. On X-ray examination, this disease often appears as beak-like growths on the spine.

Tumors in the spine

The same injuries, bruises, sprains can cause tumor processes. They are dangerous because they lead to pathologies in the spinal cord, paralyzing the limbs. In addition to failure of the hind legs, dogs may experience an arched back, disturbances in gait, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and pain. Stable excessive loads on the spine can cause deformation of its joints and, as a result, spinal hernia.

Scheme of damage to vertebral discs during discopathy


This is another of the most common reasons why dogs may experience hind limb failure. This disease is associated with intervertebral discs, when their substance compresses the spinal cord, disrupting its function. This results in a neurological deficit. Most often, this manifestation occurs in large, middle-aged dogs and develops over a very long period (from several months to several years).

It is important to note that French bulldogs are especially susceptible to discopathy due to their structure and the very strong load on the spine. At the same time, disc prolapse in these dogs can occur not only during movement, but also at rest.


Dysplasia is another very common cause of hind limb failure. Large breed dogs are predisposed to it, so they need regular x-ray examinations. With this disease, paralysis of the hind legs does not occur suddenly, but is manifested by certain symptoms. At first there are difficulties in movement, pain, and gait disturbance. Without proper attention, the disease progresses to an advanced, complex stage.


Of course, in order to help your pet, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease, and for this you need to contact a veterinary clinic. It is advisable to get an appointment immediately with a doctor specializing in neurology. Even simple lameness or difficulty getting up can be a reason to visit the veterinarian. Do not think that this is a short-term phenomenon that will go away on its own. It’s good if so, but this could also be the first sign of very serious illnesses.

If your pet is injured, jumps unsuccessfully, or pulls a muscle, do not delay going to the veterinarian. Only competent treatment can save the dog from subsequent negative manifestations. It is strictly forbidden to use painkillers without a doctor's recommendation. Moreover, the pain will limit the animal’s movement, which means the risk of even greater injury will be eliminated.

Remember that only a timely visit to a specialist and a competent approach to treatment will help to fully get the dog back on its feet. Otherwise, help may be ineffective and then your pet will only have one sentence - a stroller. Depending on the diagnosis and cause of the disease, the veterinarian may prescribe treatment with medications, massage, certain physical activities, diet, etc.

First aid for a pet

Regardless of the nature of the injury, its extent or signs, it is important to get your pet to the clinic as soon as possible. At the same time, you cannot force him to walk if his motor function is still possible. Pick up the dog or place it in the car and take it to the veterinarian. The specialist must establish the integrity of paw sensitivity, check for pain, the presence of injuries and pathologies. The doctor may also take blood and urine tests for additional information.

If your dog's back legs are giving out, you should restrain him on a strong, hard surface. Any medications, including painkillers, cannot be given. It is important to carefully deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible without unnecessary shaking.

As for the veterinarian's advice, it all boils down to a couple of very basic rules:

  • do not engage in treatment on your own, do not undertake any courses or methods of treatment on your own;
  • an experienced specialist should do an x-ray and myelography to assess the situation;
  • carry out timely prevention especially for those dogs that are by nature prone to spinal pathologies and dysplasia.

Video: Paralysis of the hind legs in dogs

If your pet cannot walk due to paralysis of its hind legs, all is not lost. There is always hope!

Old age is not always the only reason for a pet's paw failure. A number of neurological and orthopedic diseases have been described that lead to paralysis of the dog's hind limbs.

  1. In small breed dogs, the hind legs may fail due to frequent falls, for example, from jumping off sofas, benches, etc. Injuries occur in fights, when hitting cars, etc.
  2. If a pet lives in a city apartment and often climbs high stairs or falls on slippery surfaces, this can lead to paralysis of the limbs. Paralysis in the described case is caused by damage to the spine. At the time of injury, all components of the animal’s spinal column are affected. The developed edema puts pressure on the nerve trunks, and the animal loses the ability to move.
  3. Degenerative diseases of the spine, including those caused by aging pets. So-called local aging of individual areas of the spinal column may be observed. Spondylosis in quadrupeds has a low-symptomatic or asymptomatic course and is almost never diagnosed in the early stages of the development of the pathological process.
  4. Paralysis of the hind legs is caused by the development of tumor processes.
  5. A severe form of the disease is spinal osteochondrosis. All breeds are susceptible to the disease.
  6. Spinal discopathy is recognized as a common cause of paw failure in dogs. The disease is associated with colossal loads experienced by the quadruped's spine. Loss and protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurs during intense movement and at rest.

A caring owner will always be able to notice the unusual behavior of his four-legged friend, especially if the dog’s hind legs suddenly fail. Complete or partial failure of the posterior part of the musculoskeletal system can sometimes occur at the most inopportune moment, and therefore it is best to meet the disease head-on.

All pet owners need to understand why their dog's back legs fail and what needs to be done in such a situation. Doing anything on your own can be dangerous for the dog: if the spinal cord is damaged, it can cause paralysis and even death of the animal.

The reasons why a dog’s paws may be taken away are quite varied:

  1. Genetic disorders characteristic of a number of breeds that have been subjected to the most intense human influence. This is especially common in breeds with excessively long bodies and short legs. During selective selection, individuals with a deformed body were selected; when the trait was fixed, the animals also inherited the accompanying defects - pathologies of the spine and the structure of the pelvic bones, which over time lead to various diseases.
  2. Arthritis is a common cause of limb mobility impairment. Old dogs especially often suffer from this. Worn out joints cause severe pain, causing the paws to become weak and painful for the animal to stand up. When moving, nerve endings may be pinched, so the dog may limp, or its hind legs may become weak or partially or completely inactive.
  3. Tumors that develop in close proximity to the spine, pelvic bones, and hip joints can grow and physically impede mobility or impinge on the nerves that control leg movements.
  4. Injuries of various kinds - falls, unsuccessful movements, sharp turns while running, jumping, bites of other animals, getting hit by a car, accompanied by fractures, sprains, ruptures of tendons can also cause complete paralysis or partial immobility of the hind limbs. The most common reasons why a dog becomes disabled is accidents involving motor vehicles. Chasing something or someone, the dog can get run over. Injury to the spine or pelvic bones can cause paralysis of limbs or body parts.

Symptoms of the disease

If an animal's hind legs fail after an accident or any other injury, the owners are, in principle, prepared for the complications that may arise. It’s another matter when outwardly the diseases do not manifest themselves in any way. Problems appear like a bolt from the blue.

The animal’s legs simply give way, it staggers, trying to get up, whines, suffers, and the owners cannot understand how this happened. Sometimes a dog cannot stand on its hind legs immediately after sleep, in other cases everything happens against the background of external complete well-being.

It can be very difficult to notice the problem until the animal begins to limp or simply cannot move. Sometimes the disease begins with pain with sudden movements, which turns into severe sharp pain. The animal suffers when moving, so it tries to limit its mobility.

Heavy, "raw" dogs such as St. Bernards often suffer from hip dysplasia. A characteristic sign of the disease is stiffness of movement after sleep or long rest, then mobility is restored during the day, and the next day everything repeats.

Paralysis rarely develops in the anterior half of the body; in most dogs, arthritis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, discopathy and other spinal problems are more often diagnosed in the thoracic and lumbar region.

Sometimes an animal’s paws can give way immediately after an unsuccessful jump or turn. This does not mean that it was the awkward movement that caused the paresis or paralysis. Most likely, the disease had been developing latently for a long time, and a sudden movement simply became a catalyst that accelerated its manifestation.

What measures can be taken

Only an experienced veterinarian can treat the disease. This is a very complex pathology that requires accurate diagnosis. Injuries may require urgent surgery, especially if the animal has a broken leg or suspected damage to the pelvic bones or spine.

Treatment will be especially effective if you have time to consult a doctor before the development of paresis and paralysis, while the dog suffers only from pain. At this time, the body is still sensitive to the effects of drugs, and this can prevent the onset of irreversible changes.

Before visiting a doctor, you should not give painkillers, as they can distort the picture of the disease. In case of injury, the animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic in such a way that it is unable to move. Otherwise, under the influence of pain, the dog can further aggravate its condition, causing displacement of broken bones, damage to nerves or rupture of blood vessels, which threatens bleeding.

It is necessary to provide her with complete rest, and the doctor will take the necessary measures after the diagnosis.

It may include an x-ray of the damaged area of ​​the body, ultrasound of internal organs if the animal was injured in an accident, myelography, blood and urine tests, and other procedures as prescribed by a specialist.

The dog's paws may become paralyzed soon after the pain appears. If the process has just begun, it is hoped that the immobility will be temporary. You should not massage or try to force the dog to walk, as this may worsen its condition. An old animal often has problems with its legs.

Treatment of such diseases is long and complex, always comprehensive. It depends on the age of the animal, the severity and extent of damage, and the presence of other diseases, especially chronic ones, which can aggravate the damage. Typically, several different drugs are prescribed, the list of which includes painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, immunomodulators and other drugs.

In case of surgical interventions, severe injuries with bleeding, fractures and tissue bruises, antibiotics, hemostatic agents, antihistamines and other agents can be used.

You need to pay attention to the diet of the recovering animal. It should be balanced, high in calories, rich in calcium to speed up the healing of damaged bones, but at the same time easy enough for sick animals to digest.

Even with completely paralyzed hind legs, sick or injured dogs move cheerfully in special wheelchairs and do not feel inferior in any way. They are simply enjoying life.

How to avoid hind leg problems

If neurological disorders or joint problems have a genetic basis, the owner is unlikely to be able to do anything, at least if the dog is already paralyzed. But, being warned about the possibility of paralysis of the limbs, the owners will be able to recognize the disease in the early stages, take timely measures and seek medical help.

In case of injury or paralysis due to tumor formation, early treatment can save the animal's life. Sometimes problems with the dog’s hind legs can occur due to slippery floors in the apartment, dangerously placed decorative items that the dog can drop on itself.

A good owner will try to minimize the risk to the dog's health, remove dangerous objects, put a special rubber pad under the carpet and make sure that the animal is walked in the safest possible conditions.


Diseases that cause paw failure do not always appear immediately, which is why they are difficult to diagnose. Sometimes they can develop for a very long time, and the owner, due to ignorance of the pet’s condition, accelerates its development with stress. What diseases can lead a dog to such a state that its paws will fail? Are they treatable?


The most common causes of the inability to stand on their hind legs, paralysis and paresis are common injuries. An awkward movement, a jump from a great height, or a fall of a dog can cause a fracture or sprain, a pinched nerve, a tendon rupture and other troubles.

The slightest displacement of bones, for example, vertebral discs, can lead to a pinched nerve, and then the dog simply ceases to feel the hind legs. Or, for example, at the site of damage to the spinal column, swelling occurs, which gradually begins to compress the spinal cord. The blood flow in it is disrupted, and the nerve cells begin to die. Naturally, the nerve impulses no longer reach their destination, which leads to the fact that the legs fail.

Sometimes, even after long-term treatment, when everything seems to have gone away for the dog, the back legs may fail again. This is usually due to undertreatment of the primary cause. But in any case, the help of a qualified veterinarian is needed here - he is the one who can put the pet on its feet.


The second most common cause of paw failure is discopathy or intervertebral hernia. This is a disease of the vertebral discs. During discopathy, the altered disc substance gradually enters the spinal canal where the spinal cord is located. Because of this, it is compressed or the spinal nerves are compressed.

Discopathy primarily affects dogs with a long spine, namely dachshunds and basset hounds. In representatives of other breeds, this diagnosis is less common and the disease may not be as pronounced. For example, in German shepherds, paresis or paralysis of the hind limbs is often the result of dysplasia. Old pets often suffer. The disease usually manifests itself gradually, developing over several years or months.

French bulldogs also suffer from discopathy, as due to selection the length of their spine has increased. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect pets of this breed from sudden movements and excessive stress. Moreover, intervertebral hernia is very difficult to treat and can make a dog disabled. Veterinarians will talk about the disease in the next video.


Perhaps one of the most severe and difficult to treat diseases is joint dysplasia. It usually affects only large and heavy breeds, such as Labradors, Shepherds, St. Bernards, and Great Danes. Dysplasia can develop due to the rapid growth of the puppy from 4 to 8 months - at this time it is necessary to prevent the disease.

The first symptoms of dysplasia are usually clearly visible even to an inexperienced owner. The dog begins to limp after sleeping or lying in one place for a long time, begins to wobble with its hindquarters after exercise, and cannot run much. If these signs occur, you should immediately contact your veterinarian and take x-rays to check for dysplasia. The disease requires immediate treatment, otherwise the dog may completely lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.

This disease is often inherited. Therefore, when choosing a large breed puppy, you should request not only documents for the dog, but also tests for dysplasia of both parents. But an acquired dog should be tested for the presence of the disease at the age of 1 year and older. Then it is most revealing.

Osteocondritis of the spine

Osteochondrosis of the spinal column can be called a “continuation” of discopathy. This is the most severe degree of damage to the vertebrae, and is associated with impaired mineralization of cartilage. This organ becomes harder than necessary, which can lead to joint destruction. Ligaments and intervertebral joints also suffer greatly from osteochondrosis.

The main causes of osteochondrosis are hereditary factors, injuries, microcirculation disorders, autoimmune processes, excess weight and others. As a rule, small and some large breeds are susceptible to the disease.

Often osteochondrosis occurs without visible symptoms, but pets sometimes begin to drag their hind legs. Often the movements of a sick animal are constrained. The disease can cause the dog's paws to fail over time.

Arthritis and arthrosis

These two diseases can also easily debilitate a dog if left untreated. Large and heavy breeds are usually affected by both. Arthrosis is a chronic disease that differs from arthritis mainly in the absence of an inflammatory process. The cartilage begins to change greatly, and then collapse. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint capsule, often found in older dogs.

The causes of diseases are different - these are microtraumas, unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins, hypothermia, lack of exercise or its excess, age, excess weight and others. Sometimes an attack of pain in dogs appears after prolonged exercise - this is why the animal walks, wobbling its backside, or falls, and cannot get up.

In modern veterinary practice, there are two main types of causes of hind limb failure in dogs based on etiology:

  • Orthopedic;
  • Neurological

Each of which requires timely identification of signs that served as a stimulant to the occurrence of a violation of the musculoskeletal functions of the pet’s body.

An animal's paws may fail for the following reasons:

It happens that the legs give out in very young puppies. If your dog has been walking on its hind legs since birth, it may have a birth defect, such as cerebral palsy. Therefore, when choosing a puppy from a kennel, you must pay attention to how they walk and run.

The puppy may also fall on its paws due to rickets. Rickets is a disease that occurs quite often in dogs that were weaned from a bitch early or were bottle-fed from birth (for example, if the mother died during childbirth). Rickets is a disease that is caused by a lack of vital vitamins and minerals in the puppy's body. The disease manifests itself as follows:

  • Uncertain, shaky gait;
  • Restless sleep of puppies;
  • Restless behavior ( The puppy constantly squeals and whines, refuses to eat or, conversely, eats a lot, but still loses weight);
  • The baby has a sunken chest and a protruding stomach.

If you organize proper feeding for your puppy, the problem with rickets will disappear by itself. Gradually, the puppy will get stronger and catch up with its peers in development.

Animals that are born with weak muscles can also fall on their hind legs. Usually, as the dog grows up, the muscles become stronger and the gait becomes firmer.

Pregnant dogs

Pregnant bitches in the last months of bearing puppies may also fall a little on their paws. This happens in cases where the puppies in the mother's womb are very large, and it is difficult for the dog to carry its huge belly. Usually a bitch pregnant with large puppies moves little, is reluctant to eat and drink, and spends all her free time lying on the mat. The dog can also fall on its hind legs immediately before giving birth, during contractions, in order to relieve pain.


Some dogs' paws give out overnight, while for others it can take a very long time before a person notices something is wrong. Unfortunately, the symptoms of this are not always clearly visible; much depends on the cause of the disease.

The most important symptom is pain, which, by the way, is not always clearly expressed. At the very beginning of the development of some diseases, the dog may, due to pain in the rear part of the body, begin to wobble with its hindquarters. This is clearly noticeable while walking. Also, sometimes pain can occur after heavy physical activity or active games.

Often the pain syndrome is pronounced, and the dog not only cannot walk normally, but even falls to the ground and tries to get up. She cannot do this, which is why she suffers and panics. In some cases, after rest, the animal can move again, but sometimes the dog can be deprived of legs for a long time.

It is because of the pain that the dog develops weakness in its hind legs and cannot stand confidently. There can be no talk of jumping and fast running at all. You can often observe that the dog not only changes its gait, but also begins to tangle its paws.

The worst symptom is numbness in the paws; the dog cannot move them. This means that paresis or paralysis has occurred and immediate treatment is needed.

This is often associated with a neurological disorder in the spinal column, so the animal will experience pain and discomfort especially when moving or suddenly changing position.

A little later, muscle weakness and lack of nerve impulse may occur, as a result of which the pet cannot move. After this, all pain sensitivity disappears and the dog, roughly speaking, no longer feels its limbs.

All these symptoms can be triggered by a sudden movement during play or a sudden push. Also, initial symptoms can very quickly develop into complications.

For example, in the morning a dog may feel pain, and by the evening its hind legs may be paralyzed.

Causes and diseases leading to hind leg failure

There can be many reasons why a dog's hind legs fail. Therefore, most often, owners whose dogs have this problem are lost and do not know what to do.

Many people note in bewilderment that in the morning or yesterday their pet was running briskly, playing and having fun, but in the evening or today it is already pulling the back of its body and cannot get up.

But we should also not forget that limb failure may be due to a long-standing injury or untreated damage. For example, tendon sprains, fractures, and bruises often affect nerves. Arthritis and arthrosis, tumor formations on bones and joints also cause pinching. Among the reasons, specific diseases also play an important role. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Injuries and pinched nerves

Discopathies, intervertebral hernias - all this is the result of inattentive or late treatment of injury, which can lead to failure of the hind legs.

Not the last place in this group is occupied by spinal pathology, during which the innervation of the limbs is disrupted.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Often, during an injury or due to improper physical activity, the structure of the spinal column is disrupted. As a result, its oxygen supply deteriorates and cells die.

The spinal cord is affected, resulting in paralysis and complete failure of the paws. Due to poor metabolism in the spinal cord, spondylosis or local aging of its segments may occur.

Tumors in the spine

The same injuries, bruises, sprains can cause tumor processes. They are dangerous because they lead to pathologies in the spinal cord, paralyzing the limbs.

Stable excessive loads on the spine can cause deformation of its joints and, as a result, spinal hernia.

First aid for a pet

Regardless of the nature of the injury, its extent or signs, it is important to get your pet to the clinic as soon as possible. At the same time, you cannot force him to walk if his motor function is still possible.

Pick up the dog or place it in the car and take it to the veterinarian. The specialist must establish the integrity of paw sensitivity, check for pain, the presence of injuries and pathologies.

The doctor may also take blood and urine tests for additional information.

As for the veterinarian's advice, it all boils down to a couple of very basic rules:

  • do not engage in treatment on your own, do not undertake any courses or methods of treatment on your own;
  • an experienced specialist should do an x-ray and myelography to assess the situation;
  • carry out timely prevention especially for those dogs that are by nature prone to spinal pathologies and dysplasia.


Just yesterday the pet was cheerful, cheerful, frolicking on walks and infecting everyone in the household with its ebullient energy. And today the paws of a German shepherd, pug or alabai gave out. What to do? If the animal lies for several hours in a row and does not get up (but does not sleep), you need to offer the dog something to eat and see how it reacts to the food.

You can also carry out simple diagnostics at home. When a dog is so exhausted that he walks on his own and does not ask to go for a walk, you need to pay attention to the color of his urine. Paw failure often occurs in animals suffering from urolithiasis. This happens especially often in French bulldogs: they have weak kidneys and are very susceptible to such infections. Treatment for paresis of the hind limbs can be different, for example:

To identify pathology, the veterinarian carries out:

  • visual examination - assessment of general condition, checking sensitivity, reflexes and pain reactions;
  • X-ray examination or MRI;
  • myelography – x-ray examination with a contrast agent;
  • general clinical urine and blood tests.

Further treatment tactics vary significantly depending on the disease that caused the immobility.

Regardless of the type of disease and prescribed therapy, it is necessary to create a special diet. All products should be easily digestible and nutritious, contain a lot of calcium, selenium, sulfur, protein, and fatty acids.

Prevention measures

In order for a dog to live a long time and please its owner with its excellent health, the animal must be vaccinated against dangerous infections in a timely manner. During a walk, you need to completely exclude your pet from interacting with stray dogs, because they are most often the main spreaders of infections.

To prevent mechanical injuries to the paws, walks with the animal should only be carried out in specially designated places, that is, on dog parks or in parks with walking paths for animals. You should not take your pet to the forest or river, especially to places where people often have picnics. In thick grass, a dog can easily cut its paw on a broken bottle or other sharp object left by unlucky “tourists.”

If the owner takes the pet with him fishing, under no circumstances should small fishing hooks be left on the ground. Stepping on the hook can cause serious injury to the animal. After each walk, you need to inspect the animal’s paws and wipe them with a clean cloth. You should also inspect your paws while bathing.

To prevent falls at home, locks should be installed on all plastic windows. You can train with your dog in sports such as jumping or steeplechase only at a dog park, under the guidance of a professional dog handler. If the animal shows interest in jumping, you should not leave your pet unattended for a minute while walking. Even a fall from a small garden bench can cause paresis of the hind limbs.

In order for puppies to grow strong and healthy, it is necessary to provide them with proper feeding. If the kittens were weaned from the bitch early, it is necessary to include vitamin and mineral supplements in their diet. This will serve as an excellent prevention of rickets and will help strengthen the weak muscles of babies. It is also necessary to regularly give vitamins to older dogs and pregnant bitches.

If a dog's hind legs suddenly give out, the reasons can be very different. The most important thing is not to get nervous ahead of time, but calmly see what happens next. If the animal is still eating well and is very active, most likely it is a simple splinter or scratch. But if the dog feels unwell, has become lethargic or, conversely, aggressive, you should not self-medicate.

It is impossible to completely protect a dog from hind leg failure. But these measures will reduce the risk of paralysis significantly.

It is important to carefully choose a puppy: during the examination, you need to pay attention to how it moves, runs, and plays.

You need to purchase a baby from a trusted breeder, who will present a pedigree, passports and medical certificates of the baby and his parents.

Many people say “it will heal like a dog” and they are very mistaken, since these cute animals, just like people, are not protected from diseases, including those related to the musculoskeletal system.

There are situations when a dog’s front or back legs begin to fail. Why this happens and what influences the appearance of this ailment can be found in this article.

A dog's paws are failing: what symptoms should you pay attention to?

Such a problem may appear suddenly and with vivid symptoms, or it may progress for a long time without manifesting itself in any way. In the latter case, even the most caring dog owner may not notice that something is wrong. The fact is that their visibility directly depends on the factors in the formation of the disease.

The main symptom of the development of the disease is the appearance of pain, which is not always pronounced. At the first stage of disease progression, the dog may experience periodic involuntary movements of the pelvis, more reminiscent of “lazy wagging.”

Such signs are easy to see while walking. Often pain occurs after active recreation (games) or heavy physical activity. In more severe cases, the dog may experience poor coordination or an uncontrolled fall.

When a pet tries to get up on its paws and fails, it begins to panic and, naturally, suffer from a lack of understanding of what is happening. Often the animal, having rested after active games, begins to move normally. However, sometimes a dog's paws fail for quite a long time.

Throughout the entire period of her illness, she has been troubled by pain and weakness in her hind legs, so it is difficult for her to get up and stand. Another important sign of a problem is a change in the dog’s gait, during which his paws become entangled.

However, the most terrible symptom is considered to be a complete lack of sensitivity in the paws, which leads to the inability to move them. The presence of such symptoms indicates the development of paralysis or paresis, which requires qualified treatment.

Causes of paw failure in dogs

The diseases that cause this symptom do not always manifest themselves immediately, so it is difficult for a veterinarian to diagnose it. Often the period of their development is very long, and the pet owner, not knowing about the presence of the disease, only aggravates the situation and accelerates its progression.

So, what diseases can cause immobility of a dog’s paws and can they be cured?


The most common factor for such symptoms, paresis and paralysis are simple injuries received during a jump from a fairly high height, awkward movement, sprain or fracture during a fall, tendon rupture, pinched nerves, etc.

In order for a dog’s paws to fail, a slight displacement of bones, for example, spinal discs, is quite enough. Also, the dog may often develop swelling due to damage in the area of ​​the vertebral column, which gradually begins to compress and impair the functionality of the spinal cord.

This leads to disruption of blood flow and rapid death of nerve cells. Over time, the nerve impulses weaken and cannot reach, so to speak, their “destination,” so the dog’s legs stop working.

Even after prolonged treatment, your pet may experience this symptom again. And the reason for this is the incompetent and incomplete cure of the primary factor of its formation. Therefore, you need to contact a qualified veterinarian again, but, naturally, to a different one.


The second name of the disease sounds like “intervertebral hernia.” It consists of malaise of the spinal discs, namely a modification of their substance, which over time enters the spinal canal, and then into the spinal cord area. As a result, severe compression of the spinal nerves is observed. It is quite difficult to cure the disease and it often makes the dog disabled.


Articular dysplasia is a difficult to treat and serious disease that begins to develop in four-month-old puppies. It is characterized by severe symptoms: swaying of the hips, especially after heavy exertion, limping after prolonged lying or sleeping, as well as the inability to run for a long time.

Vertebral osteochondrosis

The disease is a kind of “continuation” of the previous illness (discopathy). It is the most complex degree of destruction of the vertebrae, which is caused by a violation of cartilaginous mineralization. Excessive hardness of the organ is observed, leading to damage to the intervertebral ligaments and joints.

Arthrosis and arthritis

Very often, the reasons for a dog’s paw failure are precisely these ailments. Arthrosis is a chronic disease, the distinctive feature of which is the complete absence of inflammation. It is characterized by changes in cartilage with further destruction.

While arthritis is a disease in the area of ​​the joint capsule, accompanied by an inflammatory process. Reasons: lack of vitamins, minor injuries, poor diet, excess or lack of exercise, hypothermia, aging, etc.

What to do if your dog's paws fail?

Naturally, the most effective way is preventative action. However, if the dog exhibits a similar symptom, it is necessary to call a veterinarian and provide first aid, namely:

Immobilize the dog by tying it to a board;

Under no circumstances should painkillers be given because the cause of the symptom is not known.

The most important thing to do is to wait for a specialist who will conduct a thorough examination of the pet, determine the presence of sensitivity and pain in the spine, and also prescribe the necessary treatment and tests.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the veterinarian may insist not only on drug treatment, but also on surgical intervention. There are often cases when even the most hopelessly ill dogs, after complex therapy, got back on their feet and became completely healthy.



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