How to use a hemostatic sponge. How a hemostatic sponge is used in dentistry after tooth extraction: instructions for using the material

Consisting of a mass of porous structure, the consistency of which is elastic and soft collagen, the hemostatic sponge has a yellow color and a faint acetic smell. It is characterized by excellent absorbency of liquids, accompanied by slight swelling. Cold water and organic solvents do not dissolve the sponge; it is also able to keep itself unchanged at temperatures up to 75 degrees. Higher temperatures and increased humidity cause changes in the sponge and are able to partially dissolve it.

Hemostatic sponge instructions

The instructions for use of the Hemostatic Sponge provide the patient with guidelines for its correct use.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug is produced in the form of plates, the size of which is 10X10 cm or 5X5 cm. They are prepared from a collagen solution, which is obtained from the tendon or skin of cattle.

The constituent components of the preparation are the amounts of boric acid and furacilin necessary for the composition of the sponge.

The drug Hemostatic Sponge is packed sterile. In a box made of thick cardboard, they are packed in ten pieces.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is allowed to store the drug for five years, provided that it is kept in places protected from light with an air temperature in the range of 10 to 30 degrees.


From the pharmacological side, the drug has an adsorbing, antiseptic and hemostatic effect. It also has a stimulating effect on the process of tissue regeneration.

Indications for the use of a hemostatic sponge

  • with capillary bleeding (from the nose, after the intervention of a dentist, from the sinuses of the dura mater);
  • in case of skin damage, otitis or bedsores;
  • in order to fill the defect of the parenchymal organ, for example, after a partial excision of the liver or removal of the gallbladder.


Collagen hemostatic sponge application

A hemostatic sponge is used exclusively locally by applying a swab from it to a bleeding wound. In the event that it was not possible to achieve a stop of the blood, another layer of material should be applied. When the blood has stopped, the sponge should not be removed, but on the contrary, it must be fixed. Then there will be its complete resorption.

Hemostatic sponge for nosebleeds

In case of bleeding from the nose, the Hemostatic sponge helps to stop the blood, and also acts as a sorbent and antiseptic, stimulating tissue recovery.

Apply a sponge tightly to the place of bleeding and after a few minutes check to see if the blood has passed. Apply another plate if necessary. After a complete stop of the blood, fix the sponge (fixation p-shaped).

Hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, the Hemostatic Sponge is capable of helping the patient if he needs to stop bleeding. In addition, the sponge will contribute to the adsorbing and anti-inflammatory effect. While waiting for a preventive result, you can place a sponge in the hole of a newly extracted tooth.

Side effects

The use of a hemostatic sponge may lead to a re-infection effect or the development of an allergy.

Drug Interactions

The action of the drug will be enhanced if thrombin is used to wet it.

Hemostatic sponge with amben analogues

Analogues of the drug in the form of a hemostatic collagen sponge are some drugs of similar action:

  • Amben,
  • pamba,
  • Gumbix.

Hemostatic sponge price

The cost of the drug varies depending on the size of the plates and units in the package. It is in the range from 85 to 740 rubles.

Hemostatic sponge reviews

There are very few reviews of the hemostatic sponge preparation, but each of them characterizes the material only on the positive side. Let's take a look at some of the recent reviews.

Victoria: The child came from the kindergarten and when talking with him, I heard some nasality in his voice. It turned out that his nose bled during the day and the teacher put a hemostatic sponge in his nose. Indeed, by the evening the child was breathing normally, and when examining anything extraneous in the nasal cavity, nothing was found. An interesting drug. Even though I didn't know it existed before.

Marina: Not so long ago, I found myself in a rather ridiculous situation, when my elderly mother had bleeding from the nasal cavity, and everything that I myself knew to help in this situation did not work. I had to resort to calling an ambulance. The brigade arrived only twenty-five minutes later. During this time, the woman lost a lot of blood, and I myself was not in my best condition. The nurse calmly rolled up a small tampon and placed it right in my mother's nose. After a few minutes, the blood calmed down and they showed me our savior in the form of a collagen sponge and taught me how to use it.

The hemostatic sponge is an effective antihemorrhagic agent. This hemostatic device is an indispensable assistant to the surgeon performing the operation. A sponge should be in every home, and especially a first-aid kit, in order to quickly stop bleeding if necessary. This medical device is a sorbent with antiseptic properties.

The tool stops bleeding, activates the restoration of damaged tissues. A positive point is also that when the sponge is placed in the wound cavity, it completely, without residue, dissolves. But it cannot be dissolved in cold liquids (up to 75°C), it does not lend itself to organic solvents.

The sponge is made from a dense solution of collagen, which is obtained from the processing of tendons, cartilage, skin tissues and some other components of the carcass of large-horned animals. When is a hemostatic collagen sponge used, instructions, application, composition, what are they? To have the most complete picture of this tool, you need to carefully read the instructions.

If this is not possible, please review this description of the tool. It has an informational purpose, compiled on the basis of a factory annotation, but it is not.

Therefore, if you need to use this tool in practice, carefully study the package insert yourself.


The sponge, as we already know, contains a dense solution of collagen. In addition to it, the composition of this product includes a solution of furacilin, as well as boric acid. It is a dry, very porous mass. The color is yellow, it has a slight smell of acetic acid.

Quickly and effectively absorbs liquid substances. At the same time, the sponge swells a little.
Pharmacies offer a tool in the form of square plates, 100 x 100 mm in size, or 50 x 50 mm. Each package of the drug contains 10 pcs. plates. At the same time, 0.0125 g of boric acid powder and 0.0075 g of furacilin account for 1 g of collagen sponge.

Indications for use

This medical device is effective in stopping capillary bleeding. Therefore, the sponge is used for nosebleeds. This tool will help with bleeding caused by dental procedures. It is also used in parenchymal bleeding of internal organs, as well as in alveolar bleeding from lung tissue.

Recommend for use in the treatment of bedsores, with various injuries of skin surfaces. Often used after hepatic resection. Applied after cholecystectomy, when it is necessary to close the bed of the gallbladder.

Application. What does the instruction say?

To quickly, effectively stop severe bleeding, cut off the right amount of hemostatic collagen sponge. The desired segment is applied to the surface of the existing wound. Gradually, bleeding stops (hemostasis effect). After that, the sponge does not need to be removed from the wound, as it will completely dissolve.

If there is a need to enhance the hemostatic effect of this agent, the sponge can be soaked with a thrombin solution before use. If the bleeding is very intense, does not stop in any way, apply a second segment of the sponge to the wound. In this case, after the blood has stopped, a fixing U-shaped suture is applied.

Very often, the use of a sponge is combined with drugs that prevent blood clots from dissolving, for example, amben. Do it as follows: First, the surface of the wound is treated with a solution of amben, using tampons. After that, lightly press the surface of the wound, leaving it for 5 minutes. Then the wound is sprinkled with a crushed sponge. Or add it inside a gauze swab, which is left in the wound cavity for a period of not more than a day.

The size of the hemostatic sponge plates, as well as their number, is selected depending on the intensity of bleeding, the size of the wound or cavity.


This remedy is not used in case of heavy bleeding in case of damage to large blood vessels. The use of a sponge is contraindicated in patients whose body is particularly sensitive to furacilin, as well as other nitrofurans.

Side effects

When using a sponge, manifestations of an allergic nature are possible.

Before using this hemostatic agent, it is recommended to seek medical advice. Be healthy!

The procedure for removing a tooth is always associated with bleeding. It usually stops on its own after a while. However, in some cases, the blood can go for a long time, and there is a need for its forced stop. There are many ways to stop bleeding, for example, a hemostatic sponge has a good hemostatic effect. When using this tool, it is necessary to take into account the existing indications and contraindications.

What is a hemostatic sponge?

The hemostatic sponge is an effective hemostatic agent that is widely used in various areas of medicine, in particular, in dentistry after tooth extraction. It has sorbent and antiseptic properties, at the same time stopping the blood and protecting the wound from pathogenic bacteria entering it. In addition, the tool promotes the speedy healing of damaged tissues of the hole.


After tooth extraction, the remedy is used not only to stop the blood, but also to prevent the development of possible inflammatory complications in the event of a complex surgical intervention, such as the extraction of a wisdom tooth (see also:). In a routine procedure for removing a unit of dentition, a collagen hemostatic sponge is used to stop bleeding.

After the operation, when the development of an inflammatory process in the socket is possible, doctors recommend the use of a special alveolar compress "Alvostasis", which also has the shape of a sponge. It has hemostatic and antiseptic properties and is used for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis.

Release form

The hemostatic sponge is a pressed powder of a dark yellow hue with a slight smell of acetic acid. Sponges are produced in the form of square plates measuring 50x50 mm or 90x90 mm and have a dry porous elastic structure. In production, they are placed in tightly closed plastic bags, and then packaged in cardboard packages individually.

Sponges absorb liquid well, while swelling a little. They do not dissolve in cold water and organic substances, however, they are subject to partial dissolution in water having a temperature above 75 degrees. Pressed plates are made from a collagen solution obtained from the skin and tendons of cattle. Substances such as nitrofural and boric acid are used as additional components.

One of the most effective is Alvostasis, which is packaged in plastic jars of 30 hemostatic sponges impregnated with a therapeutic solution 1x1 cm in size. It is produced in 3 versions and contains eugenol, iodoform, thymol, lidocaine, tricalcium phosphate and propolis.

How does it work?

The hemostatic agent is applied topically to pack the wound and has a wide range of actions, including:

  • stopping the blood;
  • protection of the wound from the development of bacterial infection;
  • relief of foci of inflammation;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • prevention of swelling of the gum tissue;
  • acceleration of the healing of the hole.

The action of the remedy continues for several hours after tooth extraction. After a certain time, the complete resorption of the collagen sponge placed on the wound in the gum occurs.

How does the hole heal after tooth extraction?

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After applying a collagen sponge to the hole of the extracted tooth, after a few minutes, the blood stops. The agent is left in the wound until it resolves on its own, on average this process takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, the wound begins to heal.

Full recovery of damaged tissues occurs much faster than it would be carried out without the use of a hemostatic sponge.

Instructions for the use of sponges in dentistry

Each package of the product contains detailed instructions for its use, which must be strictly followed in order to avoid complications. The use of a hemostatic sponge has its own nuances and features. The doctor should prescribe such drugs, taking into account contraindications and possible side effects.

Side effects

The use of a hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction, like any other medication, may be associated with the development of an allergic reaction. To avoid this, the doctor, before prescribing the drug, asks the patient about his cases of individual intolerance to any medicinal components. When using a hemostatic sponge, there is also a possibility of re-infection of the wound in the gum.

Available contraindications

The product can cause allergies, so the use of a hemostatic sponge is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to its components. Also, it can not be used for arterial bleeding from large vessels. With great care, such a remedy is prescribed to stop the bleeding in children.

Application procedure

After removing the sponge from the bag, it is applied to the hole of the extracted tooth. After 3-5 minutes, the bleeding stops, the sponge is saturated with blood and fits snugly to the edges of the wound. If bleeding continues, it is recommended to apply another one over the first sponge. After the bleeding has completely stopped, the sponge must be fixed with a U-shaped suture. To enhance the therapeutic effect, wetting the sponge with a solution of thrombin is shown.

The use of alveolar compresses "Alvostasis" has its own characteristics. Before using them, the wound is cleaned with warm saline, after which the doctor sucks it off with a pipette. The contents of the vial with "Alvostase" is applied to the wound in the gum, after which it is pressed down with a piece of sterile gauze for several minutes. If necessary, a gauze swab is left in the well, but not longer than for a day.

The doctor without fail warns the patient that the gauze should not be removed - after a while it will be rejected on its own. With severe tissue damage, it may be necessary to repeatedly replace the tampon.

An effective antihemorrhagic agent needed to stop the blood and used as a local antiseptic is a hemostatic sponge. In such a public way, one can not only stop heavy bleeding, but also accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. Collagen sponge has a wide spectrum of action, has found its application in several areas of medicine at once. Before using an antiseptic, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, ensure storage in a home first aid kit.

Hemostatic sponge

The detailed instructions indicate that this pharmaceutical product simultaneously combines the functions of a sorbent and an antiseptic, helps to avoid bacterial infection of open wounds. This preparation is natural in composition, therefore the only contraindication for use is the body's hypersensitivity to active substances. The mechanism of action of a hemostatic sponge is approximately as follows: upon contact with a damaged surface, adhesion and aggregation of platelets occurs, as a result of which bleeding stops.


A collagen hemostatic sponge is made from a special collagen solution extracted from the tendons and skin of cattle. Auxiliary components in the natural composition of this drug for external use are boric acid, nitrofural and furatsilin. Such a unique composition does not dissolve in organic solvents, is integral in water, but at the same time it is productively absorbed into the wound, forming the so-called protective barrier. The hemostatic sponge is resistant to elevated temperatures up to 75 degrees.

pharmachologic effect

This medical product, in terms of its pharmacological properties, has no complete analogues in terms of natural composition, it is sold in every pharmacy. The hemostatic sponge not only prevents bleeding and large-scale blood loss, but also restores the integrity of damaged vessels, accelerates the process of repairing damaged epidermal tissues. Such a universal remedy has bactericidal, aseptic, antimicrobial, regenerating, tonic and sorbing properties, purposefully acts on the focus of pathology.

Release form

In fact, it is a powder mass of yellow color of a pressed type, which has a mild smell of acetic acid. It dissolves in the body for 4-6 weeks, while the active substances overcome the systemic circulation, maintain their concentration for several days. The hemostatic sponge efficiently absorbs biological fluids, slightly increasing in size and swelling. The dimensions of such a plate are 50x50 mm or 90x90 mm, packed in a plastic bag, on top of a cardboard box.

Indications for use

The hemostatic sponge stops heavy bleeding of parenchymal, alveolar and capillary origin. It is required to use such medicine immediately, without waiting for heavy blood loss. It is required to act according to the instructions enclosed in the package. The attending physician strongly recommends the use of such a pharmaceutical product for its intended purpose in the following clinical situations, without violating the method of application, daily doses, general advice:

  • mechanical or chemical violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • defects of parenchymal organs, as an option - the liver, gallbladder;
  • trophic ulcers of different localization;
  • hemorrhages of the sinuses of the dura mater;
  • progressive bedsores, open wounds;
  • nosebleeds of unknown etiology;
  • acute otitis;
  • inflammation of internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • closure of the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy;
  • progressive hemostasis of dental practice.

Hemostatic sponge - instructions for use

This medicinal product is intended to be used externally to pack an open wound. A dry substance-solution is applied over an open wound, and then wait a few minutes. During this time, the hemostatic sponge is filled with blood, and the bleeding stops. Its edges fit snugly to the wound, but for greater reliability it is better to use a second sponge - on top of the first. When the hemorrhage is stopped, the healing agent is fixed by applying a U-shaped suture, and a bandage is wound. To enhance the effect, the sponge must be moistened with a solution of thrombin.

If you use a hemostatic sponge with amben, the rules for use are somewhat different. The contents of the bottle are intended for plugging the cavity of an open wound, and the agent itself must be held with a surgical instrument and a gauze swab for 5 minutes. You can leave a layer of gauze in the wound for a short time, but it must be removed the very next day. A hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction is used just according to this principle. The attending physician will prompt the correct choice of prescription and intensive care regimen.

Side effects

Not all patients are allowed to stop bleeding with a hemostatic sponge, since side effects may occur in the form of allergic, local reactions on the skin. This is itching, burning, redness, increased swelling of the dermis. Therefore, with an increased sensitivity of the body to active substances, it is better not to use the remedy after surgery and during intensive care. In addition, doctors do not exclude the risk of secondary infection. Detailed instructions for the use of a hemostatic sponge do not report other side effects.


If the surface of the dermis is damaged, not all patients are allowed to use this inexpensive drug, since there are medical restrictions. For example, in case of arterial bleeding from large vessels after resection, it is better not to use a hemostatic sponge. Such a remedy is carefully prescribed to a child, while it is strictly prohibited in case of increased sensitivity of the body to active components. So the dissolution of the agent in the cavity of an open wound does not help all patients, as reported in the detailed instructions.

Storage conditions

The sponge must be stored in a dry place, because with high humidity this drug will soon become unusable. The instructions say that such a local antiseptic should not fall into the hands of children, be used for other purposes. Self-medication is possible, especially if heavy bleeding needs to be stopped immediately. The expiration date is written on the packaging, which is also important not to violate, otherwise the desired result can not be expected. The family first aid kit is the best place to store a hemostatic sponge.


Some patients are sure that the hemostatic sponge is not able to stop the bleeding and alleviate the patient's plight. In reality, the effect of this medication is selective, in addition, it is important to take into account the risk of side effects. In such clinical pictures, the attending physician introduces a replacement, suggests using an analogue of the indicated pharmacological group. Here is a worthy replacement for modern pharmacology, which can also be purchased on a free sale, but after consulting with your doctor.

Hemostatic sponge - antihemorrhagic or hemostatic agent. The scope of its application is quite wide, and there are few side effects and contraindications. The drug helps to stop bleeding and promotes the speedy recovery of damaged tissues, limiting their injury and protecting them from negative external influences.

pharmachologic effect

The hemostatic sponge is both a sorbent and an antiseptic, it helps to stop bleeding and protects the wound from the development of bacterial infection. In addition, it contributes to the speedy recovery of damaged tissues.

The raw material for the manufacture of the sponge is a collagen solution, which is obtained from the skin and tendons of cattle. Additionally, boric acid and furatsilin are added to sponges. Due to its unique composition, the hemostatic collagen sponge is perfectly absorbed in the wound cavity, but it does not dissolve at all in cold water and various organic solvents, in addition, it tolerates temperature rise well, up to 75°C.

Hemostatic sponge is used in conjunction with Amben. Amben is a substance that prevents the dissolution of blood clots. The composition of such a sponge, in addition to amben, includes human blood plasma and calcium chloride.

Composition and form of release

The hemostatic collagen sponge is produced in the form of dry porous, soft and elastic plates. The plates are yellow and have a slight smell of acetic acid. Sponge plates absorb liquid well and at the same time swell a little. The sponge does not dissolve in cold water and organic solvents, but contraction occurs in hot water, as well as partial dissolution of the sponge.

Standard jaws are 50*50 mm or 100*100 mm. Ambene sponge is produced in the form of a dry substance packed in vials.


The hemostatic sponge can be used for a variety of capillary bleeding, such as epistaxis, bleeding after dental procedures and from the sinuses of the dura mater. Also, this sponge is often used for parenchymal bleeding or bleeding from internal organs, as well as for alveolar bleeding.

It can be used for skin lesions, including pressure sores, as well as for filling defects in parenchymal organs, for example, its use is justified after hepatic resection. It is also used to close the gallbladder bed after a cholecystectomy.

Instructions for use Hemostatic sponge (method and dosage)

It is used only locally for packing the wound. In about 3-5 minutes, the sponge is completely saturated with blood and fits snugly to the edges of the wound. If the bleeding from the wound has not stopped, you can use another sponge, it is applied over the first one. After stopping the bleeding, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture. To enhance the effect of using a sponge, it is often recommended to moisten it with a thrombin solution.

The rules for using amben sponges are slightly different from the standard ones: the contents of the sponge bottle are used to pack the wound surface. In this case, the sponge must be pressed down with a gauze swab or a surgical instrument for 3-5 minutes. If necessary, after the sponge falls asleep on the damaged surface, you can add a gauze swab there and even leave it in the wound cavity for no longer than a day.

Side effects

When using a sponge, like any other drug, allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, with a known hypersensitivity to furacilin and other natrofulans, it is better to refrain from using a hemostatic sponge. There is also the possibility of secondary infection of the wound when using a sponge.


Contraindicated in bleeding from large vessels.


The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before using the drug, you should consult with a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.



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