Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract

The gallbladder stores bile secreted by the liver and transports it through the bile ducts. The capacity of the gallbladder is 30 - 70 ml.

Liver is the largest digestive gland (weight approximately 1.5 kg) and "feeds" Bone marrow, which produces red balls (erythrocytes - red blood cells). It is involved in metabolic processes, primarily in the formation of the body's own protein from foreign "semi-finished products" that came with food, and life is generally impossible without protein. The liver produces bile, which aids in the digestion of fats. All blood flowing from the intestines passes through liver, where up to 95% of toxic substances formed during digestion are neutralized. It cleanses the blood of the remnants of red bodies that have outlived their age (120 days), of bilirubin. When the state of cells and vascular membranes between the bile ducts and capillaries in liver corresponds to the parameters set by nature, bilirubin is filtered out and goes with bile into the duodenum or gallbladder, then it is thrown out through the intestinal tract, staining the feces greenish and carrying out its antiseptic treatment. If the state of the tissues of the liver and bile ducts deviates from the norm, then the filtering and excreting abilities of this organ fall, and the content of bilirubin in the blood also increases.

Liver takes part in the synthesis of blood proteins, some blood coagulation factors. It accumulates useful substances, vitamins. Without going into details, we can say that the liver performs more than 500 important functions in the body. However, it should be noted that this important organ“does not like to open” his illnesses in advance.


To reduce the load on liver, it is recommended to comply with Everyday life 10 rules:

It is important to go to the doctor at least once every 2 years and check this important organ, even if it does not bother you at all.

Avoid alcohol for at least 3 days a week. This cleansing greatly strengthens the liver.

Don't use pills you don't know much about. Self-medication with pills without consulting a doctor is also harmful for many other organs, and especially for the liver.

Oddly enough, but the frequent use of various anti-dandruff products when washing your hair, the use of deodorants, artificial dyes, hair sprays also negatively affects the liver. It turns out that the whole point here is in pungent odors: they "reach out to the liver."

Remember also that harmful substances can enter the liver and through the skin. Therefore, try to cover all parts of the body well if you have to work with chemicals, paints, solvents.

Pay attention to your companions, interlocutors who are sick with hepatitis (jaundice). It is important to know that this disease is contagious and is transmitted through saliva, semen, blood, and also through water. So making love to people with jaundice is not at all safe.

Plentiful lunches, dinners, and especially fatty foods are also unsafe for the liver. It is better to eat 5 times a day, but little by little. Then the liver will cope with its duties much more efficiently, without undue stress.

Do not neglect vaccinations against various infectious diseases. Any infection in the body is primarily a blow to the liver.

Less often, the liver reminds of itself to those who try to be calm, cool-headed and do not explode on every occasion.

Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, heart, lungs and thus helps the liver to always be in shape.

If there is a large amount in the body harmful substances(for example, with a chronic disorder of the digestive process, alcoholism, etc.), liver functions are impaired, which affects metabolic processes and leads to serious illnesses. The most common liver diseases are acute inflammatory processes (hepatitis), chronic processes (liver cirrhosis) and neoplasms (cancer).

Therefore, it is necessary to do a liver cleanse once a year, but in the 1st year it must be performed 1 time per quarter.

It is necessary to take for the procedure 200 g of olive oil and lemon juice and clean according to plan. On the 1st, 2nd, 3rd days they put an enema and eat only apple juice in unlimited quantities, but you need to drink juice only before 10 am - the liver relaxes at this time. After 10 hours, go to bed, place a heating pad on the liver area and every 15 minutes. drink 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and then a lot of lemon juice. After 120 minutes, remove the heating pad.

Removal of toxins is carried out, as a rule, in 3 doses in 24 hours. After 1.5 - 2 hours after the 3rd removal of toxins, it is recommended to give an enema, drink juice, have a small breakfast of porridge or fruit.

After 12 hours have passed, arrange another 1-well cleansing through an enema. But all week abide vegetarian food because all this time runs bowel cleansing (feces becomes light in color).

Once a week (preferably 2 times), do the following procedure: before going to bed, moisten a piece of cloth in water, wring it out and wrap yourself in it, starting from the armpits and ending with the knees, above is unnecessary and below as well. Next, you need to warmly, wrapped up in bed, and lie quietly for about 90 minutes. It helps to strengthen the digestive organs and protect against various diseases and colds.


To liver worked better, pour 250 gr. boiling water 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves, wrap and let it brew for 60 minutes. At the same time, make a decoction of nettle roots (put 1 tablespoon of finely chopped roots into 250 g of boiling water, heat over low heat for 15 minutes, let it brew for half an hour and strain) Next, you need to mix 2 solutions, put to your taste honey either granulated sugar, take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Mix 125 gr. cabbage pickle with 1/2 tbsp. juice from garden tomatoes. Take 3 times a day at the end of a meal, 250 gr.

For any liver disease, use a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoons of birch buds in 1 glass of water, take 1-2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Use the chestnut season to heal your liver. Take 20 - 25 pcs. edible chestnut, peel, chop, pour honey until coated. The next day, honey is ready for use in 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
For the future, do not prepare.


Quince, calamus, aloe, anise, orange, watermelon, banana, barberry, birch, birch mushroom, immortelle, mad cucumber, lingonberry, budra, initial letter, valerian, verbena, veronica, cherry, blueberry, pepper mountaineer, mustard, pomegranate, grapefruit, walnut, pear, elecampane, gorse, oak, oregano, fume, melon, blackberry, watercress, hare cabbage, St. John's wort, wild strawberry, golden root, centaury, calendula, viburnum, cabbage, potato, chestnut, dogwood, cranberry, coriander, corn, flax, hazelnut, lemongrass, linden, onion, coltsfoot, lemon balm , juniper, carrot, mint, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, mistletoe, parsley, tansy, sunflower, wormwood, tomato, millet, burdock, rice, rose, chamomile, mountain ash, lettuce, beet, plum, black currant, pine, sophora , blackthorn, thyme, pumpkin, yarrow, dill, beans, horsetail, horseradish, persimmon, chicory, blueberries, celandine, sage, wild rose, sorrel, apple tree, ash, yasnotka, barley.

FOLK REMEDIES - bitterness in the mouth

With bitterness in the mouth and severe pain under the right rib, put a warming compress on the indicated place and take 125 gr. olive oil. Then take by weight - 4 parts of soda, 1 part of cooking and 1 part Glauber's salt, under the influence of this, the separation of bile is enhanced. Pour half a teaspoon of this mixture into 125 gr. warm boiled water and take this mixture 1st time in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second time around noon.
Effective in case of jaundice and gallstones.

To cleanse the liver for 3 consecutive days before going to bed, apply a heating pad for 15 minutes, wrapping it with a towel.

Take olive oil. You need to eat nothing for 1 day, drink only 100 g of oil. At the same time, the bile ducts are cleansed, and a lot of different harmful juice comes out of them.

It is necessary to beat well and take a couple of chicken yolks. After 5 minutes, take 250 gr. heated mineral water (without gases), then lie down for 2 hours on the right side with a heating pad under your side.


Quince, calamus, acacia, aloe, cherry plum, orange, peanut, immortelle, initial letter, watch, pomegranate, oregano, fume, St. John's wort, golden rod, calendula, chestnut, dogwood, coriander, corn, buckthorn, cat paws, linden, burdock, onion, toadflax, marjoram, daisies, olive, juniper, carrot, coltsfoot, oats, dandelion, shepherd's bag, tansy, sunflower, wormwood, wheatgrass, rhubarb, radish, mountain ash, licorice, pine, thyme, cumin, pumpkin, yarrow, dill, hops, cetraria, blueberries, celandine, wild rose, yasnotka.


If you feel bitterness in your mouth, grind the flax seed, take so much that you get 1-st. l. flour, brew as liquid jelly and take in the morning and evening before meals.

For bitterness in the mouth, as well as for any disorders of the liver, brew in a teapot as tea (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) corn silk and drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals warm, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey. Fibers from an unripe fruit have no healing power.

Take 500 gr. per day infusion of immortelle flowers.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water 250 gr. oats and evaporate over low heat by approximately 0.25 of the initial amount of liquid. Take 250 gr. 3 - 4 times a day. A very effective diuretic.

What are the signs of liver and gallbladder disease. Gallbladder diseases

Hepatitis (symptoms) Cirrhosis of the liver - treatment

Can the gallbladder hurt and how does it manifest itself? Answer to question asked we will give in the presented article. In addition, you will learn about the reasons why inflammatory process in gallbladder and how to treat such a pathological condition.

general information

Fortunately, not everyone knows how the gallbladder hurts. After all, such a deviation is characterized by rather unpleasant symptoms that can be eliminated only by drinking an anesthetic antispasmodic drug.

Before talking about why the gallbladder hurts, you should find out what this organ is.

As you know, the gallbladder is part of the digestive system. It is located directly below the liver and is connected to it by the bile ducts. This organ is small (about the size of a human thumb) and shaped like a small hollow pear. The main role played by the gallbladder is the accumulation, as well as the excretion of a special fluid that is produced by the liver. It should be especially noted that it is essential for the absorption of fats and the movement of food through the intestines. Within 2 full days in the liver of an adult, approximately 2 liters of bile can be produced.

How does the gallbladder hurt? Deviation symptoms (general)

The main symptom of the disease of such a digestive organ is the palpation of its enlarged size. In addition, people who have such a deviation very often complain of constant and rather severe pain in the region of the right hypochondrium. By the way, often such unpleasant sensations spread to the back, lower back, right shoulder blade and shoulder.

It should also be noted that where the gallbladder hurts, a person may experience a special tension in muscle tissue (in the upper abdomen).

At an early stage in the development of this deviation, unpleasant sensations are usually paroxysmal in nature. With coughing, increased and deep breathing, as well as a change in the position of the body, they can significantly increase.

Now you know how the gallbladder hurts. Symptoms of such a deviation can either be long-lasting or last only a few hours. In addition, patients very often experience nausea followed by vomiting, which does not bring any relief. If the patient’s work of the said organ is disrupted, then his body temperature may rise, dry mouth may appear, and the heartbeat will noticeably become more frequent.

If the gallbladder hurts (the symptoms were presented above), then you should immediately consult a doctor. The latter is obliged to conduct an examination and prescribe a treatment that will alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Why does the gallbladder hurt?

There are a lot of reasons why this organ hurts a lot. The main ones are the following:

  • inflammatory processes (the so-called cholecystitis);
  • exchange;
  • functional causes without inflammatory processes, but with impaired motility of the digestive organ (that is, dyskinesia).

Let's consider all the presented deviations in more detail.

Chronic and acute cholecystitis

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder (chronic or acute), which is accompanied by violations of biliary functions. How does the gallbladder hurt in this case? The presented deviation is characterized by the following signs: aching pain and discomfort in the region of the right hypochondrium. As a rule, such discomfort lasts long enough long time and brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Most often, pain intensification occurs after the use of fatty and fried foods, as well as eggs, savory snacks, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Such a meal causes the patient to feel sick, or airy, bitter taste and dry mouth.


If a patient has a metabolic disease, how does the gallbladder hurt? Symptoms of such a deviation can spread to the entire abdominal cavity, and then concentrate in the right hypochondrium. Typically, the patient feels strong feeling nausea leading to vomiting. Moreover, at cholelithiasis patients often experience constipation.

As you know, the formation of stones is characteristic of such a deviation. Most often this happens as a result of a violation of metabolic processes. Currently, there are several groups of stones that differ in chemical composition: pigmented, purely cholesterol, purely calcareous and mixed (that is, lime-cholesterol-pigment). For diagnosing this disease it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the presented organ.

Biliary dyskinesia

“My gallbladder hurts. What to do?" - this question is often asked by gastroenterologists. After all, to endure the symptoms that accompany this deviation is not only impossible, but also dangerous to health.

Biliary dyskinesia is a disease of the digestive organ, which is characterized by a violation of its motor activity. As a result of such a deviation, the process of bile entry into the duodenum may be disrupted. In medical practice, there are two main types of presented pathology:

  • hypotonic, that is, the motor activity of the organ is significantly reduced;
  • hypertonic, that is, motor activity is increased.

To identify such a deviation, you should definitely contact a therapist and tell him about how the gallbladder hurts. Symptoms of this disease can manifest as follows:

How to treat diseases of the gallbladder?

An experienced gastroenterologist is the one to help you if your gallbladder hurts a lot. Treatment of this organ is prescribed only after a personal examination of the patient by a doctor. By the way, for staging more accurate diagnosis The doctor may recommend that the patient undergo an ultrasound examination. Using this method, you can easily identify the presence or, conversely, the absence of its inflammation, increase in size, etc.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor is obliged to prescribe an effective treatment that will not only save the patient from unpleasant symptoms, but also eliminate the inflammatory process that develops in this organ.

It should be especially noted that the therapy of cholecystitis (acute or chronic) is carried out only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. The first thing the specialist prescribes is a strict diet. The patient is forbidden to eat fatty and fried foods, as well as fresh bakery and confectionery, including chocolates, cakes, etc. In addition, the patient is not recommended to drink alcohol and carbonated drinks. Also, the patient should exclude spicy and spicy dishes from his diet, including fresh garlic, onions and peppers.

For special indications, which the attending physician is obliged to consider in each individual case, the patient may be prescribed various means and enzymes that normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

After the period of exacerbation subsides, one should proceed to physiotherapy and treatment with mineral waters.

Surgical intervention

If as a result of therapeutic treatment it was not possible to alleviate the patient's condition, then doctors resort to surgical intervention. By the way, the operation is also carried out if there is calculous cholecystitis(with the formation of stones). The excision of this organ can be performed in a classical way with the help of abdominal intervention or in a low-traumatic way (laparoscopy).

It's important to know

With untimely and improper treatment of gallbladder diseases, the patient may develop quite severe complications in the form of a violation of the process of outflow of bile, infection inner content, purulent inflammation organ walls, biliary fistulas and subhepatic abscesses.

If the gallbladder began to hurt suddenly and you do not have the opportunity to visit the hospital, then it is recommended to refuse to eat any food and take an anesthetic. Tea will help alleviate the condition based on such medicinal plants, like flowers of calendula, chamomile, columns with stigmas of corn, common tansy, leaves peppermint, dandelion roots, as well as herbs of bitter wormwood, great celandine and fruits

If unpleasant sensations arose at night, then to alleviate the condition, you can lie on the left side of the body and apply light blows to the right side. This method will allow you to release part of the bile from the bladder, which will partially help eliminate pain.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of liver diseases, but the main ones are not proper nutrition, alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle and viral infections.

Women are more likely than men to develop gallbladder disease. This can be explained by the fact that pregnancy contributes to the formation of gallstones (the growing uterus shifts the internal organs, changes the position of the gallbladder, compresses the bile ducts, increases the level of cholesterol in the blood). It is also known that women breathe with their chests, and men with their stomachs. During male breathing, the movement of the diaphragm promotes the flow of bile through the bile ducts; during female breathing, the diaphragm moves little, and bile stagnates. But such a disease as cirrhosis, caused mainly by alcohol abuse, occurs more often in men.

Hepatitis affects everyone, regardless of gender and age. Although those who follow the rules of hygiene and who have a healthy liver are less susceptible, because healthy organ Even a virus is hard to defeat. Therefore, do not strain your liver, let it take a break from heavy food, arrange periodic cleanings for it. Imagine that our hostess-liver is tired and has started to work not at full capacity. What will happen? Now we will understand, but first of all we will find out why the liver can get tired.

Liver fatigue can be caused by protracted and chronic diseases of other organs, such as the stomach, biliary tract, and intestines. Various long-term industrial hazards, chronic infections(tuberculosis, syphilis), malnutrition and malnutrition - all this has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the liver and can cause fatigue.

I have no doubt that many people know about viral hepatitis (also called Botkin's disease). This disease often occurs in school groups, kindergartens, etc. Doctors establish the strictest quarantines, but all the same, the hepatitis virus spreads rapidly, and many suffer from hepatitis. The virus enters the liver and begins its destructive work.

A healthy liver resists viruses. And at first, a person does not notice any deviations in well-being. But the enemy is stronger, and the liver, tired of the fight, usually gives up. It is important not to miss the moment and start treatment on time. After all, if hepatitis is not treated or treated incorrectly, then acute hepatitis gradually becomes chronic.

Signs of chronic hepatitis

The most difficult thing in the work of a doctor is to determine the disease. Let it not seem ridiculous to you, but sometimes it is easier to put a patient on his feet than to diagnose him. Why? Yes, because the doctor makes the diagnosis on the basis of three factors: the patient's complaints, the examination of the patient and the results of the tests. And sometimes these factors do not want to interconnect with each other. The patient complains about one thing, the examination shows another, the test results do not say anything at all. Puzzle. And the local doctor usually has no time for puzzles. And the disease, not receiving a proper rebuff, develops to the fullest. How to be?

First of all, you need to learn how to properly talk about your symptoms. If something worries you, you feel unwell and you decide to go to the doctor, then think over in advance what you will say. Your complaints must be clearly formulated, this does not require any special knowledge, speak your own language, but so that the doctor understands you. Do not miss any trifles, even if they seem insignificant to you. Headache or dizziness, loss of appetite, fatigue - these are all symptoms, you need to tell the doctor about them, but briefly, without unnecessary emotions and descriptions, say, of your childhood illnesses.

And two more important moments: never go to the doctor with a self-diagnosis, and never listen to your brothers in turn before medical office. I will give you two cases.

One patient, a rather young woman, came to the doctor with a demand to urgently take her to the hospital, as she allegedly had appendicitis, which was about to rupture. She quarreled, called the doctor a murderer, shouted that everything, everything hurt her, that she was about to burst. The doctor called an ambulance, and the girl was taken to surgery department nearest hospital. There she continued to swear, but the surgeons, people with strong nerves, did not succumb to her cries and persuasion, and, thank God, they did not perform an operation on her. The girl did not have appendicitis, but viral hepatitis. She was transferred to the infectious diseases hospital, and quarantine for hepatitis was imposed on the surgical department ...

And the second case happened with my patient.

She came to my appointment, almost doubled over. "How long have you been in pain?" I asked. “Two weeks ago,” I heard in response. "Why didn't you come right away?" - I found it strange. “I came, but I couldn’t get to the office. While I was sitting in line, I talked to people, they told me that this is exactly what I have kidney pain and I went to the urologist. But my kidneys were healthy. And the second time I went to you, but downstairs I got into a conversation with your cloakroom attendant, she claimed that I had ectopic pregnancy She, they say, was like that too. I went straight from her to the gynecologist ... So today again I was embarrassed in the queue, some woman says that I have osteochondrosis, because all diseases can be from the spine, she knows everything about this disease, I already wanted to take a number to a neurologist but then it was my turn.

I looked at the sufferer with pity, listened to her and thought that I should probably hang a sign on the door of my office: “We ask patients not to exchange recommendations for the treatment of diseases. This makes it very difficult to diagnose." And the woman turned out to have gallstone disease, and she had to undergo surgery.

Now let's talk about the symptoms and signs of chronic hepatitis.

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis. The first symptom is pain. Pain in chronic hepatitis is rarely acute, more often it is a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, dull pain in the liver, which is periodic. The second symptom is known to all - it is jaundice. Yellow coloration of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the sclera and cornea (the visible transparent membranes of the eye) occurs only periodically during exacerbations of the disease in a mild form.

Chronic hepatitis developed as a result of an acute infectious hepatitis, proceeds most often benignly (that is, with rare periodic exacerbations). During the period of exacerbations, the liver may increase slightly, and when palpated, it is usually painful. The general condition is satisfactory. At the same time, the liver continues to work in normal rhythm performing all functions.

Less commonly, chronic hepatitis acquires a progressive course. And then the patient begins to complain of weakness, fatigue, stupid, aching pain, heaviness or other discomfort in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, belching. Appetite is reduced, often there is a violation of digestion.

With an exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, there may appear pruritus, mild jaundice and increased pain in the right hypochondrium. The same symptoms, although less pronounced, accompany cholelithiasis, so the doctor should pay attention to external signs. On the body a patient with chronic hepatitis appear spider veins - small vessels of a reddish hue in the form of asterisks, which are about 1 cm in size, visible through the layers of the skin. And the patient also has the so-called hepatic palms - reddish palms. As the exacerbation decreases, the number spider veins also decreases or they disappear completely, while the redness of the palms lasts a long time.

During a period of severe exacerbation, the liver, as a rule, is enlarged and protrudes from under the edge of the costal arch by 4-5 cm (while in a healthy person the edge of the liver does not go beyond the level of the costal arch), dense and painful to the touch. When the disease recedes a little (remission period), the size of the liver decreases markedly and almost returns to normal. But then everything can repeat itself, the period of exacerbation will begin again.

In general, it should be noted that chronic hepatitis occurs with frequent exacerbations (the cause of which may be dietary errors, severe physical labor, nervous tension). And every time the working capacity decreases, the activity of the liver is disturbed.

But if you behave reasonably and do not mock your own body, but try to follow the correct diet and work, you can ensure that chronic hepatitis proceeds favorably, with long-term remissions up to several years. And it may very well be that everything will end with your victory, that is, recovery.

For those who neglect the rules of nutrition and regime, I want to recall the words of Oscar Wilde: "Everything can be experienced, except death." And she will not keep herself waiting long, because chronic hepatitis, if left untreated, can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and that (if left untreated again) - to a sad end.

Cirrhosis of the liver

In almost half of cases, cirrhosis is untreated viral hepatitis. The second half is the influence of alcohol. This is, of course, a rough division. Poisoning with arsenic, fluoride, antibiotics, sulfonamides can also lead to cirrhosis, but their exposure should be prolonged - from taken pill, say, ampicillin trihydrate cirrhosis, of course, will not start.

With cirrhosis, part of the liver cells die and the size of the liver gradually decreases. Arise major changes functions of the liver and the whole organism, which leads to a sharp disturbance of appetite, digestion, stool, emaciation, weakness, permanent jaundice with a grayish-yellow skin tone. And the longer the disease proceeds, the symptoms become brighter. Fever is more common sharp pains in the abdomen, as well as symptoms of increased pressure in the vessels of the liver, such as bleeding from digestive tract, manifested by stool or vomiting with blood, dropsy of the abdomen and a pattern of veins visible on the skin of the abdomen (the so-called symptom jellyfish heads).

The course of the disease can be fast, progressive, or it can be slow, sluggish. The rapid course of the disease is characteristic of alcoholic cirrhosis.

Alcoholic liver disease

Alcoholic hepatitis - is the term adopted for acute inflammatory changes in the liver caused by alcohol. This type of hepatitis has other names: toxic hepatitis, fatty hepatitis, alcoholic steatonecrosis. Spicy alcoholic hepatitis- a disease that alcoholics are susceptible to, that is, it develops when systematic use alcohol. In alcoholic hepatitis, all liver cells are affected. People with inadequate noticed hereditary predisposition to alcoholic hepatitis. Repeated attacks of acute alcoholic hepatitis lead to liver damage similar to chronic hepatitis.

The prognosis of alcoholic hepatitis in the event of cessation of drinking is favorable: after 3–5 weeks, complaints decrease or disappear, usually a slight increase in the liver remains. But if a person cannot stop and continues to drink, then acute alcoholic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver of the final stage of the disease. It happens that after 3-4 months, alcoholic hepatitis turns into cirrhosis of the liver.

There are sad statistics. According to foreign literature, of the complications leading to death, most often develop hepatic coma(55.8%), bleeding (30.8%), joint damage to the liver and kidneys (27.8%), infectious complications(14.9%). Of course, cirrhosis can also occur in a non-drinker, but, based on the same statistics, we have to state that cirrhosis is detected 7 times more often in alcohol abusers than in non-drinkers. The likelihood of serious liver damage after 15 years of excessive drinking is 8 times greater than after 5 years. So think for yourself...

True, I do not believe that this statistic can scare anyone. In my opinion, medical reports have not yet forced anyone to stop drinking, but maybe they will spoil the pleasure of vodka at least a little. Although any alcoholic, firstly, does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, secondly, he necessarily has a “good” reason why he is forced to drink. For example, my former neighbor in a communal apartment, a former doctor himself, and now an inveterate drunkard, spoke, waving in front of my nose index finger: "You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors, and therefore let's go, Alexandra, have a drink." I began to be indignant, and he said: “You shouldn’t argue - it’s not me who said it, but the French writer Rabelais, and, mind you, he blurted it out a very long time ago, and so far no one has refuted it.” Well, alcoholics probably have their own statistics.

And I am writing these lines not for them, but rather for their relatives, because I remember all the time how a sixty-year-old woman was kneeling in my office, asking to save her alcoholic son, who was dying of cirrhosis of the liver. But neither I nor any of the doctors could help him, it was too late ...

Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts

First of all, I would like to talk about inflammatory diseases, but about those in which a violation of the gallbladder and biliary tract first occurs, about the so-called functional diseases.

functional diseases

This is the name of those diseases that have arisen for any reason, and, as a rule, with proper treatment they pass. Biliary dyskinesia is one of such diseases.

Biliary dyskinesia

I often have to watch patients look up at me in surprise when I diagnose them. biliary dyskinesia. What is this disease, how often does it occur, why and with whom? Let's try to figure it out.

My friend's daughter, Anyutka, was diagnosed with biliary dyskinesia as a child. The treatment proposed was simple: compliance correct mode days and diet. And what there mode! A friend had a crazy job, irregular working hours, grandmothers lived in other cities, Anyuta's dad had a different family. In general, the girl was left to herself almost from the cradle, she was the last to be taken from the kindergarten, a neighbor brought her from the extension. The child always ate on his own, according to the principle: what I know how to cook, what I have in the refrigerator I eat.

When Anyutka grew up, the pains in her stomach began to intensify, nausea and problems with stool appeared. The girl became lethargic, often cried, or even just sobbed hysterically for no reason. A friend said: "Hormonal restructuring, transitional age, will pass."

My friend sounded the alarm only when Anna began to study poorly, and not from laziness, but from the fact that her memory had deteriorated, absent-mindedness appeared. And my mother, I must say, had a clear attitude: my daughter should be the smartest! And instead of sending the girl to the doctor, she began to check what she does after school. I called her incessantly, checked to see if she was at home, if the phone was busy and if her daughter was chatting with her friends, gave the TV to a neighbor, kept tabs on how many pages Anya read in a day (although I tried to convince my friend that reading was only good for the girl). In general, in my opinion, my friend became unbearable, which I warned her about.

Anya, from such actions of her mother, began to cry even more often, she lay crouched on the sofa for hours. And one day, when I got tired of listening to my friend's telephone news, I called Anya to the phone and said:

- You know what, Princess Nesmeyana, tomorrow you will come to see me, do all the tests ... It doesn’t matter that you are still in the children’s clinic, your illnesses are already quite adult. I will prescribe you a treatment that will definitely help. But you must follow all the instructions. Otherwise, I am not responsible for the consequences ... And you go to a psychologist for a consultation.

- Oh, aunt Sasha, I will do everything. I'm so tired of these pains, you feel like an invalid ... - an adult child whimpered into the phone.

Do you know how long it took Anya and me to heal her? Year. On examination, it turned out that the girl had accompanying illnesses: gastritis, duodenitis, dysbiosis ... And all this was aggravated by a depressive state. But the girl turned out to be a smart girl, she not only regularly drank medicines, but she herself established a regimen. I bought a book by Gennady Malakhov and performed a liver cleanse, drank herbal infusions, I began to do aerobics at home on a videotape. In general, a doctor can only dream of such patients.

Now Anya is 18 years old, she got married early and is expecting a child. There are no problems, thank God, with the liver yet.

We have already talked about what the gallbladder is, where it is located and how it looks externally. Now let's find out what's inside. And inside the walls of the gallbladder and bile ducts is a thin layer of muscle. It is needed so that the gallbladder can be emptied of bile. How does it happen?

Because muscle layer located inside the wall, then when the muscles contract, there is a translational movement of the entire wall of the gallbladder and bile ducts. That is, at the same time there is a coordinated contraction of some muscles and relaxation of others, as a result of which bile regularly (as needed) flows from the gallbladder into the intestines.

Due to the action of some reasons, there is a violation of this correct coordinated movement of the muscles, from where the name of this disease came from (the word dyskinesia consists of the roots of two Latin words: dis- violation and kinesis - traffic). Motility is impaired, the activity of which is controlled by the central nervous system.

The reasons for the development of this disease there may be a violation of the functions of the nervous system (neurosis, mental trauma, vegetovascular dystonia), insufficient motor activity, chronic diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, infections, other diseases of the organs abdominal cavity(gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, colitis), gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders, congenital malformation of the gallbladder and biliary tract. As well as muscle weakness of the biliary tract (most often in painful, weakened people), which occurs when seated life and lack of natural nutrition.

Most often this disease is observed in women (77% of patients), and mainly in young age(up to 40 years). What are the manifestations of this disease?

Signs of biliary dyskinesia.

The main feature is pain in the right iliac or epigastric region, which can be acute and intermittent (more often), occurring several times a week or a month, less often they can be dull and prolonged. Attacks of these pains can occur after unrest, neuropsychic stress, less often after a violation of the diet, intense physical activity, or even without visible reasons. Most often, these attacks go away on their own.

In addition to pain, there may be constipation, diarrhea or alternating them, as well as periodic bouts of nausea or even vomit.

What to do if you suspect this disease?

Treatment of dyskinesia. Regardless of the cause that caused dyskinesia, to reduce pain attacks, it is necessary to avoid neuropsychic and physical overstrain. You need to build your daily routine in such a way that it suits you, so that it is comfortable both at work and at home. Of course, you can say that it is easy to advise, but how to do it in practice?

Try to analyze what you did for at least one day, and determine if there was anything superfluous that you spent too much effort and emotion on. Maybe it was worth spending less feelings and excitement on some events? Maybe you need to take a break, despite the accumulated cases? After all, if health requires, then things can wait.

For example, I know that many women, having come home from work, barely having time to take off their outer clothes and wash their hands, rush to the kitchen to cook dinner for the family or do laundry and clean up. And I advise you to start the evening with something else: with a shower and a fifteen-minute rest on the couch. Maybe at first your loved ones will look at you with displeasure, but believe me, your actions are fully justified. Water will wash away all the negative energy that has accumulated on your skin during the day, and rest will provide an opportunity to gain new, positive energy that you can safely spend in the kitchen.

If you have already been examined and received a diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia, then the type should also be indicated - hypotonic (with a decrease in tone) or hypertonic (with an excessive increase in tone).

In the first case, for some increase in tone, it is good to take tonics such as ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus, aloe extract and other stimulating drugs. If these funds are in the form of tincture, then it is good to take them 15-20 drops in a glass of cool water 1-2 times a day. It is also recommended to take mineral waters, for example Essentuki No. 17, Arzni (well No. 15), Batalinsky. Any water should be taken cold or slightly warm, without gas, 1 bottle per day in 2-3 doses half an hour - an hour before meals.

At increased tone (hypertonic type) you should take soothing drugs, such as, for example, tincture of valerian, peony, hawthorn, motherwort. In this case, it is better to take the following mineral waters: Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya of the Zheleznovodsk resort, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 20, Narzan No. 7 in a hot (warm) form. The amount from 0.5 to 1 liter divided into 5-6 doses per day.

It will be nice if you can do a liver cleanse (read about this in the following chapters).

Inflammatory diseases

Now let's talk about inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, such as cholecystitis, cholangitis, and gallstones.

cholecystitis and cholangitis

Let's figure out what it is. If the inflammatory process is more pronounced in the gallbladder, this disease is called cholecystitis, and if in the bile ducts - cholangitis (or angiocholitis). A gallbladder infection easily spreads to the bile ducts and vice versa. That is why doctors often use a general term that characterizes the inflammatory state of the entire biliary tract system - angiocholecystitis.

Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract are also acute and chronic, and they are caused by numerous microbial pathogens.

Causes of inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts.

Cholecystitis and cholangitis develop most often in the presence of stones or sand in the gallbladder or ducts that interfere with the free outflow of bile. Inflammation can also be caused by microorganisms that enter the gallbladder mainly from the intestines. The cause of inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts can also be gastritis with insufficient acid content in gastric juice. Often, chronic angiocholecystitis is accompanied by chronic hepatitis or develops after acute hepatitis.

Chronic cholecystitis may develop after acute cholecystitis or against the background of general chronic diseases ( chronic appendicitis, tonsillitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, malaria, inflammatory gynecological diseases).

Risk factors.

Who is most likely to get cholecystitis? While the incidence of gallstones increases with age, acalculous cholecystitis occurs more frequently at a younger age, 30 to 45 years. In women, bacterial acalculous cholecystitis occurs about 2–3 times more often than in men, while in cholelithiasis, the ratio is 5–6:1.

Predisposing factors to the occurrence of chronic cholecystitis is obesity, gastric ulcer and duodenum, chronic gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis.

The gallbladder is a repository for bile, so it is not difficult to imagine the gallbladder as a kind of pantry. Stocks are constantly accumulating in it, but for some reason they are not consumed and begin to deteriorate. Approximately the same thing happens in the gallbladder, that is, stagnation and a change in the properties of bile develop in it. Stagnation of bile is usually the result of movement disorders- dyskinesia, which we just talked about. Stagnation of bile that develops with dyskinesia creates conditions under which microorganisms can show their aggressiveness and lead to inflammation of the biliary tract.

Stagnation of bile contributes to irregular meals, overeating, abuse of animal fats, smoked meats, spicy and spicy dishes. It goes without saying that alcohol in excessive doses contributes to the occurrence of cholecystitis and cholangitis.

Heredity also plays a role in the manifestation of the disease, but probably not as significant as the previous factors. Rather, it is even worth talking not about genetic heredity, but about the heredity of habits. After all, we get used to a certain type of food from childhood in the family where we grow up. And if a mother is accustomed to fatty and spicy food, then she will also, to her taste, feed her family. Consequently, the child will develop the habit of eating the same way, and the shape of his body will repeat the shape of the body of his parents, and inside the same chemical reactions will take place as in the older generation. Therefore, most likely, a full mother will raise a full daughter or son, and it is rare to see a fat child in a thin family.

Although there are exceptions.

For example, I knew one mother who herself did not differ in fullness, her husband was generally thin, and her daughter had extremely magnificent forms. And all because mother in her youth really liked plump children, with thick smooth cheeks, “dressings” on arms and legs, etc. And when her daughter was born, she simply fed her child. She achieved her goal - the girl resembled a baby doll. Do you think a girl, when she grew up, said thank you to her mother? Not at all. At school, my daughter had problems in physical education classes, the boys called names. When she grew up, there were difficulties in choosing clothes - you can’t put on a short skirt, fit a dress - you can’t find your waist. Young people do not indulge in attention. And why did I start talking about this girl - did you guess? Yes, she is my patient, she suffers, she is poor, with cholecystitis, she is being treated in all possible ways, she dreams of losing weight. And her mother cannot forgive herself in any way, that through her own stupidity she has done so many troubles to her own child.

Therefore, my dears, I ask you to watch the diet of your children, it should be varied and balanced, both overeating and malnutrition are bad. And most importantly, make sure that the child eats at the same time. The habit of proper nutrition is laid in childhood.

For example, in the family of my parents it was customary to have dinner at seven o'clock in the evening. It was an immutable rule. All day long everyone ate in different places: some at school, some at work, but by seven o'clock everyone had to sit at a round home table and watch how grandmother poured soup into bowls.

In childhood and adolescence, I really didn’t like it, I thought it was violence against the person, because sometimes I had to leave everything halfway and rush home as soon as possible so as not to be late for the table (if any of the family members were absent, tell about it in advance without warning, everyone was waiting for him to come, and it was embarrassing to keep yourself waiting, so no one was late).

When I got older, I realized that my mother, who adhered to such a strict schedule, was right: firstly, we are all used to eating at the same time (and this habit has remained with me all my life), and secondly, every day gathering with the whole family at the table, we could talk, discuss common family matters. You see, not separately - mother and daughter, father and mother, etc., but all together. A community was created, which is called the family, where each person is its worthy member, has the right to vote. There was also a third positive aspect: a tribute to my grandmother, because all day long, while we were all studying or working, she took care of the housework, cooked dinner for us, took care of our food, we had to somehow thank her, so at least come on time, so that she does not have to reheat the food once again, and after dinner, thank her for her care.

My school friend Irina had the opposite in her family. No, they lived well. They didn't fight, they took care of each other. But they ate like this: I want to eat, I want not. If there is no hot lunch, then a bottle of kefir will do. I wanted to eat at twelve at night - please, a piece of sausage from the refrigerator. As a result, Irina's father developed an ulcer, her mother had already been operated on twice, stones were cut out, Irishka herself, and now Irina Igorevna, suffers from chronic cholecystitis, Ira's daughter has been complaining of abdominal pain since childhood ...

Here is heredity for you: adjust your diet, change your daily routine, adhere to elementary rules in food - and heredity will change.

Signs of cholecystitis.

How many internal illnesses cholecystitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute cholecystitis manifested by painful attacks in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region. Nausea and vomiting may occur. The temperature jumps very high - up to 38-39 ° C. The pain can be very strong, simply unbearable, it can radiate to the right shoulder and shoulder blade. It occurs most often suddenly, but if you ask the patient, it will most likely turn out that 3-4 hours before the attack he ate something spicy, fatty or took alcohol. 2-3 days after the onset of an attack, yellowness of the skin may appear. Urine will become dark in color.

If an attack of acute cholecystitis occurs, the intervention of a surgeon may be required (if a pebble is stuck in the duct), so an ambulance must be called. And before her arrival, in no case put a heating pad on the patient, do not try to clear the stomach.

Chronic cholecystitis manifested by fever (during exacerbations), decreased appetite, aversion to fatty, fried foods, dryness, bitterness in the mouth, belching, nausea, periodic vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, unstable stools. In addition, during exacerbation, there may be an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the tongue is coated with a thick, pale yellow coating. This disease is characterized by dull, aching, pressing, periodic or constant pain in the right hypochondrium, aggravated after taking fatty, fried, cold foods, overwork, physical activity and during the period of other infections (even the common cold). With this disease, referred pain in the back can also be felt, right shoulder blade, right shoulder, neck, back of the head, and also in the lower back.

Sometimes chronic cholecystitis occurs without severe pain and is accompanied only by a feeling of awkwardness in the right hypochondrium. In addition to the listed complaints and objective data, gallbladder disease is judged by the nature of the bile obtained during duodenal sounding in medical institutions.

Since the gallbladder and bile ducts are closely related anatomically and functionally, inflammation usually occurs not in isolation in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts, but together. Therefore, the symptoms of chronic cholecystitis and chronic angiocholitis are similar. Only a doctor can distinguish between these diseases by making an analysis of the bile obtained by duodenal sounding.


I recently overheard a story on the bus. Two elderly women were talking.

“Can you imagine,” a plump, gray-haired woman said to her friend, “I almost gave up here. My son has been threatening to send me south for a long time, to see the sea and relax, and now he was honored, he bought me a ticket to Anapa. They accompanied me with my daughter-in-law to the train, and for the first time in my life I went to have a cultural rest. But, apparently, it was not my destiny to swim in the sea ...

In the car, I got good fellow travelers, a husband and wife, cheerful, hospitable. They fed me everything with lard, smoked sausage, eggs and pickled cucumbers, I couldn’t refuse directly. Night and day passed quietly, but in the evening I felt bad: first my right side ached, then my shoulder. I went to bed early. But I couldn’t fall asleep, the pain was terrible, even scream, there was some kind of bitterness in my mouth, nausea, chills.

In general, they removed me from that train and took me to the hospital in Krasnodar in an ambulance. I spent almost three weeks there. And the funniest thing was when my son met me at the station and said: “Mommy, you didn’t tan a little, you just turned a little yellow.” Well, I didn’t tell him that I was in the hospital, he didn’t even know how and where I “sunbathed”, and the yellowness, which he took for a tan, was from my patient’s liver. That's how I "rested", it's good that I remained alive, ”she sighed.

Her story seemed to me taken from some medical textbook, where it is written how not to behave for people with gallstone disease. After all, everything contributed to the fact that this woman had hepatic colic: emotional and physical stress was certainly present (how can you get on the road without them?). This is the first. The second is shaking in the car. And the third and most important is food. Fatty lard and sausage, pickled cucumbers… Nightmare! I think if her liver could talk, then this woman would hear little pleasant about herself.

Now let's talk more about this disease. Gallstone disease is one of the most widespread diseases. It is characterized by the formation of stones in the biliary tract and gallbladder, which include cholesterol, bilirubin and lime salts.

This is a very common disease. But it has age and gender boundaries. So, in young people (up to 20–30 years old), stones form very rarely, but after 40–60 years, many people are already affected by this disease, after 70 years gallstones found in every third. And it is much more common in women than in men.

The disease is usually accompanied by an inflammatory process in the gallbladder, so cholelithiasis is also called "calculous cholecystitis". What is cholecystitis, you already know. The word "calculous" means the presence of stones.

Predisposing factors. Many factors contribute to the development of this disease.

Undoubtedly, the most important role is played by malnutrition. The development of the disease is especially favored by the excessive consumption of foods rich in fats containing cholesterol (fatty meats and fish, butter, eggs, etc.). matters and increased content in the diet of cereals and flour dishes, as this contributes to certain reactions, as a result of which the solubility of cholesterol decreases. People who eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and milk rarely carry stones in themselves.

Various metabolic disease, such as obesity, diabetes, gout, nephrolithiasis, metabolic arthritis, atherosclerosis, vitamin A deficiency, also predispose to the formation of gallstones.

Heredity, is undoubtedly significant (according to various authors, from 8 to 45% of patients had relatives with this pathology). But at the same time, as I said, not only the tendency to violate metabolic processes, but also the generality of nutrition in the family, living conditions.

Stagnation of bile sooner or later it will lead to cholelithiasis, because when bile stagnates, the balance of bile components is disturbed, which leads to their loss. Rare food intake sedentary image life, constipation, wearing tight belts, neuropsychiatric disorders accompanied by biliary dyskinesia - all these factors that cause stagnation of bile in the gallbladder contribute to the formation of gallstones.

Infection, penetrating to the liver from other organs, can cause the formation of stones. Increasingly, cases have begun to be noted when people with initially diagnosed acalculous cholecystitis stones begin to form.

Manifestations of gallstone disease. To better understand the manifestations of cholelithiasis, let's imagine that a harmful brownie has wound up in our crowded pantry. If he is in good mood, then you do not feel any manifestations of the disease. But as soon as he gets angry, as in the midst of "full health" you suddenly have acute attack pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, short-term fever.

What can so anger a capricious brownie and provoke an attack? Sometimes he does not like plentiful food, sometimes he is not satisfied with alcoholic drinks, excitement, overwork, cooling, shaking driving, work at an angle (for example, prolonged weeding of beds) are contraindicated for him.

In fact, all of the above actions provoke the movement of stones inside the gallbladder, which causes these signs of the disease. The sequence of manifestations, as a rule, is as follows: after severe attacks biliary colic fever occurs, then jaundice appears, and soon there may be an increase in the liver. Usually the attack lasts from several hours to 1-2 days. When the duct is blocked by a stone, jaundice occurs, which is accompanied by itching, discoloration of the stool and disappears soon after the attack. The blockage can be partial, and the stone in the duct can move, either covering or opening the duct opening, like a valve. Jaundice at the same time changes in intensity, it can completely disappear and appear periodically again. With persistent blockage, all manifestations characteristic of jaundice are more pronounced, body temperature can rise to 39–40 °. In this case, in the absence surgical treatment The consequences can be extremely severe and irreversible.

With relatively easy course attacks are rare, years can pass between them. In other cases, colic occurs more often, it happens every day. Outside the attack, patients usually feel quite healthy.

Complications. Gallstone disease is considered a chronic disease and sometimes, especially without treatment, adherence to an appropriate regimen and diet, can lead to a number of complications. Of the complications of cholelithiasis, blockage of the ducts is most often observed; if this condition is prolonged, it can lead to dropsy of the gallbladder. In the presence of an infection, purulent cholecystitis. Such complications, if they do not resolve within 2-3 weeks, in most cases also require surgical treatment.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to reduce the load on these organs. As an addition, traditional medicine methods can be used, for some diseases - special gymnastics.

Main functions of the liver and gallbladder

The work of the liver and gallbladder is interconnected. Both of these organs are involved in digestion. Liver cells secrete bile. This secret enters the small intestine and enhances its motility, participates in the breakdown of fats, activates enzymes, and neutralizes the acids of the stomach contents. Under the action of bile, a more complete assimilation of amino acids, calcium salts, cholesterol, vitamins A, D, E and K occurs, the spread of bacteria is suppressed.

The liver is involved in all types of metabolism:

  • in protein metabolism, it breaks down and converts proteins, turns amino acids into a reserve energy source and raw materials for the body to build its own cells and tissues;
  • in the process of carbohydrate metabolism, the liver forms and accumulates glycogen - a reserve energy substrate;
  • at fat metabolism liver and gallbladder break down lipids fatty acids and ketone bodies produce cholesterol.

Liver maintains balance nutrients in the body. If not enough carbohydrates are supplied with food, then they will be synthesized from proteins. And when a person consumes a lot of sweets, an excess of sugar turns into fats.

In addition to these functions, the liver takes part in the synthesis of hormones, anticoagulants, regulates the metabolism of microelements, protects the body from toxins, and maintains homeostasis. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. The treatment of these organs is always interconnected.

Liver disease

All liver diseases are divided as follows:

  • infectious, in which tissues are affected by viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths or protozoa (echinococcosis, ascariasis, leptospirosis, etc.);
  • autoimmune (a separate type of hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune cholangiopathy, etc.);
  • damage due to exposure to toxins: alcohol, drugs, drugs (toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, steatosis, fibrosis, etc.);
  • vascular (pylephlebitis, hepatic vein thrombosis, portal hypertension, etc.);
  • tumor (hepatic cell and intraductal cancer, sarcoma, hemangioma, etc.);
  • metabolic (fatty hepatosis, acanthocytosis, glycokenosis, etc.);
  • hereditary (hypoplasia and aplasia, hepatic fermentopathy, hemochromatosis, etc.).

Also, violations in the liver can occur due to injuries: blows, bruises, ruptures. Sometimes its functioning changes against the background of diseases of other systems and organs, for example, in heart failure.

Causes of liver disease can be:

  1. Reproduction of viral agents (hepatitis A, B, C, D, E).
  2. Influence of toxins.
  3. The influence of medicines.
  4. The influence of alcohol.
  5. Infection with helminths, protozoa or bacteria.
  6. Eating disorders.
  7. Heredity, genetic pathologies and malformations.
  8. Acute inflammation in the abdominal organs.
  9. Injuries, bruises, tears.
  10. Exposure to ionizing radiation, physical and chemical carcinogens.


Most liver diseases are characterized by pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms are constantly present, aggravated during exercise, after eating fatty or fried foods, subsiding during passive rest. The pain is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, the appearance of belching, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

Also, liver diseases are accompanied by yellowing of the skin and sclera, darkening of urine, discoloration of feces. Frequent complaints of itching, weakness, apathy, fatigue, headaches and fainting. Women are disturbed menstrual cycle men develop impotence.


If signs of liver disease are found, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist. After the examination, the doctor will determine the necessary diagnostic procedures, the results of which will help establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The most common methods of examination for liver pathologies are ultrasound and blood sampling for biochemical analysis. A more accurate selection of diagnostics depends on the data obtained as a result of a medical survey. Depending on the assumptions about the diagnosis, immunological tests may be ordered, genetic research, biopsy, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT ( CT scan), as well as a blood test to detect hepatitis viruses and cancer cells.


Treatment of liver diseases is often too late, as the symptoms increase gradually and may not cause much concern for a long time. Traditional treatment may include medication, physiotherapy, diet, and in some cases, surgery.

Drug therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. Depending on the diagnosis, it can be represented by hepatoprotectors, antibiotics, antiviral, antimicrobial, anthelmintic drugs, B vitamins and some organic acids. For effective elimination diseases, various treatment regimens are used.

Most universal means are hepatoprotectors. They do not eliminate the causes of the pathology, but restore the functions of the liver, protect its cells from damage. Can be created on the basis of ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursosan, Exhol, Livodex), ademetionine (Heptor, Heptral), phospholipids (Essentiale forte N, Rezalyut pro), ornithine (Hepa-merz), as well as natural ingredients(Sibektan, Liv-52, Gepabene).

Physiotherapy is used to restore the liver after diseases. Depending on the diagnosis, these can be galvanic mud procedures, UHF, microwave, electrosleep, galvanic current to the collar zone.

Surgery is required for severe liver disease. Operating way complex abscesses, cysts are eliminated, tissues are restored after injuries. Partial or complete removal of the liver with further transplantation may be required for cirrhosis, cancerous tumors blockage of the hepatic veins.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies begins with its cleansing. The most common option is to take some vegetable oil in the morning. The duration of the course is 5 weeks. In the first week, you need to drink 1/2 tsp. oil, in the second - 1 tsp each, in the third - 2 tsp each, in the fourth - 1 tbsp each, in the fifth - again 2 tsp each.

After cleansing, you can use the following recipes:

  • Oats. From 1 st. grains, 3 tbsp. l. lingonberry leaves, 1 tbsp. l. birch buds prepare an infusion: pour the mixture with 4 liters of water and put it in a cool place for 20 hours. Separately, prepare a decoction from a glass of rose hips, 2 tbsp. l. knotweed and 200 ml of boiling water. Settle for 45 minutes, and then mix with oatmeal infusion. Store the product in the refrigerator. Drink 30 minutes before meals, 150 ml for 10 days.
  • Peel the root crops, grate and squeeze the juice. Drink 1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • Corn silk. Brew 1 tbsp. l. a glass of boiling water, drink instead of tea for 2 weeks.
  • Vegetable juice. For cooking, you need 210 grams of carrots, 150 grams of celery and 60 grams of parsley. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • Bear bile. To prepare an infusion, pour 20 g of raw materials into 0.5 liters of a decoction of St. John's wort and yarrow (or just water). Leave for a week, shaking regularly. Drink 25 drops three times a day for a month. Treatment with bear bile is indicated for various diseases liver, this remedy acts as a hepatoprotector.

Any folk remedies should be taken only after the permission of the doctor. For some of them, contraindications are stomach diseases, allergies. These tools should be used for chronic course diseases.


Diet is an important component general therapy liver diseases. It is necessary to exclude coffee, strong teas, alcoholic drinks, grape and tomato juices, rich broths, fatty meat and fish, soda, fresh bread and muffins from the menu. Any fried, spicy, too salty, smoked dishes are prohibited. You can not eat sweets with cocoa and chocolate, eggs, sauces, fresh fruits and berries, mushrooms. From vegetables under the ban are white and Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, eggplants, spinach, sorrel, tomatoes.

It is recommended to introduce rosehip broth, juices, compotes, dried bread, biscuits, biscuits, lean meat and fish, oils, dairy products with no more than 2% fat content into the diet. From vegetables, you can cook dishes for a couple, by baking, boiling, stewing. Allowed potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, beets, cauliflower and Beijing cabbage, bell pepper. To enhance the taste, it is permissible to use soy sauce, cinnamon, parsley, honey, jam.


Preventive measures for liver disease include:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle: a balanced diet, avoiding alcohol and smoking, regular moderate physical activity;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • compliance with precautionary measures in hazardous production, the use of personal protective equipment;
  • injections against hepatitis B;
  • exclusion of uncontrolled, spontaneous medication intake;
  • timely treatment of diseases leading to violations of the liver.

Gallbladder diseases

In modern gastroenterology, the most common diseases of the gallbladder are:

  • chronic and acute cholecystitis;
  • post-cholecystectomy syndrome;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • tumors (polyps and cancer).

The reasons

Causes of gallbladder disease can be:

  • infectious lesions;
  • violations of the composition of bile and the ratio of its basic components;
  • violation of the connection of the organ with nerve fibers;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • heredity and genetic factors;
  • degeneration of the cells of the mucous membrane of the organ.


The liver and gallbladder are anatomically located side by side, form the biliary system, the symptoms and treatment for diseases of these organs are also similar. The main symptom is the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium, aggravated after taking fatty, spicy and fried foods, physical exertion. Digestive disorders are also characteristic: heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching, flatulence.

The skin and sclera of patients turn yellow, skin itching appears. The feces become lighter, and the urine dark, brownish. During vomiting, bile is expelled.


Diagnosis of diseases of the gallbladder begins with a medical interview and examination. On palpation of the abdomen, there is pain on the right side. Most pathologies require ultrasound and X-ray examination.

Depending on the clinical picture, a gastroenterologist may refer you to the following diagnostic procedures:

  • blood chemistry;
  • additionally - ultrasound of the liver;
  • study of the composition of bile (probe insertion);
  • cholecystography.

Ultrasound data may be required not only when determining the diagnosis, but also in the process of therapy, the recovery period. In some cases, the doctor needs the results of drug tests.


Most gallbladder diseases are treatable conservative methods. First of all, it is the intake of medicines, the selection of which is carried out by the doctor individually. At infectious diseases antibiotics, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and anthelmintic drugs are prescribed.

To restore the outflow of bile are used choleretic agents, as well as antispasmodics and drugs that affect nervous system(vegetative department). To restore the mucous membrane are used herbal medicines, in case of intoxication - enterosorbents.

In order to influence contractile functions gallbladder and its sphincters, duodenal sounding and tubage are performed. Thanks to such procedures, the outflow of bile is quickly restored, even in severe cases. Physiotherapy includes laser exposure, mud electrophoresis, UHF, HF, microwave, sinusoidal modulated currents, magnetic field.

Gallstone disease, depending on the stage, can be cured by chemical or ultrasonic crushing or surgically. Surgical intervention is required in the detection of tumors, cysts, large abscesses. In some cases, the complete removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is performed.

Patients who have undergone cholecystectomy are often interested in the question: how to treat the liver if there is no gallbladder? Since now the entire load will fall on this organ, it will be necessary to support its work by all means: take hepatoprotectors, observe therapeutic diet, give up alcohol and smoking.

Treatment with folk remedies

  • Herbal collection. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of equal parts of yarrow, wormwood, mint, fennel fruit and immortelle flowers. Then pour a dessert spoon of these herbs into 400 ml of water, cover with a lid and wait 9 hours. Filter before use. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day, before meals.
  • Birch leaves. Grind 2 tsp. leaves, brew a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.
  • Dandelion. Squeeze juice from the roots and leaves of the plant, dilute with boiled water. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

The course of treatment in each case should last at least 2 months.


The diet for gallbladder disease is the same as for liver disease. All foods that load the biliary system should be excluded: fatty, fried, smoked, salty, with cocoa and chocolate. It is forbidden to drink coffee, soda, alcohol, eat muffins, fresh wheat bread. Some cereals and vegetables, all mushrooms, as well as raw fruits and berries are banned.

It is recommended to introduce into the diet products with a choleretic effect and dishes from them: carrots, zucchini, beets, milk and low-fat sour cream. Useful boiled vegetables and vegetable broths, bran, germinated wheat, kefir, oranges, pears, prunes, tangerines, and from spices - turmeric. Dishes should be prepared using vegetable oils. Otherwise, follow the diet recommended for liver diseases.


To prevent the development of gallbladder disease, you must:

Liver and gallbladder diseases have similar causes, symptoms, and treatments. Often they develop due to malnutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse and uncontrolled medication. The first signs are pain in the right hypochondrium and digestive disorders. Treatment may be conservative (medication, physiotherapy, diet, folk methods) and operational. The sooner the disease is diagnosed and measures are taken to eliminate it, the faster recovery will be achieved.

Useful video about the structure and functions of the liver

It is considered an integral part of the digestive system and performs important functions, the main of which is the production of bile. This liquid activates digestive enzymes in the intestines and emulsifies fats that aid in the digestion of food. Diseases of the gallbladder are diverse, occur as a result of many provoking factors and differ in the corresponding symptoms. Pathologies are most often diagnosed in female patients of the older age group.

This disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the bladder and its ducts, which occurs due to bile sediment and high concentration calcium salts. If size hard formations exceeds 15 mm, then the organ is recommended to be removed surgically.

Provoke gallstone disease can:

  1. malnutrition, frequent fasting, excessive consumption fatty foods, rejection of foods that contain fiber;
  2. a sedentary lifestyle, leading to a complete weakening of the muscular apparatus of the body;
  3. low fluid intake;
  4. diseases and disorders of the liver, as well as the pancreas;
  5. violation of the contraction of the gallbladder or its ducts;
  6. hormonal disruptions;
  7. pathogens that provoke the development of infectious and pathogenic microflora and penetrate the gallbladder from other organs of the digestive tract;
  8. overweight problems;
  9. diseases of the endocrine system.

The formation of stones can occur over several years and in stages. First, the level of natural fatty alcohol in the blood increases, then cholesterol flakes appear in the gallbladder, which are then converted into crystalline elements and stones.

For a long time, the patient has practically no symptoms. You can learn about a progressive pathology during an examination of the abdominal organs or with biliary colic. Also, in addition to colic, the patient may experience symptoms such as:

  1. pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  2. increased formation of gases in the intestines;
  3. intestinal disorders;
  4. intolerance to dairy and sour-milk products;
  5. unpleasant, bitter taste oral cavity;
  6. heaviness in the stomach;
  7. nausea and vomiting.


Dyskinesia is considered the most common disease of the gallbladder. It leads to impaired bile excretion and, consequently, to poor food processing. There are two forms - hypomotor and hypermotor.

The severe stage of this disease develops in parallel with the cholestatic syndrome. Complications are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. yellowing of the skin and oral mucosa;
  2. clarification of feces;
  3. dark urine;
  4. unpleasant itching;
  5. enlargement of the liver in size;
  6. violation of the liver, accompanied by severe symptoms.

If the patient refuses treatment, the disease can lead to inflammation and the formation of stones.

Gallbladder diseases are mostly diagnosed by chance, as patients do not notice the first symptoms of pathologies and visit a specialist already with a significant deterioration in the condition.


This disease is accompanied by inflammation and is often a consequence of the progression of gallstone disease. It happens acute and chronic.

Acute cholecystitis has symptoms such as:

  1. pain in the right hypochondrium;
  2. biliary colic;
  3. unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting;
  4. elevated temperature;
  5. yellow tint of the skin of the body and eyeballs.

In any situation, a thorough examination and consultation with a specialist is required. Refusal of therapy may lead to negative consequences deterioration in general well-being. With exacerbation of cholecystitis, such symptoms occur after a few days:

  1. suppuration of the gallbladder, which progresses to peritonitis;
  2. subhepatic abscess;
  3. acute pancreatitis;
  4. fistulas in the organ and ducts.

Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis are expressed by dull pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting, advanced education gas, intestinal upset, the occurrence of diarrhea, mainly after eating a meal with high fat content.

Not only malnutrition can provoke an exacerbation, but also increased physical activity, stressful situations, hypothermia or shaking.


Polyps are benign formations that grow inside the bladder on its surface towards the lumen. They are attached to the mucous membrane with the help of a leg. This pathology does not apply to common, but if diagnosed, then in most cases in the female half of the population over 43 years old. Polyps are cholesterol, inflammatory, adenomatous. All varieties do not have pronounced symptoms, so they can only be detected by chance.

Sometimes a patient with this disease may complain of symptoms such as discomfort in the bladder or stomach, nausea and vomiting after eating, and intolerance to most foods.

The causes of polyps have not yet been fully elucidated, but many experts are of the opinion that these formations result from hereditary factor or inflammation in the digestive organs.


Cancer is a neoplasm that varying degrees malignancy. This pathology is considered dangerous not only because the gallbladder is removed, but also by metastases that can go to the liver, stomach or intestines.

Causing factors for cancer:

  1. cholecystitis or cholelithiasis;
  2. calcium deposits in this organ;
  3. bile duct cyst;
  4. pathological disorders in the structure of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas;
  5. painful microflora and gastric ulcer, as well as duodenal ulcer;
  6. polyps of this organ;
  7. typhoid abdominal cavity;
  8. smoking;
  9. work in hazardous industries;
  10. malnutrition;
  11. overweight problems;
  12. the age category of the patient is 69 years or more.

It must be remembered that the first stage of cancer occurs without pronounced symptoms and is detected by chance, during a preventive examination.

As the pathology develops, the patient may experience symptoms such as problems with appetite, increased weakness and fatigue, pain that periodically occurs in upper region abdomen on the right fast loss masses, constantly elevated body temperature, nausea and vomiting, yellowing of the skin and oral mucosa, lightening of feces and darkening of urine, thickening and.


To differentiate diseases of the gallbladder, diagnostics are mandatory. Based on the results of the study, the patient is prescribed treatment. to standard diagnostic procedures relate:

  • biochemistry and complete blood count - helps to determine the inflammatory process and impaired functionality of the organ. If the patient has diseases of the liver and gallbladder, then the leukocytes increase, and the ESR and bilirubin parameters change;
  • duodenal sounding - consists in the collection of bile and its study. Ultrasound procedure abdominal organs helps to exclude congenital pathologies and consider various neoplasms, as well as other deviations from the norm;
  • biopsy - helps to examine the tissue of the organ for the presence of cancer cells. X-ray with contrast allows you to assess the size of the organ, its norms and deformations;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal organs - is considered the most effective method research. It helps to determine not only the size of the organ and its location, but also possible neoplasms, small inclusions.

All types of studies help to recognize any pathologies and diseases in the initial stages and start timely therapy.


Therapy of diseases of the gallbladder is carried out in a complex manner, the provocative cause and changes in the organ are necessarily taken into account. In any situation, treatment should be based on the following fundamental principles:

  1. diet and proper nutrition. In general, patients are advised to follow diet number 5, according to which all food is steamed or stewed. The optimal number of doses should be at least five times a day, in portions. Dry food and snacks are completely excluded;
  2. etiotropic therapy - eliminates the provoking factor of the disease;
  3. pathogenetic therapy - helps to restore the functionality of the gallbladder (antispasmodics are prescribed), reduce the intoxication of the body with cholecystitis, neoplasms. To improve the digestive process, it is necessary to use enzymes with acids, for example, Mezim;
  4. symptomatic therapy - aimed at eliminating severe symptoms and discomfort. It is recommended to take painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antispasmodics.

Therapy certain diseases carried out according to the following scheme:

DiseaseTherapeutic measures
cholecystitisthe use of medicines: antibiotics, choleretic and anti-inflammatory drugs;
cholelithiasisremoval of stones;
dyskinesiataking drugs that have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, and antispasmodics;
cholesterosisproper nutrition;
polypssurgical intervention;
oncologysurgery and chemotherapy.

Exclusion of therapy can lead to negative consequences and various complications.



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