Ways to improve the effectiveness of remineralizing therapy. There are several types of remineralization

Remineralization of teeth is dental procedure, which is a process of restoration and strengthening of tooth enamel with the help of medicines fluorine and calcium. Special solutions for remineralization can be applied using special applicators or an electrophoresis apparatus.

The latter method is preferable, since the use of electric fields increases the degree of assimilation active substances and provides deeper penetration into the treated tissues, but it is not suitable for everyone due to a fairly large list of contraindications.

Despite the fact that on pharmaceutical market a large number of fluorine and calcium preparations are presented for local applications on teeth, it is better to perform the procedure in a dental office, as it requires certain preparation that cannot be done at home.

Why is Remineralizing Therapy Needed?

The enamel covering of teeth (tooth enamel) is hard shell the crown part of the tooth, which is almost 96.3% composed of inorganic compounds and substances, including acid oxides (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, etc.). Enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, and its thickness can reach 1.8-2.1 mm. The main functions of tooth enamel are to protect the tooth from deformation, damage, exposure to thermal and chemical factors, as well as the formation of local resistance (resistance) to the influence of external pathogens.

The essence and purpose of the procedure

One of the factors responsible for dental caries susceptibility is an adequate supply of fluoride. Fluorine is a colorless gas with a pungent odor and exhibits strong antioxidant properties, reducing the risk of dissolution and destruction of enamel. To maintain oral health, it is important to maintain optimal acid-base balance(from 6.7 to 7.3), which can be disturbed by acids and fermentation products of sucrose and carbohydrate foods. Fluorine, which is found in tooth enamel in the form of fluorapatites, neutralizes the action of harmful acids and helps to maintain the usual level of alkaline environment, helping to keep the main components of the tooth (phosphorus and calcium) in its tissues.

The main source of fluoride for humans is tap water. An adequate level of water fluoridation is 0.5 to 1 mg/l. If given element enters the body in not enough increases the risk of caries and other dental diseases including osteosarcoma of the jaw.

Water is a source of fluorine, with a lack of which diseases of tooth enamel develop.

Remineralization of teeth allows you to eliminate fluorine deficiency, strengthen enamel, improve it protective properties and prevent the development of caries.

Note! The procedure can also be used with therapeutic purpose on initial stage caries (chalky spot stage), which can often be diagnosed only when using special tests with the application of dyes and drying of the teeth, so a dentist examination must be done at least once every 5-6 months.

Indications for appointment

The main indication for fluoridation of teeth are the initial stages of caries. This is not only the most common dental pathology, but also the most frequently diagnosed disease among the human population of any age.

Caries is characterized by the growth and reproduction in the mouth of the cariogenic flora, represented by streptococci, staphylococci and other types of opportunistic bacteria, and damage to the hard tissues of the tooth, followed by necrosis and decay. At the initial stage, caries looks like a chalky spot (macula cariosa stage), and one of the reasons for its occurrence is the active process of washing out calcium and phosphorus from tooth enamel, which is called demineralization.

This type of caries in most cases is asymptomatic: only in rare cases the patient may complain of hypersensitivity reactions when teeth interact with thermal and chemical stimuli. Remineralizing therapy at this stage is the main method of treatment and allows you to stop pathological process before it enters the stage superficial caries. Treatment usually takes no more than 10 days and requires from the patient not only a timely appearance to the attending dentist, but also increased oral hygiene at home.

In what other situations can enamel remineralization be performed?

Other indications for which remineralizing therapy may be recommended are:

  • hypoplasia (thinning) of tooth enamel;

  • intensive erasure of hard tissues of the tooth, characteristic of some chronic diseases(for example, Stanton-Capdepon syndrome);

  • destruction (destruction) of solid elements of the tooth of aseptic origin;

  • increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia) of teeth in contact with external pathogens, which can act as thermal stimuli (cold and hot food, air flow), and chemical agents (acids, spices, etc.);

  • dental injuries, in which damage and deformation of the enamel coating is possible;

  • loss of mineral mass of tooth enamel after hardware removal of tartar, orthodontic treatment.

  • Remineralization of teeth can be indicated for individuals in the group increased risk on the development of mineral deficiency of tooth enamel. These are pregnant women, women who have reached menopause, persons with hormone-dependent pathologies.

    In childhood, remineralization of tooth enamel is carried out to strengthen teeth, prevent caries and reduce caries susceptibility in case of poor hygiene or excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods. If indicated, such treatment can be carried out starting at the age of two.

    Remineralization of teeth in children - completely painless procedure, which takes place in one visit to the dentist

    Important! Remineralizing therapy in without fail should be carried out in patients with carious cavities in the mouth. Special composition applied to the edges of the carious chamber to improve efficiency general therapy and extend the service life of installed seals.

    What is the remineralization of teeth: varieties and features

    Remineralization is often called fluoridation of teeth, but this is not entirely true, since in some cases the process of enamel restoration is carried out without the use of fluoride-containing preparations.

    Types of remineralization depending on the content of fluorine in preparations

    Type of remineralizing therapyBasic active ingredient Peculiarities

    FluorineThis is the most common type of enamel mineral deficiency correction, which is used in almost 80% of cases when diagnosing tooth demineralization at various stages. The main principle of fluoridation is the saturation of the enamel coating with active fluorine. Since fluorine is a highly toxic compound and in high concentrations can be hazardous to health, the use of fluorine-containing pastes and solutions at home is not recommended due to the impossibility of accurate selection and calculation of a safe dosage.

    Calcium and phosphorus (phosphates)Medicines that do not contain fluorine compounds, are considered relatively safe and can be used to restore enamel at home (due to their safety in case of accidental ingestion or violation of the recommended dosing regimen).

    These products include not only various varnishes, powders and gels, but also special pastes which are suitable for daily hygiene care for loose and highly sensitive teeth.

    Note! If the process of demineralization is weak, the doctor may recommend natural remineralization of the teeth by correcting the diet. It should immediately be noted that, as an independent measure, natural remineralization is ineffective and is capable of providing at least a minimally significant effect. therapeutic effect in combination with adequate oral hygiene and other measures to restore the enamel coating.

    How is the procedure?

    The procedure for saturation of tooth enamel with fluorine and calcium compounds takes place in four stages.

    1. Hygienic preparation of the oral cavity. Before fluoridation, the patient must be referred to a dental hygienist who will perform professional oral hygiene. With the help of ultrasound or laser, dense dental deposits, bacterial plaque, food debris, and tartar are removed from the surface of the teeth. This is necessary to ensure better penetration of the therapeutic composition into deep tissue teeth and their rapid restoration.

    2. The salivary fluid can interfere with the absorption of fluorine and calcium, therefore, before the procedure, the treated surface is thoroughly dried and isolated from saliva with cotton balls or turundas. soft tissues the oral cavity should also not come into contact with the surface on which the remineralizing composition will be applied.

    3. On the teeth, the doctor applies preparations containing calcium ions in free form. To do this, you can use a special applicator (the duration of applications is up to 10-15 minutes) or an electrophoresis apparatus (the current increases the degree and speed of penetration of active substances into the tooth tissue).

    4. Medicines are applied to each tooth in successive movements, after which it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the treated surface.

    If solutions that do not contain fluorine are used for remineralization, the procedure is carried out in three stages and ends with the application of calcium and phosphorus preparations.

    Video - What is tooth enamel remineralization

    Medical scheme of remineralization

    The table below shows drug regimen remineralization of teeth, which is classic for most indications.

    Preparations for remineralization in caries and other dental diseases

    StageActions and drugs
    First stage (hygienic)Any deposits, stones and plaque are removed from the surface of the tooth. For this, laser therapy and ultrasound devices are used. The procedure is painless, but rather unpleasant, especially for patients with hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.
    Second stage (treatment with acids)After hygiene measures chalk spots are treated with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with a solution of citric acid with a concentration of not more than 40%. The duration of the acid application is no more than 1 minute. This stage is carried out only in cases where remineralization of the teeth is indicated for the treatment of caries. If the patient has no signs of caries, you can immediately proceed to the next step - drying the teeth.
    The third stage (drying the teeth)Cotton balls are used to dry teeth. The use of ethers and alcohol solutions is acceptable.
    The fourth stage (application of remineralizing preparations)A solution of calcium salt of gluconic acid 10% and a solution of sodium fluoride 2-4% are applied to the teeth. Treatment can be carried out by application and with the help of electric currents. Using last version fresh solution must be added every 4-5 minutes.

    The course of treatment for enamel mineral deficiency is usually about 10 days.

    Note! One of the methods of treatment is the use of a gel cap. This is a special device that is filled with a fluoride gel (for example, Biorepair enamel repair and hypersensitivity treatment gel). The effect after using such caps is noticeable already on the second or third day, and one of the main advantages can be considered the possibility of using at home.

    Gels for enamel restoration at home

    Before buying any enamel restoration products, you should consult your doctor, as such therapy may be contraindicated in certain pathologies, such as enamel hyperplasia. The following is an overview of popular and safe dental remineralizers that can be used alone for hypersensitivity and to prevent cavities.

    Keystone Revive

    This is a drug for home treatment mineral deficiency of teeth, which is available in the form dental gel. The product contains optimal concentrations active components approved for use in childhood, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.

    It contains the following ingredients:

    • calcium chloride - 0.2%;
    • sodium fluoride - 0.005%;
    • potassium chloride - 0.005%.

    Regular use of the gel helps to reduce the risk of dental caries by almost 60% (subject to adequate oral hygiene) and strengthen the enamel coating of the teeth by 7-10 times. Keystone Revive Gel is recommended for patients suffering from endocrinological pathologies and metabolic disorders, as well as for those who have undergone orthodontic treatment or professional oral hygiene (including teeth whitening).

    Use the product once a day after brushing your teeth in the morning or evening. It must be applied as toothpaste: squeeze a small amount onto a brush and brush your teeth for 1.5-2 minutes. After that, wait another 1 minute and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

    GC Tooth Mousse

    This drug for remineralizing therapy at home is considered one of the most effective and safe means of this line. It has a pleasant strawberry flavor, contains bioavailable forms of calcium and phosphorus, and strengthens enamel in just a few weeks of daily use.

    This gel is recommended for use in adults and children as prophylactic with increased dryness in the mouth, the initial stages of caries, violation of the acidity of the oral cavity, as well as after fluoridation, whitening and mechanical cleaning of teeth.

    A tool is used for applications that must be carried out according to a certain scheme:

    • apply a small amount of gel on the teeth (dosage per 1 dentition - a strip of gel the size of 1 cm);
    • using a clean and dry finger or a cotton swab, distribute the product evenly over all teeth and leave for 4 minutes;
    • spit out the remaining gel and try not to swallow saliva for another 2-3 minutes.

    For getting positive result food, drinks, chewing gum and smoking are not allowed for 30-40 minutes after the procedure.

    Note! Side effects when using the gel "GC Tooth Mousse" are not yet registered, but the product should not be used by people with poor tolerance milk protein.

    What products are there for enamel demineralization?

    Enamel can be strengthened not only with medicines, but also due to the use certain products. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, high risk tooth decay and enamel damage, it is useful to include the following foods in the diet:

    All types are also useful. leafy greens, nuts and vegetable juices with pulp.

    Video - How to restore enamel?

    Enamel remineralization is a dental procedure that can be used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes and for patients of any age, including children and pregnant women. It is best to perform it with specialists in a dental clinic, since it is not recommended to use fluorine preparations on their own due to the high toxicity of the main component. At home, it is permissible to use restorative pastes, gels and powders that do not contain fluorine compounds.

    Often patients turn to the dentist with the problem of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. Teeth react with dull or sharp pain to cold or hot foods, sweet and sour foods, and other factors. Hypersensitivity can be eliminated quickly and safely.

Dental remotherapy is a preventive procedure that is part of the professional field of oral hygiene. Its main goal is the remineralization of hard tissues of the tooth. This method of treatment allows you to correct some defects in tooth enamel - those that arise due to demineralization. As a result of the procedure

  • strengthens the enamel
  • the deficiency of mineral components is replenished,
  • decreased tooth sensitivity
  • prevents the development of caries,
  • maintaining a healthy appearance of the tooth.

Drugs used to remineralize teeth include fluoride, phosphate, and calcium. These can be solutions of calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate or gels containing calcium phosphate.

Remotherapy: how does it work?

First of all, the doctor eliminates inflammation and foci with caries. To do this, the oral cavity is sanitized, and plaque and calculus are removed (this is necessary for better penetration of the remineralizing preparation). Mandatory hygienic cleaning teeth and ultrasonic scaling.

  • During application remotherapy on a pre-prepared tooth surface apply a concentrated composition for remineralization. According to the indications, at the end of the procedure, the teeth can be covered with fluorine varnish. You can repeat such remotherapy in six months.
  • Remotherapy with the use of mouthguards is based on the use of a sealed mouthguard, which is created individually according to the casts of the patient's jaws. In the future, he himself fills it with a selected composition for remineralization, and also puts it on and takes it off. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

Preparations for remineralization of teeth

For remotherapy are used special preparations, remineralizing teeth: from remineralizing toothpaste and special protective varnish to fluoride discs, rox gel and remodent.

Remodent is a special powder containing mineral compounds used for remotherapy. You can buy it in specialized pharmacies at a very affordable price.

Roks gel is based on in large numbers minerals(micro and macro elements): magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. This composition maintains the strength of the tooth. Today it is especially widely used in dentistry due to the safety of the gel composition even for children (it does not contain fluorine). Roks gel has on the teeth and oral cavity bactericidal action and is applied in practice in the form of applications on the tooth area (both at home and in dental office). The gel has a dense, non-fluid consistency - therefore it fits perfectly on the tooth enamel and creates a kind of film, and that’s all. useful components effectively penetrate the tooth enamel, strengthen it and heal it.

Other drugs for remotherapy involve rinsing or local application, as well as solutions for applications or electrophoresis directly on the tooth.

Remotherapy of teeth: indications for the procedure

Prescribe the procedure to patients if

  • planned teeth whitening,
  • enamel is damaged (including its erosion is fixed),
  • hygienic teeth cleaning
  • teeth are polished, ground and prepared for veneers or crowns,
  • woman is pregnant,
  • there is an increased sensitivity of the enamel (hyperesthesia),
  • the patient has been diagnosed pathological abrasion teeth or enamel thinning
  • visible wedge-shaped defect,
  • diagnosed with caries in the stain stage.

The effectiveness of remotherapy

Patients dental clinic"SAIDA" knows that remotherapy is absolutely painless. It does not require anesthesia for its use. The procedure is safe - therefore, it is often carried out during the bearing of a child or is prescribed to children in order to strengthen the enamel of milk teeth and carry out an excellent prevention of caries.

The effect after remotherapy is noticed by all patients: the sensitivity of the teeth decreases, the structure of the enamel improves (it becomes denser, stronger and more resistant to negative impact acids and other aggressive substances).

In combination with fissure sealing, fluoridation and ozone therapy, remotherapy becomes a procedure that reduces the risk of developing a common carious process to zero.

We are waiting for you at Saida Dentistry!

ID: 2018-02-5-A-15000

Original article (free structure)

FSBEI HE "Saratov State Medical University named after A.I. IN AND. Razumovsky" of the Ministry of Health of Russia Department of Dentistry childhood and orthodontics


The article considers preparations for remineralizing therapy, their comparative characteristics are carried out.


Dental caries, remineralizing therapy.


Relevance. According to foreign and domestic authors, the prevalence of caries today reaches about 99%. Caries is a pathological process that develops after a tooth has erupted, accompanied by a decrease in the content of mineral constituent parts hard tissues of the tooth and the formation of a defect in the form of a cavity. Caries in phase white spot is the initial stage of the carious process. Only this stage is the only reversible one. The main task of treating caries at this stage is to protect the enamel from increasing demineralization and restore the best mineral composition. Classic way therapy initial caries is a remineralizing therapy. Many preparations for remineralizing therapy are offered on the pharmacological exchange, including calcium-containing preparations in the form of gels. However, their price ranges are different.

Target: comparison of two modern drugs for remineralization therapy.

Tasks: 1. To study the composition of drugs for remineralizing therapy, indications for use.

2. Carry out a comparative evaluation of drugs for remtherapy.

Materials and methods. In the process of work, the content of journals on dentistry was mastered, an analysis of Russian and foreign articles, as well as various websites and brochures was carried out.

Results and discussion. The most common disease at present is caries. The carious process is accompanied by demineralization of the hard tissues of the tooth. Demineralization is the loss of minerals from the tissues of the tooth. The enamel contains crystals of hydroxyapatite, carbonate-apatite, fluorapatite, etc. The predominant mineral components of apatite are calcium and phosphates. Surface layer enamel differs from the deep layers in the highest mineralization, resistance to caries, more high content"trace elements". Mineralization, i.e. the development of hard tissues of the tooth and their filling with mineral components occurs during prenatal development when the tooth is in the position of the germ and lasts after eruption. However, predominantly mineralized chewing surfaces tooth, and the least - cervical region, fissures, fossae of teeth. It has also been found that enamel permeability is not identical for various substances. More penetrating power organic matter(organic acids) and to a lesser extent - in calcium and fluorine. Due to the fact that the cervical area, fissures and blind pits of the teeth are the least mineralized, the permeability of the enamel in these areas is greater. At the initial stages of caries development, the pathological process is first concentrated in the subsurface layers of the enamel, which provokes changes in its physical and chemical properties, as a result, a white carious spot is formed. From the defective area, the loss of calcium and phosphorus occurs, the density of enamel decreases, and its solubility increases. With the formation of focal demineralization, decalcification is mainly realized, the Ca / P index decreases. This process is reversible. Under suitable conditions and under the influence of remineralizing drugs, calcium ions again arrive in the crystal lattice.

For comparative characteristics, preparations were selected: based on Casein Phosphopeptide - Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (gel No. 1) and based on calcium glycerophosphate (gel No. 2). Gel No. 2 appears to be the basis of readily available combinations of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which recreate the crystal lattice of enamel. The structure of this drug includes calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, xylitol and a complex of polysaccharides. The xylitol included in the gel increases the remineralizing biopotential of the complex, and also weakens the activity of bacteria that provoke the formation of caries. When the gel is applied to the tooth, a film appears, due to which the infiltration of active elements into the tooth tissue proceeds sequentially. The gel does not include fluoride, due to the fact that it is harmless when swallowed, suitable for children from infancy, effective in the fight against caries in areas with an increased content of fluoride in drinking water. Remineralizing therapy using a gel is practiced for various clinical cases: caries prevention; treatment of caries in the initial stage; treatment of non-carious lesions such as hypoplasia and fluorosis; with hypersensitivity of the teeth; during the course of whitening; with orthodontic treatment; may be offered to individuals undergoing chemotherapy. The only contraindication may be intolerance individual components drug in particular cases. Gel #1 also contains bioavailable calcium and phosphorus. The composition of the drug contains the active ingredient - Recaldent, which contains the CPP-ACP complex (casein phosphopeptide - amorphous calcium phosphate). Combining CPP-ACP is made from milk casein. Milk casein   is the owner of active substances, freely combines with  enamel, biofilm and plaque, supplying calcium and  phosphorus where they are most needed. Amorphous calcium phosphate complex is a balanced combination that is similar to the lost components of tooth enamel and supplies free calcium and phosphate ions to tooth enamel. Along with this, saliva increases the activity of the CPP-ACP complex, and the sweet taste of the remineralizing agent increases salivation. How longer complex and saliva interact in the oral cavity, the better result. The indications of this gel include: prevention and treatment of initial caries; elimination of enamel hypersensitivity; treatment of teeth with non-carious lesions; remedial therapy after teeth whitening; during orthodontic treatment; application after professional oral hygiene; to normalize salivation. Contraindicated in persons who are allergic to milk proteins, tk. The Recaident CPP-ACP complex is formed from cow's milk casein.
The method of application of these drugs is almost the same. Remineralizing agents are applied with a cotton swab or tray on the surface of the tooth after professional oral hygiene in the dental office or at home after brushing your teeth. After applying gel No. 2, you must refuse to eat and drink for 30-40 minutes. After applying gel No. 1, you need to leave the drug on the surface of the tooth for 3 minutes. After the tongue, it is necessary to disperse the cream over the surface of the teeth and try not to spit or swallow saliva for as long as possible. How longer gel and saliva interact, the better the result. After this, it is necessary to carefully spit out saliva and, if possible, do not rinse your mouth with water. Further, it is recommended not to eat or drink for 30 minutes. Both gels are recommended to be used periodically, in courses of 2-4 weeks.
A number of clinical research. To compare these drugs, the following criteria were selected:

1. Increasing the acid resistance of enamel after full course remineralizing therapy.
2. Speed ​​of remineralization.

3. Influence of remineralization on tooth color.

According to the outcome of the study, it was found that the rate of increase in enamel acid resistance is higher in the Gel No. 1 group. Top speed remineralization is approximately 1.3 days in the Gel No. 1 group and 1.5 days in the Gel No. 2 group. An analysis of the effect of remineralizing therapy on the color of the teeth showed that remineralization with Gel No. 2 leads to the highest lightening of the teeth (Fig. 1).

Conclusions: 1. Both preparations are sources of available compounds of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which renew the crystal lattice of enamel. The leading components of drug No. 2 are calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, xylitol and a complex of polysaccharides. At the same time, xylitol increases the remineralizing ability of the complex. Preparation No. 1 includes Recaldent, which contains the CPP-ACP complex (casein phosphopeptide - amorphous calcium phosphate). The CPP-ACP complex is derived from milk casein. This complex delivers vacant calcium and phosphorus ions to the tooth enamel. At the same time, saliva increases the dynamism of the CPP-ACP complex. Indications for the use of these drugs are almost the same;
2. The increase in enamel acid resistance and the rate of remineralization are higher in preparation No. 1, and remineralization with preparation No. 2 leads to the greatest lightening of the teeth.


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One of the most common dental problems- this, however, should not be ignored and not carious lesions teeth.

Quite often there is a violation of the formation and mineralization of tooth enamel, which is directly related to caries.

The development of pathological destructive processes can be prevented with the help of simple preventive procedures- hard tissues of the tooth or remotherapy.

Reasons for demineralization

The tooth is a subtle indicator of age processes. Mottling of teeth is a manifestation - transverse striation, spots on the enamel surface, uneven color. Changes are especially clearly visible on milk teeth in the process of their maturation and (from birth to 3-4 years).

Each of us has an individual level of tooth mineralization. For some it is high, for others it is low, and depends on natural features, place of residence, nature of water, features mineral metabolism in tissues. This is the level of enamel saturation with calcium and phosphorus.

The level of resistance or resistance to caries will depend on the structure of the hydroxyapatite crystal and the filling of bone tissue with calcium ions.

Ion-exchange processes constantly take place between bone tissue and saliva. Intensive consumption of calcium from the tooth enamel contribute to:

  • intake of sour food;
  • stress factors;
  • "dry" saliva;
  • wearing .

Advantage this method in the absence of contact with saliva, which neutralizes the effect of active therapeutic components, therefore healing effect directed exclusively at the teeth.

Before choosing and using means for remotherapy, it is advisable to consult a dentist. But, if an adult or an interested parent sees a high carious intensity, damage to the molars and front teeth, which are not prone to caries and are available for cleaning, then start effective prevention you can on your own.

If the teeth lose their shine, show increased sensitivity, become more vulnerable to caries and, moreover, begin to crumble - this is indirect sign reduced content minerals in bone tissue. Remineralization will help to solve this problem - the procedure for saturating tooth enamel with minerals.

The procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. To enhance the saturation of enamel with minerals, electrophoresis can be used. The course of remineralizing therapy includes about ten sessions.


  • painful reaction to cold and hot, sweet and sour food;
  • caries in the stain stage, not affecting the deep layers of hard tissues of the tooth;
  • thinning of the enamel (for example, after whitening, removing deposits, correcting the bite);
  • congenital insufficient mineralization of teeth;
  • enamel damage due to trauma;
  • increased consumption of minerals by the body (during pregnancy, during menopause, in adolescence).

Types of teeth remineralization


Enamel is saturated essential minerals nutrition correction method. For this, products such as cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 5%, milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%, hard cheeses, legumes (beans, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, etc.), nuts, green vegetables, fluoridated water (the amount of consumption of such water must be agreed with the doctor).


It involves covering the teeth with artificial enamel - varnishes, gels and other products containing active fluorine and calcium.

How is the procedure?

Remineralization of teeth involves the following steps:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of teeth. If there is tartar, all hard deposits and soft plaque are removed by the hygienist (the process is not too pleasant, but painless).
  2. Drying of the surface of the teeth.
  3. Enamel restoration. At this stage, treatment with preparations containing calcium in ionic form is performed.
  4. Remineralization is the application of sodium fluoride to the enamel with a brush or cap.

  1. To restore the enamel, a 10% solution of calcium gluconate is used.
  2. For fluoridation - 2 or 4% sodium fluoride solution.
  3. The German-made complex Tiefenfluorid Enamel-Sealing Liquid is very effective, which includes two components - highly active calcium hydroxide and highly active fluorine.

Is the procedure possible at home?

You can do remineralization at home with an additional course. For this, semi-professional gels with fluorine Elmex, R.O.C.S., Medical Minerals are applicable.

Dentists recommend using toothpastes with calcium (President Unique, Splat Biocalcium, R.O.C.S. and others) and fluoride (President Classic, Silca Herbal Complete and Natural Extrakte, El-ce med Total Care, Splat Arktikum). They need to be alternated.

Also shown are mouth rinses containing sodium fluoride (250 ppm fluoride concentration).

Preparations for home use

Insufficient mineralization of teeth in children

Enamel mineralization in humans occurs in two stages - even during the intramaxillary development of the teeth and after the teeth have erupted - for 3-5 years. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the nutrition of the child, providing enough vitamins and minerals. If problems with enamel begin to appear, you need to urgently contact the dentist and carry out fluoridation.

The result of remineralization


The cost of remineralization therapy is from 100 rubles per tooth. You will find a list of clinics in our city where you can sign up for dental mineralization below.



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