The role of mineral salts. Lipids

Casein is a calcium-rich protein or other protein that has anti-catabolic properties. It is one of the most important nutritional supplements for professional athletes and bodybuilders.

The path to an ideal physique and overall health of the body begins, as you know, with proper nutrition. With regular physical activity, the body begins to experience a greatly increasing need for protein. Satisfy her with conventional products food is not always available. Here they come to the rescue nutritional supplements containing protein.

Many are familiar with whey protein, but few know that casein can be even more valuable in many situations. This article will help you fill in your lack of knowledge about casein protein supplements. We will tell you what casein is, how it is produced, what advantages it has compared to whey protein, and to whom it is recommended.

What is casein?

Casein is the main protein component animal milk ( it accounts for about 80% of the total milk proteins). Its main advantage is considered to be extremely slow digestion. The most important source casein protein for humans is cow's and goat's milk.

Casein is heterogeneous in its composition. There are four fractions of it, designated as alpha-s1-, alpha-s2-, beta- and K-casein. The ratio of different fractions may vary depending on the source from which this casein was obtained. ( later in the article under the term "casein", used in singular, we will mean all four types of casein proteins.)

A characteristic feature of casein is its extremely low solubility in acidic environment (in particular at a pH corresponding to the acidity of the stomach). Its slow digestion and absorption is associated precisely with the ability to coagulate ( those. roll) under the influence Gastric acid. The resulting coagulate is precipitated and provides a slow but steady flow of amino acids into the blood. It is for this reason that casein has a longer lasting anti-catabolic effect than fast-digesting proteins such as whey.

Benefits of casein

The benefits of casein protein are many, and they become especially obvious for those who adhere to a strict training regimen. Great interest in casein and the correlation between its use and observed muscle hypertrophy arose after the publication of the results of studies comparing the effects of natural milk and soy on the body. These studies have shown that milk proteins are significantly superior to soy proteins in their ability to promote muscle building . stimulate education muscle protein not only casein is capable, but also other proteins contained in milk, in particular whey and albumin. This happens due to the activation of a regulatory protein called the “target of rapamycin” (mTOR). An important factor here is the fact that milk proteins are complete ( those. include all the essential amino acids) .

Although casein is certainly very important as an effective stimulator of muscle protein synthesis, its main advantage is the ability to provide a stable rate of absorption of amino acids into the bloodstream. In this it differs from whey protein, which, after ingestion, gives a rapid but short-term increase in the content of amino acids in the blood. With this in mind, casein may be more beneficial for people who require protein supplements that provide several hours of nutrition to the body, rather than the quick satiety that whey provides, for example. The prolonged anti-catabolic effect of casein makes it the best option to consume before a long forced break without food. The casein dietary supplement taken in the evening guarantees a positive nitrogen balance for the entire period of night sleep. However, it is useful to use this food supplement not only in the evening, but also at any other time of the day, including before and after training ( We will discuss this issue in more detail later.) .

Another one salient feature casein - high content it contains calcium. The latter is an important macronutrient needed to maintain healthy condition bones and teeth. In addition, as some researchers suggest, it may help reduce body fat in people with overweight. If you are unable to satisfy daily need your body in calcium with the help of conventional products, we recommend that you start taking nutritional supplements that include casein proteins in their composition.

The main advantages of casein:
stimulates muscle protein synthesis by activating the mTOR mechanism;
is a source of complete protein;
provides an anti-catabolic effect for a longer period of time than whey protein;
able to suppress appetite, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
is a rich source of calcium.

Individuals who need to quickly increase their protein intake may benefit most from casein supplements. These include:
bodybuilders and athletes involved in power sports;
those who are engaged in restorative physical education;
anyone who feels a lack of protein in their diet.

Casein production

The source of casein protein is fresh milk mammals. The technological process of extracting casein from milk includes the following sequence of operations: acidification, filtration, enzymatic hydrolysis, salting out. Casein powder has a creamy color and a mild taste/smell. Shelf life of unopened packaging is two years ( when stored at room temperature) .

Hydrolyzed and micellar casein

In order to better understand the difference between these forms of casein protein, it is necessary to say a few words about the protein in general and the process of its absorption by the body. Proteins are made up of a huge number of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. During hydrolysis, these bonds are cleaved, which leads to the formation of shorter fragments - peptides, and then free amino acids. If hydrolysis occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and not in vitro, then next stage amino acids begin to be absorbed, getting through the walls of the stomach or small intestine into the blood.

Hydrolyzed casein is obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of the original protein. This is necessary to increase the rate of its absorption by the body. The increase in the rate of protein digestion, absorption of amino acids and delivery to muscle tissues is a consequence of the fact that the protein has already been, in fact, pre-digested, divided into smaller peptide fragments.

Micellar casein is essentially a whole, undenatured form of casein. In nature, most of the casein protein exists in the form of micelles, which are colloidal particles. Biological role casein micelles is to bind insoluble calcium-phosphate complexes ( more than 90% contained in skimmed milk calcium bound to casein micelles) . That is why casein nutritional supplements are a valuable source of calcium.

How to use?

Many people, especially young and very active people, find it convenient that this nutritional supplement can be consumed, as they say, "on the run": just add a serving of casein powder to water or other liquid ( approximately 200 ml of water for every 25 g of protein powder) and mix with a spoon/blender/shaker. The drink, it should be noted, will turn out a little thicker than whey protein.

The ability of casein protein to coagulate when exposed to high temperature somewhat restrains the imagination of lovers of creativity in the kitchen. However, there is still plenty of room for culinary experiments. Try making "protein pudding" for example. It can be a great alternative liquid form casein nutritional supplement for those who are tired of the traditional protein shake.

When to take?

Casein supplements can be taken almost any time you feel your diet is lacking in protein. It is especially useful if long break between meals. To enhance the effect, casein protein can be combined with whey. If you are looking for the most best option post-workout "feed" for your body, try a combination of whey and casein in a ratio of 2:1.

Whey or casein?

Whey protein is readily soluble in the acidic environment of the stomach, causing rapid rise concentration of amino acids in the blood. Casein under the influence of gastric acid coagulates and precipitates, which leads to its slow digestion. At the same time, both of them are able to stimulate muscle protein synthesis by activating the mechanism involving the target of rapamycin (mTOR).

As a stimulant for the formation of muscle protein, whey protein is more effective. Does this mean we should ditch casein in favor of whey? No. Casein is a powerful addition to whey, enhancing its anabolic response to physical activity. No need to ask an "either-or" question: in the "battle" for an ideal physique, both casein and whey are your reliable allies, and not one or the other, but a combination of them will bring the greatest benefit.


Can I take casein supplements if I have a milk allergy?
Unfortunately, casein is not safe to eat when present. allergic reaction for milk. He, however, like other proteins contained in milk, is a known allergen.

Is it possible to use casein supplements with lactose intolerance?
Yes. The milk protein casein has nothing to do with lactose ( lactose is a disaccharide found in milk, or, in other words, milk sugar).

How much casein should be consumed daily?
It all depends on your lifestyle, metabolism and, of course, your goals. Beginners may be advised to start with 2 grams of protein per kilogram of muscle mass.

Is casein suitable for vegetarians?
Yes, casein is suitable for those who refrain from eating animal protein.

Can you just drink cow's milk instead of buying expensive casein supplements?
Of course. But in fact, the use of casein supplements turns out to be more profitable in terms of price per gram of protein.

Casein is not as popular as whey protein, but in vain. If casein protein was involved in gym You would probably find him a whey spotter on the bench press. Casein has long been looked upon as a less attractive substitute for whey protein, casein was the Colombo of the protein world, and whey was the Schwarzenegger.

But not today.

Here we take a closer look at a curious substance - casein protein. Step into the courtroom and hear how casein works and how it can help you reach your goals.

“The unique ability of casein to gel has made it an important part of the cheese making process.”

Casein protein, like whey, is obtained from cow's milk. It contains about 80% casein, the remaining 20% ​​is whey protein. Casein - insoluble matter, that is, it is the solid protein in milk.

You may have heard in the context of calcium caseinate, which binds calcium ions in the protein structure. (If any regular asks you gym, now you can tell him).

Besides the fact that casein is used as excipient, its unique ability to turn into jelly has made it a binder, filler, and one of the most important components in cheese making. Interestingly, due to its ability to form jelly, casein is used in the production of plastic and glue.

But do not run for a tube of glue. Casein supplements - more effective method get the protein you need.

Casein Supplements

Casein's ability to gel and coagulate has made it a unique ingredient in a variety of protein supplements. During the digestion of food in the stomach, casein coagulates. The rate of digestion is reduced, resulting in a slower and effective use protein amino acids. (Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.)

In essence, this means that your muscles are fed for a longer time.

Slow digestion is beneficial because it reduces the rate of protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation. (Burning amino acids provides energy.) Casein can even give you a feeling of satiety, meaning you feel like your stomach is full without having to actually fill it up.

Casein and whey

Casein is slow to digest, but it's a double-edged sword, especially when compared to whey. The pros of this: the ability of casein to slow down metabolism increases the time it takes for amino acids to be released into muscle tissue and provides more stable nitrogen levels. (A good nitrogen balance is important for building muscle.)

However, the slow release of amino acids from casein reduces the maximum anabolic process in the body. This means that casein may not activate muscle protein synthesis as quickly as whey does. If we compare a gram of casein with a gram of whey, we will see that casein has a less pronounced anabolic effect, since it is digested more slowly.

In addition, casein protein contains less leucine (8%) than whey protein (11%). Leucine is the amino acid that is responsible for the maximum anabolic response during protein intake. Leucine signals the body to make protein synthesis and build muscle.

In my PhD thesis, I showed that the anabolic response to food is closely related to the leucine content of the food. Casein contains less leucine than whey, so it does not increase protein synthesis as much.

Casein and whey:

As mentioned before, casein does not provide the same high anabolic effect as whey protein, but it does provide a more stable supply of amino acids. To enhance this effect and get both benefits, consider combining casein with a fast-digesting protein like whey. As a result, you will benefit from high level leucine, as well as a constant supply of amino acids.

Making a protein shake will allow you to get the benefits of casein while avoiding its disadvantages. Alternatively, you can combine casein with a fast-absorbing form of BCAA or leucine for a similar effect.

A protein shake will give you valuable substances casein and at the same time improve it and compensate for some of the shortcomings.

How to take casein protein

By itself, casein can be consumed by those looking to increase their daily protein intake. It can be a great solution for those who are allergic to whey or egg protein.

Like whey, casein is easy to use and can be consumed at any time of the day. However, due to its slow absorption and prolonged release of amino acids, it is usually taken when a person may have to go without food for a long time.

Because of this, many people choose to consume casein before bed, as they believe that the slow-digesting protein will help prevent catabolism. In the meantime, there has been little research on casein at night, but it has been shown to reduce the rate of protein breakdown and therefore may be beneficial.

The rate of casein for each is determined by several factors, such as weight, total protein intake, whether you take casein alone or in combination with other protein sources.

Because of this, if you use casein in pure form You may find it helpful to increase portions to speed up anabolic responses. I would suggest 40-50g casein protein(if you only use it in its pure form) to a ninety-pound male bodybuilder who wants to increase muscle mass.

Buying casein

Keep in mind that many companies make protein shakes with casein and whey. Because these blends are usually more expensive, you can make your own whey and casein shake. Please do not add liquor. (If you still want, add vodka).

Safety First

Some people may be allergic to casein protein. They may feel side effects such as indigestion, pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal problems.

In addition, the use of casein in large quantities can cause distress gastrointestinal tract not even allergic. Casein can take on a jelly-like form, which can lead to bloating and unpleasant sensations if taken in large doses especially for the people around you.

What is the moral of this whole story? Do not take casein if you are allergic to it or your doctor does not recommend casein. Do not consume it in large quantities - there is a risk of feeling like the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.

Casein: case closed

Casein protein usually works at night. People use it before bed, it is absorbed at night and then disappears when serum comes to the fore.

Consume casein when you need a slow digesting protein source. Take it when your muscles are hungry. Take it with whey protein if you want to get more valuable substances.

For the above reasons, take it regularly.

Based on:

Casein - milk protein, which is obtained as a result of the enzymatic separation of cottage cheese and whey from milk. It is widely used among component parts sports nutrition and other substitutes useful elements food. Also known as "calcium caseinate" among athletes. The main supplement where it acts as the main ingredient is casein protein.

What is casein protein?

Casein protein is one of the most popular proteins in sports supplements. He has the smallest biological value(in relation to other types of protein) and breaks down very slowly. In addition, due to its presence in the body, it causes other types of protein to slow down. Due to this procession, the anabolic response decreases. But, even with such characteristics, professional athletes have found benefit in its use. It is used as a "passive" protein.

How does casein protein work?

Many inexperienced athletes try to compare whey and casein protein with each other, and this is a gross mistake. They cannot be put on opposite scales, as they complement each other rather than compete.

By itself, calcium caseinate is found in the separated curd mass and consists of microparticles. These particles take a long time to digest. human body, compared with the second derivative of milk - whey. But, due to the high percentage of aminocarboxylic acids, and in particular glutamine, which after training destroys the catabolic effect and preserves muscle fibers during their destruction. There is always more of it in casein than in whey or egg white.

A feature of its action is the fact that after it enters the stomach, it forms a kind of lump. For a long time, it is divided into the very microparticles that are also absorbed for a long time. Here, this is what another of his positive quality- providing the body with essential amino acids for 5-6 hours.

Do you need this supplement?

By virtue of specific characteristics and application, anyone will have a completely logical question - is this additive needed at all?

Given that its cost is several times less than the cost of other types of protein, it must be consumed precisely during those periods in which the body especially needs protein, namely:

  • During training with increased intensity;
  • During periods of weight gain (at night);
  • During progression of dietary deficiency;
  • during muscle catabolism.

Now, we can safely answer the question - casein protein will never be superfluous. In general, calcium caseinate is difficult to obtain from ordinary foods, since it is mainly contained only in cottage cheese. And, for people who are engaged in weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, power extreme sports, for a visible effect, you need to get about 1.4-1.8 g of casein per kilogram of body per day. The percentage of casein content in cottage cheese is small, so the price will be about the same, but the effectiveness is different. At least despite the fact that it is made from casein milkshake, and pure cottage cheese does not have much taste.

So for complete confidence in its need, we will collect all the advantages in one list and emphasize:

  • Contains a high percentage of different amino acids in the composition;
  • High content of glutamine;
  • Appetite suppression for weight loss;
  • supply of muscle fibers necessary elements for several hours;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Preserves muscles during the drying period;
  • Slowing down the catabolic process;
  • It is possible to use for those who do not perceive lactose.

From this we can conclude that with a correctly and competently written reception program such sports supplement, she can become good and indispensable assistant not only an athlete power types sports, but also a simple lover of iron.

Side effects

About side effects, that's a pretty specific question. With all confidence, we can say that casein protein does not cause any negative influences. Unless, of course, its use occurs in strict norms prescribed by the manufacturer. In the case of a specific exaggeration with the dosage, the case can turn into an upset stomach.

It is also necessary to remember that you should not buy dubious casein in dubious packages or from your hands. Great chance the fact that this is a cheap fake that can really harm your health. To avoid such cases, it is recommended to always buy a sports product only from trusted and popular manufacturers. You need to understand the line when you overpay for a brand, and when this amount becomes a guarantee of your health, and you pay for casein, tested by more than one thousand athletes.

Based on the many years of experience of many athletes who have repeatedly entered the stage as a performing athlete, it has been noticed that casein has a lot of interesting features. These features depend on what it is combined with, under what conditions it is used and for what purposes this kind of protein is used.

During the period of mass gathering

Casein will give its results if it is a supplement for whey protein;

When casein protein is taken before bed, the catabolism process becomes slower, and the catabolic hormone cortisol does not exert its destructive effect on muscle fibers;

Before going to bed, an increased portion of casein is needed, because at night there is a decrease in anabolism and muscles need protection all night, before the first meal;

Such a protein will become an assistant if a person does not have the opportunity to eat throughout the day. Also, due to the increased portion, you can supply the muscles with essential amino acids for the whole day.

On drying, to reduce body fat

Here it should be taken as a “night light”, but whey will also remain the main protein. It is in this order that this combination will help to save the necessary material and actively consume fat.

Casein is actively used to reduce or eliminate hunger.

Practice shows that in the right combination with fast protein, the drying process proceeds a little more efficiently than with casein alone;


For allergy sufferers, it will become indispensable in the diet, because its component is significantly different from the composition of whey and egg protein.


There has always been an internal dispute between weightlifters and other security officials, which of the proteins is the most effective - casein or whey? This dispute was relevant until 2009. Now after detailed studies in the three most important criteria, certain conclusions can be drawn.

The first criterion is the stimulation of muscle growth

In 2009, it was revealed that due to more high speed absorption of protein and other composition of amino acid elements, whey protein has more advantages in stimulating muscle growth than casein.

At the conclusion of a study in 2011, Wets DW proved that with a single use of these two types of supplements, it is best to muscle growth whey protein affected.

The third experiment was also carried out in 2011. Pinning's B stated that in the elderly (over 60 years of age), muscle anabolism, with some separation from casein, was affected by whey protein.

In 2012, Burd NA and Yang Y found that after intense training with a power load, the synthesis process is faster and more reliable due to its stimulation with whey protein than with casein.

The second criterion is the process of losing weight

Studies of the second criterion big picture showed that whey protein is also one step ahead of casein. This is manifested both in the fact of protecting the muscles and in the fact of increasing heat generation. But, by the fact of appetite suppression, fast protein is left behind.

In 2011, researcher Abou-Samra R proved that when casein is taken 30 minutes before a meal, calcium caseinate suppresses appetite better than other types of protein.

Such gaps in the characterization of casein are due to the fact that it contains a large number of calcium. Due to the combination of calcium with its other components, it is far from the last place in the ranking of protein varieties. Do not forget that calcium hydroxyapatite is responsible for the regulation of muscle contractions and participates in the process of blood clotting.

The third criterion is the assimilation

As a result major studies, which involved several professional bodybuilders-volunteers, it was concluded that whey protein is absorbed by the trained bodybuilder much faster than a casein supplement. From here, a completely logical result was summed up: whey protein is a fast protein, casein is a slow one.

But, the experiment did not end there. Observations continued for several more hours, and it was at this time that the casein showed itself. After 1.5 hours after ingestion, the whey protein ended its action, due to the fact that it was completely exhausted by the body. And, casein continued to be absorbed for another 5 hours. From here, another positive quality appears: feeding the body with amino acids for a long time. With an allowed increase in the portion of casein, the duration of the feeding time also increases.

Today, casein protein is one of the indispensable supplements for many athletes, which include professional bodybuilders who were or are performing athletes, masters of sports and Olympic champions.

One of the most actual problems any athlete is drawing up a suitable diet. The effectiveness of his training directly depends on what, when and in what quantities a bodybuilder uses. The most important component of an athlete's diet is protein. To in enough to supply themselves with this element, many people take casein protein. But not everyone has sufficient knowledge of how to take casein protein.

Casein is a complex protein found in cow's milk and makes up about 80% of this product. For casein protein whole milk subjected to ultrafiltration. As a result of this processing method, very quality product, which contains many useful and essential amino acids for the body.

Casein is a slow protein. Once in the stomach, it is converted into a kind of clot, the digestion of which the body spends a lot of time, while gradually being saturated with amino acids.

When should I take casein protein?

Many athletes to get the most out of their workouts combine the intake of two proteins - whey and casein. It is worth noting that the first one is absorbed much faster, and is simply necessary in cases where the body needs immediate recovery and saturation with amino acids - immediately after a long night's sleep and after a workout.

Casein proteins, in turn, need to be taken to saturate the body for long periods without food:

  • best to take casein protein at night
  • between meals

The use of casein gives an anti-catabolic effect - it prevents muscle breakdown due to its rather slow absorption.

How to cook and how much to take casein protein?

To prepare a cocktail, you need a shaker so that it completely dissolves. One serving of casein is diluted with 300-350 ml of milk or water. The volume of the cocktail is calculated individually, based on body weight, fitness level and energy needs. Average 25-45 grams of protein (1-2 scoops) provides the body for a period equal to 8 hours.

Casein protein is very effective for weight loss and fat burning. This is due to the fact that the finished drink helps to reduce appetite, but at the same time supplies all the necessary nutrients. For those looking to lose weight, take 15 grams (half a scoop).

What is the best casein protein?

The casein protein ranking is topped by Optimum Nutrition with its 100% Casein Protein product. This is the best casein protein on the sports nutrition market, which is in demand, which means it really is of high quality.

Casein is a complex additive based on the multicomponent protein of curdled milk. The sports nutrition market has hundreds of manufacturers vying with each other offering proteins based on it and assuring that they produce the best casein.

Let's try to figure out how to choose the best mix for drying and weight gain.

The drying training cycle is used in cases where athletes need to get rid of body fat as soon as possible and build muscle as efficiently as possible in as soon as possible, providing not only mass, but also relief. This is one of the most responsible training programs, involving ultra-active training with a minimum of calorie intake.

During drying, the use of whey protein isolate and casein is relevant. But which casein protein is better to choose?

When to Get Rid of excess fat, snacking during work and school shifts can greatly damage this. Casein, getting into the stomach, provides saturation without overload and extra calories, at the same time, protecting, nourishing the muscles, helping them grow and recover.

Long-term absorption of casein allows you to go without food for up to 8 hours, which is important for the night period and the exclusion of fast food consumption during the day. Of course, it is impossible to do without food from the usual diet, but it is quite possible to replace a single meal with casein. As for which casein protein is better to choose during the drying period, it depends on the time of use.

In the post-workout period, it is most relevant to use multi-component supplements so that fast proteins make up for protein starvation, and casein continues to nourish and protect muscles growing after training until next appointment food.

At night, the best casein protein, according to reviews and studies, is micellar, with the ability to release amino acids for 12 hours.

When gaining mass

When you need to gain muscle mass, casein protein, having a low calorie content and slow absorption, would seem to be less relevant than when losing weight. However, it is very difficult for ectomorphs to pump muscles, they spend a lot of energy on their growth, so nighttime catabolism is the most terrible for them. When gaining mass, it is best to drink a complex - casein protein with slow carbohydrates, at night, preventing negative impact cortisol or a combination of calcium caseinate and whey concentrate.

Every athlete wants to know which brand of casein is best to make. right choice and buy a high quality mixture. You can find out from the Top 10 Best Casein Proteins 2015 ranking:

  1. Gold Standard 100% Casein by Optimum Nutrition. Each serving contains 34 grams of protein, of which 24 grams is the purest casein. It rightfully takes 1st place, due to the high quality of the composition and demand among consumers. Also, ON- best manufacturer casein, according to famous athletes.
  2. MusclePharm, with its Casein supplement, comes in at number two. 80% protein and an enzyme matrix with prebiotics provide not only the highest BAC, but also the best absorption.
  3. Elite Casein Dymatize, in the ranking of the best casein proteins in 3rd place. It contains 24 grams of the highest quality protein.
  4. Casein Pro Universal Nutrition is a heavy duty supplement containing 24 grams of micellar casein.
  5. 100% Casein Protein Optimum Nutrition enriched with BCAAs.
  6. Lipotropic Protein LG Sciences - contains polyphenols, which is important for weight loss and amino acids.
  7. Complete Casein CytoSport is a complex protein containing 25 grams of 3 forms of casein - micellar, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate.
  8. Muscle Milk CytoSport in addition to matrix casein contains creatine and a lipid complex.
  9. Platinum TRI Celle Casein Optimum Nutrition - 30 grams of protein, the most powerful anabolic effect of an advanced patented formula.
  10. Micellar Crème Syntrax, rounds out the ranking of casein protein. It is a palatable and inexpensive micellar casein made without the use of high temperatures.


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