Cough from cigarettes how to get rid of. How to get rid of a smoker's cough fast

The smoker's cough has its characteristics- it is resistant, wet and hard. It occurs early in the morning and lasts for several hours until thick mucus, saturated with toxic compounds, leaves the lungs and bronchi. Heavy smokers wake up even at night due to a strong choking cough.

It would seem that nothing terrible is happening, with the help of this reflex reaction, the body gets rid of poisonous resins and harmful substances. But smoker's cough does not appear on its own - everything points to damage. epithelial cells and mucous membranes of the upper and lower respiratory tract. This is where chronic obstructive pulmonary disease begins.

How to know if smoking is the cause of your cough

Before treating the excruciating cough of a smoker, the doctor prescribes instrumental diagnostics to assess the damage caused by tobacco smoke to the body. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is so damaged that the use of special pharmacological preparations for its partial or complete restoration.

With a slight deformation, the cough is eliminated with the help of expectorant and soothing throat medicines. Well proven and means traditional medicine. But priority doctor - to move the patient to get rid of bad habit.

Experienced smokers are able to distinguish a cough from prolonged smoking from what occurs with SARS or a cold. And people with relatively little experience (2-3 years) do not understand such subtleties. What are the characteristics of cough smoking person:

  • an unpleasant symptom of accumulation of sputum in the lungs disappears before lunch;
  • when coughing, viscous dark saliva is secreted;
  • the desire to clear your throat occurs with a sharp breath, laughter, yawning;
  • cough overcomes with increased physical activity.

But the main difference is the absence of signs of bacterial or viral infection: hyperthermia, aching joints, headache, nasal congestion. If a person's cough is dry, barking, occurring around the clock, then this is a sign of a peculiar reaction to smoke. In this case, the treatment will not be effective until the patient gets rid of the bad habit.

The smoker constantly irritates the alveoli of the lungs due to the action of poisonous resins and toxic substances located in tobacco smoke.

Epithelial cilia stuck together, so their functional activity has significantly decreased - they are unable to fully clean the surface of thick sticky mucus. Even after complete failure from smoking, a person continues to cough for several months. At this time, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of resins and harmful compounds, and the work of the alveolar cilia is restored.

There are many methods that allow ex-smoker stop coughing and coughing so hard. If a person is not yet ready to give up a bad habit, doctors also recommend using syrups, tablets and lozenges for productive sputum discharge.

Tablets and dragees

During treatment, pulmonologists recommend that patients completely stop smoking. If a person is not yet ready to give up a bad habit, there is an alternative - an electronic cigarette. The steam emitted by it does not contain poisonous resins and toxic compounds.

In the treatment of smoker's cough, tablets, capsules and dragees have proven themselves well. Their action is aimed at increasing sputum in the respiratory tract, diluting it and removing it from the lungs and bronchi. Such drugs are very inexpensive, but this does not affect the quality of treatment. These include:

  • cough tablets (they are also called penny);
  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine.

Sputum will be better if you drink plenty of fluids while taking medicines. It could be pure still water, decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs, fruit drinks and jelly from berries, fruit juices and compotes. Vitamin drinks not only clean the alveoli of the lungs, but also eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and microelements formed due to smoking.

Quick-dissolving tablets Fluimucil and ACC help to cure a smoker's cough. If you drop the drug into a glass of water, it forms fizzy drink With pleasant taste and aroma. This dosage form is well absorbed in the body, and the patient does not have to additionally consume a lot of liquid.

The course of treatment with Fluimucil and ACC lasts from 10 to 14 days. When diagnosing significant damage epithelial tissue the duration of taking the drugs increases to 1-1.5 months.

Often, on the inflamed mucous membrane of the bronchi, bronchioles and lungs, infectious foci bacterial origin. In such cases, antibiotic therapy is indispensable. Before it is carried out, the type of pathogenic pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs are determined. Laboratory research can take several days, so treatment begins immediately with antibiotics a wide range actions:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • cephalosporin series;
  • Clarithromycin.

These drugs destroy almost all known bacteria, but do not bypass and beneficial microflora intestines. For the prevention of dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to take probiotics and prebiotics (Linex, Acipol, Lactobacterin, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin).

When diagnosing a smoker's cough, the doctor assesses the damage caused to the body by nicotine


It is possible to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the bronchi with the help of sweet thick syrups known to everyone since childhood: Pertussin, marshmallow syrup and licorice. They soothe the irritated throat membrane, help to form sputum.

The drugs have a mucolytic effect, thin thick mucus for its rapid removal. Do not forget that Pertussin contains ethanol, so you should not drive vehicles while taking it.

For the treatment of smoker's cough, syrups with more complex composition. They increase the body's resistance to infections, restore damaged membranes of the respiratory tract, and help with ARVI and colds. But their main action is expectorant. Course intake (7-14 days) of drugs eliminates paroxysmal cough due to the rapid production of sputum.

What syrups are most effective:

  • Bronchorus, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Codelac and Codelac Neo;
  • Broncholitin.

Linkas includes vegetable herbs possessing bactericidal, aseptic, antimicrobial action. Reception of sweet syrup helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, dilutes and removes the accumulated bronchial secret.

Homeopathic syrups are used as additional therapy when smoking. They contain plant extracts and various chemical substances. If these connections are received in large doses, then a person has coughing due to irritation of the larynx. The intake of small amounts of chemical compounds, as it were, accustoms the body to the action of provoking agents. Therefore, even after the penetration of many harmful substances into the organs of the respiratory system, damage and inflammation of the mucous membranes do not occur.

TO homeopathic medicines relate:

  • Gedelix;
  • Stodal.

syrup with plant composition Dr. Mom is recommended by pulmonologists for a course appointment. The drug for short term eliminate the cough of a smoker. Unlike other drugs, it contains the optimal amount of medicinal herbs, each of which has its own beneficial properties for the human body.

When choosing any dosage form to eliminate paroxysmal cough attention should be paid to the amount of herbal ingredients contained in it. If more than 10 types of herbs are included in the collection or syrup, then it is better to purchase a medicine with a less diverse composition. To attract buyers, manufacturers add an excess amount of components. As a result of their active ingredients cannot fully display their therapeutic properties.

Lozenges, lozenges and lozenges

Resorption preparations help to increase the volume of sputum secreted and facilitate its discharge. Pastilles and lozenges with mint and menthol not only soften the throat, eliminate perspiration, but also help to quit smoking. When buying tablets, you should pay attention to medicines and biologically active additives, which include plants with a strong aroma:

  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus.

They contain essential oils with bactericidal, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. This allows active substances be completely absorbed by the mucous membranes and provide maximum therapeutic effect. Lozenges reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and eliminate swelling of the tissues, which helps sputum to thin and stand out from the upper respiratory tract.

Such dosage forms used in the treatment of dry and wet cough smoker. Diabetics should opt for products without sugar and glucose. Such lollipops and dragees have proven themselves well:

  • Pharyngosept;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Strepsils;
  • Homeovox;
  • Septolete;
  • Tonsipret.

During course treatment with absorbable preparations, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. This helps the formation of mucus and its liquefaction. Do not exceed the number of tablets taken daily. Despite the sweet taste and pleasant aroma, lozenges are medicine, not candy, and have side effects.

Herbal lozenges help eliminate smoker's hysterical cough

Folk remedies

In the treatment of a smoker's cough, drugs made according to the recipes of traditional healers are used. With their help, you can remove harmful substances and toxic resins from the bronchi and lungs, increase functional activity all body systems. How to cure a cough with folk remedies:

  • Pour into a thermos 5 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs ledum, violet, sage and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist 7 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups of warm drink 3-4 times a day before meals;
  • place in an enamel container 5 tbsp. spoons of thyme and 4 tbsp. spoons of eucalyptus, chamomile, marigold. Pour a liter of boiling water, insist under the lid for 3 hours. Strain, take 50 ml 5-6 times a day before meals;
  • dilute in a glass warm milk a tablespoon of flower honey and the same amount of quality butter. Drink the mixture in small sips and lie down, wrapped in a blanket;
  • Pour into a thermos 7 tbsp. spoons of dandelion root and St. John's wort. Pour in 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Take 0.25 cup of the drink 4-5 times a day before meals.

You can cure a smoker's cough with a bath or sauna. At home, pulmonologists recommend daily inhalations with herbs, essential oils or pharmacological agents.

With significant damage to the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi, lozenges and syrups will not have the desired effect. Only an experienced doctor can eliminate a cough. He will conduct a thorough diagnosis, assess the degree of damage caused by tobacco smoke and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Smoking proudly bears the title of "fever of the XXI century" and occupies a leading position in the statistics of diseases of the respiratory system. Nicotine addiction is one of the most persistent and harmful to the body. Every year the number of smokers is increasing, and the number of visits to pulmonologists is also growing.

Health problems due to smoking are selected quietly and imperceptibly, step by step "conquering" the body. One of the first symptoms that signal upcoming troubles is a cough. How to understand that painful coughing is associated specifically with smoking and how to get rid of a smoker's cough - we'll talk about this now.

Smoker's cough is a deadly pathology

Physicians involved in the problems of smokers took individual disease characteristic of these people. This is the famous smoker's bronchitis. Pathology is distinguished by its specific symptoms, the main of which is cough..

What is smoker's bronchitis

Smoker's bronchitis threatens not only smokers. Passive smokers - people who are constantly close to a smoking person - can also suffer from this disease.

How the disease develops

The main culprit in the situation when a person is constantly haunted by a cough from cigarettes is carcinogenic smoke. This disease first manifests itself slight cough, which gradually develops into constant coughing attacks. Smoker's bronchitis is a colloquial name. Officially, doctors make two diagnoses:

  1. COB (chronic obstructive bronchitis).
  2. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

There is no particularly clear gradation between these two diagnoses. This is due to the insidiousness of the disease, which imperceptibly progresses, developing over many years, and covers the entire respiratory system.

How the disease manifests itself: the main symptoms

People who have been addicted to smoking for more than 15-20 years, in 98% of cases, experience bronchitis (already chronic stage) to some extent.

By the time the first distinct symptoms appear, the smoker already has a global lesion in the patency of the bronchi (obstruction). Smoker's bronchitis is not just common cough from irritating cigarette smoke. This fatal disease, totally destroying the organs of the respiratory system and provoking heart failure. Pathology develops as follows:

  1. Carcinogenic smoke toxins regularly irritate the cells of the bronchial mucosa, gradually damaging them.
  2. If the body is healthy and strong, so far the few damages are “repaired” in time. Now the regenerative abilities of the body are still active, damaged cells are replaced by new ones.
  3. By the age of 35-40 (if a person does not quit smoking), the processes of destruction acquire global proportions - an already weakened body is not able to put everything in order and restore in time.
  4. Irreversible degradation of the ciliated epithelium begins, this leads to problems with drainage functions, the bronchi begin to weaken, losing their protective qualities.
  5. Microcracks appear on the bronchial mucosa, where pathogenic microorganisms causing inflammation of the bronchi.
  6. Over time, microcracks heal, giving the bronchial surface tuberosity.
  7. The walls of the bronchi thicken, further worsening the gaps and drainage functions.
  8. Sputum stagnation becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, which already causes chronic inflammatory infections.
  9. The lungs are also involved in the irreversible destructive process. Pulmonary alveoli are transformed into emphysema (non-functional cavities).

All of these conditions are irreversible, but they can be stopped by increasing the life expectancy of a heavy smoker. The time during which they develop destructive processes, individually in each case. Big influence provided by the following factors:

  • a person's lifestyle;
  • state of immunity;
  • sex/age of the smoker;
  • the number of cigarettes smoked daily;
  • heredity ( congenital predisposition pathologies of the respiratory system);
  • smoking experience (do not hope that the disease will come after several decades, there have been cases when a cough from smoking appears only a few months after smoking the first cigarette).

Symptoms of a smoker's cough

Smoker's bronchitis, as an independent pathology, is not contagious. But the constantly irritated and damaged mucosa is attractive place for the growth of harmful microbes. Smokers often suffer from contagious infectious diseases that are difficult to treat.

COPD is deadly dangerous disease characteristic of smokers

More often, the first symptoms of a smoker's cough appear in patients aged 37-40 years.

But modern doctors note the "rejuvenation" of the disease. More and more young people are now suffering from the cough characteristic of smokers. Therefore, it is very important to know the nuances of deadly dangerous pathology to see a doctor in time.

Features of cough syndrome

At first, the cough bothers the smoker only in the morning. The cough is rather weak and unproductive (dry). It is infrequent and passes quickly. A person does not pay much attention to such a weak symptom. But, over time, the cough reminds of itself with long painful attacks, accompanied by the following symptoms:

Sputum. With development pathological process A smoker's cough changes from dry (unproductive) to wet, producing sputum. Expectorant mucus is highly viscous. Its color ranges from light yellow to brown and even deep green. Sometimes purulent and bloody streaks can be observed.

As in the beginning of the disease, wet cough especially pronounced in smokers in the morning. This is due to the accumulation during sleep thick mucus.

Smoker's sputum is a phenomenon that is not observed in all cigarette lovers. For a long time, mucus may not separate at all. Only during periods of infectious diseases does the cough turn into a wet one. Its feature is sharply increased in volume and difficult to remove sputum.

Smoker's lungs are different high content damaged cells

Dyspnea. Smoker's bronchi clogged with viscous mucus provoke the development of spasm of muscular bronchial tissue. Weakened and mucus-clogged organs are unable to carry out their direct duties. The cigarette lover gets short of breath.

At first, the lack of air is felt only with small physical activity but it gets stronger over time. In a heavy smoker, shortness of breath is provoked even by measured slow walking. In severe cases, this syndrome leads to heart failure.

A constant cough exhausts a person. Constantly feeling weak, the smoker begins to experience problems with the immune system - after all, the body feverishly throws all its strength into restoring performance. The smoker is increasingly starting to get sick with the flu, SARS, acute respiratory infections.

What does smoking lead to (consequences of a smoker's cough)

unfortunate pulmonary organs an avid nicotine lover has a hard time. enduring pathological changes, lung cells begin to slowly die. Due to gradually accumulating in the ciliated epithelium of carcinogenic resins and toxins.

According to statistics, a smoker's cough is 10 times more likely to develop oncological neoplasms pulmonary system than in healthy people.

How to treat a smoker's cough

Therapy aimed at stabilizing the lung system of a gambling smoker includes clearing the lungs of accumulated sputum and improving bronchial function. Treatment chronic cough smoking is a long, tedious process that requires attention and strict adherence to all doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of chronic smoker's cough is a long and difficult process.

Depending on the condition of the patient, the treatment of a smoker's cough can be carried out at home or in a hospital under the supervision of experienced doctors. But the first thing to do is to forget about smoking in any form.

Without a complete cessation of cigarettes, treatment aimed at eliminating cough and its accompanying symptoms will not bring any effect.

And only after giving up the bad habit, the patient will have to take a course therapeutic measures. It includes taking the following drugs:


Relaxation medications smooth muscle bronchi, relief of bronchospasm and expansion of the lumen of the body. The patient has a noticeable improvement in respiratory function. Bronchodilators are divided into three groups:

Cholinolytics. Drugs that block nerve endings and relieve spasms. Doctors most often recommend the use of Ipratropium native and Atrovent, Spiriva. Such funds are used in the form of inhalation, which allows them to act faster and more efficiently on damaged bronchi.

The process of action of anticholinergics

Adrenomimetics. Medicines of this group restore receptors respiratory organs reviving damaged cells. Most of these drugs are based on clenbuterol, salbutamol, terbutaline and fenoterol.. They are produced in different forms:

  • powders: Salgim, Salben;
  • injection solutions: Salgim;
  • tablets: Saltos, Salmo, Salgim, Aloprod;
  • aerosols: Salbutomol, Salbuvent, Astalin, Salmo, Ventolin;
  • inhalation solutions: Sterineb Salamol or Ventolin Nebula.

With the development of acute and severe coughing attacks, doctors advise using Salbutomol or Ventolin. These sprays quickly relieve the cough reflex and restore breathing.

Methylxanthines. These drugs are rarely used by modern doctors due to the wide range of side effects. Too often, after taking drugs of the methylxanthines group, people experience insomnia, a drop in blood pressure and tachycardia.

Methylxanthines have many side effects

Medications of the methylxanthines group: Eufillin, Teofshlin, Theophylline, Teopec, Teotard are used as additional funds to holinotics with insufficient effectiveness of the latter.


Expectorants are used to alleviate the symptoms of a painful cough and thinning, followed by the withdrawal of thick mucus. The following medications are most often prescribed by doctors:

  • mucolytics of synthetic and vegetable origin: Mukoltin, ACC, Lazolvan, Ambroxol;
  • syrups based on medicinal herbs and roots healing plants(licorice, thyme, marshmallow, thermopsis).

Auxiliary medicines

With a prolonged cough in heavy smokers, due to the global weakening of the body, other unpleasant complications. To make the treatment of a smoker's cough more successful, doctors also use additional drugs as an auxiliary aid to the body:

  1. Antihistamines. With the manifestation of allergies, which often accompanies the smoker's cough. Erius, Claritin, Eden are used.
  2. Antibacterial. In case of wholesale reproduction on damaged mucous membranes of pathogenic microflora, the use of antibacterial agents. Doctors often recommend using broad-spectrum antibiotics: Azithromycin, Sumamed, Augmentin, Oslamox.
  3. Immunomodulators. In the process of treating a smoker's cough, it is necessary full recovery weakened immune system person. Various immunostimulants and fortified complexes help with this. Most often, doctors advise using homeopathic remedies and herbal medicines.

Simultaneously with taking medications, physicians may recommend the use and folk treatment. Warming ointments, tinctures, decoctions of expectorant plants, chest preparations.

Before using any folk medicine permission from your doctor must be obtained for such treatment. Do not forget that medicinal herbs are not suitable for everyone.

And even better - in advance, before the appearance of a cough, which will subsequently have to be cured, quit smoking. Then you don’t have to think about how to treat a cough from cigarettes, what to do with shortness of breath and constant fatigue. It is better to initially save your own health than to try to restore it bit by bit later. Easy breathing for you!

Smoker's cough usually occurs in those who smoke for a long time (several years). Often the cause of the problem is not the active use of nicotine, but passive smoking. You can treat a smoker's cough at home, but the best treatment there will be a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked or a rejection of addiction.

Causes of a smoker's cough

The inflammatory process that occurs in the bronchi is associated with the systematic ingress of tobacco smoke into them. Scientists have found that there are over 4,000 different toxic compounds in cigarette smoke.

In addition to the chemical compounds present in smoke, harmful effects on health and a large number of highly toxic combustion products, such as tobacco mixture, paper, which is a cigarette sleeve.

All these aggressive substances with each breath of fragrant smoke eat into the delicate mucous membrane of the bronchi.

One smoked cigarette will cause unpleasant consequences, only natural defensive forces body will help to cope with the smoke. Another thing is when cigarette smoke passes through the alveoli of the bronchi again and again.

The sputum coughed up by a cigarette lover is a protective mucus secreted by the body, thanks to which it removes harmful substances from the bronchi.

If the smoker has an impressive experience, sputum is practically not coughed up. Due to the death of protective cilia, it thickens in the smallest bronchial lumens and clogs them like a cork. As a result, the useful volume of the lungs is sharply reduced.

Signs of smoker's bronchitis

Usually trouble in the bronchi begins to manifest itself characteristic symptoms in the form of a cough that occurs in the morning. In the early stages of the development of the disease, the cough is not prolonged, but regular: the smoker is forced to cough every morning.

Morning coughs are explained by the fact that at rest or when the smoker is lying, mucus is practically not excreted from the body, it accumulates there all this time. And as soon as a person accepts vertical position, the body begins to actively release the bronchi from stagnant secretions.

With the development of the pathological process in the bronchi, the cough becomes painful, paroxysmal in nature, that is, it is more and more difficult for a person to clear his throat. Sometimes attacks of tobacco cough are so strong that they do not stop for several hours in a row.

With the appearance of a protracted and tormenting cough, there is reason to suspect that the bronchi have the last opportunity to clear themselves of inhaled muck: with spasmodic contractions in the form of a cough, try to push them out. In addition to this first symptom, a debilitating cough also follows the first cigarette smoked in the morning. Then the exhausted organism is so weakened that the cough appears at any time, and can haunt the smoker all day.

The patient has symptoms specific to this pathology:

  • feeling of suffocation during an attack;
  • fullness in the lungs, feeling that they are about to jump out;
  • difficulties with the implementation of a full breath;
  • hemorrhages in the larynx associated with ruptures of blood vessels.

Consequences of smoking

Untimely treatment of sputum in the bronchi leads to the overflow of the inflammatory process into chronic form. If at the same time the sick person continues to smoke, the body completely loses its independent ability to get rid of mucus.

It accumulates in the lungs, where lesions appear due to bronchial tubes clogged with mucus, and in many cases this condition leads to the formation of malignant tumors.

Confirm the presence of lesions in respiratory system Can x-ray or fluorography.

In addition to the threat of development cancerous tumors, in smokers who do without necessary therapy damaged lungs, begins to develop pulmonary insufficiency associated with the death of areas of the lung.

These people have heavy, wheezing and wheezing. Lack of air intake into the lungs chronic hypoxia) inevitably entails oxygen starvation of the whole organism, because of which the central nervous system and the heart are especially affected in the first place.

Since there is no natural mechanism for self-purification of the bronchi in the absence of outside help, all toxic compounds and carcinogenic resins are no longer coughed up, but are absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body, poisoning it as a whole and organs separately.

Untreated smoker's cough entails:

  • special predisposition to pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • constant weakness and fatigue;
  • brain dysfunction and nervous system generally.

Home Treatments

All folk remedies applied to effective treatment bronchitis, including those associated with nicotine, use the power that medicinal herbs contain.

The best is regular course treatment start with a decoction of wild rosemary and St. John's wort, taken in equal proportions, 10 grams per serving, and steamed with two hundred milliliters of boiling water, heated over a quiet fire for 10 minutes.

Unfortunately, the words of the famous children's song about the fact that "the morning begins with a smile" do not correspond to reality if we are talking about heavy smokers.

Their morning begins with a hacking, sometimes painful, irritating, exhausting cough!

Is it possible to overcome this terrible phenomenon without serious drug exposure? You can try to use folk remedies and how to cure a smoker's cough at home.

From the article you will learn

Causes of cough

Toxins, tar, soot - just listing the toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke would take several pages. But they are simple: under the influence of these elements, the lungs, bronchi, and other organs cease to function normally, the level of oxygen decreases, the release of fluid increases, which accumulates in the bronchi in the form of sputum. It is her that the body is trying to bring out, using for this a strong, dry or wet cough.

You need to understand that Smoker's cough can be a sign of other serious illnesses. arising from smoking. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

How to determine that we have a case of chronic smoker's cough? According to the main features, which include:

  1. Cough not accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of viral ailments: no runny nose, very absent fever and so on.
  2. Most common cough occurs in the morning, after waking up and disappears (softens) after one or more smoked cigarettes.
  3. Stands out: from dull white to yellow or black, sometimes with bloody patches.
  4. The situation has a protracted (chronic) character - cough does not go away for 8 or more weeks.

The rest of the dangerous ones can be found in our article at the specified link.

How to treat at home?

Coughing is the body's way of trying to get rid of harmful effects smoking, however, he cannot do it on his own and in full. Harmful substances enter the body in larger volumes than are excreted. They accumulate, provoking other serious ailments.

The body needs help, which can be provided, including folk remedies. However, no treatment will be effective unless the flow of toxins is stopped - first step to recovery: stop smoking!

Smoker's cough inhalation

Inhalation is a method when beneficial (medicinal) substances enter the body by inhalation. They can be contained in steam, gas and even smoke. Many probably remember the "grandmother's method" for coughing - to breathe over potatoes? This a prime example inhalation.

For use special decoctions, over the steam of which inhalations are made. The main elements include eucalyptus, mint and essential oils..

Ready-made inhalers for sale- aerosols containing medications which are injected into the patient's throat.

Bath and sauna

These methods, especially the Russian bath, can be attributed to varieties of inhalations. After all, you can splash not just water on the stones, but medicinal infusions, decoctions, etc. The resulting steam will enter the lungs, providing a therapeutic effect.

In this case, the body warms up, which increases the effect.

It is strictly forbidden to use the bath for people with cardiovascular diseases. This could end tragically! The possibility of this method of treatment, its duration and temperature must be agreed with the doctor.

Other home remedies

Such methods include "warming" methods:

  • banks;
  • mustard plasters;
  • rubbing;
  • decoctions and infusions;
  • compresses and wraps.

Cough treatment with folk remedies

How to get rid with herbs?

Phytotherapy (healing with herbs) occupies one of the main places in getting rid of cough. Plants that are able to help a huge number, but the main ones are still the following:

  • marshmallow: leaves and root;
  • wild rosemary and elecampane;
  • oregano and St. John's wort;
  • ginger and calendula;
  • liquorice root;
  • lavender and mallow;
  • coltsfoot;
  • dandelion and plantain;
  • chamomile and thyme;
  • anise seeds;
  • fennel and sage;
  • eucalyptus and thyme.

Consider a few recipes based on these herbs..

Chopped herbs are poured into a glass hot water and boil for 5-7 minutes. The broth is filtered and, while it is hot, tea is brewed according to the usual recipe (in the usual proportions, only instead of water, a decoction). Drink a glass 2-3 times a day, cold or hot. Let's add some sugar.

The decoction has a diluting and expectorant property. Drink it until you get well.

thyme and dandelion

Chopped thyme is poured into half a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Add dandelion juice or extract to the resulting infusion. Consume twice a day.

Thyme - soothes cough and relieves spasms of the larynx. Dandelion helps to quickly remove toxins.[

The recipe is suitable for a strong chronic cough with a long smoking period. It will help relieve cough, clear the lungs and strengthen blood vessels.

Dry ingredients are mixed and take 1 tablespoon. Next, pour boiling water and insist an hour and a half. Strain and add honey. Use 3-4 doses per day after meals for 3 weeks. Then a break for 10-12 days and the course is repeated.

This is a very simple yet effective recipe. Helps if the cough is wet. It has excellent expectorant effects.

Thyme (aka thyme) in the amount of 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink a glass twice a day for at least two weeks.

The recipe helps not only to relieve cough, but also to strengthen the immune system..

Perfect as aid when treated in other ways.

In a glass of water, dilute 30 drops of eucalyptus tincture and drink the resulting solution three times a day.

Instead of water, a decoction or infusion prepared according to one of the above recipes can be used.

How to get rid with dairy products?

The microelements contained in dairy products help in the process of cleansing the lungs. Alone and in combination with other ingredients, they have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Use of dairy products is possible only in cases where there is no individual intolerance elements included in them.

Among the recipes based on milk, the most commonly used are:

  1. Milk with honey. Warm milk (1 cup) is mixed with a tablespoon of honey (preferably lime). Drink twice a day for a month.
  2. Milk with butter and soda. Mix a glass of hot milk with a quarter teaspoon of soda and 30-50 grams of butter. Use twice or thrice a day until complete recovery.
  3. Milk with propolis. Propolis is very beneficial substance, however, it is rather difficult to dissolve it in milk. It is better to use tincture: two or three drops for half a glass of milk. Drink the mixture before meals twice a day.

Having coped with smoking - one of the most monstrous negative impact on the organism of habits - a person often receives new problem: cough quitting smoking. He can be much stronger than before.

This is one of the most unpleasant moments of recovery, because it may seem that the situation has only worsened, that it is enough to return everything back (start smoking again) to get rid of the disease.

Serious temptation must be overcome! The entry of toxins into the body must be stopped forever, otherwise the disease may develop into more terrible ailments sometimes taking fatal forms.

Why does a cough occur after quitting smoking and how to deal with it? This article will be devoted to the answers to these questions.

From the article you will learn

What does a smoker's cough mean?

What is a cough? This is a protective procedure of the body that allows you to remove poisons, resins, soot, dust from the respiratory tract.- anything that can lead to problems. IN healthy body the so-called. epithelial cilia are tiny mobile parts of the mucous membranes. Their movement causes a cough that removes unnecessary fluids.

In smokers, the work of cilia is blocked. The toxins contained in the smoke paralyze their work, and coughing, especially in the morning, may stop after one or two smoked cigarettes.

After quitting smoking, the body recovers slowly.

Epithelial cilia also gain mobility, but a huge amount of sputum has already accumulated in the respiratory tract, and the cilia are taken to work with doubled, and sometimes tripled strength.

From this, the cough becomes stronger, more sputum is excreted. Read more about the causes of coughing in another.

In general, a person may feel worse for some time, but this stage must be completed in order to fully heal the body.

If the treatment involves the use of medications, then it is necessary to coordinate their intake with the attending specialist. Self-medication can lead to more problems.

If the smoking experience is small, if the amount of toxins that have entered the body is small, then smoking cessation can be accompanied only by light forms cough that will go away on its own in a few days. There are cases and total absence this annoying symptom.

However, if the resins have already been deposited in multi-year layers in the respiratory tract, then the likelihood of coughing is high. In some cases, the body is not able to get rid of all the consequences on its own, and it will need help.

The absence of cough after giving up cigarettes can be an indicator of both positive processes and, unfortunately, extremely negative ones.

The positive ones are:

  • little experience as a smoker, and, therefore, toxins did not have time to accumulate;
  • strong immunity, which did not allow the body to disrupt its work - all unnecessary was removed in a timely manner and did not accumulate in the respiratory tract.

A negative consequence of the lack of cough is poor recovery of lung function.. If a person smoked for a long time and a lot, i.e. accumulation of toxins occurred, and their removal did not begin after withdrawal, this may mean that the epithelial cilia are still blocked and sputum is still in the respiratory tract.

Cough, albeit unpleasant, but a positive process, indicating an attempt by the body to cleanse itself. Its absence in experienced smokers who have given up this habit should be alarming!

How to understand which case is taking place: strong immunity or lack of recovery of the body? In the second case, in the absence of a cough, other symptoms may be observed:

  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • chest pain (permanent or with a strong breath);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • general ill health.

If at least one of these phenomena occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In some cases eyelash mobility is not restored immediately and cough can appear even after a few months. On the other hand, if negative symptoms is not observed, and the cough does not appear within a year after quitting smoking, we can say that everything is in order with the lungs.

Types of cough after quitting smoking


Wet cough (with sputum) occurs for the reasons described above. In addition, the recovery of organs occurs at different rates, and often the cilia begin to function normally, and increased secretion fluids continues. The cilia continue to expel phlegm and the cough gets worse.

It is difficult to call this process "normal", because. everything that smoking has brought into the body is negative, but it is quite possible to use the term "naturally". Indeed, in most cases, coughing and phlegm will continue until all toxins have been eliminated, and the synchronization of the organs will not be restored.


Dry (without expectoration) is another matter. If it is a consequence of smoking, then it can occur for several reasons:

  1. Restoration of cilia does not occur or passes at a slow pace. It is necessary to undergo an examination and follow the doctor's recommendations.
  2. The sputum is too thick and the body cannot excrete it on its own. In this case, thinning and expectorants are prescribed.
  3. Is a consequence of other diseases. For example, problems with the throat or gastrointestinal tract. In any case, it is necessary to treat the root cause, which only a specialist can establish.

By themselves they mean:

  • a lot of toxins have accumulated in the body that require withdrawal;
  • the cleaning process is already underway, that is, the patient is on the way to a cure.

However not every organism is able to cope with the cleansing on its own.

We have already talked about dry cough above, but there are other problems associated with it. Eg:

  1. Coughing can cause throat irritation which will lead the patient to the otolaryngologist's office.
  2. Against the background of the weakening of the body great opportunity colds , primarily related to .
  3. Long-term intoxication of the body leads to many "parallel" diseases, not in last turn V . Weak vessels, blood clots, diseased heart and other problems can be further damaged by a violent hacking cough. Possible heart attacks and strokes with all the ensuing horrors.

Therefore, soften, dilute sputum. In case of serious "parallel" ailments, it is imperative to carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialized specialist.

How long does it last and how long will it take?

The duration, intensity and possibility of self-healing depend on the period of smoking and the degree of damage. Much influence and individual characteristics organism. Difficult to predict real terms, but you can think in terms of "usually", "in most cases", etc.

Eg, ten years of smoking can lead to such periods:

Approximate terms of cough are specified. Negative influence on the body will exist even after a year of giving up cigarettes. In especially neglected cases, it is possible to speak about the complete removal of the risks associated with smoking only after 10-15 years.

Wherein increased cough in the first weeks is natural. During this period, the body can be helped with expectorants. However, if the cough does not go away for more than two months, you should consult a doctor for an examination and treatment.

If the cough is exclusively independent disease, then the same remedies are used as in the treatment of other diseases with similar symptoms.

It is necessary to thin the sputum, remove it (expectorate), relieve pain and inflammation. If coughing is a symptom of other ailments, they are treated.

Before prescribing, conduct a thorough examination:

  • blood test (general and biochemical.);
  • fluorography;
  • sputum examination (if required).

How to relieve medication?

Apply known medicines helping to cope with respiratory diseases of other types. They can be produced in the form of syrups, sprays (aerosols), etc.

If the disease is accompanied inflammatory processes or other diseases may prescribe additional funds: antibiotics, against allergies, painkillers and others.

Treatment with folk remedies

Similarly, medicines are used and. When it comes to herbal medicine (herbal treatment), they are selected for the same effects as medical preparations: liquefying, excreting, analgesic effect.

Folk remedies offer not only decoctions and infusions, they include:

  1. Heated milk. It is believed that it itself has healing effect, however, in combination with honey and soda, it is an excellent expectorant. The main thing is that there is no intolerance to this product.
  2. steam room. The bath will warm the lungs, and the steam with the addition of herbs will therapeutic inhalation respiratory tract.
  3. Home inhalations. “Breathe over potatoes” is a great way, but a decoction of eucalyptus, mint and other plants is more effective.

Both drugs and folk remedies have contraindications and can lead to negative consequences with the wrong combination. Treatment and dosage should be agreed with the doctor.

If smoking cessation-related cough persists long term, especially when it is intensively treated, should refer to profile specialist and screening for other diseases.

Perhaps coughing is not a disease, but a symptom of another more dangerous disease.

In addition to inhalations or herbal medicine, other means and methods can be used. They can also be used as part of a complex treatment:

  1. Drink more water. An increase in the level of fluid in the body will lead to liquefaction of sputum, which will contribute to its rapid removal. Approximate volumes: from 2 and more liters.
  2. Do breathing exercises . It will help with non-serious forms of cough or as one of the means in a set of measures.
  3. Eat more fiber. It removes many toxins from the body, incl. and from smoking. Contained in vegetables: cabbage, beets, potatoes, tomatoes. And also in dried fruits and cereals.


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