Why is it important to go big after giving birth? Constipation after childbirth, or a new problem: how to go to the toilet in a big way

    Oh, how I was afraid to go to the toilet after giving birth. Thank God everything went fine. Be sure to eat food that helps you relax (in the maternity hospital, we were given pilaf without a twinge of conscience, which I refused, and bread too). You can ask your family to buy glycerin suppositories, they help.

    Loke with your feet. It seems like it will be even easier after giving birth.

    Many women in labor have this problem: after giving birth, they cannot easily go to the toilet, especially those who have stitches. Constipation is common. You need to immediately contact a nurse or doctor, they will help and bring a laxative.

    Yes, a familiar problem, I also encountered this. After childbirth, there was constipation and stitches, so naturally did not work.

    Duphalac helped me - this is a laxative that you can drink during lactation and a syringe.

    I used a syringe for the first time so as not to aggravate hemorrhoids.

    Actually, when normal birth the same as before birth)

    Suppositories with glycerin helped me and were very helpful. Before them, neither cleansing enemas nor laxatives helped. Moreover, there were stitches, and it was scary that they would come apart. Then I became acquainted with these candles for the first time, I didn’t even expect that they would help so much. The women in the ward also ate boiled beets, steamed black plums, and drank phytolax.

    Put a Glycerin candle (sold in any pharmacy, a pack of 10 costs about 150 rubles, that is, 15 rubles for each candle), walk for 10-15 minutes, be patient, and then go to the toilet, there will be no problems. Candles are absolutely safe!

    I don’t recommend immediately running to the toilet at the first urge after this suppository; it’s better to hold it for a while to better stimulate intestinal motility!

    You can also do an enema, but this will not be comfortable for everyone. Microlax microenemas are also sold, they will also help, but they are much more expensive than suppositories with glycerin, you will have to pay a lot for one time, but they also help.

    You definitely need to go to the baby within a few hours after giving birth. If it doesn’t work out, then be sure to tell the doctor about it (we monitored this ourselves) and have a catheter inserted.

    By and large, it is also advisable to go at the first urge, otherwise it will be even more difficult later. Sometimes it’s so scary that women prefer to endure it (when there are stitches). Special food and candles will help cope with this situation.

    in fact, this is a very serious problem and many people don’t even imagine what it’s like for a woman who has stitches, who can’t sit down, it’s scary, and there’s no way

    I didn’t have time to face such a problem myself and didn’t even realize it, because soon after giving birth I drank a glass of kefir from a pack my mother brought me. And that’s it, the body was cleansed. So I advise you to drink kefir. But the relatives specially brought it to my roommate prune decoction. And everything is fine too.

    I didn’t bother and as soon as I realized that I couldn’t, I asked the nurses to give me an enema. I had one stitch right next to my anus and it was very scary. Second and subsequent times. everything went without problems. So my advice is to ask for an enema.

    Often women cannot go to bed in the maternity hospital, because in an unusual place the body seems to refuse to do so. This effect, by the way, is noticeable when traveling. And at home everything is getting better.

    I had a caesarean section, and still it was scary to go to the toilet for the first time, in case something burst somewhere or came apart!))) You just need to gather your courage and go ahead!)))

    Not everyone finds it easy to go big after giving birth. For many, suffering and pain can be associated with hemorrhoids, postpartum sutures, gases in the intestines, and so on.

    This will help with food that relaxes the intestines and loosens the stool a little. Boiled beets and steamed dried apricots will help with this.

    You can use candles, but first check whether they are suitable for a nursing mother. You can drink Duphalac.

    You should temporarily exclude legumes, grapes and black bread from your food.

    And if you have problems with urination, then you can try doing it in the shower, drinking tea with dill (brew the seeds).

Immediately after the birth of the baby, every young mother is faced with such a delicate problem as going to the toilet. Difficulty with defecation, as well as painful urination, accompany the woman for a long time starting from the maternity hospital. Why does it hurt to go to the toilet after childbirth, and what are the recommendations for relief? this state given by experienced obstetricians-gynecologists, read on.

After childbirth, it hurts to go to the toilet. First trip to the toilet - recommendations

The most difficult and exciting thing for a woman after childbirth is her first trip to the toilet. The first urination occurs within a few hours after the baby is born. in a natural way. It is not recommended to delay the first trip to the toilet for a long time, since an overfilled bladder puts pressure on the uterus, which has not yet had time to recover and take its previous shape.

During a caesarean section, the woman must go to the toilet after the action will take place anesthesia If a young mother cannot get up to go to the toilet on her own, she can use a bedpan.

Many women who are just preparing for the birth of a baby are interested in whether it hurts to go to the toilet after childbirth. According to gynecologists, painful urination is primarily associated with the presence of sutures. When the sutures of the perineum or vagina heal, pain and discomfort when urinating will no longer be annoying. to the expectant mother. It is very important to observe after each trip to the toilet basic rules hygiene and wash the perineum with water and baby soap to prevent infection from entering the uterus, which during the long postpartum recovery period remains open. As is known, urine promotes rapid advancement genitourinary tract infections.

After childbirth, it hurts to go to the toilet a little - what to do?

The first days after the birth of the baby are an important and responsible period when a woman should pay maximum attention not only to the newborn, but also to her own well-being. The main task for a young mother is to control timely bowel movements. Bladder to avoid possible infection of the uterus.

To quickly restore the normal functioning of the urinary system, a woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Go to the toilet every two hours. Do not tolerate it under any circumstances, even if urination is quite painful.
  2. If you have difficulty moving or cannot get up, use a bedpan.
  3. You should not limit your fluid intake in the hope that you will have to go to the toilet less often.
  4. Avoid drinks that irritate the bladder (coffee, carbonated drinks).
  5. Light exercises are useful to strengthen the pelvic organs with the permission of a doctor.

After childbirth, it hurts to go to the toilet. Possible difficulties urinating after childbirth

If it hurts, sharp pain is permanent and does not go away after the stitches heal, the woman should be wary. Let's look at the main reasons painful urination after childbirth:

  1. Frequent urge to go to the toilet. You can often hear a complaint from young mothers: after giving birth, I often go to the toilet. This is due to the fact that female body naturally gradually removes excess liquid, which should come out within 1-2 weeks after delivery. In case when frequent urination at the beginning and after completion of the process, the woman experiences sharp pain, this may be a sign inflammatory process urinary system. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor about this problem.
  2. Unpleasant painful sensations when urinating. A burning sensation and discomfort when urinating is associated with unhealed sutures of the perineum, which cause tension on the injured and sensitive skin V delicate place. Urine getting on unhealed wounds and abrasions causes burning and pain in the genitals. Washing helps relieve pain warm water with soap immediately after visiting the toilet.
  3. Cystitis. Cystitis can cause pain when urinating. This is a fairly common problem in women after childbirth. Cystitis is infectious disease and requires immediate treatment.

Why is it difficult to go to the toilet after childbirth?

Particularly difficult for women who have given birth is the first trip to the toilet after childbirth. Often, due to fear of pain and fear of stitches coming apart, young mothers delay this process, thereby independently causing constipation. Postpartum constipation is most often psychological in nature. Untimely defecation, accompanied by hardening of stool, leads to another common problem - the development of hemorrhoids. The woman strains hard, trying to get rid of feces, which causes pain not only in the anus, but also in the perineum. Going to the toilet causes extreme stress for a young mother.

It should be remembered that the absence of stool for several days after the birth of the baby is not constipation. This only indicates that there is no accumulation of feces in the intestines, since a woman who has given birth eats light and liquid food in the first days after childbirth. If a woman cannot go to the toilet for a long time, experiences discomfort, feels bloating and pain in the abdomen, feels heaviness in the intestines, this may be a sign of postpartum constipation.

After childbirth, it hurts to go to the toilet. Causes of postpartum constipation

In addition to the fear of pain during bowel movements and the psychological barrier, there are several other factors that provoke postpartum constipation:

  1. One of the reasons for difficulties with defecation is the introduction of local or general anesthesia during childbirth, which slows down the gastrointestinal tract. Weakened intestinal motility causes constipation.
  2. Constipation may be caused by taking medicines, which a woman takes after childbirth. Mainly iron supplements, appointed after caesarean section for blood loss and to increase hemoglobin in the blood.

How to go to the toilet after childbirth?

Excitement and fear before going to the toilet are the main enemies normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract. Fear of pain, psychological barrier lead to involuntary contraction of the anus and makes defecation impossible. Many women are afraid that the stitches will come apart after childbirth and simply do not know how to go to the toilet so as not to harm themselves.

Therefore, first of all, a woman should relax and try not to think about stitches. At the first urge to defecate, you must immediately go to the toilet and under no circumstances endure it. It is very important to take as much comfortable position while sitting on the toilet - your hips should be slightly lower than your knees to provide support to the perineal muscles and reduce the pain of defecation. In this situation, there is no need to worry about tearing the seams.

Difficulty going to the toilet after childbirth - how to solve the problem

If a woman has difficulty defecating due to constipation, she should follow the doctor's recommendations:

  • You should temporarily exclude from your diet those foods that cause constipation and lead to gas formation. These products include legumes, potatoes, flour products, sweets, rice, bananas.
  • Every day you need to eat vegetables rich in fiber and fermented milk products.
  • It is healthy to eat prunes or drink prune compote.
  • Completely avoid eating fried, fatty and high-calorie foods.
  • Compliance drinking regime, up to 3 liters of fluid per day is the key wellness and excellent lactation. In addition to water, this amount of liquid includes compotes, soups, teas, fermented milk drinks, and milk.
  • Movement, regular exercise or just walking fresh air will provide normal work Gastrointestinal tract and will serve as an excellent prevention of constipation.
  • If there is no bowel movement for 3 days, it is possible to use glycerin suppositories, which are safe and effective means solutions to the problem of long-term constipation. There is no point in getting carried away with suppositories if there is a problem; it is better to establish a diet and empty the intestines naturally, without causing the body to get used to defecation with the help of suppositories.

After childbirth, it hurts to go to the toilet. When to see a doctor

If more than a month has passed after giving birth, and pain in the lower abdomen and constipation continue after visiting the toilet, you should be wary. Perhaps the cause of discomfort is an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. As a rule, along with painful bowel movements, general malaise, flatulence, bloating, lack of appetite, and nervousness are felt. In this case, a consultation with an experienced proctologist is mandatory - the young mother must make time in her busy schedule.

Bowel movements should be regular. Constipation is dangerous for the body and can become a provoking factor for the development of complications such as paraproctitis, intestinal obstruction. Long-term constipation also leads to hemorrhoids that cause additional pain, discomfort and suffering to the woman.

In order to avoid difficulties with bowel movements after the birth of the baby, a woman should take care to prevent constipation during pregnancy. Correct, varied diet With big amount fiber, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, sufficient fluid intake during the day, physical activity help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regular bowel movements.

Don’t be afraid of your first trip to the toilet immediately after giving birth; think that everything will go great and without problems. After all, the main cause of constipation is psychological factor, fear of pain and suture dehiscence. Holding back the urge to go to the toilet will lead to undesirable consequences and will only make the situation worse.

After the baby is born, a woman faces another problem - going to the toilet. 90% of women are affected by this. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to go to the toilet without pain and without harming yourself.

How to go to the toilet after childbirth with stitches

In the first hours after childbirth, you may not feel pain, since nerve endings the pelvis is practically devoid of sensitivity. The problem begins to appear after 5-6 hours. And the doctor continues to recommend going to the toilet every 3-4 hours.

To relieve suffering, use the shower. Warm water is very helpful in relaxing muscles. And the murmur of water on a subconscious level will do its job.

Over time, it will become much easier to go to the toilet.

How to go to the toilet after childbirth

But the main problem for almost all women is going to the toilet. This process is especially difficult after surgery or ruptures. The woman in labor begins to worry about the stitches, that they may come apart and lead to new problems. Yes, the seams can come apart. But, as a rule, within a day after childbirth, the skin regenerates and the wounds heal.

If you do encounter this unpleasant problem, then it needs to be solved in urgently. Otherwise, it is fraught with serious consequences.

First, review your diet. Even if you're breastfeeding, don't be afraid to introduce new foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Especially useful in this situation are products with coarse fiber- apples, prunes, pears, etc.

The products can be consumed in the form of compote and decoctions.

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water after bed. Life-giving moisture for the body - best medicine. Intestinal function will improve much faster.

Perform abdominal exercises, but only if you have not done it. Lying on the bed, inflate your stomach and exhale slowly. Repeat 5-6 times for three approaches. The abdominal muscles will return to normal faster and the long-awaited free relief will come.

If you noticed bleeding on the stool masses and you feel hellish pain, then an enema and laxatives will help.

This problem usually occurs if a woman in labor does not walk for a long time. Therefore, an enema is required to liquefy the masses. This is the most reliable way. Yes, the procedure is not particularly pleasant, but there is nowhere to go.

Of course you can use medical supplies, but with great caution and better on the recommendation of a doctor. Safe drug is glycerol. Candles are made on its basis. It becomes easier to go to the toilet, that is, the intestines will ask for release. But the suppository is unable to split solid masses, so pain may occur again.

The most effective drugs are those that improve the functioning of the intestines from the inside. For example, Duffalak. Herbal Ingredients drugs help cope with this task.

Microlax is no less effective. Yes, it's an enema, but a very effective one. In 15 minutes it relieves constipation and makes it easier to go to the toilet.

If all methods have been tried and have not brought results, then immediately consult a doctor. Constipation that lasts more than 2 weeks may indicate serious problems, for example, intestinal displacement.

Don't be afraid to talk about the problem with your doctor. His task is to help the patient. After all, frequent and long-term constipation and Treating such problems is much more difficult.

Be healthy!

After giving birth, women often have difficulty defecating. This problem appears especially often after suturing. How to go to the toilet after childbirth? What measures should be taken to get rid of constipation after a cesarean section?

Why do you have difficulty going to the toilet after childbirth and caesarean section?

Why is it difficult and painful to go to the toilet after childbirth? The reasons for this are often psychological. After heavy natural birth With prolonged contractions, women develop a fear of defecation. They are afraid to push, they are afraid that it will hurt. If the woman in labor was also given internal or external seams, then this fear may increase due to fears that they will separate. In addition, problems with bowel movements may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body that occur during pregnancy.
  2. Hemorrhoids (more details in the article:).
  3. Poor nutrition.
  4. Weakness of the abdominal muscles.
  5. It is also common for women to experience constipation or diarrhea after a cesarean section. The cause of these disorders is the painkiller used during the operation.

At postpartum constipation Women in labor experience a feeling of heaviness, they are bothered by bloating and flatulence. IN difficult cases feces with blood appear.

If there are problems with your intestines, you need to take action. What to do and how to alleviate a woman’s condition? Is it possible to solve this problem with the help of medicines and folk remedies? The answers to these questions can be found below.

What to do?

Many women after childbirth ask doctors intimate question: how to go to the toilet without pain? How to avoid defecation delay?

First, let's figure out why constipation is dangerous. Feces retained in the body for more than 2 days contain toxins and poisons. They enter the bloodstream and enter the breast milk. Together with him, the baby receives substances that are dangerous to him. In addition, constipation does not negatively affect the condition of the woman herself. The load on the liver increases, weakness appears. Skin turn pale, and in some cases hair loss occurs.

In order to avoid problems with bowel movements, you need to eat and drink properly required amount liquids, lead active image life. If the causes of constipation are psychological, you need to try to calm down, relax, or consult a doctor so that he can prescribe sedatives.

If constipation occurs, you should consult a doctor for treatment. He will help you choose effective method fight:

  • change in diet;
  • taking medications;
  • performance special exercises;
  • use of folk remedies.

Proper nutrition for constipation

Constipation after cesarean section or natural birth – common occurrence observed in women in labor. Experienced moms advise to improve bowel function with proper nutrition. Inclusion in daily diet products that normalize stool are the simplest and most harmless way to combat difficulty defecating.

The menu should include vegetables and fruits. They contain a large amount of fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility. However, you need to remember that diarrhea may occur when eating large portions of food recommended for constipation. Fruits and vegetables that promote normal bowel movements and are allowed during lactation are described in the table.

In addition, a woman who has recently become a mother needs to drink a lot of water. During breastfeeding, a woman's body loses a lot of fluid that needs to be replenished. Fermented milk products also have a beneficial effect on the intestines.

During constipation, you should eat often, but in small portions. Should be excluded from the diet White bread and fried foods.

Drug treatment

If 3 days have passed after giving birth and your stool has not improved, you should seek help from medications. There are many effective drugs from constipation, which are allowed with breastfeeding. Most often women use rectal suppositories or syrup:

  • microenema "Microlax";
  • glycerin suppositories;
  • Norgolax;
  • Naturolax;
  • Mulcofalk;
  • Lactulose;
  • Lactipol;
  • Duphalac;
  • Normaze.

All of these medications affect intestinal receptors. They are not absorbed by its walls, which means that the medications are completely safe for the baby.

Most often, mothers give preference glycerin suppositories and microenemas. Their main advantages are fast action(10-20 minutes) and easy to use. After their use, diarrhea may occur, with the help of which the body gets rid of feces containing toxins and poisons. However, when choosing a drug against constipation, you need to carefully study the instructions, because all medications have contraindications.

Some obstetricians advise inserting glycerin suppository V anus to ensure a painless act of defecation. Many maternity hospitals have recommended lists of things a woman needs to take with her. This list contains glycerin suppositories.

Folk remedies

To prevent hemorrhoids from appearing after childbirth, a woman should not strain when visiting the toilet. How to adjust the chair? You can use traditional medicine recipes.

Remedies such as:

  • potato juice;
  • fig decoction;
  • medicinal collection;
  • herbal mixture No. 1 and No. 2.

The recipe for preparing a laxative medication should be checked with your doctor. He will tell you not only how to get folk remedy for constipation, but also about how much to take and for how long.

Special gymnastics

Execution of special physical exercise- the simplest and most cost-effective method. Gymnastics doesn't take large quantity time, so it does not require changes to your daily routine. First, it will be enough to resume morning exercises. Before performing exercises, it is recommended to drink half a glass warm water. If a woman’s health does not allow her to exercise at least 10 minutes a day (consequences of a difficult birth, stitches), then you can start with short walks. The duration of walking should be gradually increased (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 minutes, an hour).

If there are no restrictions, you can choose a set of exercises for yourself that will help restore intestinal function. It should include leg swings, bending over different sides, body turns. Then you can add breathing exercises.

When is it necessary to contact a proctologist?

Most women manage to get rid of constipation with the help of medications or people's councils. However, some experience complications such as:

  • severe pain in the peritoneum;
  • feces with blood;
  • defecation delay for more than 2 days;
  • More than 3 weeks have passed since birth, but difficulties with bowel movements remain.

If one of the signs is detected, you should contact a proctologist, because this may be a symptom of a serious disease (intestinal obstruction, tumor, adhesions). The doctor will prescribe an effective laxative that will help get rid of the problem.

Prevention measures

How to prevent disruptions in intestinal motility? For preventive purposes, simple rules should be followed. Firstly, you need to exercise daily ( morning work-out, hiking, swimming). Secondly, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition; include in your diet foods and drinks that will help get rid of constipation and are allowed during breastfeeding. It is important to monitor the amount you drink clear liquid(does not count soups, broths, tea, compote, juice).

A woman’s body prepares for childbirth in advance; usually, shortly before this, her appetite decreases and, accordingly, the need to go to the toilet. During the birth process, when the fetus emerges from birth canal a significant amount of feces is squeezed out of the intestines, which is why for some time after the birth of the child the woman does not feel the urge to visit the toilet; this break is especially favorable for those who have had stitches during childbirth or hemorrhoids. Women begin to worry about how to go to the toilet in a big way after giving birth with stitches a little later. For many, the problem is aggravated by the presence concomitant diseases such as hemorrhoids, tendency to constipation and others. The use of laxatives is permissible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

First visit to the toilet after childbirth

One of the ways to go to the toilet in a big way after childbirth with stitches and a rupture of the perineum is to take a wet napkin, fold it in layers several times and firmly, but painlessly, apply it to the perineum. Such support is important so that the seams do not come apart, the woman is more confident and calmly does her job.

If it doesn’t work out right away, it’s better to postpone this matter, but not for too long so that you don’t have to resort to more radical methods. With long-term abstinence feces they become denser, driven deep inside, and it becomes more and more difficult to call them out. And since the abdominal muscles are stretched, it becomes increasingly difficult for the intestines to fulfill their role. Therefore, doctors recommend running to the toilet in a big way at the first urge, even if the baby is feeding at this time. Otherwise, you can wait a long time for the next calls.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should not eat bread immediately after giving birth - it contributes to constipation. A woman should not be very nervous and worried, because this also causes a delay in bowel movements.

For existing hemorrhoids, relief, duphalac or sea buckthorn suppositories are used. Diet is especially important in postpartum period. To avoid gas and colic, the child should not drink carbonated drinks, completely eliminate grapes, legumes and Rye bread. Gases are almost always an integral part of hemorrhoids. If it is not possible to get rid of them, then the drug espumizan is used as a last resort. Sometimes doctors prescribe enemas, but they do it once and in extreme cases.

Difficulty going to the toilet after childbirth

The problem of constipation after childbirth often occurs because after childbirth, intestinal tone decreases due to relaxed muscles. abdominal cavity. Difficult childbirth may also be the cause. big loss blood, the use of painkillers or those containing iron, the use of obstetric forceps.

Another important point, how to go to the toilet in a big way after childbirth with stitches and hemorrhoids - when emptying the intestines, you should not make strong attempts, everything should happen calmly and without tension.

In addition, it aggravates the presence psychological fear the woman herself and her fear of tearing the stitches or disturbing hemorrhoids. But here the body again shows miracles of adaptation in extreme conditions: during natural childbirth in women, the nerves of the perineum are slightly “muffled”, pain sensitivity is significantly reduced. Changed hormonal background helps soften the stool and, even if the mother in labor had problems with stool before childbirth, she will most likely get rid of it after it. Breastfeeding promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which activates the intestines and, if a woman responds to the urge in time, defecation occurs painlessly and gently.

What to do? How to go?

When a woman tries to relieve herself, there are some tricks on how to go to the toilet in a big way after giving birth with stitches. Even the posture of the emptying process itself matters. For the greatest comfort, it is better, while sitting on the toilet, to place some object such as a stool or box under your feet, and rest your elbows on your knees - in this position the rectum is in the most relaxed state.

If there is any suspicion of anal fissure you need to immediately contact a specialist.

If nothing helps and the woman feels it is difficult to go to the toilet after childbirth with stitches, and the suspicion falls on constipation, then you can try to get rid of it with the help of special exercises, for example, “vacuum”. In a lying position on a hard surface, it is as if all the contents from the abdomen are inhaled into chest. At deep breath The ribs should diverge, and when exhaling, do your best not to let them come together again, trying to spread them even wider. The stomach seems to “go” under the ribs. Repeat this several times. In addition to solving the problem with stool, this exercise has a powerful healing effect: after childbirth, the abdominal organs will take their original position, blood supply will improve for existing hemorrhoids, and the muscles pelvic floor get the relaxation you want. Among other things, the “vacuum” exercise will help restore a woman’s flat stomach.

When bowel movements are delayed, it is useful to walk a lot, but do not overwork, do not sit on the toilet for a long time and do not strain.

We should also not forget about the diet of the woman in labor, this is the key to health - for her and the newborn. Pay special attention drinking plenty of fluids: in the morning at least 250-300 ml of liquid, during the day - up to 10 glasses. It is very good to include juices with the pulp of plums, apricots, tomatoes and add a few drops of any vegetable oil. You should drink such juices in the morning and before bed.

Eat fresh, non-mealy vegetables (without starch), non-astringent fruits - prunes, dried fruits, apricots, apples. The fiber content of whole grain cereals and bran also promotes regular bowel movements in the postpartum period. But after eating them you need to drink sufficient quantity liquids. To avoid constipation in the postpartum period, you must completely avoid chocolate.

In combination with all of the above measures, doctors highlight the special importance motor activity, it helps restore relaxed abdominal muscles, strengthen intestinal tone and the kilograms gained during pregnancy. Even if it’s hard to move at first, you still need to find the strength to gradually increase the load, only in this way can you recover after childbirth and go to the toilet without any problems after childbirth with stitches and complications.



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