What if a person does not drink enough water. If you drink little water, the body can begin destructive processes for it.

The human body is predominantly made up of water. It is not at all surprising that in order to restore a harmonious balance, our body needs it in sufficient quantities. But how much is enough?

Common figures that stably wander from mouth to mouth are hardly true for everyone: 2.5 liters of clean drinking water per day is quite a lot for a fragile girl. Therefore, discard the stereotypes and drink in a way that makes you feel comfortable. True, unfortunately, many do not drink even the daily minimum.

We decided to dispel common myths, provide answers to frequently asked burning questions and convince you once and for all that water should be drunk. And the more the better!

Why does the human body need water?

The answer is rather banal. The body needs water to live. In the body of an adult, on average, about 5 liters of fluid circulate, and blood plasma is 92-95% water. It helps the body perform its functions: it delivers nutrients to the cells, maintains the water-salt balance, normalizes hormones, and removes toxins.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the blood becomes viscous and viscous. It becomes difficult for the heart to pump it, as a result of which the heart muscle quickly wears out, which can lead to serious pathologies from the cardiovascular system.

If I don't drink enough water, can this be the cause of the headache?

Yes maybe. This is due to the fact that brain cells are 80% water. If you drink little, then water does not enter the brain, the body begins to suffer from dehydration and headaches appear. Moreover, such a negative effect is possible even with a mild degree of dehydration.

By the way, along with water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain. They are vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system, so your mood and well-being are also directly dependent on how much water you drink daily. Here is another important reason to keep track of this amount and drink more fluids.

What will happen to me if I don't drink enough water?

If a person drinks little water, then his body suffers from dehydration. In especially critical cases, this condition becomes very dangerous and can even lead to death.

If dehydration is not chronic, then the person may not understand from the symptoms that the point is that he consumes little fluid. Lack of water manifests itself as headaches, lack of appetite and energy, apathy and weakness, disturbances in the digestive system and intoxication of the body.

When should you drink more than your daily allowance?

There are situations in which it is better to drink a little more water than the norm requires. Here are the main situations that should make you always carry a bottle of clean drinking water with you: being in a hot climate, active sports and exercise, problems with the digestive system, intoxication of the body.

By the way, a young couple who plans to have a baby also needs to drink more water. How is this related? The fact is that the basis of the seminal fluid is precisely water. It is thanks to her that the sperm can easily overcome the woman's reproductive tract and reach the egg.

I forget to drink water. How to train yourself?

Discipline must be actively trained. The easiest way to remember to drink is to always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. She will always be in your mind, which means that you simply won’t be able to forget about her.

It will also help to determine the specific timing when you will drink the next glass. Ideally, drink water half an hour before meals.

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of mobile applications that help develop good habits. Set alerts to remind you when it's time for another glass of water. You will see, very soon you yourself will reach for water without any reminders!

For life. On average, about 5 liters of blood circulate in an adult body. Blood plasma is 92-95% water. Thanks to water, blood can perform its functions:

  • deliver nutrients to the cells of organs;
  • bring oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to them;
  • throw out waste substances from the internal organs through the kidneys;
  • ensure homeostasis (constancy and balance of the internal environment): maintain temperature, water-salt balance, the work of hormones and enzymes;
  • protect the body: white blood cells and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, which are responsible for immunity.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the mass of blood decreases, its viscosity increases. It is not easy for the heart to pump such blood. Premature wear of the heart muscle occurs, which leads to pathology up to myocardial infarction.

That is why during active sports and high loads, the body needs more water.

Is it true that lack of water causes headaches?

Is it true. Even from mild dehydration, the brain works worse.

Brain cells are more than 80 percent water, and a fifth of all blood is constantly bathing it. Plus, the brain "baths" in the cerebrospinal fluid, which fills all the spaces in the spinal canal and cranium.

With water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain, which are necessary for the generation of nerve impulses, that is, for nervous activity. Water removes metabolic products and toxins from the brain.

Therefore, if there is not enough fluid, dehydration (dehydration) of the brain occurs. And with her:

  • increased fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment;
  • slowing down the speed of mathematical calculations;
  • negative emotions.

Dehydration has been found in people with autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. But schoolchildren who drink water during the school day increase their academic performance.

What happens if I don't drink enough water?

Feeling worse. In addition to a headache, other unpleasant symptoms of dehydration from the digestive and excretory systems will appear.

The work of the stomach and intestines is impossible without water. And there are several explanations for this. Water ensures the normal digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients from the intestines. If there is not enough water in the body, there will be discomfort in the abdomen and constipation.

The kidneys filter 150–170 liters of blood per day in order to produce 1.5 liters of urine as a result. This means that for the normal elimination of toxins and waste substances, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but preferably more.

With a lack of fluid, the filtration capacity of the kidneys worsens, they themselves can accumulate an excess of toxic substances. Against this background, various renal pathologies can occur. One of the main medical prescriptions for kidney pathology is the recommendation to drink plenty of water to cleanse them and restore function.

When do you need more water than usual?

When you want to have a baby. The basis of seminal fluid is water. Thanks to her, the sperm goes in search of an egg, swimming through the woman's reproductive tract until conception occurs.

The new organism also spends all nine months in the aquatic environment. The amount of amniotic fluid increases along with the increase in the size of the fetus, reaching 1,000 milliliters at birth. Waters support the fetus, protect it from infections, create conditions for growth and development.

During childbirth, water ensures the normal opening of the cervix and contributes to the safe movement of the child through the birth canal.

I always drink little. Will it affect me in any way?

You will most likely look worse as you get older.

Even Avicenna noticed that old age is dryness. In order for the skin to perform its protective function, it must maintain turgor (elasticity and firmness). Then she will be able to withstand the hot sun, withering wind or low air temperatures.

Healthy skin is 25% water and becomes wrinkled when dehydrated. This means that daily water intake is necessary to maintain its turgor. Better clean, slightly mineralized and without gas.

To maintain the health of the skin, it should receive at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

What other negative consequences does water scarcity cause?

Even the joints need water. If they are stiff, a person is deprived of freedom: he does not move well and can hardly cope with business. According to statistics, 30% of the population has joint diseases.

The joints are covered with cartilage. It is the slippery elastic cartilage that provides the mobility of the bone joints. Water makes up 80% of cartilage. In addition, in the articular bag surrounding each joint, there is an articular fluid for lubricating the cartilaginous surfaces. With a lack of water, they are destroyed, causing severe pain to a person.

What if I don't want to drink?

While doing business, we sometimes do not notice that we are thirsty, and even confuse thirst and hunger, we reach for snacks when we just need to take a sip of water.

The best way to prevent dehydration and all its unpleasant consequences is to put a bottle or cup of clean, slightly mineralized water on the table and take a sip every time your eyes fall on the water.

If you realize that you are thirsty, then eliminate your thirst in time. And if not, a sip of clean water has never hurt anyone.

* Based on research conducted by Zenithinternational (specialist consultants to the food and drink industries worldwide) in 2016.
** Eden is Eden artesian water.

Every living being needs water, it is the basis of life on earth. With the help of water, our body performs all its functions. And with a sufficient amount of it, vital processes in the human body occur at an optimal speed.

Water regulates body temperature, normalizes digestion, flushes out toxins and, most importantly, replenishes the body's water balance.

Coffee, tea, juices and other drinks will not replace water. The body perceives them as food, they go the other way and contribute to dehydration.

What are the signs that you are not drinking enough water?

High blood pressure

Our blood is 94% water. When it is not enough, it thickens and flows worse through the vessels. If you have high blood pressure, immediately drink a glass of good water. Up to 30% of people who died from a heart attack could continue their lives if they drank just a glass of water in the first minutes.


Mild dizziness may indicate that your body needs water. Head spinning - drink water.


If you periodically suffer from heartburn, this is a clear sign of increased acidity in the stomach, and water is needed to reduce it. Drink a glass of water half an hour before and two hours after a meal, and you will get rid of heartburn.


One of the causes of headaches is insufficient water intake. If you suffer from migraines, try drinking water with oxygen every day, and mineral water with magnesium before meals.

Dry mouth

If there is no saliva in the mouth for a long time, then the risk of damage to the mouth and throat increases. Dry mouth is an indicator of severe dehydration, don't try to treat it with sugary sodas or beer.

Color and turbidity of urine

The darker and cloudier the urine, the more your body needs water. In this case, urgently increase the amount of water consumed per day until the urine becomes almost colorless. And in the future, try not to darken the color.


If the feeling of hunger remains even after a snack, then you need to drink water. The signals of hunger with a lack of water in the body are very similar, do not confuse them. Instead of snacking on chips, drink a glass of water instead. It has no k / feces and a lot of energy.

Urination frequency

For each person, the amount of urination per day is individual. But we can say that if the number of your trips to the toilet is no more than 2-3, then this is a sign that you are not getting enough water. This affects kidney function and leads to serious complications.

Dry skin

Dry facial skin indicates dehydration. Drink a glass of water every hour every day until the skin condition returns to normal. And in the future, maintain the water balance at the proper level. Especially useful for the skin water containing silicon.

The human body is approximately 60% water. And without the intake of this fluid in sufficient quantities, the body will face negative consequences. Nutritionist Helen Bond will tell you which ones.


Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and lethargic. Metabolism slows down and concentration decreases significantly. To increase your energy levels, drink plenty of water.

Decreased mental performance

Our brain is 75% fluid, so it's not surprising that dehydration affects brain function. In addition, a person's mood drops, and he becomes irritable.

Loss of skin elasticity

The concentration of water in the skin reaches 72%. Therefore, a sufficient amount of liquid is required to maintain its elasticity. With a lack of water, the skin becomes dry and less resistant to environmental influences.

Memory impairment

Dehydration of the body by only 2% negatively affects both short-term and long-term memory.

Increased risk of urinary tract infection

If you drink little water, then not only the risk of urinary tract infection increases, but also the appearance of kidney stones.


Adequate level of hydration of the body helps the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If water is not supplied in sufficient quantities, then constipation and bloating are quite likely.

Increased anxiety and stress

Even minimal dehydration can cause stress, tension, and anxiety in a person. These conditions will adversely affect the overall process of life.

Dry mouth

Water is a key component of saliva. Therefore, it is not surprising that dehydration of the body leads to the appearance of dryness in the oral cavity. A violation of saliva secretions can lead to tooth decay over time.


Many people think it comes from malnutrition. In fact, the head is also spinning from dehydration.

Who just does not advise us to drink a lot of water. It can be nutritionists and fitness trainers, cosmetologists and doctors, friends and family. But many still have the question: "If there is water, what will happen?" Today our goal is to figure out what water gives the body, how much it needs to be consumed and how its excess or lack affects its condition.

First of all, people who dream of losing weight decide to drink more water. With the help of water, they try to fill the void in the stomach and satisfy the feeling of hunger. But in fact, water is necessary for the body like air. Often people say they don't drink much because they don't want to. In fact, we are simply not used to drinking water. More often we consume sugary drinks, juices, tea or coffee. But, as nutritionists say, only water can quench your thirst. Juice, milk and other liquids are food, but coffee and tea are poison. And yet, if you drink a lot of water, what will happen? Will it benefit the body or, conversely, cause deviations in its work?

A bit of physiology

Water is the basis of life on earth. All biochemical processes in the body are associated with water metabolism, moreover, the human body itself consists of 80% of water. In order for the body to function like a clock, it needs a certain amount of clean water. How much is a somewhat debatable question. The greater the body weight, the higher the need for it. For a person weighing 50 kg, 1.5 liters per day is enough, and if the weight is within 80 kg, then it is advisable to drink about 2.5 liters. The number sounds big enough that people start to wonder: "Will I be able to drink that much liquid, and if I drink a lot of water, what will happen to me?" In fact, this happens because we are not used to drinking water, but in vain. Due to constant dehydration, skin and hair problems begin, chronic diseases of the heart and intestines worsen, and metabolic processes are disturbed. Even the smell of sweat with a lack of fluid in the body becomes different, sharper and more piercing, due to an excess of toxins.

There are a few more points that affect our need for fluid. This is the ambient temperature. The hotter it is outside, the more moisture the body loses. The second point is physical activity. So, an office worker will need less water than a builder.

The role of fluid in the body

Water is the basis of our existence. It dissolves substances in the body, delivers nutrients to the cells, removes toxins from the body. Therefore, your body will only be better off if you drink plenty of water. What will happen to the kidneys is a separate issue that worries most people. We answer: if you do not suffer from serious diseases of these organs, then a large amount of clean water will only benefit. In all other cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Very much the need for water depends on what we eat. If you are a lover of spicy salty foods, convenience foods rich in preservatives, then you really need to drink plenty of water. The more junk food you consume, the more resources your body spends to flush out all the toxins and waste. If you care about your health, then switch to healthy food. Vegetarians are allowed to reduce their water intake to 1-1.5 liters per day. By the way, the amount of water consumed directly depends on the abundance of your meals. If you are used to eating a lot, then you need to drink a lot.

You may be surprised, but almost half of all diseases occur because the body does not have enough plain water. So that your joints do not creak, stones are not deposited in the kidneys, and the skin is not too dry, you just need to make it a rule to maintain a normal level of fluid in the body.

How does water loss happen?

Water is used for all life support processes. It's not just about urination. Together with breathing and sweating, we also release precious moisture. In a day, the body loses about 2 liters of fluid in this way, which it must replenish. Soups, compotes, and other foods, of course, contain a liquid part, but it has a different structure and will not replace plain water. It is harmful to drink a lot of water only if you have direct doctor's contraindications, in other cases you should at least block the daily fluid loss. Dehydration is a serious condition that undermines the work of its protective mechanisms. Especially often this happens at times of severe vomiting or diarrhea, elevated body temperature. At such times, water consumption should be as high as possible.

What happens to the body when there is not enough water

We cannot live without water. Even the process of breathing, which seems to be autonomous, requires a large amount of fluid to moisten the lungs. Only for this you need about 0.5 liters per day. It should be taken into account that the exhaled air contains moisture, which increases the body up to 0.7 or 1 liter, depending on physical activity. If the fluid is not renewed, then the breathing process is difficult. Add to this the costs of the excretory system (sweat and urine), replenishment of the liquid part of the blood, and you will understand that you need to drink plenty of water.

Eating too little of it contributes to the accumulation of decay products and toxins in the body, the formation of excess fat, can cause poor muscle tone and a deterioration in the digestive system. Lack of water greatly increases which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and the formation of blood clots. That is, the question of why drinking a lot of water can be answered very easily: for the body to fully function.

Separately, we can say about the relationship of the fragile beauty of a woman with the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid. Now you will understand why you need to drink more water. Smoothness and good skin color, condition and hair growth depend on this. With a lack of clean water, wrinkles form much faster, dry skin increases, and hair loss increases.

moderate degree of dehydration

Many people do not even think about such simple things. Why drink a lot of water, because you can eat soup, an apple, drink juice - and the body will get everything it needs. The majority thinks so. This is a big misconception, because nothing else can replace clean water. If a person does not drink enough water, then dehydration occurs. And most of us are constantly in this state. The first symptom to look out for is thirst. Getting used to drinking little, we can not pay attention to it for a long time, especially if we are very busy at work. In this case, the body turns on the economy mode. Sweating decreases and urination decreases. You can work all day and never have to go to the bathroom. However, the body works in emergency mode. To compensate for the decrease in moisture reserves, the body begins to remove fluid from the cells. So water enters the bloodstream, maintains blood pressure at the proper level and replenishes the supply of lymph.

The next symptom of mild dehydration can be a headache, especially at the end of the day. This is how the brain, which consists of 90% water, reacts to changes. Those who say that it is harmful to drink a lot of water are greatly mistaken. As you can see, everything is just the opposite.

Severe degree of dehydration

Now we will tell you what happens to the body if you continue to live in the same mode. We hope that this will become a strong enough argument that will explain why you need to drink more water. If you drink less than a liter of water every day (not counting soups, coffee, tea and spirits), then the subsequent dehydration can lead to disruption of the functioning and condition of the kidneys, liver and heart. The extreme degree of dehydration of brain cells is the hallucinations that a person sees in the desert, but it is difficult to bring oneself to such a state in urban conditions.

Prevention of water deficiency in the body

To do this, it is enough to go to a general practitioner who will confirm that you can drink plenty of water. Many are afraid of edema, but in fact they are a sign of serious illness or an attempt by the body to stock up on fluid for future use. If you consume enough water every day (for adults, this figure starts from 8 glasses, increasing if you need to do heavy, physical labor, hot weather outside), then the excretory system will work like a clock. This means that the metabolism will go correctly, and excess fluid will be removed from the body in time, removing toxins and decay products.

Why is the question still relevant, is it harmful to drink a lot of water? Because its quality in many regions leaves much to be desired, and also because of the prevalence of severe kidney disease among the population, in which a water-salt diet is indicated.

How much water can you drink per day

Most people live permanently in a state of dehydration and don't even know it. However, it is very easy to prevent harmful consequences for the body. To do this, just drink 8 to 10 glasses a day. To avoid unnecessary stress on the kidneys, you need to distribute this amount throughout the day and do not lean on water before bedtime. Of course, this is a relative norm. It depends on the lifestyle, the quantity and quality of food consumed, the time of year. But in general, the question of whether it is harmful to drink a lot of water can be answered unequivocally: no. This should not be taken as a guide to drinking as much water as possible. For more accurate calculations, you can use the formula - 30 ml per day for every kilogram of weight.

Water for weight loss

Girls and women pass this rule on to each other: if you drink a lot of water, you will lose weight. In fact, water itself does not have fat-burning properties, is not able to prevent the absorption of consumed fats or break down those that have already been deposited in the body. But it is a good helper for those who decide to lose weight.

To begin with, water serves as a filler for the stomach, it has no calories, but it allows you to pacify your appetite and eat less at dinner. To do this, nutritionists advise drinking one or two glasses 15 minutes before each meal.

Other sources of liquid

Caffeinated drinks (tea and coffee) should not be used to quench thirst. The soda contained in soda, coffee, beer and stronger alcoholic beverages lead to dehydration. Their use leads to increased depletion of water reserves in the body. With regular use of them instead of water, heartburn, pain in the abdomen, in the lower back, headaches and depression will be observed. Do you still doubt whether it is useful to drink a lot of water? Try a few months to use the prescribed amount of it instead of the usual tea. And watch your body.

Proper nutrition

If you eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 5 servings per day), you can slightly reduce the amount of water you drink per day. These are the products that give the body precious moisture in the right form. The more your diet differs from healthy, that is, the more flour, fried, fatty, semi-finished products it contains, the greater the need for clean water. You can be sure that drinking plenty of water is good for you. All leading experts and nutritionists repeat this.



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