All about aspirin. High risk group - aspirin therapy is necessary

Since June 23, 1971, British pharmacologist John Wayne published his research on the mechanism of action of acetyl salicylic acid in the article "Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis as a mechanism of action of aspirin-like drugs", aspirin began to be used worldwide for the prevention cardiovascular disease. Wayne found that acetylsalicylic acid slows down the production of prostaglandins and thromboxane A2 in platelets, which determines its antithrombotic and cardioprotective effects, convincingly proven later in many large studies and meta-analyses.

It became obvious that long-term use this drug in low doses can be used to reduce the risk of thrombosis, including coronary and cerebral arteries which significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks, ischemic strokes and other cardiovascular problems. In 1982, for this revolutionary discovery, Wayne was awarded the Nobel Prize, and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain knighted him. Very quickly, the antiaggregant ("blood-thinning") effect of the drug overshadowed its anti-inflammatory properties, and at present the prevention of thrombosis is the only practically justified use of this remedy.

"Thinning" the blood, aspirin not only prevents thrombosis, but also increases bleeding, which makes its use as an antipyretic dangerous in the case of many infectious diseases(influenza, dengue fever, etc.). Children should not be given aspirin for viral fevers, and because of their risk of developing a rare but fatal dangerous syndrome Rhea. For these reasons, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol are now preferred to reduce body temperature, fight pain and swelling.

Upon reaching certain age or if you have individual factors At risk, a physician may recommend low (50–100 mg) aspirin daily but still effective doses to prevent myocardial infarction and other clotting disorders. Even first aid for myocardial infarction includes chewing one aspirin tablet, which greatly increases the patient's chances of a favorable outcome.

However, where there is good, there is evil. A well-known unpleasant side effect of NSAIDs is the induction of ulceration and bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract (ulcerogenic effect). Alas, even the lowest cardioprotective doses of aspirin increase the risk of bleeding from upper divisions gastrointestinal tract- one of the most formidable complications peptic ulcer.

Now that doctors in developed countries have learned to effectively deal with the main cause of ulcers, bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and systematically achieve successful eradication of this microorganism, main reason complications of peptic ulcer and its recurrence is the widespread use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including low doses of aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

However, this is where a big confusion begins in the mind. populace. And popular delusions have always created fertile ground for unscrupulous extortion of money from patients. So in the case of aspirin, pharmaceutical companies decided in every possible way to support the myth that a stomach ulcer is formed as a result of "burning" the mucous membrane with acetylsalicylic acid, that is, aspirin.

In 1993, the pharmaceutical market in Germany appears New Product Bayer - Aspirin Cardio®. Thanks to a special shell, a tablet of such aspirin passes through the stomach entirely and dissolves only in the intestines, where the active ingredients are absorbed. Thus, the people began to be told that an aspirin tablet coated with a special shell allows you to completely protect the stomach from negative influences. acetylsalicylic acid with prolonged use. Manufacturers of forms of aspirin heated up on the same delusion, containing special buffer substances such as MgO, which have an antacid effect, which was also intended to protect the stomach and prevent the development of new ulcers and bleeding from existing ones.

However, in the 1990s, in a number of major studies the use of coated and buffered forms of aspirin has not been shown to reduce upper gastrointestinal ulcerogenic risks.

The fact is that the mechanism of action of all NSAIDs is associated with the inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which is involved in the synthesis of those very Wayne prostaglandins - inflammation regulators. In this case, COX is of 2 types - COX-1 and COX-2. Simply put, COX-2 is responsible for the synthesis of "bad" inflammatory prostaglandins, while COX-1 is involved in the synthesis of "good", protective ones. Protective endogenous prostaglandins regulate blood circulation in the gastric mucosa, its restoration through proliferation epithelial cells, control functions immune cells mucosa, secretion of mucus, as well as the secretion of bicarbonates and of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Most NSAIDs, including aspirin, are non-selective, that is, they hit both COXs. As a result, both inflammation and protection of the gastric mucosa are removed. The last undesirable property of NSAIDs leads to an exacerbation of erosions and ulcers in people prone to this. Thus, it is the inhibition of prostaglandins, and by no means the direct damaging effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa, that is the determining mechanism in drug ulcer formation. Several other substances induced by aspirin and other NSAIDs also play a role, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha and leukotrienes, which also contribute to mucosal damage.

I told all this not in order to confuse the reader with medical details, but in order to demonstrate how ignorance of the details and a simplified and distorted explanation of the reasons leads to mass delusion and abuse on the part of pharmaceutical manufacturers. Now that you know how the ulcerogenic effect of NSAIDs and aspirin is realized, it becomes clear why it is not so important in what form you take anti-inflammatory drugs - by mouth, in the form of an injection or ointment: the side effect on the stomach is realized in the same way. The ulcer is exacerbated not so much by the fact that the tablet irritates the gastric mucosa upon direct contact, but because the synthesis of COX-1 is suppressed.

And it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive forms of aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Instead, you can buy quite high-quality and cheap aspirin in vials of 100 tablets, and divide them into quarters with a knife, and it's okay if these quarters are not exactly the same. The aspirin in these tablets is the same, and the special shell, as you understand, protects little from anything.

Aspirin is one of the most popular drugs. According to some reports, up to 50 million packages of this drug are sold annually worldwide. Currently, some researchers have come to the sad conclusion that Aspirin, the benefits of which have not been questioned, can have harmful effect on the human body.

The harmful effects of "Aspirin" on the body

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is produced in different types, in Russia it is most common in the form of tablets. In medicine, the remedy has been used since the end of the 19th century. The popularity of this drug is due to the fact that it was considered effective in certain situations and at the same time absolutely safe for the human body. In particular, acetylsalicylic acid has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet effects. Later it turned out that this medicine is deadly to children under 12 years of age, has harmful effects on older children as well as adults.

In the United States, a group of researchers published a report stating that over 16,000 people die every year as a result of uncontrolled use of Aspirin in this country. In Russia, employees State Center for the study side effects medicines, there have been cases severe complications after taking this drug. In the human body, as a result of the breakdown of aspirin, salicylic acid is formed, it enters the bloodstream for a long time and can cause intoxication. A large number of people have been found hypersensitivity to Aspirin. Even small doses of this drug cause negative symptoms: headache, drowsiness, ringing in the ears, lethargy and others. IN large doses Aspirin can interfere with functions internal organs, cause severe intoxication, provoke internal bleeding life-threatening.

Should I take Aspirin?

Aspirin - the benefits and harms of the drug

Aspirin is a well-known pain reliever and antipyretic. They drink it not only for colds, but also to “thinn” the blood, as a preventive measure.

Today, more than 400 types of medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid and its related substances are produced. You can buy them without a prescription. In the medical world, opinion on this drug is ambiguous. What is more - benefit or harm? About this in our article.



Heart diseases

In oncology

8 things you need to know about aspirin

Contraindications to taking aspirin

Beneficial for inflammation, aspirin has contraindications:

  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • high blood pressure
  • asthma
  • simultaneous intake of alcohol

In addition to peptic ulcer disease, other contraindications include hemophilia or bleeding disorders, and allergies to aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and diclofenac. People with asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, digestive problems, pregnant and lactating women should also take aspirin with caution.

A reasonable approach to the use of drugs of this kind involves a preliminary examination and consultation with a specialist.
In addition, aspirin may have various trade names and be part of many drugs (including those that are widely advertised and positioned by manufacturers as effective and safe).
In order not to harm your health and avoid problems, you must take these circumstances into account when purchasing and taking medicines containing aspirin.

One of the UK's leading experts on cancer, Prof. Karol Sikora, says that the preventive part of the theory about miraculous effect aspirin, of course, has been proven, but he himself is in no hurry to take this medicine. Why - and he does not know, he does not have a clear answer. And he, so indecisive, is not the only one among British doctors. Once Sikora, who was present at a thematic conference in the United States, dedicated to cancer, asked his colleagues: “Do you take aspirin as a prophylactic serious illnesses? - 60% answered yes. And at a conference in Britain, only 5% of doctors answered yes to a similar question. Cause? Karol Sikora believes that Americans are by default more concerned about their health than Europeans.

But if you still decide to start taking this medicine as a preventive measure, then a natural question arises - when, at what age? Doctors believe that this is definitely worth doing to older people.
For example, Dr. Sovra Wheatcroft, consultant gynecological clinic in Guildford recommends aspirin for menopausal women and older, who can take a low daily dose of no more than 75 mg daily.
"Thus Wheatcroft explains. can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including possibly dementia, since aspirin, by thinning the blood, reduces the likelihood of microscopic blood clots in the blood vessels. It is also known that estrogen levels gradually decrease with age in women, which may increase the risk of developing cancer, so taking this drug may be effective.

Should middle-aged people take aspirin? This question is still open, if only because cancer age restrictions No...
According to,,

See also:

Aspirin for heel spurs

Gout: symptoms, medication, diet

Stroke: Symptoms, first signs and first aid

Assistant - cardiac aspirin. Benefit, harm, indications.

Quote from Galina5819 Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!
Assistant - cardiac aspirin. Benefit, harm, indications.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Since 1971, in our country, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) has been used for preventive purposes, as a tool that can protect the human body from formidable diseases - heart attack, stroke. This drug is taken a large number of people, but not everyone knows what helps aspirin?

In the human body, blood flow in the heart muscle or brain is sometimes disturbed, platelets stick together, and a blood clot occurs that clogs the vessels. This leads to impaired blood circulation, tissues are destroyed, their necrosis occurs.

cardiac aspirin

A heart attack occurs when platelets clump together, which is why doctors recommend taking aspirin in small doses. Small dose medicinal product called cardiac aspirin. To achieve the desired effect, a dosage of 40 mg is sufficient. This amount of the drug will not allow the cells to stick together, prevents the formation of blood clots. Cardiac aspirin is produced in dosages of 50, 75, 100 mg. The doctor will help you choose the optimal dose of the pill.

Today, it has been scientifically proven that taking acetylsalicylic acid in a small dose, you can protect yourself from a heart attack, stroke. This drug helps with primary and secondary prevention. Primary prevention involves a situation in a person when there is no heart disease. Secondary prevention - when the patient has had a stroke, heart attack, angina pectoris.
The benefits and harms of aspirin

Prevents heart attack
reduces the risk of oncological diseases,
life expectancy increases.

It has been scientifically proven that people taking acetylsalicylic acid live much longer, mortality falls, life expectancy increases.
Like any drug, aspirin is harmful, can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and allergies, and there is a risk of cerebral hemorrhage. At primary prevention the opinions of doctors about taking the drug are divided, some doctors believe that taking the medicine is not necessary. In secondary prevention - taking pills is mandatory, its benefits largely outweigh the harm.
Indications for the use of aspirin

Men over 45 years old, women over 55 years old, with elevated level sugar, hypertension high cholesterol, when smoking, with hereditary oncological diseases (intestinal cancer).

It has been proven that tumors with metastases in people taking acetylsalicylic acid are much less common. Even in people with cancer who take aspirin, metastases develop more slowly. Thanks to the drug, protective cells are formed in the blood, which are able to neutralize cancer cell. There are enough arguments to understand what aspirin helps with. Therefore, doctors recommend taking pills in a small dose so that there are no terrible diseases.

Children's aspirin

Children under the age of 7 years, this medicine is contraindicated, it can cause loss of consciousness, convulsions, damage to the liver and brain. In senior childhood the drug helps to relieve inflammation in the body, reduce the temperature. In the nursery practice - children's the dose and tablet to be taken should be smaller.
paracetamol or aspirin

Sometimes people ask: is there a difference between aspirin and paracetamol? There is a difference, and it is big. Paracetamol is currently considered the safest in the world. The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, is used to reduce body temperature.

In some cases, aspirin is much stronger than paracetamol, but there are certain risks in using it. Both the virus and aspirin have a simultaneous effect on liver cells, which can lead to the development of severe disease-syndrome Raynaud. Raynaud's syndrome is rare, but the complication has been scientifically proven. At the same time, it happens acute lesion liver, cases high mortality. Therefore, the use of acetylsalicylic acid carries a high risk.

At viral infections in the civilized world, aspirin is not accepted. Everyone should know the difference between using paracetamol or aspirin.

Aspirin was invented in the century before last, this medicine that changed the life of mankind, helped to reduce the number of deaths, was originally used as an anesthetic and antipyretic. Remember to avoid mindless medication, consult your doctor, weigh the pros and cons before taking each pill.

Watch the video, acetylsalicylic acid tablets can be used in economic purposes, especially it will help keep cut flowers fresh.

Aspirin benefits and harms: what more?

In what cases does acetylsalicylic acid really help, and when is it better to stop taking aspirin?

What is the best way to replace this drug, and what contraindications does it have?

Acetylsalicylic acid is part of many antipyretic drugs, including "hot drinks" from the temperature, but there is also pure aspirin in tablets or capsules of various dosages.

The substance blocks the production of hormones that provoke inflammation and platelet fusion.

Thereby Aspirin has beneficial properties:

  • antipyretic
  • painkiller
  • anti-inflammatory

Aspirin: good for colds, bad for the stomach

Acetylsalicylic acid negatively affects the functioning of the stomach, “burns through” its walls, provoking ulcers. Certainly, we are talking about permanent and daily intake certain dose of the drug.

The pharmaceutical industry has responded to these discoveries by releasing coated pills that dissolve only in the intestines without harming the stomach.

However, in the medical world, skeptical opinions are still expressed regarding this marketing "trick", which makes affordable medicine more expensive.

To get the benefits of aspirin and minimize stomach damage, it is recommended to take it only after meals, grind it thoroughly into a powder, drink it with milk or big amount mineral water(almost 300 milliliters). less harmful to digestive tract tablets that dissolve in water.

Aspirin for heart disease

The ability of aspirin to thin the blood was discovered not so long ago, and the scientist who made this discovery was awarded Nobel Prize. Today, most doctors, especially in Western countries, consider the heart benefits of aspirin and prescribe this drug to their patients as a preventive measure for cardiovascular disease.

By making the blood more fluid, acetylsalicylic acid reduces the risk of developing blood clots, and therefore the risk of heart attack or stroke (by about 10%), and also reduces the chances of cancer.

Although other studies show that aspirin increases the risk of rupture of blood vessels, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding. In any case, the indication may be age over 50 years and the risk of cardiovascular disease, while the daily dosage should not exceed 75 mg.

By making blood more permeable to the vessels, aspirin is an effective emergency medication for suspected heart attack or stroke. But it is necessary to take it constantly as a preventive measure, only after weighing all the risks.

For the same reason, advises you not to use aspirin as an analgesic during your period, as it can last longer than usual.

Contraindications to taking aspirin

Beneficial for inflammation, aspirin has contraindications:

  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • high blood pressure
  • asthma
  • simultaneous intake of alcohol

In addition, aspirin should not be given to children under 15 years of age, since acetylsalicylic acid can cause dangerous (in frequent cases fatal) syndrome that affects the liver and brain. During pregnancy, you can constantly take aspirin only as prescribed by a doctor, a single use, of course, cannot harm.

Acetylsalicylic acid in cosmetics

While scientists argue about aspirin, its benefits and harms when taken orally, lovers home cosmetics successfully used in home care products.

The anti-inflammatory property of aspirin is beneficial for skin prone to redness, aging and oily skin, as well as for enlarged pores.

To get rid of acne, you need to apply a swab dipped in a gruel from an aspirin tablet dissolved in water to the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, hold for about 10 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

To refresh the skin, you can exfoliate twice a week, the main benefit for the face of aspirin is in gentle cleansing.

To do this, crush an aspirin tablet into powder and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Massage the problem areas of the skin of the face with this gruel for several minutes, and then wash your face with cool water. After using this product, the pores are narrowed, the skin acquires a fresh color.

A face mask is prepared from a crushed aspirin tablet, clay, essential oils (tea tree or lavender) and aloe juice (a teaspoon in total). If the skin is prone to dryness, add a little sour cream to the mask. Leave the product on your face for about 10 minutes and rinse. warm water. Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse the skin well.

If you want to take the drug constantly, determine what matters more to you - the likely benefit of aspirin or possible harm Or better yet, consult your doctor. When using acetylsalicylic acid externally, test the agent on a small area of ​​​​skin, as individual allergic reactions.

Aspirin - active substance acetylsalicylic acid, appeared at the end of the 19th century. Today it is so popular that you can find it in every first aid kit. It is drunk with the slightest headaches, small raises temperature, after a stormy feast. Is it correct?

Initially, the substance was extracted from willow bark, are now synthesizing chemically. The medicine has an antipyretic effect.

For many years, aspirin was considered completely harmless, it was recommended to use it every day. Today, the opinions of doctors are divided. Let's get acquainted with the arguments of the parties to the dispute.

Today it is one of the most popular antipyretic drugs, with almost no side effects. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its main feature is the blocking of hormones that lead to thickening of the blood.

It is possible to reduce the temperature of the drug by dilating blood vessels and increasing the release of sweat.

By influencing nervous system, aspirin can achieve an analgesic effect.

Prevention of thrombus formation. Aspirin inhibits the cells that form platelets.

By reducing vascular permeability, aspirin prevents the spread of inflammatory processes.

We have it in tablets. If you fell into the hands foreign analogue, it can be in candles or in powder form. There are analogues of the drug. These are "Askofen", "Asfen".


The medicine is used if:

  • fever, over 38 degrees;
  • inflammatory processes occur in the body;
  • pain of various types;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • prevention of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases;
  • thrombosis prevention.

When taking medication for prophylactic purposes, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor. A single dosage for an adult is from 40 mg to 1 g. The medicine is taken two to six times a day. It is taken as an anesthetic for a week, to reduce the temperature it is drunk for at least three days. The tablet is washed down with plenty of water, preferably milk.

The medicine is taken after meals. This is done in order to reduce the destructive effect on the mucous membrane. For the same purpose, the tablets are crushed. Appeared in Lately effervescent tablets aspirin, have less harm to the mucosa than solid ones.


But there are also contraindications. This:

A decrease in the number of red blood cells leads to poor blood clotting, which in some cases, for example, with surgical intervention, can be very dangerous.

During pregnancy, aspirin can cause deformities in the unborn child.

When treating children adolescence aspirin, liver failure may develop.

Do not combine aspirin with alcohol, this can lead to stomach bleeding. But on a hangover, on the contrary, it will alleviate the condition.

Regular use of aspirin can cause allergic reactions that resemble bronchial asthma.

Arguments for

Proponents of aspirin cite impressive statistics. So according to their data, regular intake of aspirin:

  • almost doubles the risk of malignant tumors in the intestines;
  • reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 10%;
  • reduces the risk of developing lung cancer by a third;
  • reduces the risk of throat cancer by 50%;
  • risk is reduced by a quarter sudden death for the elderly.

Menopause is also easier to tolerate, the risk of thrombosis and the appearance of such insidious disease like atherosclerosis. That's why cardiologists advocate aspirin.

Arguments against

In addition to an impressive list of contraindications, opponents of aspirin have their own statistics.

They pay attention to the fact that in America alone, over ten thousand people die every year due to the uncontrolled use of this medicine.

In Finland, it has been calculated that those who regularly take acetylsalicylic acid have twice the death rate after a stroke than those who do not drink it. There is even a version that the horrendous mortality from the Spanish flu, at the beginning of the twentieth century, is caused by huge doses of aspirin.

Relatively super effective remedy for hearts. Latest Research show high efficiency drugs only for people in the group high risk, for people who do not have diseases of the cardiovascular system, preventive effect is minimal and often does not exceed the risk from side effects. By changing the composition of the blood, and causing irreversible processes.

So what to do? To drink or not to drink? Of course, in some cases, aspirin will effective help but don't count it magic pill from all diseases.

It is not necessary to take medicine uncontrollably. It must be prescribed by a doctor. If there is evidence, definitely drink. If there are contraindications, it is better to refrain from taking aspirin.

Aspirin is famous medical preparation, which is found in almost every first aid kit, it is used as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. It seems to many that a small white pill- practically a panacea for all painful and unpleasant symptoms, a headache - aspirin will help, a fever - aspirin will help, many people drink aspirin when their stomach hurts, their throat hurts, when they have the flu or SARS.

Of course, aspirin is a useful medical drug that can solve many health problems. However, like any other pharmaceutical agent, this medicine has a number of contraindications for use. In short, in some cases, aspirin is harmful to the body.

What is aspirin and what are its benefits?

Aspirin is a derivative of salicylic acid in which one hydroxyl group was replaced by acetyl, so acetylsalicylic acid was obtained. The name of the drug comes from Latin name meadowsweet plants (Spiraea), it was from this plant material that salicylic acid was first extracted.

By adding the letter “a” to the beginning of the word, meaning acetyl, the developer of the drug, F. Hoffman (an employee of the German company Bayer), received aspirin, which became very popular almost immediately after entering the pharmacy shelves.

The benefits of aspirin for the body are manifested in its ability block the production of prostaglandins(hormones that are involved in inflammation processes, cause platelet fusion and increase body temperature), thereby minimizing inflammation, lowering body temperature and reducing the process of platelet aggregation.

Since the main cause of many heart diseases is precisely the fact that lumps (blood clots) form in it from platelets, aspirin was immediately proclaimed the No. 1 drug for hearts. Many people began to take aspirin just like that, without indications, so that platelets in the blood would not form lumps and blood clots.

However, the action of aspirin is not harmless, affecting the ability of platelets to stick together with each other, acetylsalicylic acid inhibits the function of these blood cells, sometimes causing irreversible processes. As it turned out as a result of research, aspirin is useful only for those individuals who are in the so-called “high risk” group, for “low risk” groups of people, aspirin turned out to be not only ineffective prevention, but in some cases, harmful. That is, for healthy or practically healthy people aspirin is not only not useful, but also harmful, because it tends to call for internal bleeding. Acetylsalicylic acid makes blood vessels more permeable and reduces the ability of blood to clot.

Aspirin has been the most popular drug in the world for many years. At the very first painful sensations people drink a pill, or even more of this remedy. Recent studies by scientists have shown that this drug is not as harmless as previously thought. The benefits of aspirin for the body, of course, are, but the harm can be very noticeable. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the features of this medicine and the rules for its use.

Useful properties of aspirin

Aspirin is commonly referred to as a derivative of salicylic acid. One of the hydroxyl groups in the course of chemical synthesis was replaced by acetyl. As a result, acetylsalicylic acid was obtained.

The use of aspirin leads to a suspension of the production of prostaglandins. These hormones are actively involved in inflammatory processes contribute to an increase in body temperature. Acetylsalicylic acid prevents platelets from sticking together, which leads to the elimination of the symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Aspirin is useful in the following cases:

  1. Takes away the heat. The drug affects the thermoregulation center located in the brain. Due to this, there is an expansion of blood vessels and increased sweating, which increases heat transfer. As a result, body temperature quickly returns to normal.
  2. Promotes blood thinning, as it resists platelet aggregation. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots.
  3. Has an analgesic effect. The drug has an effect on mediators located in the area of ​​inflammation. In addition, it also affects the central nervous system.
  4. Relieves inflammation. By influencing small blood vessels, their permeability decreases, inhibition occurs by a factor that contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.
  5. Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Scientists have found that people long time taking aspirin are less prone to cancer. To achieve this effect, the duration of its administration should be about three years.
  6. Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. This action of aspirin only works for women.
  7. The combination of aspirin and ibuprofen is also good for health. This leads to improvement cerebral circulation reduces the risk of stroke.
  8. Reduces the risk of bronchial asthma.
  9. In some cases, it can increase potency. This is true for men whose impotence is associated with vascular disorders.

Useful properties of aspirin are manifested only when it is taken correctly. Before using this drug, you should consult a specialist.

Why aspirin can be dangerous

The effect of aspirin on the human body can be negative. Among his negative properties can be distinguished:

  1. Negative effect on the gastric mucosa. In some cases, taking acetylsalicylic acid can provoke gastritis and peptic ulcer. Therefore, it is recommended to take the tablets only after meals and drink them with plenty of water.
  2. May cause internal bleeding. This effect is due to the ability of aspirin to thin the blood.
  3. Taking aspirin is strictly prohibited for flu, chicken pox and measles. This can provoke Reine's syndrome, which in some cases ends in death.
  4. Taking the drug during pregnancy can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus.
  5. Do not take aspirin at the same time alcoholic drinks. This can lead to stomach bleeding.
  6. Acetylsalicylic acid slows down the formation of prostaglandins in the kidneys. This can lead to impaired renal blood flow. If a person suffers from cirrhosis or heart problems, then in rare cases taking aspirin provokes acute renal failure.

Before specialists prescribe acetylsalicylic acid, its benefits and harms are weighed. Sometimes her Negative influence may be stronger than useful qualities.

In order to minimize the harm to the stomach, aspirin is best taken in the form of tablets that dissolve in water. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

Contraindications to taking acetylsalicylic acid

A healthy person can, in case of urgent need, drink aspirin fearlessly. But with health problems, you need to be careful. It is forbidden to take the drug in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Bronchial asthma, as the situation is likely to worsen.
  • Unstable blood pressure.
  • Liver diseases and suspicions of their presence.
  • Serious abnormalities in the work of the kidneys.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Flu, chicken pox and measles.
  • Age up to 15 years.
  • Gout.
  • Alcoholism.

In the presence of such diseases, taking acetylsalicylic acid is harmful. Replace it with another remedy that is gentler on the body.

Permissible dosage

In order for the medicine not to cause harm to health, remember how much you need to use it. Exceeding the recommended amount may Negative consequences. You can drink tablets according to the following scheme:

  1. Adults can take no more than 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid at a time. Maximum daily dose- 3000 mg. It must be divided into several equal doses so that at least four hours pass between them. The duration of such treatment is not more than five days. As a means to thin the blood, the drug is recommended to be taken at night.
  2. For children over 15 years old single dose is 250 mg. At the same time, it is forbidden to consume more than 1500 mg per day.

You can't drink aspirin every day. Even in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, it is consumed once every two days. Excess allowable dosages fraught with serious consequences.

The exact dosage in the treatment of a particular problem should be determined by the doctor. Remember that self-medication is dangerous to health.


In case of uncontrolled use of the drug or its excess allowable amount symptoms of poisoning appear. In case of a single overdose, the following symptoms appear:

  • Attacks of nausea followed by vomiting.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Wheezing in the lungs.

When similar signs the use of the drug must be discontinued. Be sure to consult with a specialist.

In the case of a systematic excess of the permitted amount of aspirin, a condition develops chronic overdose. It may be accompanied by the following problems:

  • Significant hearing loss.
  • The appearance of hallucinations.
  • pathological bleeding.
  • Convulsions.
  • Reinforced sweat compartment.
  • Unquenchable thirst.
  • Loss of visual acuity.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Feverish state.

In this case, emergency medical intervention is necessary. You need to detoxify your body and a long period recovery. In severe cases, aspirin poisoning can lead to cerebral edema and death of the victim. Therefore, the sooner you seek help, the more likely favorable outcome.

Useful properties of aspirin for external use

Not everyone knows that aspirin can not only be taken orally, but also used to treat hair and skin. Among the most common and effective methods its applications are as follows:

  1. As a peel. Made from aspirin effective mask for the face, which perfectly removes impurities and dead skin cells. For its preparation, several tablets of the drug are crushed and the resulting powder is stirred in a small amount of sour cream. If the skin is oily, then it is better to replace sour cream with honey. This mask is applied to the face and kept for about 15 minutes.
  2. To treat inflammation on the skin: acne, acne, boils. For cooking healing agent It is enough to dissolve an aspirin tablet in water and apply to problem areas. After three minutes, the remnants of the product must be washed off.
  3. Restoration of shine and health of hair. To do this, before washing your hair with everyday shampoo, rinse your hair with water with aspirin dissolved in it. For one liter of water you need 6 tablets.
  4. Elimination of calluses. With the help of an aspirin-based compress, it can effectively cope with calluses. To prepare it, you need to mix a teaspoon lemon juice with the same amount of water. The resulting liquid should be mixed with six crushed aspirin tablets. The prepared paste is applied to the corn and wrapped in plastic wrap. Such a compress must be maintained for at least 15 minutes. After that, rinse and treat the skin with any nourishing cream.

When properly used judiciously, aspirin will provide health benefits. Before starting such therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and identify possible contraindications. Carefully monitor the dosage of the drug.



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