Juniper medicinal properties and contraindications. Miraculous effect of common juniper

Juniper, a tree or shrub from the cypress family, has existed on our planet for about 50 million years.

Evergreen, it looks like a small cypress. This is a long-lived plant. IN favorable conditions juniper lives from 600 to 3000 years. Imagine, somewhere on Earth there are still living plants that hatched from seeds a thousand years before the birth of Christ.

in Rome and Ancient Greece this little cypress was considered the right remedy from a snake bite. The Romans added crushed juniper berries to wine and drank it for liver diseases as a diuretic.

IN Ancient Rus' dishes were made from juniper bark. And the dishes did not spoil for a long time, and the milk stored in such dishes did not turn sour even on a hot day.

In Rus', juniper was considered protection from evil spirits. Its branches were consecrated in the church and placed behind icons, attached to the ceiling. Juniper also protected livestock from all kinds of bad weather. And, if you think about it, it’s more about the unusually strong phytoncidal properties of this plant.

Despite the fact that in the old days they knew nothing about bactericidal essential substances, juniper was used in household sanitation and folk medicine. The smoke of dried juniper fruits was used to fumigate huts and disinfect the clothes of the sick. In the house of the sick person, they wiped the floors with juniper needles, went to the bathhouse with juniper brooms, and steamed milk jugs and pickle tubs with juniper.

Due to its healing properties, longevity, and also because juniper wood does not rot, for some peoples this plant is a symbol eternal life and overcoming death.

Beneficial properties of juniper

Juniper cones contain carbohydrates, resins, wax, dyes and tannins, organic acids, essential oil, as well as vitamins, macro- and microelements (manganese, iron, copper, aluminum).

Juniper berries contain essential oil, resins, sugars, and organic acids. Essential oil and resins impart to berries characteristic smell, intensifying when they are rubbed. Juniper essential oil has a strong diuretic effect, as well as an expectorant, choleretic and antimicrobial effect. Since ancient times, infusion and decoction of juniper cones have been prescribed for edema, kidney stones, inflammation of the bladder and other diseases of the urinary system. It is important that the diuretic effect of these drugs is combined with disinfectant properties. However, preparations of juniper cones irritate the kidneys, so they are contraindicated in a number of cases. kidney disease, in particular with nephritis.

Juniper cones also have other therapeutic qualities. A decoction of them is taken to stimulate appetite and improve digestion; it enhances intestinal motility and slightly improves bile secretion.

Infusion and decoction of juniper cones are taken orally for diseases respiratory tract to thin mucus and facilitate expectoration. The decoction is added to baths for gout and rheumatism or used as compresses on sore joints. However, for external use, essential oil obtained from juniper cones or green shoots is more effective. They rub the joints and muscles for rheumatism, and also treat poorly healing ulcers and wounds. Some alcoholic drinks, such as gin, are flavored with juniper berries.

Juniper has long been famous for its medicinal properties. This plant is used to treat many diseases: skin diseases, tuberculosis, asthma. Juniper has a calming effect on the nervous system and relieves stress. And why? Because it contains a lot of essential oils with a resinous, tart, smoky aroma.

In terms of its bactericidal properties, juniper needles are the leader. The oil from this plant anesthetizes, invigorates, cleanses, warms and strengthens.

Juniper twigs, previously consecrated in the church, are hung in houses. It is believed that they protect against diseases and all sorts of misfortunes.

Juniper eliminates swelling, helps with dermatitis and toothache. It is an anti-cellulite agent, eliminates inflammation of the lung and bronchial tissue, improves cardiac activity. Normalizes blood circulation, arterial pressure. Helps with colic, constipation, various other diseases. Range therapeutic effects wide

Dangerous properties of juniper

The healing properties of juniper have been noticed for a very long time. Popularly this perennial called differently, so another common name is Veres. To modern man It will be useful to learn about its unique and beneficial properties.

What does juniper look like and where does it grow?

In large forested areas grows a coniferous shrub - juniper. Grows up to three meters. This plant can be found in regions of the Northern Hemisphere, sometimes in North Africa and Asian countries. Temperate and tropical climates are suitable, and prefer to be located on dry slopes. Heather has a straight trunk and spreading branches with prickly needles. Juniper fruits look like scales that form small cones. The color of the berries varies: from green to brown.

Chemical composition of juniper

Rich chemical composition and gives the plant beneficial properties. The substances in its composition have been well studied. The fruits, needles and roots of this plant contain the following useful components:

  • Flavonoid.
  • Glycoside.
  • Bitterness.
  • Essential oils
  • Resin.
  • Organic acids.
  • Pectin.
  • Tannin particles.
  • Camphor.

Important! It is worth considering that some components have not only health properties, but can also be toxic to the human body.

Beneficial properties of juniper

Common heather has a wide range of useful actions, and therefore already long time its use is practiced for medical purposes. What are the benefits of juniper for women's and men's health:

For women

Medicinal tincture of juniper has a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs, increasing blood flow and normalizing menstrual cycle. Decoctions are used for various infectious inflammations vaginal mucosa. During menopause, it will be useful to carry out aromatherapy based on this plant.

For men

Veres is famous effective action for diseases of the genitourinary system. A properly prepared decoction will help in the fight against urethritis, and will also provide beneficial effect during infectious prostatitis. The plant is used as complex therapy regarding prostate adenoma.

Is it possible to eat juniper during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use heather products, as this can lead to uterine contractions and even cause stillbirth. During lactation it is also undesirable to take it, because children's body may react poorly to the plant.

At what age can juniper be given to children?

All products and solutions are approved for children over five years of age, however, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

The benefits of juniper berries, root and bark

Juniper decoctions are prescribed as sedatives, diuretics, disinfectants, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agents. In addition, the plant increases appetite and eliminates attacks of nausea, cleanses the blood, strengthens immune system.

Comment! At strong cough prescribed as expectorants.

An active diuretic effect and anti-inflammatory effect is required for diseases of the genitourinary system. In the case of cystitis, the beneficial properties of juniper berries will be indispensable. Also restore kidney function and cleanse genitourinary system you can get rid of sand and small stones using tinctures and other compositions from the plant. It is impossible not to mention the regenerating properties, thanks to which prolonged internal bleeding can be avoided. When fighting edema, it will have a diuretic effect.

Medicines based on the bark of this plant have a gentle effect on the walls of the stomach, restoring normal process digestion, intestinal motility and enzyme production. And the tannins in its composition have an astringent effect, eliminating indigestion. The plant also affects smooth muscles and receptors, stopping attacks of nausea.

Veres root is useful for nervous disorders and mental overload. Component composition brings significant relief, relieving symptoms of depression and stress. This is possible due to the production of serotonin and normalization of functioning nervous system.

Recipes from juniper in folk medicine

Depending on the disease that affected human body, the use of preparations based on coniferous plants is indicated.

Diseases of the pulmonary system

You will need 1 tablespoon of dried fruits and two glasses of boiling water. Then you need to boil the composition in a water bath or double boiler for half an hour. The solution should be cooled, filtered and water added until initial result. This juniper tea is very healthy. You need to drink it several times a day.

Throat inflammation

Grind a teaspoon of dry berries and pour a glass of boiling water. Then leave in a thermos for one hour. Afterwards you need to strain and pour into three servings. Gargle after eating.

Intoxication of the body and cleansing of the blood

To do this you should use fresh fruits on an empty stomach. Starting with one berry per day, you should gradually increase the dosage to 15 pieces.

Joint pain

To do this, pour 200 grams of pine needles with a liter of boiling water. Leave for two hours, strain with gauze. Take a bath with juniper if necessary.

Beneficial properties and uses of juniper essential oil

Essential oil is often added to hot bath. This procedure not only brings beneficial effect with an emotional or nervous strain but also helps to remove headache. Aromatherapy with essential oil is also practiced, which is prescribed for preventive purposes against viral diseases.

Rendering strong antiviral effect, the plant destroys harmful bacteria both in the air and on human mucous membranes. During periods of exacerbations or epidemics various diseases It would be useful to carry out inhalations with the oil of this plant. To do this, just apply a few drops to the chest and neck. Oil vapors will create protective barrier, preventing infection and contamination.

The use of juniper in cosmetology

Essential oils based on heather are suitable for the care of combination and oily skin y. By using juniper on the face, you can achieve skin tone and rejuvenation. You can often find hair products that contain this plant. Such useful care products help weakened and thin hair. Also, juniper oil is sometimes a component of perfume - it helps fix odors.

Use of juniper berries in cooking

An extract is made from heather berries, which can be used to produce an alcoholic beverage. For example, the popular drink Gin is made from a tincture of juniper fruits. But the use of berries for preparing spices is also common. These seasonings go into sausages, giving them a piquant and rich taste.

juniper products

Veres is useful not only in medicine. The wood of this plant becomes stronger over time and is suitable for making various souvenirs, pencils, stands and canes. The shavings are used to produce rollers and massagers, the use of which helps with migraines and illnesses respiratory system. A juniper pillow helps improve sleep.

When and how to collect juniper

The fruits from this tree begin to be collected after full ripening. That is, they should have a blue-black color. The harvest occurs at the end of August and lasts until the end of October. They spread it under the bushes thick fabric or paper, trample the tree and collect useful berries.

Harvesting and storing juniper

The plant can be dried only in a special dryer, and stored in a dark place and in a high-quality wooden container that closes tightly.

Important! The storage period should not exceed more than two years.

Needles can be collected all year round.

Contraindications and possible harm of juniper

The substances that make up this plant have a pronounced effect on the human body. For this reason, it is not always allowed to use both the plant itself and the formulations prepared on its basis.

There are a number of contraindications in which the use of veres can bring more harm than good:

  1. Chronic liver disease.
  2. Kidney diseases in which the functioning of the ureters is impaired.
  3. Chronic and severe violations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Hypertensive disorder.
  5. Use during pregnancy and lactation is strictly prohibited.
  6. Children under five years old.
  7. Individual intolerance to juniper.

In addition to the listed contraindications, it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to use preparations and tinctures based on this plant for a long period of time. Medical or preventive measures may last a maximum of two months. If, as prescribed by a doctor, more than a long period treatment, then you should constantly monitor the patient’s condition and periodically take blood tests.

Prescribing medications based on this plant on your own is dangerous. It is advisable to consult a doctor. The effect of such drugs is very strong, so it is extremely important to monitor the dosage and duration of use.


More information about the benefits and harms of juniper can be found in this video:

Thanks to the diversity medicinal actions coniferous tree is common in many countries, and its use is practiced in the most different areas medicine. Very often, the plant is part of a complex therapy that promotes recovery and cleansing of the body.

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The medicinal properties and contraindications of juniper were known to the ancient Greek aesculapians. In Ancient Greece, berries were considered the best antidote for snake bites. IN Ancient Rome The diuretic properties of the herb had already been discovered. During various epidemics, it was customary to fumigate the premises and clothes of patients with smoke from juniper branches. In Rus', juniper was used to make dishes in which food could be stored for a long time without going sour. In pagan times, juniper was attributed magical properties. It was used to make amulets and talismans, and its branches were used to decorate houses to drive out evil spirits.

Features of juniper as a medicinal plant

What benefits does juniper bring to the human body? Does it have any contraindications? What types of it are used as medicinal raw materials? What parts of the plant can be used?


The distribution zone of most species is the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere. Apart from Europe, North America, subtropical mountainous regions of Asia (Pakistan, Nepal, Northern India), the plant is found in North Africa. Common juniper loves dry, sandy soils, limestone, mountain slopes, hills, undergrowth, clearings, forest edges, and banks of water bodies. It is less commonly seen in swampy areas and dense forests. In Russia it is found in the forest and less often in the forest-steppe zone; in the east its range extends to the banks of the Lena River. Many species have limited habitats - for example, Crimean, Mexican, East African, coastal, Chinese, Californian, Bermuda, Tibetan and others.

Botanical characteristics

This is an evergreen coniferous plant. It occurs in the form of a shrub up to 2 m high or a slender columnar tree up to 5 meters in height with adjacent branches. The peculiarity of the plant is its hard and prickly needles up to 1 cm in length. The fruits of the plant (cone berries) ripen in the second or third year of life. At first they are green, then they become blue-black, fleshy, round (from 5 to 10 ml in diameter). Juniper blooms in May, and its fruits ripen in September-October.

Workpiece features

It is important to know that only ripe, blue-black fruits of the second or third year can be harvested. Harvesting begins in September. To do this, place a litter under a bush or tree and shake off the berries on it. After this, the fruits are cleared of twigs and needles. Dry only naturally- in attics, verandas, under awnings. When dried in an oven or electric dryer, the beneficial properties of juniper berries are lost. Raw materials are protected from dampness and packaged in tight containers to prevent evaporation essential oil. Shelf life - 3 years.

In addition, you can harvest pine needles, bark, wood, and juniper root. The bark and wood are especially useful for gout and rheumatism, they are used to cleanse the blood. Pine needles treat respiratory infectious diseases, joint pain, skin rashes. Treatment with juniper root gives positive effect for bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases.

Common juniper. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887. Cossack juniper. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.
Crimean prickly juniper. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.


There are about 75 species of juniper. Many of them are grown for decorative purposes, cultivated in city gardens and parks, and on personal plots. What species, besides common juniper, are used in folk medicine?

  • Juniper Cossack. Most often found in the Carpathians and Crimea. It's dangerous poisonous plant. It can only be used externally. Collect branches and berries of bushes. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from them to treat affected skin (lichen, scabies, skin cancer, radiation burns, boils). Also, douching is made from decoctions of Cossack juniper. These procedures are especially useful for trichomonas inflammation of the vagina. The powder is used to cover wounds, eczema, ulcers, and warts.
  • Crimean juniper. This common name for five species growing in Crimea - tall, prickly, stinking, Cossack, ordinary. Most often, the fruits of the Crimean prickly, or red juniper are harvested. Juniper oil is obtained from it, which is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. And its fruits are known to be diuretic, stimulant, antihelminthic effect. Other species are valued primarily for their timber.

Healing effect

What are the beneficial properties of juniper?

  • Diuretic.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Secretory.
  • Appetizing.
  • Painkiller.
  • Wound healing.
  • Expectorant.
  • Distracting.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Blood purifying.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Calming.

Thanks to which useful substances Has the plant acquired medicinal value?

  • Medicinal properties of juniper berries. The fruits contain valuable essential oil, containing: sabinene, terpineol, pinene, borneol, uneol, camphor, cadinene and other substances. In addition, there are a lot of sugars, pectins, fatty oil, organic acids, glycosides, bitters, waxes, resins, dyes. Juniper cones also contain these same substances.
  • Medicinal properties of juniper root. They, like wood, contain diterpene alcohols and tannins. They also contain substances with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and thinning properties.
  • Juniper needles. It contains a lot of phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is useful not only to brew pine needles, but also to breathe in juniper essential oil. natural conditions. It is believed that a hectare of bushes evaporates 30 kg of phytoncides per day. The needles also contain a lot of vitamin C, essential oil, and tannins.

Indications for use

What diseases are successfully treated with juniper grass?

  • urinary system. Juniper is one of the strong diuretics plant origin. Infusions and decoctions from fruits will be prescribed for chronic inflammation kidney, Bladder, stones, sand in the kidneys, severe swelling, dropsy, for disinfection of the urinary tract.
  • Digestion. The medicinal properties of juniper fruits are used in the treatment of digestive disorders. The herb increases appetite, normalizes peristalsis, relieves heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and flatulence. It is taken for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, anacid gastritis, and stomach ulcers. To normalize digestion, juniper berries can not only be brewed, but also chewed.
  • Nervous system . The plant has a calming effect and relaxes the nervous system. Decoctions and infusions are recommended for neuroses and insomnia. Useful to take pine baths before bedtime.
  • Respiratory system . It thins mucus well, helps with bronchitis, pneumonia, and makes dry, obsessive cough productive. During epidemics of ARVI or influenza, it is useful to fumigate the room with smoke and conduct aromatherapy sessions.
  • Musculoskeletal system. It helps well with inflammatory processes in joints, muscles and bones. For rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, tumors, it is taken orally and applied externally in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • External use. Used as a bactericidal, wound-healing agent for dermatitis, lichen, scabies, eczema, boils, ulcers. It is also useful to rinse with decoctions oral cavity for scurvy, inflammation of the gums. The tincture can be instilled into the ears for otitis media. Infusion and decoction can be used to gargle for tonsillitis and pharyngitis. At skin rash, psoriasis, eczema, joint pain and neuroses are recommended medicinal baths from juniper.

Juniper is strictly contraindicated for acute inflammatory process in the kidneys and digestive organs. Juniper-based medications should not be taken orally during pregnancy in any trimester, during lactation and in children. Sometimes observed individual intolerance bush berries. In case of overdose, allergies and digestive disorders are possible. When harvesting fruits, it is important to distinguish between types and remember the poisonous properties of Cossack juniper.

Using juniper at home

What are the uses of juniper berries at home? What medicines can you prepare yourself? What can you buy at the pharmacy?

Pharmacy drugs

What is a juniper roller

Juniper cushion - a pillow tightly stuffed with juniper shavings. Through natural fabric vapors of essential oil and phytoncides are released. Such a “healing pillow” can be useful for insomnia, frequent headaches, autonomic dysfunction, chronic diseases respiratory organs. Phytoncides kill pathogenic bacteria and strengthen the immune system. Such a pillow can be a means of preventing ARVI and influenza if someone in the family is sick. In addition, the roller can be placed on painful joints. The cushion can be placed under the neck or lower back, which stabilizes the position of the vertebrae, relaxes the muscle frame, and improves blood circulation. IN medicinal purposes It is recommended to place a “fragrant pillow” 3 times a day.

Reviews about this miracle pillow are very different. There is an opinion that this is just another medicinal “brand”. But there is also positive feedback. This roller exudes a pleasant pine aroma and, indeed, helps you relax and fall asleep, and also sanitizes the air. Juniper rolls are often sold in Crimea and on the Black Sea coast as health souvenirs. Juniper is a valuable wood and is protected by law. Therefore, sawdust from other trees is often mixed into the rollers, adding only a few juniper branches.

Treatment with fresh berries

This is one of the oldest and effective methods treatment. Instead of taking infusions, you can chew berries for all of the above diagnoses. You need to chew the fruits on an empty stomach, gradually increasing the dose according to the following scheme:

  • first day - 1 berry;
  • the second and subsequent 14 days - increase by 1 berry;
  • fifteenth day - 15 berries;
  • after this, the dose is reduced daily by 1 berry.

The course of treatment is 1 month. Fresh berries cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, stimulate metabolism, prevent periodontal disease, relieve heart pain and swelling.

Decoction and infusion

The decoction is most often prescribed as a diuretic and choleretic agent. For external use, more concentrated decoctions are prepared - the dose of raw materials is doubled. Also, decoctions cleanse the blood well and stimulate metabolic processes. They are useful for general strengthening organism.


  1. Take 1 dessert spoon of fruit.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Insist 40 minutes.

Before use, the decoction must be filtered. You can drink 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

There are also recipes for juniper infusions, when the fruits are not boiled, but only steamed.

Preparing the infusion

  1. Take 2 tsp. dry or fresh fruits.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for at least 2 hours.
  4. Strain.

Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. You can also prepare a cold infusion in the same dosage, but you need to pour the berries cold boiled water. It is useful to drink such infusions for swelling, including those caused by heart failure.


Juniper tincture - effective remedy for rubbing with rheumatic, gouty, neuralgic pains. It can also be drunk in chronic diseases of the digestive tract and urinary tract.


  1. Take 1 part of raw materials.
  2. Pour 10 parts of 70% alcohol.
  3. Insist in a warm place for 7 days.
  4. Strain.

In other recipes, 20 parts of alcohol are taken for 1 part of the raw material. The tincture is less concentrated. Take 15 drops 3 times a day before meals, diluted in water. The course of treatment with tincture can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Juniper is also used to flavor alcoholic beverages. Juniper vodka (gin) is especially popular in Holland. Has bright pronounced taste and aroma.


The oil is obtained by dry distillation of wood and is also called “juniper tar.” How is juniper oil used?

  • It is taken orally in a diluted form for all the above diagnoses.
  • Drink over a long period of time as a blood purifier, to improve metabolism and lose weight.
  • Add to rubs and ointments for rheumatic pain.
  • Added to inhalations for respiratory diseases.
  • You can rub the oil on painful, inflamed gums.
  • Lotions are made from it skin diseases, ear pain.
  • Used for anti-cellulite massage.
  • Taken as a sedative.

This product is also widely used in cosmetology.

  • Juniper oil for hair. Promotes hair growth, strengthening hair follicles. Can be used in pure form. But more often it is combined with other oils - burdock, rosemary, sage, coconut, clove, jojoba. If your hair is oily, it is recommended to add a few drops of juniper oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair. Also, juniper (especially decoctions) helps get rid of dandruff.
  • Juniper oil for face. It is considered universal, suitable for all skin types, depending on its combination with other components. This natural antiseptic, helps get rid of acne, acne. Gives skin firmness, elasticity, healthy color. It has rejuvenating properties and stimulates metabolic processes in the skin. Juniper oil can be added to tonics and lotions; it effectively eliminates excess oily skin. Contraindication for use may be increased sensitivity skin, allergy to oil. Before use, you should test for an allergic reaction on a small area of ​​skin. It is also not recommended to use the oil in its pure form.

Benefits for women and men

  • For women . Decoctions and infusions are used to sanitize the vagina. Douching is especially useful for trichomonas colpitis (inflammation of the vagina). Juniper is also used to treat inflammation of the appendages. It is useful to drink infusions and take aromatherapy sessions during the premenopausal period. Juniper helps well with neuroses in the background hormonal imbalance. It can be taken in the form alcohol tincture, oils, decoction. Chewing fresh berries is also beneficial.
  • For men . Alcohol and water infusions from bark, root, juniper wood for sexual impotence. The product improves blood circulation in the pelvis and stimulates sexual activity.

Basic medicinal properties juniper - diuretic, secretory, analgesic, sedative, blood purifying, expectorant. Juniper decoctions, tinctures, and oil are used to treat the kidneys, bladder, digestive and respiratory organs, muscles, joints, heart, and nervous system. It's strong bactericidal agent, it is used externally for skin diseases. Juniper essential oil is often used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Juniper - amazing medicinal plant, mentioned even in the Old Testament as a bush in which the newborn Jesus was hidden. Over time, it began to be considered a sacred plant of the Virgin Mary, and healing properties juniper in the treatment of the most various diseases have long been known. For this, juniper needles, bark, cone berries and even roots are used. However, you should be careful and take into account the contraindications for juniper.

Juniper: plant description

Juniper, (which is also called juniper, heather, northern cypress, brogue, grouse bush and even bakkout or jerep) is a genus of evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs belonging to the cypress family. It can reach a height of 20 meters, and its life expectancy is, however, rare cases, is 600 years.

This is a fairly unpretentious, very hardy plant that can be found in the taiga, tundra, and tropical forests, but the juniper, which grew in the mountains in southern Europe, is considered the most useful.

On the territory of Russia, the common juniper most often grows, which can be up to 12 meters high, has gray-brown or reddish-brown bark, hard small leaves in the form of coniferous branches, and fruits called juniper berries.

The shrub blooms in May, after which numerous small round green cones with a diameter of 0.7-0.9 cm are formed with a bright pine aroma and a sweetish taste, which in the second year become blue-black with a gray coating. Cone berries are collected in the fall, usually in October-November, and then used as a herb, spice, and, of course, in medicine.

Ripe juniper fruits contain acids of organic origin (formic, acetic, malic), grape sugar and other sugars (up to 80%), bitter resins, essential oils (terpinene, camphene, pinene, phellandrene, etc.), mineral salts, wax.

Remember that there is also a poisonous Cossack juniper, which is never used for medicinal purposes. Its fruits are distinguished by their blue-black color, lumpy surface, and the leaves are flat rather than needle-shaped.

Healing properties of the bark and needles of juniper

For medicinal purposes, mainly cone berries and essential oils are used, the use of which you will learn in, also dedicated to juniper.

In addition, juniper bark and needles, which are very rich in essential oils, are used to get rid of diseases. The needles also contain a lot ascorbic acid, and the bark - saponins, resins, tannins and dyes.

Juniper branches have long been used to improve indoor air and destroy microbes (phytoncides destroy up to 30% harmful microorganisms contained in the air), they were prepared healing baths for the treatment of juniper diseases of the joints.

Moreover, the bactericidal properties of the branches of this coniferous shrub are 6 times greater than those of pine, which is why previously, during epidemics, houses were fumigated with smoke from burning pine needles, and patients with tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases settled closer to the juniper thickets.

Essential oils are found primarily in fruits (up to 2%), but also in bark (0.5%), needles (0.18%), and stems (0.25%). That's why bathhouses are so popular juniper brooms, which perfectly help with joint diseases, rheumatism, and skin diseases.

Even juniper roots are used for medicinal purposes - for liver diseases, edema,; A decoction of the roots is also drunk for treatment, and the bark is used in folk medicine for sexually transmitted diseases.

Other beneficial properties of juniper:

  • Diuretic (especially widely used to eliminate edema in heart and kidney diseases)
  • Antimicrobial agent for urinary tract diseases
  • For diseases of the respiratory system, it is, first of all, a means of thinning mucus and accelerating its expectoration.
  • As a means of improving digestion, increasing appetite and intestinal motility
  • A remedy used for anemia and decreased immunity

Juniper: contraindications

Despite its amazing usefulness, juniper also has contraindications, in which the use of tinctures and decoctions with the fruits, needles or bark of this shrub is extremely undesirable:

  • Pregnancy because active substances plants increase blood supply to the pelvic organs, which increases the risk of bleeding
  • Children under three years of age
  • Old age - after 55 years (with caution)
  • Kidney disease, especially inflammatory in nature– juniper has a strong effect on this organ irritant effect, especially on parenchyma
  • Periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (acute, stomach ulcers, acute)

In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor before starting to use juniper than to struggle with it later. allergic reactions and exacerbations of diseases.

Treatment with juniper: folk recipes with pine needles and plant bark

Despite some contraindications, juniper deserves great attention, because. infusions, decoctions, tinctures, as well as essential oils can be used both externally and internally and for the most various diseases. So, what areas of treatment with juniper are possible today:

Joint diseases

In this case, branches and needles of the plant are used. So-called juniper baths are prepared from them - 200 grams of juniper needles are brewed with 1 liter of boiling water and infused. After preparation, the infusion is poured into the bath and immersed for 20-30 minutes; the procedure should be repeated until the condition improves.

Colds, sore throat

Gargling with a decoction of pine needles and cones, as well as inhalation, are used to treat problems of the upper respiratory tract with juniper.

Neuroses, insomnia

For neuroses, treatment with juniper baths is highly recommended, as they have a calming effect, and at the same time heal the skin if there are pimples or ulcers on it, since pine needles have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. For one procedure lasting 15-20 minutes, 150-200 grams of crushed juniper needles are enough, which is first poured with boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes. After this, strain the prepared infusion and pour it into a warm bath.

Allergies, dermatitis, skin rashes

Can be cooked healing bath, which will help with skin problems, and in other ways. To do this, 200-300 grams of crushed pine needles and juniper branches are poured into 10 liters of regular cold water for a couple of hours, then bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. After cooking, the liquid is filtered and added to the bath with warm water(her temperature is 36-37C). The course of treatment includes 10 procedures performed every other day.

Sexual weakness, impotence

This is where the bark comes in handy. To do this, remove the bark from young branches, soak three tablespoons of raw material in a liter warm water for 10-12 hours ( perfect option- in a thermos). Now you need to boil the infusion for 15 minutes under the lid, cool a little, strain, and then drink 100 grams. 3 times a day.

Broad-spectrum healing tincture

For the tincture you will need shoots and pine needles. They fill a vessel or bottle made of dark glass, pour medical alcohol 50% or very good vodka and infuse in a dark place for 3 months, having previously been hermetically sealed. The tincture (without straining) is used for compresses for, for external treatment of the skin for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, in diluted form for gargling for sore throat, for douching for colpitis and in many other cases.

Just remember and be healthy.

Juniper brooms

Juniper brooms are very popular in the steam room - they improve skin tone, disinfect it, and although they “sting”, at the same time they perfectly help with rheumatism. In order to prepare such a broom, you need to steam fresh plant branches for 15 minutes in boiling water to soften. And the water in which the bath attribute was steamed can be poured onto the heater or rinsed with it on the body and hair. Here's an article about how to properly take a steam bath.

People have long known how great the medicinal properties of juniper, an evergreen plant of the cypress family, are. The article will discuss the use of juniper in therapeutic purposes, about its properties, benefits and contraindications.

ordinary has been growing on the planet for more than 50 million years. It belongs to the Cypress family, being a coniferous shrub up to 4 meters tall. Beneficial features juniper have been known to man for a very long time. In Rus', dishes were made from its bark in which milk did not sour. The bush also protected against evil spirits, so it was used to make amulets and protective amulets.

In Europe, the berries were put into wine to obtain a healing elixir for liver and bladder diseases. Juniper berries were also used to heal livestock from various misfortunes, and they disinfected indoor air with the plant. The plant was indispensable if there was a sick person in the house: fumigating the room with smoke from burnt leaves made living in the household safe. They also washed floors with infusions of the plant, and steamed in the bathhouse with juniper brooms.

Beneficial properties of juniper berries

Cone berries have the richest composition biologically active substances. They contain the following elements:

  • Essential oils
  • Iron
  • Organic acids
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Sahara
  • Coloring pigments
  • Resins

The table shows the main minerals that are found in berries:

  • Calcium - 7
  • Potassium - 12.7
  • Iron - 0.14
  • Magnesium - 1
  • Zinc - 0.39
  • Copper - 0.46
  • Manganese - 0.19

The beneficial properties of juniper berries cause a beneficial effect on the body. Fruits are an excellent antiseptic, so they can relieve inflammation. They also have a diuretic effect, expel bile, and help with many diseases of the liver and kidneys. The fruits are suitable for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, and other pulmonary diseases. They treat gout, rheumatism, non-healing wounds. If a woman’s menstruation is delayed, the medicinal properties of the berries help bring the cycle back to normal. The fruits will strengthen the immune system and improve blood condition.

You can easily buy the berries of the plant in pharmacies. In folk medicine, the following remedies are made from them:

  • Take 200 gr. raw materials, pour 2 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for an hour. Then strain, pour into the bath, apply against rheumatism for 15 minutes of water procedures every other day for 10 sessions.
  • Pour 50 gr. berries 500 ml. vodka, leave for 15 days. Drink from chronic bronchitis 15 drops three times a day for 2 weeks.
  • A tincture prepared according to the same recipe can be used as a lotion against herpes on the lips. Keep the lotions for 2 minutes 4-5 times a day.
  • 100 gr. Boil pine cones in 400 ml. water for 15 minutes, then cool, strain, add an equal amount of honey to the broth. Drink a tablespoon of syrup three times a day for stomach diseases.

Cone berries in cosmetology and dermatology

The healing properties of juniper fruits are widely used to get rid of external diseases that affect human skin, as well as for rejuvenation. The bactericidal qualities of the raw material make it possible to use it against acne, pimples, and boils, since the berries disinfect and destroy bacteria. Also, cone berries have an anti-cellulite effect, which makes them indispensable for women.

If you rinse your face with an infusion or decoction of the fruit, you can forget about the problem of enlarged pores, rashes, diathesis, sagging and dull skin. Products with juniper have the valuable property of dissolving, removing toxins, radicals from skin, and therefore the skin aging process slows down. Fruits are also indispensable for hair: they eliminate dandruff, add gorgeous shine to hair, and strengthen even the thinnest hair.

We must not forget that the benefits and harms of juniper go hand in hand. For cosmetic and dermatological purposes, products containing berries should not be used for a long time. Due to their strong bactericidal quality, they can provoke weakening local immunity, That's why optimal duration use - no more than a month. After a month's break, you can continue the course of therapy.

Medicinal properties of pine needles

The needles and branches of the plant contain great amount vitamin C, resins, saponins, tannins. In folk medicine, the “green” part of the bush is used less often than the fruits, but in vain. It is very convenient to use juniper needles; it is more accessible at any time of the year, and its therapeutic properties also quite high. With the help of pine needles, it is easy to disinfect a visit in order to destroy the microbes and viruses that live there. Plant raw materials are also ideal for treating problems of bones, joints, muscles, especially rheumatism - for such diseases it is convenient to use juniper brooms. Traditional healers note the value of smoke from burnt juniper needles for patients with tuberculosis, as well as other chronic pulmonary pathologies.

Recipes with the inclusion of plant needles in them are as follows:

  • For rheumatism, myalgia, arthritis, arthrosis. 300 gr. pour juniper needles with 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave under a tight lid or after wrapping for 3 hours. Strain the infusion, pour into the bath, lie in the water for 30 minutes. You can also do foot baths, which is very convenient for treating gout and arthrosis of the leg joints.
  • Brew 2 tablespoons of ground pine needles with 500 ml of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool slightly, use for inhalation for acute, chronic laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis (if there is no high temperature).
  • When preparing a juniper infusion from 1 spoon of raw materials and 200 ml. boiling water, leave it for an hour, strain. Gargle for sore throat, pharyngitis, ARVI, and also rinse your mouth for stomatitis and gum disease.
  • Boil 3 tablespoons of juniper needles in a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes over low heat. Take 100 ml of decoction after straining. three times a day for sexual weakness, impotence.
  • Fill a 0.5 liter jar with juniper needles and fill it to the top with vodka. Leave for 2 months in a dark place. Use for compresses, rubbing, applications for psoriasis, radiculitis, eczema, dermatitis.

Juniper oil: how is it used?

Juniper oil is obtained from the berries by steam distillation. It is an essential oil that is widely used for medicinal purposes. The oil contains all the active substances of the berries, only in a larger, concentrated volume. It has the following properties:

  • Tones
  • Warms
  • Cleanses
  • Eliminates pain
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Disinfects

Indications for treatment healing oil There are plenty of junipers. It thins and removes bile, promotes sweat secretion, improves gastrointestinal function, especially useful for low acidity gastric juice. Juniper oil heals skin problems, activates lymph outflow, reduces swelling. The oil also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and normalizes sleep. The product is useful for varicose veins, cystitis, gout, many skin diseases, atherosclerosis, influenza, bronchitis, impotence, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids - too many to list.

Juniper essential oil is valued in aromatherapy, its pungent but nice smell refreshes, disinfects the room, improves mood, calms. An indispensable product for massage purposes; it is not for nothing that professional massage therapists often add it to base oils, creating healing compositions. The oil can be used to treat wounds, rub bruises, hematomas, and fractures. In cosmetology, he is respected for the fight against stretch marks, cellulite, acne, and scars. To treat hair and skin problems, you can use the following products with juniper oil:

  1. Combine 3 tablespoons of burdock oil and 6 drops of juniper oil. Heat, rub into head, rinse after an hour. The mask reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Take a tablespoon of any shampoo, add 3 drops of juniper essential oil. Wash your hair and use it against dandruff every time you wash.
  3. Into a glass mineral water add 4 drops of juniper oil, shake. Use as a tonic for problematic and oily facial skin.


Experts note that even healthy people with long-term use of any product containing the plant internally, irritation of the kidney parenchyma is possible, and there is also a risk of bleeding. Therefore, you cannot take such drugs internally for longer than 1-1.5 months. Consultation with a doctor is necessary before starting therapy, especially when we're talking about about a child or an elderly person. Children under 6 years old similar treatment cannot be carried out.

Berries and pine needle therapy are contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Acute kidney and bladder diseases
  • Acute gastritis, ulcer, acute intestinal inflammation

The active substances of the plant can cause miscarriages in pregnant women because they contract the walls of the uterus. Therefore, it is prohibited to consume products with juniper during pregnancy or lactation, so as not to harm the body of the fetus or baby.



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