
In our family, we use therapeutic ointment for external use. Its composition is simple, contains only three ingredients, but the possibilities are amazing, and the range of applications is the widest. You smear the place of the burn - and there will be no blister, and it will soon heal. Spread a small wound or scratch - and the effect will not be long in coming: the affected area will soon heal. I used this ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids. There was also relief. In a word, I call the ointment a sorceress, because it saves from any trouble.

Cool a piece of wax the size of a matchbox, grate it on a fine grater, melt it in an enamel bowl in a water bath. Mix with 1 tbsp. hot sunflower oil, and lastly add chopped "cool" chicken yolk. Mix well and, after straining the composition, pour it into a glass jar. Keep refrigerated.


Often during repair work with tools it is possible to inflict wounds on oneself. On personal bitter experience, I came to the conclusion that the best way to heal them is ... grease. I lubricate the wound with this remedy, cover it with a piece of polyethylene and fix it with a gauze bandage. The pain immediately subsides, and you can continue to work. After two or three days, I remove the bandage, and the wound is completely “cured” “in the fresh air”. Tested by me and friends: the result is always excellent!


I treat open wounds ... with sugar. I pour it on the bandage - and to the damaged area. I fasten with a bandage. Everything heals overnight, because sugar "works" as an antiseptic: microbes do not multiply in a sweet environment. Tested on myself and friends. I remembered a case from childhood: I swam in the river and severely cut my leg with a shell. Healed the wound ... spruce powder. What is this drug? I'll tell you. During the flowering of spruce, you need to prepare its cones - red "candles" (we, the guys, have always enjoyed them). Dry the raw materials and grind into powder (I always have this tool in the first aid kit). They should be sprinkled on wounds, they heal very quickly. But a nurse from the clinic once advised me to lubricate wounds and cuts with castor oil (pharmaceutical preparation), which perfectly heals the skin. And besides - available, cheap, effective.


I want to suggest a recipe for a good ointment for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, which we use in our family.

Mix two parts olive oil and one part beeswax. Bring the mass to a boil and simmer over low heat, stirring, until smooth. Cool and transfer the ointment to a glass jar with a lid.

Treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and then apply a bandage with the prepared preparation. Change once or twice a day. Course - until recovery.


I know very simple and effective ways to treat wounds, bruises and cuts without "involving" "chemistry". So, purulent wounds (treated fistulas, boils, abscesses, etc.) quickly disappear if crushed steamed plum leaves, persimmon pulp or dressings moistened with cucumber juice are applied to them.

Children are very afraid of pain, so it is better for them to sprinkle their wounds with powder of dry oak leaves, willow-herb, elecampane, succession (grind in a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar). In the summer I apply gruel from fresh leaves and flowers of the plants listed above. And with bruises, twice a day, I rub pharmacy fir oil into the problem area. By the way, it also helps with pain in the heart (I rub it into the area of ​​the “fiery motor”). Five drops are enough.


I always have nettle tincture in stock. I fill a glass jar with leaves and fill it to the top with vodka. I cover with a lid and insist in the sun for two weeks. If any wound happens, first I wash it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then I moisten gauze folded in several layers in the tincture and apply it to the problem area. I fasten with a bandage. I change once a day for the night. The wound heals very quickly.


A neighbor told how she washed windows and accidentally ran into a carnation. As a result, I injured my finger. The wound turned out to be small, but the blood oozed so much that nothing could stop the “flow”. And then I remembered that I read somewhere how an egg can help in such situations. Rather, a white film that lines the shell. She immediately ran to the kitchen, washed the egg, broke it, rinsed the inside with cold water and separated a piece of the film. I applied a “patch” to the wound, the film stuck tightly to the skin, and the blood finally stopped.

And she thought how good it is that people tell their stories and little tricks. Really. What if someone finds themselves in a similar situation? Know: the patch can be found ... in a chicken egg.


For the treatment of wounds and burns, it is good to prepare a decoction of birch buds and use it for lotions on the affected areas once or twice a day. 1 tsp dry kidneys pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. And with abscesses, beat the egg white, soak the bandage folded in several layers with the composition and apply to the problem area. Cover with paper and secure with a bandage. Change as needed until healing.


Five years ago, while dismantling old buildings, I pierced the soles of my feet with rusty nails several times through the soles of my shoes. I was rescued by a hot hypertonic solution (10 g of salt per 100 ml of hot water), in which I soared my legs for half an hour. One procedure was always enough for me to “eliminate” the consequences: the wound was cleaned and healed.


For purulent wounds, there is no better healing agent than a mixture in equal parts of honey and fish oil. Apply the composition to a clean linen cloth, apply to the wound and fix with a bandage. Leave overnight, change the bandage in the morning. And so - until recovery. The wound will heal very quickly.

The nurse left the office, and Tatyana Nikolaevna took out sterile gloves from the closet:

Well, let's get started? She approached the policeman. Let's see what you have here. By the way, you know my name, but I don't know yours.

My name is Igor, Igor Evgenievich. But it's better to just, Igor, - the lieutenant said nervously.

Okay, Igor. So, well, the nosebleed has already stopped, but the cut on the forehead will have to be sewn up. Four stitches are enough, so it won't take long. Your head is not spinning, as with orientation in space? Not sick?

No, everything is fine. Is it necessary to sew?

Don't worry, I'll put local anesthesia, so you won't feel anything, - Ivanova went to the closet and took out an ampoule and a syringe.
Seeing this picture, the man turned pale:

Thank you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, but I, perhaps, will go, - the lieutenant abruptly got up from the couch. He was obviously led to the left, but the policeman resisted.

Yes, yes, calmly. Well, here comes the dizziness. Have a seat. Do not be afraid, it will practically not hurt, only now a small mosquito will bite and that's it.

The door of the treatment room opened and the face of a small patient of the therapeutic department appeared in the opening:

Tatyana Nikolaevna! - the boy ran into the room and clung to Ivanova.

Hello Vanechka! Why are you up so early?

I slept already, - then the boy noticed a man in uniform. - Hello.

Hi, - Igor will stretch out his hand to the child, shake his small hand.

Did you get sick too? the child asked.

No, I just got hurt a little, but Tatyana Nikolaevna said that she would cure me now, - the policeman explained.

Tatyana Nikolaevna helps everyone! the child beamed.

Vanya, can you help us too? Ivanova turned to the boy. - I will now give Igor Evgenievich an injection, and you will talk to him so that he does not get hurt. Agreed?

Certainly! Vanya sat next to the man. - Tatyana Nikolaevna has been treating me for a long time and has never hurt me before, which means that you will not be hurt at all now.

Tatyana Nikolaevna treated the wound on her head with a solution of chlorhexidine.

So, now we sit quietly. Igor, are you allergic to novocaine?

No, - the man merged with the tiles.

Igor, let's just not faint! - Ivanova went to the locker and took out a small bottle of ammonia, with which she moistened a cotton swab, and wiped the policeman's temples with it. - Smell.

The lieutenant took a breath and grimaced.

Well, the smell.

Vanechka, run to the ward, you will have procedures soon. And we are here somehow on our own, - Tatyana Nikolaevna looked at her savior very softly.

Will you come to me later? The boy was already at the door.

Of course, my love, I will definitely come!

The child left the treatment room, and Tatyana Nikolaevna sat down next to Igor:

Well, how are you? Can we continue? The doctor grabbed the man's wrist. - Well, that's better. Are you so afraid of injections? - The therapist asked without a shadow of a smile.

I understand that an adult man, a policeman, and here it is ... But I am terribly afraid of doctors, and even more so of injections ... It starts to shake from one kind of white coat ... - the embarrassed traffic police officer admitted.

Well, what am I to do with you? Ivanova got up from the couch and took off her bathrobe, leaving her in a blue dress. - That's better?


You know, once, as a child, I was also very afraid of injections, I cried at the mere thought that I would need to be vaccinated or something like that. - While Tatyana Nikolaevna was talking, she took a syringe with novocaine and went up to the policeman. “Close your eyes and don't look at what I'm going to do. My father was a well-known doctor in the city, and now he decided to fight my phobia. At that time, he became a little ill and gave himself injections in the shoulder. Once I came to his office after school, and he says: “Tanya, help me, honey. I operated for six hours today, my hands are very tired, and I definitely need to get an injection. Will you help me?"

Ivanova took a needle and thread and began to make the first stitch:

How scared I was then, but my father was calm. He guided me, taught me how to do it right. That day I felt like a heroine, a real doctor who can help a person in need. It was nice, and probably that's when I wanted to become a medical worker.

Tatyana Nikolaevna looked at the work done:

OK it's all over Now! Skills don't go anywhere! - the woman said contentedly and glued a sterile bandage in place of the seam.

How? Already? The astonished policeman opened his eyes and looked at the doctor.

Already! Ivanova laughed.

It didn't hurt at all! Vanya told the truth, you are a wonderful doctor!

Thank you very much for such words, but today you still became my savior.

This is my job! – embarrassedly answered the man.

And this is mine! The doctor pointed to the stitched wound. - Come tomorrow, you will need to look at the seam and process it. Do not wet the wound!

Will be done! - the lieutenant stood at attention and swayed slightly.

Dizzy? Ivanova got excited. “You might have a concussion, an X-ray would be nice.

I need to get back to the scene of the accident, I've already been delayed here. But if it gets worse, I will definitely go to the hospital, I promise.

You see, concussion is no joke.

I understand, I just need to go back and at least turn in my shift.

You are an adult, I can not hold you back, but still, be careful.

Thank you, Tatyana Nikolaevna. Today my sergeant will come to interview the driver, and tomorrow I will be dressing.

Goodbye, - the woman said goodbye, trying to remember how she could know this man ...

My experience with Christmas ointment. Non-healing wound: how and what to treat? Non-healing weeping wounds

All people are familiar with various injuries, wounds. Some wounds heal fairly quickly. Some people have to work hard to get well. Why does a non-healing wound occur? There may be several reasons. We will consider them further.


A wound that does not heal for a long time is a reason to seek medical help. Only there you will receive the appropriate treatment. The question arises, what time of wound healing is considered normal? Normal healing proceeds within no more than three weeks. In the event of complications or deviations, this process can be delayed for a month and a half. The reasons that the wound does not heal for a long time are divided into external and internal, as well as their combination.

Internal factors: chronic diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, exhaustion of the body, beriberi, overweight, circulatory disorders, varicose veins, infectious diseases, oncological diseases. All these diseases lead to a decrease in immunity. Like wounds don't heal.


If a person is injured with a sharp object, it is possible to get an infection directly upon injury. Although it can happen in other ways. For example, infection in the wound during dressing. If the wound is not treated in a timely manner with disinfectants, infection may spread. Then a long-term treatment is needed.

Symptoms when the body temperature rises, swelling appears in the affected area, the skin becomes red and hot, suppuration appears. Infection is the reason that the wound site does not heal for a long time. Treatment will require antibiotics. It will also require special treatment, removal of suppuration and suturing if necessary. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a blood transfusion and vitamin therapy.

Treatment of a non-healing wound in diabetes mellitus

With such a disease, any minor cut becomes a real test. High blood sugar has a detrimental effect on blood vessels, destroying them. The blood supply is disturbed, especially in the lower part of the legs. In addition, the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases. As a result, a person does not feel injured because of this. An ordinary callus, a small cut not treated in a timely manner, can become a non-healing wound, and later turn into an ulcer.

You should be extremely careful and try to avoid injuries or cuts, carefully check the condition of the legs. At the slightest violation of the skin, you should consult a doctor. Suppuration of the wound in diabetes mellitus often leads to amputation of the affected parts of the limbs.

Rapid healing is facilitated by: timely treatment with antiseptics, the appointment of antibiotic ointments, proper nutrition, foods rich in vitamins B and C, additional prescription of vitamins, proper care of the affected area of ​​the body, treatment, dressing.


In the treatment of a non-healing wound on the leg, it is possible to combine drug therapy and alternative methods. This combination will speed up healing.

Fresh cucumber juice has an antimicrobial effect. They need to lubricate the wounds, make compresses for several hours.

Celandine leaves have a healing effect. You can use both fresh leaves for treatment, and the leaves should be steamed before use. Bandages are made with celandine leaves, applying them to the wound.

A mixture of burdock roots and celandine boiled in sunflower oil will also help. How to make it? Now we'll tell you. To do this, you need 100 ml of sunflower oil, chopped burdock roots 30 g, celandine roots 20 g. It is worth cooking on low heat for 15 minutes. After cool and strain. Lubricate the affected area with the resulting mixture two to three times a day for a week.

Wounds in diabetes

If a person has diabetes, how to treat non-healing wounds? Now we'll tell you. When treating a non-healing wound in diabetes, you need to remember how to properly treat the affected area and do the dressing:

It is worth following the prescriptions of the attending physician, consulting if you wish to use traditional medicine recipes. Self-medication, the wrong choice of drugs can significantly worsen the condition of the wound and slow down healing.


Effective ointments for non-healing wounds:

1. Solcoseryl. Used for dry wounds. Accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes effective healing. 2. "Actovegin". To heal deep wounds, a gel is released, after the wound has begun to heal, an ointment is applied. Analogue of "Solcoseryl". 3. "Levomekol". An antibiotic drug. It is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers.

4. "Baneocin". A drug that contains antibiotics that protect the skin from infection. Available in the form of ointment and powder.

Non-healing weeping wounds

A weeping wound is accompanied by the release of ichor in large quantities. This happens if a person is injured due to a burn (electrical, chemical, solar), bacterial or fungal lesions occur, the skin is torn off, there are diaper rash, abrasions and calluses.

In order to avoid infection in such a wound, an antiseptic dressing is needed. If there are foreign objects in the affected area, the damaged skin diverges by more than one centimeter, there is severe bleeding, then you should immediately go to the emergency room. If all this is not there, you can treat the wound and apply a bandage yourself.

To wash an open weeping wound, you can not use iodine or brilliant green. These products will burn the tissue, and the liquid will not drain. And this can cause inflammation and suppuration. Better to use hydrogen peroxide. It can be treated with a solution of "Chlorhexidine", "Unisept", "Decasan" or "Miramistin". For subsequent cleansing and treatment of the wound, you can use a solution of furacilin or an isotonic solution (boiled water with salt, 5 grams per glass of water). These products can be used to remove a dried bandage and to treat the surface of the affected area.

Weeping wounds. Treatment

How to treat non-healing wounds that get wet? Until a crust has formed on the affected area, ointments should be discarded. For treatment, use solutions or powders with a drying effect. Salt solution works simply and effectively in this case. How to cook it? Dilute salt in water in a ratio of 1x10.

To speed up tissue regeneration and eliminate the infection, an antibiotic powder should be used. For this, the following agents are prescribed: "Streptocid", "Penicillin", "Levomycetin".

Combined drugs are also used to suppress bacteria and fungal environments, such as Baneocin. A thin layer of powder is applied to the treated surface of the wound with a cotton swab. Then it is covered with a sterile gauze and bandaged. After 4-5 hours, the bandage should be moistened with saline. After that it should be replaced. If the wound heals, there is no pus or there is very little of it, you can not wash it with saline, but limit yourself only to treating the affected area.

If the pain does not go away, the edges of the wound darken, the inflammation spreads to nearby areas of the skin, you should urgently visit a doctor. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antibacterial drugs to avoid infection, sepsis. In addition, vitamins are necessary to maintain resistant functions of the body.


Proper and timely treatment will give a positive result within one to two weeks. In some severe cases, therapy will be required for a month with the use of physiotherapy: heating, quartz treatment, laser treatment, massage. Wounds that heal for a long time lead to damage to adjacent skin areas and the formation of keloid scars, which can remain forever. You need to be attentive to your health.

First aid for cuts

A cut or incised wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin, mucous membrane. If the cut is too deep, damage to muscles, blood vessels, bones, and internal organs can occur. An incised wound occurs when tissues are injured by glass, a knife, and various sharply sharpened objects.

Bleeding from a cut

What to do if you cut yourself on glass? Cuts with any sharp object (glass, knife, tin can) are always accompanied by bleeding, the nature of which depends on the depth of the wound. Bleeding is considered normal with a cut, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body. Bacteria trapped inside the cut are washed out with the blood flowing from the wound.

With mild, not heavy bleeding, do not panic. It is necessary to take any measures only when the outflow of blood is very strong, does not stop for a long time.

The first thing to do if you cut your leg with glass and the bleeding is severe, it is to raise the lower limb. This simple action can stop bleeding faster. If the child cuts his leg, it is necessary to put the child on a flat surface, a pillow should be placed under the injured limb.

If the victim cuts his leg with a clean object, gently wash the skin around the injury with soap and water, hydrogen peroxide. If dirt gets inside the wound during a cut, it must be washed from the inside.

When bandaging a bleeding cut several bandage squares are applied to it, which can be made from gauze, pieces of cotton fabric. Due to the thick padding, strong pressure on the wound of the bandages, the bleeding stops.

Stop heavy bleeding

What to do with profuse bleeding from a cut? If a leg cut is accompanied by heavy bleeding, pressure should be applied to the wound to stop it. If there is someone nearby, you can ask him to bring a bandage, any dressing material. The injured limb should be elevated as much as possible. It is necessary to make a gasket to stop bleeding from the cleanest material that is at hand. For this, a handkerchief, a piece of clean clothes, is useful.

The pad must be pressed firmly against the cut until the bleeding stops completely. or the arrival of an ambulance. If the first pad you put on a cut on your leg gets wet, you don't need to remove it from the wound. You should make a new one and put it on top of the wet one. If the blood has stopped, you can tightly bandage the wound in the presence of any dressing material.

If you cut your leg, and there is no dressing at hand, you should squeeze the edges of the cut with your hands, it is allowed to press your hand into the wound.

First aid for a minor cut

If you cut your leg with glass and the wound is shallow, the first thing to do is clean the wound. The wound is washed with clean water and soap. It is important that the washing of the wound is plentiful. So a larger amount of litter, glass fragments will be washed out of the cut. After cleansing the cut, a cloth, gauze napkin is applied to it for about 15 minutes. Then, when the wound dries, apply a layer of healing ointment to the wound and bandage the cut ...

List of healing ointments

Baneocin - recommended for burns and deep wounds.
Levomekol - very effective ointment, has an antibacterial effect.
Solcoseryl - not only has a healing effect, but also reduces the sensation of pain.
Eplan - effective remedy for all types of wounds.

Folk remedies

As a result, you can treat the wound with folk remedies (in the country, in the forest, in the field). The following herbs and components have a healing property:
- propolis
- willow bark
- St. John's wort and plantain leaves.

If the wound fester, you can use the folk method: apply a freshly cut aloe leaf, it draws pus from the wound. As soon as the pus disappears, the wound can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. Be sure to show the purulent wound to the doctor and consult on the use of these funds. In some cases, only medical treatment is required. In case of complications, only a doctor can help.

Prompt healing of an open wound this is the timely disinfection of the cut with antiseptics and the restoration of muscle tissue. It is better not to self-medicate, but to treat a small open wound and seek help from a doctor. In case of a severe wound, it is necessary to call an ambulance or go to a medical facility, where they will provide effective treatment from the first days.

Change the applied bandage 2 times a day to keep it clean.
When the first symptoms of infection appear, you need to contact a traumatologist. The development of infection is evidenced by redness, suppuration, fever, increased soreness in the area of ​​the cut.

“Once upon a time, as the Greek legend says, centaurs lived on earth - half horses, half people. The wisest among them was Chiron, who became famous for his great knowledge in medicine. ..."

2nd grade students

Maltseva Polina.

Once upon a time, as the Greek legend says, they lived on earth

centaurs - half horses - half people. The wisest among them was Chiron,

famous for his great knowledge in medicine.

One day a fierce battle broke out. Poison arrow, fired

enemy, severely wounded Chiron. But the wise centaur did not die, he succeeded

find a plant that helped heal the wound. This is a legend. Maybe this

the plant does not have such power, but it helps to cure colds and eye diseases.

In Europe, cornflower has long been considered one of the best for weaving wreaths.

In Sweden, a wreath of cornflowers is even included in the image of the state emblem. For Russians, during the harvest festival, the first sheaf, decorated with cornflowers, was placed in the red corner of the house. Peasants hung wreaths of cornflowers in huts so that crickets would not be found.

Blue cornflower is an excellent honey plant. And people have learned to make paint out of it. So the cornflower is not only a weed, but also a very useful plant in everyday life.

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade student Irina Katalnikova.

St. John's wort The victim was brought to the hospital. His face and hands were badly burned. Most of all, the patient feared for his face: whether it would remain purple-red for the rest of his life, with disfiguring scars. But the doctors reassured them that there would be no trace of burns, and the miraculous Imanin powder, which was created by Ukrainian scientists a few years ago, would help them heal.

They made it from a plant that has a strange name

- St. John's wort.

No wonder in the old days this plant was called grass from 99 diseases.

St. John's wort was once considered a rare plant in Russia. It was brought to Moscow from Siberia. The upper parts were ground into powder and sprinkled on wounds, which healed quickly. For a long time, only the elite were treated with this remedy - the king and the boyars. Over time, St. John's wort was also found in central Russia.

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade students Goryushkina Natalia Calendula This plant is a real storehouse of beauty and health. Tincture helps with sore throat, bruises, cleanses the face well. In the people, this flower is called the "hare poppy", only the poppy is not at all related to the poppy. Its seeds are similar to the claws of a cat. Hence its second name - marigolds.

Calendula officinalis is an annual herbaceous plant, 30-60 cm high.

Stem erect, branched. The flowers are collected in large baskets, orange-red-yellow. The fruits are seeds of various shapes and sizes. Flowering from June to September. It is grown as a medicinal plant in many regions of Russia. As a medicine, the flowers of the plant are used, which are harvested many times from the beginning of flowering until frost in 3-5 days.

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade student Anastasia Schwabauer.

–  –  –

This bewitching, mysterious flower has a delicate aroma. Slightly dizzy, to the pain in the heart, the composer Ptr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved.

What is the secret of such charms?

Don't know. But your fragrance, Like a wine stream, both warms and intoxicates me, Like music, it restricts my breathing And, like fire, nourishes the heat of the cheeks.

Lily of the valley is beautiful not only with a secret charm, it saves people's lives.

May lily of the valley preparations are used to treat the cardiovascular system.

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade student Ilya Yezhechenko.


This plant can be found everywhere: under every fence, in a ditch near the roads. And rustic people, who do not need to be deceived, are called ... burdock.

It is in Russia that burdock grows like a weed. And in Japan, in many peasant fields, one can see carefully groomed beds of burdock used for food. In folk medicine, both the roots and leaves of this plant are used. Headache - attach a sheet. The skin itches - it will quickly calm down if you apply a burdock leaf to the itchy place.

Composition "The story of my plant"

pupils of the 2nd grade Polina Zherdeva.

Melissa (Lemon mint) As a medicine, lemon balm was known and widely used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

In folk medicine, the infusion of this herb was used as a sedative, anticonvulsant and analgesic.

Melissa officinalis is common in the south of Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. It grows along the edges of the forest and ravines, shady gorges. We have this garden plant. It is planted in gardens and orchards. It is a seasoning for food, a valuable honey plant. Herb is used as a medicinal raw material. It is harvested during flowering, dried in well-ventilated rooms or dryers. The raw material contains an essential oil with a lemon scent, used in perfumery and for flavoring drinks.

Composition "The story of my plant"

pupils of the 2nd grade Goroshilova Tatyana


One plantain grew near the road, he was bored. Suddenly he saw a boy riding a bicycle. There was a stone on the road, and before the boy had time to look back, he fell and broke his knee. He did not have a bandage with him, but near the road he saw a plantain. The boy was not at a loss, tore off the leaf and applied it to the wound, the blood stopped. The boy got on his bike and rode home. Since then, the plantain has not missed those who need quick help.

A thin stalk at the path At the end of it - earrings, On the ground are leaves - Small flakes.

To us, he, like a good friend, Heals wounds of the legs and arms.

Plantain is found everywhere: in the garden, in the garden, in the meadow. It can often be seen growing along roadsides and paths. This is where its name comes from.

In addition to treating wounds, plantain also helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is also used as an expectorant for coughs.

Plantain is our faithful and reliable friend.

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade student Nikolai Morkovich.


This herb is the repository of health. One of the ancient writers said that the juice of this plant was awarded to the winners of running competitions, which were held on sacred days.

It was believed that this is a worthy reward, since with the help of this plant a person will be able to maintain health.

Bitter grass And the stomach - an amendment.

And she is fragrant And the mett is all clean.

In the old days, it was believed that the plant absorbed all the bitterness of human suffering, and therefore there is no bitterer grass. Wormwood was used as a sanitary and hygienic tincture, it was used to fumigate contagious patients and premises during wars and epidemics, the infusion was used against lice and fleas. Doctors recommend this bitterness to stimulate appetite.

This herb has become the personification of bitterness, and often we hear:

"Bitter as wormwood!"

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade students Natalia Saratova.

Chamomile - savior

Chamomile - translates as "sweet simplicity." Motherland e America. A long time ago, together with grain, she got into the hold of steamships, then went by rail. There were gaps in the cars and chamomile seeds scattered along the railroad tracks. Soon the mounds were covered with soft and fragrant grass. So she ended up in Russia.

In the morning, when the sun rises, all the flowers wake up. Chamomile blossomed. A small butterfly flew over a flower. She scattered pollen. Suddenly a sparrow flew in and wanted to eat it. The butterfly rushed about in the clearing, she asked for help from all the flowers, and only the chamomile opened its petals and covered it. The sparrow searched, searched and flew away with nothing. The butterfly flew out and thanked the daisy, and then built a house under the petals. So the chamomile and the butterfly became friends. When winter came, the butterfly made an infusion of chamomile petals and leaves to heal.

If you happen to catch a cold, A cough will appear, a fever will rise, Move a mug in which a slightly bitter fragrant broth is smoking.

Composition "The story of my plant"

2nd grade student Alexey Tretyakov.


In the folk calendar there is a day Ptr - Pavel - Ryabinnik, which falls at the end of September - the time of ripening rowan berries.

Rowan is a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, so people have always tried to plant rowan near the house. Even sitting in the shade of a mountain ash was considered beneficial. Rowan is sung in songs, poems, proverbs, riddles are composed about it.

In folk medicine, the fruits of mountain ash are used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent. Rowan fruits contain many vitamins, so housewives like to cook jam, marshmallow from it, make sweets, tinctures and liqueurs.

Rowan bark treats liver diseases.

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“V.V. Bliss. The name of the conqueror of Siberia in the light of folklore facts V.V. Blazhes THE NAME OF THE CONQUEROR OF SIBERIA IN THE LIGHT OF FOLKLORE FACTS Yermak's historiography is very solid; The author of the article also had to write thesis about the name Yermak1 Hota...”

«RUSSIAN ANTIQUITS 2011 N.V.Khalyavin EVALUATION OF THE NOVGOROD EVENTS OF 1136 IN THE SOVIET AND MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY The year 1136 is a date that can be considered one of the most important for Novgorod historiography. The desire to accurately determine the time of the beginning of the "republic ..."



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