Schizophrenia is hereditary probability. The ability of schizophrenia to pass on the features of its development to descendants

In fact, schizophrenics do not suffer from a split personality, it is a completely different disease. Schizophrenia is a chronic disease associated with mental disorders. Patients with schizophrenia have periods of exacerbation and calm. This disease is accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations, the patient is delusional, he may experience speech failures. In the world there are less than 1% of people suffering from this disease. Until now, medicine has not found an exact answer to the question of what causes this disease. How to live with schizophrenia, how to treat it - these questions also do not have unambiguous answers. In this regard, the mysterious disease is shrouded in myths and assumptions.

Beware of schizophrenia, it is contagious!

A number of European and American scientists, conducting research, found a molecular trace of retovirus in fluid taken from the head and spinal cord in people with schizophrenia. As a result of the study, it turned out that this retrovirus is present in 30% of patients suffering from acute mental disorders. And at healthy people traces of the retrovirus could not be found. Unlike other viruses that are made of DNA, retroviruses are made of another genetic material, RNA. Like HIV, the retrovirus of schizophrenia can form DNA from its RNA for the purpose of further reproduction. It is almost impossible to stop this process. And if they originated in one person, they can be passed on from generation to generation. From which scientists came to the conclusion that schizophrenia, like other neuropsychiatric disorders are viral diseases.

The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" in issue 38 of September 21, 2005 published an article about famous psychiatrist, doctor medical sciences Etelius Kazanets. Ethelius claims that schizophrenia is as easy to contract as any other infection. A simple household contact is enough. Back in 70, when Kazanets worked at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Health, he heard about a girl who, while living in a communal apartment, contracted schizophrenia from her friend. Ethelius became interested in this fact and began research. I conducted statistics on 40 houses and got an unexpected result. About 10% of people living with people with schizophrenia also become susceptible to this disease. He deduced a pattern that infection depends on the proximity and frequency of communication with the patient. Kazanets considered adolescents to be the most susceptible to this disease during their puberty. Etelius read his sensational discovery at the capital's forum, and then published it in the foreign press. Representatives of the medical community took his statement with hostility, and as a result, Kazanets' career in Russia was over. He was fired from the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian. After that, he lived in Russia for another 10 years in private practice, and then immigrated to the United States.

Another opinion:

In 2001, the RBC newspaper published an opinion on this subject by a doctor of medical sciences, neuropsychologist Yevgeny Shaposhnikov. Neuropsychologist Claims Really Hard Evidence viral nature no schizophrenia. Schizophrenia refers to internal diseases psyche. The reasons for its occurrence are not known. There is some risk of hereditary predisposition to this disease. The same as in patients with diabetes mellitus or cancer. But this does not mean at all that a woman with schizophrenia will necessarily give birth to a child prone to this disease. He explains the effect of the contagiousness of this disease by the following argument. If sick, suffering obsessions, persecution mania, etc., is constantly in contact with his loved ones, he constantly tells them about it and as a result can convince them of the reality of the threat. Close people become infected not with schizophrenia, but with its symptom, i.e. thought of a schizophrenic, begin to believe in what he says.

Other doctors agree that some virus can cause schizophrenia, but reject the fact that this disease is contagious. And bring enough weighty argument. If this disease were contagious, then all doctors treating schizophrenics would have become infected with this disease long ago. They call the causes of the disease: hormonal disorder, disruption of the brain, prolonged traumatic circumstances.

The opinion of the inhabitants:

What to say about opinion ordinary people about this disease, even if experts in the field of medicine did not come to a consensus. Among the inhabitants, several myths have formed about this not fully understood disease.
There is an opinion that a schizophrenic can become a result of mistreatment of a person in childhood. Actually it is not. Poor treatment can only speed up the process in a predisposed child or aggravate the disease.

The idea that people with schizophrenia are aggressive is also misleading. Aggression itself is not associated with this disease. It is easier to say that if a person is aggressive in life, then during periods of exacerbation of schizophrenia he will be so, and if he is calm by nature, then schizophrenia will not make him aggressive. But one should still take into account the fact that these people still carry a certain danger. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, they can harm others even from good intentions. For example, they want to destroy something in order to escape from alleged persecutors, etc. In addition, such people are very at risk of getting carried away with drug addiction or alcoholism. Which in turn shortens their lives.

Some believe that a person can become ill with schizophrenia after committing some unfavorable act. And as a result of a strong experience, become a schizophrenic. This is also a misconception.

All schizophrenics are geniuses. There is also such an opinion. Indeed, the brain of geniuses works with greater efficiency than the brain common man. Perhaps for this reason, mental disorders can occur in many geniuses. But this does not mean at all that all patients with schizophrenia are necessarily geniuses.

Is there a cure for schizophrenia?

Some people believe that people with schizophrenia are simply mentally weak and therefore they cannot cope with their illness. But schizophrenia is the same disease as, for example, deafness. A hard of hearing person cannot begin to hear better only by the effort of his will. Most schizophrenics are aware of their illness and seek to get rid of it. Of course, in order to understand the disease, they need the support and understanding of people close to them. After all, a schizophrenic still needs to believe in the fact that part of the world that they hear and see is unreal.

But, the truth is that at the moment there is no such medicine that would completely cure a patient with schizophrenia. There are only remedies that, to one degree or another, are able to remove or reduce the symptoms of the disease. Thus, they can improve the quality of life of the patient and his loved ones. But these drugs usually have negative side effects.

But still, even a person with schizophrenia can defeat this disease!

And there is practical evidence for this. The great mathematician is a genius who received nobel prize was a schizophrenic. He could not be cured of this disease, but he managed to deceive his illness. About this real history filmed wonderful Feature Film"Mind games".

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Schizophrenia can be contracted just like any other infection. Enough elementary household contact. So says Eteliy Kazanets, psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences.

FIRST TIME about infectious origin psychiatrist Kazanets thought about schizophrenia in the early 70s, when he worked at the Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health. Once he heard a story about a girl. She lived in a communal apartment and allegedly contracted schizophrenia from her friend. At first, the scientist was suspicious of this, but after analyzing the statistics for more than 40 houses in the area of ​​the Izmailovskaya metro station, he received unexpected results: in those apartments, mostly communal, where people suffering from schizophrenia lived, about 10% of people fall ill, voluntarily or involuntarily. communicating with them ... So, the incidence depends on the proximity to the schizophrenic and the duration of contact with him. The conclusion was that schizophrenia is a contagious disease.

Colleagues who went through the school of Soviet medicine advised: do not stick your head out, keep quiet. But Kazanets could not resist: he spoke first at a representative metropolitan forum, then - in the foreign press. The reaction was immediate: in 1979 he was offered to resign from the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian. The doors of all specialized research institutes were closed to him. For 10 years, Kazanets earned money in private practice, then he was forced to leave for the USA, but returned six months later. In Moscow, he left the main thing - the "database", patients observed for years.

Adolescents during puberty are most vulnerable to contracting schizophrenia, says Etely Kazanets. - As a rule, infection occurs at school, and manifests itself later, in 20 years with a little. After 25 years, the facts of infection are already rare. Contact with the patient should be constant and long - for several years, although not necessarily close. Apparently, the danger is fraught with communication with carriers of the virus - members of the family in which the patient lives. Infection occurs by airborne droplets or by air.

In order not to get infected, patients should be isolated from others as much as possible. But there is no need to set up a ghetto. It is necessary to select for them a job that does not involve constant contact with other people, and provide isolated housing.

In my opinion, schizophrenia can be completely eliminated. First, it is necessary early detection- on the first attack, the first outward signs. To do this, I created a whole program. The patient should be immediately transferred to modern antipsychotics, they can safely hold on for decades. And secondly, the maximum isolation of the patient. Plus the prevention of disease in others.

WE ASKED well-known experts in psychiatry to comment on the hypothesis of Etelius Kazanets.

Isaak GUROVICH, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for scientific work Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry:

The virological nature of schizophrenia was discussed in the 1950s. But the idea has not found any scientific confirmation.

As for the overcrowding of patients with schizophrenia in some houses: once the head physicians of neuropsychiatric dispensaries were members of the commissions for the distribution of living space and sought to improve the conditions for their patients. And sometimes they appeared at home, where there were a lot of our patients.

Evgeny SHAPOSHNIKOV, MD, neuropsychologist:

In world psychiatric practice, there is still no evidence of the viral nature of schizophrenia. But coincidences are possible. There are diseases, such as subacute encephalitis, that external manifestations very similar to schizophrenia. And if a person who lived next to a patient with schizophrenia gets sick with it, then from the outside it may seem that he has contracted a mental illness.

Schizophrenia is very serious disease, so many experts are studying in depth the question of whether schizophrenia is inherited. It is the expressed mental change which gradually causes the complete degradation of a person's personality. The disease is accompanied by a whole set of signs and symptoms by which a doctor can make a diagnosis.

The likelihood of schizophrenia being inherited is very high. Many people are sure that it is approaching almost one hundred percent. The disease affects both women and men. Moreover, the pathology is not always clearly reflected in the next of kin. Sometimes its expanded form is found in grandchildren, nephews or cousins.

Risk factors

It is very important to know exactly how schizophrenia is transmitted from generation to generation. In fact, genetic factor plays a significant role in the transmission of this disease.

This danger is distributed with a certain frequency.

  • If the disorder manifested itself in one of the twins, then there is about a fifty percent chance that the second child will also suffer from it.
  • A slightly lower risk is the fact if the disease is diagnosed in the grandfather, grandmother, only the mother or only the father.
  • Only one out of eighteen people suffers from the disease if the pathology manifested itself in a distant relative.
  • One person in fifty is able to inherit it if patients psychiatric hospital became an uncle or aunt, as well as cousins, great aunts or grandmothers.

May with full confidence to say that the person who was diagnosed with the pathology, both through the parents and the older generation of relatives, will suffer from a similar type of mental illness.

The probability of developing the disease approaches fifty percent if the mother or father suffered from it, as well as both parents at once. That is, the transmission of the disease occurs autosomal.

If only one member of the family was schizophrenic, anyway, the risk factor for inheriting the gene remains quite high. How many percent it will be, it is difficult even to guess. However, in order to judge with confidence about such a circumstance, it is necessary to undergo a chromosomal analysis.

Influence of the male line

It is important to understand whether schizophrenia is most often inherited from the father, since men are often susceptible to such a disease.

This happens because:

  • representatives of the stronger sex fall ill with mental pathology already in childhood or adolescence;
  • their disease progresses rapidly;
  • it affects their family relationships;
  • the impetus for its development may be not too significant and even acquired factor;
  • representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to experience neuropsychic overload, etc.

However, experienced psychiatrists have clearly established that the inheritance of mental illness from the father is much less common. The prejudice about male schizophrenia exists due to the fact that in the representatives of the stronger sex the disease proceeds in a more pronounced form.

The main symptoms in men are more developed and bright. They have hallucinations, they hear voices, they see missing people. Schizophrenics are often very mannered, prone to reasoning, or subject to certain manic ideas.

Some of the patients completely lose touch with the outside world, stop taking care of themselves, and often suffer from depressive manifestations. Sometimes suicidal tendencies reach the point that a person seeks to commit suicide. If he fails, then most often he immediately becomes a patient in a psychiatric ward.

Men are very often aggressive, constantly get drunk, take drugs, and exhibit antisocial behavior.

Male schizophrenics are simply conspicuous, unlike diseased women, whose illness is often noticeable only to members of their families.

In addition, the representatives of the stronger sex tolerate severe nervous and mental stress much worse, do not seek medical or medical advice on time. mental health care and often end up in prison later on.

Influence of the line of mother and grandmother

It is equally important to definitely identify the exact probability of transmission of schizophrenia by heredity through the female line.

It is in this case that the risk of the disease increases many times over. The probability of getting a disease from a mother to a son or daughter increases by at least five times. This indicator far exceeds the risk level of cases when the pathology is diagnosed in the father of the children.

It is rather difficult to give any definite forecasts with complete certainty, since general mechanism development of schizophrenia is still not fully understood. However, scholars are inclined to believe that chromosomal abnormality plays an important role in the development of the disease.

Not only such a pathology, but also many other mental illnesses can pass from mother to children. It is even possible that the woman herself did not suffer from them, but is the carrier of a chromosomal mutation, which caused the development of the disease in children.

A severe pregnancy aggravated by toxicosis can also become a risk factor.

Infectious or respiratory diseases, which affected the fetus during gestation, also give impetus to the emergence of various diseases.

It is precisely with such influences that people who were subsequently diagnosed with this severe mental pathology celebrate their birthday at the very peak of spring or winter infection with viral infections.

Aggravate the development of heredity of schizophrenia in children:

  • very heavy mental conditions early development daughter or son afflicted with disease;
  • lack of full care for the child;
  • pronounced changes in the metabolism of the baby;
  • organic brain damage;
  • biochemical pathology, etc.

Therefore, it becomes clear that in order for the disease to be transmitted in an expanded form, a combination of various important factors and not just one hereditary.

Whether the parents suffered from the disease on the male or female side is very important. great importance but not decisive.

Very often a woman is struck, which goes unnoticed by either members of her family or medical workers or a psychiatrist.

Often, a special mutated gene that she happened to inherit from relatives is recessive, not having a special chance to manifest itself in its entirety.

Probability of disease occurrence associated with a chromosomal factor

There is no definite answer to the question of the transmission of schizophrenia from relative to relative.

a genetic disorder or hereditary predisposition are pronounced risk factors, but not a sentence at all. Therefore, people who have this trouble are fixed with early childhood be observed by a psychologist or psychiatrist, as well as avoid provoking factors for the development of the disease.

Even when both parents of a child are affected by schizophrenia, the possibility of developing such a pathology in him still usually does not exceed a fifty percent probability.

Therefore, until fully supported by practical and experimental evidence is obtained, one can only speculate whether schizophrenia is a hereditary disease or not.

With fairly accurate statistics that the disease is transmitted along the chromosome line, it is still very difficult to calculate the degree of its probability.

Many eminent scientists in this field have been engaged in relevant research, but there are no definitive data yet. This is explained by the fact that there is no opportunity to fully study mental condition and signs of the presence of schizophrenia in all relatives of the patient, his absent great-grandparents or to identify the conditions for the formation and development of a teenager affected by pathology.

Sometimes the disease can be transmitted from parents to children, but in such a mild form that it can be very difficult to say that a person has schizophrenia.

In cases where parents or children are in a very prosperous environment and do not suffer from any comorbidities, sometimes the disease manifests itself in the form of some oddities of behavior or even almost hidden carriage.

The circumstances of the manifestation of pathology in expanded form

In order for schizophrenia to express itself in a generalized form, a combination of factors such as:

  • biochemical;
  • social;
  • nervous;
  • psychological;
  • chromosomal mutation;
  • the presence of a dominant gene;
  • constitutional features of the patient, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to draw a final conclusion about what is the probability of transmission of schizophrenia by inheritance, only with great caution. However, discount similar factor is, of course, unacceptable.

Practicing psychiatrists have long noticed a connection between a sick father or even an uncle and the presence of pathology in a son or nephew.

The question of heredity mental illness far from idle, and many are interested in whether, like many other diseases, it can be inherited. If among relatives there are patients with such a diagnosis, then it is quite natural that many people are afraid of the possible manifestation of the disease in them. After all, it is possible that they are carriers of the so-called "genetic bomb" that can destroy the life of future generations. Yes, and their own fate is also worried in to a large extent. What if the genes “wake up”, and the disease manifests itself?

It should be noted that such fears are indeed not unfounded. It has long been known that schizophrenia is often passed on to offspring. Even in the old days, families with crazy relatives were not honored. And whenever possible, people avoided marrying such people so that future offspring would not suffer from mental illness. It is known that in ancient times people did not know anything about genetics, but there was an opinion that such families are especially sinful, and devilry. In our time, people are still wary of such families, although, of course, no one talks about demons anymore.

Having learned that among the relatives of the future second half there are patients with schizophrenia, most people prefer to refuse marriage. It is not surprising that with such an attitude, the presence of mental patients in the family is carefully hidden, and this fact is not known to outsiders. As a rule, in such cases, everyone considers themselves genetic experts, and they gladly give predictions, one gloomier than the other. All people have access to information on the Internet, and therefore they are sure that they can easily calculate the existing risk. Naturally, this opinion is deeply erroneous, and only specialists can make such forecasts.

There is an opinion that schizophrenia in almost one hundred percent of cases is inherited. In addition, many people believe that this mental illness is passed down through the generations. For example, if a grandfather suffers from schizophrenia, then the disease will certainly manifest itself in the grandson. Moreover, many argue that this is practically guaranteed. Someone clarifies that only girls-descendants can get sick, others say that such learning is destined only for boys. In reality, these are all myths, and such statements cannot be taken seriously. Scientists say that people who do not have a "bad heredity" have a risk of getting schizophrenia equal to one percent.

For those who have a similar heredity, this figure increases. For example, if cousins ​​or sisters are sick, then the risk increases to two percent, the same two percent are present if aunts and uncles suffer from schizophrenia. Four percent are determined for nephews, five percent for grandchildren. If half-sisters and brothers have the disease, then the figure rises to six percent. The same is true if one of the parents is sick. But if the disease is present not only in the parent, but also in the grandmother or grandfather, then the risk of occurrence already rises to thirteen percent.

Sometimes it happens that schizophrenia is found in one of the fraternal twins. The second in this case has a risk of seventeen percent. If grandparents and one parent are sick, then here the probability of developing the disease is really very high, and reaches forty-six percent. At first glance, such numbers are staggering and truly frightening, but in reality, the situation can be considered calmer compared to other diseases. First of all, this applies to cancer, diabetes, and some other diseases. However, if a person has a six percent risk of developing schizophrenia, which is six times higher than the rest, then it is not surprising that he experiences some anxiety about this.

When it comes to the dangers of hereditary diseases and their possible manifestation, then most people are worried about offspring. Suppose one of your parents is schizophrenic, then your child has a five percent risk. But, you, with your six percent, do not have a guarantee that you will not get sick. If this happens, then your child's risk rises to thirteen percent, which makes you think. At the same time, it's quite low rate when compared with many other diseases that are considered hereditary. In some cases, the probability of having a child with hereditary pathologies reaches seventy-five percent.

But a person is so arranged that in relation to schizophrenia, even small numbers frighten him. The peculiarity is that to accurately predict the occurrence of any hereditary disease, including schizophrenia, is almost impossible. The fact is that many diseases are simple types inheritance. For example, there is one "wrong" gene, which is either transmitted or not. You can contact genetic counseling, and find out what risks are in your case. Also, the fetus can be diagnosed in utero, and it will become known whether the baby has a certain defect, or if it is absent.

Schizophrenia refers to mental illness, and leads to the gradual destruction of a person's personality.

A complete cure for this pathology does not occur, so the question of whether schizophrenia is inherited is very relevant. The disease is not curable, and such a patient often becomes a big burden and a problem for loved ones.

Many people who have relatives with this kind of deviation are afraid for the health of future generations, and fear that under adverse conditions the disease will not find its manifestation in themselves.

Such thoughts and fears are not completely unfounded, since since ancient times it has become known that if there is at least one crazy person in the family, then sooner or later the deviation will manifest itself in the form of mental pathology in children or grandchildren.

Such a family was usually bypassed, and marriage to its members was tantamount to a curse. Many in those days believed that God punishes the whole family for the sins of their ancestors and takes away the mind from a person.

Nowadays, no one believes in this anymore, but many consider entering into such a marriage highly undesirable. For this reason, information about a relative who suffers mental disorder usually well hidden.

However, only experts can make predictions about the likelihood of a baby with such deviations.

Causes of schizophrenia

The likelihood of getting sick can be noted not only as a result of a burdened seminal history, the trigger for schizophrenia can be:

  • starvation of the mother during pregnancy;
  • emotional and physical injury received by the child in childhood;
  • birth injury;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • drug and alcohol use;
  • social isolation;
  • violation of intrauterine development.

Who is more likely to get sick?

Many completely unreasonably believe that the disease is the result of:

  • only a hereditary factor;
  • passed down through the generation, that is, from grandfathers to grandchildren;
  • the presence of patients female(that is, schizophrenia is transmitted through the female line);
  • the presence of men suffering from schizophrenia (only from man to man).

In fact, such claims lack any scientific basis. The risk of the disease equal to one percent remains in people with absolutely normal heredity.

How is schizophrenia really transmitted? The probability becomes slightly higher in the presence of sick relatives. If the family has cousins ​​or sisters, as well as aunts and uncles with an officially confirmed diagnosis, then we are talking O possible development disease in two percent of cases.

If a stepbrother or sister has a pathology, the probability increases to six percent. The same figures can be given when it comes to parents.

The most high probability The development of the disease is present in those individuals who have patients not only with their mother or father, but also with their grandmother or grandfather. If a deviation is detected in fraternal twins, the possibility of developing schizophrenia in the second reaches seventeen percent.

Probability of birth healthy child, even in the presence of a sick relative, is quite high. Therefore, you should not deny yourself the happiness of becoming parents. But in order not to risk, you should consult a specialist geneticist.

The highest probability, almost 50%, exists in the case when one of the parents is sick and both representatives of the older generation - grandfather and grandmother.

The same percentage is the possibility of developing the disease in identical twin when diagnosing schizophrenia in the second.

Despite the fact that the probability of the disease in the presence of several patients in the family remains quite high, these are still not the most terrible indicators.

If we compare data with a hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases or diabetes, it can be understood that they are still much lower.

Features of the examination

With various hereditary pathologies research is not difficult. This is because a certain gene is responsible for the development of a particular disease.

With schizophrenia, this is difficult to do, since this occurs at the level of different genes, and in each patient completely different mutations can be responsible for this.

Experts note that according to their observations, the degree of probability of the appearance of mental abnormalities in a child depends on the number of altered genes. For this reason, one should not believe the stories that the transmission of the disease occurs through the male line, or through the female.

In fact, even experienced professionals cannot know which gene is responsible for schizophrenia in any particular case.

Most varieties of mental disorders develop rather slowly, and the diagnosis is made several years after the appearance of the first nonspecific symptoms.

Exercise out psychological test for schizophrenia


It can be boldly stated that hereditary form schizophrenia develops as a result of the general interaction of several genes, which, when combined, cause a predisposition to this pathology.

But even the presence of damaged and altered chromosomes, it is impossible to talk about a 100% probability of developing the disease. If a person has from childhood normal conditions The disease may never show up in life.

Is schizophrenia hereditary or not? This question remained unanswered for more than a century. A bunch of various studies scientists from different countries finally able to identify a link with heredity. But even here everything turned out to be not so simple, schizophrenia does not belong to those diseases that are inherited with the help of only one defective gene. In this case, it uses whole line genes, which in turn leads today to significant difficulties in identifying a predisposition to a pathological process.

Facts about schizophrenia

The disease can have both hereditary and acquired etiology. name exact reason development of the disease, unfortunately, scientists still cannot, despite long-term studies of patients and the use of their genetic material.

Schizophrenia - chronic pathology, which leads to mental disorders and disorders of thought and perception. Dementia cannot be called a pathology, since the intellect of many remains at high level. The activity of the sense organs, hearing and vision remains intact, the only difference from healthy people is the incorrect interpretation of incoming information.

In addition to genetic predisposition, there are a number of factors that can become an impetus for the first manifestations of pathology:

  • brain injuries, including postpartum;
  • social isolation;
  • shocks and stresses;
  • environmental factor;
  • problems during intrauterine development fetus.

The risk of heredity, is it great?

The question of heredity mental pathologies is pretty sharp. And since schizophrenia is one of the most common types of mental illness, scientists pay special attention to this pathology.

Since ancient times, schizophrenia caused fear among ordinary people, learning about the presence of relatives with this diagnosis, fearing negative heredity, they refused to marry. The opinion that schizophrenia is inherited in almost one hundred percent of cases is far from erroneous. There are many myths about heredity, as if the disease is transmitted through the generation, or only boys, or, conversely, girls. All this is not true. In fact, even people without negative heredity have a risk of getting sick, according to statistics, this is 1% of the healthy population.

Regarding heredity, there are also certain calculations of possible risk:

  • Improves brain function
  • Restores memory
  • Speeds up the thinking process
  • Helps cope with depression
  • Improves coordination

most big risk have descendants whose grandmother, grandfather and one of the parents has a mental disorder. In this case, the risk rises to 46% of the case;

  • 48% have a risk of developing an identical twin, if a pathology is detected in the second;
  • in fraternal twins, this threshold is reduced to 17%;
  • if one of the parents and one of the grandparents is sick, the risk of the child developing the disease is 13%;
  • if the disease is diagnosed in a brother or sister, the risk of pathology increases from one to 9%;
  • pathology in one of the parents or in a half-sister or brother - 6%;
  • nephews - 4%;
  • uncles, aunts or cousins ​​have a 2% risk.

Is it all about genes or not?

Majority genetic diseases that are inherited, have light type inheritance. There is a wrong gene, and it is either passed on to offspring or not. But, in the case of schizophrenia, everything is different, the exact mechanism of its development has not yet been established. But according to genetic studies, 74 genes have been identified that in one way or another may be involved in the development of the disease. So, the more of these 74 genes are defective, the higher the likelihood of the disease.

Genetically, there is no difference between a male or female descendant. IN percentage before the disease, both sexes are equal. It was also found that the risk of the disease increases under the influence of several factors, not only hereditary, but also concomitant. For example, the manifestation of pathological symptoms can be triggered by factors such as severe stress, drug addiction or alcoholism.

In the case of planning a pregnancy by a couple who had cases of schizophrenia in their family, it is recommended to be examined by a geneticist. With its help, there is no way to know for sure whether the heirs will have problems or not, but you can calculate the approximate probability of developing a pathology in a child and determine best period time for pregnancy.

In many ways, people suffering from schizophrenia are practically no different from healthy people. Only a few forms of pathology, in the acute stage, have pronounced psychical deviations. During the period of remission, which is achieved by adequate treatment, the patient feels well and does not experience clinical manifestations illness. Although schizophrenia is chronic diseases, the duration of remission can significantly exceed the time interval of the exacerbation period.

Broadcast mental illness by inheritance is not an idle question. Everyone wants him, his loved one and born children to be healthy physically and mentally. And what if there are patients with schizophrenia among your relatives or relatives of the second half?

There was a time when there was talk that scientists had found 72 genes for schizophrenia. Since then, several years have passed and these studies have not been confirmed. Although schizophrenia is classified as a genetically determined disease, structural changes in certain genes, could not be found. A set of defective genes has been identified that disrupt the brain, but it is impossible to say that this leads to the development of schizophrenia. That is, it is not possible genetic testing to say if a person has schizophrenia or not.

Although there is a hereditary conditionality of schizophrenia, the disease develops from a complex of factors: sick relatives, the nature of the parents and their attitude towards the child, upbringing in early childhood.

Is schizophrenia hereditary?

Since the origin of the disease is unknown, medical scientists identify several hypotheses for the occurrence of schizophrenia:

  • Genetic - in twin children, as well as in families where parents suffer from schizophrenia, there is a more frequent manifestation of the disease.
  • Dopamine: mental activity human depends on the production and interaction of the main mediators, serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. In schizophrenia, there is increased stimulation of dopamine receptors in the limbic region of the brain. However, this causes the manifestation of productive symptoms, in the form of delusions and hallucinations, and does not affect the development of the negative - apato-abulic syndrome: a decrease in will and emotions. ;
  • Constitutional - a set of psychophysiological characteristics of a person: male gynecomorphs and women of the picnic type are most often found among patients with schizophrenia. It is believed that patients with morphological dysplasia are less amenable to treatment.
  • The infectious theory of the origin of schizophrenia is currently of more historical interest than it has any basis. It was previously believed that staphylococcus, streptococcus, tuberculosis and coli as well as chronic viral diseases reduce human immunity, which, allegedly, is one of the factors in the development of schizophrenia.
  • Neurogenetic: a mismatch between the work of the right and left hemispheres due to a defect in the corpus callosum, as well as a violation of the fronto-cerebellar connections, leads to the development of productive manifestations of the disease.
  • Psychoanalytic theory explains the emergence of schizophrenia in families with a cold and cruel mother, despotic father, lack of warm relations among family members, or their manifestation of opposite emotions on the same behavior of the child.
  • Ecological - mutagenic influence of unfavorable environmental factors and lack of vitamins during fetal development.
  • Evolutionary: increasing the intelligence of people and increasing the technocratic development in society.

Schizophrenia is hereditary. The likelihood of schizophrenia

The probability of getting schizophrenia in people who do not have a sick relative is 1%. And in a person who has a family history of schizophrenia, this percentage is distributed as follows:

  • one of the parents is sick - the risk of getting sick will be 6%,
  • dad or mom is sick, as well as grandma or grandpa - 3%,
  • a brother or sister suffers from schizophrenia - 9%,
  • either grandfather or grandmother is sick - the risk will be 5%,
  • when you got sick cousin(brother) or aunt (uncle), then the risk of disease is 2%,
  • if only the nephew is sick, the probability of schizophrenia will be 6%.

This percentage refers only to possible risk schizophrenia, but does not guarantee its manifestation. How are you going the highest percentage is when parents and grandparents suffered from schizophrenia. Fortunately, this combination is quite rare.

Schizophrenia heredity through the female line or through the male

The question reasonably arises: if schizophrenia is a genetically dependent disease, is it transmitted through the maternal or paternal line? According to the observations of practicing psychiatrists, as well as the statistics of medical scientists, such a pattern has not been identified. That is, the disease is equally transmitted both through the female and male lines.

Moreover, it is more often manifested under the action of cumulative factors: hereditary and constitutional features, pathology during pregnancy and the development of the child in perinatal period as well as the peculiarities of upbringing in childhood. Chronic and severe acute stress, as well as alcoholism and drug addiction, can be provoking factors for the manifestation of schizophrenia.

hereditary schizophrenia

Because real reasons the occurrence of schizophrenia is not known and not one of the theories of schizophrenia fully explains its manifestations - doctors tend to attribute the disease to hereditary diseases.

If one of the parents is ill with schizophrenia or cases of manifestation of the disease among other relatives are known, before planning a child, such parents are shown a consultation with a psychiatrist and genetics. A survey is carried out, the calculation of the probabilistic risk and the determination of the most favorable period for pregnancy.

About the clinic "Transfiguration"

The psychiatric clinic "Preobrazhenie" has experience in explaining the possible risks and responsibilities to patients with schizophrenia who decide to start a family and have children. Remember that a woman during pregnancy should take psychotropic drugs highly undesirable. It is defined vital necessity and is carried out only under the strict supervision of a psychiatrist.

You can contact the doctors of the clinic "Transfiguration" in any convenient way:



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