How to overcome depression when a hopeless situation. How to beat depression on your own

It is difficult to find a person who at least once in his life has not experienced such symptoms as depression, fatigue, lethargy, inexplicable anxiety, loss of interest in the outside world, lack of appetite and sleep disturbances. According to these and other signs, depression is diagnosed - a disease that, according to WHO, ranks third in prevalence in the world after hypertension and flu infection. At the same time, the number of registered cases of depression is increasing every year, which gives reason to assume a further epidemiological growth of the disease.

A bit of history

Many believe that depression appeared, received wide use and began to be considered a social problem in the 20th century. However, the first mention of the disease can be found in ancient writings. In particular, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates described in detail the depressive state and suggested treating it with tincture of opium, warm enemas and baths, massage, as well as “encouraging and amusing” the patient. It should be noted that the scientist called the malaise "melancholy", and the term "depression" (from the Latin "depressio" - suppression) appeared only in the 19th century and became widespread in medical circles at the beginning of the 20th century.

Causes of the disease

Events that disturb the emotional balance of a person (trouble at work, negative changes in personal life, loss of loved ones, etc.), chronic stress, hormonal changes, long-term use of certain medicines. Depression can also develop due to neurological and somatic diseases- stroke, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis etc.

The results of numerous studies indicate that depression is more common in residents of large cities. This fact is partly due to the fact that villager due to low awareness of the problem, they almost do not go to doctors, which means that the statistics are formed on the basis of data on urban patients. But recently there are more and more supporters of the theory that the prevalence of depression in megacities depends on their overcrowding, fast pace of life, poor environmental situation and increased stress levels.

Genetic aspect

Until recently, the value hereditary predisposition development of depression was denied. It was believed that the main factors that form the makings of the disease are childhood and adolescent emotional trauma. But studying depression in terms of genetic mechanisms has shown that people whose relatives have suffered an illness are 20% more susceptible to the disease than those whose relatives have not experienced it. Thus, today it has already been proven that the hereditary-genetic aspect plays important role in the issue of predisposition to depression.

The picture of the disease

The symptoms of depression are very diverse, but basically come down to a serious deterioration in the quality of life of the patient. A depressed person falls into despondency and the world appears to him in gray, bleak colors. At the same time, the ability to concentrate attention decreases, fear and uncertainty about the future appear. It is important to understand that depression is serious illness which is almost impossible to deal with on your own. Therefore, when it occurs similar signs you need to consult a doctor.

Modern approaches to the treatment of depression

A big breakthrough in the treatment of depression occurred in the second half of the last century, when drugs were obtained that could regulate the biochemical processes in the human brain. The era of antidepressants has begun. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many synthetic antidepressants that are widely used to correct mental health at depressive disorders Oh. However, as often happens, we are thrown from one extreme to another. Therefore, with the advent of antidepressants, it seemed convenient for a person to solve any of their problems associated with mood changes with the help of these potent means. And then the doctors sounded the alarm, who began the fight against the uncontrolled use of synthetic antidepressants. It is known that preparations containing St. John's wort have been used for the specific treatment of mood disorders for more than one century. Today, in Europe, preparations based on St. These herbal remedies have positive influence to mental and physical activity, help to cope with despondency caused by certain events in life, as well as changes in the weather or internal biological cycles. One of the representatives of such natural preparations is Deprim. It is important that the content active components St. John's wort in Deprime standardized. It is presented in two dosage forms- in tablets and capsules (Deprim forte). Due more content active components in Deprime forte it is possible to use it once during the day, which is important for people with high vitality.

Psychological help

Typically, in addition to taking medicines, the treatment of depression involves psychocorrection. The latter is reduced to individual, and sometimes group lessons aimed at restoring the emotional comfort of the patient. Such work is carried out by a psychologist or a psychotherapist. During the sessions, a person suffering from depression should want to start “self-healing mechanisms” and try to activate own forces directing them to fight the disease. The psychologist also helps the patient to form internal protection, which will prevent further re-development depression.

You can find detailed product information on the website:

Reg. numbers: Deprim forte No. 015903/01, Deprim No. 016054/01.

Before use, read the instructions. O possible contraindications consult with a specialist.

The topic of today's article is how to beat depression on your own, tips and advice on what to do.

After all, there are such moments in life when blues and depression pile up on us. We don’t want to do anything, we just want to lie down in bed, forget ourselves and cry.

We look at the world through black glasses, everything seems unfriendly and gloomy. This situation is even more pumping, depression intensifies.

I used to often experience this condition, but I learned to deal with it.

I will say more, I completely got rid of depression and now it never visits me. And I want to tell you how to deal with it and make it so that it never comes to you again.

Therefore, today we will talk about it. But most importantly, you will get rid of depression without pills and psychiatrists.

Why no pills and doctors? Yes, because it's a dead end. All kinds of antidepressants do not solve the problem at the root, but give only a temporary effect. And your psyche from them will only become even weaker, because. overcame the crisis not on her own, but with the help of chemistry. In the future, with a weak psyche, you will no longer be able to withstand if depression returns to you again. You reach for the pills again and make your psyche even weaker.

Need to be strengthened nervous system rather than relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Everyone knows that in order not to get sick with a cold, you need to harden, thereby increasing immunity, and not drinking pills all the time. Viruses are difficult to destroy, there are practically no drugs against them, most only relieve symptoms. But if you have a strong immune system, the body itself will cope with the disease. It's the same with our nervous system.

Of course, you can resort to the help of a specialist who will try to delve into your head, and this will really make it easier for someone. But not always, not all and not for long. I assure you, the most best help show yourself only yourself. We have huge reserves inside us that can cope with any psychological problem. We simply do not know how to use them and simply do not know how to beat depression. Well, let's study, and I'll show you how to get rid of it.

Why get rid of depression? Effects of depression

This question may seem silly, but I know that many, instead of doing something about this nasty state, prefer to do nothing. They think they can't deal with depression anyway.

But if we do not fight it, the consequences will be very deplorable. Firstly, it has a very negative effect on our psyche, on our inner spiritual world. The more and more often we experience depression, the more each time our psyche will be weaker and weaker. This will lead to the fact that in the future any unpleasant event can easily unsettle us and again the whole world will plunge into darkness.

We will not be able to withstand even minor stress, and all because we have lost mental immunity to external circumstances and adversity. Depression lowers this immunity.

So not far from the psychiatric hospital. There are many cases when a person suffering from depression for a long time simply committed suicide, and a weakened and malfunctioning mind pushed him to this.

Secondly, depression adversely affects not only our psyche, but also our body. Any negative emotion is localized in the body, leading to illness. Depression is accompanied by many bad feelings and emotions, as a result of which the whole organism as a whole suffers. The overall energy of the body decreases, changes chemical composition blood and other internal fluids, in a word, everything changes for the worse internal processes. All this will inevitably lead to serious illnesses.

Therefore, depression must be fought in order to always remain healthy and happy.

What causes depression?

To know how to cope with depression, you need to understand why it appears inside us and brings so many problems.

It often happens that the trigger for depression is some unpleasant event, such as loss of loved one. But depression can also hit us for no reason. In fact, the reason lies in the weakness of our psyche and the lack of fortitude. Prolonged stress, dissatisfaction with life, lack of meaning in life. All this slowly accumulates inside us and sooner or later turns into a severe depression, which, it would seem, came from nowhere.

AT modern world Most people subconsciously constantly experience unpleasant emotions. We are all afraid of something, worry about the future, get angry and envy others. These feelings weaken us, so don't be surprised why the blues came out of nowhere.

The main thing you should know is that the cause of depression is not in external circumstances, but inside a person.

After all, these are obvious things. Why are some people strong in spirit. Even if they give in to negative experiences, they still never go into a prolonged depression. For others, the opposite is true, they constantly look at the world through black glasses. The same life events different people experience in their own way. For some, difficulties are a common test that must be overcome with a brave heart and learn a lesson. For others, the hardships of life will surely lead to despondency and fear.

All this suggests that the cause of depression lies within ourselves, and not in the outside world. But why, understanding this, we continue to grieve and fall into the blues. To understand all this, figure out where depression comes from and find the most correct method struggle with it, I will reveal to you one very interesting secret.

The fact is that our consciousness consists of two fundamental parts. The outer lower consciousness, to which our entire psyche, our mind, memory, i.e., belongs. everything with which we are accustomed to identify ourselves. All this complex mechanism can be summed up in one word - ego. And the inner higher consciousness, it is also called the real Self, true Self, awareness, soul.

Who reads my blog for the first time, I suggest you go to the articles:, as well as:, where I talked about this in detail.

it real fact, which is spoken not only by ancient teachings, but also by modern science, modern psychology.

It is the understanding of this interesting knowledge for us that gives the key to understanding how depression is born and how to overcome it.

When she comes to us, and everything seems gloomy and terrible, this means that it is not the world outside that is like this, but simply the mechanism of the ego is working incorrectly and distortedly. All negative emotions are generated by our psyche, our mind. And everything bright and joyful is, on the contrary, in our soul, in the real Self.

And to get rid of depression, in fact, you don’t need to invent anything complicated. Do not listen to psychiatrists who create some incomprehensible theories, fool us in their sessions, and force us to take pills. In fact, everything is very simple.

How to beat depression?

If the problem is actually in our psyche, then you just need to put it under control, learn how to manage it, and also be able to completely stop it for a while.

If some negative emotions and feelings are stuck in us, and in cases of depression, as a rule, these are several emotions, then we need to get rid of them, stop their work. All this, perhaps, is done simply, no need to reinvent the wheel. Everything has already been invented long before us, and has been successfully used for more than one millennium. I'm talking about such well-known techniques as

It is they, and nothing else, that will help you completely get rid of depression, that you will forget about it forever.

All sorts of antidepressants and trips to a psychiatrist will help only for a short time, because they do not solve the main problem. The distortion in the psyche will remain with you.

During deep relaxation, the superficial layers of the psyche come to a complete stop, and recovery also occurs.

The most interesting thing is that all this happens without our participation. We are only creating a condition for the process of restoring internal space and ending depression to start on its own.

My history

I didn't just read this information somewhere. I myself got rid of depression through meditation.

For a long time I suffered from this problem. My depression was caused psychological fatigue against the background of dissatisfaction with life and piled problems. A lot of people in my place just start drinking.

I was lucky then that I also had physical illness, alcohol aggravated their course, because of which there was no strength and desire to take alcohol.

Of course, I tried to drink, because. did not yet know about the magic of meditation, but caught it in time. I got worse both physically and mentally. gave a temporary effect, and later depression piled up with even greater force. To drown it out, new doses of alcohol were required, by the way, so is a person.

I realized that this is the road to degradation, to even greater problems. Later I found out about, began to practice, and I gradually got better and better. Now I am a completely different person. I eradicated all my physical and, including depression. If I can beat her, then so can you.

Work on yourself

So, to get rid of depression, you need to learn and relax while lying in.

But that's not all.

The fact is that for many, the inertia of the ego is so strong that meditation and relaxation techniques alone will not be enough.

Now I will explain everything in more detail.

During meditation and relaxation, our psyche calms down and begins to gradually come to its senses.

Indeed, the best way to deal with our mind, to put it in order, is to leave it alone. Yes, the best way, but it works gradually and not immediately.

When you meditate, you feel better. And with each new session it will get better and better, depression will begin to recede. Gradually, this state of improvement will pass into everyday life.

But on the other hand, once you open your eyes after practicing meditation and plunge headlong into the usual fuss, you will again be captured by your old negative thoughts and emotions. You will remember your problems, and the darkness of depression will fall on you again.

For many, the inertia of the ego is so strong that meditation is simply not able, after practice, to stop it. But it is not all that bad. There is an exit.

You need to learn how to correct the imbalance of the psyche, not only during the practice of meditation and relaxation, but also in Everyday life. To do this, you need to change your thinking, remove the wrong patterns in your head that lead to depression, in a word, reprogram our brain.

You also need to put things in order in your life, do business, find a favorite hobby or job, find love. Very often the cause of depression is the lack of meaning in life, as well as the lack of happiness and love. You need to look for love, it will definitely come to you. The object of love is not important, whether it is at least a life partner, children or a favorite thing.

Only with such a double blow to depression, both by meditation and by working on oneself outside of practice, can one hundred percent defeat it once and for all.

So you have to work on yourself, without it in any way. Of course, for many, one meditation will be enough for the distortion of the psyche to even out. But much faster and the best result there will be a double whammy for depression.

How you need to change your thinking, how to start meditating and relaxing in order to defeat depression, I will tell you in detail in the next one devoted to this problem.

I won't load you with too much information. Better stop reading, close your eyes, and take your time to reflect on everything I have said.

Depression can be dealt with. And the point is not in the outside world, the whole point is in ourselves, or rather in wrong work our psyche, ego. You just need to make it work correctly, without distortions. This can be done without any drugs and doctors. Everything will depend only on you.

Attention! This article does not convince everyone to fight depression on their own and not go to a specialist.

Unfortunately, there are very severe forms depression, when a person is unable to do anything at all. In this case, at the very beginning, only a psychotherapist or psychiatrist will help. He will also prescribe medication for you. Sometimes antidepressants are still needed.

But as soon as you feel better, you need to get rid of the disease using the methods described above. Antidepressants for long-term use will only ruin you.
If you are able to do at least something, then your depression is not very severe. Take care of yourself, the best help to yourself is provided only by yourself.
Of course, with severe depression, meditation, relaxation techniques, right job with consciousness.

And I assure you that these are the most best practices. It's just that for very severe depression, these methods are applied with a good mentor and specialist in these areas. It will help move the mind in the right direction. additional techniques those who can't do anything at all. It will also help to overcome the reset of the subconscious, which is very difficult in such forms of the disease. But such a person is hard to find. Therefore, most people have to go to the doctor and take antidepressants. No exit.

That's all for now. See you soon.

In the meantime, listen to great music.

By the way, good music also helps us in getting rid of depression. This is due to the fact that music (but not all) is a manifestation of our soul. And when the soul comes out, the ego stops, negative emotions go away and depression recedes.

So listen to the music and let your inner world fill up joy and happiness .

And for some people, that's the kind of music. It energizes, makes you tear off one place and start acting.

Depression is mental condition, which suppresses our life, prevents us from being ourselves and is experienced by a number of characteristic symptoms.

Various manifestations of depression:

  1. mood swing;
  2. a person feels inner pain in body;
  3. the brain cannot formulate your thoughts properly;
  4. one thought can take possession of a person and take root strongly in the head, creating anxiety and concern;
  5. a person cannot, as before, understand the hints of people and what they want to convey to him;
  6. a person does not feel the emotions of other people;
  7. isolation;
  8. constant pessimism;
  9. apathy and loss of meaning in life;
  10. distrust of people, willingness to defend themselves from people;
  11. a person perceives everything with hostility and is unnecessarily irritable;
  12. feeling that life is over;
  13. suicidal thinking;
  14. avoidance of responsibility for oneself and one's actions even in trifling situations;
  15. indifference to the joys of life;
  16. a person blames himself for everything and engages in self-flagellation.

All these symptoms affect in such a way that a person may even have digestive problems or headaches.

Reasons for the appearance

Causes depression (depending on the level of awareness):

  • diet;
  • broken mode, sleep deprivation;
  • your causal and unreasonable expectations;
  • a responsibility;
  • avoiding problems;
  • self-flagellation;
  • negative thinking;
  • judgment of others;
  • trying to change others;
  • trying to please others;
  • comparing yourself with others;
  • distinguishing yourself from others;
  • attachment to people/things;
  • dependence on the result;
  • bad social circle - unconscious people, energy vampires(more about energy vampires);
  • modeling events in the future;
  • worrying about things that haven't even happened yet;
  • doing things you don't like.

15 useful insights

Let's analyze 15 tips from psychologists on how to get out of depression on your own.

1. Accept yourself as you are right now.

No need to avoid bad condition and fight with it, it worsens the state of health even more.

You fight and in doing so harm yourself and your social skills.

If you resist feeling bad and try to avoid it, it only gets worse.

You must live it!

Depression is normal.

Especially for people who are engaged in self-development, work, do not get enough sleep, for all men and women - this is part of your growth, your path.

And she leaves as quickly as she comes.

Tell yourself: There is what is. It may be unpleasant, but it's all temporary and will pass! I will move on.

And you no longer need any help from a psychologist for depression.

2. Redirect your focus to other activities: for example, take up workouts in the gym

Take a break, redirect your focus from depression to other activities, such as:

Entirely and completely immerse yourself in another activity, shift your focus to it.

After a while, the problem that previously haunted you will seem petty, trifling and completely unworthy of your attention.

In this way, you will close your worries about how to get out of depression and believe in yourself.

So effective advice psychologists share.

3. Cling less to positive emotions, don't be afraid to lose them.

How to recognize and implement it:

  • Don't try to be emotionally perfect. By clinging to positive emotions and trying to hold on to them, you will grow internal resistance to reality and what is happening.
  • When you resist the appearance of bad emotions, you only increase their appearance.
  • All people on the planet are chasing emotions, the state— for what comes and goes and is impermanent. And it is an endless race for that which is impermanent.
  • If you do not tremble so much and are in awe of positive emotions, then just then you will suffer less depression, and negative emotions will not hurt you so much.
  • When you are at your emotional peak, just enjoy positive emotions and be aware that this will not last forever.

Realizing this will close your questions about how to get out of prolonged depression on one's own.

4. Go to any social place and meet new people: share your problem and let them help you

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this awareness:

  1. You don't go there to whine, you go there to let others help you and work with you.
  2. You go there, being ready to accept other positive emotions of people through yourself.
  3. You only focus on positive people, and you do not pay attention to others and do not see them.
  4. When you allow others to positively influence you, fears, worries and all negative emotions are forced out.

When you invite people to your company and let them help you in a positive way, they feel special around you.

Questions about how to help a man, a girl, a loved one get out of depression will remain open if the person himself does not want help and does not ask you for it.

You don't have to always rely on friends and helpers, but just be there for them.

Just tell the man: “Here I have such anxieties, strain with work, I feel this way. Advise me what to do in this situation?

Such psychological help in depression, by communicating with loved ones or strangers, it clears you.

Voice those things that worsen your well-being, that irritate and have accumulated in your head. Let it all come out.

5. Use the Meditation Technique to Strengthen Your Energy Field and Immunity

How to do this technique:

  1. Lie on your back comfortably, close your eyes.
  2. Focus on your different parts body, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, thighs, legs. Hold the focus for 15 seconds on each part of the body and feel the energy coming from within.
  3. Now bring this wave of energy from the top of your head to your heels and back again. Feel it in your body, take your time.
  4. Now feel completely your body as a whole and feel the energy field.
  5. Keep focus on this field for a few seconds.

Follow this technique and you will know everything about how to get out of depression yourself. You can learn more about how to meditate correctly.

The advantages of this technique:

  • breaks in your energy field are removed;
  • there is a feeling of integrity and inner fullness;
  • you strengthen the immune system, healing occurs.

6. Get enough sleep and get 8 hours of sleep to get a lot of energy in the body

Benefits of a Good 8 Hour Sleep:

  • When you sleep, you replenish your vital energy.
  • Your internal dialogue is turned off.
  • In a dream, you no longer have the worries that disturb you in reality.
  • In a dream there is no past and no memory of a bad past, just as there is no future.

To fully replenish your life energy from sleep, wear a night blindfold. When you are in complete darkness and absolutely nothing shines in the eyes, energy after sleep appears many times more.

Make sure you cover the window with curtains and don't shine any lights from the streets.

Why it's important to sleep:

  1. When you sleep little, the psyche is more shattered.
  2. A sleepy person in society will be more influenced by negativity, he will easily lose control over the situation and, above all, himself.
  3. Thus, it is fixed in the mind bad experience, which creates a desire in a person to close and avoid this negative experience.
  4. Later, this can result in internal pain. Therefore, it is very important to get enough sleep so that you don’t worry about thoughts about how to help yourself get out of depression.

7. Do not project the future and remove the focus of the past: work with what you have now

When a person focuses on the events of the future, he loses the moment now and is in those mental projections that, most likely, will not even happen.

In addition, due to the projection into the future, a gap, an abyss, is created in the consciousness.

It is always possible to cope with the present, but it is impossible to cope with the projections of the mind - just as it is impossible to cope with the future.

It is not for nothing that they say: “We will solve issues as they come up.”

Stay always in the present moment to close questions about how to get out of deep depression on one's own.

8. Key for those who lost their passion for life and saw it as meaningless

  • Many happy people already realized that life is meaningless.
    You are not the only one unique person who came to this. You are not special!
  • Just happy people made the choice to be happy with one understanding in their heads: “Life is meaningless! Haha! Well, okay! Let's keep having fun and move on!"
  • Has life become meaningless for you? So do crazy things, reach new heights. You can also read more about passion and motivation in life.
  • Always have a purpose in life, know what you want from life. Otherwise, the universe will not give you energy, because you have no goal and you do not want to realize anything.
  • People with big goals always have a lot of passion, energy and motivation.

Don't make yourself a special victim, make the choice to move on and no longer worry about how to get out of depression on your own when you don't have the strength to do anything.

9. Find advantages even in the negative, train your mind to reflexively turn any problem into a joke and fun

Ask yourself: Where are the benefits that I can use from my situation?

See the benefits that seem to you at first glance as a hindrance.

Consider an example.

  • I just have a pathetic depression, and someone has no roof over their head and nothing to eat. I live well.
  • I live in excellent conditions, I have all modern conveniences, internet, electricity, hot and cold water. Yes, I am the happiest person.
  • I have healthy body and I'm complaining about life. But there are people without legs, and they are still happy.

Learn to turn any problem into a joke and fun, and thus you will close your questions about how to get out of depression on your own for a woman or a man.

Everything that you perceive negatively can always be considered in a positive way. Train your mind to reflexively turn any problem into a joke and fun.

How to implement it

  1. Laugh at yourself.
  2. Learn to laugh at how you screwed up.
  3. Laugh at how you try to play the part of the sufferer.
  4. Learn to find the benefits even in the negative.

Implement these awareness and no longer worry about how to quickly get out of depression.

10. Get out of the house more often to get some fresh air.

Why is it important to breathe fresh air and go outside:

  1. strengthening immunity;
  2. relaxation and rest for the nerves;
  3. it promotes good sleep;
  4. blood supply becomes better;
  5. accelerates the metabolism in the body;
  6. long walks increase appetite;
  7. open pores, positive effect on the skin.

It will be better to walk than to sit still in one place.

If your child stays at home a lot, then it is not surprising that he always feels unwell. Remember that he needs to breathe fresh air more often, and no longer ask questions about how to help your daughter or son get out of depression.

11. What the wise Taoists came up with: the state of “not doing”

  1. Imagine such a time of your passivity in the midst of activity: when you were actively doing your business and then you score on everything. Imagine such a state when you don’t want to do anything: you don’t want to meet friends, you don’t go anywhere - neither to work, nor to study.
  2. And you don't have to get out of this state.. If you don't want to do anything, then you don't have to do anything. And you no longer need help with depression at home when you simply follow these points.
  3. You are just in this not-doing. You are not trying to entertain yourself in this state. For example, it is not necessary to stick to computer games at the same time.
  4. You also go to the shower in the morning, sleep well, go out for a walk, but it is not doing something intentionally in order to get something.
  5. If in this state you start doing something and you feel: This is yours and this is the goal that you want to strive for from the inside", then you can try.
  6. If you're feeling overwhelmed by this, then this is not your option.

This is such an observant hibernation. You fall into this not-doing and just look at yourself. Keep this in mind and know all about how to get out of severe depression on your own.

12. Do the opposite and reverse of what depression tells you to do.

How to apply it in life

  1. If you wake up and think, "I'll probably stay in bed all day," now you're doing the opposite!
  2. You don't listen to depression, otherwise it will always have power over you.
  3. I urge you, on the contrary, to call friends or get out somewhere in nature.
  4. As much as it sounds and as much as you would like the opposite, you need to force yourself to get out of the house.
  5. Maybe you'll have a great time! Who knows? But you'll never know unless you challenge your condition. That way, you won't worry about it and apathy anymore.

Follow these rules and remember them.

Following them, for example, a woman after childbirth will close questions about how to get out of postpartum depression on one's own. Or the man will perk up and find himself.

How it works

  • If every time depression appears, you will only obey it, it will become even stronger and worse for you. As you continue to listen to that voice, you will feel worse and worse. Why do you need it?
  • So start doing positive things to be ready for a positive outcome.!
    For example, if you keep doing negative things, it would be foolish to expect a positive outcome.

With this in mind, you will know everything about how to help a person get out of depression.

13. Never ask for pity from others

Are you saying that you feel bad? Could be even worse!

Don't make excuses and don't be sorry.

Take action! Dominate!

You don't need psychiatric help for depression.

Take action in spite of adversity!

Try harder!

See it as a journey where you learn to be even stronger than you are now.

14. Indulge in sweets: especially those who have been on a diet before

this is especially necessary for those who have been on a diet and have denied themselves everything.

During times of depression, there is nothing wrong with indulging in sweet treats.

Diet negatively affects the condition.

Pamper yourself with goodies and sweets, if you are drawn and want.

Thus, you take care of yourself, give a contrast to the taste buds.

You feel the taste of life.

If you are thinking about how to help your husband get out of depression or your wife, treat the person with sweets.

For example, what do I like to pamper myself with:

  • air chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • yogurts;
  • delicious cupcakes;
  • cakes;
  • loaf with condensed milk.

15. Suffering is necessary until we realize that we no longer need it.

  1. The situation is that it is people with difficult life circumstances are much more likely to start taking care of themselves.
  2. In the most desperate situations, a person can start looking for: searching for oneself and finding meaning in suffering and life. As a rule, it is deeply doomed people who begin to take care of themselves.
  3. The ones who are doing well, most likely, will not want to question their well-being with their own thoughts. "Why ruin something that brings pleasure?" - involuntarily appears in the mind of a person.
  4. Suffering is necessary because it creates the conditions in which a person can no longer be. Then the person begins to run, move, look for solutions.
  5. Some, discover a new world, a new self and change their lives. Some get lost in pleasure and different kind dependencies.
  6. Nothing helps us grow like suffering and fear.
  7. Suffering is necessary until then until we realize we don't need them anymore. Remember this, and you will close your questions about how to get out of a state of depression.

Wise words

Quote from one person.

“Having spent several months almost on the verge of life and death, I remember how, with a smile on my face, I moved through the streets of the city and could hardly pronounce the words: “I wish you all suffering,” where I meant “I wish you all to realize the true gift that pain and suffering bring us and thus be freed from them.

Subsequently, my attitude towards the hard life of others became different.

I stopped being afraid of someone suffering.

Understanding the great value that brings pain, disappointment and suffering, I allow a person to experience this and direct him deep into this suffering (to the source), if I have such an opportunity.

Looking at my life, I can say that I am happy with all diseases, shock states, experiences and "failures" that I had.

They helped me the most."

That's all. Now you know everything about how to get out of depression on your own.

Depression is considered serious enough psychological disorder arising from different reasons. However, many people who are faced with this are trying to find a way to get out of depression on their own. Often the resulting apathy, indifference to everything that happens takes place with little investment and the efforts of the person himself.

Before looking for options on how to defeat depression, despondency and melancholy, you should remember important rule- if independent attempts do not lead to a result, the condition worsens or despair appears about wasted strength, you should seek help from an experienced psychologist. At a professional level, a specialist will tell you how to behave, supplement treatment with medications and teach you how to get rid of depression at home.


How to relieve depression? This state is similar to prolonged indifference - the patient seems to be in a dream, in the process of recovery, both mood ups and downs can be observed. Perhaps the chosen method will not help the first time - but there is no need to fall into despair. A person is able to help himself with depression, you just need to understand that depression will try to absorb again, so you have to make some effort.

There are various methods of struggle, but whichever one is chosen, one should start with small steps, gradually approaching the goal. Get out by any means - every saving method helps to remain yourself and overcome difficulties, but this takes time.

Getting out of depression by looking for causes is the most correct and important step on the path to healing. Before looking for a way to quickly get rid of repressed emotions, ask yourself why such disorders happened to you, which led to the state when you don’t even want to lift your head from the pillow. Unfortunately, apathy and despondency arising from external factors are often confused with banal laziness. If depression has developed because of it, you should not be cured, but look for strength in yourself, coping with chores and responsibilities.

Many people are too great importance give to their own labor investments, they believe that they work more than a colleague, they put more effort into the house and family than the rest of the family. Gradually, resentment, laziness develops, a person ceases to want evening walks or simple conversations at the end of the day, and he thinks to himself that he has depression. In this case, psychologists recommend to look at things easier. No matter how simple and easy it sounds this advice, but often we oppress ourselves, envying a neighbor, paying attention to other people's successes, or making a whole scandal over a mere trifle. And then we suffer in search of a means of how to get out of depression.

What to do in depression? When conducting introspection, it is important to honestly answer yourself the question - what bad happened in your life? Why don't you want anything? After all, if you look back, there are people who have much more problems, while they do not despair and try to change life. Think it's useless? So says every depressed patient, exaggerating their own difficulties. If among the acquaintances there are no people who are faced with real troubles, they are easy to find on forums on the Internet. Just get acquainted with their fates, and the feeling that everything is bad will quickly leave you.

The second part of the self-analysis should be devoted to the reasons found - here one must ask the question, who is to blame for this? There are circumstances that do not depend on the patient, but there are situations in which he is the main character. For example, if an error occurred at work through your fault, then you need to undergo additional training, improve your skills, and no longer make mistakes. Coping with depression means taking a step forward by increasing the level of knowledge, both professional and psychological. Sitting idle and suffering will not lead to good results.

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without the intervention of specialists? After analyzing the causes and their perpetrators, the person himself will come to an answer. But in most cases, patients do without the help of psychologists.

Looking for a new look

How to get rid of depression forever? Having found new look Almost everyone has experienced depression famous people, media persons or just ordinary citizens of our and other countries. Go to the library, read stories on the Internet and recharge the mood of those who managed to set new, achievable goals, began to go towards them, forgetting about the frustration. Getting rid of depression is like losing weight - finding like-minded people who have faced the same problems, but successfully defeated them, it is easy to repeat the path to success.

At this stage, copying someone else's goals is wrong - new meaning should match your wishes. Overcome yourself, try to suppress despondency in yourself, replacing it with activity. At the same time, always remember that another equally simple person did it himself, you can do the same! Repeat to yourself like a prayer: "You are not defeated, new successes begin." Having clearly drawn a new image for yourself, of your future self, you need to work daily to quickly begin to correspond to it.

love yourself

How to get out of depression on your own? Just learn to love yourself - you need to understand that we are not perfect. There is not a single person on Earth who has never known failure, has not been disgraced, has not made mistakes. It is important to stop self-flagellation, scolding yourself for the inability to achieve some sky-high success. This does not mean that you have to be lazy - everyone achieves certain goals, you need to rejoice and praise yourself at all the stages you have overcome. Having learned to love yourself, it is easier to move forward and, perhaps one day, achieve the desired goal, which drove you into depression.

A diary

What to do if you have depression? It helps a lot to keep personal diary in which it is necessary to fix all negative, as well as positive thoughts. These entries will correspond to attempts to get yourself out of depression. Every time you get in a bad mood, go back to reading what you have achieved, remember how good it was at the moment when you filled out the pages of the diary. Analyzing your own thoughts, it is easy to understand which path has already been completed, and how much remains to be done.

Physical and emotional changes

It is difficult to notice when depression begins, but it always operates on three interconnected levels - body, mind, spirit. Therefore, a combination of practices aimed at everything at once will be more effective. Self-analysis, journaling, self-discovery, and the other methods of dealing with depression described above act on the mind. It remains to involve the body and spirit - yoga, dancing, fitness and other sports areas help a lot in this.

Moving in a dance, riding a bicycle, standing in asanas or repeating a simple bunch on the step in the aerobic hall, a person receives positive emotions. The very interaction of the body and the spirit takes place, all the negativity spills out, suffering disappears, and a smile of itself appears on the face. After regular classes, the question “how to overcome depression and return to life” will disappear by itself. The main thing is to observe regularity. Don't jump into active life, otherwise the forces will quickly run out. It is enough to visit fitness or dance halls 2-3 times a week, where a positive atmosphere always reigns.


It is impossible to cope with depression on your own without changing the quality of life. Pay attention to how much you sleep - if the duration of sleep is less than the recommended norm, then no matter how hard you try, you still won’t get enough sleep, and accordingly you will perceive what is happening badly. It is necessary to reduce the load, alternate work and rest, use the weekend to relax. Perhaps you have long wanted to make a trip - put away all your business for later and go on a trip, even for a few days, but you will feel how your soul rejoices.

Recommended use herbal tea that reduces anxiety and improves sleep. Also, one should not forget about appearance - a good-looking person who made an effort to come in clean, ironed clothes, with makeup and hair (if we are talking about a woman), simply will not allow himself to become limp on every occasion.

Between us girls

It is no secret that it is the female half of the population who suffers from despondency. How to quickly get rid of depression for a girl? To begin with, it is recommended to cry, only not in the presence of the audience, but by yourself - to get out of depression, pulling yourself out of despondency after that will be much easier. Having thrown out emotions, one should proceed to active actions:

  • Assess the situation, reasons and set new goals.
  • Go to the store to update your wardrobe - shopping is the best antidepressant, and shopping removes all negativity.
  • Visit a beauty salon and change your hairstyle or manicure.
  • Talk to a loved one - who, if not a friend or mother, will be able to listen, regret and, if necessary, give advice? There is no need to postpone the conversation until later, believing that loved ones will not have time to listen to whining. Having poured out your soul in time, it will be easier to fight depression, because it will not have time to absorb you. A friend will be able to distract by inviting to a cafe or cinema - such outings cure no worse than medicines.

Is it possible for women to overcome depression at home, with depression at home? Of course, yes, using all of the above methods. Remember Bridget Jones - you wouldn’t wish the worst fate on your enemy, but she said to herself “you can” and received a bonus in return.


How to get out of depression on your own? Paying attention to any kind creative activity, it's easy to become a fan of one of the destinations. Drawing, knitting, sewing are good distractions - now hand-made in any manifestation is in fashion, so it will not be difficult to find yourself. Everyone can pull themselves out and help themselves. To make a unique thing, to be proud of yourself - won't it help to save yourself and change a dull mood to a positive one?

Group lessons

Getting out of depression with the participation of a support group and seminars held within their framework will happen faster and more efficiently, because at meetings it’s easy to get to know people whose stories you think: “you’re not so bad.” If you can’t get rid of depression on your own, but you don’t want to go to a psychologist, like-minded people will help you get out of a depressive state - they can handle it, you can do it.

What should not be done?

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without hurting yourself? There are several steps that you definitely should not use when depression takes away all the positive and core of life:

  • Trying to drink or eat experiences - having fallen into the clutches of another addiction, it is easy to become a hostage, and then self-help for depression will definitely not help.
  • Trying to take out anger by being rude or injuring someone - there are different ways to get out of depression, among them there is screaming and strength, but we are talking about screaming somewhere in nature, but by beating a punching bag or pillow.
  • Thoughtlessly absorbing antidepressants - we must remember that they help to remove symptoms, but they do not fight the causes and essence of the problem.


What is depression and how to deal with it? How to cure depression on your own? How to help? Such questions will not bother you until you diversify your life yourself, solve the problems that have arisen and rid yourself of thoughts on the topic “No one loves me”, “No one needs you” and others - this is an illusion created by you. No one will correct mistakes for you either, just as they will not set priorities, they will not reconsider goals. By changing yourself, you don’t have to wonder “how to deal with depression on your own.”

Depression is an illness accompanied by a bad mood. During this period, a person is constantly sad and longing. He develops apathy, feeling lost and irritable, and loses interest in daily activities. Depression is characterized by a decrease in mental activity and lethargy motor functions. This disease usually affects middle-aged people. Moreover, in women, this pathology occurs twice as often as in men. However, depression is observed in both young people and the elderly.


Very often, depression manifests itself in the form of a bodily illness. It is capable of provoking a picture of almost any disruption in functioning. internal organs, as if hiding under the mask of another pathology. This explains the different name this disease- masked depression. What are its main symptoms? A person develops weakness and weakness, dizziness and apathy, a burning sensation behind the sternum and heaviness, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss and flatulence, a feeling of cold or heat, etc.

During the period of depression, the patient is not independently aware of the lowering of his mood. He usually associates it with some unrecognized disease or general physical ailment. With various complaints, a person goes to the doctor. He is examined for a long time and treated for neurological and various somatic diseases. However, there is no visible improvement.

Most often, such people have various unpleasant sensations and excruciating pains that are difficult to describe. And they are treated according to the described symptoms. Signs of depression such as abdominal pain are mistaken for ulcerative processes in the stomach or in duodenum, appendicitis, pancreatitis, food poisoning, etc. Sometimes even surgery is performed.

Sometimes the patient complains of dizziness and headaches. In this case, he is treated for migraine, neurasthenia, as well as for vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.

Symptoms of depression in early age- tearfulness, laziness and disobedience. Such children lag behind in their studies, conflict with peers and adults, and leave home.

At latent form diseases, there may be cases of disorders in the sexual sphere. The patient may have an eating disorder. It can be either a decrease in appetite or constant overeating. In other words, unwanted fullness sometimes becomes the result of a bad mood. not without reason emotional condition A person can be identified by his diet. With depression, there is often a disorderly meal during the day, as well as plentiful dinners.

Sometimes the only symptom of a latent pathology is a sleep disorder. What is it expressed in? In early awakening and reduction in the duration of night sleep. In the morning, such a person feels a feeling of weakness, which disappears only in the afternoon.

Causes of pathology

Stress and depression are inseparable concepts. Scandals and quarrels, divorce and stress on the body - all these factors, no doubt, are the main causes of the development of pathology. A bad mood in a person can occur due to bad weather and overwork, lack of sleep and loss of a job.

A certain prerequisite for the appearance of depression is an imbalance in the body. chemical substances which is signaled to the brain nerve impulses. There is some evidence that the pathology can be inherited, although there is no specific evidence for this fact.

In fifteen percent of cases, a person's low mood becomes the result of other diseases. These include pathologies of the heart muscle and cancer. Sometimes depression appears as a side effect of long-term use some chemicals. These may be beta-blockers, recommended for lowering blood pressure, or corticosteroids, prescribed for arthritis.

Decreased activity may be the cause of depression thyroid gland, schizophrenia, beriberi and alcoholism.

The consequences of the disease

Negative emotions of a person trigger failure mechanisms in his body. Autumn and winter blues, prolonged stress - all this, according to scientists, contributes to the occurrence malignant tumors. No wonder they say that all diseases are from the nerves. Irritability, lack of appetite and sleep are all consequences of depression. People who constantly wind themselves up and try to find in their body various diseases, have a greater chance of becoming patients in medical institutions than those who are optimistic.

As you can see, the consequences of depression are very sad. That is why it is necessary to recognize the disease in time and take all possible measures to eliminate it.

Definition of pathology

There is a special test for depression. It is a Beck scale, which is compiled in the form of an online questionnaire. The depression test includes twenty-one items, each with multiple response options. All positions describe the symptoms and signs of the disease. The answers to them reflect the severity of the disease. The patient's task is to choose the description that most closely matches his condition.

This depression scale was created in 1961 by Aaron Beck, an American psychotherapist. Its development was based on clinical observations for patients with bright severe symptoms ailment.

Initially, the test could only be used qualified specialists, determining the level of pathology by the responses. The verification process has now been greatly simplified. The questionnaire is given to the patient, who independently answers all the items. After that, the person views the results, draws the appropriate conclusions and decides whether to seek help from a specialist or not. The calculation of the Beck scale indicators is quite simple. Each of the test items is rated according to the severity of the symptom and has a score of zero to three. The total amount can range from 0 to 62. The level of depression depends on the number of points. So, pathology is not observed when the scores are in the range from zero to nine points. A mild degree of illness is detected with a score of 10 to 15, moderate - from 16 to 19, and severe - from 20 to 29. Severe depression is observed if the score is from 30 to 62 points.

The use of herbal products

Keep in mind that depression is a disease. Regardless of the degree of manifestation, it should be treated. How to overcome depression? To do this, you can use herbal remedies, which have now become very popular. According to the WHO, medicinal herbs used by five to eight percent of the world's population. Of course, the merits herbal remedies weight, however, it is desirable to use them in combination with a diet, a change in the daily regimen, as well as with synthetic drugs(by appointment).

A wonderful remedy for depression is oat straw. Vegetable raw materials must first be crushed. Three tablespoons pour half a liter of boiling water. The cooled broth is filtered and taken throughout the day.

You can get out of depression thanks to a decoction of chamomile aster flowers. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is filtered and consumed in 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times during the day.

Way out of depression folk healers recommend to produce with a decoction of knotweed. For cooking healing agent raw materials are taken in the amount of two-thirds of a tablespoon. Grass is poured with boiling water. After the decoction is infused, the remedy is consumed in any portions before meals.

To improve mood, you can take a decoction made from spring primrose. Five grams of crushed vegetable raw materials are placed in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the resulting mixture for two to three hours. Use the remedy 2-3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.

How to overcome depression with other herbal remedies? To do this, you can use mint, which is the most popular soothing herb. It is used in the treatment of ginseng. Not only decoctions are prepared from it, but also alcohol tinctures.


How to get rid of depression on your own without resorting to the help of specialists? To do this, you need to reconsider your diet. Indeed, often, being in a bad mood, a person can literally empty the refrigerator. However, this does not lead to anything good. If you do not know how to overcome depression, then, first of all, organize your diet in such a way that it becomes rational. Remember that you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins, minerals and vitamins. In addition, they should have a small percentage of fat. The combination of all these substances will strengthen the immune system and provide a great mood.

What food to include in your menu?

It is important to enrich your diet with foods that contain antioxidants. These valuable substances bind molecules free radicals. In large quantities, antioxidants are found in melons and apricots, broccoli and kale, spinach and pumpkin, blueberries and grapefruits, oranges and kiwi, seeds and nuts, wheat germ and vegetable oils.

How to get rid of depression on your own with the help of other products? AT daily menu need to include food rich in carbohydrates. These important components can improve mood. Why is this happening? Carbohydrates entering the bloodstream contribute to the production of serotonin, which is considered the hormone of joy. It will help a person to calm down and perceive the problems that have arisen more adequately. Carbohydrate-rich foods include vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits. It is better not to abuse sweet products.

The way out of depression can be done with the help of foods that contain a lot of protein. This substance raises the tone of the brain. The list of such products includes tuna, turkey and chicken. Important for getting rid of negative emotions and the amino acid tyrosine. It increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the body. These hormones enhance concentration. Tyrosine is found in eggs, soybeans, legumes, milk, fish, beef, and low-fat cheese.

Foods rich in vitamin D, selenium, and omega-3s will help you get out of depression.

Bad habits

How to overcome depression on your own and get rid of it forever? To do this, you need to analyze your habits. When the first symptoms of the disease in question occur, many people resort to alcohol or alcohol. drugs. These substances will negatively affect mood and sleep, as well as nullify the effects of medications taken. A similar effect is produced by products containing caffeine. This substance contributes to insomnia, which is one of the causes of depression.

Thus, to cheer up, you do not need to drink alcohol. Avoid coffee, which contains caffeine. In addition, all invigorating drinks best consumed before lunch.

Body weight control

In the course of medical experiments, it was possible to prove that there is a direct relationship between depression and fullness. Not surprisingly, overweight people are more likely to feel overwhelmed. On the other hand, Bad mood contributes to what a person uses a large number of food. This is due to those physiological changes that occur during depression. By controlling body weight, we significantly reduce the risk of developing pathology.


How to fight depression with chemicals? First of all, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate course of therapy. Depression pills are antidepressants. The effect of these drugs that improve mood is due to their influence on various neurotransmitter systems (mainly serotonin and norepinephrine).

Antidepressants are selected based on their complex impact, which can be activating or sedative. The cure for depression, which occurs with a decrease in all interest in what surrounds a person, as well as with apathy and lethargy, should prompt a person to action. That is why, with such symptoms, antidepressants with an activating component are used. Symptoms of depression can be anxiety and agitation. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that have a sedative effect.

Currently produced drugs are well tolerated by patients, and also help to eliminate despondency and anxiety. These are medications, like "Desirepe", "Remeron", "Serzon" and "Lerivon". When prescribing antidepressants, heredity and age should be taken into account, as well as individual intolerance some components. It should be noted that such drugs are taken as directed by a doctor.

Antidepressants have a number of side effects. These include drowsiness and dry mouth, increased appetite and consequently weight gain. However, the nature of these phenomena is weakly expressed.

Physical exercises

How to get out of depression and start getting rid of this problem? To do this, you need to perform various physical exercises daily.

Sport improves our condition and helps to increase self-esteem, because thanks to it we become more resilient, more beautiful and slimmer. In addition, exercise lowers the pain threshold and promotes the production of mood-boosting endorphins. This is especially important in depression.

Fresh air

How to get out of depression modern man whose life is full of stress and takes place in a poor environmental situation? You need to be outdoors as often as possible. Almost every one of us spends most of his time in the office or at home, and the air of large cities leaves much to be desired.

Scientists are convinced that a walk away from industrial complexes, as well as a trip outside the city, can save a person from depression. Such encounters with nature help to increase immunity and improve memory.

Future plans

Optimism can help you deal with depression. That is why you should never despair. We need to move on and keep fighting. Even if the reason negative state there has been some sad event, you still need to set a goal and strive for it. The fulfillment of the task will certainly fill life with meaning. Building bright plans for the future means forgetting about the negative past and thinking only about the good, getting rid of the pain in the soul.

Don't be alone

In depression, there is one very important rule. During this period, you can not be alone. This will only aggravate the condition. As often as possible, meet with friends, which will allow you not to focus on negative thoughts. Go to the skating rink or play bowling, billiards, go to the bar. Only in this way can a person completely imperceptibly get rid of negative thoughts and will live a full life.



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