Stitching itching over body. Itching of the body in different places without rash

  • What you need to know about itchy skin?
  • Varieties of itching
  • Causes of itchy body skin

What you need to know about itchy skin?

It would seem a trifle, but how much anxiety! In the past, itching was considered a form of pain. Subsequently, they came to the conclusion that this was not entirely true, but they recognized its connection with the nervous system - after all, the signal that you need to scratch / rub / stroke this or that area of ​​the skin comes from the brain. Let's take a pleasant example: a butterfly has landed on the hand. The skin sends information through the nerve endings (it tickled) to the brain, and a signal is immediately formed (look and, if anything, shake it off; check if everything is in order).

Tickling, light touch also cause itching. Sometimes it's very nice.
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However, back to the itch. Its reasons are, firstly, not so pleasant, and secondly, not so obvious. In any case, this sensation causes a scratching reflex in order to get rid of the source of itching as much as possible and restore comfort to the skin.

Varieties of itching

The causes of itching turned out to be so numerous that in the world (and in our country) at some medical clinics there are entire centers dedicated to this problem. It is clear that everyone is familiar with itching as a result of a mosquito bite, but if skin itching throughout the body causes insomnia, it must be dealt with seriously. In addition, like pain, it can vary in intensity from mild to unbearable, causing scratching of the skin.

According to the scale of manifestations, doctors divide itching into two types - localized and generalized.



This is already a serious story. You can't figure it out without a qualified doctor. Severe itching all over the body can be the result of both a skin infection and serious internal diseases, even mental problems.

Causes of itchy body skin

The range of these reasons is huge, let's start with the most common and simple.

Excessive dry skin

It leads to a violation of the integrity of its hydrolipid mantle. If the skin is dry and flaky, it is usually accompanied by itching. Unpleasant sensations can be after a shower, for example, if you use soap, which, in combination with tap water, dries the skin. In this case, itching should be regarded as a request for help. Your own strength to repair the accumulated damage to the skin is no longer enough. You need powerful moisturizers.

So, provocateurs that can make just dry skin very dry:

    low temperatures;

    very low air humidity;

    hard water.

Skin restoration after sunburn, aesthetic procedure

Sometimes beauty really requires sacrifice. Especially hair removal ... Itching often accompanies the recovery process. © Getty Images

Indeed, "it itches - it means it heals." Here you have to be patient and use soothing, moisturizing and accelerating regeneration agents. Blame histamine, which is produced at the sites of damage. One of its tasks is to increase blood circulation in this area, which speeds up the healing process.

Their army is innumerable, ranging from scabies mites (it is very easy to pick up) or lice, to fungus from the pool, staphylococcal infections (impetigo) and viruses, including herpes. Many diseases, such as chickenpox, which are accompanied by a rash, inevitably make the skin itchy. Obviously, in this case, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment against the disease. It will go away with the itching. In the future, to strengthen the immunity of the skin, it is important to moisturize it well and prevent excessive dryness.

Skin diseases

Psoriasis, eczema, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis - many dermatological diseases of a non-infectious nature are also accompanied by itching, because they are associated in one way or another with skin damage, violation of it and, as a rule, excessive dryness.

In such situations, the doctor prescribes not only treatment, but also daily care, which will help minimize the manifestations of the disease and keep it under control.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals

It is clear that for such pronounced manifestations, the deficit must be very serious. However, it is possible. , iron, B vitamins, vitamin A negatively affects the skin, leads to peeling and itching. But everything passes without a trace, one has only to satisfy the vitamin and mineral hunger.

Diseases of internal organs and systems

Itching of the skin, usually generalized, is often accompanied by very serious diseases, including diabetes mellitus, other endocrine (hormonal) disorders, diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, neurological and oncological problems. Therefore, in no case should one neglect this symptom and postpone the consultation of a doctor.

If the cause of itchy skin is not obvious, be sure to consult a doctor!
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Psychogenic itching

Psychogenic itching makes us itch when we read an article about itching or see someone scratching. This form differs from the rest in the complete absence of visible and objective reasons for itching. This happens in moments of stress and unrest - on a nervous basis. But not only. Sometimes this problem interferes with life and sleep.

Generalized psychogenic itching may accompany a depressive state.

How to get rid of severe skin itching all over the body

First, go to a dermatologist for a consultation. As you can see, there can be many reasons, and very serious ones. However, you can reconsider traditional skin care.

Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of La Roche-Posay brand, offers three universal body skin care tips:

Cosmetical tools

Depending on the cause of itching, it is worth choosing the right cosmetics.

    If the problem is dry skin, then any moisturizers and body oils will improve the situation.

    In the case of skin prone to allergies, it is necessary to give preference. Some brands, such as La Roche-Posay, develop entire lines for complete care just for such skin.

It is clear that cosmetics will not solve the problem until the original cause of itching is eliminated, so do not neglect the advice of a dermatologist.

What cosmetics will help in skin care


For itchy and sensitive skin, it is important to avoid soap as much as possible and choose your shower gels carefully.

Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay Lipikar Syndet AP+ Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay contains shea butter, vitamin B3, as well as a probiotic to restore the skin.

Nourishing shower cream Nurturing Body Washing Cream series Crème de Corps, Kiehl's not only cleanses, but also softens dry and sensitive skin thanks to shea and jojoba oils.

Lipid-replenishing emollient bath and shower oil Lipikar AP + Oil, La Roche-Posay addressed to the extremely dry skin of adults, children and infants. Contains ingredients designed to restore the skin's macrobiome and reduce the discomfort caused by dryness.


Moisturizing "Melting Body Milk", Garnier, in addition to nourishing oils, it contains a complex of bifidobacteria that moisturizes and strengthens the protective barrier of the epidermis. Oat milk additionally soothes the skin.

The most common reason for visiting a dermatologist is itching. There are cases when there are even no rashes on the skin, but it itches so that a person literally tears the skin. Suffering is aggravated by the fact that everyone around suspects a simulation or a mental disorder.

Yes, and, it would seem, a small trouble - a person scratches himself, and that's it, there are no specific skin diseases, let him rejoice. But itching can indicate very serious problems, not to mention that it greatly impairs the patient's quality of life. Constant itching can lead to depression and even suicide attempts.

The most serious reason

The most important causes of pruritus are malignant tumors. Itching may be one of the first signs of a neoplasm and appear before other symptoms. There have been cases when such a difference was up to 5 years!

Paraneoplastic (tumor-associated) pruritus can occur with any tumor, but is more common with gastric, pancreatic, lung, colon, brain, breast, and prostate carcinomas. In this case, the whole body itches, but there are areas where itching is more intense.

With Hodgkin's lymphoma, itching is also one of the most common accompanying symptoms and is observed in 25% of patients suffering from this disease.

If "thanks to the itch" to be examined on time, then the oncological disease can be caught in the early, treatable stages.

Water: helps and provokes

Not as fatal as hidden tumors of the internal organs, and perhaps the most common cause of itching is ordinary dry skin.

Modern hygiene requirements include a daily shower. In principle, this is correct, however, from the frequent use of detergents, especially in people whose skin is already prone to dryness (and in the elderly this problem is observed massively), overdrying of the skin appears. Soap washes away not only dirt, but also substances that retain moisture. As a result, there is itching, but no rashes.

Stop washing? Adherents of the “back-to-nature” concept, and to be honest, some colleagues (usually with post-war education) advise exactly that. But bacterial, fungal infections will not keep you waiting, and the smell ...

So you need to continue to observe hygiene, but supplementing it with special preparations that soften the skin and retain moisture in it (emollients). There are a lot of them on the market, and they act in different ways, the doctor will tell you to figure out what exactly suits a particular person.

And further. Some people simply consume little water. Especially old people, in whom the feeling of thirst can be dulled, and due to age, they may not remember or not get what they want due to weakness (yes, that situation when there is no one to give a glass of water).

This leads to much more significant health problems than itchy skin, but also to it. Caregivers should be aware of the situation and provide water regularly.

Unfortunately, as practice shows, such patients are often treated with disdain, believing that only one of the consultations of specialist doctors is necessary - with a psychiatrist.

Yes, a mental health disorder can also be in such a patient. But this doesn't happen as often as people think.

Etiology: announce the entire list

In addition to oncology, dry skin and mental status disorders, itching of the skin without rashes can be due to:

  • endocrine diseases: hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes, hyper- and hypoparathyroidism;
  • neurological diseases: disorders of cerebral circulation, multiple sclerosis, injuries of peripheral nerves, postherpetic neuralgia;
  • hematological diseases;
  • Sjogren's syndrome (systemic disease associated with pathological dryness of the integument).

Therefore, you do not need to pass - in this case, you definitely will not succeed. You will only lose time, money and nerves. And the reason may remain unexplained. Therefore, please leave the search for the cause to the doctor.

How will the doctor deal with it?

At the stage of collecting an anamnesis, the doctor will definitely find out the following factors:

  • onset (sharp, gradual);
  • flow (continuous, intermittent);
  • character (stabbing, burning).

Also important is whether itching is localized or "itches everywhere", how long it is present and at what time it appears.

The doctor will try to detect provoking factors - is there a connection with the patient's activities (profession, hobby), maybe there was an unusual physical activity recently, new pets appeared, etc. Travel and travel play a role, psychotraumatic situations in the recent past.

Also important is the sexual history and, finally, what you have already tried to be treated on your own.

Remember! The application of various "folk remedies" to scratched skin makes it very difficult to establish the correct diagnosis, the possibility of conducting some tests, and contributes to the development of pustular and other complications.

Stages of the initial examination

After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor will conduct a general examination, measure the temperature, find out if you suffer from excessive sweating, if there has been any recent fatigue and weight loss.

Examine the skin, whether the integrity is broken, whether there is a “jaundiced” shade. He will see if there are any "fungal" manifestations on the nails, if the color of the eye sclera is changed.

Assess the state of the endocrine system (should alert tremor, impaired thermoregulation, increased thirst) and the blood system (if there is anemia, if the lymph nodes are enlarged)

Also, the doctor should check the health of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. And, finally, he needs to find out the state of the nervous system (do you have headaches, paresthesias, visual disturbances, sleep disturbances, hallucinations, etc.). However, this whole sequence can be adjusted during the examination.

The list of tests that you will be directed to depends on the history and initial examination.

For example, if there is thirst and increased diuresis, it will be necessary to check glycated hemoglobin, if there is heartburn or intolerance to some products, they will be sent for FGDS, etc.

I repeat that there is no need for amateur performance, the choice of analyzes at random, and even more so “everyone in a row”, will only confuse you.

Until we got to the doctor

If there is absolutely no possibility of examination, and the itching is unbearable, over-the-counter antihistamines can be used - according to the instructions and taking into account contraindications.

Important! Despite the fact that the instructions for most modern drugs say that they have little effect on sleep, attentiveness, etc., transport cannot be controlled when taking them, unless there is a direct phrase "does not interfere with driving." And the state of itching itself does not contribute to attentiveness behind the wheel.

And yet, given the danger of a possible pathology, the sooner you get to the doctor and start the examination, the better!

Good health!

Leonid Schebotansky


On the basis of the Clinic of Dermatovenereology and Allergology of the European Medical Center, the Itching Center was created. Specialists from various fields provide outpatient and inpatient care for patients with acute and chronic itching. During the treatment, the patient is offered a detailed examination according to the protocol of the AWMF-Leitlinie (Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany) and European protocols for the management of patients with chronic pruritus.

The experience of highly qualified doctors, combined with a wide range of possibilities and methods of examination in EMC, in most cases, helps to identify the causes of itching, which, together with a comprehensive, individually selected treatment, allows you to achieve maximum results from therapy.

In the literature, the term "itch" refers to a sensation that causes a purposeful scratching reflex. In the scientific literature, itching is also referred to by the term "pruritus" (from the Latin prūrio - to scratch). Often, this phenomenon is one of the first symptoms of not only skin, but also internal diseases, diseases of the nervous system, hormonal disorders, and even tumors. That is why itching is now regarded as an "interdisciplinary symptom" and in some cases even isolated as a separate disease.

Allocate general (generalized) and local (localized) pruritus. Acute generalized - more often it is a consequence of food, drug allergies, reactions to cold, heat, etc. Often, generalized pruritus is a symptom of serious illnesses: diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, malignant neoplasms, etc.

Localized itching occurs most often in the scalp and anogenital zone and is paroxysmal in nature. The reasons for the development of this phenomenon in the anal region, as a rule, are considered chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, infections, incl. helminthic invasions, etc. Long-term sensations are often complicated by the development of a bacterial infection, candidiasis. Localized itching is also observed in the area of ​​rashes in various skin diseases: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.

The frequency of development of itching in skin and systemic diseases

Diagnosis Frequency
main symptom, in 100% of cases
Psoriasis 77-84%
Herpes zoster/postherpetic neuralgia 58%/30%
Chronic kidney disease/dialysis 22%
Primary biliary cirrhosis 80%
Diabetes 3%
Hyperthyroidism 4-7,5%
Anorexia 58%
True polycythemia 48%
Hodgkin's lymphoma 25-35%

Itching that persists for more than 6 weeks is defined as chronic. Its frequency among the adult population is, according to studies, 8-9%. Chronic phenomena are observed in various skin diseases (atopic dermatitis / neurodermatitis, eczema, prurigo, psoriasis, etc.) and systemic diseases.

Itching in various skin diseases

Diseases often accompanied by itching Diseases rarely accompanied by itching
Inflammatory dermatoses: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, eczema, lichen planus, prurigo, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, mastocytosis, Gibert's lichen, urticaria Inflammatory dermatoses: scleroderma and lichen sclerosus, Devergie's disease
Infectious dermatoses: viral infections, impetigo, pediculosis, scabies Genodermatoses: Darier disease, Hailey-Hailey disease
Autoimmune dermatoses: bullous dermatoses, incl. Duhring's dermatitis herpetiformis Tumors: B-cell lymphoma of the skin, basalioma, squamous cell skin cancer
Tumors: T-cell lymphoma of the skin Other conditions: scars

The mechanism of development of itching

The mechanisms underlying the development of pruritus in chronic kidney disease are not fully understood. The role of metabolic disorders is assumed, as well as the involvement of opioid receptors in the process and increased dryness of the skin. Itching develops, as a rule, after 2-3 months. after the start of hemodialysis, in 25-50% of cases it is generalized, in other cases it is localized. As a rule, itching is most pronounced in the back and face.

In diseases of the liver, itching is a very common symptom (observed in 80% of cases of cirrhosis of the liver, in 15% of all cases of viral hepatitis C). As a rule, it begins in the area of ​​​​the palms and soles, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfriction of clothing. It is characterized by its intensification at night. Over time, itching takes on a generalized character, while scratching the skin brings almost no relief.

With endocrine pathology, for example, diabetes mellitus and hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, itching may be accompanied by a burning sensation, tingling, “crawling”. The lack of vitamin D, minerals, iron also in some cases leads to the development of this phenomenon. With iron deficiency, “aquagenic itching” (on contact with water) is often observed. As a rule, the restoration of normal levels of iron and minerals leads to the disappearance of any sensations within 2 weeks from the start of therapy.

Itching can be one of the symptoms of tumors and blood diseases. As possible mechanisms of its occurrence, toxic effects, allergic reactions to tumor components, as well as a direct irritant effect on the nerves and the brain (in case of brain tumors) are assumed.

Systemic diseases that may be accompanied by itching

    Metabolic and endocrinological disorders:chronic renal failure, liver diseases, diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, iron deficiency.

    Blood diseases:polycythemia vera, myelodysplastic syndrome, lymphoma.

    Neurological diseases:multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, postherpetic neuralgia.

    Psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders: ddepression, eating disorders, bipolar disorder.

Human skin is permeated with billions of nerve endings that are very sensitive to all sorts of stimuli: vibration, touch, chemical or thermal effects. A crawling insect, an insect bite, a touch of a feather, a cobweb, a hair can cause a desire to itch, burning, tingling at the site of irritation: I want to quickly remove this unpleasant sensation by scratching itchy skin.

Generalized itching - unbearable discomfort in the surface layers of the dermis - can cause some diseases of the internal organs, allergic reactions in dermatitis. Among the symptoms of dermatological diseases, pruritus dominates, but often there is a syndrome of itching of the anogenital zone, conjunctiva, trachea, pharynx, nose, and oral mucosa. Distinguish between itching of the whole body without rashes and with a rash.

Body itching without rash

There may be itching all over the body without rashes against the background of diseases:

Rash and itching on the body

When multiple changes occur on the mucous membrane and skin that differ in color, texture, appearance from normal skin, they indicate a rash. Rashes can affect the arms, legs, face, abdomen, chest. These can be primary symptoms - pustules, redness, spots, goosebumps, blisters, pimples, vesicles. As the disease progresses, the rash is replaced by secondary elements:

  • Loss of natural skin color (discoloration, darkening).
  • Erosions, ulcers - the result of opening an abscess with a violation of the integrity of the skin with the capture of subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  • Peeling - scales of dead epidermis.
  • Crusts - the dried surface of weeping erosion, ulcers, opened blisters.
  • Scratches - superficial or deep abrasions.
  • Lichenification - thickening, strengthening of the skin pattern.

It is not worth making a diagnosis on your own, guided by visible signs and read information. For any suspicious manifestations, you should consult a doctor to identify the underlying internal pathology that caused itching. A rash and a strong desire to scratch on the body accompany diseases such as:

Why does the whole body itch

When the body itches in different places, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of this condition. Perhaps this is a consequence of fungal, allergic, inflammatory skin diseases, pathologies of internal organs, mental disorders and neuropathic diseases. Since there are a lot of reasons, it is important to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the body to establish the root cause.


Allergy in the 21st century has become the scourge of mankind. This disease in one way or another affects the entire population of the planet. Allergy manifests itself in the form of swelling, rash, scratching, which are of varying severity - from light scratching to scratching with the appearance of blood. With allergies and dermatitis, a large amount of histamine accumulates in the skin - a substance that causes scabies, swelling of tissues, dilates blood vessels. Therefore, itchy areas on the skin look swollen and reddened.

Allergic itching is eliminated with antihistamines, but then the allergen should be identified and eliminated. A more serious neuroallergic disease is neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis, which is characterized by uncontrolled intolerable localized itching. This disease develops from childhood and subsides a little in the puberty period, but later recurs again. Treatment of diffuse neurodermatitis is long and complicated.


A common cause of itching throughout the body is the development of psychogenic conditions: mental trauma, overexertion of the nervous system, stress, when a person does not control hand movements and constantly scratches and rubs the skin. At the same time, the desire to scratch under stress does not weaken, but, on the contrary, can only intensify. Often, against the background of neuroses, there is a periodic wandering itching, when it is impossible to determine a specific place. It is possible to avoid seizures or reduce their intensity if the factors that cause stress are eliminated.

seasonal itch

Patients who complain of an exacerbation of scabies in spring or autumn can be diagnosed with VVD (vegetovascular dystonia) with confidence. This is due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamin therapy, which should be prescribed by the attending physician, will help eliminate the symptoms. If the whole body itches in winter, then you should go to the doctor and find out the causes of this condition.

What diseases does the body itch

Itching over the body can manifest itself in various diseases, while it differs in symptoms:

Types of pruritus

There is the following classification according to the frequency of relapses and the intensity of manifestation:

  1. Spicy. It is a consequence of pathology in the body.
  2. Local. It has biological causes - bedbugs, ticks, etc. and is felt in a certain place.
  3. Generalized. Unpleasant manifestations throughout the body for various reasons. It can be observed in hepatic, endocrine, dermatological, hematological, neurogenic diseases, oncology.
  4. Chronic. It occurs for no apparent reason and indicates dermatosis, systemic diseases during an exacerbation.

What to do if the whole body itches

Given that itching is one, and there are many reasons, its treatment should be approached differently. What to do if the whole body itches? You can use ointments and creams that can relieve discomfort, but if the causes lie in liver diseases or endocrine system disorders, then self-medication with local remedies can only exacerbate the problem and complicate further treatment. Indeed, in this case, itching on the skin is just the tip of the iceberg, under which lies a serious illness, possibly fraught with tragic consequences.


To determine the root cause, it will be necessary to diagnose the foci of itchy areas. First, contact a dermatologist for the appointment of tests and a detailed examination. If the dermatologist finds it difficult to name the cause, consultation of the therapist, endocrinologist, allergist, gastroenterologist and other specialists will be required. Principles of treatment of itchy skin:

  • elimination of the cause;
  • local treatment;
  • systemic treatment.

Medical treatment

Depending on the causes that caused unpleasant symptoms, treatment for itching of the skin of the body is prescribed. With allergic scratching, antihistamines are prescribed: Zirtek, Loratidin, Erius, Zirtek, Suprastin, Tavegil. Additionally, it is recommended to take sedatives: Novo-Passit, valerian, mint tea, motherwort tincture, since the constant desire to itch disturbs sleep and makes the patient irritable. Complex manifestations are treated only under medical supervision.

However, this will take some time, and you want to relieve the itch as quickly as possible. Therefore, there are general recommendations:

  1. The diet should not contain salty, spicy, spicy foods. It is undesirable to drink strong tea, coffee, alcohol.
  2. If itching of the body in an elderly person (senile, intensifying in the evening and at night), then iodine preparations will alleviate the condition.
  3. Take warm sea salt baths.
  4. Wipe the skin with tincture of calendula on alcohol, lubricate with antihistamine ointments based on menthol.

Folk remedies

Along with drug therapy, treatment with folk remedies for itching of the body is used:

  • A quick effect is achieved by taking baths with decoctions of plants: nettle, chamomile, mint, celandine, pine needles.
  • Pruritoceptive (for insect bites) are removed with coconut oil baths. To do this, 50 g of oil is dissolved in a water bath and poured into warm water. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  • Lemon juice copes well with itching, but they should not lubricate areas with broken skin.
  • Vaseline will help quickly relieve itching, which will additionally moisturize and soften.
  • Basil should be used to soothe irritations. It contains vitamins A, C, P, which are very important for skin health. It is necessary to wipe the irritated places with a clean fresh leaf or prepare a decoction of basil and make lotions.
  • Apple cider vinegar, celandine are used as applications (do not use celandine for chemical and sunburns).

How to treat body itching

If the diagnosis is made, the disease that caused the cause is determined, the appropriate medicine is prescribed for itching of the skin of the body:

  1. With renal itching: UVB therapy, Cholestyramine, activated charcoal, Thalidomide, Naltrexone, Ondansetron, Capsacin cream, Tavegil.
  2. Itching against the background of cholestasis is treated with ursodeoxycholic acid, Cholestyramine, Phenobarbital, Rifampicin, Naloxone, Naltrexone, Nalmefene, Feksadin, Trexil, Tavegil.
  3. Endocrine diseases: it is necessary to moisturize the skin, hormonal preparations, compensation for diabetes.
  4. Hematological diseases: iron preparations, Aspirin, Cholestyramine, Cimetidine.
  5. Senile (senile): drugs with a calming effect (sedatives).

Local treatment

Local treatment includes the treatment of the skin surface in the foci of inflammation. These can be compresses, lotions of 3-5% vinegar, talcum powder, morning and evening hygiene. Among the medications, an ointment is effective:

  • Locoid;
  • Triderm;
  • Ultraproct;
  • Belosalik;
  • Baneocin;
  • hydrocortisone ointment (has a lot of contraindications).


In the treatment of diseases with manifestations of itching, drugs that block the production of histamine are often used. Antihistamines:

  1. Atarax. The active substance is hydroxyzine hydrochloride.
  2. Berlikort. Assign to eliminate any signs of allergies. The active substance is triamcinolone.
  3. Desason. The active substance is dexamethasone.
  4. Diazolin. It is prescribed for psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, insect bites.

Etiotropic therapy

This is a treatment aimed at eliminating the microbial, viral, bacterial, infectious pathogen. All antibacterial drugs (antibiotics), sulfonamides, nitrofuran drugs are etiotropic. Etiotropic drugs include interferons, antidotes, immune globulins, probiotics, bacteriophages, anthelmintic drugs. Etiotropic therapy drugs are used for complications of a hereditary disease, poisoning, herpetic infections of various organs.

How to get rid of body itching at home

Treatment at home is aimed at relieving symptoms, but it is necessary to work with a doctor to deal with the cause of a strong desire to scratch the skin. As temporary help, you can use:

  1. Burdock roots. We need already dried roots, in order to then get the powder using a coffee grinder. Pour 2 tbsp into a saucepan. l. powder, pour 1 liter of water. Boil for half an hour. When it cools down, you can make gauze compresses, applying to the irritated place. The effect should come within half an hour.
  2. Alcohol tincture of elecampane. You can cook it at home, for which you take 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped roots, pour them into a suitable dark glass bottle, add 50 ml of alcohol there. A tincture is being prepared for 10 days, after which you need to make an aqueous solution with tincture and wipe itchy skin. According to people's opinions, the effect comes immediately.
  3. Needles. You will need young buds and pine needles in the amount of one glass. Pour them with a liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Wash with a cooled broth, wipe the skin, make compresses and lotions. The result is felt quickly.

Video: why the skin on the body itches

Itching is not a disease, but only a symptom. According to doctors, the body cannot itch for no reason. Most often, the reason that the body itches is some kind of disease, even if peeling, dryness and itching disappear for no apparent reason.

It is necessary to understand the causes before starting treatment. Itching is dangerous because the patient can scratch the skin, which will lead to inflammation, infection and dehydration.

Skin diseases

The most common cause of itching is skin disease. An inflammatory process appears, which is accompanied by itching.

Sometimes the factor why the body itches for no apparent reason is the accumulation of metabolic products. This itch goes away pretty quickly.

If you are wondering why the body itches for no apparent reason, study the list of diseases and visit a dermatologist.


The reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli. May be caused by stress, burn or frostbite, food irritant. Accompanied by itching, redness, rashes, peeling.

Most often occurs due to hereditary predisposition. Stress, anxiety and poor living conditions are also prerequisites for the development of dermatitis.


An inflammatory skin disease that causes blisters and burns. Also characterized by redness and itching. When combing the bubbles, erosions appear, which turn into crusts.

Most often appears on the hands and face. It proceeds in a chronic form and is accompanied by respiratory tract infections, as well as metabolic disorders.


The answer to the question why the body itches for no apparent reason may be dermatophytosis disease. It is caused by fungi that live in the soil, the body of animals and humans.

Fungi invade the upper layers of the skin, decompose proteins and feed on decay products. Dermatophytosis can occur on the scalp or scalp, on smooth skin, and on nails.


A skin disease caused by fungi or viruses. It most often develops after direct contact with an infected person or animal. There are several varieties: pink, shearing, weeping, encircling.

Most often appears on the scalp. The affected area becomes bright red, flaky and itchy. The main factor in infection is deprived of a weakened immune system.

Pediculosis or lice infestation

The main factor of infection are unsanitary living conditions. Lice can be infected in villages and villages, from people without a fixed place of residence.

Pediculosis is an ancient disease that most often occurs as an epidemic. It can be infected in the military barracks, children's camp, school.

Important point! To avoid getting lice, do not use other people's combs and do not give yours to anyone. Also, be careful about the cleanliness of the pillows, try not to sleep on a shared bed.

Note! Lice can only be contracted from other people. On the body of animals live other types of lice that are not dangerous to humans.


A variety of scaly lichen. Inflammation is caused by immune cells in the body. The disease is characterized by red dry spots, which are covered with a white coating.

Most often they appear on the bends of the elbows, on the head, lower back. They can also affect other parts of the body, as well as the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Factors that cause psoriasis: heredity, infections, HIV, certain medications.


Scabies can be contracted from contact with a sick person, through bedding, clothing, and household items. In this case, the incubation period of the disease can last up to 4 weeks.


An allergic disease characterized by a red rash. The patient can scratch it strongly, which only aggravates the disease. Often accompanied by Quincke's edema.

The reasons may be food allergens, digestive disorders, insect bites, hypothermia. With disorders of the function of the kidneys, liver or intestines, urticaria takes a chronic form.


Abnormal dry skin. This is a consequence of severe itching or infectious diseases. The skin becomes rough, flaky, itchy, reddens.

Xerosis can be a symptom of other disorders: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea.

In addition, xerosis is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and renal failure.

It can be caused by cancer. When xerosis appears, it is especially important to examine the internal organs.

Systemic diseases

Systemic diseases are diseases of the internal organs that may be accompanied by itching. To accurately diagnose this or that disease in yourself, listen to other symptoms and consult a doctor.

Why the body itches for no apparent reason - the answer may lie in diseases of the internal organs.

Most often, this is not the only symptom and the disease can be diagnosed by other symptoms. But it is best to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis.

Other common causes of itching for no apparent reason

Itching does not always cause serious illness. This may be a consequence of stress, age-related changes in the body, or a reaction to allergens and medications.

Immunodeficiency virus infection

HIV does not manifest itself in the body for a long time, and the infected person may not know about the disease. But he has signs by which immunodeficiency can be recognized. Skin signs are:

  • neoplasms;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes virus;
  • eczema.

Fungal and viral diseases are accompanied by itching. Most often, herpes affects the mucous membranes, which are very itchy at the initial stage of the disease. Eczema can occur on the hands and face.

Psychiatric disorders: psychogenic itching

Our body is sensitive to stress and anxiety. Often it responds with reddening of individual areas, itching, chest pain. If you are sure that you are healthy and there can be no other reason for itching, try to be less nervous and the itching will pass.

Allergic itching of the skin in adults and children

Food allergens cause irritation of the intestinal walls, which immediately affects the skin. There are rashes and itching. You may also be allergic to cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, cleaning products. It is recommended to find the cause and avoid contact with this reagent.

seasonal itch

For no apparent reason, the body may itch in autumn and spring in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Why this is so cannot be said unambiguously. Most likely, this is due to a lack of vitamins in the diet, weather changes.

Dehydration of the body

If the body itches, but there is no visible reason for this, this may be due to dehydration. Why this condition occurs is difficult to say. The reason may be insufficient fluid intake or a large loss of it if you were in extreme conditions.

Senile or senile itching

In old age, the body undergoes many changes: the metabolism changes, the skin becomes thin and dry, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and cell renewal slows down.

This leads to unpleasant consequences: irritation, peeling, itching appear. Most often, the skin of the face suffers, as it is thinner and more sensitive.

Most often, antibacterial agents and antipruritic ointments are prescribed to get rid of them. Remember that self-treatment with ointments alone will not bring results, you need to identify the cause and treat it.


During menopause in women, the hormonal background changes, which affects the state of the whole organism. In addition to changes in the genital area, you will feel a change in the condition of the skin and hair. Including the body may itch for no apparent reason.

Why you shouldn't be afraid of it: as soon as the hormones return to normal, the itching will go away. To remove unpleasant symptoms, use moisturizers.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Pregnant women often itch their chest and abdomen. These are normal phenomena, as the body is being restructured. Other parts of the body may itch as well.

This should be treated carefully, as itching indicates allergies or diseases of the internal organs. See your doctor to determine the cause of the itching.

Itching of the body as a result of medication

If you are taking pills or folk remedies, itchy skin can be a side effect. Read the instructions before making another diagnosis for yourself. It is best to replace the medicine from which your body itches with a similar one.

Itching of the skin can be caused by skin diseases, diseases of the internal organs and some other reasons. If you have symptoms other than itching, see your doctor.

If there are no visible reasons, eliminate stress and anxiety from your life, and the itching will pass.

Why does the body itch for no apparent reason:

Causes of itchy skin:



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