Ballast substances in human nutrition. Positive influence of ballast substances

Ballast substances

Carbohydrates also include cell walls ballast substances that are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. They cannot serve as a source of energy and plastic material, but play a primary role in the formation stool. This circumstance, as well as the expressed irritant effect cell membranes on the mechanoreceptors of the intestinal mucosa determine their leading role in stimulating peristalsis and regulating the motor function of the intestine. Deficiency of ballast substances in human nutrition leads to a slowdown intestinal peristalsis, the development of stasis and dyskinesia.

Diets should contain enough(not less than 25 g) cellulose (fiber) and other indigestible polysaccharides, the source of which are various herbal products. Special meaning acquires the enrichment of the diet with fiber in old age and in persons with a tendency to constipation. Along with participation in the regulation of intestinal motility, fiber has a normalizing effect on the motor function of the biliary tract, stimulating the processes of bile excretion and preventing the development congestion in the liver and gallbladder. Ballast substances also remove excess cholesterol from the body.

All foods without exception are a source of fiber. plant origin. Most high content cell membranes are noted in flour coarse grinding, millet, beans, green peas, dried fruits (especially in prunes), beets. Significant quantities cellulose also contains buckwheat grain, carrot. Low maintenance it is characterized by rice, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini.

Herbal products also contain pectin substances , which have the ability to adsorb various slags, including exo- and endogenous toxins, heavy metals. This property of pectins is widely used in medicinal and preventive nutrition(carrying out unloading apple days in patients with colitis and enterocolitis; the appointment of marmalade enriched with pectin for the prevention of lead intoxication, etc.). Pectic substances are part of fresh fruits, roots, leaves and green parts of the stem. Most of them are found in apples, plums, blackcurrant and beets.

The ability of pectin substances in the presence of organic acids and sugar to form jelly (jelly) is widely used in the confectionery industry in the production of jams, jams, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, etc.

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Ballast substances Necessary components of food are not only the nutrients, but also ballast substances (dietary fiber), which are divided into insoluble (fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) and soluble (pectin, gum, or


These are those components of food that are not digested and not absorbed by humans. The main ballast substances are dietary fiber contained in all plants, primarily fiber. All dietary fibers are polysaccharides different structure with huge macromolecules. Many bacteria easily break down these compounds, but human enzymes cannot. For a long time therefore, official science considered ballast substances not only useless, but even harmful to health. Only with the creation of a theory adequate nutrition these views have changed radically. However, all empirical wellness systems, which have proven their effectiveness in practice, from time immemorial insisted on natural food from unrefined products with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, containing great amount dietary fiber. The normalizing role of dietary fiber at all stages of digestion has now been proven. They affect the rate of gastric emptying, the intensity of absorption in small intestine, on the total time passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate constipation. Ballast substances serve the most important source food intestinal microflora, from normal composition which depends on the vital activity of the whole organism. After all, the bacterial flora destroys many toxins, synthesizes vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, including essential ones. Therefore, their use serves as a good prevention of dysbacteriosis. Finally, dietary fibers are excellent sorbents, that is, substances that can actively absorb various compounds with their micropores. In medicine, artificial sorbents are widely used - activated carbons. different origin. There are several dozens of diseases in which their use is indicated. These are all kinds of poisoning, including medicines, diseases of the kidneys, liver, biliary tract, pancreatitis, peritonitis, some diseases of cardio-vascular system, autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriasis, allergies. Therapeutic effect here directly depends on the absorption capacity. Indeed, at the same time, many toxic and excess metabolic products are neutralized - urea and creatinine, cholesterol, various allergens, etc. At the same time, the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids improves, normalizes lipid metabolism(lipids - fats and fat-like substances), that is, rejuvenation effects are observed. And indeed, in laboratory conditions it was possible to extend the life of old animals by 35-40 percent by introducing sorbents into their diet. Truth, long-term use activated carbon impossible - there are digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting. Yes, this is useless, because in any fresh vegetable food enough natural absorbents. According to V. Stelko and Yu. Butylin, ... daily passage through the intestines of several tens of grams of natural porous dietary fibers creates an additional absorbing surface of several thousand square meters ... Thousands of square meters! It's not a joke. And "several tens of grams" are easily gained with healthy menu. In whole wheat flour, for example, up to 12-13 percent of dietary fiber. They are found in considerable quantities in other cereals, vegetables, fruits, and herbs. All this food in itself forms a little waste, but it is also able to remove up to half of the others. poisonous products exchange. Often, the specific ability of dietary fibers to absorb certain compounds is also used. So, pectins remove salts of heavy metals. Therefore, people working with such substances, including radioactive ones, are recommended to eat more pectin-containing products for prevention (this is currants, especially red ones, apples, jams from them, etc.).

Plant foods contain polysaccharides and lignin, which do not break down under the influence of digestive juice are not digested. Until 1980, these elements were considered as dietary fiber. Technological methods were invented for processing raw materials to reduce their amount in products. And in 1982, a guide to a high-fiber diet was published in the UK.

Further studies have shown that ballast substances normalize the work gastrointestinal tract.


Ballast substances are resistant to the effects of digestive juices. They are not digested in the small intestine, they enter unchanged. Alimentary fiber:

Some of the ballast substances (pectin, hemicelluloses) are broken down in the intestines with the help of. The process of hydrolysis of dietary fiber by microorganisms contributes to:

  • regulation;
  • thermal supply of the body;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintaining homeostasis;
  • the formation of signal molecules, neurotransmitters;
  • cytoprotection;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • growth inhibition;
  • building resilience epithelial cells to the effects of carcinogens;
  • synthesis pantothenic acid, B vitamins.

Dietary fibers, especially pectin, form ionic complexes with heavy metals, radionuclides and remove them from the body.

Indigestible, even with the help of microorganisms, lignin binds and removes salts bile acids that irritate the intestinal wall.


In some cases, taking ballast substances will harm. With intestinal spasm, additional irritation of its walls dietary fiber leads to increased pain. Therefore, before using dietary fiber for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary system, obesity, atherosclerosis, you should consult a gastroenterologist, nutritionist.

Even if there is no ban on the consumption of products containing dietary fiber, their excessive consumption contributes to:

At long-term use products rich in dietary fiber, recommend parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) administration of vitamins, essential amino acids. Increase consumption of foods containing essential trace elements.

An excess of dietary fiber negatively affects the balance of serine, threonine, glutamic acid, vitamins A, C, E. Causes a feeling of discomfort in the intestines, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Consumption rates

The daily requirement of carbohydrates for an adult is 400–500 g. Of these:

  • 75-80% starch;
  • 15–20% easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • 5% dietary fiber.

But don't get too carried away with dietary fiber. In some diseases, they are categorically contraindicated, and their excessive consumption adversely affects health.



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