Is there evidence of an afterlife? The soul after death - scientific facts, evidence and real stories

It is unknown what happens to consciousness at the moment of death of the body. Is it destroyed or moves to another level? Patients who have experienced clinical death say that the soul does not depend on the body. Medicine declares death when the heart stops and there is no breathing. But other organs remain undamaged for a long time. Doesn't this mean that death is reversible? And that in theory man is immortal?

In this article

Religion's point of view on the afterlife

All religions agree on one thing - the soul is real. Our ancestors believed that earthly existence was a preparation for "real" life. Religious dogmas are alien to an atheist. In a society where material values ​​are important, few people think about what is hidden behind the last line.

Representations of tribal peoples

Anthropologists have established that in primitive society they believed in the immortality of the soul. Standing over the corpse of a defeated enemy, the man did not wonder about death. Only the pain from the loss of loved ones prompted him to think about the afterlife. So in the Neolithic era, the beginnings of world religions appeared.

Ancestors helped their descendants, granting good luck on the hunt

Posthumous existence was considered an addition to earthly life. The souls of the dead wandered like ghosts among living people. It was believed that death endows with wisdom, so the spirits were turned to for help or advice. Shamans and priests enjoyed honor in the tribes.


The Bible has been interpreted in different ways. But all theologians agreed on the existence of the afterlife.

Crossroads between heaven and hell

Christianity teaches that the souls of the righteous are waiting for eternal life in paradise, among saints and angels. In contrast, sinners will go to hell, where they will be subjected to torture and suffering.


In Judaism, a person is a unity of soul and body. Separately from each other, they are not punished or rewarded.

The Torah predicts the resurrection of the dead when the Messiah returns

In the sacred text there is no concept of a righteous life. In other words, there are no criteria by which the Higher Powers will judge a person for the life he has lived. The Torah encourages believers to live with dignity.

The Torah teaches that the resurrection pursues the main goal: the reward of the Jewish people for righteousness and justice.

This video is part of a lecture by Rabbi Levin, where he talks about the attitude towards the afterlife in Judaism:


The Qur'an contains instructions on dress, food, prayer, family relationships, and social ethics. Muslims also revere Islamic scholars who clarify disputed passages in the holy book. Islam recognizes only one religion. Believers of other teachings are considered sinners and are doomed to torment in hell.

Whether the soul of a Muslim goes to heaven depends on the diligence that the believer has shown in observing Sharia law.

In Islam, God can move the sinner from hell to heaven

The Koran teaches that in the afterlife the soul will not stay forever. The Day of Judgment will come, when the dead will rise, and God will determine a place for everyone.

In this video, the scientist Sheikh Alavi talks about Barzakh (the state of the soul after death and before resurrection):


Sacred texts describe in detail what happens after death. The underworld is divided into levels. The soul stays for a short time at the level corresponding to its karma, after which it is reborn.

Samsara is subject to the law of karma

The circle of rebirth is called samsara. You can break out of it, but only by getting into the last levels of hell or paradise, from where there is no return.

This video talks about karma from a clairvoyant point of view:


Buddhism was influenced by Hindu philosophy. For Buddhists, death is a transition from one life to another. Rebirth is subject to the law of karma and is called the “Wheel of Samsara”. Only those who have achieved enlightenment, like Siddhartha Gautama, will be able to escape from it.

The reward for good karma is rebirth as a deity

Buddhists believe that everyone's soul has gone through thousands of rebirths in humans, animals and plants.

Mummies of Eastern monks

Hundreds of imperishable mummies have been discovered by scientists in Asian countries over the past half century. They are all between life and death. The remains do not decompose, they are cut annually to grow hair and nails. Buddhists believe that the consciousness of monks is alive and able to perceive what is happening.

Hundreds of pilgrims strive to visit the imperishable remains of Khambo Lama Itigelov in Buryatia. During his lifetime, Lama plunged into deep meditation, in which he remains to this day. The heart of a Buddhist does not beat, the body temperature has dropped to 20 ° C. For more than 70 years, the remains lay in the ground, covered in a wooden box, until they were exhumed. Tissue analysis showed that the monk's body fell into suspended animation. But it was not possible to find out why it does not decompose.

Khambo Lama Itigelov was a practitioner of the highest level during his lifetime

Biologists claim that there is a gene for immortality in nature. Attempts to inoculate it in humans have failed. But the phenomenon of incorruptible remains shows that Buddhists managed to achieve a state close to immortality with the help of spiritual practices.

The video tells the life story of Lama Itigelov and the miracles that happened to his remains:

Interesting cases and evidence of eternal life

Physicist Vladimir Efremov managed to experience a spontaneous exit from the body. The scientist’s life was divided into two parts: before the heart attack and after.

Before his heart stopped, he considered himself an atheist. Efremov devoted most of his life to the design of space rockets at a research institute and treated religion with doubt, believing that it was a hoax.

Having come into contact with the other world, the scientist changed his views. He mentions the feeling of flying through a black tunnel and the extraordinary awareness of what is happening. The concepts of “time” and “space” ceased to exist for the scientist. It seemed to him that he had been in the new world for an hour, but the time of death recorded by the doctors was 5 minutes.

After waking up, Efremov retained vivid memories of another world and for 16 years analyzed his impressions from a scientific point of view.

Video where Vladimir talks about the experience of clinical death:

According to Buddhist tradition, the 14th Dalai Lama is the 14th incarnation of the I Dalai Lama. For a thousand years he is reborn in Tibet. His confidant, the Panchen Lama, is also reborn from generation to generation.

After death, the closest disciples of the lama immediately acquire a new life. Their duty is to find the incarnation of a spiritual leader. Candidates are put to the test. They are offered to choose from a variety of things, those that belonged to the lama. The right choice is evidence that the lama has been found.

Conscious rebirth is the lot of enlightened masters

The Karmapa (leader of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism) is consciously reborn for the 17th time. Each Karmapa, dying, left a letter where he indicated the place of the new incarnation. Unlike the Dalai Lama, Karmapa is able to recognize himself after birth.

Bali - island of the gods

The worldview of the islanders is the diversity of cultures of the settlers who have been here. But the main philosophy among them is Hinduism.

Ganesha is popular on the island - his statues are everywhere

At the funeral, relatives ask the gods to allow the soul to return. According to tradition, children at the age of three are taken to the priests to find out whose soul has moved into the body. The highest favor of the gods is considered to be returning back to the family.

Scientific evidence of life after death

Scientists have determined that death is characterized by:

  • cessation of the heartbeat;
  • lack of breathing;
  • stopping the blood;
  • body decomposition.

It often happens that in the face of death, an unbelieving person has a superstitious fear and a desire to look beyond.

Duncan McDougall

An American researcher found that the body at the time of death loses 21 grams in weight. The scientist came to the conclusion that this is the weight of the soul.

Specially equipped weighing bed

McDougall's hypothesis became popular. It has been criticized more than once, but still remains the most famous scientific work on the afterlife.

Ian Stevenson

A Canadian biochemist collected the testimonies of 2,500 children who retained the memory of rebirth. As a result, a theory appeared that a person lives on two levels - physical and spiritual. The first refers to a body that wears out. And to the second - the soul. When the body dies, the soul goes in search of a new shell.

The scientist found that each incarnation leaves an imprint in the form of:

  • birthmarks;
  • moles;
  • body deformities;
  • mental deviations.

Stevenson used hypnosis in his research. He put children with developmental disabilities into a trance to find information about past lives. One of the boys told the scientist that he was killed by an ax and gave a description of the place where it happened. Arriving there, Stevenson discovered the family of the deceased. The wound on the dead man’s body coincided with a growth on the back of the boy’s head.

Birthmarks appear on the site of wounds received in past lives

Stevenson's work proved the existence of reincarnation. With age, memories of rebirth are erased. The feeling of deja vu is the memories of past lives that consciousness throws up.

The video talks about Ian Stevenson and his research on reincarnation:

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

The first Russian scientist to study souls.

Tsiolkovsky believed that the souls of the dead live in space

He came to the conclusion that death is a transition to another level of development. The human soul is indivisible. It consists of energy that endlessly roams the universe in search of incarnation.

The video tells about Tsiolkovsky's philosophical views on life, death and the Universe:

Evidence from psychiatrist Jim Tucker

For more than 40 years he has studied children, in whose memory the experience of lived lives has been preserved.

Parents brought their children to the reception, talking about the past. They called:

  • former name and surname;
  • profession;
  • causes of death;
  • burial place.

Jim Tucker checked the information received and proved its authenticity. It happened that children were born with skills that they possessed in the past. This happened with baby Hunter.

Video interview with Jim Tucker, where he talks about reincarnation:

Baby Hunter incarnation

At the age of two, Hunter told his parents that he was Bobby Jones, a professional golfer. The boy played golf well. And, despite his young age, he was accepted into the section, making an exception. Usually children from five years old were recruited there.

Hunter retained skills from his past life

By age 7, Hunter's memories had faded, but he continued to play golf and win competitions.

James incarnation

Three-year-old James suffered from nightmares. He was flying a plane that was hit by a bomb. The burnt debris fell into the ocean, and the boy woke up screaming in horror. One day the child told his mother that he remembered his former name - James Houston. He was originally from America, and died off the coast of Japan during World War II.

The tragic death is etched in the child’s memory

James's father turned to the military archives. There he found information about the pilot D. Houston, who died off the coast of Japan, as his son had said.

Modern science's view of life after death

Over the past half century, science has made giant leaps. This is due to the development of quantum physics and biology. Even 100 years ago, scientists denied the existence of the soul. Now this is a fact.

Video about scientific evidence of life after death and evidence of contacts with the other world:

So does the soul exist and is Consciousness immortal from a scientific point of view?

In 2013, the 14th Dalai Lama met with scientists at a conference on the nature of the mind. At the meeting, neuroscientist Christoph Koch gave a speech on consciousness. According to him, the latest theories recognize the existence of consciousness in objects of the material world.

Christoph Koch at a meeting with Buddhists

The Dalai Lama reminded the scientist that, according to the philosophy of Buddhism, all beings in the Universe are endowed with consciousness. This is why it is so important to treat all living things with compassion.

Koch said he was shocked by the Buddhists' belief in what the West calls panpsychism (the theory of animate nature). In addition to Eastern religion, the idea of ​​panpsychism is present in:

  • ancient philosophy;
  • paganism;
  • philosophy of modern times.

After the conference, Christoph Koch continued his research together with Giulio Tononi, the author of information theory. According to the theory, the soul consists of interconnected pieces of information.

In 2017, researchers said they had found a way to measure consciousness using a test that measures the amount of phi (unit of consciousness). By sending a magnetic pulse into the subject's brain, scientists monitor the response time and strength of the reverberation.

The amount of phi is measured by the strength of the response

A strong response is a sign of consciousness. Doctors adopted the scientists’ method. With its help it is possible to determine:

  1. The patient died or fell into a deep coma.
  2. The degree of awareness in age-related dementia.
  3. Development of consciousness in the fetus.

Scientists plan to study the souls of machines and animals. The theory states that even a weak response is a sign of consciousness. Perhaps awareness can be found in the smallest particles.

Clinical death as proof of the existence of the soul and its immortality

In the 70s of the 20th century, the term “near-death experiences” appeared. It belongs to Dr. Raymond Moody, who wrote the book “Life After Death.” The doctor collected testimonies from people who experienced clinical death.

The visions did not depend on the gender, age and social status of the patients

All patients mentioned a strange feeling of peace. People rethought their lives and their actions. There was a feeling of unreality of what was happening.

The majority saw their own body from the outside and were able to confidently describe the doctors’ actions. A third of those who died felt like they were flying through a black tunnel. About 20% were attracted by the flowing soft light and a ghostly silhouette calling to itself. Less often, scenes from their lives flashed before the eyes of the dead. And very rarely there was a meeting with deceased relatives.

Evidence of the existence of the soul was provided by the testimonies of patients who were blind from birth. They were no different from the visions of sighted people.

Video about near-death experiences:

Modern research into clinical death

In 2013, researcher Bruce Grayson pointed to cases in which the deceased met a relative whose death he did not know.

The scientist found that during near-death experiences, patients' thought processes increased. Memories became brighter and remembered for a lifetime. The people interviewed by the scientist spoke about their experiences in great detail, even decades later.

According to Bruce Grayson, the experience has not changed since Raymond Moody's discovery. The scientist compared the evidence from twenty years ago with the evidence received and found no difference.

Bruce Grayson believes that the mind exists separately from the brain

Science is unable to explain visions of clinical death from the point of view of brain physiology. This opens up prospects for the study and further development of humanity.

Video presentation by Bruce Grayson “Consciousness without brain activity”:

Spiritualism: communication with the departed

In the 12th century, the first societies of people capable of speaking with the dead appeared in Europe. In Russia, aristocrats and royalty became interested in spiritualism. From the diaries of meeting participants, it becomes clear that many officials of that time did not make decisions on their own. In important matters they relied on the opinion of spirits.

Nicholas II regretted in his diaries that he did not take advantage of the advice of his deceased father Alexander III

Spiritualism sessions were called "turning tables." The deceased made it clear that they yearned for the world of the living. At all times, spirits have been drawn to abandoned families, to graves where they are buried, and to people. Therefore, spiritualism is the only way to touch the world of the living.

Spiritualist societies have developed basic rules for contacting spirits:

  1. Speak politely. Immediately after death, souls are depressed and fearful.
  2. If the spirit wants to leave, it should be released.
  3. Exercise caution. There are cases where mediums died for unknown reasons.

Often communication with spirits appeared spontaneously. This happened within 40 days after death, while the soul was among the living. At this time, with a strong emotional connection, contact with the other world can occur.

Video about the work of mediums:


Cryo-freezing is considered a promising technique for studying immortality. The patient's body is placed in liquid nitrogen. At a temperature of -200 °C, life processes will cease for hundreds of years. In the 18th century, scientist John Hunter put forward the theory that life could be extended indefinitely by freezing and thawing the body.

Cryopreservation is based on the hypothesis that human death consists of:

  1. Clinical death.
  2. Biological death.
  3. Information death.

Freezing stabilizes the body between biological and informational death

In 2015, successful experiments were carried out to defrost small animals and small pieces of biological tissues. But reviving the human brain remains beyond the realm of possibility. Therefore, only deceased patients are subjected to cryonics. According to statistics, about 2 thousand people entered into contracts with cryogenic companies.

Scientists believe that the development of technology will make it possible in the future to revive the dead. This will happen thanks to:

  1. Nanotechnology (creation of molecular robots to correct damage at the cellular level).
  2. Computer modeling of the brain.
  3. Cyborgization (transplantation of artificial organs to humans).
  4. 3D printing of fabrics.

For this reason, some freeze only the head. It is in it that information about a person’s identity is stored. Presumably, in 50 years it will be possible to revive the first frozen patient.

Scientific and educational film about cryonics:


Every year the number of people who are confident that death is not an irreversible process is growing. It is a process, and not a moment, as previously thought. Biologists have found that within 48 hours the body of the deceased is trying to recover with the help of stem cells.

Spiritual practices are becoming popular in the scientific community. Meditation and suspended animation into which Lama Itigelov fell are subject to research. The 14th Dalai Lama said that this is the result of post-mortem meditation and there is nothing unusual about it.

The scientific community has come to the conclusion that death is not the end of the road, but a transformation. This is confirmed by the near-death experiences of patients and the study of the borderline state of cryonic bodies.

Science is full of gaps that will be filled over time. Only by paying attention to the wisdom of generations, humanity will comprehend the mystery of death.

And in conclusion, a documentary about the afterlife:

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Is death the final fat point in a person's life, or does his "I" continue to exist, despite the death of the body? This is a question that people have been asking themselves for millennia, and although almost all religions answer it positively, many now would like to have scientific confirmation of the so-called life after life.

It is difficult for many to accept without evidence the statement about the immortality of the soul. Recent decades of immoderate propaganda of materialism are having an effect, and every now and then you remember that our consciousness is only a product of biochemical processes occurring in the brain, and with the death of the latter, the human “I” disappears without a trace. That’s why I really want to get evidence from scientists about the eternal life of our soul.

However, have you ever wondered what this evidence might be? Some intricate formula or demonstration of a session with the soul of some deceased celebrity? The formula will be incomprehensible and unconvincing, and the session will raise certain doubts, because we have already somehow observed the sensational "revival of the dead" ...

Probably, only when each of us can buy a certain device, use it to connect with the other world and talk with a long-dead grandmother, will we finally believe in the reality of the immortality of the soul.

Well, for now we will be content with what we have today on this issue. Let's start with the authoritative opinions of various celebrities. Let us remember the student of Socrates the great philosopher Plato, which is around 387 BC. e. founded his own school in Athens.

He said: “The soul of man is immortal. All her hopes and aspirations are transferred to another world. A true sage wishes death as the beginning of a new life.” In his opinion, death was the separation of the incorporeal part (soul) of a person from his physical part (body).

Famous German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe spoke quite definitely on this topic: “When I think about death, I am completely calm, because I am firmly convinced that our spirit is a being whose nature remains indestructible and which will act continuously and forever.”

Portrait of J. W. Goethe

A Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy asserted: “Only those who have never seriously thought about death do not believe in the immortality of the soul.”


We could go on for a long time listing various celebrities who believe in the immortality of the soul and citing their statements on this topic, but it’s time to turn to scientists and find out their opinion.

One of the first scientists to tackle the issue of the immortality of the soul was a Swedish researcher, philosopher and mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg. He was born in 1688, graduated from the university, wrote about 150 essays in various scientific fields (mining, mathematics, astronomy, crystallography, etc.), and made several important technical inventions.

According to the scientist, who has the gift of clairvoyance, he has been researching other dimensions for more than twenty years and has repeatedly talked with people after their death.

Emmanuel Swedenborg

He wrote: “After the spirit is separated from the body (which happens when a person dies), it continues to live, remaining the same person. In order that I might be convinced of this, I was allowed to speak with practically everyone whom I knew in physical life—with some for a few hours, with others for months, with some for several years; and all this was subordinated to one single purpose: so that I could be convinced that life continues after death, and be a witness to this.”

It is curious that already at that time many laughed at such statements of the scientist. The following fact is documented.

Once, the Queen of Sweden, with an ironic smile, told Swedenborg that, after talking with her dead brother, he would win her favor without delay.

Only one week has passed; Having met the queen, Swedenborg whispered something in her ear. The royal person changed her face, and then said to the courtiers: “Only the Lord God and my brother could know what he just told me.”

I admit that few have heard of this Swedish scientist, but the founder of astronautics K. E. Tsiolkovsky Everyone probably knows. So, Konstantin Eduardovich also believed that with the physical death of a person, his life does not end. In his opinion, the souls that left the dead bodies were indivisible atoms wandering through the expanses of the Universe.

And the academician A. D. Sakharov wrote: “I cannot imagine the Universe and Human life without some kind of meaningful beginning, without a source of spiritual “warmth” lying outside matter and its laws.”


American theoretical physicist Robert Lanza also spoke in favor of the existence
life after death and even with the help of quantum physics tried to prove it. I will not go into the details of his experiment with light, in my opinion, it is difficult to call this convincing evidence.

Let us dwell on the original views of the scientist. According to the physicist, death cannot be considered the final end of life; in fact, it is rather the transition of our "I" to another, parallel, world. Lanza also believes that it is our "consciousness that gives the world meaning." He says: "Actually, everything you see does not exist without your consciousness."

Let's leave the physicists alone and turn to the doctors, what do they say? Relatively recently, headlines flashed in the media: “There is life after death!”, “Scientists have proven the existence of life after death,” etc. What caused such optimism among journalists?

They considered the hypothesis put forward by the American Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona. The scientist is convinced that the human soul consists of “the fabric of the Universe itself” and has a more fundamental structure than that of neurons.

“I think consciousness has always existed in the Universe. Possibly since the Big Bang,” says Hameroff, noting that there is a high probability of the eternal existence of the soul. “When the heart stops beating and blood stops flowing through the vessels,” the scientist explains, “the microtubes lose their quantum state. However, the quantum information contained in them is not destroyed. It cannot be destroyed, so it spreads and scatters throughout the Universe. If a patient survives in intensive care, he talks about the “white light” and may even see how he “comes out” of his body. If it dies, then quantum information exists outside the body for an indefinite time. She is the soul."

As we can see, this is still only a hypothesis and it is, perhaps, far from proving life after death. True, its author claims that no one can yet refute this hypothesis. It should be noted that there are much more facts and studies in favor of life after death than are given in this material; let us recall, for example, the research of Dr. Raymond Moody.

In conclusion, I would like to remember the wonderful scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor N. P. Bekhtereva(1924-2008), who for a long time headed the Research Institute of the Human Brain. In her book “The Magic of the Brain and the Labyrinths of Life,” Natalya Petrovna spoke about her personal experience of observing post-mortem phenomena.

In one of her interviews, she was not afraid to admit: “Vanga’s example absolutely convinced me that there is a phenomenon of contact with the dead.”

Scientists who turn a blind eye to obvious facts, avoiding “slippery” topics, should be reminded of the following words of this outstanding woman: “A scientist has no right to reject facts (if he is a scientist!) just because they do not fit into dogma or worldview.”

Human nature can never accept that immortality is impossible. Moreover, the immortality of the soul for many is an indisputable fact. And more recently, scientists have found evidence that physical death is not the absolute end of human existence and there is still something beyond the boundaries of life.

You can imagine how happy this discovery made people. After all, death, like birth, is the most mysterious and unknown state of man. There are many questions associated with them. For example, why a person is born and starts life from scratch, why he dies, etc.

A person throughout his entire adult life has been trying to deceive fate in order to prolong his existence in this world. Humanity is trying to calculate the formula for immortality in order to understand whether the words “death” and “end” are synonymous.

Scientists have found evidence that there is life after death

However, recent research has brought science and religion into one: death is not the end. After all, only beyond life can a person discover a new form of being. Moreover, scientists are sure that every person can remember his past life. And this means that death is not the end, and there, beyond the line, there is another life. Unknown to mankind, but life.

However, if the transmigration of souls exists, then a person must remember not only all his previous lives, but also deaths, while not everyone can survive this experience.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one physical shell to another has been haunting the minds of mankind for many centuries. The first mention of reincarnations are found in the Vedas - the oldest sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

According to the Vedas, any living being resides in two material bodies - in the gross and in the subtle. And they function only due to the presence of the soul in them. When the gross body finally wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in another - a subtle body. This is death. And when the soul finds a new and suitable physical body according to the mindset, the miracle of birth takes place.

The transition from one body to another, moreover, the transfer of the same physical defects from one life to another, was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. He began to study the mysterious experience of reincarnation back in the sixties of the last century. Stevenson analyzed more than two thousand cases of unique reincarnation in different parts of the planet. Through research, the scientist came to a sensational conclusion. It turns out that those who have experienced reincarnation will have the same defects in their new incarnations as in a past life. It can be scars or moles, stuttering or another defect.

Incredibly, the conclusions of the scientist can only mean one thing: after death, everyone is destined to be born again, but in a different time. Moreover, a third of the children whose stories Stevenson studied had birth defects. Thus, a boy with a rough growth on the back of his head, under hypnosis, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death with an ax. Stevenson found a family where a man who was killed with an ax once really lived. And the nature of his wound was like a pattern for a scar on the boy's head.

Another child, who was born as if with chopped off fingers on his hand, said that he was injured while working in the field. And again there were people who confirmed to Stevenson that one day a man died in a field from loss of blood when his fingers got caught in a threshing machine.

Thanks to the research of Professor Stevenson, supporters of the theory of the transmigration of souls consider reincarnation to be a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, they claim that almost every person is able to view their past lives even in a dream.

And the state of deja vu, when suddenly there is a feeling that somewhere this has already happened to a person, may well be a flash of memory about previous lives.

The first scientific explanation that life does not end with the physical death of a person was given by Tsiolkovsky. He argued that absolute death is impossible, because the universe is alive. And the souls that left the perishable bodies, Tsiolkovsky described as indivisible atoms, wandering around the universe. This was the first scientific theory about the immortality of the soul, according to which the death of the physical body does not mean the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the deceased person.

But for modern science, faith in the immortality of the soul is, of course, not enough. Humanity still does not agree that physical death is invincible, and is intensely looking for weapons against it.

The proof of life after death for some scientists is the unique experience of cryonics, when the human body is frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen until methods are found to restore any damaged cells and tissues in the body. And recent research by scientists proves that such technologies have already been found, although only a small part of these developments is publicly available. The results of the main studies are kept under the heading "secret". Such technologies could only be dreamed of ten years ago.

Today, science can already freeze a person in order to revive him at the right moment, creates a controlled model of a robot-Avatar, but he still has no idea how to resettle a soul. This means that at one point humanity may face a huge problem - the creation of soulless machines that will never be able to replace humans.

Therefore, today, scientists are sure, cryonics is the only method for the revival of the human race.

In Russia, only three people used it. They are frozen and awaiting the future, eighteen more have signed a contract for cryopreservation after death.

Scientists began to think that the death of a living organism can be prevented by freezing several centuries ago. The first scientific experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the seventeenth century, but only three hundred years later, in 1962, the American physicist Robert Ettinger finally promised people what they had dreamed of throughout human history - immortality.

The professor proposed freezing people immediately after death and storing them in this state until science finds a way to resurrect the dead. Then the frozen ones can be thawed and revived. According to scientists, a person will retain absolutely everything, it will still be the same person who was before death. And the same thing will happen to his soul that happens to it in the hospital when the patient is resuscitated.

All that remains is to decide what age to enter in the new citizen’s passport. After all, resurrection can occur either after twenty or after a hundred or two hundred years.

The famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev suggests that the development of such technologies will take another fifty years. But the scientist has no doubt that immortality is a reality.

Today Gennady Berdyshev has built a pyramid at his dacha, an exact copy of the Egyptian one, but from logs, in which he is going to lose his years. According to Berdyshev, the pyramid is a unique hospital where time stops. Its proportions are strictly calculated according to the ancient formula. Gennady Dmitrievich assures: it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day inside such a pyramid, and the years will begin to count down.

But the pyramid is not the only ingredient in this eminent scientist’s recipe for longevity. He knows, if not everything, then almost everything about the secrets of youth. Back in 1977, he became one of the initiators of the opening of the Institute of Juvenology in Moscow. Gennady Dmitrievich led a group of Korean doctors who rejuvenated Kim Il Sung. He was even able to extend the life of the Korean leader to ninety-two years.

Just a few centuries ago, life expectancy on Earth, for example in Europe, did not exceed forty years. A modern person lives on average sixty to seventy years, but even this time is catastrophically short. And recently, the opinions of scientists converge: the biological program for a person is to live at least one hundred and twenty years. In this case, it turns out that humanity simply does not live to reach its true old age.

Some experts are confident that the processes occurring in the body at the age of seventy are premature old age. Russian scientists were the first in the world to develop a unique medicine that prolongs life to one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years, which means it cures old age. The peptide bioregulators contained in the medicine restore damaged areas of cells, and a person’s biological age increases.

As reincarnation psychologists and therapists say, a person’s lived life is connected with his death. For example, a person who does not believe in God and leads a completely “earthly” life, and therefore is afraid of death, for the most part does not realize that he is dying, and after death he finds himself in a “gray space.”

At the same time, the soul retains the memory of all its past incarnations. And this experience leaves its mark on a new life. And training on memories from past lives helps to understand the causes of failures, problems and illnesses that people often cannot cope with on their own. Experts say that after seeing their mistakes in past lives, people in their present lives begin to be more conscious of their decisions.

Visions from a past life prove that there is a huge information field in the Universe. After all, the law of conservation of energy says that nothing in life disappears anywhere or appears from nothing, but only passes from one state to another.

This means that after death, each of us turns into something like a clot of energy, carrying all the information about past incarnations, which is then again embodied in a new form of life.

And it is quite possible that someday we will be born in another time and in another space. And remembering your past life is useful not only to remember past problems, but also to think about your purpose.

Death is still stronger than life, but under the pressure of scientific developments its defenses are weakening. And who knows, the time may come when death will open the way for us to another - eternal life.

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death.

They discovered that consciousness can continue after death.

Read also:Scientists: consciousness remains after death

Although there is a lot of skepticism surrounding this topic, there are testimonies from people who have had this experience that will make you think about it.

Although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

Is there life after death?

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Parnia, a professor who has studied near-death experiences and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.

Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.

According to the visions conscious awareness lasted up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart stops.

2. Out-of-body experience

You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.

She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.

Floating over your body she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say: " Her arteries are too small", and the song played in the background" Hotel California» by The Eagles.

The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.

Researcher Bruce Grayson(Bruce Grayson) believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number of those who met living people.

Moreover, there have been several cases where people have encountered a dead relative on the other side without knowing that the person had died.

Life after death: facts

4. Edge Reality

Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Stephen Loreys(Steven Laureys) does not believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.

However, he found that Memories of clinical death remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even overshadow the memories of real events.

5. Similarity

In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.

Of all the people surveyed, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12 % gave a classic example of a near-death experience. This means that between 28 and 41 people
unrelated to each other
from different hospitals recalled almost the same experience.

6. Personality changes

Dutch explorer Pim van Lommel(Pim van Lommel) studied the memories of people who experienced clinical death.

According to the results, many people have lost their fear of death, become happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

Life after death: evidence

7. First-hand memories

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his mind about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

8. Visions of the Blind

They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual image s during your experiences, be it a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or observing your body from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to the professor Robert Lanza(Robert Lanza) all possibilities in the universe happen at the same time. But when the “observer” decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world.

Incredible Facts

Scientists have evidence for the existence of life after death.

They found that consciousness can continue after death.

Although this topic is treated with great skepticism, there are testimonies from people who have experienced this experience that will make you think about it.

And although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

Is there life after death?

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Parnia, a professor of near-death experience and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.

Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.

According to the visions conscious awareness lasted up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart stops.

2. Out-of-body experience

You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.

She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.

Floating over your body she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say: Her arteries are too small"and the song was playing in the background" Hotel California"by The Eagles.

The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.

Researcher Bruce Grayson(Bruce Grayson) believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number of those who met living people.

Moreover, there have been several cases where people have encountered a dead relative on the other side without knowing that the person had died.

Life after death: facts

4. Edge Reality

Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Stephen Loreys(Steven Laureys) doesn't believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.

However, he found that Memories of clinical death remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even overshadow the memories of real events.

5. Similarity

In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.

Of all the people surveyed, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12 % gave a classic example of a near-death experience. This means that between 28 and 41 people, not related to each other, from different hospitals recalled almost the same experience.

6. Personality changes

Dutch explorer Pim van Lommel(Pim van Lommel) studied the memories of people who survived clinical death.

According to the results, many people have lost their fear of death, become happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

Life after death: evidence

7. First-hand memories

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his mind about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

8. Visions of the Blind

They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual image s during your experiences, be it a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or observing your body from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to the professor Robert Lanza(Robert Lanza) All possibilities in the universe happen at the same time. But when the "observer" decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world.



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