Why does a hamster fall out. Mechanical abrasion of wool

When a hamster appears in the apartment, the house is filled with joy. And if the animal suddenly falls ill, the household falls into despair. Diseases of hamsters can occur due to improper care, poor nutrition, or pathogens. It is important to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time and treat the animal. And so that the animal does not get sick in the future, take preventive measures.

Classification of diseases

Diseases of hamsters can be classified according to various indicators. For example, according to the place of occurrence of pain, they are gastrointestinal, skin, associated with the respiratory organs, injuries to the limbs, etc. There are also congenital (genetic) and acquired diseases. But most often the classification is based on the factor that causes the disease.

There are the following causes of hamster ailments:

  1. bacteria. Cause skin lesions, inflammation, gastrointestinal failures, eye diseases.
  2. Viruses. They provoke the development of tumors, pathologies of the nervous system.
  3. microscopic fungi. Affect the skin.
  4. Metabolic disease. The most striking example is diabetes mellitus.
  5. stress factors. They affect not only the emotional state of the animals, but also the skin, the condition of the coat.

When to sound the alarm?

Few owners notice changes in the condition of their pets in the early stages of the disease. But early diagnosis is the key to a speedy recovery of the animal. How do you know if your pet has a health problem? Of course, to conduct an external examination and watch the fluffy for a couple of days. You should:

  • assess the activity of the animal: if the homa suddenly becomes lethargic, he is clearly unwell;
  • watch your appetite. Healthy animals love to snack. If a pet refuses even his favorite treat, he is seriously ill;
  • check weight. An adult must weigh at least 90 g, for all other breeds, including Djungarian hamsters, the weight must not be less than 30 g;
  • examine the muzzle of a pet. The eyes should be shiny, without turbidity and secreted mucus. Nose - cool, no discharge. Check ears for peeling. Pay attention to the incisors: they should grow evenly;
  • make sure that there are no skin growths and tumors on the neck, in the armpits and on the abdomen;
  • inspect the ass and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair under the tail, they should not be wet and dirty;
  • the living space also needs to be examined: if the rodent is ill with an intestinal disorder, the feces will be liquid, and if it is cystitis or diabetes, you will understand it by smell.

If at least one sign is found, it is worth taking the furry to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Bacterial infections

Furries are most susceptible to bacterial diseases. They can be picked up from another animal, with stale food, or right in the cage if it is not removed for a long time. We will analyze their types, symptoms and treatment.

By the way, some diseases caused by bacteria can be transmitted to animals from humans and vice versa!


The reason is the multiplication in the intestines or respiratory tract of tuberculous bacilli, respectively, and the forms of the disease distinguish intestinal and pulmonary. Ways of entry of pathogenic microorganisms - airborne, less often with food.

The disease causes shortness of breath, a significant decrease in appetite, which leads to complete exhaustion of the body. With a pulmonary form, the animals have a cough, and with an intestinal form, severe diarrhea. At the last stage, the fluffy eyes become cloudy. Due to the fact that tuberculosis in rodents is incurable, it is more humane to take the homa for euthanasia.

To prevent a pet from picking up this infection, it is necessary to keep the cage clean, the dairy and meat products included in the hamster's diet should be cooked. You should also limit the contact of the animal with infected people and other rodents.


A dangerous infection caused by an increased content of Escherichia coli in the digestive tract. The disease is very contagious, therefore, when keeping hamsters together, tests will have to be taken from everyone, and everyone should be treated together.

This disease of hamsters is also called “wet tail”, as the main symptom is severe diarrhea. But at the initial stage, it is noted:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • restless behavior;
  • an attempt to curl up into a ball;
  • wet hair on the buttocks.

With severe diarrhea, the hamster's feces are more like urine. This explains why the hamster is wet but not dirty.

Having found these signs in your fluffy, consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat colibacillosis. Usually, veterinarians prescribe tetracycline drugs in the form of a water and food supplement or (in rare cases) chloramphenicol injections.

It is possible to cure the animal only in the early stages of the development of the disease. A preventive measure is to keep the animals in separate cages, clean them up more often.


A very unpleasant disease of Djungarian hamsters and Syrians. The urinary system suffers. At the same time, the hamster has pain in the lower abdomen, he experiences severe pain, burning sensation when urinating. The animal loses a lot of water, is constantly thirsty. This ailment appears after hypothermia of the body, which can provoke even a fan!

Cystitis is treated with antibiotics. The main thing is to make the correct diagnosis, because the disease can be confused with colibacillosis. Both of these sores can answer the question "why does the hamster have wet hair?".

Prevention. Make sure that the pet does not get cold, do not place the cage near the open window.


Respiratory tract infection caused by round bacteria - diplococci. Common symptoms are lethargy and weakness. The animal trembles finely, it flows from the nose. Sometimes the animal may stop paying attention to food.

It is treated with a special serum, which should be administered as early as possible, since diplococcosis can take the life of a pet in 2-3 days.


Acute intestinal pain. It is provoked by salmonella sticks. In addition to general lethargy and a desire to hide in a dark corner, frothy diarrhea, lettuce-colored discharge, possibly with blood, are observed. Often the animal's tummy swells, the temperature jumps from very low to abnormally high.

Salmonellosis can kill the animal in 2 days, so emergency diagnosis and treatment are necessary!


It develops due to increased activity of pneumococci against the background of a general weakening of the immune system. It usually occurs after severe hypothermia and due to a lack of vitamins in the body of a rodent.

With this disease, hamsters are characterized by symptoms:

  • lethargy, inactivity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • wheezing and coughing;
  • mucous discharge from the nose.

Pneumonia is often accompanied by eye sores. The most common is conjunctivitis.

The disease is not dangerous: with a course of taking vitamins and antibiotics, the animal recovers completely in a week.


Eye disease. Symptoms are expressed in heaviness and sensation of glued eyelids. The most common cause is a cold, but some bacteria can also cause it. It is necessary to rinse the pet's eyes with salted water and use the drops prescribed by the veterinarian.

There are a great many diseases, and not a single article is enough to describe them all. Yes, this is not necessary. The main thing is to notice the symptoms in time that something has happened to your pet. And then, if possible, immediately go to the veterinary clinic. The doctor is the best person to help your pet. After all, there you will be given the necessary tests, they will accurately diagnose, and prescribe effective pills.


A disease characteristic of females. At its core, it is an inflammation of the uterus and appendages caused by streptococci. The disease occurs with frequent sexual intercourse and childbirth. The only chance to save the pet is to take it to the operation.

Inflammation of the mouth

Usually starts on the inside of the cheeks. In the wounds from hard food, a variety of bacteria develop, causing an inflammatory process. A hamster may have swelling on its muzzle.

This sore is very unpleasant, but not dangerous. The doctor carefully twists the cheeks of the pet, removes the remains of rotting food from the wounds and treats with bactericidal ointments and solutions. After two days, the homa will no longer feel discomfort. The main thing is not to feed the animal for the first 12 hours after cleaning.

And as a preventive measure, make sure that the animal's food meets the requirements: it is not too hard, does not contain sharp notches.

The listed bacterial infections haunt rodents more often than others. Homa can also pick up tularemia and listeriosis, but they are much less common.

Viral diseases

Hamsters, like many other mammals, are susceptible to viral attacks. It is harder for tiny creatures to fight viruses, because their immunity is extremely fragile.

Common viral diseases are:

  1. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Can be transmitted from a sick hamster to cubs. It is expressed in the weakness of the body, a sharp weight loss. Choriomeningitis is treatable in the early stages, and it is necessary to treat the animal, because its disease can be transmitted to the owners!
  2. False rabies (Aueszky's disease). The nervous system suffers. The behavior of a sick animal is characterized by increased restlessness, it twitches and tries to scratch all the time. In order for the pet to recover, he is injected with a special serum. In advanced cases, paralysis and death occur.
  3. Respiratory infections. Few people know that hamsters can get ARI, but it is. Viruses actively attack the weak fluffy body, as a result, the homa may die. There are no specific antiviral drugs for hamsters, so you should take care of their immunity by giving a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and herbs. If the pet has a cold, he must cope with the disease himself, without medication.
  4. Tumors. There are types of viruses that can provoke the development of neoplasms. It is impossible to cure such ailments.

Viral infections are difficult to fight, so prevention is important. You should think over the diet of rodents, give them food containing vitamins.

Fungal lesions

What do hamsters get sick with, what mycoses?

  1. Dermatophytosis. The skin peels off, ulcers appear, and the fur begins to come out. It is necessary to treat dermatophytosis with the help of special solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin), ointments or shampoos, which the veterinarian must prescribe.
  2. Lichen. In areas that have lost hair, fresh wounds and drying crusts are visible. The disease is contagious, so do not keep a healthy hamster in the same cage as a sick one. A sore is diagnosed with a scraping, and treated with special creams and ointments. If the hamster has no wounds and peeling on the skin, and the hair has fallen out, then this is not lichen, but beriberi.

Metabolic disorders

Do you know what hamsters get sick besides viral, fungal and cold infections? Some individuals have metabolic disorders. Sometimes they have a hereditary character, but sometimes the person is also to blame, as in the case of diabetes in Dzhungaria.


Interestingly, the symptoms of diabetes in hamsters are the same as in humans:

  • irrepressible thirst and increased appetite;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight (quickly losing weight or getting fat);
  • physiological fluids smell like acetone (urine, saliva);
  • increased interest in the wheel: the animal is able to spin it longer than usual without stopping.

Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed with the help of a laboratory blood test - the glucose content is checked. After the diagnosis is established, drug treatment and a diet with a high protein content and a small amount of “fast” carbohydrates are prescribed.


Vascular diseases that occur in old age can also be attributed to metabolic ailments. Stroke in hamsters is often caused by the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the head (that is, lipid metabolism is impaired). When the plaque completely closes the lumen of the vessel, blood accumulates, and the walls of the vein or artery stretch under its pressure. But they cannot stretch forever, the vessel bursts and a hemorrhage occurs.

stone disease

Stone disease is a very dangerous condition for hamsters. It occurs when salt metabolism is disturbed, as a result, sand gradually accumulates in the kidneys, bladder and bile ducts, connecting into pebbles. When the stone moves from its place, it causes hellish pain, the hamster screams heart-rendingly. Also, with this disease, the hamster's tail is tucked up, the animal rarely pees, there is blood in the urine. In small rodents, the disease is not treated.


In nature, hamsters are in a state of perpetual motion. And at home they are often deprived of many active activities. There is a particularly great risk of decreased activity due to obesity, which can lead to even more dire consequences. After all, obesity is the first way to cardiovascular diseases, muscle atrophy. To avoid a problem, carefully monitor your pet's diet and make sure that there are enough "horizontal bars" in his cage for exercise: a running wheel, ladders, free space, tunnels. Let the animal go free range more often, the main thing is to carefully monitor that it does not run anywhere and does not get hurt.

Obesity, like urolithiasis, is characteristic of mature hamsters. It occurs infrequently in active Djungarians (if it does not accompany diabetes), Syrian hamsters have a greater predisposition.

The photo shows an obese hamster.

Polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries is a hormonal disorder in hamsters. The main cause of hormonal disruptions are frequent childbirth. At the same time, the hamster becomes lethargic, irritable, and her tummy swells a little, bowel movements are irregular. You can cure the female, but you can’t do without surgery.

Hormonal changes, coupled with malnutrition, can cause hemorrhoids in a hamster. This is a painful condition in which it is painful for the animal to defecate; in a hamster, blood can be seen on the fur under the tail.

Diseases caused by stress

Puppies are stressed by many factors. Among them are harsh sounds, harassment from the cat, poor care, poor nutrition, inattention or obsession of the owners. All this disturbs the peace of mind of the hamster, causing serious illnesses. Their treatment should first of all be directed to the elimination of stress factors, and then to the elimination of symptoms.

What causes stressed hamsters?

  1. Eczema. The skin becomes sensitive in autumn, it flakes off, wounds and sores appear, the coat seems to fade before our eyes, it becomes dry and stiff.
  2. Baldness. Wool falls out in large tufts. A particular area may become bald, or there may be islands of skin devoid of hair. Most often occurs due to the lack of the required amount of vitamins and minerals. However, it can also be caused by simply experienced severe stress. Therefore, at the first suspicions, make sure that your pet is comfortable and has the right diet. Outwardly, the problem is similar to lichen, but the skin is smooth and does not have any defects. At first, the two ailments are absolutely identical, therefore, at the first sign, run to the doctor and find out the root cause. In this situation, one cannot rely on chance or folk methods, it is better to pass the necessary tests and get an accurate diagnosis. After all, both diseases are dangerous for the animal.
  3. Paralysis and heart attack. A strong sudden fright may well cause cardiac arrest, partial or complete paralysis of the fluffy.

Many do not know what to do to make the hamster stop hurting. First of all, you should think: what does your pet not like? Why is he uncomfortable? We offer advice on this issue:

  • do not shout at the pet and do not hit him under any circumstances;
  • do not let other pets near the cage;
  • do taming only a few days after acquiring fluffy;
  • do not force the animal to play or eat by force;
  • watch your hamster's diet;
  • put the cage in places where there are no drafts;
  • remove noisy appliances from the cage;
  • clean your hamster house more often.

As you can see, most hamster diseases are the result of unsanitary conditions, improper care and feeding. It is in your power to make the life of a funny animal interesting and comfortable, and this will increase its chances for a long and happy life without diseases.


Sometimes a skin disease that appears out of nowhere, most often affecting the paw pads. It is easy to treat them: just smear the damaged area with a preparation that includes zinc ointment or fish oil. This will be easier to do if you first lay the hamster on its back or sideways. Treatment is lengthy and can take up to 2-3 months. The main thing here is to wait until the skin is fully restored.

dental problems

Like any other rodent, hamsters have front teeth in a state of perpetual growth. However, too fast a pace can cause pain and inconvenience to the animal, because he does not have time to grind them down. Sometimes a misaligned bite leads to pain in the mouth. Such defects are common and often inherited. It can be seen in the increased secretion of saliva and the rejection of even your favorite treats. It is best to take your pet to the veterinarian, as only he can determine the exact cause and prescribe an effective treatment.

Inflammation of the "sacs"

The cheek pouch on the inside can be easily damaged by a sharp object. Since the hamster uses it all the time, pieces of food will fall into the wound, which will further aggravate the situation. If in doubt, take your baby to the vet. He examines the animal, turning the bags out. In no case do not try to do it yourself: there is a great risk of harming your pet even more. Such wounds are cleaned with conventional bactericidal agents, but first it is necessary to get food remnants out of them with special tweezers.


A disease familiar to all of us, which is easily transmitted from one living being to another. As a rule, it does not have pronounced symptoms and goes away on its own in 6-9 days. Treatment is not required, but it is better to separate infected animals from the rest of the flock for a while.

When a charming fluffy pet begins to lose hair, the natural desire of the owner is to quickly understand why the hamster is going bald. There are so many possible causes that it is better to consult a ratologist before starting treatment.

Inexperienced owners believe that allergies are one of the most common reasons why hamsters go bald. For a long time, changing feed and filler, they lose time, and demodicosis takes a generalized form. it happens, but it is more often manifested by rhinitis and than by skin problems.

Treatment: Otodectin (0.1% ivermectin) subcutaneously at intervals of 7-14 days, 2-4 injections, up to 6 times if the problem is advanced. The dose is 0.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The Syrian hamster weighs about 150 g, 0.03 ml of otodectin is made for such an animal. Dzhungarik weighs about 50 g, its dose is 0.01 ml.


For fungal diseases of the skin, peeling of the skin, chronic course and itching are characteristic. The hamster, as with demodicosis, grows bald and itches, but hairless areas of the correct rounded shape are limited. The skin is not completely naked, covered with a crust, and the hair seems to be broken off at the root. Lichen is treated for a long time, with the help of antifungal ointments and sprays. Fortunately, it rarely occurs.

Secondary alopecia


In the event of a limited purulent inflammation, the skin in this area becomes thinner and the hair falls out. Baldness is accompanied by a change in skin color, the focus fluctuates when palpated. An abscess in a hamster opens spontaneously or in a veterinary clinic.

In addition to surgical treatment, a course of antibiotics and daily washing of the wound with an antiseptic is required. Assign "Baytril 2.5%" 0.4 ml per 1 kg of body weight (0.06-0.1 ml for Syrians and 0.02 ml for dwarfs). Subcutaneous injections, 1 time per day, 7 days.

Wool grows back after the cessation of purulent inflammation.

Urinary irritation

If the hamster's hind legs and tummy are bald, this indicates constant skin contact with urine. Infrequent bed changes and a small cage will cause this phenomenon, but if the pet is kept properly, hair loss on the pelvic limbs is a sign that the hamster is drinking and pissing a lot. Polyuria- a symptom of various diseases:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney failure;

Mechanical abrasion of wool

Under inappropriate conditions, thick fur may fall out due to constant mechanical stress. This is how the hair is wiped off on the paws and tummy, but most often on the head, if the hamster has a bad habit of gnawing the bars of the cage. The bald spot on the nose will not grow until the pet stops sticking its muzzle through the bars.

If it is not possible to relocate a rodent from a lattice cage to a terrarium, you need to offer him another object for grinding down constantly growing incisors. Twigs, treats for hamsters in the form of hard sticks, mineral stone. You should not humanize the animal, believing that he is in order to break free.

Hormonal alopecia

Sometimes, to understand why the hamster is bald, the animal needs an ultrasound. This is not possible in every clinic. An experienced ratologist may suggest failures of the hormonal system if baldness is observed in the female, and the bald spots on the back are symmetrical. Hamsters have:

  • Polycystic and;
  • Endometritis, pyometra (inflammation of the uterus).

The female can also go bald during pregnancy. The belly of a nursing hamster becomes completely naked during lactation.


Bald spots can be a sign of a natural process for hamsters -. Baldness usually affects the abdomen and inner thighs, but sometimes the hair falls out on the back.

Old age


You can not say in absentia what to do if the hamster is going bald. To find out the cause, in most cases, it is necessary to examine the animal by a specialist and conduct special studies. If the hamster began to shed its hair, then the task of the owner before the appointment of the ratologist is to provide the pet with optimal conditions of detention.

Causes of hair loss in hamsters

5 (100%) 9 votes


Fleas in Hamsters: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Causes of itching in hamsters
Paw fractures: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Common diseases of Djungarian hamsters

And other types get sick. That's just, caring owners immediately notice that something is wrong with their pet. And, the inattentive will ignore the problem and start the situation. In order for you to safely classify yourself as a caring rodent owner, we suggest that you consider today the situation of why a hamster is going bald. From what it can happen to a rodent, and how to help him in this case?

Hair loss in a hamster

Internal health problems in living organisms inevitably affect their appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising that when your hamster has health problems, the condition of the coat may change, in the eye area, on the abdomen, in the areas of the pelvic limbs, the pet’s hair may thin out, or even completely fall out. At the same time, it cannot be said that the skin in these areas must be inflamed and irritated, it does not have to be reddened, and the hamster may not feel discomfort about his baldness, and will not try to comb these skin areas at all (find out ). But, let the rodent's calm attitude to its problem not mislead you. Something happened in the pet's body, and this "something" triggered the mechanism of hair loss. And, if you do not take the necessary measures, then the rodent can not only completely lose its hair, but also die.

Causes of baldness in a hamster

So, what could have led to the fact that the hamster suddenly began to go bald in places and the density of his coat changed? Without conducting special examinations in the conditions of a veterinary clinic, passing the necessary ones, not a single experienced veterinarian can answer this question. So, refrain from a correspondence consultation, but hurry to show your pet to a veterinarian, only then will he be able to establish the cause, make a diagnosis and prescribe a suitable course of treatment.

Trying to independently establish the cause, without conducting tests (which ones - we will tell a little below - is useless). You can make a mistake, and then an incorrectly chosen course of treatment can not only not bring results, but also aggravate the situation and worsen the health of your already balding hamster.

Diagnosis of the causes of hair loss in a hamster

As we have already said, no good veterinarian will undertake to diagnose a rodent in absentia. You will need to bring the hamster to a veterinary clinic, where specialists will examine its skin under a special lamp and take a skin scraping. You may need to take a blood test.

Only after the results of all tests and examinations are ready, you will answer the veterinarian's questions about what you feed your pet, how you care for him, and where he lives - it will be possible to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Balding Hamster Treatment

Depending on the reason that led to the fact that the hamster is going bald, treatment will be prescribed. If your baldness is due to an unhealthy diet, your veterinarian will recommend that you change the formula you feed your rodent to temporarily switch to a green diet supplemented with a variety of foods (acceptable for a hamster menu). As practice shows, within 1 month, the hair on the bald areas of the skin will begin to grow, and soon there will be no trace of baldness.

When there are no reasons (from a veterinary point of view) for baldness, then most likely the situation is related to the stress experienced by the rodent - in this case, you need to provide comfortable living conditions for the hamster and stop being too intrusive, not bother him with your attention and give the baby recover.

If it is a fungal infection or lichen, here you will need to purchase special antifungal ointments at a veterinary pharmacy, and smear them on balding skin areas ...

Sometimes, allergies can also be the cause of baldness in a hamster. Finding pathogens is not so easy, therefore, start with .... Most often, it is he who becomes the source of infection and leads to the development of an allergic reaction. Get rid of sawdust or wood litter, and replace it with paper napkins (not newspapers or magazines!). After that, it will be possible to remove all porous objects with porous surfaces from the cage - pebbles, twigs and replace them with new ones. Also, it will be necessary to disinfect the cage and all its accessories - wheels, feeders, houses ... However, for disinfection, you must use a special agent that you will purchase at a veterinary pharmacy, and not ordinary bleach. So you will only destroy the pet.

If even after such your measures, the hamster's baldness has not gone away, but has intensified even more - most likely, the rodent is allergic to some component from its diet. Exclude fresh fruits and vegetables from the hamster's menu for a while, temporarily transfer the hamster to dry high-quality food and clean water for drinking.

If several hamsters live in a cage, it is better to isolate the one that is going bald for a while. This is necessary so that he does not infect others if the baldness is infectious or fungal in nature, and in order to exclude the possibility of baldness due to stress due to the fact that your hamster did not get along with his neighbors. It seems to us, the owners, that hamsters must be friends, but in nature, as in life, there are likes and dislikes, and rodents may not find a common language and cannot stand each other.

And finally, if your hamster is more than 2 years old, this is already a decent age for him, and it is not surprising that some irreversible processes associated with aging can begin in his body. Baldness is one of the symptoms of this process. So, you definitely cannot help restore the coat and stop the process of baldness in an aging hamster. The only thing in your power is to provide him with comfortable living conditions, the right diet.

Every owner of a hamster, whose pet has lived for more than a year, at least once wondered why the hamster's hair falls out. This is not always a sign of pathology - hair loss can be a sign of molting - a natural process for animals.

To understand whether to contact the veterinarian, the pet is carefully examined and observed for behavior. In the absence of a rush to the clinic, there is no need. A veterinarian, having ruled out the most common causes of skin problems in rodents, can only guess why a hamster sheds. It is useful for the owner to know for himself about the conditions that provoke hair loss.

Increased hair loss is not always accompanied. Signs of molting are shreds of fur in a cage, hairs on the palm, after the animal has sat on its hands, or it has been stroked.

Shedding in hamsters

Shedding is a complete or partial change of coat. It can be age and seasonal. In the first case, in young animals, the soft “childish” fur coat is replaced by denser and coarser adult hair. In hamsters, it most often goes unnoticed, at the age of about 4 months.

Seasonal molting is associated with the seasons. Usually, animals have an autumn and spring molt. For those who sleep in winter, molting takes place in summer. There is no single answer to the question - do hamsters shed. Yes, the fur is updated, but in healthy animals this happens unnoticed by the owners. The molting process largely depends on genetics and conditions of detention. The Syrian hamster must renew its hair without bald spots. Areas of baldness are difficult to notice if the animal is densely covered with hair. And Dzungarian during molting become spotty.

If a hamster has hair falling out on its back, but it does not itch, is active and eats well, it is possible that it is shedding.

There is a visual shedding test: blow on the coat and inspect the hair. Dzungarians have 3 coat colors: black tips, a light middle part and a gray base. If the animal grows new fur, up to 6 new, intermediate colors will appear.

Bare patches can appear on any part of the body, but the belly and hind legs are more common.

Some Djungarian hamsters change color for the winter, turning white or gray in January. In February, in such animals, the reverse change of wool begins. Such a molt is laid down by genetics, depends on the length of daylight hours and air temperature.

Video: how a hamster molts

Causes of pathological hair loss


If a hamster eats only dry food, cereals for a long time, the animal may have beriberi. It is not known what lack of substances causes baldness, so the treatment comes down to. With beriberi, the hamster's skin is flaky and the coat is peeling off, but there are no signs of inflammation. The body of the animals is covered with thick dense fur, so the first thing the owner notices is that the ears are peeling.

You should give the animal greens, vegetables and fruits in addition to dry food, and occasionally offer or. There are liquid vitamins for rodents that are given with food or drinking water, such as 8 in 1 Hamster & GerbilVitaSol.


In a stressful situation, hamsters use their scent glands heavily and may begin to shed their hair. Moving, annoying attention, systematic, loud sounds of the TV - the owners of the rodent do not even think about how much discomfort these factors can bring to the pet.

If a dzungarian's hair falls out, as a first aid, you need to reconsider, and then eliminate irritants. A hamster that is running wild, or just recently in the house, does not need to be picked up for a while.

reproductive functions

Lactating females lose belly hair. The fur grows back after weaning the young. Also, females can shed intensively during.

For hamsters that are kept alone, other problems are relevant. With polycystic ovaries and endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), there may be hormonal alopecia. Symmetrical bald spots are formed on the sides, itching is absent.

Gastrointestinal disorder

If the hamster had, regardless of the cause of the disorder, the fur of the animal for some time will not be as thick and shiny as before. Nutrients are not absorbed, the body weakens. Possible poisoning with poor-quality food, nitrates from succulent feed. With intoxication, one of the symptoms is hair loss.

Dental problems

In case of violation of grinding, with a fracture of the incisors, the leading symptoms will be: the inability to eat normally and constant salivation. The hair on the neck is always wet, and soon begins to fall out.

Old age

Almost all pathologies of the internal organs in one way or another affect the condition of the coat. It is impossible to diagnose kidney or liver failure in a tiny rodent: it is difficult to obtain enough blood for analysis. Tumor processes are possible, but the Djungarian hamster is too small for ultrasound diagnostics. One can only guess what organs and systems are junk in an elderly animal, but after 1.5-2 years, continuous molting in hamsters is a common thing.


If a pet's coat has peeled off in the spring, this does not always mean that he needs treatment. Diagnosis requires a consultation with a veterinarian. A ratologist or an experienced hamster breeder will tell you what to do if, during a molt, the hair falls out faster than a new one grows. Often use the drug "Tsamaks" for decorative rodents (90% zeolite, 10% sulfur) or ordinary fodder sulfur (0.01 g), which accelerates hair growth and improves skin condition. It is useful to introduce flax or sesame seeds, rich in fatty acids, into the diet.

Video: what to do if a hamster goes bald behind the ears

Hair loss: natural and pathological molting in hamsters

5 (100%) 1 vote


Why Hamsters Bite and How to Avoid It
Why do hamsters chew on the cage?


Hamsters are very cute and funny creatures that many have as pets. But, like any other animals, hamsters, regardless of breed, get sick, so owners should be aware of the symptoms of diseases, signs of general malaise, in order to help a small pet as soon as possible and start treatment. Consider what causes Djungarian, Syrian hamsters to get sick, tell you what to do and how to treat a sick rodent.

Predisposing factors that can cause disease in hamsters include:

  • low-quality, nutrient-poor diet;
  • poor conditions of detention (cramped, dirty cage);
  • unsuitable indoor climate;
  • frequent stress, fear, emotional overstrain;
  • improper pet care.

Important! An improperly equipped cage can lead to injury to a small pet, provoke dislocations, sprains, and torn ligaments. When two or more hamsters are kept in one cage, rodents in the struggle for territory will arrange real hamster fights. Moreover, often such battles can cause the death of babies or weaker individuals.

Common diseases of Djungarian and Syrian hamsters:

  • obesity, diabetes;
  • inflammation of the cheek pouch;
  • abscesses on the paws;
  • mechanical injuries (dislocations, fractures, sprains);
  • ophthalmic diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory diseases of various etiopathogenesis;
  • viral-bacteriological, parasitic diseases;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • dermatitis, dermatoses, mycoses;
  • colibacillosis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • tularemia;
  • false rabies (Aueszky's disease);
  • lymphocytic choriomeningitis;
  • dental diseases.

If you buy hamsters in pet stores, from trusted breeders, create optimal conditions for your pet, do not neglect the rules of hygiene, many diseases that hamsters suffer from can be avoided.

Disease symptoms

How do you know if a hamster is sick? This question interests many breeders of small pets. A healthy hamster has a beautiful shiny coat, leads an active lifestyle, especially at night, shows interest in the world around him. The animal eats food with appetite, makes stocks, and is engaged in arranging its home. The jungarik, the Syrian, has clear, clean eyes, an expressive look.

Important! You can understand that a rodent is sick not only by external signs, but also by the changed behavior of the hamster.

The main symptoms of diseases:

  • decreased activity, lethargy, apathy;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat (wet coat);
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance on the body of scratching, bald patches, wounds, ulcers;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • increased thirst;
  • allergies, skin rash;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • frequent urination;
  • pallor, cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • stuck together eyelids;
  • the presence of blood in the urine, clots;
  • respiratory failure, heart rhythm;
  • accumulation of sulfur, dirt in the ears;
  • yellowness, peeling of the skin;
  • prolapse of cheek pouches;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • abscesses on the body.

In case of injuries, sprains, the hamster limps, sits permanently in the house or hides in the corner of the cage. The rodent is losing weight a lot, or vice versa, is getting better, gaining weight too quickly.

Advice! Take a good look at your pet's home. If the hamster suffers from indigestion, is sick with cystitis, endocrine pathologies - an unpleasant specific smell appears, the feces will be liquid, the space is filled with excrement.

If the hamster has lost weight, refuses to eat his favorite treats, his eyes are watering, his eyelids are swollen, the pet has become inactive, shows aggression, breathes often, or other symptoms uncharacteristic of a healthy animal are noticeable, you should not leave the problem unattended.

If a jungarik or a Syrian hamster is sick, do not self-medicate. Finding that the rodent is sick, take him to the veterinary clinic or call the veterinarian at home. The choice of treatment methods depends on the root cause that provoked the sore.

Bacterial and viral diseases of the hamster

Hamsters are very susceptible to diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, bacteria. Infection is possible by contact, aerogenic, alimentary, by eating poor-quality feed. Some diseases of bacterial etiology can be transmitted to hamsters from humans and other pets.

Other symptoms of colibacillosis include:

  • decrease, lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • restless behavior;
  • oppression, lethargy, apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • the presence of wet hair near the anus.

Hamster feces with diarrhea have a watery consistency. The hamster constantly twists into a ball, hides in secluded places in the cage, looks untidy.

The disease is characterized by an aggressive course, it spreads very quickly, therefore, when several animals are kept in a cage together, it is necessary to immediately transfer the sick pet to another dwelling. The disease can be cured only in the early stages of development.


Respiratory tract infection caused by round microscopic bacteria - diplococci. The main symptoms are lethargy, apathy, decreased activity, discharge from the nose, eyes. With a strong infection, the dzhungarik refuses food, treats.

The disease requires immediate treatment using special sera. If you do not start therapy, the death of the pet occurs on the second or third day.


The disease is provoked by pathogenic rod-shaped microorganisms - salmonella. With this infection in hamsters, frothy diarrhea, weakness, apathy, and pallor of the mucous membranes are noted. A sick hamster refuses to eat, hides in a dark corner, sits motionless, showing no interest in the world around him. The rodent has an enlarged tummy. In the stool, you can notice bloody clots, threads, particles of undigested food, mucus.

Viral pneumonia

The disease develops against the background of a weakening of resistance, a weakening of the immune potential. Prolonged hypothermia, chronic otitis, hypo-, beriberi can also cause the development of viral pneumonia in animals.

The disease is manifested by abundant mucous, mucopurulent discharge from the eyes, nose, refusal to feed, coughing fits, shortness of breath. The hamster has a wet muzzle, hoarse rapid breathing, pale mucous membranes. If he shakes his head, ear, sulfur has accumulated in the auricles, there are crusts and an unpleasant smell comes out, most likely the animal is sick with otitis media, which was caused by a respiratory illness.

Pneumonia develops against the background of ophthalmic diseases or can provoke eye and ear diseases. With timely therapy, the hamster fully recovers in a week.

Aujeszky's disease

Pseudo-rabies is a deadly viral disease. The disease is manifested by severe nervous disorders. The hamster becomes restless, may show aggression. Attacks of excitement are replaced by complete apathy. A sick pet has impaired coordination of movements. Muscle spasms, convulsions are noted. Death occurs due to paralysis, severe exhaustion. Treatment is carried out with special sera.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

One of the viral infections that poses a danger to humans. May be latent (asymptomatic). The main signs are sudden weight loss, decreased activity, refusal to feed, frequent defecation, urination. Most often, the virus is transmitted from hamsters to newborn hamsters. In pregnant females, the disease provokes spontaneous miscarriages.

The infection is incurable, so if a pet is infected, it will unfortunately need to be euthanized.

Diseases of the mouth and teeth

Hamsters, like any rodent, grow incisors throughout their lives, so owners should pay special attention to oral hygiene and the teeth of animals. If the pet does not grind down the teeth, this will lead to injury, damage to the oral mucosa, the development of acute inflammation, the formation of abscesses, abscesses.

Pathologies, diseases of the teeth in Dzungarians, Syrians are manifested by reddening of the mucous membranes, hypersalivation, decreased appetite, weight loss, abnormal growth, deformation of the incisors, inflammation of the cheek pouches.

Inflammation of the cheek pouches is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. It is characterized by inflammation, prolapse (prolapse), the appearance of pathological formations. The disease develops due to injury to the oral mucosa. With this pathology, the animals behave restlessly, rub their cheeks and muzzle with their paws. Appetite decreases. Saliva flows from the mouth. As a rule, the pathological process affects the inner surface of the cheeks.

To relieve inflammation, you need to rinse the pet's oral cavity with an antiseptic solution, a decoction of chamomile. To normalize digestion, give the hamster probiotics, enzymes.

With neoplasms, surgical treatment, general strengthening, symptomatic drugs are prescribed.

If the hamster has inflamed cheek pouches, the treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian. The specialist will gently turn the cheeks, clean them of food debris. Inflammation will be removed by bactericidal drugs, antiseptics, medicines for local and general treatment. After therapy, the hamster must be kept on a starvation diet for 12-14 hours.

Tumors (malignant, benign), pathological growths on the body, paws. tinnitus is a fairly commonly diagnosed pathology in rodents, which can develop for a variety of reasons. Bumps can appear due to injuries, severe bruises, falls from a height. To begin treatment, you need to establish a diagnosis, so show your pet to a veterinarian.

For benign, malignant tumors, surgical treatment will be prescribed. If the cancer is localized in a hard-to-reach area (oral cavity), the tumor has metastasized, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the hamster, since no treatment method will give the proper result.

Eye diseases and their treatment

Small animals often suffer from ophthalmic ailments. In hamsters, allergic, serous, purulent conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, and uveitis are noted. With these diseases, blepharospasm, lacrimation, swelling, swelling, and adhesion of the eyelids are observed.

Treatment should begin immediately, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Do not forget that eye diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in visual function, but also cause complete, partial blindness.

In therapeutic therapy, the choice of methods depends on the stage, nature of the disease, and the root cause. Solutions for washing the eye, ophthalmic drops can be prescribed.

Endocrine pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases

Endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, malfunctions of the digestive tract in most cases provoke improper feeding of a small pet. Metabolic disorders can also be hereditary.

Among the most common endocrine pathologies in hamsters are:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • vascular diseases;
  • stone disease;
  • polycystic ovaries (in females).

Hormonal disruptions in females most often cause frequent childbirth, an unbalanced diet. Hamsters become lethargic or vice versa irritable. The pet's tummy swells, the frequency of bowel movements is disturbed. Treatment - operational.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (poisoning, enteritis, food allergies) develop due to a violation of the feeding regimen, if the hamster has a poor-quality, poor diet, or due to the effects of various toxins on the body. Diseases are accompanied by unstable stools, rumbling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, lethargy. How to cure a hamster and what to do if the digestive processes are disturbed, the veterinarian will tell you by establishing an accurate diagnosis and cause.

Other diseases of hamsters

Hamsters are prone to cardiovascular pathologies, which can be congenital or acquired. The Syrians, Dzungarians reveal problems in the excretory system (cystitis, pyelonephritis), nervous disorders (encephalitis), which develop against the background of severe stress, due to overheating. It is worth noting that a strong fright can provoke paralysis, cause cardiac arrest, which will lead to the death of the hamster.

In any case, if you notice that the Jungarik's behavior has changed, the pet has become lethargic, inactive, do not leave the problem unattended. Many diseases of hamsters can be cured in the early stages of development. Therefore, be sure to show your pet to the doctor or call the veterinarian at home. At the same time, remember that many diseases and pathologies that occur in hamsters are easier to prevent due to proper care and maintenance.



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