How long does postpartum discharge last after cesarean. Allocations after cesarean section: how long do they last, nature, norm

  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • Discharge after childbirth and caesarean section are similar in many ways. Many women mistakenly call them heavy postpartum periods. This definition is incorrect in principle, because the discharge after the operation has a completely different mechanism of occurrence. The question of why they occur after a caesarean section worries women not so often. But the question of when they will end is very burning. In this article, we will tell you how long the discharge after a surgical birth lasts and how to understand that complications have arisen.

    What are the allocations?

    It doesn't really matter which way a woman gave birth - both after physiological childbirth and after surgical ones, the so-called lochia (postpartum discharge) comes out of the genitals. They are a sign of the reverse development of the uterus, and this process is quite complex and lengthy.

    During pregnancy, the uterus grows and increases in size, this growth is quite intense. As a result, a small female reproductive organ, whose weight does not exceed 50-70 grams, increases by more than 500 times by the time the baby is born. Since the uterus is a muscular organ, its smooth muscles are stretched, due to which such an impressive increase occurs.

    After childbirth, it should shrink to its previous size. But it doesn't happen all at once. Both after childbirth and after cesarean in the first hours, the uterus remains large, but already has an elongated shape and strongly resembles a deflated ball. Contractions of the uterus contribute to the release of its internal contents, that is, lochia.

    The placenta, which performed nutritional and protective functions for the child, is separated from the wall of the uterus, to which it managed to grow tightly in nine months with a network of blood vessels. During childbirth, the “baby place” is born by itself, and during operative childbirth, the surgeon removes it after the child is taken out and the umbilical cord is cut off.

    In both cases, the vascular network, which has already become a link between the female body and the baby, is broken. Bleeding after childbirth is associated with this. With caesarean section, the situation is further complicated by the presence of a surgical incision on the wall of the uterus. An incision is a wound that bleeds extra.

    This is due to the amount and color of discharge after caesarean section. They differ from the usual postpartum. Lochia after cesarean is more abundant, they may contain more blood clots. From time to time, in the first few days, lochia will intensify, this is due to periods of active uterine contractions. The woman will be given contraction drugs, because without them, the scarred uterus will involute more slowly.

    The discharge in the maternity hospital is closely monitored by medical staff, since the nature of lochia can tell a lot about the doctor. At home, after discharge, the woman will have to observe the discharge on her own. This is very important so that you can pay attention to possible complications in time, if any.

    Normal duration

    In the first 8-10 hours after the operation, a woman must observe strict bed rest, after that it is imperative to get up, sit down, start walking so that lochia does not stagnate. Abundant bleeding usually lasts no more than five days. At the end of the first day, the edges of the wound on the uterus begin to stick together, fibrin threads help stop bleeding at the placenta attachment. Therefore, the very next day, blood clots appear in the discharge. He should not scare the new mother. They mean that hemostasis is normal, and the processes of blood clotting and rejection of blood clots continue to proceed correctly.

    When the uterus begins to contract, the discharge with clots increases. So that a woman does not feel acute pain, in the first three days she is given not only reducing drugs, but also painkillers. By the fifth day of excretion, the consistency and composition change. Now, pure bloody lochia is being replaced by discharge with an increased content of serous serum. On the pad, it may look like a mucous ichor.

    After a week, the discharge becomes even more mucous - the cervix begins to produce a large amount of cervical mucus, as the process of restoring the endometrium (the inner layer of the female reproductive organ) begins. Around the same time, women can detect brown blotches in the discharge, resembling small worms in their appearance. These are the tips of the surgical suture material, which did not enter the tissues of the uterus directly, and therefore, as the internal scar heals, they are rejected and brought out by the female body.

    4 weeks after the operation, the number of lochia is significantly reduced, some may experience a brownish spotting. Moderate in volume and uniform in consistency, yellowish discharge without a sharp and unpleasant odor is also considered normal. By the 8th week after the operation, the discharge becomes transparent, gradually they return to their normal state.

    It is believed that the normal period for the continuation of the discharge after cesarean section is 2 months, but shifts in terms of 2 weeks in one direction or another are acceptable.


    A cesarean section in itself is always associated with the risks of possible early or late complications, besides, it is a gross interference in the order of things established by nature, and therefore the burden on the female body in the recovery period is simply enormous. While in the maternity hospital, early complications usually become noticeable, which are manifested by profuse lochia, bleeding due to impaired hemostasis of the woman, due to injury to the vascular bundle during dissection, as well as an increase in temperature and a change in color and smell of discharge when the wound or cavity is infected. uterus.

    If the uterus does not contract well enough or does not contract, the bleeding is continuous and uniform, it does not increase or stop. Sometimes the discharge suddenly stops after a few days. Such situations require immediate medical attention, and it will certainly be provided to the puerperal. After being discharged home, the responsibility for controlling discharge falls entirely on the shoulders of the woman. What situations should you pay special attention to? For any that do not fit into the norm. Here are just a few reasons to see a doctor immediately:

    • spotting stopped, but after a few days it started again, they are quite plentiful;
    • 10-12 days after the operation, blood clots reappeared;
    • high body temperature has risen or subfebrile temperature lasts for several days;

    • there are very few discharges in the first days or they completely stopped 1-2 weeks after surgery;
    • a substance of green, gray, brown, black color with an unpleasant odor is separated from the vagina;
    • lochia has been going on for more than 10 weeks and does not end;
    • in the discharge, the woman notices flaky blotches, the discharge has become very thick, itching has appeared in the perineum;
    • there is severe pain in the abdomen;
    • bleeding or other discharges come not only from the genitals, but also from the area of ​​​​the outer seam on the abdomen.

    Pink mucous or watery discharge a couple of weeks after surgery and later may indicate difficult healing of the internal scar. This happens with an autoimmune rejection by the woman's body of the suture material used by surgeons, as well as with an early onset of sexual activity after surgery. Saturated yellow and green discharge at any time after surgery is a sign of an obvious infection, most likely purulent. They usually increase body temperature.

    Watery discharge, almost colorless and quite abundant, can be an outgoing transudate in violation of the blood supply to the uterus, and thick white discharge with flakes can also indicate an imbalance in the vaginal microflora and a thrush that manifests after surgery. In all these cases, a visit to a doctor is mandatory. Self-medication is unacceptable.

    Here are some important tips for women who have given birth.

    • In the hospital for the first three days, use only sterile hospital bed liners. No purchased pads, because they do not guarantee that pathogenic microflora will not enter the vagina.
    • When washing in the hospital and after discharge, water should not enter the vagina, as this increases the likelihood of infection. You also can't douche.
    • Pads for separation of lochia after caesarean section need to be changed more often than with normal menstruation. Liners in the maternity hospital - every three hours, sanitary pads at home - every 2-3 hours.

    • It is strictly forbidden to use tampons instead of pads.
    • You can live sexually only after the end of the discharge in the absence of other complications, that is, not earlier than 2 months after the operation.
    • It is forbidden to lift weights over 3-4 kilograms, squat, jump, fall. If such actions were nevertheless committed, and then the discharge increased or their nature changed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The period of childbirth is a great test for a woman's body, despite the joy, she experiences great stress. Regardless of whether it was a natural or artificial birth, in any case, the process of restoring the uterus must go through. During it, discharge from the genitals appears, due to their color, smell and volume, it is possible to determine the state of health of the woman in labor.

    The caesarean section procedure involves only the removal of the baby and the placenta, the internal mucous membrane of the body of the uterus is cleaned spontaneously with the help of lochia - secretions in the form of mucus with impurities of blood and particles of uterine tissue.

    After artificial childbirth, special attention should be paid to the discharge, since after the operation the likelihood of inflammation and infections increases. In the article, we will talk about how long the discharge after a cesarean section lasts, which discharges are considered the norm, and which ones signal deviations.

    In the first days after artificial childbirth, lochia with clots of thickened blood, bright red in color, are released, they stand out in fairly large quantities. The volume of secretions may increase during the application of the baby to the breast. Attaching the baby to the breast stimulates the production of oxytocin, which stimulates intense contraction of the uterus. This causes pain and increases the intensity of the discharge.

    Over time, after about a week, the amount of discharge decreases. They are thick in consistency and mostly smearing. They can last for 14 days, especially when the child is bottle-fed, because during the period of breastfeeding, the recovery processes of the uterus are much faster.

    After a while, the lochia should become a lighter color or transparent, in consistency they resemble mucous secretions. After two months, the discharge should become ordinary leucorrhea, such a development of discharge is considered the norm and indicates that the woman is healthy and the recovery processes have passed without deviations.

    anxiety symptoms

    If the recovery period passes without discharge from the genital organs, this is the reason for urgently seeking help from a specialist. The reasons for this may be:

    • convulsive contraction of the cervix;
    • deviation of the uterus relative to the cervix, as well as its deviation from the correct location in the pelvis;
    • rapid closure of the uterus.

    All of the above blocks the outflow of blood and contributes to its accumulation in the uterine cavity.

    Also, lochia can stand out for quite a long time, while there is no reduction in their abundance, containing blood. In addition, they can be with clots of green or yellow - this is a cause for concern. Such secretions may have an unpleasant smell, similar to the smell of rot.

    Accompanied by discharge elevated body temperature and rapid heartbeat. This may indicate the development of an inflammatory process of the internal mucous membrane of the body of the uterus - because of this, the inflammatory process of the incision may begin - or the presence of a foreign body in the body.

    Unfortunately, there are cases when, after surgery, foreign objects enter the body. It is necessary to limit physical activity, as this can cause the sutures to diverge, which will lead to profuse bleeding.

    There are cases when intense discharge stops abruptly, and reappears after a while. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to contact the doctor for an additional examination and a second ultrasound examination. There is a possibility that the placenta was not completely removed, and part remained in the uterus.

    The remaining particles of the placenta prevent the detachment of the mucous membrane of the uterus and cause the process of decay. This may be accompanied by purulent yellow discharge, increased body temperature, intense bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. In such cases, resort to the procedure for removing the upper layer of the uterine mucosa.

    Approximately 10 days after artificial birth, the discharge becomes lighter, in the form of stretching mucus, has a yellowish tint. It indicates the presence of a large number of white blood cells, which serves as a natural protective function of the body against infectious diseases.

    Quite often, thrush worries during recovery. The first signs of thrush are uncomfortable sensations of a painful tickling nature on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

    Sometimes the discharge can last for two months. They often turn to specialists with such a problem: spotting appeared a month and a half after childbirth. Such discharge is the usual for all women menstruation.

    When the baby is breastfed, the first menstruation after childbirth appears after six months, and sometimes more. If menstruation began after 4 weeks, then this may indicate a violation of uterine contraction.

    When discharges with blood impurities continue for two months, and there are no placental particles in the uterine cavity, this can lead to a catastrophic decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, which disrupts the function of transporting oxygen in the body.

    Insignificant discharge, which has a brown tint, replacing spotting, indicates the completion of the recovery period after cesarean section.

    The main causes of prolonged bleeding can be:

    • particles of the placenta remaining in the uterine cavity;
    • lumps of mucous membrane or blood.

    In some cases, all this remains in the uterine cavity and cannot come out, especially with poor contraction of the uterus or its narrow neck. Being in the uterine cavity, the process of decay begins, which causes heavy bleeding. In such cases, bleeding is accompanied by other symptoms:

    • low blood pressure;
    • tachycardia;
    • increased body temperature;
    • low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

    If the recovery process after childbirth was accompanied by secretions of lochia, which had an unpleasant odor, an unusual color and were with purulent impurities, then you should immediately contact a specialist. You need to be careful and monitor changes in discharge, any alarming deviations are a reason for urgent treatment to the hospital. To avoid complications during the recovery period, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene and all the doctor's advice.

    Hygiene after artificial childbirth

    The recovery period after a caesarean section is, like pregnancy itself, an unusual state for a woman's body. On average, after 6-8 weeks, the internal organs return to normal and become the same as they were before pregnancy. It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene in order to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

    After a caesarean section, the recovery period lasts a little longer, this is due to the fact that sutures were placed on the uterus during the surgical intervention. It takes longer for the uterus to contract because it contracts much more slowly. During the first week after caesarean section, it is necessary to treat with disinfectants.

    After processing the seams, glue the bandage. Basically, the stitches are removed on the sixth or seventh day after the caesarean section. And only after the stitches are removed, the woman in labor is discharged from the hospital and released home. At home, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

    When taking a shower, it is forbidden to press on the seam, and it is also forbidden to use washcloths and shower sponges, it is best to use intimate hygiene gel or baby soap. To avoid problems with scar healing, you must follow the simplest requirements:

    • do not lift heavy objects;
    • wash your hands regularly so as not to bring the infection into an unhealed wound;
    • it is forbidden to perform sudden movements and strain the muscles of the press;

    Some women notice brown discharge that begins to appear after childbirth. Undoubtedly, this scares new moms. This is especially true of those secretions that come out with blood clots. Allocations of this nature in medicine are called lochia. The clots are made up of endometrial particles that have died off, as well as plasma and placental cells. When should one be afraid of these secretions, and in what period are they considered normal, and in which not?

    Discharge after childbirth after 2 months: causes and solutions

    We note right away that with the discharge that appeared after the birth process, the uterus begins to make contractions in an enhanced form. How long this process will be depends on the individuality of each organism. After a woman has given birth, her body undergoes self-cleansing and at the same time it gets rid of the remnants of tissues and mucus. Those who have already passed this period know that it is with the contraction of the uterus that involution occurs and the stomach begins to decrease.

    The uterus should be cleansed for a period of not more than 2 months. Be sure to pay attention during the entire postpartum period to the nature and duration of the discharge. Remember that they can change their color. Initially, the discharge looks more like menstruation, but it can change its color to yellowish-white, while it should not have a characteristic smell.

    If the body recovers normally, then the discharge from the uterine area stops after 4 weeks. It is considered normal if by this time only smearing spots sometimes appear. Rarely, but it happens that the process is delayed for 6 weeks.

    If the process of uterine contraction is delayed, then you should take it to the clinic to see a doctor who, through ultrasound, will be able to identify the cause.

    The consequences can be different, there are 6 reasons for a prolonged discharge:

    • The presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus;
    • Formation of a fibrous node;
    • Uterine infantilism;
    • Poor blood clotting;
    • There was a bend of the organ;
    • The placenta did not come out completely.

    In the latter case, a complete gynecological diagnosis and cleaning of the uterus in the mode of stationary observation is required. The presence of a characteristic odor in the discharge can also be dangerous. This is a signal that the inflammatory process has begun. Since postpartum discharge is considered an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, if abnormalities are found, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

    Brown discharge after childbirth after 3 months

    As mentioned above, postpartum discharge is typical for a period of up to 6 weeks, but this is a rare case. If the discharge does not stop 12 weeks after the baby was born, then it may be menstruation or the formation of an inflammatory process. The nature of the discharge is very important, they can be dark or light beige, but if you see black discharge, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

    If you notice the discharge is white and mucus predominates in them, then this may be postpartum thrush. If there are few of them and they are mostly transparent, then you should not be afraid, these secretions are considered quite natural. A lingering discharge that has neither color nor smell in most cases means the period of ovulation.

    If a woman does not breastfeed, then after 3 months her menstrual cycle may normalize, and discharge will mean the arrival of critical days. Standard menstruation will be accompanied by all known symptoms, these are pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, as well as increased sensitivity of the chest.

    In the event that bleeding is accompanied by fever, severe malaise, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

    After 3 months, only those that do not bring discomfort, are colorless and odorless are considered the norm of discharge. In other situations, you need to go to the hospital and do an ultrasound to find out everything about the state of your body.

    What does brown discharge after childbirth testify after 1 month

    After 4 weeks of your baby being born, spotting will change to brown. This will indicate that fresh blood is not released, but only the remnant of the old comes out.

    Sometimes dark brown discharge may be accompanied by white or yellow mucus. This also indicates that the uterine cavity is returning to normal.

    Allocations should not give you discomfort, and their amount should be insignificant. The difference after 4 weeks will be noticeable.

    Before the lochia has finished exiting, the uterus will have reached its normal size, and the inside will be covered with a mucous membrane. It is considered normal if in a month you still have spotting, the most important thing is that there are not many of them and they are not accompanied by symptoms of the disease.

    Can there be brown discharge after cesarean section: normal or pathological

    There is no reason to panic a quick end, or vice versa, a long discharge, about 10 weeks. Yes, the deadline has already gone beyond, but it should be noted that each organism is special. If you do not observe an unpleasant odor or a large number of lochia, then there is no reason to think about deviations. Although it is better to consult with your gynecologist.

    Be careful, there is a special reason for joy if the discharge ended almost immediately after childbirth. Such a quick result often indicates the appearance of an inflammatory process that requires cleaning.

    It is imperative to consult a doctor if the terms are out of the norm. This is a period or less than 5 weeks or more than 11-12. Both the first and the second indicator are dangerous.

    In the first case, perhaps the endometrium for some reason could not come out and there is a chance of suppuration. In the second option, an inflammatory process or endometritis can begin.

    Why brown discharge occurs after childbirth (video)

    Now, after reading our article, you know how much the discharge goes and when a woman need not worry. Carefully follow the deadlines to know if the process dragged on, went too fast, or continues to go within the normal range. In any case, at the slightest premonition that something was wrong, it is better to consult a doctor, no matter how much you would like it, in order to undergo the necessary treatment if necessary.

    Unfortunately, not all women give birth naturally. Some, due to imperfect health or a large fetus, are prescribed a caesarean section (CS), the recovery from which takes much longer than with natural childbirth. Indeed, during this operation, the uterus is cut and then sutured, as a result of which a scar is formed on it, the healing of which does not occur quickly, because of this, the risks of complications in the postpartum period remain high for a long time. Therefore, women should be more attentive to their condition, paying special attention to vaginal discharge, since it is by their nature that one can judge the normal recovery of the body. The discharge after a caesarean section lasts longer than after a natural birth, and has certain features, which we will talk about now.

    What should be the discharge after the operation?

    Vaginal discharge that occurs after a caesarean section is called lochia in gynecology. Unlike ordinary menstrual bleeding, they are observed for 5-7 weeks and their character changes at certain time intervals.

    For the first few days, women experience heavy bleeding after a caesarean section. At the same time, mucus is observed in the bloody discharge, which is absent during natural delivery. The mucus that is secreted should be scarlet in color, when, after a normal birth, it is usually deep red.

    Bloody discharge must necessarily contain clots, which indicate the successful cleansing of the uterus from the residual elements of the placenta. But they can last only 8-10 days. After a week and a half, their number decreases, and the released secret acquires a uniform consistency.

    After a couple of weeks, the vaginal secret changes its character again - it becomes scarce and turns brown, which indicates a normal recovery of the uterus. During this period, it begins to contract less and the blood that is released from it has time to clot before it leaves the vagina.

    And speaking about the nature of the discharge after cesarean section, and how long they last, it should be noted that:

    • The first 3-4 days they are allocated in a large volume, but not more than 300 ml per day.
    • Over the next 4–10 days, their volume decreases and they become less bright.
    • 11-13 days after the operation, there is a light red discharge, and their number is further reduced.
    • On the 21-23rd day, the vaginal secret becomes darkish.
    • After 5-6 weeks, bloody discharge is replaced by brown daubs.

    But it should also be noted that in all women the body has its own individual characteristics and the process of its recovery after a cesarean section may slightly deviate from the established framework. In some new mothers, lochia stops after 3-4 weeks, while in others they can be observed for 6-7 weeks.

    How long does postoperative bleeding last?

    It is difficult to say exactly how long women have lochia after a cesarean section, because, as already mentioned, each organism is individual. As a rule, in new mothers who gave birth with the help of surgeons, lochia is observed much longer than in those who gave birth naturally. This is due to the presence of a suture on the uterus and complications that very often occur in the postoperative period.

    However, doctors have set a period in which bloody vaginal discharge should completely stop. And it lasts no more than 9 weeks. During this period of time, the uterus has time to almost completely recover and be cleansed of placental particles.

    The first week after delivery, the process of regeneration and cleansing is very intensive, resulting in an abundant discharge of blood from the vagina. Because of this, women have to change sanitary pads every 2-3 hours. However, it is not worth rejoicing that the lochia became less intense earlier, since in most cases a decrease in the volume of released blood after a cesarean section ahead of schedule indicates serious deviations and requires immediate medical intervention.

    But, due to individual characteristics, there are also cases when the uterus stops bleeding profusely already on the 3rd-4th day, while the newly-made mother does not show any deviations. However, this happens extremely rarely.

    Pathological discharge indicating the development of complications

    Sometimes uterine bleeding after artificial delivery may end earlier or later than the due date, as well as change its consistency, color and aroma, which is abnormal and indicates the development of postpartum complications that require immediate specific treatment.

    So, a week after the operation, some women have yellow or green discharge that has an unpleasant odor instead of the prescribed blood. This signals the infection of the uterus and the development of purulent processes in it. This condition is very dangerous, as it can lead to necrosis (tissue death), abscess or sepsis.

    As a rule, in addition to pathological discharge, during the development of a bacterial infection, other symptoms occur, among which are:

    • Weakness.
    • Heat.
    • Stomach ache.

    Important! Signs of infection of the uterus can be observed both after 2-5 days after surgery, and after 2-3 weeks. But regardless of this, in any case, a woman should be tested for bacteriological culture and undergo a course of antibiotic therapy, in which breastfeeding will need to be stopped for some time.

    A bacterial infection is dangerous not only with necrosis, abscess or sepsis, but also with its ability to quickly spread to nearby organs. And first of all, it affects the organs of the genitourinary system. And when this happens, the newly-made mother can experience not only yellowish vaginal discharge, but also staining of urine in a reddish color, as well as pulling pains in the lumbar region. When these symptoms appear, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, since a bacterial infection can easily disable the genitourinary system and provoke the development of purulent processes in it.

    If a woman notices the end of her menstrual bleeding earlier than a week after a cesarean section, and the appearance of orange-brown discharge, this is also not the norm. Since the cause of this is often the premature narrowing of the cervix, as a result of which it ceases to fully exit the uterine cavity and begins to accumulate in it. Against this background, the organ increases, which is manifested by pain syndrome that occurs in the lower abdomen and weakness. And if a bacterial infection joins the stagnation, then a sharp increase in temperature is observed.

    In cases where a woman should end up with heavy bleeding and start a brownish spotting, but this does not happen, this may indicate an incomplete cleansing of the uterus from placental elements or a divergence of the internal suture. It can diverge both because of the doctors who performed the operation poorly, and the woman herself, who very early began to lift heavy objects or have sexual intercourse.

    In cases where, after delivery, a woman has abundant bloody discharge, then they abruptly stop and they are replaced by dark brown or thick yellowish discharge, this indicates serious violations of the outflow of blood from the uterus. And the reason for this may be a thrombus (blood clot) or polyps formed after childbirth in the cervix, as well as stenosis.

    The salient features of these divisions are:

    • The appearance of a smell of rot.
    • Strong weakness.
    • Temperature.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen.

    In this case, the woman needs to urgently go to the doctor and undergo an examination in the clinic, and if necessary, be hospitalized, since repeated surgical intervention is required with the development of stenosis or the formation of a polyp in the cervix. There can be no talk of any home treatment.

    In those situations where the newly-made mother should run out of discharge from the genital tract, but this does not happen, she also needs to consult a doctor. After all, if the duration of uterine bleeding exceeds 9 weeks, then this may signal:

    • Serious hormonal disorders.
    • Divergence of the inner seam.
    • Uterine atony.
    • The development of other pathological processes requiring immediate treatment.

    It should be understood that postpartum complications can occur both a few days after CS and a month later. Therefore, a woman should be attentive to the nature of vaginal discharge until they completely disappear.

    Normally, women who have given birth artificially should have bloody, not too liquid discharge of a mucous consistency. If they become transparent, thick, viscous, brown or acquire a specific aroma, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor. Such symptoms always indicate the development of serious complications requiring immediate treatment.

    After childbirth, all placental elements should come out of the uterine cavity. If this does not happen, the organ begins to fester, resulting in an abscess, which can be fatal in a matter of hours. The same thing happens with the development of other complications, for example, congestion in the uterus or premature termination of its contraction.

    It must be understood that a caesarean section is a serious operation, after which recovery occurs for a long time. If the operation is successful, the nature of the vaginal discharge should not deviate from the norm. When deviations are still present, you must definitely visit a doctor.

    Regardless of what the birth turned out to be - natural or operational, the inner shell of the reproductive organ needs time to recover. On average, it lasts 5-9 weeks, if there are no complications. Particular attention is paid to discharge after caesarean section. In obstetrics, they are called lochia.

    Lochia includes blood, torn particles of the epithelium and mucus. There are no fundamental differences between the discharge that occurs after physiological childbirth and those that appear after a cesarean. Most women treat them like menstrual bleeding. According to indicators such as smell, color and volume of discharge after cesarean section, one can judge whether everything is in order with the newly-made mother.

    In the early postoperative period, discharge after caesarean section is easy to compare with normal heavy menstruation - the lochia is colored red and contains separate clots.

    In the first 7 days after the operation, their total volume can reach 500 ml; normally, a sanitary napkin should be filled no faster than 2 hours. Every day, the doctor asks the woman the number of lochia and their color.

    Discharge after caesarean section increases with physical activity, breastfeeding, and palpation of the abdomen. As a result of these actions, the natural contractile activity of the uterus is stimulated, due to which its contents are more effectively expelled outward.

    From the 2nd week, the lochia begins to darken, acquiring a brownish tint. Their volume gradually decreases. By the end of the 5th week, blood discharge after caesarean section should normally become spotty, weak and acquire a lighter shade.

    On the 8th week, the process of restoring the inner layer of the reproductive organ is almost completely completed. Thus, the discharge after cesarean section after 2 months becomes light, as before pregnancy. At this time, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist for an appropriate examination and choice of a contraceptive method.

    The nature and intensity of lochia is affected by contractions of the uterine myometrium. After childbirth by caesarean section, this process proceeds worse than after natural ones, since part of the muscle fibers are damaged as a result of a surgical incision.

    To improve the contractile activity of the uterus and prevent the development of postpartum hemorrhage, immediately after the operation, the woman begins to administer the drug Oxytocin according to the scheme, and it is also strongly recommended to establish natural feeding to enhance the synthesis of oxytocin by the body.

    Personal hygiene after cesarean

    Personal hygiene after operative delivery has its own nuances:

    1. Sanitary pads are changed as needed, but at least every 3 hours.
    2. It is strictly forbidden to use tampons in the postpartum period, since their use can cause the development of an infectious process.
    3. After each visit to the toilet room, a woman should wash her genitals with clean water.
    4. It is impossible to douche and take a bath until the end of the recovery period, only take a shower.

    In what cases should you consult a doctor?

    Every woman who has become a mother through surgery should be informed about how long the discharge after cesarean lasts. Too early termination of lochia, as well as a prolonged one, can be a bad sign.

    But doctors insist that it is not so much the time frame that matters, but the composition, color, smell and total amount of lochia. If the nature of the discharge is normal, then there is nothing to worry about. And how long the discharge after a caesarean section lasts depends almost entirely on the specific characteristics of the body. But even in this situation, you should consult a doctor.

    Be sure to tell the specialist if the lochia ended too early - less than 5 weeks, or too late - lasting 10 or more weeks after childbirth. Both of these conditions pose a serious risk.

    In the first situation, the uterus could not be completely cleansed and blood, mucus and remnants of the epithelium remained in it, which often ends in a serious inflammatory process. It should be evidenced by discharge after caesarean section with a smell.

    Prolonged lochia are also the result of an infectious process -. The situation is also dangerous when the discharge either ends or increases again: a similar case also does not fit into the format of the norm.

    Yellow discharge after caesarean section without the presence of foreign odor is normal only towards the end of the first 3 weeks after childbirth. But if they continue after this time, they are considered a sign of pathology - an advanced form of endometritis, which must be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

    Purulent discharge after cesarean, colored green, indicates the presence of an acute infectious pathology in the uterus.

    White discharge from the genital tract is not dangerous until they are accompanied by symptoms such as redness and itching in the intimate area, discharge with a sour smell and a curdled consistency. Most likely, we are talking about vaginal candidiasis - a frequent companion of antibiotic therapy, which is mandatory after surgical delivery. But the exact diagnosis will be called only by a specialist.

    Watching how much discharge goes after a cesarean section, evaluating their nature, a young mother will understand whether her recovery postpartum stage is delayed or everything is in order. If there are deviations from the norm, do not hesitate to contact a doctor.

    The examination and the course of treatment that you will have to undergo if necessary are trifles compared to the complications that can arise if you let the situation take its course.

    What else to pay attention to?

    A woman's fear should be caused not only by the changed nature of postpartum discharge, but also by such alarming signs as abdominal pain and fever.

    But the last symptom can also be a variant of the norm, if the young mother has not yet established lactation and the first pronounced flushes of milk are observed.

    Sometimes, against the background of insufficient care or infection, a woman in the postpartum period develops discharge from the suture after a cesarean section.

    This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms: hyperemia, fever, swelling and sanious or purulent discharge from the suture after cesarean.

    If you do not notice this complication in time or self-medicate, the suture will fester and the young mother will need surgical assistance.

    Usually, every woman who has become a mother by cesarean visits a specialist 2 months after the baby is born. During this time, it becomes known how the recovery process proceeds, whether there are any complications.



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