Omega 3 in which products contains a table. Composition of vegetable oil

Omega 3 fatty acids

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 acids are fatty acids that are vital nutrients. Omega-3 acids are used by the body to regulate blood clotting, build cell membranes, and keep cells healthy. These are fats that are good for the cardiovascular system, they help reduce blood levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called "bad" cholesterol.

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that are important for health. The human body does not produce them, so the presence of such acids in the diet is very important.

Omega-3 fats are able to suppress various inflammations. While inflammation is a normal part of the body's immune response, research shows that it also underlies many serious diseases, including cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids have found use in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, asthma, bipolar disorder, lupus, high blood pressure, eczema, diabetes, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. They are recommended to be taken during pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of an omega-3 deficiency?

Nutritionists believe that the diet of most people is poor in omega-3 acids. The following problems may indicate a serious deficiency of this type of fatty acids: - joint pain; - increased fatigue; - dry and itchy skin; - brittle hair and nails; - inability to concentrate. Lack of omega-3 acids can lead to type 2 diabetes, depression , cardiovascular disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of three fats: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

Sometimes a person consumes large doses of omega-3 fatty acids, but still suffers from their deficiency. The fact is that for their complete assimilation in the body, there must be in the proper amount of such nutrients as: - vitamin B6; - vitamin B3; - vitamin C; - magnesium; - zinc.

Vitamin E protects omega-3 fats from oxidation, so you should also include it in your diet. In addition, the activity of omega-3 fats reduces the intake of saturated and hydrogenated fats.

Omega-3 fats, like all polyunsaturated oils, are extremely sensitive to heat, light, and oxygen. They oxidize or, more simply, become rancid. This affects not only their taste and smell, but also their nutritional value.

Seafood is the best source of omega-3 acids

Seafood is one of the best sources of omega-3 acids. A 100-gram jar of tuna canned in its own juice contains the daily recommended dose of these acids. Also rich in omega-3 are such varieties of fish as: - halibut; - herring; - trout; - mackerel; - salmon; - sardines.

A good source of omega-3 fats are oysters, lobsters, squid, shrimp.

An important factor is the origin of seafood. Rich in essential acids, only those caught in natural conditions. Farm-raised fish are fed fishmeal and algae supplements, making them less healthy.

Omega 3 fats

Plant sources of omega-3 acids

Pumpkin and flaxseeds, walnuts and peanuts are an excellent source of omega-3 acids, as well as the oil squeezed from them. Flaxseed is considered especially rich in omega-3 fats. It can be added to cereals and salads, bake pies and bakery products with it. Omega-3 fats are also found in soybean, mustard and rapeseed oils. Some vegetables are rich in omega-3s, especially green leafy ones, including Brussels sprouts, cabbage, pumpkin, spinach, parsley, and mint. Vegetarians should eat more beans, especially red beans, to get their omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 acids in meat and eggs

Grass-fed meat is also a source of omega-3s. The meat of grain-fed animals contains less useful acids, and the meat from animals that ate compound feed practically does not contain omega-3. In eggs, omega-3 acids are found mainly in the yolk, which many avoid eating due to the presence of saturated fats in them. and cholesterol.

The dangers of consuming omega-3 fatty acids

Studies have shown the risk of hemorrhagic stroke and bleeding in people with blood thinning diseases from excessive consumption of omega-3 acids, so individuals with a predisposition to such diseases should consult a doctor about the maximum allowable doses of omega-3 fats.

The benefits of omega-3s are known to everyone and have long been beyond doubt. This group of fatty acids is found in many foods and is extremely important for our body. What is their use, where are they found and who needs omega-3s in the first place? The article will tell about all this.

Unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized and unstable to heat treatment, so foods containing them are more beneficial to eat raw. Moreover, they are found mostly in plant foods.

When consumed properly, unsaturated acids have many beneficial properties for humans. For example, they speed up metabolism, help reduce appetite, and minimize the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes overeating.

Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into two large groups depending on the number of double bonds between carbon atoms. If there is one such bond, the acid is monounsaturated; if there are two, it is polyunsaturated.

Omega-3s belong to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the human body, they are not synthesized and therefore are considered indispensable. They are part of many structures - for example, cell membranes, epidermis, mitochondria; help remove bad cholesterol, have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Benefits of Omega 3

Pregnant women and children

During pregnancy, women are often prescribed omega-3. There are a number of good reasons for this.

Most importantly, polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the risk of miscarriage and the appearance of toxicosis in the later stages of pregnancy, and also prevent the possible development of depression in the expectant mother. Toxicosis is especially dangerous, causing damage to many organs and systems. Against the background of this disease, the kidneys, liver, nervous system suffer, blood pressure rises and edema appears.

Fish oil is considered the most convenient source of omega-3s, since fish contains the most fatty acids. Of the many functions that it has on the body of a pregnant woman, the following can be distinguished:

  • Normalization of pressure and blood flow
  • Protection of blood vessel cells
  • Reducing the possibility of developing neurosis or stress

Omega-3s have a positive effect not only on the mother, but also on the fetus. They strengthen the health of the child and contribute to its proper development, prevent problems with the digestive system. And in the first months of life, the baby is often prescribed fish oil as a prevention of rickets.


Omega-3s are considered an important part of a sports diet for several reasons. They maintain joint health, increase endurance, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and have a tonic effect. But first of all, polyunsaturated fats serve as a source of energy needed by any athlete.

For weight loss

It cannot be said that polyunsaturated acids contribute to the effective burning of fat reserves. But they are good at reducing appetite, and, consequently, the number of calories consumed. Therefore, with the right intake of omega-3s, physical activity and a healthy diet, you can achieve weight loss.

For skin

Omega-3s also have an effect on the skin. They are important for several reasons:

  • Maintain the required level of collagen. With age, its amount gradually decreases, skin elasticity is lost, wrinkles begin to appear on the body. Omega-3s slow down this process.
  • Prevent the development of skin allergies.
  • Actively fight skin diseases such as acne or dermatitis. In people whose diet does not have problems with a lack of polyunsaturated acids, such diseases are much less common.
  • Omega-3s are powerful antioxidants and protect the skin from harmful atmospheric oxygen.
  • Protect the body from depression. Stress and loss of strength negatively affect all systems and structures of the body, including the skin.

For the heart and blood vessels

Omega-3s are important for the cardiovascular system because they remove excess cholesterol. Cholesterol plaques settle on the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing their elasticity and preventing normal blood flow. Omega-3s reduce the risk of developing inflammation of the heart muscle and atherosclerosis, provide the brain and organs with normal blood supply.

For immunity

Omega-3s are part of the membrane of immune cells, and are also involved in the synthesis of eicosanoids - substances that direct leukocytes to inflammation foci. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids are partly responsible for the increase in temperature during illness, and this is an important point in the fight against the disease.

For joints

Omega-3s have a positive effect on cartilage and bone tissue in the body. Polyunsaturated fats are involved in the correct formation of compositions, increase the volume of intra-articular lubrication, and strengthen bones. They reduce the risk of fractures in childhood and adulthood, maintain joint mobility and minimize possible problems with them.

For muscles

Omega-3s affect the growth of protein in the body, and muscle growth directly depends on its synthesis. In addition, polyunsaturated acids have the ability to increase the cross-sectional area of ​​some muscles.

Signs of an Omega-3 Deficiency

Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids is observed in most of the world's population, especially in developed countries. The reason is simple - less and less attention is paid to a natural product, fast and not always healthy food seems easier and more convenient. Consumption of oily marine fish has declined, in part because of its cost and quality. And since most of the omega-3s are found in fish, it is not surprising that the lack of polyunsaturated fats has become a mass phenomenon.

You can assume that a person is deficient in omega-3 by the following signs:

  • Skin problems. The work of the sebaceous glands is disturbed, the skin begins to peel off and dry, dandruff appears on the head.
  • Muscle weakness, pain and crunch in the joints.
  • Loss of efficiency. A person who is deficient in omega-3 may have problems with memory, perception of information. It is difficult for him to concentrate, absent-mindedness and fatigue appear.
  • Weakened immunity. The resistance of the body decreases, the person is more susceptible to diseases.
  • Reduced vision. The eyes begin to dry, which causes visual acuity to drop.

In addition to health problems, lack of omega-3 provokes depression, bad mood, nervousness. In some people, for this reason, even a tendency to suicide was observed.

Daily rate

To maintain the norm of omega-3 in the body, it is enough to eat oily fish two to three times a week. But if this is not possible, supplements will help to fill the daily requirement.

There is no definite figure on what exactly the daily norm should be. Each scientific organization provides different data, but the average amount of omega-3s ranges from 300-500 mg per day for adult men and women. According to Rospotrebnadzor, the daily rate should be 800-1600 mg.

Pregnant and lactating women will need another 200 mg in excess, and the average need for newborns is 50-100 mg.

However, there are diseases in which the daily intake of omega-3 must be increased. Patients with heart disease are recommended 1000 mg daily, and people prone to depression - 200-2000 mg.

Omega 3 vs Fish Oil: What's the Difference?

Some people mistakenly believe that fish oil and omega-3s are the same thing. In fact, there is a difference between them, and quite significant.

Fish oils are several fat-soluble elements that accumulate in fish livers. In its composition, it contains glycerides, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Pharmaceutical fish oil consists mainly of omega 3.6 fatty acids and vitamins A and D.

Indeed, most of the omega-3 is found in fish oil. But the total content of polyunsaturated fats in it is less than a third, everything else is other substances.


Most often, omega-3s come in the form of capsules. They go down in a pharmacy without a prescription, so anyone can buy them. Despite this, before taking it is worth consulting with a specialist to make sure that the drug will not harm your health.

For preventive purposes, an adult needs one capsule a day with meals or immediately after it. The reception must last at least three months, otherwise the result may not be.

For medicinal purposes, the dose can be increased to two or three capsules per day in consultation with your doctor. Children under the age of twelve are also required to consult a specialist.

To get rid of the unpleasant taste of fish oil in the mouth, it is recommended to include sour fruit juices, pickles or sauerkraut in the diet.


There are cases in which taking omega-3 is contraindicated:

  • In case of an excess of vitamin E
  • When taking medications containing vitamin E at the same time
  • Hypersensitivity to omega-3 fatty acids
  • For omega-3 intolerance
  • In case of an allergic reaction to fish or its products.

How to use fatty acids correctly?

Foods containing fatty acids will bring the most benefit when raw, so it is advisable not to subject them to heat treatment or to subject them to a minimum. To avoid problems due to a lack of polyunsaturated acids, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Refuel fresh salads with vegetable oils - when frying, they lose their beneficial properties.
  • Do not store oils in the light, but it is even better to find dark containers for them.
  • When buying, give preference not to frozen, but to raw fish.
  • Pay attention to walnuts - several kernels contain the daily norm of fatty acids.

If you approach the composition of the diet thoroughly, the fatty acids contained in food will be enough to provide them to the entire body. A child needs one and a half to two times less polyunsaturated acids than an adult, it is also important not to forget about this.

Harm and overdose

Side effects can occur when taking omega-3s. For example, sometimes there are symptoms reminiscent of departure - nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting. People with an allergy to fish may experience swelling, rashes on the body. In these cases, it is necessary to stop taking and consult a specialist for advice. Most likely, omega-3 will have to be replaced with another drug.

Overdose, as a rule, does not carry a negative reaction. Even if the daily norm is exceeded, it does not threaten the body.

Foods containing omega-3

Oily fish is considered the highest omega-3 food. This list includes trout, sardine, salmon, salmon, herring, halibut and mackerel. There are many unsaturated fats in some other underwater inhabitants - oysters, lobsters, scallops.

In addition to fish, ample amounts of omega-3s are found in oils—especially canola and olive—flaxseed, walnuts, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and some legumes.

Top 5 Supplements

There are many drugs based on polyunsaturated acids. There is no particular difference between them, the difference is only in the manufacturer and the dosage of the substance. Despite the fact that there are dozens of such additives, only a few have gained particular popularity in Russia:

  • Omacor. This German drug is most often prescribed for adults at risk of myocardial infarction. One capsule per day is sufficient as a daily allowance.
  • Vitrum Cardio omega-3. Produced in the USA. Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, taken once a day. One capsule of the drug contains 1 g of omega-3.
  • Doppelhertz is another German-made additive. One dosage contains about 800 mg of salmon oil.
  • Omeganol Forte is distinguished by the content of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Among the previous additives, it stands out for the lowest cost.
  • Nutrilight is a supplement from the USA. Taken as two capsules per day.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are a unique source of vitality and beneficial substances for the body. It is Omega-3 that improves the health of the cardiovascular system and the brain. At present, nutritionists have recorded a lack of Omega-3 in the human diet, so today the essential acids of the Omega class are given increased attention in dietology: special balanced diets are created, appropriate medications and dietary supplements are produced.

Omega-3 Rich Foods

The approximate amount is indicated in 100 g of the product

General characteristics of Omega-3

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered essential because the body is unable to synthesize them. Therefore, omega-containing products come to the aid of the body, which replenish the body's need for such substances.

The class of essential fatty acids (EFAs) Omega-3 includes substances such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

These acids are of plant and animal origin. So ALA is found in flaxseed, hemp, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and leafy vegetables. EPA and DHA are essential acids of animal origin. They are found in oily ocean fish, including salmon, sardines, and tuna.

In addition, the body can get Omega-3 from olive oil, avocados, various nuts and seeds. But the first source of Omega-3 in nutrition is still considered fish and seafood. The exception is fish grown in artificial reservoirs, and fed mainly on mixed fodder.

Daily requirement of the body for Omega-3

In a modern person, doctors have identified the following feature: an imbalance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body is becoming massive. Moreover, most often there is an excess of SFA of the Omega-6 class with a significant lack of Omega-3. Ideally, the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega-3 in the body should be 2:1. Rapeseed oil has been recognized as one of the most harmonious products in terms of EFA balance.

The daily requirement for Omega-3 is 1 to 2.5 grams per day. It depends on the state of health of the body. For problems with the cardiovascular system, brain disorders (frequent depression, Alzheimer's disease), doctors usually recommend increasing omega-containing foods in the diet.

The body's daily need for Omega-3 can be replenished by adding 1 tbsp to food. a spoonful of rapeseed oil or a teaspoon of flaxseed. And you can eat 5-10 walnuts a day, or eat a small piece (about 100 grams) of freshly cooked salmon or sardines.

The need for Omega-3 increases with:

  • the threat of a heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • depression and Alzheimer's disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • lack of hormones;
  • during the cold season.

The need for Omega-3 is reduced:

  • during the warm season;
  • under reduced pressure;
  • in the absence of the above diseases.

Absorption Omega-3

For the full assimilation of Omega-3, enzymes are needed that help the body make the most efficient use of the EFAs received from food. The necessary enzymes are passed to children with mother's milk, in an adult body they are produced independently. Omega-3 absorption takes place in the upper intestine.

When taken with food, about 25% of Omega-3 is lost, which is why many manufacturers produce fish oil in special capsules that begin to dissolve only in the small intestine. Thus, 100% assimilation of Omega-3s that have entered the body is achieved.

To maximize the absorption of Omega-3 from food, you must follow some rules for preparing and storing food.

Omega-3 is destroyed by oxygen, light and heat. Therefore, it is necessary to store vegetable oils and other omega-containing products in well-closed containers, preferably in the refrigerator. Deep-frying completely destroys the beneficial properties of unsaturated fatty acids, so only the most gentle cooking methods should be used to prepare foods containing them.

Useful properties of Omega-3 and its effect on the body

Acids are building blocks for the brain, nervous and endocrine systems. They participate in the construction of cell membranes, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, and regulate the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Interaction with essential elements

Omega-3 in the body interacts with vitamin D, goes well with vitamin A, affects the body in combination with Omega-6. It is well absorbed along with protein foods.

Omega-3 for beauty and health

Omega-3s make the skin more elastic and elastic, even out its color, moisturize. They are excellent prevention of rashes. In addition, Omega-3 speeds up the body's metabolism, which means it helps us stay slim and beautiful. Products containing Omega-3 are part of the Mediterranean diet, which not only allows you to fight extra pounds, but also tone up the nervous system, improving well-being and vitality of the body.

Many people wonder what Omega-3 is, and so: this is a group of fats that have three types of fatty acids in their composition: eicosapentaenoic, alpha-linolenic and docosahexaenoic.

Omega-3 fats, with the help of leptin (a hormone that burns fat), reduce appetite, increase the efficiency of metabolic processes and allow the body to produce energy very productively.

Since the cellular structure of the body is very dependent on the supply of Omega-3, it is necessary to constantly replenish it. Thus, the immune system of the body is strengthened, the skin is cleansed, sugar levels and blood pressure are regulated, and a large amount of excess fat is burned.

As a result of the fact that the body cannot produce such an energy source on its own, you should look for Omega-3 in the ones that surround us and contain such essential fats.


The richest foods in omega-3 fats are rightly considered fish and seafood. It should be remembered that not all fish is suitable for the daily menu if you want to lose weight. You need to eat medium-fat fish, such as herring, salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, etc. True, there are several warnings:

  • lean fish, like fatty, farm-raised, and fed combined feeds, do not contain the necessary fatty acids, because they do not eat omega-3;
  • for women in the position before and after pregnancy, the intake of certain types of fish (tuna, swordfish, etc.) should be limited, an increased content of mercury can disrupt the development of the fetus and interfere with lactation.

Otherwise, with an average consumption of 175 grams of fish, you get your daily dose of healthy fats. Remember, heat treatment reduces the amount of acids by 25%. Therefore, when purchasing canned food, it is better to choose canned fish in than your own juice.

Fish fat

Linseed oil

The meat of cattle and not very cattle is also characterized as a source of Omega-3 acids, which are so lacking in modern people. The priority here belongs to home-grown animals, because nothing can replace grass in the garden. The benefits of such products are very significant.

daily rate

A healthy adult needs from 1000 to 1500 mg of Omega-3 acids per day. The rate required by the body per day may vary (up to 2500 mg) depending on the current state of the person.

The presence of any disease requires an increase in the consumption of such acids, which are useful primarily as a source of energy. When composing your diet, do not forget what your body needs.

Healthy foods containing healthy fats and amino acids are the key to a long, happy and healthy life. Particular attention should be paid to the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the menu - do not abuse it. Be moderate and confident!

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Today we will talk about fatty acids. More specifically, about one - Omega-3. This acid is now practically known to everyone. For those who do not like to read, you can watch the video at the very bottom of the article and leave your opinion.

It belongs to polyunsaturated fatty acids. From the school curriculum, we know that our body needs fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Each of these components plays an important role.

By the way! Do you use natural vitamins or capsules to get Omega 3? Or give more preference to products containing this acid. Write your opinion below...

Fats, which include fatty acids, give our body the necessary energy, and are also a necessary component of cell membranes, without which they are destroyed.

The role of fatty acids for our body is undeniable. Since most of them are not produced by our body, we must receive them, let's say from the outside.

And how to do it right?

To do this, you need to know and imagine what these same fatty acids are, and in what products they are contained, in order to choose them correctly and competently. And most importantly, how to use these products, how to cook them, so that the beneficial properties of acids remain and are accepted by our body.

Let's take it all in order...

Table of products containing Omega 3

What are fatty acids

There are three types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

in saturated fatty acids all hydrogen atoms are present. At room temperature, they remain solid. They are obtained from animal fats (poultry meat), milk fats (butter, cheese), as well as tropical fatty acids obtained from palm and coconut oils.

in monounsaturated fatty acids one hydrogen atom is missing (hence the name - mono). Products containing such acids become liquid at room temperature. Foods containing monounsaturated acids are: hazelnuts and their oil, canola oil, olive oil and olives, avocados, pecans and macadamia nuts, almonds and pistachios.

Polyunsaturated acids are characterized by low hydrogen content and the presence of several carbon double bonds.

These acids are found in fatty sea fish and fish oil, seafood, blackcurrant, borage and evening primrose oil. Just like monounsaturated acids, they remain liquid at room temperature. There are two types of polyunsaturated acids Mega-3 and Omega-6.

Omega-3s are canola, flaxseed and soybean oils, walnuts, flaxseed, seafood and fish, soy products, leafy and dark green vegetables, and wheat germ.

Omega-6 is walnut oil, walnuts themselves, soybean, corn, sunflower and safflower oils, pumpkin seeds, sesame, sunflower, poppy seeds, wheat germ.

Among the group of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, three are the most important for the human body. These are alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.

About the benefits and properties of Omega-3

Omega-3 began to be studied in more detail in the 70s of the last century. Studying the consumption of different products by different population groups found, for example, that the indigenous population of Greenland, living practically on fatty fish, never suffered from cardiovascular diseases and they had absolutely no atherosclerotic lesions.

In addition, these acids also synthesize substances necessary for our body, such as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are a kind of hormones that regulate the body's blood pressure and body temperature. They also support the sensitivity of nerve fibers, help in muscle contraction.

According to studies, the consumption of Omega-3 (attention!) by pregnant and lactating mothers has the most beneficial effect on the brain of a child. And if this acid is consumed little, then the child may develop various neurological diseases.

Many, especially in adolescence, are faced with the phenomenon of acne and blackheads. This hormonal imbalance, and this is due precisely to the lack of Omega-3. In this case, not only the skin suffers, but also the nails and hair.

What are the other health benefits of omega-3s?

Improving thought processes, strengthening immunity, removing inflammation of the joints, treating chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional disorders and depression.

What causes the lack of this acid in our body. First of all, it is dry skin and itching, brittle nails and hair. Also, symptoms of a lack of omega-3 fatty acids can be muscle and tendon pain, constipation and frequent colds.

One of the main properties of Omega-3 is its antioxidant properties. This is a feature associated with the prevention of cancer. In addition, this acid also helps with eczema, allergies and asthma.

To this list, you can add diabetes and psoriasis, as well as prostate and breast cancer.

To make all the healing properties of omega-3 fatty acids more clear, I will list them:

- heart problems: heart attack or stroke, coronary heart disease.

Vascular diseases: atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis.

- diabetes mellitus and pancreatic diseases.

- allergic manifestations, psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis.

- problems with veins: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, high blood clotting, thrombosis.

- joint problems: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and pathological changes in the joints.

- various pains: migraine, headache and pain during menstruation.

- trachea and bronchi: bronchial asthma, diseases of the vocal cords.

- obesity: used in weight loss programs.

- diseases of the skin and hair

What products contain (table)

The main product containing this acid is fish oil, oily sea fish. The use of these products can almost completely relieve both depression and cardiovascular disease.

If you suffer from severe forms of depression, insomnia and frequent emotional disturbances, this means that you do not have enough docosahexaenoic acid in your blood.

For example, the cerebral cortex normally contains 60% of this acid.

In addition, there are special bioactive supplements that will help maintain an optimal balance of fatty acids in the body.

As for sea fish, a very important point here is that the fish must be sea fish, that is, caught in the sea, and not grown on a fish farm. Can someone tell me what is the difference? And the difference is in nutrition. Marine fish, unlike farm fish, feed on algae, where this acid is contained.

Fish as a source of fatty acid is best consumed in lightly salted form. Why, ask? The fact is that during heat treatment and frying, fatty acids are destroyed and there will be no point in eating such fish. However, again, slightly salted fish is contraindicated in hypertensive patients and those suffering from various forms of heart and kidney failure.

So, which fish and how much contains omega-3 acid:

- mackerel: up to 50 g per 1 kg of weight

- herring: up to 30 g per 1 kg of weight

- salmon: up to 14 g per 1 kg of weight

Little of it is found in fish such as tuna, trout and halibut. Quite a lot of it is also found in shrimp. Normally, the consumption of fish products should be 100-200 g per day.

Where else can you find omega-3s?

Note! If the cow ate mainly fresh grass, then there will be plenty of it in beef. There is also quite a lot of it in a chicken egg. True, the eggs of those hens that ate natural feed contain almost 20 times more omega-3 fatty acids than the eggs of hens that lived in the cages of a poultry farm.

Also, there are a lot of fatty acids in plant foods. Let's look at the table below, which contains the most:

So if you are a vegetarian, don't worry. You will also find enough sources of the acid your body needs.

Most of all Omega-3 is found in cauliflower, white and Brussels sprouts, in broccoli and zucchini, lettuce, as well as in soybean curd. And if you will still richly flavor all this with linseed oil, then a rich diet of fatty acids is provided to you.

As you can see, the benefits of using omega-3 fatty acids in the diet are undeniable.

Now, unfortunately, is the time when you need to take care of your health. It is necessary to choose the right not only products, but also the nutrition procedure itself. Gone are the days when people used only natural products and nothing else.

Now we buy a lot of chemicals. If you want to be healthy yourself and raise your children to be healthy as well, then you just need to take care of a balanced and proper diet.

Did you like the article, and did you find it useful for yourself. Share with me how often you use these products in your diet? Or maybe you use natural vitamins or capsules to get Omega 3? Write your opinion below... It is very important. Thank you in advance!



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