Slight cough causes. What does persistent coughing indicate? Causes of a mild cough

Are you an active person who cares and thinks about his respiratory system and overall health, keep exercising, healthy lifestyle life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people, in case of forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning the respiratory tract).

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination with specialists such as a general practitioner and a pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures Otherwise, things may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, be outdoors as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude from household circulation all aggressive means, replace with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  • The cough is complex reflex act, at which there is a sharp reduction respiratory muscles and powerful jerky ejection of air from the lungs. Cough occurs when irritation of sensitive receptors located in the trachea, larynx, pleura, large bronchi.

    primary goal cough reflex - cleansing the airways from liquid, foreign body or mucus. At its core, a cough is a defense mechanism that is designed to clear the airways of a secret or of all kinds of aspirated or inhaled particles.

    Depending on the cause of the cough, cough is isolated physiological and pathological.

    Physiological cough - This is completely normal and even, one might say, a necessary phenomenon. Everyday life person. From time to time, a physiological cough that appears removes sputum accumulated there from the respiratory tract, as well as foreign bodies or crumbs that have fallen into the “wrong throat”. The main characteristics of physiological cough: periodic recurrence (with no other symptoms of the disease), short duration.

    Unlike the physiological pathological cough manifests itself against the background of various diseases of the respiratory tract. As mentioned above, physiological cough is the same in all cases and does not occur with its diagnosis. special problems. Pathological cough, on the contrary, has the most diverse character, in many cases depending on the nature of the disease that caused it. In order to correctly diagnose and treat a disease that is accompanied by a cough, it is extremely important to establish individual characteristics this cough.

    depending on duration of symptoms allocate the following types cough:
    spicy(no longer than one or two weeks)
    protracted(from two weeks to a month),
    infraspinatus(from one month to eight weeks),
    chronic(more than two months).

    Cough with expectoration of sputum is called productive. In the absence of sputum production, a cough is called dry.

    acute cough, arising against the background of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). This variety cough is the most common. Acute cough with acute respiratory disease develops within a few hours or days and is characteristic of such diseases as laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis.

    The main characteristics of such a cough:
    gradual development over several hours or several days,
    the presence of other symptoms of the disease (runny nose, fever, feeling of weakness, weakness, in children - refusal to eat, capriciousness, anxiety),
    change in the nature of the cough from dry to wet.

    The main development factor persistent cough is not an infection, as in an acute cough, but an oversensitivity cough receptors and increased sputum production as a result past illness. That is, a prolonged cough is not so much a symptom of the disease as a natural attribute of the healing process. When choosing tactics for treating cough, this fact is important.

    Recurrent cough - it is a prolonged, recurrent cough that lasts more than two weeks. Recurrent cough is characteristic of diseases such as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

    Persistent cough characteristic of a number chronic diseases pulmonary tract and lungs. We are talking about a persistent cough when the patient is actually constantly coughing (that is, the cough may sometimes weaken or intensify, but it is always present). Wet persistent cough is a sign of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis. For diseases such as fibrosing alveolitis or papillomatosis of the larynx, a dry persistent cough is characteristic.

    Diseases that can cause coughing:
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
    allergies, asthma,
    runny nose,
    chronic rhinitis and sinusitis,
    gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, heartburn),
    congestive heart failure,
    lungs' cancer,
    sinus infection,

    Possible causes of cough

    1) All kinds of bacterial and viral infections of the lungs or respiratory tract. Diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, viral infections, whooping cough, pharyngomycosis ( fungal infection upper respiratory tract) etc.
    2) Tumor diseases.
    3) Smoking.
    4) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
    5) Aspiration of a foreign body.
    6) Tuberculosis.
    7) Diseases gastrointestinal tract, mainly gastroesophageal reflux.
    8) Diseases of cardio-vascular system, which lead to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation (in the lungs), such as, for example, ischemic disease lungs of the fourth functional class.
    9) Mental disorders.
    10) Cough can occur as side effect when taking certain medications, as an option - drugs used to reduce pressure ( enam, enap etc.).
    11) Chemical irritation (gases, tear gas, smoke).

    allergic cough

    In fact, the concept allergic cough” is incorrect, since such a term is absent in modern classification diseases. If there is a connection between a cough and an allergic process, then, as a rule, we are talking about the cough bronchial asthma. In what cases would it be correct to speak of a cough as related to an allergic process?

    paroxysmal cough, which starts suddenly and can last quite a while for a long time.
    Chronic cough. When the patient begins to cough, he cannot stop for a long time. Most often, seizures occur at night.
    The cough is mostly dry. In some cases, at the end of a coughing attack, a small clot of light or clear sputum may be discharged. Sometimes patients note that the cough was triggered by any external factors: contact with animals, dust, strong odors, old books, etc. With bouts of coughing, there may also be a feeling of shortness of breath, suffocation.

    Cough treatment

    Depending on the cause of the cough, medications are selected individually. Antitussives are divided into two types: those that dilute sputum, and those that contribute to its expectoration.

    In most cases, it is necessary to treat a cough caused by acute respiratory infections. viral infections, or SARS, that is, what is commonly called a cold. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a mild cough occurs against the background of a cold. Most often, such a cough does not require any treatment and disappears on its own along with the underlying disease. In other cases, for example, during bronchitis, the cough can be persistent and strong, accompanied by the separation of viscous sputum. In this situation, sputum thinning treatment may be necessary and effective.

    How is cough treated? First, you have to try drink as much liquid as possible because the plentiful drink stabilizes water balance in the body, which is disturbed during illness, and contributes to the thinning of sputum. During cough, pharyngitis, it is extremely useful to consume abundant mineral water(as one of the options, "Borjomi"), since their chemical composition also facilitates sputum production and speeds up the healing process. The diet should include light but calorie-rich foods, as well as fruits and vegetables.

    Secondly, during coughs and colds effective remedyinhalation. They are shown to older children and adults. Small children (up to 4 years) inhalation is not recommended, as this can cause them to have an asthma attack. To prepare an inhalation, you need to take the leaves of chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, sage (one tablespoon of each ingredient), place in a bulk container and pour boiling water. Add a teaspoon to the resulting infusion baking soda and a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil. Such inhalation must be carried out several times a day.

    Thirdly, if the cough is persistent with viscous sputum (most likely it is bronchitis or tracheitis), it is necessary to take medication to thin the sputum: mucolytic and expectorant agents. Most of these medicines are available in both pediatric and adult forms. We advise you to opt for medicines plant origin, as well as on mucolytics such as "Lazolvan" ("Ambroxol"), ACC (acetylcysteine), "Bromhexine". The use of mucolytics is advisable in cases where sputum is present, but it is viscous and difficult to excrete.

    It makes sense to take expectorant drugs if a small amount of sputum is excreted when coughing (scanty sputum), since these drugs stimulate the secretion of sputum by the glands of the bronchi, thinning it and increasing the cough reflex, which leads to airway cleansing during a cold or bronchitis.

    Antitussive drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, because they can lead to serious adverse reactions. It is impossible to combine the intake of mucolytic cough medicines and antitussives, as this can cause blockage of the bronchi with sputum.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Available at the pharmacy breast collection, however, if you wish, you can make it on your own. You need to do it this way: take in equal parts licorice, thyme, linden, oregano, coltsfoot, mint, pine buds, plantain, lungwort, calendula, chop. For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of the mixture, leave for an hour and a half in a warm place. Strain the resulting broth and take 150 ml three to four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    During whooping cough, dry cough and cold must be taken 2-4 once a day before meals, a third of a glass of the following broth: four or five pieces of figs, brew with one glass of boiling milk, wrap, let it brew until it cools down. You can also rub the patient's chest with such a mixture: three parts of a plantain leaf, three parts of licorice root, four parts of coltsfoot leaves.

    If the cough is severe the following recipe is suitable: add half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of unsalted interior fat to a glass of boiled milk, mix thoroughly, drink hot in small sips two to three times a day before meals.

    Rub your chest before bed interior fat (perfect option- lamb or goat), put on a cotton T-shirt, pull a wool sweater over it and go to bed.

    Dry cough can be a symptom of any disease. Of particular danger is flowing without fever and other symptoms.

    Its development may also be affected external factors and bad habits. This is due to the fact that in the human body there are two types of receptors that react to an irritant that has got inside. So, C-receptors respond to the inflammatory process caused by viruses or bacteria that have entered the body, and irritant receptors respond to external stimuli(allergens, cold or dry air, chemicals or toxic substances etc.).

    The treatment of such an ailment depends on the nature of its origin and the diseases with which it could be caused. Therefore, independent activities ethnoscience may not give the desired result. And only, on the contrary, to aggravate it even more.

    As a rule, the cough is divided into productive (wet), in which sputum comes out, and unproductive (dry), in which sputum comes out very badly or does not go away at all. Types of dry, or unproductive, are divided depending on its duration. Thus, distinguish:

    • Spicy- lasts no more than two weeks and is usually caused by infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
    • Protracted- Lasts two to four weeks. It may be the cause of a prolonged infection of the respiratory tract or talk about the presence of an inflammatory process in the lungs or bronchi.
    • Subacute- lasts for eight weeks. May be caused by pneumonia or whooping cough. It can also indicate the presence of tuberculosis, heart problems or oncology of the respiratory system.
    • Chronic- lasts more than a month and can occur as a result of bad habits. Also, the development of such a prolonged cough can be influenced by frequent exposure to a polluted or dusty environment, as well as frequent contact with gaseous or caustic chemicals.

    Dry can flow with or without temperature. Even a slight increase in body temperature can indicate an inflammatory process in the respiratory system.

    Also, a dry cough in an adult is divided into:

    Dry can provoke various diseases. So, according to their etiology, they share:

    • Infectious- develops as a result of viral or bacterial infections upper and lower respiratory tract.
    • Allergic- occurs as a reaction of the body to the allergen that has got inside.
    • Asthmatic- Caused by asthma attacks.
    • Cordial- occurs as a result of the development of diseases of the heart or heart muscle.
    • tuberculous- occurs in the process of development of pulmonary tuberculosis.
    • Post-infectious- acts as residual cough after a severe infectious disease.

    Infectious can proceed as slight increase body temperature, so with its increase to critical levels. Dry obsession may be present at the beginning acute period disease and with a further course turn into wet with abundant or scanty sputum. Depending on the nature of the origin of the disease, sputum may be clear, purulent or bloody. Its appearance depends on the origin and strength of the inflammatory process.

    Allergic - Occurs when an allergen enters the Airways. It is unproductive paroxysmal cough, which begins at first with an unpleasant sore throat and abruptly turns into an acute and lingering one. This reaction of the body causes severe irritation and swelling of the mucous tissue of the throat and tonsils. Allergens can be plant pollen, pet dander, Poplar fluff, cleaning and detergents in the form of powders, as well as aerosol perfumes.

    Asthmatic - occurs as a result of an attack of bronchial asthma. At the beginning of the attack, the cough is dry, it is rare and periodic, and then becomes stronger and more obsessive. The sputum accumulated in the bronchi is very bad. In appearance, it is a rough guttural cough with shortness of breath. In the intervals between bronchospasms, a heavy whistling breath occurs. Cause an attack of such a cough can stressful situations, severe anxiety, certain medications and allergic reactions.

    Cordial — differs in its periodicity. It's dry rare cough that may occur after strong commotion or physical activity. In addition to coughing, a person is disturbed strong heartbeat, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and chest pain. this cough is caused wrong work ventricle and congestion in the lungs.

    tuberculous - develops gradually and is distinguished by its frequency of attacks. Such attacks are very short and can be repeated more than five times a day. tuberculosis cough strong and sonorous, it accompanies a person throughout the disease.

    Post-infectious - flows into mild form in the form of coughing. Causes slight irritation and sore throat. May worsen after strenuous exercise. This cough is also called residual. Its origin is associated with the defeat of the central nervous system and the formation of foci of excitation in it.

    A dry, agonizing cough in an adult can also occur as a result of bad habits, regular exposure to a polluted or dusty environment, contact with caustic or gaseous chemicals, and also as a result of a foreign body entering the lower respiratory tract.

    Often a dry, prolonged cough is caused by oncological diseases and diseases thyroid gland. With such diseases, it acts as a slight cough. It proceeds without an increase in temperature and initially does not attract attention. Its duration begins to alarm, as a rule, the cough lasts more than a month and a half and becomes chronic.

    Why does a person cough

    For development as severe cough in an adult, and a slight cough can be influenced by various causes.

    The cause of debilitating can be bad habits, allergic reactions, as well as prolonged exposure to a polluted or dusty environment.

    Minor coughing due to viral or bacterial infections can progress to a severe, obsessive, nonproductive or productive cough.

    The cause of suffocating, dry, with poor sputum discharge can be bronchial asthma or whooping cough infection.

    Also cause a dry cough in an adult can diseases of the heart, thyroid gland and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    It should be remembered that a prolonged dry cough, even in its mild manifestations, requires special attention and timely correct treatment.

    Treatment and prevention of dry cough in an adult

    Treatment with medications and folk remedies

    Proper treatment primarily depends on the nature and cause of the cough. So, most often, I assign complex therapy, which includes drugs to eliminate the cause of the occurrence, and drugs that help eliminate cough and actively fight its manifestation.

    For the treatment of cough caused by bacterial or viral infections of the respiratory tract, antiviral drugs, antibiotics are used, drugs that help restore and boost the immune system. To suppress the cough syndrome, mucolytic and antitussive drugs are used. Mucolytic drugs help to remove sputum accumulated in the bronchi and lungs, and antitussive drugs suppress cough syndrome and soothe an irritated throat.

    To treat a cough allergic origin, sometimes it is enough to receive antihistamines. To suppress the cough caused by bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, special hormonal inhalers are used.

    With cardiac - cardiac stimulants and drugs are used that normalize heartbeat. With the stabilization of cardiac activity, this kind of cough goes away on its own.

    For the treatment of suffocation frequent cough caused by bad habits, or developed as a result of a long stay in a dusty room, sedatives and expectorants are used.

    You can also treat frequent dry cough and folk remedies However, the risk of developing undesirable consequences and inefficiency this kind treatment. Such therapy can be used in the development of post-infectious cough syndrome and chronic cough associated with bad habits.

    So, folk remedies include herbal preparations with antitussive and macrotoxin properties.

    To suppress cough syndrome and soothe an irritated throat, honey can be used in combination with aloe juice or radish juice, and also used with warm drink or on your own.

    Steam inhalation over boiled potatoes will help treat a dry cough and remove accumulated sputum in the bronchi. To do this, the potatoes are boiled in their skins, and then they are crushed and a little soda and a few drops of iodine are added to it.

    Warming up with mustard plasters or wax with isocerite will also actively help to soothe cough points and thin sputum. Warming up can also be done with boiled potatoes with iodine or by applying an iodine mesh to the chest and back.

    It should be remembered that procedures such as inhalation or warming are done with total absence temperature. In the presence of a strong inflammatory process, these procedures are strictly prohibited.

    Alternative methods of treating dry cough are only auxiliary. Therefore, before you start treating this unpleasant ailment, you should first be examined by qualified specialist and receive the necessary medication or alternative treatment.

    Preventive measures

    To avoid the manifestation of a dry, annoying cough, you need to monitor your health and when weakening protective functions immune system take drugs that will actively increase its protective functions.

    During the epidemic, avoid visiting crowded places and use protective medical masks.

    To avoid infection in the respiratory system, observe hygiene measures and avoid direct contact with an infected person.

    If there is a risk of an allergen getting on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, then you should take it in advance antihistamines and respect preventive measures preventing the development of an allergic reaction.

    In heavily dusty industrial premises, use respiratory protection equipment.

    With the development of cough from bad habits, these habits should be abandoned. Since it has the ability to go into a chronic form, as a result of which you become more painful and obsessive.

    At the first manifestations of a cough, it should be started in a timely and proper treatment. With a cough that does not go away for a long time, contact a specialist who can correctly assess your condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Dry cough in adults different nature and develop as a result of diseases associated with inflammation of the respiratory tract, as well as as a result of the development of an allergic reaction, bronchospasm in bronchial asthma and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Not an exception are bad habits and getting into the throat of foreign small bodies.

    A prolonged cough causes a lot of anxiety and inconvenience for a person, so if the illness lasts more than two weeks, you should seek qualified help and undergo a series of studies that will help determine the cause of the disease. After that, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment, which will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Cough is a protective reflex that helps clear the airways of various foreign bodies. Acute cough accompanies most bronchial lung diseases and helps to cleanse the bronchi and lungs from mucus and phlegm.

    Often long-term inflammatory processes lead to restructuring of the mucosa and cough from protective reflex becomes painful and chronic symptom which significantly impairs the quality of human life. Consider what processes can cause a constant cough in an adult and what can be done with it in each of the situations.

    Consider the most common causes occurrence of this problem:

    • Chronic inflammatory diseases upper and lower respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis).
    • Allergy (permanent form).
    • Drip is a syndrome.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • bronchiectasis.
    • Diseases digestive system(reflux, chronic gastritis With hyperacidity and etc.).
    • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Side effects of certain drugs.
    • cancer in this area.
    • System and specific diseases(lupus, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, etc.)

    In most cases, the cause of the problems can be identified, but 2% of patients can be diagnosed with "idiopathic cough", i.e. without a clearly stated reason.

    There is a so-called psychogenic or psychosomatic cough. This means no organic disturbance, which causes a symptom, but the disturbance in the patient's psyche leads to a cough, which he complains to the doctor.

    Consider separately the most common causes of cough and analyze how to diagnose and treat them.

    Cough in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract

    Chronic inflammatory diseases of all parts of the respiratory tract are almost always accompanied by constant coughing:

    • Cough in chronic pharyngitis is usually dry. Occurs in upper divisions throats. In addition, the patient feels a feeling of sore throat, tickling and scratching. Not accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Worries more at night and in dry weather.
    • Chronic laryngitis causes a persistent dry hacking cough. Symptoms of voice change join, there may be a discharge of viscous, difficult to separate sputum.
    • Tracheitis and bronchitis in chronic form accompanies dry permanent or occasional cough. The patient often complains of chest pain.

    Using folk remedies, you need to be careful not to aggravate existing problem. It is not recommended to experiment with folk recipes in the treatment of chronic cough in children and adults prone to allergies.

    To diagnose the cause of this symptom, the patient should be examined by an ENT and a therapist. X-ray helps to clarify the data of a visual examination, as well as a smear for flora and sensitivity.

    Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment. Among various groups antibiotics choose drugs with a wide range antimicrobial activity.

    locally prescribed alkaline inhalation, sprays and absorbable lozenges. To eliminate the cough reflex caused by inflammation, you can use proven folk remedies: warm milk with honey and garlic, steam inhalations, radish juice, etc.

    Cough caused by allergies

    The techno-industrial development of the world leads to an increase in the number of patients with allergies and sensitization ( hypersensitivity) to airborne allergens. The main manifestation of an allergic reaction is a persistent, dry, irritating cough.

    Appear almost immediately after contact with the causative allergen. In addition to coughing, patients may complain of itching, watery eyes, and nasal discharge.

    Prolonged allergization of the body is one of the risk factors for the development of bronchial asthma..

    In the treatment of this problem, the key aspect is the elimination of contact with the causative allergen. To do this, you must first recognize it. To diagnose allergies, skin tests are used, as well as immunoblotting.

    Immunoblotting method - a method for determining sensitivity to allergens using polymerase chain reaction. Allows you to test for several (10 or more) of the most common airborne and other allergens at once.

    To eliminate the symptoms of allergies, the patient is prescribed antiallergic drugs different generations, such as:

    • erius,
    • Loratadine,
    • Zodak,
    • Suprastin and others.

    In severe cases, local and systemic hormones are used (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone).

    Postnasal drip syndrome

    AT recent times The theory has been actively developed that the cause of coughing, in the absence of inflammation in the lungs and bronchi, can be mucus that flows from the nasopharynx (Drip-syndrome).

    Normal according to back wall pharynx at healthy person a small amount of mucus always flows down, which moisturizes and protects the mucosa.

    With problems with the nose (rhinosinusitis, deviated septum, chronic rhinitis), the amount of this mucus increases. It enters the respiratory tract and causes a cough protective reflex.

    In his complaints to the doctor, the patient focuses on the constant flow of mucus along the back of the throat, and upon examination, the doctor can identify chronic sinusitis or disruption of normal anatomical structure nose. Helps in diagnosing x-rays paranasal sinuses nose or CT.

    Used for treatment antibacterial drugs if the disease bacterial nature. Other patients are offered surgery at chronic rhinitis or a curved septum. The third is selected antihistamine and local hormonal sprays, if the cause of the disease is an allergy.

    A good effect is given by washing and irrigation of the nose. saline solutions. They help to remove excess mucus, improve the functioning of the nasal mucosa and remove dust particles and allergens from the surface of the nasal mucosa.. You can buy these products at the pharmacy or prepare yourself at home.

    Bronchial asthma and cough

    Bronchial asthma is a severe systemic disease, which can take place in various options. In addition to night attacks of suffocation, the patient is often worried about a dry cough with sputum difficult to separate. Such attacks of coughing, as well as suffocation, often disturb the patient at night, and also intensify after physical overexertion.

    A feature of the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is that it is a diagnosis of exclusion..

    Those. the patient is first checked for most of the most likely lung diseases and only then diagnosed with asthma. Help diagnosis specific methods studies such as spirography, peak flowmetry, etc.

    Therapy depends on the form and stage of the disease, it is selected by a specialist depending on the severity of the symptoms. For treatment, inhaled and systemic hormones, cromones, bronchodilators, mucolytics and other drugs are used.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    A pathology such as gastroesophageal reflux (or GERD) can lead to the fact that the patient is tormented by a constant dry cough. The reason for this is the irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx with the acidic contents of the stomach.

    With GERD, due to insufficiency of the esophageal sphincter, hydrochloric acid is refluxed onto the pharyngeal mucosa. This acid leads to the development of mucosal atrophy and causes persistent chronic pharyngitis or laryngitis.

    In addition to coughing, the patient complains of heartburn, belching, bad taste mouth and smell. Such a cough provokes overeating, a violation of the usual diet, and most often it occurs immediately after eating. For diagnosis, the patient is recommended to conduct fibrogastroduodenoscopy, as well as 24-hour pH-metry. These methods make it possible to diagnose GERD and establish its relationship with cough.

    For treatment, it is recommended to adhere to a diet and rules healthy eating: 4-5 single meals, small portions, exclude fried, salty and spices, limit alcohol, muffins and sweets.

    From medicines to cope with the disease help:

    1. Antacids (Almagel).
    2. Inhibitors proton pump(omeprazole).
    3. Drugs that enhance intestinal motility (Cerukal).
    4. Among the means alternative medicine herbal preparations based on chamomile, marshmallow, calamus, plantain, etc. are widely used.

    Cough as a side effect of medication

    Many patients suffering arterial hypertension and constantly taking drugs to normalize blood pressure, complain of a feeling of perspiration and coughing. This is a common side effect of taking blood pressure medications.

    According to statistics, 70% of patients taking ACE inhibitors(enalapril, ramipril), manifested side effect in the form of constant dry cough and sore throat.

    In some patients, this effect is observed on the first day of administration, while in others it can be registered after months and even years of drug use. How to cure chronic cough of this kind? Unfortunately not. Taking medication for pressure is much more important for the body than this side effect.

    What can be done to reduce its irritating effect:

    • Try changing the drug. Some patients react to a particular drug and changing pills can help clear up the cough.
    • Stop smoking to reduce the irritating effect on the mucous membrane.
    • Take a regular course of physiotherapy and distracting symptomatic procedures (inhalations, gargling, moisturizing the mucosa with vitamin A or E oil).

    Oncological pathology

    One of the first signs of cancer of the larynx, trachea or bronchi can be this particular symptom. What you need to pay attention to:

    • A cough that lasts more than a month and is not related to a cold or an allergy. An alarming symptom to become the appearance of fresh or old blood.
    • Unexplained weight loss with a normal diet.
    • An increase in axillary, supraclavicular and other groups of lymph nodes.
    • Voice changes, unexplained hoarseness may indicate manifestations of laryngeal cancer.
    • Unmotivated fatigue, weakness and increased drowsiness.

    Help in the diagnosis of this pathology visual inspection(for cancer of the larynx), bronchoscopy, and X-ray or CT of organs chest. Final Diagnosis exhibited only on the basis of a pathomorphological study, for which a piece of altered tissue or a lymph node (biopsy) is taken from the patient.

    At timely treatment it is quite possible to completely cure it in three to four days. Mild cough is initial stage cough, which in principle is not dangerous, if it is not started, treated in a timely manner and maintained in the body normal mode vital activity. Do you have a slight cough now? Prevention and precautions in the treatment of such a cough will be for you useful information in this article.

    Easy cough: disease prevention

    It is necessary to observe mandatory precautions, this is necessary so that a mild cough does not develop into a more dangerous and serious stage of cough, which will be much more difficult to treat, which can give complications and knock you out of a normal life rut. In addition, stronger forms of cough give a person a lot of trouble.

    Mild cough: precautions in the treatment of the disease

    Necessary and mandatory precautions for mild cough:

    Definitely every day slight cough it is necessary to ventilate the room for about ten minutes, do wet cleaning of the room every other day, use a separate towel.

    If the weather is good, then try to spend at least an hour in the sun, in the fresh air (in summer and late spring, in winter and in wet weather it is dangerous).

    Eat well and properly, eat with a slight cough about three to four times a day, sleep more, drink warm liquids.

    Take vitamins, eat more vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C, lemons are good.

    Dress warmly, avoid drafts.

    Take every day for mild cough medications, be treated.

    These are the basic rules for prevention and treatment that you need to follow if you have a mild cough, as well as more serious views cough. As a rule, a mild cough can only aggravate if left untreated and when the patient does not follow the above rules, then a mild cough can develop into more serious forms, which in turn can give dangerous complications for good health.

    Diagnostics mild cough

    However, in order to know for sure that you have a mild cough, at the first of its symptoms, you need to contact a therapist in a hospital. Only he can deliver accurate and correct diagnosis and appoint you an adequate course of treatment for this disease. Otherwise, you can make a mistake in the diagnosis and self-medicate to start this disease. It is also important to know if you have allergies or not, as in this case, a slight cough may not actually be a cough, but allergic reaction your body for any pathogen. Therefore, one way or another, first of all, you need to go to the doctor, and only then begin to treat this catarrhal disease.



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