Causes of a persistent cough and the best way to treat it. List of effective remedies for a long-term cough

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. You must not run it, as this may lead to various kinds complications aggravate the situation and significantly worsen the patient's condition.


If there is an old cough, it is better not to try to get rid of it yourself. See a therapist for a checkup. Identification of the causes of chronic cough in an adult is a guarantor successful treatment. The examination will help to exclude or confirm such serious illness like pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Most often for treatment advanced cough antibiotics are used. They are prescribed on an individual basis, based on the symptoms and history of the patient. At complex treatment inhalations, immunomodulatory drugs, mustard plasters, etc. are used. It is worth remembering that steam inhalations with an old cough will be ineffective, it is better to use infusions for them. essential oils. With the improvement of symptoms and after taking a course of antibiotics, drugs are prescribed that facilitate the excretion of sputum - Bromhexine, Mukaltin, ACC. All recommendations should be given by a doctor.

Good positive effect provide special physiological procedures, for example, UHF. Also, the treatment of advanced cough involves massage, physiotherapy. It is important to observe correct mode diet, make sure you drink enough fluids.

A patient with a prolonged cough should follow all the recommendations of a specialist. It is also necessary to eliminate all provoking factors - quit smoking, monitor the humidity of the room, eliminate contacts with harmful substances. To speed up the healing process, it is useful to take mineral complexes especially vitamin C.

Proven folk remedies

Treatment folk methods also has a positive effect, but they should be used only after prior consultation with a doctor. One of the reliable and proven methods of treatment is inhalation with soda and garlic. Boil the garlic in water, add some soda and breathe over the steam. Sometimes a few procedures are enough and the patient feels significant relief.

Treatment of cough during sleep with oil - also proven method, which gives positive results. Especially suitable for those people who constantly do not have enough time for complete treatment. A plain cloth should be completely soaked in vegetable oil and cover the chest, put a plastic wrap on top. Keep it all night.

If you have dry pine buds, they will also help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Make a coniferous decoction with milk - for this, pour 50 grams of kidneys with two glasses of milk and boil for several minutes. Take a few tablespoons of the drug throughout the day.

Treatment of a wet lingering cough is not a simple and lengthy process. In order to speed up the process of sputum discharge, you can prepare a proven remedy - wine with pepper. Take wine, preferably red, mix it with red pepper and heat well. Drink hot no more than three times a day.

Good for cough onion honey. Cut the vegetable into several parts and boil in milk, when the broth has cooled, add a few tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly. Take a tablespoon every four hours.

Simple and quick ways to get rid of a lingering cough

If you decide to treat cough at home, consult your doctor in advance, because many methods have their own side effects and contraindications, despite their seeming harmlessness.

Oil and honey - natural and useful tools to get rid of a persistent cough. Take in equal proportions butter, honey, sugar, melted fat, aloe pulp, mix thoroughly. Add cocoa powder to the mixture and boil. The resulting drug can be stored in the refrigerator, should be taken at bedtime - dissolve one tablespoon of the drug in a glass of hot milk.

If you are still interested in methods of how to cure an old cough, then there may be several of them:

  1. tar - mix two drops of the product with a glass of milk, drink it warm before going to bed;
  2. onions - eat this vegetable in fresh as often as possible, but at least three times a day;
  3. plantain - pour dry leaves of the plant with boiling water and let it brew, take three times a day, for greater effectiveness, you can add honey;
  4. ginger tea - ginger root should be poured with boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes, add honey and lemon.

IN folk medicine There are many remedies and methods for treating coughs, but be aware that they may not always be safe. Use folk remedies only in last resort or consult your doctor.

Everyone knows that medicinal herbs help to get rid of many diseases. With bronchitis and a prolonged cough, thyme, coltsfoot, wormwood, flax, licorice root, chamomile, yarrow, geranium, eucalyptus, succession, nettle, St. John's wort help well.

When coughing, pine buds and cones, birch branches, carrot seeds can help. There are really a lot of recipes, but you should not get carried away with them. If the cough does not go away within two weeks, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist.

Experts call a cough a reflex contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system. There is a sharp expulsion of air from the lungs. This is a response process to irritation of the mucous membrane of the trachea, larynx, or bronchi. Thus, the body tries to clear the respiratory system of foreign particles or accumulated mucus.

Determined persistent cough in an adult one by one important feature: no more than four weeks. If during this time it was not possible to get rid of the cough, it still causes inconvenience, they talk about its protracted form.

A prolonged form of cough may be accompanied by sputum production. During the day, a person may experience bouts of coughing. In such cases, it can last for several minutes, preventing the patient from breathing. Irritation of the mucosa can be so strong that it can be very difficult to stop a cough. The patient may experience pain in the throat, lungs, in the area of ​​the diaphragm.

Adults appear given form cough for the following reasons:

  • Allergy.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Infectious inflammation: bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia.
  • Professional human activity associated with dust, talc.
  • Colds.
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Smoking.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Asthma.

Define exact reason lingering cough can only be a specialist. After examining the patient, passing tests, the doctor can say what caused the onset of a prolonged cough.

Often there is a cough when the patient stops taking the drugs prescribed by the specialist. This is especially common with colds. The patient believes that he is cured, stops taking the medicine, and meanwhile the cough returns, complications appear. Experts advise taking medication throughout the entire period of treatment.

This form of cough can be accompanied by wheezing, congestion in the chest, heartburn. The person feels weak and tired. Causes cough often to dizziness.

Treatment of a chronic cough with folk remedies

Not only medicines help to get rid of cough, but also folk remedies. One of the most effective means is thyme. You need to prepare a decoction of this ingredient. You will need one tablespoon of this component and 250 ml of boiling water. The ingredients are mixed, infused for an hour. After this period of time, the resulting broth is filtered. It is necessary to take the prepared remedy three times a day, one tablespoon. Thyme has an expectorant effect. With it, you can disinfect the respiratory system, get rid of pathogenic bacteria that contribute to the development of cough. With regular use of this remedy, the cough weakens and eventually completely disappears.

It is recommended to use black radish juice for a prolonged cough. It must first be washed, then make a small indentation. One tablespoon of honey is put into it. After three hours, this recess will be filled with juice. Then the radish can be cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar. After four hours, the juice will stand out again. It must be taken by the patient one tablespoon three times a day. This is one of the most effective ways, in which sputum is removed from the lungs, coughing is eliminated. In a few days, the person will feel much better, the unpleasant phenomenon will be eliminated.

Many patients are helped by a recipe that contains milk. A glass of this product must be boiled. Then four figs are poured over them, they can be crushed. Then the mixed components are covered with a towel until completely cooled. The prepared medicine should be taken by the patient three times a day, 100 ml each. The resulting remedy is also used to rub the chest, the effect of the medicine will only increase, and the person will recover faster.

Grated lemon juice with sugar is an effective cough suppressant. The prepared remedy must be consumed every day two to three times after meals. After a few days, the cough will be eliminated, and pathogens in the respiratory tract, sputum will disappear. Lemon juice will help the patient to raise immunity, strengthen the body. Recovery will be the fastest.

If the cough is prolonged, it does not weaken, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm liquids. An excellent remedy is tea with lemon, honey. He warms up chest, promotes the excretion of sputum from the body, raises immunity, helps fight against unpleasant phenomenon. Milk can be substituted for tea. You can also add honey to it. Reception of milk gives a person strength and will help to cope even with a strong and prolonged cough.

Medical treatment for chronic cough

Experts advise taking Gerbion syrup for the treatment of cough. Its main component is plantain, which has antitussive, anti-inflammatory effects. The syrup helps to expel mucus. Herbion contains vitamin C, which strengthens the respiratory system, human immunity. Adults are allowed to take medicine up to five times a day, two teaspoons.

A medication called Bronholitin will help the patient in the treatment of cough. It is made in the form of a syrup. It must be consumed by adults three times a day, 10 ml. Take the drug for five to seven days. During this period of time, the cough will be eliminated, the airways will be cleared of sputum. The person will feel better.

The drug Libexin fights against a prolonged cough. It is made in the form of tablets. They must be taken without chewing. Adults need to consume three times a day this drug one tablet. The drug eliminates cough, fights pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the respiratory tract. In a few days the patient will recover, his condition will improve.

Doctors advise taking Fluditec for a prolonged cough. It is made in the form of a syrup. Adults need to use it three times a day, one tablespoon. The drug effectively fights cough, eliminates it in shortest time. The person recovers a few days after taking the syrup.

Is it possible to cure a lingering cough with warming

Warming up, according to experts, are very effective in combating cough, especially protracted. If you want to enhance the action of medicines, you need to warm up the body. With the help of warming procedures, you can achieve the following results:

  • Complete recovery of the body.
  • Elimination of cough.
  • Excretion of sputum.
  • Chest pain, heartburn, wheezing will disappear.
  • Immunity will increase.
  • The recovery process will be faster, the effect of medicines will increase.
  • Pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract will be destroyed due to warming up.

Experts advise to warm up the legs in hot water. You can add mustard powder. The procedure is carried out for twenty-five minutes. Next, the patient should put on warm socks and go to bed. It is not recommended to go outside after this procedure. A person should stay at home, warm. It is recommended to warm up the legs before going to bed.

You can warm up the chest. For this, well-known mustard plasters are suitable for everyone. You need to keep them no more than ten minutes, sometimes five minutes is enough. As soon as the skin turned red, a strong tingling appeared, mustard plasters can be removed. Apply every day before bed this procedure. With its help, the cough will be eliminated quickly.

Doctors advise to use inhalation. With their help, the airways warm up. Procedures are carried out at home and lead to recovery. One of the most simple methods is soda inhalation. IN warm water add some soda. A tablespoon of the component is enough. A person needs to breathe steam, covered with a blanket for ten minutes. This method helps to remove phlegm from the lungs and eliminate coughing. Salt can be added instead of soda. It will also help you get rid of the cough.

Potato inhalation is no less popular. You need to boil a few potatoes "in uniform". A person needs to bend over a container with warm potatoes and cover himself with a blanket. The procedure continues for ten minutes. It also contributes to the removal of sputum, elimination of cough. After a few days, the person will feel an improvement.

Prevention measures

Experts say that the appearance of a prolonged cough can be prevented if you follow some rules:

  • You need to eat food rich in vitamins.
  • It is necessary to give up alcohol and cigarettes. They negatively affect the human immune system.
  • A person should avoid hypothermia, changes in air temperature.
  • If it became known about the epidemic viral infection public places should be avoided.
  • It is imperative to monitor the hygiene of the home. dust can cause coughing.
  • Exercises breathing exercises help to strengthen the body.

To avoid colds and coughs, it is necessary to dress warmly during the cold season. The neck must be covered with a scarf, without gloves and mittens it is impossible to go outside in winter. Warm socks should be on the feet. Shoes should not be too tight and small, because this leads to hypothermia. A warmly dressed person resists the cold, frosty air, protects itself from hypothermia and diseases.

As soon as the first signs of a cold appear, a sore throat is felt, a cough has appeared, it is necessary to be treated immediately. It is recommended to visit a doctor, consult with him in choosing medicines. On early stages a cough is much easier to cure, until it has passed into the protracted stage.

A person who is attentive to his health will make every effort to prevent the appearance of a prolonged cough. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system, take vitamins and, if necessary, visit a doctor. These measures will help a person avoid such an unpleasant, long-term phenomenon.

An untreated severe debilitating cough can deliver a mass pain and complications. Treatment should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. let's consider various methods cough treatment, depending on their productivity.

What is a cough

Cough is a reflex protective "helper" of our body, which helps to get rid of it in the mucous membranes. respiratory tract a peculiar irritating secretion, dust or any foreign bodies. There are many causes of cough, but the main ones are bacterial, viral or chronic. respiratory diseases respiratory tract.

Types of cough

Distinguish physiological (normal, short-term daily process of coughing in healthy person, aimed at the natural cleansing of the respiratory tract from accumulated sputum) and pathological cough (diagnoses any disease, manifests itself against its background). The gradation of pathological cough is acute or chronic wet (wet, productive, with sputum discharge) and dry (paroxysmal, barking, debilitating, without discharge of a specific secret from the respiratory tract).

Specificity of cough treatment

Treatment for a cough depends on its cause and type. If the cough is not strong and accompanies respiratory diseases such as SARS or the common cold, there is no need to forcibly eliminate it. In other cases, when the cough is dry, exhausting, strong, persistent, treatment is used to produce sputum and thin it, for then better discharge from the respiratory tract.

  • The very first thing to start with cough elimination (before the use of drugs and auxiliary folk methods) is the humidification of the air in the room, the abundant use of liquids in the form of warm teas and mineral waters, rejection bad habits, as well as changing the diet to a light, but high-calorie food. All this will contribute to the stimulation of sputum secretion.
  • Inhalations are an excellent and effective remedy that has no contraindications (children under 4 years of age are an exception), which should be done several times a day. You can do inhalations with the usual "old-fashioned" method, inhaling steam from steamed medicinal plant when coltsfoot, eucalyptus, thyme, sage, chamomile are brewed. To herbs, you can add soda and a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil.
  • More productive method inhalation - the use of inhalers-nebulizers. In this case, pharmacy medications with mucolic and expectorant properties. Stop your choice on such drugs as "Dikasan", "Lazolvan", "Amroxol", "Bromhexine", "Gerbion", "Prospan", alkaline mineral waters.

Folk methods for the treatment of dry and wet cough

With a dry cough, the most important thing will be to remove the irritant and soften the mucous membrane. To do this, you can use lollipops, various rinses that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. But, it is worth considering that the effect of such a "treatment" will be short-lived. The best option elimination of cough will be the use, together with pharmaceutical drugs, folk methods. This will significantly speed up the process of recovery and recovery of the body, not only from exhausting dry, but also from wet cough.

Milk for cough

  • Milk has emollient, mucolic properties, well dilutes sputum and contributes to its easier discharge from the respiratory tract. A dry cough that accompanies a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis or whooping cough lends itself well to stopping with a decoction of figs in milk. To do this, boil 5 figs in 200 ml of milk. Wrap the broth, let it brew and use 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • With a strong dry cough, drink hot milk (200 ml) with the addition of 1 tsp before meals in small sips. soda, honey and interior fat.
  • Mix milk in equal proportions with freshly squeezed carrot juice. Take the resulting remedy 1/3 cup several times a day.
  • Chop 2 onions and boil in 200 ml of milk. Strain, take 1 tbsp. l. every 4-5 hours.

Honey and radish for severe cough

Radish juice has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Buy a large pot-bellied black radish. Cut off the top, making a cap in the form of a hat, and a little bottom. From the inside, remove about 1/3 of its pulp from the radish. Carefully make a small puncture to the bottom of the root crop. Fill the prepared recess with honey. Place the radish in a container into which juice mixed with honey will flow from the puncture. In 2-4 hours you will receive an excellent irreplaceable natural remedy from severe cough. Take syrup 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. After 2-3 days, the cough will completely leave you.

Compresses and cough rubs

  • Before going to bed, rub the chest with lamb or goat interior fat. After rubbing, warm yourself well and go to bed.
  • Use a dry compress to relieve coughs in children. mashed potatoes. Prepare a mixture of puree and vodka. Place it warm in plastic bag, wrap it with a napkin and attach it to the back and chest. Wrap the compress with a warm scarf and leave to cool completely.
  • Good for a bad cough honey compress. Rub honey on your chest, make a steam layer (parchment, warm scarf), lie down to warm under the covers. As soon as the warm-up is over - wash yourself warm water lubricate the chest vegetable oil.
  • An incessant, difficult to eliminate cough will help eliminate a compress from vegetable oil heated in a water bath. Soak in prepared oil dense fabric, wrap it around your chest, put parchment paper on top and a heater in the form of a scarf or towel. Leave this compress on all night.

Note! Compresses and rubbing can be used if you do not have a temperature.

Decoctions and infusions for cough

  • If it is not possible to purchase breastfeeding at the pharmacy, prepare it yourself. To do this, mix in equal proportions and grind thyme, pine buds, oregano, mint, licorice, coltsfoot, linden, calendula and lungwort. Pour 4 tbsp. l. mixture of 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1-1.5 hours, use 150 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes of eating.
  • Althea infusion has a good antitussive property. For its preparation 2 tbsp. l. crushed root pour 500 ml cold water. Keep the mixture in the cold overnight. After - strain, add a little sugar, take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day.

Aloe for severe cough

Mix honey, aloe and butter in equal proportions. Accept this remedy 4-5 times a day, 1 tsp.

Treatment of severe cough in children

Small children (under 1 year old) require medical supervision and observations. For older children, use plenty warm drink, mustard plasters, rubbing, hot foot baths, compresses, inhalations, sedatives nervous system("Tussamogom", "Sinekod") and having expectorant mucolic properties.

Please note that the elimination of cough should not be carried out independently, without the supervision of a specialist (in case of microbial diseases of the respiratory tract, antibiotics are required), since wrong treatment can give complications, and the combination and use of mucolic and antitussive drugs can lead to backfire in the idea of ​​bronchial obstruction.

The article is for informational purposes, before treatment it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Many mothers face such a problem as a child. It often occurs as a result infectious disease. But there may be several reasons for its occurrence. That is why, before starting treatment, it should be established what was the provocateur. To stop a cough, you can use both drugs and alternative treatment methods.

Cough is a symptom of a number of diseases.

Cough is not independent disease but only a symptom. Many people ignore it, believing that coughing is not a dangerous phenomenon. But over time, it develops into a protracted one, which requires long-term treatment.

That is why, if it occurs, you should consult a doctor, especially for children. This is due to the fact that they have diseases with a cough most often provoke complications.

In cases where the baby began to cough, you should not give any medicine against cough. The symptom can occur for many reasons, and improper treatment leads to negative consequences. Many of them affect respiratory system child.

Causes of a cough include:

  • SARS.
  • ORZ.

Cough in these diseases occurs abruptly and has a paroxysmal character. In addition, the cause of coughing can be foreign body located in the respiratory tract. In this case, medications will not help get rid of the cough. If a child has swallowed a small part, call ambulance as there is a risk of asphyxia.

Associated symptoms

General clinical picture largely depends on the disease. A cough can be accompanied by many symptoms.

Most often observed:

  1. Increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees.
  2. Violation respiratory rate. The child's breathing becomes difficult.
  3. Nausea accompanied by vomiting.
  4. Violation of the heart rhythm.
  5. Discharge from the nasal passage of exudate.
  6. The presence of pus in the sputum.

To establish accurate diagnosis doctor should know complete picture. Often cough in children occurs against the background of a cold.

But for the treatment to be effective, the specialist diagnoses, prescribes laboratory research blood and urine.

This helps to establish the cause and type pathogenic microorganisms causing an infectious disease.

Medical treatment

It is impossible to completely cure a cough in a child in two days. When it appears, you should contact a specialist who will establish a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. It is not recommended to take drugs on your own, as this can provoke a deterioration in the baby's condition or the development of serious consequences.

All drugs are prescribed depending on the type of cough. In medicine, isolated. The first type is characterized by frequent coughing, which occurs mainly in evening time. When diagnosing a dry cough, antitussives are prescribed. Wet is characterized by the presence of sputum when coughing. In order to facilitate the discharge of sputum, expectorants are used.

Antitussive drugs n are prescribed in cases of diagnosing paroxysmal, dry, persistent and obsessive cough.

It is strictly forbidden to use drugs without a doctor's prescription, especially for the treatment of children, as they have many side effects.

For the treatment of children up to a year, Panatus or Sinekod are prescribed. But such means as "Codeine", "Codelac Neo", "Omnitus" are contraindicated for babies under 2-3 years old. That is why it is necessary to consult with your doctor before use.

Expectorants n They are not used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and for dry cough, as they have a different mechanism of action. In addition, drugs are not given to children at night. This is because active substances provoke sputum discharge, which will prevent the child from resting.

It is worth remembering that expectorants do not relieve an attack, but intensify it, as they help thin the sputum and increase its volume, removing it from the bronchi. modern medicine can offer a large number of various drugs. They are divided into two large groups:

  1. Vegetable. The basis is made up of various plants with healing properties, for example, plantain, anise, elecampane, marshmallow, licorice, chamomile. Many believe that such drugs can not harm the body. In fact, they need to be taken with caution, as they can provoke allergic reaction, especially in children. It is necessary to take them only as prescribed by a doctor and only in the indicated dosages, which it is strictly forbidden to exceed.
  2. Combined. Also made based on herbal ingredients, but with the addition chemical substances. Sodium benzoate, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and others are often used. Preparations are produced in the form of tablets, syrups, drops and plates. Syrup is recommended for the treatment of children, as it is convenient to use.

In the presence of a wet cough in a baby, "", "Prospan", "Eucabal", "Bronchicum" are usually prescribed. They should also be used as prescribed by the doctor, who will determine the duration of the course of administration and dosage.

More information on how to treat cough in children at home can be found in the video:

Mucolytic agents are used to restore the elasticity of the respiratory mucosa. They help loosen mucus but do not add bulk. They are made in the form of tablets, syrups, solutions. For children infancy it is recommended to use syrups such as "Bromhexine", "", "Mukobene", "", "Mukosol".

Treatment of cough in children requires responsibility, as many drugs can cause an allergic reaction or cause side effects. That is why you should consult your doctor before using them.

Folk methods

Folk recipes long time were used not only to treat cough in adults, but also in children. Alternative medicine knows many ways to alleviate the condition of the baby and cupping.

The most popular recipes that many mothers use today are:

  • Warm milk with honey. Helps only for initial stage. But before use, you should make sure that there is no allergy.
  • A decoction of figs with milk. Effective in severe attacks.
  • Radish with honey. The vegetable is pre-cut into small pieces and poured with honey. Juice, which begins to stand out over time, take a tablespoon every two hours.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice with honey. Use 4-5 times a day for a tablespoon.
  • Onion syrup. Used as an expectorant. For cooking, you need to take one medium onion, squeeze the juice and fall asleep granulated sugar. Then place the container with the product overnight in a cold and dark place.
  • Lemon with honey. It is scrolled through a meat grinder and a tablespoon of honey is added. Children are given the solution twice a day.
  • Grape juice. It is considered an expectorant that helps to cure cough in a short time.

It is also recommended to use chest fees herbs. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. To do this, take dried thyme, chamomile, linden in equal proportions. Then grind and pour boiling water. Infuse for 10-15 minutes and take it warm. To improve efficiency, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Cough is provoked by involuntary forced exhalations, which are caused by the presence of irritation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. . Anything can serve as a reason for coughing, and it doesn’t matter what it is - a speck of dust that has accidentally flown into the throat or severe illness respiratory tract due to viral infections.

Behind Lately the number of cases of tuberculosis and lung cancer has increased several times. These diseases are often accompanied by hemoptysis syndrome, which also needs to be treated with drugs that soothe and suppress cough. Treatment of patients with functional disorders respiratory organs, with reflux disease and tracheal dyskinesia, it is also not complete without antitussive drugs. Therefore, we can conclude that the spectrum of diseases in which effective antitussive drugs are prescribed is very diverse.

The patient begins to cough only in those cases when the mucous membrane of the bronchi, trachea or larynx is irritated. In order to get rid of a cough, the first step is to reduce or completely remove the rarefaction in the form of spasms.

The most common causes of cough are great excitement, emotional stress, allergies and colds.

Food for cough

If the patient has severe attacks cough, then as an addition to drug treatment, you need to adhere to a certain diet. In the diet, it is recommended to include mashed potatoes prepared with big amount milk, oatmeal porridge with milk, as well as grated radish salad dressed with vegetable oil and sour cream.

Grapes are considered excellent remedy to treat cough. It helps to quickly get rid of it, as it has lung healing properties and acts as an expectorant. A cough can be easily soothed by drinking just one glass grape juice with a teaspoon of honey.

It is very useful to replace ordinary coffee with a barley drink with a little milk and chicory added. You can also pass a whole lemon through a meat grinder and add honey to taste. It is forbidden to use spicy food, sweets and sweet drinks.

If the cough is provoked colds, then it is recommended to fast for two or three days. In this case, you need to drink plenty of water. However, if it is difficult to refuse food. You shouldn't limit yourself to food. Stick to the above diet and drink at least three liters of water per day.


Traditional medicine for the treatment of cough

egg mixture

Egg potion helps to cure even the most severe coughing fits that are not treatable traditional means. This recipe is familiar to many, because with its help you can put anyone on their feet. This mixture can cure even neglected bronchitis. This ancient remedy is still used today for effective treatment cough.

Before you start preparing the egg mixture, you need to boil one glass of milk. Then add a tablespoon of honey and oil to it. Mix everything well and add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and a little whipped egg yolk. This folk remedy very effective, as it can cure not only cough, but also bronchitis, laryngitis and tracheitis.

We treat cough in children with traditional medicine

Today, one old traditional medicine is used to treat cough in children. This recipe is very simple, but the effect of it will not be long in coming. Already after the first dose, you can feel significant relief. So, first bring to a boil 500 ml. milk. As soon as the milk begins to boil, remove it from the stove and add a tablespoon pine buds. Let them brew for one hour, filter and take inside. We drink the prepared broth throughout the day. You need to repeat the procedure as needed.

It is also very good to use traditional herbal medicine recipes, as they speed up the healing process.

Cough treatment with lemon juice

Take one large lemon and squeeze all the juice out of it. Pour the finished juice into a clean glass and add glycerin to it, in the amount of two tablespoons. Fill the remaining space with honey and mix thoroughly until a syrup consistency is obtained. With an infrequent attack of coughing, we take the remedy several times a day, one teaspoon. If the cough occurs frequently, then we increase the medication up to six times, including in the morning and before bedtime. Reception should be reduced as you recover. This remedy of traditional medicine is allowed to be taken not only by adults, but also by children.

Exercises to stop coughing fits

Probably, most people have had to deal with a cough that only gets worse each time and does not stop. Oddly enough, but such an attack of coughing can be quite simply stopped. Anyone can do it with one simple exercise which does not require any physical effort. It is worth noting that this exercise can save you from any coughing fits.

So, during a coughing fit, raise right hand up and try to stretch as high as possible. We pull the hand very high, and after a while the coughing fits will begin to subside, and general state normalizes. The constant performance of the exercise not only relieves coughing fits, but also treats it.

Note that this is only additional measures so don't forget to follow your doctor's advice.

Treatment of cough and bronchitis with onions

We take one liter of boiling water and add 200 gr. sugar and two unpeeled onions. Mix everything until the sugar is completely dissolved and cook over low heat for one hour. The broth is filtered and taken warm in 100 ml. three or four times a day. Children are recommended to take 50 ml. You can not take the decoction cold.

How to treat dry cough

In folk medicine, you can find not a single recipe for the treatment of dry cough, but the recipe below is considered the most effective. For its preparation, we need 60 gr. chopped pepper roots and 250 ml. white grape wines. Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Strained broth is taken hot twice or thrice a day.

It is also recommended to rub a mixture of goose fat and onions into the front of the neck and chest. Therefore, the grated onion is mixed with goose fat. This mixture must be rubbed before going to bed, and every morning, eat one tablespoon of this mixture.

Treat an old cough

An old cough can be cured with compresses from the following solution. We take one and a half tablespoons of vodka and a tablespoon sunflower oil, honey and dry mustard. All this is thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. We filter this broth and soak gauze for compresses in it, which we put on the throat, in places severe pain. We put cling film or cellophane on top of them and fix them with a warm scarf. This compress must be done at least two days in a row.

Herbal cough treatments

Before you start treating a cough with herbs, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommended doses of medicines for different age groups. Children under the age of twelve months are recommended to take half a teaspoon of the collection per day. Children from one to three years- one teaspoon per day. Children aged three to six years - one dessert spoon per day. If the child is between the ages of six and ten years, then his dose is one tablespoon of the collection per day. Everyone over ten years old - two tablespoons per day.

Recipe one. We take one part of oregano herb and two parts of marshmallow and coltsfoot leaves. The result should be two tablespoons of the collection of crushed herb leaves. We put all this in a thermos and pour boiling water in an amount of 500 ml. We insist for four hours and take two glasses twice a day. You need to take this infusion for one month, then take a break for 14 days and, if necessary, continue treatment with another folk recipe.

Recipe two. We take an equal amount of anise seeds, chamomile inflorescences, coltsfoot leaves, mint herbs, plantain leaves. Of the total amount, we need only two tablespoons of the collection, which we put in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Strain the infusion for four hours and take half a cup twice a day. Cough treatment with this remedy must be continued for thirty days. Then we take a break for 14 days and resume treatment with another folk remedy.

Recipe three. We need an equal amount of thyme herb, chamomile inflorescences, marshmallow root, rosemary herb, coltsfoot leaves, licorice root. From all the resulting mixture, we take two tablespoons of the collection and pour it into a thermos. Then pour half a liter of boiling water there and insist all this for four hours. Strained infusion is taken twice a day for half a cup. We continue treatment with this remedy for thirty days, after which we take a break for fourteen days. In cases of need, we continue the treatment with another folk remedy.

Recipe Four. We take equal amounts of pine buds, sage leaves, marshmallow root, thyme herb, anise seeds and licorice root. We need only two tablespoons of the collection, so consider the amount of all ingredients in advance. Pour the well-mixed collection into a thermos, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for four hours. Infusion is taken twice a day for half a cup. The course of treatment is thirty days, after which we take a break for fourteen days. If necessary, we continue the treatment of cough with another folk remedy.

Recipe five. We take in equal amounts the leaves of lungwort, coltsfoot, large plantain, fennel fruits, tricolor violet herb and licorice root. Of the total amount, we need two tablespoons of the collection, which we put in a thermos, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for four hours. Strained infusion is taken twice a day for half a cup. We continue treatment with this remedy for thirty days, after which we break for fourteen days. In cases of need, we continue the treatment with another folk remedy.

Recipe six. We take eight parts of marshmallow root, four parts of coltsfoot leaves, three parts of licorice root, two parts of mullein flowers and anise fruits. The result should be two tablespoons of the collection of crushed herb leaves. Pour all this into a thermos and pour boiling water in an amount of 500 ml. We insist for four hours and take two glasses twice a day. You need to take this infusion for thirty days, then take a break for 14 days and, if necessary, continue treatment with another folk recipe.



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