Primary secondary and tertiary prevention of dental diseases. Methods for the prevention of dental diseases

And gums there is preventive dentistry. What it is? It is called preventive measures to prevent caries and periodontal disease. Preventive direction dentistry teaches patients how to properly care for the oral cavity, and also helps to eliminate the disease at an early stage of development.

Purpose of preventive measures

The initial stage of preventive measures is aimed at eliminating the conditions and causes of caries. Preventive dentistry also primary stage increases the body's resistance to adverse factors environment.

At the secondary stage, a set of measures is taken to prevent relapses and complications of the disease.

At the third stage of prevention, preventive dentistry sets the goal - to carry out rehabilitation measures to preserve tissues and organs (by replacement).

Preventive measures

  1. Careful oral care, personal hygiene.
  2. Use useful products nutrition.
  3. Conducting fluoridation of drinking water.
  4. Regular visits to the dentist.
  5. Identification of diseases and elimination of it at the earliest stages of development.
  6. Carrying out professional
  7. Timely treatment of caries and periodontal disease.
  8. Prevention of any complications.

Prophylactic orthopedic dentistry

Orthopedic dentistry addresses the following issues:

  • Finds out the reasons contributing to the emergence of various deviations in the structure of the maxillofacial apparatus.
  • Determines a possible preventive system of measures to prevent the development of certain deviations.

The first direction in prosthetic dentistry is prosthetics. With its help, defects of the teeth, as well as entire dentitions, are eliminated.

The next direction of this dentistry is orthodontics. She deals with the issues of identifying the causes of anomalies in the structure of taste, as well as its deformations. Orthodontics deals with methods of eliminating such pathologies.

Prosthetic dentistry is maxillofacial orthopedics. She studies clinical manifestations, carries out preventive measures, corrects various violations face and jaw shapes. The causes of such violations may be injuries, surgical interventions, complications of past diseases. Pathological conditions may be congenital or may be acquired. In general, all orthopedic measures give the smile and teeth a beautiful appearance.

Events held in the centers

Today, with any problem of the oral cavity, you can contact the center of preventive dentistry. Any of these centers conducts the following preventive work:

  • Popularizes knowledge on preventive measures of dental diseases among students of universities and colleges.
  • Carries out the diagnosis of dental caries, periodontal diseases, lesions of the oral mucosa.
  • Conducts patient registration using indexes and criteria recommended by the World Health Organization.
  • Carries out hygienic and preventive measures that contribute to the preservation dental health citizens.
  • Educates patients (methods of brushing teeth, control brushing teeth).
  • Designs and implements programs of individual preventive measures against dental diseases.
  • Conducts all kinds of research on the prevention of diseases of the mouth.
  • Carries out educational work among people different categories: health workers, kindergarten teachers, school teachers and parents. Therefore, preventive dentistry is very important.

Specialty - dental hygienist

The preventive direction of dentistry led to the opening of a new specialty - a dental hygienist. With its appearance, the quality of domestic dentistry has reached a new level. Preventive measures in developed countries have long been considered an integral part of the dental service. Therefore, the profession of a hygienist is prestigious and promising. Any medical and preventive institution tries to hire such a specialist.

Hygienist - best helper dentist, with its help, the number of services provided to the patient at a new high level increases. If necessary, he can assist the doctor to perform services more quickly. Hygienists can take as usual medical institutions as well as in health resorts.

Directions of preventive dentistry

What is the purpose of preventive dentistry? The main thing is the prevention of such diseases as caries, pulpitis, periodontal deviations. This is a kind of set of preventive measures that prevent the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

External and internal factors influence the health of teeth and gums:

Internal factors include heredity, age and anatomical features person. External factors- this is the quality of the consumed water, food, climatic and soil features.

Based on this, the specialist appoints the most suitable option for prevention.

Professional teeth cleaning

One of the most effective ways prevention of dental diseases in the clinical setting is professional cleaning or mechanical removal of plaque and deposits. No matter how the patient cares for the oral cavity, there are still places where plaque accumulates, which gradually turns into tartar. Only a dentist can deal with this stone. Such cleaning is useful not only for teeth, but also for the prevention of gum disease.

Preventive dentistry is about keeping your teeth healthy. Visit a specialist regularly and your teeth will be in excellent condition!

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Epidemiology of Dental Diseases

Experimental and clinical researches confirm the facts of a genetically programmed temporal structure (canva of biorhythms), which is the leading factor in the morphofunctional formation and changes in the body.

Development chronic diseases(which include a number of dental) is subject to temporal-rhythmic order. For the section of disease prevention, the conceptual foundations of chronomedicine are becoming increasingly important.

Experimental studies and clinical data confirm the fact that the leading factor in morphofunctional formation and changes in the human body is the canvas of biorhythms - a genetically programmed temporal structure. Literary sources show that all spontaneous life processes subject to temporal-rhythmic order.

At present, the conceptual foundations of chronobiology and chronomedicine have been formulated. In 2007 at the Problem Commission on Chronobiology and Chronomedicine ( Russian Academy medical sciences) the relevance of their study for practical health care, especially for the prevention of diseases of organs and body systems, was noted.

The leading scientist in the field of chronobiology and chronomedicine G. Hildebrandt in 1998 published research data in this area and concluded that the increase in the number of chronic "diseases of civilization" is associated with a deviation from natural rhythmic orders.

There are scientific studies on the relationship between race, gender, age, comorbidities and the occurrence of multifactorial diseases. Genetic diagnostics reveals a tendency to specific disease long before clinical manifestations. This correlation allows for promising directions prevention of multifactorial diseases.

Interesting studies were carried out by A. R. Akilzhanova as part of her doctoral dissertation on the necessity and prospects of molecular genetic approaches to the methodology for organizing the prevention and prediction of multifactorial diseases.

A healthy lifestyle that excludes risk factors for diseases of organs and systems of the body is relevant not only for general health but also dental.

Dental caries scientists refer to diseases of civilization. Long-term studies by V. R. Okushko confirm the influence of biorhythms on the seasonal frequency of tooth decay by caries. The reality is the phenomenon of perspiration of dental liquor, depending on the biorhythmological background of the individual. There is no doubt about the seasonal frequency of dental caries.

The acid resistance of tooth enamel depends on the activity of the pulp, which through the hypothalamus corrects the periods of resistance of tooth tissues to damage. It has been established that between the period of a critical decrease in caries resistance and the first clinical manifestations initial caries passes from two to four months.

The most pronounced shift in the level of caries resistance is observed in the autumn-winter period. Precaries appears at the end of winter, and from July to September, enamel caries resistance increases. V. A. Frolov (2007) believes that seasonal fluctuations in caries resistance of hard dental tissues are associated with the adaptive capabilities of the body, fluctuations in the level of immunity, which increase in the summer.

Dentists still do not fully understand the mechanisms of the physiological component of enamel protection. Steinman R. successfully works on the problem of chronobiology and chronomedicine in dentistry. Together with Leonora J., he identified the "hormonal axis" in the form of a chain: hypothalamus-parotid salivary gland-dental fluid. The "hormonal axis" is subordinated biological rhythms and determines caries resistance.

Researchers have established spontaneous fluctuations in the level of enamel functional resistance in accordance with individual and population biorhythms. Laboratory-experimental studies and approbation at the population level of a large material have been carried out for a number of years.

Establishing the fact of seasonal fluctuations in caries resistance of enamel allows you to adjust the measures for the prevention of dental caries in accordance with periods of critical decrease in enamel resistance and stabilization of caries resistance. According to the study of the effectiveness of a 10-year dental caries prevention program, taking into account seasonal fluctuations in the physiological acid resistance of enamel, the use of preventive measures in certain periods in accordance with biorhythms is very effective.

The program provides for a large amount of health education with hygiene lessons in groups of preschool educational institutions and lower grades schools. Mandatory component The program is the rehabilitation of the oral cavity in accordance with seasonal fluctuations in caries resistance and the degree of caries activity, as recommended by experts from the World Health Organization.

It is planned to seal the fissures of the first permanent molars with composite materials or glass ionomer cement containing fluorine; orthodontic and, if necessary, orthopedic treatment. Is given great attention pregnant women undergoing endogenous and exogenous prophylaxis dental caries.

In accordance with the prevention program, it is shown balanced diet with the restriction of sweets, the frequency of food intake as risk factors for the accumulation of plaque, from the carbohydrates of which acids are formed that damage tooth enamel.

Received positive results increasing the acid resistance of tooth enamel are reliable, since studies of the effectiveness of prevention methods were carried out in accordance with the principles evidence-based medicine(randomized controlled trial).

Leus P.A. (2005) reported that the World Health Organization Expert Meeting (Liverpool, 2005) adopted the WHO Liverpool Declaration on further development dental care in countries for the period up to 2020”. The document sets goals and formulates ways to reduce dental diseases.

Planned scientific research on the problem of dental caries, oral mucosa, periodontal disease, development and implementation of programs for the prevention of dental diseases in accordance with the epidemiology of dental diseases in specific regions. It is recommended to integrate public health programs with dental programs, primary health care in the prevention of dental diseases.

In the Republic of Belarus, the National Program for the Prevention of Dental Caries and Periodontal Diseases among the population is successfully implemented.

The program regulates the use of three main methods of prevention: 1) quality controlled oral hygiene; 2) endogenous (use of food fluoridated salt) and local use fluorine compounds in the composition of toothpastes, gels, rinses, fluoride-containing filling materials; 3) complete nutrition with restriction of refined carbohydrates and frequency of meals.

At present, in practical healthcare, the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated May 30, 2011 No. 558 “On the organization dispensary observation adult and children's population at the dentist", which focuses on the preservation and strengthening of dental health using modern methods diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Recent publications on the prevention of dental diseases show high activity dental scientists of the republic in studying the prevalence and intensity of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, developing methods for their treatment and prevention. We have not found in the available literature data on the accounting of biorhythms at the individual and population levels. The foundations of chronobiology and chronomedicine will find their place in the development of dental science.

Terekhova T. N. (2012) believes that due to the rather high level of dental diseases among the children of our republic, it is important to create a health-saving space in preschool educational institutions, study dental status children, on the basis of which the development of effective health programs is required.

According to E. I. Melnikova, the prevalence of dental caries in children aged two years is 24.9-39.3%, three years- 54.8%, four years - 72.6%, five years - 83.3%, six years - 90.0%.

The Committee of Experts of the World Health Organization notes the high prevalence of dental diseases in the population throughout the world. Dental diseases determine the state of human health in general.

The literature shows that the impact of anthropogenic environmental pollution on the organs and tissues of the oral cavity determines the high prevalence and intensity of major dental diseases. The intensity of the damage is directly dependent on the level of pollution, the duration of exposure to the body and the degree of adaptation of the body to adverse factors.

The study of the prevalence and intensity of dental caries in children aged seven to eight years from the Admiralteisky, Nevsky and Kronstadt districts of St. Petersburg revealed the dependence of the level of these indicators on the degree of technogenic pollution atmospheric air. These children were born and permanently reside in their areas. Lead, cobalt, manganese and nickel are competitors of calcium, which plays a decisive role in the processes of mineralization, demineralization and remineralization of dental hard tissues.

It has been established that in children of the Nevsky district, where the level of technogenic air pollution is the lowest, the number total calcium V hard tissue teeth and oral fluid of children was the highest. This led to the existence low level prevalence (85.5% of children had caries-affected teeth) and intensity (5.8 teeth on average per child) of dental caries in children from this region compared with children from two other regions.

In children of the Admiralteisky district, the prevalence of dental caries was 87.3%, the intensity was 6.9 teeth, and in children of the industrial, Kronstadt, district, 92% and 8.9 teeth, respectively.

The interrelation of diseases of the tissues of the oral cavity with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases was studied. In 80 patients with bowel diseases, a high frequency of diseases with recurrent aphthous stomatitis, cheilitis, gingivitis, there was a decrease local immunity oral cavity, disorders of local and general hemodynamics oral mucosa.

According to Nemesh O. M. (2011), “... a whole organism is a hierarchy a large number functional systems, built on the principle of multi-link simultaneous and sequential interaction, damage to the activity of one of the systems necessarily leads to disruption of the activity of others. Methodologically, pathology can be considered as damage to the structural links between the systemic levels of the body as an integral system, which manifests itself in dysfunction.

A number of diseases identified as independent nosological units should be considered diseases of the second or third order.

At different types combined pathology is particularly complex is the interaction between the processes of damage and compensation. The author claims that in 85% of cases the general somatic disease is concomitant and activating pathological process flowing in periodontal tissues.

Ivanov VS (2001) cites 32 groups of diseases associated with periodontal disease. Among these diseases, there are those that in 100% of cases are accompanied by damage to periodontal tissues. This peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, diabetes, urolithiasis disease, hypo- and avitaminosis C, subacute septic endocarditis and etc.

Periodontal disease is most common in systemic diseases organism, while periodontal pathology has a generalized character and chronic course. This is especially true in diseases of cardio-vascular system, rheumatism, nonspecific diseases lungs, liver and biliary tract, as well as in patients with constitutional-exogenous obesity, with endocrine disorders.

The study of the dependence of periodontal disease on somatic diseases And feedback contributes to the disclosure of the mechanisms of disease development and increase the effectiveness of the integrated prevention system, taking into account a number of risk factors: malnutrition, low physical activity smoking, drinking alcohol, chemical pollution, noise, vibration, nervous strain, increased radiation.

Kiselnikova L.P. and co-authors (2012) studied the effect of the intensity of dental caries and the hygienic state of the oral cavity on the quality of life of children aged 3-6 years. Dental diseases affect quality of life components such as physical discomfort, functional disorders the emotional well-being of the child.

Solovieva A. M. (2012) published the results of the round table on the problem of "Communication between dental and general health": the question of interconnection and generality was revealed pathogenetic mechanisms development inflammatory diseases periodontal and a number of somatic diseases. Scientists pay great attention to the rationale for maintaining the health of oral tissues in order to reduce the risk of developing such diseases of the cardiovascular system as ischemic disease heart, myocardial infarction, etc.

Amirkhanov T. N. (2011) indicates that the level of dental morbidity can be influenced by toxic factors production environment. During a dental examination of persons working in the pulp and paper industry and, by the nature of their activities, having direct contact with occupational pathogenic factors, the prevalence and intensity of dental caries and diseases of the oral mucosa was 10% higher than among workers of the plant who did not come into contact with toxic substances.

In the pulp and paper industry pathogenic action have: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, methanol, turpentine, carbon monoxide, chlorine and paper dust.

Gazhva S. I. (2012) indicates that the impact of adverse production factors of biological, chemical and physical nature lead to a change in functioning various systems human body.

Among the workers of the Sibur-Neftekhim enterprise, who are in contact with chlorine, caustic and organochlorine compounds, at the age of 20-29 years, the prevalence of dental caries was 84.3%, the intensity was 12.48 teeth on average per worker. This is significantly higher than that of the population of their age from this region. By the age of 30-39 years, the prevalence of dental caries increased by 8.85%, the intensity of caries - up to 15.45 teeth.

For those working at the enterprise for up to 20 years (by the age of 40-55 years), the prevalence of dental caries was 98.45% (for individuals - 99.6%) and the index (caries of fillings removed) increased to 19.3-20, 36 teeth in one examined. Influenced chemical factors only 10.18% of the examined patients had a low metabolic activity of oral microorganisms, and 66.9% of the examined patients had an “explosion” of the metabolic activity of cariogenic bacteria.

Kabirova M. F. (2011) in dissertation research found that petrochemical workers in Tatarstan had a high intensity of dental caries - an average of 17.7 teeth per worker. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity suffers especially (the prevalence of diseases of the oral mucosa was 95.5%), periodontal diseases - 94.5%. An imbalance of local immunity in the oral cavity was revealed in 53.3%; less than 40% - an indicator of the reaction of absorption of microorganisms by epithelial cells.

epidemiological research the level of dental morbidity in the population of the Republic of Belarus revealed middle degree prevalence and intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Of particular concern to dentists is the high level dental morbidity in children of the republic.

According to E. I. Melnikova (2002), 24.96% of children of two years of age and 54.78% of children of four years of age have carious teeth.

At the age of 12, 83.3% of urban and 95.0% of rural children have carious teeth. An important state task is to preserve the health of the population.

Perova E. G. (2010) established the relationship between the degree of violation of the musculoskeletal system in children and the development of anomalies and deformities of the dentoalveolar system in them. If a child has a deep incisal overlap or distal bite, dentists should refer the child to an orthopedist to assess the condition of his musculoskeletal system.

In turn, pediatricians and orthopedic doctors are advised to inform parents and children with scoliosis about the need to consult a child with an orthodontist. Within the framework of national programs for the improvement of children during early medical examination of children and conducting preventive examinations dentists and orthopedists A complex approach to determine the level of health of the child and treatment and prevention recommendations.

Using the experience of implementing programs for the prevention of dental diseases in most countries, our country developed the National Program for the Prevention of Dental Caries and Periodontal Diseases in the Population of the Republic of Belarus (1998). This program regulates the participation in its implementation of dentists, preschool teachers educational institutions, medical personnel of preschool institutions and schools, school teachers, parents, heads of industrial enterprises.

The same document defines three main methods for the prevention of dental diseases: 1) rational oral hygiene, 2) balanced nutrition; 3) the use of fluorine compounds.

In addition to this program, there are health programs, the section of which is the preservation of the dental health of the population.

Prevention of dental diseases includes whole complex measures to prevent oral problems. To achieve the effect, such actions must be regular.

smile is calling card each person. It is clear that when a person has problems with his teeth or gums, he will try to open his mouth less often - against this background, various complexes arise. But apart from psychological problems, the state of the oral cavity also affects the work of other organs and systems. That is why the prevention of dental diseases is of particular relevance, the implementation of which will require a set of simple but effective measures.

General information about prevention

What is the prevention of dental diseases? Here is a set of measures that will prevent diseases that form in the oral cavity.

Such a program may involve the following actions:

The topic is as relevant as possible, because today the intensity of carious spread is simply amazing. Statistics show that almost every three-year-old baby from Russia has four teeth that are subjected to caries to one degree or another. And with age, this figure only increases and will reach one hundred percent in the adult population.

Failure to comply with elementary hygiene rules will make it so that after 30 years a person begins to develop periodontal inflammation, which is caused by deposits of tartar.

Types of prevention

The entire preventive dental program is divided into general and local types of prevention, which may or may not require the use of medicines.

  1. If in general prevention the use of drugs is necessary, then a large role is assigned to the complex vitamin supplements with the dominance of calcium and fluorine. The duration of the passage of each such course is determined by the doctor.
  2. Prevention of dental diseases does not always use drugs. In this case, methods such as thorough chewing food, oral and dental hygiene. Periodic examination by a dentist cannot be ruled out.
  3. When used in local prophylaxis of drugs, firming drugs with increased amount calcium and fluorine. Most often these are gel-like substances and pastes - this will be a secondary therapy.

Preventive measures

Prevention in dentistry includes the following methods to educate the population:

Whatever methods are used to convey the above information, it is important to remember that in their practical implementation they should become a habit.

How to learn to eat right

Nutrition plays a huge role in dental health. First, it affects the formation of the tooth before its appearance (eruption), then it affects after eruption. It's very great importance has complete nutrition future mother(as a primary task for correct formation fetus), as well as the diet of the child in the first year of his life, when the laying and development of permanent teeth takes place.

For proper diet it is important to follow the following guidelines:

  • protein food in sufficient quantity;
  • the presence in food of essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamin compounds;
  • the role of an established diet;
  • products containing calcium and fluoride.

But the food rich in carbohydrates, should be excluded - it has a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

Oral hygiene

Many hygiene products have already been invented that are able to remove deposits that are on the tooth surface and gums. The regularity of their use is important here. plays an important role and faithful care behind the teeth. This is where the standard cleaning program works best.

It's time to talk about basic dental and oral hygiene products.

  1. Toothbrushes - there are five options for the rigidity of this tool - from very hard to the opposite option. The most popular is the average value.
  2. To remove food debris from the interdental space or plaque from the lateral surfaces, toothpicks can be used.
  3. Fluxes (or dental floss) play an important role in helping to remove plaque and food debris in places that are usually impossible to clean with a brush.
  4. As for toothpaste, its main task is to remove soft plaque and food debris. At the same time, such a remedy should not have an irritating effect, but, on the contrary, be good taste and have mandatory deodorizing effects. Ideally, for each member of the family, the paste should be selected individually (as for children, they should only brush their teeth that are specially suitable for their age).

Such funds are usually divided into the following groups:

  • fluorine-containing (used for treatment and prevention);
  • containing sodium phosphates, sodium gluconate, zinc oxide (anticaries);
  • herbal products (containing chamomile, echinacea, sage and similar plants).

Chewing gum can be used to improve oral hygiene (which happens by increasing salivation).

For rinsing your mouth, tooth elixirs are perfect, which will disinfect oral cavity and prevent the formation of plaque.

It is impossible not to raise a reasonable question: so how many times a day should you brush your teeth? Experts say that two times will be enough, but comprehensive prevention must include rinsing after each meal.

More fluoride

Fluoride products can be classified according to the following points:

The latter is worth mentioning in more detail. These usually include varnishes containing fluorine and solutions with gels. But if the former form a film adjacent to the enamel, which remains on the teeth for up to several hours or even weeks, the latter have high concentration fluorine and as their remineralizing properties can be used in the form of applications and rubbing.


In fact, not only doctors of a certain profile should participate in such a mission - you should definitely involve both psychologists and teachers, especially if the problem concerns the motivation of children. Methods of influence - from the game to the conversation (depending on age). After classes with children, it is also important to meet with their parents, who will be reminded of the rules and features of oral care.

Thus, the active inclusion of public opinion will play a huge role in popularizing the issue of prevention. This program must comply with the axiom that oral care is necessary condition beautiful appearance and human health.

F KSMU 4/3-04/03

Karaganda State Medical University

Department of Dentistry childhood

Lecture on the topic:

Prevention of dental diseases in children - definition, tasks.

Prevention is a system of state, hygienic and medical measures aimed at ensuring a high level of health and preventing diseases. Prevention of dental diseases is only one of the constituent parts integrated program integrated system prevention of major infectious diseases. This is based on the commonality of risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of many diseases. Epidemiological studies of the etiology of chronic infectious diseases (including dental diseases) have drawn attention to the fact that risk factors such as smoking, malnutrition, low physical activity, alcohol consumption cause oncological, cardiovascular, respiratory, dental and other diseases, therefore, preventive measures should be integrated.

The introduction of these methods is possible at the population, group, and individual levels.

  1. population - the use of tools and methods that are necessary for all children in a given region and the use of which does not require direct participation pediatric dentist. These are water fluoridation, rational balanced nutrition, SPR and hygiene education, health measures, etc. At this stage, it is necessary to form stable skills in oral hygiene. Parents, educators, methodologists, secondary medical staff, teachers, etc.;

  2. group - carrying out by a doctor or with his direct participation of preventive measures in certain groups of children. Group methods of prevention require reflection preventive measures for each group. At the same time, the method of dispensary observation, the formation dispensary groups, destination prophylactic, teaching oral hygiene, the use of specific and non-specific prophylaxis;

  3. individual level - a higher level requiring organization, a lot of time spent by a doctor and a child, special means, equipment and specialists.
The role of domestic and foreign scientists in the development of the specialty

Of the pre-revolutionary scientists, A.K. Limberg, on the basis of his own observations, proved the need preventive treatment teeth, especially in children. He showed that early treatment leads to a significant reduction in tooth loss in children. In 1918, P.G. Dauge prepared a proposal for the organization of dental care. Any comprehensive program for the prevention of dental disease in children should include all age groups from birth to 14 years 11 months 29 days. Based on data from an epidemiological study, have a phased implementation plan at the population, group and individual levels. The possibility of implementation is determined by the level of development of the dental service and the logistical support of the program. The main method of introducing prevention, and at the individual level, the only one is the medical examination of all children at the dentist.

Until 1970, there were no science-based implemented or widespread programs and systems for the prevention of dental diseases in the USSR. 1970 The first official edition of the Comprehensive System for the Prevention of Dental Diseases appeared. This document for the first time in the history of the country showed the need, importance, and some ways to implement the prevention of dental diseases as a system of special measures aimed at improving the health of the oral cavity. For the first time, an attempt was made to comprehensively solve the problem, as well as organized measures for prevention, including with the involvement of other specialists. The role of SPR, oral hygiene, antenatal period, fluoride preparations in the prevention of dental diseases was shown. In 1983, the document " guidelines on the introduction of a comprehensive system for the prevention of dental diseases in organized groups of the child population. In 1984 - Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 670 "On measures to further improve dental care for the population", in which the prevention of dental diseases for the first time was assigned very important role. In 1985 By order of the Ministry of Health and Education of the Kazakh SSR No. 709/101, the task was given to begin the implementation of the “Comprehensive Program for the Prevention of Dental Caries and Periodontal Diseases” in schools and preschool institutions. In 1986, the Ministry of Health of the USSR issued guidelines"Organization of the prevention of major dental diseases." For the first time they touched upon the problem of prevention of dental diseases in terms of organizing, drawing up and implementing prevention programs, showing methods and ways of their development, stages, goals and objectives, widely used WHO documents and recommended approaches and methods. In 1988 was the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 830 “On integrated program development of dental care in the USSR until 2000”. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the most high performance the introduction of dental disease prevention programs was noted in 1991. Behind last years these figures decreased by 2.2 times. This is a short historical path of dental prevention programs.

When introducing and improving modern methods, the contribution of E.V. Borovsky, P.A. Leus, G.N. Pakhomov and many other scientists is significant. In Kazakhstan, they also adhere to the methods of medical examination according to T.F. Vinogradova. Basic levels: population and group. Scientific development A.I. Fefelov, D.L. Korytny, A.A. Kabulbekov, T.K. Mukashev and others were engaged in the prevention of caries; periodontal diseases: D. L. Korytny, L. Ya. Zazulevskaya, T. Pilat, G. A. Umbetaliev and others; odontogenic diseases maxillofacial region– T.K. Supiev, A.S. Galyapin, A.Zh. Yesimov and others.

A great contribution to the development of such programs was made by Academician T.Sh. Sharmanov (rational balanced nutrition), professor E.I. Goncharova (terms of prevention of dental diseases depending on the dynamics of growth and development of teeth, height and weight indicators in children), Professor T.K. Supiev (prevention of odontogenic diseases), Professor D.N. Dzhumadilaev ( common problems prevention of dental diseases), associate professor T.K. Mukashev (prevention of dental diseases at the individual level), associate professor M.A. Aldasheva (prevention of dental diseases, taking into account environmental factors).

The preventive principle has been and remains fundamental in medicine, the relevance of which is beyond doubt.

Illustrative material:

  1. Presentation


  1. Aldasheva M.A. Prevention of major dental diseases in
children.- Almaty, 2004.- 143 p.

  1. Kuryakina N.V., Savelyeva N.A. Preventive dentistry. - Moscow,

  2. Medical book, N. Novgorod. Publishing house NGMA 2005.- 283 p.

  3. Persin L.S. and other Dentistry of children's age. - M.: Medicine, 2008. - 640 p.

  4. Kuryakina N.V. Children's therapeutic dentistry. - M. -N.Novgorod, 2007 - 744 p.

  5. Tuleutaeva S.T., Kaspakova L.A., Moldazhanova A.G. Stomatology

  6. Sh.Sh. Abralina, G.S. Abylkairova. Balalarda tіszhegіnіn damuyna аkeletіn қauіptі factorlar. Bіrіnshіlіk prevention zhаne tіszhegіnі bolzhau. Semey, 2006 - 22 b.

Control questions (feedback):

  1. Prevention - definition, tasks

  2. Types of prevention

  3. Primary prevention: definition, objectives, methods

  4. Secondary prevention: definition, objectives, methods

  5. Tertiary prevention: definition, objectives, methods


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