Treatment in Israeli clinics. The best cancer centers for early diagnosis and treatment in Israel Important information about treatment

Patients from all over the world come to Israeli clinics to receive qualified care, including medical tourists from Russia, Europe and even the USA. This is due to the fact that the cost of treatment in the United States of America is several times higher, and the quality of the services provided in Israel is no worse, and sometimes much better. According to statistics, some of them cost clients of local hospitals 7 times cheaper than in the USA, and 3 times cheaper than in Germany.

For Russian citizens, a trip to the promised land is often the only opportunity to improve their health, and in many cases, save the life of themselves or their loved ones, by trusting real professional doctors who put the health of their patient at the forefront.

Why do patients choose Israeli clinics for treatment?

Among the advantages of treatment in Israel, one should highlight the affordability of prices, high quality of services provided, comfortable conditions of hospital stay and Russian-speaking staff, which is also important for our compatriots.

Public and private clinics in Israel have the most modern medical and laboratory equipment, with the help of which it is possible to determine the cause of the development of pathology, restore health, and sometimes save the lives of foreign citizens who seek help.

For those who are faced with the problem of choosing a medical institution in a given country, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our rating of internationally recognized clinics in Israel.

Private clinic Assuta in Israel

One of the largest medical institutions in the country. The following branches are open at the center:


To treat epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and other diseases of the nervous system, the clinic uses advanced techniques and ultra-modern equipment.

Cardiac surgery

The Assuta Clinic in Israel performs the most complex cardiac operations, including those on the beating heart.


According to patient reviews, it was in the Israeli Assuta clinic that they were correctly diagnosed and prescribed the most adequate therapy;


The department diagnoses blood diseases and their subsequent treatment.


The institution tops the list of the best oncology clinics in Israel. It is in this hospital that oncology surgeons practice robotic surgical interventions using Nano-Knife technology.

Patients can expect attentive staff, comfortable single rooms and even an individual menu.

The official website of the Assuta clinic contains contacts of four large hospitals and three medical centers where patients can turn for help.

Ichilov Clinic (Tel Aviv)

Ichilov State Hospital, also known as Soraski Medical Center, is located in Tel Aviv. It is one of the three largest Israeli clinics and a leader in the list of medical institutions most popular among medical tourists outside of Israel. is a complex of a national scale with hospital buildings and comfortable hotels for accommodation of Israelis and foreign citizens who come for treatment from other cities.

The hospital enjoys an impeccable reputation, providing numerous visitors with a wide range of treatment services:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Oncological diseases (cancer treatment is one of the hospital’s strongest areas of activity);
  • Neurological diseases;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Hereditary (genetic) diseases;
  • Urological diseases;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Ophthalmological diseases;
  • Orthopedic diseases;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;

Separately, we note that the Ichilov medical institution is a leader in the TOP ratings of Israeli clinics for the treatment of oncology!

The reproductive medicine departments are equipped with the latest technology. Doctors practice advanced technologies and new therapeutic techniques. They regularly exchange professional experience with foreign colleagues and conduct their own scientific research.

This clinic has established itself as one of the best in Israel for treatment. The department has installed the latest robotic systems, with the help of which it is possible to carry out minimally invasive surgical interventions through a puncture with a diameter not exceeding 2.5 centimeters. The Ichilov-Sourasky Clinic is also one of the best ophthalmology clinics not only in Israel, but throughout the world.

According to the information indicated on the official website of the Ichilov Hospital, patients from other countries can come to Israel using a simplified procedure and receive a full range of qualified services with support directly during the therapeutic course and upon its completion, until full recovery.

You can find out in more detail about how to get treatment in Ikhilov-Soraski by calling the numbers listed on our website. Or by writing to us by email /

Hadassah Clinic

One of the oldest government institutions in the country. Thanks to the specialists of the oncology department, modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, the hospital has been a leader in the ranking of the best clinics in Israel for many years. As the largest hospital in Jerusalem, as well as the clinical base of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, the hospital's doctors practice the most advanced treatment methods using the latest technology.

The official website of the Hadassah Clinic in Israel provides complete information about specialized units, including a geriatric rehabilitation center, blood and skin banks, gene therapy and neuro-oncology centers, as well as a mother and child center.

Sheba Clinic (Tel Aviv)

The hospital, named after Professor Chaim Shiba, who was its creator and first director, was originally built in Israel as a military hospital. But over time, the leadership decided to complete the construction of new specialized centers and research institutes for the treatment of not only army personnel, but also civilians and foreign medical tourists.

According to reviews, the Sheba State Clinic in Israel is one of the best medical complexes in the Middle East region. And it is the largest, with more than two thousand beds in clinical and rehabilitation hospitals.

The laboratories are equipped with high-precision equipment for identifying and treating:

  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the blood, as well as cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • Bone marrow diseases;
  • Onco-hematological diseases;
  • Infertility problems.

Specialists from the Sheba State Hospital in Israel provide rehabilitation measures to people who have received serious injuries and have undergone complex surgical operations.

On the territory of the Sheba Clinic in Israel there is also a children's medical center called Safra, where professional hematologists, neurosurgeons, cardiac surgeons and other world-famous specialists are ready to provide assistance to young patients.

Rambam Clinic in Israel

The state hospital is one of the oldest and largest in the country. It is located in the resort city of Haifa and includes more than 70 highly specialized treatment and diagnostic departments, which can simultaneously accommodate more than 1,000 patients.

The Rambam Clinic in Israel successfully treats vascular and oncological diseases. Specialists perform invasive and minimally invasive surgical interventions, relieve pericardial disease and eliminate pathologies of the atrioventricular septum, and also restore the health of patients who have suffered heart attacks and strokes.

The Rambam clinic in Israel, according to information from the official website, is one of the three best hospitals in the country in terms of the quality of services provided.

Herzliya Clinic (Israel)

It is a leading private clinic in Israel, occupying top positions in official rankings since its founding. It offers its patients the most comfortable conditions of stay with rooms whose windows overlook the Mediterranean Sea.

On the territory of a private multidisciplinary center, oncological, neurological and cardiac diseases of any degree of complexity are treated. Cardiology specialists use the latest technologies in cardiac surgery, including self-resorbable stenting. The medical center also performs outpatient surgeries and procedures for the treatment of urological, orthopedic and reproductive disorders. In principle, the main purpose of a medical center is to establish itself as a major surgery center. On the basis of this center, many major specialists from public hospitals operate here, who receive private visits here.

Schneider Medical Center

Founded in 1992, financed by both government agencies and private investors, the largest medical center for the treatment of children is the only specialized children's clinic in Israel and the Middle East as a whole. It is noteworthy that all rooms are decorated in a playful style with an abundance of toys and colored furniture so that young patients do not experience stress from being in a medical institution.

The official website of the Schneider Clinic in Israel indicates areas of medicine in which specialists can provide highly qualified assistance in making a diagnosis and getting rid of:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Hematological diseases, including hemoblastosis;
  • Orthopedic diseases;
  • Ophthalmic diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • Hearing problems
  • Cardiac diseases;

The ophthalmology department in Schneider in Israel is known even outside the country, but the specialization of the medical center is much wider. Here children are restored not only their vision, but also their hearing, placing implants even for those children who have congenital pathologies.

Wolfson Clinic (Israel)

A large regional hospital provides patients with diagnostic services, outpatient and inpatient treatment in departments equipped with modern equipment.

The Wolfson Clinic in Israel has everything necessary to perform complex orthopedic surgical interventions for the treatment of the spine and joint replacement.

Matzpen Clinic in Israel

A specialized private medical institution that specializes in relieving patients of various psychological and physical addictions. This is the best drug treatment clinic in Israel, where patients receive highly qualified care in comfortable conditions. It is noteworthy that the hospital management cares about the confidentiality of its clients, not disclosing their names.

Psychiatric departments are also open on the territory of this Israeli clinic, where neurological and mental disorders are successfully treated.

When a pathology is detected, many people seek help in medical institutions in their own country, but not all domestic hospitals are equipped with the necessary equipment, and specialists do not have sufficient experience. For this reason, you have to pay attention to foreign medical institutions, and in particular to Israeli clinics.

Medicine in Israel has become accessible to citizens of Russia and other CIS countries thanks to optimal prices, high quality of service and simplified border crossing procedures. We are always ready to come to your aid, please contact us with any questions related to treatment in Israel.

Israel is rightfully proud of medical science. The Weizmann Institute, founded in 1934, is one of the largest scientific centers. Research in the field of medicine that is significant for the entire world community is conducted here. The greatest success has been achieved by the research department of neuroscience and brain.

Recently, as a result of the integration of the achievements of nuclear physics, radio spectroscopy, electronics, biology, virology, genetics and other sciences, managed to make truly fantastic discoveries. According to many patients, Israel has the best treatment precisely because all innovations are quickly implemented in practice and serve human health.

It was in Tel Aviv, back in 1952, that a center was founded that today deals with the use of radioisotopes in biology and medicine. The presence of experimental reactors makes it possible to conduct nuclear research for medical purposes.

Areas of medicine in which you can undergo treatment in Israel:

Oncology Orthopedics and traumatology Neurosurgery
Cardiology Obstetrics Dermatology
Allergology Gastroenterology Gynecology
Hematology Pediatrics Immunology
Neurology Nephrology Otolaryngology
Ophthalmology Pulmonology Rheumatology
Dentistry Plastic surgery Endocrinology
Urology Prosthetics Surgery
Diagnostics Rehabilitation Spa treatment

Leading clinics in Israel

Treatment in Israel: medical directions of the “gold standard”

Diseases from other areas of medicine can also be treated excellently in Israel; it’s just that the above, as well as diagnostics in this country, are considered the gold standard. An example is the following: the effectiveness of treatment for stage I breast cancer is 100%; on the second - 93%. There are no such indicators in any country in the world. The neurosurgical risk of brain surgery is only 2%.

The most important criterion for choosing a country for treatment is modern equipment. Israeli clinics house the latest advances in medical technology under one roof:

  • PET/KT
  • IMRT,
  • TrueBeam.

Thanks to this, you can undergo the highest quality comprehensive examination available today in record time - in 2 or 3 days. In the CIS, if such equipment is available, it is located in different clinics. Obtaining complete, highly accurate data is problematic.

According to Forbes magazine, the best doctors in the world are doctors involved in medicine in Israel:

The disadvantages of treatment in Israel follow from the advantages. It's no secret that Israeli specialists have extensive experience in medical radiology. Therefore, everything related to this area causes a stir on the part of patients and even queues in diagnostic rooms. The presence of medical coordinators helps to avoid delays in examinations and other possible discrepancies.

The second disadvantage of Israeli treatment stems from the very responsible attitude of doctors to their work and the health of their patients. Local oncologists rarely agree to treat children who have already undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy at their place of residence. The ideal option is to have the child managed by the same doctor for as long as possible. By the way, you can choose a doctor at your own discretion.

Israel invests incredibly large amounts of money in the development of medicine. A consequence of increased attention to people's health has been the availability of ultra-modern equipment in hospitals. Surgeons have mastered:

  • Gamma Knife
  • Cyber ​​knife,
  • robot Da Vinci,
  • Nano knife,
  • all types of medical lasers,
  • latest generation dental and orthopedic implants.

In addition, Israel uses such treatment and diagnostic methods as advanced technology for searching for tumor markers in the blood and genome analysis to identify hereditary diseases. We managed to achieve success in a very complex and delicate matter - artificial insemination.

Features of the work of Israeli surgeons

Surgery in the country (one of the most popular areas of treatment in Israel for foreigners) occupies an honorable place, since thanks to this medical discipline it was possible to save thousands of lives of cancer and cardiac patients in critical condition.

In the country, surgery is started only when there is a strictly substantiated diagnosis, verified and collectively determined indications, a clear plan, and an optimal method of pain relief. Surgery is considered justified if all available diagnostic methods have been used and there is no other choice to cure the disease. Therefore, citizens of the CIS often arrive healthy and are surprised at the results of drug treatment in Israel. At home they recommended surgery...

Climate is an important component of successful treatment

The waters of the Dead Sea are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and bromine salts. The concentration of all kinds of useful elements reaches 42%. Their healing magical power was discovered by Aristotle. The body in this water relaxes and calms down, the skin is smoothed. Vital substances enter tissues and organs (due to stimulation of blood circulation and the absorption mechanism through the skin). Metabolic disorders are effectively eliminated.

Along the coast of the Dead Sea there are thermal hydrogen sulfide springs. Taking hot sulfur baths promotes effective treatment in Israel, strengthening the cardiovascular system and improving the body's oxygen supply.

Raw materials for the manufacture of medicines are obtained from plants of coastal oases. This amazing resort place seems to have been specially created for first-class therapeutic treatment.

Treatment methods in Israel using natural remedies

A narrow strip of coastal plain gives way in the east to a plateau with a height of 500 to 1000 meters, which ends with steep ledges. The climate is subtropical, relatively humid in the north, semi-desert and desert in the south and in the depressions. Summer is hot (temperatures in July and August are 24-28 degrees Celsius). Winter is warm: in January the temperature in the southwest of the Dead Sea reaches +18 degrees.

There is unusually beneficial sunlight here! The sea is located at the lowest point on the globe and has a very thick air layer. Mixing with a natural filter of water vapor and minerals, it reflects hard ultraviolet rays and allows beneficial soft ones to pass through. The dense ozone layer enhances protection.

For sunbathing under the treatment program in Israel there are 10 beaches, most of which are public.

Mud therapy is one of the most energetic methods of spa therapy. Local healing mud is much more concentrated and stronger than in other countries of the world. They consist of waste products of the only living creatures of the Dead Sea. These are tiny archaeobacteria that have anti-inflammatory and harmonizing properties. There is no analogue of such healing mud on Earth.

Advantages of treatment in Israel

➤ Treatment in Israel ➤ 54 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatment ☺ 149 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 2,116 patients sent for treatment

Important information about treatment!

Treatment in Israeli clinics is considered one of the best in the world. The developed healthcare system and its compliance with the highest international standards allowed the country to become one of the three world leaders in providing medical care to foreigners. Many of our compatriots, when choosing a clinic abroad, give preference to Israel; about 25 thousand patients are sent there from Russia every year. Treatment in Israeli clinics is most popular among people who require urgent hospitalization abroad.

How much will it cost me?

Prices for treatment in Israeli clinics depend on the rating of the institution, the type and complexity of the disease. Despite the high level of medical care, they are at an affordable level for most foreign tourists. The cost of treatment in Israel is significantly lower than in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and many other European countries. And compared to the USA, the cost of many diagnostic services is 3-7 times less.

How to optimize treatment costs and avoid unnecessary intermediary services?

Many patients prefer treatment without intermediaries. But this factor cannot be completely excluded even when contacting the international department of Israeli clinics. The facility's services will then be included on your medical bill. When choosing intermediaries, you need to contact reliable organizations and choose from the offered services those that are really needed.

Israel has 373 hospitals scattered throughout the country - from Nahariya in the north to Eilat in the south - 46 general clinics, about 300 hospitals for the treatment of chronic and elderly patients, 13 psychiatric and 2 rehabilitation centers.
The largest multidisciplinary leading clinics in Israel are mainly located in the center of the country; all large cities have several hospitals. For example, Tel Aviv has nine major hospitals, Jerusalem has five major hospitals.

The Izmed Coordination Center organizes treatment in the best clinics in central Israel, which are able to provide any type of treatment at the highest international standards. Central hospitals in Israel, as a rule, are better equipped than peripheral ones, have a strong research base, world-famous doctors on staff, and most foreign patients prefer to be treated there.

What Israeli clinics can offer to foreign patients

In Israeli medical institutions, foreign patients are treated on the same basis as Israelis, despite the fact that the cost of treatment for foreigners is 40-50% higher than for citizens of the country. This ensures equality for all patients, regardless of how much someone pays. Medical tourists who have independently organized their treatment occupy common queues for diagnostics and surgical operations, and therefore their time in a foreign country becomes very expensive. The problem of queues is solved by cooperation with medical providers who organize treatment in Israeli clinics in a shorter time.

The best hospitals in Israel are most in demand among Americans, for whom treatment here is sometimes half as expensive as in the United States, and citizens of the CIS countries, who expect better quality treatment than in their homeland.

Some hospitals have international JCI accreditation level, which is very respected in medical tourism. Today JCI has seven clinics in the country, including the private Assuta Medical Center, Schneider Children's Hospital, Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center, and 6 more clinics are at certain stages of obtaining accreditation.

Choosing a hospital in Israel depending on the disease

Choosing a clinic with our help will help you get rid of exhausting wanderings in search of the right and best clinic, save you from unnecessary expenses and save time, and most importantly, ensure the best treatment result.

The fact is that, despite the versatility, all clinics in Israel have a certain specialization in which they are especially strong. This specialization is not written on the facade of the clinic, but can be traced in the areas of scientific activity, in the level of qualifications of specialized doctors, in the accumulated experience in treating a particular disease.

Depending on the specific disease, Izmed recommends to its patients a clinic in Israel that has experience and all the capabilities to treat this particular disease. Unlike international departments of hospitals, we are not committed to one clinic, but work in the interests of the patient, therefore we can choose the most optimal treatment option for you, also taking into account your wishes and financial capabilities.

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Which is better - public or private clinics in Israel?

Almost all hospitals in Israel are owned by the state and the Clalit Health Insurance Fund; several are privately owned. It is impossible to say unequivocally which hospitals are better - public or private, it all depends on the needs of the patient.

Private clinics have a higher level of comfort, they can offer you a room similar to a five-star hotel room, they have fewer queues, since their services are somewhat more expensive than public clinics, and many well-known doctors in Israel work in them in private practice.

But in private clinics they do not perform neurological examinations or operate on children with severe pathologies. Only public hospitals in Israel have all the necessary conditions for this. Large public hospitals in Israel are not only medical institutions, but also research and university centers that move medical science forward.

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The best clinics in Israel

We present to you a list of the best, in our opinion, hospitals in Israel that deserve the attention of foreign patients.

Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center recognized as one of the most successful in the field. It is the second largest clinic in Israel, employing more than 6,000 staff. The structure of the center includes famous hospitals in Israel: Beilinson, Golda Hasharon, Schneider Children's Hospital.
More than 70% of all liver and kidney transplants are performed at the Rabin Medical Center annually.

Asaf HaRofe Clinic- another Israeli clinic, widely known throughout the world. It is located in the very center of the country, just 30 minutes from Jerusalem, and no more than 15 km from Ben Gurion Airport, located in the vicinity of Tel Aviv. This hospital employs the country's best specialists in the field of gynecology (in particular artificial insemination and infertility treatment), orthopedics and plastic surgery. In addition to the fact that this medical center is included in the list of the best clinics in Israel, Asaf HaRofe is a university hospital - many of the specialists working in this clinic are engaged in research activities and conduct international research projects.

Sourasky Medical Center, until 1973 bore the name Ichilov, which was retained for one of the center’s hospitals - another medical institution that belongs to the best clinics in Israel. Located in Tel Aviv. It is sometimes called an entire medical city. About 4,000 specialists work here, including more than a hundred professors and 15 academicians. There are 20 laboratories in Ikhilov, the equipment of which allows for the most accurate research and diagnosis of a wide variety of diseases. The equipment and technology here are the most modern of those that Israel currently offers. Medical institutions of such a level as Ichilov provide treatment in Israel at the highest level. A few years ago, Ikhilov even entered the top ten best clinics in the world.

Dana Dweck Children's Hospital- structural subdivision of Ichilov. She treats all diseases in children. It has a strong department of pediatric oncology and oncohematology, and a center for the treatment of cerebral palsy. Recently, a center for the treatment of congenital skeletal pathologies in children was opened there.

Assuta Clinic- the largest private clinic in Israel, known far beyond its borders. It is the country's leading hospital in the field of surgery for various diseases and pathologies. Many famous Israeli doctors operate here in private practice; access to them in Assuta is more real than in public clinics, where they occupy high positions. In terms of the cost of services, this is not a cheap hospital, but it is preferred by many foreigners, especially from Western Europe and the USA.

is the largest public hospital in Israel with international accreditation. Many famous Israeli doctors work here, about 100 of them are on the Forbes list. This is a very popular hospital among Israelis, which is why there are often long queues. The cost of hospital services is higher than in Asaf HaRofeh and Ichilov.

Ramat Aviv- a private modern clinic specializing in general surgery, gastroenterology, radiotherapy and cosmetology. It has reasonable prices and good service.
Meir- a clinic owned by the Clalit Health Insurance Fund, specializing in urology, gynecology, and pulmonology. Has international accreditation. Prices are higher than the national average.

Schneider is the largest multidisciplinary children's clinic in the Middle East, which deals with all known diseases in children, including oncology, hematology, and neurosurgery. Children of any age are treated here, including newborns. Patients come here from all over the world, as this clinic is a leader in many areas of pediatrics.

Clinics in Israel - prices

The pricing policy of Israeli hospitals, although under state control, is determined by the medical institution itself. There is a price list for medical services from the Ministry of Health, but it is advisory in nature. Clinics were given a certain financial independence, which benefited them and allowed them to accumulate funds and spend them on upgrading equipment and improving the quality of service. And medical tourists are an additional source of income for both public and private clinics; hospitals are interested in them, but do not have the right to give them advantages, so foreigners are treated with Israelis on the same basis, although they pay much more for treatment.

In terms of the cost of services, public clinics are more liberal, private ones - Assuta and especially Herzliya, have higher prices, but are able to provide a higher level of comfort, the right to choose a doctor, and the absence of queues.

We organize treatment in Israeli clinics at official hospital prices and our participation will help you save money. We will select a more profitable treatment option, organize procedures in several medical institutions, and ensure that there are no queues. As official representatives of many hospitals, we are sometimes able to provide better conditions than the clinics themselves, as well as provide many other services.

Treatment in Israeli clinics for foreign patients. Which Israeli clinics can you go to for medical help? How much does treatment cost in Israeli clinics, and what are the advantages of treatment and diagnostics in Israel?

Leading clinics in Israel

Best hospitals in Israel

World medicine does not stand still. Every year the list of once incurable diseases is shrinking. New methods for early diagnosis and treatment of pathologies are being created, which gives people hope for recovery or long-term remission. In this regard, the demand for treatment abroad is also increasing, since it is abroad that patients are offered innovative techniques.

One of the most popular destinations on the medical tourism map is Israel. Every year, the Promised Land receives hundreds of thousands of patients from other countries, including developed ones, since in Israel it is possible to receive first-class medical care at an affordable cost.

Today, Israeli clinics are ultra-modern medical institutions where they will do everything possible for the patient to overcome the disease. However, each clinic has its own characteristics, and making a choice can be difficult. Websites of Israeli clinics offer the user ample opportunities in the treatment of pathologies, and with such an abundance of offers, it is quite difficult for a person to decide. To make this easier for you, we have compiled a rating of Israeli clinics, which includes both public and private medical institutions.

Top 10 clinics in Israel

Medical Center Ichilov (Souraski)

    MC Ikhilov consists of 6 main structures:
  • General Hospital
  • Clinic "Fox" - mother and child home
  • Pediatric clinic "Dana-duek"
  • Cardiocenter named after Sami Ofer
  • Rehabilitation clinic Ida

This is one of the largest public hospitals in the Promised Land, which is located in Tel Aviv. For over 60 years, it has been providing Israeli citizens and foreign patients with first-class medical services. Currently, the Sourasky Medical Center is a large multidisciplinary center that has all medical areas. The Ichilov Clinic employs the best doctors in Israel, many of whom are known far beyond the borders of the Promised Land. Today the Sourasky Medical Center includes 5 hospitals

    Branches of MC Assuta are presented in:
  • Tel Aviv
  • Haifa
  • Be'er Sheva
  • Rishon LeZion
  • Ashdod

It is the largest private medical institution in Israel. The clinic was founded back in 1934, and over more than 80 years of its existence it has expanded with new buildings throughout the country. Today, Assuta is a network of ultra-modern clinics in various cities of the country - Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beer Sheva, Ashdod and Ra'anana. The most popular areas of the clinic are surgery, cardiac surgery and neurosurgery. In their practice, surgeons at the Assuta Clinic use modern minimally invasive and robotic techniques, thanks to which they can achieve good results without complications and heavy blood loss. After such operations, patients are usually discharged after 1-3 days, and the time required for rehabilitation is 2-3 times less than with conventional operations.

    Main branches:
  • Diagnostic center
  • Cancer Center
  • Neurosurgery Center
  • Cardiac Surgery Center
  • Department of Thoracic Surgery
  • Ruth Rappoport Specialized Children's Hospital

In 1938, the resort town of Haifa acquired a small Rambam hospital, which was subsequently rebuilt and expanded several times. Currently, it is a multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic institution where patients are provided care in all medical areas. Every year the clinics serve about 800 thousand patients, including many foreign guests. The management of the clinic is especially proud of its cardiology, oncology and pediatric departments, where all the most advanced achievements of world medicine and science are used to treat diseases. The Rambam Clinic is well known abroad, since many doctors from this hospital are world-famous practitioners and researchers who develop new methods for treating and diagnosing diseases.

    Campuses and branch hospital:
  • Campus on Mount Scopus (Har HaTzophim)
  • Ein Karem Campus
  • Hadassah branch in the Russian Federation – Hadassah Medical Skolkovo
  • In 2005, the hospital was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of the equal treatment of all patients

This is one of the oldest clinics in Israel, located in Jerusalem. The main focus of the clinic is oncology, cardiology, cardiac surgery, neurology and neurosurgery. For equal treatment of patients of all races and religions, they were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize! Currently, the clinic consists of two buildings, which house all departments of the institution. A research institute operates on the basis of the clinic, with which both Israeli and foreign doctors and scientists closely cooperate. In this sense, Hadassah is one of the leaders in medical innovation, especially in the field of oncology. The clinic is introducing new methods for treating cancer, such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, biotherapy and others.

    The main directions of the medical center:
  • Orthopedics
  • Cardiology
  • obstetrics and gynecology
  • Plastic surgery
  • Dentistry

This is one of the largest public hospitals in Israel, where not only Israeli citizens, but also foreign patients are treated. Currently, it is the fourth largest medical institution in the country, which, if necessary, is able to receive more than a million patients a year! The clinic has 800 hospital beds and 21 state-of-the-art operating rooms. The hospital works closely with Tel Aviv University, thanks to which it has developed a large research base for the introduction of innovative treatment methods and drugs. The clinic has many departments, among which the most popular for foreigners are the departments of orthopedics, surgery, ophthalmology, cardiology, oncology, pediatrics and gynecology. The clinic is located 15 kilometers from Ben Gurion Airport, which is very convenient for foreigners.

    The main structural divisions of the clinic:
  • General Clinical Hospital
  • Safra Children's Hospital
  • Rehabilitation clinic
  • Center for International Projects and Study Abroad

In 1948, the Chaim Shiba Medical Center was built in Ramat Gan (near Tel Aviv), which in a short time managed to become the largest public hospital in the country. In 1987, it was here that the first blood bank in Israel was created, and since 1990 the hospital has been accepting foreign patients and is actively developing its international department for working with foreigners. cooperates with leading clinics and research centers in the world, including, for example, the world-famous Anderson Oncology Center in the USA, which uses innovative methods of non-surgical and surgical treatment of malignant tumors. Every year, the Chaim Sheba Medical Center serves more than a million patients in 150 different medical specialties. The clinic is located in the Tel Hashomer area, which is only 10 kilometers from Israel's international airport in Tel Aviv.

    Main departments of the clinic:
  • Center for Oncology and Hematology
  • General Surgery Center
  • Neurosurgery Center
  • Center for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
  • Orthopedics Center
  • Preventive Diagnostics Center
  • Therapeutic departments
  • Pediatric department

One of the most popular clinics in Israel among foreigners is. This is a private medical institution that was founded in 1983. Currently, the clinic has 120 departments with 1,800 beds. More than 500 doctors and 150 nurses work here. Every year, the clinic performs up to 25 thousand surgical operations and up to 5 thousand orthopedic procedures. Surgeons at the Herzliya Clinic prefer minimally invasive operations, the share of which in this clinic is 95-98%. The pride of the Herzliya Clinic is the in vitro fertilization center, which is headed by the world-famous doctor, Professor Ami Amit.

    The clinic includes:
  • Gur Shasha building - the new main hospital building of Beilinson Hospital
  • Helen Schneider Women's Health Center
  • Schneider Children's Medical Center

This hospital was built in 1936 with the money of Moshe Beilinson, a philanthropist from Odessa, after whom the clinic was named. has been operating for more than 80 years, and during this time it has been rebuilt and modernized more than once. Today, medical care is provided here in all areas, including a specialized hepatology center, where patients are treated for diseases of the liver (including infectious) and hepatobiliary systems. Foreign patients most often visit the departments of cardiology, oncology and neurosurgery.

    Among the campus buildings it is worth mentioning:
  • Surgical hospital building named after. Camellia Botnar
  • Center for Children's Medicine named after. Sabana
  • Obstetric Center named after. Sabana
  • Legacy Heritage Cancer Center and Larry Norton Institute

At Ben-Gurion University in 1960, it was founded, which today is considered the largest public clinic in the country. The hospital is located 50 kilometers from Ben Gurion Airport in the city of Beersheba. The advantage of Soroka Hospital is its innovative treatment methods, since it operates one of the largest research centers in the Promised Land. Soroka Hospital employs more than 800 doctors and 2,000 nurses. Every year the clinic receives more than 750 thousand patients. The hospital is JCI accredited, indicating a high level of safety for patients.

    Medical Center named after. Yitzhak Rabin: 5 main structures
  • Golda Hasharon Hospital
  • Beilinson Hospital
  • Schneider Children's Hospital
  • Cardiocenter named after Sami Ofer
  • Cancer Center "Davidov"

This is one of the largest honey. institutions which include Beilinson Hospital, Davidov Cancer Center, Helen Schneider Women's Hospital and. This is a huge medical institution that employs more than 4,500 qualified specialists, among them more than 1,000 doctors who have deservedly received recognition from the world medical community and patients, and about 2,000 nurses. At the same time, 1,300 patients can be admitted for inpatient treatment. Hundreds of operations are carried out every day, which was made possible thanks to the presence of 37 modern operating rooms. On the basis of the medical center named after. Rabin operates the clinical base of the Higher Medical School named after. Sackler and many scientific studies are carried out. Honey. The center is certified by JCI (Joint Commission International).



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