Major dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system. Comprehensive prevention of heart and vascular diseases




The only function cordially- vascular system consists of pushing blood through the arteries and veins of the body. Blood carries nutrients throughout the body and removes waste products from the body, and also delivers oxygen to tissues and removes carbon dioxide from them. In adults, the amount of blood on average is 7-8 % of the total weight. IN normal conditions Only part of the blood circulates. The other part is contained in the so-called blood “depots” (liver, spleen, skin) and is mobilized when there is a need to replenish (replenish) the amount of blood circulating in the body. At the beginning of the 1628th century, the English scientist William Harvey proved that the venous and arterial vascular systems are interconnected and discovered the very fact of blood circulation and the presence of systemic and pulmonary circulation. Heart of all mammals, including humans, is a hollow four-chambered muscular organ. It is divided into two atria and two ventricles.

Systemic circulation starts from the left ventricle and ends with the right atrium. When the heart contracts, blood from the left ventricle is ejected into the aorta (the largest artery of the human body) and then, passing through the arteries, arterioles and capillaries of the entire body, enters the venules. Venules gather into small veins, which merge with larger ones and flow into the inferior and superior vena cava. The inferior and superior vena cava supply blood to right atrium, and this is where it ends big circle blood circulation Thus, the blood that is released during the contraction of the heart travels throughout the body.

Pulmonary circulation starts from the right ventricle and ends at the left atrium. From the right ventricle to pulmonary artery the blood enters the capillaries of the lungs and from there, through the pulmonary veins, returns to the left atrium, where the pulmonary circulation ends. When passing through the capillaries of the small circle, the blood gives off carbon dioxide and is saturated with oxygen.
Blood in the cardiovascular system flows in only one direction: from the left ventricle through the systemic circulation to the right atrium and from the right atrium to the right ventricle, from the right ventricle through the pulmonary circulation to the left atrium and from the left atrium to the left ventricle. The one-sidedness of blood flow depends on the sequential contraction of the parts of the heart and on its valve apparatus. The activity of the heart consists of three phases: first - systole, i.e. contraction of the atria, the second is ventricular systole and the third is pause, i.e. the period when the atria and ventricles are simultaneously relaxed. The relaxed state of the atria or ventricles is called diastole. In the first phase, the atria contract, and the blood in them enters the ventricles. flapper valves freely
open towards the ventricles and therefore do not interfere with the flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles. During atrial systole, blood cannot flow back into the veins, since the mouths of the veins are compressed by the annular muscles. Atrial systole lasts 0.12 seconds. Following the atrial systole, their diastole begins to relax. Atrial systole is followed by the second phase - ventricular systole. Ventricular systole, in turn, consists of two phases: the tension phase and the blood expulsion phase. In the first phase, i.e., in the phase of tension, the muscles of the ventricles tense (their tone increases), and the pressure in the ventricles increases, and when it becomes higher than in the aorta and pulmonary trunk, the semilunar valves open, the heart muscle contracts: blood from ventricles under high pressure is released into the vessels. This is how the second phase of ventricular systole begins - the phase of expulsion of blood. At the same time, the pressure in the ventricles reaches 150 mm Hg, Art. The entire ventricular systole lasts 0.3 seconds. After the systole of the ventricles, their diastole begins. In this case, the semilunar valves slam shut, as the blood pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery becomes higher than in the ventricles. At the same time, the leaflet valves open, and blood from the atria begins to flow into the ventricles again. In a beating heart, atrial diastole partially coincides with ventricular diastole; this is the third phase - pause. During the pause period, blood flows freely from the superior and inferior vena cava into the right atrium and from the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. Since the valves are open, some of the blood enters the ventricles. A pause is followed by atrial systole. The pause lasts 0.4 seconds. Then a new one begins cardiac cycle. Each cardiac cycle lasts approximately 0.8 seconds.

If you put your hand on the left fifth intercostal space, you can feel the heart beat. This impulse depends on the change in the position of the heart during systole. When contracting, the heart becomes almost solid, turns slightly from left to right, the left ventricle presses against the chest, pressing on it. This pressure is felt as a push. U healthy person the heart beats an average of 70 times per minute. Heart rate is subject to many influences and often changes even throughout the day. The heart rate is also affected by the position of the body: the highest heart rate is observed in a standing position, in a sitting position it is lower, and when lying down the heart contracts even more slowly. The heart rate increases sharply during physical activity; among athletes, for example, during a competition it even reaches 250 per minute. Heart rate depends on age. In children under 1 year old it is 100-140 per minute, at 10 years old - 90, at 20 years old and older - 60-80, and in old people it increases again to 90-95.

In some people, the heart rate is rare and fluctuates between 40-60 per minute. This rare rhythm is called bradycardia. It most often occurs in athletes at rest. There are also people with an increased heart rate, when the heart rate fluctuates between 90-100 and can reach up to
140-150 per minute. This rapid rhythm is called tachycardia. The heart beats faster when you inhale, emotional excitement(fear, anger, joy, etc.). When contracting, each ventricle releases an average of 70-80 ml of blood, the so-called. systolic, volume. The activity of the heart is accompanied electrical phenomena. The method of recording the currents of the heart is called electrocardiography.
This device is connected to the right and left arms (first lead), then to right hand And
with the left leg (second lead) and finally with the left arm and left leg (third lead).
When recording on moving paper, a curve is obtained - electrocardiogram The electrocardiogram has five waves, which are designated by the letters P, Q, R, S, T. The P wave corresponds to the excitation of the atria, and the Q, R, S, T waves correspond to the excitation of the ventricles.

The heart, removed from the body, continues to beat rhythmically. This feature is
This gives reason to conclude that the reasons that cause the contraction of the heart are located in the heart itself. In higher animals (including humans), excitation occurs in special accumulations of nervous and muscle tissue, called nodes.

Rhythm healthy heart variability is inherent. Variability heart rate(HRV) is measured by the distances between the R waves; It is higher in athletes and decreases until it disappears in a state of ill health and stress.

The heart is innervated by the vagus and sympathetic nerves. The vagus nerve begins in the medulla oblongata, where its center lies, and the sympathetic nerves arise from the cervical sympathetic node. Action vagus nerve on the functioning of the heart-slowing down and relaxing. The effect of the sympathetic nerves on the heart is the opposite, that is, it accelerates and intensifies.

The activity of the centers of the vagus and sympathetic nerves is coordinated. If the excitability of one of these centers increases, then the excitability of the other center decreases accordingly. During muscular activity, the heart begins to work faster, since the tone of the center of the vagus nerve decreases with simultaneous increase tone of the center of the sympathetic nerve, which leads to an increase in heart rate. Excitation of the vagus and sympathetic nerves originates in the central nervous system.

A variety of stimuli - heat, cold, sharp pain, as well as fear, anger and other emotions, cause a slowdown or increase in cardiac activity. With any irritation, excitement occurs at the endings of the sensory nerves, which is transmitted to the central nervous system and from there along the efferent (centrifugal) nerves - vagus or sympathetic - and transmitted to the heart.

An example reflex influence The following experience can serve on the activity of the heart. The frog's chest cavity is opened. Then they strike the belly of the frog. The activity of the heart slows down or stops completely. The heart slows down or stops as a reflex. The strong excitation that occurs upon impact is transmitted to medulla and covers the center of the vagus nerve, excitation along the nerve travels to the heart and inhibits its activity. This reflex explains the deep fainting or even death of a person (during cardiac arrest) that occurs after a strong blow to the stomach. Reflex influences on the activity of the heart are also observed under the influence of changes occurring inside the body.

Numerous experiments have proven that the cerebral cortex controls the activity of the heart. In particular, they developed conditioned reflexes on the activity of the heart. In this case, the heart is controlled by the cortex indirectly, through the autonomic nervous system. Events that trigger the regulation of cardiac activity are also emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Thus, the conductor Toscanini's heart rate increased while listening to his recordings in the same way as when he physically conducted the orchestra.

Cardiac activity is also regulated by the nervous system humorally. The sympathetic nervous system through spinal cord gives the command to the adrenal cortex to produce adrenaline. Having reached the bloodstream of the heart, adrenaline through adrenaline receptors enhances cardiac activity. Its action lasts 5-8 seconds, but during this time, in the event of a stress reaction, glucocorticoids are secreted, which prolong the action of adrenaline for minutes and hours.

Acetylcholine acts diametrically opposite to adrenaline, which causes a sharp slowdown and weakening of cardiac activity, up to complete cardiac arrest.

The heart muscle, which produces enormous work, needs a continuous flow of nutrients and oxygen and in the removal of decay products is abundantly supplied with blood. The blood supply to the heart is carried out by the coronary arteries.

In the thickness of the heart muscle they disintegrate into a dense capillary network. Disturbance of normal blood circulation of the heart causes sudden changes in cardiac activity. In humans, blood circulation in the heart muscle is disturbed with sclerosis coronary vessels, with blockage (thrombosis) and reflex spasms. Adrenaline causes a constriction of all blood vessels, except the coronary and cerebral vessels, which, on the contrary, dilate, improving the supply of the heart during physical exertion and emotional arousal.

The heart ejects portions of blood in the vessel only during systole, intermittently. Despite this, blood flows through the blood vessels in a continuous stream. The blood flow becomes continuous due to the elasticity of the walls of the arteries. After ventricular systole, the pressure in the arteries rises sharply, and the walls of the arteries stretch. After systole comes diastole, when the walls of blood vessels, due to elasticity, return to their original position. They put pressure on the blood, push it further and ensure uniform blood flow through the vessels. the value blood pressure mainly determined by two conditions: the energy that is communicated during systole, and the resistance of the arterial vascular system, which has to be overcome by the flow of blood flowing from the aorta. During systole, the pressure increases and becomes the highest, it is called systolic. The lowest pressure is called diastolic. Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure got the name pulse pressure. If the systolic pressure is brachial artery a person is equal to 120 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic -70 mm Hg. Art., then pulse pressure will be equal to 50 mm Hg. Art.

Under normal conditions, blood pressure levels remain strictly constant for certain age groups. Sometimes blood pressure rises above 150 mm Hg. Art. This persistent increase in blood pressure is a fairly common disease and is called hypertension. Increased blood pressure that occurs during muscle activity (severe physical labor, sport competitions etc.), can sometimes reach up to 200 mm.r. g., after stopping work it quickly decreases and soon returns to normal. A similar rapid change in blood pressure is also observed during emotional arousal, for example, anger or fear. During sleep, blood pressure decreases. Blood pressure may drop sharply. Persistent decrease in systolic pressure to 80-90 mm Hg. Art. called hypotension. A sharp decrease in pressure if not taken Urgent measures, calls a series serious violations in the body and leads to death.

A study of the effect of smoking on blood pressure and heart rate showed that smoking one cigarette causes an increase in systolic pressure by an average of 20 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure by 14 mm Hg. Art. The pulse increases on average by 36 beats per minute. The electrocardiogram shows a change in the T wave. As a result of vasoconstriction, the skin temperature of the fingers decreases by 2.4-3.2°. This must be remembered during a polygraph test, since a specialist, when working with heavy smokers you have to make a choice: interrupt the test and let the person being interviewed smoke a cigarette, or, under one pretext or another, not allow the person being interviewed to smoke during the event. The polyhyphalogist should remember that if he has given the interviewee the opportunity to smoke a cigarette, then after that it is necessary to take a 15-20-minute pause so that the parameters of the circulatory system return to the original level.

Blood circulation in the venous part of the vascular system has its own characteristics, which

are caused, first of all, by the structure of the walls of the veins, which, in comparison with the walls

The arteries are very thin and easily compressed. Blood pressure in the veins is very low - 10-20 mm Hg. Art., and in large veins located in chest cavity, even negative, i.e. lower atmospheric pressure. The pressure in them fluctuates depending on the phase of breathing. When inhaling, rib cage increases, it contributes to the expansion of the lungs, as well as the veins located in the chest cavity. At the same time, their walls stretch, the lumen expands, and the pressure in them drops, becoming negative. Such a pressure drop is of great importance for the movement of blood through the veins: a significant difference is created between the blood pressure in large and small veins, which contributes to the flow of blood from small veins to larger ones, i.e., its movement towards the heart. An important factor Muscle contractions promote the movement of blood through the veins. Muscle contraction presses on the veins, which collapse, and the blood in them is squeezed out and flows towards the heart, while the semilunar valves in the veins, like valves, prevent its return flow. That is why physical education, muscle contractions during work, walking, etc. contribute to the improvement of venous circulation.

If you put your finger on those parts of the body where the arteries approach the surface, you can feel arterial pulse. The pulse can be felt on the hand by lightly pressing radial artery To radius, on the temple, on the neck, at the corner lower jaw, in the groin, etc.

Feeling it, you can get some idea about the work of the heart and the state of the entire cardiovascular system. For a more detailed study, the pulse is recorded, and the curve that is obtained at the same time makes it possible to make a deeper analysis. Recording of a pulse wave as a component of a peripheral reaction of the cardiovascular

the system is stopped using the plethysmogram or photoplethysmogram channel

Usually the heart works somewhat unevenly: when you inhale, the activity of the heart accelerates. A similar unevenness in the work of the heart is also observed during complete rest. A change in the activity of the heart in connection with the phases of respiration is called respiratory arrhythmia.

Blood pressure in the body is always maintained at a constant level. If according to

For any reason (joy, fear, physical work, etc.), blood pressure rises, very soon it returns to normal again, self-regulation of blood pressure occurs. The principle of self-regulation, established by I. P. Pavlov, also relates not to other functions of the body (breathing, etc.)


Atrial fibrillation and flutter (atrial fibrillation) - a chaotic contraction of individual groups of muscle fibers, in which the atria as a whole do not contract, and the ventricles work irregularly, usually at a frequency of 100 to 150 beats per minute. Atrial fibrillation can be persistent or paroxysmal. Observed when mitral defects heart disease, coronary heart disease, thyrotoxicosis, alcoholism

Ventricular fibrillation and flutter(ventricular fibrillation) can occur with any serious illness hearts (usually acute phase myocardial infarction), pulmonary embolism, cardiac overdose

Heart blocks- cardiac dysfunction associated with slowing or stopping the conduction of impulses through the conduction system of the heart. There are sinoatrial blocks (at the level of the atrial muscle tissue), atrioventricular (at the level of the atrioventricular junction) and intraventricular. Depending on their severity, there are: 1) 1st degree blockade: each impulse is slowly transmitted to the underlying parts of the conduction system, 2) 2nd degree blockade, incomplete: only a portion of the impulses are transmitted, 3) blockade III degree, full: impulses are not conducted. All blockades can be persistent or transient. Occurs with myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, under the influence of certain drugs (cardiac glycosides, beta-blockers, verapamil). Congenital complete transverse block is very rare.

Atherosclerosis A common disease characterized by growth in the wall of large and medium-sized arteries connective tissue(sclerosis) in combination with fatty impregnation of their inner shell (athero-). Due to thickening, the walls of blood vessels become thicker, their lumen narrows, and blood clots often form. Depending on the zone in which the affected arteries are located, the blood supply to a particular organ or part of the body suffers with its possible necrosis (heart attack, gangrene).

Sudden death All conditions requiring measures cardiopulmonary resuscitation, are united by the concept " clinical death", which is characterized by cessation of breathing and blood circulation. This means not only complete mechanical cardiac arrest, but also a type of cardiac activity that does not provide the minimum required level of blood circulation. This condition can develop with various life-threatening cardiac rhythm disturbances: ventricular fibrillation, complete transverse (atrioventricular) blockade. The most common cardiogenic cause cessation of blood circulation is myocardial infarction.

Hypertonic disease (essential hypertension) Accounts for up to 90% of all cases of chronic hypertension blood pressure. In economically developed countries, 18-20% of adults suffer from hypertopic disease, that is, they have repeated rises in blood pressure up to 160/95 mm Hg. Art. and higher.

Hypotonic disease(primary chronic hypotension, essential hypotension) A disease associated with dysfunction of the nervous system and neurohormonal regulation of vascular tone, accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. The initial background of this condition is asthenia associated with traumatic situations, chronic infections and intoxications (occupational hazards, alcohol abuse), neuroses.

Myocardial infarction Heart disease caused by insufficient blood supply with a focus of necrosis (death) in the heart muscle (myocardium); most important form coronary heart disease. Myocardial infarction is caused by acute blockage of the lumen of the coronary artery by a thrombus or swollen atherosclerotic plaque.

Ischemic disease hearts Chronic disease caused by insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, in the vast majority of cases (97-98%) is a consequence of atherosclerosis coronary arteries hearts. The main forms are angina pectoris, myocardial infarction (see), atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. They occur in patients both isolated and in combination, including with various complications and consequences (heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, thromboembolism).

Angina pectoris- an attack of sudden chest pain that always responds the following signs: has clearly expressed time onset and cessation, appears under certain circumstances (when walking normally, after eating or with a heavy load, when accelerating, climbing a mountain, a sharp headwind, or other physical effort); the pain begins to subside or stops completely under the influence of nitroglycerin (1-3 minutes after taking the tablet under the tongue).

Cardiopsychoneurosis(NCD, vegetative-vascular dystonia) It is of a functional nature and is characterized by disorders of the neuroendocrine regulation of the cardiovascular system.

Heart failure A condition caused by the failure of the heart as a pump that provides the necessary blood circulation. It is a consequence and manifestation of diseases that affect the myocardium or complicate its work: ischemic heart disease and its defects, arterial hypertension, diffuse diseases lungs, myocarditis, cardiomyopathies.

Hello, friends! Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. Today I wanted to talk to you about health. This is probably due to the fact that many of my friends and acquaintances are sick now. This is due to the sharp cold outside the window. Besides, my husband is sick. In general, this is my mood and I chose the appropriate topic for today’s article.

Moreover, this topic will be relevant to everyone who, for example, is engaged in blogging via the Internet, while in . Since our work with you over time has turned from active to passive, and this, in turn, can have a rather detrimental effect on our health.

We began to sit on chairs more and more often, move less and less, observe correct mode food and eat healthy food. And it is not surprising that all these factors lead to the fact that we begin to feel much worse, because this lifestyle leaves a negative imprint on our cardiovascular system.

Therefore, today we will talk to you about such a topic as the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In order to talk about why this disease can occur, how to fight it and prevent its occurrence, let's find out what it is.

Ailments associated with the disease circulatory system, cardiac muscle, are divided into several types:

1. Cardiac ischemia- conductivity problems blood vessels to the heart muscle. In the future it can lead to a heart attack. This type also includes angina pectoris.

2.Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage- occurs due to problems with the vessels of the brain. In the first case, due to a violation of the blood supply, in the second - due to a rupture of the vessel.

3. Arrhythmia- violation of the heart rhythm.

4.Thrombosis- the occurrence of blood clots, as a result of clumping of platelets.

5.Heart defect- usually a congenital disease.

6.Atherosclerosis- deposition on the walls of blood vessels of fat and cholesterol, which leads to disruption of the blood supply to organs.

7. Vegetative-vascular dystonia- a violation of the cardiovascular system associated with neuralgia. I can tell you a lot about this disease, since I myself suffer from this disease. I have accumulated a lot of information, so this topic is for a separate article. Therefore, if you this problem relevant - so as not to miss the release of this post. It will be mega useful, especially for people suffering from this disease.

There are even more subtypes of this disease, but we will not go into each one. The main thing is that it became clear to you how extensive the affected area is in the event of cordially- vascular diseases.

Causes of cardiovascular diseases

There are enough factors that lead to this disease in our time. As mentioned above, our lifestyle is a fertile soil that helps this ailment to progress.

Let's list them:

  1. Most main reason is heredity. If someone in your family had problems in this area, most likely you will also encounter them.
  2. Injuries. Very often, the disease can be influenced by injuries.
  3. Poor nutrition. We increasingly began to eat in fast foods, where the main component is fats and carbohydrates. As a rule, in order to quickly cook a cutlet or french fries, they are fried in hot oil, which sometimes is not changed very often. And because of this oil, the level of cholesterol in our body increases, which interferes with normal functioning blood in our body. Or another rather relevant example: when working at home, we often eat while sitting at the computer, and arrange dry snacks for ourselves without looking up from the monitor. Yes Yes! And don’t say that you don’t do that :) We hold the mouse with one hand and a sandwich in the other.
  4. Passive lifestyle. Have you heard the expression “Movement is life.” Now this is not about our generation, because people pedaling or running along the path, although you can meet them on the street, are very rare. Basically, everyone tries to move around in warm cars, alternately pressing the gas-brake. Given that when you come home, you are unlikely to run on a treadmill or jump rope. Most likely, after a working day spent on a chair at the computer, at home you again occupy sitting position on a comfortable sofa... Well, you get the idea.
  5. Wrong lifestyle: smoking, alcohol. All this also adversely affects not only what we are talking about in today's article, but also on other organs.

Also this disease may appear as a result of chronic diseases. But as a rule, these days most often this disease is acquired.

Manifestations of cardiovascular diseases

If you don’t have time to eat right, drive mostly by car or public transport, and you don’t have the strength and time to go to the gym, then you should know that your risk of developing an illness increases many times. This is not a joke or a way of intimidation, but a real picture.


  • Shortness of breath.
  • Chest pain
  • Heart rhythm disorder
  • Cold and clammy palms or feet
  • Headache
  • Fainting
  • Swelling
  • Pallor
  • Bluish color of the lips, nose, tip of the tongue, fingers, legs, earlobes.

If you notice at least one of these signs, you should contact a specialist to diagnose problems with the heart or blood vessels and prevent their development. When making such a diagnosis - do not be alarmed. There are many ways to deal with this problem. The doctor will select the necessary treatment for you.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

For primary prevention they will help you:

1. Physical therapy. It enhances blood circulation. It is even better to exercise in nature, as you also saturate your body with oxygen. Here are some examples of morning exercises:

2. Proper nutrition. In order to maintain your health, try to eat food, rich in protein and fiber, and reduce carbohydrates and fats. They must remain in your diet for the proper functioning of the brain and intestines, however, proteins should prevail, as this is a building material that helps strengthen the walls of your blood vessels. If you have excess weight, then it is better to follow a diet and eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

Related articles:

3.Massage. I do not advise you to do it without a doctor's prescription, as you can harm yourself, but it can also be prescribed to you as a preventive measure.

4.Bad habits. Give them up once and for all. Firstly, good example, secondly, health benefits!

5.Diagnostics. Try to be examined by a cardiologist at least once a year. After all, with the lifestyle we lead, this kind of problem can arise in a matter of days and lead to not very good consequences. Don't neglect medical examinations which are carried out at work. And if you work from home, take the time to see a specialist yourself.

By the way, if you earn money at home using a computer, then the following articles will be useful to you:

Be sure to read them!

I hope that the activities described in the article will help you prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and provide you with a long and healthy life. The main thing is to do prevention, then you will always be in shape.

Remember, the result depends only on you!

Be healthy!

And in conclusion, watch the video and listen to the song to lift your spirits.

Ekaterina Kalmykova

Myocardial infarction occurs when blood supply to any part of the heart muscle stops. If the blood supply is disrupted for minutes or more, the “starving” part of the heart dies. This area of ​​death (necrosis) of cardiac cells is called myocardial infarction.

Stroke is a severe and very dangerous violation cerebral circulation, which ultimately causes the death of brain tissue, due to a lack of necessary nutrition in the brain, resulting in brain damage and blockage or rupture of brain vessels.

Coronary heart disease is caused by an imbalance in the heart's need and receipt of oxygen through the bloodstream. IBS can develop suddenly, or it can be chronic and irregular. Cardiac arrhythmias are disturbances in the rhythmic characteristics of the work of the heart muscle, which have several forms, divided according to changes in the rhythm, strength and frequency of contractions: tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia.

Angina - " angina pectoris“a disease manifested in a discrepancy between the need and delivery of oxygen to the myocardium, which causes a malfunction of the heart and causes discomfort and pain in the chest. The most common cause of angina pectoris is arteriosclerosis. Angina pectoris is a “angina pectoris” disease that manifests itself in a discrepancy between the need and delivery of oxygen to the myocardium, which causes a malfunction of the heart and causes discomfort and pain in the chest. The most common cause of angina pectoris is arteriosclerosis.
Prevention cardiovascular diseases 2. Reduce body weight 2. Reduce body weight 3. Eliminate alcohol consumption 4. Quit cigarettes 5. Avoid stressful situations 6. Increase physical activity 7.Refuse overuse table salt.

Comprehensive prevention heart and vascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases - the epidemic of the XXI century

According to official data, about 1 million people die from cardiovascular diseases in Russia every year. 300 thousand people. Mortality due to this cause is more than 55% of all deaths. Among the developed countries, Russia is the leader in this sad indicator.

Not only treatment, but first of all, competent prevention of cardiovascular diseases will help reduce the number of patients suffering from and other ailments. People from so-called risk groups especially need to know about prevention methods.

Physical education is your main assistant

Benefit physical therapy is beyond doubt, because, firstly, during active classes, especially at fresh air, the cells and tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen, secondly, blood circulation increases and the heart muscle strengthens. Aerobic activities that increase the heart rate are preferable - walking, running, skiing, cycling.

It is known that when lipids are deposited on the walls of arteries, thereby leading to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and even clogging them. In physical education it works in the following way. Fatty substances consumed by a person in excess do not settle in the blood vessels, but are burned by the body during exercise, and their safe level is maintained in the blood, coronary blood flow increases.

Physical activity depends on the age, functional state of the person, and also on whether he or she already has any diseases of the cardiovascular system. Those who have never been involved in physical education and sports should start with walking.

Doctors have found that the minimum dynamic load is as follows: 3 times a week for 30 minutes at a comfortable pace. Those who engage in recreational running should remember that it is not recommended to run more than 30-40 km per week, since in this case the body’s reserves are depleted and performance decreases.

Apart from aerobic exercise, has benefits for the body. You can do the following exercises:

  1. Rotation with hands clenched into fists, as well as feet pointed on toes (20 times in one direction and the other);
  2. Rhythmic compression-extension of the hands (30 times);
  3. Rotations of the body left and right with arms spread to the sides (10 times);
  4. Swing with a straight leg forward, while reaching for your toes (10 swings with each leg);
  5. Lunges forward with each leg alternately (10-20 times);
  6. Vertical leg lift to prevent vascular diseases of the legs (1-2 minutes).

This complex can be included in morning exercises, or perform at any time convenient time. It is important that the room is well ventilated and that the person wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. But there are a number the following contraindications for physical education:

  • Acute forms,;
  • Spicy;
  • accompanied by severe pain in the heart area.

For correct construction Your training must adhere to the following rules:

  • Systematicity involves at least 3 classes per week;
  • The pulse should not exceed 120-140 beats per minute;
  • If dizziness, pain in the heart or nausea occurs, stop exercising.
  • Healthy eating is a big step towards health

    Prevention of vascular diseases requires adequate balanced nutrition. One of the main causes of these diseases is insufficient consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids who are responsible for lipid metabolism in organism. Therefore use:

    • Fish, steamed or boiled (2-3 times a week);
    • Raw avocado (1-2 fruits per week);
    • Flaxseed oil (2 tablespoons per day);
    • Nuts (6-8 pieces per day).

    Due to the fiber content, which prevents the absorption of cholesterol, as well as Omega-3 acids, you should consume cereal porridges - rolled oats, buckwheat, brown rice. How coarser grind, the richer the porridge with valuable substances.

    The following vegetables and fruits are especially valuable and useful:


    Reduces blood pressure and improves water-salt balance (contains beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C);


    Reduces vascular tone and blood pressure (the composition includes hydrogen sulfide, nitric oxide);


    Nourishes the heart and blood vessels with vitamins and elements (the composition includes vitamins B, C, D, as well as potassium, iron, manganese);


    Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and fights anemia (comprises folic acid, copper, iron, iodine);


    It improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood, preventing blockage of blood vessels (it contains antioxidants, iron, iodine).

    In addition to reception healthy products, it is worth reducing the amount of salt consumed, fatty, fried, refined foods that do not carry any nutritional value except empty calories. Refrain from taking products containing a large number of sugars - cakes, creams, milk chocolate.

    Stress is a blow to blood vessels

    The mechanism of action of stress on the cardiovascular system is known: the hormone adrenaline is produced, which makes the heart beat faster, and the vessels spasm and constrict. Because of this, pressure rises, the heart muscle wears out.

    American scientists have found that the cardiovascular system is directly related to the brain and hormonal sphere. That's why if a person experiences negative emotions- fear, anger, irritability, then the heart will suffer.

    For prevention for this reason, a person needs:

    1. More often to be in nature, away from the bustle of the city;
    2. Learn not to let minor troubles, domestic troubles close to your heart;
    3. Coming home, leave all thoughts of business behind the threshold;
    4. Listen to relaxing classical music;
    5. Give yourself as many positive emotions as possible.
    6. IN necessary cases take natural sedatives, for example, motherwort.

    Down with bad habits!

    Smoking and healthy blood vessels incompatible. Nicotine spasms blood vessels, therefore. Besides, vascular walls are damaged, plaques are deposited on them, which are the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. The smoker's brain suffers, memory is impaired, and paralysis may occur. That's why to prevent the formation of blood clots and the destruction of the walls of blood vessels, smoking must be abandoned.

    Another destructive habit is excessive drinking. Ethanol acts quickly: under its influence, red blood cells lose their negative charge and begin to stick to each other, worsening the patency of blood vessels, increasing blood clotting and increasing the risk of the formation of extremely dangerous blood clots. Oxygen starvation is experienced not only by organs and tissues, but also by the myocardium; the heart begins to beat faster, depleting its resources. In addition, ethanol interferes with fat metabolism, sharply increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, and it contributes to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

    Fans of strong drinks should know that systematic use alcohol, no matter what - beer, wine or champagne, provokes replacement muscle layers myocardium into fat. The reception of electrical impulses is disrupted, the ability of the myocardium to contract decreases, and this threatens the appearance of arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia and other severe consequences. There is only one conclusion - reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible, and if it cannot be avoided at a banquet, then simply eat as many fresh green vegetables as possible along with it.

    Bad habits include sitting for long evenings in front of the TV or computer. A person who deprives himself of sleep wears out his heart, because he also needs periods of rest. To ensure that the heart does not experience overload, It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and this time can be distributed throughout the day.

    About the benefits of regular examination

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels can occur unnoticed, without any external manifestations. Therefore, you should examine your blood vessels and heart approximately once a year using the basic available methods..

    • . This method is based on recording the heart rhythm using special electrodes. Allows you to identify disturbances in the functioning of the myocardium, intracardiac patency, etc.;
    • Ergometry. The essence of the technique is to study the functioning of the cardiovascular system in dynamics;
    • (ultrasound Dopplerography). It is used mainly for the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. The doctor assesses the blood flow in large vessels neck and head;
    • . Using MRI, specialists determine the patency of blood vessels, the presence of blood clots, its anatomy and diameter. Its advantages are obvious: efficiency, accuracy and harmlessness to the patient.
    • MRA (magnetic resonance angiography). This method is the most modern and effective, especially when diagnosing the condition of cerebral vessels, since it allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image vascular network investigated area. If the vessels of the body are examined, then a special dye is injected into the artery or vein, thanks to which the pictures are clear and understandable.

    Read more about the importance of regularly visiting a doctor.

    A basic idea of ​​the state of the cardiovascular system can be obtained using simple measurement pulse The doctor can not only estimate the number of beats per minute, but also the rhythm of heart contractions. The phonendoscope well transmits noises and tones in the heart, which provide information about possible defects in the functioning of the heart valves.

    A cardiologist should determine which specific method is right for you. The more, the deeper the research should be. In addition, it should be controlled, firstly, and secondly - Their increased value indicates that blood vessels are suffering in the body.

    Over the past centuries, people have begun to live much longer on average, but they have not stopped getting sick. If in old times The main causes of mortality were various epidemics (plague, cholera, etc.), but in our time it has become “fashionable” to suffer primarily from cardiovascular diseases. As a result, their mortality rate accounts for about a third of all deaths in the world.

    In our country, the incidence of these diseases among the population is also no less than 25-30%. In countries with low level In life, the share of cardiovascular pathologies is even higher, since it is determined not only by the level of development of medicine in the country, but also by the conditions and lifestyle of the population. Therefore, preventing the risk of cardiovascular diseases becomes important everywhere.

    What measures to prevent cardiovascular diseases exist, and what can we do for this ourselves?

    medical control

    Certainly, self-prevention Diseases of the cardiovascular system is important, but it is not enough. Professional and timely medical control, therefore, is the most important element health monitoring.

    To prevent the onset of the development of the disease or its exacerbation, keep it in a “dormant state” chronic diseases a person should regularly visit doctors:

    • Once a year, be examined by a therapist.
    • A visit to the doctor should be accompanied by measurement of blood pressure and body mass index.
    • At least once every five years, and more often at the doctor’s discretion, check your blood cholesterol levels.

    Physical education is a reliable assistant

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases with the help of physical exercises for the heart does not raise doubts about its benefits. Active activities, especially those carried out in the open air, saturate the tissues and cells of the body with oxygen. The heart muscle is strengthened and blood circulation becomes more intense. Various aerobic activities that cause an increase in heart rate are very useful: running, walking, cycling and skiing.

    It is known that the cause of the development of atherosclerosis is the deposition of cholesterol and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumens, or even completely clogging them. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, namely atherosclerosis, using physical exercise works like this: excess consumed fats do not settle on the walls of blood vessels, but are burned by the body during training, while blood flow increases, maintaining normal level lipids in the blood.

    The choice of physical activity should be related to functional state and the age of the person, whether he has any cardiovascular problems.

    For those who have never done sports or even physical exercise, it is best to start with walking. The minimum dynamic load recommended by doctors is as follows: three times a week for half an hour at a comfortable pace. Those involved in recreational running should not “run away” more than 30-40 km in a week, since further the body’s reserves begin to deplete, reducing working capacity.

    Physiotherapy exercises should be carried out in comfortable clothes and in well-ventilated areas.

    But there are a number of contraindications to physical education:

    • Acute heart failure.
    • Acute forms of rheumatism, endocarditis and myocarditis.
    • Heart rhythm disturbances in the background severe pain in the sternum area.

    In order for the prevention of vascular heart disease during training to be as effective as possible, some rules should be observed:

    • The training begins with a warm-up.
    • Classes should take place at least 3 times a week.
    • The pulse rate should not exceed 140 beats.
    • If you experience dizziness, nausea or heart pain, stop exercising immediately.

    Managing Stress

    It is very important to learn to control stressful situations, which are waiting for us everywhere. Chronic lack of sleep and constant psychological stress exhaust a person, reduce his immunity, cause arrhythmia and other disorders of the heart.

    This can be countered healthy sleep and a philosophical approach to life that will reduce the load on the nervous system and help avoid heart ailments. Stress is a real blow to the blood vessels. Moreover, the mechanism of its action is simple and well studied: the adrenal glands produce loading dose the hormone adrenaline, which causes the heart to pound furiously, as a result of which the blood vessels narrow and spasm, leading to a sharp jump pressure.

    Such tests quickly wear out the heart muscle.

    Doctors have long known about the close relationship between the brain, hormonal and cardiovascular systems and that any strong, especially negative, emotions: anger, fear, irritability invariably hit the heart.

    Therefore, to prevent vascular spasms, it is recommended:

    • Get out into nature more often, away from the bustle of the city.
    • Learn not to take everyday troubles and minor troubles to heart.
    • Listen to classical and other relaxing music.
    • Try to forget about work when you come home.
    • Look for positive moments in life.
    • If you are worried, use motherwort or other natural remedies.

    Getting rid of bad habits

    Next we look at the influence bad habits on the heart. It is hardly possible to find at least one doubting person racking his brains over the question of whether smoking affects the heart. This issue has been resolved long ago and finally: healthy blood vessels and the heart are incompatible with smoking. Here's how smoking harms the heart: nicotine causes vasospasm, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. In addition, it promotes the activation of plaque deposits on the walls of blood vessels, leading to the progression of atherosclerosis - a harbinger of heart disease. The smoker's brain also suffers, memory deteriorates, and the risk of strokes increases. Such an effect of smoking on the functioning of the heart in the presence of existing cardiac problems requires immediate cessation.

    Excessive alcohol consumption is another destructive habit. Under the influence of ethanol, red blood cells lose their negative charge, which leads to their clumping and deterioration of blood rheology, its increased coagulability, which, in turn, threatens thrombosis. The observed oxygen starvation especially dangerous for myocardial cells. At the same time, the heart beats faster, depleting its own resources. In addition, alcohol negatively affects lipid metabolism, shifting the balance towards increasing the cholesterol content in the blood, which begins to form plaques on the walls of blood vessels. With systematic abuse of any alcohol muscle myocardium is replaced by fat. The transmission of electrical impulses becomes more difficult, the myocardium contracts weaker, which can lead to arrhythmias, ischemia and other painful consequences. Read about why your heart hurts after alcohol in our article.

    Alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum, and small doses should be supplemented with green vegetables.

    A bad habit can be called long sitting in the evenings at the computer or in front of the TV. Lack of sleep also causes wear and tear on the heart, so it is recommended to sleep 8 hours a day, which can be spread over several doses.

    Quality nutrition is the key to health

    Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system necessarily implies appropriate balanced diet. One of the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis is the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids involved in lipid metabolism in food.

    Below are the main factors that the prevention of cardiovascular diseases should take into account in terms of nutrition:

    • Binge eating. You should not leave the table feeling full stomach. A large amount of food causes the heart diaphragm to contract, making it difficult for the heart to work.
    • The consumption of animal fats should be kept to a minimum, and instead, prepare salads based on unrefined sunflower, olive or sesame oil. Ghee, palm and coconut oil, on the contrary, are harmful to the heart, weaken and prematurely age the myocardium.
    • It is better to cook easily digestible baked meat, without frying in margarine and oils. Instead of pork, you can use veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey or quail. Factory delicacies (sausages, ham, etc.) should be excluded. You can occasionally allow lamb dishes with liver, lard, goose or duck meat.
    • Seafood. Their regular consumption is an excellent protection against many heart diseases. Almost any fish can be used, and it can be stewed, steamed or baked. Best used for frying fish olive oil, but it’s best to still use extinguishing. Helps the heart function completely different fish: sardine and herring, salmon and hake, trout and pollock, salmon and catfish.
    • Fermented milk products should be present in the diet of even a healthy person. You should avoid surrogate, choosing proven quality, do not take colored products and concentrates. Cream, homemade sour cream, yogurt and kefir increase the body's endurance, resistance to influenza and viral infections which can lead to heart complications.
    • Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps the body get rid of toxins and waste and additionally stimulates the intestines, which reduces the load on the heart. Almost everything is healthy: potatoes, cabbage, onions, garlic, lettuce, spinach, apples, apricots, bananas, pomegranate, grapes, figs and a moderate dose walnuts. A mixture of dried fruits for the heart is very useful, and its composition can constantly change, and you don’t have to buy the most expensive products - you can get by with dried apricots and raisins.

    Risk factors

    There are 2 types of risk factors: fatal and removable. The first are those risk factors that cannot be changed, but will have to be taken into account. And avoidable risk factors are those that we can overcome by making appropriate adjustments to our lives.

    Unavoidable risk factors

    • Floor. Men are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.
    • Age. People over 65 with other risk factors need to be most careful about heart disease.
    • Heredity. In 25% of cases, diseases such as cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis, and arterial hypertension are inherited.

    Avoidable Risk Factors

    • Smoking and alcohol, the negative effects of which we have already mentioned.
    • Arterial hypertension. The risk of developing coronary artery disease is 3 times higher in people with chronically high blood pressure.
    • Overweight and abdominal obesity.
    • Diabetes. Not only does it increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but it also worsens the condition of a patient with an existing disease.
    • Poor nutrition.
    • Low physical activity.
    • Stress.


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