How to properly brush your teeth with braces? Will flossing and special toothpaste help the cause of hygiene? Disadvantages of flossing

Before purchasing floss, you need to know about some rules for its use. The product is produced in plastic containers, which includes a small knife for cutting the fiber. It is important to determine the size of the thread for convenient cleaning of the oral cavity from plaque.

It is necessary to use dental floss not only in the morning and in the evening after the main dental care activities. It is recommended to use after snacks or drinking coffee.

Indications for use

The device is great for removing plaque in hard-to-reach places where it is difficult for a toothbrush to reach. It is suitable for use by children from 8 years of age and adults.

Floss is suitable for regular daily use. The best way to use dental floss is after every meal. It is also prescribed for patients with orthodontic structures installed, as plaque and food particles accumulate on them faster.

Dental floss is a necessary tool for oral care for people with anomalies of the dentition (trema and diastema, torsion of teeth)

Why is it important to choose the right floss? First of all, the material should not delaminate when cleaning the interdental spaces. Thread breaks can occur if there are bumps and chips on the enamel of the teeth.

How to use dental floss correctly

To achieve results in the prevention of caries and other dental disorders is possible only with the regular use of floss. With sensitive enamel and gums, the product is used 1 time, before going to bed. Otherwise, flossing should be done after every meal. Another effective option for using the product is 2 times a day after basic hygiene measures. You can also use floss before traditional cleaning of teeth from plaque and food debris.

The algorithm for using dental floss is as follows:

  1. A container with fiber is taken into the hand and with the help of a special cutter included in the complex with the product, approximately 40 cm of material is cut off. If the tool is used for the first time, then it is better to use a ruler to determine the required length.
  2. The end of the thread is wound around the index or middle finger of one hand. The other end is clamped with the middle finger of the opposite hand. A piece of floss with a length of at least 5 cm should remain between the fingers. This floss size will be enough to effectively clean the interdental space.
  3. With the help of the thumbs, the thread is pulled, the mouth is opened wide and the fiber is inserted into the space between the teeth. To clean each section, use a new piece of fishing line. All manipulations are carried out carefully to prevent injury to the gums.
  4. During cleaning, the floss is pressed against the side surface of the teeth on each side. All movements are made from top to bottom on the surface of the teeth.
  5. The fiber is slightly wound over the edges of the gums to clean out all food debris from the interdental spaces.

The teeth of the upper and lower jaws are processed in a similar way. It is forbidden to use the same section of the floss for different sections. This can lead to the spread of bacteria throughout the mouth. The used material is disposed of. For one procedure, on average, at least 40 cm of fiber is used. The advantage of flossing for cleaning teeth is that it does not harm the enamel.

Application algorithm for braces

After installing orthodontic structures, the doctor informs the patient about the rules for caring for them. For effective cleaning of devices, it is necessary to use brushes, toothbrushes, floss or irrigators. Under the hooks, locks and other elements of orthodontic constructions, food particles can easily fall, which cause bad breath.

The orthodontist teaches proper oral care using superfloss. This product performs the functions of several types of dental floss. The main point of training is not to damage the structure itself and soft tissues during oral hygiene.

Photo of cleaning braces with a thread

Procedure algorithm:

  1. Hands are treated with an antiseptic or washed with soap.
  2. The cleaning procedure is carried out in front of a mirror in order to examine all the elements of the orthodontic device.
  3. About 30 cm of thread is wound around the index fingers of both hands.
  4. The fiber is pulled under the main wire without touching the metal parts.
  5. After cleaning the braces, the accessory is put into each interdental space. To process closely spaced units, manufacturers make special narrow threads.
  6. Floss is removed from the mouth at one end to prevent damage to the braces.
  7. The used line is disposed of.

Without a thread, it is impossible to achieve perfect cleanliness of the oral cavity, especially when orthodontic appliances are installed.

Using floss for kids

Children up to 9 years of age can use the accessory on their own. However, you can introduce the child to the product much earlier.

It is important to teach your child good oral hygiene from an early age.

For younger children, it is best to use the thread under parental supervision. It is important to ensure that the child carefully performs all manipulations and does not damage the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth. If in the process of cleaning the interdental spaces, the baby's gums begin to bleed, then the procedure is postponed and the mouth is washed with a warm antiseptic solution. Resuming the use of floss is possible only after the disappearance of bleeding.

Common problems when using the accessory and how to solve them

Consider the main difficulties that arise during the cleaning of interdental spaces with floss:

  • Gums bleed when flossing. The symptom may indicate signs of developing gingivitis. Adults do not have to stop brushing their teeth right away. On the contrary, regular use of paste, brush and floss suppresses the signs of dental diseases and reduces the intensity of their symptoms.
  • The fiber is stuck between the teeth. For the treatment of narrow interdental spaces, it is better to use Teflon or specially treated fishing line. In both cases, the floss will be easier to slide over the enamel of the teeth. Your dentist will help you choose the right product.
  • Not enough time for hygiene. On average, the procedure for cleansing the mouth with a thread lasts 5 minutes. If there is not enough time, you can reduce this time to 60 seconds. Even a short treatment of the interdental spaces will help to avoid the development of caries.
  • Impaired coordination of movements. For people who have difficulty holding the thread, special devices with y-shaped support have been invented. One end of the thread is attached to the upper part of the structure, and the other - to the hand.

In order for the use of floss to become a habit, it is necessary to combine the procedure with pleasant activities: reading a book, watching your favorite TV show.

Dentists do not recommend flossing for all patients. The device is not suitable for persons suffering from bleeding gums associated with periodontal disease. In this case, the product can aggravate the course of a dental disease. In this case, it will be possible to use floss only after the disappearance of all signs of periodontal disease.

Is it possible to replace floss with a regular thread

Some patients use regular sewing floss instead of flossing their teeth. It must be remembered that pharmacy products are made from materials that go through several stages of processing. This makes them practically safe for teeth and gums.

A sewing thread with strong tension can even injure fingers. Not to mention the delicate mucous membranes of the mouth. In addition, it is easy to infect the oral cavity with ordinary material, since it is not treated with special antiseptic compounds.

At best, the thread is soaked in alcohol. Regular use of sewing thread for cleaning causes gums to bleed.

Regular floss cannot be used instead of floss because it gets stuck in the teeth and increases the risk of periodontitis, gingivitis, bad breath

An important rule to follow before starting the procedure is the treatment of hands with soap. If not used carefully, flossing can cause gum damage. Pathogenic flora from dirty hands easily gets into microcracks.

If a person has too narrow tooth gaps or there are problems with the conductivity of the thread, then it is necessary to use products with wax (waxed). If the fiber is difficult to hold in your hands until the end of the procedure, then it is better to purchase a product equipped with a special holder.

The gums may hurt for 3-4 days from the moment the thread is used. This condition is considered normal, as the bacteria in the mouth die gradually. If the intensity of unpleasant symptoms intensifies a few days after using the floss, then it is better to refuse to use the product and seek the advice of a dentist.

To avoid problems associated with the use of floss (scratches and abrasions in the mouth), the right choice of dental floss will help. Before using the product for the first time, it is better to consult a dentist. You should not completely replace standard mouth care products with floss, as this will not clean your mouth well.

How often to use the accessory, you need to check with your dentist. Doctors allow some patients to use the product after each meal, others 1-2 times a day. Uncontrolled use of floss in some cases can lead to destruction of the gum structure.

A healthy lifestyle is now in vogue. The number of visitors to gyms has increased; in the warm season, residents of many cities run and warm up in parks. Even those who do not have the opportunity to visit specially equipped gyms make exercise equipment on their own, or go out into the yard on the horizontal bars. But health is not only a minimum of fat and a healthy heart. This is the stability of the whole organism.

The oral cavity and teeth are included in this concept. Therefore, careful dental care should also be included in daily training. Brushing your teeth in the morning and evening is commendable, but additional cleaning during the day will not be superfluous. When there is no way to use a brush, dental floss will come to the rescue!

What is dental floss

Dental floss is a special device in the form of a white thread, which is used for additional cleaning of the interdental space at home.

With the help of a toothbrush, we can only clean the buccal, lingual and chewing surfaces of the tooth. Dental floss will also help to polish the side surface, namely between the teeth. Being a hard-to-reach place, it is problematic to remove all plaque with a brush: its bristles are not long enough and curvy, no matter what they say in advertising.

Why do you need dental floss? Floss, as dental floss is scientifically called, is an indispensable tool in the fight against tartar.

History of occurrence

Even in ancient times, primitive people used wooden sticks to clean their mouths from stuck food. These were toothpick prototypes.

The history of modern flossing begins in 1815, when a New Orleans dentist began recommending it to his clients. Many people liked the idea, and in 1882 the Codman and Shurtleft company opened a trade in silk threads for cleaning teeth. Then other companies began to produce such threads.

Since the 1940s, nylon has been replacing silk as a more durable material. This is where dental tape began its development in 1950.

A lot has changed since then. The evolution of the thread has stepped forward: there are wax and non-wax threads, spongy and soft, with Gore-Tex technology, and others.

There are threads on the market today with features for more convenient use. The thread with "sealed" ends was invented specifically for people who wear braces. There are even special flossers that help not use your hands. We will talk about them in a separate section.

Materials and varieties

Despite its simplicity, dental floss also has varieties depending on the material, thickness and narrower purpose.

The material for the floss can be natural silk. This floss is considered organic, but breaks more easily. A thread made of artificial fibers is not much inferior to it: it is made from acetate, nylon, nylon, etc., it is more rigid, but very effective. What is the best dental floss? In general, it should be Teflon thread due to its strength, durability and low coefficient of friction. But Teflon is an expensive material, so it is rarely bought. Nylon has the same properties. Therefore, the question is: “Which dental floss is better?” has the answer: "Nylon".

Types of dental floss:

  1. Waxed: impregnated with wax, which helps it to penetrate the interdental space more easily;
  2. Not waxed: it does not have wax impregnation, but it does not slip and cleans better, capturing plaque with its roughness.

Another criterion for flossing is the cross section. Yes, these microns also play a role, because. for different teeth and the distances between them, completely different threads can be used:

  • Round: used if it is necessary to remove plaque from wide areas;
  • Flat: when bacteria have accumulated in a narrow gap;
  • Volumetric: the secret of this thread is that upon contact with a liquid, and in our case, with saliva, it swells, i.e. becomes larger in diameter, increasing its efficiency;
  • Tape: used for wide gaps;

Like toothpastes, dental floss can have flavor and medicinal properties. For example, menthol-flavored threads have been developed that leave a pleasant, fresh scent in the mouth. There are threads with fluorine that strengthen the enamel, and those containing chlorhexidine perfectly disinfect the oral cavity. Red pepper, known for its properties to improve blood circulation, has also found use in the manufacture of dental floss. But it is important to remember that the thread, especially pepper, must be used with extreme caution, because. it is very easy to injure the gum. Such scratches are difficult to heal due to their inaccessibility.

Pros and cons of dental floss

On the one hand, flossing, which has become a lifesaver, slows down the formation of tartar, caries and their consequences, thus reducing visits to the dentist to a minimum. This novelty is beautiful, but there are nuances.

Is flossing helpful? Its functions:

  • Removes food residue and plaque well;
  • The variety of shapes and materials allows you to choose the right one for your teeth;
  • Modern threads do not break;
  • Impregnations additionally strengthen and disinfect the oral cavity;

Dental floss: harm from its use:

  • Cheap threads can still break;
  • Improper use can provoke injury to the gums, and, as a result, loss of teeth;
  • Cannot be used if the gums are sick;
  • Not any thread can be suitable, based on the anatomical structure of the dentition;
  • You can not replace the toothbrush;

As a good prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums, dental floss is an excellent option. Experts recommend that you do not get carried away using it, and take breaks from time to time, otherwise you can break the protective barriers located in the space between the teeth.


Dental floss: how to use

Even the most innocuous and useful invention can cause harm if misused. A small thin white thread can also cause bleeding and discomfort. So take a close look at how to floss your teeth.

There are 4 simple steps:

  1. Length. You need to choose such a length of the thread that it is enough for the interdental space of all teeth. The best option would be 18-20 cm. Do not be afraid of such a figure, because the thread still needs to be wound around the thumb of one hand and the thumb of the other (the choice of fingers is individual, as it suits you), and the index finger easily controls the position of the thread. At the same time, the length should be enough for all interdental spaces.
  2. Between teeth. Slide the floss between your teeth, being careful not to allow the floss to come into contact with your gums. Shape it into a "C" shape around the tooth, and then gently lift it back and forth to the top of the tooth.
  3. Cleaning along the teeth. Carry out simple cleaning manipulations, while winding each used section of the floss around one finger, preparing a new one from the other finger for the next interdental space.
  4. Both sides. Between your teeth, pay attention to both sides of your teeth.

Dental floss: reviews

Today, reviews can be heard not only from acquaintances and friends, but also from complete strangers on the Internet. From them it is easy to determine whether you need dental floss at all, how to brush your teeth with dental floss so that the gums do not bleed, which dental floss is better.

Users characterize the threads that they liked by softness, elasticity, impregnation, ease of use, economy, price and strength. It is important that it is comfortable to hold in your hand, there were enough meters in the package for a certain price, and it cleaned well with comfort.

After reading a lot of reviews, we can conclude that the most popular and best dental floss can be called Oral-B Essential Floss. It fully meets the stated criteria.

Do children need dental floss?

Children are in a hurry to be like their parents, so they subconsciously undertake to repeat almost all of their actions. So, if a child notices a dental floss, then crawling it back and forth will become his fix idea. But do children need it?

What is the optimal age to start using? Scientists have done some research and concluded that for the age group of 7-8 years, proper flossing is difficult. Therefore, from 8-10 years old, you can start learning. It is better to start with the front teeth: it is easier to get used to them, because. they are located quite conveniently. But there is no need to force the child. He himself must be ready for this. After all, we all know that without desire and enthusiasm, not a single idea will succeed. At an early age, it is better if you brush your child's teeth with dental floss, starting at 2-3 years old.

Is it possible to do without dental floss

Flosses have firmly entered our lives, and we can no longer imagine oral hygiene without a white sparkling thread. But is it really necessary? Previously, they did without it, and the teeth remained in place.

They remained in place, but, firstly, not all of them, and, secondly, not in the best quality. Studies show that flossing daily, at least in the evening, reduces the risk of cavities by 40%.

If you use the thread incorrectly, there is a great risk of harm from this useful procedure. You can easily damage teeth, gums, fillings, braces, retainers and other structures in the oral cavity with dental floss. If the gum begins to bleed, then bacteria accumulated at the base of the tooth can enter the bloodstream, and this threatens with infection.

But even the biggest bores will agree that extra cleaning between the teeth is useful. But now special brushes with very thin bristles are sold. They are recommended to be used even instead of dental floss due to greater safety.

So use it or not? Scientists from different countries cannot come to a single solution. Some consider floss to be a useful invention, others believe that it carries a potential danger, and in view of modern inventions in dentistry, it loses its effectiveness, others think that all citizens from the age of 11 must use it without fail. To clean or not is a personal matter for everyone.


Recently, a study was conducted with the participation of 25 respondents. They were offered 4 types of dental floss: non-wax, fabric and nylon, as well as a flosser. As you may have guessed, a flosser is a device that will help you clean your teeth, it is more convenient than dental floss to bring it to a certain gap between your teeth.

All 4 exhibits proved to be superior in terms of plaque removal compared to regular brushing, and the flosser stood out from the 'four'. It is also called "floss with a handle." The design with a plastic base and fixed floss helps make the process of flossing not only easier and faster, but also more elegant. The only downside is disposability. But improved hygiene compared to conventional flossing, convenience and quality push to buy a compact tool.

The main manufacturer and world leader of flossers is Plackers. They created not a simple flosser, but devices with a built-in toothpick, a flosser with two and three parallel threads, and many more successful solutions. Their main achievement is the Tuffloss thread, which is so strong that it can be used repeatedly! You just need to wash it and it will look like new.

How to brush your teeth if you don't have a toothbrush

At work, on a hike, in transport - an unpleasant taste in your mouth, stuck food or smell can catch you anywhere. There is no toothbrush at hand, but you need to brush your teeth. This can even happen at home when the water is turned off and the toothbrush loses its prospects for fresh breath.

By connecting ingenuity, you can easily solve the problem! For example, find an alternative to a toothbrush. It can be a finger, a piece of wood, an ordinary napkin. Option number two would be to ditch the toothbrush altogether. We are taking drastic measures. Use mouthwash, chew gum, or drink green tea. You can also use dental floss. You can try to clean even the outer and inner sides of the teeth with floss.
If you make it a habit even if you have a toothbrush, paste and water, then you can easily get rid of even the existing tartar. At what to do it at home, only the thread can do it.

Dental floss is a real find for the modern rhythm of life. Soft foods on the go, as well as excuses such as "No time!" to brush your teeth after eating, contribute to the accumulation of tartar. The thread will easily help you feel fresh and clean in your mouth anywhere and at any time. The question of what flossing is for is too obvious - in order to clean your teeth 100%. Which dental floss is better is up to you, it's a matter of taste and preference. It's important to know how to floss your teeth and remember to take it with you!

Oral hygiene with braces can cause some difficulties and questions for people, but if you understand the intricacies and nuances of the procedure, then it is quite easy to deal with it. So, how to carry out hygienic care of teeth and oral cavity in the presence of braces? Oral hygiene with braces

Features of oral hygiene when wearing braces

In general, oral hygiene with braces is subject to certain rules, following which you can not only avoid the development of caries, but also get rid of other troubles, such as putrefactive odor and stains on the enamel. These rules include:

  • regular visits to the dentist . It is necessary to visit the dentist during the entire period of wearing braces. This measure will allow not only to regulate the system from time to time, but also to monitor the general condition of the teeth;
  • brush your teeth and mouth after each meal, and actively use aids. Wearers of braces should always carry a mouthwash with them and actively use it when a toothbrush is not available;
  • use specialized equipment. The purpose of some devices is to make it easier for patients to care for their teeth and oral cavity. These devices include brushes and irrigators;
  • brush your teeth properly. It is important to pay attention not only to the "facial" part of the tooth, but also to the chewing surfaces. For better hygiene, you can visit the dentist for a professional cleaning procedure;
  • watch your diet . You should refuse solid foods that can damage braces or enamel, as well as dishes that are very difficult to remove from parts of the structure in the future.

How often should you brush your teeth with braces?

Since in most cases it is braces that cause excessive plaque formation, as well as dark spots on the enamel, it is recommended to resort to cleaning much more often than in standard situations. If the usual hygienic brushing of teeth should be carried out at least 2-3 times a day, then when wearing braces, the frequency of the procedure increases up to 4-5 times.

How often should I go to the dentist while wearing braces?

The frequency of visiting the dentist during the period of wearing braces is determined by two indicators. First, the general feelings of the patient. If in the process of wearing you experience any unpleasant symptoms, you should visit a specialist. Secondly, the type of braces plays an important role. In general, it is recommended to visit a doctor once every 2-3 weeks.

Cleaning at the dentist

Oral hygiene

During the period of wearing braces, it is important to monitor not only the cleanliness of the teeth, but also the oral cavity as a whole. It is important to clean the tongue from plaque, which is no less a breeding ground for bacteria than food debris. To do this, some models of toothbrushes have a special surface for the tongue and cheeks.

The main criteria for choosing toothbrushes for braces

Complete care of braces requires a whole set of toothbrushes. For example, brushes with a single tuft or with V-shaped bristles will come in handy. So, what to look for when choosing a brush, and what should the “right” product look like?

  • It is best to replace a standard toothbrush with a model with a V-shaped bristles. Thanks to the recess located in the center, the brush makes it possible to simultaneously remove plaque from both tooth enamel and braces.
  • Be sure to include a brush with a monopunch. Such a brush resembles a thin stick with a small rounded head. The brush is necessary for cleaning the space between the teeth and braces.
  • Do not give up regular toothbrushes. "Traditional" brushes are suitable for cleaning chewing surfaces, in addition, they are necessary for removable braces.

When choosing a brush, give preference to models with medium hard or soft bristles. Also monitor the quality of the pile - it should not fall out and stick out in different directions. For greater effect, you can opt for a product equipped with a special surface for cleaning the tongue.

Model with V-shaped bristles

Toothpaste for braces

To pastes when wearing braces, no less stringent requirements are put forward than to brushes. It is important to pay attention to the following points from the list:

  • pastes with a high content of calcium in the first months of wearing braces . Dentists have proven that immediately after the installation of a bracket system, teeth begin to lose calcium, while the risk of caries increases several times. Special pastes will help prevent trouble;
  • fluoride pastes at the main stage of wearing braces . If in the first months of wearing the system, the enamel loses calcium, then in the future, the preponderance of losses goes towards fluorine. In order to normalize the balance of trace elements and strengthen teeth, preference should be given to fluorinated products;
  • anti-inflammatory pastes at the final stage . Prolonged wearing of braces can be accompanied by inflammation in the gums, the development of bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. Treatment-and-prophylactic pastes, for example, with oak bark or chamomile, will help eliminate side effects.

Note: while wearing braces, it is not recommended to use whitening pastes, as these products reduce the protective qualities of tooth enamel by several times, which is under increased load during bite correction.

How to properly brush your teeth with braces

Teeth cleaning with braces should occur according to a certain algorithm:

  • use of a toothbrush;
  • the use of a brush;
  • cleaning the interdental space with dental floss;
  • cleaning with an irrigator;
  • use of rinse aid.

All steps must follow each other. A thorough cleaning using the steps above should be done at least once a day, otherwise you can use toothbrushes and brushes.

brush cleaning

How to brush your teeth with fixed braces

The ability to brush your teeth correctly will help you get rid of many problems and difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to use not only a toothbrush, but also other devices.

Using a toothbrush

It is best to use a special orthodontic brush, but you can also use regular, but with soft bristles. So, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • it is necessary to apply a small amount of paste and start cleaning from the upper jaw. The movements in this case should be horizontal, along the arc of the bracket system;
  • the same actions are repeated for the lower jaw;
  • after that, the brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the gum and the teeth are brushed at the base of the gum with slow circular movements. It is important to note that at least 10 seconds should be allocated for one tooth.

Brush cleaning

After brushing with a brush, hard-to-reach places under the arc are cleaned. During cleaning, it is necessary to perform rotational-translational movements. Don't press the brush too hard.

After the brush, the cleaning process is completed with dental floss and an irrigator. If regular brushing of teeth takes from 3 to 5 minutes, then with braces, the process can take up to 15-20 minutes.

Oral hygiene with removable braces

In this case, oral hygiene after removing the structure is no different from regular brushing. During the procedure, the braces are removed and cleaned separately. This option is simpler and more affordable. In addition, the removable design allows you to carry out hygiene measures more efficiently.

Flossing with braces


Dental floss is used at the end of hygiene procedures. This is the best tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places between teeth. In some cases, flossing can completely replace a brush. The thread usage algorithm consists of the following items:

  • it is necessary to stretch the thread around an individual tooth, imitating the letter "C";
  • after that, it is necessary to make smooth movements of the thread up and down, reaching the gums. In this case, the thread is gently pulled under the arch of the bracket.

Important! A new piece of floss must be used for each individual tooth. If the gum was damaged during the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Additional hygiene products

Caring for braces is a rather painstaking process, during which it is impossible to do without additional funds. With the help of brushes, an irrigator and dental floss, you can carry out hygienic cleaning, which will not be inferior in quality to a professional one.


Without these tools, it is very difficult to clean the space between the bracket arch and the teeth themselves. The appearance of the product completely copies the appearance of a standard bottle brush, only in miniature. Such a brush consists of a working part and a holder. For braces, it is recommended to use conical-shaped devices, as they penetrate into hard-to-reach places more easily, which means they are more efficient in work. It is recommended to use the braces and teeth brush at least twice a day.


An irrigator is a special device for oral hygiene. The principle of its operation is based on the supply of a powerful stream of water to the gums and teeth through a special tube. Thanks to this, plaque and other contaminants are removed, and soft tissues and enamel are not affected. The nozzle of the device does not come into contact with the teeth!

Irrigator cleaning

The irrigator can completely replace dental floss and a brush, and can be used as an addition to basic oral hygiene. For greater effect, rinse aid can be added to the irrigator. Usually the device is used immediately after a toothbrush and a brush.


Just like toothpastes, mouthwashes differ in their focus. Let's start with the fact that you can use the liquid both after completing the basic hygiene procedures, and throughout the day, when it is not possible to use a toothbrush. For example, with bleeding gums, you can take a liquid with an extract of oak bark, and with an increase in the sensitivity of enamel, a remedy with fluorine and calcium.

Can I brush my teeth with braces with an electric toothbrush?

Electric toothbrushes are very popular these days. In addition, it is ideal for brushing your teeth while wearing braces. Due to the circular and vibrating movements, as well as the small size of the head, this brush easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places and quickly cleans plaque. In addition, the electric brush is quite delicate and does not damage the enamel. However, do not think that such a miracle brush will replace all other devices.

Compliance with the rules of hygiene during the period of wearing braces is the main condition for maintaining the health of tooth enamel. It is important not only to be able to brush your teeth, but also to actively use additional devices in the form of dental floss or an irrigator.

How to brush your teeth with braces. Video

It is necessary to start taking care of the health of the oral cavity not when a person has already encountered serious dental diseases - you need to get used to hygiene from childhood. Daily brushing of teeth is a must, but caring procedures do not end there.

To protect the gums and tooth enamel from the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, a special thread should be used from time to time. However, this cannot be done at random, so it is important to know how to use the floss correctly so as not to harm your own health.

Features and stages of floss application

So, how to use dental floss correctly so as not to inadvertently damage the gums or enamel? To avoid trouble, carry out the procedure in stages. Floss must be used in compliance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Take 45-50 cm of thread, wind it in several layers on the middle fingers.
  2. Take the floss with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands so that its length is about 2.5 (maximum 5) cm between the teeth to be treated. Pull it well so that it easily penetrates the gap between two teeth without damaging the gums.
  3. Gently, slowly, floss up and down the surface of the tooth enamel, then carefully treat the gum line under the tooth (where the largest number of pathogens is concentrated).
  4. To avoid hurting your gums, move your fingers in a circular motion while flossing your teeth.
  5. Repeat all these manipulations for each tooth.

If you are using such a hygiene product for the first time, then you need to remember three simple but important rules:

  • it is necessary to unwind a clean thread for each tooth - you can not use the same segment in order to avoid the spread of infection in the oral cavity;
  • make sure that all teeth have been processed, if necessary, you can develop your own cleaning scheme with a specific sequence;
  • do not neglect brushing the back of the tooth.

If you have difficulty handling the floss or you cannot hold it properly, use a special device - a flosser. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. But if even that doesn't help, talk to your dentist, who can recommend another way to fully clean your teeth of plaque and germs (such as an interdental brush).

Types of dental floss

Flosses have their own classification according to the following parameters:

  • type of material from which the thread is made;
  • cross section.

So, according to the material, dental floss is:

  • silk;
  • acetate;
  • nylon;
  • kapron.

Floss is also divided into:

  • waxed;
  • unwaxed.

Waxed threads are impregnated with wax, due to which they penetrate even into the most inaccessible areas between the teeth. When using unwaxed flosses, you can achieve a more effective cleansing of gums and teeth from bacteria.

According to the classification by cross-section, floss for teeth are:

  • round;
  • flat;
  • voluminous, which swell upon contact with saliva;
  • tape, designed for people with wide interdental spaces (like round flosses).

Flosses can be impregnated with various substances: menthol, extracts of medicinal plants, etc. For caries, it is recommended to use hygiene products with fluoride, which also do a good job with tartar.

The choice of the type of dental floss is often made by the dentist. He also decides on the use of floss with fluorine. If you want to freshen your breath along with brushing your teeth, then a floss with menthol will be the best option.

Using dental floss for children

How to use dental floss to remove plaque on teeth in young children? First of all, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of floss, otherwise there will be no benefit from its use.

So, if a child has rare teeth, then it is recommended to use round dental floss for their thorough cleaning. If the teeth are tightly pressed against each other, use flat fixtures. According to the same criteria, floss is chosen for teeth and for adults.

When choosing such a remedy for a child, it is also necessary to focus on what purpose it should have. For example, there are therapeutic and prophylactic flosses impregnated with sodium fluoride, which gently remove plaque without harm to the health of the child and the risk of damage to the enamel.

At what age can a child floss?

Babies who have just erupted all the teeth should not use this hygiene product. They simply will not know how to use floss, and intervention in the child's oral cavity is highly undesirable for parents due to the high risk of gum damage.

Studies have shown that even schoolchildren aged 7-8 are not yet able to brush their teeth with a special floss, but parents are allowed to do it instead. If it comes to the independent use of floss, then the manipulation can be carried out by children over 8 years old.

At the first hygiene procedures carried out with the help of a thread, one of the parents must be present. You need to start with the two front teeth, gradually moving further. So it will be easier for the child to get used to the new hygiene procedure. The first few times, parents should show by example how to use the device so that the child does not accidentally cut his gums.

Do not force your child to floss their teeth just because "it's necessary." Wait until he himself is ready for this, and only then begin the procedures.

The manipulation technique is the same for children and adults. Only the length of the thread used can differ. So, for children, it will be enough to cut off 35-40 cm of floss. The main thing is that the child should be comfortable using it.

How often can you floss?

There is no consensus on when exactly you need to use such a hygiene product - before brushing your teeth or after it. Dentists have also not come to a definitive agreement on how often to floss.

Some believe that it should be used after every meal, others - that it is enough to treat the teeth only before going to bed after preliminary cleaning with the paste.

So, if the thread is impregnated with fluorine, then it is better not to abuse it. It is enough to apply it once a day. Regular floss can be used after every meal for both adults and children.

It is not at all necessary to clean tooth enamel with this hygiene product daily - this can be done every 2-3 days, especially if a person's gums are prone to frequent bleeding. The main thing is that the procedure is carried out according to the above algorithm. Then you can forget about dental health problems for a long time.

Useful video on how to use dental floss

Flossing (also known as flossing) helps to clean the gaps between teeth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. These are the contact surfaces of the teeth that face adjacent teeth located on the same jaw (they occupy approximately 40% of the surface of the entire tooth). That is, the floss is an additional way to clean parts of the teeth that a toothbrush cannot clean. To clean the interdental spaces, you can use dental floss both before and after brushing your teeth. But still, it is more logical and more accurate to use floss before cleaning, because then the cleaned gaps will be further cleaned with toothpaste. You need to use dental floss at least 2 times a day (when you brush your teeth in the morning and evening), and it is also advisable to use it after each meal to remove pieces of food stuck between the teeth. If your gums are very sensitive, then you should not use it every time after eating, it will be enough to use it only once, at night. It is also better not to floss during periodontal disease.

Often, it is in the spaces between the teeth that all kinds of dental diseases begin to develop, including caries. And the reasons here are not only that a toothbrush practically does not reach these places, but that in the early stages it is difficult to notice any deviations when visually inspecting these places.

Flossing your teeth is pretty easy. But first you need to get used to this business a little. But in the future it will not cause any difficulties. Our article will help you learn how to floss your teeth. Moreover, learning how to use it is very important. Do you want to have healthy teeth for a long time? If yes, then flossing should definitely take a place on your bathroom shelf and your bag (to take it with you).

How to choose dental floss?

You can buy dental floss at any pharmacy. Since there are different types of floss, you need to know which one is right for your teeth. According to the cross-sectional shape, dental floss is divided into: 1) flat (designed for teeth that are tightly pressed against each other) and 2) round (they form a circle when cross-sectioned and are suitable for those who have rather large interdental spaces).

Both flat and round dental floss can be impregnated with wax - they are waxed (impregnated with wax so as not to separate and delaminate into individual fibers) and unwaxed (not covered with wax and therefore delaminate into fibers, which gives them a large area of ​​​​contact with the surface teeth, allowing food particles and plaque to be removed).

Also, flosses are divided into two types: Teflon (this is a solid mono-filament that does not have fibers) and nylon (it has many fibers in its structure and can be waxed and unwaxed - it has already been written about above). It is more convenient to use Teflon dental floss, since, unlike nylon, it does not tear from the teeth and does not shag. These two types of floss are excellent at removing food debris between the teeth, so choosing between these two types is a matter of convenience and taste just for you.

Sometimes flosses are treated with a certain impregnation for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes, which are designed to prevent the development of caries, strengthen enamel and leave a pleasant taste in the mouth. So often use the following impregnations. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, a solution of chlorhexidine (has disinfectant characteristics) and a solution of sodium fluoride (strengthens tooth enamel) are used. For aesthetic purposes, menthol or solutions with fruit flavors are used (they leave a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth).

Dental floss can also be used to clean braces, orthodontic plates, and dentures. In this case, a special dental floss is used that combines the characteristics of different types of dental floss: one end of it is narrow and non-fibrous (which ensures effective penetration of the floss between the gaps of the teeth), and the other end is quite wide and fibrous (this allows you to clean the braces , plates and prostheses).

Differences can also be observed in the appearance of dental floss. In each box, most often up to 50 meters of thread are spun on a spool. The box is equipped with a lid, as well as a cutter that helps cut the desired length of the thread. Currently, flosses have appeared on sale, located on separate plastic holders, in appearance resembling a slingshot. They are very compact, which means that they are easy to take with you on the road, or put in a lady's handbag.

How to use dental floss (floss)?

1. You need to pick up a cassette with dental floss and pull out about 40-50 cm of floss. You may need a ruler to measure this length for the first time. But in the future, you will get used to it, and will begin to determine the required amount of dental floss “by eye”.

2. One edge of the thread must be wound on the middle finger on the right hand, and the other edge - also on the middle finger, but only already on the left hand. Try to make sure that the floss on one finger is simply fixed, and its main volume is wound on the second finger. To make it convenient to brush your teeth, it is enough to leave a thread between the fingers, about 10 cm long. A floss is fixed between the index finger of the left hand and the thumb of the right.

3. The floss must be stretched and carefully inserted between the teeth. In order not to injure the gum, this should be done smoothly, carefully, without unnecessary effort. Press the floss against the side surface of the tooth and move it up and down several times (it is enough to make 6-7 such movements). Slightly bring the floss under the edge of the gum, trying not to harm the papilla. We bring the thread back.

4. Similar manipulations are repeated with each tooth, always using a clean part of the floss for a new tooth.

1. Be very careful and vigilant when using the floss to clean your teeth, do not apply force or pull it sharply. Otherwise, you may cut your gums.



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