Acute toxic hepatitis. What is the danger of toxic hepatitis? Is the disease transmitted

Toxic hepatitis is an inflammatory liver disease that develops as a result of the pathological effect of toxic substances on the body. Most often, people with alcohol dependence or workers of chemical enterprises suffer. Tends to progress to cirrhosis of the liver.

The route of entry of toxic substances into the human body is different. This may be a long-term effect of chemical or toxic factors of production due to professional activities, accidental or deliberate poisoning, prolonged or uncontrolled use of hepatotoxic drugs. Such substances can enter the body through the digestive tract, respiratory system and skin.

The most common hepatotoxic substances that provoke toxic hepatitis are of different types. The clinic and the course of the disease depend on the nature of the poisonous substance.

Long-term use of alcoholic beverages promotes increased absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to its excessive deposition in hepatocytes. Due to some chemical processes, iron forms free radicals in the liver cells, which leads to the destruction of the hepatocyte membrane. The use of alcoholic beverages outside of meals greatly increases the risk of developing.


Toxic hepatitis against the background of taking medications occurs in cases where the patient suffers from any chronic diseases and is forced to take prescribed drugs for a long time. The second common cause is self-administration of uncontrolled drugs without control or without medical indications. These drugs include almost all antibacterial drugs: sulfonamides, beta-lactam antibiotics, tetracyclines, nitrofurans, etc.

industrial poisons

Toxic hepatitis against the background of exposure to poisons can be acute and chronic. Acute occurs when a large amount of poison is exposed to the body, severely affects the liver and other organs, and in many cases is fatal. It is diagnosed mainly in employees of enterprises who have had constant contact with small doses of toxins for many years.

Natural (vegetable) poisons

These include the poisons of weeds and fungi. They act directly on the liver and lead to acute toxic hepatitis. Even a small dose of such a poison can cause severe coma and death. The sooner assistance is provided to the patient, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery.

Narcotic drugs

Such a causative factor is rare, mainly diagnosed in people with severe drug addiction who take several types of drugs at once (for example, cocaine and phenobarbital).


The manifestations of the disease depend on the type of toxic effect on the body and the severity of the course of hepatitis. The acute form is characterized by vivid symptoms of the disease and a severe course. Most often, in the acute form of toxic hepatitis, the following manifestations are observed:

  • hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver and spleen);
  • sharp or dull pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fever, general weakness, dizziness;
  • bleeding from the nose or gums, hemorrhages (subcutaneous hemorrhages), the appearance of spider veins;
  • signs of mental agitation or lethargy, clouding of consciousness, hallucinations;
  • jaundice, urine becomes dark, and feces - light;
  • loss of consciousness, stupor, stunning, coma.

Since chronic poisoning with toxic substances occurs over a long period of time, the symptoms of hepatitis are not clearly expressed.

Such manifestations of the disease are not always specific and can sometimes be disguised as other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The main symptoms of chronic toxic hepatitis:

  • recurrent pain in the right hypochondrium, which mainly occurs after eating heavy food or alcohol;
  • slight increase in body temperature (up to 37.5);
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • skin itching, small point subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • periodic nausea, bloating, digestive disorders;
  • bitterness in the mouth or belching bitter;
  • fatigue, loss of strength, decreased performance;
  • stagnation of bile, dyskinesia;
  • dark urine and light feces;
  • cytolysis (destruction) of hepatocytes;
  • neutrophilic leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood);
  • weight loss up to anorexia.

Cases of toxic hepatitis in children

The toxic form of hepatitis in children is relatively less common than in adults. Such hepatitis occurs when poison enters the body due to parental negligence (for example, household chemicals), against the background of long-term drug therapy or after mushroom poisoning.

In children, toxic forms of hepatitis are very difficult. In many cases, they can be fatal due to untimely provision of specialized medical care.

Children mostly suffer from the acute form of the disease and the symptoms will be almost the same as in adults. The main task is to prevent severe irreparable consequences both for the liver and for the whole organism, which can occur against the background of poisoning. The prognosis is predominantly unfavorable.

Toxic hepatitis during pregnancy

Cases of hepatitis during pregnancy caused by toxic substances are quite common and, as a rule, there is a chronic form of the disease. Gradually, signs of severe liver failure develop, pregnant women feel satisfactory, but the prognosis is rarely favorable.

The main symptoms of the disease will be the following manifestations:

  • the occurrence of jaundice (skin and sclera);
  • discoloration of urine and feces;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Complications of the normal course of pregnancy in this case will be intrauterine fetal death, postpartum hemorrhage in the early period, the development of cholestatic hepatitis with impaired blood clotting. Treatment of toxic hepatitis during pregnancy is carried out through active drug therapy.


To confirm the diagnosis of a toxic form of hepatitis, the patient must undergo a complete medical examination, which includes examination of the patient, palpation of the liver and internal organs, percussion and auscultation. An important point in the diagnosis is the collection of information about the patient's lifestyle: alcohol abuse, place and working conditions, the presence of chronic and past diseases, complaints at the moment.

Diagnosis of acute toxic hepatitis can be difficult in some cases because the patient may be unconscious. In this case, it is difficult to determine the cause of poisoning and the patient's complaints.

Such patients receive emergency medical care in order to prevent the development of a terminal condition. After stabilization of the patient's condition, other laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out.

Laboratory diagnostic methods include: general blood and urine analysis, fecal analysis, as well as liver tests (ALT, AST, bilirubin, thymol test, total protein, protein fractions). Instrumental methods include ultrasound of the abdominal organs, radiography and, if necessary, a liver biopsy.


Treatment of hepatitis resulting from the toxic effects of toxic substances depends on the form of the disease (acute or chronic) and the type of poison.

In the acute form, all therapeutic measures should be carried out in a hospital. First of all, the patient is given a gastric lavage to clean water, active infusion therapy, plasmapheresis (blood purification), antidotes are administered (with a known toxic substance), and parenteral nutrition is provided (if the patient is unconscious). Hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs are also prescribed, symptomatic therapy is carried out. During the rehabilitation period, the patient must regularly take the drugs prescribed by the doctor, undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner, follow a diet and proper nutrition, and treat any associated complications.

Treatment of the chronic form of toxic hepatitis is carried out in courses and includes:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • detoxification therapy (glucose and Rieger solutions, physiological saline);
  • regular intake of hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs;
  • taking membrane-stabilizing drugs, glucocorticoids;
  • diet
  • in severe conditions is shown.

Diet and Nutrition

It is very important to follow a diet and proper nutrition in the toxic form of hepatitis, since the intake of heavy foods can greatly complicate the course of the disease. An approximate list of products and dishes is given in the table:

Compliance with the diet and proper nutrition significantly reduce the load on the liver and contribute to the fastest recovery and easier course of the disease. Any errors in diet and nutrition can provoke an acute attack of pain and disrupt normal digestion.

The first thing to do is to detect the damaging factor and exclude its further effect on the body. Then you need to neutralize the action of the toxin, cleanse the body. Usually, antidotes and sorbents are introduced for this. Be sure to provide the patient with bed rest and a sparing diet.

After that, the actual therapy begins. Apply means aimed at treating the liver and protecting it from further destructive effects. Enter hepatoprotectors. You can reasonably include folk remedies in therapy. But only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Infusion therapy is carried out. In critical situations, surgical methods, plasmapheresis are used. To accelerate the elimination of toxins, choleretic therapy is recommended.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis in a hospital

The principles of inpatient treatment are based on the hepatitis treatment standards. First, the toxin is neutralized and the body is cleansed. Then supportive therapy, symptomatic treatment is carried out. Be sure to use hepatoprotectors, which not only protect the liver, but also contribute to its recovery.


Medicines should be used only after prior consultation with a doctor, even at the stage of recovery. This is due to the fact that improper treatment can lead to the development of such serious complications as cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, which often end in death.

For hepatitis, Ursosan is used at a dose of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Take once, before bed.

Often hepatitis is accompanied by constipation. In this regard, it is recommended to take duphalac 1-2 tablespoons in the morning.

Ranitidine is taken to relieve pain and spasms, restore the liver. Taken at a dosage of 150 to 300 mg twice a day. The dosage depends on the severity of the pathological process, the form and stage of the disease. With caution, the drug should be taken in patients with hepatic insufficiency and reduced body weight. The duration of the course varies from 4 to 8 weeks.

The drug Liv 52 helps to eliminate toxins from the body, increases the activity of enzymes. Additionally, it has a choleretic effect, neutralizes the action of free radicals. Apply 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day. For children, the dosage is reduced by 2 times. The duration of treatment is 3 months. Side effects are minimal because the drug is homeopathic.

Essentiale forte strengthens and restores liver cells and burns fat levels. The formation of scar tissue is significantly reduced. Capsules are produced in a dosage of 300 mg. Take 2 capsules 2-3 times a day.

Heptral for toxic hepatitis

The drug heptral increases the protective properties of the liver, cells. It significantly increases the recovery of the body, accelerates the neutralization of toxins, which contributes to the restoration of cells and tissues. In addition, it has an antidepressant effect.

It is taken in the form of tablets and injections. It is recommended to take in the first half of the day, because it has a powerful tonic effect. Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age. Caution should be taken during pregnancy.


For hepatitis, vitamins of groups B and C are used. It is recommended to take the following vitamins in a daily dosage:

  • Vitamin B1 - 4.5 mg
  • Vitamin B2 - 5.4 mg
  • Vitamin B5 - 15 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 6 mg
  • Vitamin C - 500 mg.

Physiotherapy treatment

In the treatment of hepatitis, electrophoresis is used. During this procedure, drugs enter the bloodstream through the skin and mucous membranes. Additionally, microcurrents are applied, as a result of which the drug penetrates more deeply and directly into those tissues where its main action occurs. Thus, the dosage can be reduced. Accordingly, the risk of side effects is reduced, the load on the liver is reduced.

Acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology and other means of physiotherapy are also used.

Alternative treatment of toxic hepatitis

Alternative medicine also has some means that make it possible to reduce the toxic effects on the liver and normalize its functions. Folk remedies are recommended for prevention, as well as during the recovery period of the body. This is due to the fact that during treatment the body already receives a complex and rather large load on the body. In addition, folk remedies do not have such a powerful effect to relieve the symptoms of acute poisoning and severe damage. At the stage of recovery and prevention, folk remedies, on the contrary, can have a powerful, and most importantly, prolonged effect on the body.

Well proven strengthening agent. To prepare it, you need to take 250 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and figs. After that, you need to mix everything thoroughly, pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and add at least 100 grams of honey to the mixture. Add 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, ground ginger and cumin. Mix thoroughly and let it brew in the refrigerator for 3 days. After that, add the juice of half a lemon, mix again and start taking daily. The duration of treatment is a month.

Strengthening tea makes it possible to remove harmful substances, restore liver cells. Use 2 tablespoons of dried tea rose petals, 1 tablespoon of rose hips. Pour in boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. You can add honey.

Infusion "Restoring" is prepared from echinacea and eleutherococcus. To prepare the infusion, take the appropriate plant extracts, mix them in a ratio of 2: 1, drink 1 teaspoon three times a day. The duration of treatment is 14-28 days.

Herbal treatment

Mint is used to restore the liver. For pain and spasms in the liver, as well as dyspeptic disorders, use a decoction of mint. It can be drunk as a decoction or as a tea. To prepare a decoction, take 4 tablespoons of dried mint leaves. You can also use fresh leaves. Then they are poured with boiling water, allowed to infuse for an hour and drunk like tea. You can add mint leaves to regular tea, in addition to tea leaves, and drink them in unlimited quantities, like regular tea.

Corn silk is also used. They promote the outflow of bile, have an active choleretic effect. To prepare a decoction, take 5-10 grams of crushed corn stigmas, pour a glass of boiling water, drink throughout the day in small sips, with pain and discomfort in the stomach and intestines, bitterness in the mouth. During the day you need to drink the whole glass of broth.

To prepare a decoction of verbena officinalis, take one teaspoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Drink in small sips. Prepare a new one the next day. The decoction is effective in diseases of the liver and spleen, fever and headaches.


Homeopathic remedies should be used with caution. Precautions must be observed - use only after prior consultation with a doctor. It is important to consider that any remedy has an effect primarily on the liver. In addition, many homeopathic remedies have a cumulative effect, which means that they will only show their effect after a certain amount of them has accumulated in the body, or the full course has ended. Some drugs may not be compatible with medical therapy.

To strengthen immunity and enhance recovery processes, a decoction of nettle and stevia is used. To do this, take 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour a glass of water and drink during the day.

Also, birch sap is used to strengthen the body. Take 1 glass three times a day. Cleanses the body, removes toxins.

For pain in the stomach and liver, a decoction of sage is used. To prepare a decoction, take 1-2 tablespoons of sage and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day. Add honey to taste.

Dill helps to normalize digestion, eliminates bile and cleanses the body. Take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, drink during the day.


Basically, surgical interventions are inevitable at the stage of complications, with the appearance of cirrhosis and ascites. For most people, the appearance of ascites is a sign of imminent death. Only 10% of patients can live with ascites for a month. In highly specialized clinics, it is possible to compensate for the patient's condition with diuretics, potassium and magnesium preparations, or by surgical intervention. Paracentesis is used - a procedure during which an invasive removal of fluid from their abdominal cavity is performed. Omenopathophrenopexy is also used. During this procedure, the omentum is incised, after which it is sutured to the diaphragm and liver. The omentum is scarified beforehand, as a result of which the liquid is discharged spontaneously, does not accumulate.

Diet for toxic hepatitis

With hepatitis, you should follow a sparing diet. The patient should exclude from the diet all dishes that have a stimulating and irritating effect on the mucous membranes. Food should only be boiled or steamed. Seasonings should not be, spices and marinade should also not be. Food should contain light cereals, lean meat, fish. The diet should include a lot of vegetables and fruits. Can be used in salads. For dressing, vegetable and butter, low-fat sour cream are used. Smoked dishes, canned food are excluded. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

What can you eat with toxic hepatitis?

With toxic hepatitis, you can eat only those foods that are easily absorbed by the body. These are light cereals, boiled meat or fish, vegetables. If fresh vegetables cause pain and discomfort in the liver and stomach, it is better to use them boiled. Food should only be boiled or steamed.

With toxic hepatitis, legumes are best minimized. Instead, it is recommended to use light boiled meat, fish. These should be lean varieties.

Menu for every day with toxic hepatitis

  • Monday

Fried egg omelet with tomatoes, compote.

Clear chicken broth, toast. Mashed potatoes, boiled chicken breast. Carrot salad with sweet pepper. Tea with sugar.

Pumpkin porridge, oatmeal cookies (3 pcs), green tea.

  • Tuesday

Bun with poppy seeds, a glass of yogurt.

Vegetable soup, cracker. Wheat porridge, steamed chicken cutlet. Fresh cucumber. Black tea with milk.

Cottage cheese casserole, berry jelly.

  • Wednesday

Boiled sausage, boiled egg. Chicory.

Soup with meatballs. Buckwheat porridge, stewed chicken liver. Salad of grated beets. Tea with sugar.

Oatmeal with fruits. The apple is fresh. Compote.

  • Thursday

Milk semolina porridge, boiled egg, toast. Green tea.

Fish broth. Rice porridge, fish stewed with carrots and onions. Fresh tomato. Black tea with sugar.

Fritters are pumpkin. Banana puree. A glass of kefir.

  • Friday

Ham sandwich with melted cheese. Cocoa.

Buckwheat soup. Mashed potatoes, steamed fish cutlet. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots. Rosehip decoction.

Chicken breast spotted. Fresh pepper. Grenka. Tea with sugar.

  • Saturday

Seaweed salad with beans. Sandwich with smoked mackerel. Green tea.

Vegetable broth. Pureed barley porridge. Boiled sausage. Tomato and sweet pepper salad. Black tea with sugar.

Bun with butter and ham. Applesauce. Tea with sugar.

  • Sunday

Cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream. Black tea with sugar.

Chicken broth. Barley porridge. The vinaigrette. Chicken heart and liver. Tea with sugar.

Pumpkin casserole. Apricot jam. Green tea.

The main condition for successful treatment is the cessation of exposure to the damaging factor on the body. So, if alcohol is the cause of hepatitis, it must be completely eliminated. If hepatitis was the result of taking certain drugs, they should be stopped immediately. When a large amount of toxic substances is taken orally, or if toxins are ingested in other ways, a gastric lavage is performed. This will prevent further action of the toxin. If possible, therapy is carried out aimed at neutralizing the effects of toxins. In this case, an antidote is usually administered.

The liver is one of the vital human organs, it provides many important functions, in particular, it cleanses the blood of toxic components that penetrate from the outside. However, it is subject to the development of pathological conditions. Often they are accompanied by severe complications, and sometimes pose a threat to life. One of them is toxic hepatitis.

Having heard such a diagnosis, only a small number of patients imagine what it is. This definition refers to the inflammatory process in the liver cells, which develops as a result of the ingestion of toxic substances. The disease, as it progresses, leads to the death of body cells.


According to the type of course, toxic hepatitis can be:

  1. Sharp. Occurs if the poison enters the body once in high concentration. It is accompanied by a vivid clinical picture and requires the immediate intervention of medical workers.
  2. Chronic. It occurs when the body is exposed to toxic components for a long time. This form of hepatitis is typical for people who are constantly in contact with harmful components, for example, when working in production.

As a rule, toxic substances enter the body through the digestive canal, sometimes they penetrate the skin or respiratory organs. This disease does not pose a threat to others, since it is not transmitted by contact. Mass infection occurs only during an accident at work or other accidents.

The reasons

Harmful substances can enter the human body accidentally or intentionally. With the penetration of these components into the liver, depending on the type of poison, two mechanisms for the development of the problem are distinguished. Some substances contribute to the disruption of blood flow in the vessels that feed the liver and lead to necrosis of the areas, while others directly have a negative effect on the cells of the organ, as a result of which important functions are disrupted. The following reasons may have such an effect:

1. Medications.

If the patient has taken a large dose of the drug at one time or takes it constantly for a long time, this can provoke the development of acute toxic hepatitis. Such a side effect occurs not only with uncontrolled intake, but also in cases of prescribing drugs by a doctor.
The following groups of drugs can have a similar effect:

  • Anti-tuberculosis (Tubazid).
  • Antiviral agents (Remantadin, Interferon).
  • Sulfonamides (Biseptol).
  • Antipyretics (Aspirin, Paracetamol).
  • Anticonvulsants (Phenobarbital).
  • Means used for chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the condition of the liver, especially if they are of poor quality. When ingested, they penetrate the liver, where the breakdown of the substance occurs, as a result of which the toxic component acetaldehyde is released. When its amount reaches a high level, hepatocytes cannot perform their functions, die and are replaced by adipose tissue.

3. Industrial poisons.

If these substances are handled incorrectly or if they are in contact with them for a long time, toxic hepatitis can develop. The following substances are capable of provoking the disease:

  • Insecticides.
  • Aldehydes.
  • Phenols.
  • Pesticides.
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Arsenic.

4. Poisons of plant origin.

Symptoms of toxic hepatitis

Depending on the form of the disease, the clinical picture will also differ slightly. In acute hepatitis, the first signs develop after 2-4 days after the ingestion of a toxic substance, sometimes this period is reduced to 12-24 hours.

The patient is worried about pain on the right side under the rib, there is fever, weakness, loss of appetite, headache, nausea, vomiting, aching joints. Due to the influence of a toxic substance on the walls of blood vessels, bleeding appears, petechial hemorrhages on the skin, and yellowness increases.

Also, harmful components affect the nervous system. The patient may be inhibited or, on the contrary, overexcited, sometimes there is a violation of orientation in space. In addition, there is an increase in the liver, the feces become light, the urine becomes dark, resembling beer in color.

In chronic hepatitis, pain occurs periodically, diarrhea, fatigue, low-grade fever, a feeling of heaviness in the liver, a bitter taste in the mouth, flatulence, decreased appetite, enlarged liver, spleen, and itching of the skin can disturb. These symptoms appear intermittently and disappear on their own after a while.

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When diagnosing toxic hepatitis, hospitalization of the patient in a medical facility is indicated. He is prescribed bed rest and medication. In the acute form of the disease, when the poison entered the body through the digestive canal, a gastric lavage is done. To eliminate the remnants of a toxic substance, enterosorbents are prescribed, solutions can also be administered intravenously. From medicines use the following:

All of the above medicines are successfully used to treat a disease caused not only by industrial poisons, but also by medicines, alcohol, mushrooms.


In addition to drug therapy, the treatment of toxic hepatitis involves the observance of a certain diet. You can not eat fatty meat, fish, eggs, confectionery, sweets, soda, canned food, spicy, smoked, salty, fresh bread, tea, cocoa, coffee, nuts, fatty cheese and cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, garlic, onions.

It is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried bread, low-fat cottage cheese and milk, chicken meat, veal, lean fish, figs. It is useful to drink dried fruit compotes, green tea. You need to eat in small portions, but often. Separate nutrition has a positive effect on the digestive canal.

The prognosis for toxic hepatitis with timely diagnosis and treatment is favorable. A poor result can be observed in the absence of medical attention and when the poison is consumed in a large dose or concentration.

Toxic hepatitis, despite a favorable prognosis, is a serious pathology that requires mandatory treatment.

In acute toxic hepatitis, first of all, measures are needed to detoxify the body.

What is toxic hepatitis

Toxic hepatitis is an acute or chronic liver disease that develops as a result of exposure to various toxic substances on the body. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the liver tissues and further death of liver cells.

Acute toxic hepatitis develops with a single ingestion of a large amount of toxic substances into the body. Symptoms of this form of the disease appear during the first 2-5 days after poisoning.

Chronic toxic hepatitis develops as a result of repeated ingestion of poisons, but in small quantities. In this case, the symptoms of the disease may appear years later.

Causes of toxic hepatitis

When released into the blood, liver poisons can have a direct negative effect on liver cells, disrupting their vital functions. Other types of toxic substances interfere with blood circulation in the liver, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the liver cells and their death.

The most common liver poisons are:

  • Medications. Some drugs have severe hepatotoxicity, especially when taken in high doses. The development of toxic hepatitis is promoted by sulfanilamide drugs, anticonvulsants, antivirals, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antibiotics and other drugs.
  • industrial poisons. Toxic substances released at industrial facilities can enter the human body through inhalation or through the skin. The most dangerous for the liver are arsenic, pesticides, phosphorus, aldehydes, chlorinated hydrocarbons, insecticides and phenols.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol abuse (especially if they are of dubious quality) leads to toxic liver damage. When ingested, alcohol is sent to the liver, where it turns into acetaldehyde, which in turn is a toxic substance for liver cells.
  • Plant poisons. Some mushrooms and weeds contain substances with a hepatotropic effect. When ingested, such substances contribute to the development of acute toxic hepatitis.

Symptoms of toxic hepatitis

In mild cases, the disease can occur without symptoms. In severe cases, acute toxic hepatitis is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, signs of intoxication (high body temperature, general,). The patient has progressive, dark urine and light feces. As a result of an acute inflammatory process, the liver increases in size. Often acute toxic hepatitis is accompanied by bleeding from the nose, small hemorrhages on the skin and bleeding of the gums.

As for the chronic form of the disease, in this case the symptoms are not so pronounced. The patient may be disturbed by pain in the right hypochondrium of moderate intensity, aggravated after eating. The disease is accompanied by increased fatigue, loss of appetite, bloating, skin itching and an increase in the size of the liver.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis

In the treatment of toxic hepatitis, first of all, it is necessary to completely exclude contact with a toxic substance. If signs of acute toxic hepatitis appear, the patient must be hospitalized.

To cleanse the remaining poison, gastric lavage is performed. In addition, droppers with an electrolyte solution may be shown to the patient to remove poisons.

To restore liver function, enterosorbents (lactofiltrum, etc.), hepatoprotectors and vitamins of groups B and C are prescribed. Choleretic drugs are also indicated. Together with bile, some of the toxic substances also come out.

Diet for toxic hepatitis

The patient must completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking. You need to eat small portions and often. Such fractional nutrition improves the outflow of bile, which is very important in the treatment of this disease.

The patient should significantly limit the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. The main food for a patient with toxic hepatitis should be vegetables, fruits and legumes. From meat products, it is desirable to use only chicken, rabbit and fish meat. From canned food and smoked meats should be completely abandoned.

Acute toxic hepatitis, called "Acute toxic hepatitis", develops as a result of a single, high concentration of poison or a small dose of poison with affinity for liver cells, as a rule, symptoms appear after 2-5 days.

Toxic hepatitis of a chronic course, called "Chronic toxic hepatitis", develops with repeated ingestion of poison, in small doses, which does not have affinity for liver cells, and can manifest itself after months or years. Manifestations of acute toxic hepatitis, expressed, are severe, the patient must be urgently hospitalized, and if medical care is not provided in time, it can lead to death. Chronic toxic hepatitis develops slowly, the symptoms appear gradually, if the cause is not eliminated, then they are complicated by cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure.

Causes of toxic hepatitis

Ingestion of harmful substances can be accidental, professional (work activity) or intentional (desired). Harmful substances that enter the body and affect the liver are called liver poisons. They enter the body in different ways. Through the digestive tract: mouth → stomach → blood → liver. Through the respiratory system: nose → lungs → blood → liver. Through the skin, poisons can also penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into the liver. Penetrating into the blood, some liver poisons can have a direct effect on the liver cell (hepatotropic poisons), disrupting its function and vital activity. Other types of poisons that disrupt blood circulation in the small vessels that feed the liver, this leads to a lack of oxygen in the cells and their death, followed by a violation of the function of the organ.

Liver poisons have a different origin:

1 . Medications, in doses prescribed by the attending physician, have a therapeutic effect, with a single dose of a large (toxic) dose of one of the drugs of these groups, toxic liver damage occurs and acute toxic hepatitis develops.

  • sulfa drugs: Biseptol, Sulfadimetoksin
  • antiviral: Interferon, Amantadine;
  • anti-tuberculosis: Ftivazid, Tubazid; antipyretic: Paracetamol, Aspirin
  • anticonvulsants: Phenobarbital and others.

2. Industrial poisons
enter the body by inhalation or through the skin, when large doses enter the body, acute liver damage develops with the death of its cells and replacement with fat cells, with repeated ingestion of small doses, chronic toxic hepatitis develops.
  • arsenic- allocated at metallurgical plants;
  • phosphorus- contained in phosphate fertilizers, used for metal processing
  • pesticides- used in agriculture, for the destruction of weeds
  • chlorinated hydrocarbons- components of oil.
  • aldehydes(for example: acetaldehyde) is used industrially to produce acetic acid
  • phenols- contained in antiseptics used for disinfection, contained in canned food
  • insecticides- used in agriculture, to combat harmful insects
3. Alcohol- chronic and excessive alcohol consumption, especially of poor quality, leads to toxic liver damage. 20-40 grams of alcohol per day for men, and up to 20 grams for women, are considered safe doses, at higher doses, it has a toxic effect.
All the alcohol taken from the digestive tract with blood enters the liver. The liver actively processes the incoming alcohol. The main component of the conversion of alcohol in the liver is its interaction with the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. As a result of this enzymatic transformation, the breakdown of alcohol leads to the formation of acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a rather toxic substance, under the influence of which, various chemical reactions in the liver are disturbed (in particular, fat metabolism). There is an accumulation of fatty acids and replacement of liver cells with adipose tissue.

4. Vegetable poisons (weed poisons: bitter, ragwort; mushroom poisons: pale grebe), have a hepatotropic effect (they act directly on the liver cell, disrupting its vital activity and replacing it with adipose tissue), resulting in the development of a clinic of acute toxic hepatitis.

Symptoms of toxic hepatitis

Signs of acute toxic hepatitis:

In mild cases, it can proceed almost without symptoms, it is found only during a group examination (for example: the use of poisonous mushrooms).

In more severe cases, it may manifest as the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the right hypochondrium, occur suddenly, 2-5 days after the penetration of the hepatotropic poison into the body, are the result of stretching of the capsule by the enlarged liver (due to the acute inflammatory process in it);
  • Signs of intoxication of the body: fever >38 0 C, general weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting (may be with blood), joint pain;
  • Bleeding from the nose, gums, small pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin, these manifestations are the result of the destructive action of the toxin on the walls of blood vessels;
  • Influence on the patient's psyche in the form of agitation or lethargy, disorientation in space, tremor, since poisons have the ability to have a toxic effect on nerve cells;
  • Progressive jaundice, dark urine, light feces (fatty, shiny) appears simultaneously with signs of intoxication, and is the result of a violation of the outflow of bile through the small intrahepatic bile ducts;
  • Enlargement of the liver in size, as a result of acute inflammation of the liver cells and their replacement with adipose tissue (fatty liver)

Signs of chronic toxic hepatitis:

  • Periodic pain in the right hypochondrium, of moderate intensity, worse after eating;
  • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium, associated with an increase in the liver;
  • Subfebrile body temperature 37-37.5 0 С;
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bitterness in the mouth, bloating, diarrhea, these manifestations develop as a result of a violation of the outflow of bile;
  • Fatigue, decreased performance;
  • Skin itching, itchy skin due to the accumulation of bile acids;
  • Enlargement of the liver and spleen.
These symptoms may subside for a while (remission), and reappear (aggravate).

Complications of toxic hepatitis

In mild cases, toxic hepatitis is completely cured. In other cases, it may be complicated by one of the following diseases:

1. Liver failure, is the result of the death of liver cells, their replacement by fat cells and a violation of its functions, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Edema (as a result of a violation of protein metabolism);
  • Jaundice
  • Bleeding (decreased production of blood clotting factors);
  • Weight loss of the body (due to lack of saturation of the body with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, energy produced by the liver);
  • Hepatic encephalopathy (mental and neuromuscular disorders), develops as a result of a violation of the toxic function of the liver;

2. Hepatic coma, progressive violation of the liver and central nervous system (impaired consciousness, reflexes, convulsions, and others), the result may be death;

3. Cirrhosis of the liver, a chronic disease that results in the death of liver cells and their replacement with connective tissue.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis

Alternative methods of treatment of toxic hepatitis

First of all, it is necessary to prevent contact with the poison. To prevent poison from entering the bloodstream, and later into the liver, it must be removed from the stomach (in cases where it has entered the digestive tract) by artificially induced vomiting. Take a comfortable position for vomiting (half-sitting position with the head tilted forward), by irritating the root of the tongue, as a result of pressing on it with a finger (but this does not apply in all cases). To weaken the effect of poison on the walls of the stomach, you can drink milk, a decoction of flax seeds. If there is an increase in temperature, cold compresses can be applied to the forehead. While we are doing all this, we urgently call an ambulance, or urgently contact a specialized medical institution (toxicology department).

With the manifestation of signs of acute toxic hepatitis, the patient must be urgently hospitalized, where the following treatment methods will be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician:

Treatment of toxic hepatitis

  • Bed rest
  • Gastric lavage, purification of the remaining poison that has entered the stomach. A patient sitting on a chair with his head tilted forward is inserted into the stomach with a special probe, a funnel is attached to the other end of the probe. When pouring water, a funnel (with a capacity of 1 liter) is raised above the level of the mouth, if it is full, it is lowered and water is poured from the stomach into a vessel. And again pour a new portion of water. Water should be at body temperature, for an adult, for gastric lavage, 8-10 liters of water are needed.
  • Removal of poisons from the body (activated charcoal, droppers with solutions of electrolytes), hemosorption, plasmapheresis (purification of blood from toxic substances). Activated charcoal absorbs on its surface the toxins remaining in the stomach, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.
  • Vitamin therapy - the use of vitamins B and C.
  • Hepatoprotectors (Leaf 52, Heptral, Essentiale). These drugs are actively involved in the processes of reproduction of liver cells and their recovery after damage. Lif 52 is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day, the duration of administration is individual, depending on the degree of liver damage.
  • Choleretic drugs (Holosas, Cholenzim). Together with bile, some of the toxic substances are excreted from the liver. Choleretic drugs activate this process.
  • Antidotes (for mushroom poisoning, Atropine). Chemicals that specifically target toxic agents or cell receptors to prevent toxic damage.

Hepatoprotectors of plant origin for the treatment of toxic hepatitis

Hepatoprotectors- increase the resistance of the liver to harmful effects (drugs, alcohol, plant and chemical poisons). Accelerate the recovery of damaged cells. Strengthen the neutralizing function of the liver.

Preparation Liv.52, description, composition, action

Compound: common chicory, prickly marques, common yarrow, western cassia, terminal arjuna, black nightshade, gallic tamarix.

Mechanism of action and effects of Liv. 52:

- Neutralization of toxic substances
Increases the activity of enzymes (cytochrome P 450, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, etc.), which are involved in the neutralization of toxic substances. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase reduces the damaging effect of alcohol and promotes its excretion from the body.
-Combats the harmful effects of free radicals
The components of the drug stimulate the production of substances (tocopherols, glutathione), which reduce the action of free radicals (antioxidant effect). free radicals- these are molecules on the electron shell of which there is an unpaired electron (O , HO , RO , etc.). Such molecules damage healthy cells, accelerate their aging and death.
- Choleretic effect
The drug stimulates the formation of bile by liver cells and promotes its excretion through the bile ducts. Excess fats (cholesterol, B-lipoproteins, triglycerides) and toxic substances (phenols, benzenes, etc.) are excreted from the body with bile.
-Anti-inflammatory effect
The effect is achieved due to the action of the active components of the drug on inflammatory factors (leukotrienes, prostaglandins, cyclins). So an extract from a black nightshade which is a part of Liv. 52 reduces the formation of leukotrienes, substances responsible for the formation of allergic and inflammatory reactions.

How to take Liv. 52?

Essentiale forte preparation: composition, action, how to take.

Essentiale forte. Normalizes the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in the liver, enhances its neutralizing function. Promotes in recovery of the liver after damage, prevents the formation of scar tissue in it. The basis of the drug is special fats (essential phospholipids) obtained from soybeans.

- Strengthens and restores liver cells.
Special fats (essential phospholipids) are incorporated into damaged liver cells, which contributes to the restoration of its integrity and functional ability.

-Reduces blood fat levels
In the blood, the level of cholesterol and other fats (triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins). The effect is achieved by reducing the formation of cholesterol in the liver, reducing its absorption in the intestine and increasing its excretion with bile.

-Reduces the formation of scar tissue in the liver.
The drug stimulates an enzyme (collagenase), which inhibits the formation of the main component of scar tissue (collagen).

Efficacy of Essentiale in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis.
- The drug stops the progression of the disease in the early stages.
- Slows down the onset of a severe stage (cirrhosis), in which the liver tissue is replaced by cicatricial (fibrous) tissue.
- Improves liver function and in severe stages of the disease.
- The drug is effective in the treatment of toxic liver damage. Especially when poisoning with pesticides, antiepileptic drugs and fungi.

A drug Essentiale available in two versions:

  1. With the addition of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, E) - Essentiale
  2. Without vitamins - Essentiale H
Vitamins in the composition of the drug worsen tolerance and impose a number of restrictions on the use of the drug:
  • The duration of the use of the essential drug (with vitamins) is reduced, due to the possibility of developing an excess of vitamins in the body.
  • Patients with hypersensitivity to vitamins should not take this type of drug.
  • The daily dose of the drug is limited, due to the likelihood of side effects from large doses of vitamins.
Essentiale forte H how to take?
inside How to use?

Duration of admission

Capsules (300mg) 2 capsules 2-3 times a day with meals 3-6 months
(5 ml ampoules)
10-20 ml (2-4 ampoules) per day. Before administration, it must be diluted with the patient's blood in a ratio of 1:1.
10 days

Heptral tablets instructions, the action of heptral, how to take, dosage

Heptral increases the protective properties of liver cells, promotes their recovery, accelerates the processes of neutralization of toxic substances (alcohol, medicines, etc.). Has an antidepressant effect.

The mechanism of action and effects of the drug:
The main active ingredient of Heptral is ademetionine. Ademetionine is involved in the growth and protection of liver cells, nervous system and cells of other organs. Takes part in the processes of neutralization of toxic substances. Promotes the synthesis of the hormone of happiness (serotonin). In diseases of the liver, brain, its concentration in tissues decreases in parallel with the development of the disease. Heptral compensates for the lack of ademetionine, and also stimulates its formation in the body.

-Recovery and protection of liver cells
The drug promotes the formation of special fats (phospholipids). Phospholipids form the basis of the cell wall, protect against damage, stimulate the growth and repair of liver cells.

- Choleretic effect
Heptral increases the permeability of the walls of liver cells. This effect increases the formation of bile and improves its excretion into the bile ducts. With bile, toxic substances (drugs, phenols, benzopyrenes, etc.) are excreted from the body.

- Neutralization of toxic substances.
Heptral enhances the neutralizing ability of the liver by stimulating the synthesis of specific amino acids (glutathione, taurine). Glutathione is involved in the processes of neutralization of toxic substances and promotes their excretion. Taurine binds toxic bile acids in the liver, forming harmless bile compounds.

- Antidepressant effect
Heptral promotes the synthesis of mood-enhancing substances (dopamine, norepinephrine), as well as the “hormone of happiness” (serotonin). In addition, heptral enhances the susceptibility of brain structures to these substances, which also improves the antidepressant effect.

Heptral has been clinically proven to be effective and harmless in the treatment of alcoholic and drug-induced liver damage.

How to take heptral?

Mode of application How to use?
How much to take?
Tablets (400mg)
2-4 tablets per day 3-4 weeks
Vials (400mg)

400-800mg 1-2 times a day

2-3 weeks
Special instructions:
It is better to take the drug in the morning, as it has a tonic effect!
It is strictly contraindicated for children under 18 years of age!
Use with caution during pregnancy.
The exact dose, regimen and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician!

Diet for toxic hepatitis

Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited. The patient should eat, in small portions, and often, thus, the excretion of bile improves. Food should not be fatty, fried, salty, without seasonings, be rich in vitamins and vegetable fiber. Therefore, the main products in the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits (various salads), legumes (beans, peas). Use only butter and vegetable oils. Eat only easily digestible meat (chicken, rabbit). Completely abandon smoked meats, canned food. Do fasting days, one day out of the week, eat only vegetables or fruits. Persons working in industrial enterprises, with exposure to harmful substances, need daily consumption of dairy products.


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