There is blood after a bowel movement. Blood during bowel movements - what pathology does this symptom indicate?

When bowel movements are normal, the feces should not contain blood impurities. Even its slight presence can indicate a serious pathology. Blood during bowel movements is just one of the symptoms that can accompany the disease.

Blood during bowel movements: causes

The main reasons for the appearance of scarlet discharge during bowel movements include:

  • cracks in the anal passage;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids);
  • the formation of diverticula in the large intestine;
  • polyps;
  • tumor in the colon.

anal fissures

One of the most common proctological diseases are rectal fissures. They affect people of all ages. But according to statistics, the formation of anal fissures is most often observed in the female due to anatomical features.

The main causes of the appearance of the pathological process include inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract or mechanical damage.

Diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis often lead to damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The walls of the digestive organs become vulnerable, which leads to bleeding.

Mechanical damage is associated with the release of too dense feces. Most often, this is due to constipation.

Anal fissures are divided into acute and chronic forms. In the absence of therapy, the acute form can develop into a chronic one.

The main symptom of the appearance of cracks is severe pain in the anus during bowel movements. In the acute form, the pain does not last more than 10 minutes after defecation. In a chronic process, pain is less pronounced, but lasts for a longer period.

With anal fissures, slight bleeding during defecation is observed. At the same time, the blood is not mixed with feces and has a scarlet color without the admixture of mucus.

Treatment for rectal fissures includes:

  • the appointment of a milk-vegetarian diet that provides soft stools;
  • the use of enemas with a weak antiseptic solution, for example, decoctions of herbs;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of rectal suppositories.

If the cause of the appearance of anal fissures is the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, then the patient is additionally prescribed treatment for the underlying disease.


Inflammation of hemorrhoids (venous) nodes is a consequence of the occurrence of hemorrhoids. The main symptom of pathology is blood during defecation. According to some data, every fourth inhabitant of the country suffers from the disease.

The risk group includes persons whose professional activities are associated with a sedentary lifestyle or heavy physical labor. People who are overweight and suffer from frequent constipation are also susceptible to hemorrhoids.

At the initial stage of development, hemorrhoids manifest themselves as bleeding after defecation and a feeling of discomfort in the rectum.
In the absence of treatment, the pain becomes more pronounced, during defecation, not only bleeding is observed, but also prolapse of hemorrhoids.

Blood discharge in subsequent stages may also appear in a calm state. Hemorrhoidal veins begin to fall out constantly.
Treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the stage at which the pathology is located. To eliminate pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In the chronic form, only surgical intervention is indicated.


Diverticular disease is one of the causes of blood after a bowel movement. With the development of diverticulosis, a gradual formation of protrusions on the walls of the intestine is observed.

Diverticula are formed against the background of dystrophic pathologies of the muscular tissue of the colon and vascular dysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. A predisposing factor to the appearance of diverticulosis is malnutrition.

Also, the following pathological processes are among the causes of the development of the disease:

  • hernia;
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • phlebeurysm.

Diverticular disease manifests itself as sharp pains in the abdomen due to a large accumulation of feces, a violation of the stool and the appearance of blood during defecation. Diverticula can form in the esophagus, duodenum, and in the small and large intestines.

Diverticulosis requires a comprehensive approach to treatment, which should include diet therapy, laxatives, enzyme preparations, and broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Polyps in the intestine

Benign neoplasms located in the intestines are called polyps.

Predisposing factors for the appearance of polyps are:

  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • food allergy;
  • celiac disease.

The main symptoms of the presence of polyps are the appearance of blood and mucus in the feces, frequent constipation, cramping pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, the patient may experience increased flatulence, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, rumbling in the abdomen.

When polyps are found, surgical intervention is indicated, since often benign formations develop into malignant ones.

colon cancer

The formation of a malignant tumor in the large intestine is a consequence of polyps, genetic predisposition, Crohn's disease, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main symptoms of colon cancer are:

  • feeling of discomfort or pain in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • the presence of blood and mucus during bowel movements;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels.

Against the background of bowel cancer, the patient may experience iron deficiency anemia, weight loss, and general weakness.

In 90% of cases with oncology of this type, surgical intervention is indicated.

Blood during bowel movements in pregnant women

Blood after bowel movements during pregnancy and after childbirth is associated with the appearance of hemorrhoids or anal fissures during this period. In most cases, this is due to the appearance of irregular stools in pregnant women and women who have given birth.

As a rule, some time after childbirth, the body is fully restored and the symptoms go away. To avoid the risk of subsequent complications, pregnant and postpartum patients are advised to follow a diet that includes sour-milk products, dried fruits and vegetables that have a laxative effect.

Shown to receive antihemorrhoidal suppositories or local anti-inflammatory ointments.

After a bowel movement, blood: other causes

In more rare cases, the appearance of blood impurities in the feces may indicate a peptic ulcer or cirrhosis of the liver.

With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the mucous membrane of the digestive organs is affected. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as acute, sudden pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn, constipation, and blood during bowel movements. In many ways, the symptoms are similar to bowel cancer, so a complete examination is required to make a diagnosis.

The first symptoms of liver cirrhosis are nausea, heaviness in the right side, bitterness in the mouth, general weakness, rejection of fatty and fried foods. The appearance of blood during bowel movements is associated with internal hemorrhages that appear in the later stages of the pathology.
Treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating cirrhosis, and then at suppressing its symptoms.


If blood is found after a bowel movement, you should immediately contact a proctologist to determine the cause.

The doctor examines the rectum and prescribes the necessary tests and studies. An x-ray, coprogram, and endoscopy may be needed to make a diagnosis. Depending on the diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Anal bleeding is a serious symptom, almost always indicating bowel disease. Bleeding can be of varying intensity and be accompanied by other clinical signs that help restore the overall picture of existing disorders. About 70% of bleeding from the anus is associated with inflammatory processes in the hemorrhoidal veins (acute or chronic hemorrhoids), but the release of even a small amount of blood can be a symptom of other diseases, including cancer of the small or rectum or large intestine.

Treatment of pathology includes the use of wound healing, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drugs of local or systemic action, but they can only be used after diagnostic procedures. In some cases, an accurate diagnosis may require instrumental examination of the intestine using colonoscopy, barium enema, and other procedures. If the discharge of blood from the anus is associated with intestinal infections or helminthiasis, therapy will be supplemented with antiviral, antimycotic or antibacterial agents. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of anal bleeding. The disease is characterized by a violation of blood flow in the blood vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexus, located in the lower part of the rectum. Affected veins dilate, and stagnation of blood provokes the formation of blood clots and the occurrence of blood clots. Bleeding is one of the main clinical symptoms of the disease and can be a provoking factor for the development of complications, such as anemia.

Inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins has a pronounced, typical symptomatology, therefore, it is possible to diagnose pathology at the earliest stages, which greatly facilitates therapy and reduces the risks of negative consequences.

Other signs of the disease include:

  • itching and burning in the anorectal region;
  • redness of the skin around the anus;
  • loss of cones and nodules in the form of grapes;
  • pain in the tissues of the anal canal and the area around the anus.

The reason for the development of hemorrhoids is the stagnation of blood in the vessels, the violation of microcirculation and the slowdown in the movement of blood in the small pelvis. This is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of foods containing sugar, cocoa butter, alcohol addiction. In women, hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees may first appear after childbirth, if during labor, venous nodes fall out due to excessive straining efforts.

How to distinguish hemorrhoids from intestinal bleeding?

Bleeding from hemorrhoids has several differences to distinguish it from internal bleeding in the intestines. Comparative characteristics are presented in the table below.

signHemorrhoids (regardless of degree)intestinal bleeding
Amount of bloodMost often, bleeding is not heavy and amounts to a few drops. With a lesion of 3-4 degrees, the blood volume can increase dramatically up to 100-200 ml per day. After a bowel movement, traces of blood or pale pink spots remain on the toilet paperThe volume usually exceeds 100-150 ml. In severe cases, daily losses can reach 300-400 ml. In this condition, the patient needs emergency hospitalization and surgical intervention.
Time of occurrenceAfter a bowel movement (rarely during a bowel movement)Any time of the day
AppearanceDrops of blood do not mix with feces, but are on its surfaceBlood is mixed with feces, blood streaks and lumps of mucus may be present.

Important! If the patient develops symptoms of intestinal bleeding, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, since this condition is urgent and life-threatening.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

Treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stages does not require surgical intervention and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Therapy usually involves the use of topical agents in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments. These may include the following drugs:

  • "Relief";
  • "Proctosan";
  • "Vikasol";
  • Relief Advance.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil have a wound-healing and enveloping effect. It can be used for lotions: moisten a cotton swab with plenty of oil and apply to the anus for 15-30 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Ulcerative lesions of the intestines and stomach

A duodenal ulcer, if perforated, can also lead to breakthrough bleeding from the anus. The duodenum is located in the initial part of the small intestine, located after the pylorus - the muscular sphincter that separates the ampulla of the stomach from the small intestine and regulates the movement of food pulp from the stomach. Ulcers are local defects in the mucous membranes and submucosal layer with signs of trophic processes.

Perforation of an ulcer is the formation of a through hole in the walls of the stomach or intestines, which is accompanied by damage and rupture of blood vessels. This pathology also refers to emergency conditions with a high risk of mortality, so you need to call an ambulance with the following symptoms:

  • black, sticky stools (reminiscent of birch tar);
  • repeated vomiting with blood;
  • severe abdominal pain during a long period of fasting;
  • pale skin;
  • drip or jet bleeding from the anal canal.

Important! If the integrity of the intestinal vessels is preserved, and perforation has occurred in the stomach, the patient will have latent gastric bleeding, in which there will be no blood in the stool. The only change in the nature of the feces will be their liquefaction, the rest of the symptoms will persist.

Is conservative treatment possible?

Perforation (perforation) of an ulcer is an emergency surgical pathology that requires gastroscopy and electrocoagulation (cauterization) of the affected area. After stopping the acute condition, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy in a hospital, as well as a sparing therapeutic diet.

Cysts and polyps in the intestines

Polyps are benign tumors that form from the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa. They can have single or multiple localization. If there are several polyps in one area at once, the patient is diagnosed with intestinal polyposis. The size of polyps can reach from a few millimeters to 4-5 cm (or more). Usually they do not manifest themselves in any way and go unnoticed for a long time. It is usually possible to detect them only as a result of diagnostic measures prescribed for another reason.

Polyps can grow in any part of the intestine, but the rectum and sigmoid colon are most often affected. If the formation is in the rectum, the patient may be disturbed by the following symptoms:

  • periodic release of a small amount of blood from the anus;
  • anal itching;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus.

Note! If localized in other parts of the intestine, any symptoms may be absent, therefore, with frequent detection of blood on toilet paper or in feces, subject to the exclusion of other pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Can polyps turn into cancer?

Such situations are very rare, but sometimes they happen. The risk of a malignant process increases if the formation at the base has a stalk (especially twisted). To reduce the likelihood of bowel cancer, it is necessary to promptly identify and remove polyps, regardless of their location.

Drug treatment after surgery is aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body and may include taking immunomodulators and vitamin and mineral supplements. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a prophylactic course of antibiotic therapy.

Intestinal pathologies

Discharge of blood from the anus may be a symptom of some bowel disease, which may be associated with inflammation or mucosal defects. Most often, this picture is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • ulcerative colitis- damage to the epithelial layer of the large intestine, which has a chronic course and focal inflammatory process;
  • Crohn's disease- severe systemic pathology, characterized by granulomatous inflammation of the digestive tract (starting from the esophagus and ending with various segments of the rectum);
  • diverticulitis- the formation of diverticula on the surface of the large intestine (diverticula - sac-like protrusions on the mucous membranes).

With these diseases, blood appears in the feces periodically. Its amount usually does not exceed a few drops and only in severe cases can reach up to 30-50 ml per day. The blood has a dark scarlet hue and is mixed with feces. Pathologies can be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, constipation, diarrhea. With ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the patient may have complications in the form of arthritis and skin pathologies (dermatitis).

What to treat?

The mainstay of treatment for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Very often, patients are prescribed a course reception " Prednisolone". This is a synthetic hormonal drug with a pronounced therapeutic effect, which allows you to stop inflammatory processes in a few days. In addition, it prevents the development of autoimmune conditions, in which cells of the immune system destroy healthy cells in the body.

To eliminate constipation, you can use preparations with bifidobacteria (" Bifidumbacterin"", ""). For the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea is prescribed " Enterol" or " Enterofuril". For severe pain, treatment may include pain relievers containing ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Important! Treatment must be supplemented with a therapeutic diet, which will have to be followed not only in the acute period, but also during rehabilitation. In severe cases, the patient will undergo surgical resection of the affected areas of the intestine.


Infection with helminths is another possible cause of light bleeding from the anus. Signs of helminthic invasion may be mild, so any symptoms present must be carefully considered. It can be:

  • itching in the anus;
  • redness of the skin of the anus and genitals;
  • weight loss;
  • constant headaches.

Bleeding with helminthiasis is mild and non-painful. Blood may coat the stool or mix with it.

Treatment of helminthic invasion

To destroy worms in adults and children, anthelmintic drugs based on levamisole or mebendazole are used: Decaris», « Vermox», « Pirantel". "Pirantel" in most cases is the drug of choice, as it can be used for the treatment of mixed helminthic invasions. Children can be given the remedy in the form of a sweet suspension (5-10 ml once). For adults, the drug is available in the form of tablets, which must be thoroughly chewed with a sufficient amount of water. The dosage for adults is 3 tablets. If the patient's weight exceeds 75 kg, the dose is increased to 4 tablets.

The drug is taken once after a meal. To exclude self-infection and prevent secondary infection, the medication should be repeated after 3 weeks.

Other causes of bleeding from the anus

The appearance of drops and streaks of blood is possible with infectious lesions of the intestine and poisoning. In this case, the symptoms of the disease will be supplemented by liquid (foamy or watery) light-colored stools with a sharp unpleasant odor. Body temperature rises to 38 ° and above, repeated vomiting occurs, nausea appears. The patient may complain of pain in the lower part of the intestine, headache and dizziness. Some patients experience a drop in blood pressure.

Note! Intestinal infections almost always lead to severe dehydration. If rehydration therapy is not carried out in time, a fatal outcome may occur, therefore this group of diseases is in most cases treated in a hospital.

Bleeding from the anus in all cases is a sign of serious illness, so this symptom should never be ignored. In 75% of patients with cancerous lesions of the intestine, blood in the feces appeared at stages 2-3 of the pathological process. At this stage, there is still a possibility of a favorable prognosis of life and survival. If you do not see a doctor during this period, there will be practically no chance of recovery if a cancerous tumor is confirmed.

Video - Blood from the anus: what is the reason?

Blood during bowel movements in women is considered a fairly common sign of problems in the body. It is difficult not to notice this alarming symptom during bowel movements, but most of the fair sex prefer not to pay attention to it. More conscious are expectant mothers who discover blood in their stools during pregnancy.

Bleeding from the rectum

Blood discharge from the rectum is medically known as anal bleeding. Often, such a pathological condition manifests itself at the time of defecation. Traces of blood on toilet paper immediately cause concern in a woman. Not surprising, because bloody stools can be one of the symptoms of a number of dangerous diseases.

Blood discharge from the anus are:

  • Weak - drops of scarlet blood ooze in the rectum without pain.
  • Moderate - a small amount of dark red clots appear in the stool. Sometimes there is mucus with blood.
  • Strong - during bowel movements, there is a release of blood in large volumes. Depending on the cause of the pathology, blood may appear in the urine.

Excessive bleeding is often accompanied by weakness in the body, increased sweating. Bloody discharge from the anus in women is sometimes supplemented by tinnitus, pale skin, vomiting, fever and pain.

Blood in the stool and accompanying alarming symptoms indicate a serious danger to life. This is an occasion to urgently seek emergency medical help. As soon as the emerging threat is taken under control, an experienced doctor will be able to take anamnesis and make an accurate diagnosis.

Sometimes hematuria (blood in the urine) can join the characteristic clinical picture of gastrointestinal disease. However, do not sound the alarm ahead of time, because the blood from the anus can mix with urine. Therefore, it is possible to reliably determine the blood in the urine only by a laboratory method.

Causes of bleeding from the anus

Blood in the anus in women, first of all, may indicate damage to the mucous surface of the intestine or colon. In no case should you treat rectal bleeding as a commonplace. After detecting blood during bowel movements, you should not put off visiting a proctologist. Only a specialist is able to find out the exact cause of the appearance of blood in the stool.

Bleeding occurs for the following reasons:

  • Hemorrhoids are the factor that most often provokes bleeding with bowel movements.
  • Colitis is a disease that causes inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcers may appear, resulting in intestinal bleeding. Often bleeds in the colon.
  • Anal fissures - blood in the feces of a woman is determined in a small amount. Bloody discharge occurs during bowel movements and is accompanied by a burning sensation.
  • Constipation is a problem that occurs as a result of malnutrition, low physical activity, uncontrolled use of laxatives, etc. Feces with streaks of blood appear at the moment of tight movement of feces through the anus, which has a dense network of blood vessels.
  • Polyps - lead to bleeding of various nature (blood clots, streaks, etc.)
  • Proctitis - has similar symptoms with hemorrhoids. However, if the hemorrhoid bleeds, the blood does not mix with the stool, while proctitis causes the blood to mix with the stool.
  • Other systemic diseases leading to the appearance of blood in the urine and feces.

Dependence of blood in faeces on menstruation

It is not uncommon for bloody discharge from the anus to occur before menstruation or during menstruation. Why is this happening? There are two main reasons that are most often encountered in therapeutic practice.

First, blood in the stool is the result of an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. This disease is most acutely manifested a few days before the onset of menstruation. This is explained by the fact that with the approaching beginning of a new menstrual period, an active blood flow occurs in the pelvic region. Following this, the hemorrhoids “overflow” and become inflamed. As a result, when emptying, you can see bloody discharge. Sometimes at the same time, additional blood in the urine can be observed, which is simply related to the physiological characteristics of the female bowel movement.

Secondly, if the stool has blood impurities during menstruation, endometriosis can be judged. A feature of this disease is the ability of endometrial cells (uterine mucosa) to penetrate into neighboring organs of the female body. This pathological condition is the result of many negative factors in a woman's life, one of which is a violation of the level of steroid hormones, as well as an immunological status.

Wherever endometrial cells penetrate, they also continue to perform their direct function under the influence of hormones. If endometriosis has settled in the rectum, then spotting during menstruation will appear in the stool. If the focus is located in the kidneys, ureters and bladder, blood will appear in the urine.

Bloody stool in pregnancy

Blood from the anus during pregnancy often appears due to hormonal and physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. Fetal growth and an increase in the uterus lead to malfunctions of the digestive tract. As a result, the pregnant woman begins to worry about constipation, which can provoke anal bleeding. Therefore, it is recommended that before becoming pregnant, undergo the necessary studies and improve your health.

Blood from the anus during pregnancy can have a different origin and character. Under the small patches of blood after a bowel movement, most likely, the problem of anal fissures is hidden. This pathological condition is accompanied by pain during bowel movements. Abundant diarrhea with blood during pregnancy can be caused by an infection or tumor. A future mother should not ignore such loose stools, because dehydration can occur due to diarrhea. This is fraught with miscarriage or congenital malformation in the unborn child.

Feces with blood during pregnancy can also be the result of hemorrhoids.

Usually, this problem is judged by the blood that flows in a small trickle immediately after going to the toilet. In this case, scarlet blood is observed. This disease often develops in pregnant women due to weight gain, varicose veins, and malnutrition. Hemorrhoids also bleed during pregnancy due to a large fetus or multiple pregnancy.

The greatest danger during pregnancy, both in the late and early stages, is blood clots in the stool. Together with the changed composition and shade of feces, they can indicate proctitis, polyps, ulcers, diverticula, or even cancer. Therefore, during pregnancy, blood from the anus is a reason for a mandatory and unscheduled visit to the doctor. Especially it is not necessary to delay the solution of this problem in the later stages of gestation, since there is a threat to the life of the mother and child.

Blood in stool after childbirth

New mothers face many challenges after giving birth. Labor activity always involves a strong load on the lower intestines. As a result, the rectum suffers from physical damage, and after a while, blood from the anus appears in the woman in labor. The reasons for women who have given birth come down mainly to damage to blood vessels at the time of attempts. This problem may disappear on its own after a few days. However, if the blood continues to periodically appear, then you should consult a doctor.

The postpartum period is often accompanied by constipation, which occurs as a result of such reasons:

  • the enlarged uterus continues to put pressure on the intestines;
  • the muscles of the press are weakened;
  • the ratio of hormone levels has changed;
  • weakened intestinal motility;
  • malnutrition;
  • after a caesarean section, stitches may cause a woman to be afraid to push.

Constipation may be atonic or spastic. In the first case, peristalsis is disturbed due to unnatural childbirth (caesarean section). In this case, aching pain, weakness, nausea, and appetite may be disturbed. Spastic constipation is characterized by increased intestinal tone. Emptying occurs incompletely in the form of “sheep feces”. Most often they are faced with psychological problems.

Treatment of constipation after childbirth, among other things, involves adjusting the diet. The menu should include the following products: buckwheat, apricots, carrots, beets, cabbage, kefir, yogurt, oatmeal, dill. Breastfeeding mothers can also take advantage of some laxatives.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of an ailment that provoked blood in the feces begins with a visit to the appropriate specialist. To what doctor to address in such situation? A proctologist, who can prescribe a series of studies, will help to cope with the problem that has arisen. Among the most common is the analysis of feces for occult blood. It allows you to confirm or refute problems that may be hiding in the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes there may not be visible bleeding, but there is occult blood in microscopic doses in the stool - this is exactly what this analysis is designed to detect.

One of the diagnostic methods is rectoscopy - a study of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract. It allows you to detect anal fissures, hemorrhoids and pathological formations in the rectum. The doctor may also refer to a colonoscopy, which is used to examine the colon.

After an accurate diagnosis is made, the most effective treatment is prescribed. The key to successfully getting rid of the disease in adults in any situation is to follow all the recommendations of the proctologist. As a result of a timely appeal to a specialist, any girl will be able to save herself from the unpleasant consequences of the disease. Therefore, do not ignore the first signs of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.

Preventive measures

The intestine is a sensitive part of the human body. It plays the role of a kind of litmus paper by which one can judge the state of health. Diarrhea, blood streaks that have a scarlet color, pain in the anus - these and many other symptoms occur due to malfunctions not only in the digestive tract, but also in other systems of the female body. These problems can be dealt with by following basic preventive measures.

First, fill your daily diet with fiber-rich foods. Cereals, vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread - their presence in the menu will allow you to get rid of constipation and avoid anal bleeding in less than 1.5 months.

Second, drink plenty of water and juices. Plum juice can be especially useful in the fight against constipation.

Thirdly, you need to empty your intestines on time. No need to delay defecation until the time when it is already unbearable to endure.

Fourth, regularly perform Kegel exercises, which can be useful both for nulliparous women and in the first 2-4 months after childbirth.

Blood from the anus without pain indicates serious health problems. An ambulance will be required if there is heavy bleeding that cannot be stopped. Dangerous phenomena include vomiting with traces of blood, bruising in the nasal cavity. Hematomas of non-mechanical origin are also a sign of the presence of a serious pathology. Perhaps a sharp increase in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being. When the above symptoms are accompanied by bleeding from the anus, you should immediately seek help.


The main reasons for the appearance of blood from the anus during bowel movements and outside this process are diseases of the gastrointestinal system (rectal cancer, intestinal tuberculosis, varicose veins in the esophagus). Erosive gastritis or gastric ulcer does not provoke bleeding after defecation. But if you start such a disease, the symptom in question will appear. This is due to an increase in ulcerative nodes that penetrate the tissues, violating the integrity of the vessels. When the ulcer is located within the mucosa, the patient feels pain.

A common cause of anal bleeding is. Scarlet blood from the anus is the main symptom in this pathology. Unlike other diseases that can cause bleeding in the anus, hemorrhoids are not dangerous to health.

Statistics show that every third person after 45 years of age is prone to this pathology. It occurs in men and women. The strength of bleeding depends on the size of hemorrhoidal lesions. Excessive bleeding from hemorrhoids can lead to anemia. In women, hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding can develop during pregnancy or after childbirth. Therefore, such persons are at risk.

Bleeding occurs due to the formation. Their formation is facilitated by factors such as frequent constipation, abuse of intimate hygiene products and astringent products. Discharge immediately after a bowel movement is a sign of cracks in the rectum. Burning after using soap and pain during bowel movements are the main symptoms that indicate the formation of cracks.

When a patient has ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. These diseases are chronic. They cause inflammation in the intestinal walls. This leads to the formation of ulcers, which disrupts bowel function. Blood discharge from the anus appears at a late stage of the disease.

These pathologies contribute to the destruction of the intestinal walls or the formation of a cancerous tumor. In oncology, the patient has bleeding from the rectum, which can be of varying intensity.

Cirrhosis, tumor formations, hepatitis and worms cause circulatory disorders, increasing venous pressure in the body. If the pathologies are running, symptoms such as heartburn, belching after eating, heaviness in the liver area appear. Then there are symptoms of intoxication. A rare sign of the above ailments is spotting (scarlet color).

Pathological growth of the mucous membranes of the intestine, which causes the formation of growths. Small seals are difficult to diagnose, as there are no pronounced symptoms. You can detect formations with the help of preventive colonoscopy. During the active growth of polyps, constipation and stools with blood are observed.

Infectious diseases

The causes of bleeding from the anus include some infectious diseases. Pathogens that enter the digestive system adversely affect its work. Infectious pathologies are accompanied by the appearance of ulcerative nodes, which provoke heavy bleeding.

The group of diseases under consideration includes typhoid fever, dysentery, rotavirus, enterovirus infections and salmonellosis. Sexual diseases of infectious origin can also provoke bloody stools (venereal granuloma, genital herpes and syphilis).

The nature of bleeding and the degree of intensity indicates the development of cancer of the brain or blood. If a tumor forms on the organs of the digestive system, the color and intensity of the discharge indicate the affected organ or area. The intestinal diverticulum provokes its protrusion and. In such cases, heavy discharge causes anemia and requires a blood transfusion. Mesenteric thrombosis is a blood disease that causes bleeding from the anus.

Other options for bleeding from the rectum and the reasons for their appearance:

  • blood on toilet paper - hygienic care of the rectum, anal sex is violated;
  • scarlet blood from the anus, not mixed with feces - chronic hemorrhoids, a fissure in the anus, bleeding polyps and tumors of the rectum;
  • red blood in the stool - inflammation of the large intestine, intestinal tumor, diverticulitis;
  • fecal masses of dark cherry color - inflammation of the large intestine, polyps, tumors.

If traces of blood are found after a bowel movement, it is recommended to consult a proctologist. A preliminary examination of the patient is carried out, the anamnesis and medical history are studied. The doctor asks the patient about the symptoms. Then the following diagnostic methods are carried out:

  1. - visualizes the lower parts of the digestive system. This study allows you to detect anal fissures, hemorrhoids and formations in the rectum.
  2. Colonoscopy - is an analogue of rectoscopy, but gives more complete data on the state of the intestinal tract. The endoscopic method captures the pathological changes that have occurred in the large intestine.
  3. - carried out with the help of a chemical that is injected into the intestines. This method allows you to take clear pictures from the x-ray machine.
  4. Gastroduodenoscopy - for the implementation of the diagnostic procedure, an endoscope is used, which determines the condition of the mucous membranes in the digestive tract.
  5. Laboratory research reveals a whole range of diseases of bacterial and viral origin. Appointed to confirm the alleged diagnosis.

The doctor identifies the cause of the pathology. Determines the appropriate treatment.

Therapy Methods

Bowel movement accompanied by bleeding is a symptom, not a disease. If the doctor has identified a pathology that provoked this symptom, appropriate treatment is prescribed. There is no universal treatment regimen. It is selected individually.

Applied techniques for the treatment of bleeding from the anus include:

Minor bleeding from the anus is a reason to make an appointment with a proctologist.

A delicate problem - blood from the anus in women - is often hushed up, so medical help sometimes comes too late. However, anal bleeding is not uncommon in medical practice and requires an attentive and responsible attitude. So diseases of the digestive system that are life-threatening for women can make themselves felt: hemorrhoids, a tumor, a violation of the integrity of the intestinal vessels.

Types of bleeding

Blood can pour out passively, be present as an impurity in the feces, accompany the act of emptying the intestines with a palpable stream, splashes, painful spasms. There are situations when the blood during defecation in women comes out completely without pain. The nature of the feces, color, smell of bloody discharge can orient the doctor in the direction of the focus of the pathology.

Scarlet blood testifies to its local origin: hemorrhoids most often. A shade of cherry indicates damage to the colon. Red is the most alarming symptom that makes you think about oncology. A black tint is a signal of diseases of the upper digestive tract.

In women, rectal bleeding can be confused with vaginal bleeding. To distinguish between them, it is worth putting a day pad, the absence of traces of menstrual flow on it will confirm the development of the pathological process outside the vagina. Bloody marks on toilet paper after a bowel movement also speak of anal bleeding. It should be emphasized that any discharge of blood from the anus is an occasion for immediate medical attention. Sometimes emergency medical care is required, it should be resorted to in such cases:

  • Excessive bleeding that cannot be stopped at home.
  • An admixture of blood in the stool and in the vomit.
  • Bleeding from the anus is accompanied by bruising all over the skin.
  • Sharp deterioration.
  • Pain and high fever.

The type of bleeding determines damage to specific vessels:

  • Bleeding from the arteries has a distinctive feature: a visually detectable pulsation of a jet of scarlet blood.
  • The blood from the veins is dark, flows continuously and in large volume.
  • Capillaries give uniform bleeding over the entire surface of the pathology focus.
  • Mixed blood loss is characterized by a combination of all signs, which indicates the depth of the lesion.

Causes of bleeding from the anus

Visible anal bleeding indicates that the mucosa is damaged, primarily at the level of the large intestine. Blood from the anus can appear for a number of reasons in women:

  • Hemorrhoids: blood bright scarlet, not mixed with stool, accompanies defecation in the form of a jet or drops.
  • Erosive colitis produces black streaks in the stool.
  • Cracks in the anus provoke portion bleeding after the act of defecation with pain, burning.
  • Constipation is another cause of bleeding from the anus. They give symptoms similar to fissures, since efforts to empty the intestines lead to injury to the capillaries that abundantly supply blood to the inner surface of the rectal mucosa.
  • Neoplasms (usually polyps), benign and malignant, provoke bleeding, which, in terms of strength and volume of blood released, directly depends on their size.
  • Erosive proctitis is accompanied by inflammation and the appearance of blood with mucus in the stool.
  • Gastritis gives profuse bleeding with shaped stools.
  • YABZH or 12 duodenal ulcer is characterized by tarry stools and vomiting with blood.
  • The formation of pockets or protrusions of the intestinal wall (diverticulosis) contributes to stools that are mixed with blood, defecation is accompanied by pain.
  • HIV: blood from the anus is one of the symptoms of the disease.
  • Varicose veins of the esophageal veins give dark clots in the stool.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs or with potassium in the composition provokes an admixture of blood in the stool.
  • Rotavirus - causes an increase in capillary permeability, accompanied by bloody diarrhea.
  • Crohn's disease is a chronic relapsing disease of unknown etiology with a violation of the integrity of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver is a toxic lesion of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Genital herpes - can cause erosion of the rectal mucosa.
  • Worm infestation - obturation of the large intestine with difficulty defecation.
  • Leukemia is a neoplastic change in the blood system, immune disorders with subsequent damage to the intestinal wall.
  • Other diseases of a systemic nature - a characteristic feature is hidden blood in the feces.

Dependence of blood in faeces on menstruation

Menstruation is a common cause of blood impurities in the stool. There seems to be no connection with the anus, but bleeding may occur before or during menstruation. This happens for two reasons:

  • As a result of exacerbation of hemorrhoids: blood flow to the pelvic region on the eve of menstruation causes overflow of hemorrhoids and inflammation. This explains the appearance of impurities in both feces and urine, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of women.
  • Bloody impurities may also indicate endometriosis with the localization of nodes in the intestinal mucosa and organs of the urinary system. This is a very dangerous scenario for young girls. The reason lies in autoimmune processes and hormonal imbalance, and infertility can become a consequence. The appearance of blood in the feces during menstruation is a sign of the activation of the disease, its further progression. In this case, the manifestations of endometriosis are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.

It is worth emphasizing that in adult women, urination and defecation with blood impurities in the absence of endometriosis may indicate a latent tumor process. With such symptoms, you should not waste time, it is better to immediately seek qualified medical help.

Pregnancy is accompanied by hormonal changes in the entire body of the expectant mother. An increase in the size of the fetus, the volume of the uterus leads to compression of the digestive organs and disruption of their normal functioning. A pregnant woman begins to have problems with stool: constipation, anal fissures, hemorrhoids. All this is accompanied by bleeding during the act of defecation.

This practically does not depend on the trimester of pregnancy, it occurs both in the early and late stages of bearing a baby, up to childbirth. Sometimes constipation is the only symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. Blood from the anus during pregnancy appears as a result of several reasons:

  • Copious liquid stools, in which a lot of mucus, indicate a tumor or infection.
  • Hard stools, emptying with effort speaks of enzymatic disorders of the digestive system.
  • Feces with blood during pregnancy, in which blood in small drops appears due to cracks in the anus.
  • A small trickle of scarlet blood that appears immediately after going to the toilet is a sign of hemorrhoids. This happens with multiple pregnancy or a large baby, with varicose veins or too many kilograms gained.
  • Blood clots in the feces indicate serious problems: inflammation, polyp or tumor of the rectum, ulcer, diverticulum.

It is unacceptable to leave these problems unattended, because the health of both mother and baby is endangered. Diarrhea is dangerous because of dehydration of the body, which can lead to miscarriage, intrauterine malformations or premature birth. An infection or tumor not detected in time will significantly complicate delivery and become a real danger to the life of the newborn.

Blood in stool after childbirth

In the postpartum period, a young mother often encounters bleeding from the anus. If a caesarean section was performed, anal bleeding may indicate a violation of the integrity of the intestine during surgery. In such a situation, a thorough diagnosis is necessary.

Physiological delivery involves a large load on the large intestine, so bleeding often becomes a compensatory reaction of the rectum in response to excessive strain and microtrauma. This problem disappears on its own within a few days. But if the bleeding becomes permanent, you should notify the doctor.

The troubles associated with difficult defecation, provoked by a number of factors, last much longer:

  • The uterus after childbirth did not take the usual size.
  • Stretched abdominal muscles.
  • The hormonal background is broken.
  • Changed intestinal peristalsis.
  • Incorrect diet.
  • Postoperative scars limit the woman during the act of defecation.

Constipation is spastic or atonic. With atony, natural peristalsis is disturbed as a result of surgical interventions. In addition, there is weakness, soreness, lack of appetite. Spasm, on the contrary, calls for an increase in intestinal tone, and emptying looks like small fecal peas. To normalize the stool, natural products are used: fruits, prunes, beets, buckwheat and oatmeal, dill water, yogurt. Natural laxatives may be used.

Features of diagnostics

Various methods help to make a proctological diagnosis, by which the cause of anal bleeding is revealed:

  • Feces for occult blood are examined if latent bleeding is suspected, accompanied by established anemia.
  • X-ray examination of the patient: the most informative irrigoscopy with a contrast agent (involves a preliminary allergy test for drug tolerance).
  • FGDS - endoscopic examination of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Sometimes the endoscope is used to treat the lesion: cauterization, drug delivery, biopsy.
  • Sigmoidoscopy - visualization of the large intestine to identify internal hemorrhoids, anal fissures, tumors.
  • Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the lower intestines, a detailed version of sigmoidoscopy.

After collecting an anamnesis and assessing the clinical picture, the doctor determines the choice and procedure for conducting diagnostic procedures.

Prevention and treatment

The more accurate and complete the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment of the disease. The key to the effectiveness of complex therapy is strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions. A timely appeal to a proctologist can save the patient from complications and requires less extensive intervention. It should be remembered that bleeding is only a consequence of pathology, therefore, only the elimination of the root cause that caused it can radically solve the problem.

There are no special treatments for anal bleeding, but doctors recommend:

  • Medicines that normalize venous outflow of blood (troxevasin, troskerutin, venoruton).
  • Drugs that control the clotting system (aspirin, warfarin, clopidogrel).
  • Medicines that normalize blood viscosity (curantil, thromboASS, cardiomagnyl).
  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories (relief, hepatrombin, methyluracil).

All these agents can be used both internally and externally in the form of ointments. There are also traditional medicine recipes that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Decoctions of wild rose, blackcurrant leaves, nettle, which have a high percentage of vitamin C in their composition, are successfully used. There are well-proven collections of Tibetan herbs: their natural ingredients strengthen the vascular wall, stop bleeding. Sea buckthorn oil is also used, which is drunk in a teaspoon per day, as well as a garlic-milk mixture (two cloves of garlic are boiled in a glass of milk) in the amount of 1 tbsp. per day. An effective decoction of hawthorn and St. John's wort, tincture of pine cones and clover.

Prevention of anal bleeding is to follow a few simple rules:

  • Compilation of a normal diet rich in fiber.
  • Drinking regimen: at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  • Support for stool regularity (herbal laxatives, microclysters microlax can be used).
  • Daily Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, especially in the postpartum period.



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