How to treat inflamed vocal cords. What threatens inflammation of the vocal cords or laryngitis

Inflammatory lesions of the larynx are most often the result of different kind ARI and SARS. And in order to get sick with them you need not much - drink ice water on a hot day, inhale frosty air, freeze while waiting for the bus, get your feet wet, etc. All these actions can cause inflammation vocal cords. Such a pathological condition requires an extremely careful attitude and correct timely therapy, otherwise the treatment of the disease may be delayed for for a long time and be complicated by different additional violations. Let's talk about the manifestations of inflammation of the vocal cords and methods for its correction in a little more detail.

Inflammation of the vocal cords is most often accompanied by other other symptoms of the classic acute respiratory disease. The patient's body temperature rises, he is disturbed by areas in the region of the larynx and noticeable weakness. There may be a feeling of aches throughout the body, a general deterioration in the condition. Pathological processes lead to a noticeable difficulty in breathing, provoke a feeling of dryness in oral cavity cause coughing and hoarseness.

So the classic clinical picture inflammatory lesion vocal cords, is a change in voice. It can change its tone, become hoarse and disappear altogether.

At the first manifestations of an inflammatory lesion of the vocal cords, it is worth changing your usual rhythm of life somewhat. Try to completely eliminate voice activity, simply do not speak, or speak very little. In addition, it is desirable to give up nicotine and alcohol consumption. Important role plays and changing the daily diet. For the period of treatment of inflammatory lesions of the ligaments, it is worth excluding the intake of spicy and spicy foods. Of course, these recommendations will not deal directly with the inflammatory process, but they will help prevent possible complications.

When treating inflammatory lesions of the vocal cords, it is worth taking plenty of warm liquids, such as tea, milk, coffee. In addition, Borjomi can benefit, it will also help to quickly cope with pathological processes. hot food and liquid, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

Inflammation of the vocal cords is perfectly stopped by various kinds of physiotherapy. The procedures of choice for such a diagnosis are UHF, as well. Such sessions can be carried out in almost any clinic, and before recovery is achieved, it is necessary to do about five to seven procedures.

How does folk medicine correct inflammation of the vocal cords? Treatment folk remedies

Bee products have a lot of unique medicinal qualities, they can help in the treatment of a variety of pathological conditions. So honey is actively used to eliminate throat diseases, including inflammatory lesions of the vocal cords. It can also be consumed on its own by placing it under the tongue and slowly dissolving. Already such treatment will give a significant positive effect, eliminate bacteria and viruses, as well as eliminate inflammation.

You can also dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm milk (you should not use boiling milk, as honey will lose all its unique qualities in a liquid that is too hot). Such a drink should be consumed three times a day, regardless of the meal. The last reception should be carried out shortly before a night's rest.

Also, honey can be combined with freshly squeezed carrot juice, keeping an equal ratio. The resulting composition must be taken orally in a tablespoon three to four times a day.

chicken yolk

To treat inflammation of the vocal cords, you can also use the usual chicken eggs. Three fresh chicken yolks must be whisked together with a small amount butter. Such a remedy must be consumed in small sips during a meal. Of course, eggs for such therapy can be used exclusively fresh and proven.


Also, raspberries can be used to treat the vocal cords, they can be harvested since the summer, simply dried and stored in glass jars. For cooking medicinal composition you need to take a couple of tablespoons of dried fruits and combine them with an equal amount vegetable oil. Add a teaspoon of chopped ginger root to this composition. Brew the prepared mixture with half a liter of only boiled water and set aside to infuse overnight. Consume the resulting medicine filtered in small portions about an hour before a meal.

An excellent effect in the treatment of inflammation of the vocal cords is provided by systematic rinsing of the larynx. For this procedure, you can use a decoction onion peel. A couple of tablespoons of such raw materials must be brewed with half a liter of only boiled water. Infuse such a remedy for a couple of hours, then strain. Use the resulting rinse medicine as often as possible - if there is minimal discomfort in the throat area.

Traditional medicine can and should be combined with official treatment prescribed by a qualified doctor.

The vocal cords are small muscle formations that are located in the pharynx. They form a kind of glottis, thanks to which a person can make sounds. Let us consider in more detail the causes of inflammation of the vocal cords and the main methods of treatment. given state.

The main causes of inflammation of the vocal cords

Given disease state may develop for the following reasons:

1. Complication from untreated flu or measles.

2. Pneumonia, which caused inflammation of the vocal cords. It is important to know that this disease in itself is very dangerous, as it causes many complications, and in combination with sore throat, it requires immediate hospitalization and treatment of the patient.

3. Scarlet fever.

5. Tonsillitis.

6. Strong hypothermia.

7. Smoking ( tobacco smoke while acting as a direct stimulus and frequent hit it on the mucous membrane of the throat can easily cause redness, pain, perspiration and inflammation of the ligaments).

8. Inhalation of harmful chemicals or dust. This is often observed when working in factories or other enterprises in which a person constantly has to inhale dirty air.

10. Frequent use alcoholic beverages, which irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx and cause inflammation.

11. The use of very spicy foods, due to which a person can develop not only inflammation of the ligaments, but also begin to discharge sputum with blood (this often happens in countries where people eat spicy dishes).

12. Tension of the ligaments due to a strong cry.

Symptoms and manifestations of inflammation of the vocal cords

There are such main symptoms of inflammation of the vocal cords:

2. Dryness in the throat.

3. Sore throat.

4. Appearance of dry cough.

6. Sore throat, which is aggravated by swallowing.

7. Headache.

8. Increase in body temperature.

In addition, there are several forms of inflammation of the vocal cords, each of which is accompanied by individual symptoms:

1. The catarrhal form of inflammation develops as a complication of influenza. In this case, the person will suffer from coughing, itching and sore throat. This condition does not require special therapy. It is only necessary to cure the underlying disease that caused it.

2. Hypertrophic form inflammation usually develops against the background chronic disease. In this case, small knots can be observed on the ligaments of the patient. This makes the voice hoarse.

3. atrophic form inflammation is accompanied by atrophy of the pharyngeal mucosa. In such a state, a person will suffer from frequent seizures dry cough. Sometimes it also causes bloody sputum.

4. tuberculosis form inflammation can develop when this infection enters the body. This condition is accompanied by the appearance of tuberculous ulcers on the vocal cords.

5. The diphtheria form of inflammation is accompanied by the formation of white plaque on the ligaments. It is well treated and rarely causes complications.

Inflammation of the vocal cords: diagnosis and treatment

The main treatments include:

drug therapy;

Physiotherapy treatment;


Folk remedies.

Drug treatment involves taking the following groups of drugs:

1. Drugs that promote expectoration (Mukaltin, ACC, Ambroxol, Gerbion syrup, etc.). A doctor can prescribe them in the case when inflammation of the ligaments was provoked by the flu or SARS.

2. The use of Lugol's solution is used to lubricate sores in the throat. For this you should use cotton swab(so it is more convenient to apply the medicine).

3. Medicines for inflammation.

4. When acute laryngitis Bioparox antibacterial spray helps a lot. They need to be treated for at least ten days in a row.

5. If the patient has a bacteriological lesion of the ligaments, then oral antibiotics can be prescribed to him. The drugs themselves are selected depending on the causative agent of the infection.

Physiotherapy treatment includes the following procedures:

1. UHF therapy.

2. Microwave therapy.

3. Electrophoresis with novocaine.

4. ultraviolet irradiation.

5. Gargling.

If drug therapy and physiotherapy treatment turned out to be ineffective, the patient is prescribed surgery. This operation makes it possible to prevent the development of laryngeal cancer due to severe inflammation.

In order not to cause any complications, after the operation, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Within two days after the procedure, you need to be silent so as not to strain the ligaments.

2. Do not smoke for two weeks after the operation.

3. Do not eat or drink hot or cold food.

4. You can not eat spicy food.

5. Avoid inhaling pungent odors that can irritate the ligaments.

Alternative treatment is considered auxiliary, and is allowed only after the removal of acute inflammation of the vocal cords. It provides for such procedures (preparation medical recipes):

1. Carrying out inhalations with unpeeled boiled potatoes. You need to breathe the steam coming from the potatoes for ten minutes. In this case, it is desirable to cover the head with a towel.

2. Make a cocktail of yolks, olive oil and honey. It is necessary to take such a remedy in small sips after eating. It will soften the throat and bring back the voice.

3. Make a decoction of sunflower oil, grated ginger and raspberries. All ingredients must be in equal amounts. They must be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for twelve hours. Drink a tablespoon before meals.

4. Gargle three times a day with a decoction of onion peel (three tablespoons of the peel pour half a liter of boiling water). This tool help eliminate acute inflammation, hoarseness and relieve pain.

5. Prepare a cocktail from a glass of milk and a tablespoon of honey. Drink in small sips every hour. It is important that the product is warm, but not too hot.

6. For a sudden sore throat, when there are no medical drugs at hand, sucking on a piece of sweet chocolate can help. It will relieve perspiration and sore throat.

7. You can take this solution: mix half a glass of milk with a third glass carrot juice. And even though such a drink may not be very tasty, it will help eliminate inflammation in the throat.

8. If a person has completely lost his voice, then a mixture of honey and horseradish can help him. To do this, it should be grated horseradish on a fine grater, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for two hours. Eat horseradish with honey every day for a teaspoon.

9. When severe hoarseness appears, you can beat a couple of yolks with butter and sugar. Drink this mixture in small sips after meals.

Despite the great effectiveness of folk recipes, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them.

Inflammation of the vocal cords: treatment and prevention

To prevent the development of inflammation of the vocal cords, you should follow these recommendations:

1. Avoid hypothermia.

2. Try not to talk in the cold so that cold air didn't go down the throat.

3. Protect your throat with a warm scarf when strong wind.

4. Strengthen immunity. To do this, take vitamins, lead healthy lifestyle life, eat well and exercise.

5. At home, you should regularly ventilate the room.

6. Timely treat diseases that can cause inflammation of the vocal cords.

7. If you suffer from allergies, then you should take in advance antihistamines, especially during the period of exacerbation of their condition (during the flowering of allergen flowers, inhalation of dust, etc.).

8. People working in harmful conditions masks should be worn to avoid inhaling chemicals that irritate the vocal cords.

9. It is advisable to stop drinking excessively spicy food.

10. When the first signs of inflammation appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible so as not to start your condition.

A lot of people are familiar with this unpleasant phenomena, like hoarseness of voice, a feeling of constant - all these are signs of a disease of the vocal cords. There are many causes of this pathology, but the symptoms in initial stage usually similar. Consider why this disease occurs, what is its danger and how to treat it.

Among the abilities of a person to communicate, such a skill as speech stands out. In order to be heard and understood, we need a voice. Voice is a sound, more precisely, a set of sounds that our vocal cords produce in combination with other organs of the nasopharynx. However, the nominal vocal cords will be the most important for the voice.

The entire pharynx is covered with a thin ball of mucous tissue, it consists of microscopic glands that produce a special secret - lymph. The tonsils are also made up of lymphoid tissue, and the vocal cords are muscle tissue. Special muscles (vocal cords) are located across the pharynx, when air passes through them, they vibrate and create sound.

To make the sounds different, you need varying degrees vocal cord tension. When an inflammatory process occurs, the muscles swell, swelling of the vocal cords occurs. This affects the timbre of the voice and causes pain.

  • Infection with viruses and microorganisms coming "from above" with inhaled air or "from below" syphilis, tuberculosis, etc.
  • Impact harmful substances in the inhaled air.
  • Too much tension during loud shouting or singing.
  • Severe hypothermia.

Long term exposure negative factors causes inflammation of the vocal cords - laryngitis, which causes discomfort and requires treatment.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Among the symptoms of the inflammatory process will be common to all diseases of the throat:

  • Sore throat that gets worse when swallowing.
  • Dry cough.
  • Feeling of itching, provoked by the drying of the mucous membranes.

And specific symptoms that provoke precisely diseases of the vocal cords:

  • Hoarseness of voice, and more difficult cases its complete absence.
  • Increased pain when swallowing.
  • In chronic forms, the discharge of white crusts with strong cough, blood.

Very rarely like this inflammatory process provokes an increase lymph nodes neck.

Causes of inflammation of the vocal cords

Among the causes that cause inflammation of the ligaments of the throat will be quite a lot of factors. Yes, to infectious causes include the presence in the body of diseases such as:

  • Runny nose,
  • Flu,
  • Bronchitis,
  • Pneumonia.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Measles.
  • Scarlet fever (incubation period).
  • Syphilis.
  • Tuberculosis.

Here, the inflammatory process on the ligaments occurs as a secondary infection or complication.

If there is external influences, laryngitis will be primary. Among non-infectious causes inflammation will be:

  • Staying indoors with high content harmful chemicals, smoke dust.
  • Smoking and alcohol.
  • Allergy.
  • Overstrain of ligaments during screaming, singing, long loud conversation.
  • Eating too spicy, hot food.

Types of diseases of the vocal cords

Doctors distinguish between several types of inflammation of the vocal cords. The possible consequences will depend on the type of disease. The most common complication of laryngitis is a constant hoarseness of voice, and in the most difficult cases, aphonia (its complete absence). Among more dangerous consequences there will be a threat of suffocation and the occurrence of cancer of the larynx.

The catarrhal form is considered the most common and easiest, from the point of view of doctors, manifestation. With catarrhal laryngitis, the ligaments in the throat hurt, pain occurs when swallowing, itching in the throat and dry cough. Usually this form of the disease occurs as a complication of influenza and SARS, other diseases of the nasopharynx. Treatment of catarrhal laryngitis does not require. To eliminate it, it is enough to cure the underlying disease.

Hypertrophic inflammation of the throat occurs when there is. A prolonged inflammatory process on the vocal cords provokes the formation of nodes. They get in the way normal operation vocal cords and cause hoarseness.

If the disease starts even more, atrophic laryngitis occurs. At the same time, the mucous membranes dry out, dry frequent occurs. It can cause damage to the fragile (due to drying of the mucous) vessels of the pharynx and this leads to spotting while coughing.

The tuberculous (syphilitic) form occurs when these infections are present in the body. Their contact with the vocal cords causes the formation of muscle tissue ulcers. This causes, along with other symptoms infectious disease- hoarseness of voice.

In diphtheria sore throat, the vocal cords form white coating(colonies of bacteria accumulate). It is poorly cleaned, blocks the work of the vocal cords, causes swelling of the larynx and difficulty breathing, and in the most difficult cases, suffocation. This type also called true croup.

In young children with viral diseases may occur similar disease « false croup”, which is characterized by swelling of the glottis, swelling of the pharynx and difficulty breathing. In children, the anatomically, the pharynx has a narrower passage than in adults.

Signs of suffocation: shortness of breath, redness of the face, hoarseness of inhalation and exhalation - this is a reason for an urgent call for an ambulance.

Traditional treatments for inflamed ligaments

For all types of throat diseases, a number of rules should be observed:

  • Observe a gentle voice mode, and in difficult cases, do not talk at all.
  • Stick to a diet: eat non-spicy, non-hot food, soft enough.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Traditional treatment depends on the type of disease and includes medication.

So, in the presence of a dry cough, mucolytics are shown (Mukoltin, Pertussin, Gerbion.) For thinning sputum, ACC or Bromhexine.

If there are ulcers, they are treated with Lugoll (for this, a cotton swab is moistened in an oil solution).

To remove plaque, Miramistin and Chlorphyllipt are used, as well as ordinary soda (diluted in a small amount of water and moistened with a cotton swab).

For inhalations (relieves inflammation well), Ingalipt and the same Miramistin are used.

For acute catarrhal forms and during an exacerbation chronic diseases use aerosols with antibiotics for the throat: Bioparox, Isofra, Polydex, Tantum Verde (it is used for children).

After removing the exacerbation, physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated: UHF, microwave therapy, electrophoresis with novocaine, solux. They are especially effective in chronic forms of laryngitis in remission.

To understand how to treat inflammation of the vocal cords with the resulting nodules, you need to go through traditional treatment. Education does not always lend itself to it. Sometimes you have to resort to removing them. surgical methods. Removal of formations is carried out in a hospital. Then a period of rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor is required. This procedure indicated when there is a threat of cancer of the larynx.

Folk methods for the treatment of vocal cords

  • Carrot juice and honey (ratio 1:1). You need to take a fresh carrot, rub it on a fine grater and squeeze the juice with gauze. Then mix it with honey. You should drink 1 tsp. at least 5 times a day.
  • Homemade milk should be boiled, allowed to cool to room temperature, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter and drink in small sips. More better effect, If regular oil replace with cocoa butter.
  • Pour boiling water over a glass of viburnum berries, leave for 30-40 minutes, add 1 tsp. honey and drink up to 5 times a day. People with low blood pressure need to be careful - viburnum reduces blood pressure.
  • Mix aloe juice and honey in a ratio of 2: 1. Drink a teaspoon up to 4 times a day.

Why is chronic inflammation of the vocal cords dangerous?

Before treating the ligaments of the throat, you should definitely consult a doctor. But in any case, hoarseness of voice requires treatment, since a long-term inflammatory process turns into chronic form, and the resulting nodules are very difficult to treat. All this leads to the fact that a person's voice timbre changes, and hoarseness does not go away even after treatment.

In more complex cases, such a complication as aphonia (complete loss of voice) appears; it is far from always possible to restore it.

Heal and be healthy!

Inflammation of the vocal cords: "Come back, voice!"

We use the larynx to speak, breathe and swallow. The vocal cords are located inside it and are a group of muscles in the shape of the letter "V". If your voice has changed, hoarse or lost, then there is vocal cord inflammation.

The reasons for this problem may be whole line factors. More often inflammation of the ligaments caused viral infection, therefore, most often inflammation of the vocal cords is a symptom of diseases such as bronchitis, flu, colds, pneumonia, and allergies.

Also, the cause of inflammation of the ligaments can be dry dusty air, unfavorable environment, overexertion of the voice, impaired breathing through the nose or chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Inflammation of the ligaments is most often associated with a disease such as laryngitis. If it is not treated immediately, the disease can become chronic. Proper Treatment and maintaining voice calmness - and inflammation of the vocal cords can pass in a week. Chronic laryngitis can become if you do not heal acute colds to the end, and also if your profession is related to chemicals, dust and constant "voice work".

Since inflammation of the ligaments rarely occurs on its own and is associated mainly with infectious or respiratory disease, then the first stage of its treatment will be the elimination of all annoying factors. This may be hypothermia, voice strain or being in a dusty room. In the early days of illness, you should refrain from talking. Many mistakenly believe that whispering affects the vocal cords less annoyingly than normal speech. But this is not so, so at first try to completely protect yourself from the tension of the vocal cords.

Inflammation of the vocal cords - what to do?

In order not to irritate the throat once again, refrain from eating spicy and spicy foods. You also need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Inflammation of the vocal cords, these recommendations will not cure, but will protect you from possible complications after. During the period of illness, you need warm tea, milk, coffee, it is also allowed to drink Borjomi - these drinks are very useful for inflammation of the ligaments.

With inflammation of the vocal cords, physiotherapy procedures such as UHF and electrophoresis are very effective. Such procedures can be done at the nearest clinic. For recovery, you will need no more than 5-7 procedures.

Also help get rid of inflammation of the ligaments hot foot baths. In this case, the water temperature should not be higher than 45 degrees, and the duration should not exceed 30 minutes. After such a procedure, calf muscles mustard plasters can be applied.

Also, in the treatment of ligaments, it is very useful to eat honey. One teaspoon of honey for resorption every half hour or hour is enough. There is another proven recipe for curing inflammation of the ligaments. To do this, mix egg yolk, 10 g of butter and half a glass of sugar, it is best to beat with a mixer. Every 30-40 minutes, eat a teaspoon of the resulting mixture.

If the inflammation of the vocal cords still bothers you and you do not feel better within a week, it is recommended to consult a doctor. He may prescribe you medications or a course antibiotic therapy. In any case, at the first problems with the ligaments, immediately begin treatment.

Establishing speech contact is one of the simplest and most available ways communications. One of the main factors of voice formation is tone. internal muscles larynx. The vocal folds or cords located in it can change their length and shape as a result of repeated vibrations. Voice disorders due to changes vocal folds, seriously affect the ability of a person to communicate with others. Pathological changes require urgent correction, for which they are used various methods- including the treatment of vocal cords with folk remedies. What are the best ways traditional medicine can offer?

How to help connections

Changes in the vocal cords are observed with different pathologies, however, the most common is laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane, submucosal layer and internal muscles of the larynx. Violation of the function of voice formation is inherent in all types of laryngitis. To treat the vocal cords with the help of folk recipes, you must first visit a doctor and make sure the diagnosis is correct, clarify the answers to your questions.

Whether there is a effective method help with the pathology of the vocal folds? ethnoscience has a variety of methods that are designed to alleviate the patient's condition with laryngitis. These include:

  • gargling with special solutions;
  • lubrication of the throat with drugs;
  • carrying out inhalations with decoctions of herbs and essential oils;
  • drinking decoctions and infusions.

Usually all treatment options are applied, available to the patient. It is important to understand that folk remedies are not always safe, and the patient may experience individual intolerance, development allergic reaction. Prepare folk medicines you need, exactly following the proportions indicated in the recipe. Plant raw materials should be harvested in accordance with the rules, information about which can be found in special literature. If the ingredients for the drug are purchased and not self-stocked, it is important to be sure that they were collected and stored according to generally accepted requirements.

Traditional medicines have both indications and contraindications. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor, since it is impossible to describe everything. probable causes on which one or another remedy should be abandoned. Treatment of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers is best done only with the approval and under the supervision of a doctor.

Voice disorders can be either primary or secondary. More often they are provoked by infectious agents (viruses, bacteria), however, voice loss may be due to the presence of neoplasms. different localization. In such a case, it is unlikely that self-treatment folk remedies. To save the patient, it is sometimes necessary to surgically remove the tumor as soon as possible.

The fact that gargling is useful, many have known since childhood. Therapeutic drug, prepared in accordance with folk recipes, is often considered more preferable than pharmacy medicines. How can you help with the pathology of the vocal cords and how to rinse correctly?

Milk-carrot broth

The advantages of this tool are relatively pleasant taste and availability of ingredients. To prepare it, 100 g of carrots are required, which are peeled and boiled in 500 ml of milk. Gargle several times a day, in between procedures, drink a few sips of medicine.

onion broth

Grind onion peel (3 teaspoons), bring to a boil in 500 ml of water, leave for about 4 hours. For rinsing, strained warm broth is used.

potato juice

Taken fresh potato juice- This important condition. They are rinsed at least 3 times a day for 4 weeks.

Beets and Vinegar

For a glass of freshly squeezed beetroot juice you need 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

The throat should be gargled at least 8 times a day with a warm, freshly prepared remedy.

It is not necessary to alternate different recipes, you can choose any specific one and prepare a decoction or solution each time before the procedure, having at hand right amount ingredients. It is important that the medicine is fresh.

Throat smearing

Treatment of the vocal cords at home often begins with lubricating the throat. various medicines prepared by yourself or purchased at a pharmacy. This procedure cannot be called pleasant; it requires patience both from the patient and from the person who performs it (if the patient does not lubricate the throat himself). Apply:

  1. A mixture of iodine and glycerin.
  2. Fir oil.

To lubricate the throat, use a wooden or metal stick, the dimensions of which correspond to the size of a stationery pencil. It should not have sharp edges. One of the ends of the sticks is tightly wrapped with cotton wool, which can be tied to the base for reliability. Having dipped the stick in the product, they carefully lubricate the mucous membrane of the throat.

The patient should calmly perceive the manipulation and confirm the absence of an allergy to the agent. If the patient interferes with the lubrication or gets scared, then there is high probability injury. In general, the throat lubrication procedure is one of the most unsafe ways. folk treatment. It is by no means recommended for children - exposure to the mucous membrane can cause not only mechanical damage and bleeding, but also laryngospasm.

Today there are many alternative ways oropharyngeal treatment medicines- in particular, lozenges and lozenges, sprays (which are also not allowed for children under 5 years of age). Many of them only contain herbal ingredients V the required dosage, which allows you to expect a satisfactory effect from therapy without fear adverse effects. Folk remedies should be safe - it is important to remember this when starting treatment.

Steam inhalation is commonly considered one of the main folk methods of helping with ligament pathology. However, like lubricating the throat, this is not always safe procedure. It is strictly contraindicated in the case of purulent inflammation, high temperature body. Inhalation improves sputum discharge, but at the same time, the amount of coughed up secretion increases - therefore, for young children (in particular, up to the age of 5 or even 7 years), it is better to choose other methods of treatment.

What means to use for inhalation? You can use such medicinal plants How:

  • raspberries, coltsfoot (infuse 5 g of each ingredient for 8 hours in a thermos);
  • tricolor violet, three-part series (5 g of the first ingredient and 3 g of the second, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain);
  • lavender, chamomile (10 and 5 g, respectively, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, use in an hour).

Suitable for aromatherapy inhalations tea tree, eucalyptus. It is important to make sure that there are no allergies in advance. With steam inhalation "from the pot" you need to control the temperature of the agent and the patient's sensations. Burn of the mucous membrane - more than possible consequence improper procedure, so you should be vigilant and attentive.

Treatment with folk remedies may include not only local therapy but also prescription drugs for oral administration. These include:

How to treat complete loss of voice? Horseradish helps well - a piece the size of a hazelnut is crushed, pour 1/3 cup of boiling water. Insist under the lid for about 20 minutes, then add a little sugar, mix. The finished medicine is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Traditional medicine appeared much earlier than pharmaceuticals. This is one of the main reasons why patients trust folk recipes. However, they, like any other drugs, must be used reasonably, taking into account indications, contraindications and individual features organism. Folk methods often become an addition to the main treatment recommended by the doctor.



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