What candles help against erosion. Indications for local therapy

The female body at any age is subject to a number of ailments, including gynecological diseases that affect internal organs and affect women's health in general. One of the most common diseases among the female half of humanity is cervical erosion.

With erosion on the uterine neck, the presence of lesions that form on the mucous tissues of the uterus is characteristic. Over time, changes in the state of the mucous membrane occur, which, when diagnosing a disease, can be multiple.

Detection of manifestations of erosion of the uterine neck does not require a long examination and, as a rule, is detected at a standard gynecological examination by a doctor.

Classification of uterine erosion

In medical practice, there are two main types of erosion in the uterine cervix:

But in the event that we are still talking about a provoked neoplasm, then there are several types of uterine erosions:

Erosion is detected during an examination by a specialist using a special gynecological mirror.

Erosion lesions are different in size sections of the tissue of the internal organs of a characteristic bright red hue.

Often, such lesions are localized in the external pharynx of the uterine cervix. Erosion can and should be fought. Modern gynecology offers several options for the treatment and prevention of the disease at once, the choice of which depends on the degree, nature and neglect of each individual case.

The use of suppositories in gynecology

All methods used in the treatment against erosion and its further consequences are aimed at the fastest possible elimination of the symptoms of the disease and restoration of damaged tissue areas.

Gynecological suppositories are considered one of the effective remedies against inflammatory processes that affect the internal organs of patients. Special candles are great for the following:

  • get rid of erosion in the cervical area;
  • allow for a gentle treatment technique;
  • prevent the need for drastic surgical measures.

It is necessary to treat ectropion through the course use of suppositories only according to the results of an examination by a gynecologist and passing all the necessary tests. This type of treatment does not provide for the hospitalization of a woman and allows you to carry out all the manipulations yourself at home.

Asking the question of which candles are most effective against the manifestations of erosion, one should consider in what form the treatment will be prescribed. In this case, there are two most correct options:

In any of the above cases, preparations in the form of suppositories should be used regularly, course and only on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

Treatment, prevention and management of symptoms

When it comes to eliminating unwanted symptoms of the disease, which manifest themselves to a small extent, or about preventive measures against the manifestations of uterine neoplasms, then you should pay attention to drugs that include the following components:

Welcome in the composition of such suppositories for vaginal use and the presence of vitamin E, which perfectly nourishes, heals and protects damaged areas of the mucous membrane of internal organs. All of the listed ingredients are hypoallergenic and are characterized by excellent nutritional properties that provide an accelerated process of tissue regeneration.

If the planned treatment is prescribed to fight against fungal infections, then it is tea tree oil candles in the composition that help eliminate bacteria, viruses and pathogens that affect the female microflora of the body. The effective composition of such drugs effectively eliminates inflammation that occurs in the genitourinary system of female patients.

For the safe and effective use of any remedy, it is enough to consult a doctor and read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with each package of the drug. As a rule, candles with a herbal composition can be used once a day, preferably at bedtime, at night. In this case, excellent absorption of active active substances is ensured. Courses of treatment are from 7 to 10 days in a row, depending on the indications in each case.

To completely get rid of damaged skin areas, you may need 1-3 full courses of using the product in the form of vaginal suppositories. It is permissible to use funds according to the same scheme, if we are talking about the recovery period after a surgical intervention in a woman's body, for example, after the procedure for cauterizing an erosion focus.

Against erosion of the uterine cervix, the following remedies are considered the most effective:

Suppositories based on natural sea buckthorn oil are especially popular among both doctors and patients. The tool has proven itself as a reliable assistant in the fight against neoplasms on the uterine neck.

Sea buckthorn candles allow not only to treat, but also to completely restore the affected skin, eliminating not only the manifestation of erosion, but also its possible consequences in the future.

Treatment of this pathology is urgent and involves the professional assistance of specialists from the field of medicine.

At the moment, one of the most common gynecological diseases stands out, which diagnosed in 15-20% of women who see a doctor. When viewed on the mucous membrane, you can notice some defects that look like ulcers or wounds. As a rule, such lesions appear due to mechanical injuries of the cervix (during abortion, childbirth, etc.) or infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

So, for example, after cauterization, rather large scars remain on the cervix, which narrow it. In this regard, and much safer. But most often, for women who are just planning a pregnancy, doctors advise postponing erosion treatment for the postpartum period or using safe conservative methods.

Today, based on the use of medicinal herbs and plants, drug treatment with various drugs is very widespread. Vaginal suppositories against erosion can be quite effective if used exactly as prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment with candles

The use of medicinal suppositories can be shown to both giving birth and still childless women. These drugs have anti-inflammatory and healing action. In addition, suppositories contribute to the natural restoration of damaged cervical epithelium.

Treatment of erosion with vaginal suppositories has several advantages before other medical methods:

  • medicinal substances are delivered directly to the inflammatory focus;
  • the active substance is evenly distributed inside the vagina, thanks to the soft base of medicinal suppositories;
  • suppositories help soften the vaginal mucosa, facilitating the process of washing out pathological secretions;
  • the active substance contained in the suppositories does not disrupt the vital activity of beneficial lactobacilli;
  • medicinal suppositories are not able to injure the mucous membrane;
  • suppositories are much more convenient to use, since, unlike tablets, they do not require soaking.

Cocoa-phytocandles for cervical erosion

Main active ingredients of this drug are:

  • cacao butter;
  • tea tree essential oil;
  • essential oil of juniper;
  • lavender essential oil.

Cacao butter, containing vitamin E, is absolutely hypoallergenic and has unique protective and nutritional properties. In addition, it helps to moisturize the sensitive mucous membrane of the vagina.

Helps fight fungal infections tea tree essential oil. Its action is directed towards various viruses, bacteria and fungi. juniper oil helps to eliminate inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of the female genitourinary system, and lavender oil, in turn, has a calming effect.

Cocoa phyto-candles should be used according to the instructions - one candle at a time before going to bed. The course of treatment should begin 10 days after menstruation and continue for 10 days. For a complete cure, it is usually required to conduct 3 courses, that is, use 30 suppositories over a three-month period.

Other medicinal suppositories

Modern pharmacology offers many other effective vaginal suppositories that have managed to prove themselves excellently with. Healing of injuries occurs due to the fact that the active medicinal components destroy the infected microflora and improve the processes of tissue regeneration.

So, for a gynecologist can prescribe the following drugs:

  • Suporon - candles, which are based on an extract from cocoa butter, have an effective anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Usually they are prescribed for a single dose - one candle at night. If necessary, you can repeat after 7 days.
  • Hexicon - suppositories with an antiseptic effect that help the body cope with certain types of infections. They should be applied twice a day for 10 days.
  • Depantol - suppositories with an antiseptic effect, which have a wound healing effect. They also accelerate the natural processes of tissue regeneration. It is necessary to enter one suppository at bedtime for 10 days.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil - an effective restorative and wound-healing agent. Apply for 8-10 days twice a day.
  • Candles with phytor - a geopathic agent with a bactericidal and analgesic effect. One suppository should be inserted into the vagina at night for 10 days.

Candles prepared according to folk recipes

You can make effective vaginal suppositories on your own according to time-tested recipes. The composition of such homemade candles usually includes natural honey, which is a well-known natural healer, and other medicinal components.

To prepare vaginal suppositories, you can use the following recipes:

  • Take 5 tablespoons of honey, 3 grams of propolis or mummy, 150 grams of pork fat (lard) or butter. Melt everything in a water bath and mix. After the composition has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to form small suppositories from it, which will be inserted into the vagina every day at bedtime for a week, a maximum of 10 days. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Mix honey, Kalanchoe or aloe juice and fish oil, mix in the same ratio and add 150 grams of butter or pork fat. Then follow the same manipulations as in the previous recipe. Treatment should be carried out according to the scheme: 7 evenings in a row to enter a candle before going to bed, then take a seven-day break.

Treatment with such homemade suppositories will be especially effective if suppositories are administered immediately after. For douching, you can prepare solutions from herbs: St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile, calendula and others.

Remember that self-healing can not be carried out before visiting a gynecologist, because only a specialist will help you choose those candles that will help in your case.

Erosion of the uterus is diagnosed in about 60% of the fair sex. Currently, medicine offers several options for the treatment of this disease. In order to choose the right therapy, you need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor, after conducting a diagnostic examination, will be able to recommend one or another option. Most often, doctors prefer a conservative method of treating erosion. It implies the application. With the help of them, you can quickly and safely solve the problem. However, self-medication is not recommended, it is better to trust a qualified specialist. Today we will talk about which candles really help with cervical erosion.

Brief description of the pathology

Cervical erosion is a fairly common gynecological disease. It is accompanied by the appearance of small ulcers on the mucous membrane of the genital organ. Over time, erosion increases in size, causing discomfort to a woman.

Among the main causes of the disease, doctors call inflammatory processes, birth injuries, hormonal disorders. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms. Women often complain of severe pain during menstruation, profuse vaginal discharge, discomfort in the lower back. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Most often, the disease develops in women giving birth at the age of 28 to 45 years.

At the initial stage of the pathological process, doctors usually prescribe vaginal suppositories for treatment. With cervical erosion, the same method of therapy is also suitable for nulliparous women. Now let's take a closer look at what drugs doctors usually prescribe, how to use them correctly.

Indications for treatment with suppositories

Erosion can be caused by various reasons. Therefore, the doctor must choose a therapy taking into account the factor that provoked the disease. Vaginal suppositories are used in the following cases:

  • which entails the appearance of ulcers on the reproductive organ;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • sexually transmitted diseases that caused erosion;
  • hormonal disruptions that led to a violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • reduced immunity and penetration of infectious agents into the vagina;
  • a large number of sexual partners.

In all these cases, suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of cervical erosion. However, the choice of a particular drug is determined by the doctor individually. Self-medication is highly undesirable.


Therapy for this disease should not be neglected. Otherwise, erosion can degenerate into a tumor, including a malignant one. Before starting the course of treatment, it is necessary to restore the menstrual cycle if it has been disturbed due to the pathological process. Also, women are prescribed vitamin complexes to stimulate the immune system. Only after these events can you start direct therapy.

Why Candles Are the Best Treatment for Erosion?

As noted earlier, vaginal suppositories are a safe and at the same time effective tool in the fight against this disease. They are great for ladies who dream of trying on the role of a mother in the future, as well as at the initial stage of the pathological process.

Suppositories, when introduced into the vagina, begin to interact with the uterine mucosa, thereby stopping the further development of inflammation. In addition, they contribute to the rapid healing of ulcers and restore the epithelium. Among other advantages of suppositories, gynecologists note the following:

  • medicinal substances quickly reach the focus of inflammation;
  • the active components of the preparations do not suppress the vital activity of healthy microflora;
  • candles are characterized by the presence of a soft base, which, under the influence of body temperature, is evenly distributed over the surface of the organ;
  • suppositories additionally soften the irritated mucosa and relieve painful discomfort.

If the doctor has prescribed suppositories for cervical erosion, the name of the drug must be remembered or written down. For general information, consider the most popular options for drugs below.

Cocoa Phyto Candles

The main components of this tool are:

  • cacao butter;
  • juniper extract;
  • tea tree oil;
  • lavender essential oil.

How do the listed components affect the pathological focus? Cocoa butter is characterized by unique protective and nourishing properties. It is absolutely hypoallergenic. Tea tree extract helps the body to cope with a fungal infection. helps to eliminate inflammation, and lavender oil has a calming effect.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for cervical erosion

Suppositories made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil are also considered an effective remedy in the treatment of erosion. They have a characteristic orange color, and the torpedo shape is due to the content of a large amount of wax. Reviews warn that suppositories quickly dissolve in the vagina, so they can easily leak out. This fact is rather a disadvantage of the drug.

The drug can be bought at a pharmacy, and a prescription from a doctor is not required. However, self-treatment is unacceptable. The dosage of the medicine can only be prescribed by a gynecologist. The drug should be stored in the refrigerator.

Pharmacy candles

There are many so-called pharmacy suppositories that have proven themselves in the fight against erosion. Although therapy should be prescribed by a gynecologist, we will consider some of them in order to have a complete picture of how such medicines work:

  1. "Hexicon". This drug has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The course of treatment with these suppositories is 10 days.
  2. "Depantol". The drug helps to accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing. This property is very important in the fight against a disease such as cervical erosion.
  3. "Suporon". The composition of the candles contains cocoa butter and an extract from Tambukan mud. Both components perfectly relieve inflammation, heal existing wounds and stimulate the formation of healthy tissues. The suppository is administered once.

Pharmaceutical suppositories for cervical erosion are most often used. The healing of ulcers occurs due to the fact that the medicinal components destroy the pathogenic flora. They also speed up the process of repairing damaged tissues.

Help of traditional medicine

The recipes of folk healers are also used in the treatment of the disease described in the article. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make it yourself. With cervical erosion, other ingredients can be used to combat pathology. For the preparation of homemade suppositories, the following recipes deserve the greatest interest:

  1. Mix Kalanchoe juice, fish oil and honey in equal proportions. To the resulting composition, you need to add about 150 g of butter. All ingredients should be melted in a water bath. After the mixture has cooled, it is necessary to form candles from it. Treatment is recommended to be carried out according to the following scheme: daily, for 7 days, before going to bed, enter one suppository, then take a week break and continue therapy.
  2. Take 5 tablespoons of honey, 3 g of propolis, 150 g of lard and mix everything. Next, you should perform the manipulations proposed in the first recipe. The course of treatment in this case is 10 days.

Therapy with home candles will be much more effective if douching based on herbal decoctions is done before the introduction of the remedy. For this purpose, you can use St. John's wort, chamomile or celandine.

Using candles after cauterization of erosion

Treatment of the disease is possible not only with the help of suppositories, but also with the method of cauterization. However, such therapy is accompanied by a long rehabilitation process. Damaged mucous membranes after cauterization require restoration. Throughout this period, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the body, as well as follow some recommendations.

First of all, a woman should limit intimate contacts, serious physical activity and visiting the bath. For more successful rehabilitation, the gynecologist may prescribe general tonic drugs, as well as suppositories.

Candles after have an excellent healing effect. The components included in their composition accelerate tissue regeneration and contribute to the restoration of the epithelium of the genital organ. Like the entire course of treatment, suppositories are prescribed by a gynecologist. The duration of application is determined purely on an individual basis.

Possible contraindications

Most of the modern drugs that are used to treat erosion are based on the use of absolutely harmless substances. You can read the composition of any candles and make sure that the main components are of plant origin. When choosing medicines, it is necessary to take into account some features, as well as carefully study the attached annotation.

One of the most popular drugs used for therapeutic purposes is Depantol. Candles for cervical erosion do an excellent job with the tasks assigned to them, and recovery, according to reviews, occurs after several applications. In fact, few people know that the medication cannot be used with cosmetic and other personal care products. In addition, it is categorically contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its constituent components. An allergic reaction usually manifests itself in the form of severe itching and irritation. If such symptoms occur, you should refuse treatment and visit a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to pick up an analog remedy.

Opinions of consumers

The reviews presented in our article for cervical erosion have earned extremely positive reviews. Many women note that the symptoms of inflammation can be defeated in just a few days. You can buy drugs in almost every pharmacy, which is a definite plus. In addition, their cost is relatively low. For one package of suppositories, you will have to pay from 200 to 300 rubles. This amount is quite enough for one course of treatment.

Summing up

Erosion is a rather insidious disease, because often it is asymptomatic.

It is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the cervix, as a result of which a wound surface appears.

It can be detected at the initial stage only on examination by a gynecologist using gynecological mirrors.

Erosion is diagnosed in women of different ages, and the presence or absence of childbirth is not an indicator of susceptibility to this disease.

Most often, this disease is treated using tampons and suppositories. We will talk about the use of the latter in this article.

What is uterine erosion

- this is the transformation of normal cells that cover the cervix into pathological ones. As a result, a focus of inflammation appears.

Sometimes this ailment can turn out to be pseudo-erosion (with hormonal failure), but often true erosion is still diagnosed - the formation of a wound in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epithelial coating.

There are many reasons that provoke this disease, but mainly it is mechanical damage to the mucous membrane (during rough intercourse, abortion or ), or the presence of a genital infection - herpes.

Symptoms and causes

Causes of erosion:

  • mechanical damage;
  • chemical burn (during douching, the use of spermicides);
  • transferred infectious diseases (chlamydia, E. coli or mycoplasmosis);
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal failure (an excess of estrogen);
  • constant change of sexual partners;
  • unprotected sex.

Erosion symptoms:

  • pain during intercourse;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • profuse leucorrhoea;
  • bloody nature (not on critical days);
  • yellow-green discharge - purulent;
  • itching and burning in the vagina.

Types of disease

There are several types of this disease:

  • - characterized by the presence of a small red spot on the cervix, does not require special treatment, is detected in adolescence and needs to be observed by a pediatric gynecologist;
  • ectopia-pseudo-erosion- characterized by extensive wounds that cover most of the neck of the poppy. Their surface is uneven with a bright red color. Ulcers may grow inside the cervix. This type of disease is prone to the formation of cysts and malignant cells. It requires urgent treatment.
  • true- represents a scarlet wound surface of the uterus. There is inflammation, bleeding of wounds. After 10-14 days, this species becomes ectopic.

Congenital and acquired pseudo-erosion do not require local treatment. In these cases, contraceptives are prescribed to normalize the cycle.

With complicated ectopia, it is indicated that combines the use of hormonal drugs (Diana-35, Logest, Triregol) and antibiotics (Levomycetin, Penicillin, Aureomycin, Pimafucin, Biomycin), as well as vaginal suppositories (, Betadine, Livarol).

Also, a woman is shown taking multivitamins (Complivit, Alphabet, Vitrum) and immunostimulants (Immunal, Likopid).

Local treatment is carried out with the help of suppositories, ointments, creams, etc. - they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, destroying pathogenic bacteria.

Treatment with candles

Candles are used in the following conditions:

  • imbalance of microflora;
  • the presence of a bacterial or viral infection;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the uterus;
  • damage to the mucous membrane;
  • venereal diseases;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor;
  • after cauterization erosion;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • irregularity of the menstrual cycle.

Therapy against uterine erosion with vaginal suppositories helps to eliminate the inflammatory process, which contributes to the restoration of cervical tissues without surgical intervention.

This method is prescribed for violation of the microflora of the vagina, sexually transmitted diseases, colpitis, after abortion or childbirth, when the disease is at an early stage.

Usually, candles are prescribed for the treatment of erosion, either with a small tissue damage (up to 2 cm), or after cauterization.

The advantage of this type of drugs is the absence of injury and accelerated regeneration of cervical cells.

Treatment with candles can be effective either at the beginning of the development of erosion, or after cauterization of the damage, if the patient complies with all the necessary recommendations. At the first stage of the disease, suppositories can stop the inflammatory process and even kill the pathogen (we are talking about microorganisms of a viral and bacterial nature), which directly leads to recovery. In the case of cauterization of erosion, suppositories are used as additional therapy, for accelerated wound healing and prevention of the development of pathogenic flora.


List of popular antibacterial suppositories for uterine erosion:

  • clotrimazole- an antifungal agent that can remove inflammation, sanitize the affected area. Restores the balance of microflora. The course of treatment is 6 days. During pregnancy is allowed only from the second trimester. Entering the drug once a day;
  • Livarol- the active substance is ketoconazole. It kills the fungus, prevents the reproduction and spread of affected cells to other organs of the small pelvis. Enough 3-5 days of treatment with this drug. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina 1 time per day - preferably at bedtime. Candles are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Betadine- an iodine-based drug. Excellent relieves inflammation, destroys viruses, sanitizes the wounded surface. It is used for viral and bacterial infections. The introduction of the drug is indicated for a week daily. Allowed during the period of gestation and lactation.


Anti-inflammatory suppositories for uterine erosion:

  • - the drug of this name contains dexpanthenol in combination with chlorhexidine. This drug not only relieves inflammation, but also accelerates the process of wound healing (after cauterization of erosion). Do not use soap while using these suppositories, since alkali is an antagonist for their active substance. The course of application of suppositories - from a week to 3;
  • Hexicon- an antibacterial agent (based on chlorhexidine), which not only destroys the causative agent of the disease, but also normalizes the vaginal microflora. The drug has no contraindications, and is hypoallergenic. Candles are used intravaginally, 1 suppository 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days;
  • Genferon- a drug based on benzocaine, interferon and taurine. It acts as an antiseptic, stabilizes metabolic processes and regenerates damaged tissues. In addition, suppositories have immunomodulatory and antiviral properties. It is prescribed twice a day every day for a period of 10 days to three months.


With this ailment, candles based on nonoxylon-9 should not be used, because it can increase damage to the mucous membrane.

The only spermicidal agents that are allowed for cervical erosion are benzalkonium chloride suppositories. These are drugs that negatively affect the pathogenic microflora, have a moisturizing effect, and also prevent the appearance of pain during intercourse.

These contraceptive suppositories should be inserted into the vagina in a horizontal position, lying on your back. After the introduction of the drug, at least 10-15 minutes must pass before the ejection of sperm.

One suppository is designed for one sexual intercourse.

After washing the genitals with soap, the effectiveness of the active substance is significantly reduced.

The best suppositories based on benzalkonium chloride are 3 representatives, their action and composition are almost identical:

  • Erotex;
  • Pharmatex;
  • Benatex.


It is unacceptable to use candles without consulting a specialist! The doctor will select the necessary drug, based on the type and nature of the course of erosion!

What to use after cauterization

After cauterization of cervical erosion, careful hygiene should be observed until the scab falls off. During this period, a woman may be disturbed by yellowish discharge mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor.

To normalize the microflora of the vagina and speed up the process of wound healing, it is worth using suppositories based on components such as:

  • chloramphenicol(helps reduce the amount of discharge);
  • boric acid(softens and helps to reject the scab);
  • (increases the regenerative capacity of the tissues of the cervix);
  • chlorampinecol(broad spectrum antibiotic - affects gram-positive flora);
  • anestezin(reduces pain)
  • methyluracil(promotes tissue healing and stimulates local immunity);
  • miramistin(fights infection)
  • dexpanthenol(has a wound healing and antimicrobial effect).

The use of such candles is allowed a few days after the cauterization procedure.

It is better to introduce them intravaginally in the supine position, you can half-sitting. The course of therapy is from one week to 10 days.

Suppositories will have a more significant and faster healing effect after with a solution of furacilin.

How to choose

Which suppositories are best suited for the treatment of cervical erosion, only the attending physician can decide, because it is he who conducts the examination and examines the test results.

To make the right choice, you need to match:

  • symptoms;
  • signs;
  • type of disease;
  • degree of neglect;
  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • the presence of pregnancy, etc.

Is there a bacterial infection, is there an inflammatory process, and is contraception needed - these are the main questions that should be answered before choosing which candles to treat erosion.

To sanitize a wound and stop the inflammatory process, suppositories based on miramistin and chloramphenicol are best suited, and to destroy bacteria and viruses, you should use suppositories with clotrimazole and iodine.

Incorrect selection of medications can significantly harm health, so self-medication is categorically not recommended.

Candles for cervical erosion are the simplest and most gentle method. Among the huge variety, you can choose the following candles.


Applicable for:

  • (usually as part of complex therapy)
  • (endo- and exo-)
  • Vaginitis
  • In many cases where rapid tissue regeneration is needed

Due to the components included in the composition, depantol has a pronounced antiseptic, regenerating, metabolic effect.

Contraindications may be individual intolerance to some components of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, its use is also possible. In case of allergic reactions, a burning sensation, a tooth is possible. In this case, you should choose other suppositories for cervical erosion.

Apply depantol intravaginally, one suppository 2 times a day for 7-14 days (if necessary, 20 days).

The cost of depantol candles is approximately 300-350 rubles per package (10 candles in a package).

It must be remembered that depantol is not compatible with cosmetic soap, so you should not use it during the treatment period.


Candles for cervical erosion "Hexicon" - a modern and effective means of treating and preventing various diseases of the female genital area. A distinctive feature of the drug is that it does not damage the natural microflora of the vagina, while helping to defeat the disease. This is the main reason why it is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Hexicon is used for:

  • Endocervicitis
  • Vaginitis
  • Prevention of inflammatory diseases before childbirth and abortion
  • Before installing the uterine coil
  • Before operations

There are practically no contraindications, with the exception of sensitivity to one of the components of the drug. As a result, there may be a burning sensation and a tooth in the area of ​​hexicon injection. If such symptoms appear, its use should be discontinued.

For the treatment of diseases, 2 suppositories are used per day (morning and evening) for 7-10 days. For the prevention of diseases, 1 suppository per day (after unprotected intercourse - no later than 2 hours later, or at night).

The cost of hexicon candles is low - about 200-250 rubles per package (10 candles in a package). This is a very reasonable cost for effective treatment.


Suporon candles are made on the basis of an extract from therapeutic Tambukan mud, thanks to which they have anti-inflammatory, healing, biostimulating action.

Suporon is used for:

  • thrush
  • Erosion of the cervix
  • Cervicitis (endo- and exo-)
  • Colpitis
  • Vaginitis

The main contraindications for use is an allergy to the components of the drug. Remember that the composition includes propolis, ginseng, cocoa butter. If you are allergic to at least one of the components, the use of suporon suppositories is impossible.

Apply suppositories intravaginally, once a day at bedtime. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

The cost of the suporon is within 350 rubles per package (10 candles in one package).

Fitor candles

Phytor candles or candles with phytor for cervical erosion are one of the safest and most effective remedies. Due to the fact that they contain natural components and trace elements that are obtained by drying medicinal plants, they have no contraindications. Their use is possible for any woman.

Phytor candles are used for:

  • Erosion of the cervix
  • Vaginitis
  • Adnexitis
  • cervicitis

They have antipyretic, hemostatic, analgesic, bactericidal action.

Apply them should be 2 times a day (morning and evening, before bedtime).

Check the cost of candles in the nearest pharmacies, because it can vary greatly.

Remember that while using this drug, you should refrain from taking alcohol and drugs.


If you have candles, it can be used as the main or in complex therapy. This should be discussed with a doctor.

You need to enter any candles, taking a horizontal position. If you are concerned about the discharge after the introduction of suppositories, you can put a pad or make a tampon from gauze or cotton wool, this will help to avoid discomfort.

Be healthy!



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