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Among the many bodyweight exercises, most people prefer push-ups. There is nothing surprising in that - push-ups are great for training. top part bodies, if performed correctly, they have a beneficial effect on health shoulder joints and so on. If an athlete sets a goal to increase the number of push-ups for short term up to some significant limit, for example, up to a beautiful number with several zeros, there is nothing difficult about it provided regular training. We offer a method for increasing the number of push-ups designed for 10 days, during which you will pay maximum attention to this particular exercise according to a certain pattern.

Some useful information.

Types of push-ups

Depending on the distance between the hands during the exercise, push-ups are of three types: narrow, wide and regular.

Push-ups with a regular grip (hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart) – this works the chest, shoulders and triceps equally.

Push-ups with a narrow grip - the load goes mainly to the shoulders and triceps.

Wide grip push-ups – the main load is placed on the chest and a little on the triceps.

Some Helpful Tips

1. Learn how to do push-ups correctly.

Before you start counting the number of push-ups, you need to be sure that you are doing them correctly. For each set, your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart for regular-grip push-ups, your hands placed directly under your shoulders or even slightly closer together for close-grip push-ups, and significantly wider than shoulder-width apart for wide-grip push-ups. The back and legs are stretched out in a straight line, the lower back in no case sag, the abdominal muscles are tense. The balls of your toes should rest on the floor.

2. Do it different kinds push-ups.

3. Rest between sets.

You should rest between sets for at least as much time as your first set took. For most beginners, this figure will be 20-30 seconds.

Method of push-ups to increase the number

First of all, try doing push-ups. In order to begin to increase the result, you need to remember the starting point. Do push-ups from the floor using any grip that is comfortable for you for as long as you can, as long as the technique is maintained. For example, your maximum in push-ups is 30 repetitions, multiply this number by 4. It turns out that during each day you need to do 120 push-ups. How you achieve this amount is not so important. It is important to maintain this amount per day.

For example. Let's say you need to do 100 push-ups. Distribute this amount throughout the day using the example of 6 options:

— 2 sets of 50 repetitions;

- 4 sets of 25 repetitions;

- 10 sets of 10 repetitions;

- 10 push-ups (every hour);

- 50 push-ups (morning and evening).

The basic rule is to multiply your maximum amount 4 push-ups and distribute the resulting number throughout the day as convenient for you. You train like this for 10 days. After which you rest for 4-5 days (without training at all), and on day 14-15 try to do as many repetitions as you can. You will definitely see the difference!

When I was 22 years old, I was on holiday with my girlfriend.

On the second day of our vacation, my girlfriend and I went to some sport's event, where its organizer announced the start of a competition in which it was necessary to do as many push-ups as possible on the floor by the pool.

The reward was recognition.

Naturally, I accepted the challenge.

Most of the participants were pumped up huge college football players who did 30 push-ups, some 40-50. The guy in front of me did 56.

For some reason I was sure that I could do more. After all, before this trip, I completed a training course called “Ready for beach season».

My turn came, I took a position and... did 78 push-ups! Hell yes! I won the competition.

It doesn't matter what kind of physical shape you are in now, because once you learn all the secrets of this exercise, you will be able to do it much more than before.

I have been using these tips for many years and have already taught many people of different ages and level of training.

Push-ups are the best pushing exercise that you can use to strengthen your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. They can be performed anywhere, which is also very convenient. We propose to use them in the article, although there are other movements there.

Being able to lift your body weight shows strength and endurance. This power will be useful to you in Everyday life and more than once, for example, getting up from the floor, opening the door and much more. From a visual point of view, this is one of best exercises for the development of rock-solid and powerful muscles chest, ones that are hard to miss.

Whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete, I'm going to show you how to increase your push-ups in a week so that you can see your progress and feel stronger every time you do it. First, let's cover some basic fundamentals.

Why can't I do a single push-up?

Zero times? Are you seriously?! If you are asking this question, then here is my answer:

Your push muscles (chest, triceps) are not strong enough to lift (lower) your body weight. This can all be fixed, so don't worry.

How to quickly learn to do push-ups

If you still can’t do it even once, watch the video, it shows auxiliary exercises that will prepare you to perform full quality push-ups from the floor.

  • Keep your body straight (buttocks level with shoulders)
  • Engage your core muscles as much as possible to stabilize your lower and upper body.
  • Do not relax throughout the exercise
  • Keep your shoulder blades together to engage your chest muscles and protect your shoulders.
  • When moving down - inhale, when moving up - exhale

2 ways to increase your number of push-ups

There are two ways to learn how to do push-ups and how to quickly increase the number of times...

The first way is focus on eccentric(“negative”) phase of contraction. It's about that you should be as focused as possible while slowly lowering your body to the floor.

Eccentric contraction is the active contraction of a muscle while it is being stretched. For example, as when moving the body towards the floor. Eccentric contraction is defined as the active contraction of a muscle while the muscle lengthens. For example, when pressing, when lowering to the floor. Essentially, you are moving your body against gravity, keeping it from falling under its pressure.

Typically, the eccentric phase will also cause soreness about 48 hours after training (don't worry, it usually happens after the first workouts or after increasing the load). E That moment in training should be an incentive for you to push yourself, gather your last strength and complete the movement. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s just 1 push-up or +1, the main thing is to stay focused at this moment in order to be able to challenge yourself.

We'll talk about the second method a little later, but now let's focus on the eccentric phase of the exercise...

1a. For Beginners: How to Start Doing Lots of Push-Ups by Focusing on the Eccentric Side of the Question

Phase 1:

Let's say you can't do a single push-up. I'm sure you could do it from your knees, but I want to show you the best way to do the full version of the exercise (from your legs) using eccentric training.

Start in the top position, with your body and arms straight, lower your body down to the floor very slowly - count to 6. Rest on the floor for a second, rest on your knees and return to the starting position.

Do 5 reps.

Yes, it is NOT a full movement, but focusing on the “negative” part of the movement is the best way to strengthen the arm and chest muscles needed to eventually perform the exercise with proper form.

Phase 2:

After several such trainings, it will be easier for you to lower yourself to the floor. The next step is to learn to push your body back to the starting position. This is the "concentric" phase of contraction, and it can seem complicated at first, so let's break it down.

Start in a position where you are on the floor with your knees resting. Tighten your core muscles, keeping your body straight from shoulders to knees, push yourself off the floor with your arms straight, knees still on the floor. Then lower yourself slowly (4-6 seconds) and repeat.

Once you've successfully completed 5 reps at a time, you're ready for phase 3.

Phase 3:

All previous skills come together here. By this point, you should be able to slowly lower yourself to the floor and come back up, resting on your knees.

Now let's put it all together and try to get one quality rep on the feet.

Start in the top position, arms straight and slightly more than shoulder-width apart, core engaged, legs straight. The fulcrum is the toes.

Lower yourself down slowly (4-6 seconds) and once you have almost reached the floor, push your body up into the starting position with an energetic movement.

It is very important that after the start of the “push” the core muscles are tense and the body moves in a straight line, and not in waves, as often happens when a person is not yet ready to perform a full push-up.

Congratulations, you did it!

Phase 4:

Now that you've learned how to properly perform a full push-up, keep at it. The number of repetitions should increase gradually. Remember to focus on a very slow eccentric lowering and a vigorous pushing up.

Honestly, I like this method of how to quickly learn how to do push-ups and do it many times the most, because you concentrate on doing the exercise correctly, and not on the quantity that involves larger number muscle fibers and brings more benefits.

1b. Advanced: How to learn to do a lot of push-ups by focusing on the eccentric side of things

If you're like me and can easily do 20, 30, 50 (or more) pushups without even breaking a sweat, then let me show you how to do even more pushups (or at least make it harder) with concentration on stretching muscles after contraction (and several other tricks).

The technique for performing the exercise for advanced level athletes is the same as for beginners. You need focus on lowering your body very slowly (4-6 seconds), and add the following two elements:

  1. Push up as hard as you can - this will engage even more muscles and make you stronger and more powerful.
  2. Push your elbows into your torso, and do not keep them near the sides - this will create additional load on triceps and chest muscles

You can also make the exercise more difficult by using a weighted vest. While you won't be able to do more push-ups with extra weight, they are a great way to increase your push-up strength and develop your chest muscles.

I have 23 kg. a vest that I wear very often during my training for strength rather than reps. During these workouts, by concentrating on slow/fast tempo of the exercise and keeping my elbows in my torso, I can only do 4-6 push-ups instead of my usual 15-30 push-ups without additional weight.

Eccentric Push Up Workout Plan

This 4-week workout plan is suitable for beginners (if you can do push-ups from your knees or feet) to advanced levels. You can make the exercise more difficult by using a weighted vest, and do not forget about the technique of performing the exercise.

"Maximum amountrepetitions"= the number of push-ups (partial or full) you were able to perform before starting this workout plan.

“+1 (or other number)”= number of additional push-ups you will add to your basic level to make your workout more challenging.

Note: Week 4 is a recovery week, so do fewer push-ups. This week is very important to ensure that your body returns to normal faster and you can move on without harming or injuring yourself.

2. “Do a hundred push-ups against all odds ” OR how to do it 100 times

For many people, performing a proper push-up, let alone doing 100 push-ups, can be extremely difficult.

But, if you want to get stronger, then this 12 week plan will help you. In fact, it will help you learn to do 100 push-ups without stopping in 12 weeks!

The difference between this plan and the previous one is that here you perform the movement consistently and smoothly, without paying attention to technique.

You probably think it's impossible to do 30 or 50 push-ups, let alone 100 in one set, but trust me, anyone can do it! All you need is the right plan training and repetition.

Let's move on to the diagram of how to do 100 push-ups, starting with one repetition per set. You are ready?

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Week 1 5 x 1 5 x 1 Rest 4 x 2 4 x 2 Rest 4 x 3
Week 2 5x2 5x2 Rest 4 x 3 4 x 3 Rest 4 x 4
Week 3 4 x 5 4 x 6 4 x 6 Rest 3 x 8 3 x 9 3 x 10
Week 4 Rest 2 x 12 Rest 3 x 10 Rest 4x8 Rest
Week 5 2 x 15 2 x 16 Rest 3 x 15 3 x 15 Rest 4x10
Week 6 2 x 20 2 x 22 Rest 3 x 20 3 x 20 Rest 2 x 25
Week 7 4 x 18 4 x 20 Rest 2 x 38 2 x 40 Rest 3 x 30
Week 8 Rest 3 x 55 Rest 4 x 30 Rest 5 x 25 Rest
Week 9 2 x 45 3 x 45 Rest 2 x 50 3 x 50 Rest 2 x 60
Week 10 3 x 55 4 x 50 Rest 3 x 60 Rest 2 x 65 3 x 65
Week 11 2 x 70 4 x 65 2 x 80 Rest 2 x 80 3 x 75 2 x 85
Week 12 Rest 2 x 90 Rest 2 x 95 Rest 3 x 90 1 x 100

The same training table in the picture to download to your computer.

How to use this program

  • First digit = number of approaches
  • Second digit = number of repetitions

The shorter your rest between sets, the better, but in later weeks, when you have to do almost 100 push-ups for a certain number of sets, increasing the rest time is simply necessary. There is no need to take a long break. Rest 5 minutes between sets to complete the required number of sets and reps.

If you cannot complete the target number of repetitions in one set, give yourself a few seconds to rest and continue until you complete everything.

I repeat, this program is for those who can do at least one push-up. It is designed specifically for beginners. If you do everything as expected, then by the end of week 12 you will be able to perform up to 100 repetitions.

If you are a professional...

If you can do 1 push-up, and I'm sure you can, then test yourself now and do as many reps as you can.

For example, if you do 50 push-ups, then start this training program from the beginning of week 9. Most of the way for you passed.

The remaining 4 weeks of training will allow you to reach 100 push-ups!

Want even more exercise options?

You always have to want more. If you want to add some spice to your training or challenge yourself, watch this video and try other options:

How to do push-ups if your hand hurts in your wrists?

I want to answer one more question that I get asked a lot. And if you are familiar with this situation firsthand, then here’s how to do push-ups when your wrists hurt...

The best way to ease the situation is to use dumbbells to lean on while doing push-ups. The wrists will remain in a more neutral position, and without excessive tension as with the normal version.

This picture fully reflects what I mean:

    1. Do push-ups correctly. First, you should read about how to do push-ups properly so you don't hurt yourself and bring more benefits.
      • Remember that you should not touch the floor, but you should lower your body as low as possible.
    2. Be realistic. You cannot increase the number of push-ups in 1 day. You will need to take the time to become stronger and more resilient. In the early days, do some push-ups 3 times a day with a break of 2 hours. Even if you did 1 push-up, in a week you will easily do 7.

Part 2. What are you capable of?

  1. Before training, count how many push-ups you can do without preparation.. Do push-ups until your vision blurs or your hands give out. The number of push-ups depends on your physical training.
  2. Before starting your workout, give your muscles a rest for 15 minutes. And remember, you don’t need to check your results every day.

Part 3. Training

  1. Start your workout with a small number of push-ups. For example, if you are doing 30 push-ups, start with 20.
  2. Take a break for 2-3 minutes. When your muscles have rested, repeat the exercise 2 more times. And so several times a day.
  3. Each time after a successful workout, try to do a few more push-ups. Do the same number of approaches as in the last workout.

Rest often.

    Your muscles need as much rest as they do exercise. Sometimes you can relax by jumping rope. Read the article on how to jump rope.

Part 4. Making it perfect.

  1. When you are already doing push-ups consistently, improve your performance by 4-5 push-ups each workout. Even if you don't have enough strength, try your best. Never give up!
  2. After reaching 50-60 repetitions, try more difficult push-ups.
    • Try to do push-ups on one hand or on your fingers. You can also try push-ups with clapping and jumping.
    • For 10 sets per day, replace them with 2-3 different difficult push-ups or push-ups with additional weight (you can just put a backpack with books on your back).
    • After 60-70 push-ups, you can do more complicated variations more often.
  3. Once you reach 100 push-ups, don't stop! Improve your physical state. And remember, you are doing all this only for yourself.
  • It is best to do push-ups during work or some activity. You can do 2 approaches for advertising on TV. If you play or work on the computer, you can rest your eyes while doing push-ups.
  • If you miss a few days, then go back to the previous result. For example, if you did 20 push-ups, then two days later do 19.
  • Don't just do push-ups. They can be combined with pull-ups, barbell lifts, abdominal crunches and much more.
  • Don't stop at 100 push-ups, do more and more each time.

Pushups- this is very effective exercise, which develops the chest muscles and triceps muscle (triceps). Also, since this is a complex exercise that involves great amount muscle groups, it allows a person to maintain his body in fairly good physical shape if he exercises physical activity regularly.

Today there is a large number of types of push-ups that involve stress on completely different muscle groups. For example, if you place your hands wide, the chest will take an active part in the work, but if you place your hands closer to each other, the triceps will be involved in the work, and most of the load will fall on them.

In addition, there are other variations of push-ups that can specifically target the upper chest, shoulders, and so on.

If you take this exercise seriously, you can get your body into fairly good physical shape. Push-ups have always and everywhere been very popular, so we should take a closer look at this exercise. In this article I will give you detailed guide, which you can use to effectively plan your workouts and know what's what.


If the goal of the training is to increase muscle mass, you need to concentrate not on the number of repetitions, but on the technique of performing push-ups, as well as on the load. That is, if you first perform 20 repetitions, then 40, 60, the effect on muscle mass gain will be very small. The fact is that training with your own weight does not give the same results as training with iron, since the muscles get used to the load very quickly. A high number of repetitions will only allow you to increase your endurance, but hypertrophy muscle tissue this approach will not work.

This requires a completely different approach. Very often, people simply do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, so many limit themselves to training at home. But how to exercise to build muscle? Everything is quite simple. If you want to gain muscle with push-ups, you need to increase the load with additional weights. This could be a briefcase filled to the brim with bottles of water, you can put dumbbells there, a bag of sand, in general, anything to increase the weight. Remember, to grow muscles you need to tear them, to do this you need to constantly increase the load. To training with own body They are mainly included in the work, but the fast ones remain unaffected. This is why endurance increases.

Effective muscle work requires a maximum of 12 push-ups in four sets. It is much better to monitor the execution technique, complicate the program, and not do more repetitions each time. You can complicate the task in every possible way, but if you have little experience to begin with, you can simply do push-ups according to the classical scheme. Once you can perform 12-15 reps without problems, you can apply additional weight. As you gain more experience, you can make the challenge more challenging with more complex movements, for example, try putting one hand behind your back while doing a push-up with one arm.


When performing push-ups, you use different muscles. The type of movements and technique play a major role in this matter. If you do classic push-ups, then you get the heaviest load pectoral muscles, triceps, back, abs.

The triceps work best when you keep your hands close to each other during the process. The pectoral muscles come into play when your arms are located far away, that is, you perform the exercise with your arms wide. Push-ups, in which you lean on your fingers or fists, help strengthen your wrists.

If you're starting from scratch, try doing the exercises on your knees first. Then slowly move on to standard exercises. Athletes who have experience in this matter do not only classic push-ups, but also resort to weights, as mentioned above.

If you are not yet ready for such methods of complicating the task, do the exercises with your feet on a chair. This way the arms will receive a load of several kilograms from above, and the upper chest will also be more involved in the work.

If you are studying in gym, push-ups will be a good warm-up exercise or for practicing at home. In this case, the complex will simply help maintain an enviable shape.


Let us remember that muscles receive required load only when you feel them. So learning to “hear” each of your muscles is the main task for you. This is especially important in relation to the muscles of the chest and arms.

During the lesson, your actions must comply with the recommended technique. Control your back - it should be straight. Make sure your buttocks do not rise high.

Performing the exercise with outstretched arms. Let's start with push-ups. Bend your elbows and lower your body down. The chest should not touch the floor, but it should be on minimum distance From him. Watch your breathing. When you go down, inhale, when you go up, exhale.

The position of the hands affects the distribution of weight and load. The outer part of the chest muscles and deltoid muscles are included in the work if the arms are placed wide. Proximity helps active participation internal elements of the pectoral muscles, triceps. The load changes with changes in body position.


By doing body lifting/lowering exercises, you are actually strengthening your body and doing something good for it.

Firstly, in the process of training you really increase muscle strength, but for such purposes you need to use special program. We will describe it a little below. If you do everything according to the recommendations, you will be able to build muscle in the near future.

Secondly, with the help of such exercises you will cheer yourself up. In the process of lowering and raising the body, the cardiovascular system and muscular system work more harmoniously. Even after twenty times performed, your pulse will become faster, and there will be a rush of blood in your muscles. Such processes in the body will make you more energetic and will have a positive effect on the health of your heart system. Thanks to this exercise, you will feel much better. It is worth noting that as a result of push-ups, excess fat mass is burned much faster due to. Undoubtedly, physical exercise, this is not the main factor that affects losing weight. And the main factor in this regard is nutrition, read more.

Thirdly, such exercises will help keep your body in excellent shape. The muscles of people who do not exercise regularly become clogged. Subsequently, such people need to make much more effort to ensure that their physical fitness and body parameters remain at the proper level. But thanks to push-ups, your body will always be in good shape.

Even those people who do not go to the gym for at least a week will feel discomfort in the body. To avoid discomfort If you don’t have time to play sports, push-ups will help.


Do not forget that restrictions and rules also apply to performing such exercises. There is no need to organize classes according to several schemes at once. This will bring them down. useful action. If you are working out in order to get an impressive result, follow the steps, use one training program. If it does not give the desired result, change the program.

If you want to avoid muscle relaxation, reinforce your push-ups with other exercises. There is no need to perform the complex every day. The muscles recover within almost three days, and their active growth observed just during rest breaks.

Many methods have been proposed today. Beginners need to choose a gentle, but at the same time effective program. This, for example, can be called a technique that provides solid muscle mass in six weeks. Such a schedule provides for a gradual increase in the number of exercises, starting from the fourth week of classes. While doing the exercises, you also perform more lowering and raising with each approach.

It is necessary to consider such a question as types of push-ups from the floor special attention. All of them are divided into groups of different complexity. However, remember that exercise with a huge load may not be effective. Types of activities that are noticeably difficult are suitable only for “seasoned” athletes.

The easiest types of exercises with lowering and raising the body are push-ups from the knees, head up, etc. More difficult are push-ups with your hands spread out, head down, medium grip, and narrow palms. The “winners” in terms of load in this line are push-ups with a jump or on one arm.

No matter what type of push-ups you use, remember: “you can’t jump above your head.” It is better to put stress on the muscles gradually, without skipping classes.

Now about how to practice. There is a rumor among athletes that push-ups must be performed not only in the gym, but also at home. This scheme will supposedly simplify “basic training.” Approach this task carefully and responsibly. Let's say you currently train your pectoral muscles one day a week. To begin with, you can add only one workout at home to this activity. Monitor your feelings. If you feel that after such a load you can handle it, start doing the exercise gradually on other days of the week. You can train in this mode for a maximum of four weeks. After this period, it is best to return to one lesson in the gym and one complex at home.

That's very good program for weight using push-ups (this should be used if you do not go to the gym):

A week Number of repetitions and approaches (recommendations)
1 Daily perform 3 sets of 10-20 reps with a regular stop of the arms (slightly wider than the shoulders) and 3 sets of 10-20 reps with narrow ones. The number of push-ups depends on the physical fitness of the athlete. You can perform the exercise 2 times a day. You need to perform the exercise slowly and smoothly.
2 Daily performance of 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions with normal hand position and 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions with narrow hand position. It is necessary to push up with the use of additional weighting agents. For example, first put 5 kg of additional weight in your briefcase, then increase the weight by 5 kg every week.
3 Everything is the same, only the additional weight will already be not 5, but 10 kg.
4 + 5 kilograms of additional weight to the total. That is already 15 kg.
Additional tip To make push-ups even more effective, you should use not only different angles of inclination, width of hand positions, but also additional equipment in the form.

Remember, as was said earlier, you should not limit yourself to one exercise, you should perform whole complex to different muscle groups. However, you get the point. Gradually start with the smallest and gradually increase the load, as was actually shown in the program for a slightly higher weight. Also, if you want to increase the number of repetitions, up to 100-200 push-ups at a time, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the really working one.


As mentioned earlier, there are a large number of types of push-ups that load one or another muscle group. Let's look at the most popular variations, the technique of which must be followed when performing them.

Each type of exercise is intended for athletes of a certain level of training. That is, the classic version, which we discussed above, is intended for both beginners and advanced athletes. However, there are variations that are suitable for a certain level of training; in fact, we will now examine this and much more.

The first option that you should pay attention to after the classic one is push-ups with a narrow hand position. This variation is for more experienced athletes. If you can easily perform 12-15 repetitions, you can undoubtedly add this type of push-ups to your routine.

This variation is the antagonist, that is, the opposite of the close grip bench press. Push-ups themselves are analogous to barbell presses, the only difference being that instead of a barbell, you press your own weight.

Exercise technique:

  1. Take a starting position. Lie on the floor with your stomach down, rise up with your arms straight. The torso and legs should seem to create one straight line. Do not bend the spine, do not lift the buttocks up. Place your hands so that thumbs could touch each other. However, you don’t have to place your hands too narrow to include the triceps in the load; it’s enough to place them approximately shoulder-width apart. The most important thing is the elbows, they cannot be spread to the sides during execution, they must be pressed to the body.
  2. Once everything is ready, slowly lower yourself down as you inhale, and rise to the starting position as you exhale. The body should always be straight, you cannot make any bends, deflections, raise your buttocks, and so on.

This type of exercise involves the use of additional equipment in the form of a stable bench. If you are training at home, you can use a chair, but you need to secure it with something so that when doing push-ups, the chair does not “go” forward and the person does not get injured.

This is enough easy option, which can be used by both men and women. The main advantage of this variety is that while lifting the body to the peak point, the load “falls” to bottom part pectoral muscles.

Exercise technique:

  1. The technique of performing the exercise is quite simple and does not require any additional knowledge regarding this exercise. Everything is exactly identical to classic push-ups. Hands are slightly wider than shoulder width, back straight. Place your hands on the bench, keeping your back motionless, and begin to do push-ups.
  2. During the descent we take a deep breath, during the ascent we exhale. Remember, you don't just need to move up and down, you need to feel your muscles. It will be very useful to perform this variation on the horizontal bars, since there you can grab the pipe and, using a concentrated grip, increase the tension in the target muscles. Grip strength plays a very important role in performing any exercise.

The level of difficulty when using this variation increases, since the load falls on the upper chest, and you perform the exercise at a significant angle, which actually affects the increase in load. The movements also become more difficult, since most of the body weight falls on the arms.

Just like in the previous exercise, this variation must be performed with the same technique as the classic version, the only difference being that you use a bench to complicate the work.

Exercise technique:

  1. Place a bench behind you, place your feet on the bench and rest your hands on the floor. The width of the arms is slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. The hands themselves need to be placed a little further than shoulder level, that is, a little forward.
  2. Take a deep breath and lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor, then return to the starting position.

This option is perfect for beginners. If a person has no experience and cannot do 1-3 push-ups, he should start with the easiest one, namely push-ups from the knees.

Exercise technique:

  1. Take a lying position, rest your knees on the floor. It will be very convenient to cross your legs so that they do not dangle and interfere with you while working. Hands are slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. On deep breath lower yourself down and, as you exhale, rise to the starting position.

The difficulty level of push-ups using one arm is very high, so perform this type should only be used by advanced athletes who have been training for several years.

What would you like to say about this variation? It perfectly develops the strength of the athlete's shoulder girdle. Also, in addition to the shoulders, the triceps and pectoral muscles are actively involved in the movement.

Exercise technique:

  1. The starting position is almost no different from classic version, except perhaps the width of the legs. In this variation, the feet need to be placed much wider to provide support during push-ups. Take the starting position, place your feet wider (as shown in the picture). Place the weight of your upper body on one arm and tuck the other behind your back. When you can maintain your balance without problems, you can start doing push-ups.
  2. If you are trying to perform the exercise for the first time, it is possible that at first you will not be able to completely lower and rise, thereby completing the movement through its full amplitude. In order to master this type of push-up perfectly, you do not need to perform the exercise at full amplitude in the beginning. Go no deeper than 10-15 centimeters, after which every week go lower and lower.

This type is quite difficult to perform and requires some experience, so it is best for beginners to perform classic push-ups.

The advantage of this subtype is that by spreading your arms wider than usual, you thereby remove most of the load from the triceps and transfer it to the pectoral muscles. IN this option The chest muscles are better stretched.

Exercise technique:

  1. As in most of the options that we examined in this article, the starting position in this option is practically no different from the original. The only thing you need to do is spread your arms wider and turn your hands outward, that is, so that they look at different sides, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.
  2. As you inhale deeply, lower yourself, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.


In conclusion, I would like to say that push-ups are an excellent exercise for training at home. It is recommended for everyone, regardless of age and level of physical fitness. This is a great exercise that will help anyone get in shape and improve their health.


Many people associate the invigorating and fresh aroma of spruce with New Year holidays. Essential oil gives joyful emotions and creates a festive atmosphere at home. Conservationists refuse. Instead, they buy artificial ones, and to immerse in the aromas of the coniferous forest, spruce oil is applied to it.

Besides, healing properties natural product used to eliminate many health ailments, as well as in cosmetology.

Spruce essential oil aroma

The oil is obtained from common spruce needles by steam distillation. Thanks to this method, everything is saved useful material tree. To get just 1 kg of product, you need to process 500 kg of pine needles.

The essential oil has a fresh pine aroma, with bitter notes of resin. The smell is quite strong, but pleasant. The essential oil goes well with the following oils: orange, bergamot, valerian, geranium, lavender, mandarin, lemon balm, juniper, ylang-ylang, rosemary, rosewood.

Composition of essential oil of spruce

Vitamins: B, C, E, PP.

Minerals: aluminum, iron, manganese, copper, stilbene, chromium.

Acids: benzoic acid, caffeic acid, etc.

In addition, the oil contains resins, tannins, camphene, phellandrene, limonene, camphor, borneol, bornyl acetate, cadinene, santhene.

Useful properties and benefits of spruce essential oil

  • has antibacterial and diuretic effects,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • prevention and treatment of colds,
  • cures the flu,
  • fights diseases respiratory system,
  • improves the condition of asthma and chronic bronchitis,
  • eliminates cough,
  • helps to recover after operations,
  • strengthens the work of the heart,
  • stimulates metabolism,
  • treats bladder problems,
  • eliminates cystitis, urethritis,
  • helps with joint and muscle pain,
  • relieves calluses and corns,
  • heals wounds and bruises,
  • disinfects indoor air,
  • repels insects,
  • reduces sweating (considered a natural deodorant),
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system,
  • relieves depression,
  • lifts the mood
  • fights the blues
  • restores strength,
  • energizes,
  • increases performance,
  • improves sleep,
  • treats skin diseases,
  • heals purulent wounds,
  • improves the condition of hair and skin,
  • gives the skin firmness and elasticity,
  • stimulates hair growth,
  • prevention of hair loss and dandruff,
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

Contraindications and harms of spruce essential oil

  • individual intolerance,
  • pregnancy,
  • psoriasis,
  • kidney pathologies,
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer.

You should not overuse spruce essential oil or exceed its dose (see below) to avoid an allergic reaction. It is also forbidden to apply it to the skin undiluted, otherwise you may get burned. Mix the product with base oils. After applying the mixture, a tingling sensation may occur.

How to choose spruce essential oil

To get the full benefit from a product, you must purchase it responsibly. Always pay attention to the texture and aroma of the spruce oil. It is colorless, fluid and light.

To check the quality of the ether, it is recommended to apply a couple of drops on a sheet of white paper and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, the oil should evaporate and the stain should disappear. If this does not happen, then the product was most likely diluted with regular oil.

The shelf life of spruce essential oil is: 5 years (provided the bottle is well sealed).

Application of spruce essential oil

Due to its rich composition, the oil has found wide application in medicine, cosmetology, and everyday life.

How to take spruce essential oil

The ether is taken both externally and internally. For therapeutic effect It is customary to add a few drops to various healing mixtures and inhalations. To improve the condition of skin and hair, oil is included in masks and cosmetical tools. For relaxation and Have a good mood It is recommended to add ether to baths, aroma lamps and special pendants.

When using the product, the following dosages are suitable:

  • aroma lamps – 3-7 drops per 15 m²,
  • pendants - 1-2 drops,
  • baths and rinsing – 4-7 drops,
  • sauna and steam bath - 10 drops per 15 m²,
  • massage – 3-6 drops per 2 tsp. emulsifier,
  • compress – 5-7 drops per 200 ml of water,
  • inhalation – 1-2 drops per 150 ml of water, duration 3-10 minutes,
  • cosmetics – 1-2 drops per 1 tsp. basics,
  • oral administration – 1 drop with honey, salads; you need to drink a lot of water.

The use of spruce essential oil in aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, this ester is used to provide positive impact on the emotions of a person and his nervous system. The oil helps relieve fatigue, invigorate and restore strength. It charges with energy and vigor - thanks to this, there is a desire to move forward, communicate with people and improve. In addition, spruce needle oil increases performance, both mental and physical.

The product helps a person find inspiration and inner harmony so that he can cope with depression and stress.

It can be added to aroma lamps during yoga and meditation.

Treatment with essential oil of spruce

For colds and flu. 1) 10 drops of spruce needle oil + 1.5 tbsp. basic vegetable oil. The oil mixture should be applied to the chest and back area with massaging movements.

2) 1 drop of ether + 1 tsp. honey + 0.5-1 glass warm water(not hot!). Take orally 1-2 times a day.

3) 1 tsp dry rosehip leaves (or oregano, St. John's wort, sage) pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 5-6 hours. Before taking, strain the infusion and add 1-2 drops of spruce oil. You can drink this tea 1-2 times a day.

For cough, asthma and bronchitis. Pour boiling water into any container, add 1-2 drops of ether per 150 ml of water. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the healing vapors. Be sure to close your eyes! The duration of the procedure is 3-10 minutes.

For pain in joints and muscles. Mix 5-7 drops of ether with 1.5-2 tsp. base oil. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze, then squeeze the fabric lightly. Apply it to problem areas. Cover the compress on top plastic bag, securing it with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for 20-30 minutes.

For healing wounds, ulcers, pustules. 1) The previous method will do.

2) 1-2 drops of ether + 1.5-2 tsp. base oil + 0.5 tsp. honey Mix everything thoroughly in a water bath. Apply to affected areas of skin when cooled.

From stress, to lift your spirits and cheerfulness. Accept medicinal baths with the addition of pine needle oil. Add 4-7 drops. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 20 minutes.

Spruce essential oil for hair

Given natural remedy It is commonly used to combat dandruff and hair loss. It is also perfect for moisturizing dry and brittle curls.

To add life, shine and health to your hair, add ether to shampoos, masks and other products. It is recommended to apply 2-3 drops of oil to the teeth of the comb and distribute it along the entire length of the hair.

Spruce essential oil for face

Thanks to antiseptic and antibacterial properties I use the oil in cosmetology to eliminate skin rashes. In addition, quality product improves the condition of the skin, gives it elasticity, firmness, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Let us repeat once again that in pure form essential oil cannot be applied to the skin. Burns may occur and allergic reactions. Always mix it with carrier oils such as almond, olive or avocado.

Spruce oil face mask

It is perfect for eliminating acne, pustules and skin rejuvenation. In addition, it gives a feeling of freshness.

2 drops of spruce oil + 0.5-1 tbsp. base oil. If desired, you can add 2 drops of chamomile or eucalyptus oil to the mixture. Apply the resulting mask carefully to the entire face or problem areas. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. After that, the remains oil mixture remove with paper napkin or towels.

Use of spruce essential oil in everyday life

It can be added to add flavor. But most often it is used to repel annoying insects. For this purpose, they resort to aromatizing the room using an aroma lamp.

In addition, ether is used for cleaning. 5 drops of the product are mixed with 5 liters of water. This mixture is used to wipe dust, floors, tiles, etc. This method perfectly disinfects the room.

Spruce has great benefits for human health. She strengthens him protective function and helps fight diseases of the respiratory system. And thanks to its aroma, it creates a festive mood and energizes you.



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