Onion peel: harmful, useful or useless thing? How zealous housewives use onion peel for their own benefit. Onion peel for hair - an effective tool for the treatment, strengthening, restoration of hair

Each of us strives to be healthy, but diseases do not sleep and haunt a person throughout his life. Deterioration ecological environment, permanent stressful situations and overload at work, and unhealthy food cannot affect health.

In an effort to get rid of the disease as soon as possible, people run to pharmacies to buy various expensive pills and potions. Unfortunately, undeservedly forgotten are alternative methods getting rid of diseases.

Folk recipes onion peel treatments have long been very popular with traditional healers.

What is useful onion peel?

Many useful chemical elements, which are part of the husk, make this product an excellent healer. Onion peel is rich in useful biologically active components.

As a result of scientific research, it was found that onion peel contains: B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin PP or a nicotinic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotene, phytoncides.

As a result of research, it turned out that onion peel contains the antioxidant quercetin, which is necessary for our body. Treatment with onion peel according to folk recipes is so effective thanks to quercetin.

Quercetin in onion skins is a natural remedy

Quercetin in onion peel prevents the development of many diseases, let's talk more about its healing properties.


Antioxidants prevent the development of many diseases, this happens by blocking the action of enzymes on cell membranes thereby reducing their permeability. There is a slowdown in the aging process of the whole organism at the cellular level.

The tone of the work of the myocardium, the main heart muscle, increases due to the stabilization of the connective tissue of the vessels. At eye diseases, more than fast recovery cornea of ​​the eye.

Used in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma. Quercetin also prevents premature aging skin, in connection with which, it is intensively used in cosmetology.


Quercetin has the ability to reduce some of the symptoms of allergic reactions.


Quercetin renders preventive action in the prevention of such vascular diseases as sclerosis. Occurs to prevent the formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The effect is achieved by neutralizing oxidation process lipoproteins.

Cardioprotective and hypotensive

Thanks to quercetin, the risk of thrombosis is significantly reduced. This happens due to the suppression of fission or the synthesis of thromboxane. This division is the cause of the appearance of blood clots and subsequently - blockage of blood vessels.

This property of quercetin is widely used in the treatment varicose veins veins. By increasing tone blood vessels, there is also an improvement in blood circulation and normalization of blood pressure in case of heart ailments.


Increase protective properties The body's immune system is achieved by activating certain blood cells. Activated, due to quercetin, T-lymphocytes are defenders against all infections. B-lymphocytes begin to produce antibodies and are involved in the creation of immunoglobulins, which means the fight against inflammation.

In this regard, there is a decrease in the number of various inflammatory processes, as well as diseases caused by a viral infection.


Thanks to quercetin, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, including bone tissue. The most rapid restoration of the integrity of the integument occurs after the transferred inflammatory processes of soft tissues, as well as with lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus. It occupies a well-deserved place in the treatment of poisoning, burns and frostbite.


Quercetin has a cleansing feature human body from harmful substances and slags, which can be the causes malignant tumors. By strengthening the immune system, the development of neoplasms that have already appeared is also delayed.

Quercetin has a very wide application. Due to its properties, this antioxidant is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Quercetin in onion peel - treatment of diseases

What diseases can be treated with quercetin contained in onion peel:

  • stomach diseases and food poisoning;
  • Prevention of thrombophlebitis, heart attack, stroke, cardio vascular diseases;
  • Treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, varicose veins;
  • Quercetin is used in complex therapy for the treatment of systemic and allergic diseases;
  • Skin treatment for burns or frostbite;
  • Treatment of eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy;
  • Application in cosmetic programs for body rejuvenation, slowing down the aging process and reducing wrinkles;
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance against various diseases.

Folk treatment with onion peel

Recipes compiled by the people explain in some detail the different ways of preparing medicine from onion peel. It does not take much time and effort, and does not require any specific experience.

Every person can cope with the preparation of healing potions from onion peel. Onion peel can be cooked in different dosage forms, in the form of tincture, decoction, and also different kind ointments and oils.

Alternative treatment with onion peel combines efficiency, simplicity and affordability in economic terms.

Treatment with onion peel - how to prepare medicine

Before proceeding to treatment, we will learn how to prepare the main onion medicines:

For the preparation of medicines, onion peel must be finely chopped. If heating or boiling is required, it is recommended to use water bath or a very small fire.

Preparation of onion broth

Pour well-chopped husks with water. Water should be twice as much as husks. We put on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, we filter it through two layers of gauze. Store in the refrigerator no longer than 6 hours.

The resulting onion broth is used inside and for lotions.

Water infusion of onion skins

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped husks with boiling water - 40 milliliters. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. When it cools down, strain. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours.

Onion alcohol tincture

We fill the bottle to 1/5 of its height with chopped onion peel. Top up the bottle with vodka. We insist in a dark place for a week. Then strain and store in a well-closed bottle. You don’t need to make a lot of tincture - the recommended volume is 200 milliliters. With long-term storage of the unstable, it loses its healing properties, as crevertetin is destroyed.

For flu treatment: apply alcohol tincture of onion peel - 20 drops of tincture to half a glass of warm boiled water. Week course.

Onion oil preparation

Pour chopped onion peel with olive or sunflower oil (you can castor oil). Keep in a dark place for two weeks. Then we filter - we succeeded onion oil. We store it in a well-closed dark jar in the refrigerator.

The prepared oil is used externally: for fungi, boils, calluses.

Runny nose with flu or cold: mix 10 drops of onion oil infusion with 2 drops eucalyptus oil. Do therapeutic inhalations in the morning and before going to bed in the evening.

Preparation of onion ointment

Grind the onion peel in a mortar into a powder. Mix the resulting powder with pork fat(lard), petroleum jelly or baby cream. We store the resulting ointment in a well-closed ceramic or glass jar in the refrigerator.

Apply onion ointment externally, for skin diseases, the ointment helps well with fungal skin lesions.

Onion peel tea

Whisper of chopped onion peel pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. We filter. Tea is ready. It is advisable to drink it at night.

Onion tea is good for headaches, cramps, varicose veins (capillaries and veins). Useful tea to improve vision and eye fatigue, hypertension.

Folk recipes for the treatment of onion peel


To prepare the medicine, you need to take: 2 tablespoons of onion peel, linden and mother and stepmother - pour half a liter of boiling water over the floor, cover and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, strain. Drink at high temperature 1 glass 3 times a day.

Loss of energy with the flu or a cold

Mix 1 tablespoon of oregano and raspberry leaves, add 3 tablespoons of onion peel and 2 tablespoons of raspberries (you can dry or frozen) - pour the whole floor with a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour under the lid. Then strain.

Drink healing infusion a glass before bed.

Boost your immunity when you have a cold

cook useful decoction: mix a spoonful of onion peel with a teaspoon of licorice, a glass pine needles- pour 2 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons of chopped rose hips and boil for another 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and pour into a thermos. We leave the broth until morning in a thermos, and in the morning boil again and immediately remove from heat. We use the resulting decoction to increase immunity - we drink as regular tea up to 2 liters per day.

Drink warm, preferably with honey and lemon.

For laryngitis or loss of voice

We mix 2 tablespoons of burnet roots and onion peel, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for half an hour. Let the broth brew for 2 hours and filter it.

Received decoction dilute with a glass boiled water and gargle, it is very desirable to gargle every hour. The broth should be warm.

Prevention of viral infections

It is necessary to cut the licorice root and chop the onion peel. Take a teaspoon of both, mixing with a handful of pine needles. Boil 2 liters of water, let cool slightly. Pour the resulting vegetable mixture and leave to boil for 20 minutes.

Next, you need to add rose hips, in the amount of 2 tablespoons, and then boil for another 1 minute. The resulting broth must be poured into a thermos for infusion. After 12 hours, the solution must be filtered and placed in a dark, cold place.

The dose is 1 liter per day.

Vessel cleansing

It is necessary to insist for one week 2 tablespoons of onion peel, filled with 100 ml of vodka. Room temperature and dark place will optimal conditions for insistence. Then you need to strain the resulting liquid.

Using a pipette, drop 20 drops of the resulting tincture into a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil. The medicine is taken half an hour before meals, three times a day.

In violation of the menstrual cycle (absence of menstruation)

Preparing a decoction is very simple. Onion peel, in the amount of 2 tablespoons, pour a liter of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth must be filtered and taken before meals in half a glass.

Onion inhalation with a cold

Take onion peel, in the amount of 4 tablespoons. Boil 1 liter of water and add the husk. Wait a little while the broth cools down, so as not to burn yourself, and breathe for 5 minutes over the steam.

This procedure will help to cure any kind of cold.

Onion peel and healthy veins

Onion peel tincture will help get rid of varicose veins. To do this, pour vodka, in the amount of half a glass, 2-2.5 tablespoons of onion peel. Week to insist in the dark. Strain. Take before meals, about half an hour, in the amount of 19 drops 3 times a day. The course of admission is 10-12 days.

Hemorrhoids are afraid of onions

For treatment hemorrhoids a warm onion bath is used. This bath is prepared within 10 minutes. It is poured with two liters of milk 4 tablespoons of husk. Boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. It is necessary to pour the broth into a small bowl, so that you can sit in it. The bath is taken for 8-10 minutes.

Dry cough? No problem

The decoction is prepared from 2 tablespoons of onion peel and 2 glasses of water. Mix everything, boil on low heat for 13 minutes. Cool, strain.

The drink must be warm. It is taken before meals. A quarter of a glass is drunk 3 times a day.

The right remedy for cystitis

Cystitis is cured with a decoction consisting of 2 tablespoons of onion peel and 400 ml of boiled water. The solution must be covered with a lid and insisted for at least 30 minutes. The broth must be cooled and filtered.

Taken orally: in case of exacerbation - 2 times a day for a quarter of a glass. The duration of treatment is about 5 days; at chronic form illness - 10 days 4 times.

The cut will heal quickly

Grind the husk to a powder state. When receiving minor wounds, as well as when diaper rash occurs, it is recommended to sprinkle the affected area with the resulting powder.

How to cure a boil without surgery

Make dough from onion husks, plantain, honey and flour soaked in water. You should get a fairly thick dough. A cake made from such a dough is applied to the boil and fixed. After a few hours, the cake needs to be changed.

Within 2 days, the boil opens without causing pain.

Treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat

After straining, you can apply. At follicular angina add a teaspoon of sage herb to the decoction. Cooking in the same way.

How to get rid of eczema and fungus

Put more onion peel in the broth. Lubricate places with severe eczema with onion solution. If eczema is on the head, then, in addition to local lotions, it is necessary to rinse the hair after each wash.

In case of fungal infections of the nails of the hands or feet, it is recommended to steam the places affected by the disease for 25 minutes.

ABOUT tons of corns will not remain a trace

Fill a glass jar with onion peel, you can tamp it down to fit more. Pour the husk with table 9% vinegar. The jar must be wrapped in parchment paper. Nourish the husk with vinegar for 2 weeks.

After the time has passed, the vinegar must be drained and the husk dried. Having previously lubricated the place around the corn with petroleum jelly, the husk is applied, already directly on the corn. This procedure is done at night. In the morning, having steamed out the leg, try to scrape off the callus.

Onion soup for osteoporosis


Pour three glasses into a container clean water. Add grated carrots. Three onions are cut along with the husks and fried in sunflower oil. The roast is added to the pot. Parsley leaves are added, as well as celery and dill.

Everything boils for 20 minutes. The resulting soup is cooled and filtered. In the morning, drink 1 glass of onion soup instead of breakfast.

Onion soup for osteoporosis - recipe number 2


Onion, peeled and fried in oil, is poured with a liter of water. The husk is placed there. Everything boils for 15 minutes, without adding salt. After boiling, the husk is discarded. The prepared soup is designed for a three-day treatment.

From onions you can cook not only medicine, but also very delicious dishes I offer you wonderful recipe French cuisine: FRENCH ONION SOUP

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern cuisine. Fitness and health.

Onions ... Most of us use this one way or another useful product. Many dishes that have won the hearts of modern culinary specialists have this appetizing plant in their composition. It can be fried, boiled, baked, grilled, pickled, or simply eaten raw. Apart from good taste Onion has a number of useful properties. Each of us has repeatedly heard about it, but, as it turned out, the most useful part is that part of it that is customary to simply throw it away.

onion peel

The part of the bow that most people think is useless actually has amazing properties. able to fight many diseases, due to its unique composition. It contains organic acids, salts, phytoncides, flavonoids, various vitamins of group B, E, C, PP and many others. useful trace elements. Onion peel as a medicine has been valued since ancient times. Healers and sorcerers of the past widely used this remedy for the treatment of a number of diseases. modern medicine for a long time ignored what can not be said about traditional medicine.

People have always used onion skins extensively. She found a use not only in the treatment of ailments, but also as a dye. brown eggs, ubiquitous at Easter, are painted with the help of onion peel. In addition, it can tint and strengthen hair, put in order problematic skin.

Beneficial features

The people know a lot of useful properties that onion peel possesses. Treatment, reviews of which are usually purely positive, is a great example of this. It turns out that what we throw away as unnecessary garbage can bring great benefit our health. Onion peel has an antioxidant, antispasmodic, choleretic, tonic, and sometimes even laxative effect.

Also, this amazing tool can effectively deal with cancer. Substances contained in onion skins can slow down, if not completely stop the development of cancer cells. With its help, you can successfully remove sodium and chlorine salts from the body. You can be sure that such compounds in the body of a modern layman are simply deposits. For vessels, onion peel is extremely useful tool, which will help to avoid strokes and generally improve the condition of the entire circulatory system.

Cosmetic properties

It's hard to list everything beneficial features for which onion skins are famous. Treatment for 100 diseases implies help not only from internal ailments, but also from external manifestations unhealthy image life. Onion peel can once and for all solve skin problems that expensive ones are powerless against pharmaceutical preparations. Properly prepared onion broth can save you from acne, fungus, warts, dry corns and other diseases. skin. Often, ointments and creams are made from onion peel for these purposes, allowing you to get the maximum effect.

Hair can also become stronger and healthier if the medicine is used wisely. Onion peel decoctions will help get rid of dandruff, make hair healthy and improve its structure. In addition, they can be used as a natural dye. Unlike chemical analogues, such hair coloring will not only not harm your health, but will also make your curls healthier.

Immunity and colds

Onion peel is also famous for its positive influence for immunity. It has a general strengthening effect on the human body, protecting it from onion peel decoctions can be of help in increasing immunity, which will help to avoid health problems in winter period. Onion peel as a cure for flu or sore throat has proven its effectiveness over many centuries of its use.

Against a runny nose, cold or allergic reaction this recipe is suitable: 4 tablespoons of chopped husks are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Then you need to breathe in the vapors of this solution for five minutes. Another useful onion decoction will help strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of onion peel and a teaspoon of chopped licorice root. Then add about 50 g of needles to the mixture, after which you should pour it all with two liters hot water. The resulting liquid must be put on a small fire for 20 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of ground rose hips to it and boil for another couple of minutes. After that, the broth is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for at least 10 hours. Over the next 2-3 days, you need to drink from 1 to 4 liters of this broth (depending on how you feel).

Treatment of varicose veins and edema

Varicose veins and swelling of the legs haunt many women, and some men too. Onion peel will help get rid of this problem. Treatment, reviews of which are filled with delight and positive, will help restore the legs to their former youth and beauty. A slight effect will be observed even from an ordinary bath with onion broth, but for best results I need to make onion oil.

To prepare it, you need to finely chop a handful of onion peel and add 2 tablespoons to it. olive oil or oils grape seeds, if any. The resulting substance is poured into a ceramic or glass vessel, in which it will be infused for the next 10 days. The resulting oil can be rubbed into the legs or massaged with it. It is best to do this 2 times a week, then it will be noticeable positive effect, which renders onions and onion peels.

Oral treatment

With stomatitis or periodontal disease, the same onion peel will help you. The benefits of its use will not be long in coming if you rinse your mouth with diluted onion broth twice a day. Full course such rinses last 10 days, after which problems with the oral cavity should completely stop. How to make a treasured decoction? To make it, you need to pour 3 teaspoons of onion peel with 0.5 liters of water and bring the liquid to a boil. The decoction is then infused for three hours. A wonderful remedy for the treatment of the oral cavity is ready!

Onion peel for diabetes

Onion peel, as well as the onion itself, are an indispensable product for diabetes. Vitamins and microelements included in their composition significantly alleviate this ailment. This vegetable is almost completely free of proteins and fats, so diabetics do not need to worry once again when eating onions. Another benefit of onion skins is a substance called allicin. He is responsible for the ability of this folk remedy to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, as a result of which the need for insulin decreases. Also, the beneficial effect that onion peel has on blood vessels avoids the complications inherent in diabetes.

The prescription for diabetes is quite simple. It is necessary to pour a small handful of crushed husks hot water and insist the resulting solution in a thermos. Optimal time insisting - about 8 hours. The resulting broth should be drunk in a third of a glass half an hour before meals. Difficult to find medicine safer than it is almost absent, which allows it to be used even by seriously ill people.

Onion peel for hair

So, how can onion peel help hair? Treatment, reviews of which exceed even the wildest expectations, promotes rapid hair growth and helps get rid of dandruff. It is very easy to make a decoction for hair. To do this, pour onion peel with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave to infuse for 10 hours. The resulting tincture can be washed with hair, but the course should not be more than three weeks. After such procedures, the hair will become much stronger and healthier and slightly change its shade, absorbing the pleasant color of the onion peel.

Onion peel ointment

For external use of onion peel, an ointment is best suited. She can become excellent remedy against wounds and boils. Onion ointment helps with dermatitis and fungal diseases, helps to eliminate corns and warts. And most importantly, when applied externally, the harm of onion peel is negated. To prepare the ointment, you need to grind the husk into dust. After that, mix the resulting powder with any neutral cream or petroleum jelly. Fat is also suitable for this purpose. Store the ointment in a cool dark place, preferably in a glass container. use it effective remedy can be against any skin diseases, especially if combined with drug treatment. There are no restrictions on the duration of the course.

Onion peel: contraindications

Like most others herbal remedies, onion peel is relatively safe, but it also has contraindications. Just like with any other medicine, dosages must be observed here. Naturally, it is very difficult to get poisoned by onion peel, but it is better not to arrange such extreme checks on your body. This applies to the intake of decoctions and tinctures, with external use of onion ointments, an overdose is excluded.

There are those who absolutely cannot take onion peel. These are people suffering from increased blood clotting. Onion peel contains quercetin, a substance that promotes blood clotting. This can aggravate the problem, lead to the formation of blood clots and other troubles. In any case, you should not think that onion peel will help you from any illness. Treatment, reviews of which can be found everywhere, is not a panacea. It would be wiser to consult with your doctor before using traditional medicine recipes.

An undeservedly forgotten tool

Today, people are immersed in modern outlook, discarding most of the knowledge obtained by the ancestors. This led to the fact that many folk remedies that have helped people for centuries have been forgotten. Instead, pills, drops, pills and syringes flooded homes. But our ancestors lived without all these quirks of civilization and did not complain.

What can onion skins offer you? Treatment for 100 diseases! It not only relieves some of the symptoms of one specific disease, like expensive drugs from a pharmacy. Useful material contained in the onion peel, have complex impact on the body, benefiting all its components. The same is true with most other medicinal plants - taking them for any particular ailment, you get a bunch of extra benefits. beneficial effects For a present. The benefits and harms of this folk remedy are described in most detail in the book "Onion peel. Treatment for 100 diseases." It presents the most effective methods treatment with onions, as well as delicious dishes from this unusual vegetable.

You used to throw away onion skins as useless trash. Now you have a chance to reconsider your views on this wonderful remedy. Perhaps it is the onion peel that will help you solve the problem, long years prevented from living life to the fullest.

Onion peel is considered completely safe means for almost everyone. The only restriction for onion peel treatment exists for people suffering from high blood clotting. The use of onion peel is quite wide, but it is necessary to use it, especially in medicinal purposes, only clean shiny husks from a healthy ripe onion.

So, how can onion peel be used for medicinal purposes?

First of all, onion peel has a beneficial effect on the state of our blood vessels. Traditional medicine offers a recipe for improving the elasticity of blood vessels: pour a handful of onion peels into 0.5 liters of water and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Strain and mix with 1 tablespoon of weakly brewed tea. Is it recommended to drink? glass 3 times a day for a long course (3-4 months).

Known methods of treatment with onion peel bronchial asthma, allergic conditions. Mix 5 tablespoons pine needles and 2 tablespoons of onion peel and chopped (dry) rose hips. Pour raw materials with 1 liter of water, cook on low heat for 10 minutes, strain, pour into a thermos and let it brew for 8 hours. You should drink 0.5 liters of infusion daily in a course until the condition improves.

Effective use of onion peel for stomatitis. Pour 3 teaspoons of onion peel into 0.5 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, strain and let it brew for 8 hours. Rinse your mouth with onion broth 5-6 times a day until the condition improves.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of onion peel for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Pour 3 teaspoons of onion peel with 2 cups of boiling water, wrap and let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain. Drink onion decoction 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for 1 month.

At chronic prostatitis and adenoma the following traditional medicine recipe is recommended. Pour 1 cup of onion peel with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, wrap and let it brew for 3 hours. Drink 0.5 cup four times a day for a course of 1 month, then take a break for 1 week and repeat the course of treatment again.

Onion peel is widely used for dermatitis, fungal diseases of the skin and nails, corns, boils due to strong antiseptic properties. Pour 1 tablespoon of onion peel with 1 cup of vegetable oil and let it brew in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain the oil infusion and pour into a dark glass bottle. Lubricate the affected areas in the morning and evening with a course until the condition improves. Store oil in a dark place.

For the treatment of various skin irritations with onion peel, it is good to prepare an ointment according to this recipe: chop the onion peel and mix with baby cream in a ratio of 2: 3. Transfer the resulting ointment to glass jar and store in a dark place.

Onion peel for hair has long been a natural dye. By the way, such vegetable paints as henna, onion peel, basma, chamomile, green nut juice, rhubarb, are not only absolutely harmless, but also beneficial to our hair. Onion peel improves hair structure and stimulates their growth, and also helps to get rid of dandruff.
Rinse your hair with onion decoction after each wash. The oil-onion mask very effectively improves the condition of the hair and scalp. Pour chopped onion peel (1:3) with burdock or castor oil and let it brew for 3 weeks. Rub the resulting composition into the scalp with massaging movements. Wrap your head in a towel and leave overnight.

Sometimes we don’t even think that herbs, vegetables and fruits are so useful and appreciate only them. taste qualities or external beauty. Consider the beneficial properties of plant products that surround us. The article focuses on the beneficial properties of onion peel and its impact on human health.

The value of onion peel and how to use it

People rarely think about what the products we use on a daily basis can bring us. invaluable benefit. Let's dwell on the most common vegetable known to everyone - this is onion. Almost every meal is not complete without it. Its beneficial properties have long been studied and used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Less common but very effective remedy It's just plain onion skins. Its properties are known even to our great-great-grandfathers, who were treated exclusively folk remedies. Onion peel contains a whole storehouse of useful elements:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, P, PP, carotene;
  • Silicic acid;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Quercetin;
  • macro and micronutrients.

The use of onion peel ensures the removal of toxins and excess salts from the body. It is a good laxative, choleretic, tonic, antispasmodic. Excellent antiseptic. It is used for the prevention and treatment of cancerous tumors, as it contains quartzetin, allergic manifestations, bronchial asthma, inflammation genitourinary system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Husk infusion treats stomatitis, useful as a prophylactic against colds, influenza. Its use allows you to get rid of a number of male diseases, women use a decoction for painful periods and for rinsing their hair, because after washing with onion tincture, they become stronger, silkier, with a rich shade.

Thanks to centuries-old folk observations, today we have a number of recipes that are used to prepare medicinal infusion from onion skins. Medicines are so easy to prepare, but quite effective. From onion peel, it is easiest and fastest to prepare a decoction, ointment, oil, infusion. It all depends on medical purpose this tool.

First of all, you need to prepare raw materials. Collecting enough onion peel, wash it, dry it well and grind it. To prepare the decoction, you need to take the husk and water in a ratio of 1: 2 and put this mixture in a water bath and insist for 15 minutes, then let it cool and filter. Be sure to use it freshly prepared. Such a decoction is good in the form of lotions and compresses.

Alcohol infusion for the treatment of colds and inflammatory processes is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 100 gr. husks;
  • 200 ml alcohol.

Everything is placed in a glass dish and placed in a cool dark place for 7 days. A lot of medicine should not be done, because it must be taken fresh, otherwise it loses its properties. They drink the course for a week, then rest for a week, 20 drops each.

When there are skin problems (dermatitis, ulcers, fungus), it is better to use onion ointment. To prepare it, it is necessary to grind the husk as finely as possible, to a powder, and mix it with baby cream or lard. Store the resulting product in a glass container in the refrigerator.

It helps to relieve swelling and reduce the manifestation of varicose veins, oil made from onion peel. To do this, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials and mix it with 2 tablespoons of olive or grape oil, and insist ten days in a glass dish. Store in the refrigerator, use for daily use (massage, rubbing).

Husk in cosmetology

To strengthen and color hair, you can use yellow onion peel, and blue, Yalta onion - the benefits will be noticeable in both cases. Application for rinsing infusion of yellow onion husks will make hair brown-yellow hue. And the use of Yalta onions will give the hair a blue-black tint. Therefore, yellow onion husks are best used for coloring. blonde hair, and Yalta - for black and dark brown hair.

Onion peel not only dyes hair, but also eliminates dandruff and seborrhea, prevents hair loss. Curls get healthy look become smooth, elastic, shiny and more durable.

Particularly useful are infusions of onion peel for hair suffering from frequent perms, from ammonia, which is contained in almost all hair dyes. Onion peel restores hair, exhausted by serious illnesses and pregnancy.

Making a decoction for rinsing hair is not at all difficult. Take 30-40 grams of onion peel (3-4 handfuls), pour 400 ml of hot water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand. After an hour, the infusion will need to be filtered and moistened with clean, dried hair, rubbed into the scalp. Rinse off the infusion is not necessary - dry and comb your hair.

Another recipe for a decoction to strengthen hair. Pour 25 grams of husk with 450 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, strain the solution and rinse your hair with it after shampooing.

Lotion of onion peel, nettle and cloves. Take 100 grams of fresh nettle, 7 chopped cloves, 40 grams of onion peel. Pour the components with 250 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of water. Close the jar tightly and store in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain and use to heal, strengthen and rapid growth hair. To do this, rub the lotion into the scalp two hours before washing.

Husk in medicine

The benefits of onion peels are enormous, a great variety of infusions and decoctions can be made from it for the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases and ailments. Husk goes well with others medicinal plants, it can be used in formulations and collections with rose hips, hawthorn, with medicinal herbs.

Recipe 1.

Onion peel will help strengthen the heart and get rid of heart failure. Substances contained in onion peel tone up the activity of the heart muscle, accelerate blood circulation, nourish and strengthen the walls of blood vessels - all this benefits the heart and helps it perform its function better.

Take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2 tbsp. spoons of onion peel, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry rose hips. Rosehip and onion peel can be ground in a mortar. Pour the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let it brew for 5-6 hours. Then strain, and take one-third of a glass 3-4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, after which you can take a short break.

Recipe 2.

Onion peel on vodka. Take a half-liter jar and fill it with onion peel by a third. Fill the jar with vodka or alcohol completely. Close the jar tightly and store in a dark place for 7 days. Then strain and pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Quercetin is destroyed during long-term storage and the benefits of the tincture disappear, so do not make a lot of tincture at once. It is better to cook it as needed.

For the treatment and prevention of colds and flu, vodka tincture is taken 20 drops 3 times a day before meals for 10 days. The tincture can be washed down with water, or diluted in a small amount of water.

Vodka tincture has its contraindications. It can harm people with liver disease or kidney problems. Vodka tincture is contraindicated for children under 16 years of age, patients with hypertension and alcoholism.

Contraindicated alcohol tincture pregnant and lactating women, alcohol harms the baby.


Onion peel practically does not cause harm, but it still has contraindications. The main contraindication is increased clotting blood, since quercetin, which is present in its composition, thickens the blood.

During treatment with husks, alcohol consumption should be limited, and strong medications should not be taken.

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I would like to draw your attention to the whole spectrum valuable properties onion peel, which we so thoughtlessly throw away. If you knew what you were throwing away, you would never do this!

My grandmother had beautiful hair, which adorned her head with a thick hat, and there was never any dandruff, because she washed her hair with a decoction of onion peel. And you don't have to paint. The broth is prepared very simply: pour a handful of husks with a glass of water, boil for 5-10 minutes and cool to a pleasant temperature.

Mom cooked soup, using onions only in the husk. Not only does the soup acquire an appetizing shade, it becomes much healthier thanks to the onion peel. It is very useful to add a pinch of onion or garlic peel to the teapot when brewing black or green tea.

While working at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, I found out how many useful things are contained in this "junk" product.

For example, substances that tone up cardiac activity, increase immunity, not to mention expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anticancer and many other properties.

Hypertensive patients can drink onion peel tea every day to significantly improve their health. This is also tested on my friends who are so saved from hypertension.

There is one more wonderful property in onion peel: a decoction of it helps to remove excess sodium and chlorine from the body, and this is very important for the cores. Mom, when she is told about different cleansing techniques, always laughs: why, they say, suffer when you can drink a decoction of onion peel, which has been used by traditional medicine for centuries.

It's been six years since I got rid of leg cramps. He suffered, especially at night, terribly. Saved me from the husk onion. Here's what to do. Put a pinch of onion peel in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then take out the husk and drink the resulting golden drink at night. When I woke up in the morning, I could not believe that I slept peacefully, my leg did not bother me. Since then, every evening I drink onion tea.

So why is onion peel so useful? What healing substances are present there? Studies have shown that garlic and onion peels contain 4% of the antioxidant biflavonoid - quercetinin.

Natural biologically active substance, belongs to the vitamin P group. The active substance is Quercetin: 3,5,7,3 "4" - Pentaoxyflavone. It is an aglycone of rutin. Chemical formulaС15H10O7 Molar mass 302.236 g/mol, yellow crystals Density 1.799 g/cm³

This wonderful and noisily famous substance today is also associated with apples. They, along with onions, garlic, and green tea, are considered a major source of quercetin. And since for one reason or another, most of us need quercetin in higher doses, we need to get it from all these sources and, if possible, daily. Renowned Dr. Atkins considered quercetin to be the best antihistamine and prescribed it to his patients suffering from different forms allergies.

However, most doctors know it as a means of prevention. cardiovascular disease. People who consume a lot of quercetin have a significantly lower risk of heart attacks and strokes and the likelihood of blood clots.

If you take a piece of garlic scales and look under a microscope, you can find cubic crystals of quercetin stacked in rows.

In onion scales, the crystals are needle-shaped, pale yellow, laid out in rows along the veins of the scales. It is very important. Since quercetin is an antioxidant, it is more effective in this crystalline form. This is the basis of his role. biological clock. As long as it is active and does not let oxygen pass to the growth point of a clove of garlic or onion, they do not germinate. They are at rest. Therefore, a decoction of onion and garlic scales should not be stored for a long time. Better to use right away. I'm not talking about the drugs that are offered in pharmacies.

1996 can rightly be called the date of the second birth of quercetin, especially, the greatest interest is quercetin as an anticancer agent, not only preventive, but also therapeutic. According to some scientific research, it stops the development of leukemia and inhibits the growth of breast tumors. It was in 1996 in the magazine Clin. Cancer Res. (1996, 2, 659) published an article by D.R. Ferry et al. "Phase I Clinical Trials of the Flavonoid Quercetin: Pharmacokinetics and In Vivo Evidence for Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition", in which quercetin was shown to have a truly unique property restoration of p53 gene function in cancer cells. It is mutations of the p53 gene, which normally causes cells that "fold" to cancer path, commit suicide (apoptosis), are responsible for the occurrence of 50 - 60% of cases of neoplasms. By rehabilitating the p53 gene, quercetin helps in the treatment of breast cancer, prostate, large intestine, lung, brain, lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis.

The positive effects of antioxidants have been proven by many studies and many years of clinical trials. Antioxidants have vasodilating, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating and antiallergic effects.

The antiviral activity of quercetin has been proven, which makes it possible to use it for the prevention and complex therapy of a number of viral infections. At certain levels of entry into the blood, quercetin reduces the release rate of histamine and other biologically active substances. active substances from mast cells, basophils, neutrophils and macrophages, thereby providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Quercetin also slows down the formation of many products that accompany inflammation through participation in metabolism. fatty acids by forming certain enzymes. As a result, the formation of leukotrienes, which have a 1000 times stronger inflammatory effect than histamine, and can provoke the development of bronchial asthma, is reduced. ulcerative colitis, row skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

The ability to effectively bind histamine and histamine-like substances allows the antioxidant to be successfully used in the complex therapy of various arthritis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, hay fever and other allergic diseases. The antioxidant prevents the formation of ulcers and hemorrhages on the walls of the stomach and intestines caused by external stimuli; normalizes the functioning of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems.

pharmachologic effect

Quercetin reduces capillary permeability and increases resistance vascular wall, dilates blood vessels, lowers tone smooth muscle, has antispasmodic properties.

Quercetin is used:
Increased permeability and fragility of capillaries hypertension, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, hematological, infectious and other diseases; capillary damage during treatment with anticoagulants, arsenic, bismuth, thiocyanates; as an adjuvant and prophylactic vascular complications atherosclerosis (myocardial infarction, stroke, retinopathy), with radiotherapy and radiosurgical treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Quercetin is a means by which you will get rid of both your diseases and the causes that cause them.

Main action:

Antioxidant - quercetin protects cell membranes by blocking the action of the aldose reductase enzyme responsible for development late stages a range of diseases and free radicals exogenous and endogenous origin, inhibits the aging process of skin cells, cornea, myocardium.

Increasing the tone of blood vessels (veins, arteries, capillaries) - quercetin, having an antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect on connective tissue blood vessels, stabilizes cell membranes, reduces the permeability of their walls.

Antiallergic - quercetin prevents the production of histamine and serotonin (allergy mediators), reduces swelling in hay fever and other allergies.

Anti-atherosclerotic - quercetin is more effective than vitamin E in eliminating the potential threat to the heart from cholesterol. It protects low density lipoproteins from oxidation, reducing the likelihood of their accumulation in the walls of arteries and the entire vascular system. Regular consumption of quercetin will significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cardioprotective - quercetin improves myocardial function, as it increases the energy supply of cardiomyocytes, due to the antioxidant effect and improves blood circulation, as it prevents blood clotting, reducing the likelihood of blood clots, inhibits the synthesis of thromboxane.

Hypotensive - quercetin normalizes arterial pressure with neurocirculatory dystonia, with coronary disease heart, angina.

Immunostimulating - quercetin increases the activity of phagocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes, increases the production of antibodies, which reduces the manifestations secondary immunodeficiency, incidence of acute respiratory viral infections: facilitates adaptation to hypoxia in children who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections.

Anti-inflammatory - quercetin blocks the lipoxygenase pathway of metabolism arachidonic acid, prevents the production of leukotrienes, reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes. Quercetin prevents the formation of inflammatory substances in the body, causing pain, at rheumatoid arthritis, prick.

Regenerative - quercetin promotes accelerated healing wounds with periodontal disease, erosive and ulcerative diseases of the oral mucosa and upper divisions alimentary canal; purulent inflammatory diseases soft tissues caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; affects the processes of bone tissue remodeling.

Oncoprotective - quercetin, strengthening immune system and accelerating the production of detoxifying enzymes that rid the body of potential carcinogens, counteracts malignant cell growth in leukemia and breast cancer, colon, ovarian and endometrial cancer.

Combined treatment of inflammatory diseases, including arthrosis and arthritis;

Burn disease and frostbite;


Cosmetological rejuvenation programs, wrinkle reduction.

Strengthening immunity.


To slow down the aging process.

Conclusion: before throwing away the onion or garlic peel- think!



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