Causes of the appearance of sulfur in the ears. Why is it dangerous to remove it with cotton swabs

Hygiene rules oblige us to regularly clean our ears, removing sulfur accumulated in them. However, performing a simple and necessary procedure to remove the sticky yellow-brown mass, many do not even suspect that this is not just dirt accumulated on the walls of the outer ear, but a valuable and extremely necessary secret that our body produces for a specific purpose. Moreover, according to modern scientists, earwax can be a real barometer of our health, telling about the state of the body through a change in the color and smell of the secret.

Are you already interested? Then let's learn in detail about the functions of earwax, as well as what it can tell about our health.

Composition and functions of earwax

You will be surprised, but earwax does not enter the ears from the outside. It is produced by more than 2,000 serous glands located on the inside of the external auditory canal. Moreover, this lubricating secret is produced for a specific purpose, namely, to clean the auditory canals, as well as to protect the ears from fungi, bacteria and insects. Incredible, isn't it?

Ear wax consists of proteins, sticky fat-like substances (lanosterol, cholesterol), mineral salts and fatty acids. A little later, when this secret appears on the surface of the skin, the surrounding dust, dead skin particles, tiny hairs, sebum and many other substances join it.

Earwax is a very sticky substance, so any dirt and germs that get into the ears stick to it. Sulfur becomes a reliable barrier to the penetration of harmful microbes, thereby protecting the auricles and eardrums from inflammation and the development of deafness. Moreover, without sulfur, not only microbes, but also insects can penetrate deep into the ear, causing serious infection.

In such a cunning way, nature took care of the protection of hearing organs in humans. Moreover, this is by no means the only function of the secret produced by the body. Here are two more equally important features:

  • Sulfur is an excellent lubricant for the skin of the external auditory canals. Thanks to this feature, the skin on the ears is protected from drying out and inflammation. Interestingly, northern hemispheres have wetter earwax while Asians and southern hemispheres have dryer ones. Scientists attribute this to the low production of lipids in the body of representatives of southern countries.
  • Sulfur helps self-cleaning of the ears. It turns out that doctors are categorically against cleaning their ears with cotton swabs. According to doctors, in this way we only push the earwax deep into the auditory canal, contributing to the formation of ear plugs. The sulfur that appears on the surface of the ears dries out over time and leaves the auricle on its own, for example, when moving or chewing.

Color and smell of earwax

Having found out the functions of the ear secret, you can proceed to discuss its color, smell and consistency. It turns out that these qualities can tell a lot about the state of health.

In the normal state, earwax has a waxy, viscous consistency. If the allocated secret became liquid, began to flow out of the ear, this clearly hints at the development of the inflammatory process. It is also worth worrying if the sulfur is too dry. This may be a variant of the norm, and may indicate the development of an infection, dermatitis or fungal disease.

And now let's talk directly about the color of earwax. Normally, the secret in question has a yellow-brown color and a honey tint. But if its color begins to change, this may be a symptom of a developing disease. Here are a few examples of a characteristic change in the color of earwax.

1. Sulfur darkening

By itself, the darkening of earwax absolutely does not mean anything. Well, maybe that you were in a room filled with soot. However, if frequent nosebleeds are added to this symptom, you should consult a doctor. It may turn out that both symptoms hint at the development of a serious illness - Rendu-Osler syndrome. This is a severe hereditary disease associated with the inferiority of the vascular walls and the development of bleeding. The darkening of earwax can promptly inform a person about the problem in the body, so that he will sooner diagnose the disease and begin to fight it, preventing stomach bleeding, which can be life-threatening.

2. Milky yellow liquid sulfur

This color of the ear secret clearly hints at the development of a purulent process in the organ of hearing. As a rule, this is the very first symptom, which is very soon supplemented by fever, weakness of the body, swollen lymph nodes and pain when touched. Having found such symptoms in yourself, you should immediately see an otolaryngologist. A qualified doctor will be able to quickly identify the causative agent of the infection, which means prescribing antibiotics or antiviral drugs in order to prevent the development and spread of suppuration. Sometimes a timely visit to a doctor with this symptom saves a person's hearing!

3. Black sulfur

If you noticed black sulfur in your ears only once, this is not a cause for concern. Often this is due to ordinary pollution. However, if the color of the ear secretion does not change over time, there is a serious cause for concern. According to doctors, spores of certain pathogenic fungi stain black sulfur. Usually, with the development of this disease, severe itching in the ear is added to the appearance of black sulfur in the ears.

However, there are cases in which the appearance of black sulfur in the ear is accompanied by a rise in temperature, hearing loss and pain in the ear canal. All this may indicate an infectious process that requires urgent treatment. A particularly severe infection may be indicated by a rotten or fishy smell. By the way, infectious processes in the ear can be the result of damage to the skin of the ear canal with a cleaning stick, an attempt to insert inappropriately sized headphones, or listening to music too loudly.

But there are cases in which sulfur becomes black and flows out with clots of baked blood. All this indicates the presence of bleeding due to damage to the eardrum.

4. The secret of gray

The reason that sulfur has acquired a pronounced gray color, as a rule, is ordinary urban dust. This symptom is most often observed in people living in megacities and large cities, where dust often rises and smog is present, as well as in people who work in dusty and smoky rooms. This color of earwax should not cause concern.

5. Sulfur white

If the wax in the ears suddenly began to turn white, there is some cause for concern. The fact is that such a symptom indicates a lack of certain minerals in the body, in particular, copper and iron. In this case, contacting a doctor, do not be surprised if he prescribes you the intake of vitamin complexes and a diet high in iron and copper in food.

Sulfur plug and its health hazards

Speaking of ear wax, one cannot but mention the ear plugs that periodically occur in humans. There can be several reasons for the formation of sulfur plug. First of all, these are infections that cause an increase in sulfur production and change the consistency of the secret, making it too thick, oily and sticky. In this case, the sulfur does not have time to dry out and leave the ear canal naturally. It simply accumulates in the ear canal, gradually clogging it.

This process can be facilitated by the person himself, who, having decided to clean his ears, uses cotton buds for this. The use of a cotton swab does not help, but only exacerbates the situation. Some of the ear secretion falls on the cotton wool, but most of the accumulated wax is displaced to the eardrum, thereby increasing the likelihood of a dense ear plug. By cleaning your ears in this way over and over again, you bring the moment when a plug of sulfur appears in your ear.

With the appearance of a cork, a person’s hearing drops, discomfort and pain appear in the ear, where a dense cork has formed. Moreover, over time, this can lead to motion sickness, nausea, and even impaired coordination of movement, because the vestibular apparatus responsible for the coordination of movement is located in the inner ear, just behind the eardrums.

Do not try to remove the cork yourself. By doing this, you will only aggravate the situation by pushing it even deeper into the eardrum. It is also impossible to ignore a trip to the doctor in such a situation, because the accumulated sulfur will become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microbes, which can cause inflammation, which will very quickly penetrate into the body, primarily into the brain. Fortunately, by contacting a doctor, you can quickly and painlessly solve this problem. The doctor will simply wash the cork, saving the person from a lot of problems and discomfort, restoring normal hearing and restoring the work of the sulfur glands.

In order not to provoke the appearance of traffic jams in the ears, remember that you can only clean your ears with cotton turundas, removing accumulated sulfur at the edge of the auricle opening. If it becomes necessary to clean the ear canals at home, simply put a few drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution heated to room temperature into the ear, and after a minute remove the liquid from the ear by simply tilting the head and wiping the ear with a cotton swab.

Keep an eye on the condition of the wax in your ears and do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you notice changes in the color, consistency and smell of earwax. In some cases, this will help keep you healthy and prevent hearing loss.
Good health to you!

Ear wax is much more informative and useful than it seems at first glance.

Not the most pleasant topic to talk about, but it will help you learn a lot about your body by analyzing what it produces, including earwax.

The color, smell and consistency, frequency of any bodily secretions is an excellent signal of malfunctions and health problems, or assures you that everything is in order with your health. The same applies to earwax, but experts believe that it is not as informative as it seems to us, but you should not ignore it either.

Earwax is designed to keep microorganisms and bacteria from getting deep into the ear and ear canal. “People often worry about the state of earwax, asking why there is so much or little of it, why is it of one color or another. Do not worry so much about this, earwax is not mucus, where the quantity and color really means a lot, ”the specialist notes.

Despite the fact that sulfur is not very informative for the doctor, it can tell you something about the state of health. Here are 6 things sulfur can tell you.

  1. If your earwax seems watery, almost runny and has a greenish tint.
    If you sweat a lot and are actively exercising, then such sulfur may be the result of mixing with sweat compartments. However, if there was no stress, and the earwax still has a rather liquid consistency and a greenish tint, this may indicate the presence of an ear infection.
  2. If the sulfur is dry in consistency, or wet-sticky.
    The state of sulfur indicates genetic heritage. Each person's sulfur is either sticky and slightly wet or dry, this serves as a clue to unraveling genetic questions. Not so long ago, the publication Nature Genetics published the results of studies, according to which in people of Asian origin, the structure of earwax is not sticky, but dry, while in people of African or European origin it is more sticky and moist. Experts argue that the state of sulfur is associated with adaptation to the climatic conditions in which the ancestors lived and evolved.
  3. If earwax has a strong odor.
    A strong, unpleasant odor indicates a possible middle ear infection. The infection is characterized by a number of symptoms that otolaryngologists refer to as "chronic otitis media". And one of the most striking symptoms is the unpleasant smell of earwax. Middle ear problems are also characterized by other symptoms, you may hear noise or ringing in your ears, have trouble hearing evenly, or notice that your ear feels stuffy. In this case, contact a specialist immediately.
  4. If the sulfur has become very noticeable, it has leaked into the ear shell.
    Ear infections, or damage to the eardrum, are the root cause of the abnormal growth of skin inside the ear, the formation of growths. This problem is called cholesteatoma. Such growths are a kind of cysts, which leads to the fact that the accumulated debris fills the ear canal. As a result, instead of being invisible, as you are used to, sulfur forms into unpleasant lumps, or appears in the auricle in a trickle. Other symptoms of this disease can be a feeling of pressure in the ear, pain.
  5. If you don't have earwax.
    When there is a feeling that there is no sulfur at all, there is a miniscule chance that you are susceptible to the rather rare and almost unexplored disease keratitis obturans (a type of cholesteatoma). In this case, sulfur does not leave the auditory canal, but accumulates gradually, turning into a very hard formation that only doctors can handle. If you are prone to this problem, then other symptoms are observed, such as pain, sensation of a foreign object in the ear, discomfort.
  6. If the structure of earwax is layered
    This does not indicate a disease, it is simply a consequence of age. With age, there is a tendency for the sulfur to exfoliate compared to the familiar texture of peanut butter. This is not a problem, just age change. Do not be afraid of this process, the glands of the body tend to reduce secretions with age.

Ear wax is a substance that accumulates in the ear canal. It consists of several components, the main of which is the liquid secretion of the cells lining it. Sulfur helps cleanse and disinfect the outer ear, normally, its evacuation occurs due to the beating of the cilia of the cells lining the auditory canal, the movement of certain bones.

Excess or lack of sulfur may indicate violations in the body, improper hygiene. Wax in the ears also moisturizes the thin skin of the ear canal, so patients experience serious discomfort in any violation.

Composition and functions of sulfur

The auditory canal is part of the outer ear, i.e. it is in direct contact with the environment. It is covered with thin skin, its thickness is 1-2 mm. It is abundantly located sebaceous and sulfur glands. They secrete a liquid secretion. It mixes with dead skin cells and forms earwax. Normally, it has a brown color, pasty consistency, almost no smell.

The evacuation of sulfur is spontaneous, accumulations can be found at the entrance to the auditory canal. From there it is washed off with soapy water or removed with a dry cotton turunda. Others are not normally required.

Sulfur helps to cleanse the outer ear of various impurities. All small dust particles, spores of fungi (including pathogenic ones), as well as bacteria and viruses, enter the formed lump and are excreted from the body. Such self-cleaning of the channel prevents the development of colonies of pathogens on its skin, which, if the immune status decreases, can cause inflammation.

Violations in the evacuation of sulfur

The most common cause in difficult transport is the constant presence of a foreign object in the ear. It can be a hearing aid, headphones or earplugs. Sulfur accumulates and condenses. When you try to extract it yourself, it pushes even deeper. Water can cause it to swell and form full.

In this case, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • Partial deafness.

Special drops (A-Cerumen, Remo-vax) or (for example,) will help to cope with the problem. It is not worth removing sulfur with the help of improvised means - sticks, toothpicks. They are too easy to injure the thin skin of the ear canal.

Sometimes the problem of sulfur separation is associated with age-related changes in the canal skin. With intermittent traffic jams, it is recommended to use drops for preventive purposes.

Causes of hypersecretion of earwax, ways to eliminate them

Sometimes there is more wax than necessary, causing it to accumulate in the ear canal. If the viscosity of the secret is low, then it will constantly flow out, seriously disturbing the person. Otherwise, traffic jams will form. Typical causes of excessive sulfur formation include:

Insufficient secretion of sulfur

This phenomenon occurs with the following disorders and diseases:

  • Age. As we age, the secretion of the ear glands may gradually decrease. Older people in these cases complain of dryness and itching. Restoring the functions of the channel cells is quite difficult, usually you have to be content with supportive therapy. Lorindem ointment deserved good reviews. It is placed in the ear canal, the reception is carried out in courses.
  • . In this case, sulfur almost completely ceases to stand out. The disease often presents asymmetrically, ie. affects only one side. Anxious symptoms are noise and pain in the ears, a decrease in the ability to understand speech, dizziness, dry skin of the auditory canal, and a decrease in its sensitivity. In the early stages, physiotherapy, electrophoresis can help, but the main method of struggle is surgery.
  • Smoking. Giving up bad habits is the key to restoring the function of the ear glands. Unfortunately, this is not always sufficient. It happens that throughout life, patients produce little sulfur. Just as in the previous case, lorindem will help reduce unpleasant symptoms.
  • Dysfunction of the glands of the auditory canal as a result of poor hygiene. Taking into account the young age of the patient and the absence of bad habits, the DiaDENS-PK electrostimulator can help. It activates the restoration of damaged cells and tissues.

Change in color or consistency of sulfur

In some cases, the parameters of the ear secretion may change within the physiological norm. Sometimes this can be a diagnostic sign of an incipient disease. The most typical cases include:

Sulfur darkening

It is sometimes associated with Rendu-Osler syndrome. This is the name of a hereditary disease caused by disorders in the tissues of the blood vessels. It is necessary to pay attention to the symptom if nosebleeds have been added to it. Initially brown sulfur becomes progressively darker. The treatment is carried out by taking iron preparations, sometimes surgical correction is required.

yellow sulfur

Such a color of sulfur in the ears, most likely, indicates a purulent process. And we are talking about milky-yellow contents, possibly with white clots. Concomitant symptoms may be high fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, general weakness. After determining the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

black sulfur

This will most likely testify. A single black coloration of sulfur as a result of contamination is not a cause for concern. Another common cause may be. Sulfur is blackened by the spores of some disease-causing fungi. In this case, the patient will be disturbed by constant increasing itching. Treatment is with antifungal drugs.

Grey colour

The cause, most likely, is dust that has entered the ear canal. Sulfur often becomes gray among residents of large cities or steppe regions with frequent winds. In the absence of any additional symptoms, there is nothing to worry about.

white sulfur

This is evidence that the body lacks certain trace elements (in particular, iron or copper). With concomitant symptoms of hypovitaminosis, complex preparations will help solve the problem. Before using them, it is better to consult a doctor.

Reduced viscosity

Permanent Branch liquid sulfur from the ear may indicate an inflammatory process. Sometimes it is the result of an ear injury. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis after a detailed examination with an otoscope and a series of tests.

Dry sulfur

This is how dermatitis, skin diseases manifest themselves. Also, this consistency may be associated with an insufficient amount of fat in food. They are the basis of the allocated secret. Treatment will be based on a specific diet. Some Asian peoples often have certain mutations. They lead to permanent dryness of the earwax. The probability of such a mutation in a European is less than 3%.

Important! Dark earwax is not always a sign of any disease. It often depends only on the degree of contamination. Sulfur can vary in color from sandy to dark brown. Such changes are within the normal range.

Bad smell from the ear

In some people, earwax normally smells specific. This may be due to the peculiarity of metabolism, hormonal changes. During the transitional age or with the onset of menopause, the smell may intensify. Sometimes sulfur begins to smell when it stagnates in the canal, if for some reason its excretion is impaired. In this case, it is worth cleaning the ears from sulfur with the help of special preparations.

You should consult a doctor if:

  1. Earwax smells like fish. This is often indicative of.
  2. A putrid odor emanates from the ear and from the discharge. It is a clear sign of suppuration.

Sulfur plays an important role in the human body. Its normal separation helps to clear the ear canal, protects against inflammation and allergies. This is especially important in childhood. After all, a child is more prone to otitis media than an adult, and it is harder to endure them.

Video: earwax, why do we need it?

Many people note discharge from the ear canal - sulfur. Normally, it does not cause any discomfort to a person. However, sometimes, wax in the ears can cause earwax plugs to develop in adults, which leads to hearing loss and infections. You can control the production of sulfuric secretion with the help of drugs, changing the diet, refusing to use earplugs and headphones.

What is earwax

The secret, which is produced by special glands (ceruminous), mixing with sweat, particles of the epidermis and sebum, form ear sulfur secretions that perform a number of protective and adaptive functions of the human hearing aid. Sulfur in the ears is released in different quantities and consistencies. Changes in its characteristics directly depend on the state of human health.

Where does

Sulfur in the ears is produced by ceruminous (sulfur) glands located in the skin of the external auditory canal. In one ear, there are about two thousand of these glands, which produce about 0.02 mg of secretion per day. The color, consistency and amount of secretion produced by the glands depends on the genetic, racial predisposition, age, and the presence of chronic diseases.

What does it consist of

The composition of the ear secretion includes the following elements: fats produced by the glands (lanosterol, cholesterol), antibacterial substances, sweat, mineral salts and fatty acids. Often the constituent elements of the secret are desquamated particles of the epidermis of the ear canal, sebum, hair. The ear contains conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria.

What is needed for

Sulfur performs the following functions:

  • cleaning the ear canal;
  • antibacterial function;
  • serves as a lubricant for the walls of the ear canal;
  • protection against dust, dirt;
  • sulfur protects the eardrum from drying out;
  • protection against water ingress.

Why does earwax form in the ears?

The production of ear wax by special glands is one of the body's defense mechanisms. With the help of antibacterial properties, fat content, the walls of the outer ear, the eardrum are not exposed to excessive exposure to small dust particles and microbes, and the risks of infectious diseases of the hearing organs are reduced. The ability to perceive sounds thanks to the ear secret remains much longer.


The development of a black secretion by the glands indicates their defeat by a fungus or other unicellular microorganisms, for example, Giardia. When affected by fungal spores, in addition to black discharge, patients are worried about constant severe itching, hearing loss. Black sulfur in the human ear is one of the reliable diagnostic signs for mucoid damage to the body. Sometimes the dark color of the secretion of the auditory canal is given by clots of clotted blood.


Scarlet or red may indicate a source of bleeding, such as a scratch. If the red color of the ear discharge persists for more than a day, or is colored intermittently, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Red, burgundy, or bright orange coloration may occur while taking the antibiotic Rifamycin to treat middle ear infections.

dark brown

Dark sulfur is not always a sign of a disease. The color of the secret often depends on the degree of contamination of the ear canal and individual predisposition. It can vary in color from sandy to dark brown. However, it is necessary to pay attention to a sharp change in the color of the discharge from light to dark, to the accompanying symptoms: itching, burning, temperature, pain. Such a change can be a sign of many inflammatory diseases, including otitis externa or hypersecretion of the ear glands.


The release of sulfur in the ears of a dry consistency is one of the signs of the presence of skin diseases: dermatitis, skin emphysema. The high viscosity of the ear secretion is caused by insufficient intake of animal fats by the patient or by a specific genetic mutation that occurs in about 3% of Europeans and 5% of Asians. In this case, the treatment is carried out by adjusting the diet.


Highlighting white means that there is a lack of certain trace elements, such as iron or copper. The production of a secret resembling thick sour cream indicates severe beriberi. You can stop this condition by taking several courses of iron preparations, synthetic vitamins, which the attending physician should prescribe. The property of earwax to reflect the state of the whole organism is used to diagnose diseases.


Watery discharge from the ear occurs with a lack of secretion of sulfur glands or with excessive work of sweat. The release of reduced viscosity may indicate an active inflammatory process of the organ, high general temperature, traumatic brain injury or concussion. With prolonged secretion of a liquid consistency, it is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic measures to exclude serious pathologies.


Wax from the ear should be removed independently, the ear canal should be self-cleaning of secretions. The use of ear sticks, cotton or bandage turundas is not recommended by otolaryngologists, since auxiliary tools irritate the receptors of the glands, and they begin to produce much more sulfur than necessary, which provokes the appearance of sulfur plugs and inflammation. Careless use of hygiene items can cause injury to the eardrum, infection of the hearing organ, so it is better not to disturb the self-cleaning of the ear canal.

The presence of a sulfuric secret in the ears does not mean that they are dirty, only the auricles and a centimeter of the external auditory tube need to be washed. The use of additional instruments leads to injuries of the tympanic membrane, up to complete hearing loss, violation of the integrity of the walls of the external auditory organ, which in severe cases causes the development of meningitis and other dangerous infectious diseases.

Causes of the absence of sulfur in the ears

One of the main reasons is blockage of the glands due to various factors: infections, non-observance of ear hygiene by a person. Sometimes the absence of ear wax is a genetic feature of the body. In this case, the patient is recommended to lubricate the external passage of the ear on their own with vaseline or glycerin ointment. The reason for the absence or small amount of earwax can be a benign or malignant tumor of the skin of the passage wall, blocking the ducts of the sebaceous, sulfuric, sweat glands, metabolic disorders of the body.

One of the reasons for the lack of a secret is old age. Over time, the functioning of all glands in the body, including the sulfur glands, weakens or stops completely, so older people suffer from dry ears (especially if they use a hearing aid). Doctors in this case prescribe special moisturizing drops containing saline, glycerin and fatty acids - they prevent drying out and injury to the eardrum.

Causes of Excess

Sometimes earwax is produced much more than necessary. This condition is called hypersecretion. In this case, the patient notes a constant feeling of moisture, wet greasy spots on the pillowcase, hats. The main causes of hypersecretion:

  1. Chronic dermatitis. The disease is characterized by the presence of spots on the skin of the ear canal. Hypersecretion of sulfur secretion is a symptom of skin disease.
  2. Elevated cholesterol. Cholesterol and its acids are a constituent element of sulfur. A significant increase in its content leads to an overabundance of the secret.
  3. Constant use of headphones, hearing aids, ear plugs. The presence of foreign bodies in the auditory tube irritates the nerve endings of the glands, stimulating their secretion and increasing the amount of sulfur.
  4. Strong nervous tension for a long time. Stress stimulates the secretion of all glands in the body.
  5. A lot of earwax is sometimes formed in late pregnancy or in a newborn baby.
  6. Improper hygiene, due to which a lot of sulfur is formed in the ears.
  7. Ear damage.

What is sulfur plug

The formation of sulfur occurs evenly, and it is easily removed with a finger while washing, taking a shower or bath. However, the amount of sulfur produced can increase, the skin begins to peel off, which leads to a delay in secretion, excess, its thickening, accumulation, and as a result, a sulfur plug is formed in the ear. If the ear plug does not completely cover the auditory tube, then the patient does not notice its presence. The presence of structural features of the ear auditory tube contribute to the accumulation of sulfur in the ears.


Plugs in the ears are not uncommon, especially in middle-aged and older people. The beginning of the formation of sulfur deposits by a person is often not felt. Signs of blockage of the ear canal appear even when the sulfuric plug occupies more than half of the lumen of the Eustachian tube. The most common symptoms of cerumen in the ear are:

  • hearing impairment;
  • severe itching of the auricle;
  • sensation of a foreign body;
  • pain is constant or intermittent;
  • dizziness, pain in the temporal regions;
  • a feeling of fullness in the ears.


Sulfur plug gives the patient discomfort, impairs hearing, carries the risk of infection of the middle, inner ear, so it is necessary to remove the sulfur plug from the ear canal. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on your own because of the danger of damaging the eardrum. If you suspect the presence of a sulfur plug in your ear, you should contact the emergency room or other medical institution. The sulfuric plug washing procedure is carried out in three ways to remove contaminants:

  1. Wash the passage from the sulfur masses with hydrogen peroxide. A special peroxide solution is instilled into the ear with a pipette, the patient is placed for some time on the opposite side. After 10-15 minutes, they are asked to roll over. The injected peroxide should flow out of the ear.
  2. Special preparations. Produced in the form of drops, in a package with a dispenser. Such drugs are instilled into the ear canal and after a few minutes an examination is made to make sure that the sulfuric plug is removed.
  3. By air. During this procedure, pressurized air is injected deep into the Eustachian tube, as a result of which, softened pieces of sulfur come off the wall of the passage, then the external auditory canal is cleaned with a cotton turunda.
  4. Washing with physiological saline. Warm saline is drawn into a clean syringe without a needle. The patient is placed on the couch on the opposite side, a solution is injected with a sharp movement under pressure, which washes out the excess. The method is now rarely used because of the danger of damage to the eardrum.


To prevent the appearance of plugs in the ears, you should follow the correct mode of ear hygiene, avoid getting foreign objects into the ear canal, less often use ear cotton swabs to care for the auricles, earplugs, and headphones. It is recommended to regularly undergo preventive examinations by an otolaryngologist, who, if necessary, will wash the ear canal with saline, prescribe an ointment or wax candles that help to remove secretions and prevent the formation of plugs.


Earwax is actually not quite sulfur; this secret has only an external resemblance to a chemical element. For example, in English it is called "ear wax". Let's see why sulfur forms in the ears, and what are its functions in the human body.

How sulfur is formed

Earwax is a yellow-brown viscous secretion that forms in a person. This substance is also produced in some mammals, for example, cats and dogs. What is sulfur for? It has several essential features:

  1. Cleansing. With the help of sulfur, all those particles of dust and dirt that got into do not get deeper into the ear, but eventually come out.
  2. Lubricating. The secret serves as a kind of lubricant for the ear canal, protecting the skin from drying out.
  3. Protective. Sulfur protects the hearing organ from the penetration of fungi, viruses and bacteria. It also protects against water entering the ear canal.

Traditional medicine ascribes medicinal qualities to sulfur, but this fact has not been scientifically proven.- the organ is tender and sensitive to various negative influences. That is why sulfur is formed in the ears, which guards the health of the hearing organ.

Where does this substance come from? There are about 2,000 glands in the human outer ear, which are modified sweat glands. They produce, on average, 5 mg of secretion per month.

Earwax contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • fatty acid;
  • mineral salts.

It contains immunoglobulin and lysozyme, which provide the same protective function. The pH of sulfur is normally about 5 units, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in it. In addition, ear wax contains dead cells and sebum.

Interesting fact: earwax can be both dry and wet.

Moreover, this fact is due solely to genetic factors. For example, for representatives of the Mongoloid race, it is always dry, but for Europeans and dark-skinned people it is wet. Its consistency depends on the amount of fat-like substances in the composition of the secret.

How to properly clean your ears

That's why you need earwax. As in everything else, in matters you need to know the measure and not overdo it. You should not achieve sterile cleanliness of the ear, because this can lead to unpleasant consequences.



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