What medicines can increase ESR. How to lower the ESR in the blood: folk remedies and drugs

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an indicator that even today has importance for body diagnostics. The definition of ESR is actively used to diagnose adults and children. Such an analysis is recommended to be taken once a year, and in old age- semiannually.

An increase or decrease in the number of bodies in the blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, etc.) is an indicator of certain diseases or inflammatory processes. Especially often, diseases are determined if the level of the measured components is elevated.

In this article, we will look at why ESR is increased in a blood test, and what this means in each case in women or men.

ESR - what is it?

ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate, red blood cells, which, under the influence of anticoagulants, settle down for some time at the bottom of a medical test tube or capillary.

The settling time is estimated from the height of the plasma layer obtained as a result of the analysis, estimated in millimeters per 1 hour. ESR has high sensitivity, although it refers to non-specific indicators.

What does it mean? A change in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may indicate the development of a certain pathology. different nature, and even before the onset of manifestation obvious symptoms diseases.

With this analysis can be diagnosed:

  1. The response of the body to the prescribed treatment. For example, with tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, inflammation of the connective tissue ( rheumatoid arthritis) or Hodgkin's lymphoma (lymphogranulomatosis).
  2. Accurately differentiate the diagnosis: heart attack, acute appendicitis, signs of ectopic pregnancy or osteoarthritis.
  3. Ascertain the hidden forms of the disease in the human body.

If the analysis is normal, then it is still prescribed additional examination and analyses, as normal level ESR does not rule out in humans serious illness or the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Norm indicators

The norm for men is 1-10 mm / h, for women on average - 3-15 mm / h. After 50 years, this figure can increase. During pregnancy, sometimes the rate can reach 25 mm / h. Such figures are explained by the fact that a pregnant woman has anemia and her blood thins. In children, depending on age - 0-2 mm / h (in newborns), 12-17 mm / h (up to 6 months).

Increase as well as decrease in red body sedimentation rate for humans different ages and gender depends on many factors. In the course of life, the human body is exposed to various infectious and viral diseases, which is why an increase in the number of leukocytes, antibodies, erythrocytes is noticed.

Why ESR in the blood is higher than normal: causes

So, why is an elevated ESR detected in a blood test, and what does this mean? The most common cause of high ESR is the development of inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, which is why many perceive this reaction as specific.

In general, one can distinguish following groups diseases in which the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells increases:

  1. Infections. High rate ESR accompanies almost everything bacterial infections respiratory tract and genitourinary system, as well as other localizations. This is usually due to leukocytosis, which affects the aggregation features. If the leukocytes are normal, then it is necessary to exclude other diseases. In the case of the presence of symptoms of infection, it is likely to be viral or fungal in nature.
  2. diseases, in which there is not only an inflammatory process, but also decay (necrosis) of tissues, shaped elements blood and the entry of protein breakdown products into the bloodstream: purulent and septic diseases; malignant neoplasms; , lungs, brain, intestines, etc.
  3. The ESR increases very strongly and persists for a long time. high level with autoimmune diseases. These include various thrombocytopenic purpura, rheumatic and scleroderma. A similar reaction of the indicator is due to the fact that all these diseases change the properties of blood plasma so much that it is oversaturated. immune complexes, making the blood defective.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys. Of course, with an inflammatory process that affects the renal parenchyma, the ESR value will be higher than normal. However, quite often an increase in the described indicator occurs due to a decrease in the level of protein in the blood, which in high concentration goes into the urine due to damage to the renal vessels.
  5. Pathologies metabolism and endocrine sphere- thyrotoxicosis.
  6. Malignant rebirths bone marrow, in which erythrocytes enter the bloodstream, not being ready to perform their functions.
  7. Hemoblastosis (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, etc.) and paraproteinemic hemoblastosis ( myeloma, Waldenström's disease).

These causes are most common with a high level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In addition, when passing the analysis, all the rules for conducting the test must be observed. If a person has even a slight cold, the rate will be increased.

Women due to hormonal and physiological changes at menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause are more likely to undergo a qualitative and quantitative change in the content of dry residues in the blood. These reasons can cause an increased ESR in the blood in women up to 20-25 mm / h.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons when the ESR is above the norm, and it is problematic to understand what this means only from one analysis. Therefore, the assessment of this indicator can only be trusted really knowledgeable specialist. You should not do something yourself that cannot be correctly determined with certainty.

Physiological causes of increased ESR

Many people know that an increase in this indicator, as a rule, indicates some kind of inflammatory response. But it is not Golden Rule. If an elevated ESR in the blood is found, the causes can be quite safe and do not require any treatment:

  • dense meal before the test;
  • fasting, strict diet;
  • menstruation, pregnancy and postpartum period among women;
  • allergic reactions, in which fluctuations initially increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation
  • allow us to judge the correct anti-allergic therapy - if the drug works, then the indicator will gradually decrease.

Undoubtedly, it is very difficult to determine what this means just by the deviation of one indicator from the norm. This will help you understand experienced doctor and additional testing.

Elevation above 100 mm/h

The indicator exceeds the level of 100 m/h in acute infectious processes:

  • Flu;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Fungal infections;
  • malignant formations.

A significant increase in the norm does not occur immediately, the ESR grows for 2-3 days before it reaches a level of 100 mm / h.

False increase in ESR

In some situations, changes in indicators indicate not a pathological process, but some chronic conditions. rise ESR level can with obesity, acute inflammatory process. Also, false changes in ESR are observed:

  1. At .
  2. Due to the use of oral contraceptives.
  3. Subsequent vaccination against hepatitis B.
  4. At long-term use vitamins, which a large number of vitamin A.

Medical studies show that often for no reason ESR can increase in women. Doctors attribute such changes to hormonal disruptions.

Increased ESR in a child: causes

Increased soy in the blood of a child is most often caused by causes inflammatory nature. You can also identify such factors that lead to an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in children:

  • metabolic disease;
  • getting injured;
  • acute poisoning;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • stressful state;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the presence of helminths or sluggish infectious diseases.

In a child, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be observed in case of teething, unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins. If children complain of malaise, in this case, you should consult a doctor and carry out comprehensive examination, the doctor will establish why the ESR analysis is increased, after which the only correct treatment will be prescribed.

What to do

It is not advisable to prescribe treatment with an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood, since this indicator is not a disease.

Therefore, in order to make sure that there are no pathologies in the human body (or, on the contrary, they take place), it is necessary to schedule a comprehensive examination, which will give an answer to this question.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an indicator that increases with inflammation caused by infection, decay malignant tumor, allergic reaction. To reduce the ESR, you need to find how the inflammatory process arose, and treat the disease that caused the deviation of this indicator in the general blood test from the norm.

How to lower ESR during infection

At infectious diseases high values ​​of ESR in the blood test are explained by the active production of antibodies to the antigens of viruses, bacteria, fungi. In the blood in response to the introduction of infection:

  • the concentration of immunoglobulins (Ig) increases;
  • the concentration of leukocytes, lymphocytes increases;
  • decay products of own cells and fragments of destroyed bacteria, viruses, fungi appear;
  • accumulate toxic waste products of pathogenic microorganisms.

All these changes affect the physicochemical characteristics of the blood, which leads to an increase in ESR. Thus, in an infectious disease sharp rise ESR already in 1-2 days after the appearance clinical symptoms is an indicator of the activity of the immune system and does not require any measures for a special decrease.

After recovery and the disappearance of pathogens, the concentration of Ig and other proteins involved in inflammation will decrease, and ESR indicators will normalize. On average, the recovery of ESR after infection takes 2-3 weeks, but sometimes this process can last 1 month or more.

The period of ESR decrease after illness depends on the type of infection and the severity of the disease.

So, after tuberculosis, ESR can return to normal within 2 months after recovery. With mycoplasmosis, ESR can rise to 60 mm per hour, and with parainfluenza, it rises slightly and quickly normalizes.

In infectious diseases, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreases naturally after recovery. To help antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antimycotics, antiviral agents, which treat infections, additionally use medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory properties.

Plants such as:

  • raspberries - leaves, green branches, fruits, flowers;
  • sweet clover yellow;
  • marsh cinquefoil;
  • chamomile;
  • linden - flowers;
  • calendula - flowers;
  • coltsfoot.

How to lower ESR with anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, often, the number of red blood cells decreases. These changes are accompanied by an increase in ESR.

Iron deficiency anemia with elevated ESR often develops in women during pregnancy. After childbirth, this indicator is normalized. If this does not happen within 2 months, then you should look for the cause of the increase and treat the disease that caused the increase.

Anemia can occur in latent form. At similar condition the level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood may be within the normal range, but tissue iron stores are depleted. To identify latent anemia, they take an analysis for transferrin.

With a decrease in iron reserves in tissue "depots", hemoglobin and erythrocytes decrease, and ESR increases. To reduce ESR with anemia, you need to undergo a medical examination, get doctor's recommendations, what medications to drink, what to eat, so that the indicators in the blood test return to normal.

Recipes for lowering ESR

To increase hemoglobin in the blood and lower the ESR for anemia in women, you can resort to such a folk remedy as stewed juice of black radish, beets and carrots. To prepare it you need:

  • 0.5 liters of freshly squeezed radish, beet and carrot juices are poured into a saucepan and placed in a preheated oven;
  • keep warm for 1 hour;
  • drink 2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day;
  • course of treatment 2-3 months.

Such a well-known vegetable as beets will help to reduce ESR in a blood test at home. She has proven herself well for the treatment of anemia, moreover, beets are useful both raw and boiled. This vegetable raises hemoglobin in the blood, which in case of anemia helps to reduce ESR.

Recipe with boiled beets

The beets are boiled, after washing it, but not cleaning it. To prepare a daily portion of the product, 3 small root crops and 3 hours of time will be required. The initial volume of water in the pan is 3 liters.

To lower the ROE in the blood, both boiled beets and a decoction are used. boiled beets eaten during the day, eating in salads, first, second courses.

The broth is drunk on an empty stomach, 50 ml. The product can be stored for several days in the refrigerator. But it is better to prepare a fresh decoction every time in the evening.

You can be treated with a decoction for a week or more. This remedy has no contraindications, and the benefits of eating the root crop are not only to reduce the ESR, but also to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Recipe with lemon and garlic

  • Mix the juice of 2 lemons with grated garlic (2 heads);
  • store the mixture in the refrigerator;
  • take twice a day after meals for a teaspoon.

Herbal infusion with honey

A tasty folk remedy that can be drunk with both honey and sugar will help to reduce the ESR in the blood; to prepare the composition, you will need:

  • coltsfoot;
  • Linden;
  • chamomile.

The flowers of these plants are taken in equal proportions, mixed well. To prepare tea, one tablespoon of raw materials is enough, which is poured with boiling water and insisted for 40 minutes.

Medicinal herbs

Medicinal plants that are used in mixtures have an anti-inflammatory effect, brewing like tea, 1 tablespoon each:

  • licorice, coltsfoot;
  • chamomile, calendula.

Diet to lower ESR

A well-thought-out diet containing a balanced amount of proteins, fiber, fats and carbohydrates will help normalize the ESR in the blood. It is useful to enter in the menu:

  • beef - as a source of complete protein and vitamin B12;
  • citrus;
  • vegetables - beets, carrots, parsley, garlic;
  • nuts - hazelnuts;
  • berries - raspberries, black currants, sea buckthorn;
  • black chocolate.

Instead of tea, you can brew and drink decoctions or infusions of linden, coltsfoot, chamomile, rose hips during the day.

Elevated ESR is often combined with high cholesterol in diseases thyroid gland. So, for women, such indicators are characteristic of hypothyroidism. To lower the ESR in the blood in women with hypothyroidism will help the use of a diet with the use of products containing compounds valuable for the thyroid gland, such as:

  • amino acid tyrosine - beef, fish, almonds, chicken, bananas, pumpkin seeds;
  • iodine - seaweed, seafood;
  • micromineral selenium - garlic, onion, salmon;
  • B vitamins.

Particular attention should be paid to the diet of men-vegetarians. They have a deficiency of full-fledged heme iron, which is found only in animal protein, is especially noticeable. And, if the ESR is kept elevated in the absence of infections, inflammation, arthritis, oncology, you may need to be tested for latent anemia.

In the case of high ESR in men in the blood, caused by latent anemia, the diet can both lower this indicator and replenish iron stores in the body, the deficiency of which became the source of this condition.

The reason for the increased ESR may be diabetes, chronic prostatitis, glomerulonephritis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Learn more about the reasons increased ROE written here.

In all diseases accompanied by an increase in ESR, folk remedies serve only in an auxiliary way improve blood counts. It will be possible to really reduce the ESR only after the cause that caused the disease and the violation of this blood indicator is found and eliminated.

Here we have no right to advise, because everything is prescribed only individually and only by a doctor. This indicator ESR will drop by itself if the underlying disease is properly treated.

As for alternative treatment ESR, then it is most often aimed at restoring the immune system and cleansing the blood after the patient is cured.

The settling of erythrocytes in the blood is accelerated due to the active production of antibodies that occurs during diseases and for some time after them. General immunity drops sharply, and it is worth starting treatment with its restoration. Purification and rejuvenation of the same blood will be required for full recovery generally.

Is it necessary to reduce the ESR

It is impossible to diagnose yourself only on the ESR readings in the tests, whether the patient has an increased or decreased ESR. It is important to approach this comprehensively, to analyze the state of the whole organism as a whole, the presence of chronic diseases, past diseases ... The doctor may prescribe general diagnostics whole body:

  • Direction to biochemical analysis blood
  • Checking with a cardiologist, ESR deviates from the norm if myocardial infarction is suspected
  • Check for infections and inflammation in the body
  • ESR in oncology

When the cause of an increased or decreased ESR is identified, the stage of the disease is determined, only then treatment is prescribed and the result of therapy is observed.

Dark chocolate and citrus fruits reduce ESR

If you wondered how to lower the ESR, then decoctions of such medicinal herbs anti-inflammatory nature, for example, a decoction of chamomile, linden. As well as hot drinks, for example, tea with raspberries, honey and lemon.

In addition, your diet should be rich in fiber and protein foods of natural origin.

Eliminate semi-finished products, products containing carcinogens.

Useful will be such products that effectively reduce ESR in the blood:

It is with their help that you can quickly and without harm normalize the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood and at the same time purify the blood.

How to reduce ESR medication

Some medications can lower the ESR level for a while: calcium chloride, drugs that contain mercury, salicylates ( salicylic acid, aspirin). Side effects morphine, dextran, methyldorf, B vitamins).

The patient must be examined comprehensively, because the ESR is not a diagnostic parameter for the sake of a specific disease.

Treating an inflammatory process without knowing the cause is stupid and ineffective. Therefore, only after determining the true diagnosis of the patient, the attending physician is able to select the necessary course of treatment. In addition, the doctor can advise methods by which it is quite possible to remove the painful process and thereby reduce the ESR.

Therapy with drugs is intended mainly for the treatment of the underlying disease. This means that it will not be possible to reduce the ESR with medication without treating the underlying disease, for example, if the hormones are abnormal, it means that the normalization of the hormonal photon will “automatically” bring the ESR back to normal.

Such an algorithm is the leading one, more generally combined with others. The fact is that if you lower only ESR blood special preparations, then the load on the immune system will only increase, and after the end of treatment, there may be an acute decrease in the indicator compared to the norm.

It is very important to understand that the treatment of elevated ESR cannot give quick results, especially if the indicator is an order of magnitude higher than the ESR norm.

B at very high ESR, even slow decrease in ESR indicates the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. With a low ESR, the activity of the heart and blood vessels can be disturbed. Thus, before lowering the ESR, it is necessary to recognize real reason disease and cure it.

High ESR in a child

For children, an increased ESR can be observed from time to time, which is not a pathology and parents should not be very worried. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate may deviate in a child with an unbalanced diet, teething, lack of vitamins.

Parents should pay attention to general state child, if he is weakened, passive, he has poor appetite and he has a high ESR, then it would be useful to contact a pediatrician to make a diagnosis and identify the cause of the increased ESR in the child's blood.

How to reduce ESR in traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, it is possible to reduce the erythrocyte sedimentation rate if this is not associated with acute phases diseases where there is a threat to the life of the patient. At emergency cases you need to see a doctor immediately. Well helps - it's beetroot broth.

Practice-tested beetroot recipe

Thoroughly wash three pieces. small beets, without cutting off the tails and boil for 3 hours, and the water in which they were boiled to drink and filter fifty grams in the morning on an empty stomach without getting out of bed (the dose can be put and poured near the bed in the evening).

This is extremely important, then lie down for ten to twenty minutes. Save the rest of the broth in the refrigerator. To avoid souring the broth, cook three fresh beets after three to four days.

Seven days, then seven days of rest and another seven days of drinking.

With such ESR treatment 67, after treatment it becomes 34, and then gradually decreases to normal.

Then make sure to repeat the blood test. You can additionally take the juice itself from the squeezed and boiled beets. This juice is very useful for improving blood composition and for anemia.

This method helps to significantly reduce the ESR if it is elevated. Well helps with high ESR citrus juice with honey.

Herbal infusions

Lemon juice with garlic

Combine the juice with garlic gruel, mix thoroughly and put the resulting product in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to use it 2 times a day after meals.

To lower ESR, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle

People who are thinking about how to lower the ESR with folk remedies should not forget about healthy way life.

Walking on fresh air And breathing exercises contribute to the improvement of lung function and, accordingly, an increase in the amount of oxygen in them and the normalization of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Interesting fact! Vegetarians have a slightly reduced ESR level in the blood.

How to lower ESR in the blood?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR for short, is one of the blood indicators included in general analysis. ESR is a non-specific parameter, since it can change under the influence of various factors, and it is impossible to name a specific reason for its change without additional research.

ESR shows the rate at which red cells sink to the bottom under the action of gravity during the settling of blood in a test tube. This process is the faster, the larger and heavier the particles formed during the adhesion of erythrocytes. Bonding of red cells is due to the fact that the electrochemical composition of the blood changes.

This comes from the attachment to the surface of erythrocytes of antibodies (immunoglobulins) and acute-phase protein, which are released into the blood during inflammation and infection with viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. Since the electrochemical composition can change for other reasons, with an increased ESR value, it is also necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test in order to accurately determine whether there is an inflammatory process.

Determination of the rate of sedimentation of red bodies allows:

  • to conclude that an inflammatory process occurs in the body;
  • faster diagnosis;
  • determine how the patient's body reacts to the treatment.

Thus, an increase in this indicator most likely indicates the presence of inflammatory process. To lower the ESR, you need to find out the diagnosis and causes of the disease, and then choose the tactics of treatment.


The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured in millimeters per hour. ESR norm depends on gender, age and some other factors and are:

  • for women - from 2 to 15 mm per hour;
  • for men - from 1 to 10 mm per hour;
  • for newborns - does not exceed 2 mm per hour;
  • for children up to six months - from 12 to 17 mm per hour;
  • for the elderly (from 60 years of age of both sexes) - from 15 to 20 mm per hour;
  • for pregnant women - up to 25 mm per hour;
  • for women during menstruation - up to 40 mm per hour.

Reasons for increasing ESR

High values ​​of this indicator are associated with the release of fibrinogen protein into the blood, and this occurs during inflammatory processes and necrosis. Therefore, the reasons for the increase in ESR can be as follows:

  • Inflammation. The stronger it is, the higher the value.
  • Infection. Penetration into the body of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other harmful agents.
  • Rheumatological diseases. Most of the pathologies in this medical industry are of an autoimmune nature, that is, they are caused by increased activity immune system and the appearance of immune complexes in the blood.
  • Purulent processes.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • Malignant tumors. With an increased ESR value and the absence of any pathological processes, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of oncological diseases.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Thyrotoxicosis and severe diabetes mellitus.
  • Liver disease, accompanied by tissue necrosis.
  • Severe injuries with bone fractures, extensive tissue damage.

ESR rises in acute infectious and inflammatory diseases

It should be remembered that, depending on the disease, the increase in ESR can be both sharp and delayed. So, for example, with lymphosarcoma, multiple myeloma, lupus erythematosus, this figure quickly rises to 80 mm/hour. With the majority acute infections ESR begins to increase only on the third day after infection, and reaches its maximum values ​​already during the period of improvement. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is within the normal range initial stage viral lesions, in the early days acute appendicitis. Growth begins later, with the progression of the disease. If the ESR is elevated for a long time, this may indicate a complication.

How to reduce

If the cause of the growth was an infectious or inflammatory disease, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs will help reduce the ESR.

During pregnancy, the ESR does not need to be reduced; after the birth of the child, the indicator itself will return to normal.

To reduce ESR in some acute infectious diseases, folk remedies are used.

In some cases, folk remedies are also used to relieve inflammation. Especially popular in acute infectious diseases are remedies prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, garlic, onions, lemon, beets, honey (other bee products). Decoctions, infusions, teas are prepared from herbs. The most effective are coltsfoot, chamomile, Linden blossom, raspberries.

Since ancient times, beet-based products have been used to treat acute infections. For cooking healing decoction it must be boiled for three hours, then cooled, strained and drunk on an empty stomach, 50 ml each. You can squeeze fresh beetroot juice and take 50 grams at night for 10 days. Another option is to replace the juice with raw, grated beets.

All citrus fruits are suitable for treatment: oranges, grapefruits, lemons. Raspberry tea and linden decoction are very useful.


SOE is one of key indicators blood, which is determined during clinical analysis almost every visit to the doctor. This is a signal for the doctor about the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. If the ESR value exceeds the norm, further examination is required until the causes are clarified.

What can lower the ESR in the blood

ESR is one of the main parameters of human health. To figure out how to lower the ESR in the blood of a woman, man or child, you need to understand how the ESR is determined and what it means.

Research methods

The test blood is placed in a glass capillary marked with a special scale and left in a vertical position. After a while, the erythrocytes settle in the lower layer, in the upper, plasma remains. Gluing and sedimentation of red blood cells occurs due to the adherence of proteins related to the human immune system to them.

When any infection enters the human body, the immune system recognizes it and releases several dozen types of protein into the blood to isolate this infection and fight it. The more extensive the damage to the body, the higher the protein concentration in the blood, the higher the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in the blood test. Thus, by the reaction of blood cells, one can judge the existence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body.

Method for determining ESR

Unfortunately, ESR is a non-specific blood test and it is impossible to determine the localization of the infection from it. But in the future, comparing the results of the tests, you can track the effectiveness of the treatment.

It is important that an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate occurs only on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease and remains so for some time after recovery.

Reasons for the increase

Most common causes an increase in ESR in the blood is the introduction of infection, but inflammation is not the only reason for changes in ESR. The second most common cause of an increase in ESR is malignant neoplasms. Sometimes, the ESR indicator can be the only manifestation of the disease, and the increase in numbers occurs sharply and is many times higher than the norm.

Other diseases that cause accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation include:

  • rheumatoid diseases of the joints and blood vessels.
  • organ diseases endocrine system(pancreatic necrosis, thyrotoxicosis).
  • pathological conditions of the kidneys and liver.
  • complex fractures of bones, extensive burn surfaces.

Long-term retention of indicators at high numbers may indicate the development of complications.

ESR may increase with a common cold


The norm of ESR in the blood different groups people are not the same. Indicators of erythrocyte sedimentation rate vary depending on gender, age, temporary conditions:

  • the rate of ESR in men is 10 mm / hour.
  • for women - 15mm/hour
  • for pregnant women, it rises to 25 mm / h
  • during menstruation - up to 40 mm / hour
  • ESR in a child up to a year is only 5-7 mm / hour
  • in older men - 20 mm / hour
  • in older women - up to 50 mm / h

Is it possible to lower the ESR and how to do it

ESR in itself is not a disease, it only indicates that pathological processes are occurring in the body. The decrease in ESR in the body depends on the results of the treatment of the underlying disease. Therefore, in order to understand how to reduce the ESR in the blood quickly, it is necessary to identify the cause of this increase.

If other symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases are present and diagnosis is not a problem, antiviral, antibacterial drugs, antibiotics. In other cases, you may need a comprehensive examination and the appointment of specific drugs and treatments. After recovery, ESR decreases on its own and returns to normal.

Folk remedies

Now about how to lower the ESR in the blood with folk remedies. In folk medicine, as in traditional medicine, a decrease in blood cell sedimentation depends on the treatment of the inflammatory process.

Traditionally, onion and garlic have been the most popular in the fight against infections. They have antiviral and bactericidal action, accelerate blood circulation in humans.

Onions and garlic are ideal for lowering ESR

Beekeeping products are no less in demand, especially propolis, zabrus, perga.

Daily use warm milk with honey can strengthen the body, prone to frequent infectious and colds. But this remedy is used with caution in children suffering from allergic reactions.

Also, folk remedies for lowering ESR in the blood can be herbal decoctions and infusions:

  • chamomile and calendula - for inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • licorice and coltsfoot - for tracheitis and bronchitis.
  • milk thistle - for liver pathologies
  • herbal preparations - for problems of the urinary tract.

An excellent general tonic, especially important during epidemics, are all citrus fruits.

Non-hazardous increase in performance

There are cases when an increased ESR reading is detected in a blood test, but there are no deviations in the state of human health. Such non-dangerous conditions include: adherence to strict dietary principles or, on the contrary, the abuse of fatty, cholesterol-rich foods; beriberi and depletion of the body; pregnancy; period of teething in babies; the period after some vaccinations; helminthic infestations; wrong blood test.

Most of these conditions are not dangerous for the body and do not require serious treatment; the reaction of red blood cells returns to normal after a while or after a slight correction.

Rules for passing the analysis

The erythrocyte sedimentation reaction is measured in the general analysis. On the ESR, a blood test is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, before taking it is allowed to drink a little sweet tea, but plentiful fatty food and alcohol the day before significantly affect the result of the analysis.

If a person has an increased reaction of erythrocytes, but no other symptoms of the disease are found, the doctor may prescribe a second analysis for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate after 6-7 days. We hope we helped you and now you know how to lower the ESR in the blood of an adult and a child.

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One comment on the entry “How can you lower the ESR in the blood”

My son (32 years old) has an ESR of 77, a week later he retaken it and the ESR decreased to 14. Is such a sharp decrease possible? No medication was taken during this 7-day period. Before that, a month ago, he was in the hospital with acute myocarditis and after discharge took medication for 2 weeks. Seen by a local cardiologist. The doctor kept him on sick leave. Three sick days in total. Before the hospital, the ESR was 56, after treatment it dropped to 4. And then it rose again a week after the end of treatment to 77. They did a CT scan, the doctors saw fluid in the pleural cavity and in the region of the heart. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, organs abdominal cavity, kidney done. Fine. Only the liver is enlarged, but he took antibiotics and hormones. They were supposed to go to a pulmonologist at the Research Institute of Pulmonology after a CT scan, but she went on sick leave for two weeks. Enchanted circle. IN district hospital On 23 Yekaterinburg, cardiologist Dmitrieva openly said that she did not know what the problem was. They did everything they could. I would like to ask why they are not sent to specialized clinics (33) or the Heart Clinic if they cannot help the patient? All subsequent studies and analyzes were taken in paid clinics. The son has two small children and his wife does not work for this reason. It so happened that he himself lost his job. I help as much as I can. We went to hospitals and faced the complete indifference of doctors to sick people. Please advise how you can get to an experienced cardiologist, pulmonologist to establish accurate diagnosis and continue treatment? He is short of breath, tachycardia up to 106 beats per minute, weakness, sweats at night, temperature in the evening from 37.4 to 38. The whole family is very worried about his health. I would be very grateful for help.

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How can I lower the ESR in the blood

Among all laboratory tests blood determination of ESR is one of the most common. With an increase in this indicator, patients ask the doctor how to reduce blood ESR.

In fact, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not a disease, but only indicates the presence of some kind of pathological process in the body. To reduce ESR, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of its increase.

Reasons for the increase

Most often, ESR deviations from the norm indicate the development of a disease, but in some cases, its increase is associated with natural causes. These include:

  • Long-term treatment with certain pharmaceuticals.
  • Pregnancy. In this condition, elevated ESR is considered the norm.
  • Lack of iron in the body. As a rule, this is observed with poor absorption of iron.
  • Age from 4 to 12 years. ESR rises quite often in children of this age group, while they do not have any pathologies and inflammations. It is noted that this feature is most often found in boys.
  • Individual characteristics of the organism. According to statistics, 5% of people have accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation in the absence of any pathological processes.

TO pathological reasons settling rate changes include:

  • development of rheumatism.
  • Temporal arteritis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • nephrotic syndrome.
  • Anemia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas.
  • Inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  • Oncological diseases.

Normal performance

Norms depend on the age and gender of the person. Yes, for women. normal speed erythrocyte sedimentation - 3-15 mm / h, and for men - 2-10 mm / h.

Children under the age of 6 months should normally have an ESR of 12 to 17 mm / h. In pregnant women, the norm ranges from 20-25 mm / h, and in people over the age of 60 it is 15-20 mm / h.

According to statistics, 40% of ESR deviations from the norm are the result of infectious diseases, in 23% of cases, cancer is detected in patients with an increase in this indicator, rheumatism is the cause of the deviation in 17%, and in 8% of patients such a deviation causes anemia, bowel disease, pancreas glands, prostatitis, diabetes mellitus.

Methods for reducing ESR

There is only one way to reduce ESR: to cure the disease that caused its increase.

It is by no means recommended to take antibiotics, dietary supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs on your own, since each disease requires individual approach to treatment. It must be remembered that correct diagnosis can only be given by a doctor.

It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient in order to identify the cause of the increase in ESR. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will explain how to lower the ESR in the blood by prescribing the appropriate treatment, and after a few days he will write out a referral for re-analysis. If this figure, albeit slowly, begins to decline, then the prescribed treatment gives a positive result.

Decreased ESR with medications

  • If it turns out that anemia has become the cause of the increase in ESR, then first of all it is necessary to increase hemoglobin. To do this, include in the diet foods containing folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron. These foods include green vegetables, lettuce, grains, beef liver and meat, rabbit meat, veal, shellfish, legumes, nuts, black currants, rose hips, beets, prunes, raisins, etc. To quickly increase hemoglobin and, accordingly, lower the ESR, the doctor may prescribe to the patient a drug containing essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Rheumatism is treated with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, as well as corticosteroids and other drugs. The treatment of rheumatism is long and difficult, therefore, in order to achieve good result it is required to strictly follow the doctor's instructions, adhere to a diet, and avoid hypothermia.
  • For treatment acute course kidney diseases, pancreas and gallbladder, respiratory tract use antibiotic drugs contributing to the destruction of the causes of the development of these diseases. At chronic course accompanied by an increase in ESR, treatment without the use of antibiotics is possible, pharmacy medications often combined with the use of traditional medicine.
  • When tuberculosis is detected, it should be borne in mind that this disease is treated for a long time - from 6 months to two years. Often, after recovery from tuberculosis, the ESR does not return to normal quite long time. Therefore, it is possible to judge the normalization of this indicator only 4–6 weeks after the person has recovered.
  • If the results of the patient's analysis several times in a row show an increase in ESR to 75 mm / h or more, then the doctor may have reason to suspect the presence of a malignant tumor in the body. At oncological diseases an increase in ESR is due to the decay of a malignant tumor. In this case, the question of how to lower the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood recedes into the background. Intensive treatment is aimed at combating the disease. If a person can be saved, then the level of ESR will decrease by itself over time.

Traditional medicine

It must be remembered that lowering the ESR by folk remedies alone is unacceptable. Some plants have the ability to relieve inflammation, purify the blood and improve its performance. With the help of these plants, the body will quickly cope with the underlying disease, the composition of the blood will improve, so that the rate of sedimentation of red cells can be reduced.

So, how to lower the ESR at home? For this purpose, you can use such traditional medicine as:

  • Beet.
  • Herbal infusions.
  • Lemon juice with garlic.


This plant is famous for its blood-purifying properties. With an increased ESR, the following medicine is prepared:

  1. Two small dark red root crops are thoroughly washed, cleaned, placed in an enamel pan, poured with 3 liters of water and brought to a boil.
  2. It is necessary to cook beets until fully cooked, for 2-3 hours (depending on the size of the root crops).
  3. Decoction sue and drink in the morning before breakfast, 100-150 ml.

You can also prepare juice from fresh beets or use grated root crops daily with the addition of natural honey.

This remedy can only be used if there is no allergy to it. IN medicinal purposes every morning use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey diluted in a cup of warm tea.

Herbal infusions

To reduce ESR, you can use infusions of chamomile flowers, coltsfoot or linden. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water.

You can use the resulting product after 30-40 minutes, when it is well infused, and the water will open healing properties herbs. To increase the effect, it is recommended to drink herbal infusions with the addition of honey.

Lemon juice with garlic

A good effect can be achieved with a mixture lemon juice with garlic. To prepare it, you should take 2 large heads of garlic and 2-3 lemons. Garlic must be peeled and chopped, and juice should be squeezed out of lemons.

Combine the juice with garlic gruel, mix thoroughly and put the resulting product in the refrigerator. It is necessary to use it 2 times a day after meals.

People who are thinking about how to lower the ESR with folk remedies should not forget about a healthy lifestyle. Walking in the fresh air and breathing exercises help to improve the functioning of the lungs and, accordingly, increase the amount of oxygen in them and normalize the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Correct and good nutrition, regular preventive examinations and timely treatment of diseases will allow maintaining normal health and, accordingly, blood counts.

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The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR for short, is one of the blood indicators included in the general analysis. ESR is a non-specific parameter, since it can change under the influence of various factors, and it is impossible to name a specific reason for its change without additional research.

ESR shows the rate at which red cells sink to the bottom under the action of gravity during the settling of blood in a test tube. This process is the faster, the larger and heavier the particles formed during the adhesion of erythrocytes. Bonding of red cells is due to the fact that the electrochemical composition of the blood changes.

This comes from the attachment to the surface of erythrocytes of antibodies (immunoglobulins) and acute-phase protein, which are released into the blood during inflammation and infection with viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. Since the electrochemical composition can change for other reasons, with an increased ESR value, it is also necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test in order to accurately determine whether there is an inflammatory process.

Determination of the rate of sedimentation of red bodies allows:

  • to conclude that an inflammatory process occurs in the body;
  • faster diagnosis;
  • determine how the patient's body reacts to the treatment.

Thus, an increase in this indicator most likely indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. To lower the ESR, you need to find out the diagnosis and causes of the disease, and then choose the tactics of treatment.


The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured in millimeters per hour. The ESR norm depends on gender, age and some other factors and is:

  • for women - from 2 to 15 mm per hour;
  • for men - from 1 to 10 mm per hour;
  • for newborns - does not exceed 2 mm per hour;
  • for children up to six months - from 12 to 17 mm per hour;
  • for the elderly (from 60 years of age of both sexes) - from 15 to 20 mm per hour;
  • for pregnant women - up to 25 mm per hour;
  • for women during menstruation - up to 40 mm per hour.

Reasons for increasing ESR

High values ​​of this indicator are associated with the release of fibrinogen protein into the blood, and this occurs during inflammatory processes and necrosis. Therefore, the reasons for the increase in ESR can be as follows:

  • Inflammation. The stronger it is, the higher the value.
  • Infection. Penetration into the body of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other harmful agents.
  • Rheumatological diseases. Most pathologies in this medical field are of an autoimmune nature, that is, they are caused by increased activity of the immune system and the appearance of immune complexes in the blood.
  • Purulent processes.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • Malignant tumors. With an increased ESR value and the absence of any pathological processes, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of oncological diseases.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Thyrotoxicosis and severe diabetes mellitus.
  • Liver disease, accompanied by tissue necrosis.
  • Severe injuries with bone fractures, extensive tissue damage.

ESR rises in acute infectious and inflammatory diseases

It should be remembered that, depending on the disease, the increase in ESR can be both sharp and delayed. So, for example, with lymphosarcoma, multiple myeloma, lupus erythematosus, this figure quickly rises to 80 mm/hour. In most acute infections, ESR begins to increase only on the third day after infection, and reaches its maximum values ​​already during the period of improvement. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is within the normal range at the initial stage of viral lesions, in the first days of acute appendicitis. Growth begins later, with the progression of the disease. If the ESR is elevated for a long time, this may indicate a complication.

How to reduce

A high ESR value is not a disease, therefore, a decrease in this indicator comes down to treating the disease that caused the increase. That is, when a person is cured, the rate of red cell sedimentation will normalize. After recovery elevated values may persist for some time.

If the cause of the growth was an infectious or inflammatory disease, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs will help reduce the ESR.

During pregnancy, the ESR does not need to be reduced; after the birth of the child, the indicator itself will return to normal.

To reduce ESR in some acute infectious diseases, folk remedies are used.

In some cases, folk remedies are also used to relieve inflammation. Especially popular in acute infectious diseases are remedies prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, garlic, onions, lemon, beets, honey (other bee products). Decoctions, infusions, teas are prepared from herbs. The most effective are coltsfoot, chamomile, lime blossom, raspberry.

Since ancient times, beet-based products have been used to treat acute infections. To prepare a healing decoction, it must be boiled for three hours, then cooled, strained and drunk on an empty stomach, 50 ml each. You can squeeze fresh beetroot juice and take 50 grams at night for 10 days. Another option is to replace the juice with raw, grated beets.

All citrus fruits are suitable for treatment: oranges, grapefruits, lemons. Raspberry tea and linden decoction are very useful.


ESR is one of the most important blood indicators, which is determined during a clinical analysis with almost any visit to a doctor. This is a signal for the doctor about the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. If the ESR value exceeds the norm, further examination is required until the causes are clarified.

The abbreviation ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Sometimes there is an expression erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (ROE) - in fact it is one and the same. This non-specific blood indicator is subject to constant fluctuations under the influence of various factors. To find out the cause of changes caused by the presence of pathology in the body or physiological processes separate studies are needed.


The value of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is part of the general clinical blood test. The procedure is recommended to be carried out annually, and it is advisable for older people to do this once every six months. Laboratory assistants conclude the blood collected on an empty stomach in a test tube with a scale. IN collected material a special anti-clotting serum is added. The measurement number becomes the boundary along which the plasma will be above the erythrocytes.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is analyzed using two methods:

  • Panchenkov's method: a blood sample is placed on a vertical glass;
  • Westergren's method: deoxygenated blood tested in vertical test tubes. This method is the most accurate and its results are considered reliable without requiring a retake of the analysis.

In inflammation, as a result of infection of the body with viruses and other microorganisms, antibodies and acute phase protein attach to erythrocytes. This causes a change in the electrochemical composition of the blood, as a result of which the red blood cells stick together. Over a certain period, red blood cells undergo agglomeration and are deposited on the walls of a vertical vessel. When they stick together, heavy particles can form.

ESR reveals the speed of lowering the adhered erythrocytes to the bottom of the tube within an hour of settling the blood sample. A high rate of sedimentation of blood cells to the bottom indicates the presence of inflammation. But there are other reasons for the violation of the electrochemical composition of the blood, therefore, with an increased ESR, it is necessary to do a biochemical blood test.


The ESR is influenced by many factors. Its level is affected gender, human age and disease progression. In men, an ESR of 2 to 10 millimeters per hour is considered normal. Women's norm slightly higher - from 3 to 15. Pregnancy increases this figure to 25 millimeters per hour due to blood thinning. Children's rates differ by age. A newly born baby has an ESR level of up to two millimeters per hour. Child up to six months - 12–17.

If the norm is exceeded by 5 points, we can talk about an increased ESR.


After settling in a test tube, the blood is divided into two layers: the upper one is colorless and the lower one is red. The rate of this process is measured in millimeters per hour. Increased rate signals the development of a pathological process. Excess ESR indicator It is not a disease and therefore cannot be cured. It is necessary to work with the cause of this phenomenon. There is only one way to normalize the level of ESR - to cure the disease itself. gradual decline ESR allows you to judge the correctness of the prescribed treatment.

Increased formation of special proteins in the blood plasma, such as fibrinogen, C-reactive protein and others, indicates pathological process in organism. The reasons for the increase in ESR are the following conditions:

  • postoperative period;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • poisoning, intoxication;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • fractures, injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • paraproteinemia;
  • anemia;
  • obesity.

The rate of erythrocyte precipitation increases due to an increase in the amount of antibodies produced immune system human body. Immunoglobulin is able to accelerate the sedimentation of erythrocytes. Oncological diseases characterized by an increase in ESR by thirty or forty units.

An increase in ESR is also observed in old age. A high level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate is observed in pregnant women, as well as in menstrual period. After the recovery of the body, the level of ESR stabilizes. The rate increases when taking hormonal contraceptives, after weight loss, anemia, high cholesterol. Vegetarians, in the absence of diseases, have a slightly reduced ESR level.

An increased level of erythrocyte sedimentation in a child can be explained by teething, a lack of any substances in the body. Therefore, self-medication can harm, it is better to visit a doctor and get recommendations. If there is an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in a child, then the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate will increase one day after raising the body temperature. Among pediatricians, the term "high ESR syndrome" is increasingly common. It does not mean illness, but individual rate child's body. This feature is manifested if a prolonged rise in ESR is not accompanied by any diseases.


After complete examination patient and finding out the cause of the disease, you can lower the level of ESR with the help of medications prescribed by the doctor. For infectious or inflammatory disease antibiotics prescribed by a doctor help to lower the level of ESR. These are drugs such as penicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline and others. In certain cases, doctors prescribe aspirin. It should be borne in mind that it impairs the synthesis of substances. You should also be aware that unauthorized treatment with antibiotics, dietary supplements and other drugs can cause severe damage to health. A decrease in ESR during pregnancy or menstruation in women will occur after these processes have passed.


With an increased rate of precipitation of red blood cells, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can take recipes for decoctions of herbs. good remedy to cure acute infections is beets. It perfectly cleanses the blood. The washed root crop in an unpeeled form is boiled whole for three hours, cooled, and then filtered. The decoction is taken at bedtime empty stomach 50 milliliters per day. It is necessary to continue taking the remedy for a week. Good to drink at night Fresh Juice beets daily for 10 days, one hundred milliliters. You can take grated fresh beets.

The garlic-lemon remedy works effectively. You will need the juice of 25 lemons and 400 grams of finely chopped garlic. The ingredients are mixed, kept in the dark. Take in the evenings one teaspoon dissolved in a glass boiled water. It is good to drink tea with raspberries, currants or lemon. All varieties of citrus also help reduce the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation.

Various infusions of medicinal herbs help to lower the ESR. Chamomile, linden, mother and stepmother, horsetail can be brewed separately or make multicomponent compositions. If not allergic reaction on honey and other gifts of beekeeping, then you can take it as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

The rate of erythrocyte precipitation is one of the precise methods health diagnostics.



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