Testosterone: important for the hormonal system of a woman. Increased testosterone levels

This question is asked by most representatives of the stronger sex. This is not at all surprising, because it is testosterone that is considered one of the main hormones that form the basis of male physiology. It is responsible for the successful functioning of a number of important processes in the body.

The value of this hormone

Testosterone is. In a certain amount, it is also present in the fair sex. However, the content of testosterone in the male body is 40-60 times higher than in the female. The production of this hormone in a certain amount is typical for sexually mature men with a normal state of health.

Testosterone in men is produced as a result of biosynthetic processes in the testicles and adrenal glands. In the production of this hormone, not only the organs of the reproductive system, but also the brain take part. It is this organ, with the help of the pituitary gland, that sends a signal to the testicles regarding the start or completion of testosterone production. Further, the pituitary gland begins to produce a special type of hormone called luteinizing, which is subsequently supplied to the blood. This serves as a specific signal to activate the production of the male sex hormone from cholesterol.


The effect of testosterone on the body of men is quite large. It is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, sexual desire, the production of seminal fluid, and affects erectile function. Testosterone also affects the following areas:

  1. Formation of bone density.
  2. Activation of spermatozoa, the degree of the ability of seminal fluid to carry out fertilization.
  3. Body mass.
  4. distribution of adipose tissue.
  5. Psycho-emotional state.
  6. The production of red blood cells.
  7. The correct process of sexual development.
  8. Memory functioning.
  9. Implementation of protein biosynthesis.
  10. Limiting glucose uptake.
  11. Decreased levels of cholesterol in the blood.
  12. Increase in life expectancy.
  13. Formation of male sexual characteristics.

The effect of testosterone on the male body is the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. He is responsible for the development of male genital organs and puberty of the body. Stimulates the production of sperm, increases libido and induces natural instincts associated with procreation. Without testosterone, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the male genital area. It is only thanks to him that sexual desire arises, an intimate act is carried out, a direct process of conception takes place.

The impact of the male sex hormone extends to the psycho-emotional sphere, forming such character traits as determination, willpower, adventurism, initiative, etc.


The effect of testosterone on the body of a man is aimed at prolonging youth, increasing endurance, resistance to adverse external factors and preventing various kinds of diseases. What does it influence? This hormone serves to achieve the following goals:

  1. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Immunity boost.
  3. Stabilization of the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  4. Prevention of male infertility.
  5. Normalization of the nervous system.
  6. Prevention of depression.
  7. Reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.
  8. Providing a beneficial effect on the process of urination.
  9. Normalization of the prostate gland.

Thus, the effect of the hormone on men's health is difficult to overestimate. A certain level of testosterone is necessary for the full and proper functioning of the representatives of the stronger sex, both physically and psychologically.

The concept of norm

You can determine the level of testosterone in the blood using a special blood test. When deciphering, it should be borne in mind that the level may change throughout the day, depending on the state of health or the mood of the man. On average, normal testosterone levels range from 350 to 1000 units. The difference in rates depends on the age and general health of the man.

What can determine the indicators of the male hormone? Unfortunately, over time, the process of producing the male sex hormone slows down significantly and, at the age of over 50, practically stops.

Climatic conditions affect testosterone levels (in countries with a warm climate, the level of this hormone in the blood of the male population is much higher than in the northern regions) and diet. It has long been known that insufficient content of animal proteins leads to a decrease in the male sex hormone. In addition, the blood can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Smoking.
  3. Overweight.
  4. The impact of frequent stress and psycho-emotional shocks.
  5. Constant wearing of tight underwear.
  6. Viral infectious diseases.
  7. Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  8. Wrong way of life.
  9. Traumatic injuries of male reproductive organs.
  10. The influence of the hereditary factor.
  11. Irregular sex life.
  12. Physical fatigue and chronic sleep deprivation.
  13. Violations in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  14. Long-term and uncontrolled use of certain medications, such as tranquilizers and diuretics.

What is the risk of deficiency?

The impact of adverse factors can lead to a significant decrease in the content of the male sex hormone in the blood. This can cause serious malfunctions and disturbances in the functioning of various body systems. manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Decreased sex drive.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Erectile dysfunction.
  4. Memory disorders.
  5. Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  6. Decrease in muscle mass.
  7. Decreased bone density.
  8. Decreased physical strength.
  9. The appearance of acne on the skin.
  10. Headache.
  11. Insufficient ability to concentrate.
  12. Attention disorders.
  13. development of atherosclerosis.
  14. General weakness of the body.
  15. Depression.
  16. Increased fatigue.
  17. Sleep disorders.
  18. Reduction of hair on the male body.
  19. Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.
  20. Decreased performance.

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone produced by the testes. In the body of a woman, testosterone is also present and produced by the ovaries, but in much smaller quantities, and is not responsible for such a large set of functions as in men. Low testosterone levels affect all systems of male life. What is the purpose of testosterone? What is this hormone responsible for in the male body?

The effect of testosterone levels on the male body

  1. First of all, this hormone affects the strength of sexual desire. At a low level, sexual desire is significantly reduced, and with it, sexual interest in the female sex also decreases. The orgasm loses its brightness and duration, and the spermatozoa become much less active, which reduces the likelihood of fertilization. In some cases, this can lead to erectile dysfunction, in other words, to impotence.
  2. Testosterone levels affect lean body mass and metabolism. With low testosterone, fat burning slows down, adipose tissue increases its deposits. But the bone, on the contrary, becomes less strong and more prone to damage.
  3. Secondary sexual characteristics become less characteristically pronounced - this can be expressed, for example, in a decrease in the volume and density of the testicles or in changes in the voice.
  4. Together with the level of testosterone, the tone of the whole organism and the charge of vital energy decrease. In their place, increased irritability and depressive states appear. And vigor is replaced by constant fatigue and increased fatigue.
  5. Also, the level of testosterone determines the speed of cognitive - that is, mental - processes in men. With a low content of the hormone, concentration of attention decreases, memory worsens, it becomes much more difficult to "pull yourself together" and do the necessary things, make decisions.
  6. Testosterone is also decisive in the early aging of the male body - it affects the condition of the skin and even life expectancy.

As we can see, the level of testosterone in the male body is extremely important. And many modern men, especially those who care about their health and future, are thinking about how to increase testosterone levels? Before moving on to ways to increase the level of this hormone, it is important to first find out the reasons why its content in the blood decreases. Indeed, in order to be healthy, it is important not only to treat the disease in time, but also to try to prevent it.

Causes of Decreased Testosterone Levels

Improper nutrition

Food should be balanced and environmentally friendly, as well as clearly rationed throughout the day. Snacking and overeating negatively affect testosterone levels.


In small doses, it slightly increases the level of the hormone - for example, with a couple of sips of wine. However, with alcohol abuse, the hormone loses its ability to be produced. Prolonged binges lead to almost complete cessation of its production.


Constant tension in the family or at work, traffic jams, quarrels, showdowns, unpleasant events - all this affects the production of the hormone.

Taking certain types of medications

Antiulcer drugs are especially distinguished by this - they have a strong effect on lowering testosterone levels. However, the use of other drugs in high doses and long courses can lead to such a side effect.


Injuries directly to the genital organs can lead to similar complications.

Low physical activity

Inactivity, lack of physical activity, especially in combination with malnutrition, are the worst enemies of men's health.

Bad habits

We will repeat here about the dangers of alcohol and overeating, as well as smoking and drug addiction.


As we age, we have to make more and more efforts to increase testosterone levels.


It happens. It is important to notice the symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

So, the main reasons became clear. What now to be if the level of the hormone has already fallen? How can a man increase testosterone levels?

Ways to increase testosterone levels

Proper nutrition

The diet of a man striving for health and longevity must necessarily include such products as:

  • lean lean meats, especially beef;
  • various fresh vegetables, especially green ones - different types of salads and greens
  • bread made from wholemeal flour, and it is better to completely refuse wheat bread;
  • seafood and fish.

Eliminate white bread and pastries, fast carbohydrates (such as sweets), fatty foods and carbonated drinks from the diet.

Eradication of bad habits

Again, alcohol lowers testosterone levels. This is especially true for beer, as it leaches important elements from the body of a man and promotes the production of female hormones. If you still sometimes really want to drink something, then give preference to stronger drinks, such as cognac or whiskey, but in small quantities. Nicotine also reduces testosterone levels, and if you quit cigarettes, the general condition of the body will noticeably improve.

Physical activity

Insufficient physical activity is bad for the body in itself. However, often it also entails such problems as obesity, overweight, violation of pressure, decrease in muscle mass, and so on. Therefore, to maintain the health of a man, it is very important to be physically active. It is even better to attend special workouts, as well as just a gym where you can perform physical exercises with a load.

Normalized sleep

Try to follow generally accepted biorhythms - sleep at night, stay awake during the day. Healthy sleep is important at any age. Darkness, silence and also the absence of stress during the past day contribute to it. From this follows the next equally important advice - avoid stress. Try to think more often about the good and do not get involved in conflicts.

sexual activity

One of the most important rules. Irregular sex, lack of time for an intimate life, and even the absence of banal flirting - have a bright negative effect on testosterone production.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle is the best secret to male power.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone (androgen) that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body as a whole, in particular the maintenance of reproductive ability. It is under the influence of androgens that the process of sexual differentiation occurs, features appear that make it possible to distinguish the strong sex from the weak.

Testosterone in a man - the effect on the body

Consider what and how affects testosterone in the male body:

  1. Anabolic actionstimulation protein synthesis in skeletal muscles and cardiac myocardium, preservation optimal bone density. Also testosterone promotes redistribution of fat in the body, burning excess fat mass. It is due to the effect of androgen on muscle and bone tissue that men are more muscular and larger than the fair sex. amplify anabolic effect of testosterone. Therefore, many athletes use synthetic analogues of the hormone to increase muscle mass and increase endurance.
  2. Androgenic action- the hormone is necessary for the formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, the synthesis of spermatozoa. Primary sexual characteristics (external and internal genital organs) appear during fetal development, secondary(growth of hair on the trunk, face, limbs, coarsening of the voice) - at the beginning of puberty in adolescents. In direct relationship with the concentration in the blood is sexual behavior men - with a drop in testosterone levels, libido decreases, problems with potency appear. With insufficient synthesis of the hormone in the prepubertal and pubertal periods, the child has signs of sexual infantilism.
  3. Psychotropic action- the hormone affects mood, performance, concentration and memory. Often, it is changes in the emotional state that are the first harbingers of fluctuations in androgen levels.

Symptoms of increased testosterone levels:

  • skin problems (acne, acne);
  • uncontrolled weight gain due to muscle mass;
  • violation of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, pain in the heart);
  • significantly increases the risk of developing prostate adenoma;
  • infertility;
  • mood swings, irritability, aggressiveness, suicidal tendencies.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels:

  • muscle weakness and muscle atrophy;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • depression, apathy, insomnia, memory impairment;
  • problems with potency, reduced libido;
  • secondary sexual characteristics in adolescents are mild or absent;
  • infertility.

Where and how is the hormone produced?

Testosterone secreted Leydig cells of the testicles, as well as, in a small amount, the adrenal cortex. synthesized it is made from acetic acid and cholesterol. This process is regulated by pituitary hormones (FSH and LH), which, in turn, are produced under the action of gonadotropic hormone hypothalamus.

The hypothalamic-pituitary system works on the principle of "feedback" - low level testosterone causes an increase in the secretion of hormones by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, elevated its level, on the contrary, inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone, which ultimately contributes to the normalization of testosterone concentration in the body.

Due to the proximity of Leydig cells to the seminiferous tubules in testicles constantly maintained high concentration testosterone (several times more than in the blood). This is necessary for a stable process of spermatogenesis.

In the blood, testosterone can to contact with protein fractions (albumins or globulins), only a small part remains in free form (1-3%). Unrelated testosterone is the most active form. In medical practice, it is possible to determine both indicators - free and total (free + bound) testosterone in the blood.

What is responsible for and what determines the level of the hormone

Normal level testosterone allows a man to lead a full life, from him depends emotional state, sexual function, the ability to procreate, the health of the whole organism as a whole.

What does it depend on male testosterone levels:

  1. Age. The maximum secretion is noted during puberty, then for a long time it is kept at a fairly high level, gradually starting to decrease after thirty years.
  2. Times of Day. The maximum concentration of testosterone occurs in the morning hours (from four to eight in the morning), decreases during the day.
  3. Lifestyle(bad habits, malnutrition, stress). Drinking alcohol, smoking inhibits the production of testosterone, and hormone deficiency is often observed in obese men.
  4. genetic features organism. Severe genetic mutations in the fetus can lead to disruption of the action of androgens on target tissues. In such cases, the child has an underdevelopment of the male genital organs, weak severity or complete absence of secondary sexual characteristics in adolescence, patients are most often infertile.
  5. The presence of chronic diseases, immunodeficiency states. Tumors of the adrenal glands, testicles can cause excessive secretion of testosterone. Some drugs used for chronic pathologies are able to inhibit the synthesis of androgens, the concentration of the hormone decreases when the immune system is damaged (infections, AIDS), pituitary adenoma, diabetes mellitus, testicular injuries, etc.

Normal testosterone values ​​and causes of deviations

In most laboratories the norm total testosterone for an adult male is 11-33 nmol/l (300-1000 ng/dl), values ​​may vary depending on the unit of measurement and method of determination. Concentration the free fraction of the hormone should be about 2% of this indicator.

Donate blood for testing recommended in the morning, for four hours before the study, you should refrain from smoking and eating, and the previous 2-3 days you should avoid stressful situations and intense physical exertion. All this is important for obtaining a reliable result.

The study is prescribed by a doctor after inspection the patient and identifying symptoms in him, indicating a possible deviation of testosterone levels from the norm.

In case of significant androgen deficiency, it may be recommended replacement therapy(hormone analogues) or stimulating nature, aimed at improving the secretion of own testosterone by the testicles.

In no case should you self-medicate, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the body.

During treatment, the patient needs refuse from bad habits, lead an active lifestyle. Be sure to review the diet (limit the use of flour, fatty, sweet foods), food should contain the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals. For raising the level testosterone, zinc-rich foods are especially good. These are fish, oysters, nuts, liver. Be sure to get enough sleep, drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day, eat fresh vegetables and herbs.

With minor deviations of the indicators from normal values, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help to raise the hormone level quite effectively without resorting to drug treatment.

Testosterone is a hormone produced in the male testicles. It plays a very important role in the normal functioning of the body. That's why low testosterone in men causes a lot of problems. Consider why it goes down, how it manifests itself and affects his health.

The main symptoms of low testosterone

Reasons for a decrease in the hormone

There are a number of reasons why this figure is decreasing. It can be both a certain disease and adverse factors. Main causes of low testosterone in men:

  1. Bad habits. This is one of the most common causes of testosterone deficiency. Therefore, smoking, the use of drugs, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affect the hormonal background in general, and not just testosterone.
  2. Stressful state, emotional overstrain. Men who are constantly under the influence of negative emotions can observe a lack of testosterone in the body after passing the necessary tests.
  3. Wrong lifestyle, nutrition. This factor includes: weak physical activity, impaired functioning of the nervous system due to constant fatigue, excess weight as a result of malnutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions.
  4. Prolonged use of potent drugs. This is especially true for drugs that are addictive.

Concerning lower testosterone levels in men against the background of certain pathologies, these are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • the occurrence of shortness of breath;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased levels of bilirubin, which contributes to the preservation of the female hormone estrogen in the blood in men;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys;
  • obesity;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • high blood cholesterol.

Chronic diseases that can cause a decrease in testosterone in men:

  • osteoporosis;
  • depression;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to these reasons, lack of testosterone in the male body can be observed as a result of poisoning with toxic substances, the active development of pathogenic microorganisms, hereditary predisposition, a significant number of concussions and bruises of the brain.

In addition, with age, men experience testosterone deficiency. This is due to the weakening of the functioning of the genitourinary system in the elderly. That is, this situation is the norm in men over 50 years old.

It's important to know! A long stay of a man in nervous tension contributes to a complete stop in the production of this hormone!

Symptoms of malaise

The total lack of this hormone in men leads to serious disorders in the body. He not only experiences severe ailments, but also begins to look worse. Basic visual signs of low testosterone in men:

  • yellowing of the white of the eye;
  • blanching and cooling of the skin;
  • dry skin, the appearance of a significant number of wrinkles in a short time;
  • severe shortness of breath.

As for others symptoms of low testosterone in men, then these are:

  • high heart rate;
  • increased sweating;
  • hot flashes that bother women during menopause;
  • anemia;
  • the appearance of excess weight, mainly on the femoral part;
  • abnormal growth and development of the mammary glands, which is associated with an increase in the level of estrogen in the body;
  • gradual hair loss in the armpits, pubis, on the face;
  • weakening of bone tissue, a man is more prone to fractures;
  • rapid overwork, a man becomes less resilient when performing physical exertion or carrying heavy objects;
  • pain in the bones, body aches;
  • weakening of muscle mass, which leads to its decrease.

Symptoms of low testosterone in men that affect the functioning of the nervous system:

  • causeless mood swings, a tendency to depression and apathy;
  • rapid overwork, both physically and emotionally;
  • impaired concentration, poor ability to remember;
  • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day.

Main signs of low testosterone in men's health:

  • significant weakening of erectile function;
  • lack of spontaneous erection after waking up;
  • decrease in the amount of seminal fluid;
  • reduction of the testicles in size;
  • too frequent urge to urinate.

In addition, a man's blood pressure begins to rise too often.

It's important to know! A change in character also indicates a low level of testosterone in a man's body! Some traits inherent in him may change in the opposite direction.

How to increase hormone levels

Treatment for low testosterone at the first stage is to carry out preventive measures that contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the body as a whole. The rules that a man must follow to improve his condition and increase this hormone include:

  1. Moderate physical activity. Men should go in for sports to keep the body in good shape, but excessive physical activity is contraindicated. To normalize hormonal levels, a representative of the stronger sex should visit the gym about 3 times a week. It is also useful to regularly go to the pool. Swimming provides sufficient and moderate exercise, which is necessary for the release of testosterone.
  2. Proper and balanced nutrition. A sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances should be supplied to the body of a man. It is also required to exclude fatty, fried, spicy, overly salty dishes from the daily diet. They negatively affect weight, which leads to obesity. In order to increase the level of testosterone, it is required to saturate the body with zinc, a large amount of which is found in protein products.
  3. Positive emotions. A man should try to avoid stressful situations, emotional upheavals and other negative factors. To do this, you need to rest more. And rest should be active. You can regularly visit ski resorts, as well as various specialized sanatoriums. Visiting various exhibitions, concerts, etc. will also saturate with positive emotions.
  4. Compliance with the daily routine. A man should devote a sufficient amount of rest, sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. In this case, moderate activity will only benefit.
  5. Rejection of bad habits. The most common addictions are smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. They need to be excluded from everyday life, which will help normalize hormonal levels. This is especially true for men who like to drink beer almost every day in order to quench their thirst.

It's important to know! Sweets in the form of daily snacks also contribute to lower testosterone levels! Therefore, in order to fully restore the body, it is necessary to exclude sweet foods from the diet.

Medical treatment

Treatment of testosterone deficiency with medications It is required to carry out in cases where therapy without drugs does not give a positive result.

Drug therapy is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background in men. Hormone replacement treatment will replenish the missing hormones in the body. For this, the following types of medicines:

  • hormonal patch;
  • injections for intramuscular injection;
  • tablets for oral use;
  • preparations containing hormones in the form of gels.

Hormone therapy must be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Medications will not only increase testosterone levels, but also improve erectile function in men, which is an important factor in the life of every member of the stronger sex. In addition, the growth of hair on the face, armpits, pubis will increase in a man, bone tissue will strengthen, and muscle mass will also increase.

Consequences of low hormone levels

A total lack of testosterone can lead to extremely serious consequences. Especially if you do not provide the man in this case with the necessary treatment. Lack of testosterone can cause the development of such pathologies:

  1. Infertility. Since this hormone is produced in the testicles, it directly affects the functioning of the genitourinary system. Violation of erectile function gradually leads to its dysfunction. The final stage of this condition is the inability to conceive children.
  2. Osteoporosis. This disease is characterized by weakening of the bones. The skeleton becomes fragile, as a result of which the man becomes prone to fractures even with minor injury.
  3. Arterial hypertension. High blood pressure begins to be chronic with a prolonged lack of testosterone in the body.

Over time, a man has a predominance of female hormones, which are reflected in his appearance. He shows such features characteristic of the male physique:

  • weak growth of hairline on the chest, pubis, in the armpits, on the face or its complete disappearance;
  • deposition of fat cells on the thighs;
  • weakening of muscle tissue.

The skin gradually turns pale, the whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint, which makes its appearance extremely painful.

Therefore, it is very important to direct all the forces and energy to the normalization of the hormonal background. This will not only improve physical well-being, but will also help restore the emotional state.

Increased testosterone levels in men

An increase in this hormone in the male body is the norm exclusively in adolescence. As for middle-aged or elderly men, this process can cause a lot of health problems, as well as insufficient amount of testosterone. An excessive amount of the hormone causes an increased growth of hairline, the appearance of acne and acne in an adult male. In especially neglected situations, the death of the testicles can be observed.

This condition should be diagnosed by the attending physician. And also he is obliged to control the process of lowering the level of this hormone. In most cases A man can reduce testosterone by eating certain foods. that inhibit the release of this hormone. These include:

  1. Alcoholic drinks. This is especially true for beer. This alcoholic drink helps to activate the female hormone.
  2. Meat products. To reduce testosterone, you should eat baked pork, sausage, sausages, and more. They help convert testosterone to estrogen.
    Soy products.
  3. Lots of sugar and salt. Sweets and salty foods inhibit the production of testosterone in men. A large amount of glucose is found in sweet fruits. They should be emphasized. Since fruits are enriched with vitamins and other beneficial substances, they also do not contain lipids that can lead to obesity.
  4. caffeinated products. Coffee and dark chocolate help lower testosterone to the required level.

But you should not overdo it with such foods. After all, their excessive amount can lower the hormone below the norm, which as a result will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Watch a video about low testosterone in men.

Prevention of low testosterone

Decreased testosterone levels negatively affects health in men. Therefore, it is better to take care of the normal state of the hormonal background from a young age. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Moderate physical activity. Every man should regularly attend gyms and swimming pools. Strengthening muscle mass helps to avoid obesity, which inhibits the production of testosterone.
  2. Proper nutrition. The diet should consist of wholesome foods that contain a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
  3. It is required to avoid fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods.
  4. Avoid stress. For young people whose professional activities cause regular stress and emotional overstrain, it is better to change jobs. Since the kind of such activity will lead to a serious violation of the hormonal background.
  5. Daily regime. Compliance with the daily routine is an integral part of prevention if a man wants to maintain normal erectile function and hormonal levels for as long as possible. Sufficient amount of time is required to devote to proper rest.

Low testosterone is a serious male problem that should be addressed as early as possible. This will help avoid negative consequences in the future.

Among all the hormones that are produced in the human body, testosterone is often given the most attention. And this is not surprising, because in the first place it is customary to associate the courageous appearance and typical behavior of representatives of the strong half of humanity with him.

Sergei Viktorovich Dubravin, head of the Institute of Urology of the Russian Federation:
I have been treating prostatitis for many years. I can say with confidence that prostatitis is almost always treatable, even in the deepest old age! However, many neglect their health and go to the doctor only when pain and discomfort do not allow them to live normally. In order not to lead to prostate cancer, at the first symptoms, and even more so with chronic prostatitis, use a simple method.

Yes, and women often have to deal with this issue, for example, during pregnancy planning or when trying to adjust their weight. So how exactly does the level of testosterone affect different areas of a person’s life, and what consequences can its deficiency or, conversely, excess lead to? Let's try to figure it out.

testosterone and sex

It's no secret that testosterone and potency in men are very closely related - it is this hormone that plays the most important role in the emergence of sexual desire and the regulation of sexual behavior in general. To maintain its sufficient level, two internal organs are responsible for the production of testosterone in men at once - it is produced in the testicles and.

Normally, its amount in the male body is almost 12 times higher than in women., providing representatives of the strong half of humanity with an interest in the opposite sex, high sexual activity and a physical opportunity to realize their instincts. Lack of the same hormone is fraught with a decrease or complete absence of sexual desire, as well as erectile dysfunction.

Even under ideal conditions - with an attractive partner, a comfortable environment, good physical health and a suitable mental attitude - low testosterone levels can jeopardize the very fact of an erection.

Of course, it cannot be argued that every man who is faced with the problem of impotence suffers from a hormonal imbalance. But erection and testosterone are inextricably linked, so if there are problems in sexual life, first of all it is worth finding out if the level of male hormones in the body has decreased and, accordingly, if the number of female hormones has increased.

In addition, testosterone deficiency provokes other diseases that can eventually lead to erectile dysfunction, such as metabolic disorders or obesity.

But hormones determine the quality of sexual life not only in men - in the female body, the function of testosterone production is assigned to the adrenal glands, and any malfunctions in their work affect the interest in the opposite sex and the pleasure received during sex.

This means that sex drive in women also largely determines testosterone - libido is significantly reduced when it is deficient and returns to normal if the balance of hormones is restored.

And although the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, unlike men, to maintain sexual interest and sexual desire, a relatively small amount of testosterone in the blood is enough, its role in the life of women does not become less important from this.

testosterone during pregnancy

Considering the issue of hormones and pregnancy, first of all, it should be mentioned how important the balance of these substances in a woman's body is in order for her to be able to conceive a child. And a significant role in this is given to male hormones.

Their deficiency can pose a serious threat to women's health, becoming a symptom of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and even breast cancer. The excess of these substances negatively affects the hormonal balance in general, causing menstrual irregularities up to the complete absence of ovulation. Thus, a large amount of male hormones in a woman's body significantly complicates conception itself - testosterone, contained in excess in the blood, can even cause infertility.

No less important are male sex hormones during childbearing. In the blood of the future mother, not only the concentration of and, but also testosterone increases - during this period it is produced by the adrenal cortex, ovarian follicles, placenta and the body of the fetus. Accordingly, those who expect the birth of a boy should have more male hormones in the body - starting from a certain period, they are actively produced by the testicles of the child.

In addition, testosterone in pregnant women is involved in preparing the mammary glands for lactation, regulates the mood, behavior and activity of the sebaceous glands, provides phosphorus-nitrogen metabolism and plays an important role in maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system.

It is known that at the end of the 1st and during the 2nd trimester, the level of male hormones in the body of the expectant mother reaches its peak, 3-4 times higher than in women who are not in position. But if the amount of testosterone continues to grow, there is a threat to the life of the unborn baby - at 4-8 and 13-20 weeks of pregnancy, its excess can lead to spontaneous abortion or fetal fading due to impaired growth of the uterus.

Less common is testosterone deficiency during pregnancy, for example, in expectant mothers with kidney or heart failure, diabetes, breast tumors, or overweight. In this case, the risk of intrauterine growth retardation increases.

And although the body of the expectant mother has special protective mechanisms that protect the baby from the negative effects of hormonal substances, throughout pregnancy it is extremely important to monitor their level and, if necessary, carry out its therapeutic correction in time.

Relationship between testosterone levels and weight

Contrary to popular belief, the role of male sex hormones in the human body goes far beyond its sexual life.

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Finally, I was able to get rid of chronic prostatitis. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment!
And here is my story
From the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first symptoms of prostatitis began, frequent and painful trips to the toilet, sexual desire, constant apathy and weakness decreased sharply. When I turned 38, my diagnosis was chronic prostatitis. There were problems with potency, which led to quarrels with my wife, I am silent about the hellish pains that I constantly experienced ... Trips to the doctors did not bring any sense, I just spent a lot of money and nerves, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad ...
Everything changed when the wife came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally changed my life. For the last 2 years, he began to move more, began to play sports, and most importantly, his sex life improved. My wife and I are happy.
It doesn't matter if you have the first symptoms or have been suffering from chronic prostatitis for a long time, take 5 minutes and read this article, I guarantee you will not regret it.

So, testosterone, in addition to its other functions, is responsible for building muscle mass, which means it does not allow the deposition of excess fat.

That is, fat and testosterone are incompatible in principle, especially for men - overweight in the representatives of the strong half of humanity in the vast majority of cases indicates a hormonal imbalance.

With a normal or high level of this hormone, the nutrients contained in the food consumed are used to build muscle tissue, and at a low level, they rapidly turn into body fat.

If a man's waist circumference exceeds a critical mark of 94 cm, he should seriously think about the state of his body, or rather, about his hormonal background. In addition, belly fat itself produces substances that further reduce testosterone production.

And if they form a second chin and continue to accumulate on the thighs and legs, we can say that a man begins to become obese - testosterone in this case is suppressed by an increased amount of female sex hormones that form the corresponding type of figure.

Accordingly, wanting to put themselves in order, men can successfully use testosterone for weight loss - if excess weight appeared as a result of serious hormonal disorders, properly selected replacement therapy can solve this problem and make the body more slender and toned.

Similarly, testosterone affects the physique of women. Its deficiency makes the muscles flabby and less elastic, the fat metabolism in the body is disturbed, due to which excess weight quickly accumulates. Testosterone deficiency can be associated with hormonal disorders or due to completely natural causes - the onset of menopause. During this period, the activity of the ovaries decreases, so the level of male sex hormones deviates more and more from the norm. As a result, extra pounds appear, and the “pear-shaped” type of figure characteristic of a woman is gradually changing to an “apple-shaped” one.

With a normal testosterone level, overweight problems become much less - this hormone prevents the formation of body fat and helps to maintain a toned athletic figure without much effort.

Testosterone and hair on the head and body

The density of hair in men directly depends on the amount of testosterone and its derivatives in the body. A high concentration of the hormone in the blood ensures the growth of hair on the face, chest, legs and arms, but as soon as the indicators deviate from the norm, the changes become visible to the naked eye.

Hair loss is often a consequence of hormonal disorders - testosterone, contained in the blood in insufficient quantities, makes the hairline on the chest, legs and groin area thin and look like fluff. Testosterone and a beard are also connected - a normal amount of the hormone provides dense facial hair, with high rates, men even have to shave daily, and its deficiency, on the contrary, provokes the appearance of hair-free areas.

Bald patches on the head in men can be a sign of not only low, but also high testosterone levels. In the first case, its deficiency makes the hair follicles unviable and gradually leads to their death. In the second - testosterone begins to be distributed unevenly, providing abundant vegetation on the chest and back, for example, and "exposing" the crown, forehead and temples.

In women, the main problems in this regard are associated with an excess of this hormone in the body - hair begins to grow actively where it should not be in principle, for example, on the face in the form of separate black hairs on the chin or a fluff on the upper lip, on the back, chest etc. And in places where the hairline should be moderate, for example, on the legs, arms and in the groin area, their number increases significantly. At the same time, thick female hair thins noticeably, in some cases even leading to male pattern baldness.

Thus, the role of testosterone in human life is difficult to overestimate - the normal functioning of not only the male, but also the female body largely depends on its level. Therefore, the slightest signs of a deficiency or excess of this hormone are a good reason to consult a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it in time, preventing serious complications.



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