Mineral water Borisov benefit and harm. The benefits and harms of mineral water for the body

The human body is more than half water. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a normal water balance. Doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking enough fluids every day. It can be juice, fruit drink, coffee, mineral water. The benefits and harms of mineral water have long been discussed by society and scientists.

There is also a temperature classification:

  • cold;
  • subthermal;
  • thermal;
  • hyperthermal.

In count mineral salts There are three categories of water:

  1. dining room (suitable for daily use);
  2. medical table (suitable for occasional use as prophylactic against some diseases);
  3. medicinal (saturated with minerals, used in strictly limited quantities for the treatment of certain diseases).

Beneficial features

Natural water is always structured the best way. Reasonable use of high-quality mineral water perfectly energizes the entire body, helping it, if necessary, to fight viruses and infections.

The benefits of such water are due to the unique chemical composition. From percentage components are directly dependent and medicinal characteristics. If iron predominates in the composition of mineral water, then it is indispensable for people suffering from anemia. water with high content iodine is useful for violations of work. Sodium helps with pressure surges. Therefore, the most important thing is to choose the water that will best affect your body.

If you use mineral water in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, you can achieve good results. Positive properties:

  • improves and structures fluid at the cellular level;
  • strengthens cells, so they can effectively withstand any danger;
  • supplies the body with essential minerals;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • activates the action of enzymes;
  • regulates indicators acid-base balance;
  • helps to strengthen bones and tooth enamel;
  • improves well-being.

Mineral water - good remedy for cleansing the body, as it is able to remove accumulated toxins and toxic substances. Many note that after a course of use, their weight returned to normal and their metabolism improved.

Since mineral water perfectly increases general tone body, then nutritionists and doctors recommend drinking such water with great physical and mental stress. At the same time, it normalizes the indicators blood pressure and has a strengthening effect on.

If mineral water is slightly heated, it will have a good anti-inflammatory effect, reduce pain relieves stomach cramps. It also liquefies the contents of the gallbladder well and promotes the outflow of bile. Doctors recommend using mineral water as an addition to fasting days.

Mineral water with gas

In the vast majority of cases, shops and supermarkets sell mineral water with gases. The benefits of carbonated mineral water are obvious if consumed in moderation. It perfectly copes with the feeling of thirst and refreshes well. fixed good results when drinking mineral soda after meals. It promotes the fastest digestion of food, as it improves the production gastric juice.

But in some cases the bubbles carbon dioxide contribute to acidity and flatulence, so people with problems gastrointestinal tract and it is better for small children to refrain from drinking such water. In principle, it is very simple to release water from gas: you need to shake the bottle well several times and leave it open.

Harm and possible side effects

Caution when drinking mineral water does not hurt. It should not be used as a regular ordinary drink, since an excessive amount of it can not only not bring the expected benefit, but cause serious harm. It is best to drink mineral water in the heat, during serious physical exertion, that is, when there is a danger of dehydration and loss useful salts.

Mineral water is often used as medicinal product, so constant use is fraught with an overdose. It is advisable to drink such water in courses. Abundant drinking of mineral water leads to an increase in salts in the human body. And this, in turn, negatively affects the kidneys and joints.

The main thing is to monitor the reaction of the body. If your hands tremble after drinking mineral water, your blood pressure jumps, your heart rate goes astray, then something is wrong. Insomnia and excessive nervousness can also be side effects. Reception should be stopped immediately and in the near future apply for qualified help.

Mineral natural water bottled almost without the participation of human hands. Everything is done by special machines. Therefore, it is difficult to monitor the conditions of its production, storage and transportation. Long-term transportation is also harmful, as it destroys liquid crystals and water loses its beneficial properties. Cases of poisoning with such low-quality water are not uncommon.

How to drink mineral water

Many are interested in how much mineral water can be drunk per day without harm to the body. If you drink table mineral water, then the optimal amount for the body is 500 ml. But in the presence of diseases of the stomach, kidneys or joints, without prior consultation with a doctor, you should not even start trying such water. Drink medicinal-table and medicinal water exactly as much as the doctor prescribes.

The time of use depends on the nature of the disease. It is often recommended to drink mineral water before meals. The course of application is no more than 1.5 months. The temperature of the water used also plays a big role important role.

The benefits and harms of mineral water are approximately one to one. Everything is useful in moderation. By listening to your own body and adopting the authoritative recommendations of experts, this measure can be determined without much difficulty.

July 19, 2018

A person is 2/3 water, without this liquid it is impossible to live for several days, since dehydration leads to lethal outcome. Many consumers liked carbonated mineral water. Does such a drink bring harm or benefit? Let's try to understand everything in more detail in today's article.

What are we drinking?

Mineral water with gas is in great demand among ordinary consumers. Few people know the benefits and harms of such drinks. How often does it happen in life? We come to the store and buy, for example, Rychal Su mineral water, the benefits and harms of which are not known to us at all. We drink medicinal water with pleasure, and then appear side effects as intestinal colic or nausea. It is only at this stage that we decide to carefully study the label.

On a note! Not every one of us understands what, for example, Karachinskaya mineral water is. Its benefits and harms depend on the component composition, the place of the spill, and the degree of mineralization.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of mineral water. And here we come across the mineral water "Khankul". Benefits and harms are unknown to us, and component composition with a list of indications and contraindications, it is not necessary to study. And then we can face serious health problems.

In order not to get into a mess and not choose a mineral water by touch, let's find out what types of drink there are.


  • dining room;
  • mineral dining room;
  • medical dining room;
  • medical.

The so-called table water is indicated for use by everyone without exception. The level of its mineralization is insignificant. According to the mechanism of influence on human body this water is similar to distilled water.

And here special attention deserves "Novoterskaya" mineral water. The benefits and harms of medicinal table waters are little known to ordinary people. But in such drinks the amount minerals can vary up to 2 to 9 grams per liter of liquid.

Mineral water "Obukhovskaya" is also among the medical table. Its benefits and harms will directly depend on the amount of additives.

On a note! What can Minskaya 4 mineral water contain? The benefits and harms, as already mentioned, are related to the composition. The drink can be enriched with sodium, magnesium, salts, boron and even arsenic. Each water has its own unique composition, including Narzan. Mineral water, the benefits and harms of which are little known, is best used in consultation with the doctor or as prescribed.

Mineral water "Nabeglavi" is one of the exclusively curative liquids. The benefits and harms of such a drink depend on the degree of mineralization and the concentration of one or another chemical compound. Many are interested in the benefits and harms of Essentuki 4 mineral water. Before drinking drinks from the category of medicinal table or exclusively medicinal, carefully study the composition and list of indications.

Most parents think that best drink is mineral water for children. The benefits and harms in this regard are of unprecedented interest.

On a note! In addition to micro and macro elements, purified water is saturated with carbon dioxide. Depending on the degree of concentration of carbon dioxide, water can be slightly, medium and highly carbonated.

Beneficial features:

  • normalization of digestive processes;
  • activation of enzyme production;
  • increase in hemoglobin level;
  • increased appetite;
  • maintaining acid-base balance;
  • preventing the excretion of calcium from the body;
  • quenching thirst;
  • diuretic effect.

As practice shows, special value For digestive tract presents the mineral water "Goryachiy Klyuch". Benefit or harm from such a drink? Scientists give an unequivocal answer - only benefit, but subject to compliance existing contraindications.

Many of us liked mineral water with lemon. The benefits and harms of such a drink are not kept secret, but it should be borne in mind that the acids contained in the drink can adversely affect the level gastric acidity to one side or the other.

Important! As a rule, the labels of medicinal and medicinal table mineral waters indicate not only the composition, but also a list of indications and existing contraindications. If this is ignored, then you can face serious health problems. More better use mineral water in medicinal purposes coordinate with the relevant doctor.

Danger from drinking mineral water

By the way, we drink mineral water not only for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. IN Lately especially the fair sex began to use mineral water for hair. The benefits and harms of using water in cosmetic purposes not so obvious. However, if you believe the reviews, rinsing the curls with mineral water makes them silky, manageable and shiny.

It's time to discuss the harm of mineral water with gas.

The negative impact of mineral water:

  • salt imbalance;
  • acid-base imbalance;
  • violation of gastric secretion;
  • promoting the formation of sand and stones in the organs of the urinary system;
  • puffiness.

It all depends on the degree of mineralization of the liquid. If you do not take into account the existing contraindications, then instead of strengthening your health, you can significantly undermine it. Please note that the row medicinal drinks contraindicated in people suffering from diseases of the organs of cardio-vascular system.

Important! To the number absolute contraindications refer elevated level blood pressure and chronic nephritis.


Mineral water, the benefits and harms to the human body that it has medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

The use of mineral water is associated with diet therapy. Treatment will be more effective if the diet is combined with the use of mineral water recommended by the attending physician.

The use of mineral waters for medicinal purposes great importance given by such outstanding domestic clinicians as S.P. Botkin, A.A. Ostroumov, M.Ya. Wise.

In one of his lectures, the founder of the Moscow Therapeutic School, Professor G.A. Zakharyin said: “So many times I have seen the cure of patients with catarrh of the stomach, constipation, gallstones and kidney sand, for a long time and unsuccessfully using powders, correct use mineral water".

Natural mineral water is different from ordinary fresh water increased amount salts, gases, organic substances. The specific properties of a particular mineral water, primarily the presence of biologically active substances, allow it to be used as remedy both at resorts and at home.

The total mineralization of water components is the sum of all substances dissolved in water, expressed in grams per liter. There are waters of weak mineralization (up to 2 g/l), low (from 2 to 5 g/l), medium (from 5 to 15 g/l) and high (from 15 to 35 g/l).

According to the ionic composition, mineral waters are divided into hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, combined, for example, hydrocarbonate chloride, hydrocarbonate sulfate, etc. Hydrocarbonate waters can be sodium, calcium, magnesium in terms of the content of cations.

Among biologically active ingredients mineral waters contain such mineral microelements as iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, iodine, bromine, silicon.

The reaction of water (pH) is also one of the indicators of the characteristics of medicinal mineral waters. Water can be strongly acidic (pH less than 3.5), acidic (pH 3.5 to 5.5), slightly acidic (pH 5.5 to 6.8), neutral (pH 6.8 to 7.2) , slightly alkaline (pH from 7.2 to 8.5), alkaline (pH above 8.5).

By temperature, cold waters are released (up to 20 ° C); warm, or slightly thermal (from 21 to 35 ° C); hot, or thermal (36–42 ° C); very hot, or high thermal (above 42 °C).

Here are some examples of the use of mineral water for ailments.

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, and chronic gastritis With hyperacidity gastric juice, your doctor may recommend bicarbonate sodium water(they are also called alkaline) - "Borjomi", "Dilijan", "Sairme", as well as hydrocarbonate sulfate waters- "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya", "Jermuk", Kislovodsk "Narzan".

The course of treatment with alkaline mineral waters promotes recovery physiological mechanisms acid formation in patients with peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. By reducing the acidity of the contents of the stomach, mineral water helps to prevent spasms of the pylorus and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

As a result of treatment mineral water complaints of heartburn, belching, feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region are eliminated. Thanks to the intake of mineral water, there is often no need to use medications such as vikalin and almagel.

In case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in chronic gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to start drinking alkaline mineral waters with small amounts (50-100 ml) in a warm form (38-40 ° C), and if well tolerated, already on the 3rd-4th day of the "drinking" treatment, take up to 1 glass of water (250 ml) at a time.

By reducing the acidity of the contents of the stomach, mineral water helps to prevent spasms of the pylorus and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Giving recommendations on the drinking regimen for patients with peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, the attending physician takes into account individual characteristics gastric secretion, as well as the body's tolerance to mineral water. At the same time, in the conditions of resorts and at home, drinking treatment is usually carried out in compliance with traditional principles, that is, by single doses of mineral water 1 hour before the main meal. However, with complaints of heartburn, the intake of mineral alkalizing water can be timed to the time of the alleged appearance of heartburn, "hungry" pain in the epigastric region, that is, it can be carried out 1 hour after eating and even later.

If earlier in the drinking treatment of diseases of the digestive system with mineral waters, exceptionally great importance was attached to the normalization of the acidity of gastric juice, now no less attention is paid to studying the effect of quantitative and quality composition dissolved and in water mineral and organic substances on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, as well as on the metabolism in general.

The anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effect of alkaline mineral water in peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis is no less important than the effect of water on gastric secretion.
With chronic gastritis with low acidity gastric juice, the attending physician may recommend the intake of water of medium mineralization (5-15 g / l), according to its ionic composition, related to chloride, bicarbonate chloride and chloride sulfate waters. As an example, let's name Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17, Arzni, Izhevskaya, Druskininkai, Vytautas, Mirgorodskaya, Nizhneserginskaya, Kuyalnik No. 4, Berezovskaya. These waters at room temperature (18–24 ° C) begin to drink from a quarter glass, bringing single dose up to 1-1.5 glasses. Take them 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals.

The effectiveness of mineral water treatment depends not only on right choice water, but also on the rules of its intake (dose, frequency, connection in time with food intake, water temperature).

For intestinal diseases (enterocolitis, colitis, intestinal dyskinesia), accompanied by disorders (diarrhea), mineral waters of low and medium mineralization, hydrocarbonate or hydrocarbonate sulfate are used: Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Jermuk, Borjomi, Sairme and others. Drink water heated to 40–45 ° C 3 times a day, 0.5–1 glass 30–50 minutes before meals.

In diseases of the intestine with a predominance of low motor function and complaints of constipation recommend waters of medium and high mineralization (up to 1520 g / l), according to the ionic composition, chloride and chloride sulfate: Izhevskaya, Novoizhevskaya, Essentuki No. 17, Druskininkai, Vytautas, Semigorskaya ” and others. Drink water at room temperature (18–24 ° C), 1 glass 3 times a day 30–50 minutes before meals.

With severe atonic constipation, laxative mineral waters are prescribed - "Batalinskaya" or "Lysogorskaya" - 0.5 cups on an empty stomach or at night.

For diseases of the liver and gallbladder, mainly hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate chloride or hydrocarbonate sulfate waters of low or medium mineralization are recommended: Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17, Arzni, Jermuk, Slavyanovskaya, " Smirnovskaya, etc. Drink water heated to 36–42 ° C, 0.5–1 glass 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals. The intake of mineral water increases protective function liver, helps to reduce congestion and inflammatory phenomena in the gallbladder.

At diabetes drinking cure has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, as well as on accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract. Hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate chloride, hydrocarbonate sulfate waters are used: "Borjomi", "Jermuk", "Dilijan", "Polyana Kvasova", "Berezovskaya", "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya", "Essentuki No. 4", "Essentuki No. 17" . Drink water at a temperature of 25–30 ° C, 1 glass 3 times a day 40–50 minutes before meals.

For gout, hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate sulfate waters of low mineralization are recommended: Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Borjomi, Dilijan, Jermuk, Polyana Kvasova, Isti-Su. Drink water heated to 36-42 ° C 3 times a day 40-50 minutes before meals, 1-1.5 cups (if there are no contraindications for taking significant amount fluids from the cardiovascular system). These mineral waters contribute to the removal of excess from the body. uric acid, lead to sagging internal environment organism, which has a beneficial effect in gout.

The effectiveness of mineral water treatment depends not only on the correct choice of water, but also on the rules for its intake (dose, frequency, connection with food intake, water temperature). Drinking cure should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following his recommendations.

Many mineral waters, such as Borjomi, Narzan, thanks to good taste and the ability to quench thirst are widely used as table water. However, those who suffer from diseases digestive system, as well as metabolic disorders, you should not use mineral water systematically without consulting a doctor.

When prescribing a course of mineral water, the attending physician must make adjustments to drinking regimen: reduces the amount of tea, compote, other sources of water, so as not to overload the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the book by Mikhail Gurvich “Nutrition for health. Advice from a gastroenterologist.

Our body consists of almost 82% water. The water that we have contains both minerals and salts. In its composition, it is almost similar to mineral water. During hot weather, we lose not only water, but also the salts that our body needs to correct operation. Mineral water allows you to restore the necessary water-salt balance of our body.

Composition of mineral water

Mineral water consists of water, which in its composition has increased content salts, minerals and carbon dioxide. It contains important micro and macro elements that are easily absorbed. The minerals in it are in ionized form. It helps to fill the deficiency in the body essential minerals. It can be carbonated and non-carbonated, canteen and intended only for medicinal purposes. It is on this that the benefit that we receive from its use depends. Mineral water can be of low and medium mineralization - these are its most useful types. Highly mineralized water is suitable only in very hot weather, for constant use she doesn't fit.

Benefits of mineral water

In order for the human body to remain healthy and able to function normally, it is necessary to maintain a water-salt balance in it. This ensures metabolic processes in the tissues and the functioning of organs. Mineral water with low mineralization helps to restore the water-salt balance in the body, as it contains salts that we need to restore after physical activity And profuse sweating. It helps regulate body temperature, blood pressure, remove harmful products metabolic process, increase the body's resistance, increasing its immunity. Mineral water spreads throughout the body nutrients and dissolves unnecessary ones. Thanks to water, organs and tissues remain healthy, and the skin is smooth.

What causes the lack of mineral water?

Not getting enough water, the supply of oxygen to the brain decreases, which causes a decrease in concentration and memory. Headaches, problems with digestion of food, malfunctions in the cardiovascular system appear. The mucous membrane dries out, and it is no longer an obstacle to microorganisms.

Rules for drinking mineral water

To get only the benefits from drinking mineral water, try not to abuse it and drink mineral water only from well-known and serious manufacturers who monitor the quality of their products. Drink not regularly, but only during physical exertion, in hot weather. When buying water, choose one that contains natural minerals. Drink medicinal mineral water only after consulting with your specialist. Do not drink mineral water alcoholic drinks, do not drink it at the time of a hangover. The optimal amount of mineral water is 1 liter per day.

Healing mineral water

Healing mineral water has a beneficial effect on the course various diseases especially the gastrointestinal tract. It promotes healing and improvement general condition organism. Mineral medicinal water used in certain courses. Like ordinary water, it is forbidden to drink it. The amount and time of administration is determined by your doctor. Uncontrolled intake of mineral water can cause an overdose of salts and minerals in the body, which can lead to grave consequences in future.

Mineral water and weight loss

During weight loss, it is necessary to drink more fluids, at least 2 liters of mineral water per day. This will improve your digestion. Carbon dioxide, which is part of mineral water, will help accelerate metabolic processes in organism. This will help activate the process of losing weight if you are on a diet or lose weight through exercise.

The healing effect of mineral water

To strengthen and prevent the destruction of teeth and bones, drink mineral water containing a large amount of calcium and fluorine. Calcium in the composition of mineral water will help the work of the cardiovascular system and normalize the process of blood clotting, which is very important after past heart attacks and strokes. Great content magnesium in the water will help if you fall asleep badly or if the nervous system is disturbed.

When is it good to drink mineral water?

Equally important to get useful effect from mineral water is the time of its use. Mineral water is best drunk after lunch and in the evening to replenish the fluid lost during the day and purify the blood. At the same time, try to drink mineral water in equal parts, which must be distributed throughout the day. After eating, you need to drink after 30 minutes. It is not recommended to drink mineral water while eating.

Hot weather mineral water recipe

We take 1 liter of mineral water, juice of 1 lemon, juice of 1 orange, a pinch of sugar and salt. We mix all these products, cool and pour into a bottle. A drink that perfectly quenches thirst is ready in hot weather.

If you drink mineral water in small sips all day, choosing the right mineral composition that is right for you, you will gradually be able to feel how it decorates, heals and nourishes you. With each refreshing sip, you will feel how your body is filled with life force and energy.

Mineral water: a harmless drink or a medicine that you need to be careful with? The controversy has been going on for a long time, and now we will try to dot the i's, evaluate all the pros and cons.

Mineral is called natural underground water (rarely it is surface water), which has special characteristics. physical and chemical properties and contains gases, salts, organic matter providing therapeutic effect on the human body.

The main difference between such waters is a higher level of mineralization compared to fresh waters (it can range from 1 (0.1%) to 50 grams (5%) solids per 1 liter of water).

Based degree of mineralization, these waters are divided into:

  • slightly mineralized (1-2 g/l);
  • low mineralization water (2-5 g/l);
  • medium mineralization (5-15 g/l);
  • high mineralization (15-35 g/l);
  • brine water (35-150 g/l);
  • strongly brine water (more than 150 g/l).

It should be noted that for internal use suitable water with a mineralization of 2-20 g/l.

The formation of mineral water is a long process. In fact, it is rainwater that has been accumulating in various layers of earth rocks for thousands of years. Their special properties it acquires thanks to the minerals that dissolve in it. And the degree of purification of mineral water is indicated by the depth of occurrence: the deeper the water goes into the rock, the higher the degree of purification and the content of carbon dioxide and useful substances in her.

Composition and types of mineral water

In addition to the level of mineralization, an important role is played by chemical composition. Depending on the combinations of six main components (macroelements calcium, magnesium, sodium, as well as chlorine, bicarbonate (HCO 3) and sulfate (SO 4)), mineral waters are:

  • sulfate;
  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • mixed.

The main features of the chemical composition of various mineral waters are, in fact, reflected in the names. So, main feature sulfate waters– a significant presence in their composition (more than 25%) of sulfate anions with the concentration of other anions less than 25%. As part of chloride mineral waters are dominated by chlorine anions, in hydrocarbonate, respectively, high content of bicarbonate ion (HCO 3). Calcium, sodium and magnesium waters- these are mineral waters with a predominance of the corresponding cations and their inherent qualities.

However, most of the water is mixed, that is, they have a set of different cations and anions, which ultimately determines their benefit or harm to human health.

Another important component mineral water - carbon dioxide(or carbonic anhydride), which is formed by the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rock and contributes to the formation useful properties drink. Carbon dioxide softens the taste and stabilizes the chemical composition, and this helps to quench thirst faster and indicates the benefits of mineral water for human health.

The composition of mineral water can include all the elements from the periodic table, but in very small quantities. Of the most significant in quantitative terms - iodine, fluorine, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, lithium, bromine.

According to the concentration of mineral salts, they distinguish:

  • table mineral water;
  • medical dining room;
  • medical.

IN table water the lowest salt content (not more than 1 g/l), healthy people you can drink it without restrictions and cook food on it (there are no specific taste and smell).

IN medicinal table waters the degree of mineralization is higher (1.5-7 g / l), they are divided into two groups, which differ in severity therapeutic effect. The water of the first group does not possess it, and the medicinal table water of the second group, on the contrary, is medicinal: it must be used carefully, not more than 0.5-1 l / day, and it must not be subjected to heat treatment.

The highest degree of mineralization is typical for medicinal mineral water(from 7 g/l), which contains essential trace elements. The intake of such mineral waters can only be prescribed by the attending physician (usually no more than 200 ml per day).

By origin, mineral water can be:

It is actively practiced to create mineral water by enriching ordinary tap water essential salts, minerals and carbon dioxide. Such a drink, of course, will not harm health, but there is little benefit from it. Even matching sanitary standards and the rules, such water is not an active medium, but only a lifeless solution of salts.

At the time of buying natural water remember: even if all the conditions of extraction and storage are met, liquid crystals can be destroyed during long-term transportation in mineral water, as a result of which useful properties are lost.

Benefits of mineral water

High-quality natural mineral water with a unique mineral composition, is able to energize the body, help in the fight against viruses and infections.

Positive properties of mineral water, impact on the human body:

  • intake of essential microelements into the body;
  • activation of enzymes;
  • strengthening the cells of the body;
  • strengthening bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • regulation of indicators of acid-base balance;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement in well-being.

Mineral water brings no less benefit as a means for effective cleansing the body, as it is capable of short time remove waste and toxins. And also normalize metabolism, which helps to reduce body weight.

Mineral water contributes increase the tone of the body, and this is very useful for increased physical and mental stress.

In addition, drinking mineral water normalizes blood pressure and strengthens nervous system . And in the heated form this healing drink can be an assistant in the fight against inflammation, pain and stomach cramps.

Mineral water contributes liquefaction of the contents of the gallbladder and outflow of bile.

With regular use, mineral water will bring tangible benefits to your health!

Carbonated and non-carbonated water

Obviously, the main difference between carbonated mineral water and non-carbonated drinking water is the presence of carbon dioxide. Recall: carbonated mineral water beneficial when used in moderate amounts. It not only quickly copes with thirst, but also promotes faster digestion of food and increased production of gastric juice - feel free to drink carbonated mineral water after a meal.

As such, mineral soda does not bring harm. However, it should be remembered that carbon dioxide contributes to acidity and flatulence, so people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as young children, should better refrain from drinking water with gas.

Drinking still water
happens first and the highest category quality. Their main difference is that if water of the first category should be simply harmless to human health in terms of radiation, chemical and microbiological indicators, then water of the highest quality category should also be full in terms of the content of macroelements. So read the labels carefully.

Rules for use without harm to health

  • First of all, you need to decide what kind of water to drink. Medicinal and medicinal table mineral water, as mentioned earlier, should be prescribed by a specialist according to the available indications.
  • Secondly, you need to decide on the amount of water. The optimal amount of consumption of table mineral water is 500 ml per day. However, this applies to people who do not have problems with the joints, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The permitted volume of medicinal table and medicinal mineral waters depends, again, on the doctor's recommendations.
  • Thirdly, how long can you drink medicinal waters? The duration of the course depends on the nature of the disease, but maximum term is 1.5 months. Most often it is recommended to drink mineral water before meals.

Thus, the benefits and harms of drinking mineral water are determined by its quality and quantity. Remember that everything is useful in moderation. The main thing is to listen to your body.

Possible harm and side effects

Since an excess of mineral substances in the human body is no less harmful than its deficiency, one must be extremely careful.

So, you should not use mineral water as a regular drink. It is justified to use it in hot weather, as it perfectly quenches thirst, and during great physical and mental stress but in limited quantities. That is, in cases where there is a risk of dehydration and loss of mineral salts.

The use of medicinal mineral waters without medical supervision is also fraught with overdoses, they must be consumed in courses in strict accordance with the prescriptions.

An increase in salt content in the body due to overuse mineral water can adversely affect the condition of the kidneys and joints.

It is very important to observe the reaction of the body. If, after drinking mineral water, you notice hand tremors, jumps in blood pressure, heart rate, insomnia and nervousness, immediately stop taking mineral water and consult a specialist.

In what diseases is the use of mineral water effective?

The benefits of drinking mineral water are determined by its unique chemical composition.

  • If iron is included in the mineral water, it will be indispensable for people suffering from anemia.
  • Water with a high iodine content is indicated for people with diseases to consume. thyroid gland.
  • For normalization of blood pressure you can use water containing sodium.
  • At urolithiasis shows the use of hydrocarbonate water.
  • For stimulation of metabolic processes in the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in the presence of gastritis with low acidity, gallbladder dyskinesia, it is advisable to use chloride, chloride sulfate and chloride hydrocarbonate waters (Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17).
  • At peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, chronic gastritis with high or normal acidity, hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with a low content of salts and carbon dioxide (Borjomi) are suitable.
  • If you suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon and small intestine(enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis) with diarrhea, then you are recommended to use bicarbonate sulfate waters with a significant concentration of calcium salts and an average or low content carbon dioxide and other salts (Nabeglavi).
  • In cases when inflammatory diseases sluggish peristalsis of the large and small intestines, give preference to chloride and chloride sulfate waters with a high or medium concentration of mineral salts and carbon dioxide (Essentuki No. 17, Druskininkai).
  • Bicarbonate, bicarbonate chloride and bicarbonate sulfate waters with an average and low content of mineral salts and carbon dioxide (Nabeglavi, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17) contribute to stimulation of the liver and gallbladder, so they can be drunk with diseases biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, obesity, diabetes, after past illness Botkin, cholelithiasis, and chronic bronchitis, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis.

It is important to choose your mineral water correctly so that it brings only benefits to your health.

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