The eye was covered with a white film. The eye is reddened and festering: phenomena indicating an inflammatory process

If the eyes of an adult fester, it is necessary to determine the cause, then the ophthalmologist will prescribe how to treat purulent discharge. They can talk about a serious eye disease, so you can not pull.

If the eyes fester, this indicates the development of one of the eye diseases. Moreover, certain signs help to accurately determine the diagnosis. Often the eyes and eyelids fester after sleep.

The periodic release of purulent exudate, in addition to discomfort, does not pose a danger. But the causes of pus in the corners of the eyes in an adult lead to irreversible consequences.

But in some cases this is normal. So, if the eye is festering after the operation, this indicates the successful healing of tissues.


In the presence of the disease, the conjunctiva is affected and suppurates. Bacteria, allergens and infections act as causative agents of the disease. Purulent masses around the eyelid are characteristic of.

Sometimes the visual organ in an adult fester with the development of an allergic reaction. To this symptom is added profuse lacrimation with a yellowish tint.

In rare cases, conjunctivitis is diagnosed as a complication of tonsillitis, and therefore the eyes fester. The main thing is to treat the underlying pathology and complication in a complex manner.

With the disease, the inflammatory process of the fiber of the orbit quickly develops, and therefore fester around the eyelid. In the future, necrosis begins in this area, if you do not immediately consult a doctor. Often, phlegmon of the orbit appears as a secondary pathology. Initially, the impetus for the development of the disease is:

  • SARS;
  • constant stuffiness in the nose and eyelids;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • abscesses - boils, barley;
  • infectious damage to the body;
  • thrombophlebitis of the veins of the orbit.

Phlegmon of the orbit is a dangerous condition in which a fatal outcome is possible due to the transition of inflammation to the meninges. Therefore, if the eyes fester with a common cold, this is a reason to visit an ophthalmologist.

Dacryocystitis is a disease in which the lacrimal sac becomes blocked and festering. Therefore, the eyes and eyelids of an adult itch and periodically fester.

At the same time, the mucous walls of the canal between the nose and the lacrimal glands thicken and fester. A person constantly experiences discomfort due to nasal congestion. The outflow of fluid is disturbed, therefore, the risks of developing pathogenic microflora in this place increase.

Disturbances in the work of lacrimal secretion cause the appearance of dry eye syndrome. The mucous membrane of the visual organ dries up. When a cold infection enters the body, the eyes fester and the throat is very sore. Moreover, if the mucous membrane was periodically moistened, infection did not occur on the eyelids.

Chlamydia - causes of trachoma. Women during pregnancy take special precautions so as not to get sick with pathology. During the period of bearing a child, trachoma is dangerous, since the disease often passes to the baby.

The eyelid does not fester right away. This will take time until the infection penetrates into deep tissues. Often, the inflammatory process, with proper treatment, flows into the restoration of cells, the formation of scars on the tissue.


The disease is often observed in people who have suffered thermal burns, injuries. Additional symptoms of keratitis include:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • acute reaction to bright light;
  • pain sensations;
  • ruptured capillaries.

One of the complications of keratitis is hypopyon disease, in which pus accumulates in the anterior chamber of the eye. It is important to prevent the development of this secondary pathology, in which the eyelid fester strongly.

The reason for the development of an abscess is a blockage of the sebaceous gland at the root of the eyelash. A favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms is created. Therefore, the psychosomatics of the phenomenon involves constant purulent discharge on the eyelids.

In case of mechanical injury or damage to the visual organ, infections and bacteria enter the wound. Therefore, the inflammatory process will not keep you waiting. During the treatment period, it is necessary to abandon the use of cosmetics, wearing contact lenses.


Pus in the eyes is a reason to visit an ophthalmologist. The specialist almost from the first time determines the diagnosis of the patient.

If the eye is swollen, reddened and festering, you can not wash off the exudate, as the doctor will not accurately determine the disease. Sometimes laboratory tests are required to make an accurate diagnosis.

What to do if the eyes of an adult fester?

After diagnosing the pathology, the specialist prescribes medicines that relieve the patient of the accumulation of pus and other symptoms.

First aid

First aid for an adult is required when you need to wait until the scheduled visit to the ophthalmologist. The following activities are carried out at home:

  1. The most effective help is the removal of accumulations of pus. Before washing, wash and sterilize hands. After washing, the cotton pad is moistened in a solution of furacilin, then applied to the damaged area for 10 minutes.
  2. Before visiting an ophthalmologist, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory compresses from chamomile decoction. You can use black tea instead of chamomile, calendula. Such an event helps if the visual organ is very festering. Therapeutic compress is applied strictly for 5 minutes.

General principles of therapy

There are general principles of therapeutic therapy if the eyes fester and swell in an adult. These rules contribute to the speedy recovery of the visual organ:

  1. Rinse the eye with light movements, starting from the outer corner to the inner.
  2. All cleaning procedures are carried out with washed hands in sterile conditions.
  3. Do not clean both eyes at once with one cotton pad or swab.
  4. For a while, stop using decorative and moisturizing cosmetics for the area around the eyelids. Contact lenses are also removed.

Also watch a video on how to rinse your eyes with decoctions:

Medical preparations

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment therapy is prescribed. Consider the appointment of medications for purulent eye diseases:

  1. With phlegmon of the orbit, the doctor recommends the use of antibiotics along with intravenous administration of sulfonamides. As the first, Metacycline 300 mg is often prescribed. But first determine the cause of this complication.
  2. Dry eye syndrome is treated with Vizin moisturizing drops. Also, the medication is used as a preventive measure for excessive work at the computer. The same medication is used when a foreign object gets into the eye.
  3. Against conjunctivitis and keratitis, eye drops from pus "Tobrex" help. In addition, the optometrist will additionally prescribe an anti-inflammatory tetracycline ointment. Antiseptic Miramistin is used against barley.
  4. The initial stage of dacryocystitis implies conservative treatment. Massage is used in combination with washing the lacrimal sac with Dexamethasone and Ciprofloxacin. Sometimes, in addition, any vasoconstrictor drops are used to eliminate edema. When the stage is running, an operation is assigned.
  5. Against trachoma, the ophthalmologist prescribes tetracycline ointment. To eliminate the follicles, surgery is used - expression.

Folk remedies

Treatment with the use of traditional medicine is carried out with caution. In rare cases, alternative therapy causes side effects. Washing with decoctions, infusions of herbs is recognized as the safest measure. Consider a few recipes from traditional medicine:

  1. 10 cornflower flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused for an hour, and then filtered. A cotton pad is moistened in the resulting liquid and applied to the eyelid for 1 or 2 hours.
  2. 100 g of leaves, bird cherry flowers are brewed with 50 ml of boiled water. The mixture is insisted for 12 hours on a windowsill or other cool place. After that, it is recommended to make compresses from the infusion 2 times a day.
  3. 10 ml of honey is dissolved in a glass of boiling water. The solution is cooled and used for compresses.
  4. The bulb is peeled, boiled in 200 ml of water. Next, the resulting broth is mixed with a teaspoon of honey. The solution is used to wash the eyelids.

What can not be done with suppuration?

If purulent discharge from different parts of the eye is detected, the following restrictions should be observed:

  1. Do not use one cotton pad to wipe both eyes if one of them is festering.
  2. Do not dry your face with a shared towel, as other people may also become infected.
  3. Do not overstrain the visual organ. Additional stress will make things worse.
  4. Do not use cosmetics.
  5. Do not self-medicate. Only an experienced doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapeutic therapy if the eye is festering.


In order to avoid the development of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other purulent diseases in an adult, the following preventive measures will be required:

  1. Avoid contact with irritants that cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Do not use someone else's decorative cosmetics - mascara, pencil, cream, shadows.
  3. Every year, undergo a medical examination by an ophthalmologist.
  4. Follow the rules of hygiene - wash your hands, face after the street.
  5. Buy lenses only after consulting with a specialist.
  6. Immediately treat somatic diseases.
  7. Use only clean water to remove makeup and wash your face.

Also, the appearance of purulent deposits on the eyelids is due to a lack of vitamins. To clarify this issue, a person takes tests, after which a vitamin complex is prescribed.

If the eye is festering, you should not panic. Usually the symptom goes away after the disease is treated. Comment on the article and share with your friends. Be healthy.

The appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes is a common phenomenon that many of us face. Most often it is observed in the morning immediately after waking up, but it can also occur at other times, as well as be accompanied by other symptoms. By itself, the discharge of pus does not pose a health hazard, but the causes that cause it can lead to serious consequences. What diseases cause suppuration of the eyes in adults, and how to get rid of the problem?

Causes of suppuration of the eyes

Normally, the mucous membrane of the human eye produces a secret that protects the eyeball from damage, so a small amount of white mucus is considered the norm. With the development of pathological processes in the body, in particular, in the tissues of the eyes, the discharge becomes abundant and thick, acquires a yellowish or greenish tint.

The causes of suppuration are most often infectious diseases of the eyes, less often - diseases of the nasal sinuses. Anatomically, the eyes are located near the nose, so inflammation (especially in the absence of appropriate treatment) can move from one tissue to another.

  1. Conjunctivitis. A disease of the conjunctiva caused by bacteria, viruses, or allergens. The discharge of pus from the eyes is characteristic of the bacterial and allergic forms of conjunctivitis, and the nature of the discharge depends on the cause of the development of the pathology. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the eye, the discharge is abundant and thick, yellowish-green in color, and when exposed to allergens, it is watery and yellow.

  2. Barley. Pathology that affects the sebaceous glands located at the edges of the eyelids, and also causes profuse discharge of pus - most often this symptom is observed when an abscess is opened or when the pathological process is running.

  3. Trachoma. Infectious process, the causative agent of which is chlamydia. In the early stages of the disease, the discharge may be mucous with small purulent inclusions, but as the pathology develops, an abundant thick secret of a yellowish or greenish color appears.
  4. dry eye syndrome. In case of violation of the secretion of the lacrimal fluid or its qualitative composition, the eyes become susceptible to the effects of negative factors. When an infection or mechanical irritation enters, an inflammatory process begins, which is characterized by the appearance of a mucopurulent discharge.

  5. Foreign body in the eye. If, due to mechanical damage to the eye or the ingress of a foreign body into the injured tissues, bacteria or viruses enter, a pathological process begins, accompanied by the release of pus.

In addition to the above diseases, the release of pus can be observed with abscesses, phlegmon and other processes associated with the entry of viruses and bacteria into tissues, as well as elementary non-compliance with hygiene rules, the use of low-quality cosmetics, and violation of contact lens care. In addition, a similar symptom is observed after medical manipulations and surgical procedures associated with the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic diseases.

Attention: depending on other symptoms, suppuration after eye surgery may indicate a successful healing process, or postoperative complications.

Concomitant manifestations

With the development of eye diseases, the separation of pus is not the only symptom. As a rule, it is accompanied by the following concomitant manifestations:

  • increased tearing;
  • photophobia;
  • pain, itching and discomfort;
  • redness of the conjunctiva and skin around the eyes;
  • tissue swelling.

In severe cases of the disease, general symptoms may develop, including fever, weakness, headaches, deterioration in general well-being.


To make a diagnosis with suppuration from the eyes, you need to contact an ophthalmologist and undergo a complete diagnosis. First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis and complaints of the patient, after which he examines the fundus, eyelids and organ structures for external changes and damage. To determine the causative agent of the pathological process and its sensitivity to therapy, a smear is taken from the patient from the conjunctiva, which is subsequently subjected to a special study. In addition, depending on the characteristics of the pathological process, it may be necessary to analyze the body's sensitivity to allergens, examine eyelashes and other research methods.

Important: if the separation of pus from the eyes is accompanied by severe pain and the appearance of hemorrhages on the cornea, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible - such signs can be a signal of retinal detachment and other dangerous conditions.


Self-treatment with festering eyes can be dangerous, as many inflammatory and infectious ophthalmic diseases can lead to severe visual impairment, and sometimes to complete blindness. Therapy in this case should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor after conducting appropriate examinations and making an accurate diagnosis.

What can not be done with suppuration of the eyes?

First aid for suppuration from the eyes of the patient can be provided at home, but it must be remembered that some procedures are strictly prohibited, so as not to worsen the patient's condition.

With the appearance of purulent discharge and other symptoms of ophthalmic diseases, it is impossible:

  • warm the affected area, as this creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms (in some cases, dry heat is indicated for the treatment of such diseases, but only after a doctor's prescription);
  • drip into the eye vegetable and essential oils, as well as other viscous substances that block the access of oxygen to the tissues;
  • put bandages on sore eyes or cover them with blotches;
  • use alcohol, vodka, vinegar or other substances that can cause burns to treat affected areas;
  • squeeze or independently open abscesses and abscesses.

General principles of therapy

First of all, it is necessary to remove pus and crusts from the eyes - this is done using cotton pads or swabs soaked in antiseptic solutions (for example, furacilin or potassium permanganate), and each eye uses its own hygiene product. Procedures should be carried out on both eyes, even if only one of them is affected by the pathological process. After that, the eye is instilled in the dosage recommended by the doctor, or an ointment is placed under the eyelid.

Sometimes the use of local preparations is combined with oral antibiotics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, etc. The course of treatment averages 3-7 days, in severe cases two weeks. Separate towels, handkerchiefs and bed linen should be used for the duration of the treatment, which should be washed regularly and ironed with a hot iron.


Basically, the treatment of diseases that cause suppuration is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs, since their development is based on the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues of the eye. In addition, it is recommended to wash the eyes with antiseptics, and for diseases of allergic etiology, use antihistamines, hormonal drops and ointments.

Table. The main drugs for suppuration.

A drugImpact features

A drug based on sodium sulfacid, has a pronounced bactericidal effect, is recommended for use in barley, blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers and other infectious diseases

The drug is available in the form of drops, ointments and tablets, it is effective against a number of pathogenic microorganisms, including those that are resistant to antibiotics. Indications for use include purulent and inflammatory processes (keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.)

The active substance of the drug is tobramycin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Destroys streptococci, staphylococci, klebsiella, enterobacteria and other microorganisms that cause ophthalmic diseases. Can be used as a prophylactic to prevent complications after eye surgery

An antibacterial agent based on a substance from the fluoroquinolone group, used for blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis and other diseases, including chlamydial forms

The list of antibiotics that are used to treat ophthalmic diseases is far from complete - the doctor can use their analogues or drugs based on other active substances.

Attention: it is not recommended to use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription - pathogenic organisms can develop resistance to the effects of antimicrobials, which will make treatment much more difficult.

Folk remedies

Treatment of suppurating eyes with folk recipes should be carried out with great care, as they can cause serious side effects. The safest remedy is washing the eyes with decoctions and infusions of herbs with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. These include products based on chamomile, calendula, sage, black and green tea, as well as other medicinal plants and products.

  1. cornflower. Take 10 flowers of blue cornflower, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Use the resulting liquid for washing the eyes and lotions that are made at night.
  2. Honey. Dissolve about 10 ml of natural honey in 1.5 cups of boiling water, cool to a comfortable temperature and use as lotions and compresses.
  3. bird cherry. To prepare 100 g of bird cherry flowers, steam 500 ml of boiling water, leave overnight in a cool place, and then make compresses from the infusion twice a day.
  4. Onion. Peel the average onion, boil in 200 ml of water, mix the broth with 1 tsp. honey. Cool the decoction and use to wash the eyes.
  5. Aloe. Cut off the fleshy leaf of aloe, rinse well, chop and squeeze the juice, then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Drop into the eyes twice a day.

Most folk remedies have a symptomatic effect, so you should not refuse to take antibiotics in favor of such treatment.


To avoid suppuration of the eyes, you should strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, touch your face as little as possible with your hands, use only high-quality decorative cosmetics. When using contact lenses, you need to properly care for them, regularly rinse with special solutions, insert and remove devices only with clean hands and do not wear them longer than recommended by the doctor. Contact with animals, pollen, harmful household chemicals and other substances that can cause an allergic reaction must be completely excluded. In addition, it is necessary to treat infectious diseases in a timely manner, introduce foods that are good for the eyes (carrots, blueberries, green vegetables) into the diet, and undergo annual preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist.

Suppuration of the eyes can be a symptom of serious diseases leading to a decrease or complete loss of vision, so if it occurs, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. With proper treatment, this unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated without consequences within a few days.

Video - How to treat conjunctivitis?

There can be several reasons for the formation of pus on the cornea and the edges of the eyelids: a bacterial or viral infection, allergic reactions of the conjunctiva, plugs in the tear ducts. When the eyes are watery, festering, there is a feeling of a foreign body, in the morning the eyelashes stick together and it is difficult to open them after sleep, and in the afternoon dried yellow-greenish crusts appear on their edges.

Purulent formations not only cause discomfort, they can cause a significant decrease in visual acuity. Once the disease becomes chronic, it will be very difficult to treat it.

Signs of purulent inflammation

Most often, pus flows from the eyes in the presence of conjunctivitis. This disease has several causes:

  • adenovirus conjunctivitis. The cause of the disease is the ingress of the virus, this can happen after a cold (secondary infection), with the flu.
  • Herpetic type of disease.
  • Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. Infection in the eye gets into the non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.
  • An allergy is the result of the body's reaction to an allergen.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is a secondary infection that enters the body from other sources: tonsillitis, caries, sinusitis, purulent rhinitis, external infections.

Among the causes of pus on the edges of the eyelashes, infection with fungi and blockage of the lacrimal canal are also distinguished.

Treatment with medications

The presence of pus indicates that a bacterial infection has joined the viral problem or an allergic reaction, which requires treatment with antibacterial drugs.

All types of conjunctivitis in adults should be treated after consulting an ophthalmologist.

Most often, with this course of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of the following eye drops:

  • Tobrex (drip 4-5 times / day, no longer than 7 days).
  • Tsipromed (every 90-120 minutes, no longer than 10 days).
  • Levomycetin (after 8 hours, up to 10 days).
  • Floksal (after 6-12 hours, up to 7 days).
  • Oftaquix (up to 8 times / day, no longer than 5 days).

Antibacterial eye drops have many contraindications.

For those who treat inflammation at home, it is important to remember that to prevent infection, the second eye should also be instilled (in the same doses).

Effective folk methods

In the treatment of symptoms of conjunctivitis at home, folk remedies are used. They help remove pus in the morning, prevent sour eyes during the day.

White or yellow pus will help wash away the tea leaves. This simple and affordable method is an effective tool in the treatment of conjunctivitis. To do this, you need to brew tea without sugar, let it cool to room temperature and soak a gauze (but not a cotton) swab in it. Then wipe the sour eye. A separate swab should be used for each eye.

They are allergic, viral or bacterial. The eyes fester, as a rule, only with bacterial conjunctivitis. True, with viral or allergic conjunctivitis, patients feel pain and severe itching in their eyes, because of which they begin to involuntarily comb them and infect them. Thus, starting as an allergic or viral, conjunctivitis very soon becomes bacterial.

During conjunctivitis, patients develop purulent discharge, which leads to gluing in the morning. During the day, drying pus forms yellowish crusts on the eyelids.

Conjunctivitis is an infectious disease, therefore, having noticed the appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes, security measures should be taken to prevent the spread of infection to a healthy eye, as well as to prevent infection of other family members.

The next cause of suppuration in the eyes is. This disease is typical for children 1-2 months of age. Dacryocystitis is a fairly common disease. The reason for the release of pus with it is the obstruction of the lacrimal canal. This can happen for two reasons: underdevelopment of the lacrimal canal or the formation of a jelly-like plug there. In this case, the tears produced by the eye cannot drain into the nasal cavity, but stagnate in the eye, become infected and lead to the formation of pus. The appearance of purulent discharge requires washing the eyes with a solution of furacilin or strong black tea, and after that, an early visit to the doctor.

Festering eyes: symptoms

In the initial stage of the disease, the eyes can be almost asymptomatic. In addition, many tend to ignore minor (in their opinion) ailments. But tears flowing from the eye for no apparent reason, the feeling of the presence of a foreign body, or a slight burning sensation in the eye can be harbingers of serious problems.

The progression of the pathological process, as a rule, causes more severe symptoms. For example, suppuration. If this symptom is detected, it is necessary, if possible, to quickly contact an ophthalmologist, since you will definitely not succeed in correctly diagnosing the disease and prescribing adequate treatment on your own. True, if it is not possible to get to the doctor in the shortest possible time, then start the therapy that alleviates the condition at home.

Festering eyes: treatment

Treatment of suppuration can be carried out in three directions: instillation, washing, compresses. It must be remembered that the main task is to prevent the infection from passing into a healthy eye, so the procedures must be carried out separately. For example, for compresses, you must use two swabs - separately for each eye.

With purulent conjunctivitis, antimicrobials in the form of eye drops will help. For example, ofloxacin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones of the second generation, has proven itself well, which is integrated into the cell walls of bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to multiply and die. Ofloxacin is the active ingredient of the drug Floxal, which is available in the form of eye ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. With barley, an antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but at least 5 days even if the symptoms have disappeared earlier. With bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Probably, many people know that there are universal remedies that relieve the symptoms of suppuration, regardless of the cause of their occurrence. One of the most widely used is tea brewing. Tea leaves can always be found in every home, which means that help for the eyes will follow almost immediately. Brew strong tea and let it brew. Then rinse each eye with it. Or soak cotton swabs in strong tea and place on the upper eyelid of each eye for 5 or 7 minutes.

Another effective remedy is chamomile flowers. It will not be difficult to buy them, such fees are always available in any pharmacy. For tincture, you need 3 tablespoons of the collection per glass of boiling water. Brew the herb, and then insist for an hour. The treatment is the same as in the case of tea - washing or compresses.

Another universal remedy is albucid. It is instilled into the eyes, usually in the morning and at night, 1 or 2 drops. It is worth remembering that the open package of this product is stored for a maximum of a week, and then albucid simply loses its beneficial properties.

Festering eyes can also be washed with a solution of manganese or tincture of calendula. Alternating cold and hot compresses with plain boiled water can help.

It must be remembered that for compresses it is better to use not cotton, but gauze swabs. During the treatment period, you can not use cosmetics and load your eyes for a long time (for example, working at a computer).

It is extremely important during this period to carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is worth getting a separate towel and pillow, just for yourself, as the disease can be transmitted to your loved ones. And don't forget to seek medical attention as soon as possible, because an advanced eye disease can cost you your sight.

As already mentioned, the cause of eye suppuration can be various eye diseases that require the participation of an ophthalmologist in the treatment. In this case, it is important to choose an eye clinic where you will really be helped, and not "swept aside" or will "pull" money without solving the problem. The following is a rating of specialized ophthalmological institutions where you can undergo examination and treatment if your eyes fester.

Suppuration of the eyes occurs due to the development of various infections in the cavity between the posterior and anterior surface of the eyelid (conjunctival sac). In this case, the bacteria multiply very quickly, so you should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. He will determine the reason why the eyes of an adult are festering and prescribe treatment. Fighting such inflammation on your own is quite dangerous. Suppurations of the eyes are often symptoms of serious illnesses, and improper treatment can lead to complications.

Treatment of suppuration of the eyes with ointments and drops

Therapy of suppuration is carried out with the help of rinsing and instillation of the eyes. Sometimes compresses and ointments are used. However, the basic principle of therapy should be remembered: during treatment, the infection must not be allowed to pass to a healthy organ of vision, therefore, all procedures must be carried out separately. For compresses, you should use two cotton pads (tampons) - for each eye separately.

To understand how to treat suppuration of the visual organs, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Your doctor may prescribe antimicrobial eye drops or ointments. Ofloxacin is an effective remedy. It is available in the form of drops and ointments. The active substance penetrates into bacterial cells, blocking the work of enzymes, as a result of which microorganisms stop multiplying, then die. This medicine for barley is used at least three times a day. Ofloxacin should be used for five days or more, even if signs of infection have disappeared earlier. In the case of bacterial conjunctivitis, the drug is used up to four times a day.

Of the drugs, the doctor may also prescribe the following drugs:

  • antibacterial ointments, drops (Albucid, Levomycetin);
  • solutions of antiseptics (Furacilin, potassium permanganate);
  • antiallergic agents.

Drugs to combat allergic inflammation

Sometimes suppuration of the eyes occurs due to allergic reactions. In these cases, ointments are used. They can be both non-hormonal and hormonal. The second ones include:

  • Hydrocortisone. This tool is used not only for allergic reactions, but also for inflammation of the skin.
  • Advantan. It is used on the eyelids for allergies.
  • Celestoderm. It is an effective remedy that has not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-allergic effect. Thanks to these properties, the drug helps to cure itching and suppuration on the eyelids.

Non-hormonal ointments for allergic reactions include Bepanten and Levomekol.

Tetracycline ointment is one of the most affordable means

To eliminate suppuration of the eyes, you can use anti-inflammatory bacteriostatic Tetracycline ointment. Its low price is a significant advantage. It is prescribed for trachoma, conjunctivitis, keratitis (this disease is manifested by suppuration, ulceration, redness and pain in the eyes) or blepharitis (inflammation, which is quite difficult to treat). The ointment can cause allergies or photophobia, so its use should only be under the supervision of your doctor.

Many microorganisms easily penetrate the delicate tissues of the eye and eyelid.

Such infections occur due to inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal ulcer or keratitis. For these pathologies, it is necessary to use agents that combine many active ingredients. One of them is Colbiocin.

Festering eyes with barley, dacryocystitis, chlamydial infection or eye injuries are often treated with Floxal ointment. The course of treatment with this drug should not be longer than two weeks. In its application, in no case should you use lenses. It is recommended to wear sunglasses to avoid radiation exposure to the cornea. It can cause side effects such as itching, burning, and eye discomfort. After a course of therapy with Floxal, visual acuity may decrease.

Against viruses, the drug Acyclovir or its analogue Zirgan is often used. The composition of this tool contributes to the rapid introduction and destruction of viral cells of the eye.

Treatment with folk remedies

One of the commonly used remedies in folk medicine is tea brewing. The drink is infused, then the eyes are washed with it. You can also use gauze swabs for this. They are dipped in strong tea leaves and superimposed on the eyelids. Keep this compress for about five minutes. In the same way, you can use an infusion of chamomile, rowan or calendula. They are prepared with the calculation of one glass of boiling water for three tablespoons of a medicinal plant. Infused for about an hour.

In case of suppuration of the eyes in an adult, a weak solution of potassium permanganate for washing can be used. A good remedy is a rosehip decoction. One hundred grams of flowers of this plant must be boiled for five hours. Then cool and apply for lotions. Aloe juice can be used as eye drops. Before preparing it, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the leaves of the plant and hands with boiled water. Aloe juice should be mixed with honey in a ratio of one to one. This remedy will help with blepharitis. With conjunctivitis, honey is not required.

Irrigations can be done with a syringe (no needle) or a bulb

This procedure will completely remove pus from the eyes, cleanse the conjunctiva. Lotions and compresses are best done with gauze swabs. During treatment, you can not use cosmetics (mascara, pencil, eye shadow), as well as strain your eyes for a long time (read, work at a computer, watch TV).

To avoid various eye diseases, some preventive measures should be taken:

  • Visit an ophthalmologist every year.
  • Observe hygiene. Wash and remove makeup only under clean running water. Use a separate towel, pillow, so as not to transmit the disease to loved ones.
  • Do not use other people's cosmetics.
  • Avoid contact with animals that cause an allergic reaction.
  • Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.

If you do not start treating purulent inflammation on time and do not take preventive measures, then you can acquire not only many diseases, but also lose your eyesight. The neglected form of many diseases is quite difficult to treat, so a visit to the ophthalmologist should be carried out at the first appearance of pus in the eyes.



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