How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home? Signs of increased and decreased acidity of the stomach. Increased or decreased acidity of the stomach - how to determine at home? How to find out what is the acidity of the stomach

Hydrochloric acid occupies a significant place in the composition of gastric juice. It is its main component. Acid helps to ensure that food is processed properly and ensures its gradual movement from the stomach through the so-called pyloric sphincter (pylorus) into the duodenum.

It also performs other functions that are no less important for the human body:

  • Promotes the process of processing and denaturation of protein in the gastric cavity. Thanks to this, the subsequent splitting of it is greatly facilitated.
  • Promotes the activation of pepsinogens, which are converted into pepsins.
  • Forms an acidic environment, without which the action of enzymes contained in gastric juice is impossible.
  • Causes the process of pancreatic secretion.
  • Promotes the antibacterial action of gastric juice.

It is almost impossible for a modern person to protect himself from nervous tension, to do without stress, insignificant or bringing huge problems to life. The accelerated course of life, its rapid rhythm often does not leave time for observing the principles of proper and regular nutrition. Such overloads are reflected in the level of acidity of gastric juice, changing it in one direction or another. Then, without changing anything in your lifestyle, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from gastrointestinal diseases. Reduced or increased acidity of the stomach signals that a chronic disease, gastritis, may have appeared.

Determination of acidity

You can diagnose and determine the specific level of acidity in a medical institution. Modern research methods give fairly accurate results. But to establish whether the acidity is lowered or increased, it is possible at home.

How to preliminarily determine what its trend is (increase or decrease) without leaving home? To do this, there is no need to spend money on expensive reagents, swallow the probe and take tests. At first, it is enough to look at your own body, pay attention to the symptoms that were not there before. Indeed, if the acidity fluctuates upward or downward, this cannot but affect the well-being: it also changes.

Acidity is increased: we determine it ourselves

An increase in the level of acidity is a pathology that negatively affects the general condition of the body. Since the walls of the digestive tract are irritated by an excess of acid, a person has such visible symptoms:

  • Burning in the pharynx and esophagus, which occurs very sharply - heartburn. The reason for its appearance is the release of excess hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. Heartburn can occur at any time, for no apparent reason. But most often it is provoked by sour juices and foods containing many spices and spices. For example, these are tomato, plum, peach juices, smoked meats, mustard, ketchup. With increased acidity, heartburn will definitely appear after eating lemons, grapefruits, kiwi, green apples.

    Alkaline mineral water, sunflower seeds, baking soda solution help to quickly get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

  • Coppery and sour taste in the mouth. Occurs at the sight and smell of sour foods. Even the very thought of lemons, pickled or pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, apples causes a significant amount of saliva to appear in the mouth.
  • Belching can occur regardless of the type of food. But as usual, like heartburn, it is observed when fried, fatty and spicy foods predominate in the diet. Sweet juices, jams, ice cream, cakes and cookies also cause this unpleasant phenomenon.
  • Aching, dull and drawing pain in the stomach. Increases when there is a feeling of hunger. Often occurs in the morning. These are the so-called "hunger pains". They almost always subside when a fresh portion of food enters the stomach.
  • Heaviness in the abdomen and bloating after every bite, no matter how small.
  • Violation of the defecation process: constipation or diarrhea. Both symptoms can cause reluctance to eat. After all, sometimes you just have to eat - the stomach instantly grabs, and further frequent trips to the toilet are provided.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs causes nausea or stomach pain. These symptoms appear immediately after the use of medications.

In addition to the problems listed above, the manifestation of such signs of increased acidity is also possible:

  • Headaches after eating fatty, fried or smoked foods.
  • Decreased or complete loss of appetite.
  • The mood decreases, there is a breakdown and apathy.
  • Discomfort in the stomach cannot but cause irritability.
  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting. They come almost at the same hour when the meal is over, or after an insignificant period of time. But this symptom manifests itself much less frequently than all the previous ones.
  • Problems with the stomach and digestion cover the tongue with a whitish-gray and yellow coating.

If none of the described symptoms are present, then the acidity of the stomach is within normal limits. But the feeling of at least a few of them should serve as a reason for contacting a gastroenterologist.

How to determine on your own if acidity is low

If the acidity is lowered, there is a desire to eat something sour: cabbage, cucumber, even lemon. Cause appetite black rye bread, spices and seasonings, ketchup, apple and grapefruit juices.

A decrease in the content of hydrochloric acid is also a deviation from the norm, as well as an increase. Solyanka, which is contained in gastric juice, neutralizes food entering the esophagus from pathogenic microorganisms, harmful bacteria. When the acidity decreases, that is, the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid in the juice falls, the disinfection process fails. As a result, various unwanted bacteria enter the stomach, the number of which is growing.

There is a process of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and a person has symptoms, the most characteristic of which are:

  • Belching with a rotten egg odor or rotten taste. It provokes the appearance of bad breath, which is very unpleasant and has a putrid smell.
  • Present bloated feeling, rumbling. Fermentation processes take place in the gastrointestinal tract. They cause pain from accumulated gases, flatulence.
  • Burning in throat (heartburn).
  • Feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium.
  • Dull pain in the umbilical region after each snack or a short time after it.
  • Feeling as if something is bursting from within.
  • Stool disorders are a manifestation of another symptom of low acidity. An insufficient amount of acid in the gastric juice significantly reduces its antibacterial effect. Microorganisms that freely enter the human intestine change its microflora and disrupt the balance. A person either suffers from constipation or cannot get rid of diarrhea. Difficult defecation is caused by intestinal motor disorders, which, in turn, are due to insufficient acidity.

Its reduced level leads to incomplete digestion of proteins. As a result, decay products accumulate in the stomach, which poison the entire body. Immunity is reduced, and the door opens for the development of pathological processes. First of all, the appearance of various mycoses is possible: fungal lesions cover the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, skin, nails. The body becomes more susceptible to viruses and various infections.

There is insufficient absorption of vitamins and minerals that are contained in food. And, as a result, it is easy to see that:

  • The skin on the hands and face becomes dry.
  • Nails grow slowly, break and exfoliate.
  • Hair thins, becomes brittle and dry. Their growth is also slowing down.
  • The appearance of acne and vasodilation on the nose and cheeks are another visible signs of a decrease in acidity.

If the acidity has been lowered for a long time, then the person feels:

  • General weakness.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lethargy and loss of strength.
  • Tendency to a sedentary lifestyle and hypotension.

Suspecting the presence of low acidity, you need to carefully examine your feces. If they contain undigested food residues, its pieces - suspicions are justified.

Symptoms of low or high acidity do not appear all together. Typically, only one or two features are present.

In the event of the appearance of such features and a slight disturbance of well-being, you can, of course, try to adjust the acidity of the stomach on your own. To do this, first of all, you need to adjust your diet.

But if the situation does not improve, and the discomfort increases, you should seek help from a doctor. Special examination methods will help to accurately determine the acidity of the stomach and the causes of possible deviations. The sooner you get diagnosed and treated, the fewer health problems will arise in the future.

The human stomach performs several functions: neutralizes, digests and promotes food, promotes absorption and production of enzymes. For digestion, the mucous surface of the stomach secretes an acidic, complex juice, of which more than 2 liters are formed during the day. The acidity of the gastric fluid is associated with the presence of acid (hydrochloric) in it.

In case of gastric diseases in the liquid, a change in the content of hydrochloric acid often occurs, less often - a decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes, which leads to disruption of digestion processes. Each person can determine the acidity of the stomach at home, but if a pathology is detected, then laboratory tests are required - as prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Causes of imbalance

The main causes of imbalance are the harmful effects of external and internal factors. According to some scientists, the same concentration of hydrochloric acid is always observed in the gastric fluid, its degree and amount depend on the secreted mucus and the state of the motor mechanism of the stomach. An increased concentration of acid in the gastric fluid is sometimes found in perfectly healthy people with normal functioning of the stomach.

Then, in its origin, the nutritional factor (eating spicy, salty or fatty foods) matters. Sometimes increased acidity (hyperchilia) is a pathological condition caused by the following factors:

  • inflammation on the mucous surface of the stomach and in the upper part of the duodenum (gastric ulcer, gastritis - atrophic, chronic, duodenitis);
  • pathology of the liver, intestines, genitourinary system;
  • frequent;
  • excessive consumption of spicy, salty, sour foods;
  • mechanical obstruction of the outflow of contents from the stomach.

With (hypochilia), the main cause is atrophy of the secretory glands. At the same time, even the strongest food medicinal irritants do not cause separation of acids and enzymes. This form of gastritis often develops as a result of neuropsychic influences that inhibit the release of enzymes that break down milk proteins and acids.

Functional dysfunction of the secretory activity of the stomach may occur due to changes in diet. Pathology can occur with a lack of vitamins and infectious diseases.

Note! Characteristic symptoms are the main signs of dysfunction that allow you to determine the presence of acidity in gastritis at home, without the use of special procedures.

Decreased acidity and gastritis

To distinguish gastritis with high and low acidity, it is important to know all the signs of pathology. Gastritis with hypochilia and lack of acid is manifested by dyspeptic symptoms (impaired digestion): nausea, belching (sometimes with a bad smell), a feeling of heaviness "in the stomach". A frequent complaint of patients is unpleasant taste sensations and vomiting in the morning. Often, with gastritis with a reduced form of acidity, stool disorders in the form of diarrhea are observed. Their reasons are:

  • insufficiently chewed food;
  • violation in the digestion of connective tissue;
  • pathology (violation of the circuit) of the pylorus and rapid emptying of the stomach;
  • violation of the bactericidal function of gastric juice, which leads to the appearance of bacterial flora in the upper sections of the small intestines.

As a result of all this, conditions are created for the intensive development of putrefactive or fermentation processes in the small intestines. You should know that with gastritis with low acidity, they develop when pancreatic dysfunction (insufficient release of insulin) joins the pathology of the stomach.

Reduced content of acid (hydrochloric) in gastric juice disrupts the absorption of dietary iron, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Violation of the function of digestion in the intestines and stomach adversely affects the absorption of nutrients and vitamins - A, C, and especially complex B.

Acidity and gastritis

It is easy to understand how the form of gastritis with low acidity differs from the pathology with an increased level of acid. The main indicator is heartburn, which is persistent. Sour belching is often observed, less often vomiting, in which a large amount of stomach contents is sometimes released.

Patients complain of burning and pressing sensations on the right, under the ribs, which appear an hour after eating. Basically, the appetite is normal, less often - increased. There is a tendency to spastic constipation. You can often observe the following signs:

  • neurasthenic syndrome (increased irritability, poor sleep, mood variability, fatigue);
  • disruption of the autonomic nervous system (urticaria, high blood pressure, unstable pulse, sometimes bradygardia (slow pulse), salivation, cold and wet hands).

With an increase in the level of acidity of the stomach, pronounced weight loss of patients is not observed. When probing the epigastric region, moderate pain is noted. Sometimes they also talk about gastritis with severe pain, which is more often erosive.

This type of disease is characterized by acute pain syndromes after eating. In some cases, there are night pains (hungry). According to gastroenterologists, chronic gastritis with dysfunction of the secretory activity of the stomach does not exist as independent diseases.

Note! It is useful for everyone to know how to determine the level of acidity at home - problems detected in time can avoid such serious diseases as peptic ulcer and oncology of the digestive system.

How to independently determine the acidity of the stomach with gastritis

Each person knows how to determine, by pathological symptoms, his acidity is low or high. Any deviations are indicators of the presence of diseases in the digestive system. Determination of acidity is an important diagnostic indicator in gastroenterology, which is measured in pH and carried out in the laboratory. You can determine the acidity of gastritis yourself. To do this, use one of the methods for determining:

  • saliva test with litmus paper (sold in a pharmacy) - a strip is placed under the tongue and held for a few seconds; pink or red color of the strip indicates an increased acidic environment;
  • for products that help in determining acidity (sour dairy products, lemons, sour varieties of apples, grapefruit juice, orange, grape,) - patients with gastritis with high acidity do not use these products, and patients with gastritis with low acidity, with enjoy eating them.

(sodium bicarbonate) helps to find out if gastritis at home is high or low acidity. To do this, mix a quarter teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water at room temperature and drink the solution in the morning on an empty stomach.

With gastritis with hyperchilia, belching appears after 2-3 minutes, with gastritis with hypochilia, belching is absent. Self-determination of the pH level at home is relatively - accurate indicators should be obtained only on the prescription of a doctor in medical institutions. After that, sparing nutrition and medication are prescribed.

Determination of acidity in the hospital

How the acidity of gastric juice is determined in gastritis in laboratory conditions can be understood according to normal indicators - the ideal pH level for healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is from 1.5 to 2, with an empty stomach. The maximum density is 8.3 pH and the minimum is 0.86 pH.

An empty stomach of a healthy person with no pathologies of the digestive system contains from 0.3 to 0.5% hydrochloric acid. There are several diagnostic methods that help to reliably determine the acidity of gastritis:

  • intragastric short-term (gives the most informative indicators) - a metric probe with acidity level determinants (duration up to 20 minutes) is installed in different parts of the stomach, which determines the correct level of acid and helps in making a diagnosis;
  • long-term intragastric - a daily study that allows you to determine the presence of hyperchilia or hypochilia of gastritis (including in the duodenum) - using a special sensor and probing, observations are made on a computer for 24 hours;
  • study of gastric fluid - carried out by probing and examining the contents under a microscope.

For a period, the patient is required to follow a diet and stop taking medications. The menu excludes spicy, high-fat, salty, fried foods (enhancing the function of the stomach). Including raw fruits, vegetables, juices, spirits, carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea. Food is taken light, not irritating the stomach, strictly 3 times a day.

For 12 hours, stop smoking and eating, drinking - 4 hours before installing the probe. The duty of the medical staff is to explain to the patient the importance of proper preparation for the procedure, which ensures the reliability of the result and allows you to know with accuracy whether the acidity is increased or decreased, and prescribe an effective treatment for gastritis.

Note! To find out what kind of gastritis the patient has - with low acidity or high acidity, it is recommended to conduct studies on different days during the week, and then compare the results and derive an average.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


In the human stomach, the normal environment is acidic. This is due to the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Its volume is very small - 0.5% of the total volume of gastric juice, but it is its presence that helps the human body to digest food normally, disinfecting various pathogens that enter the gastrointestinal tract along with it.


If the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased, this can lead not only to rather unpleasant sensations, but also to provoke the development of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, stomach or duodenal ulcers, various functional disorders of the digestive system. That is why it is very important to notice in a timely manner when acidity changes in order to be able to normalize the acid balance of the stomach, until these disturbances become persistent and lead to illness.


Physicians conditionally divide acidity into two types - basal and stimulated. Basal acidity is determined with an empty stomach, in a hungry state of the patient. Stimulated acidity is an indicator of the acid content in the gastric juice during the work of the stomach or when it is stimulated with special medications.

Of course, accurate indicators of acidity can only be obtained in the laboratory conditions of the clinic, but if for some reason a visit to the doctor is postponed, you can try to make sure that the acid balance is disturbed at home. You should not just forget that, firstly, this will require a certain amount of time and patience, and secondly, that the results of home observations will be very approximate.


Symptoms of high acidity:

  • Heartburn that occurs almost immediately after eating;
  • Burning pains in the region of the stomach;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • Rejection of sour food;
  • Coppery taste in the mouth in the morning (sometimes this taste can be caused by a large amount of protein food);
  • Belching with an unpleasant sour taste;
  • Stomach pain or nausea after taking certain anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or diclofenac.

These symptoms become pronounced already when the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice rises regularly and the gastric mucosa has already undergone some changes.

Symptoms of low acidity:

  • Constant rumbling in the stomach;
  • Flatulence;
  • Bloating
  • Taste of metal in the mouth;
  • Anemia;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fragility of hair and nail plates;
  • Belching with putrid smell;
  • Nausea after eating;
  • Smell from the mouth;
  • Indigestion up to diarrhea;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Heaviness in the stomach immediately after eating.

Decreased acidity can lead to much more severe health consequences than increased acidity. The thing is that with such a disorder, food is absorbed very poorly and the body does not receive all the nutrients it needs for normal life, which can result in various metabolic disorders.

Is it possible to determine the level of acidity at home empirically?

  1. The first method is "litmus".

Hold a litmus test on your tongue an hour before meals. If the indicator turns pink or red, the acidity is most likely increased. Blue color - low acidity. If the acidity level is normal, neutral, the indicator will be purple. This experiment is performed several times to exclude a random result.

  1. The second way is with soda.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1/4 tsp in one gulp. soda dissolved in a glass of cold water. If after a few minutes belching does not appear, it is likely that the acidity of gastric juice is increased.

Of course, the methods are folk and, at least, very approximate. Moreover, many doctors believe that both of the above methods for determining the level of acidity at home do not carry any useful information at all. By applying litmus paper to the tongue, the acidity level is determined, rather, saliva, and not gastric juice.

As for testing with a soda solution, the acid that causes belching is constantly present in the stomach and its level fluctuates slightly. For example, if overeating or a long feast took place the day before, including heavy festive dishes, then a little more acid will be released to digest the food received than usual.

Accurate data on the level of acidity of your stomach, the state of the gastrointestinal tract can only be found out with the help of modern laboratory studies in a clinic or hospital.

The most common methods today are:

  • Endoscopic examination with a probe, as a result of which a stimulated level of acidity is established;
  • Daily pH-metry (the study is also conducted at night) allows you to see the most accurate results;
  • sounding;
  • Laboratory express research, the result of which can be obtained immediately.

Each of these procedures is carried out in a clinic and in the presence of a qualified health worker. All other methods (including home ones) can only suggest a problem at best.

The acidity of the stomach is an important indicator of the state of the internal environment of a person and his health in general. In various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, acidity changes depending on the function of the site, and changes in this indicator in one direction or another can lead to the development of a whole galaxy of various diseases. Determining the acidity of the stomach helps in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and everyone should be able to recognize the symptoms that accompany acid-base shifts in the stomach.

Normally, the composition of gastric juice includes both hydrochloric acid and bicarbonates, which have an alkaline reaction of the environment, that is, in different departments, alternately, and sometimes simultaneously, processes of acid and base synthesis take place. For the mucous membranes that line the entire gastrointestinal tract, both extremes are dangerous because they are an aggressive environment. But together they neutralize each other, holding back the damaging effect.

Gradually passing through these areas, the contents of the stomach physiologically move along the digestive tract, breaking down into molecules that the body is able to assimilate. Most enzymes are secreted in an inactive form so that the stomach wall is not digested with food, and they become active at a specific acidity for each section.

The acidity of the stomach normally varies for each department, depending on the time of day and food intake. In the cavity of the stomach on an empty stomach, acidity is in the range of 1.5-2 pH, and approaching the transition to the duodenum, the pH shifts to a neutral and even slightly alkaline side (up to 7.4). In the epithelial layer, the acidity should be neutral.

Only if the acidity is appropriate, digestion will be effective, and the gastrointestinal mucosa will remain intact.

Why is it necessary to maintain a certain acidity?

The oral cavity is inhabited by a huge number of microorganisms, which, with adequate functioning of the immune system, do not pose a danger to a healthy person. Mixing with food, they enter the stomach, which acts as the main factor in protecting against infection precisely due to the acid reaction of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid neutralizes most of the bacteria that enter the stomach, preventing them from entering the intestines, where they can be absorbed into the systemic circulation.

In the stomach, the first stage of the breakdown of complex molecules occurs under the action of its own enzyme systems. The wall of the stomach is rich in glands that produce various enzymes, in particular pepsinogen.

Pepsinogen is an inactive form of the enzyme pepsin that breaks down proteins. Hydrochloric acid converts inactive pepsinogen into active pepsin. Hydrochloric acid is also involved in the breakdown of proteins, having an independent proteolytic effect.

Like any other acid, HCl has a mild irritant effect. By stimulating motility and irritating receptors, hydrochloric acid becomes a trigger for the movement of food from the stomach into the duodenum.

Why measure acidity?

Measurement of acidity in the stomach is prescribed for an accurate diagnosis, changes in this indicator indicate a developing pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the direction in which the acid-base state has shifted, one can find the cause that caused the disease. Only by normalizing acidity can effective therapy be achieved.

Methods for determining acidity

The lowest accuracy and approximate information in the hospital gives probeless method based on the detection of different staining of urine using ion-exchange resins. More widespread in this line of products received "Acidotest". The kit includes several tablets with:

  • dye;
  • ion exchange resins;
  • stimulant of secretion of gastric juice.

Resins are inert for the body and are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, which means they cannot appear in the urine, as well as the dye, which is in a strong complex with them. But the dye is easily displaced by hydrogen ions coming from hydrochloric acid. Depending on how many ions from hydrochloric acid have displaced the dye, the urine will be stained differently. A color scale is attached to the kit, according to which one or another condition is judged.

Probing of the stomach will more accurately tell about the state of acidity: gastric contents are sucked off, the acidity of which is measured in the laboratory. This method is not physiological, as there is a mixing of liquids from different departments, which have different acidity. The result is an average figure with low reliability.

The process of sounding the stomach

During the it is also possible to determine the acidity of the stomach by irrigating the mucosa through a flexible endoscope with a special indicator of acidity. The method is visual and also not very accurate.

Carrying out intragastric pH-metry is considered the gold standard and the most informative way to determine acidity. This method not only gives an accurate pH value, but also reflects the complete picture of the distribution of acid in the stomach in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract or even at different times of the day.

How to suspect an acid disorder at home?

To determine the acidity of the stomach, you can use a simple test with litmus paper, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. The test strip should be placed on the tongue for a few seconds.

It is important to conduct a study either 2 hours after a meal, or an hour before a meal. Remember that you should not drink juices and carbonated drinks on this day, they can distort the result, limit yourself to clean drinking water. It is best to repeat the experiment on different days, and then see the average result.

Litmus paper is a simple indicator for changing the pH of a medium.

Changes in the color of the paper will indicate the acid-base state of the gastric juice:

  • red (or pink) color - acidic environment;
  • purple color - neutral environment.

Another way is based on the psychosomatic reaction of the body. It is enough to mentally imagine the taste and smell of lemon and listen to your feelings. Lack of secretion or increased secretion of saliva are signs of a change in the environment in the stomach.

Obviously, at home it is impossible to accurately determine "your" acidity in the stomach. But everyone can assume a violation, it’s enough just to follow your feelings during the day.


Most often, an increase in pH in the stomach accompanies the development of so-called acid-dependent diseases. These include hyperacid duodenitis and gastritis, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

  • pain that occurs after eating (1-2 hours later);
  • sour belching;
  • burning and heaviness in the abdomen (heartburn);
  • nausea (in rare cases, vomiting);
  • constipation.

Decreased acidity

Reduced acidity of gastric juice is a common pathology that is almost asymptomatic until the moment when atrophic gastritis develops. Low secretion of hydrochloric acid leads to a weakening of the antimicrobial barrier, which leads to frequent intestinal infections, weakening of the motility of the stomach and intestines.

The symptom complex characteristic of this condition:

  • bad breath;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • tendency to constipation or diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • flatulence (increased formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • recurrent indigestion.

How to normalize acidity?

With an increased level of acidity in the stomach, anticholinergic drugs, such as atropine and platifillin, have shown their effectiveness. The aggressiveness of gastric contents is also reduced by:

  • antisecretory drugs (ranitidine, omeprazole);
  • antacids (rennie, gastal).

Potato and aloe juice, propolis tincture and natural honey have proven themselves among folk remedies. Carrot juice and warm milk can reduce gastric secretion and, accordingly, acidity. In addition, carrot juice reduces abdominal pain, having a weak analgesic effect.

It is much more difficult to increase the acidity in the stomach. Traditional medicine can also help: wormwood, calamus or peppermint. Herbal preparations from chamomile, St. John's wort and herbs (bitter wormwood) should be brewed in a thermos and taken half a glass half an hour before meals.

Drug therapy is prescribed only after a therapeutic diet has been prescribed and has had its effect. Replacement therapy includes hydrochloric acid preparations (acidin-pepsin) or drugs that stimulate the production of gastric juice. They cannot be taken independently and without constant monitoring by a specialist.

Nutrition with high levels of acidity

A therapeutic diet with an increased level of acidity is prescribed taking into account the degree of damage to the mucosa and the stage of the process.

During the period of exacerbation, first of all, it is necessary to reduce any irritation of the inflamed stomach: chemical, thermal or mechanical. Food should not be too hot or cold, spicy, salty and especially sour foods should be completely excluded from the diet. The patient should chew food well and eat small portions, but often. All products are steamed or boiled. An hour before meals, the patient is recommended to drink bicarbonate mineral water.

During the period of remission, it is allowed to add carbohydrates (wheat and rye bread, cookies, crackers), lean meat, soups cooked on vegetable broth to the diet. Still, it's best to stick to a steam diet and avoid spicy, salty, or acidic foods. Enveloping mucous membranes (natural jelly or oatmeal infusions) have a beneficial effect.

With this patient, a sanitary-educational conversation is conducted about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, which stimulate the secretion of the gastric glands, which is unacceptable in the position of a patient with an increased level of acidity.

Nutrition with a low level of acidity

Common mistakes in the treatment of low acidity are precisely the stimulation of secretion and attempts to artificially increase acidity. In no case should this be done, since the mucous membrane is in a weakened state, you should not load the stomach even more. First of all, it is necessary to prescribe a sparing diet with easily digestible foods.

As in the case with a high level of acidity, various cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), rice, mashed potatoes will be the dish of choice. Products should be of a soft, uniform consistency and not hot in temperature. The patient can cook vegetable soups, steamed lean meat and fish, and even flour.
From the moment when the symptoms subside, you can begin to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Acidic fruit and tomato juices, marinades help in this. Vitamins will be useful for improving the general condition and as stimulants for the healing of the mucosa.

Belching, heartburn and other negative symptoms can be caused not only by diseases, but also by acid imbalance. To check whether it is lowered or increased, it is not necessary to consult a doctor.

There are many methods to determine the acidity of the stomach at home. For example, pay attention to certain foods or drinks, use special test strips, or in other ways.

Gastric juice is necessary for normal digestion. Its elevated pH appears with excessive production of hydrochloric acid. It leads to a weakening of the protective shell of the stomach, deforms its walls. These processes are accompanied by certain symptoms and can lead to bleeding, gastritis, peptic ulcer and more severe pathologies.

Reduced pH is an insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, which also leads to negative consequences. In the body, the antibacterial function worsens, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply (in particular Helicobacter pylori). As a result, a person develops various diseases (gastritis, erosion, polyposis, etc.) and even malignant neoplasms.

The rate of acidity of the stomach

If an imbalance of pH occurs in the body, then this not only worsens well-being, but can also lead to a number of serious diseases. Acidity can be of two types:

The normal pH value is 7 (neutral). For example, such an indicator for ordinary water. Plasma acidity fluctuates in the digital range of 7.35-7.5. The higher the pH in the gastric juice, the lower the pH.

To obtain the correct results, testing is carried out on an empty stomach. Normal values ​​of acidity in the lumen of the gastric body and on its mucous membranes should be less than 2 units. In healthy people, the pH of the juice fluctuates between 1-2 units. Exceeding indicators up to 4 units. indicates a low pH. Normal indicators in the antrum should be 1.5-7.5 units. The maximum allowable frames are 0.9 and 8.5.

Signs of increased and decreased acidity of the stomach

Symptoms at low or high pH are different, which allows you to diagnose how you can determine the acidity of the stomach yourself. To do this, you need to pay attention to a number of signs. At elevated pH appears:

  • heartburn after every meal;
  • sensation in the mouth of a metallic taste;
  • aching pain in the stomach;
  • violation of knocking (more often - constipation);
  • belching with air (mostly immediately after eating);
  • heaviness and bloating.

Secondary (in the absence of timely therapy) symptoms - nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. A grayish or yellow coating appears on the tongue. The general condition worsens. A person feels a strong weakness, apathy. Frequent pain and discomfort appear in the stomach area.

At low pH, a person feels:

  • nausea;
  • belching with a rotten smell;
  • heaviness, rumbling and pain in the abdomen, its swelling;
  • flatulence;
  • stool disorder.

Among the secondary signs (in the absence of treatment) - beriberi, anemia, dry skin appear. Hair and nails begin to break, a person quickly loses weight. Immunity and hemoglobin are sharply reduced, fatigue increases.

Methods for determining the pH of the stomach

Probing can be used to determine the pH level. This is an instrumental method using a thin and thick tube. In the first case, it is used to assess how active pH secretion is and to determine its level. The thin probe is the most informative and shows the exact result. With the help of a thick tube, you can get an idea of ​​​​how the incoming food is digested. However, sounding is used only in medical institutions.

Carrying out an acid test

Before the acid test, the bladder is first emptied. Then a certain drug with a dye is taken. An hour later, urine is taken for analysis. Then again you need to drink the drug. After 1.5 hours, urine is collected again. Measurement of the color of the resulting urine is carried out on a colorimetric scale. This technique helps to determine the pH without gastroscopy. However, according to reviews, the method has significant errors, so it is rarely used.

Determination of the pH level in the blood

You can find out the pH level by a blood test. It defines:

If there is a deviation from the normal values, then aerotesting (breath test) is recommended. This helps to detect the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and ammonia.

Desmoid test according to Saly

To test for Sali before eating, a person swallows a small rubber bag (it contains methylene blue), which is tied with catgut. It dissolves with pepsin and hydrochloric acid at high acidity. The substance contained in the sac enters the bloodstream and is then excreted in the urine. It measures the pH level. The analysis is carried out on the basis of three samples of the collected urine - after 3.5 and 20 hours. Normally, the first portion of urine will be a normal color, the second will be pale green, and the third will have an additional blue tint.

The technique with ion exchange resins is also used. The essence of the diagnosis is that they interact with low molecular weight compounds (para-aminosalicylic acid, quinine, etc.). If the pH is raised, then hydrochloric acid replaces the resin ions. Then they are excreted in the urine. The results are determined by the color of the urine.

How to determine the pH of the stomach at home

The testing methods listed above are not suitable for home diagnostics, as they require the use of special tools. Other methods are used to independently check the acidity. For example, pH can be determined by signs. Symptoms for low and high acidity are different.

You can do testing with Azur A. This allows you to determine achlorhydria or low acidity. First, the bladder is emptied (part of the urine is drained into a jar). Then you need to drink 50 mg of Betazole hydrochloride (dissolved in water). An hour later, the procedure is repeated again and the dye Azur A is taken again. If the acidity is increased, the color of the urine will be the same or slightly darker than the first sample. At a lower pH, the shade will become much lighter.

Methods of self-diagnosis

There are several methods for checking the acidity of the stomach at home. For example, Acido- and Gastrotest. First, 2 pills of caffeine are taken, then 3 of the coloring matter. The results are evaluated on a special scale. Normally, the color of urine should be pink, with increased acidity - red, colorless urine - low pH.

Using litmus test strips

There are special litmus tests on how to independently determine the acidity of the stomach. The strips are sold at any pharmacy and are easy to use. The test determines acidity using saliva. The strip should be placed on the tongue for a few seconds. During this time, the color of the paper will change. If it turned purple, then this is the norm, pink or red - increased acidity, blue - reduced.

For an accurate result on litmus tests, you need to follow a few rules:

It is impossible to draw a conclusion about the level of acidity from one test. During the day, a person consumes different foods and drinks, so the results may be distorted. The reliability of the data is also affected by the rate of salivation. If high, then the liquid will not have sufficient concentration to obtain an accurate result.

Testing is carried out several times over three days. Then the average result is calculated. In pharmacies in Moscow, the price of strips can vary from 100 to 1700 rubles. It depends on the number of pieces in the package, their type, configuration. The most expensive are photometric.

Useful video

Methods for determining acidity are also shown in this video.

Products to help determine acidity

The reaction of the body to certain foods depends on the level of acidity. One food causes discomfort or pain, another eliminates them. How to find out whether the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased with the help of products is described in the table.

Natural apple juice With increased acidity, drinking a drink can provoke pain in the stomach (especially on an empty stomach). The same sensations arise after eating the apples themselves. If there is no discomfort, this indicates the norm. The constant need for sour apples or juice freshly squeezed from them indicates low acidity.
Lemons People who have a low pH do not even wince when they eat this citrus. After a slice of fresh lemon, a pleasant taste is felt in the mouth. If the acidity is increased, then even a small piece of fruit will seem very sour.
Millet porridge with butter At elevated pH, after eating the dish, heartburn appears.
Baking soda To check the acidity, dissolve one teaspoon of the powder in 0.1 liters of (warm) water. The drink helps with heartburn, hungry stomach pains or belching with an unpleasant aftertaste, which indicates high acidity.

pH testing with products should be done very carefully. It is not recommended to specifically consume fruits, vegetables and dishes (if you already have certain sensations) so as not to worsen your well-being.

Preventive measures

So that acidity indicators do not fluctuate, it is first of all important to make the right diet and follow the rules of nutrition. It is desirable to exclude fatty, spicy and smoked foods from the menu. Dishes need to be steamed, stewed or baked. It is advisable to give up alcoholic and carbonated drinks. You need to eat in small portions - 5-6 times a day. Do not overeat (especially before bed).

With a negative reaction to some products, completely exclude them from the diet. You also need to lead an active lifestyle. Inactivity worsens digestion and can provoke fluctuations in acidity. Eliminate stress and smoking.

Subject to prophylaxis, acidity will be within the normal range. If negative symptoms appear, then you can diagnose at home by choosing any of the most accessible and convenient methods. For example, litmus tests are sold in any pharmacies.



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