Medicines for lung cancer.  Traditional treatments for lung cancer

03.09.2016 7552

Chemotherapy is the internal administration of drugs in the development of cancer. This method is usually used in difficult cases or when it is impossible to carry out surgical intervention. It should be noted that this method Negative influence on the human condition, and therefore is used at stages 3-4 of the disease, when metastasis processes occur. Also, this method of treatment is used when metastases appear in the lymph nodes and the circulatory system.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer

The use of chemotherapy for cancer treatment ensures that the required medicinal substances into the blood. This makes it possible to fully cover circulatory system and fight cancer cells. Moreover, this can be done both inside and outside the lungs. Individual drugs should be combined with each other to make the therapy effective.

Chemotherapy drugs are used on early stage treatment, after therapy and during the recovery period. Chemical substances are selected individually - this is determined by the characteristics of the organism. Timely use of drugs helps to reduce.

The duration of the course directly depends on the form of the disease, its stage, the presence of metastases, the patient's condition. Some patients are shown daily administration of funds, others are prescribed every few days. Treatment for lung cancer can last from 1 to 6 months. During therapy, you can change the course depending on the indications.

In the small cell form of the disease, the course of recovery is prescribed after identifying the location of the tumor formation. This process is also affected by the stage of development, histological features, types of disease.

As a rule, pathology has two forms:

  1. Localized - according to statistics, it gives a fairly high chance of a complete cure.
  2. Common - in this case, a wider course of therapy is required.

Chemotherapy drugs can be injected into the body different ways- oral or intravenous.

When prescribing chemotherapy, the following features should be taken into account:

  • gender and age of a person - this affects the course of treatment and the required amount of drugs;
  • location and dimensions malignancy- it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis to identify pathological cells;
  • do a histological examination;
  • determine the stage of the disease.

Chemotherapy drugs

In order for the action to be as effective as possible, it is very important to correctly determine the form of the disease. So, small cell carcinoma has a latent course, early appearance metastases and poor prognosis. This form has the most aggressive course. As a rule, when a tumor is detected, cancerous processes spread beyond the lungs.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer gives a fairly good effect. The use of drugs may be carried out before the operation to increase its effectiveness. Also, this method of therapy is often prescribed after surgical intervention to deal with the remaining malignant cells. As additional method Treatment often involves radiation therapy.

Usually, positive results allows you to achieve a combination of the following drugs:

  • carboplatin and etoposide;
  • cisplatin and etoposide;
  • carboplatin and gemcitabine.

If there is a relapse of the disease, the following combinations of drugs can be used:

  • CAV - cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine;
  • ACE - cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and etoposide.

Patients who cannot be given injections are discharged cytostatic agent topotecan capsules.

In addition to this, there is non-small cell cancer- This category includes squamous and large cell forms of the disease. Adenocarcinoma also belongs to this group. These varieties are combined into one category, but each of them is characterized specific symptoms and therapy options.

Chemotherapy for this form of lung cancer is prescribed in such situations:

  1. before performing an operation;
  2. after intervention to prevent exacerbation;
  3. with a strong spread of tumor formations in the later stages;
  4. simultaneously with radiation therapy;
  5. before or after irradiation.

This type of disease requires the combined use of cisplatin or carboplatin with the following categories of drugs:

  1. gemcitabine;
  2. vinorelbine;
  3. doxorubicin;
  4. taxol;
  5. pemetrexed;
  6. etoposide;
  7. taxotere.

Side effects

Chemotherapy drugs for lung cancer destroy cancer cells, but they have a bad effect on healthy tissue. Therefore, this method of therapy can provoke such reactions:

  • disturbances in the work of the intestines;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • dermatitis;
  • phlebitis;
  • inflammation Bladder;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hair loss.

Quite often, a complication of this technique are problems with hematopoiesis. To detect this violation, a weekly blood test should be done. Also quite serious medical problem the appearance of resistance to chemotherapy is considered.

To minimize the side effects of therapy, a new anti-cancer drug is being developed today that has a targeted effect. He must distinguish pathological formations, taking into account the peculiarities of their development.

Lung cancer is very dangerous disease, which may lead to lethal outcome. Therefore, the use of chemotherapy can be a real chance to save a person's life and health. For therapy to be as effective as possible, it must be started as early as possible. To do this, it is recommended to regularly preventive examinations and contact your doctor if you experience any suspicious symptoms.

Malignant lesion of the lungs occurs from the epithelium of the bronchi of different calibers. Depending on the location of localization, central and peripheral cancer are distinguished. Its treatment depends on the stage of detection, the type and characteristics of the distribution. When choosing pills, the doctor takes into account not only the characteristics of the disease, but also the state of the patient's body.

Medical therapy involves the use large doses various drugs. Most often it is prescribed in the early stages of small cell cancer. This is explained by given form extremely aggressive. Platinum preparations, vinca alkaloids, Fluorouracil, Adriamycin and others are used as antitumor agents. Chemotherapy can be combined with radiation exposure. IN without fail it is held before surgical treatment and after it. It suspends active growth and proliferation of malignant cells.

Effective pills for lung cancer:

  • Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid
  • Carboplatin, Cyclophosphamide - an antineoplastic substance
  • Hydroxycarbamide is an anticancer drug.

Most drugs cause side effects. For their relief, the patient is prescribed an antiemetic and a medicine for nausea.

The main feature of lung cancer is pronounced musculoskeletal pain. Early and rapid metastasis requires effective anesthesia. For these purposes, opioid drugs (Morphine, Tramadol, Promedol), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin) and others are prescribed. The use of these drugs should not be long-term, as they have blocking properties, so they can be addictive. In order to prevent drug addiction, the doctor periodically changes the basic set of anticancer drugs and methods of pain relief.


Humanized anticancer agent with monoclonal antibodies. Avastin reduces the risk of metastasis and progression cancer. Pharmacological group of the drug - antitumor agents used to treat malignant neoplasms.

Available in the form of concentrates for the preparation of infusion solutions of 100 mg / 4 ml and 400 mg / 16 ml. The composition of the drug includes the active substance - bevacizumab and auxiliary components- polysorbate, sodium hydrophosphate and dihydrogen phosphate, sterile water and α-trehalose dihydrate.

  • Indications for use: lung cancer (non-small cell, recurrent, with metastases, inoperable), cancer colon, colorectal cancer with metastases, pancreatic tumors, malignant diseases in mammology with metastases, ovarian cancer, prostate, peritoneum, fallopian tube, kidneys and their primary relapses.
  • The solution is administered intravenously, jet, painful infusions are contraindicated. The first dose is administered within 1.5 hours, further procedures are reduced to half an hour to an hour. Therapy is long-term, if against its background the progression of the disease occurs, then the treatment is stopped. Consider the standard dosage at various types cancer:
    • Lung cancer (non-small cell, recurrent, with metastases, inoperable) - 7.5-15 mg / kg, every 21 days.
    • colorectal cancer with metastases (first and second line) - 5-7.5 mg / kg, every 14 or 21 days.
    • Malignant diseases in mammology with metastases - 10-15 mg / kg, every 14 or 21 days.
    • Hepatocellular oncology - 10 mg / kg, once every 14 days.
    • Epithelial cancer of the ovary and fallopian tube, primary cancer peritoneum, fallopian tube cancer (first line therapy and metastasis) - 15 mg / kg, injections are carried out once every 21 days.
  • Side effects: various infections, hemorrhages, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and constipation, dehydration, hypertension, pulmonary bleeding, sepsis, rectal bleeding, hemoptysis, drowsiness, headaches, asthenia, stomatitis, leukopenia, myalgia, inflammation of the mucous membranes, anorexia, peripheral sensory neuropathy, thrombocytopenia, dry skin, vomiting, taste changes, shortness of breath, lacrimation, stroke and much more.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy (impairs fetal angiogenesis) and lactation.

Avastin concentrate vials should be stored at 2-8 degrees and should not be frozen or shaken. Shelf life 24 months.


An antineoplastic agent, an alkaloid obtained by chemical semi-synthesis from European yew. Taxotere is responsible for the accumulation of tubulin in the cell nuclei, preventing the breakdown of tubulin tubules during the division of cancer cells. This provokes the death of malignant cells. The drug is intended for intravenous administration, 95% conjugates with plasma proteins.

The medicine is available in the form infusion solution in glass bottles of 200 and 500 ml. The solution has an oily consistency yellow color. One bottle contains 40 mg of docetaxel trihydrate, auxiliary components are: water for injection, polysorbate, nitrogen and others.

  • Indications for use: non-small cell lung cancer with metastases (in the absence of positive effect from previous chemotherapy), malignant lesions of the breast, ovarian carcinoma, hormone-resistant forms of prostate cancer and their metastatic types.
  • Method of application and dosage: treatment is carried out in a hospital. In lung cancer, Taxotere is administered at a dose of 75 mg/m2 over 30 hours to half an hour, after a preliminary infusion of cisplatin. If treatment with platinum preparations is ineffective, then Taxotere is used without additional drugs. For tumors of the mammary glands, 100 mg / m2 of the patient's body area is prescribed. With damage to the prostate with metastases, 75 mg / m2. Infusions are carried out every three weeks, the course of treatment is determined by the severity of the clinical response and the tolerance of the drug to patients.
  • Side effects: most often, patients experience headaches and dizziness, neutropenia, secondary infections, anemia. Possible stomatitis, diarrhea, severe dyspeptic syndrome, myalgia and alopecia. A month after the administration of the drug, some patients developed peripheral edema caused by increased capillary permeability, arrhythmia, weight gain or anorexia.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active substances, severe kidney failure, neutropenia. Not used during pregnancy and lactation. When treating women childbearing age, patients must use contraceptives.
  • Interaction with other drugs: Doxorubicin increases the clearance of tablets, Ketoconazole, Erythromycin, Cyclosporine inhibit metabolism by cross-blocking cytochrome P450-3A.
  • Overdose: there are symptoms of stomatitis, peripheral neuropathy, inhibition of hematopoiesis. To eliminate them, symptomatic therapy and dynamic monitoring of body functions are indicated.


Antitumor medicine from pharmacological group anthracycline antibiotics. Doxorubicin has a mechanism of action based on the suppression of nucleic acid synthesis and DNA binding. It is intended for intravenous administration, does not penetrate the BBB, is biotransformed in the liver, and is excreted unchanged in the bile.

  • Indications for use: malignant lung lesions, soft tissue sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphoblastic leukemia, neuroblastoma, bladder tumors, cancer of the stomach, ovaries, thyroid and breast cancer, trophoblastic tumors, lymphogranulomatosis. Dosage and duration of treatment are individual for each patient and depend on the indications for the use of the drug.
  • Contraindications: anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hepatitis, pregnancy and breast-feeding, thrombocytopenia, severe leukopenia. Not used to treat patients with full cumulative dosage of other anthracyclines or anthracenes.
  • Side effects occur from many organs and systems, but most often patients experience such reactions: anemia, leukopenia, heart failure, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, thrombocytopenia, stomatitis, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, amenorrhea, skin allergic reactions, sharp rise temperature, alopecia, nephropathy. Also possible local reactions: tissue necrosis, vascular sclerosis.
  • With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with chickenpox, diseases of the cardiovascular system in history, herpes zoster and other infectious diseases. Doxorubicin can cause urine to turn red during the first days of treatment.


Antitumor agent, tyrosine kinase inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor HER1/EGFR. Erlotinib is available as a tablet containing the active ingredient erlotinib. After oral administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed, the maximum plasma concentration is reached after 4 hours, the bioavailability is 59% (increases with food intake). Excreted with feces and urine.

  • Indications for use: metastatic non-small cell and locally advanced lung cancer (may be used after previous failed chemotherapy regimens), metastatic and locally advanced inoperable tumors pancreas (used in combination with gemcitabine).
  • Method of application and dosage: the tablet is taken 1 time per day, one hour before meals or 2 hours after. For lung lesions, 150 mg daily is prescribed for an extended period of time. For pancreatic cancer - 100 mg in combination with gemcitabine. If the drug causes symptoms of disease progression, then treatment is stopped.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient and other components of the tablets. With extreme caution, it is prescribed for the treatment of patients under 18 years of age and in case of impaired liver function.
  • Side effects: gastrointestinal bleeding, liver dysfunction, stomatitis, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain. From the side respiratory system such reactions are possible - shortness of breath, nose bleed, cough, lung infiltration, fibrosis. On the part of the organs of vision - conjunctivitis, increased lacrimation. Headache attacks, dry skin, itching, skin allergic reactions are also possible.
  • Overdose is possible when taking higher doses. Adverse symptoms are most often manifested in the form of dermatological reactions, diarrhea, increased activity of hepatic transaminases. For their treatment, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and conduct symptomatic therapy.

When Erlotinib is used with ketoconazole and other inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme, there is a decrease in the metabolism of the anticancer agent and an increase in its concentration in blood plasma. Rifampicin increases the metabolism of the main drug and reduces its concentration in blood plasma. When interacting with coumarin derivatives and Warfarin, gastrointestinal bleeding occurs, an increase in INR.


Protein kinase inhibitor, an effective antitumor agent. Afatinib is a selective, irreversible protein tyrosine kinase receptor blocker. After oral administration, it is rapidly and completely absorbed; food intake does not affect its concentration in blood plasma. Metabolic reactions catalyzed by enzymes, excreted in the urine and feces.

  • Indications for use: monotherapy of locally advanced and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with mutations in epidermal growth receptors. Dosage depends on the stage pathological process. With standard therapy, afatinib 40 mg is taken once a day, the maximum daily dose- 50 mg. Tablets should be taken one hour before meals or 3 hours after it.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug, severe violations liver function, pregnancy and lactation, patients under 18 years of age. It is used with extreme caution for keratitis (ulcerative), interstitial lung disease, heart pathologies, galactose intolerance, severe dry eyes.
  • Side effects: most often, patients experience taste disorders, conjunctivitis, nosebleeds, stomatitis. Possible attacks of nausea and vomiting, constipation, increased bilirubin, liver failure skin allergic reactions, muscle spasms, various infections.
  • An overdose occurs when the dosage prescribed by the doctor is exceeded. Most often, patients experience gastrointestinal disorders, skin allergic rashes, headaches and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, increased amylase levels. There is no specific antidote, so symptomatic therapy and drug withdrawal are indicated.


Crizotinib is a hepatocyte growth factor receptor inhibitor. It has selective inhibitory activity, induces apoptosis of malignant cells. The anticancer effect is dose-dependent and is associated with the severity of pharmacological inhibition. The drug is available in capsules, with the active substance - crizotinib 200 mg.

After a single dose on an empty stomach, the maximum plasma concentration is reached after 4-6 hours. Bioavailability 43%, metabolized by CYP3A4 / 5 isoenzymes, excreted in the urine and feces.

  • Indications for use: advanced non-small cell lung cancer expressing anaplastic lymphoma kinase. Tablets are taken orally with water. The recommended standard dosage is 250 mg twice daily. The course of treatment is long, until positive results of therapy are obtained. If necessary, the doctor adjusts the dosage.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, impaired liver and kidney function, pregnancy and lactation, age of patients under 18 years of age. Not used concomitantly with potent CYP3A enzyme inducers. It is prescribed with extreme caution for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, for elderly patients and for electrolyte imbalances.
  • Side effects are manifested by a number of adverse symptoms from many organs and systems. Most often, patients complain of attacks of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, increased swelling and fatigue. There may also be attacks of bradycardia, visual disturbances, neutropenia, decreased appetite, skin allergic reactions, infections of the upper respiratory tract and urinary system. Overdose has similar symptoms. There is no specific antidote, so symptomatic therapy and gastric lavage are indicated.


Tableted anticancer drug with the active substance - ceritinib, auxiliary components: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, titanium dioxide and others. After entering the body active ingredient finds cancer cells and destroys the mutagenic protein, preventing damage to healthy tissues and tumor growth.

The maximum plasma concentration is reached 4-6 hours after application. If the drug is used 2 hours after a meal, then its effect on the body increases, and the risk of adverse reactions decreases. It is excreted 41 hours after application, with urine and feces.

  • Indications for use: positive non-small cell lung cancer anaplastic lymphoma kinases. It can be used as monotherapy for the ineffectiveness of previously used drugs.
  • Method of application and dosage: tablets are taken only on medical prescription. Standard dose 750 mg per day, two hours before meals or two hours after. Capsules do not chew, swallow whole with water. The course of treatment lasts until there are signs of cancer retreat.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance components of the drug, the age of patients under 18 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.
  • Adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches and dizziness, increased urination, increased blood sugar, bradycardia, loss of appetite, dermatological reactions (itching, burning, rashes).


Medicines for lung cancer prescribed by a doctor are very important in fighting the disease. The share of this pathology in Russian Federation accounts for 15% of all types of malignant diseases.

In fact, the disease is the most common among oncological diseases. In 80% of cases, this disease affects heavy smokers. Moreover, in men, pathology is recorded most often. Currently, experts are developing new drugs and medical technologies for the treatment of the disease. However, a cure for cancer, which would result in a complete recovery, has not yet been invented. Therefore, mortality from this type of cancer remains high. In 85% of cases, medicine is powerless.

As mentioned above, with active smoking, the likelihood of getting cancer increases several times. In addition, the occurrence of the disease is influenced by professional working conditions, for example, work in which one has to come into contact with radioactive elements or carcinogens for a long time. Not the last role is played by the transferred infectious diseases lungs: fibrosis, tuberculosis.

Symptoms and types of lung cancer

Lung cancer can be central or peripheral. It depends on which area of ​​the organ is affected by the tumor. In its structure, it can be squamous, small-celled or large-celled. The first option includes about 50% of cases. Depending on these parameters, choose medications. Pathology has different symptoms, which directly depend on the size of the tumor, the type of metastases and various complications. Central cancer manifests itself in the form of cough, shortness of breath and hemoptysis. At peripheral cancer hoarseness and aphonia are possible. If the tumor has affected the right lung, swelling appears on the person's face, the neck swells. In addition, drowsiness, weakness appear, fainting occurs, nausea occurs.

If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, then the treatment is carried out with the help of surgical intervention. The tumor is removed or lung lobe. IN last resort the organ is removed entirely. Sometimes it is impossible to quickly remove the neoplasm if there are contraindications. The cause is respiratory, cardiac, renal or hepatic insufficiency. In addition, surgery is not performed if the patient is sick. diabetes or did he have early heart attack myocardium. In such cases, the fight against the tumor is carried out with the help of radiation therapy.

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Lung cancer drugs and chemotherapy

Chemotherapy involves the treatment of pathology with a large dose of drugs. It is prescribed if small cell carcinoma is diagnosed. This approach is explained by the fact that this species disease is extremely aggressive, and its suppression requires powerful antitumor agents. These drugs include distributed platinum, Adriamycin, Vepezid, Fluorouracil and vinca alkaloids. In order for chemotherapy treatment to be most effective, radiation exposure of the tumor is used along with it. When using two methods, the growth of the formation stops, as the cancer cells stop multiplying. And if you use more potent drugs, such as Avatsin, Taxotere and others, you can achieve excellent therapeutic results.

With metastases, pain is disturbing. At lung cancer there is severe musculoskeletal pain. The appearance of metastases forces the patient to drink strong painkillers. These include drugs of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group (Ibuprofen and others), drugs of the opioid narcotic group (Morphine, Tramadol, Promedol). In addition, cyclooxygenase-2 blocking drugs are used, which include Celecoxib. The drugs included in this group, have side effects on the gastric mucosa, bleeding is possible. And long-term use we do not recommend such drugs, since the blocking properties are lost due to the body's addiction. To avoid this, drugs and methods of anesthesia are periodically changed.

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Treatment with radiotherapy

Radiotherapy consists in irradiating with ionizing radiation the area where the tumor focus was located. This method used only after the operation. Applied in the form self-treatment if the patient is diagnosed with an inoperable form of lung cancer. In some cases, patients themselves refuse surgical intervention, so radiation therapy in such cases is most likely forced.

Focused X-rays or gamma radiation affects the affected area. Cancer cells, which have high myotic activity, are susceptible to radiation. It negatively affects the DNA of malignant cells, thereby disrupting the process of their reproduction and growth. With this method of treatment tumor cells do not have the opportunity to recover, and the size of the tumor itself is significantly reduced.

It is worth noting that modern medical oncology is constantly improving radiotherapy devices, and dosimetry methods are being actively developed. The use of the latest technologies makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy and reduce the damage that radiation causes to healthy tissues. Ablative radiation doses are such a new technology. A special knife directs radiation from high precision. As a result, healthy tissues are not exposed to radiation. However, such Newest technologies are not yet used in all medical institutions.

Therefore, it is worth recalling the side effects that occur after radiotherapy. For example, many patients complain of high fatigue and general weakness throughout the body. Patients after a course of radiation therapy need more time to night sleep and daytime rest. It is important to note that experts advise patients not to be passive and to be active. In addition, hair may fall out, irritations appear on the skin, appetite decreases, and the esophagus becomes inflamed.

IN modern world Every year the number of patients with lung cancer is steadily increasing. This terrible disease spares no one. In most cases, lung cancer is treated with chemotherapy, which targets harmful cells. For this, they are used strong medicines taken both intravenously, intramuscularly, and in the form of tablets. Treatment is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

The drugs prescribed for chemotherapy are prescribed both as a complex and one at a time, but on different ones, are used in different combinations and are subjective for each case.

Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer

The most popular drugs for chemotherapy are:

  1. Irinotecan;
  2. Paclitaxel;
  3. Topotecan;
  4. Erlotinib;
  5. Naibol Pemetrexed;
  6. Gefinitib.

Gefinitib - enough known medicine. Despite wide publicity By high performance effectiveness, studies have shown that this drug does not increase survivability. Recommendations for use are to avoid abrupt discontinuation.

Bevacizumab is administered intravenously to stop the growth of cancer cells. Considered highly effective. IN joint application with drugs such as Paclitaxel and Carboplatin shows high results.

It is worth noting that vomiting drugs are also added to chemotherapy. The doctor selects the optimal treatment and the most gentle medications.

British scientists have been testing and developing for many years, thanks to which a new generation of drug has appeared. In fact, it is a hybrid of two drugs - Vandetanib and Selumetinib. The principle of their action is to block the nutrition of cancer cells. The absence of additional sources for growth and existence suppresses the viability of infected cells and contributes to their death. The drug is currently being tested in humans. For this, forty people with various stages of lung cancer were selected. At the moment, tests show only positive results.

ASD fraction 2

The drug ASD fraction 2 has recently become widely known. This is based on the results this remedy has shown in veterinary medicine when used in cancer patients.

It is worth noting! To date, the ASD 2 fraction does not have a license from the Ministry of Health for use in humans. However, there is a myth that this drug cured lung cancer in the mother of Lavrenty Beria.

The SDA 2 faction appeared in 1947, in the USSR. It was developed at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. At the heart of the drug - subjected high temperature frog tissue, later replaced by meat and bone meal.

The developer was a scientist by the name of Dorogov, after whom the medicine was named: an antiseptic - Dorogov's stimulator (ASD). A special characteristic of the drug was its wound healing function.

In modern medicine, the drug the ASD faction 2 is made from animal tissue with a long lifespan. The structure of the drug is similar to the structure of the cell, it easily penetrates tissues, maintains hormones at a certain level. In general, the effect of this drug on the body is positive.

The main benefit is maintaining immune system, fighting cancer cells, restoring the body's ability to resist disease, lack of side effects. Application is possible both internally and externally.

Of the shortcomings - strong bad smell and the need to use a large number liquids.

Do not forget that the drug does not have permission for use in the treatment of people, and the responsibility for its use lies strictly with the patient.

Dexamethasone for lung cancer

When, it is effective to use in reducing weakness. Sriram Yennurajalingam of the University of Texas conducted studies showing that there was a significant difference between placebo and dexamethasone.

The study involved 94 cancer patients of a certain category. They had more than three symptoms of decreased weakness in lung cancer, as well as a score of four out of ten on the Edmont Symptom Scale. The subjects were divided into two groups of 41 and 43 people.

The first group was given a placebo, and the second dexamethasone. The drug and placebo were used for two weeks. The results showed that the group in which the drug was used showed significantly higher results in improving the state of fatigue against the background of chronic diseases and improving the quality of life.

After two weeks the level physical condition in patients taking dexamethasone, it became noticeably better than in those taking placebo. These studies enable patients with lung cancer to beat the decline in cancer weakness.

Painkiller for lung cancer

One of the most serious companions of oncology is pain. It appears, as a rule, at the third or fourth stage of the development of the disease. Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer with an analgesic effect are aimed at prolonging the period of physical and mental activity of the patient. The cause of pain, most often lies in the growth of the tumor, but it can also be a side effect of the treatment. Properly selected pain reliever will quickly relieve pain.

The following painkillers are used for lung cancer, aimed at reducing pain:

  • adjuvant agents in combination with non-narcotic analgesic;
  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic and a weak opioid of the codeine group;
  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic and a strong opioid of the morphine group.

Non-narcotic analgesics are aimed at suppressing mild to moderate pain. Severe pain is blocked by narcotic analgesics.

Basic rules for taking drugs:

  • medicine is prescribed by a doctor based on individual characteristics the patient, as well as the strength of pain;
  • taking drugs must be done after a strictly defined period of time, regardless of pain;
  • reception scale - from weak to strong;
  • the use of tablets, suppositories, drops.

The beginning of therapy involves the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, etc. They block slight pain, and applying them with drugs help with severe pain.

With increasing pain syndrome a weak opiate is administered. For example, codeine. Sometimes I use a combination of codeine and aspirin. Strong pain docked drugs, such as morphine, buprenorphine, whose action is directed to the central nervous system. However, often such therapy does not bring results and the pain becomes unbearable. In this case, it is carried out complex treatment these drugs, as well as a scheme for replacing one drug with another.

So, in our time, lung cancer is one of the most dangerous oncological diseases. Hundreds of scientists around the world are working on the development of a drug that can cure a deadly disease. Lately In pharmaceuticals, drugs are increasingly appearing that can prolong life, and, in other cases, cause remission of the disease.

The use of any drug should be carried out with the permission of the doctor in strict accordance with his recommendations for dosage, the same measure applies to the use of painkillers.

Informative video

Lung cancer is the most common disease among other cancers. Mortality from it exceeds 80%.

At risk are active smokers, as well as people suffering from tuberculosis and other lung diseases. Men are more often ill than women.

Not everyone, even innovative drugs, is able to cope with this. a terrible disease. Not for nothing, oncology is considered the plague of the 21st century.

Types of medicines

Despite this, it is necessary to treat this pathology and there are cures for lung cancer. Many researchers and scientists are working on new drugs to completely eradicate the disease. The choice of treatment method depends on the location and size of the tumor, the patient's condition, stage and type of cancer. Consider what types of treatment and medical preparations for the treatment of lung cancer are applicable in our time.

At the first stages of detection, the tumor is removed, either part of it, or the entire lung. Such an operation is prescribed when the tumor is small, and it has not had time to spread to other organs.

The operation has varieties:

  • Pulmonectomy - the entire lung is removed;
  • - only part of the lung is removed.

Before removing the cancer, you need to pass necessary tests to make sure the patient is fit to undergo surgery. There are contraindications in which the operation can not be done. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • heart, liver or kidney failure;
  • myocardial infarction.

In the presence of such diseases, another type of treatment is performed, such as chemotherapy.

Drugs for chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the main and most effective methods treatment of this disease. It stops the growth of cancer cells. But at the same time, drugs negatively affect a number of organs, and the body as a whole. Such drugs are injected into a person's bloodstream and can act and be distributed throughout the body.

The doctor prescribes to each patient an individual course of procedures and medications after passing all the necessary tests. A break is necessary after each course of chemotherapy, since this is a big stress for the body, it will have to recover through certain time.

There are many types of drugs that are used in practice. Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer, which are used in parallel with chemotherapy, are divided into two main types depending on the form of release: tablets and medicines for injection, which are administered intravenously.

Among them, the most common names are:

  • Carboplatin;
  • Vinorelbine;
  • Paclitaxel;
  • Docetaxes.

Medicines are also best effect used in pairs as prescribed by the attending physician. The doctor's treatment regimen is prescribed individually for each patient. Cancer cells quickly get used to drugs, so after a certain time they are alternated and new ones are used. If side effects occur, doctors prescribe additional medications.

Chemotherapy may be combined with other treatments, such as surgery or radiation therapy. The result directly depends on the stage of development of the disease and its course.

Chemotherapy has a number of features. Such a disease occurs with cancer of the skin and mucous membranes, in the presence of moles and papillomas, which grow rapidly. The disease occurs with skin cancer. For treatment, drugs such as:

Often drugs are used in combination. With a competent approach to treatment, this method gives sick people hope for full recovery.

Hormonal drugs against cancer

Oncological diseases can be both male and female. Their development depends on sex hormones: testosterone and estrogen. The main task of drugs is to reduce and block their growth. This type of therapy changes the amount of hormones for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Such therapy will only be effective if the cancer is hormone-sensitive.

Treatment is divided into:

  • surgical;
  • radiation;
  • medicinal.

At initial stage use surgical method and the tumor is removed. In case of a number of contraindications, radiation and drug treatment is used.

The choice depends on the condition of the patient, his age and hormone levels.

When choosing a type of treatment, you should definitely consult with a specialist and find best option. The quality of treatment depends on the amount of hormones in women and men.

Medications that relieve pain

Lung cancer is strong painful sensations. This fact forces doctors to prescribe painkillers to the patient. These include: Tramadol, Acetaminophen, Omnopon, Morphine and other cancer pain medications. Some drugs are used alone, others in combination with others.

The use of cyclooxygenase-2 blockers is often practiced, which do not have side effects, such as bleeding, effects on the state of the stomach, and others. Although the body often gets used to this type of treatment. And periodic medications need to be alternated and replaced.

The main scheme that is used to reduce pain is:

If the pain does not go away, they are additional research to identify their causes and prescribe treatment.

Antiviral and anticancer drugs for cancer treatment

Immunotherapy is becoming more and more common as better organism fights viruses, the stronger it becomes, the more likely overcome illness. This type of treatment is used in cases where the disease occurs under the influence of viruses and infections. This is especially true in pulmonary oncology. The body is weakened and needs additional support and help from outside.

To increase the body's immune resistance, drugs containing interferon are used. It helps to increase the body's resistance, inhibit the development of viruses, and also completely destroys them.

Today, there are many drugs that fight this problem. Groups of drugs are different, ranging from vincalkaloids to anthracyclines. The choice depends on the condition of the patient, his age and the degree of the disease.

This type of drug has a narrow spectrum of action, so you need to know their interaction with other drugs, as well as the mechanism of action.

Innovative drugs for lung cancer immunotherapy

Exist the latest drugs to fight disease. Their essence is to stimulate the immune system and direct it against the disease. The advantage is that they can be used at all stages of oncology.

Introduced into the human body biological substances, such as:

  • monoclonal antibodies;
  • cytokines.

Then they start fighting malignant tumors. If the tumor stops growing, then the drugs have worked.

This type of treatment can be combined with others to achieve the best effect. The best doctors are working on this issue modern medicine. In addition, scientists have produced a new tool that destroys cancer. It consists of a mixture of two drugs: Vandetanib and Selumetinib.

Researchers believe that the drug should help at all stages of the course of the disease, when conventional injections And antibiotics are useless. Despite the fact that this the latest tools, and they are only being tested so far, there is hope for a full recovery of patients. Side effects when using drugs can be the following:

To restore strength, you need to take antiviral drugs and iron. In a number of some difficult cases patients receive blood transfusions.

The problem must be taken seriously. It is necessary to treat oncology comprehensively. It is important to select a qualified an experienced doctor as well as a well-equipped clinic with new facilities and competent staff.



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